HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-06, Page 7a.:
Isuseeptible to Imealitobes, griming in ' CANADA'S INDLINs. 210 ANNUAL WONT AUDIToEt'S SUPORT.
the ;marrows Organisations. Theea ,A; lesere0110 Ott Thole 3104a1aer salail The° IN pisted t 0 au t e he Wilts of t* e ae.
' ere connected therewith andeer tifyi hat
with inereassing 'severity, sind more The Indian population throughout the . - e • the flasineiiii etateMente agree with tho
D OELL.Alt th n al re- " - • hooka "tad are correct.
mealy mules frens extreme 4011040Y
headaehee require to be treated) with elemteet seat Preelsee Moo etiaaatl on a eosletiett fee the year ending December
• Year. Olst, 11308, and have examined the vouch -
the utmost eare, if net they -come en Assoolsztion
or TUX
• We bog to %pit that we haveooni,
151"Killt4 A R'Y * constantly, until, sit lest. the child Dominion e.s. ahowint by *nu u ,
stita. with the exeeptlen otthe /edged ---
are built in treacherous soils. Grade ed. against 09,861 for the preceding year, - neratlateg IN Detern Clemega.
peotteAsentexeettse n4T110. poeited With the nmena of New.
amotanting to $84 , end those de- ' OAT -REARING RABRITS,
up to the belie° :instead of digging Such oblidren mitst be out of doore .thult giving an increaee of 729. The in. 4,,......... 104041411dt Naetintt to, veanie, have Atring the unearthing of 'sterna rab-
deeply, into the earth, fer ManY rea-a' as much as poesible, and never Weep in 1 aresses•were as follows; Ontario, 410.,
, The t'wenty-eeventh annual. meeting been examaned, and ooMpared with the bite at Ilarmeton England,' two newly•a:
attna `Which alight be enanterated, -acme roocns. They Must also be Most , Qllobech 55; Novif 'Scotia, '187;Prince of the Confederation Li.fe Aitseetation. nooks 0 fele Aseeetettoos and are crar. born bunnies were dimovered, and ties
Wisdom in ),Uying teat c • rasists in buying the hest.
goet genera ' •are, placed. tea 4014 must betaken 'WAY altogether 090101 Pert anat. iseued,' reached an Aggro- Ci""1111"4 IrSDICATWNO. P000111180 eecuritiee • represented lathe 0.14" • Lead package/. . CEYLON
wah the DOrainion GoVerament, • • • -
i a the ground, ealteolalli thoss which letaens, and absolute brain rest enforo- gate of 100,000 stiale in 1897-981 Iticatitess IN NW pomace%
posed building, dig trenches 1 14 feet children from time tei timev,ertyh
deep where the .walls are to be laid. reotien must be edUtinistered ha mush
Fill them with broken Wines or coaree a form not to Unduly cor-
excite or West Territories,
Nibot:trve jatseilireueratittn:!1190Vk.er ea nwd400:mirl:eihka;al. elkel 1 leat avhCt ake:fi 1:u:89,1:811:tia5011.:: :17;,t httlit,°-wrroe:tets: -4( _19 p. iz 1lTeuae s; art tiyar, as per rt (4
• v. 04"HOItika,tSillir. W. P. Howland, Preehlent,
After the cellar 'excavated, One carefully Watched, and if they have to 'iliavarti 114
nY rouge/ Aiehmond and, Victoria
foet larger osi each. aide then the pro- be corrected, as is; necessar7 with all 27; and Manitoba, 115,
gravel to Bear the top, and spread be- alarm them. It is these
fore ..beginning the wtill .0r. dig a ly-strung children who have to be so THEY FLUD TO THE STATES. Itals aspel,zatteldootoohttaftt ti440Xgiirnislatiraeort
narrow tronok one foot deep outside of safely guarded as to always speaking • deXenreatsolie is more
fie"ror.4400",:ettre4aettartra.1 fornuditie0 the fel.
the truth; they get into the way of
the well, and in this lay carefully hard so often saying what ie not the truth
burned tile drat's, 3 inches in. diameter, About the smallest matters, and this by the. disappearance of a Allmher of lreport and statements the
which should hove from 0 to Writes net becauee they are naturally bee refugees who went to gentana after aTratintfi the Association tor of
1898 were presented.
fall from the fartImat point to tee children, but bet:muse, owing to their the disturbaime of 1885 and at'the
extreme nervousness they are afraid, UEPORT. .
outside of the lowest corner. Cover to speak thet h, ' 1 f f h
rut or ear o t e request of the United States Govern- . ._
The Direotors herewith laybefore the
the drains with coarse gravel or fine
re -
atones to the top Of trencle„and cover wawa- tli
scoldina or miniehment that ma be Meat were brought beck 'in 1895-98,
S h hid r t it is expected that at an rate a Ppolror grreiasriletislafroerh'°tittdeelyt:Peitir9r,
the year
never be t ;Ind ye way PIT&
these with a board toi exelude the
sell until the earth becomes settled. Inproportion of these will rejoin thetr and in doing so they feet that both
sterness It:wren:rah: ss,atnei 'whourswrier Policyholders and Shareholders will
tiiiued until itareaohes a natural out - dfriend-a whO eave. settled down- and either case the drain should be con- lessons should b t
8 cur a , an in _
let. them publm schools should( be avoided been doing well on their reserves. In
Lay the cellar walls two 'lines and until they are old enough to fight the meantime their departure bas Th ninessatunearallv!
plaster the otitside with a nrortar cont. tteir own battles, and the. 'tendency' to cenverted what otherwise would have well tat &tar;
tfihned, rgesrucunitsdafoith• :oonoegrraattutotantaiotno;
nosed of three parts sharp sand to one t extreme , nervousness has been
. oured on tbe lines which Alava guidea
volume ef new business has been se-
overcome. een an increase in the North-Wfist •
of Rosendale or Portland cement. The - ern ones into an actual deoreose of
following additional preeautitine anigat Agein, very forward, bright children. your Directors in past.
be taken to. meta& water and mike.
ture ; When tiled outside walle are cone. who quickly -learn and grasp the meeze: the Indian population there. .
ing of everything that it put before . FARM .TJANDS.-
1:iithnere 'were I.Teciivedodutringt the year
r 02f af tot-al
41541.1 Pol.;
edgewise againett the welt, and place to vaental work. How Mittlyi parents during the Year aggregated 111, D 08,184,448 werteapproved 118 for 9205 -
scantlings. Teis will leave box be -
a foot -board against the outside of theletvoeultrgLiltieblorieultheeir children wig, rurdesivoiTli. e beiir or vposotfe dee an itshevetgaeir b 1 oe 04:/enir wiaciernetie,dt.e.e.raeitcri nled:a..ttni:ortanuatilear IiiiigLourrPitietitiohoon'e,
•thenieelves for
°there; the pride that they'. take in and of ha d other' 'fodder -76 454 IROluding bonus, additions, the new
them, should be Oheckedi with regard. ,
pletedt' eat e 'few 2:•by-,t sca.ntlinge The. area of land under cultivation
44 tween the wall and the board -whieh I bus greater mental abilitY than the 1897 amounted to 1 120 900 bushels
should be filled with•coerse. gravel or
small stones. Before filling the box,
bank theearth against the outside of
the --board. When all is filled, .raise
the board and proceed as before ontit
the level of the earth which is to sur-
round the. wall la reached. Scantlings.
2 to. 4 feet long should be used that
thaY raay be drawn up, as the work
proceeds and finally- renloved entirely.
If this dry outeide wall is provided, do
'not cover the drain in the trench with
a board. Provide the building with
wide projections and good eave-
It will make little difference wheth-
er cement is used /or mortar, or three-
fourths cement and on -fourth quick-
For Wall Craeks-Stie Whiting into
a mixture of equal 'parte of water and
silicate of soda until of consistency to
spread: Apply With a knife, let hard-
en fifteen minutes h.nd smooth oft,
For Stove'Cracks. .=Mix liquid water
glass to a thick ,paste virlith druggists'
finely-powaeted pulverized iren. large
cracks on the under side can be closed
this particular child, and the. greet i tens, -the increase over the preceding- business far:
. the. year was 03,188,450- The
total Wittiness' in fame at the close a
euicaltness to learn that it shows, mak-. emir being 101,500 bushels and A-
ing them overlook the fact that-sucli ;16i tone•respeCtively. It itoTegretted •tii° Tear was $29,677.41.8, Under 19.9P
development is unnatural for the age diet there was not a proportional in- Pn1ie4e4 On 17'" lives'
of the child. This Prenteture develop- ' crease in of the value farm produce, The *Mims arising from death among
ment is extremelyinjurious. ;The tired, the insured were very favorable, and
tbark4einitivis llowgnivree-vWe4nYiaca;libarallinatufelleirtebeeif. 'Nle.taohriceehain . Uteri year. There were 90 deaths, Gall -
thee of the preeeding year by game
thelgaragate only. exceeded
oonsiderebly under thwe for the &en-
ing a common reetilk even if • aome- I -.a ing for the sum of 9183,931 under 112
=edit FINANCES. • • • .
P010108. thing worse than thie does not ensue.1 . . ..
Nervous headaches may, always i The reeeiltts etf Indians frora the same The valuation of the policy and an -
be known' by the following symptoms; ' sOurces as were raehtiened in last nuity obligations Taf the Association has
pains, which extend across the fore- Yea-r's rePerte were for that am un- been made . on the Conservative basis
head; or pain at the top and back . of der review aa fellows4- . • used for the two previous years, apnea
the bead. This pain is of a very Value of farm produce . .,..,..110,7132 i
4 i a. rate of interest of 314 per sent.'
throbbing eharaoter, and is Much' ie.' Received frown land rentals. 57,998 feral business written since 1895, and.
creased by light and ;noise: The' head Wipe earned . . . . .. . 628,941 414 percent. for buteeess written prior
will be burning hot; while the feet and
Earned by fishing . . -'. 880,100' to that date. .• • .
lower ex,trernities will be very cold.
Earned by hunting - . .. •,.'• 431,337 - The 'Usual finale:alai statements are
Sometimes thechild will: oomplain of Karned by other. industries, '.'• 420,257 herewith submitted, and they will be
not being able to see properly,.
andiTotal . ' . .' -1 ' ; $8,833;895 Company. -at nte aheclose ext httbittohsee opef stilitieellyeaeif..: the
will say that everything, appears to '
'. . , napay
be ".
moving about: This usually ends iThis amount exceeded by 9167,793.30 The atiditore have continued to make.
n !
a bad attack of vomiting, .1 that of the year before, vibich was their audit each month,' and their. te,-
;. The only thing that can be done is 88,465,01. Since the returns have•not port will be foundappended to the
th make the child lie down in amino been-yetreceived from. Berens River, financial statements. • .:
from which iallight has been exolud-
the sum of $40,000may safely be ectiz By reference to the' financial state -
ed, but at the same tmated as earned by the Indians of that time with thewine • meats, it will berbetieed that sublitane
dows left open to admit plentyi if a.geney;. which will bring the increase tial naemeets *tee been madeto the
fresh air.' There must be no noise o up to 9207,793; In Ontario there ie It Policyholders in the way (4 profits,
Cold -applications sheulci. be kept tO the duninished value,. despite the augment- the sure a lagigeodeleeetuie Limn pod
root, and correvond withthesoliedules rotor, who. was present, not liking to
and ledgers, destroy them took them home to his
head -we if it is procurable Or BOMB d P . .daring the' year. Taking the last four
coarse salt, made . into -a thick paste
with, equal parts. of sifted aidies =de- -„;,- • ' seems to have provoked, strong effort years', a total mun of 045,278 has been. -
evaporating lo, jav either eau de Co-
logne or alcohol and water' rand the -earnings paid .to POlicylioldere in this way' giV"
and wa.-ter. is also r , 5 of Indians -from wages and industries
Other directions,
with cold water,... Must_be rearewed coo tng:, If the feet • ing Averaae of 088 30. Durintr, the
, are 'cold, they must be Warined by surettesed those of the prece, ,samo
ding year - • ' -*
four. years the. net interest and
2.he bank balances and cash are eel.- • cat, which had recently had kittens .The
tified as correct. cal is now rearing the rabbits, for
w. a, Litmulls, R. E, SPENCE, which. she _Eshowe every affection, and
_ Auditors. ,they display the utmost confidenee in
Toronto, garch 4th, 1899. . their strange foster parent.
. .
moving W.
adoption of the report and . oN TEN ram
r P. Rowland, President, in
financier etateinent.
It is getting to be the radii a to
"It atfords.us stncere pleasmre, gen- °
Miami, to be able to; present youi with address and stamp envelopes on the
the report and statements in regard to back. With the direction written
the business and the position of the across the folds, the letter cannot be
Company which you have just read, opened by an unauthorized person
They atford evidenoes of satisfactory without the fact being noted.
progress and guccess in every depart..
meat of the Company's business, The
For Creeks in Wood. -Dissolve 1 part means of hot water bottles. ' 985,751-
• rents received have teen sufficient to
. _
glue in 16 -parts water; when nearly -
cool, thicken" With equal parts of saw- • '
dust: and nrnard chalk. Oil- v ninh •
• thickened with equal parts .'of white Besides the .factor - of genuine • heepi-* ,• , ' -7-_.r
'and red . lead-, Ittharge' and. chalk, itess in the honk a firePleoe rePays us..'r 51408'l'Illueeli°4 megareine else An Mit R T8S1.14, in view orthe volume of new
makes a good wood Cement. • 1 the ea *t * ' the' most 1 -..... - . .. etaidition% your Directors1c,. busines inaintained and.the existing
believe. it --iii
_ , OT . e re 1 - requires in
, For Kettle Cracks,..--Velll aesiet the practical Way, An open,fizai is the best ' Nine pereone out of ten, . a asked
how long it takes lhe earth to turn bear -meat favorable eo riaon: ''''
action of fire and water. :Slat lithaege ventilator that can be •conceiVed, and Your Directers, after earefel consid-
• g a a and to. thenneetion, ' liow maxal t9nes merit in business generallY would tivar-d.
pay the net claims arising from deaths,
anti leave .a•eurplus rif 9158,840; and
during the same period, the expense
ratio has been gradually brought down
into. glycerine until ,of the consietency if* the I' ' -once' tel its axis, would answer21 hours eration, concluded that the improve-
ef putty. Lel: dry terenty-four hours. a fire there is one spot at least vvhere
Ceenent,-Net affected be coal oil. one le sure of pare air'. Headaches I does it teen on its axis in the course rortgt?e,:ivilebttedtillitiThtliclvacams pantrtanof
ef the year r" the arnierer would be the Head Office block, and they have
Boit together. 1 part caustic soda., 8 will !lot be commcie in Sueli e. room, ,
the weight of 45 1,4 times. Both answers are accordingly erected a ' three-storey
Wrong plaster 01 Paris Will heat --;-such heat 68 marks the atmo- • - : .;,: ' 1 ' and two flats, the latter used as Shtee-
parts rosin, 5 Parts water. SLir half nee "nervoue fidgets" from_ close, dry • . • hriek oontaining eight, stores
harden in about A() mitintele. _ sPhere 'of fuenace or stimuli, • heated
requises but 28 hoors,aod .60 'min, rooms. All were., _ceetipied as soon as
Diamond Ceinent...-This will
I5eep it houses. :In• addition to the.living-room u.tes, for. the earth to make one coin- finished. The balenee otthe vamint lead
bottled and tightly corked-, and te fireplace tnere ehmild be _one bedroom plete tnin., and it makese366 14- turns south of the Steres has beee ground-,
strong and nearly colorless Into: a at tease in every house .where . ,
an open •
during the year. The error efIrMga rented, and 'the lessee has erected a
bright tin brick building thereon for warehouse
basin .,pit. 1-2, jb, Of white Eire .maY be cemmanded in case of sick_ . ,
The problem often most unsolv-• from a wrong idea of what. Is meant, purposes,. so that what was non -pro -
glue and a pint ek ' sat Water.; • set able for both trained and untrained by a day. .. .. . -; ductive, as now yielding a very fair re -
over the 'fire in a, dish of boiling wat- nurses is that of ventilation in a sick- 1 The day is net ea is eontmeni! sup- torn, in addition to Peeing. taxes :tml.
er. When dissolved and well mixed, room. • With an open fireplace there is all' other. charges. t . . .
stir in 4 oz. white. lead, boil and mix; no question to solve, no thought neees- l)esed' lie time. Tequir.ed. 'b5r. th.e !"...th- Y°0-1' Pireatara ala, hough reeeiving
when cote, add .two gills of alciihel: miry; Impurities ftethe' air are sucked to Make cue :turn on, its.axm, out tai
.e__....0,Liteod rental for the Yonge street.
• 'White ,Tayaneme-Cernent..-Blend rice. ifinshaa.fast 'as they accuinUlate, an'd interVal between two euecessive pas- shops in the 'Teed Office building deem -
ore . rea e the natient. . ';141a1: is to aay, the time what'll elapses mane vacant some tur • ago, to make
new business 'secured during the year, The Great Fire at the illindabr,
notwithstanding the inereased coMPe- Was an .aWful callus:thy, but cannot
otti a° iante*nasinaattewphreavtiolusa exyarr, alto' nthaatt be remedied, Now, Catarrhoeope can
critemtaerdrih and ki8indarePd°84teivaededeurdisee.asfeosr.
fiotnolfa9serancitdsot ()atigige.11:13'.3eeign4%e4taisii'llogwofvet126.h9th,a9:4037,Ti47h1m8iu:oro:Innut°1ffnie: This statement is backed up be bush-
els of testimonials, which, aye have and
---s --sr-e can proildcaSniiffs 'o'ntmatihes
It -------
and satisfactory. amount ot business eto., have been proved useless in gie-
has all. been obteined while the ex- bag relief or curing catarrh,
Pease- retio lof the company • has ,Inani ;alias, irritable throat, nasal- and ear
lesstlian that the previous year,
which proves -that the btisiness of 'Passages, but Catarrhozone, the ozon-
_atecLair cure dolis not only give im-
'SS; 30,40, tk 00e,
6.8-10 Aid. AWL tT 11, eapa,sjo
VISE NAMPO-00W wages, etearly •
employment, Brantford is pleas-
antly located', living cheap, -•
Limited, Brantford,. -
Ooksadia raw apojt
ever" phase ot speig 4.4ese. Dalai
In Toronto, ISM re wearastud.
0011R01111 AUTON $191111P1TME
Pembroke Oa. Termite. eiliadoi
With knowledge of fartostidt t. fair education,: te wodi
on office tor the VeteritssrY 111010110e A111001141001
peeper ; peptonet interview neues3soorrii &whit be 0VflI
vc,p7°wrinkly SolenowAssoccatIon, Loudon, Ont.
,14111Z. aglal4 i;irtioulars, H:R1 011114,
Wrios tin epeeist terms during January and February,
• S. CORRIete.N, 1.13 'rouge Ott
• Ihareapeatd01 a
of incessant toll, timing of it -can bemire. 1411 -or write
W, 15, DATE, fiat -Mali 312 lollege RS Toronto.
the association continues to Ea 0 a -mediate reliei; but effects perman- $.° 00 PER AN GUARANTEED ONE
permanentand reliablecharacter: The eat care. Why delay? Send at once. eaRtaso oriel°. to ntraiirowerntecintadot
death elttime for the year aggregated for 04,-
9180531 which were 859,893 Less than. !Oskar, 10 Inenionsustne Comp 01 Toronto, degiad,
1,thirst0fat-etmbeeaptirshlws mynpainre. re0ausre fill:Minn-- cents' Outfit bOlt.00tle. and
Mime - for the year of 040,610, There N 0. Poison & Co., Eitsgeton, Ont. • "
was paid ' topol:cyholders during the THE EMPEROR'S DIGNITY.
year the large sum of 9155,973, and our
ing to tbe government standard of di:117r ttt theoneyear 1898 NwVeirlheeplinuirs
midi surphis over all liabilities 'accord -
valuation is 9'416,2W, an inerease over ished, taken altogether, with 2,609
the previous year of 250,367,000. Years of imprisonment, according' to the
"We consider that these tunefully Nurnberger Zeittnig, a Social-Democra-
justify us in the belief that they will tio newspeper,
prove eminently satisetetory to our .e:.....:„.,
politiyholders and shareholders, and.
flotir With a little col& Water, add boil- re - air drop. s. d. own, to be heated be- sages • or the sun across: tlie 'Meridian; ed it wise, When %the eorner store be-
ing water to bring it to the•conaisterant
of not .very thick paste, and :boil one
minute, stirring •eonstantly.' It Makes
a transparent, white and. strong ce-
ment, and is recommended. for use
in kinds of faxicy work........
For Aquariums. -Ten- ,parts , an the min has the aarpearance more window specie y
d b that me ns
-- solved for every gallon oE water d the enn
after ‘the' sun is seen exactly sonde changes in the coestruetion of the
• CLEANING Ctr,ETAINS. i in its diurnal coulee through the heav- fronts on Tongs, street and part of
Befere touehing the curtains make " eee' before it is. 'again. seen in that Richmond street, by which the heavy
Now, in eamsequence of the earth's commercial standpoint, will give phice
piers, which wexe undesirable from 'a
strong soapsuds of hot water inwhich "81
a tableseoonful'of boedit h b dis- • '
as been ts- revolution in ite ()Ant, or path armind to a 'construction that will admit, of
litharge, 10 -parts of plaster of Paris, . b more suituble for the ,purposes for
half a bar of sow shaved end melted (.4'331°v -11/g -very slovely in'the hearens
10 parte of dry white sand„ 1 part of for every tubful. of. water. Put the in Et direction from east to. west. At which the space is likely to be iised.
finely powdered rosin ; thorough,- hem ttemOrrow•-tb.e sun will be &short aid
changes .are raw' being made.
ly, and keep dry. When wanted for curtains in this water. Souse them up distande to the east of the point in d will shertly be finished, and' the
use make into a pretty stiff putty with and down and let them soak well , the heavens at which it is seen at noon whole space has been let at satisfac-
boiled linseed oil. This cement will covered over night, The heat morn -1 to -day, so t when the earth has tory rentals, and will be occupied as
• adhere! to wood, storitTieetal or glass, ing examine them, put them through made one comple e urn I s
a t t 't 'II till soor as the ehanges are completed, Li.
and Wardens under water. Rotor° fill -
Ing the aquerium, let it dry three
• days.
For Glass. -1. Dissolve clean white
glue in strong 'acetic acid. ' 2. To a
strong solution of alit= Water stir in
plaster of Perm to forma a cream -like
paste, 3. For valuable glass, make a
strong gelatine solution; to every five
parts add one part solution acid chro-
mate of lime, cover the surfaces :to
be united, mess together and tie, theu
expose a few hours to the sun.
To Fasten Labels to Tins. -1, Soften
glue laundress' starch and add a lit-
LeVenice turpentine while the starch
is warm. t 4
I, For Crockety, Vases, Etc, -Mix
. „
. with the white, of an egg-, and apply
on the edge8 'immediately; hold in
place until it seta, which will be in
wil; ' insere the continuance of the gen- tins. wiNsikwr.sorieoroglititNvoyeasynesu. r has boon
03TORS support whieh the oornlianY has used br ntothers for their 0511.ron teethl9g. It soothes
received from the publie." . the eh id, softene the gums, altar ell pain, ,urea lead
7, ce- r en „ t tie, Sold by all druggists throu hout the vrorli: Be
VIr. W. H. Iteitetesid t `n bode, and I. the best remedy for larrhcea, 23o. a bate
894600,13idijd :.... 114 the adoption of the report, sere ma ask ter 'We Wi"at"4"thing al'rav•
r• • • . •
"1 Will just main tate remark, witiOh There is Mr question about tears be -
1 aint sure yea will be delighted' to ing the crying .need"of humanity.
hear, and X ehink it will be portion-
dita(rhowelYnaelgtordattshitlealYpilik; enstual etnotG. ltihuMe tegilaethatettlbehmuiselitneissrf ittitc:raLrguo.olottighenwsrisotaltyoeiti taei einlitt,leNtoT 0014 , DAYu4
• ,...;.::,:....
antltioueasaieratreeDemdr.:eau tor influvratirdat pl. alltanyt pYrttvr... -' - . ' ' .......... R.11 Drug.
pecured is largely in exces.s of that for
Good qualities are jewels that 'only..
Macdonald, in.sioving the re- good _breeding nen, set 'off to advan-
solution thanking the President and taga.:
"directors of the assoeiation for •their
• faithful attention to the affairs of the
eatePsAY during the past year, said 1-.
."I do not think, in. Vievv of .there -
port whelk we have just heardread
and the remerke a the President and
the one reiterk made by the Vice-Pres-
ide.nt, that ,e reeolution. Of this kind
ong•ht to be Considered of a formal
cherecter. As' E.; policyholder L have,
had great deal of satisfaction in Sub-
etaqtial redictions Made upon raY
Preaniums out of the profitaand / have
been a e.hareholder with very oonsider-
able satisfaction to niyaelf, and while
it is true that the President, Vice -
President and Ditectors are in one.
Sense doing no more than: their duty
In looking_ carefully after the affairs
of the assbotation, ' 'has been done
last yeat,-.1,,et .I think that it is due
to them that there should be an ear-
nest.Word of appreciative thaiihs, 880 -
;fig Mat the.duty been so teeli dis-
ohaiged as in the present case.
therefore hitve much pleaaure .mov-
ing this, resolution." '
flay, McGillivray,:b1"seconding
this resolution. said share
very telly with the ele,asure Of•
the Mover 'of" this resolution in
rising to second it. My pleasure
does .not reach quite as far as. that of
the Mover. „He is .both a policyholdei
ante a stockholder. I -only have. the
privilege of being a policylielder in the,
Confederatime Life Aasociation, hat I
feel in. that partioulat Ilmve, in -com-
mon with all policyholder% a very good.
and a very. safe investment, and if it
do ett net yield any very immediate re..
turns it ts sttre t� yield very satisfac-
tory returns in dna time, if net to my-
self, to Others," ,-
"No One' can read. the' statement or
hear it read vvithout being, fully -satis-
fied with the eery ealisfactory wity in
which the business of- the associa-
tion has been conducted and prom-
'cuted during the year.
It is interesting to notice that ;
a wringer and throw thean'into fresh ,have to- turn four minute.; longer be- will also be satisfactory to learn that the income from premiums ls very :
Thi-Wendert ofHypnetkani •
jat free ; gives the key to ail motet power ; richly BLUM
b 21 saperb photmengrayings ; anybody. can
earn an exert a magicr Influence oyer ers, cu
tuns and bad habits give thodltiest parlor entertilnment
rer wItneued ; write tiklay enclose stamp. National
!Publishing Co, Dept 33, Roohester, N. Ye
; Betook, 1919 Madison Ave., New York City.
' . 4 physician 'iney speak .efit One UPI.
guege.end. Yet::he„ferrilliar. With . Many
toegues. •
FREE! Elt in%
of our full.aixed Listen
Doyliesatl0e. each; Lady's
SterlinefillverWatoh forgetting
dos, Doylies its latest and
prettiest design, They Bell at
eight: %Resod we send them
postpaid, Sell their, return our
raymounturuatriasbiztohtid wgree.d purognienpiolgerwsdgeordes.a Dot, z; raises
. . .. ..
:FREE . F.,
Belk; )2e. Bost and leld
fame rro brop orrawchrst. 9
.1401.010.,veristnsh. EarkireEnes 570,104%
' man. Ltborolcomatlaton, Nom
tetrad. Upoithrouszeturaabia
• .1110/111E.SEPPILY. CO..
Dept. 47,.• Toronto. Ont.
. . . .
New Tires ME
Sent 0,0. D. to Mil address 7
Witt wail seetion if requested. 1111111.1111
tlArst.. B. NOGTHAM, • TORDNTO; °HT.
. .
gin OP OUR STUDENTS here meekly takeD400d
Jour situationa, anci,tour poriDeull 40011110 Unalist1,
Maas .earms tor saw $2 Per Mr* oasis, ' Bat.
w -2-4!67.14,./ Jo, /AP -)1
woo *alma oath paid.. J.. Dothan, Blom la. . .
• 13TEATFORD ONT. We. tertah real bushiesa-no Drat
police justice.
but it's uselese to mention it to the
To err is human; to forgive
• .
. How's This ?
wbeffer One Hundred Dollars Iteward fru
aer ease of Catarrh that MI not be cured by
HwalloAtithceottsHr:thdNCekrulyr:fi:tsdo ..hparroep.sk..nToowieudol.,.0.1
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
porter" tly nonorable in all business transactions
and financially able to starry out any
thank made by them firm,
WeeeeTnic, wholetaie Oreeitibteareiedo,o.'
Urn:testa Toledo, Ohio.
Hall* Catarrh Core 10 taken internally, act-
ing directly, t pen the blood and ,mucorts sur-
faces of the sown. Prioe75e, per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonials erce.
Hairs Family Pills are the best„
. •
Don't think a man is a; rank simply
because, yearning for great things
overtakes him, '
• . .
sirpe tao.raue t Load IStriattlinitlyzo, uMossoltgaroy.. cite.
vceelc Or I Ao Tiet: KEN1113131/Pit01!)
Co., fa Front Se, E.. Toronto. '
The best brand of conversation
made up of truth, good sense, good he-
rnial. • and a dash of wit.
;La T.1)acente 10o. TANCE CIGAR
soapsuds. Souse • them repeatedly and fore the sun can again he mien exect- the Head Office building is filling up near -the million mark and that the
(maid there in a clothes -boiler, and ly south.
rinse them as carefully- as passible in
two car three rinsing waters. If they
are white, blue them a little, but ,
bleach them by lying them on curtain
• -
with good tenants at fair rentals and income from interest and rents has .
with good prospects. ' been more than sufficient to pay all
Reference was 'Made in the last an- the death claims during the year. We are told that mimic is the food
• • nual- report to the returns from the "Speaking for the policyholders and of lave, but a great deal of it le evi-
STRENGTH OE HA/Its • PrePertield teken Over ib the City of as one who has now beesi a policy- deafly the fast of despair.
.„, FACI'VORY,Itiontreat
frames on the 'grass, If they ` are • ei support Toronto and your Directors are now holder for twenty years I have very
creamy in color dek them in the house A single human hair
able to report a still further impree0. great pletieure in expressing. myentire
coffee to preserve .the yellow tint. four ounces wit. out breaking. went IA the returns, with better pron. satisfaction with the way in which the
and also a few tablespoonfuls of sante;
GLASS STREET. peets for the present year both as to business of the company is conducted.
rents and Sales. and the splended exhibit whioh- has
Broken °glass, which bas hitherto been
'The Directors are pleased to report been presented. to u$ of the past year
.tation ordiensenee. DP fair eimpetition our graduates
are nearlyaltrays chosen, 13tchnia men appreciate our .
work. Beht Oommercial School Canada. Doter new'
• .
Circulars free. •
I W. pi-4.ton% principal.
- _ .
Dooninli)n Line:
14',11.• Mei
St. ti N.B. and !Tallier to Lirerpootnillio1P3
Londonderry Lure Mad hot twin semi! 400.014
Superior &acorn modatloar ler Iiirst Cabin, Sem
ond Cabin and Steerage passengers. Rates ot
passage -First Cabin. 15600; ;Second Orsbin.
: Steerage spun end uptrarde according te •
steamer and berth. For all information manly ,
-to.Local Agoatts. or DAVID TORRANWE Lo.,
China Agents. 170st. Saerament St.. Electroair
send TEACHERS' DESKS ' . .
tor ontologne. AND 'MALE&
The 'Office Specialty Mfg. Oar
- • Limited,
122 anti EC 11013t..Toronto.
Factory Xeionarket
BOILER MAKERii—Goo4 wages: .
steady etraployment. Brantford
is Bleasatitly locatedrliving cheap,
T - I • . wind Wale), mituradeed
PLAN 0 TAX DEPARTMENT STORES. used to make ornamental tiles, is neW continued diligent and faithful services assures one that the greatest pos.sib e
Newman Governmeni's Sriseaste fro Please being cokivetted into blocks' for paving on tit% part of our field staff, and also :care has been bestowed upon our Ed-
Lb road Factories hai, n es_ of the employees generally. . • fairs by the directors and officers. of
SoClitif fag slid *mai Store keepers: e r s. e 0 Alt the Directors retire, but ate °lig- the association, and with .v.try great
tablished in, France and' Switzeeland ble for re-eleetion. • s ti faction I second the' resoletion
• -1
It sometimes happens that .when it
Man comes home late to dinner and
finds it cold, his wife makes it hot for
him. .
• WPC 965
Send name and address atd
o will send doe. pits. 'um
41100. per peekage. Return
na the money and le will
,timateSwkvevet:. weaithSee,ndrtai,u.to salt
end rot* boys or girls Stegg*
NOY 00" Voronto,
De Laval Crean*. Septaratora
Ot Alcintreal and 'Winnipeg
1 R 8
• The Gevernment has undertaken a for the Preduetion of these glass P. HOWT.AND, PreSident. proposed by Air, Macdonald."
remarkablis experimeAt in taxation in briceii and Berne atreete 111' Geneva, Y. MAX/DO:NAIAD, IlIng, Dir, • A resolutiou thanking the officers
fld biti conipelling the large shops to,31ava lieen paved vvith them, The glass
contribute a „larger proportion tic:44n. reseed into bricks; it loses its
is subj te& to heat utnit it is soft, • • the Members of the ageney and office'
a few ininutet. matte but little at 0, the small ones to Germany's reven pareney, but gains in resisting interests of tbe essochttion (luting Lite
OiNANOlitoaL Birte.TEMENT. staffs for their faithful service in the
time, ae it hecheorrapidiy. , says a Berlin despatch. The bill pro- po r. It, affords a good footing for, r,r,r,r,t1:4„Abk,,*4 ''' ' '' agn let Plat r'ar lvaanPrTaset 11.
Chimed 'Cement. -Por mending chine video that theee factors are to deter- ha a.Air...J..11MA Young and replied to by malty `of those
_ Gibbs and. se on ed y on. aatmes
members of the fieldstaff
glass and fancy Liniments, dissolve mine the taxation, the number of
present, Elle
ishellactIn enough reetified spirits to branches, the number of employees and I'LASTI• C ' TOOL.
Death Claims... !,(.1. ,°1$41793,g92 Oe
generally expressing thernselvee high -
make a eoratiOund the consistency of the tinimunt. of reate. It divides the A new decorating tool has been in- En (torments ' ‘. 127,033 Od ly gratified with the v.ery encourag.
melanges. Thinle cOat the surface to branches into..five groups, fmitis and troin•ed fot: Malting designsand La"1"1166 14'813893 tig
g ep t' s of the
Sur lider, a poi iciag„ . . 51, d8800ilitiOrl for the past year which
FOr Itiltiber or 1,mi:int.-Dissolve ideit•uvIgisji,7 clothing furniture, glees and 'lettering, on Waite, vases &e. It Masa (a,sh 'rt'Sur
Fit blishineets trading in reserveir for clay tie the extremity Expatetets, comas etc. H85 39° 21 1 2454133 '165 hal HI) etehjle Prreeterld"TftetkeldheefrIlDeeirteillotgo.rs
be united and tie.
go or 80 Dli : then: warm each. sons come under the new law. Those le, the tatter Li h Id by the 'operator, Ames ,the Meeting of the new boar se im-
each with th'e solution, and let dry ploying niore than tiventy-five nor., al through a flexible tu.b.li to the nor -
Part in. a. lantip or candle blaze, prime "1004. in two groups pay 10 per and guided accordance ' with the rnieclia.tely after .the adjournment of
firrilly and pound together vvith cent of their profitiOrt taxation, three design required, und the plastic Clay le Warw.. sad tteot Eatati . ....
ounce of guile perolla in half a pound moats& to StOOkhOla; 4 . .. .. ' 15.000 v
h 1, em- with it piston viii:eh forces the metal. Babino j 519:010. 't ere linen musty re-elected, and . at
d 1 Id
twv qv more o ; t ese groups ani
of elitomfornt dean the parte, cover
the annual meeting Sr 0
4404103 is lend, C. B., ILOILO., was re-elected
1,380,336 p • tin tigers. Igaward Hooper
strokes of a hammer. 15 per cent.; four, ,20 per cont.; five, forced en to the substanas to be de- Ton, 4, Debe °11
Witt r••••11.4,011111.0.4.
kahe ori oliciesciand Stocks
• • eorated; matamso • and °forced otemiums.,„.
To Attach Glees and 3/Utah-Boil to- ,25 ear cont. Shops engagt in three .
Pa" la 'a 01°140d vessol 1 os, eldrite Sgilal;IppsartaltiernaPiiinIttini atair‘ilift3r2-rtnit%
tofnatti4rgeot;tiThloz. linseed oil varnish for soh one of the twenty-five, and LINIE Ak1.1 FEItTtLITY".
parts together firm! 1,10 Arks for each additional employee. The actual amount ot limo taken by- --;-...:,..,,,--,-...--z, the LiaislOglee.
. glue. Apply, fasten
3r, Phi lealre RD. 8101 es with bran& establishmento swops is very small, but Unit little IS (Triiiiia-Ov-eit111;311VS4tiaPendialden$6t470,409
disturbed for four days. . will be treated as if all were under essential, Wheat, for inataada, takes DnalialtaP:iretta ........ '""
FM* Storieware.--Inte a strong soln. the Wile roof Co-OPerative Stereo will its phosphate as phosphate of lime and iiiiniiitris....,,.7., . „ .. . .... . ... :;:::.
Lion ef Cold elture ear plaster of par/s; not be taxed under the new law. . phosphate of magnesia, but the anioUnt 'Cash atplac *co.' . • ........ 0". 'um*"
neat 0114 edge prom parte together. The bill Is intended to create a good of the latter found, in the grain ash
and let stand "sevarttl day la es it seta inipreesion among the small shop. is four or fir" times as mutsh as of the 0.,16,..9,1,01,4(6/6""'"?6st"")""
:Ibtly, but beeoraes heed and is dur- kaaPerf4 who support the, Conserve- former. , Frank Wallis, of Lincolni '41).".' —
tives, who are antiontl to strenithen England, who is a high authority, TOTAtatterLUS slimmurt Fos
StAlinSTIONS von AtontErts. ong the Socialists. who regard depart- show us what a entail quantity the '
tnent stores as a dangerous ektetlaion drop really require . T g
l'ete PeoPle...evert Iliothers with tarp Al capita -lista. Liut the bill is certain quantities of lime usedlin thehepastihal'avee
ntereat. Itent tIne and
Cash ih banki, and cundrie\s
• ,
,..the party in the large teaWlis An am- says:-"Iteference to Ville's table will POLICY HOLDERS.. ..... ... .
foromoo-realizo now V617 mudi roite to meet persistent Oppesitien in the 'had a far greater influence in that
young babies aud claildren suffer from :116161114tttit itild lii ce4nlinerelai tlfte16% ani°rttlAtte Preterits of fertility de.
Nvbere ft is regarded as arbitrary and nudatiota thenin directly feeding the
• headaches, At min time it was senselesS, crop. If, however the Thomas=11hos.
thought that 1..,e1.1,...were. the ex
3011814 form of phosphate is 1113(10.1 it
etn.dve prerogative of the adult, portion OVER/flu/MD IN' THE REVALR SHOP. swill amply provide lime for all crop
Siopulatiott, but now it is, more 'MAY (hitt
Ittaiald 1111ni
uWireemoeTtihte, aaan,rdhefoeri
4 ho eiairn '
lsis deWficivieenrt.
thoroughly understood. that ehidren wbierehevery sally roomneadod atceocotleally
g* 1
aCyA, ike wtho
rd• ffr
espeelaily growing boys sod lle eantO40 dWe
ss are a sM
.Mting Oaf itotrmot." •
ea, air,
y time
king het
hat are
her look
Oalrbolle niseetootante. Soaps; Oing.
Mon*, Tooth Posen:lots,'cage., /Pave beret
• awarded 109 modals and diplomas for Pm pmicir
owttellence. 'lh.'Ii regillar use prove rh
out; diseases. Age your doeler to obtain a
supply. Lista mailcd true appllorttitan, •
. .
Sillea PoliltrY aria :OM heat Illge,qer 4 fhe
GA URENTIAN -SAND & tiliAVEL ifo.,MOyittetti.
ONE NIGHT2:1?Tnei411,Y=
, a A tu. Man. =
R triluxer; Insure:it! 21460htottiriPs,
iqt7Cipt oi$1,
makers, send for bat.
aid C, SCHOOL CO., AlOarccir
ti.6% a.k ass' rciAlTis eVArottaTolis Vett meanie
VOIWO.1811/111 SYRUP. Orthilogie free.
G. tr, efilbt MPG. CO., Montreal.
tIr A.rnott, Who Will tour Ineeyou bitten cure you
The ". &amoral," Freel
Skin DiseasesIt';'11.k`r:1117
g An'
iissiCisPomade, 41..00 by Mali. Writli"Prof. (.0001141,Pharmacist, DO Mid St, Montreal.
IF toll hare eh, Aiii•Lts, *Urinal, IKIns or PoULTRY
to Stip, chip them to
The Rewsen Commission Co., Limited,
LA Hales,
Wesley_Didge., Rioh.
attend w., Totonte,
.s1rtforsettinitlmaotur,tttalinAta: a
*ow Agents for gailada,4
On Trial.
elt thew terms. No aucker, or
peek)ng, *0 11144(14* Iffelitha.
Por Illustrated estalotaet, sd-
Aylmer, Ont.
'most disordered Sterna* Luling Soma, Liver, soots,
Paw, mew. Brit10 611(1. 1.11'0A11
Dug Await' ta
Alarry s d 1
nrablOtt Foo,
match ;tees lersitas eel centime wad vs.) lie Ir. •o•
CO -Molly Introits whose Ai• merlin owl Debility h is*
Siatr'd all other treatmentsit dlotata siren egret
Pond hi rein, tetl, ;tote 10140101 its cost in niedreinc, •
so years,
4401. Pl.thiloney, iivnweest
Cotietlitption, Diaheto4, Dron,let bib
4.*Sltr'retliArlgelbtlilityttallillrlel'IdetYkellit'Aerg."01:01(11;:1440. 41,1:
Dul3arrlf & Co ;Tilgta
d) :nut
lo)i8ofl, W" to Poeta, 14 rt00 t141 Li{ :1001, al
1:)116rr V1t(ii
511L', '
i..,3. 64., tt74;fr...
setlenanicenitti, intns, at n 1. 16
twis tor CsmatTeeT. Eaton Co„1.mi1e1
t0s) Iv
' I ---