HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-16, Page 7a
• tepubilsteil every TIttriteDAT at Tux
Estwerligeiniu Prioopg Ileums Albert �b
ic,,i,,,,,,,.....,,,soul Y-4. 4136.,v, ix3mot 1403100:
1 column .... a., 35 4.0 20 00 12 O'S a -
001WOn" t”... i 20 .00 32 00 7 tie 2 00
Chemainuin. a a., . 136 seue ati aeto 000 it 2000,
arapectal position frOM 25t0 ftti per cent extra.
- For transilent adyertisements 10 cents
per litte for the first insertiote 3 mate
Per line each subsequent insertionae
lionlieeell measure. Professional cards,
Rot . exceeding one inch, ig.00 per
annum. Advertisements without spec -
Mo directions will be published till
forbid and charged for accordiugly.
Trensient notices -"Lost," "Found,"
'For Sale," oto. -50 cents for fix* in-
eertion, 25 ceilte for each subsequent
THE NEWS -RECORD will be aent
sto s„.e.nY address, free:Of postage, for
alate per year, payable in . advance -
nay be charged if not so Peid
The date to which every su.bscriptioh
le ,paidais denoted by the nuraber on
itha.addiess label. No paper &swain -
"g Until all arrears are paid, except
st the Option of the proprietor.
' Editor and; Proprietor.
Act 1855.
CAPITAL • - $2;00o,000
$ ,5420,000'
Read °Mee, - MONTREAL.
Wm: MOLSofe, MAOPHRRSON, President.
FAVOLFRithTAli '1 HOsteS, Gen. Mower
Notes discounted; Collections made, Drafts
. Issued, Sterling and American Exchange
tonight and sold. Interest allowed on Delmaqa
• Interest allowed on sumo of 31 and up.
' •
• . Money advanced to . farmeri on their own
notes with tine or mere endorsers. . No mort-
gage required as security. .
. st • .•. .
- . O. BREVER, Manager, Clilltha,
. . .
. Banker,
• A General flanking Business Transacted.
• Notes Discounted. •Drafts Issued.
•1•7.416..4:1038i ga',4116:"AriL.ORR, .
CLINTON • - .• , • - • OPPP.,
Fire, Accident and tire insttranae
' Transacted. ,Rspregen. several of the best,
Companies end 'any information' relating to
iMn ranee ,,gladlY given. • General Distrilit
Agent for the .COnfed,eration Life Ineur.nce
Co, lYfoney to Lotto on Reasonable Rates •
Olfice,,-.13alace--bleek; opposite :. Market.,
John Riglout,
Conveyancer, Commissioner, • Etc.
' Fire Insurance. • Real' Estaie.
•. • • 'Wendy to Lend. ••
• • •
Gunn, •
• R. C. P. and L14 C. a; 'Ediebtargh.
Office -Ontario Street; Clinton. •. Night
calls at front doer of residence on Ratten-
bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church. '
- ,
Dr Wm. Graham:
. (Successor to Dr. Turnbull.)
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physic-
•• Jane, London, Eng. •
Office and Residence, Perriti's Bleck,
• ately 'occupied by Dr. Turnbull. •
Dr.. Shaw,
Office -Ontario Street, opposite Englsh.
church,, 'formerly occupied by Dr. Apple-
Surgeon, Dentist.
OP:PitE-OVer. Tiryltiee '81;69 Store,
. Clinton, Ont. • Special attention to preser-
vation of natural- teeilt. •
• N. B -Will visit 1 tyllt every ItIoneay :ttal
Hayfield every Thursday uftcrnuo.) during
the summer.
Office adjoining Footer's Photo Gallerv
At Zurigh the ..secotal Thursday of each
• pontli",
Blaokall & Bali.
eterinary Surgeons. Government veter.
Mary Inspectors.
co -Isaac Street,Clinton; Residence,
. • LECAL,
Se tt & AfielKenzio,
et.,114Torr AND BAYFIELD.
Clinton Oftice--Llhott Zook, Isaac at.
hayfield Office -Open every Thuradar
aitt street, that door west of
Pt3tt Offlee. Money to loen,
lames Scott. , E. H. McKenzie.
.• /It the hens ohow an indivation to
supplied with plenty of gravel. see'eutie
It lit eseential that confined. fowle be.
I LLS. ,,„„r,A..., le atilliTe°40Tot44 lilat rill; . are as neeeesary with ejtiolgees ae wIth of offerings came into the western
• Intelligent management and feeding- Toronto, March 10. --About 40 loads
ana cure The seger children mounting fast, other atook. cattle
110170e the tor ollama Yard tealay, including 1,000
billauanese, lila
s ... - ... few Delves and noilkere, .
hogs, lambs and sheep, with a
nausea, iodises tion,etee Thhe
They are
headaebe; Jaundice, teend'askelys:lio:odhadyse:, itnotzsthetg.
NEXT EUROPEAN WAR. .4 This not being a recognized market
valuable to prevent a °old or break up A
ow getes we awang upon, gooddeal of haling back for to-caorrow
,.,3:,° house, and gardelo, field and lawn,
tie,Y, WO had an usual on a Thursday a
Over. 1411d, gentle, certain, they are worthy he anean
your confidence, Purely vegetm
able, they To pup 'and stable, tree and awing, Some or the Thinn:psys71,1,:lit see Bound te pbreeie
yithdoessei`wdh, oamteoutirdia4neowt asSe:ulf round
can be taken by children or delicate women, Good-bye, goo bye, to everything I
' Price, 20e. at all medicine dealere or by oval• The new weapons used in •witeftire dull compared with what it • was last
of 0. I. Boon & (X., Lowell, team And fare you-weataftweverentore, TuefitillY, The dull, unsettled weaths
are likely, according to 13revet 'Lieu-
, • .............-....7 • • - - ...„..,....... • ,, •••SSAPA•ai 44 lo VW, .....1 ••,99• V .40.9,994
0 hayloft where the cobwebs ding;
.1. .„,:a.„,,, as 11.. h,...,.1„.f, ..1........
tenanteColonel Eznslie, 4" '‘ ket, and trade hung fire. '
Bas.., , s 02, too, somewhat unsettled the mitr-
e I aro ttood-tore, good-bye, to everything 1 paper which he read. at Aldershot re- Shipping cattle was unchanged ba
•donn i • t mmert ,
on crack goes the whip, and off we go ' • Qently to bring abont very great Price, with an easy enquiry, thismorn-
TRE LEADIPIC BARBER, , . Lost, round the woody turn we swing •
, Changes in the matter of tactics, At • witnolgis; i1;..8irodo;rwsace4:10tlicro, srilialigfnnfgtef.sruoimpp-lertaf from
The treee and heusee smaller growi '
OVadurman we had everything our a
• Smith's block, ePPesits Post Office GoOd-bye, gOoti-byLto everythiug I
ALSO , .
-B,obert Louis Stevenson. 'our enemy were as well ariried as out.- I 4 lado is Pitid, and other grades are un,
way, says the ganant colonel, but if 1
ehe use 0C/changed at Tuesday's prices. The en -
Fir: wohaso:eowbtuot_cheyr cattle 4c and
Apt for Standard Life Insurance Co DRIVERS REMEMBER THAT . 8:01SVp"0214:4128:ows wmelutstitkiwil:.(11Zet' him?
Cable advices from the Old 'Country
Insurance in force, . $116,W490_1?
vend offiee or Canada, Montreal.
The horse is man's invaluable help- Perhaps the most striking develop-
• ,
cattle as " rather weak over
Esteem) ed Vita. The Old reliable and favorite work
.. a_ ed ease friend,
as you have, and should be treat- d 1' t' fd fd f h 1
. emote Leit ton o the e en era o sue ,
war will be the rapid rtheslioerteeer!kern, feeders,
Much of the b
are stsadY, bIlt unchanged.
and export 'bulls
invoite e ts in Canada is,son,eue er, has as muck right to be happy at ment of the next
usiness done to-day'veas
fuend and should studa places as the farm of Hougoment, the
.• • •
A driver shoUld be his laerate's best
his ennas village of St. Privet, the redottbts On in email breken lots, but these are
FORD 85 MURPHY, . ownership,
fort. the green hills at adevna, Moseou and ofTwfileenriye_atdwinog sthrafpnpssarlsi
oin e u our a Gravelette, 41"' means. to •
s., sold at $4.91) per met, •
Ganyse:Tage 1,160
latmeessors to a. W. Langford.) or distress. '•
4,••••••••••• bestows no right to e,huse
rof 'tilted. field jhtowitzer in its modern Two loads Of export cattle, average
It is everybody's ,business to inter- forin, using smokeless powder, and fir- L2A2510adiba.s, fs2doldridaxted5wc. wpse,rhspifosurnad,:ancl
fragnol to conduct it pn the cash principle, and
will supply our customers with the best meats
having bought out tato above business,. we
fere with cruelty. •
It is better to direct your horse by -
. ing high explosive shells. ' 4 steers, average 980 lbs, sold at 113.65
at the lowest paying prices. - .
Ford .3c IVIurphY• Tile Whip is latt
a low voice. than by M hap or rein. •
If la the special function of the per ewe.
• Twenty-one cattle; saverage, 1,090
.. . . . our best horsemen and Defer fievor-
little use'l _hY • . to render unte•nable bY m
idbosll'ars back. 4
sold at 4 1-2c. per outa • and ten
A lot of fifteen export cattle, average
P 4
day -an much as • any point open which, its terrible ..
a • is directed. This Was abundantly Atee less .
4 G1EO. -TROW11111, ' . elYliorses neti'd three square meals sold -at $4.90 per cwt. and
Horseshoer and General Blaelismith - You can get no
ou rageivree pirmerinfrhoznis ,tif the hovvitzer battery cleared the Seven eattle, mixed, average 1,02.5
YOu do . proved at Omdurman, where the fite five dollars , sack, 4 .
lbse soldatt 4e. per pound.
• •• Albert Street,- North, Clinton. . .1floorrse- thalil dervishes completely out ot every Place i Thirteen cattle average 1,000 lbs.,
The pennywise _
. against which its fire was direcita•aft- eold at 4 1.-2o. per pound.
policy • is meanest
JOBBING A SPECIALTY. - when•aPplied to dumb aniinals. er a very few rounds, though -these , Sheep and lambe. about unchanged
Woodwork ironed. and Mat -class material
and work guaranteed. runt implements mid
machines rebuilt and repaired. •
A laylog hen should have, her food
HINTe FOR end drink at regular intervals.
THE FARMER. ,pull feathers, feed thezn gait pork. PriCea or °Paint Cattle, Cheese, 40.
m the Leading Illftete. •
Study Your Om interest and go where
• You cam get
I manufacture none but the best of stook.
• Beware. of shops that sell cheap, as the,
• have got to lire. • Call and get' prices,
•, Orders by mail proraptarittencledta
John Belli.,
Harness Emporium, Blyth, Out
"The- litliiii*-1ilatuld Fire
Insurance ComOany.
Farm and Isolated .Town Property
Only Insured.
'J. 9. MPLean..Preidd n.t, HipOen.
Thomas Frazer; vleq-preMddat, Brucefield P'0.
W. J Shannon. Feoy.Treas., Sesfortli P. 0 ;
Thome E. gays: In9pector of Losses, Beaforth
. • ' •.• DIREOTORS': • •
W. G. Broadfnot, Pe'afdrth •,• John la, Grieve.
Winthrop: George Dale. Seater/hi 'Thomas E. ,
Hays, Seater' h James Evans. Beechwood ;
John Watt. Harlock. Thenno Frazer, Brtice-;
:field; ,7ohn D. McLean. ":1Cippen; • James
„•- • .
Robt. Sid*. Rittlock Hab.rt McMillan. Sea-
-forth James Cummings, Ifternotid"ville, J, W.
Yeq; Holmesville 2, 0.; John Govenleak and
John O. Morrieon, auditors.
• • . • •
. • .
Parties desirous to effecb•inserance or tran-
sact other business will be promptly 'atten ted
to On OPPHOStiOn to any et the above oilleets
addressed to their respective poet offices.
, •
Grand. Trunk .Railway,
Trains arrive' and feavnClinlon Station as
• • • follows• • -
Buffalo and Goderich District: •
Going West, Mixed . na.15 a.m.
txpreSs..: . ....12.5s p.m.
Mixed.. . .. 7.05 pan.
4.4, - Express 20.27 p.m,
Going East, Express .., .... 7.4o a.in
• 44• . . 2.55 p.m.
• * Mixed is... 4.35 p.m.
•;London, Huron aini Bruce
QoingSoulh Expreas ....,.... 7.47 a.m.
• t • . ... . 4.25 p.m.
Going North, " o.i5 a.m.
ft •ft• ft 6.s5 p.m..
M. C. Dtcxson, W. E. DAVIS;
Dis, Pass. Agent, G.P .1.1: T. A.
Toronto. •• Montreal.
A. 0. PATTISON; G.T.R. Agent at Clinton,
• •
• 50 YEARS'
Anyone steeling a'skol oh end deseriptiOn ma,
lemur avertain °sr opinion tree whether an
tfonestrletlyeonedentlal. Handbookon Patents
Patents taken thron h Munn .ft reeelVe.
sent free. oldest agefor securing patents.
Verlag notice, without.charge, in the
A 'handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Mr.
MUNN &CO 301firoadway,
New Ytrk
Drench ortioe. St,. Wasuinston. P.
The Emperoe and Empress of Ger-
many are the earliest risers of all
European severeigns, but with • thein
it Is a case of following out the rule
of "Early to bed and early to rise.
makes a man healthy, wealthy and
wise," fer, unless attually engaged at
a court festivity, they retire to rest
as early as 10. o'clock. At 5 o'clock in
the eurfunet and & o'cloek in the Win-
ter the Emperor is up and about, and
the Emprese rises .only a little later,
that she may be ready herself to pre-
pare her lord and master his first
mil) of coffee, The ehildren of the
ea.. imperial pair fire brought up fo
• " low their parents' example, in this, as
E. Campion, Q.C., in every way.
To Widen a bushiest street, the retitle.
harrister) 44 Solicitor, • - Notary tact
°owe -over Davis' Drug Store. '
• 'Money lo Loan,
and innablitiaa.bet ter omit your own. very superior to that , of any 'Euro:: '
men have a "striating" pctver probeblY .
1 ut choice lambs sold to -day 'as high
To -omit the. noOn feeding is cruel tbtesosara, avid.
fasersuumsblinelisgeries icsomesistif,
' . •` . - ..
The man who robe his horse will rob Pearl' troops. . 4. • ' • as $1.80 and 04.96 per cwt. - •
his custornen .. If oneof,thise field hawitzer batter-
' Sheep and intake are not quotably
Yelling and jerking; the bit . eonfuse les can ••onee - establish itself within 8,- .shantied4
o veat. calves continue in' 6,-
a horse and advertise a blockhead._ ' edit yards of 'any point occupied by the.' forG°:rdinae-sLadhig4 " " °"r 39 •ett9h
ous, silly iincl inexcusable....
Kicking or beating it horse hi barber- enenty, sth t ' 1 '11 becemn ulitenr-
.• - , a poin will
Milkers are easy but unchanged. •
You Should treat. your horse as yo'n able in from a qUarter to half an. lion
• Any. fool can ruin a team:but a wise_ st1"4
In 'dealing with Such ,battetius±77.hen . ihC,hsosiese hobpgsperoiside price; light
hastg4s 3f-efiteshpeedr
,•' not more. than 4c per lb.; and for .
wottal ba"tti•eated•were yOtt .a. hoese4
driver, Mainteins. its value. • ' by4 .othei.s egabist us, Wa 'PUMA ,. .
(1) Destroy • them -or. dylve. ' laem. . thick fat 3 3-4c was the outside
• - To whip a •horse, • insteadof his that,: await. . , .
. 1:
ei•, •Lr a"cussednees" is a , great • •mis-... 0/ ATI:Ode our ovethe. range; of current
n advanced troops 1 troll:i'
tOtd. _ . : • .. , • •
.. •in t he 'shallowest pessibj:f
le• 'formations,•. -Ts a. . ..._ . , .• _
. .
- The best •drivere teak much to their (3) Strive after -invisibility by means I:. -. CATT1.4E: .,•
• • •'. - "
• YOur •borse 'lleeds miller of tenor than had time -as the Turks at Plevoa-to he ae,4
• - .. .
G . per eivt '' 2.50 2..75 • a_
animals. - . • • . • . • Of irciekeless ..powder, . the „use of suit- Shipping, per owt - $4.25. • 5.O0- • .
-Yob. should praise. yeti; here's end alle• ground, the use 02 the darkness of •13iltcher, choice, do. ,.. , •. 3.75. 4.25
the night,. and, by . clothing the troops .Btitcher, Me; to' good • • 8 12'1-2 3.60
...give 'hum apples'. 'candy ete .often. '
. Do• not clip a horse awl pat in over- ;
a , - , • • .4,
• . • . in the least conspiedous manlier. . f Butcher, inferioe • 2,75. . 3.00
-howitzer hattorY '
anedioine. • • •• • . •• a •
•etaeLseei yourself.. „_,Talttes iourown... Anethets. important. .ftinetieta of. the: • • • ,• Sheep dna. Lenses, ,.
will be the saitrOdlielg ',11lwee., per ewt - , 3.00 .3.50 -
out -of • anY troops 'whieh may have Lambs; Per cwt 4.00' ••• ',4,75:: a '
Yeu.-4especially after,...A310Pei, • .- entrenrh: • theni •,elves in deep •trenchq ' . 4 . Milkers ftiid Calvei3 • ' '
. , .
• Kickers, iti tars ,and banters .are us, es. • • -tieing, redueed charges, Lie .A1241113 Cows, each' . ' • • • aa.ad • i5,,00 •
tura'results of ebuse. ,- • . • ::. cao be throtvn• at. a steep, rangle of dee Calves, each • ' '2.00 ' 8.0-0 -
, scene at almost . any range, thuat. •L. : . . e.ffoas.•• •
work. •' - '. a• • ' •
4 sandy. or intiady road doublee...the
.bIes thes draft. • • • . and rendering field Works -untenable. _ . . - .
, . ; y t in-. t it . u , .
. . . searching •out 'the .: deepest trenehee I • • •
. choice hogs, . per cwt4.12 1-2 4,0/1-2
' A raise of only ' One 'fee) e dou- • On • the other .hand; the -best way to '1:V3lo•vtAcefalyleerr ceni * .8...60 ... 103 .
Balla ' ' •' ' •defeet this' action •of hbwitzer :batter- ea
s ng is caused by abuse, les will be bY massidg the tyoops a Eleffaloa• March10.44-Spring wheat-.
mg Or tight harness. "... s ,, s '. : -; further back ' than fermeriy, and onty Dull but final s No„ 1 .herd, 837-8erNe.•
• • Never strike Or • hurt ,a balker.' Stuff bringing them Up at the latest pasta-. 1Northern, 811e2dsWinter Wheat..allo
'and tinieer•with it. hilly three minutes.'
.ble moment; so -that they.. are kept ' offerings; 'quotations noininal; No. 2 red
cloth le hia ears, or holci7,--ipatis . foot.
. No. 3 .extra red, 77 1-2c; No. 1*
Divert his ittetition ,and de it kindly.. continually • to Motion. . •. . l• 78 la2c;-
, 'For this action ot the howitzer to white, 78e, . , Corn-aWeitit; • unsettled;
NO, 2 Yellow, • 38 1-26; No:. 2 yellow,, atic;'
. , be of rear • un • 'Colonel bangle .poi nts -'
than four • weeks •
No horse should ' wear' a . shoe more out that - ' ' • . • • - No. 4 yellow, 37 1-2o; . l' No..2 corn, 37 1-2:
' to -37 3-4e; corn, 37.1-2e; No.. 4'•
• Horses sOinet•imes "feel sick," as 'you
' ' . • ' s • ." • •ONB .1, RING • IS I zip' sptkrsAmis, emqt, 37c. • OateaeDull end ease : Noal
In this. connectIon he tette the folleW-. whtilleic 33 -4intxosc313 1317.y:1.o-04: White, 82
and that is some poveer of observittion.
'do and should bo • f • d. , , .
. white; 35e; Noa 2 white 34 lele; No II
arid') :diets More than. it 'Saves. 4 lug ailed/de: , •'. 4, •• - •
N 3 mixed,
Put .it:tip I, ':‘ • ' • ; •.: ' , ••• •• . •-•• .•Omdurman' ' a I ti.4e.' .I.:$13ailey-EiiqUtrY • ' good; sales
*Blinder's,. are . useless and' injurioui; "While . in: aetion at hhsirery
message weebtought .1,0 t e hi light- sales of Western .at 526.- a .11.ye-,
Cut tbein aft s • " . ••.• " • • • • a native that • the meinI tlervisli fords •i Quiets: No, 2; on . traek, 66ca;Flonr--
; •• was halted in a certain spot, inviable.. -Wet.' •Barleya-Steady '
avowing Necessary on Avrousit or Om
• New order of Things,
80100 new words have • neeessarilT
been added to the English language
since tho introduction of the horseletai
carriage, and the vocabularies othex
tongues have also naturally been simi-
WAY enriched in an countdes where.
such carriages have become popular.
With few exceptions all these worde
are teettllicalt and their true signifi-
• cance is only understood by the elec.-
Olden and. the naachinist, The mem-
bers 91 the Flemish AcadenlY, of An-
vers, recently determined to frame a
word which would be readily intelligi-
ble to all who understood the language
of Plunders and wile had ever seen a
horseless carriage, and the result teas
that after much deep thought they
framed the following word: •
Snelpa ardeloosaon derspoorweg pet-
roirijut nig,
I'his euphonious word signifies "a
I When the • children aro
hungry, what do you give
them? Food.
hen t • irsty? Witter.
Now use the same good
C0111/1101) sense and what
wouldyou give them when,
• they are too thin? The best •
fat -forming food of course
Somehow. you think of
• Scott's Emulsion at once.
For a quarter of a century
• a b en making thin
children plump. weak child-
ren, sirong;. sick children,
carriage wlaich is worked by means of
petroleum,' which travels fest, which gee. and 'coo, ell druggists.
has no horses and whieh is not run on gayiT st own, ennoists, Toronto.
• rails." This is, from one point of view •
a fine example of mutt= in parvo,
but it may he questioned whether one
extraordinarily long word is preferable
to half a dozen ehort words. The
•Flemish people however, think differ-
ently, and the academicians of Anvers
have been highly complimented by
them on their linguistic skill as Been
in this .unique word- •
All deep-sea sotinding records are be-
;Ilev•ed to have beeit'broken by the Bra '
tish cruiser Penguin, whieh reports
having sounded to a depth of 4,762 fa,
thorns or 4872 feet, in the Pedal
00ean, between New Zealand and thi
Tonga Islande. The •Penguin aim
found out that Falcon Island, Whicl
Was formed during it volcanic eruptios
in 1885, and digappeare.:1 last Septette
ber, has sunk 18 feet below the Bur.
.face. •
. rya ' 4, r..., ..• ....ea. e .....
- • •
. .. 9•1 .-....• - ir - •,,,- \; . _ `..
I \ •
.,- ....'. \ -
"Handsome is that hind:
Some does," is the old theoreti-
cal adage, but after sill it's the
• skin-deep beauty that's attrac-
tive. It would take a; big lot
of handed= doing to com-
pensate for a skin :,that
diseased andwhose appear-
ance is dietasteful_to all who
see it, and the torment of the,
.patient whose daily burden it
' is to bear it abouts De.
Aorravies OINTMENT is it won-
derful cure for all sort of
' Skin Diseases -itching, barn-
. leg.stingiegSensations which
•are . accompaniments -totter. •
ealt rheum, scattlshead, ring
vtdrm eczema, itch ulcers
erysipelas, liver spets, and all %.
11;11AlfillrlIES: einptions of the skin -one ap-
plication allays the irritation.
• . and perseverande in its use
TINEKIN 'resuits in'a speedy cure. For.
' blind bleeding, itching and
ulcerating piles it's a: magical
. .
balm; one application gives comfort and relief in an instant; and in from three to
five nights the teouble disappears. ,Price • sa eta ' . . .
! •
' A London lady ,had eczema for years so • A Toronto gentleman, living on DoverpourS .
badly, her face and neck were so disfigured she Road, spent a small fortune in treatments an
went Into a life of seclusion, and the stinging remedies for piles in their very worst form, was
pain of it was so intense •that, to use her own, treated by electricity with. temporary relief only •
words, be went nex t tiling toniad." • She tried and had decided to go on the-operati g table and
many ointments, telreiand-washes--was treated have a Surgical ,operation performed, byt was
by specialists on skin diseases without getting recommended to try DB. Aonaw's OINTXENT-.
any lasting benefit.' She bought 'a box of Da. he did im The. first -application of It relieved
Aonsw's onerinies-one application_gave her the intense distress -he persisted in its use and .
comfort, and to -day, after using three boxes per to -day he's rewarded with a euro after. yeets of
skin is as clear and pink as a baby s. Buttering.
l4 .
DR. AeSVV'S CURB PPR T118 1118AIRT--Roltyla. smoinntig,25.1pilatiounettlutterkig, A
DR. AGNEW'S* CATARRHAL POWDOR-Relaves cold In the bead in Iii n,inutes. Cure Pay
fever and catarr .
DR, AGNEW'S L11,4811 'PILLS-Regolate the bowels. Tone the syatem. Never gripe, Pleasing
. • - little doses. 40 in it vlat ; 20 cts. . 8
For gale by Watts & Co Clinton.
• front the battery, 'but within, range. Detroit. March 10.---Wheat-CIosed:-
pLAvon AND. AROMA OF ile.TTER. and tn a• direction which was indicated (No. 1 white; ' cash, ' 73 3:4es No. 2 red,
-Forinerly • it was tbOughi tiMt . • the ittileiv.coanssiudregrasdhle:
ettiirnnkteflireess'on'to this No, '1 Northern, 72 14e ; No. 2 North.;
' : cash, 14le4e; .May,. 753-4o; dulY, 728--1c
flavor o butter depended el tod
. • MOst tao- spot, but felt it, triy duty to refixes), tisaiern, 70 1-2o. Rye --Steady, 57c Baia
tirely .upon' thecharacter of the •food I had no possible means either of ver- ieyeeSteady ; No. 2; 50 to 50 14.2e; sum -
eaten.' In June' When pristUres *ere at it'll* the men's statement or of see- ' pie, 42 to 490. • ) • • . • . '
their best' ttie 1 as • f th . •
, co or ve 0 0 most 4,1 ,
1,21g whether the fire, was effective. , I afilwaukee, March 10. -Wheat;• Lower
desirable tint • and the btitter possess- t was therefore not done, and.1 March' 70.1-20 • .1 •''
uly, 71 1-2e • on track,
: . afterwards •fnuild•thfit this wise right i • ' * ' ' • ' '
• 1 Mumeapolis, March 10. -Wheat -
ed a• fine flavor. ' Stood. the discovery • decision, because as a• !matter of. fact ; NO:. 1 hard, :71' 3-8es No. 1 Northern;
tlie ritenihg Of the cream ft bus been'
. . , munition
We totted afterwards a that the dervish.. jilt) 34o; No, 2 Northern, -68 3-80. Flour
es were net there at all, and both am- I -eFirst • patents, $a.89 to $4; second
of bacteria and the' part they 'play in
Lound that the 'flavor of. butt it• ' ' •..
. • • .and Hine • would hive ' been 'patents, 63.60 to $3.70; first 'cleats,
. . , . butter e- absolutely wasted! • • : . .' V.70 lo 32.80. Brane-In bulk, 010.75
pends more latgety ;upon the proper Tidal says the gallant colonel, is. an to $11,
. .
ripening of the cream' before churnings instancnof what will doubtless • take ' Dull.the March 10. -4. No. .1
rthen, While the matter' of feeding''''
than upon the feed. • Consequentl
Y, he brought ill that the enemy is mass- May. la 5-8 to 73 3alet J,u17; 74 le8c ;
place in European 'war. Reports;will hard, cash, 11-1.4•80 bid; 'IMarah, 71 1-80;
be gve]; careful attention, the best
ing troops in some partietilar valley, Ncta 1 Northern, cash, 69 1-8o; No. 2
product cannot be expeeted unless ev- and the howitzers will be sent :to turn. Northern; 65 5-8c, '• . '
. .
ery attention :is given to the care of . them ciut of it,. • But unless the offi- 4.; ' • • •
Cer in command is able to get :intonate -
the milk from the time it is draws . . tion of the result of his fire, 'an inta
Until butter is produced.
Eveegthing ,about the Stable 'and mense waste of valuable ..annadmition
is likely
dairy hWhat euse emat be scrupulously clean • . to result,. ' •
is indicated in a greatly in-
into tl:te milk will introduce un- 'creased use ofthe balloon or of some -
for every-partiele of &est or feed that
desirable bacteria. These will crowd most desirable adjuact, t4a a howitzer
thing ttkinto it; a balloon: seetion IS a
Out the desirable bacteria, or those that brigade division. .. . • •
, peoduce the 'best flairors and the hula The quiek-firing. field gull! is the
ter will iaot be marketable. Surround next -development: with which this
the cream in the dairy ;sense with- these 'country has to deal. Foreign nations
put it in ves. have alreidy provided themselves with
of desirable ferments, tionditions that favor the development
soon be equipped with them ourselves.
to the temperature
these gone,. and we shall doubtless
sets that have been thoroughly eteam-
ed, warm it gently Those are then an actual factor te.be
desired for ripening- and hold it there '
Prevent the entrance of dusor •t dirt oi •I
reekoned with.in existing taeties.
len. on the verge of a most remarkable
We stand, in Colonel Ercislie's nein-
any kind.
dev plow:I:tent or the power of artillery.
Eutopean war will probably ShOW LO
Th i is r8t feif elisagement6 of the next
. .
Pecaidopally we find a farmer who one °I. the other artillery that it is
will say; .1t,tzt ail right fsi, the •man superior to -that ioehfhisietrrsioeertneeramirztsiyi.eCeirsrestit
who tan afford it to keep blooded tition.neluer tothtli:en
stock, but the kind 1 keep Pays welt will be necessary to make up by :up -
enough.. • When we meet that kind of erior tactics for' its inferiority in other
a man it is uselese labor to argue the l'esPecttl••...
question of keeping pure-bred stock of
any • kind. He ' is Contented with the
scrub, and a contented man should not
be disturbed. • The only way sueh men
are ever convinced of the error of their
way ia to show them; by exaMple, that
they are wrong. I .
For, c young, ratan it la ft calcite mis-
take to begin ;with anything but the
best. It is not necessary to spend's, 'larg-
er extra sum forenituals of high culture
and ,
not alwayls the best for his purpose.
The best for hiiii is the sort that, un-
THE 13AllY suPrvr.
It haft been cm:a:muted, that about 36a
000,00a babies are born into the World
:iach gear. The rate of production ts,
therefore, about sefentY per minute,
or more than one for every beat' .51
the clocial
With the one-a-secohd calculation ev-
ery reader is familiar, but it is not
fancy pedigreebecause they are
every one wpeciora
ho stops to ealculate what •
der good care, wilt turn fin the grass Startle a good many persons to find
supply. It ,will, therefore, probably
MS MOSES when it rometi to a, year's
his pasture fields, the grain and hay on the authority of a wen known
• ,
Do not think kr a single-
-moment that consumption will
ever strike you a sudden blow.
It does not come that Way..
It creeps its way along. •
First, you think ,It is a little
cold; Whin but a little hack -
mg cough; t en adatie less in
weight; then a harder .cough;
then the fever and the night
sweets. '
• The Soddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
it is yet creeping.
Yea -Min do it with
• veros
grown his fade. and labor expended s le ono sm e ante o
n ear lig for t tato the most money. Cough less. The pressure on
' Y ft
Pure-bred stock is plentiful enough atO-
d1e, the cradles wouldextend around,the chest is lifted. That feelin
ItlOW that 11 (MC ma mak sta t• the world. •
011 ; ; i year be ranged in a line in era-
. -- You •rat notice that you
toWer in Copenhagen, 150 feet in heighfr
is to ho bodily moved a distance of 50
0 he ace on is removed.
thr right direction, and once the Bait The same writer looks at the tlatter
Mire Is hastened byplaCingOneof
is made there is nothing to 'prevent In at more pictureseueilight. Ho imag.
Any roan front climbing' Up the ladder Ines the babiers being' carried past a
of success in building up a herd that given point heir mothers arms, one Dr Ayer's Cherry
Pectorals Plaster
open triarket look small. Sue-. hi the twelfth --------thd sd h3.
For all Heart Weak.
'art etoek at aprice that makes the one paid uli night and day until the feat li011t
..8 of his kind is a Work of time, but A suffieiently liberal rate is allowed over the Chest
stock 1.1 is used It le impoilitible.
M. 0, d0 is better than the average, for such bY one, and the procession being kept •*
owar s
gar ) SOlieitOr$ COMMiSSionerv
opnce-Cor Pamlitort nod St, Andrew's ClittliatiOnt • t • III Loa
coot Ilion,•
• flatiand Woofed e le
• W.,. Dry one,
Ilarrister, Salicitott, Notary Public, 8tc,, •
Osnett t
•DEAVER mom ° ct.isrroN"
The Mood is the Life, aluseialt blood breeds
distastathe seed Of death, A strong heart, is
natures own invigorator *114 the beet tatifier.
Iti ti) pCf!ectiy Mitaty cid ire- thcead
fg.4 then follow
etierki Of di2BIOMM, hell aches eiti Ration.
tartemodees 110WAIthea Haag?: IthIlUt
euteeteith enstaA6s.
Asir your druggist Of by Mall at see, et boa
g boats for Is wt.
0 la W. HOWARD, /1 Maeda , 70,01114.
it col be attained.; unitise pureAred butof oven
%tube) 1P,gi ant hiolluer arEtTe.
Ing the ,entire year, the reviewer at his A Hook Avdp.
part of the infantile host,• It is on the Dlietilltea of the
Throat and Lunge.
• post would have teen only the iiixth
liatroduce,neW blood Wong the poet. in other words, the babe that had to
try ellee year. '
be carried when the tramp began would
MVO Mlle for grattilt ot he'ne A�d for beAble' to walk when but a mere free. f:Htli
eggshell material, titiolownie• itimatitawaviwitla
012 of it tnaortidm had reached th0
reviewer's post and when' the year s' . a Mrs tit itt
A little cayenne pepper In the food aupplsr of .bablets was drawing to a,oloaa - -z• V' Ile whi4r4)010t4Pllo
, With ate°.
often Atiraulatee• 'eying. A areas.
' there would be A rear guard not of lift.4. . Alma, 140W11 1, Moo,
Good Leghorn hens may be kept uno. infants, but of romping eix-year-old
til they are five years old. - boys, and girl.,
sive,w rite thAt
1-"""1"."7.1"...."1 ' •1•00-14.411.114.41.4M01.40M0.114
I "Most Rubbers are Uncomfortable
• It is nezi• wander that rubbers -Which are not the same
shape as the boot should be, uncomfortable. It costs
money to employ skilled pattern makers but the result
is a satisfactory fit .
Each year the Granby Rubber Co. add new pat-
terns to fit all the latest shoe shapes.therefore
They are honestly made of Pure Rubber.
Thin, Light, Elastic, Durable.
Extra thick at ball • and hcet
Granby Rubbers wear like Iron.
46estrens 54
• Don't Spend a Dollar
for •
until you ha,ve 'tried
You Can buy them in the pap,er 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
thlas,r* lgvulsp tattapir Sletift gite entritrirst presoak deagaild ear 5 kW aad.s,
• If you don't find this sort of
.At. the Druggists
Send Eire Contil 10 Tait ItteAtte CiteatteAL CottrAtilf) NO. Ni
Spruce St,, NewYork; itttd lhty Will be teat to yea by sudis•ot
12 enfant will be mailed foei4 anti. The &moat are tati t�
one that Itionti Tabula' Oilth� very leleacint) yott need,