HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-03-09, Page 1IMMO AFAR IN ADVANCE. tiVVERENDBNI' IX 44ED raiNE11-1VIOUTR44.4LV Novatzfo. CLINTON. HURON COUNTY ONT., THURSDAY, 1VIA.RCH 9, L899.. , W. J. IMITCHIEL1-0 Editor and Prop WHOLE NO 1,056 Clinton With Its Central Position gild. Good Railway Facilities is the Proper Place for .the Huron Battalion Arnioiry. The,, Government Cannot Without Doing An Injustice Build ft in Any Other Town Duke �t Cambridge Blend of the finest) Highland. Malt . Whisity,15 yearsold. J. Brown& CO,. , London and Glasgew. For sale at • THE CLINON' LIQUOR.STORE Lack, Me '01 ,I011 scar. 41C 41.••••••• ,a/aiefaakaga.0(0,teeffeeele4a4 8 , • With thewarm Spring days will come the demand for Wall Paper, mirinow SHAD S creRTAxx POlaxs aiourPoriftry. Mr. A. S. Grigg a few; dare, ago sent, 1 two of his Red Paie gain° 'Oils] to a ) -fancier in Elaricockaa114., who writes ) that he is 14;y innah pleased with them. Mr. Bari* OVTorontai, judge f 1 atthe recent Poidtry Show in Clinton, has also writtenin regard to a pur. ehasea-a-Mr. Lack Kennedy has add - Jr2, three lines of our business • whicb receive special prorni- F „pnonce. Unsolicited words of raise and superiority have ) already been passed upon our '11 samples, and we feel assured . 4 our efforts to get together the finest collection of Papers g shown an Western ail -aerie is a.,av going to i)e fully a,ppreeiated. Call on us and see what we a, have. Out Wall Paper De- 0. partment is large; weenie- dioos and well lighted, 'and - our facilities for showing the a paper are the best that can abe haa,.TWo sets of sam- • pies this year, so that you Q can look at thein either. down • stairs. or up. _ ;4 ARE P.sipare 'Examat4,0,4 Mr.6(n are working for us. For 2. the next tea days we will offerf 7 . • a line of Quart Jngs at:15 cents that are well Worth 25. cents. We bougla alarge quantity of them at a priee that enabiA us to sell for 15 cents the bestJug that has ever ,been -offeied for that money; they. can be seen in our north WinclOw. . , • Have you tried ur Happy Home Soap, if not get a %liar; ter's worth the next time you are out of goal; and .try .it. Just think 8 .Scent bars for 25 cents. UP-TO-D.ATEa CASA GROCERY. OGLE COOPER & CO. Clinton Cash paicl foe -Butter and Eggs and pried -Apples. Phone 23. ---Wfirckw Spectacks If we had Mir choice between giv- ing up everything we have in this world and losing our eyesight, rm sure we'd give up everything else and keep our eyes. Trouble is we never think about these things until we're brought face to face with them. We all know people who ere foolish enough to buy 'Window Glass' from peddlers and so called spectacle mon, becausethey think it's economy, not knowing that • ger until it is too late. There is just as raneh.difference in spectacle lenses 48 ' • they are doing their eyes a great dam. thoegniisgIrrretIgnitcgnratss8 adnith that cnn th t t t 11 W nothing but the best'''and%guarantee' idt satisfaction. ' ' () Go ' S. Store •()TINTON. oseela.assEssosiaso:941aelseass 0 o THE TWO A.J'S. To see the latest,. in Hats inspect A. J. Morrish's stock. Don't buy till you do so. .An inepeetiOn • convinee you not only that he has what you want but that his prices suit the times and the gOod-quality of the Veda he sells. His Ties, Collars, Cuffs, 'Shirts, -eti, aro also supe. rior goods at taking prices, X. 9 •CLINTON. • ES JAL ti • Our Suits are made to Wear and wear well ae well as fib well. An order given. Holloway is al- . ways followed by another. • This. means that he gives,' satis- faction as to fit, quality of. goods and ori Is tibe narne �'f CAMP 3i Mie1Tra SXRGE tone atk e best wearing eiothsWe have theni at $18 a knit, andY ou . may be sure to gettheworthof gi'etre,racvireyseilfl you buy one of HEADY -MADE OVERCOATS, • PANTS AND OVERALtai, • 3/1T, sur OUR SUITS ALWAYS 8111r• mutz-Y la Its take your measure now for a between seasnn Suit, one that you can wear a few' months' before you need a spring suit. Weve a splendid assortment of very neat pat- terns in haported Tweeds and;ean give exceptional 'values, No trouble selling such goods as you find here. rHE BEST/8NONE roo GOOD • Ziplio inANT0N. ed a prize-winning Light Brahma, tcr his •pen,while Mr, Walter, Coats recent- ly got four Wyandotte bens from St. Thomas. The White 13ese Degree. . The following nine members of Shef- field Ledge, S. 0. E, visited the Londes- boro todge on Friday night last and conferred the White Rose degree :- Thoe.-Saelcson, Sr., N. Robson, J. Seen- - -ton, P. PowellaJ, Moore, W, Webb, W. Slomen, Dou.bleclee and S. The ' mentioned six drove but afterwardswished they hadn't, for the - roads were in a bad state,necessitating ati occasional walk. However, their heparable reception and ;treatment at the Other end of the line made amnia! amends kir the unpleasant joUrney. Al- ter the Lodgehadbeen dulyblciied a tas. ty lanch was served and an hour or so spent in, that hearty, jolly manner so -Otaracteristic of Englishmen and members of the S. • _ . a , .• ' • • 41ttle Local;.* • Brea have disposed of their . 'milk business, one write to Mr. Adam Weir and the other to Mr. Soini Who will take possession next Monday.---LaThe officers present rn. charge of the S. A. local corpeatie Captain fleeter of Norwich and Lieu- tenant .Fyfe. -L-A. •special meeting washeld in the • barracks last r Thu.sday and toalight a. Musical pro - grain will be given. • Captain Keeler,' • who 'Wag stationed- here lest . summer bUt more recently has been in charge "or Ian itinerant aggregation; is.now 'in c =mend of the Seaforth :corps.— The W. D. Fair do. and Mr, J.: W. Ir- win •viall • light their • stores • with acetylene and will use the Ashley gen- etator of twenty light capacity. Mr. Aahley,who exnects to make other contracts; is now getting the machines ready for Messrs. Fair and The children 9f Rattenbury Street Me- a thodist Sunday School, ender the dlr. ection of Mr, B.P. Sibley, are prepar- ing a caetata; for Easter, called .."Mary - • of Bethany."—The Prize winners at ' y ow e paid. --111r.- H. C, Barlett, undertaker, herr moved bis .honsehold effects to Galt, where he will go into busineris. . -n--Mrs. Jefferson, Who hat carried on. the millinery business here for about IC year, has returned to Goderich to as., • eist in her sister's establishment ther,e.; Clrossley and Hunterathe eaangel- lets,: have been laboring in St. John's, Newfoundland:for the past month, —Wood is a scarce article these days. Dry sells fee from $215 to .$2.50 and green for $1.75 to- $1.85.—Rev. B. Clemenb will speak from the text •"Christian Motives" next Sunder moanieg.—Three rinks of curlers played in,Seaforth on Tuesday but did not meet with suecessa The-'01inton players were :-Rink i --H. B. Combo, H., W. Cook, D, A. Forrester, W. Saekstm, skip; rink 2 -Sohn Bell, Sart Pair, Dr. Agneiv, 0. D. MoTaggart, skip ; rink $-3, IL Hoover. A.. Porter... 0. Miller, W. Spaulding, skipa-- The orizinal Nashville Students from Fisk T.Iniversitv will give an entertain- ment, in the town hall next Monday evening. The company numbers fifteen and comes well reaommended. Achnisa• sion, 15,25 an d 85 cents. -a --Mr. S paulda leer rink leads. in the trophy competi- tion. ---Mea S. S. Cooper bad eleven teams drawing brick from Egniond-. ville to Varna, yesterday.—Mrs. W. Fleuty has been very ill tins week, seriously so on Tuesaity but we' are pleased to hear, is now inuch better. -Mrs. Thomas, aunt of Me. Onslow ()rich, has also been upon the Sick list. • —Mr. W. J.CooPer, caretaker of the Public school, who met alith an aeci- dent a couple of weeks ago witch laid him up, 'returned to duty on Monday. —Mr; John Ernmerton's baby boy's life was despaired of yesterday.— Mr. E. Hovey presided at ;he organ in St Paul's Ohurch last Sunday. —Mal. W. Murphy has been quite poorly for the past feet days, but is now improv.. ing.-a-The regular monthly meeting of the Excelsior IV/lesion band of Willis clay evening. illis chureh beta the recent POW& Show hay .been for the the trade We are after. Careful' dressers find it very easy to keep pace with the dress requirements of the day if they': 9tme direct to this store for everything they require in Cloth - mg, Furnishings, Hats and Caps, • Buying for spot cash doubles our purchaSingp at 1'bl' os . lies, We thinZof all classes when, we buy, therefore by the side ,of costly merchandise are the simplest and cheapest, not .eheap in the sense of being of no account but from a standpoint of ' price, Don't forget that when you are in need of anything in church was held Tu The W. P f seWing bee last T voayafternoon . at the residence of re. A.. 1/. Man- tiug,—The topic.. at the. 0..E. of Wit. • Ile thurch...-orr4ftmclay-crotaring was "Th"e Gates of Zion.".and wee taken by Mrs.- Jits, Scott. -Mr. and Mrs. Hor- ace Poster -will entertain the ehOir of ltattenbury street Methodist chureh at their home to-night.—Mr. George Murray has been appointed taretaker of Willie thureh,—Itelt. 11/r Mill. Give lie 11 Call and We 8aue Yom Money, yard Will take as his text at next Sun. day a:: m's discourse "The Seven f!E totnotisagt AP HATTER, S N literalshad 104. I. ,:inEatOrtrA itocx OLINTON, eties of Asia," having special reference to the church ab Smyrna.--e.The :Grand 'Think will put a Colonist sleep - or on the excursion to Manitoba to • leave Clinton next Tuesday morning. • The ,APPIes Lost. Apple King Cantelon had a consign - Meet of 950 barrels of apples on' the steainer Labrador, which 'was wrecked off the -coast of Ireland •a few days, rig°. • The cargo Was all Wit, but there immwasaneins7nce upon. th.e fruit. which will lessen the Apple King' As loss. • • The organ factoryatt Home held Rattanbury street Methodist church on Tuesday evening was a largely at- tended and Pleasant itaair. The. chair wee occupied by -Pastor Millyard Who. cerdially Welcomed the guests, To the program renclered the following con- triauted ia-Mee. Hoover, Mrs. Chown, „Miss Ida Haria,nd, Miss out:114;0 1am, Miss Goodwin and Master. Seale, Death of Mrs. Thomas Masotti ' Mrs. Thomas Mason died on Tuesday after an illness of about a fortnight. About four, years ago Mrs. Mason met with an ac- eident from•which ehe •never fully re- covered, She , was highly respected and esteemed by a large .• circle of friends and acquaintarices and. sincere sympathy is extended the bereaved husband and two ehildren, one a, girl .�f about seventeen• and. the otherat lad, of VC, years. The funeral wili take place this afternoon. • Net Yet. •. ' - ' : A coup% Of our esteemed exchanges bravo . stated "on •the most reliable authority" that Mr. M. Y. MeLean of th Seaferth, Eipositer has already re.: a that 1 • ' y g e . 1 ceived the appointment of registrar The annonneernent was prematureafor we have l'On the en tiSt. reliable author- : . ay?' also that no appointment' hair yet been made. While riot seeking in the least to belittle Me. McLean's plainis.to recognition, yet Air. :vv. coats is West Huron's favorite for the position, Of course Clintim. will. not like, to hays him take up his residence ' in another •town, but registrarships . are - nob tor disposal every year. checker araiee. - " The Hrucefield checker -chainpions journeyed to . Clinton On , Thurs- day ... evening last and •weee defeated by 14 • games, as the following -score shows: . The'. players from the south . did mat show up to their usual form, owing 'nr) doubt' to lack of practice, but the Clinton ers seemed to he at their best. Special mention feint he 'made of alimunie Cook, who quitenften "beats' 'eni but the way he took the veteran Mc- Dougall into camp was especially good, After the game was over •the: visitors were invited •into •Witts' regtaurant, where oysters, etc., were served in the 13esb possible style. Clinton. Brucefield. ,a• . • .• won. ' won,.drawn. Hoover, ... 4 Snider.... 2 0 Bruce . , 8 Grant., 0- 8 Cook (Jimmy) 5 McDougall 0 •1 JAoghnneswon . ... 3 M'Diarmid 2 1 4 Delgatty.. 1 -1 • a Total 19 Death et Mrs Hat*. • • Miss A. Hartt, who has • been for many Years a resident of Clinton, died on Friday last, She was a native of the city of Frederickton, N.B.,her par- ents moving to Clinton In 1854 when she was two years dirge. Mr.Hartb was an attorney and pradtisedahis profes- Bien in this town until his death a few years ago. Miss Hartt was a devoted Christian and of a kind and minable disposition whicb endeared her to all with whom she was acquainted. She WAS a member of the sect known as the Plymouth Brethren one' of whom, a Mr. Booth, conducted the last sad rites, The funeral took' plater to Olin. ten cemetery on Sunday afternoon, when the furious snow storm prevent. ed Many, who would have otherwise paid this last, tribute to the re- mains, from attending. The surviving members of the 'family are six broth. ;erg :-Prahir Chicago, William In St, Louie, Edvaln in Ooltrtiabut, Ohio, enry of Medina, New 'York. Allan of Toronto. and • Ludlow of Holstein. The four last mentioned were home for - the funeral, . . Eetarave. was Bela Allison left ori Monday for London to fill a•' situation, -,-Mr. and Alm Hugh McLean celebrated their. crystal wedding on Monday even. ing.—Mrs, Arthur Brooke is visiting her fathee„ Mr. P. Anderson, in East Wawanoih this week.--Thechutieliee • were almost deserted on Sabbath and n gerviceil at the outiside stations. Master Carl He% is visiting his grandmother,. Mrs. Tufts, at present. The Presbyterians intend holding a teaalleeting on the 14th• inst. and the proceecle will go to the building fund, The Westfield choir will furnieh, the music. for the occasion.— Mr. John Voultes' sale last Thursday mut agrand suedess. Hie sheep averaged Over AtIO per bead. -41r., E. Garton and wife of HoIetein are visiting Mende •here at present. • Goderiola Township. I The Veterans of Huron Me. W.. H. Elliott' will have an auc- . • • -• lay before the council, or rather to • tion sale of his farm stock and imple- ments on the 21st anat. All will be sold without reserve. • The Scarlet Chapter will be opened in the Orange Hall, No. 189, on Tues.; day, Mamba-1th, at'7 o'cloek•p. in. All Onua pan to ns of the District .are, cord lel- ly invited to be present. noticed in your last paper that yqur Port Albertcorrespondent Estate& ar case of two bartenders who acted.. as scrutineers for Mr. Hold:tee the so - milled prohibition candidate in the last bye -election, but we can beat that in this township. We have a man who no later than last fell wrote two or three anti-Proldbitionletters and had them published in Mr. Hotlines''. paper, and during the last parnpaign he not only, Worked for Mr. Holmes but had con:mate° meetings in his hot*. : I • suppose it is like all Grit partisans, the lamb. and the lion may lie down to- • gether and Laurier can lead them all. 11ar. Peter Cook, Jr, fornaer resi- dent of this -township whohas been in Manitoba and Dakota for the past •eight years; has been visiting his uncle, Mr. J. 0. Elhottand other friends. • As a member of the Holinesville Methodist church remarked on Mon- , clay :-"Save us from the lode' preacher who winks at sin a.nd on the sly' pets sinners on the back." Poesibly this wararin allusion to the"good" politician who was so friendly with the ,"gang" Which worked in the late election.- - Mr. Willacaintelon of Indian Head, who is quite 11,11 athlete; won a gold brooch and a gold headed Cane at a; recent curling: tournament in that place. .The cane will be "quite haridy, but- witat will Will do" 'with the 'breech? • . . Mitre E. Taylor', of Blyth has been. vieitingat Mr. J. Miadlaton'e, 9th con, cession, for a couple of weeks.• - 'We are glad to announce that Mr, George Hurnettof the 7th concesaions. who has been very dl for some time, is again recovering. , • •• • Miss J. RathWell; Hayfield line, is away on a prolonged 'visit to Grey Counta, - On Frida:y &treeing lasti'Mr. J. Rath - *ell, Hayfield line, gave a, grana sup- per to these who had assisted him in drawing stone for, his foundation'. •V"virich hepurposes erecting this spring. A most enjoyable evening was spent and all returned borne feeling that they had been amply repaid far their services. • • Mrs. Vit'illiam Turner, near the Bay- field river, has been •seriously ill for some time. She is at present under the carteof De. Atruitreng of Bruce - field. We hope soon to hear of her speedy recovery. ' • Me. Thee. Elliott attended the funeral of his cousin, Miss M. Elliott, eldest daughter of Mr. Sohn Elliott, Duo- gannon, last week. -An enjoyable evening Was spent at. • the residence of Mr. Wes. Hearn Wed- nesday evening last It was attended • by sorne•from Hayfield, Stanley town- ship and the sarrounding part of Gode- xich township. The earlier Part of the evening was spent in games and .aniusernents until the music ov'ercatrie the "pedes," and the light fantastic was then tripped until "Sol" began to tell them that the night was far spent and that the time -.for parting had c°Mtnee..Thos. H. Cole, who was on the • • sick list, was improving when he hada set -back. We are pleased. to hear that he is n'on? nOnvnieSeing. The name of Mrs. John Sheppard of the Hayfield fine mud also be added to the list of these who are not enjoying good health at present. • Mrs. Robt McCullough of Chicago is visiting the parental home. Lot -30 on the Hayfield concession is owned by Iltr. Thomas Bericoni of Clin- ton, not hyMta ThosaElliott, as was er. roneously stated last week. BUM Sohn Habkirk returned to Work at S. T. Jacksons on Wednesdaylast Miss Sean Dee of Winghain visited friends in town this week; Mr, Ed, Moser made a flying visit to Goderich and Clinton on Monday. Mr. S. Gidley is on the sick list this/week. „ Bev; W. 'Bigsby hOlding revival services in -the Methodirit Church at present. •Will Get Their Medals . • The Presentation WiltaTake Place in Clinton on May 2.44h. ' A Toronto Regiment May Be Another Attrac- tion, ' • • In aahair-splitting discuesion in the towncouncil Moriday night, as to whether Night -Watchman Herman ire really A night-watchman or not, Mayor Shaw remarked : "it is. some- • timesaanot hest to know whether you are eight or wrong." • 'The expres- sion had application. Captaiii McTaggart, representing a eitizens' committee, asked the council for a $209 guarantee fund Or the May 24th celebration. 1897 a grant of $100 was given, but not availed of, the demonstration Droving a financial sue- . cess. Last year the council gave a $100 aguarantee, °but. •neither was it drawn neen, •for the same reasona •That the guarantee asked for is doUblect this year arises from the fact that the com. reittee intend the corning demonstra- tion tO be on a. larger and More peasiye.scale than , any heretofore at- tempted. •Captain McTaggart stated that an effortwould been3aae to 'secure the Kiltiee, the 48th Highlandeta of Toronto. This of,course would,' be a costly undertaking, and was • his reason for _asking: that the: gnarantee beeincreated; but, at the sercie 'time, he had no doubt, If the . usual suc- cess attended their efforts, that the cele- bration. Would, as naiad, more than pay its wayavithoat using the guar- antee, Last 24th the expenditure waP. over $900, but the committee has handsome balance in the bank• . 'Mayor Shaw was heartily in favor of granting the request, and"as an Addi- tional reason statedthat the Veterans of Huron, the cad men who responded to the pall of duty when danger threat- ened the douritry in 110; would receive their meanie in Clinton, and on May 24th: This presentation and the pres- ence of the 48th Highlanders • Would naake it the higgest.day in the histo ey Of Clinton. • The guarantee would, have been given there and then Were it not!, for n resolution adopted by the coencil • at a recent meeting that no expen diture over tvirentaafive dollars cae be incurred without a month's notice. . There will not likely be any objection at the next meeting. The report of thestreetcommittee, Councillor Plummer chairman, advis- ed the purchase of lumber and sewer • pipe and that the ' Clerk correspond with the manufecturers of stone erash. ers to ascertain the cost of one. •Mr. Pluanner is-haedly in favor of the pur- chase of a crusherawhich will cost sever. al handred clollars, just yet •At any vete he thinks thein should first be sorrie expression of public.' opinion be- fore taking any action. ' Mr. TOhnsori is in favor of buying a crasher, forthwith, :being ,of the opiniOn that theinvestment would be it profitable one for the town. The discussibn stopped at. • that, but • with facts and figures at hand some action might be taken at the next meeting. ' • The Misses Grace), of Wingharn ited friends lirtiii-Vinh'IN Week. • Monthly Vale.' Waobeld on Tuesday, - It was -Very fairly attended.. Mr. and Mrs.. Henry :rOtiminitig lkfk: on Tuesday naorning: for Manitoba • where they will make their home. The best wishes of their many friends go with them. - Messrs, Toll, Denheim and Perdue - shipped two earltattli of horeati•te Mani. Obit on 'Tuesday, • • Word wit, received on Monday by Mr.ltugh MeQuarrie that his titioghter, Mary, had died In Toronto on Sunday. The sympathy of' the Whole commun., DI is extended bo.hint in till. ,sad her. eayeirient. A corm -aurae tion was received from Colonel Ilohnes. 'if NO, 1 Military Dis- trict in regard to the ceritral armoury for the 33ad-B5atga1ion. • The 0o1one I wrote that the couticil's offer of a free site would receivehis favorable con, sideration. The Colonel, the P.; geography, and railway facilities, together with a free site, will get 'Ole armoury for Clinton Withotth A doubt. The Mayor has sent Colonel Holmes a NEWS -RECORD map of the county to derhonstrate that the term Hub &well applied. • • - A communieatiodwite also received from Mr. 3-, G. Sardine, a member of the Demituon Board of Commissioners for the Paris Exhibition, which urged the council to take action and help in having the province well represented. It appears that 27,000 feet Of spate has been -allotted the Dominion in addition to that given'it in the nain but the entire•spaee is so utterly inade- quate that, for instance, ea& man*t. fitetnter,of piatiociacid. Organs•will 'only be"nnnwid room for imiteument, that. lit one piano and one organ. " • • ' •baldly inform that aoily,that he hadre- • ceived an offer front another town: of substantial eesistance if he Would esta,b- lish a, branch of his works there. As the Pathers could only guess aCthe'ittipOrt of this message, a committee consisting' of Messrs Shaw, Plummer and .Thigt- son'was,appointed to c'oh-ftir with him • in yegard. to the matter. Stavely coinnaittee wilt.- be the same as last year, with the exception of mr. Gilroy, who is replaced by Aft!. Johnson, and Mr. Holmes by Dr; Shaw. Bnylleld. . • • Our fishermen' have been in decided- •" • ly hard luck this eeascin, not more than _ thirty dozen berring 'having been caught all winter. Other years they • averaged between five and. six hun- dred dozen each. What makes it moze tantalizing that the has gone im to twenty-five cents per dozen from the usual pride • of fifteen cents. The ehort catch does ,not mean . that the herring have abandoned these shores, but is due to the rough ice which has quite often been six feet in depth: aThie does not mean that it has frozen to that depth, .but that it , has been driven inslure and banked - The fishermen eannOt work te advan-. tage on six foot ice so that they have ' been unable :to lay their nets', TO make inatter•ri worse it has .happened .that 'jarring the night the wind shifts the position of the ice and the nets are . ' lob. William Branton his lost two in, this way, John Toms and Seines Mac- donald one each. Down atport Frank, • thirty miles south of thia village; fifty nets sailed away northward. on Sat- nrday :week, the floe being seen as -.passed .. our harbor, .About twenty fishermen make this their -,headquarters but only the; folloW. . Ing half dozen, do 'Wieter-fishieg 1-a James Sturgeon With 10 nets, Charles Dressler 4 nets, Sohn Toms 7, Williare • Branton 12, James Dlacclohald 6, Hugh McLeod 10. . Captain Holey and taiegtenant Craw- ford of Guelph took charge of the Sal- ..eation-Areiy •corpe here, last Friday: -Lieutenant .Gatsky having been trans- ferred to another field of labor., The . -officers who. have commanded here • have been heed workers so. that . the epees is in a prosperous state. • Mr. Alex...Parsons,. who has been ail-: in for .• some years; quietly passed away on the 4th inst Deceased con- traoted long trouble six' years ago, while- lie was employed as engineer ma the French cringer, .Napoleon III., '. • - froze which he only partially recover- ed. This, with ft severe Attack ef . la • grippe, terminated a -.very aiseffil Jae: He leaves a wife ana three small. child- ren to mourn their loss. John Harrison and his son tom aro busily engaged drawing lumber to the dock for St. Joseph Lumber Co. ' a • Mr; Ed. Eagleson left on: Thursday last for North Dakota, . Mr. R. Peck, whohad been aaisiting friends in Clinton, returned hilme on • Thuriday. •• • - Al9X. McLeod spent Friday, ,Sat- • urclay and Sunday under the parental roof. , •, • • . Mr. A. Vanson returned last week from Clinton, where he learned the ' baking with Mr. J,1ing, Come one,1 eorne all, to the supper and bail, on Friday evening of this week. • . , Mr. John B. Eagleson left on Mon- day for Sarnhato spend a few weeks, • and then to return. to Dakota accom- panied by -his wife. Mr. W. Smith and wife returned • from a trip to London last, week. On Tuesday morning last our genial • young friend, Mr: Ambrose Smith, left home for Exeter where he has been ap. pointed junior clerk in the Molson's Hank: -• • •Ilandon.-.Hullett. . Messrs. Carter, Addison, Hughes and • .A.ppleby had wooci-bees last. week and, got theie next winter's Weed but. -- Mr, Ben. Tyermata sold a horse to a McKillop farmer lasb week. and. is on • the lookout, for atother.---Sohn Com. nell has ;hold his &Iva to Withate Fairservice for a good figuie.---While working in the swamp the other day Mr, Sohn Lfttle cut his foot very bad- ly-, lie will be laid up for 60010 time. Miss; Nellie Medci itas. secured 0 school itt Itegina, Vtr, V., and will tpaire for them ih'it'few ,dari; We are ''3%Ist-Yartoa gl°18cid,thoegrentlttliiiiaat•:111331std:bitliel 'Wino Is now *able, to sit •pi.-:-r.titylor (Pipe 14 hired or ihe "ttipAei, with GeorgeSuell.-4---kr. Sohn Winton was down at Brantford teat week as it: represeritativs to the High Conk of O. ,0.141,-,—,Tehn.8plidereoilk has bought a three-year-old colt from Chrietopher • Albert MeGregor is the mondpossessor or it tolineing baby Thomas liatiewood Is Olen wearing the Mite kind of 6 S*1116. Crawford Wt �n -Tne,sdo• for pariphin,,,, Manitoba,' after :spending , three atoriths with friends, Imre. 1./r, Graham wins appOinted Medical '• Health•Offiper, the Oesitien. 'tlie tiresent Mayor.' ' • A COMMitiliOntiOn WM read from Sir. OlWee Mowat, Afikitig a'grant in aid of the Xitehener College in the Soudan, but,the doeumenf.wae ordered to lie Med, thetonne' apparently thinking, that heathens ileareiv home had a prim. 'Oyer Shaw aged that he bad been • requested bit Mr. William Doherty to 0