HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-16, Page 9.4 k k ' E CiINTON $1.00• A YEAR IN ADVAINCE. ••1% N E W S-lt HOORD. Th.rDEPE2.082VII 15 441'4 T17.0708-NBUrg.44 15 .NOVBING. VOL.XX1 CLINTON": HURON COUNTY ONT., THURSDAY MARCH 23, 1,891)-: ` 4, W. J. MITCHELL, Editor Rini Prop Many Local Liberals Who Before the Vote on the Plebiscite Plammi Prohibition Before Party Are Now as Dumbas so Many Oysters. Why Ras Their Zeal Subsided? 8 E 6 Sum]] al For atela.txg • Might 183mealkintliog ,The largest birds in 'the irtillt44- __country, $1.50 per 13. her lizsangelii.no • The king of winter 'layers, Large black as •crows. $1 per 13. , • White 12.0010. • Tree to allot' and good layers: $1.per 13. • THE OLINTON:POULTRY 'YARDS • Lack Een, Cr) N QUALITY lg. PRIG —1 are working or us. For the next ten days we 'will offer a line of Quart Jags at 15 cents that are Well worth 25 cents. _...TfiE CLEY'4AND at $40, $55 and $80. • e • THE WEl:IAND at $37.$0; $45,' $55 • .THE'CflESOENT • We bouaht large quantity of •• • at $40, $45, $50'• them at a price that enables us if:77 7-.4)31#P71813° • . • • ' to sell for -16 cents ihe best Jug , •• that has ever been loffeied for . • • • hat money, they can be seen • • • Wiitdow Glass Speotaths n our north window. Have you tried ur Happy Home ,Soap, if not get a guar; . ter's worth the 'net time. you. are out of soap' and •try it Just think '5cent bars for 205 cents. UP-TO-DATE CASH GROCERY. . • • If we had out -choice between . ing up everything we have in -this world and losing our eyesight, I'm sine .we'd give up Aworything .else, and keep • our eyes. Troublb is we never think • about these things until we're. brought • face to face with them.' . We all know , . pevRoled,lvwhoGrgie„fgelgh eiciarrhe • itt,?1 1d31$130, , WICCI spectacle nion, 'ammo', theytliink ' thcy gad:clear neoytesloaniwrI:15 .. ger until it is too late. Thergisyust as ' much difference in 'spectacle lenses as there is between a glass dish that can, e bouglit for ten cents and cut glass • " that would cost len dollars. • 'W.e buy • nothing but. the best and guarantee • ' satisfaction. OGLE..COOPER..14 • CO., Clinton 098h 'paid for Butter and,Eggs and I uried Apples. • Phone 23, I THE TWO APS. 1 • Goo or's, ok' Stare, •• • LINTON. . • To see the latest in Hats iuspeot A. S. Morrish' stock, Don't buy till you 'do so.. .Ap. inspection will' convince you not only that he has what you want but that his prices suit the times and the g9od quality �fthe goods -he 'sells. His Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, et,, are also • supe- ;ior goods at takingprices. 11.1, ("TINTON. ;LW • 11 Ot r Suits are made to wear and • wear well as well as fit well. An order given Holloway is •al- . • ways followed by another. • This Means that he gives 'stalls. faction as to fit, quality of, goods and price. ZLL FRGN is the Mune of one of the best wearing cloths to be had. • •We have theineit $18 a suit, and you may he sure to get the worth of • your money if you buy one of o these. We sell .READY-MADE' OVERCOATS; PANTS AND OVERALLS. 40 O • OLINTON. 4..s. Ars sai.wsouhresiumoit OS QUPTE A TRU .To write &convincing advertisement about Clothing All dea1. ers claim so Much and some of thetn too much for the discrimi- nating readers to believe; All we do is to tfy and get you to look at our stockit is easy to sell then. Our constant aim • is to give you the attractions.of artistic style combined with utile lifeis. • The exeCutives of the Huron County Christian Endeavor Union and Sunday • School :Association will nieet in the • Rattenbury- street eintrch on Good Ft iday th arrange for the -convention in June.--.4.re, you a suhscriber to THE NEWS na.VOItD .W. Bar- . . , • er • of Toronto, judge at the recent _Poultry Show held in Clinton, saYS in his report •in The Poultry ,Jciiwriel "I was taken 'to the Rattenbury House which is just the place for an' English- .. men.: Good full platesand none df • these "wimple" dishes yeti get in, some luitelS, this was inr: Swallow's first experience but hcrwaSaiiicli to take up the work" ----Mr. Charles Wilson took possession of Ford ic Alurphey's shop on Monday and is now catering to the meat wants of the newand old Patrens of the establishment. He- well wider - stands whet is manteciand will make it his blisiness to supply- it. ---The At piorne jield' in the , Ontario street Methodist church hist Thursday even- ing was a well -attended and enjoyable affair: The program was es nianou need in last week's issue of The People's Paper.—The choir of Ontario street rhinch has been -.rehearsing •Easter Music for several weeks so that a treat is ip store for the cinigregatieri at the services on that J. W. Irwin's grocery store was lighted up 'fnt. the fleet tirnewith acetylene gas on Friday night laat. The light Was. clear and hright and ga.ve much :satisfaction to the proprietor and his :Resistant as it Weirthelarge Stook -to the--best-tiel- ' vantage.% Mr. W. D. Fair expects tO have his plant in operation in e.few days. The officialent.theOntario street Mettiodiet clinfch are said to be con- sidering the advisability'. of substituting ricetylerie . for electricity.-Hodgens Bees., nfew dvs., Open up the Stock' of Gilroy Se.Wiseinan which they recently purchased •Tedettes; the last 'of the Citizens' Stet,' Coerse,, will be given Oil April lith,-tr. J. 0; Elliott, owner et the 1IIiittt block at the .corner Of 'Huron and Alberrstreets, has had more than one cider forreiltal. They are • aniong •the hest 'business itanas•in town.-Mr.:Patriek page; an old resideilt.ef Clinton and foernerly of liullett, died Monday everting in With year of his age. • The funeral. took place te Clinton cemetery yesterday af- ternoon, the service at the heiree ..and graveside. being conducted by, ,Re.' 3, Parke. --;•,An agent of the enlight Acetylene Co. 'of Montreal was in town on Tuesday and had a model gen- erator on exhibition at the Rattenbery House. -- Staff Captain and :Mrs. Philips of London conducted .,heineet7• ing hi thiS..A. -barracks on Tuesday night. To-niglit there will be a coffee. social. • Captain Keeler of the Seaforth corps Will be present and assist in the prograrn:--,L-Publin 'School . •stiviDge batiks have :been Inmiguretted in Galt and oot,he firet,day $74.35 wag depos•!. ited, an average of about thirty cents for each depositor; • The School Board expects fully 300 school children. will. have bank aecounts of their own, •The money is deposited at the opening Of sch'oelever?. Monday morning. .That old-thne drarna,"Ten Nights in a Ber-roent" was given in the town hall on Tuesday evening by ,an • itineracit •company,—The subscription list of TKE NEws-Itecon,t) is' increasing.. The cohtract for paperitigaud painting the town hall stage has been let to Mr. •J &Penh Copp, a guarantee that it avill • be properly done. ---A nanzber of young men aboot town are talking of going West wheri the spring opens up. .tio Wallis shipped two carloads of porkers to tendon this Best -Wearing Qualities at Lowest Possible Price, %This, is why we retain ond are. constantly inereasing our pat- rons. Ifyou desire to be 'becomingly and stylishly dressed and at the same time add to your savings in the* bank then you will join the army of custotners who patronize this store. We havejust received our spring stock of Ready Made Making. • Give lis A Call and We Will Save You Money. A • or.saTaxna, rU1NISi1EE • AND HATTER,. I ' 'sLtb1hIid 1t4, • 4.• 4.) week.—Mr. William Wheatley his sold his Wilkes stallion, a good road- •ster, to Mr. Centine, the nabob of $t. Joseph, for agood figu re, we understand ‘• --Mr. H. Smith cer. load of cattle froinH Goderich on Tues. • day and two from Blythyesterday. , Mr. Geo. Bunsch will indve next week into John,Avery's cottage on Joseph street, until lately occupied by IVIr. Kemp. • Mr. E. Ashley, tnaker of acetylene gas generators, has rented the dwelling on Rattenbury street now occupied by Mr. Bunsch,—Mr. Jas. H. Howson has a mongrel hen which laid five dozen eggs daring January and ., February. Jim would like to, know, ,n.o doubt, `Which of the fancy breeds has been able to beat this.—Mrs. Mary Mackay. aged 83 years, of Goderichavas admitted to the Ilynse of Refuge last week. -..--The Christian Endeavor soc- iety of Willis church will hold a social on Friday evening and exPect the En- deavor society of Seaforth to be with them.—S. S. Review services Will be held in the Itattenbury street church next, Sunday afternoon. The progre,n) Will be furnished by the Ontario street school and addiesses Will be given by Mr. McIlardy, Mr. Thos. Mot& aud Mr.• Charles Holland.—On Blister S.unclity the Rattenbury street S. S. will hold • its anniversary BerVie&I. • Itev. James Livingstone rif Windsor will speak at the morning, liftdinoon • and evening services, while on the fol. lowing evening the School will give a speelal musical program entitled "Mary of Bethany." The Empire Day. . The public schools of Ontario will en May 23rd next celebrate ',Empire Day" for the first time. "Empire. Da" is the naine which has been given to the school cloy immediately preceding the 24th of May and which will be annual- ly devoted by the school children to exercises caleulated to stimulate their interest in and their love of the 'great • empire of which this country forms a •part.• • The inspector Reports Favorably. • •Inspector .7.0. flocipon, who recent- ly Paid an official visit to the Collegiate Institute, repoi'ts Sis follows :-"I have the honor to report of this Institute that it fulfils the requirements pf the regulations in all resPects: The staff is well-balanced and energetic, and the pupils are appaTrentlY.- imbued -With a due •appreciation of the educational advantages that are afforded them," John -Johnston Won the Medal, .111r. John Johnston won the medal donated by •Mr. ;W: Jackson for the Singles contest He was successful all the, way throngh, defeat- ing Dr. Turnbull, B.3, Gibbings, W. G. • Doherty and T.-Jeckeon, Jr, the latter in the final genie. • Mr. Johnston was naturally :mechpleased with his.vic. tory and was heartily congratulated by the curlers. The nnedal; together with .tho McTaggart tankards, will he'll:ward: •ed the winners at. a supper . to be. held to, mark, the close Ofthe season. • Tee Clinton Qrchestra,'• • . -H-The-Olinten-:•Oma,w bestr,-hich *as._ only organized a few weeks ago, played: •in,public for the first tiine at the At • Horne beld.in the Ontario street ehurch last Thursday evening. • The •tousle was of a superior class; well rendered, and delighted the At Homers. ..The orchestra shonkt be a Popular attrae• - Oen for in and, qut!cloorattractions, this opining seasori.:•' The. members -are ;---Mrs. F. W. Watts, violin; Mistz• McBrieo, violin; Miss Mabel Shannon, violin ; • IVIiss• L.. Irwin; pianist ; T.• Eininerton, clarionet; -Guy Rnssell, cornet; Ft. n. Chant, French horn, B. J. Gibbings, slide tromboesi; .Robert Downs, bass, Little Vocals. Mr. E. Haat has bought the home- stead on Queen street and will reside, u Thompson has rent- ed the Dr. Dowsley propertyon 'Rat. tenbury street John Pick- ett had it bee on Toesday drawing brick from Egniondville for the new house. which he vvillhave built next suititner. Mr. S. S. Cooper has the contract. :Mr. D. B. Kennedy bought Mr. Melt u r- raY's black peny and sold it same day to Mr. 'William Caldivell of Stanley, Mr Mcbiurrily has •bought Span Of horses from Mr. Ben Churchill tote:ice to Mani: taba: _ lie leaves next weete,==R. Shep- .011,Tcl of the organ factory.had the nail of the ,index linger of the left hand taken off by a saw last Friday merit:, ing.—The cold spell and few days sleighing have made business pick up. —Miss Scaillon, who has been ill for some time, has almost recoitered: Owing to:the severe weather of Tues- day Mr. W. H. Beacom . of Goderich. township had to postpone his auction sale until Wedneiday of next week, March 29th .-L.•The • thank -offering serviee of the W. F. rir, S. will be held in Ootario street. church on the evening of Good Friday, in connection with the junior League. A good pi.), grain will be rendered, ---Mr. W. Doh' erty has let the contract for his lime residence. te Mr: S. S. Cooper, The building will be of reel pressed brick, of the Grecian style of architecture, and will be finished inside with quarteeed *oak. When completed it will be one of the finest residences in town. Mr. S. A.. Fowler is the architect. Mr.' Cooper is now getting the material ready..--z-ME :W. -Dtineatt - blur made two shipments of clover Seed to outside points this week, . Be had it big trade in seed grain on Tuesday, notwithstan. ding the incleinency of the weather, —Rev. Dean •Hodgens of Seaforth preached at the Lenten Service in St. Peal church last Thursday evening • and to night Rev. E. B. Smith will preach.—Rev. B. Clement gave an address on 4Self Mitetery" at the On- tario street Epworth League last Mon- day, evening. Next Monday will be 'literary evening. A debate on "2129 Pulpit versus the Press" will constitute the progrank—Edueational sermons will be preached in the two Methodist churches next Sunday when Pastors Clement and, MillYard will exchange pulpits At the morning eerviees.--A. load of young people from town last night drove out to Me. W. Tebbutt's on the 1.4th eon. of Goderich township to spend thiz evening. --Mr. R. II. Ohovvn gave a temperance address in the E, L. of Itattenhury street Metli'o dist church on Monday evening. --An open meeting of the Collegiate bad. tute Library Socleyt willhe held this evening.—The rrOlit DratTlatie (1010, Viany will begin it week's eerie() of, en. tertainments in the town hall next Monday evening, The Company con- sists of nine people, has travelled in all the provinces, and tomes well teem - Mended. • • VICTORIA, MOCK CLINTON. 'Mr. Ranslord's Paper. - ' .Mr. John Ransford read a paper on • Tuesday evening of this week before the congregation of St. John's chnrch Berlin, on the present -condition of the • church in Canada. He .expects to vis it Sarnia before attending the March meeting of the execntive in London on- Thur;day. • tie Labored in dthica. • • At the meeting of the Local Union to be held in Rattenbury street church • on- Friday evening, Rev. R. V. Bing- ham, who labored for two years in the African 'mission field and intends re- turning thither again, will deliver an address on "Missionary Work in Afrt- . ca, or the Sudan and Its Needs." Judg- ing from the topic the address ought to be entertaining and instructive. - • 1 Address and Presentation. , ACTuesday night's meeting of Olin, ten Ledge No. 83, I.O.O.F., an address, accompanied by a substantial purse of money; was presented to Mr. John Wiseman who leaves this week for Manitoba. Mr. Wiseman has been an • Oddfellow for many years, and a good fellow all his .life, so, that the -brethren could not allow hirn to leave withpot an expression of theit good- will. • Abbitt Si. PauPs. • • Rev. Mr. Parke hes issued an appeal to his congregation for $100 for Mis- sionary work.. The offering wilt. be: Made on taster Sunday and 'will doubt- less exceed the innount asked for. • v....FreetniaO/le Webb otCalgeTY and SaskatchewanDiocese is Making a tour through this • Diocese asking for help far the work out West. He will visit OlintOn some time next nionth.—The choir of St. Paul's has increased by the additional of several members, and are Making geed progress .under theable training of Mr. Cuff- of Goderich Who is drilling them 'for the Easter Services. The Paddies. ' Of the Fadettes, who will apPear in the town hall on• 'April llth, it is said that while 'every member represents absolutely the finest, 'and highest et- tairiments onher respective inetru- rneot, especial attention is called to the inclusionf :French' horns played by the Misses Cunningham, bassoon by Miss White; and tympani hY Miss Churchill. ' These are. said to be the only WOMell performers on these im- portant and difficult instruments in the conntry. The plan opens to subscribers at jaekson•Bros. on April. 3rd and 4th, after that trt the general.poblic. • • Where the Ministers Waft, Last.Sunday• . Rey. Mr, Rigsby of Illyth, President of the Conference, oceuPied the pulpit of the Rattenbury street church last Sunday', both a. in. and p. nn—Rev. B. Clement Preached Educational ser- mons for,the Methodists of Kincardine. —Rev. Alex. Stewart: #11ed Lthe Lon- desboro pulpit, Rev. Me. Hamilton gOing to, Brucefield for the day, while Rev. Markltomball preached in Willis church.—Rev. j.. F. Parke was in Kincardine, while Rev. •Mr. Miles of- ficiated in St. Paul's. ---Rev. Mr. Arm- strong toOk Rest. B. Clement's work Sunday evening; and Mr. McHardy filled the pulpit in the morning. . Rev, Mr: Millyard was in Thornhill; whither he was .called on account of the death 'of 'To unc1e,7-•-ltev. T. j. Morcluek was the only one of the dye, resident clergymen, to conduct the ser- vices in his own church. -Rev. Father West said mass in St. loseph's church. He has fully recovered from the illness which re.cently confined him, to his home. • •• 111411 • Stanley. rOwnship, ' Mr. John Torrance, our popular coun- ty councillor, together with Mrs. Tor - row, was -the guest of -Mr.-Bobeett..M.e.•••__ Ilveen on Friday last. • Me. Chas. Reid shipped two carloads of &too:tile to Toronto for the. Easter 'market on Wednesday. • Mr. H. Woe& of St. Helens. Who has been visiting friends in this vicinity, re- turned homes few days ago. • Me. M. Bates purthased a 'very fine mare from a man in the township of Stephen near Shipkit for which he paid • a handsome figure. • Mr, Chas. Donaldson, who has been •on the sick list for Borne time, is we are glecilvay recovering nicely. ° Our olvn Jimmy is arOund purchasing • hogs for Apple King Oantelon • and Wallis for which he is paying the trip of the market,. Mc. El. Peck had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse a few days* ago with inflammation. Mr. Wm. Taylor „visited friends in Stephen last week. Mr. George Stephenson and sister, who were visiting friends in Michigan, returned.hotne a few days ago. Glad Le see Mr A. Mitchell, who has beet) at Brighton re.packing apples, home again. Mist Clara 'Webster is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. James Reld'a• Mis,s Georgine. Johnson had a num. ber of ladies quilting on FriclitY. Mr. Harry *Mangler is engaged for the summer With Mr. William Olatke, WHOLE NO, 1,058 It Delights the Antis Immensely _ thumnerbill. Goderich Township. ' Sap rung -Bees bum (wood) Mr. 3', Middleton of the Oth conces- Surely now the springevill come. siou had the inisfortuna to lose his m We've had soe winter too .. driver last Week: Enough to turn your whiskers blue • Mrs. John Sheppard,. -Bayfield line,' • is slowly recovering from a se\tere itt- Now you'll agree with me won't you tack of grippe Endeavor, . That Spring,should conie... • . Mi.s. r. Col, also of /thy. held\ line, meeting of , ' Wednesday •' was hasoly summoned fp her mother's, evening was full of interest, The topic Mrs. 3'. peol of the. •Babiloh, Stool y taken by Miss Nesbitt was Well pre - township, last week owing to the la sented and discussed. . ter having taken seriously jll, W Mr. Geo. 'Farquber held a* .succespfui • believe Mrs; Peck is in a serious con, . bee on Friday last. Ildr, and Mrs. r. • day. Our conuminity was well represent- ditiop. • Brownlee journeyed thither on that • ed et the maehirie delivery of Mr, G. •Illiss Flora Miller visited relatives in • Seaforth last week. • Lavis, Olintdn. The farmers of • Gode: • rich township will not be behind the T. Fulford and a. Watkin lament times in securingthe Very beat materi- the loss of faithful dogs. The former nine, While the latter cannot acconnt ! felled a tree Which lodged on the ca • - alMtoishtderfnerneneltge Ellwood . et the 9th___ fon the abience of his hound, concession is at present in a precarious Summerhill Debating Society met condition, having contracted a severe - attack of inflammatory rheumatism,' on Monday evening andafter the usual Mr. George Cooper. also of the 9th, routine business an intetesting and spirited debate took place :-'4Resolved that the editor wields more power than the orator." Affirmative was upheld by :-,-A. E. Wetheral, . D. Borns, ,W. Lowery and W. Miller; while the ()rotor's claims were advanced by R. Draper, 0, Lowery, G. Hill and JOs. Ranson: 'The editor took the cake. The Meeting was. the most Successful held yet. . . •' • • E. Butt starts milling eperattons this week. : The sick ate all gradually convales- cing. • • Porter's UiU. .114r. Thos. McDonald lost a valuable cow. last Week.—We are sorry to team that Mr; Henry Hastings' is laid op owing to haYing had his feet frozen w i e aning. saw-loga , for ,Nixon Sturdy. -Mr. Witz Sterling of . thetth has reeoveted froin his recent illness; but we are sorry that Airs. Sterlingjs still Very poorly. We hope' she will soon be itrotind again:---Master.Endo Newton while riding On horseback and •carrying e saw was thrown off but ex- eept a few slight braises he -escaped un- 'njured.•-•--Burke Bros. bought a valuable short -horn bull at•Me. Avery's sale.--Robt. Elliott had. the misfor- tune to get about athousand barrels of apples frozen at •Portland. --.--;Mr.• David Marshall intends to settle soon on the fermi that hehasrented on the 4th: David has a motion to rise. Thos. Betties sold a .Pair of calves to Mr. Andrews of Goderich fora hand: ioine price. —Messrs. Burke and Bea- com had a sawing bee last week and got good lumber of cords of ',wend cut.—We are pleased to report the reCovery of the eldest daughter i4 P. W.> Currie of the 7th from a very se- vere mattock, of appenclicitre..-Mr. James Morgan has returned,after a. trip to London, England,. wita load of horses for P. McDougall and reports having had is •pleasant Jenies HamiltoniS having it 'hard time breaking in his colt. • Jim you're too green to break in liorses,:•--Mowat McDougall and .Torn goigan Paid a flying visit to Goderich on •Satur- day.. --•--Rey. Mr. Green of Hohnesville preached an educational ,sermon in Bethel church on Sunday evening. Miss Amy Cox returned home after lengthy visit in the cireular town. During her absence the'position of or- ganist in Bethel was ably taken be Miss Annie Woods. --T-0, W. Potfry has been anpointed superintendent of Bethel 8.8. for the incoming year.— Miss Yuill of the Oth con. is visiting her aunt, MrS.'3ohn Blair of the 40. Varna., _ Mr. W. Osmond and Miss E, and M. Ostriend-Plid" st- Visit- to- Varna -this week. • for some weeks, ishut slowly recover- . • Mrs. A. Dunkin, who has been sick • • Mrs. S. MeOlymont is improving • , Gunn will no .doubt soon have her • ing. . ,, nicely. . The trustees of S. S. No. 0 say that around again. The meetings of Messrs. Reid• -•apd• they don't need to advertise for a rarliner are being well attendid and Waal& to fill the vacancy owing to the resignation of hope nntch good will result. . Mr. Powell as they have The Foresters lied a good meeting already nearly it dozen who have made • e last Vriday as there was A good num- application and are desirous of vvield- • ber present,.• After the bustnesa wes ing the rod in that section. transacted, kr. S. Mot/1.)U, High Court ' Mr. and Mrs. David Cook, Jr., of Clinton spent Sunday at Mr. Peter delegate, gave a fine report of the • workings, etc.,...of-the-Ilighn 0ourt ad Cook's. Ur. John Alexander has been busy also discussed some of the clauses eon -threshing last year's grain. It is stet- nected therewith. • ed that the number of rats and. mice tntertaintrient.-On Good Pridey evening the Women's Missionary that Were among the sheaves was in- • evening ' • •, • Mr. Semite' Switzer is very unwell tertainment, commencing at 8 o'cloc" k, , having to remain in the house the A good mistionitey program will be most of the time. Mr. W. D. Oontiell rendered and is now well on the way. is also indisposed and will have to stay A. collection will be taken in behalf of indoors for it fere days. a the mission work. Mr. Thomas Cook has sold his tam, Me. T. Johns and Mi'. T. Armstrong of Mb tat acres on the Oth concession ' took their pigs to Clinton for ship. ment last Monday. Varna' export • t" upwards DY. 0000 to Mr. Barry Carter and has gone to Ashfield to look ' traldheerie's hillslae:illna%""eal°f team. r°1141.r1.1oWth."1113.11ra.com`e auction sale of • Ing done the forepart of the week, farm stock' and 1mph:intents, to have Owing to the fine slipping, sand, stones ieeri hpostponed until Wednesday, on Tuestlar.of this week, has limare and ber greatly on the ntove.toii)lritettbsch 20th, on account of the storin.y6le,‘" thittlively burg for the contracts, who has been laid up for some time with that too common complaint, grippe, is we are sorry to pay, •not re.: covering as speedily as we *mild wish• to see him. •2• • • Rev. Mr. Greene of Ocilinesville Preached educational sermons at Rev. Mr. Shaw's appointments list Sunday. Mr. 3'. Thornpson;who has been pack- ing apples at Brighton since Christ- mas last, is amongstus again. We are •• gag to see , Jack's genial stinie °nee more. • .1Vfany of the people of this conainunt- -ty haye-heen-4apping.i..tlieie.:..treeo heu of having warm. weather-, but con - teary to their expectationsthe sap • Still stays in the trees., • We are sorry • that our esteemed : friend:arid neighbor;, Me, W. Beacom -of the Byfield line, is about to leave , list His departure will be looked upon as a loss to Goderich township as will also Mrs. Beacoun'e; but; our jciss .will • be Clinton's. gain. Miss Addie • Rathtvell arid' cousin, Jennie Bothwell, have returned from a prolonged visit in Grey County. Earl Hanley, one of Mr. Robert Han. - ley'slamily of the 7th concession, has • been • very siek lately. We hepe to ' • heer of Earl's speedy recovery. . • Mr. G. W. Harn'weIl paid a flying visit to Bayfield last Satordey.. • We understand that Mr: Henry Bea- • coin purposes exteficitng his "demi.: eilium". this spring. • His intentions are toerect a.. tine summer kitchen. His'preparaticins indieetethat it is go- ing to lie of a; very elaborate nature. • Mr. Walter Rathwell, son Of Edward Bothwell,' sold. to Mr: Charters of Tiickersmith a flue three-year old colt • for which he ,got a. large figure.. Mr. • • Charters knows where get to' get a • . good horse. • MissWinnie Bothwell is the guestof — • kiss Ida. MeIlyeen thjs vveek.' • Nis. William Turner, who has .; been I • sick forsOme time, is getting . arcnind,. again, •.• There Will be quite a mimic on theline next slimmer its there is a let Of build - mg going on here,' • . • ., The Scarlet Chapter of Goderich Dis- trict met in hall of 189 on Tueiclayof last week end after the general routine of besiness the election of officers was propeeded with which res'ulted as fol- lows Companion in • Command, James Cox ; Excellent Ooinpanion, James Connolly; Companion Scribe, A, Y. Coit; Companion Treasurer, 3. F. McCartney, ; Companion Chaplain. • G. B. 'thinly 1 Sir Herald Knight at Arms, Geo. Cantelon ; Companion In- side Herald, A., Centelon ; Companion Outside Herald, J. Colwell. ' Miss Harriet Dale of licillett is visit: mg her sister, Mrs. W. D. Connell. It is reported that 1VIrs. Spading has for the sum of 83,700, Robb. Ma' disposed of her farm on the Cut road ' Oartnetheingthe purchaser. • Mrs. Welsh, who is staying rit-her datighter's, Mrs. P. W. Currie, is seri- ously ill, • The ahle services of Dr. Atitillary will hold e, missionary en- . a ' •