HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-16, Page 17I I • ME CLINTON NEWS.RECORD. If We Cannot Do Better for you in supplying youe weak; in the Wall Paper 11i:m.014n many others, our offorte have been fruitless, fer this is the point we have sought to attain to. Mitybe it is conceit, on our part but we• henestly believe that our stock is made up of the very best productions in the art of manufacture and design that you cau find in this or any other town and you can buy it in many cases at o less price. We believe it because we have 'been. so careful to make it so, Much thne and energy has been spent in making it all we claim .for it the best Omsk' for Clinton and its people4 rich and varied in design anti ofthe highest. artistic " finish. Pricea range fromfive to fiftY cents. If. you . pity more than we ask you pay too reuch. If you pay less you get wall paper that - is worth less, that is the sum arid sub- stance of. the whole question of price... , We invite' your inspection offering You the assuranceof a good essortment and a liberetprice advantage. Often fhe Cheapest, Always thettest. The W. D. Fair. Co, CLINTON.. • Agents Parker's live Works, ` . . • CHEAP FUEL. • • just received—a Qar of the celebrated Brier Hill Soft Coal. •Cheaper .than 'green 'wood, Try it. For particulars see . . • ,HARLANO BROS.. March 22, 1899, .1 • New Allyertisements, • Farm for Sale—W. S.Lawrence. ... . .. . , The Gem Generator—,K, Aabley,....... ..... ;(5) All Kinds of Furniture—Broadfoot,Box&Co,(5) • ICitchen Queen Flour—th Olson.. ......;.(5) ▪ A Bath Without Trouble -LS. Jackson (5) Yonr,Virall Paper Wants—T. D. Fair. Co.., .(8) ' - Our Shoo Department—Jaekson Brcis,....... (8) Bicycles—W. Ceopir & Co, • (1) Sale Register—C. Hamilton ... (8) Cheap Fuer—Harland Bros .... . (8) Something New—Hodgens Bros.., ....... AbOtit People . WHERE.THEY ARE • . • • ' AND VitIAT •!' 0 • THEY ARE DOING •e000000 We KiloW.' • Mr. Normati Fair was -in Galt on 'Mr. John Ransterd was in Seaforth . oiTuesday. •• ' Mr. T. Jackson, jr., tVkifj in Totonto oti business this week. • • .• Miss C. Allen of BrubefielCis the guest of Miss Nellie Dewser, . Miss Judge of •Lucan is the 'guest of her sister, Mrs J. R. Collins. ' Miss Annie Howe has returned after - spending a few weeks in Toecap. • • Dr. Woods, Bayfield's popular medi- co, was in the,Hub_on Friday.last. Norman Kennedy and Harry. Fitz- ' gluons were in Saltford on Sunday. Mrs. Caesar of Dungannon was the guest of Mrs. David Cook, Jr., last week. Miss Vane of Blyth was the guest of the Misses Heywood. part of last Miss Irene Holmes of Lucknow is visiting at her graochnother's, MeseW, Holmes. • • Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor Of Goderich was the guest of her mother, Mrs. •.1Cefr; last week. • ' - • . Mre. A. 0. Pattison is the guest of Buffalo friends; departing for that city on Saturday last. Mr. Ambrose •Smith, clerk` in the Molson's Bank, has tieen transferred from Exeter to the. Alymer branch. Miss .Kate Johnston reterned from Toronto ou Tuesday and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Nelson Churchill: . Miss Ewers of Toronto, areived on :Moodey to take blierge of the dress- making and mantle. department at the Palace.. After a fortnight's pleasant in, Mr. Smith Kitty is again behind the counter. in -Mr. Thos. Jackson's clothing store. - • M. George Hodgens returned from Manitoba, where he spent severe' Months, last week and •left again on Thuesday for Detroit. • Mr. Thomae. Sheppard returned on • Friday from. the Nile where he had • been attending the golden wedding of his brother, IVir. George Sheppard. Mrs. M. S. Ashley, who had been at- tending the Boston Bible School Pte- . paring for the evangelistie work, re- turned home last week to visit her mother, 1VIrs. Milne, hear Loodesboro, Me. 8 .Booth and family, who have. been visltiog her mother, Mrs: Kerr, • and other relatives in this vicinity for the past two months returned last week to their home in Broadview, N. Wet , • Mr. A. E. Erwin of Hayfield accom- panied his friend, Mr. • Ed. Routledge of St. Thomas, to, Clintokly the latter being on his vvity a k to St. riday, Thomas, after a visit. at the akeside village. • Among those booked to Western points by A. D. Pattison this week were :-Mrs. Sturgeon and Miss E. M. Sturgeon for Bowesmont, Dakota ; Peter McNeil and James Mackenzie to •Aberdeen, South Dakota,' Rev, E. B. Smithis halayfield this week visiting his father, who has been too ill for some weeks -to take up, his ; work,so that upon Mr. Smith has practically devolved for the time being the charge of this parishes well as his • own. Mr. John Howson returnectfeoin the West on Saturday loot for 'another carload of horses. - He is doing his share in supplying the wants of the rairie farmhad in Huron.Mr. omen is in ers with the • tock t 'Atso Kineardine thie week. Mr. Robert Elliott of Portetos Hill he wns in town on Saturday and discussed he thea,pple question with NEWS. Th RECortle, This is a subject in which he bo is thoroughly well versed ancl his ad- oil 4.4444,44.14 11444.444444a444,444, 11-0 .... on • Rev. Mr. virehh er ougary occupied ,NIITIMI! MIMI? 11”1111! ..1/MI!! itfillirlt? TIM!! MIMI! •111!!!!!./t WPM- WWII? v.0 . Riyth. MARCIT 23, 1S99 Mr. John _Kelly of .Blyth was in to on Tuesday. . Mr. Win. Harland was in Zurich Thursday last. Miss Rosa Cunningham has return front visiting her uncle in Henfryn. Miss. Jackson of Brussels was t guest of MPS, Whitehead Ryer Sunda Mr. J,. McLean of Seatorth Was guest. at Mr. John Vunniogkaufs Monday. Miss Maud Rorke,. who has been v Ring her home in Meaford, return to town this week, . Miss A.goes Whittingharn of Stant township is visiting her sister, M Frank Oletworthy,_ _ Mr. Diniond and Miss Dimond of Marys were guests .of Mr. and M Nellie Armour this week. the pulpit in Trinity church Oil Sunday ed night lat. • Mrs, George Stewart will have au be auction sale of all her household goods • 1"-- y. on Saturday next. Mrs. Stewart in. it tends going to Detroit in it few weeks. on Mies Eva Bell; daughter of William ift_s" Bell of town, is very sick at present') is- We hope SOW to see her well again, ed Mr. Adam McKenzie made an u ly 9 4 4 p"...,.DEPARTMENTAL STORE gash in one of his lingers, on Saturday . ey last by bringing' his bend on one ot the r.... -seseesibeeseasereiseet---ite-als-ass.easeebeers.-ese,essees.. liwilk,willbw-e...-4b,W764.111., VlbAlivIWVII0VtiAlat,VEI,Ith.^ZWICI,"eis."10.1116,1116.:16,1b,111.,11frAllyibillbello. ra, KM'S in the eaw.inill, . 4 iss Astilkeld. SHOE DEPARTMENT ......, st.. Mr. E. O. Danford and family . Brussels were' visiting at his brother Mr. James Danford'a over Sunday'. Miss Etta Wheatley returned Monday from. Toronto whereshe h of There is good sleighing now, We _ese- 's, had another genelue blizzerd on Mon- w•-• day last. -es . on Rev. Mr, Smith, Kincardine, preach- es_ 7.'11 ad ed on the A.41.1101(1 circuit in-place of = —0, —.0 —• been viiiiting for it couple of weeks. . Dr. •Turnhtill, recently of Clinton, now "walking the hosnitale'' of Berli Gerrnaey, anteing the most famous in Europe. • • • ' "Jim'? McKenzie and "Pete" McNeil left Tuesday afternoon for .A.berdeen, .Soirth Dakota. • • •They have no definite plan as. to- .What they will do in the West,. but we have no doubt but that they will. be Able to make. "it go," ; • • Mr. Job o Turnbull, who has been • learniog••the hardware business • with Davie At Rowland fo'r - a few mouths . past, 1.eft lizet week foe the homestead-. at Milvertorz and. next week -Will take • his -departure for. Morden, Manitoba... - Mr. James Moore,,att one time a'resie dent of,Clinton_ and it proprietcir of.the Commercial Hotel, ,, but now of St. ni • •"41# the pastor last Sabbath. is .Rev. Mr. Olivant continues poorly 0.4.. n, arid is not yet aisle to resume his work, re -- We hope he may soon be restored to health., • Mr. Steel Hunter has been engaged at Mr. 3. F.„ Andrews, 13th con., for the season at a remunerative salery. Ashfield, 12th con., 13th inst„ the wife of Mr. 3. Hackett of daughter. • • Mary's, is very ill. He will retire fro business . in Mity .and take a ...trip to Manitoba in the hope .that it may bene- fit his health. *• Mr. X R. Hodgens ticketed the fol- lowing, parties this week ;,John Ond. more to Park River, North Dakots Miss Nellie Medd el Constance Pense, Assa.; George .Whitney of AU. Wen to Winnipeg, Man... and joules. Bluevale. --- • . , Mr. Dan ItcDonald of Palmerstor ipent Sunday with his uncle .Georg .Mcdonalii. • 'L. B. .Duff of Wiwanosh Spent SO dd at•horne: ' • . George McDonald has returned home after spending two weeks at Gyelph -Dairy School.• • Miss Blanche jarnieson of Fordwich is visiting her sister, Mrs, 11,, G. Case triore..• • ;• Mr, Bert Bailey left on Tuesday for to I La Al vent, Aram ....Miss:Eliza ,Iii.!esser is on the -sick . Don't forget "O'Hooligan's V.Veddin' on Pride,* evening. • Me; and Mrs. Robt. Musgrove cele h rated their crystal wedding on Mon day evening when it large number O guests were present. .. • , • . . . , •- a :_•-r ,This Department,saving $1000 n,year in expenses. from CC oldinethod of doing business, is a booming:one, k aVing --ie . =• rept, lighting, beating, •salarie,; and A hest .of ,other expenses,. prialileS ns to'offer the cheapest goods in the county, - . . . - -. , and keen buyers are not slow in. appreciating this.... I 'epart:'n.ent.' We have been told time and time again that our . , 1,aiw-. Ez . goods and priees.arenot equalled in this section, and. if a 'ste tiiily. growing business is any. evidenee.of this fact • then e ....z., we can show it The •old'days of long profits and heavy exp•-iise's are past. . The op-tociate bUsioess man of the .. .. •.,--"' present age age MuSt figure ou a larre turn-oVer ofgoods at small „profits, and small expenses. and for Fpot • cash only .;10-.... . h . • .., • This is just the position .:We are in, -and. doing btisine.s•all ovOr . 0 .itario and the. North-West enables -di to carry a - , a . . • . _ selection that ennho. .13,0 e seen elsewhere'. ' • . . . . . . , • •411. Ill.... . • • , . . 0 • , . . • lb... • .16,11110 .16"12b.. 4461...11)...‘116".4111./11/11. litAb, Allbelboleviefr.Vbviti.Vbi,Vi,Viv."*...ilb,Vi• VibAlb• 0,4111.•• Vb.,VIo•Vi•V\,Vit,•Vb.,17).41bRirlifeibAlli.eq11,010 .72: 111..... 4 IP" "STANDARD" SCHOOL SHOES 'lime and time a ain wo- have been told that• g . .-• , it seems hard to get -goods that will give the ...- • . , .. • . . .. -- oldinary school children any wear ,and during ..;.... -. .• , . f I I M • .... - the past fall We have been figuring on a line that,we. could place on the 11111.ket with oval y confidence that satisfac- ;...: , • .. tion would. be had in .the wear.:.. 1.Ve .havenalued • them the "Standard" and i•lie prices' are as .follows ;-$1,..siies 8 to ' - 10, $1,25 sizes 11 to 4 ; $1.,50, 1 to 5.. When we. say that no such...value is to be seen anywhere Ili. thiS section we • . i tr- mean it. The profit iashaved so olose that Vire know• they cannot be b.eaten, 'rids statement Will bear investio.ation. = ..... . . . clif-- ....................-4.,(....a-Ass.............0...s....i.............,-.-1...1.--,•• ..41,..ss...41,:.-4...,ve.‹....,zu.,-...-......a.:.-‘,..............,,,,w,...,.......a.............1.........40........ ...-,... . . . . . . ' . • -..• ,'... J• . . 40 ' . . • Howe town to Victoria, b. 0. Inspector Ross of the Wellington. Mutual insurance Company together• with the Inspector -of the Hoye] were m Clinton on. Thursday on their Way t� Zurich to investigate the gas exploe sion which partially wrecked Merner's store in that village on Tuesday. Mr. Peter A. Cook, formerly of god rich township but now farming' i Ashfleld near , Lucknow, is Visitin friet.as 1n the Huh And vicinity th week, • TAD NEwe-REsoon.D visits. 111 Cook's home each week and he calle in to say that they are ell very nine pleased with it. • IVIr. W. • Jackson's' bookings. to the West this week inelude:-W. Macdon- ald of Porter's Hill to Gardner, North .Dakota; W. Wise,who had been home on a visit to his,father. in Goderich township; to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; and George Stephenson of Stizaley te Moosejaw, N. W: T. • . • . Taylor and her soh ; Walter. will be the guests of Mr. Jacob Taylor fee a feW days this week while on 'their way recites kValkertori to Ohis Pogo to join :Mr. Taylor, who has located in that City, being connected With one of the:leading.New york Life Insurance Companies. • ' Ray.- S. L.- .Smith; .Reetor. ' of St. Thonias' church, Bayfield, • who has been ill for several Weeks and irica,paci- titted from duty; his been advised -by his Medical Attendants that he must withdraw .frorri . the active Ministry: This' will be heard with -regret by the many lifY and clerical -friends of ,the reverend gentleman who were •hoping, that' his health would shortly be. re- strired. • 'Mr. Smith will we believe • apply for super:in n uatien: • Mr. Thomas Cameron, the leading harness -maker and one of the oldest residents of 13ityfield, was in the •Hub on Thm•sday hitt. Be.has lived there ,about thirty years and quite easily ye - Calle the timewhen the,villege sv,a-sasim- portant, if not more so, than Goderich. and hada betterharboe, that is it was easier of access. '• He has known• fisher-. men to have quite frequently, .-when caught by. sudden storms inlhe 'vicin- ity of Goderich,• to Make ell sail for Bayfield for refuge, the harbor- at •the former place.berrig very difficult of en- trance with the wind in a certain quar- ter: Those were the balmy days �f Hayfield. The fishermen more. than made ends meet, storehouses for grain liarlo(tk. e- _._ ID , e n ' Mr. Win. Mills lost a fine horse re- g centlY by indigestion. ft_ ._ li—x' peet in .a Few Days is Rev. Mr. Stewart of Olioton preach-. • • •• . r. ed a very able sermon le Burns' church 0.- h ' taking the work in Brucefield. far 01^ N. , • e Is Ladies • S.hoos, d ori last Sunday,' Rev. Mr. Hamilton . one of the *finest Selection of B r , . .....•... . I ""-7.1 • - 4. lined the svhare buyers were tironerou and as o. consequence money moved freely. Mr. jacob'Taylor• was in Toronto fotw days of last week attending the annual meeting of; the tkiefederation Life In- surtiece Cointlany. All the head and district Agents 'attendi.ng were guests of the Company at the Queen's lintel • where on Tuesday a banquet was..ten- dered by the directorswhile on -the following evening the Head office staff were the hosts. From all accounts the insurance experts had a verV enjoyable time at both banquets. • The reports presented the minuet meeting all indi- cate a growing business. We are informed that there was 70 per cent. more business transacted up to the 15th of March of this year than for any cor- • respqnding previous period and that the death rate Was about 00 per cent. tower. • The Confederation is it live Can Ad Ian Company'. . _ At the public meeting in Holinesville last Saturday for the letting of the tnilk routes all the routes were not die - posed of. Only six routes were let to the following persons :-R, A. Hearn, Sam, Merrils, Weston, Nelson Steep, .1. W. Hearn and George Ruche. Mr. F. Leonard is spending it fent days in 'Height and other places. Miss Sushi Acheson returned last week after it month's visit to friends in Woodstock end Point Edward. .1. On Monday Mr, W. Stanley took it ' trip to 13ayfield and vicinity in the in- terests of Page's Wire Fence, We understand he has sold ,2000 rods ef fence already this year and expeets to more than double the "iteriount before the season is over. ' Rev, Me, Shaw of Bayfield oecupied the pulpit On Sunday, while Rey. J. Greene supplieddor him. Alis Mcaverilfeef Nile is the guest of Miss 11100a.rtney. 8. Londesboro. • .4.6644644.46moid jblin Brunsdiin & Sonthe agents 1 re for the IVI'assey.Ha.rris machinery. d -delivery day on Friday last. ere were somewhere in the neigh- rhood of forty-five Learns while shout vice on matters pertaining thereto is TH hoe -hundred men took dinner at Thos. worthy of careful attention. Of the Ion 11's tel.—Mr. R. G. Webb un. different varieties of espies he is par- bei Pippin, particulaily the 'latter for ship- tol merit to the Old Country market. A.t) A yet the Cranberry Pippins are most nos popular in Prince Edward county' and ha Mr. Elliott, ad yeses their use in Huron Mr g1109f a were invited and it handsome there are foup.hunared arid fifty tr.3es. bri Auburn spent •Sundaz with friends tint to th H hi e 'rite zeery W ded a car of corn last Week this ng the third since New Year's. m, Bedtord leaves here for Mani. ;a, next Tuesday, 28th of Mareh.-- wedding took plaee here last Wed. day night at half -past eight. The imy couple were Miss Bose Cols to . George 3ftektion. Quite tit1111bOkr of presents were pien the fair for grafting. He has three ovhards of and in onaof them tWelve Vearti Old, lot, de.—Mr. anti Mrs. %V.'['. Riddell „to. The old orthard Wad planted by his of fattier fifty years ago, but by careful her attention it is yet its • tbriftY no many bits trees halt that age. One of Mr. Elliotts An Baldeein trees is a in °hater, probably the largest in the county, mettentirig a e forty-seven feet from tip to tip of bratieliea. This Is the actual measure. meat as made mr.Iiilliott himself, A • •-Miss Minnie adrews, who been clerking for Mr. Riddell of Imen for some time, is home again. The Methodist people are holding cial meetings this week. s - Miss Kossuth Mills Is at present teem- ing dress -making with•Miss Shipiey of Clinton. . • - Me. Jas. Knox is engaged: _with Mr. Lance Tnsker foe the 'slimmer. Mr. -Robt.' Shields, our • popular blacksmith; has his house almost ready to move into. • . •' -Mr. Robt. Gaw has solcrhie house to • Mr. John Watt, Sr. .Mr. Gem porpos- es taking up bis residence in 'Eginond.': ville and he will be greatly missed; by his Old neighbors,• . „. ••. • ttobtert !Beattie delivered a load of hogs to.. Chas. Wallis, Clititon, on Monday.. • , lielnrave• Thelailiei of Knox church held a tea - meeting lait T.uesday -evening and it social tee following night, realizing al- together abciut $57.00, The -Westfield choir. furnished the inueical part of the pregram on the first evening. • - • The young bachelors of toWn had a very:successful assembly on Friday evening litet week. • Harry McBee has engaged with his uncle for the summer ureethe. A great deal of work was done -last week although the sleighing was seine - What We -.wonder if the .Rev. gentleman who edits the Belgrave depai•tment ot the New Era will ' endorse Wilfrid Laurier's letter on prohibition' to F. 8., Spence•or will he be consistent and. Continue to demand tlikt _the Vote of the people be respected and a prohibi- tory law enacted. We will wait pa- tiently for the Outcome. Mrs. F. Naylor had her legbroken on Tuesday last and is in a precarious con- dition. Dr. McAsh is in attendance. Clegg and Armstrong shipped a dou- ble deck of hogs on Monday. Prices werelow, from 83.50 to $4.00 per hun- dred ' Went Tnekersinith, • — Rev.- Mr. Armstrong supplied fpr ReV. Mr. 'Oletnenb in the Ontario street •ehurch of Clinton on Sunday evening last. O Miss Hohnes entertained a number of her friends on Tuesday evening last. A pleasant time is reported. Mr, Frank Brown and Mr. D. Mc- Tavish left this week for Carberry. Manitoba. • .Mr. Appleton Ercoat is expected home from tialifoenia this,week.. G. W, Layton is'atteriditig the K.'0, • T. M. Convention held'in London this week as a representative for Kearns Tent,,Olinton.• • • Mrs. Hugh McConnell of Hay re- turned home on Thursday last after it short visit at her old home, Mr. S. ,Nott's. ' Mr. Feed. • Weldeon bad n. surgical operatiori Performed on his right foot Jas t week and is in Clinton under the Dr. are. His many friends hope to hear of its provina success: Mr. John Avery's sale of thorobreds was, we believe, a sticcess, his best cows selling at over $100, two of them being bought by a Mr. Beatty of Manitoulin Islands. • • Dryadrile. Mr, Robert Aitchison, our popular school teacher, was the guest of Miss Clara Thompson recently. 0 • .0rokinole is now theorder of the day especially at the north end of trio town. The Snowden sisters were guests at Mr. Cleavis's residence one evening last week. Talbot. Bros, wood bee was a grand grecess last Tuesday. The Drysdale church is in a state of peosPerity. We hope to see it contin- ue so, • . • Me. Robert Orr, Sr., has improved the looks of Ids farm it great deal by the cutting down Of Ids tallpoplar trees. . While 111r. Cleave and farcilY were on their way to Goderich the team be- came unmanageable ittid dashed into the ditch, upsetting the rig mid throw. ing the oteupants qdiekly to the ground oddly no damage was done only Charlie received a stvere shaking up and„a few bruises. Collectors for the tilde Society were in onr neighborhoOti last week and gathered quite it purim i‘Our Photographer lute been taking a thoolhouee views on pier& avenue. Messrs. 11. Johnston and D. Dewar were the Olds Of Mr. X. Wild last week. Mr. August Wild and his sisters, reimy andKate leftort Thursday for Hamiota, Dakota. Frank, who has boort off foe it rest has again restarted his position With Mr. J. W. Horner. We are pleased to en his smiling 1140e again sinee his Wife presented him with it bouneing gthy boy on WAWA? Wt. a ad in Tun NitWaage011,13.pay. sok— O." Mek ellte-Is • , THE SHOE THAT CRIPPLES: • ' 1Vb.,106,111/411,10ielito •Itt2.•44.-1b.421 ••ftft,Vtr Ateo4to• 46.•^11%. 'Vt•••VIY All;Vio• . Alb.."0,71.1.b,,lik,d111041b,101.,11V1‘• 7-7:12 ' EpA . G The season is approaching for repairs *on Boots andIN ... Shoes. . We are in a position to give prompt satisfae- = tion. • Bring them to us. • -41 -. -4.:-.4...,%(.s......-4s,......,........,ss.,...-ma.....a..1.,......-q...vs,-,t,e2,-ft...4..,...-ef.,..,-.,.......-%:..q...",,....1....s....... .-I- FOR. are in a position, .owing to the adoption of the cash - •-•=.: r .• cj SYSte M , to -offer the.most wonderful 6uit for $5 that has r•---. ......' --.,.- ‘1 - "1 " '" '''' ' ' ." ' . ' '''''''. *."*"*" ever been offered, .It is 'worth $7, but rapid turnpig a • over of cash enables us to do this. Our selection of Clothin0 for men boys and children will be the largest and iv-- most complete in Western Ontario,. • b, &P.: Q"4"'cl";Kli•divq,-0-(0.0.i...4,111.4o.o.0.0..q...tiecifro-qb,o,:t..0,e;40-zboo,c1.6-ci,..c0-11.-9;bscckt.ea:qh...Omli.ja.w.4-0.1i.wqbAiiegh-w4),-0 73 .- . . .- . ,. -.. -... that has ever been Sliewn here. ^4. • V^ 691^ • LIOderiele •To*mishin. B. Lindsay merle a purchase of another farm hist ..week, •froin his • brother James, the farm on the Huron .road known as the Fenton nitt0e. .have.not•learned the price. • • • Mr. John B. Cook has returned froth 'Toronto where he had been working, -for"D. Cantelon. • • . • . • •-•••Cl. •-.611 41111141 &Ai &Alia 41441i1ila S.'e- l:it:E.' ,...teand Lodge. • Ottawa, March lfi.-At the. meetin• of the Supreme' Grind Lodge of th Sons of, England this morning ' it wa decided to hold the next session of th grand body at Windsor, 1900, .Thes • °Hiders were eleeted ;-Supreme Grand President, Dr. Hodgetts, l'oronto ,• Su promo Grene Vice -President, -Fred Cook, Ottawa; Supreme Grand. 80ere tary John W. 'Carter, Pc,ronto • Su: omet 6 A. little more than a week and Easter1 will be lere. Nearly g every person wants soiixething new for that day, even if only a pair of gloves or a tie. • We are slimming to -day what is beyond e question the finest and best collection of Spring „Dry Goods that • has ever been gathered together' in Cliilton. In DreGoods, preine Grand Treasurer, Ben dinch- f . cliffe ; Trustees, Bros, Lindsay and Ferguson, Toronto. In future it will be neceSsary for members marrying to present a certifis cate of good health in the case of their Millinery, Gloves, in fact in: eVerything in wearables, the stock we show to -day is without an equal in this section.• •" wivesovho otherwise will not partici- ,w The eMill Ninery pate in the funeral benefit department. Our Opening Display of New Sprint). Millinery will be held on The propooal to bring Itep-childreli and adopted children within , the scope of the funeral benefit department failed to ca'Are.most important ainendment its the constitution adopted to -day by Grand Lodge was that seeking a re- adjustment of the beneficiary rates. Under the existing constitution the same sate is paid at eighteen years as at thirty, and the ascent bpyond thirty is by five-year periods. The amend- rnent, which was adopted, slightly ins creases Ibe rates, which will . be graded on a year by year basis. The increase will not affect present pcilicy-holders, an amendment to make the change re- tractive being defeated. The following brethren were elected on the committee of general purposes: Pros. F. Elliott, Patching, Cumberland, Gibson, Folkes, W. Hancock, London, Boxitil, Mare, Vipond, Aldridge, Clats worthy, Ferguson, Tattersall, J. Jones, Ferguson, Wilkinson, Swait, Stroud. and S. J. Reynolds. The Grand Lodge ng -reed to raise the rates for all new meno • bers in the beneficiary department. It was deckled not to press the ineor.. potation bill before the Dominion Pars 'lament in.view of the prospect of. the Government introducing it general mea- sure affecting friendly societies, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday MARCH 29t1u, 30(1Cand APRIL 1St, _ • Bale Friday, Meath 24111, lot 18, cop. 8, townyhip of nullett, farm stock and implements,—C:. Dam - Mon, auctioneer ; W. H. Farquhar, proprietor. Saturday. March 25th. Queen qreet Myth, household furniture, organ, ote.--,C. Hamilton, attetioneer; Ann Stewart. proprietress. Tuesday, March 28th, at the Blyth Monthly fannetock and implementooto --0. Hain. liton, auctioneer, i 20th t so no now eon. cerigraticiYe'r:Pcgtirmshikflitrm stoL and bow plotrion'ts.—W,11.Beacent, proprietor W. Me autioneetkt 11, 4, AllAneltiloYet, Ilitoloholdeireets, ete.—aliam- ilton, auctioneer; George Platseripoprioi or. TICIV6s1:g)1:1 82i2t1. t(r1:4111 01 n ()". raseta.-c. thimilton, auctioneer ; __Tuesday, Anil, 41h, lot I, eon. tovvnship of lough. nroprio or. MOtrik fA•PITIS, men otock, implements and hoessitsia streets, oatato of the late George /Creating...41. /fattiltott, auctioneer; A. W. adminiotrator. Thursday, April (ith, lot Kean. 2, township of East Vvawariesh, farm otoek, inipleinents. musette:1d furniture, ete., estate the late James AleGowti).-0. Hamilton. auctioneer ; IVIcGOVren, W. ft, MCGOWati, 1G80eUtorti, The showing of -Trimmed Millinery will be ;well worth seeing. Exact copies of high-class Parie and New York pattern -hats', made by our milliners at the openings, with dozens the pro- duct of our own workroom that for beauty and style are not one whit behind anything you will find in the cities, go to make a collection that excels anything we have ever before • shown. Not in Trimmed fiats alone, but in everything 'per- • taining to Millinery have we been careful to gather only what is best and newest. tintrimmedl Hats and Sailor I-lats -Evetystyle :chat fashion favors • for spring may be esen here. Mflhlnery Ribbons --The finest collention we ever had. including Two • Tunes, 'Nitro Tones, Satin Brilliants, Rich Failies, Taffetas, Merles, eto,, also all tbo latest ogles in draw -string effects. mfilirork Trimmings -a. magnificent assortment, that comprises every toticeiVahlo fancy in Sttaw Braids, Ohiffons, Nets, Malting, etc. pldwerz, and Freatners-Ilandretla of different patterns in Fluwere. MI the yew creations, so perfect in 'die maim. up you'd • hardly distinguigh them from natural b`oom. In Oatrich Goods, Paradise end Ospre3 s, - - wc,show the beSi V9•11,108 13/6 eve - had - - T• he Millinery v%rill be on view Wednesday afternoon and the O store 'open. from eight to ten p.m, Wednesday evening, but by Lar the best time to come will be Wednesday or Thursday afternoon , . you'll be able to see the goods better and avoid the crowd and crush of the eveninir 0.4 J6i6", 16•666161061.1 Mack and colored silk vet veilings, . DRESS MAKING Our Dreee Making Department is now in -full running -........-.... -' 14 and 18 inches wide, etrong 4 a I experience in tome of Ihe leading oity establishments, and we are tutning out stylish Wen Miss Ewers, who- is in aharge, bas bad a long pradointsCheitit/ elet 'iiiii'n'tif;:v.Vi WI U;gek a C New Gloves for • Laster. What lady is there but wants it . pair of new Glo , fur Easter? With , a kid glove stock that easily discounts arr. thing in the county, we can supply almost any need in Glave. We don'esell tke or- dinary cheep kinds, ttey aro unoatisfactory •te: both bnyer arid seller,' •but- handle only standard makes, and our guarantee good . with every pair that leaves the store, Hera are three special lines: - Ladies' Mel Gloves, two or three large done fasteners, silk.embroi- dory, in blacks, tans, brownsi greens; .blues and reds, all sizes, every pair guaranteed 1400 Ladles' fine kid Gloves, three dome , fasteners. very sat kid and fine quality, fancy embroit.'ory, black, white and fancy shades, Trafousse and goidlion makes 1.25 Ladies' fine hid Gloves, the best line wo carry, very oft and fine kid, geenine Trefousee reake,three large dome fasteners, fancy silk embroidery. blacks, blues greeno, fawns, reds, ir tans, 'the best assortment 1 ig class gloves we haVe ShOW II 11, 41 a.* .... JleUV New Vellings. You'll want now veil for Easter Sun. day. It will be bard to find a beitcr here, collection veiling novelties than ; chenille ApOt,all Um- newest shades Aft and up.todale costumes, and combmistione . ... ........ isue THE WISE:ILAN suntE—we wiii open up tale Wiseman :Store on Saturday, tpril ist • En11 annoneement next, ivoek. DGENS BIROS .11!:;:364g. ellititon