HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-23, Page 8•., •,*.s°90 -Cs,
Bob Iviaottit
. Bob Holmes.
Bob Profits X .
BOb Means eat shorb;' ago for '
example a ehort tall -bob tail, a Short
ideighe-bob Therefore bob pro.
, roe.ans sixert.PYPets.! and its for thie
"Bob" we invite youi• Vote any best,
Imes day in the year. The place to
cast your vote of approval is at our
;etore and the result will he 'gas much
or greater benefit to pa then the olec-
nt your - tamed nobtical candi-
.1%Tot Only -do we always have
Short profits. "Bob' pronto with,- no
robbery Omit 'them hut there taie
times when .we get ;no profit At.
Sousetitneewe have a loss, it sometimes
pays taiose, the timputation of • a foot
Will sometimes save a leg. A, loss ,ac-
cepted now in Dor chinitieara. loge
though it is:may save •,e, greater. Its
this reasonin got ;thelijest WA that :4044
induced is to oiler someof it to you .at
a price, out of all •Compariscni with the
originah What do you think of a dol.
.lar.eup and; saucer for fifteen cents?
T b vita ou. we are in ' earnest ,in
• the Matter'. 'other pieces whiebAyere 850
•890 and Mc now go.at. 15e. .You will
find some Of them displayed for your
ingipectierr in a box at the door. " • '
Oa the. '
Aile Works.
When Buying Drugs-aydney Jackson, , :..., 5
Tho Cash system-iaokson Bros ......... 8
, February pale--Hodgens Brog•L, •• •••. • • • • • • 8
We Can Suit you -T. Jackson nr.,I, .. ..,... i
The'ThreeBobs-The W., D.14ir Co' ' ' - -, 8
About o o• o
--- People
Mee. J. L. Doherty returned te01
ton on Monday.
Mi. °refs left Tumidity to visit
blonde in Brueedeld.
Uri* EtolBh of Blyth is Waiting nieikers*Pero $leek.
friends in Onnton this week. Mr, W. J. Maine of Elmhurst Stook
Mr. John Cook of Flint. Mich., 'wen Farm recently made a *ale to Mr. Peter
visiting gild friends last week. Robertson of Sbakeepeare of a One
Mrs. Young and Mrs. Sloan of Blyth Shorthorn milt which a stockman has
visitedfrieuds in town on MondaY. described as "etylish and of good sub,
Mies ChalIle Barge, who has been in salt oe awl 'This mune cle.
LW News..
ittiffitt WWII rim? mint TIM!? 11M111It? WM!!! 111.11M VITT
Detroit for some time, has returned scr tion wou d apply to each and all
hoMe. of e thorebredi on the fertile acres.
e,, W. jaelcson left yesterday for , of Imburst.
Montreal, • expecting to be absent a souot a mon • .
.welere'..13ogie and Miss Tot of Goderich me. .Ike. Ratt,enbay has bought "11.
- were guest -0 of CliiitOn - ferendii this ' rouriete.old pacer from Mr. W, W.
week: .. Farrell, paying therefor a Wei price.
Mrs. Gordon ef '.Kitiburn was the The pacer is s• PFotaising one and
guest of her daughter, Mrs. it.-atirdon, coineatrom goOdstook, being sired by
this. week. Sydney and its dam by Texas Tack.
_ Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hatnhiltion Of Mr. Battenbury10 pacer Amnon 31m. =
Port Rope are guests of thole niece; is now at Ansa Craig In a trainer'e
Mrs, O. Olson.
Mr, John Miller of the Rivet Hotel ice racing, but owing to the uncertain ' •
charge. Be leis been gent 'nub" for 1 !"-
.7natipdrlittoetibps.4esuo:Itzrena7cin ()).4mAtercienht weather during.January them Pave •••
. been few such meetings:- A•t•IsTelAT„e .-i-
Acmon Jim won ,first mom' , in l'ur
WecinesdV est. • • • •
rest'of her sister,'.11strs. Pearson, Sea- ' • Wen Huron -Returns. . s.. .
Miss McGuire, who has been spend- d The tollewing returns for Tuesday's
• big spool time at her mother's,. Tetiirn- election are as correct as we have been ‘"."--.
led to 13uffalo on laouglay. % 'able to obtain op' to 'time of going tO I
Rev. Mr, Jeancs of Listowel. has re- press i.- ; . : P; : • . .
.signed thetectership of 0,hrist church •. ..:. , •• • .. 14
reaser of Bardeld.'were in Clinton ftee,for•all•
Mrs, J. P. Tisdall -wail the guest of ; •
Store; 4 I,
. #
girth, on Monday.
-s,nd will spend some tmne ip England.
• Miss Hate McNaughton has return-
ed from it three months' visit with her
• sister; J, E. Johnston Ohatham.
We Know
Mr, George Hinehley was in Toronto
this week. •
' Mr. 0. Hunt of -
MI •; 9
Brd rantfois ho•me
" fidayllor
Winghsim. • •• • .
Nies Birdie Heywood is visiting
Blyth friends. '
Miss Reid of London is visiting old
friends in town. •
Miss Annie Beattie is visiting her
mother in Brussels.
Mr. G. C. Petty 'of- Hensall, was in
twin on Friday last. 4. •
•--Mrs. W. Doherty returned Saturday
from a visit to Claude, .
• Mr. Samuel Beattie, Sr., Of Brussels
wasin town last week. .
' Mr. and Mrs. David Cook, Jr., visit-
ed: Nile friends this. week. •
' Miss Flora Cunningham. is visiting
• her uncle near Ilectfryn.
Miss Grace Shaw of Goderich is the
guest of Mrs. W. J. Fleuty. •
• MissFaulkner of -Goderich .is ,the
guest Of MOS. Harry Wilson. •
Mrs,. (Dr.) Beldon of Seaforth 'visited
relatives in 01intein'on Friday. •
Mrs. (Bev.) McNeil Of Lucknove is the.
guest of Mrs. Roderick lneLeod, •
Miss Attie Platt of London is the
guest of Mrs. Thos. Jackson, Sr.
Mrs. R. McLeod left Tuesday "for a
•. brief,visitto friends in Eneknow.
Mr. Ito Mrs. Jas. Walker of Gode-
richafe guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Walker. • '
Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Dodd of WKS.
lop were gueSte at Mr. W. Cook
this week. - •••••
Mr. R. B. Coultis went to Toronto
this week and is employed in the cold
storage there. • _ • '
Messrs, A. Alerdock and J. Macdon-
ald of Hensel' weee guests at Mr. J. B.
IlOover's Sunday.. • •
Mrs. John. Fowler and. Miss Peters,
of Seaforth were guests of • Clinton
friends on Sunday. ; • '
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Vlralker,Sr., return.
ed. Tuesday frotn a visit to 'their
daughter in St. Jacobs.
Apple King Oaritelon returned from
Toronto on Saturday to take a hand in
the West -Huron election. -
Mr. Will, Rutledge of Farquhar and
Mr. Geo, Rutledge of Belgrave were
yisiting their father -this; week.
„...." Alulock, Postmaster-
' General, was the guest of Mr. D. A.
- Forrester Wednesday of last week..
Mr. W. IL Baker of Seaforth came
up to both Wednesday and Thursday
night's political Meetings of !net week.
Mrs. W. Cole of, Flint, Mich., and
Mrs. °batten of Lansing, Mich.," are
• guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
• S. Cook. •'
Mr. William 'Jackson, 'Mr, John
Ransford and Dr.. Bruce accompanied
'Sir Charles Topper to Goderich Thurs-
• day last.-
Miss Greene of Porker's Hill, has re.
turned front a visit in Port Huron,
•Mich., and,518 the guest of, Mrs. W.
• Mies Maude Rorke, who has been
visiting her'brother, Mr. George Rorke,
for some' time, returnedto her home'
• in •Meaford on Monday.
•Mr. Sas. M. Harks of Jackson Bros.
Staff left yesterday „for a fortnight's
vacation, part of which he will spend
ab his me at Peterboro. •
. filmset; Annie Bowe, Maude Ardrevva
and Maude Cantelon left yesterday
morning to spend some time in the
wholesale millinery workrooms in To-
Mr. Thos. Snowden, President of
• the 13a3rtield'Agripultutal Society, *as
in town on Friday hist. This is his
first year ars head of the Society; but
he haetbe energy and atilt); to make
it a SUCCORS. ' •
• Mr, and Mrs. John Vergneen of An*
burn were • in Olinten last Thursday
and; it being "visiting day" they made
their first vielt at the House of Refuge.
They Were much pleased with the
sprat and span appearance of every-
thing about We institution.'
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Noll were guests
. at Mr. S. Pike's for it few days of last
• week and left on PridaY for a short vis*
• it with friends InPaliterston and other
places befcire returning to their 'home
In Regina, Arms. Mt, Nash Was at
one time a resident and an employee
John Meattireand Norman Kennedy
returned Thursday tight from their
Neer) York trip,' during Which they
saw ttiany Of the most interesting
sights of the great metropolis and on
the whole had a pleasant time thongh
• the eold was too extreme to make
sight-seeing plea:mot,.
The followingdoen Olintonitins„, Who
•Were employed by Apple Xing +Dante.
Ion repacking his fruit in cold storage
at Toronto, returned in time to ii_ster.
else their franchise in favor of Mr. Bob*
ert McLean t -J. B. Oook, Arthur
Cook, fenry Oonk Iothua Cooly T.
Mr. Ed. Eagleson and I1i Peek of'
111; i th bM d d
a ;
8 8
• •1:1:1, X
'Tuesday, guests 'at Mr James iagle. •Ashfield.1.•• ....... , ,.63 81 • .. 28 ,
son's. • - ' . " 2, ... . •...59 108
•,, Misses Bertha, and Minnie Aitken at- •" 3„...,....54 69 - 15 =
tended tlisewedding•of- their wide; Mr.• " • • 4.. „,......00• • 00 • - 20 ib-.......
T. PentOuncl, and Miss ''S; Tasker, ,at " ' 5., .......,00' 00 '• 29
Harlock, yesterday. . , "' • 6... ',i.. 77 •.29, 48
Mr. John. Cron. returned tioni:IGalt " 775. 30. 45
to vote the straight. ticket and went '
II. COO Oook It. Robinson T. -h,4
. •
back again yesterday. He intends go. . ; 000 00Cr 122, 110
lag to Hamilton this week to do a Majority for Holmes, 12.
piece of work for his brother... ......• ` • ocuostamx.
Miss•Penfound Wingham will be Goderich 1
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. .. .. 65 ,
Aitken, for some tirne. :the attended ,. , -
o t " Absolutely s
• 4 „
No More bad debts,liO• TOre book-kaeping, no more advance on goods than.
. .
necessary, We trust the people of,this-section of tile country Will appre-
ciate our efforts to give them. under the Cash system goods at lower prices
. .
' than under the Credit'system.
the marriage of her. brother,- Mr. T. .. • 4 - 85 • 47 18 ;
Penfound, to Miss S. Tasker, at Hat- .. 6 48 49' . 1
lock, on Wedeesday. 6 67 . 69 8
" 7 .,54 33 21 •
•412 870 79 sr
Majority for Hein:sea, 42. •
• _
EastWavvanosh 180 • 42 38
• " • O.• 284 70 14
• •• , 3-'72 38 ' .34
, • " 465 • St 34
• Boderleh.
Prechiely at 11 o'clock Tuesday night
the train mine thundering, in, . •The
night was disagreeably wet; yet the
loyal Reform party, • with breorns in
lien of torches, and the Marine. bend
were awaiting the incoming, train to
givethe new member an (wader". The
late Lieut. -Governor Cameron was not
forgotten for Many a hard. battle he •
tonight. The new. weather has always
had many admirers here, • Goderiqh .
extends the hand of welcome to Clin-
ton tinighWid we trust Mr. Holmes
honor to both parties, . He was.
escorted to the " Temperance Hill,
where addresses were delivered.bysev,
eral,among the number Mr. D. McGill'. •
tuddy, who spoke in his usual •
witty .sityle. • Kr. Halparly enlivened
the proceedings by singing a comic
song .and . giving a • emeic recitation.
Mr. Holmes then. addressed them brief-
ly and thanked them for their support,
Baying that it is possible. be may cones ,
here to teside and ourehass the :Signal :
office. Manager Saunders was chair-
man of the meeting. • Atter the space
of an hour all adjourned to the British J
Exchange where he gave them a fare-
well speech. '
' 301 181 120, •
„ litajority for Holmes, 129. •
• : WEST VirAWANOSH••• •
WeStWiliVEWSh 1. 17 70 13
2..54 65 11
SA . • 64. 28
" . • 4..83 50 33
• It 5..64 313 81
s Goderich Township.
• Mr. . 'Lowery is slowly recovering
frOm a Coniplication of diseases.
Anderson Bros. shipped Car load of
loge on Monday last.
Mr.' Geo. Radii, will ship another Car
Joad•next Thursday.. ' •
Miss Bertie Thompson of Clinton is
at home on the 16th con. complaining
of grippe. • •
Mr. Robt.-Huck lost &valuable mare
last week. • „' • '
Mr. Edward Bothwell is making
preparat' a for raising one • of his
bunt to ore stable morn. .
On Mo day last your correspondent
visited the farm of ,Mr. Robt. Thomp-
son' on the 16thcon. and while there
noticed a fine specimen of stonework
which was built by Mr. Thos. Walker .
of Clinton. We would advise any
who ate conteinplating building to see
• Mr. Walker. • • • •
. We would like to know , what the
weatherlprophets have to say for them-
selves now diming this soft spell. We -
were told by them that the way Feb.
started it usually .remained so, all
through. _
Mr, Samuel Merrill is home from
Brighton where he has been serving it
sentence at apple -packing.
Hide your dog. John Thompson is
on the roan& assessing the township.
• Mr. Whittingharci of the• prairie
province ie renewing supiallltallee8 in
• • • 294 282 84 52
Majority for 'Holmes, .12 '
Colborne 1............00 . 00. 53 12,
' 2. .... . ....37 49 30
Is - • ;4.. , : ,...80 po •
• 91.. 42
Majority. for•Holmes, 49,
Godeiich, Tp. 1. -00 00: 64
' 2.,..00 00. • 35
3....ou 00 85
" 5...,00.00 18
• * 4 194
Majority for McLean, 1,90.
OliEt011.- 1.... 35 3'
" 2 41 24 17
," 8... ;... 52 • 34. 18
• " 4.... . a :37 14 '
" 5' ......, 40 28 12 .
. . 21 • 13
• " . . 40 32: • 8
-315. 212 82
. Majority for Holmes, 73.
' Clinton, niajority for -Holmes, 73
Goderich, majority for Holmes, 42.
Colborne majority for Holmes, 49.
Ashfield, majority for Holmes, 12.
• East Witwanosh, majority for
Holmes, 120. • -
West Wawanosh. • ioajOrity. for
Holmes, 12. •
Goderieh township, majority for Mc-
Lean, 190. .
The net result is it majority for
Holmes of 118. • .
' The following are the returns of the
triangular contest of 1898 :---
Ashfield- •
this vicinity. . Cameron. Silty.' McLean.
• 47 55
MissLen Marshall•went to Torcinto
. . ... .48
• • •55 •
4 78
5 85
this vveek to visit her' sister and may •
remain in the city for some time.
Levis and Wiggington have erected
a windmill for Mr, William Glenn and
made a 'pod job of it. Wiggington
is one of Our township boys and quiM
it mechanical genius,
Mrs. William Wise hag.; returned•
from the Canadian Soo to see his
father who is very ill. .
James Livermore, whd•rhae been in
employ of Mr. J. O. Elliott for the •
past three years, has caught the Mani.
toba fever and will go West in the
spring. Mr. Elliott is sorry to lost
him as he has been. well pleased with
his services,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parsons attend.
ed the wedding. of Miss Laura Han.
cock and Mr. Harve Jackson on Wed-
nesday evening blot, • • •
Mr. Watt. Cunningham intends
having a *mid bee some day this week
aria in the evening it grand hop will be
given. 'When Watt. does anything be
does it well.
There Will be prayer -meeting held at
Mr. ltobt. Beattie's Thursday evening
this week. In connection, the antra -
went of baptiam.will be _administered.
Mr, Alex. and Mise Kate Sheppard
of Nile visited at Mr. David Beacom's
last week.
Mr. Robb. Beattie returned from
visiting his mother and other relatives
near Toronto bust Wednesday. Bo re-
ports a_pleasant visit.
A close call. -One day ,last Week the
house of Mr. Watt. Murphey took iitti
and had burned quite ,..)% piece off the
roof before they noticed it, but after a,
ehort time they had it under control.
Miss S. Nellans, Ivens near Setiforth,
le at present vielting ab Mr. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moos, Sr., enter.
bathed. a number of their friends one
evening recently. All enjoyed them.
selves. immensely.
it is reported that Mr. Jett. Murray
and family are going to leave here
shortly and take up their abode in
Egmondville. if Vail be trod we egret
exceedingly, aii they reek. cif&
Mies Irate Welider IS visit! lust,
Befiryc soat„ r radios *, oar. sister, Mrs. 'Richard rearm (itray
J. ter and IL 000k. toWitsbip this. wonic.
• •
67 '27 •
41 • 47.
10 49
12 22
9 18
7 . • 85 4423
a 27 56
9 . 52 78 23
1953 10 28
11 85 12
12..... ........ 78 7
13....-,,,57 19
14.... .... . .... 54 . 8
" Goderich Townshi
. . 87 19
16 ., • 84 16
17 82 8
18.....: . .... 42' 25 •
.... 81 74
• Goderith 'Town -
44 7
21 • 49 •2
44 . 6
28".0000.04.ast• 46 • 4
.. 41 8
• Wawarmall West-
.. . .. 53 . 48
29 64 . 15,
Wawanosh Rink -
81 ...... 8/ 28
71 18 05-
88........ .. 63--"
52' • 8 • 88-
' '7: • i
will ay for Cas an will ell for Cash
• ,
We. have the largest store and. the largest stock of goods in Western Ontario.
We buy from Manufacturers and our large turn -over enables us to buy in
big quantities at less prices Under our Departmental systeth, and a strictly
Cash business, We trust to be able ;.to...demonstrate bra practical:nianner to
our numerous cuStOMers a big Saying to them in their Purchases.
To our : credit customers . of :pie past, t%re Say, think of the, big saving you oan .
make by paying cash, gild once you; start it you willnot.go back to the old
methods... You are independent Of the business if you .on.ly thought. so.
Our new'goodslare now Well to hand, and • cOmpriSe one of the finest. stocks
of good goods to beleen.anywhere, and, such As our groWing business
.rdere: :"Ofhing
Boots and. Shoes
Men's Furnishis
• •
: ..1.41111
4114144 iiisuso &AA &ilia -a
Entertaininent in the school iinder
auspices cif, St. Peter's church was fair-
ly well attended and pasSed off quite
successfuly, the outside talent was
good while the: native • element also
contributed a share. •• ••
Not long.since ;we Were almost
ged tacroak about the persusteney of
Uncle John Frost. •Will it be grand -
Mother slush that invites . our venom
oext. •
Mrs. Bingham took the Ericleavor• on
Wednesday evening.
.• Our teacher, A. E. took in the even-
ing ancl_part•of the afternoon sessionf
of the Union S. & Assodiation at Au-
burn on Wednesday of last week, _
Political pot is again on the hob. .16
will boil till the bobbles bust then boil
some more. Steady boys; don't let her
go over. Lower •the mg -skin a. bit.
Who vtould'nt be a (Bob) if he could
(reach.) Why Don't you „hear the
Bob-oaink. • • •
Miss Middleton of Toronto is a guest
at the home of Mr, John McLaughlin,
• Mrs. Butt and Alfred ,visited Col-
borne friends one day last week.
Mrs. Howe of Clinton Su•ndayed. at
Mr. E. Butt's. •
Mrs. Williams of Binghamton, Mich.
is the guest of Mrs. WM, J. MeBrien,
while T. Farquhar • of Hay is visiting,
at Mr. Benry McBrieres, •'
We notice with regret that our
friend G. W. Hill is engaged, elsewhere
for the che,esennaking season, •
Don't forget the debating club on
.Tuesday evening of next week.
Bees are all the swath,.
Christopher Beacom had a successful
bee last week. About 28 cords ot the
useful being mollified,
Myth. •
Mrs. L. Shane returned to her home
01 Thursday night after spending a num-
58 ber of months in Miehigan.
A load of our young -people attended
an "At 'Home" in the Methodistchurch
78 In Hiriburn and report having a pleas-
e° ant time.
92 • Mrs. Thos. McBrien and Miss Lizzie
47 have returned to their home in Ripley.
83 • Mr. D. Cunningham Was in Toronto
last iveek.
' Division Court was held .on Satur*
61 day: •
29 Brussels
- Dim -Leib Friday evening Mrs.
.• 25 Robt. Darby, eldest sister of Charles
Howlett, Queen street, Brussels, de•
parted this lite at the advanced age of
79 years. 'The home of deceased was.
near Guelph. She had_heen felling fpr
some time and for the past 4 years was
quite blind. Mr. Darby died about 10
years ago. Three 'sons and - four
daughters survive. The funeral took
place on Monday. Mr. Howlett •tittl
not attend as he feared contracting
cold, owing to his health not beingany,
toe vigorous.
Totals, ...1,887 /26 1,620
An experienced politician who has.
been through the hottest tights in
liuron has estimated that between
$8,000 and $10,000 was expended on be.
half of the Liberal candidata. Un.
doubtedly money was plentifoland the
tag nnMerOtit, In some districte
they bought votes outright, hub in
others ineAe the pretence of buying
stock, poing it Five or a Ten don,
the ease might be, If the owner Would
rote Libeiitl. lb was of conese not eX.
Peotd thati t he itock would be deli*
Tiini3-Winota,-At the Baptist par-
sonage. Clinton, on Mondav, Feb%
- 20th, 1890, by the Rev. T. S. Mur.
duck, Mr William lames Tubb of
Colborne township to MS* XiferY
Catherine Witmer of Wawenosh.
Illiveng- In Bullet, OD Tue4e., rtb
21st., Margaret BroWn, tenet of tete
late Thost•BraWit, aged vs;
• That our Bvecial FebrUalt Oale is popUlaels oven by the
business we are doing this month.. The values we 8,re_showing are
worth the attention ofevery buyer ofdry.goods. GoOd,clean, honest
Cotton goods are selling here for less mon6r than ever before. it is
to your advantage taibuy now while stocks are at their best, as the
special lines:cannot be duplica,tid when MOe sold out.
Ludie,s' :Ikpro • • •
, Two *lines of Apronthat
are just to hand. You yrde-
tieally get the apron complete
for the cost of material. •
Fine Lawri:Apren.12 rows narrow
• tucks, wide hemstitch at bottom,
extra good value • 30o
Fine quality Lawn, bib and shout-
-. der trinuned with good embroid-
ery, wide hem at bottom ., , 75o
All the trouble of making
saved,and no 'extra cost buy -
Children's Lawn Pianafoi es, wide
ing them ready made. .
hemstitch at bottom, -wide frill '
around. neck and sleeves', 3 sixes, 45o
Ohildretes Arai Lawn Pinafores,
• wide hem at bottom, sleeves and
neck of fine open work embroid- • •
ery, edged with featherstitch
braid '71$0
White. Cotton%
• We 'are selling's great quan-
tity of White Cotton these
clays, more by far than is usual
this time of the year. It vould
bn. a wonder if we didn't, wittot
values like these
80 inch white cotton even thrtad,
very little dressing', it cotton that
will give exeellerit wear, special
value • .• • • So
81 huh English white cotton; fine
even thread, tie good quality eis
regular 10e. goods 8138P.141 •70
87inch white cotton, good weight,
even thread, finished eoft for the
needle, regular 10e quality. for
Whitt' goods bale 81b
85 inch extra fine English White
tto , fi thread,
cairibrid finial), a. oaten with
extra good Wearing qualities,
special foe Whitt goods sale , 00
1.0c Flannelette
We advertised is in and open-
ed up. It is the best -value in
Flannelette we have ever neld.
No more of it when this lot -is
gone, for •the mills have ad-
vanced • prices in the past
couple of weeks. New, neat
patterns in stripes and, checks,.
-q86uttliiitlyc,hicsoewipdee, rreiro-ua.larrd1.21
Strong and'heavy cottonade, arm
and close weave, strike and
small .cheeks 200
Mill Remnants
•The very best cottoned° we can
bur, hard 'or soft finish, heavy
New Shirtings
and Cottonades
Many people like to get
their supply of these goods
early, SO they may get
their sewing 'out of ,the way
before the spring opene. Our
new lines are just opened up,
•and you'll find qualities good
'and colors fast,
31 inch herqy cotton shirtipg„ fast .
colors, stripes or checks. , ..... 10o
--Extra heavy cotton Shirting, indigo
dye, the best goods the . mills
make, new patterns......... - 12ho
We placron sale Ifs week , weight,. ....We as 25o
one ease eaeh Mill Ends ot
Sheeting ancl Pillow .cotton : Furs at February Prices
iTtihstes.efroatirel etlheeperfect goods February prices on Put*. are money
and the savirig prices. We want to clear out
only reason .for low prices • on
whi.ie to boy now instead of closeall s, and InPr 'rvtotrtil
them is that the lengths are
ink uhtil next season.
shorter than the mills will put 7
up in webs„ Mantles at •
February Prices
We have a few medium weight Eeav-
er Mantles in black and few.n that are
suitable tor early spring wear. We
of Bleached Sheeting
buy one for very little over half regular
Want them .cleared nut, Ana you can
Olean, PerfrOgoodso will be 8°1(1 at' less Underwear tit
One case mill remnants of bleached Price. •
twill sheeting in 8/4 and 9/4. widths, all
than regular wholesale pi lees.
, February Prices
One line of Men's Woolle4.11.
Underwear that we have too
much of. WWII ic price
that will sell it.
d ° cnier center 6ettlivreemantnanntesyn,`Isfs'ottel Men's Woollen Shirts and Dime/era,
widths, gotxl qualities, all elean, perfect fancy etripe eat finieh, well
goods to be sold at less than regular made, oo
dei, ehtertalinebi.ebrtIoted,, our
68o .
sale prices, • -
'Mills I3ttds
Mill Ends
of Pillow Cottons
s Bros. Clinton.