HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-16, Page 6•
***9*****************akenn tule them where thia Influence will be
• exerted over the children most efface
* „„
torelYi slut at ao playa about the holm°
do Ow seem to coma into oloeer cora-
* Panionship with them then at the tee
• About the House.
Wee .used te laa.ve old-fashioned things
cabbages and greens;
We u,se,d to have just common eoup
Made Out of pork and boom*
But now it's lvuillon, eonsonanee. end
tbings mada from a book
And pot au feu and Julienne, etnCe InY
• daughter's learned to cook,'
We used te have a piece ot beef; -just
• ordinary Meat
And Mokled PIO feet, spare-ribe, tin)
' and other things to eat ;
While now it's fillet and. ragoutand
-leg of mutton braised;
And macaroni au. geratin, and sheep's
head. Hollehdoesed.'.
. ,
Esoallepe a la 'Versailles -a la this and
a la that,
And.•sweetbread a la Dieppeise-it's
enough to kill a cat I
But while f suffer deeply, I iityariably
As if I were delighted that my dangle.:
ter's, learned to cook, •
• We 'have a lot of salad things, with,
• • dressing mayonnaise; '
In Place a oysters, blue points,fricas-
seed a d,ozen ways,
• And orange relppoly, i1Qa,and peach
meringue, alas, '
Enough to wreck a Stomach that is
• made of platecl brass!
• The good, old things have passed away,
In silent, sad retreat ; •
We've lots of higbafalutio." things, but
nothing much, to eat.
. And while I never say a word, and al-
ways pleasant look, ••
But oh, I've had dyspepsia ..sinee nay
daughter'S learned to cock.
ble, Martin Luther knew Whereof
epoke when he said that a plant
the window was powerfal enough eene
times to keep the davit outside.
the child corn° to the breakfast tab
5 -
. to.find himself face to face With a flow-
er or a bit of green thing growing'•
and he will' have a pleasant memory
of, the, moraingtaeal to carry with him
throughout the day. The 'lleusewife
who neglects to make use a flowers in
the administration of the affairs of the
' home overlooks a -potent factor for
geode Make It ci rule to alwaya have
esulething en the table beside fine Ohm
- and silver and, out •glass to brighten
it, and make it More attractive then
these things can. A tew flowers will
Make the table of the poor man plea,s-
' tinter than the rich man's is without
them, Bat we cannot all have flowers,
some of nay readers saY. • Tbe,plants in
the windows-eefuse to bloom et: thin*,
and we cannot afford to buy,
- The very fact that you have plants in
the windOw 'proves yOur ability to do
something to add `to the attraction of
yeur table. One does not 'need a great
many flowers. in order to do this, and
eery few eivinclew-piederis are wholly
Without theta dueing the winter sea -
sten. A trails of geranium blossoms in
a little orYstal vase with a few green
eaves to keepit company will brighten
a table wonderfully, and often •isare
more ertistio results than a large
quantityOf tlewers would, The rea-
sorefor this 14 not hard to give.
flowers must necessarily be arranged,
stulPlaewlaileewith a laege number ela-
borate -effects are aimed at, as a gen-
eral thing, and that simplicity, winch
is strength, • is lost sight of,' and a
week effect is produced -because we fell
to follow the teaching of Natureene
our arrangenient. We twist them in-
to unnatural shapes and positl-drfa,---We
crowd: them. We bring torward prom-
anehtly some which are any fitted for
Place in the background, and 'those
which deserve „prominence are hidden
lpattuse we have not studied,our meter
Lai and the proper disposition'of it. Rae
amine', 'elaborate decorations of the
table carefully and critically, and you
•will lied that, nine tithes out of ten,
they are calculated • to attract atten-
tion more becabse of the peculiarity of
their make -tip than because of the in-
dividual beauty .of • the .flowers used,
Some of them are indeed "fearfully and
Wonderfully taade;and are only sequel -
led or excelled by. Some, ;of the. e'dee
_signs" we see 'at funerals;.. •
NoW • t hi s. is nil wrong.. 'tree flosvere
first, last, and. always for the sake Pf
•their beauty, ' and give that beauty a
chance 16 make -itself seeia and fiatT'Xii
torture thein into shapes and Combina-
tions which obtrude ethemselves upon
our notice because of 'their, novedeyeor
of some striking feature„: is to make
the individual beauty of the Deena* of
Secondary. importance. The lover. of
Wanly for beauty's sake swill net de
fpit holdhis Beams in' too.
regard for 'that.: •Always consider
the flower as" of Mote eniportanoe than
ite arrangement, and . then aim to se
Alves° oe it that its . beauty *ill be
• fully brought out or heightened by -the
tileposel, • But make arrangement sub-
ordinate always to the flower.
An ordinary window full of plants
will' furnish, material enough for the
daily decorations Of the table through-
out the season, and admit .of variety,
enough 14 prevent monotony. TO -day
you • oan .have a cluster. of purple
heliotrope ande a spray of white' and
gold Lantenaiit.with a few green leaves,'
To -morrow, a bunch of Pliek,and white
or , yellow; chryttanthemonas. Nextclay
a rose or a few carnations. Then
there will be geraniums and primroses,
beige:Mimi and salvia's, hydeinthe and
daffoclihe and many other kinds of
flowera. to draw from inniost window -
garden collections; So yon itee there
will be no :lack of materia/ to work
withe if you are careful tel use it ecoe
noraleally: If you attempt to woe sev-
eral kind of. flowers together, am a
general thing- you will squander your
resources, for it is true that most
flowers are mast effeetive when used
by themselves. Use roseand carna-
tions :together, and 30ott spoil' the ef-
fect of both. It 16 the eame with roses
and -chrysanthemums. ' It is theesareie
With nearly all kinds of flowera. In
order to be most satisfactory they
must never be Silbjectect to close con-
tact and comparbion with others.
If the water, in which cut flowers are
placed, is changed daily, it is possible
to keep them looking well for several
days, especielly if they are put in a
cool place at night. Cot off the lower
end of their Sterns each time yiiu
change the water, andthrow out oft
wilted and faded flowers slid decaying
/eaves. It is well 10 add it few drops
of spiritof ammonia to the water.
Pliermlog Picture so of nenitaite
A lereneti eTiourniellse attys.
itavolume dealing with the priva
life and mode of existence Of 'Nichol
IL, was recently Waned in T
author le Me Maurice Leudet, a me
ber ef the staff of the Figaro, w
.some time baek pabpublished.a book de
Ing in similar lines with the Xalser.
"Nicholas Ile Intime," as the prese
work is called, is a quite unprete
tious produotion, and deals most
with minor detalle evlating to the pe
sonality of the, Ozer, and in •well
formed and entertainbag geasip.
Majesty', it appears, has an axone
Leudet &entree' us that 'be tal
English witheut an aceent, but it•
noteworthy that he does not yenta
" • •
" e Thorn Comes_Forth
With Point Forward."
US The thorn point of disease
he is an ache or pain. But the
131 -
blood Is ..th.e feeder of t fie
al* whole body. Purify it with.
nt Hood's Sarsaparilla.
• Eldneys, liver and etoreaoh 'Will at
ty once respencl? No thorn inthie point.
e. 11110411POIS011itlig-Pne surgeon aId
PAM he tOek out the brawl shell received
In many households', the demands of
sabool and business make meal -time
the only hour in which all the mem-
bers of the family are together, when
the father and inothee can act in meu..
cert for the development. and advance -
meat of their children, For that rea-
son, if for no other, there should be a
well planned and concerted action in
the table talk. there needs must he
some sacriffee of personal eoinfort at
first on the part of both parents; the
father Must forego his newspaper, and
the mother inapt forget fOr the time
her bousehold duties. As the parents
ace, so Will the children be If the
father talks shop, or aaada his goatee,
or if the Mather detaile for, the beete-
- -fit of the rest Of thee-firMily all the
iitele texations to. which she has been
• subjected. during the day, then the
children will 'bring to The table their
petty quarrels with each other or with
their ., wheel fellowe ; pr if. they he
. bookish,. they will firing a book tO the
table with them, or belt. their foodin
oraer to, get beck to the story. ' • ..
• The conVereation at 'table should in-
clude ,the whole family,. and should he
of sufficient interest to hold the atten-
tion of all, -frora the affairs ofetheir
• working hours. Thie needs. the Wise
beads Of father. tied mother to guide
It. Eschew all disagreeable topics,
all stories of crime, or harrowing tales
of any sort.' Likewise,forbld: any tub.:
ject that *will work upon the temper
of any member of the family. It is a
known fact that bright Conversation,
the flow of mirth, the happy jest, or
a -wholesome interest in the topics of
the day, are an aid to digestion; white
on the other' handa any stroitg excite-
ment, as anger, fear, or sorrow, will .
hinder digestion by checking' tent-
• porariiy. the action of • the salivary
glands. There are plenty of interest -
hag subjects for :conversation* without
spoiling the appetite of asensitive
child by 'some finery of hector or dee-
• There is perhaps seine :new book that
ie beingread by one of the family
which can be discussed, Often a busy
member of the circle has no time to
• read the book for himself, and an in-
- telligent review of it at ta.ble will not`
only be interesting, but will give to
that busy one knowledge that he
could' not otherwieeeobtain.
There are continually -coming before
the public new. and interesting ecien-
lievestigations and inventions,
about which the father and elder bro-
thers Can tell the girls. Even the
little ones will be interested in ask-
ing about a new machine, and their
queetions are just as important as the
inquiries of the older ones. Talk of
the affairs of State and Nation, of
political and foreign news in a broad-
minded way that will lead the chil-
dren to form their own opinions, and
not take them readyeinade from their
elders, •
Above all, the little ones should tot
be snubbed for their attempts to add
to the general entertainment. Listen f
courteously when they ask questions, h
or add their little mite of 'knowledge, t
just as you expect them to listen to
you. Encourage them to bring any L
bright bit that they can, either in the t
way of knowledge or of amusement. T
It the little naan makes a mistake in „
the selection.of dell, or In his man- i
nor of telling it, do not.rebuke him e
'It the tahle• instead, take him one
aid ft over and you are e,
alone, atid explain the nature of the
mistake, tell him how it Should •letive
been dcine, and tbe mistake will hardly
occur again. Neither Will the chiltre b
• feelinge be hurt in such a way that he
will be afraleto try a second time.
The conversation at table it an
' portant part of the menu when you.
have guests. With stioh ate every-
day training yeu will not find It dif-
ficult to entertain your friends at din-. se
net'. There need be no extra effort g
Put forth ill
It. may be nothing more humane than
ashion, which has not a reputation for
umanity in any -way, but it is certain
bat the aigret is disappearing from
he coiffure., It has taken with it, too,
he irare filliag the • plate of ,both.
hey are artificial flowers, beautiful
Ostia, which stand up on a long stalk
rout the, top oft the head as proudly
if they were still adorning the rosee
ugh, 1 down in he hair a la
ermine, or there is ono big flower on
he top of the head and another tuck -
d awey at the side. It is a pretty and
becotning fashion, and it obtains on tbe
odie,e of the goevrie.
os or oat. re
ess,° for the home- table talk ie just as
your geest would enjoy. Then when' .„"
the children are a little older and are ,
beginning to go out into society theni- m
the p rom hie
bashful/tees •„that so often attackii „.‘"
• peesonnnused to talking befote others,
They Will be ready to bear no inter - e,
dieting and egreeable part in Any men- P
' versation, simply and natarelly, be-
deltfle they have always done so. i.rhey
" wilt also be trained in the art otlist-
ening, which no Mean ateomptiehe 6
13.- •
wound at Elan Sean 11111 two eveeka ketone
that It would baler poleoned me if it bad
nt , not been for my pure blood, told hins it
Was Hood's Sarsaparilla that made amine',
, Woman P, Cement, Co. 0, 25th U, Int,
Weshington Barracke Washinston,D: C,
is• Rhenniatiene "'Mead, and a friend
both suffered from severe attacks of rhea -
0 say as much with regard to Frenc
Mr, Heath, his Bnglish mateiter. is er
dited with cordial' dislike for Mr
Gladstone. and a pronounded ionObe
h• ntetioni, Hood's Sarsaparilla cured both.
• _ We would not be _withput it." W.
e- Lanza, 66 Leonard St, River, Main .
as .. eSa
for boxing, but whether he trauma -
tad• these taste a to" hia pupil is n
recorded, . The yoUng princes - wet
brought up with aa little ceremony
• ."1"144ki• atillritkalligimhui
Ot •
/Were P11111 011ie 11Yler 111.; the non -irritating and
as only cathartic to take ape Rood,' ilarsanarillar
• >P I 11 •
possible, On Sundays they entertai
ed dinner the small -boys and gir
Nilio were admitted to the honor
their friendship,• ,
'J hese parties seem to haie bee
very lively functions. "There was n
end. to th t th h t th •
of ; •
• Vauen345i InVen fed it 4Atii Mandrel Mid
, Fifty rears ago.
r°' If .further proof Were needed Of the
r. dictum that "there is no new thing
• under the aim," it 11,EIS been sapplied
d • by an article in the RevueScientifique
k- • . '
whieh• trues the invention of the.antoe
o ear' to the ingenious mechanician, Vu -
O canson, just 150 years ago. Izi a mem-
tie. Manch= reoently brought to light, it
• is recorded that Vaucaason was honor-
ed 1748 by a vieit from Louis XV.,
s for the purpose of inspeeting a'marvel-
e ous carriage that tem without the aid
d • •
a of a horse or any visible eaeans of Pro -
e pulsion. . •
- Two 'Peraons took their eats in the
n vehicle, which seems to have been as
k ,
wgoeirgeeodorsiveana a sheriff's carriage, and
around the court yard to
small guests played on one anpthe
From end to end of the 'table ther
used to be continuous firing of brea
peliets,velaicb were perpetually stri
in princely noes or landing in roya
mouths. Another favorite joke was t
jog, your neighbor's elbow •while h
was drinking, or to baptize 'him wi
a glassful of wine:" •-
This moliarming picture of horn
life," as Leudet calls it, is proof a
any rale that there are various way
of becoming fitted for the most pont
society, Still,1±must not be suppose
from •this occasional licenee that th
Czar's educatioa was neglected. II
received. a very stribt religious train
big, and , the impression *it made o
him may be, gathered from a teener
he made on the occasion of the cleat
of Vidor •Hugo. He knew that `fli
great poet was a freethinker, and o
n •
reading In a newspaper an account 'o
his public funeral ha Said • that h
could not understand how such hon
oes tould. be paid to a man whe "ha
died like a dog." ••
Tbe Czar rises. at eight o'clock, take
tea vvith the Empress at nine, and a
half -past nine 'retires to his study 1.
Teed the principet European new
Papers Th' t ' ,o
goes Out for ' a short walk, and a
elevenect'alock is ready. to receive hi
isters-aiidetteaa etcatievorrespori
cle.neei •After luzieli he drives ou
the satisfaction of his majesty. and of
the Duc da Mortornart., 41. de Lauzun,
d'Avezac, and other members of his
▪ suite. But though a Promise was 80 -
• cured of royal patronage, the Academy
• • of Sciences declared that such a con-
veyatiec could not be tolerated in the
streete, and the scheme was nipped
a ein the bud., The motive power was imp -
plied by a huge clock spring, so that
• only a short joiltney was possible, but
t the. gear ,seems to have closely re-
ea:repo...10dd that of the horselese carriages.
clze-- • ------- -
with the Empress, and on his retur
shuts himself up be his study, wher
he is hard at work Until eight o'clock
the imperial dinner hour. The impor
tatice of this meal is, considerable a
the Russian court, as may be, emagin
ed *hen it 0 said that over two hund
red persons are engaged in preparing
and sereing it. .
n • litany people suffer With catarrh Un-
a .
til it becomes chronic', because they do
• not know how easily it may bp cured,
Ten days' free trial treatment ought
to be convincing. Send fifteen vents
to-.coy_er cost ,of mailing outfit. Dr.
Sge-ssfitiletmeS7 Co"
• •
. •
There 'are soft gray eyes that may
be °taped under the etfle of .mischiev-
ous or deogerons, e. writer in an
'exchange. Eyes that are full of sun-
shine and understarld, the whole gating
of flirtati . •
She can make lciee as welt as you:
Take care, bewitee I
She will hold you captive at her Oven
sweet will, and when the suinnier. is
over calmly set you adrift, with per-
haps an au revoir for next summer:.
Then there are gray -eyed women cif
the Minorite. type -women of. intellect,
brilliant talkers, . always serene of
temper and faithful in friendship.
These are a most exeellent kind. jean
of Are was a gray -eyed blonde, a
somewhat unusual typo in France, and
Queen Elizabethe had grey eyes and
red hatr, .a ,ponabinatipn net often
Seen. • ,t
- • • • •
How the • and -Itusaliiiis Are Cow
ducting Operations 'ha China.
There Is 0. rpreat • contrast between
the methods now being pursued res-
pectively by Russia and Great, Britain.
The former is Making prodigious ef-
forts to fortify Bort Arthur and Tae
lienewan and has folly 13,000 troops in
the neighborhood. The ;mortality
aiming the men continua to bet eiees-
sively high, owing tothe polluted Wa-
ter, but additional lives come forward
to take the place of the departed, The
railway line' is also being pushed with
feverish effort, and evert the Muscov-
Rea themselves adinit *that they are
working against time, though whether
the limit is to dawn this year or the
next 'they profese not tie know. Now
for the British line of action. At Wei-
hai-wei thee are taking things very
leisurely; recruiting for the native
regiment that in to tbe raised and
trained for the defense, of that, place.
Speceal officers have been) chosen frora
the flower of the British, array, and
should the first regiment come tip to
expectations it is more than likely
that a garrison equalling -that of Hong-
kong will be established; There is no
hurrying, however. The offbeat) who
have already arrived are taking things
eaeily and enjoying theraselveaeim-
mensely. Apropos of this the fellow -
g remark is said to have beea made
to the .firitish admiral at Tientsin IV
Prince Henry of Prussia: "There is no
one like you English. / see you are
going to have a big say in China. I
ave beea to Port Arthur, and I find
e RUssuilas spending untold wealth
m ng guns an flaunt -
plying their garrisons. I go to Wei-
hai-veei atid• I find British Offieera .-,-
ranquilly because strorig-laying out
a cricket patch. The future is you've,
The latest fashion the way of
nding royal messages is by phatio-
raph, The Queen recently sent a
tam& in this manner to, Xing' Mene- bih
ic and His Majesty was highly pleased.
t is doubtful, however, whether the
essage would be suitable for More t
ivilized menarche, for the dignity of
ter itfujesey's voice could hardly he
aintnined through the medium of al
The Queen sent her Message by the
and of peutTuant Barrington. who !
as te join with Xing elilenelik in an
xpedition to settle the affair e Of the e
igte Provinoe. On a Sunday after -
Went, either guest or host.
oon, amid mueh state the phonOgraph
• Aside front its benefit to the chile
Oren and to the eider °nee in a social.
a'ay, it may be made a means of edu-;
Oation, Pamillar conversation on sub- tal
YWCA of lasting importance will _n
create and,. foSter them an 'intern.- .5.e.•
gent interest in vital toles; it will en*, ti
courage. investigation, and give an w
around development that mere school. t
Ing OMAN; givif, oat,
Dona Maria Louisa Ingo, knovtri as ,
he.herome PuntirBrava, has arriv-
a in Barcelona, her native place. If
her story he true, she is Oettalealet dee
eereing or pity as ,one of the most af-
Hotta victims of Soignee futile struge
glae in Cuba. She was living en it to -
b coo plantation With her husband and
wo sone, when the insurgent leader
anderas and his men appeared on the
&en& A melee; ensued, end all the
ales were Elliot. Dona ifligtO WAS Of.
fered her life if elle Would ory "Viva
uba fibre," but she boldly repied
Viva Espana!" whereupon Madero
ruck her. She 'flew him, and
uoked out One of his eyes, Then his
llowera fell upon her, out off her
rs to get her jeweled pendants,
reneheid off a finger for the tinge
e wore struck her ou tixfs head with
saber, timed her with • 15 wounds
a left er for dead. She) was, how.
or, plated up on their retreat, taken
a hospital and gradually recovered,.
oath she is still a terrible wreck •
as unpacked anti nee working. The
ing 11141.0104 with the utteost pleaeure
s the Queen of England *vide was
card impressing her friendship for t
ing Menelik, and at the conclusion 13
is Majesty wail visibly awed. After- ,
arta a Military taint*. was fired, by .5
he /Mee artillery: in honor ofethir
• C
, . 14T.611.A1 TkI3Lt DtCORAT/ON. 1 "
^ P,AP.Ett %%ETU. st
la oh the home table has grown to ,Dentists le GetteenY ere tt8ing tele. ti
root that the daily tile of flow.
, bo A 'moo univetessr &wog some ehteeee teeth made of paper instead 6f procel. ‘24.,
.v of people argues Well for their apprs. an, or , mineral composition. 'These -
*Jamul t,,,t the eeedietie and the artier., paper teeth are said to be very sat's.
*la in combination With' the more nut- factory, aa thet do not break' or chip, an
are me sensitive tO heat or oold to the ev
, 'Witt things of 114. r lowers have a *dim of the moisture of the mouth1 to
•tefining influenek and it la well tO ,and are "* eh6AP* th
• What do ; you consider a sufficient
incomel.earnestly asked one club wo-
• man across the tea, table the other
Alwitys little more than you have,
flashed back the fair philosopher,
with a smile. • es-
• In 18(11 the area under the plow in
Australasia Was 1,338,000 acres, this
increasing. to over 0,copswo acres in
1897, The principal crop is 'wheat, the
past year's menage comprising 4,875,500
acres. The seven colonies of Austra-
lasia clomprise 1070 million acres.
. Catarrh Cannot be Cured ..
• with LO0AL APOLTQATI0NS, sta they oan-
.uot reach the a nr th e disease. Catarrh te a
blood as *our itutioaal disease; lend in order to
ours it you must titke internal remedimt. Matra
Catarrh Ourg is taken internally, and acts di-
rer:440n the blood and mucous surfaces. Haifa
Catarrh Curs la nob a quaok inedioine. was
Pritcribed'hy One of the boat physlCiano In thin
country for year & and Is a regular presoriP-
Wm. 11 1. roMposed of tho boat Milos known,
aombined with the bast blood purifiers, noting
directly on tho mucous surfaoes. Tho perfect
oom_blnation of the two ingredionts is what
• prodUces mob wonderful ?amnia in miring
catarrh. Send for testimoniald. fres. •
J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo. 0,
soid by Druggists, prim 75a.
Hairs Fatally Pills are the boot.
Weary 'Watkins. If I was to find a
dollar an' .leuy a lottery ticket ' an'
win the. capital prize, I'd first take
tt bath--
• Hungry Higgins. ^Whatl
ge out byitotabbls,_ trid. Ploy the whole
Trin CURE A 1201•Cs IN ONE DAY
;12:20Vrelioxofftiff:e Brae° !inhibit, Tablets, All Dmir
the Meller If It fella to cure. 25o.
Mrs. alotraes --Tu ought to be
ashamed of yourself. We are all sent
into the world for some useful pur-
The Tramp, lintably-Yes'ne. think
Ininst have been intended to use Up
cold victuale.
• lows. Farms fitie eater 02 Mr aorta Cash Bal.
Moe Orma until paid. .1. mentor, Moult eity, la.
2 2 vErcur.,a ormax SOIL.
In several tiectione around) Havana,
the soit produces five °rope Ot tread'
• tables in year.
f17,500 FOR A MERINO RAM.'
En one respeot, the year 1898 didn't
establish a record, though Most peat
Pe though,t it did. The sum of 10,-
000. Paid for a sheep 'last Summer in
'England, was not, as sapposed, the .1
higheet on record, Pagel Teri -
bee writes, to the London Spectator
that, ten years ago, he saw in the
milebrated Carngliam flock of merino
dwelt in Victoria,. Australia, a, prize
merino ram for winch he had paid a,-
500-, or nearly ;17,500, elowever, let lee
opt? alail& that tweet this is the record
price, for perhaps it isn't.
Parefui attention to the Mnallest detai!a enable yniform production
of quality and flavor. Try
CE,VLON TF,A I•4ead packages. 25) 30) 40, 50 and Om
ALIBESIIY isplite.itea sfix701;letleiert!tarit°'Ol� ocv2iforstlebeDattlre
AIILLION DOLLA_R, A LIB ARV' so reliable that It in, heffeine 11.
al111114S Of ail Englishlmeaking countries of the
LwastIlly compact that It Wailes readlle bet
, any or nu en goo cage.
core you omelet* iolowlodgenorEeverynsubpot,
Ettyclopmdia Britannica. HOME
The editor desiree to inform leis
readers that he is authorized, through
KiellilsTnt,egnt,atolVO'-feCti4r retshationt sCief0,•,-
hue from catarrh, fetid breath, bron-
chitis, eto,, a simple outfit of Catarr-
hozone. Catarthoeone is, e• ,a liquid
which, when inhaled, reaelbes every
diseased spot cleansing. and invariably
'ouringcatarrh and all nasal and throat
diseases. For Elbert time -these sem-
.plea-Will be glean free. It never fells
to cure.- So write at once to the above
addrese. •
• Mater. relate, there. , something.
scorching .
Pater. I guess 11. 18 only Laura, an
her yoting man saying gold night,
The Report of His Cure of Rheumy:4
ity Modire Kidney Pills Nilsen Reel,' Other
Te ed Remedy Mad Failed -Mb . Ease
was Exceptionally Severe Bat
Yielded to /11PP ems, '
Windsor, March 6, -Mr. G. Cole,
whose cede Was reported in the Cana-
edviaenninngetsvsitpgeop.e.:ra, haat week, was met
by a friend pn the street,4 a couple of
"Hello! Is this true that I twee
been reading Omit you heing cured of
aRshkefludmbairitisfrari;enbyd. Dodd's aXidney
"Why :certainly it's true. Otherwise
I should never have permitted it to be
published.," answered Mr. Cote.
• "Anddid. Doddat Kidney Pills really
cure yeti, or was it your, doetor's made.
"I was taking no doctor's medicine.
I. wasn't,. tieing ,anything.,...:except
Nada Kidney Pi. la 1 herefore it could
Pboleilasclhhaktgoureadse.-mbe.4"t Kidney
"Wvir camild. case . of .
"Not by any means! was, on the
centrary, exCePtionallY severe one.
suffered more than I can 'describe.
I tried seteeal of athe reinedies that -
Were recommended as being.'sure to
cure' Mee ' But theinsh one or two of
them gitye me a little temporary re-
lief, Mum went anywhere Mat' curing
"When: a friend urged ine to,• try
Dodd's Kidney Pills, I demurred. I
believed they. were no • better than
uthse6 otthheemr.remedies• . had tided. How-
ever, I boaght a box, and began to
"r soon began -to feel easier. My
sleep cable back; the terrible pains
'vanished, a'nd• four,. boxes of Dodd's
Xidnee made my Are cemplete
and thorough, cannot speak too
highly of 'them, arid I eleall recora-
Papa,' are Generals brave meta' ask-
ed Johnny of his father.- •
Yes, my son, as a rule, was the an-
Then why do artiste always xditice
pictures of 'em standing on a hill three
miles away, looking at the battle
throughanopera glass,
'Under the influence of applied
phosphate, the teItivers will work with
redoubled energy and store an ample
Supply of nitrogen, together with an
tiocinnulation •of humus, After the
fashior of farmyard manure, but More
perfectly. On such a foundation as
this the supposed maximum producing
limit of land is greatly extended,
and hitherto undreamt of yields be -1
come both possible and probable. I
have from time to Lime seen resulte
which have fairly set•my hair on end,
and investigation has invariably dis-
closed a big reserve of humus well
seasoned veldt phosphate. For this
top -dressing of the clovers the
Thoratis-Phospliala seems perfectly
well adapted. • do not know how far
time of the phosphate may help, but
certain it fa the elovere respond more
luxuriantly to the Thomas -Phosphate,
than to any other application. I
therefore have no hesitation in room-
mmiding an imniediate applicatiou of
five hundred weight, of Thomas -Phos-
phate per acre to all rotation seeds
and clovers, irreapective of soils or
circumafanees, and 1 ant fully assured
eleataelus foundation laying will not
only be remunerative in itself, but
wilt simplify , future opera. -
Extract from lecture before the
Southant Farmers' Club, by Frank
Wallie, Agrieullural instructor.
jurnkbas to marry his typewriter?
Bookr. Why, didn't you know • th
been trying for years to -get
typewriter of his win,
La Tosca;rat 100 RFArcir.TTA0ficin. oonzat.riteatt
Tramp -Called, ter See, lady, if I
ould do sum work ter ye. . .
Kind Lady -Whet can you dot
Tramp-a/an a :lett et dentist, Mum,
'1,1 put a set of teeth into a gOod pie
oi nothing.
etaleaereesa • - ee.: • ,
CALVE itrs.
°swum. blelerfatetearrue. Snag* Oinft.
ant, Tooth Pastird ars, stn., have bean
vrarriaitiNaft.medaira and diplomas tor toreador
WidSon, wo.uder what indueed kirk
, Doctors say • mental depreseion ue•
ually arises from • stomach troubles. „
Th•tt's true; nothing mikes a man so "
iow-spirited as not having .anything to
xcellenee. Their VegtIlfse Use PeaVelle int021.
124 dlgeseea. Ask yam. dealer 0,0 ob.a.n a
ni ply, LIMA ntalled fres an application. •
ot000misron, itelaLAND.
Jolt -0v dud
r7•1 P . a .4.
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/1 WEB Ws spplioation or write for fuller eartioulare
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ment map of Klondike, Hawaii, Cuba, ThuA with out HENRY C. ALLEN & CO., 160 Fifth Avo.rlieliefforh
mgrazegillamtrigrAtteiist paten moa beaomea ' the Gentlemfn: I desire to take advantage Of
ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE. -:•This edition contains 'your special offer on the Sturyclopreclia Brit,
annkat to Canadian readers, and incloSe
every one of the 8,000 illustrations, 700 maps, and 25,900 *1.00 as initial payment. Sertafull ',artiste-,
*Moles found tthue,briginol, and while at len than tars, an& if rfounct satieactory I will order .
one:third the price, It is• equel to the revised original the Art..13a1Ang for it in monthly. payments
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When infermation—astahra-naStend41:y"pawrhein: ho7calnahidereanlh, . .
here 11 2. close at hand, and ;bora all, it is -reliable. The '
members of the:and* become acoustorced On refer to its ' ,
payee; In a few years they poetess a fund of 'knowledtd • '
.worth many times the price of the work, • •. • •
- ,
HENRY . C. ALLENA-CO.f.Publishors, 150•Flfth Avo..; .Now Yoik.
Rheumatism -00o animist, in 24 -hours,
a ft
oureoeipt of 01. DR •ROI7B17.1.".9, Box 305, Aftintreal.
111110a Poultry Grit is the best digeeter in the market
Agent. Best selling &Mateo -
tory and house Fx ,rhi.,t1-1,1111101t00 .
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The " Salmi:wagon hoe IWO Albrat
01, ape
• -Stam mere!S
tab. cured else.
Dr. AssOtt. Peeler who Will off • vines' tyottir et:" suet yt
Siutamamers4l4.1121 llvtal tit&
try.eveiPlt yortisVarat
Speotellst, ti
312 Doi lege St., Toronto.
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TUBE. Only e few WC Honer
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WM. B. NQRTHAM). droaoN:ro.
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Dominiort Line "YAL AM H.
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111111s, Mille & thalami' '
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to Weida: Ilidga.,Itioli:
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it BEAVER IMMO 't Mackintosh
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'mot. Aelt fur %take no other. Om
vet Rubber Oiothing Co., iliontrael.
mgmAgi m
- Thsioggiotrulittow. s
FREE tkyorttxt ore teal dine' name nee. 131.,
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POULTRY KEEPERS -81110a PeklitrY
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• , • 13 St. John -St., Itontroei.
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• 03.50 with 100 Juliet'.
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ati ons STUDENTS have recce* taken good.
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two nearly always chosen, Badness Men appreciate out
•work. Best Commercial School In CatIndll../AbLer now,
Circular* fres.
• W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
pr, most dbordered Stoarneh, Lungs, 14crvca Liver Blo
Si John U :tea Halifax to Liverpobt ceiling -
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Londonderry. Lats. 4nri hist win mow stesm‘hips
"banner on," " AxerittVievt,' " SCOIsMA X."
Superitn• aceitiottindittion lor Finn C'ablo Sea -
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ftea1 5geht4.17 StterMliehr, MililtrflA1.
TARDU_ therefore we make you this unbia4
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DuBarry' &
e:1°4Z4..0.17f!tiiPslel,loof141,:%l Storeso14, ti'
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1101'011M:1 12*h01111111, ill r' A . Aar'
Agents for Granada: Tho T,Ettim ao„-Listiast, Toronto.
. .
A Cure Cuarante
Send $2.50 for d no:cOs BOLD'Il 1101LINIE
now only recogoixed System Moguls
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- 16 'arthiTs.stathhaebro tf8hitat trdrraear 8t Karnes idisatill
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Medicated VI. or Inhelation- a mirsole of suttees.
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the We me Itlso tDoltr tits' 00111/OrtIllasitY
10 Day*Trial ram Fiend25o. for *norm on MAU, --
fle. Ray% Buomiesful ReMedy Ott.,,Crontit, Ont.
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430 King Sti, Weatt TOrtinto,
, - Address-
Only InatitotIon le Clauada for tho muse;
leer" lhAeSi,psigltdefeateTEste
liernereet M., Throat% etneen,
whototal, *to Thronto
Leas nletAdoe Telephone MY,
— tirs morr moliRrriotit--7
::c'oO k'
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It Mtiftesa
cross 0