HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-16, Page 1• • ••,.- .1, A E CLINTON 81.Q0 A )(FAR IN ADVANCE. VOLXI Laurier Is Grateful. , NEW INDEPON:DNNT IN ALL THINGS-NNIfr,Ritp IN NaVIIING. • • W. J. MITCHELL, Editor olid Prop CLINTON, IiITRON COUNTY ONT, TAITESDAY, IVIA,R,CII 16,899, The Temperance People Put nil In PROP and In Iletuili He Gives Them the .ti mime- Heart."' --win It.41.0q030 -a---Seaielp:/farra0 to Liberals-who—were-Frohibitionists-First.. WHOLE NO, 1,057 -- reeeRogkeeeseeeeaea€9,44 )5113151"WALL r Drat clitylig =r•••. . Light 12revtkonfae • . • - 0 The largest birds in the . country. $1.50 per 13. '3h&k Irasami igobsuang -. • .. Macs - •• True to. color . and •good • I . ' layers. $1 per 13. - • I • THE CLINTON POULTRY Y.ARDS • , The king of winter -layer& Large, bleak as crows. '$1 per 13, • QUAIzeITY PRICE are.. working for us. For the next-teii days we will offer a line of Quart Jugs at 15,.cents that are well worth 25 cents. We bought a large quantity of them at a price that enables us to sell for 15 cents the best Jug that has .ever .been offered for that money, they can be seen n our north window. . Lack, Ee edT. • )15 • - • AL,g6114,_1INT • • I ' • Have you tried ur Happy Home Soap, if not get a. guar- ter's worth the next. time you are out of soapand trYit Just think 8 Scent bars for 25 cents. UP -To -DATE CASH GnooEwir.• OGLE COOPER & CO. •Clinton P' *n • is With the warm Spring days' will* come the demand for Wall Paper, WINTiow SlatADE.S V AND-- A CURTAIjsj PiaLs 8 9 • • : three liees of our business l' which receive special promi- g. nence. Unsolicited words of poise,- aiirsuperiority" have 1 ' already been passed upon our 1 samples, and we feel assured 7 outefforts.. t� get together 4 the finest cdlleetion of Papers ) shown in Western Patent) is going 1.0 be fully appreciated. Call on and see what we have. Out Wall Paper De, . pertinent is large, commo- dious and well lighted, and. _ our facilities for showing the paper are the best that can ' be had. • Tvvo sets of sem- I . pies this year, so that you .. can look at theta either down stairs or epi • . . .ARII PanDocsir : . Trilmiloma nes . . . ia• Window Glass Spectaclvs. • If we had our Choice between giv- ing up everything we have in this 'world and losing our eyesight, I'M sure we'd give up everything else and keep OUT eyes. Trouble is we never. think about these things until we're brought face to face with them. We all know pelvic who are foolish enough to buy "Window Glass" from peddlers and so . called spectacle men, because thaw • think it's economy, not knowing that . they aro doing their oyes a great dan- nor until it is too ]ate. There is just az much airmrence in spectacle lenses as k--• be bought for ten cents and cut glass there is between a glass dish that can that would cost ten dollars. We buy` nothing but the best and guarantee satisfaction. per931 • olt Store CLINTON. • Cosh paid for Butter and Eggs and • ivied Apples. • ' Phone 23. •P o • THt:i'WO • To see the latest in .Hats' inspect A. Morrish's stock. •Dont buy till you do so. An insiktion will convince you not only that he has what you want but that his rices suit the times and the good quality of the goods he sells. His Ties, Collars, Onffs, • Shirts, etc., arealso supe- rior goods at taking prices. T.." • T' !!!".. # Our Si its are made to Weltr and wear well as well as fit well. An order given Holloway is 'al- ways followed, by another, This means 'that he gives satis- faction tte to fit, quality of goods and price; , • , •CAVIP ELL SZNI.GX • is thename of one of the best wearidg cloths to be badWe bavekhem at$18 a suit, tind you may be sure to get the worth of your money. if you buy one' o . 'these, We gen r.••••mi.061•10 .....M.11/M1111.16r••••• Ford sad Murphy Sell Out. , Thula Good Day. A gam Wedding. Sorry to Part. ' Ford and Murphy have sold their Though nel -11 r the weather nee the' A quiet wedding teok place at the An a/austere 'incident happened in Boynoid. butchering business to MrCharles . .1- reads week) favorable, Hodgens Brim. residence of Mrs. Wow street Rattenhury street church at Sunday . Wilson, who takes pessession Mend37had a big day's sale on Saturday. They last evening when • Rev. T, imbruing's service, the pastor following They have beenin Partnershin for e - never before disposed .of so many Murduck united in the bonds of roa. up the announcement ;-"aro;Wauis ' about our, years and have built up a linens in one day and ascribe it to their triniony Miss Edith Trouse and Mr. will take charge of Me. Holmes' ,class f: good steady trade. To What they Will extentive advertiiing coupled • with Feed . Livermore. ¶Lhe happy couple -during his absence in Ottawa" by ask. IOW prices; the two cenjoined are will take up house at the south end of ing the congregatien to sing "Praise turn their attention, after straighten- the ingtip their affairsthey have not yet business builders every tune, the tevvn. TWA!. many friends will God from Whom all blessings flow., • . , . wish them bon voyage o,'er the sea et An. almost audible smile swept over decided. Mr. Wilson is well and favor- Arrivals' at French Castle. ;ably known ,and understands the busi- There have been two •arrivals at ness theeoughly. French Cestle side° Thursday last,,viz,, To Right John Durand of 'Stanley township, Mad of a .htrY. The Grand, Jury at the Huron Assizes this week set a precedent in finishing , up 'and being paid off in a day and A balf. , Very tree there were no cases, for their Considerationand only the inspection of the gaol, "etc.„ but the ctistotalias been to dwaddie along for. twoor three days and draw pay to the end.'.• Perhaps not a little credit far this is due the Foreman, Mr. John . Midtilet& Of Goderich township, *lui • .An interesting game of curling was believes in carrying on yublic business played here last Thursday' aftermoon, 'with as muchdespatch as private one rink being composed of three affairs.•,• • ' • travelling passenger agents, temporar- lesplement Delivery . • . ily sojourning in, Clinton, and Mr. Wil- . - The 'Spring implement delivery of liam Jackson oppdsed to 'a local rink. ' MrGeorge Levisrepresentative of It was a, nip and tuck contest up to the :. . , the • Massey -Harris 70QMpany, took' lest shot, made .' by , Mr. Taylor, place on Tuesday when about sevenwho 'knocked out two and counted Ortfr ty, h Jive of his patrons were hie,..,•guests for himself, arnid great enthupiasm on the part of the t. p, ree. Skip Tafiilr is in dinner at the different boteleg- .-Their . old hand at the roarin game, not wagons had previottely been loaded so either Dockrill Or Hennett, but they with their purchases' and; after • the acquired ,considerable skill as the wants of the inner 'Irian had heen re- match,Progressed and now Somewhat plenishecl, they bitche.ci. tito,-odeac,i . around S, block, and iming p regret that the curling season 48 about itt an end. An interested spectator in Albert street were:photographed by 'deseribing the genie Said :---.",It was Mr. Foster from Mr. Waste's balcony.' e The view ought to be a good one for ib remarkablfor the sweeping of the' Billies', the molting shots of Mr. Bea., will represent, sturdy yeomen, good net and the magnificent draws Of Sktp Ben - horses and a large ievestment in' itn- Taylor.. aged 83 years, and William Webb of ,Usburne, who entersd on Tuesday, the 80th anniversary of his birthday. John .0halwell tee*, French leave , on Mon-. day:. This is an old habit of his, as he bas been an inmate of six Houses of Refuge at one time or other. The county gaol would be thenlo.st suitable place for this and similar characters. To curlers Cori. READY-MADV OVBRCOATS, PANTS AND OVERALLS. &_9X9•rd 14 i_ L").4.1: L. X.. ollo . . of.tilog. • . . CLINTON. , r--1"--usr-srsa-T --Aitr---"---Asair 7.4r-----T--elgrooty 11 : Wi E El 3 SUITS ALWAYS 801r, U1 I or, BIT • "I ;z1 elements of Canadian tnanufecture. •• • ', ." The day Must hilie been gratifying to ItAizzo.ankitit. Crrizgrra. Al 0k n11 • • Dr, Shaw • Layis, while to the citizens it gaW. T. Dovejr.:4,t!Tia.BeiceijnonnDiatenbury sacted by .him and thgood class of et! . D. A.. Forrester •s kip. ..... , . skip . • 13 J. W. an idea of the volume of business trap.. A. J. Taylor • "---' '''. W. P. Seaunfing. e farmers With whom he dreals. The fol- •Foothill i the cone:late. , • lo tying representatives qf Massey -Har - A' t Cis assisted' M. Levis' in doing the , meet' g of the s udents was held honers:-Cieneral Agent R. B. Smith, in the Ciolle iate Tuesday evening for iti.iOntri 6.0eno,r3-0. 11334:miterocobnetotisoTno,roSrittroa,t.fowrhdo, . teatit. Mr. Itay was called, apoarto the purpose' f re -organizing a' football looks after the bicycle department.. - -take the chair in the absence of the Lune tows, ..-- • . president. The following officers were their elented:--President, W. W. Rand; The few days' sleighing of last vett , Sec.-Treas., W. 8., Turnbnll ; Manager, had the effect of relievingthe woodfain J. W. Treleaven.; Captain, D. Hearn, . and lowering the price. The number Field Cam.,Iirandou, Taylor, McLeod, of householdees who will use coal will be considerably Increased next fall„ Curator, W Passmore. The meeting throtighOut, was marked by enthusi- -t-During the month of February awn, and judging by the interest taken 08 *trete, were! sold Blyth station for Clinton and 5for Winghatn. there is no reason why the Collegiate 4 —For the Pews of Clintonthe should not be able to put a strong team ships and county read TIM NEWS EEC- . tewn- in the field. The Collegiate tearn•nittcle ORD. --The militia, general °, dors 'a good showing ender the circum stances last fall, and efforts will be of Friday last eentained the following made to placeit right itt the head rg announcements :-33rd Battalion -To the list this year. ' The inany euppor- bo lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant B. Def. ters of the team would be pleased to Gr•ank vice J. W. Shaw transferred. The formation of a cadet corps is aupee the public exhibit their inteeest in . the game by good attendanCe, as none thorized Goderich Collegiate Ineti. will be played but With the best lea- tute-to act as captain, H. Snell ; to act as lieutenant,W. L. Hackett; 56 act as theta]. . tet us take your Measure now for a • between season that you can wear a.few, months before you need a We've a splendid assortment .of very neat pat- mported Tweeds and;can give exceptional values. NO selling such' goods as you find here. • THE BEST 18 NONE Too_ 0000 for the trade we are after. • Careful. -dressers -find it very,easy to keep pace with the dress requirements of the day if they • canto direct to this store -for everything they require in Cloth. • °"' in r Furnishings, Bats and Caps., Buying for spot cash doubles our purchasing possibli. ties, We think of all elasses when we buy; therefore by the side of costly merchandise are the simplest and cheatlest, not. cheap representing the Lord's Day Alliance, advisable"; "Do. you eaVitie illaPso of session during the vacancy. • 2nd lieutenant, W. T:t. McLean. ° yaffing people's Woe. . • The Doherty Co.• shinped.191eiga, _ne ta There are very few towns of the pro - Liverpool this week.—Mr. j. a. Wal. vince wItere the young people are more lis shipped two carloads of live stock to acttve thitir iitkOlinftl, and this is Toronto the other day.—Miss.Shipley clearly shown in the *organization has rented the rooms lately occupied called "The Clinton - Young People's by Pr. Agnew where She will carry ori Local Union." The annual meeting of dress-tnaking.—Judge Arrnout pre- this Union was held in the Ontario St. sided at the Assizes held in Godericli 1 church Monday evening, Mara 135h, this week, --The Nashville Studeets With a good attendance, The presi- gave an •entertainment in the town dent, Mist; .1* Matte, presided, and hall Monday night .and appear agkirt presented a very interesting program, • Wecineeclay night, The Oranpany. is the first item being reports- of the pronounced a geed one by those who societies, which shovved clearly that heard„ them eittio be well worthy of each was doing aggressive work. patronage.--+-•‘ 'Mrs. VVilliarn Baer The Papthie delegate said that •one died on Sa,furdaf-after a long and pain. of the best things accomplished dur- •ful illness. The funeral took place on ing the. year . was that they had Tuesday to the Colborue ceineterYo enlisted each member to take a about fourteen. miles distant frona_toortznd lead 'ft Mating. The On - Clinton, where other members of the tario street Methodist and Eattenbury family lie beneath the sod. The, staff street Metnodist have both emphasized st the foundry, *here Mr. Baer is em- missions, not only in contributions, bat ployed, attended the funeral service at also in the fact that monthly mission. the hotne.---Lient. Fyfe of the S. A:, ary meetings are held. •The Preshy- wha was recently transferred to Olin- terian delegate said '..Lat at each meet. ten, lost a becither by death. lifi was ing tifeydiscussed one question of the •life. ••: •, • tbegiengregation in ivhieh the pastor . - 'Fent the Asiesstnent Roll. In Order to let everybody know how everybody ,else is assessed and thus promote equitable assessment, besi"des, making public a lot of Usefulltild in- terestipg information,the town of Galt has arrangeci to have its assessment roll' printed each year. Woodstock MIS decided to do likewise in the fu; ture and other -towns, :Clinton includ- ed, might very well follow the, exam - tole. • A/weer Dctor. - • • Dr. O. W. Thompson, late. of the firm of Laing & Thompson, Granton, is 1i:eating in °Beton. Dr. Tildnipson . is a skilful and successful physician, a .careful, Conscientious practitioner and a gentleman in every sense of the term. The Journal can most heartily mom- atetrcl him, both professionally and so- cially,.to the citizenaof Clinton and surrounding country.--St.Mary's our - The Tankards Won. The.corepetition for the McTaggart Tankards was bronitht to a close on Monday night with Mr. W. P, Spauld- ing's rink as the wieners. ' The gear; tette consists of:J, O. Miller, pr. Turn- bull, B. J. Gibbins ands W. P. Spauld- ing; Dr.Sha,w's rink Was elatie up, but a defeat by W.. Jackson's rink threw if out of the reckoning.' Tho four Tan- kard Pewtees; call them whet you • will, are the absolute property of the wieners: •, • soda Brenta:. An.:A.t Home will be held in the On= tario street church Thursday evening under :the auspices of the WbmenYs Christian. Union. With refresh- ments , and the following .interiet. leg program a • good time is • in store :-Selection, Orchestra; Neck*. tion, Miss Lucy Grant; solo, Miss Couch, recitation, Mr. Humphreys, instrumental solo, Miss Clement,; solo, Mrs. B. J. Gibbings ; inatromental, Messrs. T., J. Emmerton and A. Kerr; selection, Orcberitia., ,•• Does to Baylleld. - Mr. J. 0. Miller of the Hotel Claren. don goes to BaYfield in a few-daYs to begin .renovating the River Hotel, which be intends shell have a general overhaulieg 'from 'cellar to garret, so • thathe may be better able than last season to cater to the holiday trade. • If the business men of Bayfield Would • but join • hands with Ur. Miller in booming the village as a summer re - Sort, there would be more profit in it for all of them. During S. UV absence at the lakeside Mr., Johnny in charge of the Hetet Clarendon.. killed by the foga a tree a few days be. catechism, Bible sindy 'emphasized, fore her arrival here anil last week she also missibris. Turner'a church in received wordthat another brother ami Tuckersmith also stnphasized missions. sister too, were also at the pointof death. Miss M. S. Washington then intro - She went homeinamedietely and hasnot duced the subject, "How to Conduct a yeb returned.--L-The, daitY cows sold Missionary Meeting," it a splendid ten by auction by Tyndall Bros. on Tues. minute address, in, whkIr she mid day realized otr an' average forty-five 'among othergood things "preparation" dollars apiece. The Bros. were just was essential to every good missionary Mrs, J. Mai erray, who has henn 111 for the past couple of weeks, We ,are pleased to say is receyering. •' ••Mr, Alex. Partions, who has been ill, is also recovering.• ' Mr: Ohlis, Parker has sold one Of his horses to Mr. Williarns, miller of Zuv- ich; for a reasonable figure, • Mr. Jos. Wild and. Me, Geo. Mac- hadhimself tb Writ • • Donald oath delivered two very 'hand- • • """"”': eitt_•tenue.steers to Buyer Smith of Clinton The Cost ol aranollthle, -A, gentleman was in Parkhill. On •onedafilust saseek.; " Monday tM• the interests of the Owen Mr. Herbert A1411-1860 velt*PiiiPaiwing Seated cement works. Cement .side., logs for Mr. Wrn,Ea.gleson on Wednes- walks, accordieg to Ids Statement, can be constructed at lints. per square foot and will be guaranteed for 15 years,. -.21, large number of towns' and villages at e construeting perinanent sidewalks and it is time that something was done IP • Shat direction in Parkhill. Were the council to deal generously in the mat- ter no doubt a nuaiber of our enter- prising 'citizens would be induced to Construct suet' sidewalksand once the good work-corntnenced it would goon. -Gazette Review. •• aUD Club Meeting: •• •. The enthral Meeting of Clinton Chin Club was: held at the Queen's • Hotel last u t:sd ay. Mi tea of last meet- ing read; and adopted. The treasurer repOrted $100 in the treasuri. The election Of officers resulted as follovis.:. -7-resident; Ilinchley vire, John Powell; 'secretary, J. E. ; treasurer, .1.: E. Hovey.; directors, .0. Johnsen; Chas.. Orerbuty, Wei. Fos- ter, , E. Canielon, •Gteo. Shipley and N. Fair. yeatly :dividend 0,2 0. per cent. was declared, payable at 3. E. ItoVey's drug .store. The director:5; held a meeting inanediately.after .and there transacted such husiness as trans- ferring shares, etc.. The ClUb'intends • having a shoot on Good Friday, choos:. ing sides for a, Supper. •The . captains will be J. E. Cantelon•ancl J. E. Black - • GOderieliTolinShip. • .1kfr. W. S. Lavvrence, Who has. had charge of S.S. No.11 since 1897, has not in those twelve years had tffe. "scratch • og' a pen". with the trustees.. Such intitual confidence . is the exception, not the rule. He is well-known to he one of the most suceessful teachers ha the ,inspeetorate• . • TUE NEWS -RECORD is becoming. in- creasingly popular in this township, • and I look for a sulastantial increase in • She subscription list during the next few' months. ' • We hear that Dr. Thompson, late of Granton, son-in-law . of Rex... Josiah • Greene of Hohnesville, will locate in Clinton". . • • Mr. Peter Cole sold 4 line horse one day last week ata good figure. Rev Mr. Greene of *Holmesville will preach Educational sere:Ione on the • Bayfield Oircuitnext Sunday, at Bay- field at 11 a. m., 1.161e's at 2.30 and. at Bethel at 7 p.m. • Mr. William Robinson drove up to 'Hatriston on Saturday on a visit to his hrdther John. • • Mi. W. H. Beacom of lot :10 on the Bayfield concession will have an auc- elon sale of his farm stifelf and imple- ments on Tuesday, Mar0i2ist. • Mr. Matthew Bates of Stanley town- ship, lastyeek bonght a good driver at a good figuie from Mr. John Stew, •art.• . • • • West Tuelcerinnith. Want the liarbor.Deepened. , The following despatch from Gode- rich appeared in last Friday's dailies t• --A.petition, signed by over. iseventy millers of Western Ontario, bas been fOrtvarded to the Ottawa Government, praying that the harbor of Goderich be deepened as speedily as possible to admit the largest' grain vessels now • trading in the npper lakes. The peti-, tion recites that under such an itn- proveMent Goderich would, become headquarters for the. manufacture of • flour, both forlierne consumption and export to Europe. Freibytery of Huron. . • • The liresbytery of Hilton met in Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday 141.h inst, . Applications frOna aid -receiving congregations were received. These were all for the Same grants as last year., except that from the •charge.....of.. GrandBend and Corbett, which was for $50.00 less. The applitations, ;were all recommended,_ •Very interesting and encouraging reporta front the committees on. Young Peoples' Soci- eties, and uhurch Life and,Work were presented and adopted. Mr. Muir's re- signation �f the. pastoral charge. of Union church, Bruceffeld, tendered at the last meeting of Presbytery, was OP% • ceptecl with much regret. Delegates twelve yew in the dairy business on meeting, and the three ,divisions, from the congregation expressed their Saturday.—The Women's Missionary pray, study, give; should be introduced entire satisfaction with hie work dur- AuxillarY of4Rattenbury street church in the order named, Ten questions ing his pastorate, but said that Mo- wn' hold their usuai thank.offering on follotved, which „made the diactisilon much as donaestic circ4instances re - the evening of Good. Friday. An in- I; lively, interesting and profitable. quire& his return •to Scotland they teresting time may be expected.-- • These were few Of the questions vvontd offer tie; objection. Mr. Shaw of Itev.• Dr. Cassiday of St. Catharines. "ts a missionary library practical and Egniondyille was appointad moderator Will deliver an added/16in Willts church charts and pictures to introduce, .the Dr. McDonald of Seaforth tendered his in the sense of being of no account but from a standpoint of Trice,. Don't forget that when you are in need of anything in for the jaskson medal on Tuesday tematie tp4ing and tithing be intro- and applied fa lOoVe to ratira from our hne. day. • • • Mrs. M. A. Castle was tbe guest of Mrs. David Leech recently. • Mr. Coate of St; Joseph was in •village looking aftee his iutereits here on Thin -why. '• • The St, Joseph's. -Lumber Company are getting their' logs into the rfaill at a Very rapid rate. . Mr. P. A, Edwards has-' purchased a handsorne new buggy, but with roads. like we have just now we are afraid he will not be able to use', it fora while. • • Mr. August -Wild, accompanied .by his sisters, KiSSeS Fanny and Kate, left foe Milton, North Dakota, on Wednes- Stanley Township. • • Mv. Ralph St.iphenson, Jr., of the Goshen line left Ht•uc.afield ma Tuesday' 49,r• Mailtoba., He took a settler's car • with hitn.. Re ipterids to settle there. —Oui•sleighing:has left as we fear • _for good anti we have nothing but lots of anni,Po take its place. —One sick are .all progressing nicely. now; We. think la. grippe is about satisfied for this year.. ----Mr. 'Roirt. M,cIlveen-'has , mu -chaired , a •feem . near Watford: Wa.rvvick township, Conlityof Larrip-: ton. This' farin • contahis 200- acres of land. 16,. also has about 50 acres of thither, seine oak; which will prove . very valuable. We congratulate Mr. McIlveen un his puechase.----A nuin • ber of the ladies of this neighborhood met at Mrs. R. McilVeen's,on 'Wednes- day , last, to.assist her with making • some quilts before she takerr-her departare . from • among them.--- ; • Mr. and Mrs, • Robert Welsh of Olin • - tett • visited at Mr. 3: Jahr:nitrate's and also et Mr. .George 'Kennedy's last • Week: , Varna.-' Mr. Ditnean Ashton is spending this week with MR ends here.—Mr. obt, White Of Grey hes engaged for the sunener with Ed. Waltera, and is mov- • ing into the house formerly occupied • by Mrs. Codmore this week. Bol spent his boyhood days here, and it will seem like olttintes to have him back again-. .:Ocrancilloe Turner de- livneed four prime Cattle to S. Smith in Olieton last week. They tipped the beani at an'average of 1420 lbs.-- -Mr. IForne Carter left on Tuesday last for Biemarek, ,Dakota. --;-Mr. Amos Town - end is i"naking preparations for band mg a stone stable under his hay barn, ....Mrs. Dodd of Clinton Spent sev. eral days of the past week the guest of Mrs. Wm. Stanbury of the Loudon • road,—Robins eve heralding spring. . on Friday the opted, eount,riesoo! "Should the subject ot Aye- resignation of his pastoraleharge there night Mr. T lackson, Sr.olefeated Mr. clued by the Missionary committee." active duties of the ministry, after a 3. a Miller and Capt. Combo, While Mite Dempsey of Holmes:Me read a period of more than foity years' ter- • eq‘ue ifs Cal and We Will &we Yort Money.. rprrester beat Dr. Agnew. Mr. paper on "sociability," and her practi, vice, about one.half Of Whieh was spent it reported that we may have a new • • Mr. Robert McCool has rented a store in Drumbo, bought a new stock and embarked in business again. He has raany Wends here who will wish him success. -1. -Mr. Thornis Keyes has pur- chased the lot of Miss Mitchell?s at the reasonable figure .of .$500.—Mies F. Chrysler mill/leis& J.W.Harnwell and 'R.. Beatty attended the convention at •Exeter Thursday and reiday.—Mr. W. Foote left for the West to hew out • his fortune in the Klondike. --Messrs. • Thomas and Robert Ward also Mr. Ralph Stevenson left on Tuesday last for the West. Messrs. Wards have taken up land out near the Rockies • and we wish them God speed in their, new homes in the West,—Owing to • the,wet Friday evening a week ago the Foresters' debate °was pcistponed. good time is expected this coming Fri- day. . •• Myth. • ° • • . Miss Elva Adams of Londesboro vis- ited friends in town last week. -----S. 11. Gidley is able. to be out again, hub is quite lanie having to. have the assist- ance of a, can e. —Sohn Metcalftgrpter, had an auetion sale on Saturday last to sell the remain4er of his atock that did not get gold. on Tuesday, Feb. 2fIth.. On Monday lasts another of West, Wit, vtianosh'a old residents passed away in 'She person of Mr. Sames McGowan. • Deceased VMS an early Settler and Was highly respected. 11e leaves a wIdovr and family to mourn their loss.—It f!lr' OLOTIIIElt, Milt/41811E1f AND IIITTEE. A yr , istablislied184. 1, 5, !!'') •Jackson la now in the finals with Gib. cal thoughts reeelyed due recognition in his preterit charge* Arrangements eforekeeper in town binto vs, Forrester and Doherty vs, In the,livelydisetissierk whieh fohowed. wera made tacit° the congregation and Parker left, for Manitoba on Tnesday, that it is the intention of Mies 'lel*. term, are t-0# nollando. President application at arradjourued meeting of with hiro,.....Miss Sadie Ernigh return, VIOTOItIA nu•ox itobmos to open private sch001 alter Mies Vice.President; T. I. Presbytery to be held' Seaforth nu ed on Monday from visiting friends in sCLINTON Easter• •Secretary-Treasnrer. • the V,Stli.itist •Wingbaro. • Johnstone in the setnis,--,We learn Th:4 'officers elected for the coming to deo. with the resignatiOn and the The hest wialtes of his marry friends- go Our EndeSallylolur ISiloecrthe'tiyais once more. in the ascendant, last Wednesday's electing being the best, in many inOnths.. The topic was ably diccussed by Mr. Kyle, who has but recently be; come an Endeavoret here. We trust the attendance may still increase as Nvell as the enthusiasm of the members. , --Owing to the absence of our teach- er, A,. E.,'at the West Huron Conven- tion, there Wia a holiday in the school last Friday. --A numberr from the vicinity found their way over to the entertainment at No. 5 on Friday eve • and pronounced the evening's amuse, meet as ample, exeellent and enjoy- able. Understand that a load left trom • Clieton for it but getting faint-hearted en route derailed it, advisable to x Oaten. They don't know:what they missed, - Rev Mr. Sant& was taken ill on Sun- day last and was scarcely able to get through with his service at Holmesville. Ile received medical help but was unable to take the service here in the evening. We are pleased , to • khow: he Is better. and is able to be around again. --Mrs. Thomas. Videan of Goderteh was the guest of Mrs: Brownlee one day reecently.- Miss McElroy of .Blyth is visiting the Misses Wallace.—Mrs. Joseph Witt. kins becarrie more seriously ill recently. --,Indging from amount of spring goods corning in and prospecta of still more bushiest: tuusb be flourishing at our •fillage store. --Death took away She infant child of Mr Ball last week. The funeral took place on Thursday, Mot, Mr. Murdock presided. • • Preventative Oftleer Ploody of Tor- onto seized an illicib still on the farnt of James Family, near Arthur. • 1