HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-16, Page 6Det Sheard, of loronin, declares that 111 awn knows' what weight he is getting when ho buys n loaf. -, 111' 1111,)1l'll b:dt- ersrue m l:111g20-ouncetol1as, some 18: (mace, and others as lou as sixtem. 1 L says the doctortint pritte is just the same as it was yottes ago, :then 1..e'y got n four -pound loaf for their money, Theo is No need to go back to ilia four - pound loaf, het the bakers sell their bread by the pound, and there cm be no room for complaint once rite pri e per pound is set, ____ -c• -tom-- --_ According to the report of the Penn- sylvania Ilealtln Department, the death rate in that State for 1906 was 10.5 per 1,000 of population. The urban rate was 181, the rural rate 15,1. Nearly 25 per Cent. of the total number of deaths were 01liltants less than one year old. 'Vile dealt rate among the negro population Was' 2 5 per 1000, as against 162 per 10900 among the whites. There were 10,180 &tithe, as a result of violence. The deaths anterig, le eltildreu and the negro population, 1w` doubt, show the need of Lett er sanitary arrangements and more enlightened rare in rearing the infants. ♦.$- Some interestingfacts !awing on the population, debt and expenditure of the various nations have .ci'cutly hetet given to the public h1 11 British Blue 13ook, According' 11) the 115111es given in this document those 0001110 to he no groat justification for the jeremiads of the birth-rate cranks who prefes0 to 000 the, eomieg depopulation of the world. The tables show that in the last ten years there has been 0 total increase du the population of the principal countries of over 03,000,000 persons, We find that the total population has grotvi1 from 590,160,090 in 1895 to 570,000,009 last year. The figures are as follows: 1895. 1905. Muesli , , .. .125,000,000 142,200,000 Dnited-States ... 08,934,000 83,143,000 Germany ... ... 52,279,000 60,603,009 t;:! ..- 12;271,000 47,070600 u, htngdom.. .. 39,221,000 43,221,009 Fr011e0 .. , ... .. 38,450600 30,300,000 Italy ... . , . , . , :1,2:6,011) 33,01:1.000 Austria . , . , , . 24.971,000 27,241,000 Hungary ... .., 18,257,000 20,114,000 Spam , , , , , . ... 18,137,000 18,900,000 )14101104' 1lat1009^ 47,732,000 54,106,000 t-lelgium as a country is the most aiw'iied of the civilized nations included in> the computation, as will be seen by this tabulation of population per square utile and area: Area lei'ous in square ler :quare nljlcs. mit;. 1'uiied' ;States .. 3,007,371 21.4 )tussal (Europe) .. 2,052,49(1 31,3 Spain .. ... ... 194,744 93.5 ^ Hungary 125,302 153.6 Fr ulec , .. _ , -, , . , '.404,321 190.7 Austria ... 115,802 225.8 Gos•maoy . 208,727 290.4 Japan ,..s ... 147,476 316,0 United .Kiugdont . 121,371 341.6 Holland ... .. , . 12,559 400.4 'Belgium . , , .. 11,370 588.7 'When it come to districts, however, Haase Towns in Germany shotes a popu- lation of 3,327, while the most densely peopled square mire in the world is found in New York. In birth-rate Russia lams, the figures kin 40 per 1,1)01) of the population, But against this it has also the highest desith'Ol1e. which stands at 31 pe 1,000 of the population, The 101ve01 birth-rate is possessed by Frame, the births only averaging 21 e.: 1,000 of rile population, and when the fact that its dewth•rate is as high es 19.6 per 1,000 is considered, the small increase in the total population shown above is exjilain- ed. ;{Russia's slaughter et the innocents is disgrace to civilization, while France Offers a problem to political and social economists. Spain, Italy, Austria, 111111 - gusty told Japan all 1111ve )firth -rates of over 32 pet' 1,000, but their death -rates are equally high, the lowest, of the group being Japan, with a rate of 20 per 1,000; and the highest Spain, with a rate of 25^8 per 1,000. The locust death - rate is that of Denmark, ether).. it stand, at 13,9 per 1,1(00, and as 1110 11'1 t'e O biot.h-rate of 38.5 pd 1,900, their posi- tion i0 au ens 1Ie one. Tile t'uitet, K(ogdont is antottg the 1 met fat mn1 (' so lar as deathantc is eono_nrad--te.b per 1,090 --but its deafhante las steadily fallen to 27.0. London ... New York Paris ... . Berlin ... Tokio Chicago 1'mfuta Plultdelphiu . bt 1 tcrsbutg .. Int , Ayres return gats the total of the 0o. ai tint 111)10 most Imperfect nations as £4,000,000,000, a hta (1gw unb fig 11r e lie : e ar'e tits. a't41.111125 a4'. t.1,,cnditmt .ud debt dHum'. Debt. '5,000 t 47.5I 97r 0009 200 y )0 96,0 ,t . 01) uce .... 1 1839,0 (, 10 4,770,0110 Germany . 1[0,111,0 101 14,,1)0 Italy 74.815.01 517,247,000 Austria t .. • 72,212,9014 899,48963o Hungary • . o0 6106110 226,343,060 Bolglun1 ... 20110,923 ' ;120,183,000 Russia appeals to he the only 0064 17 which succeeds in 050)9)ng. on 111) 1111•` Hotel) duties at a cost loss than i;'2 per heed, while. the [United hangdom, France, and Austria-Hungary are the nnost cost - nations, their expendit''0' ren.dliag 3:$eper head of the population. b "It's simply astonishing the way St. George's Baking Powder hu taken hold of my customers." "The say it makes lighter, tastier, finer -grained Biscuits and Cakes than any other they seer used I" Send for our new Cook-Book—free. Matleeal Drag & Cheesiest Ca `so of Canada, Limited, Montreal TALLER SILK, HATS FOR MEN, (Menges in Style That the London Hatters Are Considering. The question whether the tall lint shall become taller he 1101e being anrt- iously debated by the half dozen west end hatters who rule the fashion, and several of them have nhnost decided to take a, step in that direction by all ill. ereasc of one -sixteenth of an 1110)1 in height. "The Englishman," said a wrest end hatter, 'is never violent or conspicuous in changing a fashion, and only it very slight alteration can be made at a time. For, two or three years, however, there has been no decided change in the shape of the top hat, and it seems about tune there wan some alteration. The limit of shallownes seems to have been reached. They aro now being made six inches deep In email eizes and about six and a quarter in the largest, so that they can only grow taller again. A'sixteenth or even a quarter of an inch does not sound very much, but it really makes a great deal of difference in the appearance of a hat. The very tall hat of fifteen years ago was only six and fide-oighthe inches deep, "I do not believe, however, the top hat will become as deep as that again. The bell shape has come to stay, and if you increase the depth tho shape must either become nearly straight or display a con- eplcuous and inelegant waist.—London Daily Mail, ECCENTRiC ALFRED NOBEL. Traced the Irregular elft of His Pulse New Platurea for His Walls. Alfred Nobel, whole memory receives its annual revival in the award of his munificent prices, bas little personal Ienowledgs of England. He disliked our climate and cooking—in all London he found :Only one hotel and one restaurant where dinner was d osibilfty, and he qualified even thio phrase by deeoribing their cuisine as "the least disagreeable" in England. A dleappolntment that he never got over was that ho was not elected a member of the Royal Society, while his lifelong weakness and nervous disposi- tion and winter bronchitis made first Paris and then San Iiemo itis chosen abode on ilia attainment of wealth. Only twice did Nobel ever rlsit the great high explosive factory which ho established In Scotland, In Paris he was to he seen daily huddled up in iris rugs in his carnage driving to his laboratory outside the city. He had an extraordin- ary knowledge of languages, a diatruet of lawyers—he made his own will—and when heart disease cane upon him he woro a epygmograph to trace the irregu- larities of hie pulse. Tiring of the pictures on his walla he arranged with an art dealer to have his rooms hung with pictures on hire, re- turning them and receiving others in ex- change as often as he liked. He took out 129 patents in England, and the invention to which he attaches meet im- portence was his arti'icial Indiarubber, of whin'', few people have ever heard, because his dynamite speaks so loudly for ftsele—London Chronicle. Extraction Without Pain. An electrical instrument recently in- vented for avoiding the pain incident to the extraction of teeth has attract- ed considerable attention. Briefly fa oonsiste of adjui3table pronge, car- rying buttons and connected with an electric battery. The buttons are placed on the face over the nerves leading from the teeth to the brain, and a circuit is established the mo- ment the extracting instrument touches the tooth. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT fpd s and all from horseshard, soft and ,llouseblood s aeln, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, soughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. - Sold by drag. gists, Abyssinian Ministry. The decree of the Emperor Menelik exmouncing the construction of a Cabinet on European lines is as follows: "The lion of Judah has prevailed. "Salutation be to you. "It is some time sines we thought of introducing a European system to our oountry. You have always indicated (this). and acid it would be good if we, too, would adopt aomo fo the European systems. I have now taken steps to appoint a Ministry, and if it is the will of God I at I Population. will complete it. I inform you til 'sl,n'i-,i, ,, have appointed the following persons: 3,437,000 Affa Negua Nasibu, INtaurari Ilabta Gforgis, Privy Seal Gabra Selassi, Beji 5,)110,000 road Mulurggata, Likamaquae Katama, 1,1110,000 Nagadras Valle Giorgis, Kantiha Wilda 1,0911,1101 Sadrk."-'From the London Standard. 11)1(500:1 , . 1,291,001) 1;205 101) 1,1110.o.0 What He Liked Best. Speaking of critics reminds me of one old dead,friend, long ntheirohimself a grand judge of ministers and pe'form- ances. Ono day I was out of my own pul- pit, and a friend oonduoted the services for me, Ile was n Boanerges 1n style, and fair- ly took the congregation I storm. surprised Bourg during the week,waa not to hoar his highly iaudltor7 opinion of my friend's preaching gifts. I em delighted you liked him, Dauvlt," I said, "but can Tett tell me what particular feature in his preaching attracted you most." "Neel, sir," said Dauvlt impressively. "I notlett when he title a at thle moo'�"rn� began Such w s be David'. Idea of pertecttou in pulpit eloquence. HAND AND ARM EN{'ANGERED. Zam-Buk Arrests Blood Poison. THREE MLN IN THE SAME TROUBLE A Voluntary Statement by : Justice of the Peace Showing How Consump- tion is Being Cured by Psychil.o. There are few people who either themselves or some of their friends. are not suffering from some fern: of throe 1, (beat, er lung or etomaoh trouble,'l'o ereh the following vol- untary letter, written from a sense of duty, to those who aro suffering from these troubles, will bring en- couragement and help. It is a Knew of comfort to know that there is one remedy which, after all other' have failed, anti the physician's skill has boon exhausted,, can always bo relied on to bring help and relict to the Buffering, and restore health and vigor.. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited: Gentlemen,—I fool it my duty to advise you of the remarkable 'cures effected .by your Psyehine and Oxo- mulsion which have come under my personal observation. Three men, well known to me, Albert Townsend, Hazen Hipson and Sohn McKay, all of Shelburne County, were pronounc- ed ronounceed by the best medical men to have consumption and to be incurable and beyond the reach of medical aid. They used Psyehine and Oxomelsion and they are now in good health. I feel it a duty 1 owe to suffering humanity to state those facts for the hrneflt of other sufferers from this terrible disease. Youra very truly, Leander McKenzie, J.P., Green Harbor N.S. Peychine positively cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, la grippe, chills, t rght sweats, wasting diseases, and consumption. It strengthens the stomach, ereatoe a ravenous appetite, destroys all dieeases germs, and builds up the system quickly, mak. int sick people well and weak people ttreng. Peychine (pronounced-ei-keen) for ,,alt at all drug stores at 50c and $1)00 per bottle, O -O Neglect a cut or scratch and 1t may turn to blood poteeniug. E. Joseph laatlbertle, of 31 Artlllerie street, ,Quebec, might have loot his hand and arm but for the timely use of Zam-Bek. He Bays: "I cut one of me fingers on a rusty piece of tin and had no idea it would become so serious, but in two days blood poison had set in. and my fingers became, terribly discolored, and my head and arm swollen, I, was alarmed Bad began using one ointment after another but none relieved me. I wasabout to consult a doc- tor when a friend advised me to try Zam- Bule. This I did. Zam-Bek began oy draw- ing out the lnflainmatlen 'and in one week the wound was nicely hellcat Since then I have hadno healing balm In bile hones but Zam-Buk. I feel so grateful nor my speedy euro that I unhesitatingly give my testi- monial to the mertta of Zam-Duk." ?.am-Buk cures Cuts, Burne, Chapped Hands, Chafing*, Cold Sores, Itch, Chilblains, Begonia, Running Sore", Sore Throat„ Bed Chest, Ringworm, Plies (blind or bleeding), Bad Lege, Inflamed Patches, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Abscesses and all dis- eased, injured and irritated conditions ce to skin. Of all druggists and stores, 100., or Dost paid upon reoe)pt of .price, from Zam- Buk Co., Toronto. 50a a box, 0 boxes 12.60. Time To and From Sometimes Varies. Mame a Frame House Look Litre Stone Byte, the most durable. moot rightly. gntuidr finish for toy house—make. •t warmer winless. cooler sumac oathenproofs it—helps make it 5re•prool)ltoo—that's- PEDLAR. oo that a, >�E>liLA• ART ITD I N Hundreds of pattern % to suit any idea you here,— vested imitation t,f6 , i„ ,w alone tough eons. k Cost Ica then you'd Mink tor such value. Send for the book ah at mode o metal hnidh,for all kind. of amo1008rj e FREE.. Address 112 The PEDLAR, People Oshawa Munn „r Ott un 0'o',1,, tun' on „Winnipeg VOLCANIC POWER. Italian Engineer Plans to Use Steam From the Globe's Interior. So much has been Bad regarding the dangers of destroying the pictur- esque beauty of the great falls of the Niagara sliver by using Hie 0.11001110112 mass of water as a power producer, that an etlgineer Who turns 'ilia attention to the inner fires of the earth may be regarded as a sort of scientific saviour of eeciety. notaries have been published showing the condition to which Niagara will be reduced in a single decade of years, and the satirist and the sentimen- talist have ;oines1 Inands in attacks up- on the corded commercialism which des- t:eye w)w1 nature intended to be bides- trtletible, lint volcanoes, through picturesque, are not so alluring as waterfalls, rued might be utilized to almost any extent fox practical purpose; without fear of a public protest. An Italian engineer, a native of Tuscany, purpeocs to attempty this feat ou a large scale. He has made a close observation of the temperature of a steam issuing from the isa,fford, and hors found that during the pest tan }roars or so the temperature has atareoly altered, nor has the amount of steam altered, rue has the amount of steam varied much in quantity. '1'110 steam rises thirty and occasionally ninety feet, the temperature ranging from two hun- dred and fifty degrees to two hundred and eighty degrees Fahrenheit. Thee ingenious Italian has already sue- oeeded in harnessing the energy far the operation of a small steam engine, to which a dynamo was connected, and is confident of far greater achievenlentl. Ito is now malting endeavors to drive a turbine with the steam issuing from three large afford. representing an ag- gregate of some four thousand hor'ee- power, If theae fiat reports are to be acoepted as accurate, it would seem that in the near future a new unit of en- ergy will be created—namely, volcanic power. The Ebb and Flow of Immigration, That immigration flood of 1,285,000 people in the fiscal year 1907, whioh added on June 30th and which left all the records far behind, attroeted far lase attention than did an inrush of a quarter of those dimensions half a cen- tury ag.o When the potato famine in Ireland in 1846 sent the immigration into the United States in 1847 above the 200,000 mark for the first ti)tie in the country's history, and when the abor- tive insurrections in Austria, Hungary, Prussia, Bavaria, and other European countries jn 1898-49 re -enforced the Irish inpour and sent the inunigmtion above the 300,000 line in 1860, and above 400,000 in 1854, many persons feared that the alien deluge woad overwhelm America and eubvort its institutions. Then started that wave of nativism which resulted in the establishment of the secret, oath -bound Know -Nothing party, which swept Maseaehusote and several other States in 1884 and 1855, and which, under the name of the Am- erican party, polled 875,000 votes for Fillmore for President in 1860. The Civil War, and the neereeity of gutting as many soldiere as possible from all ele- ments of the population, killed Nativism and, except in a few feeble and s,poradlo outbreaks, it has not reappeared since.— From ince—From Leslie's Weekly, ' Hound Carroll, of hence,, whose hnsi- nees-like presentation of the invitation to the Democratic Notelet! Convention to eorneto Denver was largely instrumental in the victory of that city over Chicago and Louisville, told a good story in the course of hie speech, "An old ruiner boarded a train at Denver one day to go to Pueblo," he said. "When the conductor came arotmd the man inquired how fax it was from Deliver to his destination. Ile was told ab130 miles, "Woutell, how far is it from Pueblo to Denver, then?" was the next eueetion. "If it is 130 miles from Denver to Pueblo It must be 130 from Pueblo to Denver," replied the conductor, somewhat testily. "Not necessarily so," said the miner. "I1 is one week from Christmas to New Year's, lett it is a long time from Naw Year's to Christmas."—Chicago News. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. MAKING ROMAN CANDLES. A Good Deal Like Solitary Confinement —One Man to a Ent The most solitary person in the world during working hours is the maker of roman candles, He occupies an isolated cell, says the Technical World, and nobody comes near him while he le engaged in life patient. toil. The wages he gets are high, but not by mason of the loneliness to which he is condemned; he is paid for the risks he is obliged to =fake. The quieter% occupied by this ermite artisan ere a tint house, which might; al - Mat bo called a hut, with a floor space not more than six feet square. Standing by itself, at least sixty yards from ally other structure, the little building is of eMod, of the simplest architecture. 1) it were to be blown up the finan- cial loss would be almost nil—a point of some importance inneuumh as its diurnal tenant is obliged to neo consid- erable quantities of explosives in the business which engages his attention, for a roman candle is a sort of magazine or repenting gen, with a paper tube for a'borrel and bells of -fire 'for projectiles. It's µ,toss-up which class of people a woman dislikes most, those who talk about her or these who ignore her. Versatility generally consists of doing a lot, of tbines b t ile ra`!mr than doing ono 1.11 14/4 0,011 Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, The Busy Hee. The value of $25,000,000 placed on the annual output of honey pute this farm crop only alightly behind raw cane sug- ar, which had a valuation at the refin- eries of $28.000,000. Compatieons with the output of the sixty-four beet -sugar factories, which have a capacity pf 011,- 500 tons of beets daily, may seem 0118. Yet the product of this coddled and fostered industry—$45,000,000--- was less than double that of the busy hive communities, - The bee in effect pays the interest on tate public dobt—$24,310,326. Shall not the inseot which Napoleon made an Im- perial emblem have some State recogni- tion sueh as Maasadhusetts gives to the codfish in its legislative halls. A. a mat ter of feet, the products of the New England fisheries, which have been the subject of treaties and international eon- vontsions and occasionally raised the epectre of war, amount in value to only half the bee's product.—The New York World. ♦.e BETTER THAN SPAhIXINii. Spanktng does not cure children 02 bed- wetting. There la a constitutional cause for :hi, trouble. Mrs, M. Summers, Box W. it, Windsor, Oat., will send free to any mother her Bnooesslul home treatment, with full Instructions, Send no money but write her to -day 1f your children trouble rou in thls way, Don't blame the child, the chancel are P. can't help R. Tilte treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with mine difficulties by day or nLght. o•e On the Boulevard. Shil Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY Use Shiloh's Cure LP for the worst cold, the sharpest cough —try it on aguar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,—nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 yeas of success commend Shiloh's Cure - 26c., 60c., 81. 515 Who Does ft? 'Tie not the maid well groomed and fair, The maid with merry eye, Who fills the world with woeful care For men like you and I. 'Tie not the gayeet.of the gay At party, ball or show, Who make life seem a fun'ral day For all mankind -0, no! All thanks to her with laughing eye And ruby tinted lips, Who, at our elbow lingers night And of love's nectar sips. 'Tis not the jolly girl, I claim, The one with saucy wink, It's just the over -proper dame That drives the men to drink, —From the November Bohemian, "Allow nue to introduce the man who has written more absolute noneense than anyone else in Paris." "Monsieur is a journalist?" "No, madame; etenographer to the Chamber of Deputise!"—Tranaatlantie Tales. • e "That Afro. Popley," said Miss Grouch, "7s the most elovenly housekeeper I ever saw." 'But," protested Miss Goodley, "she has a big family of growing boys—" "All the more shame to her, for she should know that 'cleanliness is next to godliness; and—" "She says it's next to 'innpossible.' "—Catholic Standard and Times. ISSUE NO. '3 1908. " Could Scarcely HOBBLE WITH Rheumatism" Now he is free of pain and as active as a schoolboy— thanks to his good 'ud - ment in giving AJAX OIL a fair trial. Mr. Conder of Oakville, says f "AJAX OIL worked wonders for me. I could scarcely hobble with Rheumatism. Now I am as right as I ever was." 8 ounce bottle, sent on receipt ' of price, $2.00. Ajax Oil Co., Toronto, Ont. AJAX A Ili Liniment "made him right as ever" a A Dunfermline Benefactor. Benefactions continue to bo showered up. on that most fortunate of Scottish burghs Dunfermline, The latest benefaction comes from Mr, Peter Donald, New York, who has announced his Intention of tieing SL400 to endow a bed In the Dunfermline an4 West of Fife 'Hospital. A native of the 0127, who has, like others belonging to Dunfermline —notably, of course, Mr. Carnegie—made a fortune 1n America, Mr. Donald to a partner of the firm of Inglis & Co., Dunfermline, who have two largo denraek works. Hith- erto he has been In the habit of gletng al treat to the poor of Dunfermline on New Year's Day, a custom eatabileh0d by his brother Robert while he was provost of the elev. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. TAKE NOTICE. We publish simple, straight testi- monials, not press agents' interviewe, from well-known people. From. all over America they testify to the merits of MINARD'S LINI- MENT, the best of Household Rem- edies. MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LIM- ITED. Pat and His Property. There wee a special celebration of Kone kind In the church where 0 certain Irish- man owned a new, The building wag crowd- ed and lust as the service began this pro- prietor made his we/ down the Maio to the door of hie pew which sem only two seats from the front. In It were two or three abundance a of ore to him. k ere,,wee an oom agar the head of the eenQ but he stopped a1 the door, laid one band upon the back of the pew next in front, and with an impressive wave of the other said, In a voice loud enough to be that nowei Th the eo prtred anomed 0 eatli contused, obeyed with all /mete, but no soon- er wan the last 0110 out In the aisle than the man .waved his hand graciously, "Now It veld yes again," he remarked, louder than before. An make yourseiree u home. only wanted yes to know who owned tie pew." The Philosopher. He came home at night to find the house deserted, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer, There 41013 a crumpled note on the centre table, Ile read it. Hie wife had eloped with a fascinating billsticker. He flung the note on the floor. Then he shrilly whistled. There was no re- sponse. He whistled again. Ho saw it all now, She had gone and taken the dog with heti He picked up the note and read it aloud. "I have gone array with William," she wrote. "I felt that I needed n change," Twenty minutes later lie handed this "personal" over the "wants" counter fo the leading horning daily: "Viola Send back the dog and keep the change," ♦ o Held it All, Maud—"What very large teeth Scotchmen have, mamma; haven't they?" Mamma -"Not any larger than we English people have, Maudie, ' Maud—'Oh, yes, they have; for when papa asked the new Scotch gardener to -day it he would take just a tooth- ful; and I'm euro papa made the but- ler utler give him more than half a tum- blerful, and his tooth held ft all, lot he didn't spill a drop!" Asbesto3 Shingles. Asbestos shingles mode of asbestos fibre and c0ineet 1 , ,olanit five per Red, Itching 8Rin Continuous itching with Eczema, Soh Rheum, Tete sad comtontly saddling ural da Ain is !Wand bkedr.g? Nabiag gives rad? You're way, lathy O "4411T1AMAI MAA; 1Kar8TtAt0. 0, sock recti, as this wosdsfl amused is applied! Itching stopw--rekanary pieces he.E- aad is a shod tune you sot hoe a rtes of skin disease SOc. bus -8 for $230—Ted Canada, limited ioChewier' Cad w A Co -Ed Conondrum. Out at the University of Chicago the women's uo•mitorles have developede. fountain heads of Mimor,from which 1 wit springs an spontaneously as oil from John D, Rocekfeller'e wells' in Indiana. Most of the numerous: "gags" at the founder's expense are suspected to have emanated frpm this source. Recently the co-ede have evolved a new jest, or, rather, a new version of an old one, which starts off like thief "Why be J. Pierpont Morgan like Pharaoh's daughter? "Can't you guess it? Why, how per- fectly stupid of you. "J. Pierpont Morgan de like Pharaoh's daughter because they both found a lit- tle ittle prophet in the rushee on the banks." o -♦ !Tom Mange, Prairie Scratches and evens form of In r0 minutes by WItch on human 1 ord's Sanl�lacured Lotion. It never tails. Sold by druggists, Doctors at Sea. First interne—Doetor, there's some- thing wrong with the ship. The surgeon eotmmnder—What's the nature of the attack? First interne—It appears to be an in. cision on the outer, integument, sir. The lookout calla it a leak. The surgeon commander—Never mind what the lookout calls it. Treat it with sterilized cotton and surgeon's plaster. If the symptoms do not abate report to ins and I will arrange a consultation, Cleve -1 nd Plain Dealer, as,)1)10o101)::0( li' emsk Blackableafor Watchrichness and pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2267