HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-16, Page 15•••a • STUDY OF A, HART. RELIOS OF THE RED TIER iroreat Haste Is NO - , used 10 admire? asked 'the husband Picked 11P her howling offspring. "Did OA.TIONAL DEPARTMENT. Wan" people trust to luch who likes to spend. his eveninge at muzzie's &velour% little think she SIGNS OF INTETiLEOT. . Whatai the reason you.'re eti caramel " There, there, there!" 8.xeittiMed the wit° or tab realistic, novelist, aa she iwneairli8ou°ri lhate, RinnvithwahtYpdroetYtyountnyelveerI rushed into her htuiband'e eitudy and PRESENTED TO. THE ONTARIO. EDITr ilirWaYtt 'kiood Speed." to pull them through, and are I am preparing a lecture; replied the A People Who Were thitersubtsrus Wilk the /1011SEHOLD HINTS, ha ee r !Wrens sad Witt? Woke Not eannstelle- often ef,,,-e-eppanted, 4,rto not wlee, " tho " DaWu of Eathetio Life." An up-to-date heneekeePer Weite A After she had -quieted hien,she turned dime's worth of coarse salt each olee.n.- sympathetically to her lansband And 'Ill"r°811"g bboar• • DI • • The Preeentation hap been Made re- it" In matters of THE ihrPORTANCE OF WATER IN ing day. She e.catters the salt bythe asked; .te, MTh. intereet attaches td the sub- handfnl cm the tloor of 04011 rOoea to "Did You have a. terrIble time With' coatlY of 2.500 SPeelnlens ef„archa,eao- heatthe WO it you can MANURING. be swept, and at intervals on the stairs Willie while I was shopPinte4" gloat •rernains, chiefly' Indian relies, to a the Educational Department, Toronto, CC°MP1LS4 'flargles. Wrg o " ItbyMa311:11 t.ndWrIlliancearialttgurdarismcuesres.: and halls., The Balt absorbs the dust . "Ph, no,:' teelied the iotellectual ..e. was very by Rif. George E The Mt 4 you are 144 no good. Destitute meetings the past winter. He colors in the carpets, and assista in the much interested. 1 ho.d, never before Basal:4 Laic. eli, Laidlaw, imp Xeep the liver, kideeys, boWels and Orought out many pointsnot general., in SweepIng, iroparts a freshness to the giant with a glad tonife: Fort,' jeOunty. cleansing' of thp apartment. made a eteuly a uow a baby priee, and The collection centains upwards of blood heathy by theuie of Hoedte Sar- ly• considered. A. very unique onto was five liu.ndred welt marked fragments a saparilla, the faultless blood' purifiek. mthaenimrpoortanee of the g_ravity watee to A cloth' wrung out of a >solution of I have seonred some very intereetine toFireilereigaandltli*eir ris lloPorZrzaTtigg- abuilajnflatilg:ssoit-tadtgrngwtgrfar? isarbaie aoid and Mine in a sick room, notes. I ltave disevered just 1161.‘ a rarttio"la Ir"i:da dwetcch“VaereSPYttecluirnabee1408 II rIlla. It, cured me. My neuralgia also winter and very earlY spring. The will alit as a disinfectant. baby 'cries when lonely. :A. few' min- manY reaRects for comparative uses, atonpped.'. W.,J3.13Airewtis, 11* Oak Street, soil is almost afloat in.it, and so Some persona aprinkle tea leaves u•tes after you. went shopping, he began and are therefore worthy of Preserve- geare"n' New *York' Tired peeling -" MY appetite watt frost comes out the earth. is sollInoss-tite, freezes up pretty solidly ' W e the on a carpet to lay the dust when to whine sofely to hinegelf, and to wan - ion ed ethat by a sort of polarization the .e.arprctiolir, filv 'dyer disordered and I was Era. 1 lea i nti-atomi 1 ! sal and applied. aweeping, and it the carpet is old, so dee about as if isearetung for aome .- * It cured ci: filen:roan:1%100711;r 14411,1., - Most of this collection has been with-, gi e there is no danger of fading the colors, one. Then he let out ti. yell. When eete in Victoria. county, but Scotland, nen." Mas, Jessie A. Maim, Clayton, Del. manures move about 'and corning to - the ea -leaf method is eoonomloAL if 1 epoke to him and asked him what was a carpet hes a " ex•earay background, the matter he drew down e ,n Columbia, Texas, Georgia, Colorado, with patterns of delicate Pink and. blue of hie mouth and began to cry flowers, white 'cornmeal should' be earnest. The sounds he mead were and neanY places in Ontariot beside the . all • times of the vowels altOgeth- Balsam. Lake dietricit are represented, lightly sprinkled thereon before, sweep- sonar' a. Is Me namely, Vert William ItichMond Hill, Rota's ruin nature aids cure liver our the non.irreatteg mitt this he calls using ode oi er devoid a con t 11 thod our work and both say - Guelph, Galt Woodstock, Midland, .Iiiiraiiiiiiiiifti lose-wItT iiii: .14 ing. The carpet is thua kept bright of .crying is to titter frota four to '• • ' gather form coetaot combinations,' and h the llortheWest Territories, British. r so the foundation of plant, food is pre- pare& 'the dung cif the manure being very fine is thus renal more perfectly distributed than, by machine work, and clean, after thee manner ot clean, seven ehort barking sows s, labor and getting • the lag furs. • a quick deep breath, and yell at the Branchton and Beverley. evitli hie mouth almo_at There are 180 apeoimenS of stone alma A tine oil painting May be dusted off top of his voice, &dies, chisels and gouges and Although thoro46 y, pa • , perfectly round. Prom tone to time Jr SEWAGE IN WATER. and gently rub the raw potato over vetied this performance bY Wang in only a few are highly finishisd, thejr • - work more perfectly done. This is preeibly also the reason that hi his business Mr. Wallace, so Strenuously urges ;:he use bt Thomas-Phospliate . Powder in the fall wi t r d a .1 ' spring t ' la 8 '. 'all '.6 1 Y Milo -surface of the painting, taking breath, asif choking, mid 'When he pains to do only. a portion at a time, did, not only his face, but even his ftr es norm the lees valuable on this Etc- A Simple Testopetyettet:.1tIels It. Nay bi muctt mon Me He explained with clearness the action of eapilar- and wipe dry with .a very soft old ssalF. got red.", . count, for they indicate a general ' Here is a simple test .for the pr.es. ity and the hydroscopio water th °loth. The colors vvilt be freshened " And you sat there and took notes, taste, .or want of taste, on the part a . and the beauty preserved, • I'll never leave our dailing with such the people who resided coterminous once cif sewage' in water. AII drink-, sal; . '• ' in ' n Y with bleinishes on thole% faces, a.nd if said this she gathered 'up the Pet,of with the Humps, in whose country •ing water should be tested in toWp or „ '""eee oung ladies who • are tieubled-at cad -blooded creature agalit." As she THAT WAY. there is a tendency toward scrofula, the household and flounced from the d or bad, are °emitter frequently, as there are ah- LOOKS T tools Of this kind, goo t quite as •deadie and every eistere o water is liable to be a source of blood tholaght of it before. " I always order r presume never ing before breakfast will acts a com-' of turns, about the room. Do you buy the; condensed milk, ma - •will find' theca rev potato eaten aft- room in a huff. • . er impurities besides sewage whioh are rarely found E dam? that we must, but I smiling .8a ta ' OE SEDENTARY lelABITS. er the manner•ot fruit every morn- The reelistia novelist took a couple • In cold water, and it will be palatable. .- Poisoning. Mice, rats, anti other pests two quarts and pay for two quarts, but i case of it never measures more than three plexion tea°. Peel the potato, soak ly. to himself in the mean me, winked et himself in a way that sue.. ..There. are. 18":gorgets di t.ablets, one Take evereemorning.fpr three weeks. gested that perhaPs after all he had 01 which is the largest) in the mu- must have water, and many stains from the fingers is to dampen manang that would. save him from be- deeels and scrapers; of (Alert are CO.. falling into the cistern and-reit:mining typhoid is ea up by 'such as these pmts. Some Plain Questions. • An expeditious war to remove ink simply been doing a clever littlti ro- BOUM ; spear heads, arrow heads, knivkai • the sulph„ur end of. a match and 'rub' inK loft. tn charge ef the babY U2 • ill- parativelY scanty ; but there are no there for Months in a. decomposed over the offending spot. tura. 1 • Have you catarrh 4 • Have you offen- lees than 27 Mortars or mealing stones,. state. The popular blue print is now fie- • To detect this impure condition Ita sive breath? Have you bronchitis? Have quently used to simuleee tilbag. • A and grinders or pestles, which prove ' . fireboard with a border of the prints that this primevar people were of very simple and unfailing. Draw a you slight symptoans of consumption, .• Is not .only artistic., but a perpetual tumbler of water. from the• tap a send for a free sample of BANK ENGLAND'S PROFIT. .sedentary, habits; Amid the numerous night, put 'a piece of 'lump augar into Caterrhozone. What is catarrhozene photographs have • been taken hyaena& heaps or the many village sittei :it and place it ou the kitchen mantel- Not a !Muff, witiih nor ointment, but: reminder of past delights when the membee of the home eirele t - Then• • Used Everywhere, Sold Everywhere, Avoid Substitutes, Lead pacicages, DELLA D CEYLON TEA. ss, so, 40, Se 4 40c- . ' ow, 4,. r,,iy,, -,,,,tv,,, v •,,,,,,.• *1 ,.. ,, •••10r•-• tr.- ... Pete"e,... etef"''.'7".rf7=0,74..-',C•''...e ';',,-; '''. ..d.,..e..,,..-'...,.c... ',...:*,..,*•„.4 ..-e'..,.)11W ,. ,,,,,,„... .......r. rt O..* et ir • , / g ,,,:., 4...,ef, • ........-.44-.:WwW ,.............--.4”. .......,--__,_,..r. ........................ oo.V4Vitvoert=bbeittigtin :avilln440141tillxrertlettlintikedaterriiteVrthit:110411.1Yagi*Yrst toramissio referred. Unsold Doylies returnable, LINEN I1011Alt purr. RE.E.1 and prettiest ; no two rr du, and e• ostal doylies, postpold, and out big Premium List. Sell there, return us 11.20 and we at once formal:140er bracelet free. Uberel • . JIMMY'S IDEA, • Jimmy went Naga his parents to take a meal with friends who observe the old. form of asking a silent blessing. When alt heads were bowed. -Jimmy endured. the agony about three sec-. onds, and then whispered shrilly: • Wake up, mamma I Hein't you 'sham- ed of yourself to go to sleep over such a jolly dinner as this?' • HOMPeDECORATIONS. nittlog [early Years Irretictilits ;11882 It Nude that' del the COUntry, Mr. 1.0.idlaw sue- . elope or enywheie that the tempera-. an odorous gas, welch is carried • by •it is a fact that to rneelY minds. no and horn, intending wwls, kniVes, liar- if pure will. be perfectly dear ; if con- never '.fails to eUre. We do not ask will not tie endee 60 degrees Fah- air directly to the diseased •parts. It itte,aresee int Outstanding Vaper. -ea c ded ocilleoting 422 objects of bone trilenreheit. In the mokning, the water, penetrates wherever air can go and 'doubt, enest be very ,curious, thatthe Poona, chisels, tattles,' tubes or long Leiminated by sews,ge or other iinkri- You to believe this until you have test. ear the, wolf anti the beaver. a simple, and safe test Nvell'known In bottle gratis to N. 0. POLSON & CO • how she saw .a dining -room transform- pretty teady souree, of profit in the .th,e 4 - ' 'A southern farm housekeeper tells Bank of •England has always had a boaaft, auct variously worked teeth of ti ace water will be milky. This is "ed it' for yourself. Send for a trial e. en ;there are the small discs of chemistry. • • Kingston, Ont. - • rue ion of its banimaptes: at o and pottery, the latter evidently soiled that it was detritnental to the this Way we are unahle say, but c•'• ?iasv 0nta. •ne ether 134.14; • kalsomine; tinted a yellew were Ceeing 1832e. the. •bank •had anade a few of the clay ones ate perf rated, pried, but. An intereeting elluetrat ed at an expense of one dollar. The loss an dest t' • • • • • • • • LAS 1N IMPRESSON. At a meeting of London veaiters It room had been plastered; but was eci What ite„bee- gained'. of tate- years in having been peepared from fragmente- • ThUL 'JU e fact that early impressiona was unammously dedidee that "tipping discs. Soine of the stone ones4end a, linger long in the memory needs no showed the true •gentlercian," and that enjoyment of a meal Two packages of during a period of forty Years Pre- term have there been found. Eat many • . , broaighe.end a brash borrowed fronl a clear* Profit of ; .05,50%000 ,frem• out- atld an neither aide in there a dealt:ie. of. it Mappens along now and then. la e•fei food fired at hime . kind neighbor; tile eldest ionealthou h standing "ii ' l'Ir 1 t b ' . g - tive- Week to indicate that the Primi- There are nien; said Jones, whose F7 41 • , . . , • , inexperienced end 'ate .. s' • '' PeP e never i e Y 0 13 Pre • it according to direeti n d 1-d, N ' it to the.wallir 100 -the man who refused to tip,"ooght to as more. perauasiece q ypung, united seated for peYuient,' *says the London tiveS'uoted tliein for garubling, if 'these simpLe netsenatity • pe‘traens were used' for gambiiiig, than 'any oratory could be, Who can , • 6 t C 1 err Minot -he Cured P se an apt) re °yrs. Wheil thir datruetam• or the those made of puteery would be dis. imPress you more powerfully with -a .. The cOlor never tires irrecoverable loss of &note can be tinguiskable for this purpose, when gesture -a wave otethe hand -than if with LOcA.L APPLIOATTONS, as they ean- 'pot -reach the et -az of th tlisea4e. Catarrh. is a • riot bored, . bi. tbeir rounded and eel- ehey uttered _ whole .dietionaries oe the eye and harthoilises witlinnything. Proved, as in the event a a fire or's With white nand* • h • windo.ws and a red • geranium on the. alwaYs PaY the money, and even when inches and a halt, and in thickness; Oh. yes, replied Browns lefy father atarrh Cure is nob a quells medicine. It ivas lectlyou_the blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall!- . windo ' ' lhere :was a hem iit the top, andl 'It very emiu ying . the bank. should( the note aeroes his kueetliat a. waVe cif hie eemeteed.wee the best Wood Phrlipre. aCtin : • , /Erectly n tho 1 cous surfaces. I he perfect blood or cans liutiOnal dif and in order te . •• knifed aides. *diameter' they varY words; Did Y°0- •arer. eel" eciross such. cure it you must tak%internatremedies. Ha re an pas curtains the' .wreek it cate, the bank; of eourse, will front five-eighths be un to• Iwo lt man/ • • W 4114 the room tooks'inviting. there ;is cleeibt ,aleme tte the euesh is from. en• eighth to three'eighthe .of an Was ca. Mae of that kind. I. came Pre*cribed bl• One Of the Poet Physicians 184)11.1 She also deseribes a portiere' of blue petit on Set:inlet being •• •given fee.le, Inch They are ti • few clay Mks, which acro'es•him, :as it were, quite Mil cent- country for year, and regu1ar pretcrip- d • ' 11. Wits when I was acrose hinee. lion, i5 •minposed of the beet ton iegi lqown, denina•painted with slirays of. dogwood:. - Y " Lo have been Moulded for this 1Y• • Catarrh (lure is ta-en internally, au -titers rill deep one at thdbottom; the'wrong aide ev.er preeented. Tbe Vg1;0,9011 worl4 In the- 'collection of shone many. of hand 'always impressed. me meet OW' combinatnorm an the ingrOd tents is. wbat of the goods being turned over orevale of paper or 4100,0110, as it appears • right side. The sprays started a ove ...ave been 1,educeri to -:taken erone elle lower hem, and reached almost • ' half -way Up the curtain, The effect 7 - ' Parr's Bank will therefore wt repie- was beautiful • • . .sont the loss unless the ceiRreeittle Another was Made of the hurler), billets ba.ve some day( to be duly hon. which costa eight eants per yier& A. deep ouree at dad, was pahted a ehort distance the Bank of Englend counter. There were:" two vvicle, streight lines, for the:in will have to come out. of the that case the tasit paid n exchange i above the hem in a•-rielt. dark • blue. .14 between which wee. a conventionAl dee poffers of '•• top of the burlaps had t a deep, knotted '.111B' sign of••wild roses, The drapery for the . . . • • double- at tbe. Above this Was a'$1750 000. ...But being a Kitt* fringe of' the earnee made by having it .11.1any yearn ago a -bank director lost „.. design of the wild roses.' it was a no e or tilelitly looped near one end, Another of credit, and as the,re was no doubt* curtain pf 'the same material for the aboht the lose of the bill, he gave . sante rep= was painted with daisies.. the u.sual indemeity and got the .• minty., Many years after, when the CORNING AND DRYING. BERP.„ . Corned Beet -To 00 lb. of beef take _was presented. It wee payablo on de- 11-2mon bad long been dead, the paper, oz., salt -Peter, 11-2 lb. brown mond, and had cOute from abroad in sugar, about 9 to 10 gell000 of water, the ordinary: Way cif itbusa ineki, and dthde sum it represented a to be han e and sufficient coarse salt to make a over, and . as the indemnity that had brine. Mix the'.siigar, saltpeter and been given -was repudiated by the wiiter together; add pelt until the heirs of the map who had ,given it, brine will float ant. *egg. Rub salt and for some reason. could not. be en - over each piece oft Meat, cover ivith forced, • 'the bank on that occasion brine, and next day put a weight on had to put $150,000 on the debit side. meat. Ready to use ba A week. Ten- of the account. For once in c way Cuilag Dried Beef. -To ewery ..100 'lb, of . toimihawk end the knife. There:, bring stueS ntRy be put in at the eame.tiene . they paid double honeur to a bit. beef take. 5 gal. .of pima strong thnir own pain.o. , . 4.ttle time deem to, a, more recent date, 1.1):iin lel, ertir sItiore c!f 0.... moyn -of Ina% per% taop theaerpeedritooddlite6ntthheerniat eAoutrix to hoer an egg, 3 lb, brown days fors': short lee bank 411 its so early ii from his 1011Pg nu'distarbed deWCIOn• • 811girri. or 1 pe molasses, 8 oe. of salt- over . in exchange for its own notes. peter. Beef to remain in piekle three They were. uresenied by a Jew, Whose . . - week; or longer, If thought bast. liar g assertion. that he had bought them up to dry overhead in kitChen for a was not dieputed, end whose personal METALS PRECIOUS AND RARE. while. Do riot smoke. . integrity was above suspicion. they as if employed for smbething- and rub- FRot FAR bing and in the other for scraping. „ of wear on .er u Y. . , ye . . the onio yelves shows signs. the' coneex eurfaces and upon the edge, . : •: , • • Small and fragile holies seem' to have been made into beads or bangles Y cunea a StOry of Disease Banishe glumly breaking ie hole through the e body for stringing purpose3, • Strings •"' Produces aural wonderful results in curing • Catarrh, Send for t-stl in %vitals, free. ' F. J. • cri s 00., Toted°, O. . • TIP T. IS 211:1F1)grigigit LLD rib • of such shals may have been worn ' . by Dodd _ki,dney;Pills. . . only in the evening, just after aunset, round the leg, under the knee, to make . . -.... . .• and the smoke issues • from the top of a rattle during e dance, just as bears' Ili. Themes 8. hiebbs Cored or Wane). the tem*. The tree•is sixty feet high, claws were. No example of ahything 2 made from Floridian or Gulf lobelia :Ikea Tr I. 041114a4 1..own Earille for sate, Se oar aore orteN Bei - has been • found in Onta.rio, although Kidney a rime **rep until paid. J. twaihalt, Moult City, la. ReFerai of the shells theniseleee have been filet with as far north as Pene- Karel" p, O., .N,W.T.-Even .to this --.- tanguisb.ine. • . • .. renaote point in • our great Doneinion, . .INTERPRETED. , the fame of Dodd ii %Kidney Pills has • . GREAT SMOKERS. •. t A: stneking tree lilts been found Ili d the village a Ono, ,Tapan. It emPlees pene rated, pain and suffering have Dr.. Brush. r wonder why Bergnet • • An smokere the red men in Victoria. betel driven out, and. health and hap- always spoke of has wife as a ranked not far behind their neigh e piness have been given -in their stead, dream? • . bailee, the 'Hurons, and as pipe artists, by this grand medicine. Mrs.' Brush, I suppose because she were quite their weals.' Some of the Mr. Thomas L. Hubbs, owner and oe- „always goes. by contraries. ' sI one pipes in the Laidlam collection cupent of Section 28, Township 10, • az•e superior. to anything found in the Range- 110' met with a Revere accident 100 ,RELIANCE Dominion), and several of the eltiY about a year ago. Ile Was thrown out Lit'lrosotuul., ones in.esent. peculiar features. • • of his wareon,..and eneting the injuries • • EAFITOlt/ , Montreal. There are eight native copper tools 'he sustained was a very severe strain --,alivity8 rare relfe,-and one of these of the Kidneys, Several . of the street beggars of San • was found at Fort William, on Lake Soon after his mishap, his kidneys lie- FratICiliCe have joined a trust. The Superior. • . gan to make manifest the feet that reedits are daily handed over to a Then Crones more familiar iron- erife they were ubable to do their' work treasurer, who divides them equally P81 and brass weapons, the ordinary properly. 40, Severe, stabbing pains among the members of the trust. darted acros.s the small of his back, • kept him in continual agony. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been .ed to grow worse, ad hearing of the tie Sold by ell druggists throughout the world. We none gave any relief. The Pa, ins 8C00. tiO;157harittrtflt tlaelt= fg 'RAI' Crate ter . the Wieslow't, boothliac Syrati." It soothes VarioUS rernedies were used, bid Plied hr mothers for their all ten teething. wonderful efficacy of- Dodd's. Kidney IniteaatIbel, ' Pills, he decided to try what they • Dry Method. -To cure 20 lb. • of beef had, however. undoubtedly been stolen quickly, take pint fine Hatt, twill). and -on that ground the bank refused vskei Difference Between the Plarket to pay the money. The Jew 'went ' Faint or.601.1 nod Galilean. ful of dark brown; stager, I dessert- out into the city and began tc. spread The expression "wOrth their weight hpti011illi Of saltpeter, all thein- ft abroad that the bank was shaky, in gold" is a familiar one. In- the %CY for four backed his assertion by displaying his book of standard quotations it is Wis. meat' thoroughly every and couldn't cash has notes, and as he gredients well together and rub the days, 'using all the mixture, turning indisputable paper, the assertion credited to John Ferrier: "Now cheap - hang up to dry. Divide the mixture have ly bought - for 'thrice their weight pieties each day; it will thee! be fit to Would in all probability- soon into four parts ready for each day caused a run on the bank, end in & -in gold." it is very generally believe and let it lie one day after the last few minutes a messenger cantet to say thy of rubbing. Do not smoke. that the notes would be cashed if he would present them again. valuable. of the precious. metals, but ed that gold is recognized' as the Most •••••••••••••••••• SUGGESTIONS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Cold boiled ham is something apt te STORY OP PETER THE GREAT. • • "hting on" W --------- y le small A:Wow. such a view. of the matter doesn't take into eceouet "the scientists." Thera hag reeently appeared,. under 'warrant of the highest scientifio authority, a till the housekeeper is finally ready to 'Harems by a 'Warms in.aamm got a statement ot values based upon the • etteli. Sliced -hum that is do longer One of' the stories of Peter the statement Which' overthrows • ' oi du is of gold is put in thief tered the parlor with a stern .and il . wrestling match with a young drae statement as wca th $300, A poun 0 Out! throw it away in despait 'commercial price of various rare mete getting it Wirt5211 its klatch. . -44 many previott;i1 fond notions. A; pound tard and mieed withl lemon ic d St. Petersburg is ,of the great tsar % eV r 0e • , d f : menacing look on • hia face. Hear me • • ' and a dull, terrible ache in _hie loins, • For Over Fifty Years would do for • He bought a bee, and began taking the pills, going strictly metalling to the directions. Judge, of his delight, when, in• a few -days, he *man to feel better. Day by day, the improvement grew more marked, until when he had taken al* the pills, he was "Sound as a bell," and floe a trace of hie old trou- ble remained. . „ Brr. Hubhs in. writing. of his taste' /says: "1 live in the manicepallttr of Indian Head, and all who know me can vouch' tor the trutel of thie state- ment," Where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used, Kidney Disease cannot exist. It is drieen out awiftly and promptly, neve r to retuen. • AS OUTS. Listen to •what have to July, Mr. Rulitont exeltahned young Hankinson, as the father of the young woman OW. quite Crash may be spread with inus- rea A. NATURAL INEEItENGE. Howsoe, t have- an. umbrella that has been in my. possession for two years. Corneae. • Then it's time you return- ed it. WwW•wo Tho Wonders of fiyonoVens • rt tree; styes the key to all eedrel. power; richly Illuie Med by 27 super,/ photo5ogravinge; anybody ots earn and exert a motto influenoe over others ours dits ages and bad habit... glib the finest parlor elerlartrirj vet wItneessed; write to.day ; enclose SIAM 24 utdishIng (la Dap't St Roehoster, N. Y. arattoh,1919,Msdisea Mei., New York OltY, . • • • .,„,..._..... - illeIRE MENTAL PHASE. What is 0. winter. resort, 'Uncle Meat A winter resort ? Woll, any place you go Where you don't let • yoUrSelf think it is as cold as .it is at hare.. • iv tone A 001.0 US OHS DAY Tali. 'Laxative . Orono Tablet... AU Mop iiete rotund the moiety .1 (1 toi(et() owe. Do. 311 0 BA )ro ed. very quiekly. Or ehop the • emelt pieces 'very thaartiferid with: the Soon-. On"e in the imperial pal aeeeese • platinum is Valued at 1144 and iridium . I will. hear you go out, sir, .r.efilted wee at tame at $112. After these there is •a rapid., the stern father, as 116 11.0.1d. the door • yolks of a couple of eggs, season with the 131"°rY g(*5-11eter . • • 1 f ' Remote and Mtistard and spread On Wit 114 great 11""*Princ" and "bleu ascent,. arcording to the. scientists, to w e oPen Or him. • ' b nd inagnesiuta I . co alt. wortia $8 a pou , th 44 50 blatant's, worth $2. or With catarrh une, Many people suffer buttered toast, making a Mee break. men. end soldiers. were posted wilier. . THE SC/IEDULE. Ali things tome round to those who The hwonaesitT troth this does not state; Whoe'er aboard a train -would clinab Hes got to be there right on tinie. • • • • W P C 963 CALVERT.'S • ' Carbolic lileinfeetan to, Soap*, CIrst, snout, Tooth Potvdors etc., have been awarded 100 medals and dtp.iontas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent; infeeti- ow* diseases. Aok yoUr dealer to obtain a WIPPI.T.' Lists malted !ree on application. • C. CALVERT. & . NIANOHESTER, • -• ENGLAND, Rheumatism_oure ausured ia 24 hours, On.r.e..c211VI 31. DE E.0.0B.re,rnoow.sBn3soxitiseeduntombytrrnosail.i Since Poultry Orlt is the best digeotor in the-m4ket Agents . 1.5•DRRNTkleAt,N811..An.Ns ,D0 .GRAVELetsg:e.00.5::.. biontreat; Beet saling a rticle on the mar Wanted . tory and honer. Expluelve territory. ' . .: ROWSLL a BURY - Obtcogo and Montreal , "rjhatifigion. ' svank, Oltaluue free. ' FYAPORATORS FOIL HAPLY ... O. te GRIA1 MPG. CO., Moatrtai.r. ' • - .•_ - ....- . • INHITMThe"IY resnedy thatetopeteR,AD lord leg lutir,. cures pollp Mama, me, teW.A.7 gOb„Vg4',7r6ill:Ltii.Vaitztr..wh"" •• . • Conboy's Improved arrlage Tops RESEIYED RIORPIRY AWARD AT TIIII Dente% FAIR MAL (embers Patent miner Teas have mot 'vitas in h universal favor that other manufaoturs era are now making inferior Imitations and selling them on the reputation the Oonbot Tops have made. Do not be hoodwinkect bit a ly pent at who ressonunends an interiet make to be just as good. . The Oonboy Roller:T*4e pre aff neor pew foot as skit ted workmen min make them. When you order yottr Bugg. stipulate with your carriage builder thpit *1 1! to 470 a genuine Conbay Roller Mop, es imitation' are never as good. '„ „ TORONTO. CUTTING SCHOOL, Write for special terms during January -And February. CORRIGIAN. 113 Youge go. eertyWistivliERKNowsu 1401AH. OKAINSB41.11 AS A PAIITURIENT MEDICINE. iSisepkik!rilomPte jaSi. web, ?at, wSrliebtritelIgnIclutim ,Pharmactst, 370' Orate SC, Montreal, 8113410tIlftteLlld ni" *Rea La • ATE B AOICROARDS 1.4.1) R 0,!..1 Nue Public and 1141. floheole,Torontol.. Rooting Pole, rash, 0011 Tat, Mb, ROOFING TILA lees New Oki Budd- lnalkToronto, done by ourarm). Metal Ceilings Cor- atosa,ote. Estimates turniebad for work oompleaor tog materials shipped to any part of the marl. Phone 19D . DUTHIE SONS, Adelaide &Whiffler StaTerento • CARD INDEX.... • The only perfect bystem for keep. Ing namee and addremea &ea Sample traY Gntilt WU", The *Moe speomity mtg. cee• Li Red, 122 and 1140 ay St., Termite, Factory' ; Newmarkot. noor oim STUDENTS have recently taken good **Mations, and four positions remain audited. . • . . .. .STRATFORD, ONT. We teach real .business --no Ira. tattoo 61 nonsense. In fair competition our graduate* • are neatly aliays ohinien. Business man appreolate our • work. Best Commercial Elolinot in Canada. Enter now./.. • Circulate iota . ,-. ' Every stammerer . • W. J; eLLIOTT, Principal. , 1 Stammerers -g: 1,..ni . try, I havespent 40 years' study on tnle custreardnituaollt Come and ssAlsty yourselves. No risk. W. 0. 11AlrE,. Illpeoliiiet. 362,0otkkeSt., Toronto. "BEAVER BO/ND" maceintotie ..g.gai% /*overburdens &is kuaranteed Wa4er- 4 l'g?ciLitkrfor.111:1`eor,.Ititrorir,;',40, . . VV. • Mills, Mills ilt Halos ' lilarristemeto..removed . • to Wesley Ridge., Riolt• • mond Dt.4 'ff.. Toronto. • . • $5e00 41 tair;Lnu slim • ttt 07:3061nt 01: ,lioantiliA.9odiliTe4troyinroo.tt To onotAtor tn.nyebytti:imt4tineltri4r:DaildttE01.51: S08 0A111140S-liew tmpo ta us finest English. takiMIN and American Hog 00 reliable gOodn at' 5hsea. MBA BLACKW5 CO., Toronto. CUTTING SCHOOL --124413 a" -Dm". shwas C. & 53.10NSC:10;O.AL:ta_k:e.74.:511aatitrfe_rat.41: • . . The " Balmoral," Free Bas4,141; ociallythise StammerersEgazattd. " te ably, dap them to • The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Misarucsatatitics. New. Tire men , s 0, . - . DOUBLE Tugs. 8.01 0.0. 33.10 any addreed • *ill man motion If requested, nom :WM. B. NORTHAM, TORONTO, ONT. Rimier mg Engine , gilt II.. NeOlsloot Splildle . cormaffigon 0(6,134 Bey.it., TtS•Onito. . •••••• • ... •••• • 4. ' - •••.- +14.. DOMI111011 1.1no ROYAL IIML STEAMSHIPS at John, 14.3_., atut taltfax. to LIverpxtl. OSIlitli bi Londonderry: tete. ead•f sit t win 00411,1 steamships , " Lantutoon," " Vetstottvan,",_, " Soorsitorr: Superior 11660inlisodatiOn Jot' neat Cabin-, &m- end Cabin and Steerage potholers. Rotes of illl'44,;:lits2C11.415te Eflintsil..tar:ZgrAtt t arth tear alt egorination splay to Local Agent*, or DAvte Toattsmou St (.,o., Gaol asesta,lTst,Eaerastent St.. Nostrum. • • 5 Pp% Orr Trig! wit suNn THE • AYLMER . oa ran • • ANDERSON Fogoa PUMP; on these Minn. Ifo sucker,' na packing. • Will last a !Retiree. 1 For: Illustrated Catalogues, ette stoat AYLMER IRON WORK& ' W. ANDERSON, Aylmer, Ont. • 'HEALTH RESTORED moe641s0rdered Stoma**, Lunge, Nerves, Livor, etofde ' Bladder, Kidneys. Brain and Breath. hy Du Barry's. Revalenta oesstully Intents whose Ailments and Debility have rev Aa ul: it!nbal .01!. Fetitd,; Which Swims Invalids and Oldidr r suo4 .e,hited allother treatments. . It digests when 5.1 dhoti Food ia rejected, eaves 50 Mtn.* its cost In mediqlne. 50 yearsg-Imzittltboltlii • don, Flatulency, Dyspepsia' Indigestion, ComiumptIon, Diabetes. 13ronobtids, InitUt Welltac*-11°eiDugobbillry,t'ShImenip.leUsliantilsrrnas,'DnespoildniMc'Dy,lanti4114 erv DuBarry...&. -Co, whito 111Street, ' e;,, flit 64., 66.1. 61t1,1180. ger AiiirrItir efrie..846Aleo De . rtlatinni.ikesinfalig sVri. ::.-P,V,VW, al - rat: fore..1d. : Thol'. Ltinited,81Vrento. ALLAN ..1.. I N. E • , -ROYAL NAIL -11T.,, LAWR1111101 I 1 . eau re LimEitf.A SIONTREAICTO 014 t LIVARPOOL. • The worst one is a roan, who Won't TAMMERERS. A STItANGE TRUTH.. Gel up and light the fire Only loplltinion Cowl" tar Ow diara's , Ornt lodiuni $2 Ao manganese $1.10 and not h ' wee *ma Was. rstabnatiot Pembraks St., Taranto, Canons Of aft the things provoking, • That, rafee wartates ire, aitfortkamtatrivive., • feet dish. Or elle' witli-petete f the- halt.-Iiiii-tstir was in a joyous t Weenies ohr ic, hecause they do r , in cakes rind fr 'gown in I'd 11100d. and, called out to the ' • OW ow eas it may be cured I 'l'en days' free trial" treatment ought; Vinegar, if added to the water in eamPanYt "Littion, Princes and haY•; te a uminu 3 cents. • to be vow/Inch) 'taut fifteen whieh, fish is b'olleell will make it fir in- are! Is filet:enuring you me n he to cover, cost of mailing outfit. Dr. Then comes a jump to chromatin I g. teen tents • vvortli elite a pound and palladiuni na 's Surces'sful Rome C " 1 .itli e to iass the time an Y . de o., Toronto. I et and improve its flavor, while if put wrest DI Wort h „WO. ttraniu.in is. worth 808a and into , the water which 'Meat or Peul- amuse the tsarlrhere ,kvas no rePIY-osmitun. I& werth-B1,000 a potind. rhere, an 0 No 'prince or nobleman dared to wets- a tow persons, who are looking fot bar - tie with his povereign, But ,all at pound, or for rhodium, which cost's $2, - once a yourtg dragoon Stopped out , 500, or for arium, which costs. e8,600. from the vanksi.of,t the soldiers on indium costs $4,400, thorium $8,800, .guard, "Listen, orthodox tsar," he and rnbidium $9,54:10. These figures, young dragoon " said Peter, "I will however, may pfs said to pale into in - , • , I 144 111 IS stewing it will =keit more thetsar repeated the challenge • nnY be eettetered about the community' !Pert w or r,,D IIE BROKEN. I Mrs. leiranee-Sutmosing, Bridget, I Perkin. have the greateet should deduet from your wages the vice for the truth. price of all the rhino, you broker Firkin. So I perceive, for you gen- Bridget Brittledish-Woll, mem,. erally keep at a most respectful think I'd be loike the rhino,, tattoo from it. " Lender. A: tablespoonful is sufficient for a fish; twice that amount may be used for meat. "The best ,planned room," says a • artioular thing demands attention, great writer, "is that in, which tio one tit which Is sal harmonious in the eolor scheme that we fall under the spell of its quiet coziness and only vvrestie with thee, but on these condi-twith scientifie discovery ever pales discover littie by little the perfect lions: If thou throwest me I will par.:Inte anything so intangible e- when • tagte that has Ordered eVerY detail." don thee; but, if thou art thrown. !compared with the value of gallium The best flour has a slight yellowish thou Atilt be beheadeel4 Wilt thou I whieh, according to the scientific or straw eolored tint. To judge of its wrestle on those conditionsf" standard, is worth Of18,030 a pound. excellence equetize it handful; it it is "I will, great tsar)" said the( ROI. The apparent,exoess of. value of the good it will retain, its shape as given dier. They dosed and presently other raetall quoted Over that of gold it by your handl if poor it will orum- the soldier with his left armeathrew is not due, tt ought to be added, to ble, Or, throvr little against a dry, the titer and with his tight he pre- their auperior quality Or intrinale perp'endicultir surface. /f Me like vented him from falling to the ground. worth, but rather to their exceptional ‘.powder it is not good. The ItOvereign elearlyt beaten. The rarity. Gold in. general use as money, Queen tillabeth was the first of the tsar offered the soldier whatever re- in Jewelry, for ornament and other. English someigais to have green peat ward he amid elainerand he ignobly ivlse is being. constantit produced, served at the rteVal table. 110 were ebb:tied the privilege of drinking free, whereas the more rarer metals aro brought from Holland, nod were tier. as long as he lived, in all innebe- with diffieulty' found, and the ootia- ved, at feasts, tof ladies °MY, because longing to the erown. What beetime aiOnal demand for them gives them. ' they tatMe, po far and coat to dear, of him history' does not say. ' what may be ealiod tor artificial veins, gates in art , said "i Will wrestle with thee!'" "Well, significalice if Anything connected. RITUItititt ird Okt We want good totter, trait, Poultry. eta, Ship In tri. 51111- y oil will have yatir ottatt 18 1 week or loss TRIG AIICENH I) PRODUCE CO.,' Front St., B., Oren to. • 1118 ntsPECT FOR THE TRLTH, 1:ez,4 HARRIS . LEAD BOYS COPPER SCRAP BRASS ,1d oflly William Toronto Wag Meanie) Telephone MO, Oa Leval Cream Separator& ALPHA-HAtio AHS powgc Of Montreal and WI nnipeg enola: IAN elinAtIRY SUPPLY 1, • 8 Ag tige,Cantlet, • . • • • THE MOST NtlTRITIOtIS, EPPS'S tiltATEPUL--COAtioORTIHOti 0000A OREAKPAST.4t/PPER, ' v SUMMER SAILINGS. 0Af,iroieNIAS.-/diw_5,Jtatal% July 13. 'AVM'S 1:7,p1:10° vgZ, .1u)- 20, end theilt ter. Debin Pammte--floo.00 and Upwards. \ (second Gabln-I1300. Return 366.50. Steerage--Llterpool, London, Glasgow, L ndondetry. or 411004 320,5% Tor hut. or Intorinatioe apply to 0. 130 RUE% 77 Yang° Ste Toronto. 'QO 11. A. ALLAH, Montreal. • CANADA PERMANENT' Leaa end SISTI11101 Company.. InctiaroitATUt 1065. Palci-u0 Capital ........ 1112010411000 1144111.114 Fund.- 1,150,000 Head Offlort-Terento It., Toronto. Anus* Whniipam Mae., Vanoeuvir, OA. )1111P0011111 -ate smoked Wintered. said or sum pounded halt yearly, itsitar5TirallS tuned In Currency Or Sterling Wit ' eirtl ird.P°3Exatlit13: (1.4414 lei itlesenalkett Lted by law to !Wrest le the Deneeturas of thle Company, HONEY AereAtecett an •Itest RAMA seaway 4 eunentrates gad tsvorable rondillotle as to re/. payment. - Mortgages and linnioirt_Debintutes parttime& 1310115R:r_ MASON Misselog Ditsct051 HARTrORD TIRES , CANAD'Ali R.5 rig rottati70' Ir.to Ci r 'Witte