HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-16, Page 5MARCH 16, 1899, setpasia060009••••••00•0••••• Seaforth, • 1. TiIE..OLINTON NEWS-RECOiiii). kineardine, Wait Mullett. • On Monday evening week Britainia The enterteinment held in 8, 8, No. Rev, ,Ancirew Cunninglittmt pastor of Lodge A. F. & A N. Was favored with 4 last Friday rir ht wes a genuine eus,, the Methodist church here, died Friday Blytb. on March Oth, by Bev. A. _ geopit from Bight non, Bre. Mogi gOss. '1'he aud *no* WAS large and . morning niter streets illnees,, lastingMcLean, Mr. John. F. Mc.A.rter" of Stratford, D. D. G. M. of South derly, the program long and entertsin- seven month*. lie leaver' a widow, Jane L,, daughter of Mr. Thomas RurmeDietriot. Thera wee *kale turn" ins, while the receipts must have been daughter of LI* late Dr. Rice, auperla. Miller, all of Morrie. out of the craft to welcome him among lis • tiefactorY '[here were two chairmen, tendent of fhe Methodist Ohereh In WALX*3--HENIntr.--At the residence ,., which were no less than 14 Pest wad- County Councillor .Snell taking the Canada; three sons, and tiro daughters. of Mr. Alex. Clerk, Elm*, on March ers and five grand lodge officers. Wor, grit part and Rev. Dir.Andrews the set. Bro. Jackson and his issionant officers and. The progrent, which consisted of conferred the first degree on two can- recitations, polos, quartettes, °hared** clidates in such a winner sit to win the and plays mnet have required Nome highest praise from allPresent. The weeks in preparation as OM different visitors were entertained to a light re-, pieces wire well rendered. Partieulars pest in the banquet hall at the close of ly well done was the drill exercise by n the lodge. All the officers of Eaten% score of boys who manoeuvred skillfully upon the limited 'mace afforded by the platform, The May Pole exercise WAS also a pretty number. The youth of No. 4 appear to take to charades and dialogues As naturally as does a duck to' water. The longest number was a laughable farce entitled "Pumpkin Ridge," a desoriplive sketchof rural life Down Eagt. Domino Lowery was the star and convulsed the, audience with his humorous . portrayal of the Yankee rustic The entertainment was • S • Matter. • • • • 13uying to soine is a :101 • • • very serious Matter, buying o drugs especially, but we win to • • not see you dissatisfied. We • • do not want you to buy un- : * less you buy to •your own 11 Satisfaction, Our goods are e bought of the best and every- • . ' thing is guaranteed to be just 0 as represented. 1f any arti- • cle does not appear the same j eo after you have taken it home • bring it back and .we will • ▪ make it right in whatever e manlier pleases you. Any : complaint vou may have I: ••• against our goodi we will. be. it • glad to hear. It will be • • beneficial to us and tb you • also. Our profit.lies in pleas4 • e • ing customers. We expect .to sell goods at a profit, but • • we cannot do so unless our •• • customers are pleased. Our s are Pure, our. -Goods o el *are Good and our Prices are To .• Right, Bring us your drug 444:0 • • wants. , • :• SYDNEY JACKSON • • • • Graduate Druggist. : • • Successor to Allen lk Wilson Phone 2. • eeeeeseembee•••••eieee•••: • • • 0011101199611101111111111011 • 00••••••• O 0 CHRONOMETRICAL e• INDICESTION • • • • HER WATCH • WOULDN'T GO . We peeped into her watch • when she said "The old thing wouldn't go." After a hasty glance we didn't wonder and our diagnosis waii ."Indigestion." Pasted against the inner side of the 4. case were • 1st. A portrait of he.r firstlove and. a lock et hie hair. 2nd. Some dead forget-me-nots. 3rd. A newspaper clippirig annoup- cing.her recent engagement. • , • , • 4th. A four-leaf cover.; Between the inner cover • and the works were two pictures and a reteipt for cold cream. — And still the obstinate thingrefus- ed to go. • , . . • How is your Watch. running? • A . little slow? Is it ourof repair ? If.so, bring it to' Us, We Will fiX.it fen you • and the charge will be reamonable, ' WE ARE LEADERS IN OUR UNE P. B. CREWS 6° Jeweler and Expert GO Watch Repairer. • ' Of/ 1100•0411400111111 11000•011101111111116100 • • giii3030X) Col'InetA; •Jasird OlEtesat. have for sale choice Seed oats Which were trieci last sea- son by fat mers in this district with splendid results. A Hul, let purchaser Of EflOiT bushel reaped FORTY-TWO bushels and a Goderich township far- mer sowed 30 bushels and they had 1200 bushels. Tiese Oats will not Rust or Smut nor freeze in the syring. The straw is stro ng and is al most as nutritious as hay. • Will have .Beardless Seed Barley. Samplt be seen • here, which threshed 35 bush- els per acre. . A stockof Pfant Food, Sheep Tick, Hen Tonic, etc., always on hand.° • 13:1C.TWC.A..TV Oppoeite the market. Clinton. SYSTEM E GREAT nodal Route Si. LOUIS. AHA. LOS ANGELOS, AN DIECO, 1 • SAN FRAN'OISOO, and other points in California, Ariona, Now Mexico, Colorado, and other Padiiie Coast Points. If you are contereplathig &trip for ealth, Pleasure, or Business, Seem V.p.cadian wing* to tit land Of Sunahia, Vrttits, and rlowera Through Tidkete to all Foreign' Pointe, . For descriptive Guides, Time Tables, etc. apply to Ammo, 0.1i, It. System. • M. Ct. Indiction."). P. A..1forento A. 0. Paulson, G,T.It. Agent, "Minton. Bedew, G.T.Tioket A sit, Clinton. PRIRRHOES. • MOARTEn.-IfILLitit.-At 0 the rouse. OTS AND SHOES. FROM CREDIT TO °ASK 'Ma now appeer in full dress at the regular meetings.• • ' • An interesting game of Pedro Was played between the members of the 33rd Batt. Band and the fire brigade in the fire hall, reeulting in t victory for , the Band by 61, points. SEED OATS FOR SALE. have a quantity Of fine Baltirnorewhite oats forsale. They test 43 lbs. to the bushels. Off 8 acres the yield wee800 bus. Any one wishing seed oats would do well to purchase. • WM. ELLIOTT, Porter's Hill P.O. 4th GOD. Cioderich township. March' 14th. • SEED PEAS' We Imo a quantity of No. 1 see Peas for sale. They are clear of luS._ • HOLMES & SMITH Clinton, Match 8th, HOUSE FOR .SALE. On Victoria street.' Near Onion Factory, /4300. will buy a roomy, comfortable house with goodlot-the property at present occupied. by Frank Upshall Vacant Lot on Maple street also for sale at a very low price. Apply at once to. •. • ' W. BRYDONE, March 7th. Barrister HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -Ths prcperty of the late C. A. Hartt. Terms easy. This cottage situated on Queen street, contains 9 rooms, halls, elosets, wood -shed, coal shed and hard and soft water brought rightinto kitchen. For partioulare of sale see • W. Brydone,Jaq. Scott. John. or CharlesRidout: For rent inquire of John Tedford, Key can be had from John Tedford. • LeHaIARTT, Executor. Clinton, March 13. STORE TO RENT,. The undersigned offers for rental the store at present occupied by 11. C. Barlett, furniture - • dealer. This is one of the beet stands in Clin- ton. Possession can be given at once. . Also that large room over J. Wiseman'e dry goods store. There is a good entrance: Apply to ,J. O. ELLIOTT, or JAS. SCQTT, Barrister, • -• Clinton P. 0. Clinton, Feb. 6th, 1899. 2 3. • • 7 V STORE. TO "ENT: . Firstechiss Brick Store In Clinton ,• Centrally situated ; imitable for any business ; large c'omniod ions cellar; now -fitted for drugs: Ap- ply to W. C. SEARLE,•Clinton. •'•• • • • MILKROUTES. A meeting will be held in Wilson% Hall, Holmesville, on Saturday, :Morph 18th„at 2 o'clock p. in. tot...the purpose of letting. the drawing of the milk on the different route's to the Holmeeville Cheese Factory for the season of 1899. Any shareholder wishing to dispose of stock and any pereon wishing to purchase stook will please attend. • W. S. LAWRENCE, ' W. B. Foilsmen • •Secretary. Preeident. Holmeaville. March 1st 1899,' SpecialNptice As our businese is now conducted On a cash basis, ourgoods Will be sold at tne lowest cash prices. we miote as samples :- • Toilet Sets at . . . .;.. 50, Were 17 -00 • Toilet Set's at 4.50, were .5 50 Dinner Sets at 10 00, were 12 N. • Dinner Sete at.: . .. 8 60, were 10 00 HIGHEST' PRICES PAW FOR GOOD BUTTER AND EGGs..; •J. STE:WAAT' OV °tilt STUIANTS neve takeri good situations and four positions remaiti unfilled. STAATFOltro, OST. elves the "best" In the tine of business or sithrt. Fad edileatiOti; In fair conMetitioti Oftr grad- tiassarenearly /throe thesen wane ethers me Unita asides puerile% 'Circulars tree, W.S..Enutoirr Principal. Exeter Flour :AT ,NO EXTRATRICE We inyite'your inspection of our steak of Groceries, etc., being convinced that a purchase will follow. In addition to Groceries of all kinds we will carry a sup- ply of Exeter Blom., extra good, but at n� extra prite. TRY OUR 15 GENT TEA - W. Hill Com be'sBlock, Clinton Diffiouit:To See _ 00/ 7-1t7 not concluded until after eleven ovoloole, but the interest was maintained until the end. The success of the Weir must 'heve been gratifying to Mr. Lowery, his pupils, and the seetion generally. • •Wiuklatuin. • A reprementative •of 3. C. King, * Montreal.millionaire, was in town last week aud purthased RQbt. McIndoe's driver "Flossie" kir $250. Flossie has been shown ten times, and has taken ten first prizes. T. C. King some time ego pinchased 'the famous "Wanda" • from Beattie Bros,of Wingham at $2750. Flossie has been piirohased not for track purposes but as a private driver, and goes to one of the finest stables in the Dominion a stable where tiled -and •carpeted floors and brass fittioge make for her a very luituriouis home. Seventystbree new members have been added to Witigharn Counoil 222, Chosen -Friends, through the energetic labor of S..D. Barnes, • Mr. John Carruth of Wingham fellen heir to a considerable sum Of money through the death of his uncle, john Carruth, Esq. Belfast, Ireland, who died Noy. 18tb, 1898, leaving a large estate. • H. 0, Bell has been appointed' Uni- ted States Consular Agent as Winghsam- This semen 'should see a number of desirable dwelling houses *rooted in Whigham. Lest week, says the editor of the Piines, we have had many en- quiries from people whihing to: rent houses and it was next to impoisible to secure a house. , We never " thought houses were 'niche Bowe article until we were reread to hunt one for our.. selves. Oer ;moneyed men could profit- ably invest nroney. this' coicing season in erecting dwellines that would rent from 06 to $8 per month,. •The following • passengers left last Week by 0, PR. from Wingham, station to different pointi in the West :-W. Vatistone•and wife to Carryville, Man.; Geo. M. Jetties' to Brandon, Man'; John Rogers to SaultSte Marie, Mieb.; Wah: ter Belden,with a car of horses" to Sour, ill, Map. ; • I movement is ch foot among the business men and prominent citizens of the town to see what can be don* in the way of having the business, pieces close at an earlier hour in the future than has been done in the past. . Mr. Relit. Gilmour of the N. W. T. is sailing with his friend: in and around Wingham. Mr.. Gilmour was at One time en the Northwest Mounted Police, but 11 now engaged in the ranching business. • 4 • Lucknott.• Mr. Wra. Turley; who' has been a re- sident of Luoknow for nearly a quarter of a Century, has been taken to the Bruce Rouse of Refuge, where he ex- .peets tO end his diva; Mr. Turley was a geed citizen, industrious and hon- est, and had accumulated a little prop- erty, tor his old age, but since the death of his aged partner m life some four' or five yeers ago he has been boarding out, and hadso far been able, with the ast .sistance of kindneighbors and Mends °to parhie way, hut now that his means have been exnausted,there is no plan ior him but the county House of Refuge. He won't be a burden on the countildr a great while, as the old Man is ap- preaching ninety years of age, and is al- most blind and getting very feeble. . Last week Mr. D. Thompson Our- ohased in London a handsoine looking team of dark iren gray driving horses for the Thompson livery, and News. George Lawrence end Peter Soott also purchased last week near Wiegham very fine looking tearn of white laced sorrels. In the Bruce county Rouse Of Refuge there 18 one inmate 103 years old, an- other 101 years olclona 6 whose ages vary from 90 to 100. Wooed,' that Bruce is somewhat noted for the lenge.. vity of its inhabitants which does not • seem, to be lessened by the straightened eirounistancei of the subjects. At the last meeting of the Offioial Board of the LuoknowlVIethodiet church, an initiation was extended to the Rev. John Learoyd, to Continue as pastor of the church for the second Conferenee • yeer; Mr. LearoYcl acoepted the invita- tion subject CO the sanction of the Sta- tioning Committee. •;' . Orange Grand Officeis. The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West met in Barrie last week. here was a large representation and the re- ports indicated the Order to be in healthy condition. Bracibridge will be the next pleee of meeting on the seoond Wednesdiy in Mareh 1900. The elec. tion of offieers reimited its follows r - R. W Junior Grand _Matter, 3. Scott, Itincardine. • R. W. Grand Master, D. M. Jenny*, Wiarton, R. W. Deputy, G. U., John MoMil- lan,228, Temente. R. W. G. Cbaplain, NY. F. 1% Bald: Win, 93, Aylmer. R. W. Grand Treasurer, E. P. Clarke, 275, Toronto. • R. W. Grand Secretary, William 'Lee, 4, Toronto.. R. W. Grand Direaltor of OerettiOniefif Samuel Caswell, 666, Pelmerston, It. W. Deputy grand Chaplain/1,11.M Watson, Rev. 11. 0. Diekson Toronto ; West Hilton, Rev. W. ,LOWe: Witter•t* 1 Nerth,Perth, Rev, R. Gardiner, Palmer. Sten Wert Simone, Rev. Philip Joliet, Avenjog ; West Bruits, E. A. Belli- Ber.. vie ; Nortli auron, W W Leitch White- church ; Bohai Sitnooe,McK. MoOlellim, Cookstown; E. Mime, S.C. McCracken, ()beide), ; Peel, Itev, W. Walsh, tramp. ton ; Monok, E. Berney Port Colborne ; M. W. G. M. Wallet:no cenducted ins- tallation ceremonies. Those eyes of yours are probablY overtaxed, and4f you have not found it out yet, you via soon'do so: Prepare for the future by taking are of the Present, Defective vision .easily cared, unless of long standing. • Our large stock of lenses and &allies, eombined with our knowledgl of how to it them property, insures yoa• a permanent benefit and not merely temporary relief, "Charges moderate. A, ( OR100 Smiler and OPtioianf For tbirtynne years deceased had been v. . C D,,' Miss Margaret Herldry to Mr. eetteelY engaged in the nlinhitrit hie Joseph Walker, both of Chicago, first eppowitment being at Newroorket. Illinoie. Since then he had tilled sown of the tiimwmer-Mcilmoo.-AtB11 Cordova most important stations in the pro- street, Vancouver, B. 0„ on Feb- inoludiug London, St, Mary's, 7ruary 14th, by Rev. John. Reed, Hamilton, Stratford, Guelph, Galt, Mr. Alfred P, Stewart, formerly of Orangeville, Mitchell and Kincardine, Blyth, to Bliss Effie A. McLeod of in 189,3 he vras bemired by.beine elected Ripley. president of the Guelph Conference, and RotrrtapraL.STSPriaNS-At the red - at deuce of the bride's parents. DrYe• tise time of his death was chairmaa of this, diatriot of the London Confer; dale, on Wednesday, March 1st, by Rev. Mr, Shaw, Mr: john Routley ence. Deceased was 55 yeara of age, Interment took place in the Kincardine of Usborne to Miss Minnie, daugh- ter of Mr. Win. Stephens. °Iiientneerkaeirs30rovniolle°wridatfloaotiruil:tOnd baynciRtehve, n't Wednesday, March 8th, by Rev, Oromaaty, on Walter Rigsby, president of the con. Peter Scott, Mr. Montgomery feriae's, assisted by the least olergf. Davis to Miss Edith H. Kerslake, • 111 GRAtram,-ptaaoTT.••-In Harriston, on II, A., Ur. William Graham of Hon, T, Garrow hike introduced in ' Atwood to Miss Maggie R., eldest the Legislature the following bill to daughter of Mr, Wm, B,, Elliott,. amend the Municipal Act: • of the 'firm of Elliott & Waleh, ' And say ratepayer whose property, ' adjoin!, and 'who has been assessed for Mic..Tmthe residence of the bride's brother EnaLT.-L-FImarble dealers, lierriston, ANCE.-In Mitchell, at the said viorki or -improvements., • may, on March 6th, by Rev. J. W. on giving one- month's notice to the . •Holmes; aenry metherall, said municipality thet the said works Or North Dakota, to -Jennie Hance of improvements are not in such good and • mitchen, . • eufficient state of repair, apply..11 it,,„Mitkila-linwrrr..-At the Manse,Brue- s,umniary proceeding to a judge iirtfie" •eels, by Rev. John Rasa, 13. A, on High Court, of Justice, or to a Cbunty Wednesday, March Stb,Mr. Robert. Judge having jurisdiction in such Jas. Milne of Elmit; to Miss Ida municipalitity, for an -order- respecting Hewittof Grey. • the keeping of the said works or lin:- Mclitanzir--Witzuldsori.- On March provements in such a state of repair as May be reasonable and proper and as is -hereinbefore required. . _ Ernaseis. all of Hibbert, Must Make Improventents. • March st, by Rev: M. C. Cameron Mrs. J. C, Halliday passed to the great beyond on Monday. For the past year she had been entirely helpless and had not been oot ot bed unless carried during that time. Besides the husband, s family of three sons and three daugh- ter are left. One son lives in Lonclon, one in Celgary, N. :W. T., and George,. of the firm of Ross & Halliday here. Two.of the daughters are at home and one lives in Ingersoll. The Beard of Health says all children must be vaccinated within a reasonable time, ; The Easter holidays is suggested as a iuiteble time, but this : time of. course is not compulsory, The council will supply vaccine to all the • Medical merr ot the town, and theCharger% will Consequently be light, Every one hi allowed their elniice as to what doctor ibait perfornfthe operation, but -those who refuse or neglect this instruction may expect to be , lookedafter by the Board of Health. There ire a numbs.i of cases of smallpox in the . province' both at the east end.isna in Essex coun- ty, and the Provincial Board of Health is urgenton the local board. •to have this matter attended to. . • ; 'Poitroaater Farrow celebrated his 66th birthday on 'Wecineeday, and is appar- ently good for many year. of activity yet. -Few men.have had amore varied exprience-than Mr.. Fare*. Fpr 13 years he was a ..public 8011091 teacher' then he spent 14 years in . mercantile life and,has been postmaster•of Brussels for 10 years. For six years h.. -nas Scheel lnipector for the county of Hur- on and from 1872. to 1887 herepreaented firat•Nerth Huron and afterwards East Huron^in the Dominion /louse of Com- mons; along with the late Amos DeCOsmos, of British Columbia,intro. i aimed Hon. Thos. Greenway n the Coalmen'''when he was elected for South Buren, and when 'Jena* doubtful which side he belonged to • . • Doo. Warwick had a spring feel on exhibition at. hii barn' hot week that wite. quite a freak- of nature. It had two heads and WO necks ono body and ' four hind legs With. a tail out of Rik shoulder. • The :nether of -this mon- strosity belonged to Simon rant, Grey. The colt was fully developed but dead. ,. J. H. Wiemer, blaoksinith, . has bought the residence and blacksmith Shop of F; Seigner of Zurich and will take possession at the end Of this month: 'iron geb news from all over Huron in Tan Nrove.ltiteottn, , THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE. •DISEASE AND KINDRED KID- NEY TROUBLES HAVE LOST THEIR • TERRORS -SOUTH AMERICAN EIDIGeY 0111113 WAGES A sncoassoux. WAR. 'A young,irian studying for the min-. istry, and the son of a well-known western merchant, dropped into adrug store, and in a very discouraged mood said to the proprietor, "I am quitting my studies and going -home to I know not what: • My physidian says I have Bright's disease and can not pursue my studies." That druggist knew .froin experience the almost miraclous cure in his own case Made by South American Kidney Cure. He recom- mended it to the young man and in less than a month he was back to his studies again a perfectly cured • man. South Aine: ican Kidney Cure is a lig- aid kidney specitic-Sold by Watts & Co. The waterworks dam on the Thames, four miles west of London has been car- ried away by a large quantity of ice, which for sonar' weeks past had beer Jammed at the cove bridge, abont Mao • miles above the damand had been broken Up by the USG of dynamite: - DEATH'S CLOSE NEIGHBOR. TE:08. iommousa WASA surnuOF7DREAD HEART DISEASE -DR. 01700 FOR THE HEART GAVE HER RELIEF IN LESS THAN HALF AN nOtra: • Mts. Roadhouse,- Williscrofk•Ont. is 54 years am. • For more than 20 years the had been a great sufferer from heart dritease. The pain and pal- pitation at times lasting for five hours, and so acute thitt often she wished- for death that she might find relief from her sufferings, but he was attracted te Dr. Agnetv's Cure for the Heart through reading of the wonderful cures wrought by it. She Offini e 11 Ceti using it and in one a her most distressing heart enaerns found complete relief in• of thirty minutes. She sweats by it to -day as the only heart eure.-Sold • liy. Watts & Co. 8th, at the Methodist Parsonage, Walton by Rev. A. C. Tiffin, Mr. Duncan'kkKenzie to Miss Ma ie, eldest daughter of Mrjarnes it- liarnson, all of Grey. BIRTHS. i/ENsrunT.-In Blyth, on March 2nd, the -wife ot F. V. Denstedt of a son.. McGtowAN.-In„ East Wawanosh, on March 2nd, the .wife of Win. Mc- Gowan of a soh (still -born.) McKillop, on March' Ith, the wife of P. 0. Kerr of a daugh- ter. ' . • , BAE11:.-In Clinton, •on March. 10.th, 'Mrs. W. Baer, aged 37 years. Tonn,In Gederich, on Saturday, March llth, Allathen Marion; sister of A. M. Toddr-aged 31 years. Inict.A.ND.-In Morris, on March 2nd; James Ireland, aged 88 Years and MCC/ITARRIE.--4R- Taronto, on March- • 5th, Mary, eldest 'daughter ,of • and Mrs. Hugh mcguarrie of BlYth McQuArb.-In McKillop, en Monday, •Mai -6116th, James McQuade, aged 13(1 years and 8 months: . HALLIDA.Y.-In Brussels, on Mortday, ' March 6th, Mrs. John C. Halliday, aged 69 years and 2 days. TiAlEtY BEAUTY, • You always think of a pretty baby. as Plurrip. and chubby. Scott's. Emulsum gives just this plunapness ; nobtoo fat, Just enough for the dimples to come. Babies like it too. For maid_s. aind:Ilothers. In the eerier "For Maids and Moth- . ars," now regularly appearing in The Cosmopolitan, Franco e Courtenay Bay- lor in :the Meroh number tells theltorr of a young woman of good family who deliberately set out to "fit ,herself for matriziony. She first spent three months in a cooking school, thenVir a private family performing the actual duties devolving upon it cook, then in a foundling asylum taking care of Intik., then in a hospital, then • in a " dress. Maker's establishment -an turn going through, in a practical way, all the duties which a women may be called upon to perforni. lit one period or an- other of her lite. The whole '4 told in alight) graceful; and at the lime ..time, Most instructive way. • • - • THE DOCTOR'S CONSOLATION., • TOLD MR. JILL HE WAS A DriNG MAN, BUT .SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINK • CURED WHEN HOPE WAS ABANDONED. Mi W. J. Hill, a well-known man in .Bracebridge, Out., suffered for years from liver trouble, dyspepsia and nor - voile weakness. He says he tried near- ly every remedy in the Market which elaimed to meet his case without suc- cess. He was told by a physician that he was v. dying man. He began taking Sentsh American Nervine, •and found almost immediate benefit from its use. He continued using it, and to -day says he would stake his life on this great remedy as a cure for all like sufferers to hiinself.-,-Sold by Watts & Co. ' Owen Selma has carried the hy-law to loan Hay ttrot here $15,000 to help in erecting a new chair factory. • • 'THE STOMACH'S WOES - Are which 11113 been einpovrared to introduce • Exterminate The Sparrow. The people of the city of Boston have presented a petition to the Mayor ask - •Ing him to provide means and ways for the destruction of the English sparrow. In answer to the petition the Mayor has directed the superintendent of public grounds to begin the work of extermin- ation of the little posts. Some think. the seine work might be undertaken with advantage all over the country. • For Over Fifty "tears . MRS. 'Warstoveri Soomunlo Stitnur has heed used by millions of mothers for their children While teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and ming with pain of Cutting Teeth Rend at once and get a bottle Of "Mrs. WinalOw's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It Will re., Helm the poor uttio sufferer immediately. De - Omni upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhtea_,_ regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures. Wind Colic, softens the Gums, redu 000 IntlamMation, and giVes tend and energy to the vrhole system. winslow% Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- santto the taete and in the prescription of one of tho oldest and. boat female physicians and mace' the United States. "Price tWenty-fiv cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists thrott out the world." 13e sure and ask for "Iti, , Wirribew% Soormrto Synne. school Savings' Ranks. On April 1st I start a strictly Cash business, be1iev4 it to be the right way to do business. I have now inriny Spring Stock of Lad,ile, Gents' and Children's Boots and Shoes from soul.° of the best manufacturers in the Dominion, .which I will sell it • The S. rartilekgt 17-1rieetv R. J .OLUFF. E PRING GOODS ..ARRIVINQ DAILY:: • Nails, Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, Black Fende Wire, Poultry Netting, Daisy Churns, • Sap Buckets and .Spiles,' Clothes Wringers, Tarred and • Plain. Building Paper, Thorold and Owen Sound Cement, Virhite Lead and Ready -Mixed 'Paiats, Rope, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes,. etc., Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware,Victor Fire Proof Safes from $12 to $40. F. S. JarVis, manager of the March., Ante Bank, Galt, writes that the eahool savings batik system will be put into c.peration in that town on tiondo,next. He also intimatei that a number of places, inoluding Toronto, are totting this matter up. Sr kr as trantford is concerned, says the Expositor, it maybe Stated that tbe Sehool Managemett Cottitilittite Of the Publio Scheel -Board, von Stan's Pineapple Tablets. pleasantly and positiveliberded by Dr, 1110 toiern if thoditht 'bey aet upon and digest the food, prevent take 0 adtion n taw days, fermentation and all distreaseS . of the etomiteh. Eminent physicians have An attempts wee made to 1,0h the • The Goods areRight,the Prices are Right. and You will be Right IITY°U BUY HARLAND BROS. STOVES AND TINWARE • IRON AND HARDWARE. noted their sterling merit and the won- Western Baltic itt Tavistock, but LOrtie clerful cures wrought, right in their MeTaviali, a boy Who sleeps in the own pritetice and prescribe to relieve building, fired his revolver and put the and cure. 85 c. -Bold by Watts &On, thieveto flight. • EFT We have done a large business . during the Holiday season and lia:ve very few "left civers'.' from the trade These few things 436Z.TirNyi ake choice and we are cutting the price away down. Do you need anything in Fonvy Tables, Fang Rockers, il‘lusic Cabinets or.111usic Racks.' If .so just drop in and see what we have to offer ypu,, UNDERTAKING Onz\-stock in this department is .complete. Our Hearses • are the best in the county. 'Our prices are as low as the lowest BRoADFOOTs_. BOX & cos ilurnittare ..31tienlers And Trucleviatleeroit 41Phidleys Manager Nigh i And Sunday calls answered 'at, Residence of one . • Funeral Dii•ector, J.W. 'Chidley, King St.; opposite -Foundry. BUTTER & EGOS We want 411 the Butter • and Eggs we can get for which.we will pay • the highest market price. GROCERIES Our ;dock of GrocerieS is fresh, well-agsprted and having, been • bought to sell is peini sold at pri- ces that will soon clear it off the shelves. . • • TRY US. O. OLSON, CLINTON We JACKSON • ACEilT C. P. R. CLINTON, ONT. Through tickets issued:to all points in MANITOBA AND THE NORTH.VEST Baggage cheeked through. For all nforniation in reference to travil con- sult the above. 1.2 Canadian Pacific SETTLERS! ONE-WitY EXCURSION. To Manitoba and Ottinulian North-west wit leave Toronto: every Tuesday during March and April. Passengers travelling -without live stook should take train leaving Toronto at 3.15 p. In. Passengers traVelling with live stock should ako train leaving Toronto at 940 0. m. Colonist Sleepers will be attached to each train. • For full.pOitticulars and copY of "Settlers Guido" apply to any Can. Paoatient, or to a 0, 31oPHERS011. Assistant General Passenger ligent. • 1 King St. East, Toront0. WILIAAM JACKSON Agent at Clinton, orarrox mAitlrEr IMPORTS. NorreetetteTerv W8(1116050 afternoon. Fall Wheat ... 07 to 68 Goose... ... . 30 to 65 . ....... 04;W61,1•61 0 0 40 to 0 44 0.28 to 0 20 Pettil . .. lqiiti+.400••• A . 0 53: to 0 69 Eye 61.414* 0 SU to u co totatoesiper bush, new., 0 60 to 0 65 Butter loose in baskittU., 0 14 to 0 15 Butter in 0 14 to 0 14 Egge per '0 10 to C 11 IlatirtLoire;it.vortboirii*galffillolliaiif 0 60 to 6 00 Live Hogs. litt.t41411•1.101101•“4 00 te 4 10• Perk pier Ir6 00 to 600 Dried Apples per 0 05 to 0 64 Ducks per lb. ... .. 64.4#0.* 0 054to 0 06 Turitegsperlb..... ..e.rimtro vi 0 07 to 0 08 Gtiette perib.................... 0 06 to 0 00 Chlektine per pairm ...... 0 80 to 0 35 WoolilrEIMO 440111.11601.114,1.**.l. '0 16. to 0 16 Plow per 1 00 to 2 15 TuCKETT'S Black Chewing TOBACCO is fast . becoming the .PRIME. 'FAVORITEe' 11,10c3h101 MINNOW 9NITIV.1143 SOWN 110V -111A �NV. NM0.1. Ak4llA,111 04 I 4CP 03itivrt wolf moot No gOidd es' 4,1 11.1.sete2d0 SIVO 011140 Ne 1.409 Malik MI NY* sAvid tinvi al moll IMAON _104453N1071011tottiY