HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-09, Page 6MARCH 9, 1.8990 " '• iriootraioaeoismaipaimeasogeo: OVIEntereot • rro; Jr4rxnerrior I We would 04 the att44,.. : stion of Farmers to Dr. Hess' : ,stock food. TVs preparation •is prepared by Dr. Hees '0f. • Ashland, Ohio, one' of Maori- ea'e greatest authorities on : •:Veterinary work. ° This food • : is intended for the building' . up of any stock, for putting • them in condition for sale, It increases the appetite and tit t tion • • proouoes _tges . 0 • For horses,' cattle, • sheep or. e *tt lugs it IS a flesh, produce. • Sold in lg peund !,bags con. tabling 100 feedsSi. It Lt. has been used with great • succeo and we have several • .• onstomers who have .used it . co and- received good results.• , • % • - For, .the asking• .we mill, it give one of , easta, in stock and ireatrnentif w. • • orlhe sanie. ' '• •••• 1)1,' 'MS's' Stook; , tit books :explain)tn; • •Gk " SYI1NEY. %J•ACKSON fg , • ; • • 0 •• DotectWo.j,T. Westeott'andill4 • • • ' Xiradliete DruggiSt 2 11. ,Moneur have returned freer 1Bey the were quest elemine,...061000,6° (•entra la last week,:.leaYing several : to • • peaces= to...4414311 &Wilsog Phone 2. te, City, Mich., Wh I For.,,..,... e 'ThWhit Mr Hobert 1/4.eXay 'of the 4th ion.. • e to his patrons on Friday evening.' A. our noted.thresher, cave a large deuce arge assembly wee present and a tory irk; (crelttir title IX sm u rs 4fkt‘B, VrySersed, n rt a ve success- fulko;%111a0°Si.to t•itiVtt'OVII.7,traiglirg.nci.4ch121ti eae. enjoyebletirne Was spent, so plea ant vere 0 ' .A Moe 51aryTellow of Xeeter spent a week visiting in this vicinity. • 1 ' • Miss Jessie Clatter has returned fichn , her visit in Mullett: bleT, H. Iiroivnlee of Kippen spent Sunday at the im.eental home. i .. Quito a numberfrom here took in the social in Rensall lett week, • i Mr. mat Mrs. Little spent &Imlay with the latter's father. • , The recent thaw finproved the roads, wheeling en .0e made and °sleighing in.. the ditch. Forest Home • , . 1 •• • Mr. Robb. McKay, while splitting wood one day last week,' happened tvith a very painful eeeklentt a blodk of wood failing on his foot and smash- ing one of his toes. -It earthed hink i to lay off work for sotpe titne, 1 Miss Jennie Brow'nlee returned home front spending a few days with'i 4er siitr, Mrs.LittIe. We are scery to hear that Miss: Ida • . . Love is very ill. birs, JainesTaylor, Avho has I be a ill for Some time,' is slowly reeover4og.: Ale.. and Airs, Win. Resell vitited• friencls,in Brucefiejcl last week.' i ! , . . , • Ifixeter, ere .yii • ' ••• • : „be:ellioniego Win•i. ewitt, Who eisaPpeared frons mourn his departure. They sugeeeded in locating their mail and made !silo tee • the mark. ' • The special collections takep: up in the Main street Methodist chukchl on Sunday week, to • be applied to 'The Relief Fund" of St. Janes Church, Mentreal,'ansounted to 365. : • Kra. Thomas Shipley of Clinton visit. ed friends in town for a few days durink, last week, the guest of her sister, hire,. Wm: Bowden. ' Mrs. - Fre)* II:ander:0c . and little daughter and Mr. Sidney Rancicock, who spent the past three months with relatives and . friends n and around' Exeter, left tor their home in Buierade, 'Dakota, en •Monday last. : Mr. Thos. Creepli is at present Con- fined to his bed with a severe 'attack af la grippe.. • . , Mr. , !hos. '.0091tson.' has purchased the house and lot, property oi the late 1...fohn Mogg from Mrs. Henry Renal and took postessiod on Saturday %last. Mr: and -Mrs. William% Fischer, Bet34 siessesessessisse , eieseissosso es es MANY •• • •• .00 •• •• .0 • • • • THANKS 1808 has gone and We .viish to thank our customers for their liberal patron- age.. We believe , that having. Oricet! bonght fromus they wiil come again! having satisfied themselves that our gods are jest as represented. , During 1890 we expect an increase ofi business and we shall • da our , best.hyi good workmanship•and fair prices ,to merit it.•• • • your rtrateit'or 'clock has been go- ' mw astray brifig it to Us and We Will. do it good .cir if 3,•oii want ',anything Silverware, lesiretry, Watches, etc.i Call and see our stock and learn, our: prices. WE ARE LEADERS IN OLINE CREWS .•e• . jeweler and. Expert fin 0. .0 atid.MisiMarthe. Butt, Kippen, mated, Exeter:reletzves on Friday. last.' James Sweet and lee. 'Maw ,Brook visited relatives in Crediton on Fridaklast. • i Thi week it is , our: sad .'clutir to -chronicle the death of Elizabeth Pugs- ley, beloved wife of Philip RoWoliffe, which occurred on Wednesday, March: 1st, at the age of 42 years and ip• months. 'Deceased had been a great sufferer fer.some--Yeare , with stomach trouble and had gradually heartgrow: ing weaker, Shehad only been eons fined to her bed for two weeks , prior to her death. She was of a very quiet dispoeition and had many waren friends. She leaves to 'mourn their loss a 'loving huebittd arid .one daughter, Frances at home, her father;,24i. 1.Vea, Pugsley,anti • one sister, Mrs.. Vyse of Detroit, beaides . WatVljte?"..:::::::: a nuniber of sorrowing friends who ex- ' *-- tend sympathy to the bereaved ones,' - • • • The funeral was largely attended, allow- - the esteem in_ which the deceased itumummettwas held. The •funeral service was oon- 1 ducted by the Rev, Ten. Eyck of Lon- • • : don at the Trivitt Memorial church. THE GREAT . • , m James Gould ,fr is at present • • h bed through illnes - - - evi-n • confined i to s TrallSOOMMOZ . The IL T. of T. held an oyster ss uppet • , s„• an Monday evening Which was fahlf illedtrat , e„..14)0180.1.11rell attended. • • ,• . : GIRL WANTED - • SAN MECO SANFRANOIS00Lomostio Wanted to do kitehen "work at the • . i noci ciareetion. Apply at once. " , ' 3..0...put,Lpa; DENVER, LOS ANCELOS,' and other colas In' California, Arizona, 'He 14 Clinton, Mareli 7th, Mexico, Coldracle, and other Pacific Coast - Pointe. It you axe contemplating a trip for • 'He altb., Plettent.e, or Business. From a Canadian Winter to the'land of, • Sunshine, Fruits, and Mowers . 8.300 Will buy are'omy, eonefortable house with On 'Victoria street. Near Organ Factory, Through Tickets to all Foreign 1"ints. v Milietroltisroptirty at present occupied by For descriptive Guides, Time Tables, ete Vacant Won gaol° street alse for sale at a. very low prim AnnlY °nee W. • Homo For Salo. I apply to Agents O. Tat. System. W. 13HYDON.E. M. C. Dicksen.b. Toronto • • March /th. •Barrister A. a Pattison, G.,,art, Agent Clinton. Hedgens, 0.T.Tiokotegt, 01(otos. • AUCTION 'SALE OF HOUSE, LOT AND HOUSEHOLD FUINITURE. OiCtlftSTUPNTS• • baVe taken good sitnatimis and positions remain Unfilled. ' fotir SaltArtFORD, 014T. The House, Lot and Roueehole,Furniture or the late C. A. Hartt, 21 Queen street. will be offered for sole br public auction on Saturday. 'March llth.at 1 °clock, p.m. sharp. Terma:-Furniture, cash ; Ilmise and Lot. 41 . cash, balance to suit pnrotager. • giveS the "best° in Outlined husluesser band education. In falvcompotition (Mrgrad. utiles are nearly always chosen while others aro turned1010e, %gnternew. (*enders free, -W.r.ELLIOTT Principal. ir Ydti'A&K 13 PAYIttLE NAVY. . You will get it If . • yoii don't yoti woreto Every iang-aud pack- age has T.& 33 inGo1d otters, *alladiiii Paulo Ey: 1-4ppli ISTI TLERS' OKE -WAY, EXCURAIN ilt 143. MtT V. 1.). DIOIC1fN-r0747`. Executer. Auctioneer. The Credit system mikes Dad • Debts whieh take vrofit away ,from Business. • Crediting also incivses expenses for • book. • keeping, etc. Then to do away • with' Credit and put all transae-, tions on a Cash basis is betier f• clr both. buyer and. seller. We are convinced of this' an4 will • adopt the Cash systein on ' "i* We have just purchased larg4 spring Steak of Ildots end Shoei from the leading manufactureri of Ontario and quebec and are 'f'd Minitel% and earntAlan RIttlesei# wilt d 11' h • liar TorontO direry Tuesday tiring arch rfttpttfe tO :se at t e an Aesil, • • Paesertireretravelling- WIthOilt istedid 4 • t shinfid tate train leaving, Toronto et 3.t6 vs. rn. tL train. _ Forfeit nertieultits and aeby of ut,lettierif • " toany. PM. &trent *rig Viotift0ft6014, • Assists Iv' (loilors1 Pownger Altta%!*‘ . 1 Xing St. Nast 1,04%14 . 10.ILLtAIVI JACKSON' J.iffalit a‘0IffitOnt - Priattentote thavelli ng'Witli live steek siteeld L WEST' LIYINO PRICES 11111 CASH* lng Tornntoat9O0 p. m. Colohiat Sleepers Wiil be .attacited trietkeh , Have you .snert ourstook , . , Eto LUFFoi THE CLINTON N xxr The following additional taxes have imposed by the Eardy Government Ikelp to make ends meet. a ' bairarom... ; 1 ' TIIR INCREASED mrinENsts, , bit.ago sot -)-f Toiroo-.4., ,......,....., thit ' • .4.1.01•,, „.„. • Wholesale licitior licenses- ' • ' ' Present license. New license, Increase. • of jokes, poetry, funny paragraphs, etc, hie has a naturel talent for the ities over 150,000 population, ,. .. $250 Oities from 40,000 to 100,000 ; . .... • • • • 2c?,0 . 400 $450 ' $200 t ,..„ Wot an,.. ..aveig conanierame ezper- 10v ience in thie line of late, lie will sto :Olhee•cities..,, .. .. . .. . -, . ......e........*.1m 2e0 Tavern and shop licenses- . , tinnee to Improve in the future as be 460 has since iirst,he went to teach in "'the 350 3.00 doubt be emipentlysuccessful if bacon - Cities 051Qr 16000 population*-, • 100 300 Cities frona 40,000 to 150,000... :.;.. . ..... 150 250 100 Isecition;" Pete is a joilY tgood fellow and 800' ; 100 will b 4reatli/ missed amonthe °thee cities... • .11 I • !„.• .; • V . .. 100: 200 . _ Pr100 away &WI). IA) . / • anythmg m oncy, Tables, Farley, *J20ekerkl, MUSie Oabinots. or Niuslo itaeks,. If so just drop in and see what we have io offer you. , aiiiiroad saloons. „ .... .;. 1,50 -young folkst% wee an especial'fav- • Brewers and dietillits will be taxed on basis of capitel. • orite at dancing parties where his tiler- . imated increase in, re'yenue-1- Vices as "caller" were ever in requisi- _Omni distillers.. • •••,;;it.1 ••••• j •.#1t'i., 4 • ,..<•; I., •44•15** .tion. We 3din heartily with the rest UNDERTAKING .41 ..24. 1292 111 wiehing him ,ouccess. Go in ,Pete, ifrone ,,YR•.•.•••44 •••••,,,ot.r. ••• ••••••• *•••••4• •te,„,,„,„,ouo you will do Us proud. ,Froin lieense-houterso.4 411•••••••' ... •••••• • •mt..rs•te...rott*.f..we.4 Move . CI, B. Ajesen„ John Aferduek end . • Our stock in this department • is complete. Our Hearses • NE TAXS,pN. CORPORATIONS. . the Horse comnaittee of the Western 1 aro the best in , Alex Tapes have been appointed to :The taxes upon corporations, its: specified in kr: -tiarcomr03 are, In Fair, London. t• • the county• Our prices aro as low as the lowest sntomarized foto, as follows . STREET RA.It4WA.V OOMpAlsTIES. • An annual mileage ; , On railways PP,S0 15 mites in Tiqgi, 820 per mile. .Ort 'railways over 15 and km.ter. miles, $35 per mite, ,On railways over 25 and up to 50 Miles, $45 per mile. • On1,:eilAvays ever 5,0 miles tr% length, PO per : • CHARTERED BANE.S. • . • An annual tali On paid-up capital. stock- ° • 'Up to $2,000,000 capital 1-10 of 1' pee cents, . e2,000,000and nn to40,000,000,: 025 adclitionatfor eve'? 41190,000. Over $0,000,000, $15 additional tax for every $109,000. ,Tax on head offices, $100. _f_L, • •• Tft•X on each branch in 'Ontario, *zh. • • INSURANCE COMPANIE • °' S NOT MUTUAL. Life Companies - 1 pet: cent, annual tax on groes prernintris on Ontario business. Fire, Accident:, and other-Oom ponies- * of 1 per pent. on seine . • . • • TRItiST AND. WAN COMPANIES. • On Trust Ocimpanies- An annual tax o?1-3 of1 Per Cent. on paid-up stock On Loan Corepariies-. - • Those with, fixed paid-up capital; $66 on every 510e,000 ef capital, _Those With terminating or withdraWahle stock - On Oftflital up to $500,000, $75 per annum, On $500,000 to 51,000,000, 5100 per annum,. On each additional $1,000,000 or less, 5Q extra per annrOn.: RAILWAY: COMPANIES, An annual VitQ of 515 per Mile on raalway lines subsidized by the Ontario Government , • • , TELEGRAPWCO.MPANIES . . ...An annual tax Of 1 4 p1 1 per cent. :on paidu,, capital, estimated by Mr tfarconrt at a total Of V4075,000, • • ' TTlIXPIIQNE: COMPANIES, '• •i_.. !An:annual tax:n-1.1-0 of...1 per cent.: .on paid -tip capital, 'estinattea" by AIM Mareourt at 54000,000 • • : • • , •-' Exrioss ooni.p.ANiEp. A. Specific talc of $3,006.per annum. NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY On prOdUgeT* a simOifle• tax of 55,000 per annuni. • On transmitters, a specific tax of $g,500 per annum.. , ' On both .combined, a specific tax of 67,000 per annum. Lueknow. Ashfle Id. A. change in the school law purposed by the Minister! of Education is to Make it compulsory for County Colin-. supplement the Continuation grants. • It is also made easier to establish continual 'classes.' If. the government wbrild do (this it *mid have the .effeet of wiping out a great many Of the smaller High schools that are only burden on the County and town in which they are Situated. A young lady sent twenty-five cents to a Chicago, advertiser for a recipe to whiten and soften the hands. She re. . MISERY. IN A:HOSPITAL. ' ceived this reply' :•• "Seek them will three' titnes a day regularly in dish water while your mother rests."' ' Mr. William Allan, • rather of -Air,: William:Allan, Of this 'village, and one of,the early piorieers.of the township of Colborne, died on Saturday lest in the There belie been -meny persons in this vicinity'onthe sick list during the: past..few wedks. • • Islr. George Middleton, Jun,, hu been very ill or inflammatory' rheumatista, but we are glad to 84 he is now cotiva;.• •!ascent. We are wiry bo learn. that Rev. E. Olivant, pastor of Ashfield cirouit,isnot able to be ou n acodinkt of rheum- atism. • RREOMATISM MADE LIVE A BORDEN- . souTa atagarc.att RAEITMATIO . CURE .tarItED IT -4 PERMANENT wan. The life of John E. Smith of Amami' Wood Hospital, St. Thomas,' 'was one • long round of misery, he was so afflict - 68th yea v of his efte• ' t. ed with rheinnatism, He tried' all manner of Ottres without much benefit. After having taken half a 'bottle,' of .IIIareh, April, May. • South American Rheumatic Cure, he •--- • — . . found, great relief, and four bottles ewEsTa ABE THE MONTHS IN WHIOR TO cured him permanently. -Sold by PURIFY 'YOUR BLOOD. Watts & Co. t This is the season when your blood is loaded with impurities, aceumulated confinement, rich food, and other caus- , Ifilitehell. during the winter months from ;close es. These impurities must be &Non Wedneaday evening of last weak Nei - from your system or they may breed son Monteith, Eaq., M. 1'; P., ran up serious disehse and cause untold suffer- from Stratford to see his Mitchell mg. - Hood'e Sarsaparilla is the great- friends. Ile was met at the Station by a 'est and best blood purifying medicine Ilstios band and a large ittimber of poo- h, ispossible to obtain. . It 18 whatthe millions take hi' the boring. "It will pie, who cheered lustily ar h• stepped ify and enrich Your blood, create from the train, He was thew taken put an appetite, tone up youe system, and bodily by two stalwart Germans and give you sound,robust health. carried him tO a sleigh in Waiting. In reaching the Hicks NOUS° the hero of thelour appeared on the balcony and - thanked the We/Aare for the loyal sup-, Mr. and Mrs, John Diment et Blue- port they had given him in the !at• vale celebrated the 25th anniversary of election, and promised to endeavour to their wedding on Monday evening prey°worthy of their trusts. week, a large nuoiber of their •friends ' and relations from that vicinity and other places having accepted invite- • TELE DEATH BADGE Mons to be present on this important'-•---", ' ()Cession. . Alt elaborate supper strati ; I8 sPA'RE° Irdli"4". A 11°1413' BEcAtr" server, and many of the same keeete 1 )311. asINEW'is Otilte FOR TRH HEART ve .,_.reaRELIEE IN 3031INOTEs. VEst PAILSTO curtE IlEaril• DISEASE who sat at the bridal table t wen ty.. fi yeare ago were againi numbered with 1 • _ _. • ' the party, among ' then] being the 1 The pall of death hair hovered over bridesmaid, now blot. Alex, Orr of many adiseased heart, looking for the Fordwich, and the grootnsinian, Bir. last flicker of the candle, and Dr. Ag - Frank Scott of Bluevale. The evening :neW's Cure for the Heart has stepped was Very pleasantly spent in amine- between the patient and the grim ments of various kinds and the young 'hand, and nursed the sufferer back, to people especially., seemed to enjoy p rfeot and permanent health. Thos, themselves in, &tieing, which was kept Peet't3 ot...in Allerr.Q"e*, had 1"art du' , up till early morn, • . . ease for five years, was una.bleto work. The hallowing is the statement of the The doctors gave him up to die many Relgrave checee factory for the seatod a time. Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave hind relief in thirty min - of 1898 t4 -Milk seat to &MIT, 288,702 utes, andlour bottles cured hitn.-Sold lbs ; cheese . made therefrom, 26,300 by Watts & Co. lite. ; value of cheese, $2011.29) amount paid to patrons for milk, $13510. , 02 ; amount paid for hauling milk to factory, 052109 I paid for making - Will Stey le illralitfOrd. °Wiese, $256.72. The value of the * - ciseese made last year was not one-third Brantford, March 3. -The High Cotirt, of the ainbunt it formerly was. ' Canadian Order of Foresters, .has' elect - Mies Mary Xennedy, daughter of Mr. ed the following officer* for the ensuing Robert Kennedy of Lower Witighem, year :--IL 1-alia6t., Iliatt' °MO Rangerf was married at the residence Of her eis* Ingersoll ; john It., Allan, High Vice. ter, liarc, mouton liankigh; et uentreei, Chief Ranger, Toronto I Thomas White, on February 8th, toMr. John Cooper of High Secretary, trantlard ; /oho Neel. Ophille, One, . ands! aigh ,Preasurer, Brantford. tit. mw e many friends 'Of ee . gag 'ecutive Committee :,-.41. Gni:Order, canto of the city hospital, gammen, Guelph; P. j. Jameson, Peterborough; will be glad to hear that, ebb has re.; eovere,d front her serious illnets. 0 101..1.110\11WOmm•*. OiAthatin. • miticurAGEs. Ronn-Tortaestale-In Elmo, on Wed. ,Eneineant.ay,, 7eb.-22nd: by Rev. E. A. 'Fear, Andrew Robb to Miss Alice, • ' daughter of J. A. Turnbull, all of licEwA.sr-MeINrosst .- On Wednes- day, Feb. 22nd, at the residence of • 'the bridesfather, by Rev. Geo. Balla,n_tyne, Me. John McEwan of, the tosynelnp dI Turnberry,to Miss Ellen MeIntesh'bf thetownship of. Grey. . CoATs--FrInTl•TEIr.-On.'Wednesday, • Feb, 22nd, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. George Goats' ' to Miss Harriet M. Furtney, both • of the township of Grey. • COr.,Barcr-MeLnoo.-At the residence of Mr. D: Clark, Egmondville, by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., on February 8th, Mr, Thomas Col- bert to Miss Kate McLeod, both of Egniondville. ' BEATTIB-.ToRNSON. '-- At iiatrinton, on March.)st, by Rev., Thomas G. Thomson, 311, Matthew Beattie, Of dEaltgi gi Elgin, tBe r. 0(.1t, m. wMiiieisi a Surah joh, ni McKillop. , puAnTentsi-Jimnicost.-At the • dence of the bride's parent's, Brace - field, on February 22nd, by Rev. W. Moir, Mr. William Charters, of Tuckersmith, to Miss Jean Jamie- . Bse.niatmhireclsodna,ughter of lir. James Ross--Grutorrn.-At the'residence of - the bride's parents, Stanley, on February 22nd, by'Rev. W. Muir, Mr, Wm. Rosseson of Mr. Alexan-' • der Ross, of Teckerstnith, 4% Mies *. Janet- -Gilmour; fourth- dabghter 111r. John -Gilmour. •' Ihre--Corrii.-At the resideride of the • bride's Mother, Minnie street, •on February 28th,by Rev. 'Dr. Pascoe, 11fr. John A, Dey. • to Miss B,31 -that Cody, both of-Whig/1am, MeLpAw-N2r,reosIELD,-At the real- •.dence of the bride's.parents in Low- er Wingham 'on Thursday', Feb. f2igorldd., by. the Rev. Wro. . Lowe, Vit' 'Thos. McLean to Miss Jane Netter- Heninill, on the •27t1* of • Feb. the wife of Thomas Berry, of Steshen, on 'the 25th Feb. - the wife of has. Eilber of a dough- 'WELsa.-In McGillivray, on the 23r0' Feb:, thp wife of Wm. Welsh of a daughter. • Housort.—In oni he 28th Feb. the Wife of Thomas Hodson, of a Bluevale, on Feb. 23rd, the • wife of Dr. Toole, of a daughter. MoGuroon.-:.-In Stanley, on FehruarY 22nd, the wife of Mr. Neil McGrew. , 'or, of a daughter. . Fisona.-'-In Stanley. on tehruary 23rd, the wife of Mr.. Peter Fisher, of a TRimprgit,in Stephen ::on Feb. 22ncl, the. wife of .Frank Trieliner, of a EaT6N.In Exeter North. on Feb.. 19th, the wife of Elmer Eaton, of a• EOM a. • DEATIIS. • • -- • • MASON. -In OlintOn Oil March 7th, Mrs. ThOrans Mason, aged 42 years.. Er•efarrT.-In Blanshard, Feb. 21, Mar- ' tha. A. Bragg, wife of Thornas tp. lett, aged 58 years and .8 months, Boort/el.-1n Grey, on Thursday Feb, • ' 23rd Hanna Bowes, wife of James Bowes, aged 68 years. FERGUSON.-in Brussels, on Monday, Februar y 27th, Rev. John Ferguson '113..dDa.3t,sa.ged 09 years, 9 months and JONES. -In Mitchell, on Saturday Feb. 25th, 1800, Thomas Jones, aged 44 years and 1 day. SnonntEun.-In Morris, on Tuesday, ' February 28th, Robert Shortreed, aged 08 years.. 1•1thx..-In Essex, on the 2.3tel Feb. William Rill, of Hills Green, aged 74 years. •••• • M gFueAbI.1327*—IU 118e99K,I1J1 Tit% e°en MBic°QnduatilYce, aged Oa years and 8 months. Dorms. -In McKillop, on Febientry 27th, Elizabeth Aitchesofs, relict of the late James Durie, aged 84 years and 3 months. • EtrOcasie.,-In Blyth, on• February 27th Robert Higgins, aged 70 years. RYAN.- In Lucknow, Feb. 24th, Mrs, ' John Ryan, aged 72 years. GALBRAITH. -In HovviCk, on Friday, Feb. 24th, Mrs, J. Galbraith, aged 78 years. IVIAnTtrt.-In Tilt n berry no February 28th, Cassie Vat:11486m., beloved wife of Wm. Martin, aged 38 gem s and 2 months. ItOwctirett, In Exeter,. on March let, Eliza,beth, beloved wife. Of Philip Roweiiffe, aged 42 ;Years and 10 Months, Tisborne, on March 2n0, Robert Coward, aged 70 years and 11 months, ,3 Stephen, lot IOs COB. 11, Mary Jane, beloVed . wife of David, Mawhinney, aged at years. LIAntr.-In. Clinton, on March 2nd, Addle Hartit aged 42 years. _ BA'str,Icrt-In Mullett, on March. 5th, W. IL Bayley, aged 83 years. II. D. Hencieriton, Whiteohuroh ; Gee. Faulkner, Ottawa; C. E. Britton, Gan, anoque; 1)r. V. U. M. Stanley, Chair, man M'edioal Doerd, Brantford.; Dr. R. Sn'BrA4'111° Itilshre°r 1184L11,1 0, Ybung, Aksottiete Medical Board, AND 11APPIxitss...-Is the Stomach Itiagetevot nos,. At,„. r mmag ut on • Sour • la there.Distreee after Eating? X is your•Appetite weolog 2 Doou Auditor, Toronto ; ennedy, Iligh get Oleo P Ilave you N'ausett P 114A1istmrl lut;w• 8° MaTaylobt nigh quent Sick headache P-foreturiners °haP1410, D'oulr"t°' ' , • the ubjee ning's tressiott st, 0 general brrak-up. Dr. Von Stares At this mor Pineapple Table.* dispel all these dia. of removing the aloes frotn Brautfotd trolling aymptogis. They aid the di. to Toronto was dlsoussed. It sas qt. geative nylons, cute the incipient or Melt unanittiously agreed not to bat* the chronk cases. 85 cents.. -Sold by any aotion in this matter or approaeh Watts &co. the subject for fire years, • Sticeassion buttes. AS ellown by the public accounts for the province, OtIttirld received from eucceesion duties during the year 1898 the gum of 2206,185.56. The Werra eou n ties contributed as follows: Brant $642, Carleton :19,251, Detroit% 466$, Digin $1,889, Brox $1,030, FrOtitelltte $6,707, Grey $615, Hum $1,4P5, Hat- 1ns $5,541, iterit 42f165, Lennox and Addington $771, Leeds and Grenville, $2,228, Lanark $51511, Lincoln $1,460, Lfitithton' $2,387, lidiiddleict $3,771, NorthUmberland and Durham 09,604, Ontario CO; Oxford 1840, Perth $5,802, PrInee Edward sav, Renfrew $2,552, Stormont, Dundas and Gittagarry $8,98t, 'Motifs IWO; Waterloo Ilra, Wellington 21,100, Wentworth $14,9$01 York IlUip 1730, B.R..c*PFOOT. •pp., • IbMtxrniture, Dealer* and• 1[7aclortalters Manager ' is/1iht and Sunday calls •answered at. Residence 'of our Funeral Direpter,: J.W. Chidley. Xing St., opposite Foundry, , _ MILK ROUTES, •• Exeter Flour A meeting will be held in Wilson's Hall, Hohnesville, on Saturday, March 381h, at 2 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of letting the drawing of the milk on the different routes to the liolmesville Cheese Factory for the season of 1899 Anrsbareholder wishing to dispose of stock and any person wishing to purchase stook will 'please attend. W. S. LAWRANOR,13. FORBTUR Secretary. President. Ifolmesville. Montt 1st, 1899. STORE :TO •RENT. • The undersigned offers for rental the store at present occupied by H. C. Barlett, furniture dealer. This is one of the best stands in Olin. ton. • Possession can be given at once. . • .Also that large room ov,'J. Wisomates dry goods store. There is a good entrance. Apply to 3.0. ELLIOTT, or JAS. SCOTT. Barrister,- . Clinton P. 0. Clinton, rob, 6t5, 1899. • . WHAT SHE BELIE V1S- 1 believe Stirtqtreirillti q a. :food medicine,-becanse Ibave see.n1 ts gOod effects in the case of my, mother. •She has taken it •when . she was weak and he health was poor and she hays: - She ktiows of. nothing ,hetter. to build 7 her up and triake her: feel. steohg." BUBUIE M. KNOverxe, Upper Wood Herber, 'N. S.': AT NO EXTRAPRICE We invite-Yorir inspection of our stock of Groceries, etc., bemg °convinced that Iv purchase will follow. In addition to Groceries-. • of all kinds we will carry a sup- : ply of Exeter Flonr, extra good, • but.at'no extra price, • TRY OUR 15 CENT TEA • •• - _Coin he's13fdek;:-Ctinicin •1 = ROOD'S PILLS: cure' all liver ills: Mailed for 250. by C. I- }rood 50o, Lowell„ Mass. • .BrutOSele. • . • • • The East•Rtiron 1,icent,e Board met for organisation at the4.A.merican Hotel, Itruiaels, on Friday, Feb; 24th. Present, Thos. Gibson,Ford,wich ; •Goo. Fortune; furnherry ; :Geo, Murdie, MoKIllop"; and Inspector. Miner. "Theformer was re-elected 'Chairman and the latter Seerettxry: Board wit). meet on May. 18th for the pulp(*) of taking apPlica- tioril for . hotel. licenses intcreonsidere 9 Those'eyes of yours are probably overtaxed, and if yon f have not found it out yet, yon will soon do so, Prepare for the future by taking care of the present. Defective vision is • easily cured', unless of foug standing. Our large stock of lenses and frames, combined with Our knowledge of how to -fit them properly, kinsuresiyou ' a permanent benefit and not merely temporary relief Charges moderate. , . • --"t'•••••',•••- ..••• •-• • . .4„ • • The Seaforth tage, owned by Thos.' R. Thomson, has been. purchsaed by Rich: William, the Well known 'man, of Brussela. The stage • earries both mail and express in addition to passsengera and parcele. Mr,Thomeon Will devote has tittle t the egg and but ter business in Listowel. , • • . • Organizer Townsend and the Degree Team of Brussels K. 0. T. IL• initiated• eleven candidates intothe mysteries or the Maccabee Order the other evening. WON HIS OASE. liooTuis:sAiwrirt ,IITUS"r. DIE, • BUT HE RALLIED. visDEB, SOUTI1 AMERICAN =WRY CURE. AND: DTABRTES WAS ABSOLL/TELT CORM. I A prominent legal light in a Cana: - darn Western town treated and dieted for years for what the doctors diagnos- ed an incurable•case of ' diabetes. He -became so bad that he had to quit his practice, other complieetions setting in, and his sufferingwere most in- tense. Alirnost as a Wit resort he tried South American Kidney Cure, arid, to his own eut•prise, immediately began - to improve. This is over .a Year ago, He continued takingthis .greatest of. kidney specifies and to -day he is a well man. -Sold by Watts &Co. '• For Over Fifty • Years , Mita, VtrissLOw's Soontmo Syner has beeo, used by Millions of mothers •for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a at* eltild suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once ancl get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's seeth- ingSyrup" for Children Teething. Ti will re. Bove the poor little stiferer immediately. De. pend upon itjuothets, there 18 110 mistake about it. It cures Diarrhcea,regulates the Stomach and bowels, eurea Wind Celle, softens the Blume, redu cefi Inflammation, andgives tone and energy to thawholo systeni. "Mrs. WinsloW's Soothing Syrup' for children teething is oleo.. sant to the taste and is the.preseription of OTIS Of the eldest and best female physicians Mid nurses in the 'United States. Price tWentr-fiVe 3ents 6,,bettle. Sold by all druggists throu ant thO Wald." Ile Mire and ask for "NE - WO/SLOW% soornote 8vatty • CLINTON MA.RX.DT morreatoct every Wedmutittv gtertuttu.° • Fall Wheat . . ... 88 to • 70 - • 6° t° ' 65 Barley.," .... • ...... * ... ***V* 0 40 to 0 44 OMB. "eft. . .. I . if.** 0 28. to 0 30 Nuke ... . .. ... • . 0 63 to 0 68 Rye.... 0 00 to 0 36 Potatoes, per bush; new050 'to. 0 66 Butter toes° in basket0 14 to 0 15 Butter in tub..., 0 14 to 0 14 lOgga per doz....4.0...w 0 12 to C 18 Hay..ti...:410*A064 . *I .. w**r.00r'itirm.. 5 60 to 6 00 Lave Ogif.*11..111,1W,14.1NO-11,.%4 00 1o4 10 . Pork per cwt.."... 00 to 6 00 Dried Applee per , 0 06 to 0 Netts per lb.. 61.49**11.1004111i, 0 Onto 0 00 Turkeys per 0 07 to 0 08 Geese per Itilobta.V•Witi .. a . 5.11111, 0 05, to 0 06 Ohlokens per 0 80 10 0 35 .. Ii441111.*61111 .... . 0 10 to 0- 10 Mont porewt.............1 tiOto 210 , .•• Dity Clerk Bessie/ of Hamilton has received n /tickle from 0hicagewith a note expialuing that the five ee'nte was to pay for rt, bottle of ink Irdeapprot prlated while the writer was attending ' publio achoot 10 that cit, A (1,0100 Jeweler, and Optician. wil.M.• •,4•11:1 .1. I .1 BUTTER &- ECCS We want. all the Butter and Eggs we,ean get for Which we will pay the highest market price. GROCERIES Our stock of Groceries is fresh, well -assorted and having been bought to sell is being sold at ces that will soon clear it off the shelves, TRY US, • 0. OLSON, CLINTON I - • • • W1 JACKSON AGENT G. P. R. CLINTON CAT. Through tickets issued. to all points in . . MANITOBA AND ' THE NORTH-WEST 8aggage4rekea, throtigh, /Nit, .alt nformation In reference to trati*oti- .. suIt the above. (r4 AOI AIMING "" AN ABSOLUTE NOVELTY irdmo IT TAWS /7 PLAYS - CAN .M11111100 601' A pmnaz GAM op lwr Plq16t. BOXED,W1111 Otit CORD MEttts WANT IN everier TOWN AN VILJAMit AD01XSS CARTALlillie MOOR. CO