HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-06, Page 5F • APRIL 6,18 .1. :•••••••••••••••••1110000001 For Over Fifty yeses ft Nati. WutsLow'S Sepristwe. kirAUr ro4 w Wied by Inillione of mothers for their ohil ren d. w while teething. If dieturbed at night and broken of ,your reit by a sick child suffering 41: Air e (.11i401.11 e 0,0 w ...• and crying with, Pain of CUttin4Teeth send at Spring' ka • . a • vire have1 * a vi, lots of them, at- 2 • : toot any one you will be on * • liable to ,sak for if you • ' • I Want one that wiR give : :. satisfactory results ask us for i • • our, • • 0 1 IIERBAL SPRING • • : • . BITTERS 00 cents, : ' e 9 • CON.,POUND EXTRACT. I it: QAL1APARII.41..A.75cts. • • CdAttibILIN.1) -EXTRACT once 44,nd get a bottle Of "Mrs. tooth - Ing Syrup" for Children Teething,. It will • ro- liove the poor little eugerer immediately. De- pend upon itonothers, there is no udistakeaaboat It ogres Plarrhcea_,_ ref/U.114es the _St watch and howole, cures Wind collo, eoftene the. Gums, rat; oesInflammation, and grtteidevticLivg energy to the whole system. "id Soothing Syrup" for children teething le plea. sant to the taste and b; the prescription of one of tho oldeet and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-fiv :lentos bottle. _Sold by WI druggiets throu out the -world." Be aura and ask for "M WiNsicw'S SooTHINO SIRUP. STARVING CHILDREN. Thousands of Well-fed cliildren was starving, simply because their too ts not of the right kind, They Are thin, pale and delicate, ScoWe Emulsion will change all this. It gives vim and vigor, flesh and force. 1 - . I • - • 1 . . ' II' . WITI1 MDIDES $1,-- : CrOWil : BalkerYs... 1. OP SAASAPARILLA, fit • t These goods are all right. 6. We know them to be all: ... , • :i : right. if yop 'think you needWeLead , :. • • • one of thiin !we will.be Pleae- ttcl to. tell yop all about their). ••••••••1•4••••...,,,,,,, , • 1 SYDNE JAcKsoN • • cluate Druggist: . • Successor to .&lin &Wilson Phone 2 • • • ••••••••••• 94114060110001100: ExeteitFlour • AT NO EXTREPRICE . - • We invite your inspection of our • stock of C4roceries,, etc., being convinced that it purchase follow. In addition to Groceries of all kinds we will carry a sup- • ply of EXeter Flour, extragood, • but at no extra, price. • TRY OUR W CENT.TEA. J. W. 1 •Combe'silloclis Clinton • 30 30 XI r • , C Afk !I 71-1.a,rd To.Beat.2 I have for sale choice . Seed • , oats whiah Were tried last sea- , . sqn byfat mei a itt this district with splendid results, A Mil- let purchaser of Each bushel reaped FORTY -,TWO .bushels and a, Goderich lownship .fari mer sewed 30 bushel a nd they had 1200 13ushe1s., - These Oats will not Rust .or 'Smut nor freeze in the Spring, -The straw is strong•ind is al most as nutritious as hay. Will have Beardless Seed Barley. SamPle On be .. seen here, which threshed 85 bush- els per acre,. ...A stockof Frant Nod, Sheep Tick; Hen Tonic, etc,, always on hand. . Vvre 31)urTc.A.ST • Opplite. the market. 01inion. • ). cult To See - 'Others F()Iloto • OUR TART SHELLS: ARE DAINTY One Size, One Price, • •- One quality, TRE'BEST 10c PER DOZEN. •If you stiffer from. Indigestion try our CRACKED WHEAT BREAD If you want something nice and tasty; try our . CURRANT BREAD If you, want of good, sweet,' satisfying loaf try our . •• • HOME-MADE BREAD' A2 -lb. Loaf for fic. ALL OUR; CAKESARE Al• in quantity, quality and price.. .KIR'KBY . • Next door turlarendon. Good stabletO rent. , .1.• • ............. . , •=.44,„.„,.. , ? . ...- •••I''' • •••,—. t . ... ' ..,..i.. ..=,k, ._. .1"4"' • , - • •c!4;....----• •""-r- '...7 • , . Coepe?s, 75e • LitIle!s. Non; Poi sonpus„ 750 Persiatic • Animal Dip; 75c Hess' instant 1 ouse killer, 3e Pet aiatio Poultry Powder, 25e PerSiatic Hen House Spra3ri-25e • • Pure. Insect Powder, per lb". 50c ,COMBV3 HORSB. 'fIND .CIITTLE SPME ioe 11,., or 3 lbs. for 25C We will guarantee this Spice is equal to•apy Condition Porkier sold. at 25c a lb, and superior to. any Cattle Spice or • mixture at' present on the market. 'Try it. Weare supplying the large cattle men in this section. • : H. B. OOMBE Those"eyes of yotira.are • probably overtaxed, and i4ou \ have not found it out yet, y will soon do SO. Prepare for the future by taking care of the preSent Defective vision is ea tidy lcured, unless 'of long , standink, ' 'Our large stock of lenses and frames, combined with our knowledge .of how to • fit them properly; insures you a permanent benefit and not merely temporary relief. Qhargers moderate. A:i1,01?IGG .1)40e• Jeweler and Optician. Aire' 'Wad's ishafhodine, tht Great agUsh &wag. Sold And reatkminelided by ell drtigidete In Canada, Only ten- able inedieine discovered. 814 league guaranteed to onre sil tonne o Benno Weakness._ all effeeta of abule or exeema Mental WW1, Hz:leash% tee of o. wee, Opfunt or fitintolante. Mailed en feeelpt a glee, one Plata* $1. aix, $5, 0•• tottivtease, "Rota cum rampnlete free to Or IlidarOSS. . The Weed Compraty, WindA0t$ Onte. 84 la Clinton by Sydney Jackson, brliggisti • Chemist aucl Druggist!' • FRESH • MEATS laving pin/based the butehering busi- ness of Ford & Murphy, I hope by close • attention to business, satisfactory prices, • and good stock to merit a continuance of the custom of the patrons of tho firm and • secure neW customers as well. • • • GIVE U$ A CALL. • CHAS. WILSON. HAVE ItoU VRIEE KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR? • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Port Albert., John Bennett returned woods in Michigan last we ViTru. Richardson front tht the Tetuiseamingne Metre. L. OunnInghain, who le t Grand Bend, is home for holidays.-- Miss G. Oui tell is at present visiting in the Mrs. Frank Hawkins, Nile, village visiting last week.— rell and Alf. Small ate Im this week.—John Benne again able to move about aft ness. —Dick it; the happie • this burg, his family of having increased eonSideral day last. --Wood bees a • rage in the neighborhooda ---thunlin is again to 01 which we as citizens of t and neighborhood wish him • cess in the days to • cornti can tell us when the harbor merits are going to start ega C. 0. F. of this village are h oyster ;supper and dance for Isere on Thursday of this reel annual vestry. meet ing of Ohl was held on Tuesday at 10 the forention.—Joe McMil rich, was In the village last few days. .. • • "."'"•••••••-•••• • hippen. , Obituary. --It is With sorrc• chronicle the demise of It• Smillie of this place Which last Friday morning.: ' _Dec ,botawin the provinbeofQue and Was thus 41 his 76th yea a resident of the county of about 44 yeare. 1 -le was a n physique and Of more the. energy and intelligence.' his Whole heart and sou work and was generally qui ful in every enterprise. Man of truth and integrity mended the respect awl co all good citizens. He was of .St. 'Andrew's church, for Many years One of its. ere. He was quite enthusi efforts to lesson the evils of traffle. All the members of were pre -Sent at the funert them corning long distances vice and interment took plac day last and was largely att leaves a widow, four sons a tier to mourn their loss. • - • Goderich. Mrs. Roderiek M. Cassels daughter•Alice Sutherland, spending a couple of wee Cassel's old home, residence ber, Esq., Victoria and St streets, Mr, • Cassels joine Easter Saturday and spent day With them, Mr, eaSi pleased with her residence in • John CharleaWilliams, O. brother Joseph are delighte in Venezuela. Their sister 1! ROeSeW and children are them.- They are all engage4 • favorite, art photpgraphY rapturously of the scenery. - Mr. Heaton has an attack 4 tis we are sorry to note. , Dairy Notes -From the '1 letin of Montreal of March is a first-.classatitlxority, we following quotations :----"T of the cheese season is deVel siderable strength, the sale lot being made on this mark •a fb. There are very few in Canada and those who lucky holdors. For the ing March 81 1898,' there we froiv Montreal 2,542.3811x) the season. ending March 31 were shipped 2,307,280 boxes • The following is, special e Trade Bulletin t•-•;•`.+Loidon 1899 -The cheese market ht a much firmer tone .and p mimed -no another shilling report with busineas at 53s. tkl. for finest Canadian ( made itt Holmesville) and wince there is a more activ Liverpool March 80 1899-T ?I is strong with a good dein ,T! advance with sales.of finest • at Ms:" _ This is a new brand never before offer- ed to the people of Clinton or surrOund- ing country. One of our customers who has used it said :- IT IS AWAY OUT OF SIGHT. /t makes r I • LIGHT WORK,LIGHT HEARTS To be had only from Wok_ °LINTON •••••••••••:••••.•••••••...••••• Special r*.••••UNIr ourbushiess is now condected On &eash basis, our goods will he sold at tno lowest cash Takeo. We quote assamples :- Toilet Sete at..„ e5 50, were $'t 00 Toilet Sots at 4 di, were 6 50 Dinner Soto 1000, were 12 50 • Dinner Sets at • 8 60, wore 10 00 PRIOES PAID irolt GOOD litYTTER AND EGOS. -7- Auburn. 1 4A ArY .4,11 *IR •4 SIT131.1.J.M1VI1\1"T. TO' E CLINTON NE S -RECORD. Clinton Out, Thursday, April 6th, 109. 411•••• I.• .• .1 I I 1110 ChteSeit Frauds. East Wawanosit CLINTON MARKET Illf'ORTS. Th. twelfth; annual session of the The council inet on Thuroday pursu- Norrerted every Wednesday afternoon Grand Courted of the yinadlan Order ant to adjournment. Members all pre, FaU Wheat ot Chosen friends was held in Toronto, sent. Minutes of last meeting read and Goose Wheat The officers state that the past year has passed. • The pathrnaaters, pounds Barley been a most prosperous one, notwith- keepers and fenceviewers were appointmuiti,. standing the keen competitain exiating ed. for the current, year, Nloved by in fraternal circles. Tue society now Ur. McCallum, seconded by Mr.. Currie, Pees ranksjin third piece as reg irds member- thel, all pathuiasters for the •current ship. The year 1898 was the first trial .year rnust .retern 1.1wir road lists not of the new rates, The opinion of some later than he 1st day of Septeniber wee that they would retard the growth next, otherwise all statute labor. not. of the societyThe opposite has been then returnedwill be charged for on the result, as a lubitantitil increase has the collector's roll 'to be Collected along' not only been made in membership, but with orilinary taxes, and that a by-law in the reserve •fund. The system ot centirming the same be read and passed deputy, organtzers, inaugurated last at next meeting Of the council. -Oar- Year, and being continued this year, has 'tied.. Resolved, that the clerk be in - proved a 'great success. Up to the structed when making out the road lists present tune nearly 1000 approved ap- this year to charge each lot the full plieations have been taken in. The amount of statute labor due on same, Grand Recorder, W. F.Montague (Elam- to be performed in the division in which Mon), Sabo:11W a comprehensive report, said property is situated, Messrs, John irons which the following synopsis ot the eIcDoweil Sr..on, George Hewett At Son standing of the order t the close of • 1893 id taken :-During the. year 2,143 , approved applidttions •were received, making the total membership 1602, nude up of 4,353 females and, 11,799 • males. Toe total amount of insurance • carried is 1119,24,250. The average meeting,- when some action will be ameant of benefit insurance carried per taken in this matter. Communication, • mainber is $1,190.07 average age of received from Wm. Lane, ebunty clerk, ACE. Special Notice. 05 tO Off .• 00 to 63 As our business is now conducted. on a cash basis, our goods . .. 0 38 to 0 40 prices.' we quotewalls1 abaensvoliedsa:t_tne lowest cash .... 0 27 to 0 28 Toilet Seta at... .... $5 60, were 4.7 00 0 60 to 0 63 -Rye ....• 0 80 to 0,35 Potatees, per buils, new... 055 to 0 60 Butter loose in basket.,.. 0 14 to p 15 •Butter in tub. • • 0 1,k to .0 14 Eggs per doz 0.1)9 to C 10 Bay - 5 50 to 6 00 Live Hogs. ... . . , .......... 4 00 to 4 10 Pork per Cwt..— OW to -6 00 - . 0 05 to 0.05 Toilet Sots 4 50, wore 6 50 Dinner Sets at 10 00, woro 12 60 Dinner Sets at. 8 60, wore 10 00 RIMIEST:PRICES PAID FOR • GOOD BUTTER AND EGG43. Dried Apples per lb . Ducks per lb. • .• • , • G. J. s,TETART TENDERS WANTED.. • • the iinVilis,enPed unto and including Saturday, arated tenders willibe received by 0 054to .0. 06 Turkeys per lb.,....., • 0 07 to Geese per lb. Chicken d per pair and :Sent VVitiner were present as a Wool ' deputation asking that something be Fichlt, pet. 6wt dime this season towards cutting and . oth4rwise 'repairing and inaproviog the ---• as hill at lots 33 and :34, con: 6, known FothergiWs hill Postponed till May 11111, tittURQU . . N April 8th; 499, fbr the erection and eomp,etioil „ of an uadfellow's Block inogoderrich. The low - 00 0355 totO 01) 1/6. est or any tender .not essa ily accepted.. • pp,!)erui:rItnd specification may be seen et Geo. dorat sto bset000raeioyeadaedriemlitt oordaatamdyadodflircoes,00dTetno. 0 .16 to 0 16 Geo. Porter, GoderiHeh 1 90 t°. 2 15 • Stratford, Ont., March. 22nd, 1899; J. WELL Architect NT PR • 1111„ • • new members, 318;' average age of re supplying township cauncils With whole membership, 38,8. The total assessment ated collectors' rolls. by the atnnint collected in the -relief fund de', county as done at present. ' No action. partmetit for•the year was $146,6'19.78, taken, East Wawanosh council being sist- to which must be added $4,807.15 re- lofted with the prelatic system of furnish- - calved lor interest, in Government stock ing these rolls. The treasurer reported and bank deposits, making a grand total a casli balance on hand at date of WS.- Through' tickets jostled to all•points in ot' $15i,468.93. From this amount 73'. A debenture for $70 was witted in • • -----$1-18,000 was paid in death claims, and favor of Finlay Andersen for services as $7 000.n disability claims, with $1,47167 township clerk for 1898. The council MANITOBA AND. • . . transferred to the.' indemnity • fund; then adjourned till Friday, May 261h • orniToNI (INT leaving a total balance on hand in the next, then to meet as•a court of revision, reserve ftiad of $164,23a 53. Vbere in for other bubiness. • • were 98 de'aths durin4 the year, as cam, • eared with85 during 1897, matting the Respeetfully dedicated to , Mrs, P. • ratio of deaths Per 10006.06. :The tote); .aniount paid Out • since orgainzatien in• .. • ... .... . . :death 'and disability claims hit's, been i,, , EASTER GRATITUDE. $562,892.40. In the sick benefit •de ."-'0Ould. Pitrttneet, there were 1,322 members in ' ' MtaintliigttrhtelitTitilife*eagnel' ' • • gond standing at the close of , the Yearr • l'd strive:from earls, morn 1111 night from whore was colleated $6,545,14 in . To honor thy fair name . . . . , . assess rne;n ts. 'rhis, added to the bat- Why heart beats high, like id 0 knight f ,e ., .. ,.:. interest of $72.70; Makes a greed total' VaTlirotrgaillemealtkred. i lanye ot hivai degree, • . arose front .last year of $1,704 86, ando . • • r • • of $3,322,70:• : Ftom tbis,sum was :paid . '• . oraseasetneqt• of $6.52, Jeaving for fel-oral benefit claime, with a rei und That . 1 may Still thyckinenLs earn. ' AlligiftolithTeltrectr; apt.eo. ml,aitto4ye2alstr. 180.9„. : . 4,822.l0 for 304. sick . claims; and,;$350 , a 1441- . G. ta. d e rill:hi ,1 Yo once an hand of $3,145.08. The g neral fun' is also, in a healthy. condition and ' ", • ' . • - . shims a balance to the credit id the fund • Smite Old Caine: • of 54,976,87. Forty-four councils were . .. . ....I••••...• • organized diving the year, aiiil three re- Every crowd that has heen fortne organized, making a total or 47 for the to get t•teh at the pohlic eXpense •since year. •• .'., • . • • • • • the Liberals came into pewer.ints been ' ably assisted by the Globe. It is play- , ing into the hands of the .1tItinn-dllac- Titis •33rd W, i I I Tr;titt 1111London. kenzie•-.0., P. It. croWd by .magnifying, • • the diffictiltiel of construction and. -- OttawarMarch 31. --The .Departinent. minimizing T the •traffie :pnestiee of ' Of Militin has decided upon the number the Rainy River railway of battalions which' ire to he mobilized • . The' Hardy Government's proposalto -. ' ear training during the drill. season of further aid. Mackentti zie ' , Mann n. 1899: . • , •- • .• • ' . volve., a disgracefril waste Of public', The camp at London will be held from runney. The Hardy Governtnent'spart-• May 30th to June Kith; when 3,700 Men nership with the Dominion and Mani; are to be trained. The •first, infantry. toba Ministries,' which are feeding pith - brigade Will consist of five battalions, ' lie wealth and outdid opportunities to this firm, Involves the betrayals of the •• and the second brigade of tout bet talions. One cavalry regiment end two city bit. people of Miteitoba' and the °people of ' the west by the •echeine which places tenons will be attached for two days. : • . . / their only remaining • Way of escape The Taranto cinttrict camp at Niagara from monopelly in the hands of the 0. will consist Of 6,400 men, and tips period e. R. or its friende.--TorontoTelegiatuG' of training will be divided into two , . .. • • • , terms, lasting &tint Jonetth to July lat. • . . ,. . , rho cavalry, contisting of three and'a 'Porter's 11 iii. Miss Lillie McLean of LA was visiting relatives in thi _ • the past week. • •• • John Blair had a very siinc - • ing bee last Tuesday. •= Mr. Win. Elliott of the 4t aline eight month-old Heref Mr. Modeland of Egmondyil sum of $75.00. ' Ur. Elliott s to breed Herefords as this is calf sold this year at the sans Miss Ella Miller of Detr guest of her "cought, Miss Sk Der. Mr. Janies Sterling sold a 4 old heifer weighing near137 • Mr. Fitzsimons of Clinton &it. • er stock. Jim knows ho stock. Miss Jessie Stevens returned. . - FARM F.OR Lot 30, Con, I. 'township of Tuckersmith; H. R. 8, the property of the late Williaim Whitely is offered for sale.On the farm is 'erected a 2 story stone house, barn and sheds. TaiginuirrWIS ta&tg.(cld 1%)veittlihaVilgagiiitg9Intd'h: well. Apply on the .premises to •• ••'MISS E. WHITELY or W,8. LAWRENCE,•01inton March 21at, 1699, • SEED -OATS FOR SALE. .° THE NORTH6WESTI have a quantity of fine Bdltirriore white oats for sale. They test 43 lbs. to the bushels. Oilf . • 8 acres the yield, wee 800. bhs. Any ono wishing • Baggage 'checked through.: " For all . 8 e•cl oats would ao well to purchase. . information in reference to trail! &in-.; ,.. . wS, E4POTT.Portees Hill P.O. stilt therabove. • ..Match 14th • 41.h cam. Goderioh township. • • , , . °POUR STUDENTS •• ; ••• • ' have taken good situittions and four • positicins remain unfilled. : .11 ..•• SEED:PEAS .• • We have a *quantity of No. 1 Seed peas for • sale. -They aro clear. of bug 9•.1411 S SMITH . 7 Clinton, Mai& 81.11.. . .• • ' STRA.TFORD, ONT, •. -gives the "beet" in the line of businessersbort- • hand education. In fair competition one grad- • uates are no(trly alwayk Chosen, while others are turned aside, Enter new, Circulars free, • , W. TEL14L0TT %Principal. . Easter 'Holidays • FOR Wil issue return tickets at • • . SINGLE FIRST-cLASS FARE Going Mareh 30th to Atli 3i41, inOlusive re turning up to and Inc uding Apr11401800. • Between all stations in Canada.' Port Huron •. and Detroit, Mich., and TO,' but not FROM, • Bennie, Sleek Rock, Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls, N. _ KIN half regiments, together with "A" Bat- DRESS AND MAN1LE'MA tory and "A" Squadron, R. 0. p., ahd •. • . I teir battalions et infantry, will be train- ' • : ' ing from June 6tb to June 17th, seven Also Children's • Clothing. ' batteries of artillery from June .20th to• • ' "'rout. Patronage Solicited, WIS. T. MCILVEEN ' Corner Albert and Whitehead Streets. • fuly lit, while six city battalions will receive OM days' training on June 30th • and July 1st, . • • . t+. J. STEWART, Onokli Cotton Boot Compouni ia ettociessfulle need monthly br over 10,000Ladlea. Safe.effeetual, Ladies ask your drIntglat for CAoki Wiwi Rot GNP pet*. Take no other as all mixtures, pint and imitations are ditette. Priebe. No. 1,81 net bekl No. 1,10 degree. stronger,;:if, box. No or 3, malleden Of Fit We &eon Stanine, The Cook Coln sy OrTos. and sold end, eeouiffiendea by au 1000131tiblOnntaitm te Gelladin Sold In Clinton by Sydney Jackson, Drivel*. home in Brantford on •Saturday,-- - Mrs. Morgan of Goderich is visiting friends and mre tives here. ilk Mr. Jaes tnilton was in Toronto last a ek ort b these, . ;Flossy Potter has returned home after it lengthy visit to her grandparents at Kippen. Mr. and Ms: Alex. 00X are laid up with thegrippe.. Mr. Win. fichborne sold tv tWo year • old filly to Mr. Win. Whitely for the large sum of $145, • Rev. Mr. Shaw and Rev. Mr. Gra- ham exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Mr. James Morgan had a slight at- tack of inflammation liof the bowels, but is now improving favorably. Miss Jennie Johnstone is visiting at *Mr. Alex. Coes. • • Henry Swallow of Clinton is speed- ing' his Easter holidaye at Mr. Arch. 111cDougall'e. • Miss Edith Cox and Miss Lizzie Wes. ton left for London on Monday. Mr. Wm. Lobb has purchased four; new milk !Owand next year he pur poses buying a separator to senora the cream from the Milk. Will is an en McKinley Of the Goshen line, has re- turned home. --Miss E. Turner of S.m S. No..3 has gone hoe to spend her Easter. vacation.—Miss S. E. Reid is spending her Easter vacation at her home. •••• •••.•*.• •••••• PLUIltiED Tb HIS DEATH. I11SIDI0VE3 DISEASE LURKS EMMY., A bright young man hi Grey, County Ont., thoughtlessly plunged into the lake at a, summer resort When the blood was abOve the normal heat. The shock stopped the kidneys work, Poisons whieli should have been carried off were circulated through the system. Dropsy was the result, and One bright autumn the mourning badge was on the door, and 0. promising young life was snuffed out. He trusted himself to skilled physicians, but they failed to what(10 South American Kidney Cure would have done. It clears, heal. and puts and keeps the kidneys in per - feet action. A specific for all kidney ailments. -Sold by Watts St Co. THE .NEWS-REC01113 giVeS the news of Huron county. • Winnipeg ratenayos will .vote on a by•law to raise $20,000 for the establish.' went of‘a, ttivic lighting plant. The gopefs condition is reported to be very serious, and it is stated Cardin- al Rampolia is tieing every eifort to prevent the fads as to.his Holiness 111. need becoming public. NO SUFFERING IN CAMP. FROM DREAD CATARRH -DR. AGNEW'S • CATARRHAL i.ovitriurt KILLS THE DISEASE emote AND OUTIES THE , , DISTRESSED PARTS - RELIEVES Tr TEN MINUTES. • TEACHERS AND STUDENTS • . . - (On surrender of certificate signed by princi- pal). Single Finit-Class Faro and One -Third between stations in Canada west of Montreal, and Single First -Class Fare and One41iird to . Montreal added to Single First -Class Fare • Montreal to destination. from stationswest of Montreal to Quebec. Levis and New Bruns- -wick and NovitScotia. • . Going Mar& 17111 to April let, inclusive, re- turning up to and including April 10th, 1899.. Tiokete. rates and all information Prox• • • HOUSE FOR SALE On Victoria street. Near Orkan Factory. $300 will buy a roomy, comfortable house Aith geroadoklout-ptahhempi roperty at present occupied by Vacant Loton Maple street also for sale at a very low price. Apply at once to. , • 'March • W.B4YA).°11,1r STORE TO RENT.:.. • The undersigned piers for rental the store at present. occupied by H. C. Barlett, furniture dealer. This is one of the best stands in Clin- • ton. Possession can be given at once. • Also that large room over •L Wiseman's dry goods store. There le agood entrance. Apply to •• " • J.0. Brit,tarz or •• •• • ..TAS. SCOTT, Barrister, . Clinton P. Q. , Clieton, Feb. eth,•1899. S 3 , • . . • STOREIO RENTII First -close Brick Store in Clinton ; reetrally- situated ; suitable for any business ; large , and conunndiousr dollar ; nowfitted for drugs., Ap- ply to W. C. SEARLE Clinton • • • • • BOAR FOR SERVICE, A thorobred berloitire Boar on Lot 31, Con. 7, • Hullett. Terms 60 cents. Payable at time of Agents of Grand Trunk Railway System •service. • M. C. Matson. D. p,, A. Toronto • DIMITIM BULL VON. SERVICE. .A. 0. Pattison, G,T11. Agent, (Uinta:3. Terms SIM to insure, $1.00 fer service, • ' .ALBERT M. WALLACE, O. IL Reagens, G.T.Ticket Agt., Clinton. 60 . ' Summerhill r. o. „ - "-rrimi-16-11MITY1•01/0-40"1".1 Ur 11 Ewi i Wire Imo For' the Spring trade we are offering the largest and most com- plete stock of High, • IVIedinin and Low Priced Furniture in PLEASANT AS A. omtimnr,..—Dr. Von Stan'e Pineapple Tohlettl are not it nauseous compound --but pleimint pel- lets that dissolve on the tongue like it lump of anger, just as SIMIAN it'd At harmless, hut a potent aider to digeet. ion and the preventiori of all the tll- menth in the stomach's category of trhubles, .A.ct directly on the cljgestive organs. Relieve In one day. 80 dente. sold by Watts &Co, Alf: Leblanc, of S6 Jerome, Quebec, t says he used Dlr. A.gnew's Catarrhal Powder for an acute case of catarrh in the head and it-cnred him. Re has 125 inen working under him in the lumber- ' ing camps and what it has done for him it hasdonefor many of theth. He buys it for camp use and pins his faith to it as the quickest reliever for colds in the head, and surest cure for • ca- tarrh.. -Sold by Watts as 0o. • _ The Morley Ladies' College at Hunts. ville WAS burned. The loss 15 estimated at $12,000, ••• ITCHING, ii11107/NO, OltEEPING, ortowro ING • he County. We have smile great values to offer in PARLOR SUITS, COUOHES, AND LOUNGES. De not buy until yen have paid a visits to oar Warerooms. UNDERTAKING • In this iite we castry a complete qtock. Our. Hearses and out. fit are up to date and, our charges reasonable. • Skin Dfseases relieved in a few minutes by Agnew's Ointment. De. A.gnew's . Ointment relieves instp,ntly and cures r Tetter. SaltItheutn, Scald Read, Ecz- ema, 'Ulcers. Blotches, and all Erup- tions of tin Skin, It is soothing and • quieting and nets like magic in all Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our Baby Humors, Irritotion of the Seal . Or Rashes during teething time% 3 runeral Director, J.W. ()Wiese, King St., opposite Foundry.; • cents -Sold by Watts 4 Co. • EIROADFOOT BOX & • 00. Vuruittive Dealers :incl. -0100.taiferis Cliidley, Manager Lord Stratheona lute given Salto the Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition. APT QUOTATIONS. Peoverbii, anxious and wise sayings hove been uttered by Confucius and ' other wise men from time immemorial, THE 0TucKETT but few peoplerealize how many there are of them. O. nooa (Jo. . of Sar- saparilla fame, have over pWo thousand and they have originated the ingenious plan of serving there up in delectable shape in diamonds of newspapers, with each one neatly turning it point as to the merit of theirwell known triedicirte: The extensive use os these_ PrOVerhe is originatand creditable to Hood 45; Uo. A•R At all prices frtitn 5 to 2 cents are made by • • • loKirdINe.11;119M.IFY - • / PLAYS 5 4sppo* BOXEDVIDI OPt Rf.GORD ocrYrigoatn is given with every elgasf. BITS WAtrit, 369' N AVOW TOWN AND VILLAOlf, ADDRESS CAULKING 1401111E. Cp A'SK FOR TUCKETT'S CIGARS oNT. • it EO E wan. 114 S°11 °°-1 A CHILD CAN CAN MC IMAM) Sart OPERtNrft. - And the best value Possible - 1 ; .. 4