HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-09, Page 9•
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tyliKs OROS 0.01105 i.:
..tel: ?At r •
4,9n clew, ...aA,.
re -Linen
of fine Linens bought at the auction
Our • rest purchase � g .
the McIntyre Stock, which was sold by the insurance
-sale of Y..
' big fire. in.. Montreal- `last winter,
companies interested �,n the g
have all arrived, 'and .o�n
l i.-.... S.. ..- 1. l
Miss Electa Coupes is vielting her Mr's. F. McPherson visited in St.
Do You, Want aunt in xornnta, . Thomas this week.
Barrister V nstone of Winghani was 141 r, P. McCarthy, Jr. 'of Uoder�ich
in the flub yesterday.visited the lint) on llfotaci,iy.
Miss M. Ooticir has returned froin Mrs. Avycroft returned to her home
Whisk ? visiting friends in Seaforth. r,. in Detroit, Mich., on. Monday.
Miss Mary Webster of Preston le the Miss Flo Fleutyq. of Wi�n��t� arise is the
guest of her.Fister, airs. fix eish. ••• guest of her brother, Mr. W. J,"Flenty. .
Mr. Thomas Jircke.ii-t,':Jr. is in Wind- Mr's, Hessian of'Winghain was visit-
ear this week hooking orders for the , mg her sister, .Mrs. Bentley, hist week.
turn Mrs. Ilnrrret of St. Mair_y'rr.wias the
MissNellie brown is on a four weeks guest of her sister, Mrs. loiin Wise-
vitato her sister, Mrs. O. • McTaggart man, last week.
in Aylmer, Rey. Mark Rumhali of Morden, Man.,.
Mies May Biggart, who has been is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jas.
visiting in Toronto, leaves this week Ford: Bmyt,
for Regina, Assa. bliss 'lnxfard of Mooseiaw, Assa.,—
Messrs. John. Blair and J, H. Beck- was the guest of Mrs, -Findlay McEw» Mr. Robert Rigging died on Monday '
ing started Saturday. morning for en last week.
Sault Ste Marie, Ont. Miss Taylor of Blyth was the guest morning from inflanatnation. ...
Mies Sheppard of Clinton is visiting of her sister, bliss A. Taylor. of the The Libby Glass Blowers were in
her sister, Miss Grace Sheppard at Public school staff,. this week. • town all last week..-. • -
- "Glenville," Arvii.--London Free Press. Mr. Peter Cook, son of Mr, P. Cook. our Hockey Club played Brussels.
Mise Maggie Moran of. Seaforth was of Ashil.eld, visited friends in Clinton club on Monday night .score six to
the guest o Mrs. Jaynes •Flynn this this week and leaves for Brandon, nothin in favor of Brussels.
week. Man., probably to' •
day. 'Mr. John Metcalf will have an aue-
Miss Mend.Cantelon has returned to • Mrs. Samuel Cook left Monday to tion sale on .Tuesday• afternoon and
town after having been in Toronto for spend a couple of. months with her evening to dispose of his grocery,
a:few days. .. • • sons in Flint, Mich. Mrs. Geo Cook crockery, glassware and furniture.
Mr. James Elliott of Myth, whose
Mrs, J, S. Jackeail-anther daughter aceornuitnied her as Par as London. '
leave this morning to join Mr. Jackson Organizer Hicks of the A. O. U, W. portrait appeared in Saturday's Globe,
We have them at Five In Winnipeg, Manitoba, g was born in Dnmfrieshire, Scotland. in
Mr, W..11. Elliott of Toronta re 're- called aeon Mc'. R. J. Mutt 'yesterday 1800, When eight (slurs of age he came
p an'd will be back again .shortly .to . to Canada with his parents,.who ;took
cents too, but they are not so resenting the •
Clintonom Life of • New elate a canvas of the town in the in-
York,was in nton on Monday. . up. their.abode in what was known as
y ' • tercets of the local lodge, the'•'Poith Settlement." Lanark Conn -
cheap as the .Ten cent ones. 111rs. J. la Gilroy returned to town • Mr. John Duncan, formerly of Stan: ty. His early life was sppent in the
on Friday last and is making ing_ppreinn, ley township but more, recently farrn-. vicinity of Perth and Smith Falls. In
atii,tis to pin Mr, Gilroy • at Regina, ing near Therndale, ..has • rented his 1$35 he Marri.ecl Miss . s1ariansa Stew-
Assa. eight.
Ed, Cook any w; .Q..Cair= is visitinga hiiswbromove
l a to London. lliaam Ile ms ediwest and with
became family of of th•
ter, tvho leavebeen apple -peeking e- .1"T ;can; this week: pioneers: of the township of Hallett.
Toronto for Mr, D. Cantelon,, have ire-•
turned. 1<1,.; Peter McNeil .has been speeding After -00 yeitis of Mapried life Mrs.
• Miss. Susan Cook, who' has heen ail a fee ,lays in London. Pete has well- liattdied some two )ears ago.. Mr;"ill.
•sent front Clinton for about eighteen earned a holiday •a.s he has been most lett is air' ardent Presbyterian, of
months, during which time she resided itbtenti"e to his duties. 'Ile• purposes which church. he has been an elder for
in American cities, has returned. leaving West in less th•ae a. fortnight, oyer sixty years. • He. still resides
George Pfrrtrner. ,if Benmiller anti, stn Monday week with., Mr. I.on ,the. -old homestead: near this Yil •
• J Ro of Hallett the former to Jaynes bl:en!�enzie for Aberdeen, South lege. '
if so, do you want a much
better one for ten cents than you
are usually offered for that
. . t ` .ices -that will•be lower
relot on sale:at r
put the `cute p
we will°pu
ns for.b. f
..: ire
• t
u h
than.. you' have.ever bog
'& Co had the reputation of carrying
• ssrs. McTnt re, Son p
. ..•sold
stock in Canada theykept a 'big, stock and
the finest linen.. � p ., •
bought linens from them for;
... l�'V� '.have
only reliable qualities. � •.. '
. , that were being
•the : lines
`ale knew
ears and:at the•auctions
• 'stock.
.• o � our -own.
s�. almo'st as'�ve
It You Do •,
See Us •About 'It.
...th m. the
-perfect � cods. �' W e boo ht e p, p
. 'These are T se . .g.:
deal less than red .pular prices for•them .: and .are going. to
a goodg
sell them in. the same way.. Linens .like -them have never been
sold for : these ' prices. before, ` .it's an exceptional chance, one that
. out well to
while, and- : it will : pay
comes but � once • in a" great wh � • Y ;
take advantage of it:.
These_ goods will be displayed, and sold in our Eattenbury
St wing; and even if.Yon don't want to .buy. you: are `welcome to,
MA 1,CR 9, 1899
Mrs. Hobert Porter went to- Elmvale
on Tuesday to attend the funeral of
her grundiiughter.
Arthur Bean of town left for Qu'Ap-
pelle, Aesa., on Tuesday ; Oliver Jarvis.
of Ooderich township" left for Sintu-
lato the saline day; Miss ids. Cottle rte.
covenanted M . and,Mrs,. Sheppard to
Edinburgh, North Dakota; 1,tr. and
Mrs. whtttinghani returned to' Qu'A -
p week. All were booked to
their destination by Mr. ,H; R. Hod -
gene. •
Oftenthe Cheapest, AlwayetlleBest.
The L. B. Fair
come and look,: for there are: better linens.in this' lot than we
have ever had in stock before. r Sale 'will start sSaturday, March..
1l'th anad - continue for two weeks.
Table Napkins
No snob values have been: offered you btj-
fore, and could not be: now had we notbought
them as we did:
Bleached Iiamask Napkins, good'range•of patterns, 18 x 18 82C
inches, good weight and finish, regular $1 goods. ., ..
5'i ozen only of a better quality, 19 x 19 inohes, regular 9$C
01.25 a doz
Fine Damask Napkin,good weight and finish, 22 x 22
inohes, large rage of patterns, same es goods we have
sold for years at $2,25 per doz., for this sale • - 1.38
'Very -fine pure linen Napkins'; beautiful: finish, large and
small patterns; 20 x 20 inohes, regular price 312.75 per 1 90.
doz., for this sale .
Extra fine pure linen Napkins, a lino we have been selling
for years at 23.50 per doz., 20 x 20 inohes, a good var-
ietyof patterns, regular $8:50 goods, for tris Gale .... 2.43
I Special in cloths
We have other lines o f fine Damask Cloths
to sell, but this is an extra good one. They
quantity we, have;is limited,so you better come
8 x 10 fine Damask • Cloths, extra quality, good patterns,
' border all round, regular. price $4.25, for this sale .... 3.35
Table :Linen
If you want .Table Linen now, you cannot
.afford to let chances like these go by: If you
'won't want it for some time it will pay you to
buynowifor'bargains like these don't come often
'60 inch half bleached Damask Tabling, bri4ht finish, pure 4s`tPi
• linen, regular 60o, for thie este
Vert fine pare linen_ half bleached Table Damask, a great '
deal better than we ever keep in stock, etores.that keep
• it sell it at 90o and $1 per yard, our price tor this sale 99e
65 inch Bleached Daniesk Tabling, goodrweight and finish, 53C
regular 76o quality, our price for this lisle
68 inch Bleaohed Table Damask, a regular 85o quality, our Q{j
• pridefor Ole sale .... I ..... . . .. . 63c
Pine Blearbed Damask Tabling, all pure linen, 68 lnohee
' wide, goodatterne, a line we have told for years at
$1.10 and $1.25 per yard, oar price for this sale
10 inch Bleached Table Damask, .rine finish and quality,
heavy weight, better goods than we keep in stook, raga.
mar 111,86 quality, our. pride for this sale . . ............
72 blob Bleached Table Damask, very fine quality, beenti-
fat satin Enid , better than we e2e1 keep in stook, Mo- .
Int re, Son & 00, kept it for their city trade, regularf'eavy White' rvluilte, large size, 6 x 7 feet,. regular $1,40.
,$1.50 to. $1.76 per yard, for tbie sola " .......... 1.111 quality!, for this sale•
Apenes Parker's Dye.Works.
, MI •Ii11•11
Sale akdvertitiaMtwto
amen es , Diikota.
' Morden and the latter' to Cartwright,
Man., were among those ticketed to, Mr.'S. G. Plannner left 'Monday for
the West by Mr. William Jackson'the .Hbib.bing,Minulteo engagein.thegrocery
past week, bnsinessa stated by us a .week or so
Girl'Wanted—J. C. Miller.: ' S ago. • S.G.is a chip of the old block,the
Auction Sa --D Dickenson o . 6 dton wasinHub on
s of aMonday r Shen- sturdy son of a sterling father, and we
st to Earners lS dno•'Jaokemi 5 and brought down a Government tok- have no. dau.it but t,h'ic he will urate
his way in the West. It is unfortun-
Dissolution—Sheppard.& Beacom' 4 en for renewal of sub, from an appre- ate that so• many of this country's
Now Firm Beacom BcUon 4 dative Goderich subscriber of Tan bre htest oun men decide to locate
Kirkby's Fakes—A. Kirkby
NRws.R>tcouD. Z; young.
You Wane aWhisk—W. D. i -os &, 'Co 8 with Uncle Samuel. •
A Snap in Goats—Jaoksoi B Co •r Rev. A. C. Crews, general secretary Mr. Robt. Slater of Blyth was the
Wall Paper—W., Coope of the Epworth League and Sunday
Schools of the Methodist church, at-. sacci of Mr. James Stevens of the Base
tended a Circuit convention at Hensall line on Satui day while .szn his. way-.
About o' o O '• .. on'Thursday lastand spent afew hoursbhome ficin Brantford where he had
of next day in Clinton on his. way .to. Curtn 'attending reprss tatiive the C. O.
Stella near Dahlin. .: Star Lodge. Mr. Slater will be ,tl•leto
make a satisfactory report to his .br breth-
ren d at
�reports� an roceedi
ren antled
P g
.R-••-- Peoe •Mr. Gedrge'Oox. of Detrort•,'the well -
- t t the .Rat -
u er• w is a
known b y
y n had a
AND WHAT •O : • - tenbui�y House this week:and ,...Brantford were of a _gratifying nature
•THEY ARE 001146=we
'hearty hand -shake, with many of his to. ell members. of'the Order. •
e. it 1UW • old friends. In. the' •yettrsi ;that have. "°°°°°°"°"""°°� ' ! roiled by he bought''extensit:ely in this mit,. j, J. Fisher returned from at;
22.nty and. has .left . a great • elan( tending the C. O: F. T-Iigh Court meet=
Col. Hoare was. in Toronto Hist week.:
Yankee dollars with our farriers:
leg at Brantford cin. Friday night, ai�cl
Dr. Reiss. Auburn, .vas ii the Bub. will be 'able: ;.onight to sriy. to ,the
.Mr. A. T. Cooper addressed. a meet- brethren.of.Criurt Maple Leaf that "all
on Tuesday. frig of :E worth -Lea uers and S. S. .
Clinr; o.„fi1..-Wilson; Seaforth; vaitect � g . , P. g; things �v-orkotli together for• good”so,
ton on Tuesday workers in Exeter , last ..night, :.taking far at - least as . Oar-idian ,Forestry is.
air :Fitzsimmons: and Webb Mc-". for his topic The Tenth Legion. whicri, concerned. The Order is growing rap-
H y those who.•have •be'tted him,', say he idly, the'rlierribersbip nowv. being' over.
Con.nei were in Btyyth on. Sunday., - handles in a convincin rr. r nroer. ',The r
:. Miss'Nello'.McHnrcir •is spending a l;. 30,.iUU. The High Cinirt'Sick and Rene. -
few days with friends in W inghain. meeting was sort of a preparatory Ser.Ht Funcl;-though only established soine,'
y vic4 for. the br convention to be, held
MISSMCOalluin of. St. Thomas was. ! two years sign, is now taken ada.tnta e
t Miss Mcl'hNrson last week. iu.June. of by ane -half the:Order One of • the.
sues of
hers. Copelrind bf Woodham is visit- Mr. Ae. H. Plummer, grin. &pal of the most interesting discussions was oo a
nig brother, Mr, Gleorge•Swallow'; Blyth. Public: School was in .town, on 'motion; tondimt womeli Which failed-
Mr. J. S. Jackson •is making headway. ' Saturday: He •way, accompanied:` by to : carry.. though:• ably championed.
'in Winnipegii,nd•has had his salary in- Mrs. Plummer Mr: Plummer tics The principal objection cited'.woys that
• — • been'in the teaching profcssiun for rhe• a Woman Was not os good an insnv anco
•creased'•twice. , `
Mr. and' Mrs.'T•he `Oatling'• of near past fifteen' years, all that.: time•, in Tisk as a inn n. The next ,I eeting, oaf.
'iheld 'r ser- ..
'its tree- he High()our t willbe n h
.Bayfield: visited the , former's parents $rice; and for. seven years h t; . i� ___
on Saturday.' tinued to.give excellent satisfaction in brooks-,. in ' the. Eastern 'townships,
Miss E. Ste henson of Hensall visit his present position. While here. Silt- :which wen the honor from London • in
is r_: and Mrs. John Inlay:he.: made scone preliminary ex- •a.close .ratce.. M.r: Fidler is now a more SEED .PEAS,:
ail her ,parents,. M•
Stephenson over Sunday. . - . ran emeriti regarding the. meeting of.. entliusiastic:'Forestei than ever, the wehltvoaquantity of No. i. Seed Pose for
•.Mrs. O. Patterson and, Miss Frances. the East Huron Teachers.. Association. .personnel of the delegates alone being
g sale. They are clear of bugs.
Catling of Cinder ich gisited the parent- . to be held in Clinton on May 11th and enough to convene e, him of the high. 130Li4IES t sMITII, .
al hoine in.Clinton: on Saturday. - 12th. .1. standing of the:Order iii:IJanada:' Clinton, 'Much 8th.'
Ir �� .
�•�f�lir irrl r -19r t iii �.
�111!119111. 11119t11! 1t!It9i19' 11t11911� .1f911ti9t� �11t19�i9� . �� aiPllt19t19! ' 9lii9fllr; 19P19919i.19t11flfi i . ,.e ..
' farina.
. The social held in the town hall en
behalf of St. John's church proved
.quite ae grand success. .After• tea was
serveda good programme was placed .
in the hakids .of • Dr.. Stanbury, Bay
Held, whose remarks: were very enter-
taining, . The proceeds,'"whi•ch amount-
ed to $14.35, .are in:• behalf, ofchurch
funds. ''
Mr, $1 A..Moffatt': returned. horns
in high Court, Brantford, last Fri- .
Mr. John Reid; Mrs. J, T. Reid and
'Mrs; J. Barnwell, who. went to. Dun
nn rr toAttend the' funeral
t an Satr d
g y
of their cousin'Miss M. Elliott,tt arrived
'home Monday niht after a very
greeable trip in the snow. •
The storm of•last Sun" iliiy blew down'
one.of the oldest of Varna's shade. trees
Which was directlyin front. of Mr. W.
Cook's.diining room. - It- gave a fine
shade in the summer and indeed served
as..e, verandah many times.
s ver gtor
. J
Owing to Sunday se e, m Rev.
R: C. Burton did. not ggo •to t3rucefleld,
nor did Rev; Mr. -MacDonald. think • it •
wise to leave she hnuse.
' Mr. W. Barnwell paid '
. avisit.to .
friends Jere last•Saturday. . • '
Mr. D. Robertson, who has been land
up. with grippe, is able•to die out this
week .
:Presentntinn.--MissCharlotte Conk;
organist of St, John's church, was the
happy recipient • of a well -tilled purse •
last lviondayfher valuable: services;
lSt Sale Prices
'A' few extra Towels: are never amiss in any
household.. These two lines are money -savers
Pure linenrepe Towele, red border, 23 x 45 inohes, heavy quality
regular tiv 20o each, 20 dozen of them to aelll at; this sale at
2 FOR 25c.
Fine satin finish Diaper Towels, blue border, all pure linen, make
a splendid bedroom towel, regular 25o' each. 10 dozen to sell
at this sale at • . •
19e EACH.
We mention three lines bought at the great
sale. • They are good qualities and prices are
away below regular,
%inch fine'even thread, glace Towelling, pure linen,. good BC
weight,• re'and blue checks
Huck Towelling, heavy.weigh't, rather coaree finish, 20} in, '
wide, a good wearer, regular 1.5o'goode, for this sale .
20 inoh pure linen, soft twill towelling, red border, reg. 14o 10e
• Roller Towels, -.Ready-made
How can it pay you to bother making up
Towels yourself when yo-d\can buy the ready-
eadymade article at prices like these •
Linen Crash Roller Towele, 18 x 99 inches, red border .... 20c3
Twill Linen Towelling, 16 x 09 inohee,red border... 20e
Tine Bleached "Linen, .crash roller towels, red border, 11 : n
, - inohes wide, lt' yerde.long.............. • ......... #'' ..' 3UC
The only thing we are belling at this sale
that ever got wet, these .just got a little damp,
and so they go at half price. '
20 dozen Ladies' l%mstftohed Lawn, Rand. 5C FiBC
goat • ...
82 • kerchiefs, 1 inch herr, rogalA 100
98e W'hite Quilts.
3'ust one line to sell,but that a big bargain
r g d 11
These pricey dare all special, We have told you -just Why
Ahoy are so, and you :ill missa great opportunity to save
.money on your linen purchases if you let this change pass.
1.1_.4 z..
Direct ' „ • . • ..
e Importer". I tyaa
Departmental Store
UYINd' .FOR CASH and selling ' for Spot Cash only :is the: latest up-to-date method a •
of doing business::.'f t' enables the merchant. to offer goods at a very slight'advance
Bdwhich a has to'
on cost, saving flee •poi clras(.i �•at least -10.10 15� per cent..on all:goo s. h
buy, We claim that there, is not 10 per cent. of "(Ayers in this rection who require credit . •
They only take credit -because in the past it has. been castoni, and not because they need it.
The successful men -of the present day are those who pay cash, those• who have no debts
hanging over them—and those that know exactly how theystand with the world. ,Let the
reader of this advertisement look around him and he -will find that .the mei who are looked
upoit as.prosperous have not a;,'.••*r1 t11't position by being continually in debt. In sell
ing goods for -cash claim that the saving is so great that no man can affo1'd to take credo
if lie has any idea of ,saving •money,o.. Just now we present to -the keen buyers the finest..
selection of goods ever ofi'ei'ed, in . this. section. Doing- business .all over Ontario and the
North-West enables us t:i import direct from the manufactlirers a class of goods not seen a.
outside the cities, and we are emphatic when we say. that our prices cannot be equalled,
quality considered,- • , .
A Snap' in Rain Coats,
A special purchase by our W. Jackson in Montreal a few days ago enables us to offer a large quan tit( of fine .Rain
Coats at a wonderful reduction from regular figures. 'These goods were made to sell at $10 and were extra value at
this price, but as long as they last the price is only: $6. They are male single-breasted and fly -front. They also
answer the purpose of a tpring Overcoat. Without doubt the greatest snap ever seen in this section. a
Children's Clothing th . just 1 to
i9•+ls.n� �•a►.4,•cf•fD�►•f5•v►.gi�.��s'411.�•ca.marm�•�O•�0•a►um•�••��.Gi�fr•eboGl�vt�•c9.0�r.ie:br►•O�•a�•91�.��dq.�1•C�.o�i.��7►.04�.•Q'�•
This department is one of tho' busiest in offer
'shoe De U.)J U J IJ UU big atone and the preparations which we are 4
making for spring.will surprise buyers. Saving $1.3000 a year in expenses from the a
g , places us ill 1i position to offer the cheapest goods in 4
old method ofdoingbusiness, l
the country, Next week r we will have a reat deal to say about • some special lines
of -goods which we have hall specially manufactured for us, and which will not he-._ - -
shown by any 'dealer ill this section. Our Boys' School Shoes for the coming season 4
will surpass anything ever offered. If you have any repairs bring thein to us. They `4
will be attended to promptly land°at verity littleexpense. .
JACKSON EROS., Departmental Store.
iiNiMi1M ►U►J i► �11�11J11► JI A AAA &A &1 11 a iikiluJll��' t Jll� J1h x1�' M AAA
Spring Caps
' Our new rangy of Men's and Boys' Caps is now full and complete
and you will see with us a selection that cannot be equalled anywhere.
Our great line of Boys' School Caps at .10c and 25c.aro marvels - tor the money, We carry an. ex-
clusive class of goods and they will nothl?e sego elsewhere.
8OO,pai.rs of Boys' Knee Pants will be the titiantity that
B Y n . . Our rices for
� SKnee.Patitswill go th ough the workshop this seasonp
this famous line will not be lowered, but we me using a better cloth' than ever and our Boys ,Odd
School Pants, made by ourselves, at $1,2fi and $1.50 will -be another surprise to =kben buyers.
Our stock ofC l ren's. �ot ing for e,spring is jus' about cotnp e