HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-06, Page 3iltedehellettnenteentelkeelleselesdateteddleettse-A-tillet-O-Oehe IT WILL OUT. • 1 t "se"'"4"4"+" ehvirette he had lived. Ae he *toot/ bf Roditialdulo learned bone the radians *MOM 12 WAR leaving ilEg MdeTESTV WAS 1111014 1), LE all IFJ211 ;Mt Saturday night ead otelninif beat Mt navyttrinv Florldit for a StIndare outing, / went the deignete Ore he felt that the Only Menday netrning.. and. 4000r ing to lid, ono Wittig which 001ild asattage his gritht A Rtiorll an no lign,Ork Ittr Tre/ eatuvierte ' • • Behr thia could be done with even queen itrt* *Imes isnot WWI Reim- rbsslinted Illefere Her there ',meld be thoroligh 444 cotreddete re. "a 'we e'ePte 4'1'1° 4114le4i" ‘", •""WA" greater safety ,than that ettamed m A_ , tributien 'naught hy bla own nend uP"' ON SINGLE RAIL. the ewifterunneng double -treat trains It interesting itaecdote, and Whoa* oft his Hie ottxong will and . rirrIPOra ent. of to-daY. ed to be little known in Amerteth le untiring energy be determine nieserhistentehyete neetothieteepertieleh te, 'the ettleselon of cost, of eutiay and 1914 of an tomato:on when Her KO*. _ A OREAT TlY5TERY. • a grint, white race tie retraeed hie iteignem-A steoier maw on v,,en. petiaible returns, la of Cowles crucial. , ed, be devoted to that one end. With epee • c es or ty, Queen Victoria, took part with . etreesee wires Live man k ntr. Behr -1s,franknese itself there, HO thene,neeteeseete-g......,eaeg-hoeett-negeeneelesehleneete ate t CHAPTER IV.-Oontinued. could reach, or how soon it was to otiose " having' ati'rrod UP the mold i go 0 iir re he had dropped the food. steoucc-The 'oltrs *nd Slaw The, See ii!ItS dtiwn, eategorieallY estimates of rtnahonon, Ordinary virtuoso in a. duet. while railened oheraterte arte boaete petesee are tio motlerate that the &Ingle-, n nt r4>nd°31 at the thalh virae " e9h3.- matided " to "wee before, the Queen big otsugeking their eiety Milee an rail deem oati cerry paseengere at a built a hue. of railroad On iiitteh trains hour an gnash inventors haa quietly atIleatoiestiitrreatittriee:,atel7t.,ettstun jogtwyodlithveifteltudoeuttoon_ emtavlijol;iint;Iteovera,s,1.'slese oupoeur:seolnecetedthebt If:4r ran regularly a the rate of 100 miles he seea noPillitejih All 71 It;°91 trt been very Popular in the early daou of from two to three miles, a minute. rellahdivngisetehiee Otha:eseeetnesaguetrreb:utieleineetitteir.er:ghnitie.gt Of the Regiment". and that old-time an thmr, eted fretteently atthin a speed 'with trieght truffle, nor even of mono, t't her reign, nartielY, "The Daughter favorite Weser, Aynsley Cooke, piper - And it in a Practitati achle'resiesto rail systeme eiong some of the great with full-eiged care capable of carry., trunk lines, po,ssibly in eonneetion with ed .one Of the best parts, Sergeent , Xt wag eit Well that We prairie team. upon t era ag u e , 4 few days, ridillii.he made up ittte a. , mg had kink, octoroon itopo tho we 1 A.bout the middle of the tiehond dad bundle. ago, ti ed - h. r as hee wee" e Set Pr A lynx, lie and; ble ecten4e ba4 i ofrovtihmeoluraftibeghgtaiitliteoir eicanty store of himself to Walk bdoke threellir • the run ottt. Thls mountaties Upon the aole Of the Avenge. • hardly crouched down before the mei- 0 linellolr booting of a mountain owl gave the hunter 'Atte uneasineee, how- ing miguie. . "" tras heard. within a tew yards st them, , ever. for there was game to be had e Wilted 1 • 4 erhioh was immediately answered by 1 amonsgi,..thehentf0Wathoreendd he /ad Ce*" wee4;194 !itvlire 044448 htlahe defiles."Qw"hiGorhe anhe ' Another hoot at a small distance, At r quell- e ore to even upon hed already traversed ou hornbook, At his rifle ler the needs of life. Choosing night he flung ,himeelf dovni among the same moment 4 vague, shadovvy a sheltered nook. he piled together 0, the roam anti snatched. a iew hours of figure emerged from the gap for whieh few dry branchea Peed made ll, blazing sleep; but before day -break he was the I had been making, and uttered the fire, at which. hts companions might always well on his way. On the sixth platntive gigue! orY again, on which a almond man appeared out of the ete„ Walla themselves, for they were now dad he reached the Eagle Ravine f seuritY• w"- nearly tive thousand. feet above the which theY had coMmenced, their lill.-, sea -level, and the air was. bitter attd fitted flight. Thence he could look • irTo-morrow at midnight." said the keen, haying tethered the horses and down upon the' home of the Saints first, who appeared to be in authority. 'bid Lucy adieu, he threw his gun over Worn and enhausted, he leaned upon ."Wheit the vthip-poor-will calls three times." 1 his shoulder and set out in search of his rifle And shook his gaunt hand whatever chance might throw in his fieroely at the silent, widespread oily °It is well." returned the other, way'. Looking Wok,. he saw the old beneath him, As he looked at ,it, he e "Shall I tell Brother Drebbert" man and the young prl crouching over observed eltat there were) flags in some . "Pass it on tn him, and from him to the blazing fire,,While the three ante of the prancipal streets, and other ; the' others. Nine to eevent" - stood motionless in the back- signs of festivity; He *as atilt speou- "Seven. to fivel" repeated the other, male' ground. Then fhe intervening rocks luting as to what this might mean, and the two figures flitted awey in hid 'them front, his view, . . „ • when he heard the clatter of homers ).different directions. Their conolud- 'Ile Walked for e uratile, of milen hoof& and saw a mounted man riding 'lug worde had evidently been some through one 'ravine after another heithe toward, him,. As he approached, he re- tain' of sign and countersign. The lin- out success, though trona the Marks cOgnieed 'him as a Mormon nained stant that their footsteps had died upon the bark of the treda, and other Cowper, to wheel he WA rendered sere ' away in the diatence, Jefferson Rorie indications he judged that there were vices at different times. He there - Brum to his feet, and,,belping his numerous' bears in the' vtoinity. At fore accosted hinr when he got up to companions, through the gap, led the wasv.aitross thelields. at full speed, Hili3-: seereh; he was thinking of Seat:after two or three hours' fruitless him, with the objech of finding out turning what Lacy Ferrier's fate had been. . portmg ehnd. half carrying the girl fail tivevralr rinodzsepasioryr, wahoeinghor wiltinigohhissoiner ili re'mlearentedrefmfeersrha Hope," he said.; "You '' h'wer hor strength aPpeared to brat cost at from fifth 000 to $100 GOO the - fa ous d tie ee. , V, at grail opera coMpany, sing - fire, he cooked enough to teat bim°rfnogr °Pend". mem, rout asserts rear tno operateng ex- e • ganyed thrill of pleasure through his heart. The Miunion looked et him with an- ' -.Murry onl berry onl" he On the edge of a juttbeg pinnacle, disgteised astonishment -indeed,' it was • from' time to time. "We are 'through the dine of seethed& Evevything de- three or four hundred, dfeet above him, difficult to recogniene in this 'unkematt e there stood a creature Romewleat 're- lerluderer, with ghastlY white face end pends on speed. Hurry on! Ouce on the high -road they made sembling a sheep. in aiipearance, but fierce, wild eres, the 1313Taaa young hunter of former. days, Having, how - armed with a pair of gigantto horns. rapid progress. .0hly mace • did they • The big -horn -for so it is eaIled-was eder. et 'bet satisfied himselt As to tat sliP into a field, and so avoid recOg- meet anyone, and then they managed acting. Probably, as it guardian over a flock whioh were invisible to the ed to tonstonation. ' • 'his identitY, the mend+ emends° dlang- nition. Before. remitting the town the hunter; but fortunately it was heading "You, are mini to come here," he hunter branched away into a rugged had not oried. "It is as much es my own' life and narrow foot -path which led Lo the in. the oRPosite direetion; aed mountains., Two dark, jagged peaks Pereeiveue him• .Lying. on his back, he is worth to be seen talking with you. loomed Ohre them through the dark, rested his rifle upon a rook, and took There is a warrant against you from the Holy Faur fer assieting the "Fer- e long and stea4y aim before draining neas, and the defile which led betWeen the triggep. 'rho -,a,nineel sprung into Tiers away." ' • ' • them was the Eagle• Ravine, in which the horses were awaiting them. With the air, tottered for .a moment upon rant," HoPe said, earnestly. "Yeu `I don't fear them or their ware the edge of the precipice& and then ' • unerting instinct, jefferson Hope pick- must know eomething of thie matter ed his way emong the great bowlders "Me °cashing' down' into the yalley Oowpeir, I e,onjure" you by everyth' ' and along the bed of a dried-up.water- beneath. you hoist dear tneanewer . a few quulmeg The creature was' too unwieldly to ' . couirse, until. he oehte.to the retired home.. We have always been friends. lift, so the hunter contented himself -corner, soreened with rocks, where the. away one haunch and Per Goti's eake, don1 refuse -to answer faithfnl animals had been picketed, wIth "-Wog part of . tate flank . With' this trophy 13,1?,..' ' - .,, The girl, was pleased upon the mule, over his ehoutdet he haetened to ree . Vleat is it -f" the Mermen' asked, and old Ferrier upon one of the 'trace Ms steps,- ter the evening wee hneamly. "Be 'quick. The very rocket hotses, with ' ids ' moneyebag,' while ave ears and the trees:eyes." . . already drawing in.: kte :had hardly n Jeffersen Hope •led the. other along started; heWever, before he realized the ."What hase, becoine of Limy, Fer- the precipitous and dangerotus paths. difficulty' Wield' faced him. In, his eag- rItia. . • It wag a beWildering route ' foe any 'corneae he had' wandered far pest the ,.. e was married yesterday to yeung ,. one who was not, accostorned to face re'bber; i:Hold• up, man; held up, yon ravines whiCh were known to hini, and " Nature in her iiildest,moods., On the . . , . have no life left in you " . ' one side a geeat israg. towered tip a _44_ .. 7 ill whole he, had taken. The valley • Doted mtrid ine, said Hope, faintly.; thonstind feet or more, black, stern and t'"0:.." He wes white to -the very lips,;and hada itt wheeh bee found Itientelf nivided. and with :long • basaltic .eaunnis k down on theettone, againat wInch ' menacing, , mien his eugged surface like the .ribFf eubdivedel 4 into many :gerges, Which :112.1 e li?.d. 'been leaning.. ' "Marrisi4 Yen rere ey like oee another thet it was., t of some petrified monster.' bit the irepeeeilede to distitiguish one froth the Sal',1 . ' ' • '' ' e , ' other hand, a_ wild ' ohaos of bowlders Married yesterday -that's* *hat other., He followed one for eiehilie Or and. debris =idle all advance. impoeide those flags, are for•on theEndowment more uneit he petneto a Mountain tor- , ble. • Between the•two ran the irregue, rent, which he *as sure thet he . had ,H9nee• There was some words be- tel. track, tie ' nerroW ' in plebes that - never' en bef re C • inced 'that he 'dram Young•Drehber and: young Stan- gerson as to whtch •was eo have:her. . . ,. Sulpice: int Igo paesengesee eaohs so praetioae them, ,so that iMPATIENT TRAVELERS. After the 0°401u:don of. the Perform - Cate in London fee constructiug a line or timid oaes, eir thotle under stress of ance, with which the Queen was evt- busgin ama bteh wtisitied away dait by dently delighted the membere of tin; sod inventor, has jusb formed a theadi- on his new system between leiverpool tiuble trearnsgtO :hostel wilton"hani,e lyunct etunPanr were regaled with a 8111111414 - one dinner, and when this agreeable and Manchester. Be calls it, yen,. and leisure. 'The _genesis of this Ternisee tine is episode was dratviug to aealose One of hie chief of mut s of the royal home. truly, the "Lightning' Entrees Reit- wav, It wile regniaii). radio the dia.. most interesting, It is as much an t ' f' ' 1 evolution as it nety Work a revolution. bold came to Aynsiey ca0140 and: ree taitott Of aboat thirty, mile& ire twenty Various and sundry other singleerail minutes, inoludihir titops, Between sea- dlirn;,spelitatv•seetextihsete3dir.eirnldv.arisoonleanredesubleye rooemst,owdhheirme litoe.ritrizeisattyowthiseheddrattoyisnege tiona the cam wilt,frequently attain a speed 04 two masa a mi.aute;. . . . . ,rrlitiroupeortzttneseenatee,byheswteeavmerptwheer.iTirheet .,....,,,....,1 hi Th `ba t ' ' m. e ry (me willingly obeyed the and wee cordially greeted The (Mural:der, of the now road is as to run by hornessed lightning. Its ----"""", 'by elL the members of the royal funnily The immetliete Protittlpe is the silagle-rail skraage as its 'Achievements. trains ruadm • a single rail set several treetle line running freni Lietowel t° present' " I lair sr=aitil nIor:aliNit, wIhtsinein8gitt The Q"en asked MIr' 'eneke if he in the duet for Figaro awl feet above pintail -on trestle work, and the motive -pewer is furnished by oleo- is nine miles and a half, it has run for 'mad sins' Welty, The mire seinen-bat c6sembia eleven oyneocarersl-eoaddviewthitehetsnurtaathavoirngaaipeclas! altnodsintt, stirnerinne:,rTehpeir:30.4,1:,byereso,fyoSuervitillea,: a Igg_oblong bun, turned, upside down, st hnegeeir with Wheels eat thick aloes.. the part against it for Sad:ties, 'could aing it bitckwarde To Tiliis,ith!ougat jeshtY' htheadtgetideeitbeoeurst loweiththegbutildne t.harelanao it is operated by steam and runs twen-• welch the QtteensmtiblOY Said "vm7 ty miles an hour -not an astounding that it sun no ,iump the „tre,ek. along rete of epee4, but a very suffieient one under the circumstances which. it is propelled.; . i hlr, Behr built it as later he built V Work on the Liverpool and Brun, the Belgian experimental line. The indeed, that F., O. Behr, the engineer • they had -to trevet en Imitate file,. and hhcl taken' the wreng turn, he tried so rough .that only practieed. riders They''d both been in the party that atiolt en alarmieg impee.taime of terrific) aneth'ent- but weth the -same result. followed therm, and .Stangerson had speed. • , cheater read will begin wawa a .eew Liiittowel mOdel was a line put up by: built by Mr. Bahia ia Tekvuerne. near the ground, but the sandstorms cever- taillieehinietTilir drotlillte Aont months. The time line or the kitid tetra 'enemas, Belgium, hoc been in ogerae ed up his tracks faster than he oould lion-fer some monthso And- has' beton uncover them, so he had recourse to trestle construction, along which !stirs found to be : • , - weredrawn by' mites after the Man- . It crosses btidges,andl roads, ii -.circles 8::d Der of boats •on a aware Ha -tweeting. it Mr. Behe 4ecided. that it vies REMARKABLY EUCOESFUL. around short curves, in Climbs steep ateg it ,seerleheatievendittfeeeedeeectl. to Inrilt- grades; it enters and leaves itadepots steaan and tvventy miles an hour, the ths' means ot, what' eke probably' the traneition has been most curious sWitoh, • arrangemente in the wortd, aad it givee • its passengers a new sense tioe-a Sensation .of a speed Of proputsion hitherto enattained in tiny contrivanceeinvetited by nian for the. transportation of passeegers. Lae deed, 4 is saidehae the otirioesleneht wiaa.arratigeneents ot the (Rata:within, lie .earseyeae to:prevent" the 'fuli 'ef- fect at the aphetimace *matte* 9; teeeSengere. Air. eaya• that it" man who site, and :hooks, straight Out et a oar window • • Instead. ot..looking ahead as he wouLd' if he sat with One sheulder to the window; awe not get 'could have traverSed it at :all. Y.ete .Night •Was curainie :on rapidly, and it shite -of all dangers and.diffiCulties, eeas almost/dark before lie at last foued' the best el tm—r b t hen 'they Miteitelir his been quietly operating the •heatte of the fugtives Were. light nemself in a defile which; wai ..t t . .1 wp hherea • Witliito them, fOr *every, keit tnereased ,to him. Even thee. it -watt no easy mat- argituth counci ,th re le e punt. ler. soine dime past, and. lie ham . the trains on. this new line in Bel - prove that auch us the meohanical ad- •the.ieep ewers 74, 7(1,.80,•84,•88 9f Ottelt shot her father which se ed to give • • well, Mr. Cooke, you take the part of Figaro and I will sing" that of itosina." Signor. Paola Testi, who had acted as =tele master to most of the youeger royalties was at the piano, and the duet ,proceeded. Cooke intiroduced •all the familiar business done on the stege, smiled approvingly as the Queen sang the florid music pulled out his wateh, to time her, as sha sang the long rou- lades, and at the end the duetists were rewarded by a torrent of ap- 'haus& • The Marquise of Lorne then ap- proached the vocalists and gravely in- formed them that .their efforts were approved, and that they might both consider themselves engaged 1 At which .they all laughed heartily, Cooke slYIORE NATURAL THAN RAPID mild to regard this as one ,of the most He has gone slowly and surely to the .t‘irleasing recollehtions in his long and end. that. later he, might be as .sure aried career. of helping the world to go very fast. ' E ' What wonders, what transformation naay it not work uP in. the Kliaidike, : --- I raiseil hint about two feet from where should. the Klondike prove a stayer Every .TWeiliy-elzlit Tears. To* yes 11" h4 lay, whun. cat rope ucoke, causing ann refuse to "peter out f*".... It Seems • . • Voter 014 lime over Again . .1iiitt to fell baek With a terrible moan. _almost previdentially adanted to those _ . altitudes. A trestle eufficiently high The anonthli cAlendar end the year- But he was gritty and. determined, ' ly .ciiiendar, 'Of ecothmon years repeat' it. vras.great help to him, He had, a . IONBRIILL INTO A 11011E1 St.mow DISAPPEARED ENTIRELY nom HIS • COMPANION'S vs% Ilerritne 1,:spericnre aillestonts snevettentitePrItith velem- Mae teettliat *tercel * Peeler nor Pee*, 144et eitheMer two prOspeelors, nein- ed Barren and Robert Parker, were prospectiah en the Cbtain tains on the head waters of the Chilfi- vraolt river, When one Of them, Parker. had an experience, that he does not care to hive repeeted. .ffis'partner tells the story in the ColOuibiate New Weetmineter Itwas not at lifount Baker that Iteibt. Parker got hurt. As I am his part- . nor, Loan State you the whole truth of the Aoiddent. It was the east end of the range of the .9 he.am moan. tains. The Choate range lies eta the north-west side of the,head water/ 91 Chliliwack rIver, where the accident happened, and 1 eleall.,,remember it 1111 my dying 4ay, We arrived on the 20th of .Jaly, at the foot of the mohntein, 013, the fall lething.morning we aseended the Moan- - tain. While walking over the snpw in a deep canycin Parker slipped, and slid.tibeut • fifty yards before he .came to et. hole, where he dieeppeared teem . my view, Then I scrambled eo 'the place where he tell. It was aderrible sight do 'look at, could not see him for scene theta', till 1 puehed' my *ay between the rooks and the snow, which was totter feet high,. pad hollow un- derneath; like a Cave, where I daseend'•• ed and found pair Perker eying in a dungeon.,,I orept to him lying in 6 I could. 1 got Within 16 feet of. hint, and, as the rooks stood perpendionierlY1, coild. not get way closer to hiint l'A,CE COVERED WITH BLOOD There he lay with the cold ice Water dripping over him like water frem fountain. I could acutely see his face, it Was cOvered with blood, something most horrible to look at. I sang out to him; his could scarcely answer me, but ' seemed to have hie senses all right; I at once took my oat and 'Shirt, and. Ite luck would have it, I had a pear of glendike boots, with strong stiings: tied them together .yery •carefully, aad lowered it down to him. As he took GAL NDER REPEATS ITSELF. one end of it, and put it -ander his ernes. might defy even arctic snow& while stue paok on Ins back, lashed oe with • static Power •eliminates the main themselves at. the tegular intervals, of difficulty of °iteration. White operat- sir, five, six and eleveh yeais,-Creeting, hairs°ete;tea,nedel l3my atlinIgnegee toe! .9gnete hal:dere! ing "Pens" emrkt• he:light' the eitlendar sieele Of • twenty4tight off, dna farnished fneeme V; pall safe . te assume nebody would grudge =.1 d repeat him out- . , .' double or treble fare. Out -bound pas- yearn:. Our yearlY'. 4..,en ars ... . The distance he fell through the hole songers would pay hopetelly, with ans themseevee in regular order eve.ry eye single to Ouggets awl claims, in- t-Wenty-eight Yeats except, wheh the was 42 feet perpendicularterebut the way I goe him out was not se steep. bohnd onee • joyfully, to the i na no -i -ii - . lase air of' the century is not'a leap': He being a heavy men, I had to ,usei tune of gold aleeady in the pocket. Y . . .• good judgnient.. When:I got- him on . The assertion May seem at first blush - year ; them an ireeguler tnterval of extravagant but a little thought will mg or twelve years, and; in the case of , , the topel. disoitvered•that his left knee- • • cats was broken in tour plebe& and 'the • • the' distance between' 'then', and the ter to keep to the right ire*, for the Per Y -WM' a 8.1.°Pgar; '.8a 0.PrsP et terrible despotisei. friim. Which they nation lead not yet ideate and the high tave ;leer over to' hon. No one won . put. it to. the severeeit and most eitaet- eance of the lest tweety-five years, a ing tests, sueh as operating.the trains railway could now be indult , to arctic . . , . . h centuiles the regular order of then - around. shaip ourves, and of dropping than was the first 4ine to the Pacifid erpiihtitui of forty years, twenty- . .... eight plus twelve. Commenciog with h-efe flying. • cliffs on either side made the obseurtty..dertth. ' h fl ' ' •••• unier a speed of lee mil 8 11 They -soon hada proof, howevete•that er elm yesterday. She is • circle more quickly an .more easily - tynsight years is not resuraed until t e more profound Weighed down with his more, like a ghost than a woman. Are _they wiste Still Within the jurisdiction Inirden, and weary from his exertions, ff th " •• • 1 d th . them down steep gredes without m coast. he stumbled along keeping up his iIy• I •• • veld. wildest and mosedesolate portion heart by the reflection that eyery step who had risen from his, seat. • twig, built in ; FREAK MARRIAGES. will repeal itself twenty-eig ' hit years 08' °ft eau/ 'Ieffere°n Hope' erne road is three tik4es diminution of •velootey. The ervu- of the ' pato, • .vir.hian the girl gave -4. brought him. nearer to Lucy, and ?that the year 1990, each 'yearly ealendar , . His face might hake been Wheeled outt • the. shatte 'of an eilipae. That is to Dirary,4 and GliglyttO who have mete, joiord . , • . expreseitin, while his eYea glowed with • ea hy (stirred end& the, curves baying a . . ' T t all gentUries must, begin on 'showing, out dark and plain against journey, • . , dile sky, there stood a solitary sentinel. ..... eke had itoW come to the mouth of the • , • a baleful light. • . . radius of 1600 feet, . The track proper ' 'The maerlage which took plebe ,re - is a stout trestle , laid) upon ground oently 'at Bolton, England, of Cherles • • • th t th t 'Where are you going V' , eith.er Monday, 'Tuesday, •Thurstlay ok He saw them as soon as they perceived ver defil in hi h h had 1 ft th • 'sleepers. •Upea , top the trestle there • -him, Mid his inilitery *challenge of • ...e. d "Neve mi d " h r d • 'd - h i • 1 b ' 1 Setuxday, ts explained by . e Tao a, Morris, a dwarf of barely- three feet Even in' the darkness be coul reeve r n , a .answe e , an , is t e s ng e earang rat andel either • , _, . nize the outlines •of the .cliffs which s ingteg is neapon over is s ou er, in e or. tt, !pivot down, ti, guide rail. - . , years, therefore but f ' d ' . t f our calendar repeats itself ' every. 400 "Who goes thtsre?"" rang through the ' • l' ' ii* - • h' " h Id • 'd - ' ' known as General Small to. Sophia silent ratehe ' ' d d 't - Th t f ' • our aye ou o itartled cry, and pointed upward. heecarried with him. enough to insure *tit saY ' On a rock which (overlooked the tva. ek' them' food for the remainder of .their n'Arnie'•a° hard and na set Wail I In Wedi°eic. 114thell th° Y611'r 2°9°. there are two straight sitienjoin- • • • • steode aft .• down the' or e aed so a • ' • 'Travelers for Nevada." saul eller , • . boun e I er MUS he re /Acted, g g hat le not so very wonderful, bet God(Lerd; whose height (Menet exceed the seven can inaugurate et centurie which hung by his saddle, ' - Among them all there ivas none o f son lidtotevvitle his hand upon the /elle. .he awaiting him anxiously, for he had awaY into the heart of the mountains you cau not say So mucht of the car it- that of her !in. sband, wad made 'much ,been absent nearly five hours. In fhe to the haunts of the wild beasts. sett. It is a sort of doubt k • eo elo of by the British pre,ss, hut many sim The interval of forty years in the case of leap years Indicated at close of cen- • gladneas of hisheairt ha put hie hands . a about 60 eet. long, -and dual length - They. could see the lonelyi watdcher If v* f` d e n wn to his mouth and made. the glen re- fierce and dangerous ma hires° ise as welt as vertically throe, Ito t •and more renittrirable weddings tory applies aloe to any othe.r event. if • di ssa t isfied, at their echo to a loud hallo AS a signal thee The prediction of the Mormon Was its lower half. Thie double lower per- , et Ahem as ' . he wits comiftg, He paused and listen- 'only too welt 'fulfiller/. ' Whether it tioa hou.ses the main wheels, the guide e for s,n rin„swer. None came save ie was the terrible death of her father wheels and tne eleetrio motors, which rily whose. permissimie he asked. own mile which clattered, up the dreary er the effects ot the hateful marriage receive their` power front a conductor "The Holy Fent" answered Ferrier. silent ravines, ..end was borne baek to into winch she had been forced, poor laid aletig the traeke , There ,are four His Mormon experiences had to.ught . • him that that Was the Itigheate °is ears in cohntleits repetitions. Again Lucy neSer held up her head again, of these motors,. Weighing three tone • autherity, to which he ectuld Mere he shouted, even. loader than before, •but pined away and died :within a eaoh. They areattached tofteur of the and dgain no whieper came back from month. Her sottish husband, who had eight carriage wheels W'th GOO e ;or ' d I,' L Tom Thumb himsetf died In 1883, and ' -"Sayan to five, returned Jefferson the friends whom be had left such a =mime her prineipally for the sake. evolutions per minute each motor deve- ' short time ago. A vague, nameless of .l'ohn ...Perrier's . properly, did not Leo 150 horse -power. - mat gives a his widow await years later, married -.Hop& • promptly, rememberieg ' th • countersign which he had heard in the se dread came •over him, and he hurried , affect' any great grief at his bereave- speed oe 100 relies an hour, which another •hwarf, with e -horn, : and a . . garden. , , onward frantically, dropping the, pre- ment ; but his other wives mourned CAN EASILY BE BOUBL.ED. troupe of pygmies she appeared last "Pens anti the. Lord go with you," 6°08 f°0c1 in his agitation. over her, and sat up with her the ° When he turned.the corner, he came night before the bertal, as is the Mor- Xeside the eight carriage wheels - summer* Her • sister, Miunie "et arren, kid the voice from above, . full in sight of the spot where the fire mon custom- They were grouped there are thirty-two guide wheels who bad been bridesmaid at the first ,ed Beyond this pest the path broaden - out, ,and the horses were able to had been lighted. There was still a round the bier in the early hours of whiela run upon the guide raps aud wedding,' likeetige espoused one of her glowing pile of wood ashes,dheiee but the morning, when, to their inexpres- preserve the equilibrium. Thus even 1 e . break into a t ot Lookin baek the own stature * the person o Commo- are on record. • ' ocourrinie at intervals of four year/4 Tom Thumb, who was hardly 30 in,' l'er inseattee, the hresideetial Mangan, ehes high, married in 1803 Lavinia War- ation hay; 'March 4, 1877, opourred on. ren, Who Jopped him 'by a bare 'inch. Sunday. Thie will not Omer. again un - A. child was born tee them three yeare tit 1917. ot• fortt years. later, later, buteit -died while yet en itifatit.' had evideetly not been tended since able fear and astonishment. the door .a.t three miles a niinute -there is no could see the:solitary Watcher leaning tt his departure. The aims dread silence was flung. open, .and a savage -looking, epossibrlity• of derailment. • upon his gun, and knew that they had .paased the outlying post of the Chosee still reigned ell round. Witte his 'earls weather-beaten man in tattered gar- ' The upper hall, thehcaaer phreoephieer, swats_ all changed to conviction ' he hurried monk strode into the room. ' Without; 100 passengers, shed People; end that freedom lay before thwh. . There watt do livings creature near a. gleam or a word to the eowering partments for the electrician and con - the remains of the fire ; animals, man, women, he walked up to the white, !dieter. ' Iti the eleetriciazes cabin maiden, all were gone, It was only ?Aleut figure which had once contdined t there are two•air brakes, one foe CHAPTER V, ton clear ,eintt time sudden land ter- Um pure eon' of Lucy Ferrier. •Stoop. thwking speed, the other for actual - rib's disaster had ocourred during his — All night their courae ley through absence -a disaster which had embrace intriente defiles and over irregular awl ed them all and'yet had. left no traced rock-strewn peths, More than once I hey lost their mray, but Hope's inti- behind it' Bevvildered and stuhued by this blow, •mate knowledge of the mountains en- Jefferson Hope fele his head spin . them to regain the teat& mice more. whee morning, broke, fa who round, and had to lean upori his rifle to save himself from falling. He was of intirvelous though savage beauty essentially a ntan of action, however, lay before them. In every,direction and apeedity tecovexed froon his tem - the great snow-eapped peaks heinnied pos•ary impotence. Seizing a half -con - them in, peeping. over one another's earned piece of wood from the f moulder- shoulaere to the far horizon. So steep ,,,,,,,, 1,4_, ...0 ......, he blew it into a flame, and Were the rocky banke on either side preceeded with its help to exenaine the of. thee). that the larch and' the pine a,,,„, e„„,.., The ground iyas all seemed to be suspended Over their "-- """'.r. Mamped down by the feet of horses, heads, and to need only 4 gust of , snowing ;that a large party of mount. wind to come Iturling,dowei upon them. Nor wee the fear entirely au illusions ed men had overtaken the fugittvett, and the direction of their tracka prove for 1 he barren ' valley was 1 hiekly that they bed afterward. turned strewh with trees and bowldera Which ed had fallen in a &miler mime: Been beets to Salt Lake City. Had they tetr- as they passed, a veal., mak oarart tied back both of hio cortipanions with thundering down with a hoarse rattle c them v •Tc!tfereoh Hope had almost per - „mob woei3 the "hem in the anent i suaded. himself . that ihey must brae gorges, and startled the weary I. done so, 'when his eye fell upon • an into a gallop. . °theca, ivitich made every nerve of his horsee body tingle within him, A little way AS the sit& rose slowly abOve the • ! an one side of the camp wee a low-liteg eastern horizon, the tops of the'great 1 heap•of readieh iioil, which had assured- mountaine lighted up arta after the ly not heen there befove. There was other, 'like lampe it i a fest i val , ei nal , no inietrikieg it for anything but a , , , g ,, ter. approached it, he pPteetved that a tne hearts ot the iliiiee'e,'itigitiVes and suet, 0.,eti been eianted on ,iis with a gave t hem fresh energy. At a ii, II (Iv shoel '(;/, vo o,r,r orAirk i o the eleee tok torrent which swept. ottt of a ravine • of it. The ineeription Imola tilt paper they tailed a halt aed watetled their i was wets hut to i he twilit; , herees, will le I (joy par I ook VI!. A Ill.:: y .., .., ....r re, vw•vit breakfast. Luey and her father e (mid t • . )1,,41 .1 r r I ill, lir", lerVileren* III order to maintain such land, which iti to be run by wind power fain. have rested longet, but jefferiton 'Partneri,' o alt L Y Donald Otter ha 0 7 000 ' f S ake CIL . le s a $3500 cheer, A . . Hope was inexorable. Died August 4, 1800. In- - slovr down tor a cressin Atco din - d th r ate storage 'cells which Will capital of Eastern Siberia, Which is Parker got hurt nil the time I got , „ a aimed it would. be fatal to have to A large windmill' drives the dynamh I t t Chilliwack. We f f II Zol f horn, h t iy, Mr. Behr has rty' gted.--up a malete. • contain' eight dote' reunite tof electra c"" 6 0 r g ae ti e MO milee east of Harney:leek. This ex- him to the roc or a . „1. I h "They will be upon our treek loY Ude Berkshire lahdowher Veld $ , The sturdy aid man, whom he had s trtell writing table sold a,t the auction atruggled on through' the defiles and . el b le b th l' ' Y was no sign of one • LUC had been and a tobacco pcmeh $2,000, A fevietite tWO aectiona of the bridge, parting io, b ht i wig h. ean tier may get into a Canadian -Pacific spring waggon, And it, ()LW ht him to oug or $ - or Iowa t is eystem e r end 0 . theotteh to Vaneouver oft Det Henderson who th ,....d 11,8 wounds During the whole of that day they b v i th , oarrie ao y. e r terrible 1:011.1'81161% sevorel of the Admiral brought $7,000, , V mg 6 ram seerau mi, /impale one tor mails iijoita, At• 0 -- - • -, ., I • • • the middle fly up allow- tit t * use hia new invention not only tor tilliaCY dAtt-..TRIPLINEI DOSS. the sleeree of the Paelfic, 8,600 mike Wiehoul charge, and gave him a let.. were over thirty miles from their Louis XVI, Ilea iseveral gold enuff to„tasiLat,f11.11 snee& y e en ng ey.,caltulated that theY to :,fulfil hor original destiny, by be- ed country place,. 01101041E1 sett night4101 fll' 11 '11 L „ ,,„,,, ' , 6 --eY 0-.066 -16, eon. As the young fellow realized the thent of Mitch videle. corning 8116 of the harem of the eIder's boxes, the jewel etude in Which made extr• "our edlteets in the "'Afore to . An r'ngliall firm short distatIONS betweeedensely Volute away. The Limpet possible run would ter to the Iliiyal Columbian Itoopitale Otte et a feet eng aragont he, e the reeks. certainty of her fate and his own apow4 ttoentIy eohl several Of them at item iated (titles, bet for long dletetteee Gulf of Mexico, via NeW Irak, tiont- towards WS exPeneea tlewth 'Chunking , „ be froM tfalifax to Vera Cruz, on the 'flic tiootor, besides, offered him funds offered genie protection frotn the chill &Neatness to prevent it, he Wished *10,000 to $111,000 each, A PE41.16 hire Oceatsionally, stye a writer in tilts goneery and Melee, a iiistaneet of About- Ion for his thrice)sttolgtenotult;a7riloy studefteerr,:t1:0 Transeltran. deolined anil set oat. wind, and there, huddled together fin' that he. toot wait itting With the old ,ily ban iti ite unreal a doll valued through the eountrY where the haill- Clernhill Magazin°, the PennY'41ner 4t2° Mg"' When the wttiMth, they enjoyed a few hours farther th ilig Iitat 60.6nt rola/1011140e. 'at $1,000. Another Frenchman had hie Stenger traffic. in largo. /t bin line P1'0610" s gem of untionsolotte hihnot. (marten Itallws4 301114 016 Tratis-Siber. Parker IS front the trip. I, liht partner, throng bought a, poura Ottee_ter 10 ,,entir,isly, satiefactory, think now 'gouged from LiVerlmol to Mart.. A report of the murder of a Man nnmed lath at it will ao, et mon, it win he t he effwe ,etsts. 0 tfil, ghee:illy° glieflingtheil nhit1):Nirter, sleep. ;Wore day-breek, however, Again, however, ble aetive spirit 'teeth tilted, with dirditioncle, ocatint they were up tied 011 their way 011011 ithoc* off the bstbergy which, eprlege him $3,500, Another Duenan (Mee tiathe under toy notioe hi _ potseible to travel tiehtinnotisly by rail more. They had OHM 110 sig # 118 0- 00Y 11•0111. deepair. Xf there wets aothieg of pens, with which the treaty of V trip poesubilitles tor AM longer +meal a eith.editor'a room. " Th,41 Murderer," - frten Wahl te Port Arthur. The lat. sialPs, er tee nt to the bon. piirettere, aild Jefferson ROI% began to else left to lira, he ootild At least de- Angetie was eigried, for $85,000i A Or instance, a traVelling WM 111114tht wrote the " liner" °Waft elitt•lttly in . ter part Of Me route has not yet been I *tilled ht liehlude Prairie for twc think that they Were fairly out of the .vote Ills lite to revenge. Witif indonai- hear relation of the late Photo had a tio 0 to bed in the evening in a train in. eineet of Montt , tied )ttekily hfr. Pun. definitely deeided upon, brit the es- nionilVt min" ell* _ table, patience and perneVerittet, At. prise calf Veined at $20,000, svhieh in w 'York and svelte 11,1> Ira* ,fOr btu& can Una fie t6d au ma tunde in bia thnated total dietetic% wiD hot be Pita', dill' totting worse oli the Hine, reach of the terrible organization 1V11000 0110:11ttotbei had 'innate& Re totted not* threeefed Idea a POWer of eloeing tetae to ttitt estimation of bow Mee In OMIT, the mint Morning. It beak 04 ing over her, he pressed his lips revere ly stopping the train. ' ently to her cold forehead; and then, Elecdrioy comes from. a power house snatching up her hand, he took ehe in the Tervueren ' Iderk, which has a wedding -ring from her finger. ' cape.city of about 1000 horee-power. "She shall not be burial in thate, The dynamos have a working strength he cried, With a fierce snarl, a d bee of 750 volts. Electricity is ted to the i, 'fore an alarm .could be. raised prung nlieneetehltenti7 sPteLteeeehnietaePtreihaeitlYwhceienhe down the Matra and \Vita gOn i SO la carried oh (hind institutors, made strange and so brief was the episode that the watchers might have tound it feet to the sleepers. This contitet rail. feeds especial collectors, which in turn, hard to believe it themselves or par- ses& other 'people of it, had it not Pagiatileirewehrool4 othhaerome'r=ves add been fee' the undeniable fact that the as "steeper gradients than are likely to pc- eirelet of gold whieh marked her having been *bride had disappeared.. 119turhaosn jainseylfcobinmeenermotosaltrasielvivetriyeiy Atinn(di • (To Be Continued.) ' ' impartially tested under the eyes of commissioners specattly, appointed by u0STLY FURNITURE. -----"---s— --. Sill. SO it is worth while to hear what the governments of Belgium and Rue- . those big -wig official gentlemen say of 44:114116 Eillt44011111 Xiblobs Pay llotrulotill SIttela it., . . lleor thl. CIMINO; 41( me. ” "A. mingle -rail line, on trestle& with ett speeding mouey freely and cense- a bearing surface tor the vertical iitienii3, keopinp, it well in eireulaiion pressure of the rolling stock, end tom - dere Nutt, the hest man on the sante aitspioioue occasion. Two remarkable dvtarts&the est human beings, indeekon record-. were exhibited at a hall in Piccedilly, point' of the left i'rtn Avite .also broken at the elbow, au the wrist, near the hand, and Ir. cut on the back of the head three and a half inohes Jong. He coinplained of his left side being hurt inwatelly, but not eeriougly. HAD 110 CUT STEPS. At 12 o'clock, the 27th of July, this accident hrdepened,.. Ifeone 12 o'clock 1100n, till 6 o'cloek in the evening,. he had to sit on elle 101:.tv till I eut steps to take him down t. a place where he could get rest 1 cut 942 steps la the snow. Then d took a rope aeound his' body, and. slid down, and had to be careful that 1 did not slip my-. self. If did there would not be any -- Ono to tell the tale But God was on our stde, for which we are thankful. On -• the • same, night, it was pretty hard on poor Parker, und I dressed his ' wounds toe the bast advantage avail- • able. He bah to lie in his 'wet clothee on the hold ground without blankets. I had. to cover him over. with what x could find, grass and ferns, to make him a. -comfortable bed, with no wood The intervals must always be six, to make a fire: We had a hard time CleireIr years, MO at the cloSe of it. . • ei 01 • three tof every four centuries, on Oe the following morning 1 made irregularity in the rePetition of the - preparatione to take him to a bettei methyl 'calendar occurs. Thera may camping geound, two and a half mike be *a repetitioe of the intervals of six ,dvolttevn vt ehrey tildeeteoffeith et emoptzt. a ri nes; kwerbi years, twelve, or three day be an ' tenni of seven and fIve years, twelve, had to ,hut a,rope around his feet. before the regular order le resumed. but suoh irregularity la monthly cal-, endive ia to a period of twelve PAM • • No monthly calendar ever repeats it- self in less than five years. As 'a fur. ther illustration take Nay, 1871. •J'hus calendar repeated itself •in May, 1876, five years, load May 4682, site yeare. bet the entire calendar for 1871 re - and drag nim, feet foremotet, down the side of the hill, and at the same time to be carefett to keep bine oft the right side. But ewhen I got hint to the bate tom, 'there was not muelt difference to•"' look at hini, for both sidedwere black - and blue, the remelt of dragging him over rocks end brutal!. I must say he • was . the grittiest nein ever saw, •heiver flinching the least, I would ask '1'heir names Were Lucia Larate 'and - . him• ie I was hurting hint, and he ypeettatredleittesrevleftne .leme2 only an eleven., ,, General Mite, The former; when 17 would say, Oh, not much." stood 20 ineheS in height, and weighed at ne time in less. then five years, the When We got to the bottom of ttir A reorithly calendar repeating itself t20 DAYS TO Relit:011 A. DOCTOR. , under five pounds; while tha latter - was in 'Inch taller, aud fear pounds age oe ea acquaintance can be emote mouritain viewere bettersatisfied, get- heovier• \Those: blitesSividt syere 0, pine .ny asciertained by knowing. the month, Ong a good campitig ground' beeide a iliglotte ateraction, and reneited tile die- days of month and of week of birth. creek, with lots of wood, 'where I made thiguished honor of being exhibited to - him a bed of niotis and ferns, and tried the Queen, -were marrieil before an lilt- tO 00inforl, his wound& and got bale manse thitong of people at St, Martin's Church. • sam from the trees to apply to hie Tit, pews to the opposite extreme one LONG TRIPS. wounds, for fear of blood poisoning or may reo'ord the marriage of Miss Annti, An Mint ritevemeddeue eteitiniveite. until *proud flesh, • Swan to Captain Martine Van Buret' way Journey. Bates, evhieh was solentitized some 20 -Some idea of the intinense extent l'of leyjien4tiniegsveint . ftohre eeeentryeene , hioeittrsheitateteetaa and pub, where tve had theta caohed s nde a. big tre& On my return 1 ound him having a Lively time with nmseentoee anti flatte, which came near . 'Inches and lit POUndt; JOSS. To i hege • In, the latest edi tion of t he Call lit- getting the best of Mil, We camped On the next morning left hint alone Yeats since. Bates who, was hor a n se. n giant a,. reinatkablY wellenade man, -II ta territory may be Penne stood about 7 teet inches and weigh- frem the eiMrinenT' rntiwaY runs ths tid 278 pounds, while the bride was 2 are po.ssible there. • two was born a child; whiell, however, ta 'nradshaw there may he eound there for four hours. • • Onle, .surteveld its -birth aefew eitya. It e.n • ' O'n the following day we thought we certainly gave promise to rival its par- ("nee ' would make 4 move. We did so. 1 f. starting arid arrival of a eoh- enie thatit proportions, for when it tinuous series of railway traine mak-. paehed blankets and grab) and would came into the world it measured eon- hew ne a connectea railway journey go ahead, say 100 yards, and then go mem. benefiting mankind, then sure- piled Wi ill guide-wheele to resist Nei, suAit'glitill3:,e°rveemr et,%.rahtieeetmTrrtnqgeiheeas whieti eitould begin at Calais and would hack for Parker. 'the pour fellow wohld ly some of the European Millionaires derahment than the ordi eral pressure, offers fewer chat , 0 ebeeiga hiiteetwihfittlet in. hishsore leg, but deserve the uightlY PrttYers of count- wily," 88Yg one. A st•coittl comeld In- that which took plate on November 30, end at Hijutschi, the most eastward • 1882, at Iluber's Museum, New 'Vork. station at preeent open. on the Trans- L I 4 4 4. '4,4 asa44. t.0 ..,4...01 ...Si sOtratallagt :tligdrtWait 1.! tairrHa it less multitude& There are annually like) au eolnee'at. eingle-rail line %with evhen Clunineey it -foliate weighinfr 5714 ' Siberian Railway and *haat 20 hours' make a ettne But 'When we came to curves of the r tileue itomm ' i ' n e ' journey east of Ittasnoyarek -in Cen- eve g u ( 1 a so 11( , ' ( y g g„ newly dug grave. Ae f 1 I expended by- them on mere litturiee • , 04 ttpon ex.- eh„ eye. h i roil • le young yen- limes routes cen be traveled ovet nitwit '' " s -Ig et d pound& Without the climbing over lying timber Was a countless eums of the great world Imre tepid! end • f I h, houte they are the•nuest weighty C011- • trat Siberia. The lefigth of this joure • . . ' great trial. to him. Sometimes / -would, au. Ole '1'11G CURIOSITIES * 1)51 ney is, 0.4 nearly ss thimble, s•106 be pulling him by the head, sornetimea miles, and of this distanee 801116 3,600 feetnotemost, hut mostly 'feet first, it wealth. ddr. Sieldtell_.. Marchand, 0 ordinary track." iNiveedlothozny Esentglvisehlemeattneuttakiwore,r4obattehae LIGHT 111,01q WIND. miles are traversed hi itimsiau railway seethed the most handy, and. any way dressing case. ILI0a0.0°stillg 1230,000. of the Tervuei•en line he the method of _„, ' I carriages, The time oceupied would be to get there. Both of uti Were deter, Another wealthy Londoner recently -13th1.66ersein!rerlielebetrViTi tiblieto"41taYstht 6,6thalvrkhleaht b-eltenit ilinghWthiegstPAlarndLalebera,sEjtInst 12 Stays and, 20 hour& It is possible to mined. not to give in.. . , spent $70000 for a billiard table. Sir ne' tr vet lent rail as far as Irkutsk, the It took us 20 days from the time that eettends left so ehort a time before, was gone . at 0 Vr 0 101111 drawbridge or roads, This it I t d I th longest possible American were 50 miles from men mat on, w en g worked autontatutally, c wat er, an more than * ore. run ity neatly 1,000 Mile& Oter longest We arrived. at the Bret; rancher's, at the time," he -said. Everything A upon our Speed. 040 safe in Carson, , of the ef seta o neesse ersori ape looked. Wildly round to tiee Nelson xelics Ware anati011ael off an tritnacontlnental trip.is Canahda from foot ?f,. Ctliitvtick mountain. when we may test for the remainder of our then and this Was alI his epitaph, f had been a great admirer. When? e drewbrld e is • if there was a second grave, hitt there inkstand fetched $2,500, a fork, $1,300 Helifax, ut Nora Seotta, where e tray-, We atrive titre we pat Pinker in a so that when the train approached, the not blow AS ood Windmill be tught Bummer, in ease the wind doee ay before, no that Ine lest mush leot than 8,000 miles, which will .S0 we- arc "Seth of us in the hospital to, , little knew iir that. iron grahlt attlttddteed hietdi tIV6.1140. Whit* h:4 may tnnoli * outlet M g t worth*. would bo pe eddy feasible to go to .notittot hut hie 11,40 • he Performed in thout 20 day* gether.