HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-06, Page 2r • . • .1 s • e lifted the Out frtnt iMoli a depth to etand together in the tendOreet Hee of 4, A. If • 1111 M1,411011 •end the Servent ine• Omelet t itninially I c 'greet uretropolle, snob u is enough, bUt the poor get htingry three times each day, three hundred and 'aisttY-filios daye in the yoar and what "Oh, Yeel And I forgot to tell yen. they need is opportunitY 'to aupport You know your old Dame is to be mar - themselves. life ye have not always. ried hi a few weeks," Hew soon they, were to tom him none e Is seus I watch le of •tbein slimmed -not even, probably, - 0 People of the•Jews. See our note Well, geese It . " Tou bad a geod many, hadn't youl the traitor. ' in the last lemon on john's nee Of the "Let me see. Madeline Pieree• Obi phreee "Siews"-partly to diatinguish residents. of Xudea from Galileaes like YOU tell me, eie I I'm too tired to guess• ' eilionlecw eirlowtledd btu: three dfseeeeft, °Eitnliderapalvrtig Tinh•atthetr.,aleinethlifiaft8ahanaltenhar all to Pleces ife at once stalked to this table, and tosmage the story Wain' to readers who, lifting the gloves. said, with eyebrow* Mittegti .thetgelyves, knevirtlitotie aebormust a- . eiert your Mind -Edith. Barton." ' well, then, ' if you're too tired •to taaLmdioo"rAjz•ocevaat ? Won't yen let Me sake only. They came from. a poor " Oh 1 And ehe marries—" 4 Now are you. Bristol it" Cortrell said holding mit his hand, "I hope ,resuions, then; nevertheless., it was natter they entne, Curioeity le not the '' Bob Bristol, of ali enlen.„Old en- you haven't forgotten'. met" °ugh, to ha fathee, isn't he t ., . The worst of it Was that -EdIth wee - beat of God's *Agate. but it hat' hesk nea end:In atn0Y pra asoy.ul to the SaVieur ; even Oortrell had been awe)" fire Years g"tliolyjelaUgarhisintgo) eApreneter teo Wu:11;k° eget theselo ,rwItto come, to meat sometimes re- and was spending' his first long boll- the situation demanded a clieplay 9t ... . o day at home with his mother and ale- quiet dignity, . toward the other recipients of our him, much more than five years older. e ma_ Lreoar4d: inner° settle? dWe' e'asPI mai:Igen-Cot:ma' se .tli ct so y I ask again what amuses you i as , . ter, He' had come biek it seemed to " I remember You perfectly, Mr. ' Cortrell," he said, bowing id ghtlY. have received /such a surpassieg bene- There WaP upon him now the steady- ea suttee se t' fore the throne, "knit will be los pure Ude Bible le a 11 Ouch a height, You see the angels ha- effeetion will, euleite they repent, or th t' rs THE SUN C 0010, teatimes. CA-meth:Ms dinnere ere Well 14 ProPOSed by stem well-Megning organ-, tip and Giiiiree distinetive Manner, eestiseSateed. I-tried/A" tie the atMoinshere UM breathe ; tree nit in two diff t DAY S are te ids; if these REV, RH. TALMAGE PREACHES riori trent sin as the God wise= they. war- accept of Clarlirnand"those reftnie INMINATIONA14 LESSON, APRIL* 9, There wee nothbag res,ily ember A $91,,ENIN TEXT, ship, Holy hi the Lord God AlMightY. theY inevitablY Part. The •••••••• , and holy all the redeemed who stand text says -so. if you omelet in your '41110 Auelaita0 la Oelliaryt" ;obi 14 ing iu the titivation ; ember relent waa Mae aPPerent. The around him. thing, and epend all your time ' • pereorte coneerned bad looked at might have been different If all A riot* eitsteitteet or Ireciselle the /Wait , a as, Impenitence, you bed better neglect Islis Moldy* l'exa nark $4 S. Vonsequencettor Ya&V" oetlerere aPoken of in the text everf ale -No nerstees (serried Tlerolitele tee will also be Raved from all toil. With tot& heel for you are hastening on tos PittACTIC.S.14 NOTES. ' eau ass it should haste been Woke ucoady atoaaat Iona* lin the era. Monte et YoU, life is one long scene warda the forks of the road, et which But, while the girl with chorea f • , tic candor, ease onke the reality, trell Wes, for fioMe tetteon, Wine chiefly by the appearance, Brietols baps naturallY, reflected Cortr view. inised WO. No nerintest, Ne teeter, No • ^ , You ries in the morning no more rest-, „ sicimets, No Death et an, I ed than when you leid down at night. A despeteh from Washiagton, sirs; ,Blistered hands, faint, heads, aching YOu Must part. So what you have te Irerse 1. jesum tax diva *before the saY, Bay now, or never my at all. " A - few more days and nights of compose. Passover, And therefore tux days be- ionship, and that miamunieittion must fore his MTh death. It was probably e -Rev, Dr: Talmage preaehed from 'the sides, weak back, weary legs, bruised be ended. If thoe rithle can be under:- the weenitig of a'aturdaY, April Is A.D. felloWing Attat:--"He that belletteth feet.* exbanated 0133003. Sunday is stood in an 1 end is haitized shall be oav. wnoit tense enough for you to get the stood itt tills Taale'.4- tO:Iuenttobe utd4g: 80. after /sunset, and therefore after ankles elnoothed QUI; (4 Year disPosla er death has dropped upon 71:s °the the °lose of the ,i-Sslibath ; the triumPhal ed, but he that belleveth i not then and the strain of life bethed out a aneet rester on tea li„,,„„ a ne entry Into ,Terusalent wits made the obeli be damned," -Mark xvia-10,-,S, of yOur limbs, Manufactairers let the - inteeh-alillut-,,,A7Z,„"1.-it -',7 .L'72---1 .-a-•'" ndhid no-iiiine-d.••••LSI•A# 01. les existence, next morning. The passover we need has been a gaeatian Wbleb 1131116" tfc•E/irelsbgu°t. oluntyoonUritidnadYsiannttillablotd. itttohr; er your tell, or change often asked myself duri thew 1 St Yelar ti tin hardly re i - : _ ng a fires of toil never go out Oh th k ts Y. Or hinder. the ' se greae aneual festival ' of the *tetra There will he no ab ern" a it.' "Oh, there will be parttn "the f through th t , ur cue carried g, parting, east of unleairened bread," be- . three weeks, why tt was that God G a d broaght me face to f o ' • a e with defith on gun with the formal to this people alive, Titer 4 e are Borne and avers o g will be no rushin b Parting, -n his wey to the feast, fr en P ' the Atlantio, and Tat brought lie ink& a . heavenly ga te • There ' .---- At the a• 1 ' r , a las in_ ......e_ _ays, Caine to Beti;any peschal meal and v ught men through those . The old peo A a out of unspoilt.' - otgelent-seat of Ch nit a Iva: oaf 4:i:: questiens of providence Willett talt:e can- tetreuegog h'ilisegonisliti!ie ' no employer ' bar when the •e used to ' . 1 of the Chutch region- n • had no trouble in answeringss'ciod led No drudgery, Mit rest, .1 elf, alr-i11,11:1 tivd tune agent', out id dateeanif 1.6eztrutt was which had been He probatbly 'eexaea bey net answer; but that questiourI have tar lenvork of the overburdueiglehtitheseat!'ed" ii-itlderi times, I heard m:11tiii4teAmiln iliartailY before the Sabbath rbiegha: . • 1 Might Mine with amore earitiret, go it.11:t16°.thlenenY wh".4re Oast away dealre, - me through that promse in order that gylortil.' so in- guttutantse ap,odu dvghters of toil, I con- wilt Pares ed the etndeitti Was the • 4.13 teen, , there will be t . • • latry to this people, ana maYiGod for- raetretit place, it apireers to frora odrtibs---thIllisietTvlernt11. anT(Ite'lireeilt1.4 (71F 13biat, :111 and greatest of wonderiiteirsobileued: ti tbing'a from the historianalYino- ren of worat population ftTetargaoviiship of the described laisiltint BethettilYabtabsa and MarY, Whom Jesus lov°etit butr h bid that the process should snot have sedrerdaalli htrafilaill:°011:rleOn°1111 tomato, conssorated. Chrietiati-like min- y. tioavon oago,,sit 84fo foroet • its Pieper, effect upon .my sintil I have in ads l(tlines toozioni.lthaerx.oseole. ,The.re heaven agetel gene,. or will go, to No 00o4outonbetievere vistll go to' "2 • for•yeers had a memoranduirieboolc in ing' and tdpreaost klorittlrlonwOnseollt‘onOstohoeft; 'I" at deal illY-ana. 8-.11--eer tueY hinlidde 211Sintrilitahewt4PPanrd' g, jostl- hell, which it haa been any cestOM„ to put •str3it111 they get there. 'down tekts *Scripture from which I Tbere 'reit or they wouriciejoeolicseuti}olorictilical ahange, - eae*ig s'ame .1ilfe as a -vvaste of teadtr peweerrlivinid gte extieeted somes la tient. of these texts have . been- in roY mcs anninig Merandunremok not preached upon for seinteanesionne,worcogreriticseole°rntet sten yeere. Among these ie'the text editvioenn•Y g, a There r. a(lkte hY•eoniranee- fopLteill: etOettmer t 'from w.hioh speak thie Mornin °nein. ministrY for cerial subjects. cepurrnieilinaginel them itt leaven ex- sed- to say to me , that& this is the sub - ;have noticed 'that the time 'tomes in through with everlasting fidget, trat us mg up and dorm in the street, nem- crying: "Get out cif my waY, or:I vvill The Spirit of the Lord has fit ? Was it mere envy and rage that nig pressure of ,great responsibilities. Edith became serioue in a moment, - oue should live to bless so greet a for he was now a prominent official came angry. anti. as ehe became serious, she be« benefactor l', Not. altogether so; but in a large business enterprise. " It isn't very nimbi of a joke. Bobt• their ohjeet was, •as we have seen- in . All that he selvseeVen the faces ot she said, " If, you insist on having it, the case of the blind beggar, john 9, kii tit all risks to destroY the credit his mother and, eister-rerainded him Mr. Cortreli has just found an. old pair of gloves of mine and hap brought, of what he had been, and he found , of eUr laird'Es miracles.. The poor"beg- gar's testimony they- might affect to himself, steetched at full length .on thing or the ether, Just as 'certain as 3Iark tell us, in the. house 'of Simon despiSe S' but Lazarus was a person of the couch, wendering how he could ever I etand bere, and you sit there. Two , this leper, Whom we may suppo.se to considerationsns is eytderit from the t . . . . . • , worlds! 'I don't 'think ; that in, Ole. have been a kinsman of Lezatus.-Mar- history, John 11, 19Setii.; so that they nave ueen so trzvoious, aim pe joyous - world of the lost there will ise anY tha 'served. Quite agreeably . to her 'saw no means of effeeting their pur- ly careleas AT cortinefuenres in every- . cell tar the thief,' or for •the udeletin butitling, practical nature. Laearus *se but by destroteng bine whose liv- thing, as he had been in the dap' that •one, or for the anurderer, I think was one of them that Sat at the table. ing evidence could not be eet &Side, suffering add crime. The most ef there will, be one -east cowl:au/34Y of This suggests that' 'the feast was 'in -Ch'urton, • f • ' • diet distance of history. new' seeniad to 'him to belong to the Itobors of the miracle worked upon bine sa_ . . Sodom 'will be there; the most 'ef We catch here a glimpse Of the eaey RIATIN 12.4SH.A.,RETIRES , • • • • • -Babylon will he th,ere: The very Blume household Manners of the flews of Pal- " "So women pan forget sometimes, of the earth will empty their populas estine, with whom men and woinen you seea" Said his sister, continuing e lion into that place, All the vice of :t.o taik. , ., , • , the world, let locale there, will rest, antique nations. Veree 2 tells wbei • : . Mingled • more freely: • than in other The Itaalara's Old rammer Anent te Leave - Bebe thoughts wire wandering back the tegypiiiiin serviee. „ and loan% and fight, and blespheme. It •'1I be ' • Martha did and WE t Lazarus did'. Slatin Pasha, one Of the motit prom- to tbe pest. Presently he exclaimed redeemed, aild they will be in the pick- never get Out 1 a d, the efcir', it i g Y ment of. stitkenard, Matthew. and 3.. Titan took Mary e pound of °mt. - • Egyptian Sudan fur the last taienty nuta ndn tlziplect mv.olbsebienodr t ed company ef the universe at rest. with so much earnnestneeirl staend her: "BY jingo, Clara, I believe I have IgloY,ese e at her and Bristol stood biting hit Wlittlit is a VI ar ? Mak Ale :luta Soy at. that lor....ev I Be- naming the women, end their ate mission in. the Anglo-Egyptian army • say Edith is to be marrieds?" .11reell ester -It They will also be saved from trouble. pleading for yoer oh, to be in Mark of the anointing without Years, tam decidest„to resign his coin- something Let me aee. When do you It ta them to me, because At didn't occur -it funny ?" . • to hizasto put them in tbe firee Isn't "I hardly think so," 1 t.answe ed. " Perhaps X might' a joke better if knew -where treli found them .glovea." As Cortrell opened lear mouth to make some answer to hine Edith, 'ma up her hand, " Thie is my business." she said. "I'm afraid you will not have au opportuns ity of fully appreciatbag the joke, Mr. Bristol, until you manage to get your- self into abetter humor for that sort - Y \that did Wry do ? • ;peke figures in She very carefully folded up the of thing," . beautiful serenity will roll over the verse 1,1 you" et in there ou will • the' histarY of the somewhat suddenly „feet I ought •note to present to this people: 'Ile that betigeth and is baptized shall be saved+ bet he that believeth not •shall be' alarateeL" Oh, er • sop er and e will you i s drop ies ng is; us do can ./ ad3,rress you Pia, supplemented by that of Jehn, Mid return to bie home iu Austria'. "In abent five Weeks, I helteve." neTthhern itiphere 'Was an avirkward pane It is a solemn teet--soleran enough 'of limpid aluid secreted. by the lichry- in anything but worda.that come from raipd, ilitneerxeroziendg.wai.oll in ;With the recanquest of the Sedan be . 'I wonder whether I ought to take- for some moments, until Cottrell sat - for a Intin to preeeh..hile leak sermon' mal gland. You ask Mae *hat a tear tbe depths of my soul? IS know that This t e • • /something ebout going. . • you it UraOrrOW held in the. philosopher of the day has tried oin meat was really a distilled feels that ble task is_at an end. In' it to her oe send it I" , ' • ' -,--- - on. It is a' text, the truthfulnes.s of. le, and I tell _, world's woe. Male is a planet, of the idea, and the doctrine makes peo- cannot now bp eertitiely said; VerY that Jesus was boneete for they ate ells weeping we ere living on.: We enter ple actuelly venomOus. I cannot help co tly. To Other -incidental indications eleven yeartea close captive: • " wedding present I kuew-Bristolanite et Man. ." Please . don't go yet. Per - He has • well. He's an older man than I nm, halm -perhaps I may find something of • perfume. The word indicates a SePtember laat he wituessed the 'cap- , Send What f Niteddieg present 1;11"kaary4rtlelt11,1 solutionS it is the language of the to reason this thing out, and. rejected particular kind a pertu.me; what kind • -which. no _one ean• dotibts,who believes ture of laindurman, where •he "-Eht Yes, of count°, must send a said,. with a wicked glance at'the ,siern words, It is a text that meat upon life -with. a cry, and leave kt witik it. It i.n not n fight between men and of the wealth of the family•of Lazarus teken part in the ',past three .3oSers' itnet her • . , intere,st to allow you, if you'll wait a a long sigh: It I could gather up the es• it is a fight between mee and th - tlinesii • i e retteh down to yetmadeepest censcions- • . h - ' - --e cos Of th s Perfume maY ye operations. wench lid to tlie fall of the 'That evening chatles Cortrell en- little longer." • . • . • . . ,. Fiefs ef this audience, and put t cm trod. - ,• • . added. : Mark tells us that it* waS ne.:a, and% nivake ail your anxieties. maone sentence, and then utter it it If there is a h tli • Therels oo poetreabout it; there ie Would make everything • betweee 'bete Those Who under s that sentence are ItTif l'i3ox htriar Ijolortelin's if itehitadeteen' ' It was ea ?eerye;twkwaerd sietua.ticin M- oo. arguntent about 'it. It is a Plein andi aillbronethofi Girii sliuddedeer aiig eiis.t nway,1 wet lifoitinto pains X don't•'-cOntents; for this -"alabaster' is a deli- his many years' of , adeentiire, oeril • -. e a y, or rth., I am cath and beautiful sten ' th•e cahe vow vitae' as valuothe ite its to the quiet of ,his' native land, after g°ral.ves.. • Alse:rt Or: Claastieef th: Zar "I, Mee.,Tis' er • • atetement -of tie two ' greti, mown- a 1 eaven, ere Is a bell. carried In' an alabaster flat& so that Khalifa, and now' be intends to retire Paokll aleg leather truilltt, in the prtiv- owl" TehoTh prertlImapsailfidtobjetteird designed originally to -hold cash. He deed. Bristol could not stay after this . no non mussing it, but it will be, Thebes, and of• high price. Anointed . e, quarried near and hard/ship in troAeal Africa tons, eternel fads; and while. atenetinsee we. saw a regiment of orie unanitigated torture There a he jorutld°1).7f."1;f: lf,,,Z31,8' :gr. eglitrhetis . . Zocakfetedr taliciFlize.atidasttot •zilt, prr:31kt•-. / read this text itsseems as though I hundered and fifty then, the fragments other meaning to these chapters ithout. • 0 n no the feet of .1' a A000 din to Mark ' ' vie' 't d th t f 'S1 t' I 11 at the bottom was some •tisaue palter, 1 ter Cortrell said: ' - I T .0.. im,axes life is seldom so filled with preesing invitation. ' i . beard tiro gates.. just shut -the gate of the thou . nd men that went ,. the ne er-dy ng worm, add the endless zhvaeshtrhoeke the flask .ovexr hi! head. It min u es ae a 0 a in, n a d . . , , an neatly folded in the tissue paint' : Ralf • an hour a part 'of servants on special oc- his career in' the Suda.n•he'was ea..ther . the victim of Mandi ' were 'a pair of ver much 'faded kid " What did you mean by saying that ' as I atand before. oo I cannot but 'fit • hat y , e, t . must mean torture. Istre is . Y Of the lost --"He that believeth and aa' casions thus to and 1,* th h • Is f - $r n e ear o ,_ retinae the fact„that you•are the frag- torture. There will 'he 'pain -Infinite ' . , hetieVeth not. Shall is •haptiZed 'ishall he saved hut he that a ' ' liar reverence,'Ilary .: 6."_roid 1r said • Edith. '" DO.' .yois. . , ' /tee that the . text dieldeS" all, the eoL glinbli..a; -;.".4*.. *seen the,st 'terms?. ot the pateratreell took tint the tissee papers to show per , . - . be damned." You: merits ed jo ful ' - • been .brokeitiY.up 1 r swretehedness,o ..beart.. did it herself nd field' • irsi lied b Ge looltel•ilLePtlileellio?eanvr cigurred to nie sud- rsic3iicriearteA cipressive oaf 1•3‘tinffeeridg uSSCh. ",trit" ,..;;toripent," "consul- ?patently took occaaion, also, to' ititer.; ,Datfue. Provinee s:en• hnielelter rterts whola•biedy, even,to.. t: min 0;e3sfrelhyarilit Months Olilitlititialle" , , .. : ,..„ , . sat down tci . titelodlysitievtrliitt ThIet: ious bundlee a avorld et isorrove I • Bu. t, blesseasne is °e,a.rderi e aa* a lieady nverrun Kord 4f • • . Pie fn.. this' Tahernacle into two elPase- .our %old, thete will bp no 'sorrow in heaven. siron,"1.• predeced tin a I d1:1 -r firdiled '''" .-' dry defioltion -as %US -what ,filith ii I , -7;v hat.i.,e/. ewphtho tofe.ecsortreesth• which these will •autaposnal tinder, but'of a light, ,vola- ar.ftthat ..ha0. think. 1 befefe him, drew up .a, _Suddenly ee-belieVets 'and un•believers.: . N • domestie too .a.oloni eon1111Xerruamel his terriarty. . He foeugt fh. e et •tic.:. wyll, g :laid the faded gloves en a -little " Do you. rece'rgenize this?" d a e you 000d net 'sit beck in your. seat; las . ;Inv giti,..es,ourtherec.i tit e#ei, word a round, Mid let itela=iin-. to „think et aey • . I *it' inakrayiaddet dixtz.- '."1"8.. atuch heavy hayee arrttaiteerr .) saytti • have • to whieh would inake chithing uneomfert-: h until hie, .:aaninunition was gone end enairn rets*Vedeh s thinkiiteX -ant going to give you ' a 'ic,.. to this subject to seeff I Can measure stele s FeathtradCili t: ...the • ruost, of hie trOops. and s' upeorted ihies held a on ttie table, rn,ardeldeet • smoking .en.tai with sides • e bills of titortality 'which . are. th i sm or s-fo you might find something interesting t e n the gloves. . , m nts representing thousands of rep- pain. l'he English 1 ua . is gues s. As hostess, arid to show peen- . • have t1O 'basket -of lheologieal chi E; 'te frilcf14,fueti'r'aes in -Nei'''. lerk-a • andan shaped brerhat one the ladder, titit it dorelsetnot lethdor whale eoom wal 'faint odor oTtlielsglot= 1r:ides' oompaigo ittisvitcllearosaey:ratbatthin -this hands. Asi the Istwottuld pervade. the carry to You.. Faith! is reliance pc 3i42nbeednealish.vs°1121'" vva.ent.Sortimes fiasosas broirei1; the • toso°1?:•114,3 nuittbered, his feree ten,e o : tY onaetstoottlito- tante to hiss nostret,s f3olue, half • of • " By -Jove I" Cnitrell e'Scol an. d ' • bottle -re I have stood on. c'liflustearut ,but, in that great heavelelYinatieeigieag the. Lard. Jeaus Christ. It is a feelPin t, half , of tendetness, pla,y- " Yes," said. Edith. ''Youa!li ed. a to go hat% pushed , a rock Off, and it has ed With . the ..odor of oint- wati' ofterf 14 the sad'dle twentyafolit etuctlaseelehl'i over is face. • • • home bareheaded." • of sI caii7t. save intrself, but-ehrist •wilgl • " It was that night, waenst it- ft. • s e e or no food Bot the Auestion, is, hoW am I to for turnbong down, and after awhile ' 801'1. Ile slept on the ground 'beside hie na-' do 'it ?" -h do it -has done . it. T Put my whole mourning, but plenty ofswhite robes the. eeho.same to my ear. At oth4)1. Iscariot meatis Kerioth, Juda!a native away all my sins m d bt nay .feais r nene of meparation. hy, if one trou- great, that throwing over a• stone, I distinguish 'him from n the di neost heroic. One day a bullet shat - hour at tim 'th rttl ment ' be• not a single case of sicknese r death; net ono black dress • of ave beard, when 'it struek beneath, ite. Istariot; Strome@ . bee troop& 'and lived on dhurra soaked some .2n.; e said eloud to ,hiniself after we lied alt been to the min e' a er ' • nutee of brooding: " Itemeniber the .0 t " P . water. . -111s powers of endurance weight ,upon %His mercy; throwing of jity ; handshaking of weleome, " itsalshave stied: on it preeipice so town, nere wonderfnl, and id action he wes and "Simon'e son" is added to °u ble shauld attempt to enter heaven, have listened, but there came' back no a tered One of hie fingers. Ile seized • I accept everything that -Jesus hael, the shining' poliee op the city would prenti ed to me paisanally; and every- put it under everlasting itrreet. If all thing that be has done for me person- ; the sorrowe of life 'mailed and sword. - ally," That la faith I hear some -one ; ee under sApollyon shined 'attempt to ear, "I don'ts. understand after' all aforea that gate, one company from the what 'faith is." Don't yolif Ten hours tower woulc.estrike there bade hseiling of mere hunuin explanation . Would .to th'e pit. Romp, in heaven for all the - Bible says faith is the gift of God, and rapturei that 'ever knocked at the gate it in answer to yeur prayer. tle is but 'no room for the smallest annoys ready,, this moment, to explaln it if anee, though slight as saminersineect.• you will ask for it. Certainly, you are Doxology but no dirge, Banqiietting not teo proud ;to ask for that great Paula no " funeral baked meats," No boon., I pause in the midst/. of int' ser- derkeess. at • all ; no grief at ail; mon to give every man woman, •and 'sickness et 'all; no death tit ells A, • . es. n s , the hanging remnant with his other sound. I resuld not beer when it . struek, ,So I take these words of complaint 'on jucles• bet others also grumbled. 1$,ess. nlit9e . on verse 10.414S }diet to eut.it off with his knife and hands ordered the man- istaisding next whieh 1 have :Iasi SPPlrevii. and 1 throw Which 'should hettay him. Who afters. then joined again in the fightteg. But them Over this erecipiee, and I listen ward was a ti.aitor.' .' '' ' ' heyend the reaeb uf ell succor, es be to hear. tedien they strike 4the bottom. „,-,.. Why was not this gin:Intent &dd. No &dm! No eel* I Bottomleast Bat- • *as, he could not hold out When troops Sueb a -question, ithas•been geggested, and ammunition failed him, and be.was tentless! Oh, the remorse and_ehagrin Would astonish Mary, and eery likely forced. 'to surrender after twenty-sev- of one who has had ten thousand cite ;make her feel gitilty. •Thi•ee hundred en hard fights. ' ' • portunities of being saved, and• Yet pence; The wotd "penny" 'here etands Nearly fifteen years ego Slatin . was 'feels he is lost. Oh, tbe.weartneas of for the denarine of the nofaane, "the taken 41tO the Mandi's preseece a pris- ons wholias been ten inillion years in common eu__ mn Pahl liir a awokkinan)8•'oner. no htandi had dwell respeet begun I Agony, With its face scarred anguish,. and Yet feels it is only just ce,,ey, wage.,-, It...is not unlikely lbat for brave Men and_personally treated the' -Penny ef the earlY English ' was the fallen Governor ' of Derfur with with ages of suffering, lifting up both child in this house an, opportunity of soul waking:up in Oita Place will say I hands toveards the fiery hormon, cry- . e same ieletsve • value, hen( e kindness, but Abdullale An twhoee cus- t% as, nied by our translators as an tody he was placed, threw Slatin into Attering •prayet -fere faith. Let the 1 "Can it be that X am here? Will' inY fug: "The wrath to comel to 00raa I words be, "Lord, T believe, help Thou:ahead 'levees ache again / Sha It I never mine unbelief." And lest I should ' stumble over a •greve agate? Will I , maken mistake in reseed' to my own 1, never say good-bye to loved . ones experience, I pray that prayer for my-. again I Can it be poseible thet the solo "Lord, I believe, help Thou mine ! sTreara is past, that. the bank is gain - unbelief."' Have you all prayed •that:ed ? that the glory is begun I Show . prayer? You see the text puts you; me the temple where I may worship. either - on the right aide or on the Show Ito Jesus. that' I may -kiss His o . wrong side; and I want you all to be' feet". When the clock of Christian; on the right side, . Faith:is sometimes suffering'hae run down, it Will never - , an instantaneous ect" of the soul; This be wound up agaid.• " The Lemb that , may be the Very'rdnute. Let this be 1 is 111 'the Midst of the throne shill the very second when you do believe. lead them ,to living fountains of• wh;- • Between everlasting heaven and Nter, and God shall wipe away, the tears everlasting hell. you may decide as ' trom their eyes." Oh, t• would like quickly es your watch can tick. There . "thing dee to do from now to the is . the promise: "Whosoever cometh ' &IV of my death but to tell the glad . unto Me, I wilt in no wise east outty tidings of that rest provided for God's Throw yourselves flat upon that pro- ' peOple. I love a carol. a. great deal bet- mige, and you are saved. There ;agile '• ter thans--P-do. a dirge. I dent even thing, hewever, to follow, and thateis; like Minor tunes that have plenty or baptism. Oh, you say, "A- little water! gladness and that are jubilant. I am . . sprinkled upon eiy •faee, or my whole 1 a diseitde of the slioshine, 'I like the body immersed, won't have any effect 1 shutters of my house open, and all 11Pon me. T cari he a Christian with -1 the shades up. And yet it would be out being baptized," Can you? / hypoerisy-it would be cowardice -for ., can't. Baptism is not wafer; it.is a ' me to stand here this morning and puhlic aoknowledgmsnt of Seem Christ. I tell you one-half of that text and not and I cannot be a Christian without • tell you the °thee half. publiely announcing my faith! in Ilitu.1 If there is a heaven, there is just 'as X do not say that yoir cannot. I Can- certainly a hell.. Suppose I told you. on not. Slippage that we Were at war 1 the right side there were flowers and .with a foreign government, and after 1 Parks,' and tree% end beautiful fauns five Years of /struggle it *ere found in I tains; but I did rie,t tell you that on regard to any Man that he had net ut-; the ether side there Were sometimes tered tiny word of pats-jou/31110r loyalty, wild beasts in the jungle and of pre - would you have any faith in his patrio-; eiPlees °If whi°11 you migh't fall -would then _Or loyalty? ,You would say, el; t do that which is faits? Oh, what would have seen regiment after, regiment gull do in the day of judgment if it were past hie door, and he never waved his : found out that I. preaehed half the hat. t have seen flags hoieted in his 'truth, and only half ? The Bible Frays: presence,' and he never uttered ri I "8° shall it be at "le end 01 *the hum," atoes, my dear brethren, if , world. The Wicked -shall be severed we, haVe come under :the Jetliner of i hem ameag the just, and they shall lesus, I believe we want to make an . be east into the furnace of fire. There eXpression of loyalty, and when Christ 1 ehall be "Ping and gnashing et resiews His troops on meramental teeth, and the smoke of their torment day, we will says "I am in that army, • aseended up rot ever and eVer.'" Th:e and glad to he in it." Put me down t Phan lie the portion of 'all who do not as Ws of the troop. !believe ie. Christ. Whatever new have "All over glorious is My Lord, ' 1beet awl. outward exeellennies or ,tiharecter, and %infester met" ha9e 'e'en fie must he loved, and yet adored; His vvorth if all the nations knew, , their woeldly poaitions, the text dit. Sure the whole earth would love Hini . °area:: " Ile that believeth not shall too" be ditnined ' Tb. h - e . , "He that believeth end le baptized nilder this sehtense will go ttwee- from Don't g0 away thie niorning, and sae; it egainst the day of my burying," es .! artists have gone 'to "daffedil hind," eq. Iva ..nt, But there wee no certain prison,where lie was kept in chains for to' eome 1" After millions:of ages', some soul says: "Isn't it' most gone/ value old •Engliah attached to the about .(k years He suffered terribly wOrd 'penny." Three ,hundred shill- from hunger and. ill-treatment, ' and Isn't it- nearly ended? X can't long- ings-from forty-five to fifty ••dellars Was frequently informed that be would er endure it: The herveist is past, the sumtheir .is ended, and am not saved. of otir insney„ ugh purchising power soon be pet to death. Rut finally the five, or sits tunes as great--woeld fair- Khali& relaxed his severity and told When will it end?" And a finger of ly represent the sum( here mentioned, 'Satin he might thank his stars that be lightning will write on the sky: "For Given to 'the liner,. While one xe- was a prisoaer, when Kbartoum was es ery, end the following: thaindle•-peal uleinb'era that Judas` neither pay- taken, for otherwise he would have echo among the crags of death, "For ever!" Oh, those fir/el:mils will ing tor nor epenaing this luxurioue shared the fate of Gordon. . tiecet stop ringing, bemuse, the. perfonle, . One hears an echo of 'his In the nifte, remaining years of his eonflagration' will .v,er (loot words in metal modern talk. "Whys captivity, Slatin was alWaya under the Khabia's eye; and as ene.of km body- guard it was his duty' to render per- sonal service," and he •was treated as • is net tine eollection taken for home. TheY shall. be Punished with missions instead of foreign -missions?" -everlasting • destruct ion from' the presenCe of the Lo d from the'.• a8k8 a than WhO gives nothing te . The smile on hie face grew more and ou pull off your glovei hldw .a vt ai e:i. rat: ? more tender.. ,P-resently be sighed and - : Edith bedded . end t t " AlArdy Yeourewac , ,Ae i me. then -spoke again to himself. ' ' ' " jack stole My • ialclo man. ' That wtes leng ago. Yes, you got to do it.° • . • . - 't keep these things now. You've ' th keep -in pledge for my ' gloves." -a cat; *didn't h ' ' little disconcerted when the news Miss Batten r' ' . Edith Barton certainly- had been a " When did you find that old cap, ", , YAebs 0, uatadar,,m,eeaake hilm,rgitydeittht 'to? mide, the tires when her engagement !to Bris- came to* her that. he.r sweetheart of five years before had suddenlY .Made hie appearance in the town just at tol had been 'made:public. . She was hot vividly eonscious of anY it 0 me ?" • ' knoW "Of course yod were going "Of course" Twee." • honiuer tO send ttlio 7•3"ti.. looking a littlee Sonftised. "I didn'i '' By Ythe tweaeyr,ed:n'einigt •occ feeling for Charles Cortrell that could have been construed as .disloyelty to " That haS nothing to do with it reivir. giVe them back .to men':i• you wauldb't t9Tbhueryi•I a;h" 'burst out laughing once her Pince, but sheknew only too wen bow. reeklessly tengues will wag in a were. ' • ' 'small town; where each apian's-or wo- 6%11 hid high words after thitt, 'and man's-bueinese ifs the besiness of all, that mutual friends •with difficulty and.' considering Many things, Cor - prevented them from fighting a duel, trell's sudden appearance just then; their neVer wait enything in it. Bristol, after a continuous absence of five yeara was a sensible man at bottom', even might very plausibly be made to beat thong), itaseible at times:. Pfe made ts significance that would distutb the smooth surfaee of her engagement. Beale 'sort 02 au agelPgY Ildith Bar' torifor his exhibition of temper. There had been' rumors that Mrs. and Blit the Bristol -Barton wedding was Miss Cortreli would, Come lime or oth- poetponed in a.quiet way. It. never er, make their home with Charlie, but came off, The Cortrellsttatton wedding no one had expected to see 'biro back came off bistead, though not +until a in big fotmer home. Edith sat before the fire two days , yettt aftet the incident of the cap and after cortrell's arrival, and was medi- g'eve11' • tating over these things, when C'or- As for the story that Bristol and Car- ___,, glory of His power ;" 2 Them, i, 0, Put er e.allse• "Therunnin8 exPee4es a our a servant. Ha was (edged In a houSe &ell himself woe eminence& She was MOST TERRIBLE BRAKE ' ,,, . it down in your memoranduirebooks, ea church are extravagant; better bytar drat to that'of the•Eltalifa and it WM looking for iv.visit, not liaise him, but p a new town pinup, Or endow a: alentutely forbidden him to exchange from Bob Bristol. Nevertheless she e that you will see that it IS not I but 'Put u God that says it. Ah, my strength bed in a hovital, and economize • ft Ton Kul Itri Male the Hailtadryad yowl givee way, and my words break.down. . chnrch espeedituret, :But when the sion of his master. 'Like all the 'other ing him with conventional care. a word with eny one except by pannier. found little or no difficulty in Meet- . roue,. genic loam 1. I'eart only, my dear •hearers, call God oten, PumP 1(4 l/la ill) and the, hospitai white s prisoners,. be was compelled At 'first, that is. Her old friend,- .' There is •only, one.'heast that Will ' ea 1 d I • f t it to witness that; have this morning Le Owtt. et, 1m • la vas no nom.= y . em irace told what I think to be the whole (the' grumblers who . contribUted • the disn" end unless lie had done so he ,eoming to -the petticular businese ,of ' of 't t o matter how •far trine • • ll t I • Mohammee or sweetheart -lest but little time in trio* you down to avenge the. death , s e, n truth. I want to save myself. awl to labaleY. but the penele Ash:, had done woularnot 'vivo been permitted to live. his atoll, and it eettainly stariled ber save ail wit° hear 'me. "Del bear the, tteir 1:financial duty toward. the Lie was watched so vigilantly that it a little when he said: go, and that is a steike. ht that one to Ure • . VMS eXtremely difficult for bim to es. " fnm -very glad I found, You a ,. miniatered the Gospel shell at last miss 6. Not, that he cored for the poor; cape, and, though, secret agents from "Glad t" she said. "Olt, Yes It is all snakes,. reel the 'argent of the'poe • . . heaven, If I thought there waS• one lbut because he saes a thief. Any Cairo were repeatedly sent to Oradur- "ace to be able to have a. little° chat. • thong Where I have ad - lone " Atoreiiver, it. is the 'met terrible ot, here • de termi tied ozi such ruin, I would taonor that coull possibly embezzle , man to help him to get away, no op- Tell me about -what YOU baTe been come down froin this platforlri, and -he wanted to have within hes reach. portunity promising success presented doing up there." you end say ; 'Had the bag. 11e4 kept the chest or itself till Feb. 20, 1895, when be con- "I earl loll you about thet some ki * t WOUld seize hold of li (he stionge t Man in wo minutes, "Don't you do it. Jesais wants to he Wig in which the treasurer of the lit- trivet' to get out cif the city im the other Onus'. cortrens " snot at and, of course, there is no remedy. No gracious to you. Why will you eie;510 eomPallY Of twelve . -was night to the rendezvous Where camels present have to diseharge a duty, when there are so me,ny osaolitunities istored. Bare• whiat,..was put there- and attendaets were waiting for him. Oh, yes, It wouldn't be right At ono bitten by a hamadryad has ever survived. It chie,fty belongs to the Far fee salvation t" , PP i in. Revised Version; "HaVing the and then began the forced Marches least I wouldn't like' it if I were in East. eonious variety. Its name is the hani- adryad, A bite froin this reptile will Irwin olle Or the other et lbeSe 11,r0 bag, took away'wliat WAS put therein. n the la le that soon plaeed him out Bristol's pleat, De will Toanage, • must Why did Jeaus permit ..tudar to be of teach ti,f the KlialiTa's pursuete. Ile " Like what(' said the girl. There are generally two hamadryads worlds, 1, Which shall it be ? I tun deciding it itfhetinhertteisoitte° etniencell soon enter, And you, as eertainly. etin'enraarlotrbte GlItbeiug,61t,viehistobealatttd(ansvo, arstunt44,, has earned his rest. • " Thisr And he took a tisstie Paper brother arid sister, . ran • d. ,t decree it for financial abilities were at once his DAPPOBIL LAND. -0 Edith opened the packet, wondering, of taking ship moss the , When saw the old gloves lying paeket from his pocket. before:long .in all probability. Short •• • fess you watch for inyielf thie morning. My dear. qes te•r egi.orY1111l groteth: judas:a yourself, Which shall it lief ' Lord Ise way of escaping on sea there is germs* tennitation. 1 It is always so. You; you will have to deeide it for ettt mea -ns of gt ace and IS moat an- , there with the nitrks of weer of many for the snake•and elloot it. It will . Jesus, whieh shall it be ? Holy Spirif, OPPortunity bringe peril. Arii404 Defier*r1111110 or die charms or Ys.arS. age Ugen there, bat ale° mark- law ou for miles for the thence of Which shell it. be? Ole YOU great 3 Then said jesus, Let her alone. the SellItY Wands. el with the fold of m ollor-later a etealthy stroke, and you may dimItt r-yetra of careful keeping, a whole pro- trees or monntains or ford rivers, but thrum.; of dying men Ana woman, ;This was addressed not only to eludes. • A letter written by an artist who ia. eetaion of memories isessed before her 'there is no way of evading the Item - well mniii It be? i take bow of tba [ Others, who cherished' ho oesvetotteness , Oninting Mere ' gives an enthusittetic rope iv tesl'e bell totter, end I ring this .; •aOd,. planned no theft, hada neverthe- 1 aa„„ lass., q ,h0 ..:1.1 , . . • . went's., . mind, . She 'wee eilent for' some Mo. adryard. ft is a sort •of nightmare alarm of wanting, end this wedding- ! less, "murmtiredel againSt MarY be- 1 ''''*". l''''''" " ` ac t y .181Ancts, whien • hunt to be etissed 'by one, and when " What -ought ' I to do With (hero?". the 'chase begins 'either one or the bell 6f love, I run my eye ever all I aatu§a Mae. event monee on sentiment, 1 haves so 'far, boon roMPoretivele un- she, asked, " r don't knotk Ten mft, other will have to die a Rhin a day or "Look ult. table, lige oertlIn folk 'ImrweAnYeN ! littee been slow: id realizing the charm. you may i Matt, ftd• 8, 9; Mark 14. 4, r. ? ref': yelrlaet.8457104111e1 (1.'ittiyomult.7 1 -; -or theY I known to tourists, Even the English Not the least doubt of it, the whole ,se, The algae of tha slain' :snake never to me, all ye ends of the earth, „and be 1 thought sueh expenditatre crime- : . , . . 2 - • thoroUghly in keeping with ' the rest (ever of its companion, and him alone. r r ir own shores affair Wes eXteSsiVely silly. It was Makes a mistake, but alwaye kills the Saved, far I ani God; and there is none Against the <Mt, of my •burying With ; tn. toe ;somas 130 nea he else." " tha t now thie young women, on -the This reptile grows' to length of 15. feet . s • t she kept this. Or, "Suffer her to keep : but it •seems that, this, Apring many' eve of marriage, with another /Imo- sometimes, and . is fairly Pollution 'in a marriage into which no one . had Malay and New Guieee. One scratch (Civet here -should tu. looking ivith pit- from ileirliangs is eerlattl an I insittnt ifut alnico in her,eyes and with tears, death. . • . at a mae-who bed flirted with her . • five years haute. Still, sillyais itaves, si el, :: ttEAHT-WoRKRI) OVVIcEit • It was• so, Cortrele on his part, looked extretne- ‘`• " ABOARD SIIIP. • ly unromfortable, He may have been Two bluejaeltaS „Were once ovies. • wishing that be had eetit the 'old gloves heard arguing Ito to. will had- the lenst 'abet' be saeedo....not from the physia ; the preeenee or il1ie moat )(weir beingl f 'announced desettiction to any, one ex.' if onlY eat conaequences of sin. FutUre repent- • in all this ,,universe, The Lord deism Opt to the man that went without been used, and the rest was to be re. sr a Part at tile nintInent had tind the tvintet• -exhibitions will n ob- tined of sin will not eradicate them i ebriat thee tvill never, lice but ()nee, Christ. If yeti have not understood be- , served fOr the burial, Probe/AY Mery i, ably be flooded withpletures of the is- ' consesluences. "His bones tire full of : and iirii on the, Xedgment-day--the tore, now, ' in this clotting moment of ; kneel' no , more about . the coming i lands. DeffodilS have always grown the sin of hie .youth, which "shall lie Illat• whieh we; he their eternal eheenn., my diseouree, understand mei "Whit.• deitth of Segos than did the tied, bate in great profusion. ie the Scilly Ielands, down With hiln in the...dust," Job, se, II,' fitUre. 'that ,Iestrei step, stood plead- tower will," whatever his sin, if he ), its tree lovers are sure to do, she Febrilary etid Mareh are the height of The Peaim1St David repented'of his sin,* log Year after year for their love and hes gone through •the whole catalogue ; nuilded better than she knew. There, their himsoming time, anti, to (Lucite and Yet we. knOW how hitter, oval to ; faill' WIII turn Ills bat* upon them, -"whoeoever will" -I dire not w at Into' no talculation in what she did. It the tartitit'S letter: the end of .11fe, were the fruite of his 1*.e.11, d Pass out of their sight for ever,„ 's, ttanagreseion Of Hie Divine; laws. Oh, I 'illeY will be east 00 trent Ole °°111- yoftag Wan, (10 not think that future I Panionehip of sgIorified kindred and raPeritane0 and faith will take away , friends, nit golf will be fixed -has the physiCal consequencee of sin, if a I been /bred. Mae ray dear friends If his age may 1%, it for eighty years he ' Wae .14fcitte, not Mary, •*ho kriew thel "Tile Whele„ la. ---"A je a...1'1421ot? Sea Of by, poet, or by ineseenger , but then work to do on board a inati-of.war, 1 has been eteeped in crime-"whosoe er value of the ointnierits She only know; brilliant Yellotr daffodila,„ surging UP again be 'Indy tothaVe been altogether teat the parson, said one, will, let him come and take of the wa. that it was all she had to give. There' 'aeon grill' reeks and falling laank in ilOrry tO see that eppealing look and •Ow d'ye make that outf quit* ter'of life freely." Mark thie; if eou are many now of the same mind its' fOtilrihntate tie White WM:118MM EVen those swimming eyes. other ' J. . are lost, it is your OWA PardOn that Of the guests at Bethany, Who the tulip fields in Holland don t give "X -X don't knole," he staminered. 'Cos 'Os got no work to do, and 01 Man harneati a team of fiery. passions Yea are on one ewe bf it, and father and heaVen are offered to all. "Mae, asked to what purpose is thet waste.' snob gOrgeone effeets Of dolor, YOU 41 Perhaps I. ought riot to 'have brought day, to do it, in, tsrhis•hodys he moat ride behind there er niOther, husband or wife! eon or that believeth, and is baptized, shall They sec hero and there a lite tvlailly should Stand on one of the little hills • dont, But I don't see how could You ain't quite got it, Bill, retorted to the spade lino of the grave. Hies oalighter On the other side, There will be Raved ; and he that. belleveth not giV611 to Christ, and (Iscariot help counts.; bere and 100k actoes the sunlit fields if have kept them, eould II" hia friend, while an inspIred grin ils Ooni olay escape and be pardoned in he no bridge across that gulf. There shall he 11101111011.'" thitt world; but in thie world blis body win. he no 81002/111110 across it. 'Tour mistake, a weete, Ioss. Thel you want to 8e6 the loveliest thinge "Icall. might have burnt film, might- 111011110d his feattires. Xt ain't 'the pl (Heine Answer Ile ',reweave such a in the world; yst, sonlotimos t think la yen?' Edith mud, with a rather son, it's the Cap'n o' Marines, . the flower -drifted land igt more luittlie MisehieVous 810211e. . cannot- eseape„My text hos reference .-0$ OS W..1 .0 W...e .ng-tuoy more . fl Oaf ii h 1-1 n: etr• MAU ENCOURA,GEMENT. ' sacrifice, judged by wordly prudences light; and, daytime or nighttime, the oulekly. - I give you my word, Miss wol)rltwbstothattot,t an all day to do Rill; i01 MO futUre world:* "Ito that believ. and More holy, you more and more Doubtful Party to gentlemen. Oen iiiieninvjur:iticidie,tios, but these have done whatl tiful under Mootilight than in the day. "So I ntights" Cortrell answered Wal, as you sat, the parson's got no nth end is baptised shall be Bayed; he s,intUl. "%righter joys hovering ever you, assist me, air to a triflet I'm a ' er-• otan he saved from all the conseguene- theini thicker- darkness frowrang Itt). estranger in a strange land, 15,000 miles .3,011. leristotbbt, frrretoli,W010$ 3;:uhcavIebf‘itheittill straight front ArabY the bleat.° ea Of itin. 'Ile bOdy, ret0fultrueted, On you. Then you will think of the from home. air is annotod Mt though it blew Dartort....I beg you to believe rdee-I diTtantidte titilitpttro' totadrainieet ir loltdhpian; ttln will be phre and healthy; the soul will thne 'when you. sat in the bootie of God Gentieman, My is a duty that ean be any that attend- agielre ttlitingitlittittofeintehaerticy. witit_whioh Lewtimit o' ntrines to lolly 'int to do heaven tauntingly; "Why, the last gether, when you mingled in the /none rtovor say to snothsr inhabitant of re en You walked the path of life to.. Doubtful Party Australia, Gentleman naititne him a copper, i gifts or enotione; they are constentlY ,Synipathetie Primed - Your health „irresistible litaatillealli ‘Vklete 14! ed to; but therefore to relieve them one ieshould not depend upon exceptional Edith burst into &hearty *-*Ii;.',i0N BATHS. tiln's I saw You You were' in a gantb. Jos's, %Awn Son Welit ny'srStho salne gew do you ever expeet te set hiusk I with you, and you. should be conetantly apreflow te, wive improved gwatly of letiele tvleirhsCortrell was not long tn z. to, . ,. I dollar 1 ask ofperfunat for their relief be, free; 0110 11111AbliAllt Ot ItOa000 tofether, You rvill think of the lfine your hotel THAN MEDICINE. that ACOOMpattled the explanation were saloon_ in Ifoston or in tt loworlace taves. and the Same struek there', reltevinf them The gilt of tt fifty. ince. toknyt np. ut at that Mottlent the onion the are Potatlar in the 11.' eet thie was wild and the, ingenious blush lit! . „ in Now York, Wh'at are you oing eare Of both of yott at the ilardie Do bit* Party, balaneing the Penny ' here t There Will be sto referent/it tbrin, Oht it le an overwhelming. don't die better than tbia, ho as availing as tbeS 05. of anions strangers who didn't C4011107 do" 41 the "°13i Where tile" tW°10°Od tap arid left to soak lat Water half an , gloves) hour. The bath it my rotrtottog, ths psst, *ate to extol the stool that thought to no "that etterdi wbo &tow I evosa Pll have to Walks - in talk to me about IL • . lanishing °ter an old pair of Chrietmas dinner to all t_he.potor convaievent„...y..a.a, rte bean oft strsot deer Wed opened, and then the Indies. Three or four lemons aro cut • or`r• . 1, r, ' e hi g a 1. 1 1