HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-16, Page 4PACE Fou—TI-JE BLVTHHH STANDARD --JANUARY tom, tgo£i, JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAC'T'ED. BLYTII, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes, No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We otter every''a000mmodation con• atetent with sate and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property ou our list for sate, Rents ()ciliated. CONVEYANCING bran kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your amount. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.D.S. to 8 P.m, • Business (cards. A. 13,''MACDONALD, Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Rio, Suo- ceseor to G. F. Blare, Oalee over Stan. dat'd Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro. 'mitten Bank.' F ROUDI?OOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Dau'leters, Solloltor6, Notaries Public, Eto, Ofnces-Those formerly occupied bbyMaesrs. Cameron end Holt, Goderich. W. Proudtaot, K.C. ; R. C. Hays, G. F. 131aht G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College ot Dental Surg eons. An honor graduate ot 'reroute University. Oates over James Cites stare, Pretoria block, Blyth. At auburn every Monday n amt. to 5 p.m. W. .1. NIILNE, AI.D.C.\I• Physician and Surgeon. M.D,C,M., Unl• varsity of Trinity College; ALD.,ALD.,queen's UuiVersity; Fellow ot Trinity aledioal • College, and member of the College of Pbyalolans and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor• oner for the County of Huron. Once, one door north at Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F'.l .a'ICOTIll BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the Milne of MR STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale F.1tables Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. OG 99 99 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Beat of socommodatlon to Commeralal Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. RING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTB. INVESTIGATE into the mertte of the t (( t 1 I C`t tratfor& nt. I Is the mast sueeeastnl business hain- tng school In Western Ontario. Our Com.• morels!, Shorthand and Telegraphic Dr. p u'tments are in the charge of able In- structors of oxperiene.s, All Nur pouravo ars th'ruugh, up-to-date and ma Aloe!. We have beenme vine of the largest hurt• ness trafnhg .churl+ In the privtne. Get our free catalogue and learn what w„ are doing. Commercial. schools as w 11 as business men employ our graduates. Str. . dents ars entering each week. Enter new. ELLIOTT & M&LACHLAN, Principals. gips Viftlt ptitttt+ttrb. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 1908; v. People We Know C'"w Mies Lizzie Brown, of I3ruetiele, is a guest at the home of the Editor's. Miss Mary Gidley, of Exeter, was visiting at the home of her brother, Air. S. II, Gidloy, Mr. and 33t's, C. Al. Chambers have taken up housekeeping in the rooms over their new stot'e. Mr, and Mrs. Will. Moser and baby from Saskatoon, Shalt,, are here re- newing old friendships in town. Mr. R. 13. Taylor, of Por'teee la Prairie, is renewing old Acquaint- ances in town for a couple of weeks, Messrs. C. H, Beese, D. 1), Critten- den ttnd John Vincent were in (lode. rlelt this week at the Assizes on the case of Nese vs. Pigott. Airs. 1. Dodds and the Misses Dodds, Mrs. W. Robertson and Mrs, Wtn. Nle0owan, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Tilos; Grieve ar., near Seaforth on Monday. Miss Lizzie Brown left on Monday of this week for Vaughn, Louisiana, U. S., to visit her sister, Mrs. Harry Kelly for two months. Her many friends in town will wish her a pleasant time and SHED )ourney. Last Friday Air. turd 1ft's, J. Leslie Kerr were in Brussels to celebrate at the home of the lormer's parent's the, 25th tnuiiversttry of their rnarri- hge, Postnnster and 51 rs, Kay and two child me, and Miss N. Kay, of Stratford were also predent Our best wishes are that they will be spared to celebrate their golden an- e t'ersnry, East Wawanosh. A quiet hitt pretty wedding took place at the home of Airs, J. Bentley on Wednesday, ,Tan, 8th, when her youngest daughter Mary, was unit- ed to marriage to Air. T. F3. Bernick, a prosperous farmer of this township. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A. E. ,Iones, of Auburn. At 5 o'clock the bride entered the parlor accompanied by her brother, George to the atreins of the wedding nmreh played by Nits. Hackney, sister of groom, and took het' phase beside the groom, Nader au ever green iu'eh, decorated with wedding. bells. The bride was been ti fully attired in a dress of brown silk with white, trimmings and a wreath of white flowers in her flair. Alter partaking of a sun]ptious wedding dinner the evening was spent with music and grunes, The happy temple left the .text day to visit friends in Hensel!, Exeter, St. Marys end Farquhar. Their ninny friends join in Wish lug them many ;'ears of happiness and prosperity. The Altar, KE0NTCl-BENTLEY-In East Wit. wanosh, on J,tn, 8th, at the iloule of the bride's mother, by Rev, A, F. Jones, ot Auburn, Mr, T. H, Kerniek to Miss Mary, youngest dnuglite'r of Mrs, J. "'"*" Bentley, both of the some town- ship. Not a Miracle But Medical Science Dr, T. A. Slocwu, Limited, Toronto, Out. Gentlemen: -- "Some time ago I began to lose flesh IOW failed every day until I ltd to quit work. My physicians and all my friends will i had coutraated consump- tion. 1 failed Prow 165 pounds down to 119. 1 was advised to go to the Rockies or to the coast. I went to both plumes under heavy expcuee, I con- tinued to fait, and was advised by the doctors to come home as auttling more could be dune fur me. Hope seemed to have tett tee. °f1 triol Psychine and since etartiag its use 1 have gained from 119 to ]4I pounds, I have used $10,00 worth of the medicine. 1 am a. welt mute and 1 cannot say too much it praise of Pay - chine. The strongest recoutmendatiou would be weak in view of the fact that 1 believe it has saved my life. It is without doubt the best remedy for run•dotru conditions and weak lungs. "1 sincerely hope and trust that you will ouutiuuqq your gond work of saving run down pe5Ple and consumptive from the grave. Wishing you and Psyehlne coatiuoed mintiest I remain, one of Psychine's hest !muds." ALEX. McR.1Lr, halt tato, Itarie, Ont. Almost every mail brings us letters like the above, Psyehine will repeat this record hi every-oane. It is the greatest mediclue kuowo,',.At MI drug- gists, 50e and $1,00, or Dr. T. A, Slo- cum, Limited, Torvate, . FOR SALE. --A few Thoro'bred Barred Rook Coekrele. Apply to J. M. Hamfl• ton, Blyth. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL --The coir, • oil ot the corporation at the County ot Huron will meet In the eounell cham- ber, In the Town of Guderlob, ou Tues. dei, the 8.h day of January, et three o'clock. All puttee having acoouate agalust the county are required to place the FARO)with the Clerk on or before the 27th, -11. Lane, Clerk. bated Jan. 18th, 11)08, NOTICE. -The annual meeting of Blyth Agrieultnral Society will be held in In- dustry Hall, Blyth, on Wednesday, Jan, 22ad, at one p, nt„ for the election of officers, the receiving of the annual report and any other business that may be breaght before the meeting. -Frank Metcalf, Sody,.Treas, Bobt, Ferris, President, Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Liver Kidneys and for cleaning the Stomach, 2t 0 days tree'tnent $1, 30 days' treatment Mc. For tale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont. Business Knowledge end Everlasting Push are the two essentials to success. Attend CHEAP READING The Standard $t 00 The Stanebird and Weekly Adver- tiser 'i'he Standard and Weekly Wit - The Standard anti Weekly Globe The Standard and Family Herald arid Weekly Star,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Too Standard and Weekly flail and Empire 'Phe Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times The Standard and Weekly Free Prean The Standard and Toronto Week- lySun .,,•,.,, The Standard and Hamilton Twice•a-week Spectator The Standard and Toronto Daily Star The Standard and Toronto Deily News, The Standard end Fariner'sAdvo. cute The Sttwdard and Daily Adver- tiser Phe S'undard and Evening Free Ptess The Standard attd'I'orontJ Daily IVorld ,.,. The Standard and Daily Free Press 'Phe Standard and Evening Globe The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire The Standard and Daily Globe,,, Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, 1 135 1 00 1 35 1 70 1 35 1 80 1 80 1 80 180 2 25 2 25 2 80 2 50 2 75 8 21 8 50 3 50 3511 4 50 4 50 DONT FORGET Metcalf's Retiring Sale There are Bargains for Everui)ogg All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Games, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., w5 per cent oil: Watches 15 per cent off Many odd lines 35 to 50 per cent eff. Everything must go. Como and see. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. 1S YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN THE STANDARD Thoroughly covers Blyth District We do t.11 kinds of printing from the staff calling card to the large poster, We want your patronage, Isswitentlamimeinsti A n advertisement in Tun STANDARD pay,, Myth °mu& The Statutory meeting of Blyth Council waa held in Industry Hall on Monday morning at 11 O'clock, All the men bere of Council de- cided by acclamation subaeribed to the Declaration of office and Property C,lualitioation took their seats fit the Council Board, The Reeve, Dr. W. J. 'Milne in the chair and Councillors Chellew, Hill, Carter and Bainton present. Moved by L. 11i11 seconded by J. H: Chellew that the minutes as read ni Dec. 16th, 1907 be accepted. -- Carried. A request from Blyth Fire Brigade Walt presented to the Council asking for nn increase of fees from $10 w $15 per year for each effacer and foreman. Moved by J, Carter seconded by L. Hill that tbe request of the Fire Co. be left to the Chairman of Fire and Light Committee. -Carried. Moved by J. Carter seconded by J. H. Chellew that Frank Anderson and Albert Wilford be appointed auditors of accounts for 1908 ttt a salary of $8 each and that a bylaw bo prepared confirming the same, - Carried. Moved by J. Ii, Chellew, secnnded by A. Bainton that R. Milne be re- appointed on the Board of Health for 3 years, -Carried. Moved by L. Hill seconded by A. Bainton that the Collector's Roll be extended February let, 1908, -Car- ried. Moved by J. Carter seconded by L. 11111 that the whole council be Fire and Light Cotnnlittee with J. H. Chellew as Chairtuan.-Carried, Moved by A, Behan seconded by J. Carter that Dr, W, J. Milne to Medical Ilea lth Officer, -Carried, Moved by J. Carter seconded by L. Bill that the Reeve and Councillor Bainton be Charity Committee. - Carried, Moved by Jos. Carter seconded by J, 1I. Chellew that the whole Council be Street Cotumittee with Councillor Hill Chairman. -Carried, Aluved by L. Hill seconded by J. Canter that this Council holt its regular meetings oo the first Aloin day of each month at eight p. tn,- Carried: Moved by J. II. Chellew seconded by A. Bainton that David Cowan be appointed Assessor of tills munlei • polity for 1908 at a attlary of $to,00 and that a bylaw be prepared eon, firming the sinue.-Carried. Moved by J, Carter seconded by L. Hill that the,Treasurcr'e Bond of R., Douglas, deemed and A, Elder be cancelled and that another person be hooded with A. Elder for two thousand dollars, -Carried, Moved by J. H. Chellew seconded by L. Hill that we now adjourn un- til this evening at eight p. m, -- Carried. At the adjourned meeting n11 the Council were present. Moved by L. Hill seconded 'by J. Carter that the fbliowiug accounts be paid : - 0. T. R. account scale rent to Jen. fat, 11308 .... .... .... $ t 00 A. Eider, salary Clerk. postage61 80 THE STANDARD, F'htancial state• menta and Nau;inntion bills., 11 00 E. Livingston, electric lighte•. 40 78 'L'p. Al orris, 9 yds gravel on boundary Hallett -Norris 5 40 Ty, /Inflect, the and digging ditch on boundary , 2 00 Sick Children's Hospital Grant6 00 S. Westlake, eatery for Dec,.,90 5' 0. H. Cease, coal for Fire Hell0 90 Fire Brigade account ,... 101 07 $266 11 --ea19'ied. Moved by J. Cnrtcr seconded by A. Bainton that Industry Hall be re-engaged Mr all Municipal and School purposes for 19o8 for the sum of 875. -Carried. Moved by L Hill seconded by 3. Carter that Bylaws. Nos. I and 2 as now rend three times be paseed.- Citrritd, Moved by L. 11111 seconded by A, l3ainton, that this Council cotuply with the request of the Ontario Mfunielpitl Asap:elation by petitioning the Legislature to repeal section Con of the Municipal Astiociatton by relieve rnuuicpalities from a portion u1 their heavy; responsibility for the 'ion -repel!' of highways and that our represonttttivein the House be re• quested to present the petition and eupport the bill when it e:mes up for eeinsiderntipn,-Carried. Meved by 411111 seconded by J. Carter that this Connell adjourn to meet again atlhe call of the Reeve. -Carried.' During the past six years Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, has reduced its liabilities by $ New Year New Prices See our Overcoats and Boys' Cloth- ing before buying. It will pay you. J. A. ANDERSON 1137-25(7114 410000060 e4otTar. u.. ur : TOTAn, Aealrra: Stumm two: ie,eW,eW Thirty -ase *tines waste RNII#II BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking BatMe*ss Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Depsaits et $1.00 sad ufvrarrs receiver, lad highest oirteet rats of Minot shower. 96 Breach.% tkrorglllrt COaela, We kindly solicit your account at;our agency, Blyth, Ont. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE An Opportunity to Carry Gladness to the Suffering and Needy Toronto, Can„ Dec. 11th, 1907 Dear Friend: - A. Christmas message, "Peace on Barth : good Milt, Men," eras scat to this old world long ago to bring gladaese. Was tits poor fellow included? The Place, Nut Africa or Pagan India, but Christian Canada. The Persons. A eon pleading for his father. Father, with one arm (tbe other lost is railway service), stands with tears streaming down hie cheeks as he tells hie story in the doctor's ot8ce, Muskoka Hospital: "fibers been a railway conductor. I have been turned out of my boarding-house, where I lived for seventeen years, Decagee I had coneurnptiou. Then I had to leave the hotel for the same reason. The hospital of my town refused we. I hove travelled for two days to reach here, For God's sake, doctor, let me stay. I have got, money to pay for all I want." If this was the story of to poor fellow with motley, what about the hundreds who are seeking admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Ooasytnptivss, with their money all gone lu the struggle with this dread disease The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has never refused a patient because of his or her poverty. It now masa for seventy-five patients. It would care for three hundred HMIs needed money was forthcoming. It has no endowment, except in the kind hearts and the generous gifte of the people of Canada. Itis Excellency Earl Grey has allow!' his interest and sympathy in this great Work for the needy consumptives by accepting the position of Honorary )N'resident of the National Sanitariutu AesbciatIon. Your golden dollars may be the Angels of Mercy this Christmas to bring the glad tidings of Good Will and Returning Health to some poor feUow seeking admission into hie only refuge, the Mdekoka Free Hospital for Comore ptivee. A loot Word -will you kelp to care for these whom others do not wing I Faithfully yours,