HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-09, Page 2.e 10 EXPONENTS WANTED agir 'DD TALMAGE DISCOURSES QN TUE EFFICACY OE ERAYER. 40.04 Profesoer Trade11 tete !frauds GoWall Tern:ewe Exp.erieueut-Doex God Melee . one *merger Priteere'--en Ogee of stele Roe the Greseteat Ale to Tour nerovery lo Preyeteeene pee :atom teedienge0 A deapateh froth NVashington sayo t ie•Rev. Dr. Talmage preached froM the fallewing text 'Mire heard thy prayer t behold I will hehl thee, Awl IWO: add, Telte e limns of figs. And they took lend .letel it on the boil, and reeovered."-e2 Kinge. -toe 5, Latturiotle living ts not healthy, The 'teemed generation of htlige aa4 queens Ind lords end princes, is ept• to be bealnless one ,tnealid. The seeend crop e.- • of grass Is almost alWays sheet -Royal 1 blood ta generally scrofitlonseYou will . not be .fierprisede then, to. hear that King elegekitth bed Aisordero which: broke out 40 e carbon*, virulentand deatheul. The Lord told hita he must die; he die not want. to die. Re turn- -led •his..faut to the wall, so that his Preyer „went( not be interrupted, and aired tit Gehl fer, his Me God beard the' erayer end answered , paying; " segola 1'011 heal: thee." Bat there was hunian instrumentality to be em- ployed. This carbuncle needed a cat- aplash. That is 'a tough .wota that we • use to show how. much we know.- If , in the pulpit We alWays Mie.words the people einderstand 'we neveeeahotile have any reputatioe for learning, Well . this cerbutiole : needed e eataPlahM, 'which is a, pouttioe. .Youi old moth-. er, -Whet decteeed her oive Children. in the time •wheie physiciane. were not as plentiful as they nee. now, will tell yen that the eery. hest, poultice ts a fig, and that erte Whet WAS USed 4011. the. catbunote of Kitg.'Itezelciah.. The power"of Gtid, accompanied by ehis hu- man instrdneentality, '•otired the Icing. In thie • ttife Of • discovery, when mezt know so =tech, itkills them, aod write' so :wisely it almoet kills us, ithine been' found. out that .'peayer to. God is a . • dead failtue. AtiethingEt ere' aerang- ed. according to inexorahle law. There . is tee' use io praying to Ged. toe rain in the time of drought:. • 'The " weather probabilitiese• • he the Mornieg.paper wilt • decide the queseion, rain or', Me imAs the-WM(9 •hation ere before God volute licit 'bring „dciwn . tang e rops I ,e. end, .oew sPeaking et 'an enazigioery theorte but 'cif that whiell is '1:alloyed ten: thonsand times ten. thoudand men...If 'eicknese. • ccime to yinizehmisebole,• it will depend entirely upon eeetilation, geed 'diet, and the drill - the doctors, as eo whether your .ehild.gete well, The fa.: ther mighe pray all gay and.the matlie, et •mighe pray all -eight-et wcitild•riat Mee any • effete 'upon the; ?Ile. equine, belladonna, paregoileand gruel Ale the Work, yeer..child.Wilt.get .wellt • if not, not. • ' ' • THElla ts.i...0A8VIRON GOD Seated at the: head of, the Univereee helding the. ,gresp of his metal fingers a band of' law'fedie whiCh notliT• ing. can break away. . The- •whole:Chiestian world and the' Lord Almighty, ..withie the •'.Past eew weeks,' have been chelleeged. God has now an opportunity ;of. peoving yvheth- er he keepe;his protases, by an 'expete meet. Professor Tyndall and Ftancis Galtoe, Einttishe .gentlettien, • Propels° . that two wards in a hospital be set apart for the eitierietent; The people in the tine ward' ef the hospital. .shall not he ptaeeteteoe f. the people in the -Other' ward of the hospitel - shell • be prayed fore. Then • we vvill see ' Which' • of the petiente .got well •the seonere -the experiraient to go on for eitre year's. Welf, it .18. the' racist,. condeso °ending ',thing in -human phitosoPhy that think I have ever heard of. Here the Lord Almighty Ma an oppcirtun- ity of winning the confidence of such men as Professor Tyndall. ape Fronde Galion I Besides that, it is very com- plinstintaiy.to the angels ; and if David, Paul, and Delilah, who wrote ,eo much about prayer, hear of it, they wife nO • doubt, be. vepy nitteh .giatified 'to 'have e teeommehdation ftom such high authority., 'If there ever was a. -time. when the Whole Univeree ought to present a vote 'of thenka• to -one. Epg- lish literary review, -thie is the tirae.. • cad. foe the ayes end noes.. The eyes have itl t • • My feieticht;' that experiment will never beellutde, for .the reasons in •the first place, y.ou never could get a man to lie .clowe in the prakerlees ward of that hospitai-•not even the phliosoph- ere who make the eiratiosalotIt. they ' Weee sick, it Would be the last place on earth' they would Want to be sick in -that pinyeeless werd of the.' hos- . e hital. You could not get an English,. man to lie. there; for Xing Jamesei traesiation -has bout abroad too long among Erttons, and • the bell of St. Panne has rung London to prayer too. °nee. Yeti could not get a Sootehraan •to Oldie fot be comes from the land of john Xnox, and •methitiata the old COeettentetil who died for their faith would get up from Grayfriars church- yard and hiss at him'if he tried it, The expetiment is alto impossible; because if the professer, and myself ehould egtee upon making\it, you could not Skop the world and ehe Church . There le a great tonmany of deluded meti and women, who every deer, have the habit of .• PItAYING FOR ALL THE SICK, .. • .. and yoti -COOld .not stop. them. . M- edea, the •Episecoptil ehurch, in its lit- urgy,. has a prayer to God for the sick, ' and I don't suppose that you could get thehl Vat Int° their liturgy a sett - Unto. like thia ; "This we ask for all :the leek,. letve those in vista 62 of 'Tyndall end Talmage:It experimental hotipital." iletedea that, at the end of four yeare three hundred anti sixty four days,, :on the teat day of the five yeara Of Mit, experiment, etetatt Woe pathetic *dean might say,'" Alas. for the poor. pool° in the Sixty-second • *era of the hospital i lutist Pray tor Them." And. eilitt woUld get &nen on , her Jeneee,and in two nilliutee teptill the *Nile reeperlinent, Thet libellee:4o Coining introits the Watt, . has net yet been Ateepted. r nOW aceept it In the pretelloe of thie - people, ana of all to whom these'.Worde ehall con*, in the tinted Stares end -Rtit4)00.' I WOO the challenge on one condition,„ end this is, that them teen who Melte tide propoeal; theinseIves,. • when they ere lick, go down in the _ preyeelent .wardi While- We .givee our tt .t t rd I hope theta, pliyeleilite will let us know at " noon AS they are Mr** delft Oh their. bisolta, that we nay begin Steil. They hate not Made any arrengetilents about . : aYing the et Thiele ef dies rintent will pay ha hoWever, on condi- ' 0001114 theY' 40 net her* tint order* big Of their nivit provielont. it • • _Ali t WY friende, heve we boon Eo- don't believe any thing of the Bible." T Infetaken f Doe* God hear and anevier 'Then I appeal to your own instinctie. lall nt" SUNDAY SCHOOL prayer, or does he not t Why come Prayer in certain ciroumetanees ie all - - • ' ' ' oat with a challenge in thiti day, and -natural to a man as the throbbing in . . an experiment, -when we have here' the Pelee, a* the respiration of the INTERNATIONAL LESSON! MAIL a ,the very experiment. Ifeseltiah *as lungs. Put a company of Meet - I sick lento deethe be prayed for hie &sot oleo tem bad they are.oiri some otortat llieettng the 'WW1 lgan.00 Jelt lite; Ood, -heard hina, and added fifteen Imminent peril, and they will cri Mitt 0. l4411.1 (WACO TOM. 404 9. 04 ed him -the luntp of figs applied bet to be a time for making ohallengea te .yeara to that lifetime; The prayer tieve "God have ,meroy on us I" It seems REA0Tfon.T„,-NOTES.' e • log merely the God-appOinted human so I make one. I challenge that theme.. ! Vef00 1. AB jesas paalied hy.• On ituitrelmentatity. " Bot,' eve soMe One, ' men- who don't believe lie. praYer chart - "I don't beliela tbe Bible. Ala I then er a eteamer, go out in the "Narrows," some occasion during the three month we. will, have to ;est company for tour awing out eight Or nine laentired Pailee Of hie stay near ,Terusalem frem th or five minutes,,fat it la useless to try to sea, awl then heave -to and weit tor .tee,st er teeerned" to teat ee th to argue /With anY • mall with whota 4 Oyelene, And after the onions 1 i dedicat on. 11e saw a Man. Other. feu. can not seined uPon OOranIOn *centes, and the veeeel hes gone under ground, In tine argument, if you ten timee, when they chci not expect :aim oulY a blind beggar, bat leans would be successful, there must be mime it would rise again, !And the Milwarke , IIELW otto . Witt; might eeeeme aexeMent • . .. common date to start from. It is fool- have been knocked in, and the meets ; „„ „.,, * .., isla to try to 'Prove, te a man • that ' are gone -if they do not pray, I will : '''""" " "4"V "01 a b°14 cante4anr bis birth. se twice tifree are slir,, Inovided he does aurrender my theory, Do feu tell me Of the faith. Billed from not admit the multmlicatioa-table, or that this instinct which God lute put 'watt a welleknpwn person, who had that two and two are feur if he does In uti he put there jest to mock us lone 1 3 sat • begging in hle 'accesteraed, not admit the addition table. fer.itts own cruel amtisement I! If God , . illy tirst address, therefore, .is to implanted that inetinct to the human Place. ' 'Bran blindness and beggarf those 'who do believe the Eible. I want ,heart, it was becaose in his owe' heart ere far entire common,in the East thaa te tell ythe thet' Weyer ' fa" the -' • • ' there 'WOW " ." - - • • - • - - , in our lauds. 1;.' " Note • here and . .1.40EiTIE' ST OE ALB HEMEDIES' SoMETHiNG RESPONSIVE. thicinghout this story the- picture' of a _. . .. . coed that the altopathlo, and how:tette To. prove ;that GO • dees beer Prefer, Fenner. .e. Child seeks out men before . pathice and the eclectic schools will r put on the witness -stand Abtaham, 'they seek bine. ''"'. • . . yet acknowledge •itf Here Elie etwO 'feriae, ' Jacob, Elealciel, -case* of eiokneee. precisely. alike ; the Micah,. Jelin, Paul, • Peter ajneTdeM,Lefinifhgl es Ilia disciteles asked hint. Attract ;lame kind of medicine is given to both flezekieh,. Tell me, ye ancient battle- ed, perhaps, . by the look of inquiry of them, and in the same quantities. fields, ye Oriental thrashing floorS. Y9 Which their 'master ;fixed upon ithe The one patient recovers, and the telt- Judean corn -fields,- ye Galilean Ilek. Mae, Theirs' .'was "the dientifio or' does not. Why f God blesseti begesmacks, is ' God deaf, and dumb. - . :. .the one renetely, and does not•bleed the and, blind before all humble petitioo?. epiritet only. asking at4ceutalyomusmpthroettiito-. other; ',Prayer has helped Many' 4 That God answerft Player, I -bring the .leas: que..Lion ;. his was blundeti.eg. doctor Ihroligh with a ease ten million facts of Christendom to h I ful ' 1 . , a ,would have been otherwtse -come prove. There has never paper enough , es , oees ; ' •' ' Pletidy unmanageable. There is • stich , eome out • of the paper-mips to write. tRlew 4n , 'mu tono some ' Men a thirig as Gospel hygiene, as Christian the story. Has not reaay • e.• mother Study' -.lighial, queetions t like Chrtst, it. Pharetia0Y, as_ tliivine ruatezila enedietti prayed back her- bad . boy frOm tber feW go down ante the .siennt to lift , That is a fOo„sh mae w 0, in . Cane epda of the earth -from Canton, freen see.- - • of sieknees goes only to 'Altman ree Madras', from Conetantinceple-suntil be es, the needy. Who Aid sin. They sup, SqUFC08/.Whdin :we lieve these; instences .oneit. posed that every misfortune is the of the Lor ft help in 4 sick room. • Bits . beside her ht the old hornesteadj Rave there not been desperadoes .iiii ' result - of some specific sio. So job's 'foie you: call the doctor, while he is rehegadee- Who- have looked into the , friends tried. to " comfort " hint, by there, end after he goessawayelook lap .door 0,f a pyayer-meetigir to ' tango • to him. whO cured Hezekiah. Let the telling him that he' must have been apethecaey send the &niece, hut -God . Eit)ildeaft at it, who have been &awn' y. e power of prayer, until they ran• a einner. because he was e .eafferer. makes it ' draw. - Oh I I am glad to - t Tear' teasoeing wouid Mee been oor- haye a doctor who knows how to prat • . o the altar °teens out for nicety ? e e God send salvation to all the doctoe i - : But why should I go. ii3" fail I had; - • rect..if they had given it its a getter., in ray own experience„ and I have had Sickness weuld • be oftener . 'toured, in the history of ewe own family, the at. principle' ehat suffering is in the death would be oftener- hurled' back . d . fora the doorsill, if medical onen came My mother evi enoe • that • God anewers prayere world beeauee. ein le ,also. This man' , with three 'Christian Wo- - .. or ,his /events. _they may have ques- ioto thee eick-room, like Isaiah. cif the meet. assembled week after week, aod text, 'with a prescriptioe in their hanes Cooed whether the. nem was. suffer - and the Word of. rthe Lord in their prayed. for their eteldren; they kept name* • - - . • e • P u that preyer-meeting ,of four, .per-' ing. because - of. sin in borne previous , eons year after yeari The world . atate .of existence, 'a 'vtew.held.by same John Abercremble,• the Meet odebthete ed.physician of Scotland,: prayed 'w ch .those knew. nothing of it. • • God answered all' i prayere, All the group came - ape ent teachers. . Oxeeteet Steer ,.riug- he weet lute a sick-roota, and he wrote the esti, " Thite man, ore foe that is out -no name ably abeut "diseases of the the eleven sone and ditughteei :of g • My mother catne in; Myself ,the last. • of : the question, his parents." .3, The .brain"' then ebout "the philosophy of- e• -- tint metal feelings." I don't knoestlion, ' moknete cennt • earay . househotcle4, . cause. Of- his sin es of less. importance much- of the ,medicel .success. of Syteen- P . ' - 7. thr tlet cure ot sin. • , ham; and. Cooper, and Hervey, and • • • - • • At three °telt:sok on Seturday Prae, tne. , , ed t the steamer - h IsTe4her laath this man sinned. Net . they . knew how to pray . as well' as to • inveltd was.ici.arridi .. 1 9 1 for Sayanna .. t e even. o`e oak. the Hush, edepended upon the fact that that._ thie Man or is. parents had live preecribe. I don't • want a ' phyeleian benig Sunda, taring t e ed an abeieutely sinless life„ het •that 1.1111:itt• I'LlYs; . , . .... ,!..-1 It; '1, his condition had not, been caused be t g ver place, a man r. o praye who sees no leod. in human anatomy to e Itity .sin_en they part ser ilia pail.' That dooter ixty Melte. :1 me e us, a • f Ged d nd for., the reeovety of the Biter' one. At e works of teed should be -matte mane that tenet elev n teclooli " she ho had I think he eid, and if the Bible is trim" h..'.6,i ..%:.: ' . 43 ' '. - W ' . OStFECte4 three .NyeehS '', with - ifest, Quiet' seggests net the. cause. and I ani rather disposee to think it s'ee." re • is, then it is not' strange •that ptayer 1 d ' (i)tf this'Imtn`e. mIsfortutitt,. blit.t • the . die some help, -eva tee ' up, on ecle. „The , ine, pereeee in it. thet tie pose: wee does travereae 'natural hauses e aye, that eccurrence es as • • • . that ,a greateblessing mightepeme to it intioduces a •new cause: When .God NEAvt To- -BEINGLIdIRACULOtTe ' . the man theough it, aud to the World rintee the taw, hedid net make it se as I. can imaillse. •" That -See wee- through the:hand man. , 'Hew . does atione he uould not break it; . If God : hoheleetty 'slake pecipleewho .sat up with.- that. Min .iti -•lietteen noW 'leek -:upOn made oar 'bodies, when they ore tenken, . her night .after ntght, and .are heee,. those years .of darkness ? Dime he net 116 Is tim one• to mend them t end i Is . c n testate Thee the p ayer or et _ rejoice hat •thioug bis nhafortune eeasonable that •we sheuld call him -in recovery - was. osfeeed in tbee pulpit, - he was. led tO 'Christ and ieleation. 4 to .do it. • If :my furnace in the cellar tbOusands of .peopleco.uld testify. That . Lel: ue :see tiece 'geed .liaild ' of :'God in hreaks. donee there is: no mite so ocim-; at .elev,ep o'clock .0a that Sunday Morti-,. ow.. 'troubles.. .• • • . Peteat to. repaie it as the menefacturs - ing she walked 'up. on deck, as' he a - -. 4.... I must •work. Revised Version, or. If my watch' step, there .1S no 'one mirachlous recovery, • I• call ' the:pass- "We mUst. woek." In • Other wove, SO competent, to renair '•it as. the *on • • ' n th S n 1' ' tO * - . e. eng,ers o .... e a . acin ,bconalcata:, e ..e. e. il ir "Let. us . me weste our:time in prying who mede .tt. . If 'the body is .clisorcl- : by 'Captain Athlete. Decon er t , to into mYeteriest yet as. Elea what we ered, • ' ' ..... ' . : .. -: teatifSe..' ,L,. Thin ie . no seeondshand can• do to alleviate,. the -evils oe - the ' CALL IN TEE MAXER, OF IT: . :- stoty. - • '' . - world.". - 'The .works of him that sent ..e et le not all, as these; Physicists tell Prayer :impotentle - If I dared to hie. • God's ,work of restoration.end up - us, a mattereot;sventilation or poison-. think• there was no teree in • proyeie • Mildly. eg- , The healing ,,of "the. blind ed air, Of cleanliness Or dirt; of nut, methiuks God, after alie he bag , done. Man is. made . a type or ' iniggestiori rttietta diet or poor fate. I have .known for me and mine'. would, strike me = ef Gotles : vvork of grace in Isringiag PeoPle to letetetll'in rOiMie Where. the , 0.0(4. riever • aripotentl Whi. it is. darkened. souls .te. .the light: of day. VuldeAvii wed ' Woe slic'Weekif dkiiii the ..rapiliiies/ ' leas in' the( universe. Whileit is day. Christ's day Of work tight shut, and.I Mee known them tO Lightning has no epeede the Alpiteee was while he was bodily en .the eerth; die right hued* patent• ventilators: I avalanehe fiaseaCt. ' rOaref, 4 eolapafed 'SO our" day is the time of aux earthly :have known childeen siekly. who every withlt. • • • ' • : • „ existeime. 5. Mae we tise our .day ate day had theirltath, and I have known , Will you let the ebdrcietiOns and faithfully. ate he used. hiee The 'night ' ohildren edbuste the washing of whote ane the vageries of a 'foie twenties or comethe . Othet weeks' the Saviour. faces .would make their features un..' -a good,many sceptics, stand beside the Might do after he has .passed within recognizable. .' .. . • • .t eiperience .of 'General •Bavelock, whit the veil, but net this' work of mitaele, God did not nieke the law. and then' came out inert:pet of the'EngliSh arniy, When no man on work. .What, woek eun aWay 'frcen ite White la a law of ..lifted his' hat; and. oalled upon the May ' aWelt os in another . world we .nature I It 4 only God's uetial. wee' .of Lord -Almighty? or 'ot Williant Wilber-, knew Mt bitt as far as this lifeizecene doing things. . .But. he has soid that le force, who .went IV= the Erititite Par- cerned our work. ende st'lleatii, . • .his•elaildren . attk him to , do- a thing, liament to the closet of devotion? or 5. As. long , as I , am in the. world. and he cian consistently do it, he will of Latiiner, who. stood With his hands 'While: jostle' was. on thee earth he wee do it. Go oh with your pills and tilde epit fire, in martyrdem,' praying eel- .his the light of men, giving . life: and .tors,, ancl'liostrums end elixirs, . end leereechtors? Was Havelook.Weak? Was health, and in. hid healing'etdonetes your eatholicon, but " remember that Wilberforce weak? Was Latimer wettkU bodies 'ptesenting a _parable .of the the mightiest agency in your tecovery ilring all the affeirs of, yoer • soul greater benetits he wais about •to ime is prayer. Prayer to GO brought the •of Your body, of your.. friends. et , part. to metes soots when he: should Kings Mire, theetirint of figs being the. your. ehurch, before -Him, and • the. Pales opt of -the timed Material into the OOd-directed human' matrumentalitY., great -day Of eternity wile,' show• yote warld spiritual, 'I am the light of. the' I would haee yew:also see -for it is •that . the hest tweet -Mont yon ever World., • Then hewas the lighteeen by another lesson of the subject-eliat our made were Your prayers, and though the phesical eye; Mae- he is the. light przteer must he- accomnamed by. Means... yqa may have-ibroken • promisee yeti of the soitheiteen by the eye Of faith. It:is an outragi3 tO :atilt. Goa. be do, fr. made to O'er', Ood.nsver •broke%,hiS pro- Lofty as thiti claint is, who .tittrea deny thing while we remain indelent • The Mises to you. Let God be trite. though now that et ha$ been verified?. • - prayer; to be acceptable, must eome not every man be ,foundea liar., 6. Made elay. Cheist had more then only from the Matt, but from the An.d, now; in Conclusion, X have to oee method of heating; sernetinies ' a hands. We must wotk while, we Praf Preseet you some cheeks, blank checka, ' word only; sometimes a touch', :Sortie- -deyotien and work going together. on the ' bank of heaven, written in' times the more formal laying ore of Luther came to. Melendhon's bedside and prayed' • for his recovery, and.iii- sided,- at the same time, thet he should take. some .warm soup, 'the soup heieg just as important 'es the prayer. Id the time of the &eat plague that ceme to Yolk, Of Batten& the priest preys. ed all day and ail ;light for the temoe- al of the plague, but did not think ef clettning out: the dead doga 'end cats • • that laY in the guttets, ceasing the . sicienetis. ANSI , must •use means 'as well ale supplication. 'Xt. a man has "eVening prayers,4 askitig health, and then sits down to e full *teepee • of iedigestibles at .elevett .oeslook. at night,.his player is o. mock- ery. A mat has no right to pray for the safety of his family when he knows there is, no cover ori the. cistern. The Christian roan, Trreciciess about his health; ought not Itt. eapect the same answer to his ptayer as the Christian man expeets who. retires .regularly et tett o'clock et- eight; and takes his morning ,bath :with the appendix of a Turkish towel. - Paul said to the pas- sengers of the Alexandrian corn-ehie that they should get safe ashore, but he told them theemust use means, and . that wee, "STIOX TO THE OLD SHIP I" ' that. consolouenees upon the Soul of the • .0he who has received hoepel light 10-11. Rove were thine eYea. opened f ways interesting, even thoUgh " it be teettMOPY of pereonal exPerlence is al - in illiterate, untrained words. The stery of the eoldier in battle, of the eInpwreoked mallet Of the converted soul, out of sin:Into righteousnese tx1W1.11 eTliweefeewheaslinSotehneescilttaetionillenehntaWaeur.: swer. 12* And there elieuld be none 0 in mire, ae We tell the old, old sterY, which Is always knew. man. . a led Teals, Bather "the man," 'one whci „ was well known. 18. Let nO 0041- ' verted hY Ohriat be eithamed .te oWn hie Lerd, PEN 110TURS8 OF BOMBAY . 'MMUS SIGHTS THAT MAY BE „ SEEH IN THIS GREAT GITY. , "!...r, • , George, If. Stelffelk4 OfallStarelli leeniets the place. Us People and 1te cestoeis -Things New ivesteeit Eyes., . OeOrge W.-Steevens, is in °India: HO - - sends sorapen pictures from Boin- ' bay that will appeal to, our readers, The first sieht of India, he says, Is amazing, entrancing, atupefeing, Of other countries you • become aware gradually • Italy leads up to the Le - • vent, ahd'Egypt pasties. you on insen- siblY to the desert, Landee in Bora- hey, you have strayed. intce 4. most eborate dream, • Infinite in variety, blurred with complexity, it gallery of strange fess, a buzz Of strange NS:Aces a rainbow of strange cohnirs, it garden of straege growths, a book of strange questions, a Phantheon of . straege gods, Different beasts and btrds • io the; steeet: different clothes 'to wear, dif- ferent Meat times and different feeds -the very commonest things are al- tered. Mal. begin a heW life 41 0j/leW Wr.°Irtitit4e4 time to coMe. yoursellf, At first ever:Yelling le, so neteceable that you notioe nothing. 'When. things be- gin to mime sorted and sifted Borehae reveals, itself as a city of monstrous contraptse - Along' the sea front one shlendid Pub- lio beading fellows anOthere-esariegat- ed atone facades . with .arCh end cote oenadie cUpoist, 'and pinnaole aocloota- tuary. At their feet hudele huts of pottier/ thatched with leaves, . which e, day's ain Witold eeduce. to mud and'inilp..' You eft la a narble-paved . dub, east and aity ,ati a Homan :villa, ancl"‘loolc out &vet gardens of _ . • ET.E.ANT:er SOAHLET AND. PIMPLE • • FLOWERS , ' • toy rd choking alleys • wheee . half - naked sayages herd by tamilies togeth- er in open -fronted mins and filth runs &two gullies tei feeter sin the senken :street, In. this quarter. you_ maye see the' weever tvvirling his green and am.•-• her. Velasig On a hend-leomeea skeleten siraple and fragile that • a kick would make atlas of it ; go to: thee street corner, and, yOu see black .efle belching. from. a huodred mills, whose P" . . competition mita the threat ot elk -the, world, In. the large, open speces'Par- sis hew! each other underhand full- . pitches and pry, " Tahk yeti, tank yeu," after the ball; by the kali. squats a Xindu, who wotildlike if onl th I would let hitn, to marey habies and bure widoWse • yet, eor all its incongruities, Dena- . bey never lets yott forget that it is a very greet eity. If it had no Mills. it would be renowned for. its port ; if it heel neither tt Would be famous. for • its , beauty. And if it were 'as ugly tie it is far it would still be• one of the niost astounding collectione of hue man animals in the world. FortY lan- guages, it is 'said, are hebitually spok- en in ite baeztarse That, to him who understanda no word of any of them, - is, perhaps more curious than inter-; eating, ' but then tiveese_race bee its own codume. So that the streets of Domhatt are a kaleidoscope of vermile `.-1.* turbans and crircison, orange' and flares ciamir, Of men in blue and brown and enameled evaistcoateewonaen in cher- ry -coloured satin 'drawers, or mantles, draWn from the bead acrosa the bosom tci the hip, of blaziog purple oe. green that shines like a grasshopper. If you - cheek your eye and ,arik your Mind:for the master colour :in the crovid : . IT IS WHITE --white bordered with brewn.er fawn at- damson legs. But when you forget that and let the eye go again the Scarlets and yellows and, shinieg greens fill and dazzle it anew; you ate walk- -ing in, S, flaring 'sunset, and come out orit blinking. • • Leek underthe turbants. firet all natives took alike, but soon you begin :to find' dietinctions of dread. and even of type. The first you Neill pick out is the Arab horse dealer. gis long robe and. hood bound round with corde and tufts of eamel'e hair mark him ofe from the wisp -clothed native of India. The Arab gives you the others in fie. cue, He is not Much acCounted by those Who know him t yet corapared with the Indian his mien la high; his movements free and dignified, histIeri- turea strongly cut and resolute. The Bagdad Jew IS hardly a type of 'lofty manhood, 'but under his figured ter - ban and eull-tasseled fez his foe looks gravely W'ise. The blue-bloueed Afg- han is a savage fraiakly, but a. free man also. By the .side, of any one of them the down-eountry native of 130a1bay Is poor and weak and insignifieent. Ile hooka as if you could break biro &otos.% your knee. Ms formless fetitures ex - prose nothiog ; his eyes have the shin.. hitt meekneea but not the benevolenee of theme's; be moves Slowly and with. out elute like a sick man. lie seldom speaks and wh'en he does his voice is emelt. Sometimes he smiles faintly-, laughe nevete, " To tho netvelestinese of the BOmbaY native One race furnishes an exception -the ro.reil The Vara, as his Mime tells you, iidaiker-frottr-Persia, wheece he was persecuted for worshipping fire. Persecuted riteett develop their own vir- Wee and their own fiteulties, end now., under the British petite, the Para Marbles exceedingly. trefis the God is not weak, needing Our help, but .God is drong, and asks'us to co-Oners ate with him that we may he strong too. Pray be all means, but don't for- get the fig-poultme. That God answers prayer offered in the right epirit, seconded by our own effort, is the first and list lesson of thie text, and it is a leason that this age needs to learn. If all cotaniunica- two 'between heaven and eatth le cut off, let us know it. If all the Chris - thus ptayere that ate going tip 't(t• tation has eeloulated Oita when we aee ward God, never reach hire, then, -- at red we cot:Unmet ow dune inches Or say, let silence smite--the-lipit-of-1110_ • afflicted world, and tlie nations sinoth- "alr a minute. If We- walk ut-the rate er their groans and die quietly, God of one Mite an hour, we tole 800, two does anewer prayer. The text Wows miles, 1,000, three miles 1,600, four it. , c'Eou say, "1 don't believe the milee, 2,800. if we etart out and tun giblet; r think that those thinge were aix miles tin hour we mamma 000 merely coincidences which are often cuble bushes of air during every min. broUght answets to ptayets." Do ute of the time. . ybu (lay that'? .Was it mere happeae- so that Elijah prayed foirain just as the rain wait going, to, come enyhowf ottxtrotrs corzton0g. Did Daniel pray in the Wild Waite' den juitt at the time when all the nous us. London man who always takes a happened' to have the ioelkimv I rim tiger when invited out to dinner, 'Jetsun pray at the grave of Latarim though he dons not awoke, has now a jug at the time When LaearitS WA, ueotion of bait a centuty,,s *wow*, going to eitese himself end eetne, Mit c° anillOwt Dia aettilit 1040 hill place Tilationse tiaoh cigar Wrentnel up and 'hie sermon, end make a misteke w_hen labeled with the date and occeeion on Ile Saki. "Ask, and it shall be given which it was taken. blood,. and Signed.by the hand WOUNDED ON THE CROSS, It is not safe for you to give a blank check with yoor ranee to it . You do not know what might be written above.. But here is ' a blank cluck which God says I can give to' you! it is signed by the handwriting of the Lord Yesus Christ, and you can fill it uP *itb anything you want to. "Ask, and it shell be given you; seek, and ye shall find." r nee say that your pletyer will be answered in juilt the way you execipt, but r do say it will be aftswered in the beat' way. Oh! will, Yell° thtei:teuhbieljeld,his the "..t.°°72° °f I am glad the Christian world halt been challenged. r think it will evoke ten thousand experiertoee that other- wise would not havo been told, If , X should ask the men and women In this aedience who have found. God a PrAyer-answering God to riee up, you would nearly all 'rise up. In time of darkness and trouble, es in ,tifae light arid prosperity, he answered you. commehd you te that Ceod whet:a Your parents dedicated you in infatey. They believed so much io Prayer, that last word was a sunplieation for you.. heatd.you in, days ttf prosper- ity, he will not reject your last peti- very name a symbol of Christ, the tion, when, In'the earkened room, after One Sent from God. "Go to Siloam" ft% Itrziovuer bwroipwe.d, the dew of death Means "Go to the Sent of God." Went and the vitholie group his way. Jesus ehose lie man rightly; of lotted ones have kiseed you good-bye, for lie saw that he was 'courageous, you have only strength enough left to obedient, prompt, end indePendent of oral, "Lord Jesus, reoeive my epiriel" PthurbOluleghOsintiaio.eti jaali.otta6dgotobae excahme0trers thiti Man's conduct. Washed. What a numeent that Was, as he groped his telIt Wit CONSUME: way down the steps to the pool, pressed 'A man with a penchent for °dome. the cool Water to hid face, and felt the flash of light I 7. More Wonderful is transformation from sPirittlal darknesa to light, from sin to salvo.- . 8, Tim neighbore. This mad had be: COMe A familiar figUre, and these who, had Steen him other (Jaye were prompt „to observe the wonderful ellen& that had dime acme him. 8. The t evidence tif a true conversion i that it attrade ate tootle°. from thotte *he knew the eln- fter beforehand. Had seen film that he was blind. Iteviiied Vereion, "that he was a beggae." Evidently the' man Was now a beggar ne Imager, but was at work earning his living. 0, Thus salvation often tun* men betel idle - nese te bacillary, froth need to self - +support., . tre is like him. His eyeeight hands., Perhaps, though not certainly, there was a apiritual emblem in this instrementality. ' eook Common clay and taitistened it with his own saliva, showing that the most ordinary instrumantality beeomes mighty. whim teuched by divine power. • Anointed, his eyes.. Upon eaoh eye he placed a blotch Of mud from the street. . 7. Go, wash. See the blind, beggar, daft in hand, feeling his way' across the eity towtard the pool, leering two paeohes of street Mud on his face! That was his omits; compelling a cenfession of Christ and a surrender to his will. One meeta him end Hays, "Blind Man, perhaps you don't know there is dirt on your fate. Let me Wipe it away." "No," he an- swers. "The Master put it there. eI ata obeying his ordera." That watt "the altar" to which this Man went forward in the. revival, humbling his pride of tielf: The pool of Siloam. A reservoir hewn out of the took in the valley of Gihort, south of the temple. It is still to be seen, one of the few certain identifications of Bible locali- ties, neat Jerusalem. By interrpreta- Lion, Seat. The word "Siloam" means "sending," or "sent." John hints at' the thought that the pool was by its intti letetke end ye shall find; kilo*, , , , and is *hall be opettext unto your!, ---...,--,. -.............0.00 ..1,.. hei HE a e 0 !And, lost *onto ware eo istupid they r, 4 VtUtIVUn Ilit,JX0a440Th WW1. - ['Mild be t Genie Man. n eed, he 'Tor every one that asketh, retileivemi Mild net tintlerstend it, lie goes e.pt. -, Tii6 Bui.memrhave it euteetts teeere„ i was toot ,t,htiotet,, mAs amen, blot "a new ed." hilte that knookeths it Ail be oloeil- lieviitg, that coins with seeketht findethi nntl. • 61 witehridehhltiteeveitlalelrettYds-Prondtehteilit,hbeee" ':.:1141 III:* at"Ila i a till i' lleshl:416fIllrerbl woe hssrds oh, , am° he. Whether others knew it r end die Met Walt e tattle and be that 1 on eatu% hetuakunertththaangtotta. li. nth, e 6 0 0 4 al is ' them are not 'eo rooky, „ .• , But Merle One Weide iti saying. "I limbo motley.. ) . ma molt 6 ilbellge lel kis limn:deli. ante and bearing .that it was not *trim e that a b *alert fro*" coat, buttoned over white troileers, end en hie head a lino - lead arrant/tie:tent, sontething between Peueelan grenadier and a fly paper man, lie le ehooked at our denial of representative inetitutions to India, conceiving that if they were granted he would be e representative, aud for- getting that the fluseulmarte would eteaightWaY Push hini into the Sear entl take hie rupees unto thenleelees. For the Paters rupees are very many. Sir Jameht4- jighlioy, the richest, la worth about, five millione sterlittg. There are many °there. So greenly flourieh the Parsis that they have near-, ly fined ali the eligible sites on the Itidge, the best part of lionabaY. and ectnt there will be no phice for IN MERRY OLD ENOLAN1 'NOTES IfX MAIL OF THE DOINGS OP* 'TOE EliGLISli PE0110E. !Record of the Xvente 10410101% Wilsey* lite Lana er Me Rose-lintercittes 00, eartences. Six bicycles haye been ordered for the Leede The imperts of Auetralian wheel Into the United Kingdom, for the year 1898 amounted to 710,803 gallonfe The Norwich Eleetrietty compauy Nelda to make the electrie tight the the Briton. While the rioh Parsi lives In eta airy bugalow, English ladiea have to hire 'Iatiti and LIVE THEREON IN TENTS. It moist be said that if - the Para knows hew to get, he also knows how to give. Every Parte educational in. etithtion or charity, for mep or wom- en, is endowed beypnd thce dreams. of London hospitals. One cotton spinner is said to. have given 480,000 to the University of' Bombay ; many othera are hardly less Munificent. To them, to the Bagdad -Jewish liassoons and-. last, but after all essential to the erospertty of the others -the British governraent, Bombay ewes the state, ly public buildings, the epacious open Riedel that give her the grand air about almost eieery oity of the wed. For Hotel:ay ts indeed. a queen am., ong cities. Drive down been the Ridge by the whiee, flooding moonlight, be- netith succulent green leaves as. huge ane, flowers as languorously gorgeous as any fairy tales ; beneath hundred- fingefed fronda of palm and ,wax -fol- iaged banyans that feel for earth With roots hanging from their branches; Past tali broacl-shohldered architecture rising above these, western in its. dee sign, enitern in the profusion_ of its embellishment ; looking alvvays out to the blue-eeiled bay, with the golden flililtotreecesmiteokheerlitte TniluemlibtehrilAess-ebf atIheee of cetton, the' hives of coolies, the pantutg .steamers in the harbour, the grim -eyed batteries, load the white warships. Bombay is a beautitul queen in ailver armour and a girdle of gold, . - NEXICdS QUEEREST GITY. • • atOrce• So Sawed Because 11 was the „Stronghold of Fourteen Bobber& Eight miles due east over the moun- tains from Catoree Station; on the Mee-. Jean Nationai Hailroad, is the city of that name, a, city eking whose steeps winding , streets neither Wagon . nee. cart, imither stage nor ,itus, ner ane other wheeled vehicle was ever,known to past), elthough it has often heeded of a Population 01 40;000 souls. 1. . The . 'city. takes its name from .ence being ehe stronghold aed the proper- ty •Of e bend of fourteen of 'the most daring desperate dangerous and suc- cessful rohbers that ever loid tribute on roads Of Mexico. They diecovered, and for Many years; worked the rich deposits of sileee „that abound in this entire section of the country -deposits,• . the value of which, if curreet tenorts be true foe hUndrecia oi trowel Mite rivalied the raythical riches related of light of the people through the popu- Ize. penny -hi -the -slot meter The Tramways Committee of the Liverpool Corporation are going end-, getically io work with a view' of ex- tending the £74tOfe eleetfle tram- cara-throughout • the city. • . - ' jhuuTstnhciebveecttociroon of a new Infirmary alld ratlapeietWeda.kefiTehlde Ubuttaltga: which have cost abou.e 40,000. wiu accemmodate 150 patients. . The Shelborne tecidety CroYdou taking •active step ' -to prevent the wooded hill known ea Creltem Hurst front falling into the bands,of the builders with which it is now theettteete e . • • A heated controveise is just now , raging over the habit which has mem up lately among membere of the coni- mthietitie.ebeusolenteahei. City of London Corpor- ation of smoking while' traneacting • The Eishop of Bath and Wella has - spoken out plainly agabast 'the. "con- -etientieua•ohjeotor" to vaccination. It is not conscience, he said, but ignor- ance, whieh is at the root of the op- position: .Surgeoe-General J.A. Woolfryes, D., 0. B., 11 M. G.. is about to be ap- pointed Elohorary Physician to the. P3orner.,m, ititioAgne.roban:Itebnee6nralg tehnel E. Gladstone, on the house in Rodney. Historic Seeiety Laricashtie Cheshire for the erectiore of tablet street,. Liverpool, in whieh lie was. to the memory of the Ilight Hon. W. ltgyeure5ede2ny.tehSaeurrs anigo.y eclioal Service near- e A working man wild complaieed to Me. D'Eyncogre at North London that: hie Wife drank to excess, negleeted herself cued her ehildten, and made his .. ' life unbeerable was • told that' the ' . pew Inebriates' Act dienot touch pito.; pie who got driink ooly en their ewn hoesee. .• ' : . • In aceordance .with Hotne Office in-'. . eta -tuitions, . the cells used for refract - L ajesty'e prisons. .e.: ' . oey.prieoners, and Called "puriiihneent . ells;". baee now been: abolighed in her . .*In `the Westininster ' County, .. Co'urt en Vedneeday a cede was heard upon as .. judgment aummens en which!. the de- - fendaht, Thofnas Wintie, .did ewe • at -e" -tend...the. emit, but sot a pertain. of •• the, money wieh e leteer, which his ttileetironeatirc?' :LtriteoYllotntti;1:1-''T fa not able to remit the whelp amount!? as I have te get married rather hur- • rieT(thleY.'imber. of women enaployed in the Engtish post office at the pre- sent time is oeer 30,000, or about onee - fifth of the whole Of thee -Veit itriny , of Workers in- that huge deparement- , justice Wills -attended Hentingdone Assizes, on a Monday and was "not re- leased from elis• duties until 9 ceche* at night oeeTuesday, and.' he accom- plished the unusual task 'of wztlking ' froni that towe te Cambridge -a dia- : tame of about 16 Iniles. His Lotdshite whe is 71 years of ege, was set:newt:tab fatigued. . • : The Rev.. Williana Hesse cif Cowcade ' dem Free Cluireh, • Glasgove, has jost made the remarkable statement' that doting ethe list 25 years he has per- formed. the marriage ceremony for no • couple Who: had not previctusly 'under- taken to have no alcoholic liquors et ' the subsequent festivities. 'It is still more surprising that only 'tn, five . or six cases out of about a thonsaed have the bride iind. bridegroom refuee • • ed to . agree to Mr: ItObte conditions A: liale-sfarved rat found its way into one he the bedrooms at .aXinge- . • • toe hotel recently,. ane atacked e Young Man named Smith, who had just retired to rest. Mr. Smith was awaken- ed by 4 iteratehing at his face, en upon moving his arta was attic ed by a savage rue, -Which made its teeth meet .in his noSe. Kr; Smith, fetched ' hie dog, which soon despetched the roeent. A raedieal man is attending Mr. Smith for theWoutids in, his face. Ophir. Strange to relaee, every "piece of. machinery, every pbund of freight and every passenger to and froze Ca- torce is transported te-day, ad for eene .tiiries past; either oh•the hicks Omen or mate -Catorce le one of the, meat lettered- ing places in Mexico.' Here are found the custcims oe Mexico in their purity, siulaffectee by the influence of thO etralfger. Difficult of access, the town can 'be reached only by horseback ot on foot. Catorce has seldom been .vis- itedeby any except those making busi-. ness trips. The ride' up the Mountains into the town is something, once ac.. Complished, always to be remembered, partly 'from its element of personal peril, but more 'because of the beaute of the landscape encountered et every turn. Glancing. down, as you near your journey's end, you catch a gleam of the white walls of Los Catoree outlined against the green of the mou.ntain side. ThousandS of feet below shimmer the waters of a mountain stream. The shifting coloring of the mountains as light and. abide chaae each other' over their rugged expanse, the bromens and greens of the valley below, and the hills in the hazy dietance are " beau- tiful exceedingly." eThe Rea,. de Catorce is built on the side of a ravine near• the top of the range and has a varying population ot from 8,000 to •46,000, as the mites are paying web. or poorly. Here are found all varieties of silver ore from carbone ates•to refracteee ore, assayieg $15,000 to the ton. Catorce has a fine cathe- dral, richly -decorated, and a pretty plaza, the only level spot in the place. To -use a railroad Aimee, it is a com- bination of cut end fill, so that to tumble into' it on ono side end out the other would be' extremely disaa- teous. The streets ere neatly paved, and run up and down. hill, many of them at an angle of forty-five degrees. Altogether this is one of the show places ot Mexico. . - 1 .trW. or THE EAST' leavee other People to make COMMo. ditiite while he makes money. tanking, ts(ten0Y. eotalniesion, brekeragee dleroalt'a profits, are the Parsi's Gol- conda. Ile has perceived the advan- tages wherewith a Edropean 'education equips hind for these purimits .and he hae eednIonely edueated hitneeif into the moat European of all Asiaetice. When the young Pare' speake of go- ing hone, be bleatte ilet Perel-where Int would hardly be received with *en. Yon NM See it in drese of two generations, The elderly Patel wears eltirt 'outeide hie cork% UMW*, and Ote lila heed Weird toneolour strueture like s. Mentes** of &hat tIket you eati put on either way up. The young read, Netteale, ell etitee AERIAL BOMBARDMENTS. Astronomical- Facts irittelt the Lerman Con landerotand and EajaY. The regiens of space betrond our Plan- et are filled With flying fragments, Some ineet the earth in its -onward: rush ;. othere, having attained, Mean- ceivable velooity, overtake and crash into the whirling sphere with loud ees tonetioe and ominotis glare, finding destroction in ite molebular armor, or perhaps ricocheting from it again into the unknown. Some come singly, vag- tent ffagments from the infinity of space; others fall fa shovvers like gold- en rain; all constituting a bombard- ment appalling in its magnitude, It has been estimated that evere twenty-four hours the earth or its atmosphere itf struck by four hundred Million of Mis- siles of Iron or stone, rateeing from an ounee up to to ht: Every month th e rushes upon the glebe at lea ivy. billion iron and stonelragment which with fur.. riceomparionent, c ash into the tire eumentbient atemaphere. Owhig to the resiatanite offered by the air, few of these solid ehote shekel the earth. Thar move out of vete with a possible reef- oeity of thirty or linty' Miles per ate- - mid, and, like teethe, plunge into the revolving globe, lured to their de- struction by its fatal attraction. The moment they enter our atmosphere ther Ignite; the air, it plied up and oompteseed ahead. of them with Mew- eelvable force, the remiltatit ftiction Preditteing an imMediate tiee in tem- peretute, and the shooting star the Meteor of popular parlanee, is the tee etilti - . MS *QIIALIE/OATIONS. Our nett rector, it i% 10VeIte Man. :Vest Yea; he can telk golf better than re, ligion. RWizititilie groom mimed Janice Oar - ter, forty yeers of age, died in North.; arapton infirittary, having lived for a fortnight with a btoken neek. On the Iast atty of the year Carter, who wait, employed by Mr. Manfield, at his shooting -box et Horton, had driven four inen in a trap to the bowie, When they alighted, )tliti jerking pf the trap threw parter;. from his seat, Lead lie fell heaiily to the' ground, his head striking the pavement. He was at once taken to Northampton infirmary.. At the inquest a verdict of "Accidene- al death" was returned. An exciting experience has fallen tie the lot of Lanee Corporal White and - Sapper Taylor,' who hove been • en- gaged' on the ordnance oe Cumberland Lake distriet. Hiving to verify the plans Of the boundary between Cunt- berlind and Westmoreland, they as... cended Helvellyn from Withburn, and about midway were caught in, a blind- ing snowstorm, They could riot see - tee yards iniront„ and their diffieul- ties were inbreased by the slippery cenditton of the .path, whieh was tor- ered by several inehee of frozen, snow. The wiad threatened to carry them away. They, however, struggled to a 'height of 2,850 feet and completed their work. They were on the tomtit- tain for faux hours. . Through having left them great mato behind, that they might travel better,. they siiffer- ' ed severely from the intones told -Aft-, et deecent; oven more perilous then the ascent, they reaohed: the NitgPoi, Beadoniuth exhausted. and thank y We a reet. Ltif. EQuAti TO THE .podPnoiitOZ The ependthrift at college wrote the following letter to the old Man; rather -If you don't nand Me $100 Within a week from this date then enlist in the ariny.• TO Whittle the old Man replied, brief. Iy, as followet ,Son--Nothin" is nobler than to fight IMt ter 11,6 yeitie. - for oneet countt G MEE, INFORSIATION. Tommy -Paw, what IA a Joint ettaltel Mr. Eigg--The kind a matt gate from reotenting Joint*, reckon. 1 0