HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-04-06, Page 1A YEAR IN ADVANCE, VOL, XXI OLIN TON . ZNDOPO.W.DRIN'r 3114p PlaZTO§',-.YRUTRilL NOTOLM CLINTON HURON COUNTY ONT., THIAISDAY, APRIL 6, 18991 ORD. W. Jm MITCHELL, EdlitOv WHOLE NO. 1,060 The News -Record Invites Comparison With Each and All of the Newspapers of Huron County. What T t.ap,47, 11; for a thing is important, trot whaP. ' you get in return for your money is ten times more important,. It Mite you $1 to have your wetch . cleaned here, but remember it is , do e'right and -guaranteed to give rrie-aatisfoction or we re, you your money, ' ]ttComte YOU „Madding, to call and: inspect our new and Up-to-date Steck of Watches,Clo eke,. Jewelry and Silverware. And. w hen yiitt buy here you are sure to get . the best goods in the market, for ' ' tour money. When will you be in? e4ceavo.eoteciepeeeeeoe,e THE LADIES LOVE rilEM )1-.1 Jeweler and Expert Watch Repairer. •41.' QVAILITT PIOGN are working for us. .For the next ten days we vill offer. aline olQua,rt Jugs at 15 cents th,,at. are .welt Worth 25 cents. We bought!alarge quantity Of thera at a price that enables us: to sell for 15 dents the best Jug that has'ever been. offered for :that money, they can be 'seen in our north WindoW.... Have you tried our Happy . . Houle Soap; af not get•a quar- tet's - ,worth the next timeyou are out .of soap .and try it. Just, think 8 5cent bars for s.,.. 25-:ecnts., • XTP -TO -DATE CASH GROCERY.' ------11g11- COOPER & EJ Clinton cash paid for Butter and. Eggs and u tied Apples.. Phone 23. 1 • Next to saMples of dry goods .and dresses, ladies 'eye Wall' 1-Pirper-Sainple6;----We iniVe heard almost as many adjectives and Oh% and Ah's over our line of • lovely Wall Designs, as one corn- • manly hears About baby's new. ' tooth: • . g The ladies, say our 'asSortnzent ciis litrger•and priees lower: than they have .seen elsewhere. You wont makea taiistake if you. select your Wall Paper front nee c stock. c TWO sets of samples (one down tie stairs, the other in our spacious Wall Paper Department). All paper trimmed -(properly) without extra charge., • Ir.:LIKE A COAT The need of having glasses that. lj fit the eye like a coat fitsthe back, the need of wearing lenses prop - (At erly centered to the eyes, all are t Absolutely, necessary for the pre- vention of thet most precious of all senses, the sight. We have no old fogy ideas, but adopt t he latest and best methods In our fitting and examination. No charge for testing. Spectacles as • low AS $1,00. Money back if not satisfied. )) is 1) Moving& Mr, Pairlie Dismissed. . Mr. W. fl Beacom, wbo has moved Rev. Mr. Feirlie. formerly rector of in from Goderich township to engage St Paul's church, Clinton, haft been in the grocery business with his father, dismissed from the superintendency Of Mr. Thos. Beacom, has taken the resi- -Aimee • lately occupied 11. Mr. Harry an Indian School in Manitoba, a nog: tion he has filled fee about three years. Young, Tun Nnws-Rnoono Welconaes Mrrail,lie1s a pronounced Conserve - Mr. and !Mrs. Beacom and expresses tive and it is supposed that :politics is the hope that their residenpe in Clinton the real reason for his (Matisse', may be long and pleasant .--Mrs though others will be given. It will be Carter of Victoria" street has , moved remembered that' a year or so ago he • refused to allow /Arad Tarte to, take liquor upon the Sohool grounds. • Like- ly enough the preelent action is Israel's - way of getting mien, that being • the Sort of statesmanship in which he excels. A Present tor Mr. Swallow. • London friend sent Mr. George Swallow" a trio of Black javes the other day. Theyate flne-looking birds and the cockerel weighs eight pounds, five ounces, The .Tava,s are a hardy breed of fowl., will Stand very severe, weather and mature early Mr Swal- low had been thinking of making. a :purchase of Javas•for some time, so the present.was most appropriate.' Speak- ing of • chickens calls to mentet7 an ,ext Me which appeared a, few days ago in an .American journal of a -bright •Yankee who has a $69,000 incubator plarit in which he hitcher; Out 269 Chicks every day and sends 250o2 them as broilers to A ready. 'market. ' It is !clairried-thet his 'enterprise nets him. $25,000a year. - seteke of Song. into " Mr. S. Pike's house, • near the Q. T. R. depot. --•-.-Mr. Frank Clatvvor, thy is tnoving into the residence lately occupied by Rey, P. J. Murduck. Mrs, T, 9.'.Doherty has rented Are Knox property on Orange street and moves in this week. QueenEsther. • This splendid' drama in song in 'five acts and ten scenes will be produced in Clinton with full dramatic action in costome by local talent, under the management .and direction of pref. Ilenry Trott, late of Ann Arbor, Mich. Music, costiunes and everything fur: .nished-freeof-charger. -Prof.---Trottra, singer of experience, who hatidust pro- duced this work with great success in Parkhill, Forest and elsewhere, has been a" pupil of Prof. Stanley of the univetsity•et Ann Arbor for over two veers and hititssisted in the produc- •tion of Wagner's -"Lohengrin",liandel's i 'Messiah", Berlioz' "Damnation of .h -Faust; etc, .Invitittimie will be issued _ to ,thirty-five cr. forty choristers in a ' few dais. • ' 0 vestry clerk and 1VIestire. IPovey, RMonday, the , H, F. Parke,' presented' his arieual report of the work done during the past year arid Of the pz•esent condition of the clock. After serviee the rector, Rev. J. day p. tn.. Divine service was held in tendanee is almost as high as here was held In St, Peul's chuith on Thurs-' the,S. 5, room coinmencing at 7.3Go': i3arisli.., Though, by death end r - Vestry Meeting. tnoyals, the &potation of the par' h has der:eerier:I:1 at least twenty per c nt. during the past two years, yet tie ill - The regular annual vestry meeting i •occasion of the Sunday The financial condition is bett r and the number of cotnronnicents / largely increased. The report was meg, antis - he preached by the orchestia as factory and showed Vaal, the church can was in flourishing conditiere Immo- well as by the pulpit." diately afterwards the 'Vestry meeting gaireabety a a Anniversary. Was held, when Messrs.; W. J. -Biggins ' 'The interior of old Rattenbury street , 1 and S. .0. Plummer Were re-elected 0. B. Hale, F. Herman Methodist church presented. ir: veryr Pretty appearance last Sunday''and church wardens, Mr. deo: Stewart Q Worthington, ,, School anniversary.' Superintendent M E. Archibald and 8. -Lawrence Were .mannliag. and his colleagues had been The/Easter song seryice in the. 011ie, rhistreet ' Methodist church" last Sun-. dayieyeeing was largely attended, the cherch being filled to ita utenost•capa- city. The four hymns sung by the congregation, the four anthems, two solos and two quartettes sung by the 'choir were most beautiful. and appre- priate poetic ' presentations of that grand and irispiring gospel fact, "The 'Resurrection of Clarke," The .manner, in Which; the varied musicelcon3pbsi- tions were rendered was evidence of the superior ability arid culture. of the Choir.. The devotional spirit which pervaded the large esserribly justified the remarks of. the pastor; 'the Gospel • CLINTON. :it' creloosneeeeeetee‘eeeea THE TWO AA'S. • Our business has chiefly been Ordered Clothing with the exeeption of Reedy- . Made Pants, Overalls and Ready Made,, Overshirts, We he ve often been asked' h a tit d in rder to accom- enodate our customers had to.put in a .few lines of Ready-Mades. We do not purpose making an more. profit on a sideline out of the ordinary run of our trade. To see the latest in Hats inspect A. J. Morrish s sLock . Don't buy till, you do SO. An inspection will •convince you not only that he has what you want but •that his prices suit the times and the good quality of the goods lie sells. . His Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, etc., Etre also supe- rior goods at taking prices. forac e psi o these than win pay t e freight, as it is The first price is $5 for a Man's Sta generally sold at $7. . The second price is $5.50. This ' ' suit would be cheap enough at $7,50. The thh d price $7. This sucit is rade out of all wool Halifax Tweed an., will givelle worth of wear: . - The fou all a ndlrttt prieein the Ready- Madee is $8 and it is -really?, nice suit, neatly cut and well made, good trim- mings and got op in the best 'Style, jr forne houses tveuld charge you $12 it. mThe Jrdered Clothing season is in full swing, ' All the Tweeds are in and we have the best line we have over had. X t71,9 g AL 4., . Zollowa CLINTON. •ax., CLINTON, \vvig B.V111E Our sto (erS Fits elected sides-men.At a congregationgd meeting convened at, the close, Mr. S. Ransfordwas elected as the lay represen- tative to Synod. • • . Oh, do I hear some one say, I don't think I shall go near you, I do t want fits. Oh, yes you do. Y u like Your Coatand your Pants o fit and you like a nice easy fitting Spring Overcoat. Your Rat won't look well if it don't flt. That is the kind of fits we give our customers and guarantee good fits or no sale and you earl then give no the othei kind of , Give us a trial tc you out in p. nice Spring Suit. You will be more than pleased for we make a -specialty of givMg better values and better fits than any house in town, vire are practicartailors and On fit a giant or dwarf ti of the evening Wati spent in the per. Ot. °won of Auburn, Titer ete JUAt The estate of the late Geor Xraelt. voice An a ent for a fltm which and best of all our prices Svill • lit your locket book. In the lerManee of feller tnetthee Ana drills. such a coup e e been ter ae wag sold by auction on TuesdaY. manufactures crushera •was present I h b f g Colkglate At Home. The CollegiateInstitute Literary Soc- iety had .ti, fitting termination to its very successful teem in the "At Home" given to US Menihers on Thhrsclay evening last. The asseinbly hall was the place of meeting and was prettily decorated with flags and bunting. The evening's amusement began with ape°. Inenade participated in by all, the mue sic being furnishe . lases Howson /.1,-hrIVI stud Stewart. Afterthe promenade' Mr. W. S. Turnbull on moticlin took the chair for the evening. After de- livering a short address he called upon Miss Armstrong for an instrumental. which vvas skilfully rendered and kind- ly applauded. Mr. W. Passmore was next called upon and responded in it short but humorous speech ; following which Miss Houston brought ,forth ranch leughter and applause by a very amusing recitation. The next to take the platform was the echool's popular egoist, Mr. Jas. Thompson.. He sang impromptu an old favorite in his usual good form. Following this Miss Ship- ley sang and .received much merited applause. Mr, Kelly,,secretary of the Literary Society, was called upon and in responding began in the titnehonort ed custom of being reminded Of astory. He also spoke of the formation ofthe Society ascribing its successful main. tenance to its energetic president. Mr. °allele spoke in the same attain, di- lating upon the good the Society had done in promoting a teste for good li- terature. The chairman then called upon the teachers, of whom therewere three present, to contribute to the even- ing'sentertainment, MiisPat-Teerespon-. (led in a few well chosen words and was followed hy Mr. Treleaven who pleased all by his witty sayings and en- tertstning Aeries. Pollowing, Mr. Mc- Lean spoke at some length, warmly praising thestudents for the commend. able interest shown in literary mat. ters, At this juncture ludch Was see. ved and all partook of the good things the young leaks of the sehoollttow so well how to' prepare, The remainder looking forward to Easter with a good deal of pleasure, and some anxiety, but they ere frilly gratified now •as,it was one of the most sticcessful services that has been held in town. Rev., James Livingstoneof Windsor, an old Pastor of the church, preached to the children in the morning, addressed a mass, meeting in the afternoon, and gave an excellent sermon in the evening. Much praise hes been given the school for the eutertainnicirit of Mmiday-evening. •Ib was in the form of a cantata, which was entitled "Mary of 'Bethany," the chief pertbeing. taken by Miss Cun- ningham, Miss Soiree, Miss Davis. and Mr. Sibley. The music was classical and gave the young People ample op - port unity to shirr the training of their. leader, Mr. Sibley. There were about fifty voicessin the choruses. 4.1iter Locals. The members of the Le Roy Club had themselves photographed by Mr. Foster on Good Fricley.--Miss Mabel Harland enterttAined a number of her friends on Tuesday evening.—The A. O. tr. W's had an initiation Tuesday night and several more applications re- main .to be acted upon. Organizer Nixon, who has been talking up the good points of the Order, left on Tues- day to lend his assistance to another lodge.—Master Willie, the four-year old scar Of Dr. Gunn, gipped off front home on Tuesday afternoon and hoard- ed. the train for Seaforth. When the conductot, asked him his newer, he re- plied : "Pm young Dr. Gunn of Clin- ton," He retittned heme on the nexe train. --,-Mr. Ed. Haat is getting the material ready for repairs to his cot - tap on Queen street.—The W. M. S. of Oatario street. Methiidist ehurch will meet Tuesday next at 3 o'clotk at the home of Mrs. jimor.--Mr. George Swallow has chlekens which, hatched on February 4th, weighed -eleven 0110. ceS at five weeks. --Davis 4 111cOool had a misfortune happen one of their best horses on Monday, The entitle'. slipped upon the icY road_and_ broke its hip bone. It is bow under Or. ritadkall'A Care who Will he. able to fix Padettes Ladles' Orchestra. Clinton Will Have . The Fadettes are one of the unest orchestras of women players in Canada or the United States. ....Every member ' C P.11 Coineetion, is an artiste in her special line; The doors will Open at 7.15 and the concert • cotmnences at 8.15 !sharp as usual. The committee requests that all seats be taken not later than MO so as to avoid disturbance . after program has corn: tnenceil, .Concert next Tueeday. Thank...9.0ring Service. The Easier thank -offering meeting of the* F. M. Society of .the Ontario street church, assisted by the Jun- ior *worth League, on Good Friday evening had a god program, Consist- ing- of recitations, dialogues and solos. ton. HoWever, when the line is built, Counoillor Ford said the streets need- ed gtavel badly and a better quality than has yet been used. He believed the purchase of a crusher was , the hest . way ont of the difficulty, though the first cost wonkl be greeter; Mayor Shaw took part in the dis- When the C, P. R. Builds a Line to . .. mission and contended that the streets • Goderich it Will Be bi Way of ' .. . must be put into gaud shape in circler - , Clinton, Say the Company's • that Clinton may be up to date and . gngineers. 1 • toWn. • I also as a means of enticing people to A.n eXtengoe of the O. P. R, to Ooderich is now much discussed. A Short Cut to Etornitv Some contend that Guelph shquM be the Starting point, while others attain pre- • . • fer•a line from Drumbo to pass through dames Manning of Londeshoro At - Stratford, Mitchell, Seafortlyand t C S • b, Cutting His Throat. by the young people. There was alp° a let it come as soon as it will and from solo by Mrs. Biter with violin obligato' either Guelph or Drumbo, Clinton by Mee. Watts, Mei Gibbirigs pianist,. will have connection. The Company The -People of • Lendesboro . were a 'recitation •bv Miss Goodwin and a recognizes its huportance as a shocked Tuesday morning by the news solo by Mr, Humphries, Then came the Shipping . and., railway centre and that an old and respected resident, Mi. reading of the texts by Mrs. Courtice. .. will not pass it hy. The Matter James Manning, had made a- deter,i - -The • offertory . amounted to twenty' came up for discussion at Moe. mined attempt to do away witir him - dollars. , • . , ;,./ • day night's meeting of the town coml. self while' suffering from temporary A Ratepayer's:Ophilaii. g With his dinghter,. Mee. (Dr.)Yoting, The Town Council has widely decided. from Mr. Earnest Heaten of Goderich, to buy a Rock Crusher. „Had that been done years f40 :hundreds of dollars Might have been saved to the corpora tion, as there has been a large amount of money spent for inferior gravel.. The streets are no better now, as far as gravel is concerned, than they were Amen ty yeareago.,L.Thense of :quelled. stone will produce streets that Will not nekrennire so ninth repairing, besides the dirt' and filth will not he nearly so bad. ." am sure the Council will never regret getting a Ctusher.LRAI•ne'AiErt. d aberration of mind. Ile has beenifw cil when a, ceminunicatien we's receive • 'Easter at Si. Pages. • . The services it St. Pant's on Paster day were largely attended and were in keeping with the great festival of the -resurrection. . The musical part of the servicehas rarely ever been excelled in the church, thechoir of thirty` Voices blending together so well that anyone could see at Once that a master -hand, Mr. Oaf of Goderich, must haveha;d them ip training for Conte time. The florid and symbelic decoration Was very chaste and • appropriate, The offering,which was for missions.exceed- ed $75 and will be increased cOnsidere ably when all have contelbuted. ' Death of James Moore • Mr. James Moore died atlietne in St. Mary'snu Miniday, aged between flay' and tifty-flve years. Be was for several years and until nine years ago a resident Of Clinton arid wag for some time' proprietor of the, Commereial Hotel. He. was a staunch Conserve.: tive and also a member of the, Masonic Order, Clinton No. 84 being his parent Lodge. The funeral took place With Mitscinic .rites and was attended by several rnemberi-of NO. 84; The deceased Was highly respected here and all who knew him, and their name is legion, have a good word for him. The Coming Convention. The executive of C. E. and S. S. As- „ . smarting of t e county' met in Batten- ' bury street church on Good Friday to map out a program for their corning convention. Among those present were : -Dr. Towler, Wingharn ; W. 11. Kerr and Miss ROSA, Brussels ; Prid- ham, Goderich; ,W. Elder, • Herisall ; Mr. and Mrs. 4, P. Ross, Exeter; and Miss Armstrong, togetherl"with the loc- al members. So far as arranged the following are among those who will contribute to the program :-Rev. Dr. Smith, Loirdon;,A, Day, ,Provincial S. S. secretary ; Miss Whitvvorth, St. Marys, and Rev. William Patterson of Cooke's church, Toronto. • Middleton's tjorners. It is announeed that Rev. IL E. Bray ofloridon will preach in St, James Irrireh on Sunday morning next and ,administer the Sacrament of the Lord's upper. A special Eartter offer- ing for Mission purposes will be taken up. The annual vestry meeting will be held in the Sunday School room on Monday evening next, April llth. . ISOM ,who urged the council to pass resolu- tions in favor of an extension of the C. F.; from Guelph .apd, likewise the .deepenitig of the harbor at the ebunty town. Mr.. W. D. iVfeLearr,of Seaford:), representing the Board of Trade of that town, teqriested the co-operation of the douncil in.agitating.fur erktengon cif thea P. R. from Drumbo. The 'Poth- ers took no eaten in either, caSe,,,iielng urianimouily of the opinion that there was no urgencr.andthat whatever ac tion they might decide upon would be all the better for a month's . delibera- tibn. ' CoUnty Clerk Lane aSked the council •What it, thought of the present sistern of supplying collectors anti assessors books by the county:'council. Several Municipalities have requested permis- sion to,supply their own officers •with the neeessary books, on the.ground that it would be more satisfactoty. Clerk. Coats thought a change was desirable anti the -eouncil coinciding with his :views he was instructed to so inform Mr. Cane. • ' Mr. Edward • Carter sent in a com- plitint re. the willows which line the South side of the Exhibition Park and whicivin the hot summer daye afford so grateful a shelter to the occupants of the stand. Mr. Carter says they are a perfect nuisance so fey as he is con- cerned, asthey prevent his garden be- ing properly Worked owing to the shoots which be cannot 'keep doWn. His ceinmunication was referred to the Park committee. A London fleas 'of contractqrs asked: what the council proposed doing this year in laying down permanent pave: meat. If any work of this nature Was clecidecl upon the company would like to be given an opPortunity of tendering' upon it. The Clerk was instructed to inform the contractors that the ques- tion of granolithie, etc., bad not yet been discussed by the present conned which is just now more concerned about the macadamizieg of :the streets, Edvint4 Litudair his.son in Lueknow last week. • .Miss Mabel McBrierii of Ripley is vis- iting Mende in town, • Mies Gertie Shane is visiting friends Sea,forth. • Mr. Jelin tell of TeeeWnter called on friends on Friday and Saturday. Mr. John MeXinnon of Toronto spent Easter at. hts home here. Messm Fred, Toll and John P,erdue and was advatnced in years, having crossed the SeVenty mark. Of late he has. not been in good, health which, 'combined with brooding over financial . matterti, hes so affected his mind that a 'short Cut into the other world seemed the best °untie to pursue. "• While in a ,despentient Mood he told his daughter - that he would-. conanift suicide; but she • paid little attention to his reintirk: On Tuesday mOrning Manning got up first as it was his to build the fire. . Mrs. Young arose. shortly afterwards% and :the- flre not havieg•been built She grew alarmed Andrunning to the stable was horrified to find lier father lying upon a bundle, of bay And . covered with. blood. .Re had tried to cut his thrice:ski-but though ' not sneceisful in severing an artery he shortened his •vindpipe.hy a half inch, He.uSed two knives', his pocket . knife not being sharp, enough heresorted to a butcher's blade. Mrs. Young at once siimmoned neighbor Matt. Mains. and Dr. MacCallum was quickly called .in ,Dre. Gunn and Shaw of Clinton. were ••alsesumnioned, hut it is thought that akthe man's advanced age the injuries Ise inflicted upon himself will cause his death. ' Shall the council purchase a stone crusher called forth the only lively dis- cus sion of the evening. Councillor Plummer said nay most. emphatically and for seyerel reinions. Ile did not think the town could afford the pur- chasertt the present time and .at any .rate it could not do so legally. Furth. emote, he did not think the pit was a proper one in whigi to operate a crush- er. He also fold of a citizen .of Blyth who was in town a few days ago en- quiring what were his prospects, in the event of him purchasing crtishet him- self, of getting at $2 per cord what work of that- nature was needed by Clinton. Councillor Johnson said the streets. must be pnt into goad shape, but that this could not be, done until there had been a change of system. The days of breaking stone by hand had. passed. away. Last year it cost, 512 tobreak $24 worth of road material. A road crueller will crush from fifteen to twenty cords per day and at the price asked by the Blyth man, viz. $2 per cord, theze is a big margin between this and the 210 pet clay which is re- quired to operate the machine. In condemn Councillor Johnson said if Clinton is to have good roads lb IM186 have a crusher. Councillors Jones and Dohetty also favored the purchase and a tuition to it up, if veterinary's skill can.-- returned from Manitoba last. week. that effect was introdueed on motion Mr. Ifatvey Davis has bought a well. • Mies Maude Fieuty of Wingharn of 'Johnson. and Pord. Councillor matehed pate of Delmatian dogs from spent Sunday with friends in Blytit. Plummer was the only dissenting ready madeidepartirient we have 8uirs Rom $8,60 TO $12.00 - mrs. (Ilev. S e n m L a ti 1 "84 h At ) t %vas. a d rs. air eeMe es 00Ver AVO t t o minus vestry' meeting of and addressed the council, stated the latest styles and patterns, Summer1011. ” The annual vestry ' Meeting in con- nection with St, Peter's church was held on Tuesday evening last. The at- teridence was exceedingly good and the meeting very successful. • 'Tbe officers appointed for the urcoming year are as follows :-Vestry Clerk, Wm, Miller; clergyman's warden, Geo. Tyner, ; pea- ' pres' 'warden, I,iobt. Miller, Jr.; sides - men, IL Watkins and David Barr. At it late hour the vestry adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening next at 7 o'clock.--7The Rev. H. E. Bray frein, London ••:tvill preach here on Sunday eVening next and administer the sac- rainent of the Holy Communion. A special Easter .effering will be taken Henry Wallace left on Wednesday to seek his fortune in the far West. , All his friends join in wish; ing him success. Be will be greatly missed here at! he Was well liked by everybody. 'Miss Etta accompanied . him as far as London where she has gone ona mooth'evisit with friends in the cily.—Mrs. John Watkins is at present visiting at the home of Mr. E. Butt; --Mrs. G. M. Silty, who has been visitines tinder the pareuts1 roof, ' returned to her home in London on Monday lest.—Miss „Blanche McIl- yeen of Clinton is spending her holi- days with her abut, Mee. F. McIlyeen. •-111rs. H. Woodyard of Stanley is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L 'Drown - lee, St present. --Mrs. John Mason, who has been isiting at Mrs. T. Mason's, returned to her home in Ool- beree on Tuesday. --Mrs. Harry Mc. Vittie of ls,Jorth Bay is at present visit- ing" at the home of Mr. L Watkins, having been called, home OWing to the severe illness of her mother, who, we are glad to say, is a little better. -- Mr. Albert Strachan and hie sister paid a flying visit to W. IL Ball's one day last week. --Miss Dina Watkin is the gnest of Mre, A. Cougns of Holmes- ville this week,. --e day last week while ,cutting wood in the bush 0. Johnsen felled a tree which fell on his foot and gave him a loving squeeze. that will lay him off Work for tome time. --At She uniform promotion examinattone held here recently in S. S. No. 4 following promotions were nuttlet-Prom Sr. 3rd to 45h -Louis 3ohnstonellerhert Oakes, Bill, }leery Hayes' and Charlotte Colburne From Si'.'2nd to jr. 3td-Carrie Butt, Ethel Lovett, Pear' Wright. Busman, Meal. Prom Sr. 2n1 to St. 2tid---Ches. tet rietteatn, Maggie McLaughlin, John Itayes. 'performed the duties of chaperons ad. taken several orders, atrleng them She Trinity church held ork Monday even. , that their machine eould crush from MirablyXtmay he truly eald that following thispast week t--.00 red granIng the officers elected for the ensuing sixteen to eighteen tons per day o but eive lie.A Call and We Will Save roil Money, never was a more eajoyable eVerting ite to 3nrges Cooper of ICippen, to be year were as follovve t-Messts, T. W. that thirteen tons 'WM considered good Base tine. snent at the Collegiate, The fun began erected In Dmixpo eetnetety to the. Scott and Prank Metcalf, wardens ; wok. The Ittachine could hoist the '1%, as. 0 otorniElt F trRNISHElft %AND ilATTKR, :r< Ittettlititel ten. 1r, 1 I 1 ken stone fifty feet if so desired, but Me. Quit w o as : been n c aro er for a moment did %relax till at the to Willistrt Welsh, iteltIlloPrwtorte ,t!'. Metier& Sohn 'Metcalf and John Me. the hoisting, apparatus, beyond . the of the G. T. tank during' .the prise "God Sive etted in Irislitown cemetery in mom. Gin, siclettnen t Mr. 3oseph Walker, fourteen feet provided, would cost from winter, has returned to Winghatu and VICTORIA BLOCK 63'36 All Joined, In ithirling CLINTON. i the Queen." . oty of his father, . tither. Mx Le eight. dollars per foot. the tank will be tilled twice a week. , with the arrival of the guests and nev. memory of his wife; large red Swede Mt, T.W. Scott, lay delegate to Smarr Iwo B '8 4..„ 1 4 4 4 4 ,, 4 4 4 . 4 4 0 4