HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-16, Page 5JANUARY 16T11, tgo8—THE BLYTH STANDARD --PAGE PIM ►A1 ('A A Stock -taking I�1 During Stock -taking we are offering special ♦ reductions in all lines of Children's and Ladies' A Mantles, Children's Coats from 81 upwards. Ladies' Coats from 84 upwards. ♦ Ladies' Coats regular 811, sale price $7,50• ♦ rj We are also offering great reductions on -- r THE RIG -HT HOUSE A RELIABLE STARE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRICES FOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE, N A A • A r Men's and Boys' Ready-made Clothing For a good black dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods, Highest prions paid for Farm Produce. A I�1 YA� Ea BENDER, BLYTH u A ♦ See our prices on Dressed Poultry .4 4 4► 4f �4► 4► 4► 4 til 4► 4► A SEEMEEMBERMINEMINO NEWS AROUND TOWN A. • i, 44 bITY - atht o.•••••• t• rot 4hd f aeS. 7t C •••• ••••••••••• ••• ••••••• Tell it to the i STANDARD • • •• • •••• •••••• ••••• ♦•••••••i While the Public Is invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal views on publics matters and public mon, personalities are debarred and la all wets the sultablllty of the tom. munleation for pubiioation Is a matter to be decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the opinion of our correspondents n4 'heir differences with our own THE STANI>ARD i00 •t. dbdein 4'r•pnn�llnlity. It's Surprising Row Christmas steals upon a pers n. There'll bo Roast Tur- key, Plunk Pudding and Cake and Santa Claus almost before we know it, And there'll be Mince Pies end Christmas Cake plenty too. Now we can supply you with your needs for your Xmas Baking Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Poeta and Nuts, all new (ruit, Also Froth Mince Meat—package or hulk, end we have s full line of Candies Nuts and Fruits. We keep a full line of Fancy China suitable for Christmas Presents, ()ASH FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT BI.,Y'TH OVER 8400 In taxes are still out. Feb. 1st the roll is returned. Co, COUNCIL meets on Tuesday, Jan. 28th at rive p. in, ht Goderish, THE ice harvest comes next. There has not been much show for it so far this season, W E have 15 bundles of old news. papers. A good many of old STAN- vARDs that are not cut or turn tit 5 cents a bundle. ANNUAL meeting of the members of the Public Library will be held at the library, in Chambers' store, on Friday evening at eight p. in. sharp. MARKET REPORT.—Wheat 92-92 ; Barley 55-58 ; Oats 42-42 ; Peas h0-80 ; Bran 22i-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Butter 22-23 ; Eggs 22-23 ; Flour 83.00-83,25, WHEN travelling by the C. P. R. purchase your ticket at town ticket office, Ali information as to rates, timetable and connections cheer- fully furnished by J, McMurehie, C. P. R. Rail and steamship agent. 'PEE open air rink was In running order on Saturday evening, Qurro a stock of saw logs are .coating to the Livingston still. Comm will meet this year on the first Monday of every month. Tits South Huron bye -election will take place on January 22nd. THE weather on Sunday wee something new for this winter, We hope it will not occur again, THE now councde in the various municipalities met on Monday of this week according to statute. THE tiro engine was out for a practice on Thursday last and was throwing the water on the open air rink. Tits choir of St. Andrew's church has charge of the musical part of the program next Monday evening at the tenmeeting in Knox church, Auburn. 'PEE church trustees and Epworth League of the Methodist church have placed a new system of electric lights in their church which will be n great improvement on the other lights they had. 'PRE leap year ball on Friday evening last was a decided success. The young then looked lovely and they say the ladles did ,,the grand" in thea' usual way. The ladies are to he congratulated on tike success, 01H advertisers are certainly be- lleving in the use of printer's ink 111111 we we trust that our readers are getting the benefit of the bar- gains that ere offered to then by our up to•tfate storekeepers. A UEAUTIFUL locket, chain, ring, chartn or pocket knife to boys and girls who will sell just ten packages of our Electric Sliver Polish et only ten cents each, No money required until goods are sold. Send at once to Fennell & Co,, Wellesley, 'I'ns annual meeting of the Blyth Agricultural Society will be held in Industry hall on Wednesday after. noon, January 22nd, for the election of officers and directors. All mem. bers of the society rind people who wish to see the Blyth fall fan' a suc- cess are requested to attend the meeting. THE Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church will give a social evening in Milne's Hall on Wednesday, :Gmu- ary 22nd, from 7.30 to 10 p. m. The first part of the evening will be spent in games and social inter- course. The second part will con. sist of a good program followed by light refreshments. Everybody welcome, admission 15 cents. WE are pleased to have items of news from all outlying districts. If anything happens in your neighbor• hood write it down on a post card and send it to us. Give us all the particulars you can and let us have the news as soun as possible, Items that will outline extent of building operations, the general trade, acci- dents, soctat'evonte, farm sales, mar- riages, deaths, births, yisitors, etc,, will be particularly acceptable, A. WETTLAUFER has disposed 01 the necessary brick for the new Roman Catholic church at Clinton. Several teams from there have been here during the past week drawing the hundred thousand brick needed. J. H. CNELLEw reports laving done a very satisfactory holiday trade in pianos and organs, having supplied instruments to the follow- ing parties :—Win. Perdue, Gode- rich Tp., Meintzman piano ; John Redmond, West Wawanosh, Demi. Mon organ ; A, Robinson, Westfield, Dotninion organ ; A. Reid, Brandon, Bell piano ; J. T, Schoefield, Fen- wick, tlehltzninn piano ; John Rich- mond, Morris, Dominion organ ; John Granger, Mullett, Bell piano. GROCERIES.....► A full line kept Woodenware, Meats and Flour—Five Star, Best Manitoba and Choice Family. I am now handling Coal 011., hLving a perfect measuring tank with government Heal. Give us a call. Goods delivered. Cash for Butter and Eggs. A. TAYLOR BLYTH 25o to Cure Your Cough Bole's Pteparatinn of Friar's Cough Balsam comes in such a big bottle—end the prescription from which it is made is such an excellent one --Stat one bottle curer most coughs. Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam costs only aso a bottle, Your dealer has it or can easily get it for you. See that he,doee, Itis BOL•B'S PREPARATION you wait --the cough care that cures coughs. 37 NATIONAL DIM a CHEMICAL Cu. Or CANADA LIMITED, LONDON. ONT. Valuable Samples Free 11f have used your Coltefoolo Expee- torent and find it satisfactory iu caste of eroup, colds or coughs, 1 have need it ever Knee I got a trial bottle, and have recommended it 10 everyone in need of it. You may use my name and address for testimonials if you wish. Hoping it will benefit others as it has done my children, 1 remain, M115, AG14ES COMBER," 1069 Frances St., London, Ont, Coltatrwte Expectorant is the great- est cough and throat cure in the world. it is the presoriptiou of It renowned specialist, Di order that every family may prove its unparalleled merits we will send a; sample bottle free to every- one who amide us their name and ad- dress and mentions this paler. Can bo had at all druggists at 25e. Send your name to -day to Dr. '1', A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. Send for rap astute To -day. Coxsu1'r the columns of THE STANDARD for bargains if that's what you are looking for, Do you belong to the Public Li. brary ? If not, why not? The fee to become a member 15 only 50 cents and you have a collection that is hard to beat in any town the size of Blyth. It has been stated to us that three-quarters of the members live in the country. The people of Blyth could do nothing better than subscribe anti become members in- stead of tilling their minds with the Thaw trial, ete., and gossiping. The library is open every day so that bouks may be changed. Canadian News. Patrick Conroy died at Wolfe Island, aged 105 years. -•- The Manitoba Government took over the Bell Telephone system on Wednesday, Winnipeg's high pressure water system has given great satisfaction. THE STORY OF CREATION, -In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the editor, then he created the liberal advertiser - which was good. The next day it rained and He created the man who does not believe in Advertising, an- other who does not tike the home paper- and then Ile rested, And then the devil got into the moulding roots and treated the man who takes the paper for several years and fails to pay for it. YOUR FARM STOCK SALE. -When arranging for your farm stock sale make it a point to have your bills printed at THE STANDARD office. Your bills will be attractively print- ed, and with every sale bill printed at this office you will receive free a notice of the sale in Ghia paper which is rend every week by Nun. dreds of people in this loettlity and makes your sale known to many who may never have the opportun- ity of seeing your bills. TnE L. 0. L. District of Morris held their annual meeting in Blyth in the Orange Hali on Tuesday at tornoon, which was largely attended from all over the distrtet. After the business was attended to the follow• ing officers were elected for the en- suing year :-W, M,, A, II. Robin- son, Blyth ; D. Al„ Wm, Nethery, Belgrave , Chap„ Rev. W. Hartley, Blyth ; Secretary, Charles Stewart, Londeshoro ; F, S„ Wm, McElroy, Blyth ; Treasurer, AI, Bruce, Lon- desboro ; D. C., A. Sims, Blyth ' Leet,, R. AteCr'ae, Belgrave. W. Al, Robinson was appointed delegate to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ontario west to be held In Mount Forest in March. In the evening a Royal Arch meeting was held when five candidates were advanced to the Royal Arch degree. EYES EXAMINED SCIENTIFICALLY WITHOUT DROPS All the errors of refraction ars revealed to u by our wonderful methods. Come to London. Take advantage of our tree consultation. We are the only eyesight specialists inCanada who take the entire responsibility of your eyes from the examination to the making of rho glasses complete on the premises. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. ETESISSIT SPECIALISTS 23T Dudes Sirtel • • • • Limits, Oat, FOWL WANTED The Big Sale Ends Saturday, Jan. 25th 121 per cent off Felt Shoes. to per cent off all Shoes, 121 per cent off I-leavy Rubbers, 15 per cent off Clothing,. to per cent off Groceries. Misses' Jackets half price. Children's Jackets at less than cost. 121 per cent off Overshoes. Fur Ruffs, Stoles, Caperines, Boas and all small furs at a big sacrifice. Stanfield's Underwear at each $t.00, 1.25 and 1.35. 121c Wrapperettes 91c. 28 pieces American Wrapper Cloth, in light and dark shades, floral and Dres- den patterns per yard 0;a. 5oc Winter Caps 20c. 70 Witter Caps, in heavy clothe with pull down, worth from 400 to Dao, to clear at 200, 30c Grey Flannel 22c 3 pieces Campbelltord Grey Flannels, all wool, dark or light, at 22e, 15c Grey Flannel t tc 2 pieces Grey Union Flannel, dark or light, only per yard llo. Ladies' Fur -lined Jackets in best cloths, best linings, latest styles at sweeping reductions. $60 Ladles' Furdtned Jacket, with dyed coon reveeres, German muskrat lining, at x41, ' Ladies' Far•Itned Jacket, with sable collar and muskrat lining, at 500. Overshoes at 5oc Job lot of Children's and Misses' Over. shoes at per pair 50e, Rockfast Shirting 131c This to the beat American Shirting, nude in plain and Gordon twills, worth regu- tarty lila, now 1350. Men's Coon Coats at less than cost 575 Coon Coat for 555, 570 " em. 500 $49: $22,5o Black Dog Coat 16,50 4 only Black Dog Coats, beet goods made, 1n Canadian Dog Coats only, 5111.10, Men's Fur -lined Coats at less than manufacturers' prices, 75 Men's Pur-llnad Coats, otter collar, German muskrat lining, only 551, 560 Men's Furdined Coat, with blank Per- sian lamb collar, German muskrat lin- ing, only 815, 525 ned Coat, with orr collar and inside rubber lining 510. $30 Men's IIantstordlned Coat, with fur ooltar and rubber interlining, 521. 525 Men's Corsican Lantb Coat C leather reinforced, sl3, Ladies' Fur Coats 528 Ladies' Black Astrachan Coat for 521 535 „ „ 540 510 INN An immense pile of ends laid• olit to sell quickly. No goods punched on tickets. No goods returnable. Poplo$lono & Gardiner BLYTH We are paying the highest prieee for Terms, produce or cash. Turkeys, Geese, Dunks, Chloka, •Butter and Eggs. Grain choke paid atter bank hours. MoMiLLAN & CO. Olnsiey street a Blyth Only part of the wheat berry is fit for food. Yet much that isn't often gets into flour. You cannot see it or taste it, but it's there. It is simply a case of the miller getting more flour from his wheat and your getting less nourishment. Royal Household Flour is so milled that nothing goes into it except the part of the wheat that is food. You get just what you pay for—the best andurest flour made. It goes farther because it is all flour. Your grocer can supply you. O Uvle flour Mills Co., Ltd. 146 6lestresi, This brand—on a bag or barrel -Li is,thtM irriark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the best millers in Ontario. Ask your grocer for a Blended Flour -and look for the above brand wherever you buy. "Made in Ontario"'