HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-23, Page 6sk • visit tli0 hernyagd iOid got old, Well wirn MP IP rotted MAW* That which ISIgrd rttijui uz :... AT t.....t.he. werzlzeir thO l'AaJ il . Appgz ' ' ' qatii to eonditton of ttthe • l)oiltl, nntalt:nag 4407, SOME INtERESTING_ unfillWs FROIC• otto to the garden . he tho lox 0 the newle owl ' BONNIE 0,...k0OTLAND.. . iiniouttn,wisis ,,,,o, rms nous, HOOvertithed by it long peried of fl ' a.' • 0010,1104..04fferet il a Amalie 0, 0- ''''''''' ..a,,,(314. -,i, , 4.- Ltr, 04, ilia:wares mini the /edit- : -40' or *Well reel& Sad item ig:04711nWialte;etpt til itg ::81::irri:tottpl:sittlieri , 7;1;4:i:in:to:vim, mt.. 0* 14 swum tortior7 VAS fOr'4: particularly rdelielaii; Wail- 'ev%T-Teur . otal value of fieh landild na• .14 Dig ter itrose feeder. '. ;v10:44.011A(,,taiwft 0:04 telfd..Z..-. gmiekle of ,. ig t. fertilizer into the earth • Scotland 44 Year wa"1.958'761L ' oe lean beer with a , fork or similar imPleinent ' Last year OW reoruitat Were enlist - 4. •-:.0,:ne: Oxiinn. tatie a t:r4,0t:ir.',3-• - ' eSerincetb::ioteie iebleeliwtirti:taitli.aelieiiiiiiiiiillitleteli -edvilla E./40' tiand againet >2,540 In 1807. .: tiggit,or: three, sniell most t*0 etalks or'of IA e death rate in Paitiley iset:-year 9:,!_,Ievr i'. Ct.0 WO .tinnatOp' Or one-half 'ttititt°141Vent4ntlert 7ff -4;4 re have a shauaa 11.'1 wait P. per 1.000, ,whioh, la larger. - th ' ClApintroul .°444014feiree. I•a°814 ealire:1;Itltd:'t'hraer4- morn-'ai' ct 1 z'''' :11814°11:7:*11:1!;fill'e:letlivanPittrit:4 .1.,"e-oti It ft"IailatYe14.rei.ninlr".e.e..'11.0m.'4'1Zo"l'aa-ricolinil tattob'le.Lo-rw:r1:1;i48;t11:. , 0 „AO poaeible, the iiiiin, of beef, somewhat. Too rr huueltlo of veal, itut tbo fowl' covered' hot tie awl:171.'1;4%144i. atft.:oselprerninwikene,:adnerOPeChinvs.: whtlehapv: 134.41107srailwaye On -Scatiand or , ed,:,„,: When it aa,inea to a boil, :swill, 4wOlt .Peas die With a seaming plight,' .sliolvdhle for tile employment oreln000Xe" • Wit,14 OoliI water, Aud a little gait adil • Well **Aria' to the side 6f the range ;114.4.1„4"8:bnee'itlilprtillilt'liteltter4aatind4t.ffe'r.MilenTe. .147 man pays .cv 't.hrt;3' w""ks....- ' ;..toove,ix.)rMit it to boil very .gentIY until whoa tiet we trier COMOSI WA as, sweet WO at tba INraverkeI Ifark t . : 14*,.. The next day off the Pettlire efree,etTerY 1.. piatioular about, having burgh at New Year time. 8 ° "n" fat and etraba. • Chen the' lean beef gull). unfearable zottlieeedeewn under '. The estate of the late Sir John .'elr.a,t- ::::rdystiztelelatiozAisinIx eweiatligi aiLtlirxelrviieigteii ,_• Another reason why this WOrk should. '':?Dn'u- 94..arileelc' L.en, e.r.kieesbir, aeat bee been t . e. be done in the- fall is bemuse -there ' irwen• up •at'„ 46" (68 . 1 betabLeLicahopped,, floe,' Th'3.00. ' Should all a longer thae in Which it mayb ' d 14! ring 1898 the National Bible So- itvuhuseilewmurtichentatePrning 'the hurryota pi one, oiety Of Scotland twined .P.0.093 bairip. , tire 04404.1")'' Moroni/1;4 • before •they (*Ivies thflOWeai-rgair. tures, an advance of 118,outi, . owe jawed, ,oeturs the .whele te, den tO ho negleeted, If it ia done la oihs value of..11unferaline linen ex- li'lfr.-42.11-11•14111'.'14 0 the: etoOk,, which shOuhl be the' fire:and atir uotid it ta near the the faill:•And..an preparations poeaiblo t to the U •ited St tee.,•last year ' - • - ' ' xpor ii o e . ri. . . a : , . . , . boiling"point;: 'then draw- again. to a' made for the. next, sprnig the prospeots was '.. 0225,06, or a decrease of .47,148, • • , • . .epoler 'part of the range and let it • ter the nest sunimer's• floral display •,:hier- 1 1 tit' it.• ' ' • ., ti ow y un xis perfeotly.oleatT are mach enhanced. One may have 7 On the•18th December, Ruesill & Co. "...auxin,. lia:pre• hi•Z:vri)Aiy.8.13:',4tili . *.r. It must net bell UP,•and•should mramer . . an abundance of flowers all tbs long Port' :Glasgow lautialuid a stea e f 44 y a care. 1.1 0 '.11A I. 4,850 tons for Thomson & Co St. 'pWalptart _. .., . . fully half' au' hew.. If• .it should boll,' iTIZA:130 through h II 6 you this• morning; • :up tee suddenlY, eheek with n very lit: .440.11n, seieetion.of...plants..end a. tunelY N. B. , .„, tie cold water. Finally attain. through' , . ,uttentiOn"thereto..but,y.,one• MO; gitta. . . M. • Rev, A. ai.. Cahn bell Ohm lain of the "11 ' • t t il t os inatter of tii.0 • ' r. ac CD arn- • e ;. you ni gr :. a .oheeeeoloth; -adding ' ir little • Worties. -1'444 TAPA . -- . t.o. ..910 le'.:w! . . . • • r • ... . WWI* :riftlICT) ,,xt . that. flavor le liked?. ,- ',. ..•.' Calton jail • saYs. he can 'find nO• dis-...I- fell On. him. .. ,: . ,,r . , , . • . , 'hefOr0°.straining. When .Vvioited far . _. , 7_ • • -A . . .••.: pitillheits.'187: ..e.g4,8e, g-6:. 713. nit!. in ' t118.' ; l'.,R. 1107HAtg,SEt.:Arr'irE.0' ,..1*.. E:14..' e, Odin; „Sheri' 6 • li't 1 th . y '. ,, , • t180;. boat ,elowiir ,and -serve very hot, -••7. THE .CONFIRMED INTROPITOER," • - : The Scotch Miners' Federation Ilea : . • . • . r r . ' -'14891110Erl An the .:proportloii, Of fiE. Pint ':. . :9""°":bit"4"4"*."re '°4" been asked by local districta to forMu- ;7.7'...7.-...7'et forth nwin- thw analysin.: Of el her 't0, three quarts , of hi:Rollo. -and. not so long ego, either...an al-, late a demand or a 'tea .per cent. ad.: AOunder ChseSeOloth.. by-.: the .way,. : ,kent for moat ..wiliereal..noisanso in „this-eouit-- Tango in wages.- , • • . . • • hichslt. is .8014,-Thomea-PliOsphate '14- . ;lever: 33e washed with illt„s* as .• the try. The, Wineen Who.% -Sista in.. the On the ,14th Dicemb.er • the funeral 1.1trs beet samplenis nearly one-half cont. etralotag this or any other, soup-shotild : ' 7.50UP :Will ,. aliveys . be .affected by this - farce of . 'makbag • PeOPr'acqnsinted4 .took 'place to Stirling '0Mo:shyer& of of phosphates, ancl'o,Ite import -treatment,' . . ..... - : , - „. . in the twinkling of an eye,. under, may' ... the. late Lieut. -Col. Murray.. formerly aal";543(14111° .when i a 0 e re t. of the 72nd Highlendere, . ' .:' . the ashes .of the grain of:Wheat. con., itat:dar.'N:rtiall'ir ifax.r .tlinacabet: 'reclnihr . „Creet0.1:4-Beet Soup. -.A 'cream -of- and all Circumetenciea.is. ',still to bo . . • • .tieup is an attreetive edditioa:to' the found, . but she Is . happily bet:inning The gallantry. of the Cameron High7 Sista. of Over 76 per cent. Pt Phosphates, lhis pliosphate . la •eaPahle .01 4nPrilr' . {„ li4 Of winter aeons. - It is particularly more and more rent,' .:We *111 not suf. . Iandor at Alberti and Omdurman' as . . . Oue' ivhen ,,made .a quart . of Ler :unalloyed grie. when -.well:rite 'Hie had agooe effect upon' Teerniting, h. -- 'N * - alum ' ' .• .' with ' ' . . • '1 the regiment in Scotland. lug fully three parts out. tit, the four ., . . . . , 7 I th, e...bonstituents of a oreip.• Of wheat.. -,-,- °Molten stook. - ' The beets 'ere .peeled jacet over the lest of -her, lcihd„.Still,, . _ AT.T, 0„::!0„,...gucido.:.../lew..: Mansion; at wonder 'When judiciously applied and : ,evAtp.tv into the atotilt,• in •which there' lane' ed of :burying the intro- :-Cliatwheat•WHI-other''cete01•'nrcrii,siell- * ti,ley4te".:afterWards boiled.:7:TheY naaS, „chiction itself. 'The COnfirmeri intro- Gleliborrod,ale,, Ardirarniirehan, le esti. ' of phosphates,whieiri,aretivietirglimedeetemildezta on • Led -' to cost 460eoe., • Arr. D. Plot- ." Non'aitori• be boded in a quer( of-vVater, ,dioier-is A bore, and should.' be ruth-• cher, TobennorY, is • . . . : • 4:altr= trt::: : .other • 'and -en onion:-. Zhislighld:is strained,. Widespread accomplishment. thin. it is • -Seen' 'appointed Sheriff -Substitute • of eta., should •IuSuriate'When.. it is' a`1"cat'et ..14P's eons why .cte7r7e:ais,laill:awe..,....1.,8011:,,t.ree,,„ t,..„,ci,b„.„... adile& a tablespoon.. leSidy: discouraged; . but, ',untilt mental. , Mr, Petrie* Smith, • 'fat Of. beef extract,' With raw potatoes telepathy .shillt• *Om • become a more r and to it. is. added a f . • „ milk,: thickened, with font tabletipoon-k• ought . not to hii."-fermitted to lapse , °Hon. Dititburgh, Berwhilt'' and' 'Selkirk ,.- at Plied: • „,T).10 difficulty of ' . accounting quart Of hot. ii0Vir, the' old-faShicined° inirodu rnatareh,: and seasoned : witk. into ' utter Aiiiise., To. 'send . total ,S4..01kettirsi4iii room .of ,Mr; .F...• Herper„ for the: crops I have seen And heard of, ii inerelY. its .phosphate of.lime.was :-. tuts: of co ' • - . ' •-a-teW pepper -corns ands blade of mace; strangers ont to dinner together, with.; ,s. funeral: party from Rose of mull taken into.. account, induced me to de. ' strain' it throngh'a-fine.nieve, adding Out so mph as kl*ing one a clew to the to Iona, •,-were ,Unable . to • mos. . the ivnotetbecoobseiptireafbleebttaineekgenedbeatttteeinteiona. • 10..tab1esPoonful. 'of butterjust". before .. bther's "identity, maybe geed English'. p„„,,,A: „,.., Crusts.„taniS.7-7-ler•ve,iyi,th, 'fore], bet it is not •good. 'comratiarsomset ----; -le- g to the •storm e -recently, deratatiding of att. nature and, trying ... „. .. . , . . ,:•,•., - ;• • • ,,,14 A Woman ;isrhl aspired to be a success- and the oompaay slad to ..relreit-ts the - to ,g,utige,:thrtnigh a knondedgei 'of the /,,:nttiel:.-otteete,..o. :,..,,,,,ceecued eweet-.7•fulHdlatililVirer will find that au60eus' old. custdra :of leaving' the Ooffiu • et process bY who* it is -evoked, the why :po a oes- are prenered -Oy *piling , gionilieia not br, thia 'path:: Even ,, at. :tees' the.ehoreitill the.weather.balined.7 .. .. . and 'the wherefore of the- aid lt7-furnisii.; • te,„„Vitgetann.L.pr_odoetion,..and..L...the .7rultil they, are .tliordifklily'Clioirod•• but 'i.licr,: te,OPtiOne . an introduction- -need- 7 -06-7ftineartebk7f13 11.4071in Xli471:4-tlf,-.Fvraett. of the fertility that follows 'its : . . . f • • - .. - •.: , , ._ „ not Always be orade, with, hated breath.,.ult:, With : militerY. '7 lionO,LITOI• • of Cob . nee as, a plant .food, • • • • ' - • ;not mealy:. ...• ,.Thar.:ara:then.'Peeledr-p4d and •anologetie.iiir, AS if 'Cue's'. eisaaci - , • 6 6 • oaan•• an.„. ' These resew:14,ra '.htive shown me, -in •. -.sliced. A shalle-or dish brat, is stas,e,x....;ence accused One, Of making. a faux I1. A. 0. •ispishougato. f rin rlY 0 „ . .. the first plae4, . that instead Of the • • . , . • _. - en 1.444, ....huth...5.1',.'.. :a:nd .; a: layer. :. Of ., the:: SloODY• though .' • there may be :those .dant of the .•.•sliged7r.o.otatoevt pit 1.44',,OVer - this,'•_ ' - ' •91st -12SO:1nel:ital.: dietrict, ...i.e spriebrea,: tboitir ._:, : a, itotheii 3,14resrsgaoir WI* will condemn thitt es •ratgr.,secint• Stirling: , -00L.Niglitingale's-long ',and ,- •the'feynt of the' phosphate of liine, they phnaphatee present in it being all in liberaliem, -. -there .are” -oiroumstances..- hOnottru410 "OrIE30-tion -with .03 Ara: are largely composed of phosphate. of • . wit-a:flea :rind ,another of Sugar,- with •It. idle..11,43yen .17i.a#11;ni...nixit.roatotiotif, 7iiie.,:iiii(r .7;0110'1AI-A Efighlanders ,extendeduidgassrai whigh as far as wheat, le CM. . _foe intn Of butter on .t°Ii'• $conn 000ks-kerzed,tly , legitiraate. ... Tho introduce.: • • . ,_ r years. ,' ••••:,. oernedi and in .smaller degree all other. add. . , e- very Jade maple:. syrup jest be- boo' has as .much:• .need • of: a raison .•.Grairjral sir Arehinald Hunter, •• who - Cereals, as well, le, of far greater 1111- fore .potatoes 'Pre'Pntting ;them. in: the Oen; AS the. d'ette..tte has exiy....ether •social oustcini. is expected' Dome from ' Egypt ...this Por ance . an plicen ate o • lime, 0 , „ . • , • . . • . • ate etioked,i they need only -he Batons-sit:has. ayreasOn 'for hang it le . , 4 • . a air r. hot. •oven long enou Most •valuable and vvelConie. It' •is the 'Month, • wili. be the reCipient of various as - 4 4. hes' 'of• the, • grain „sheering betweeit to 'brown ata..caraihel aliglitly-i -. b• suPerfluout...introduction, whose name is honoars in Scotland. -In Glaagow. he iff .er. as they do. of the latter, ' . . •„- o r an . five timee as tao0h o . oriii. • ,.Celery Sajailwicheii. • :-.,• CelerY.. eitid,•-• ' • • 'eyed Yet legion, •Whieli, has tomberett to be.' entertained ".to:';0; banquet, ikt • PrOotical agricuituristri wall• et once . • . - . . , • the groan& socially speaking o nd which Vest Kilbride, he is Mira feted, and at realize that the application of. a sub., wiehee are hear ii:c.4‘ , when ,0 .,.h.. . jig to .0,4;e0tetl out.. .. '• .. . . Ayr ha is to. receive- a, massive .!Tord, stantirrieh in both • ' these phosphatic ' With: Itiritholled ,' eggs. . The „ celery.. .., ' . • - . - .. ' . : . , .- : ' ' • subscribed, for by • the oirlintY. .- elements tilf Wheat, food Must of notes - should .: . - .160.- • . ' ' ' . . _ .. ,shredded very , fine „and mix. . THUNDER:IN VARIOUS REGIONS. ,' In connection: with' .., the • Nationai eitY be sounder Praoltice than ushig, ii , ea. ,Ii4th,_,... fioei3e, wit.opett:whites and •' s - • . Horne Memorial:and OottagaHOmes at Phosphatic mentiro Which, has only • • yelicii .of hard-boiled eggs.. The paste is ' kiwi ia :said to be the :region 'ot the :.i/ine, for a., inset, and. X woad inaPree!1 ... then formed' or...taarmitaiss :00"h2c.• globe. :where it thunders ofteneet,..hav_ Mau hli • Ayrshire,•-ifr. T. Killin O. no. , . • - ' upon them, tha•unpartailoe that probe - "Spread between thi •oblongs -' ' ' h ' ' ' ' ., .4 of brown mg t anderetorms 97•dairo in the year. honourable treasurer, ' hail. issued 4 bly.mayresuit from this *nowledge Of. bread, .•thts intititre is not wily apne- •Alter :itre.....Sitmetra. with •86, -days; fte 'Tel:wort, lazing 'hut: atibstantial... ' • • • • ' ' from which it apPears the real nature .of Thimuta-Phosphate. t 'Since 1895.. when' the ,oeherne was • -Newport . Ana ' Market Drayton Ad- . .' . : .P.Cizolustaiii. With 56 ; 'Borneo,. With 54..' inaugurated, Z4,t)00. lies been subscribed -vertiser, ' That is a Moan.. And "SO . tired 1" • itthe- first Plae : ..farito, With 51 In Europe.Italyoci = •. ' ' . • • the- Gold Coast, With 524 and. Rio .' de' leaving ,X500 still to , be, obtained.; : ., unravel. , ' 'AO TIRED.° 24. Robert Knight, general secre-: •••: cAlottuki,--Tfi'ms TASTE. „ , .. niastbe titan wa. have 'learned not ,So. thund.er,' .While Frani* and &Matt:A Mary ' of the Boilermakers' 7and Il'an• Didyou. divide your. bonbons With. ' mail& to rea ,from any work as to reeti litissialiave 16 dityti.. Great Britain and Shipbuildertr Union in.. Scotland. an- yourlittle brother,': , . in .. _.,.. WOXk; to keep htettities„..hi full ox- SW•itzelland- have e"h seven. daYe and. nOnif.COS bff'r ireent .oi,otoo.outate,candy 'and, gave . . . .. Norway has four. Thunder is rare it advancincyeare. • 'elms occupied the him thfeeeTtetfoe%.0r4,1•OcilythoW. he, is2,6:717 . , three dam, ot poidtioTifior .2$ years; during which • the... •fully eroise Yet never OVerstrained4.- tonlioosa 'Cairo ..toeilig, heitiid-onlY . Iiiii, „WiSest.'methoil.': for goily '''atiornifgd,r•the.:3%tiat and extremely rare in North-.MOrtal . 7 :membership has . increased from 7,000 '• . - -_-_- lif0qearn What "to leave undone, an • ' . '''7-.-7--. ••"*-- --7-7- : . hi ' • ' ' "- ' ' • ' -, • .otta soul, end•to..folieW them •through : erni Turkestan. sand, the Polar regions.: to 10,000, and .the Capital frail. ‘ 49.00 every chimes and tiiiii _ MITI/1Na '' Loco " ,.. to'*17,5,000. • • • . , - . , d.. . .. . What tOslight, whet topuraus setadUY.-:' • • . rdlAir-vsm- i'•• • • ' : A seholariliin lit memori OE Colonel .. • . - • • . , -. ,What to slight, What to, purgiie atizirdilY.' :'' .., ,. • • '''''''''''".."X's' 0:11CWARD.i • • Stewart. who •Wes treaCheratislY milt' '•• gestnniat'he daily. „ .Not •a-irlonth of ' •Weeteiroktigistrate4O'n'are charg-.; • resting likebirjr" afteeelevenhatirithe ed.. air, with .killing six Of 'our:oldest -of Working in thetiaticte fashion, hut a and most respected Citizens. 'What 'deliberate. doPPlog .to -pe -still-, to col- have -you" to say/. ••• ' -•••-•'. - • ' .' ''''' ''''" - • Riot all visible and invisibla. forces and . Prisoner. --They- were ell of 'em rich draw that long full 'breath. without old ponnygrabbere wot was leirvin' the: .: .whicn climbing ; is impoSsible, . '. . ' ... best buildin' sites in '. town lie idle, •• • wai for : . her price- - ' 11:1•P WINDOW GARDEN. ahig . : , ,.. wear . :. . _....,." tu ' Febriiiiii arrange a "sand -pot" hi, Well, .yer. !Timor, ,I 'belong. to •7tie t...7, filling &large . pot,. or gamin ,ottu, ,,,:ith , Tillage. improveremit society.. ._.,. . •pure -sand, and setting n email thumb „' ' •DEB1T.G.O.N7GE ADDRESS. ..- ..pot . in the Center . with the drainage Contrary to the Practice In Many • .hole Corked, to hold the Water to give .previous sessions,the debate on the ii,c1- ' the supOly. ,of.'ntoietozo by • perctilation 7 dress only Occupied • one. sitting of toe through the :pelves sides. Then stick ,Legislature. It began' in the afternoon alksorte Of Milano in the sea& to root and ended about 9.30 at night. In ad - for summer bedderg. • -' . ' - • dition to the • movert Mr.. Samuel Roil:: .Statt fresh "water plant, the . ho.. - sell/ of UaSt Hastings„ and rsebonder 'acitithit in their Water' &tees, the lYfr, F.:F. Pardee- of 'West Lanibtorio of "7•Chinege leered lilies in.. dishes of 1;6., the address, bdr..Whithey and the At-, bleeand 'water,' and others that will. tnraey161enerei were:the only•speak-' , bloom ' to four or 'five. vveeks from the e.r3. • - - ' -! . , tittle of 'starting, and have•therit ready -, ' • A TIA.ppy gO0APE. . , „tOr Easter WM:ding'. • . : TS . , ,,.,. _wtit , itavIgil woitic... .. .s.h.e..-zit • is useless• to • urge Me' to ll . 'w ' - iiiiiity: you. When. I lay no, I 'mean , MullY 'wonieti consider their flower 11%.' At • 2. • .,./ ... garden w,orit'• ConiOlete tor ' the _ season8-he-`0,41=3;raciyi ,., . . l ;L .. • . as ' Soon, as .the treat' kills thnplante, ' 'MO-4nd can nett1 tig ever' a le 4 • , .nnifti :it be tn. Protect „the , half hardy. your determination when loaee plaufs for ,winter. The result' is that mike" up - Your mutat. .- their .ttower garden, is aft•eyesore„and • "8-4/48GlutelY 11(Atiteif ' ' .e, . 1)11100• of desolation for.. nu . 11& -Well, / WnuldrOtearii, to Marry veral a 'women like: that, anyhow. menthe, or 'until • the kindly snow eaV;. • : . ets the, dried stalks and . withered ' •.' ' A tOnarOnn Otter. ' • leaves. • The 'condition of some Gawp • We a. re authorized to offer our -read. gardens to soitto „Stratification Of tile ere, prepaid, a free saniple.of a Oater:v• • remark of tal0 WI who declared that failing cure for catarrh,bronchitis, ir-, •ost„,-.....00 flotilla,. garden was wee tims , worst titable 4 ,throat,. influenza. and is 77' ' ” throat and nastit,digeases, There IS no • looking .spot Around • the ,whole pilule, mystery about Cittarthozone, though All the felt and winter it Wats full of its ilfeet is moigioal. • Ointments and . dead Stella and withered &avers atid washes cannot reach the ' diseased parts. 1.46'111.111.1110111.10.410.11veihrliolkitiliolhora, Woman is the• Nervous Part Of Humanity MEW the nusfoUlgfr--the ne00, lar needs of, the gentler sex ere best supplied by* the pure blood* good appetite, better digestion* greater strength, I whichoome frOM tokingHOod's Sarsaparilla.. "It made me 4 new woman," write many warm friends who have real- ized its benefits. It is unques- tionably the best medicine money. can buy, ili THE LITTLE DARLINGS, liro. De Itorm.--Siticea alive i This is the noblest neighborhood I ever got into, ;wit heer this* children soreecn. . hievi-They're .your own children, mum. • Mrs. :Oa Mover --4r0 they? Hew 1 the little darlings are enjoying them-, tielve0 • ........--, AN ADEPT,• . Gentleman -4 never had wadi a per - feet polish On these boots as yen shaVO given theiti. Western'510tel Porter, modestly -.1 used te-becti, private-0°141er in -the -• gular AMY. a overage tea is Ilk, lottery, one **Mom gets a prize. Do trustluck when buying ten use the boot* •LLA 404 P4010101)41.* 30, to, meadows, • NORTH AMERICAN LIFE, • The annual meeting a this company was held In the cempanee building here an Thursday., Febroary gnd, 1809, when Mr. Tan li, BlaikleAvaa appoint. ed chairman, and Mr.. 'William McCabe scoretary. A• The director& report presented at•the ' IT• meeting, showed continued •end mark- - • 1 ed. proofs of the great progress and solid prosperity of the .Coannenr.iii_ PY-„ ery branch, of' its bUsinees. . St1511fARY OY Tilt ".;EINANCIA 11, , . a • STATEMENT, AND - BALANC Xi Cs;aZISET2CIIEn0B343E:meEBQ,4.R. 3163TgTE,.,..144.89:8,:g 7 8E5 ; nE.8 „EXpenfilture, ' death claims, endow- mantamatured invest- ment, politiee, Profits, , • ••to VoiloMiolders. . 442,019. • 0 Sag,000 ASsets, .._„. •• a.137 .0g12. Reaaer , :rang. . . 2,586p47. Net Stn.:Plus . for • Policy- 7 • holders. ••' 474,929, Audited end found correct. •- Jae. CartlYle, M.D. W, hfeCabe. Aluditer, Managing Direct° Some of the leading features of• tli •year's 'business se mentioned 'by t • president; were the following:- ' • 1. Looking at the company. frozon e ery standpoint, thei report submtif ,shows finenclal . Strength, prodlictife „to 570 • . * CASH GIY,Et4 AWAY FReE • 0. _ $25.000 vnbors .itnpro4d. • wren rig NiatilleT AWAID Al THIN V10111.41. FAIN 1TA3. gesso; Paton Roller Thee ha Ve met with , torah universal favor thet ether minufacturi• era are new Making ieterior imitations and @ening' them en the reputation the gelibt.7 Tope hive made. '•to not be hoodwinked by . any person who reeommende an inferior teake.to be Just as iteed. • • !meet on having the genuine ()Ahoy ramie sui imitations are never as good as the genii. We, 4. 0 ° ,AgoS:$ritb:InD:41,:::ah:r001:1tottitiehaCotguit000ancita.Whasespd.,*SaeoriSfiSoh,r010t0T°0:10 ....itik: :0 , 0 II° . hrtaaltifie.iritt;914;14 VP laTIFIP :littlawEli tr • _ 25,000 dollars to' be distributed amongst nue • oomplish tide weber.' doolded to appropriate . 07 : AS to the efficiepsy of -the•Specific wiz • ilocz write pages laudatory of ile OR . :36., ..111:: iiiVii;,.' 1.; il i rtg:ti 031 ii:3;t1i ree°17;11t114 trlizr:11:1117:41trlen;:m; ::: :2151i, tIt :7;1 iair! Irts'in1)1014 , sj%Irno:%Qittrl.dl,„ !tt ;It trvPn4e6iillre:?ti iw1'is, plc eire ,, .4 , .0017 61 0.. - o . c, en a Pc m o disordered Monsaoh, and will to one ever 1)e dia. .... r. 0 cowed. we (I ,,,,,, ,nv mount 4. 1 I OnnPeOugt: coosettnt:Ortttenlisentanzatenotoldr.41000Acidoorruedsirecf leesen't't:erartilePein;e:1::::::: : Spa I Ore a flo U. :40.11 , osiop4t .t .0iar . .6wo any :peaty rempeudy. Send your order Moan to this 00 y, eh r 8 . settnodiGelltif ell7tv7,0021138tiliftlier itIreerrire:kaantirtrtee°1f 614114iffirPrii;:McillTeinftht°te441:2ilitroh:inf'rtit:!' A? °en" (n° ° he g• The Sanford Ear Drum Co ** 0 W$7 aggregating 025,000.00, Wri?e,nfta IT ".1 ' v- a • • ; ed • kt„f 0731.1=01=40N-1mo, maxl•tufrmai9 ), g • assets, solid growth, ,and large rel tive surplus, which' is the suprem point to policy-hold.ersf aa it is fro •this source alone that satisfactory r - Room E, ConfederatIontile Building, Toronto. . ° e• 3• $25,000 - 0 . n1 $25,000 • 0 • $251000 0 $25.000 0 e- -- •.2. The: new business for the year exo ceeded that of any previous year. 8. Another marked featura. of this company is the relatively large am- ount of its net surplizeto liabilities, when contrasted 'With that of its lead - 18g competitors. The president showed that this ratio was .one of • the besi testsby which to judge of the relative merits of the different Companies.- • tunas -Mitt • be•Milde'ldlifetii:-"-"•'''' •••••••••••• .4, The. billowing marked increases LADS for each and OVIOLI Cabe Of °OMAR= were made during the year: WHERHEY-ARE ALIKE: •• -There are persons -who regard • a book in the same witY they ••do a tea- pot. If it turns out well, they are en-. tirely satisfied. •. •- . . . Burs ON Owe, °ITT Cle T • oLer0,1Lf°1CZNtr".;a . FRANK 6f Emaros tat be ifs the malign. partner 00 of le J CDR 'EY It Co., doing ,husiness in ;he oity ot Toiedo, vounty and St ;to, aforesaid. and that said drat will pay tho sum at DNS HUNDRED DOL. In 'Preraium m Incoe ..o.. to"; 11-5te In Literest Income . •' In Insurance in force. ..........13.15 Assets . .. In Net *Surplus •' 10.70 -/n Insurance, Reserve.. ,. . .15.18 'The president stated that- the gen- tlemen representing the United Statee • Insurance Departments • had been i that Cannot be. cured by the use of NALL'S CATARRH CURE. • FRANK J. ()HENRY. •• Sworn,to, before me And subboriboti in my bi110_13tb a:davvirof. latemeasbnorNi 1880. VItt.I.1, • ..motary Pubila .ilatre Oatarrh dare' is taken internally, end uota direotlYiSirtHe blood and mucons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, from P. J. CRIC.IEY & 00., Toledo: 0. n • Sold by Druggists, 15a, _• , • th;:brIf n I la 1 pi I YoPf"alEgsta1;-r!Dtbt 7;91;6.: 'LT:f popro- rtion, w its size thaniate.i.r, of nail; y taa- • er known creature. •• • 'W PC 959 • the city during part of last Month t and had made a thorough and mos searching investigation into -the af- fairs of the cempany, with a view to its admission to- do business in their respective. States, and that these ex pertei Were' extremely • well sa isfled, with the soundness of the com y. and expressed themselves -as- gratified, • with everY aspect of its •affitirs. - Tha Bcin Mr. AUan, in aeoonding tbe adoption a the report, called special attention to the excellent character of the investments of the Coniiiany, of these over 37 per cent. are in the first mortgage Securities, nearly 20 per cent. in •debenture -1.1i, nearly 14 Per cent, in stooks and bonds, loans and, policies about 6 1-2 per cent., the balance • consisting. c11, caah in Winks, interest accrued, -etc. . He also called speoial attentionto the fact that although the assets had infcreased very largely, the "outstand- ing and accrued interest' had_ been very materially decreased, which proof of the excellent charaeter of the investments a the Company, and the proMptuesti with which.the inter: est. thereon has bean paidt• • •-• -; Tames Thorburn, M.D.., Medical dir- ector; presedte4a full and liaterest- ing report of the mortality etperience 0!, the coMpang trete, its organization, whieh thawed.' that great Care had •bean exeroised. in the, selection of the c?TmialleanY'co'llibnulalOriro'actitary• reported • that he had made an independent" ex- amination elf the affairs of the: com- pany as at December 81st, 1898, hay - bag exiMined the books, accounts -And . balance- sheet, also a detailed copy of the annual report to the Insurance Department, and stated that' he was very much •gra.tifted with' the result of ouch examination, also • with • the .thorough. system of the work of every department throughout the office. He Annonesisiesi, the company. f000les- ing its 'hooka Proniptly at th end of the year, as had been its eustora from organization, and stated that not- withstaniding the large amount paid the policy-holdere • during •the 'year) another substaxitial ;gain had been made in the net surplus, now amount - !rev to $474,(49.08 oz. ft made up on . tile:same basis as that generally used, viz., by addilig tha difference be- tween the cost arid market value of deberstures, etc., Owned by fhe COM. -panir, ankh surplus Would be 6522,- 604,83. He „referred to the great dito fkuItY which has been experienced df late years in geetirlog iiatisfaetory in- vestments, and pointed out the .great ZT- f dered In.,September, 1884, white push--' Kidoe3r;Pillg' ;cures iire Mtn,. ;big .up tits Nile to Eliarteuni, ib 'to : ply Marvellous. • *established •at ..the Gorden Memorial • • College. The: idea • coriffnated. With .- ireople Rend of Ne'y'v Chores 'Wien; DaY.--111 : Lord Cromer, and he and the .Sirdar are.teurane--Peairs Kidney Plitt csired have each given, X50 towards the en- ,,,,r ,i4 A.. Prof. J.112Deft Stewart, M.P., was lir!. .1IS. firs iolfiesute:T' walsu• rar gr downient fund. • • Hamilton, Feb 13.-"t never knew smiled Lord .Rector Andrewfs an -thing like the way these testimoti- University en. tne 25th December, and leis to the efficacy of Dodd's Kidney delivered ii- inaugural address. Pills, in Kidney Digeases, gpsmar in the Thereafter the Senatus. conferred the ellevinliileagPee 1•8411;08.,aidesA hointiteluniodu doouwitlehoi: honora• ry degr• ee of LL.D. upon Chief 'Rabbi II, Adler, of London; George E. • PaPV; gl.or havlog read one of the: Sir 'Wm. Broadbent, physician. in tirot ku'w tnat Buckle, editor of the London Times.; te, tmemaht. r d ' querm his nen "W 11, tt y v. dimity to the_Erince Wales. • . take uP, Yon find in it, the narrative Sit. Zanies Sivewrglit, Who is revisit- of a. cure of 'Kidney Disease, by Dodd's ing Britain after a long absence, is a Kidney' Pills, • An& mind 3rou5 etrety Scot of the Scot% having been born •atie tit quay riLwaht erearottint'iltailkont at Forbabers. Elitia in 1848. • ne ease all the time, go, if they are All graduated at A.berdeen Voiyersity •trde, Mild's,: Kidney Pills must be 1860, and entered the telegraph ser- coring peeoe thousando,.. vice in India. In 1870 he 'was appoint- "Don't' you. think the testimonials ed supmantending engineer ' of the are true?" questioned his. friend. soiithern division of British telegraphs. "Oh yes,' X know they are. Now And in 1877 general. manager of South here's a base that 11,0 investigated: - African telegraphs. " •"ltir, C. S. Griggs, a oarpenter, who Areltin togarth,, who has been ae. lives at 151 Queen Street South, Efam- ilton, says he wait told, eight years ago, that .he had :Bright's Disease. Ile CoUldn't• get any relief, let alone e eve, tin be tried Dadd's• Kidney Pills, He „Used three boxes of that ,remedy, and wits ecittniletelY eured by them."? - "I don't know how many Hamilton 'pecoplei have /men cured of Kidney Dis- ease by Dodd's Mill:ley Pills, but the rowdier must be enormous, for hardly • a week passes that don't see a testi- monial from one of ohr citisens,iutke papers:" ,ta "Dotid's Kidney PIM are a great medicine --the only Kidney Cure undeit the min," •' lected by Sit Thomas Lipton to corn:, mend' the Shanarock in. thecontest for the Amerlea.'s flap, ig a Nicest a scot- . land man, residing at Port-Ranniityne, Buteshire, and is Still Iona thitn forty ye:ire old, Ills first comMand Of note was the tent-rater'XvOnne In 189041. Ile made a natit6 for hiiriself id the Isolde, which was hilieight out by retbr Donald5011 in 1895, winning 127 prize of the value of A4,217 in four seasons.. The gentleman who in Titirke'S Bri- tish Peerage is set iloWn as the Earl of Caithness, Lord Betrietle.le, and . a ..,,,...sa the. apting 0 vi.an cooed itb awl hoot,. . thus 01.0,4,ed heehies. lite barottet of Nova Stott% is living "as a, Catarrhozoini•ls 'curried by air direct- by farnter in North Dakrita, kriowii there A SATISFACTORY= INVESTIGAi/ON., . brush to *cep the 41o:ikons'/Alt of the 1 y tO the diseased part, and is liks, a sjte,hlieeirfammtleyreneevolet,.. &Ito,. ,'.8eutthreireldaeng 7 Firet Statestliaallow is the official investigation intthose boodlelia.rgee flovver beds." Such a condition Is not ,breese from the Plrie woods, 18"rite for ratio,11 Dakota, is the sole poseession coming oat o e OnlY nininennntiOr lint AC not for the frittirieni. pplIteoe. 8, Coq xingete' u, out, _ rewriting to the -present .reproseitta- Second Statesmitu-Spielitlidly, aplero beet good of the tnirden itself. -- 4:._ ,,,... the of the family whieh /moo owned didly. We've sucotedisd• in, not finding etord to the gioil the hutting with* the ‘ - All farnierg kne"*--flar-.4heY411"t "'" SPAIn'S ',StillaliAltliklE BOATS AT of Scotland, and the Wes Of Orkney ,,•., ' "-----. and dotninated. all the Northern part oat a i max, . MANILA. , grope had; Oise& up In their growth, If . r also, , corn and, potateee, grain and fruit trees • steed vegetable matter in the soil, illown, ra do much More so, ',especially Stain itaffklallI, 45 *eters, sweat peas, ete. Ottr 'heavy black adils Wand. 1* itlieli benefited idr the growing of tender annuals by a liberai application of.Iettf Mold, but this cannot be obtabied in , it prairie country, However, on Seery . Well ordered' fern may be foiind a sub- • etitiite 'that if •r4ghtly applied will 'gnawer the nurpoi* quite well. • italterthe flowers have, bows kinsa by the Irciet, put up and tarry a int dead stalks. Do thio immediate . Oa that the gadol win nem preen it &White appearatice. Some plante ate Otir &WM 14- a lighter frost than • ro. but remote them as seen as • 41* put their beauty period.. Then X tietkied oome time ago that Spain xove.e6 OP MOTIOX, had a torpedo boat that would atay under the water for hours? -The following notices Were handed Spain bats beats that will stay un. • rtg°- der the water forever, The Attorney-General-Thil respect- - lug the moneys of infants, and other* la the High Court, Also.-Eill raper:Ling voters' lists in • unorganized territories. , A Cilt E MINT. -Mr , Davie...BM to amend the orison end asylum inepeetion act. /16--Oan you tie a true lover's knot. M. Barr -Bill to amend the registry Mies Willing. tiot, Eilit000No; but / can ttiVe you the stl. " draw of a 01Prglain* who, r nec sure, TWO 0/800M&0IN0 LIIITTJULS, Would be my too glad to oblige you. goax-tiow are you getting along in P.64041,0•14 your Wooing Of Mfite GoIdrovt oho wrote me two letters - ay; gu,d/net eay ob. , thef were " otn,ensl 0000.0.0.0. PH- 1r10,,,, 0 • .0, C., rt ria declinein the rate. of interest gilt -edge securities yielded. In view of this he' stated that tilo settlenienAt Of the company's investment.polioies should be highly matigfactory to the holdexit thereof, as they corapare fav- orably with those df the leading and best 'Managed Companies on this ton. 6• 11Aspecial4mt;vote of thanks was untial• inouslytenderld to the Company's Provincial -managers, inspeetors, and agency staff, for their splendid work of the past year, during whiohthe largest baldness over done by the' Cow-. puny had boo scoured, largely ex- erodingthat of any other home com- pany at the same age in its hititory. Afterjhe usu5l VOt0 of thanks had been /amend, theelection of directors took plea whereupon the newly-eleet. ed board met, and Mr. John I. Olaikie was Unimiuratisly re-elected president and the IIen,aurable G. W. Allan and Sir' Prank Sfaith, vice-preeidents. • _CALVERT'S - &roan* Dielnfeetante. Soap% 01R0. /went „Tooth fiawdere, ..ato, have been awardedi09 modars and dliScMae aUporior excellence. Their regular use prevent Woo* ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain $t etipidy.. Meta Mailed tree on application. . F. C.' CALVERT 00ey • IRANOSIESTEN. • • - .1,ko:VOOD & PHOTO.ENCRAVING J. L.JONES ENG.e '68AO •ADELAIDE W TORONTO. • • TORONTO CUTT N Write for special terma during _January and Fehrtrary, 8, CORRIGAlfe113Yonge 88. . 1EIJis • ,251411roitim•Tr'o-cririelhnis.1?"1" H. Oltim, Mfg. Oe.,,Montrem. • Oply tnerautleu Oater.da tor the Mite pi ovefisamm of sperob d000. tool:MA.4 tealta...iaaiAFIDLES,111ITTEN,`Sitiibicr:ii.iits le ehIp. ehlp them to DitWoon Commission -Co. thnIteds OL'ematmemaAbema / • Dookilehldrneo sAitut.uopmemnSaecnctd oyo.surtna/Mg 4,10g h 40 them aloOlPrinting, }bound. Dill Reads, na meats, Let sad Makitkut. BooksL ai.0 Hatee. DarrielarMoto..rennoMed to Rh* mond Mt. Tv..„ Toronto. •Rammerers-.. °It will talki • Every staausterve • • they 'loom*. an ATTEND •THE REST 'T PAYS ,Igs. I have gent 40years' etudy on tide distressing bablb. - conairend-entiOiloptDeoistrreT.Ital. 3N92000riekne.E.Wert..XioBtoAr.to.. • Cenfral • • ., STRATFORD, our. Ss"- .. Young Mon and Women properly prepared for bast. Eirtglatite:gitt,etZtgeZT:ttailduelit71:aatAtatlerell . rite for beautiful oaterogue. • ,•• L .,„., ,...: hest commererat -Sehoot in Ontario. •• . • W. J. ELLIOTT, Princ (pal. ' .- .: - ! - - — • - - •. "..- • .• '. • ' - " 00Fitio and Sheet Metal Works odor °neer. SLATE BLACKBOARDS tWe 4_00 . ' • . ,RO011N0 fiLATEan Bisokb - ;Milo and High Schools Toroptel. Rooting Felt, TIMM: gaga:, 'Et ati ti4ttglinotria.Y4 a7arlo':1111:"..ouot Meek ski, Es haste* or/vistaed for work doinkle a orfor ' talltriallep ihiPati 14, rdifriird: ttigtrtfiiiis0r114n.',11rinVg : 11.00. j, Blefalllo Telephoner: Tablet itror,1,8, liggr ; The OFFICE SPigIALIT • LIMITS% Taranto and Newmarket. Ont. r • TO CORE A ocn..0 IN ONE DAY • rstkis Laxative Brom; 'fintle 'Tobip • ' eaters:dna the itione if. f Ile 25a. Zig 01 4:1410=1:122:. 14°4 PER DA4 Y GUARANTEED ODD • • Agent 'In eVery towrisbl Oanbite F•lIttryiyy aro :et ReleerrinVirt..,:klarasi. a, VITX AR :girt Zi zke0UIA011104.0Atemum a"a• CUTTING SC1100L-.Tallots" 'add presset; 1 4101111o. C..6t D. satioot. terivaliterst. •_• • MONTREAL • The ‘g Balmoral," F.rOti Bus tratit• lug "1.. Stammers larfoti idt Dr.Arnott, Balla, who wilfisar- trying*" youwir otawnt;aytAlo DominionLitieg.griggi afe111111::.%1lI4rPSctagrs'ltitit,rr1,1)4iSeterleiti.l ,FAit4ANCimon.^ superior scocciiodittlon tor " flrab Cabitt, Pe0- and, Gatlin and Stearat* pae 'imperfi. Rattle gree;r12rmi2WO11115r1' arittdo kelt% ge=8"-AitentlAil'orFaiilVitiargiAlginkittir Osn't Aseints,11 cb. Saoranient tit.. Manteca': . . - . .,„ TARRH. • and NAV FEVER -Permanently Cured by atedleeked Vapor Itihoilatlort- a talraolifof buOnets. 10 DaYlariatirrei, Sandie°. for exine0 en Ontlik ital$41111400140OlillinnledfaMiTPURO040.0" • Dr. RiWe Atiti•Gonstipation Pills alexia cure. loadoitiv. idelbotarne. AIM Tonna*, OM, CANADA, PEftEjT Loam "end Savings Comp,ouly, fraroaroaaram1865. ratict-trp a rtinuirV• 41110,000 Head ofrioe-,tordeto It., Toronto: ' Irani* Offices' Winnipeg NAM Talimanner II OJAI 9fIlaltliORTATuliftliVD. • 0 Psinbrolie toronte, Canada, THE NIOST NUTRITI. OUS• : GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. • 000A BR.EA_KFAST•o•SUPpElt. HEALTH RESTORED without19,.11;t1:: wort ch.erdeted &tea:telt, Maas, Nerves; Lifer, Mood. Madder, iOdneye, Beals and Breath by •• Du Barry'sn'ufa'anta ' Arabloa road, ohltsh dawn Idvolian nod Vhilth en 50,1 41b0 IIM013 *Mr rptoto y Istat,* whose Ailments mai Debility have ite, lusted sit..thet treatments, - it tligede when eii other Food is remeted, naves SO Unice (te curt In Medicine. 50 .yearsP Iniariehtii autosts, loom , Animal (limo 01 fjonatipa, • elan, Platalenon Disi0oele.. ' t2e#1,11,?Ttt, (2V,Innnb,teP *°,,ucalVit 111111he ;ferrous Libility, 'Sleep's:Lees: Deilliglilnor. " 46,1*. Du Barry & Go I2 `11:011 .-._ it I! agiteetd Lou'd..w ,t5, 6,1 Parte. 11 nue _ti enti 4110 e. ti_ at :11) 0, No.sts, hem. has, and Stott* 'everywhere, In tg _ toritaPe eillarldtt:01154eligeltritret,i3:60fttad tlii.1* A Cure Guaranteed Serid 12,50 for TIOxoe 101.11 BUILDERS. the noMar reoegetood system Regulator and 'lead Tenho, and wo will wird rott ngam. ot to. to refund the muter tor a 57 time of General I !Ohl Ilty nth cured Atter .akln the mediel tie. Thaturandoofaudbrors ate daily rea0voring lost health by thin Great Knalish Fre tortpt ion, theroi'ma Ave snake you this unbiased gustita, ten. otds Wood, Bone and nroun'sundoro. Cure all forms of weakness in tither sex arle- • In from Itn are. blood. diseneed WM, or tut - °TVs:it:144 gin' • I o title opeortuettY- tit tharthter he many doctors who httee apogee& au ttprot. idy Oho taidiatativ ddrete... ThO BOLO PHARMACAL CC. 436 King Ito Wok. Toronto. • 5 t II II 0 1$211444111% ire reeelvett et labored, geld Or *Am• • . "Minded half Yearly . pea ON.11111tEr4 Italted hi Catlett** et ilieinha will, Dia '.- you Evor Examin A lateens consols ottacin inlible in Darted& Or : liellii;611:4; to Ill6iviUrs1 a IL figultit= Ot.01 till; wo-i uu i 6 goitillY,.) -ii"--,7-t-i;a7,•0'.-;iii—i' . 0 VANtaliii n a tt • aorrestreto Ando,' favorable rendititlik* tO • Mottemmood hOurldnet.Djohenturem Darehmed. IIERBEIR:1" MASON mansion* Director. 0.004,0000400.0. 444.4.....4W Ft E atititti erlds obribi ant. ..eliars.,tolt- Wroth*. Whitilisht titiottt It ..ch.21 eh. . *WWII MA sot** • thigpottsf 00410444 • Mg Lta, yoe !um lout the wklah, "" iota% and w. At two oda yMg_Witalk Mood 1.5 **tam wo g Mt chugs, MOM& Ittio - se, why net ,y,ost BMW. *MUNI t•We MOO. oremoon, wok CL, tomytito. ttAN. • We'llgolo 0°01, kowit0004otto. , H6041444 Ar. NOW 101 Voo &too omit, tioastootioo. Aosouna.v °poi/Lass tit* eats ttudired Oat, M AWD rer weldor *rim TIE 6001110 lumittogo ost. .0.00000.0.0,....