HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-23, Page 5FEBRUARY 28, 1890,
seenneenelkeetenneene00400000 Anburn.. Cabernet. Werenbitir•
I When I
: la 11WAHOW se
$ 'Voiruiviis
the first thilig you should 1
, decide upno, iS "vithero would
I be .Most likely to, get the ,
best: quality ,' of :goads 7 '•.
When you have determined ;
this point ;tile IleXt Viestion 1
is "Where cart I get the loW.
Oa prices ? ."' :
Of:214V ftlitY.
We i$ndeavor to obtain the •
. 14eat'-guods,in every line that 2
Iit is possible to get. , ;Every 2
articleis warranted to .be . so.
just 44 ropreSented. and cen Isi:
• be returned 'if not setts- •
is factory. , . :". • •.• :
; The
: IlLsOrgiereftlb -..
: Oris'tee•• '.. .. •
sk l'Peeie.P.' here end you ' are it
1 . n4W4y4' mire Iklifi.V.ify,ou trade It
with us, ion% ere- getting best. li
1,,good2.et litelOwest possible 160-
:1P1116 :` 11:6' :11°'
• ., ,,... arad,usteliruggiet 'fi.
' • i Sa.tbeiviieVici. WIlen ig•Wiisiar, Merle 2. "St
1:'1 Mi1/4NY
- 1898 has.gone and we wish to think
our customers for their liberal patrone•
age. We believe. tbat having once
bought froth us they will eorfte_ again
haArig satisfied thelnselves that 'put;
geedenreTjust as eepreseuted.
During 1899 we expect an increase of
business end we shall do Our best by
good workmanship:and fair prices to
merit it
If , your welch or deck has been go-
_ing *astray bring it to us and we `will
do it good 9r -if, you want anything in
Silverware, jewelry, Watches„ ete...
' alid tee our stnek oral learn pup
prieee: '
The TeMperanee lodge bee preeented
en wickets.* of condollnce to the widow
of the let. Mr. Andrew I./e0donaldl of
which the following:is a few, -
To Mae. IlicDoXatti NDVon eeWir
the members of Neitlend Lodge 'clezirel
exprese•to you our hearth:dee ropethY
in your pad 'her sereineet teed le Lie slots
Moiaru. theknie of e•iorinif 1301•40d and
:a kindlether, we Mourn the loae of a{
blether and friend and raise .his word of ,
eneoursigemene' and help. FOr Marti •
Yeara be nal heeeln.elMost oOnatarit at -i
tendon°e at the meeting, and hal core,:
tributed largely to the etrength and use '
Allow �four order. 10 blin the. Gootir
Templero have loot, a feithfulworkerend.
the °seat of temperance a Aron& acivo-1
°ate. While We bp former isee his form;
men us still we feel his apirit and
know that he la still interested in, usi
and ours': He la 1but gone on before enck
"We elke longer wait
Yet horflittle none ean-loaw it 1
• Though -we feel tha'Instr 'of abrother *e
know thetyotir less is.very mueli great.:
, sr. ',Wri pray that God the great Real-
er of all earthly sorrow •• may give you
itrength and grace to look beyond. this;
world of sorrow and trouble to
a re -un-
ion in that better world where partingiai
forever unknown, Signed On behelf of!
the Lodge , .
•• 0, E.Eaairr,.Chlef Templar, .
L. Wetewooe, Secretary,. '
AubUrn,jen, 27th, 1899., I. •
Mr, Moses Ileltzhauerind elate left j
here Monday morning fer.?r, at,on to at-
tend the funeral of their,sist r vvhq diedi
.elter Wittiness of only a-. few daps.. ;
• .10.2E404101a spending e. °0uPle of.
iVeeks. at •hoine, , , ' • .' •
, ..• • o. ;
?• •
' ' 4 .• Ashfield.
.• • • . • , :
"We are sorry to Warn that Mr. LWil-
ham Webster, son Of Mr. Robert Web-
ster, 13th con., is very 19W at present.
'Freddy Anderecni has been daegerous-
ly ill of inflammation of the Inngaibla we
are glad ba say' is noiv convalescent.
Mrs. Thomas Helm of lath con. has
been very ill of pleurist,..hut she is 'no*.
getting better. . • •
The recent cold Weather tried the •cel-
lars pretty Well: Quite a number of
people got potatoes and' apples frozen
in them. • • • ,
' -
t ri-
jeWeler and Exner, . •
Watcb Re*er. semeneeetsbe,
CHICAGO,' . •••ST.:...41013.1
.01INAHA...• • • •
• .DENVER,, .:.71.0S''ANGELOSi
and other poizitiln California, Arisen's; New*
Mexico, ,Oolorade, and Other ,Pacinc Coast
Points: If 'you aro contemplating a trip for
Health, i'lteiure' er 131113333 Elea,
rrbm a Canadian Winter.to tlin hind or
Sunshine, Pruitt, and /Mowers,
, •
Thrmigh Tieketi to all Percig•n Points.
go; doecriptive, Guides, .Tiote "Tables., etc..
apply .t6 A.geots G., T. B. System. •
M. 0. Dioksen; p. Pi A.,. Terent0
A. O. po,ttipOti, Iskir.a. Agent, Minton..
•• • lifodgees, Oaaleket Agt., ()Iinton.
Mr. Ely Crioh has been very sick
With the la grippe. .
Miss Jessie Carter of, Forest. Home is
the gueet of Mrs, IL Little. this week.
• A very pleasing time was spent tattle
.reliidencle of Mr.' Thomas .Dale on Fria
day evening °fleet week while ,..quite
.number of young People iveti" invited
to spend :the evening. The aitiuse-
iments were games and dancing. All
• went hoineSatisfied with the night's fun.
Miss Doilie Cooper is :again able to
;take her situation Seaforth., - •
• Mrs. William Rossanti Mrs,Geo.BrOwn-
lee •of 'Pockersmith spent' one day 'lest
• week with friends in the vicinity. ° •
The general ageney right •of "Our Naive
Verbs" (Alonzo A. Bliss CO., Montreal) for
Huron Co. and Southern Division of Perth, will
he'Pold Iminediately and oft eaurternis
hcalth • ferem4 MO to • leave Coubtry. Well
cstahlishetl: and profitable-bnainess.. Vorty-six
set -agents at -Work. oraddreas
• Colemanttreet, Seaforth
't...S.',..treirsons indebted to inc please forward
at cites,
•. For Over Fiftieglreare
worsroves'sooramoSYMTP has beea
used by Milliona of mothers for their • children
while teething. If disturbed. at night nut
broken of your rest by a siek child •guire ng
and 'prying with pain .of Cutting_Teeth gond at
once and g,at a bottle of "Mrs. -Winslow's sooth-
ing Syrup" for children Teeteine. -•• It win re-
lieve the poorlittle sufferer- ImMediately.• De.
pond upon it,Mothera, thoreiS no mistake shoat
It mires Diarrhoea. Vogidates the Stomach
'anal bowelw mires Wind. Collo; softener the
IGAms,reducesintlamthation, and gives tone and.
;energy to the v.ohnle systein. 'mfrs. Winslow's
CNtOk.hing Syrup" for children teething is plea -
i sant to the taste and ie the proscription of one
lof the oldest and be,st female_ physicians and
pennies in the:United States. Price twenty -Ave
oents a bottle. ' Seld.by all:tiruggists throu -
out the.world.'" Be sure and ask for "M•
Wmerew's PoOTHING Kyllvef, . •
, •
, -HOW THIN voti Loorci
. Do you like to hear it? If not, take
-Scott's Emulsion, ',Twill fill out your.
sunken eyes, hollbw cheekii, and thin
"hands. why not have a_phimp figure 8
:Don't let disease steal a march. on you
Ilard-To 33eitt.
STRA.Taliltla ONT.
. •
I have for Sale choice Seed
oatswhich were tried last sea-
son by hymen in this district
with splendid resul ts. A. Hul”
let pUrehaser of ONE bushel
reaped FOKTY-TWO bushels
and a Goderich township far-
mer' sowed 30 blishels and
threshed 1200 bushels. .
These .Oats will not Rust tir
Smut nor freeze in ,the spring.
The straW is strong and. ik al
Most as -nutritious as hay.
Will. have Beardless.::SM
'Barley, Sample. -can be seen
here, \TAM threshed hush -
els per mere. -
A stockef Pant Food, Sheep
Tick, • Hen, Tonic, etc., always
on hand.
DON'T WAIT for something to turn •
Up , get iebasiness education and turn
something up. Active, educated and
Well-trained young men and women
are wanted everywhere. We admit
seedents at Any time., Write for cir-
cuities. • • • • ." •
'W w lttlitOpl, Principal
• • er• • •
Poseibly there is no home 1n tido vi- The Orderia Department of Agrloni. lorvensetere-Raows.,On St. V4111*.
trinity thet hoe seen more of aloknesa tore hes just issued the 4th emeriti re. tines /Nye the versonege it-
durine the past )viu. tand * bell then port of F. W. Hodson, Superlatendentr chin, ily ev, jr, e , memo% mr.
*bet of Thoniga Pennington of the : of Former* Institutive, for the year 1897.8 Vlfro. A. Levertiege of Fullerton
Migtifind boneelikm, About tint tirne conte,ininglebout 600pages andooplaus: _ utou'er maitTolw ilitotiffrpotgertb.of the tete
end for a long time her life•was devote.
Niue his wife typo' token serlotudy ill 1 witylioainlhluttsootraicaseterelpoduW:pthluvrol!fhoirtioithociroatitluirelettseaahnuldederal::::, w.trawtHoo,limmAt the reemeneekt
' be greatly eppreciated by farther* et o ' • .1;:sro: 4.:43/t.ogan tti mye gi stailp,,:hr(yjerttR) it ef: i,v, . :IfbiAetk:.:10:pornt.
themselves of modern ideas and disoof- -""Q" 'ar°""''' '''''''. dames WYlie'
()ries, The first seetion elves some de, ' , etr, AM bn Hooey. .
tails with .respect to the, growth aid .
11111RTHIS. . •t .
progresa or Frirrner's Instnetini frotri ,
which it ?seam that the Wel- Mews E , I
707 la December 1897 . and had ineyeased • 4vvie,a,„43er„.verio:„Noir 044100.: ,
were 658 meeting* WO dturknii "10 Y°*r ' vette of Mr. Pe r Moffat of a son:
ed of, • At length the docitors, oe tion.
suliattee, deemed an operation 'newest.
eery as Olt 040 Ohande, and that. he'e
Peilibilityl of • Riling her life,' The
Operseirm yies performed end, though
for some weehe her life hung. in the
Valance in the end her °audition wea
materially improved. She is now a 9
to take'oociatlional driertalllt
doubtfulif her health vvill ever be fully:
restored. family of mall childree
made the condition of affairs a good
deal worse, but the eldest,. girl, Stride,
elseut fourteen yearecild, has become or
ineatiinable value to the houBeholci
since her. mother was atrieken down;
The neighbour have been particularly
kind, assisting all they mild watch-
ing and miming the flick and in other
WhY8. We intend to .the family. our
sincere. synipathy and ' wish that the
Almighty Father may .see fit to restore
the wife and mother to perfect health
and strength'
• Drysdale.
Jeolz Freak is now the order of .the
day. The thernioineter registered .27iFt
below zero on the welt aid. ot Mr. Mule
ray_s.pump, factory lest Vr!cl.v. .. I
Mr..ctleorge'Durand says ircoldWeatb4
er continuea, life (Anna exist. ;
Misi %done 'Holtz was the, guest 'of
Mist Leech Durandlast•Sueday. •• ' • 1
Mr. Joseph 1VItiosie has a large cpfan-I
tity o ear oil tor sale at present, •
; Mr. Janiek Reward peid. a flying vis4
to Bayfield loot Sunday. •
„Mr. Cherie* Cleave and his partner
Jack Orrs.our genial wood contrac-
tors sawed ten cords. of ,vrood, in one day:
This beets the record for a long tine,
. Mr. W. Howard is new contracting
for the snake wire fence. • ' •
Mr. Bae's oyster supper laiit Friday
evening. was a grand success. •
Mr. Artbur•Screenin and •sistei:, An -
'tale, returned hoine• hem Port Heron.
last week; .Arthur leoka well and re --
ports a geed time tliere. .
• We are terry to have to report . the;
death . or a beloved 'mother, Mrs. R.
Iott: ' She has been . a faithful 'mother
to sixistini and two daughters, whioh all
are living'eircept one, Alex., . who died
Boni° years ago„ Her remain* were.
placed in their • last ..resting,Tlisoe' eon
Monday last. • • •
Mr. Thomas E. 'Snowdon ie fast rei
covering from la grippe. . .
Mr, H. 'Talbot, our noted oat and
Wheatimyert is talking of goingto'the-
Nortleivest. f.farryi. we advise 37.01.1 to
stay here, for 'we have not too Many Tor--
ies yet in 'Ontario, •
Mr, A. North is going a'new:
house opposite . Mr. ' John Johnston's
cloak factory next ,sPring; on the corner
of Iluren street west, • •
• A Very.happy event .took ere
_last Tuesday evening, when op.. noted
n3erchant tailor, •Mr._ Gecirge Durand;
joined hanciajn the:bonds of matrimony
ve' R.. Fields, the ceremony being
• erformed by the Rev. John Orr: We
join in and wish the • young couple
long, prosperous andhappy life.
-We are sorry to report Abe death Of
Mrs. D. Plantb, who.died very suddenly
fait meek. She leaves a large family
endthey are young and tumble to take
care of themselves. Her remains were
placed in their last r;.sting place last
Saturday; in St.' Ioaeph, cemetery. We
express lunch sympathy. towards Mr
Plantt. .
Sorry to relate that. Mr. Robt, Orr,
jr,, bad his car -load IA potatoes nearly.
alt frozen on the Way to Buffalo. •
Mr. Louie! R. Durandlvill:starb birdie
Northwest next spring.. He is putting
in fine gine here.
• Mr, David Dewar Was a guest fit :.Mr.
Campbell's residence keit week. .
Miss Hate Campbell .pent last. week
With her parents, • . • • . "
Mr.ltobert•Turner will erect it Mier
barn this coming spring, ..
We hear that Mr, George W. 'Baker
is going to Work again' for Mrs. West-.
lake during the coining suntraer. We
are alwayit glad to see Winger, take his
place. with the Drysdale boys. -
The change of weather has ruined
the sleighing in this vicinity and itgives
the teams and teamsters a few days to
rest in and around St. Joseph.
The fishermen are out of practice this
winter and they end it difficult to mak*
much of a catch catching them. Our
policenian nays "Boysit .don't pay to
operator) days lilting three little
fish this cold weather." Charlie appre-
(dates the vvarmer climate.
Mr. Minhew :Westlake sold his four
year old colt to .efr. P. Mocriegor for a
fancy figure last Week.
Mr, Q. Cleave has been anticipating.
an entertainment in the Snowdon Rail
oft Ave. We wish Charlie sue-
' Oess,
Meseta. John Dunn ahd ,•ROht. Orr,
Sr., are tinder the doctor's 'care and
Mrs.' Slack is very.: - - The grippe
catches the ancient residents very
(Severely. .
Mrs, Snowdon and her daughter, Mies
Emma, are Moly improving. after a
siege of la grippe. 2 ••
Mr. It. E.Snowdon and his two 2.
guests Of:Mike .exinie p e 011
Cairn brit
'fliursday evening. . . •
Mr. James Delgaty's sermons 'are
pleitaing their hearers, •
IVfr, IL Talbot has been drawing logs
for St, Joseph Lumber Clo., Hayfield, and
taking astonishingly large loads.
Mr. Ed: Talbot is *Witting his uncle,
John Westlake, at the carpenter
W's"Mricr. A. Sereenan was a guest at Maple
Grote on Wednesday evening,
' To meet the demand
for a, 10 cent plug of
•smoking toba000 . we
'are now making. a 10
'cent plug a
Th Geo. iTuckett Viola Oo.,
. Oppoeite the Matket, Clinton,
or Bow*•
1)6'44 ° °I°8° -mniz"ti°°4 wit.° itintit-4n Wroxeter on 14th, the
to*IV35I July 3rif. 18911" The -kc iiiormi,w-ro molt, oo Feb. 12th, the
Attended by 120, 094 Peiriensi at whieh moaee,eme-eo Ethel, on Feb, mite
4270 addressee were delivered. A he- . the wife of Mr, John 'MKIellurri, of
giuniog was made in organizing ivemeti a dautater,
in the rural district* oe similar linesee BiRK--40 00-„hWOOCI, On Feb. 10th, t40
Wohoen'a Iustitutei Wing been foe/idea wifiref Adam Birk of At 800g •
in Saittleet tovrnehip, Wentworth Oolur• Arronisorr-in Clifford, on February
ty, whieWattained a membership or 86 10th, the wife j7f Mr. j. R. Atte*
and held !pita/01y meetings during son Of datighter;
the eeaaon, The report giveaeeleotions WuTamsoitT-In Blitehell: at the reil-
from the papers reed at the -Institute the -wife of Mr. F, 33. Hutchison' Oar- OtOOk in'f his 'dQparrnetit is cotriplete. Our Hearses
•' Wdbave done a large busjnei
during the Holiday setvion KW,
lutve very ,few "left °Vero"' from',
41f0.0 Am, the trade4These "few thing
TfmAlsheiffil:$ sire choice and we are cutting the
44..11V0 ,„. pr 106 away down. Du you need
, anything in Fong Tables, Fancy
Rockers, Music Cabinets. or Music Racks. If so just drop in
arid see what we have to offer you.
donee of her parents on Feb. 421h
• meetingsarid ether contributed liter*. stuirs„ suu..
ttlre Of a praptioal and valuable (Mara°. - .0ormnioos-4-4,t QM, Royal , Rotitii• ire the bet in'the county. Our prices aro as low as the lowest.
ter dealing with an extensive number Mitchell, on Feb. 140. -•the ',wife of • '• •• .
oiaillabjeote oonneeted with farming anq • . Mr, jaraes clolqutioiin of a daugl-
kindred industries, -The list of writer e ' tee. •-
encludes a large neither of ,..prominent Corr-eln Goderich, on Fela.'Oth, the.
specialist* and ,recogniied •.• soieritifio wife of Mr. Charles Copp of it
auth rities'in'different lines or 000ncinl- , daughter. •
fiaarroelteertakr.:114cted.X.Iini al..).8 w114014,gYfiri,Ptrhaeo!Ir°041.1 ,
.stilte of hair Observation and entert-• • :
once. The contents under this head Cratibrook, on Tim-
or) ioluniiiidee that only it few out df dee'. Feb, 14th, Elizabeth McIntosh
the 'e large niimber". 0.In' ' ' pf the, late: John. l'ileIntose,
Aniong them are mere by C. C. Jamele 'aged, -80 years 3 menthe.
on the Relation Agrleulture; to, our • Drntintearr.--Ift East Wawa:660V on
krohOol SYstein ; W. T. Macoue Oros' . 'February nth, John Beecroft sr.,
Breeding and and • HYbriclizing of Plants ; GI * aged .78 years 6enoetha and 1 day.
E. Day on MaltfilliPliint Food AvailabFle Hf40
Iron, .-e-ErIannnTauhrnobehrprieytienan.Freeburentaioi
H. Li, Dean, T. 0. fhogers, and A. F.
Craig, lat Ch ries Homuth aged 84
years, mont an ays.
e I. a h d 25a.
McLaren on dairy inatterti J. A.
Theodore Louis, J:A. Woodward, and ,
Dr. McBee On live stook. J, E. Orr ou Fseirei-bilw° iirirairhaaemo'ry°11RuPoluebroligaeri
Orchard Spraying ; J.-E,••1/eYer and A. 47 yeaces. • .
G. Gilbert on poultry Jana, R. F. Rol- i Caraccer.--In Exeter, on Feb. 14,,
ternienn on bee -keeping. idea" can • liana Chester, son of William and
be formed from theta mimeo and sub- Annie Creech; aged 10 years and 3
• jeots he to the character and •soopcs Of Weeks. , • :„
the report which theintelligent farmer. AN1MEWS.-In IlabOrne; on February
will find replete with'eseful suggestions • 13th, Lydia L. Wehmeyer, beloved.
for ,eConomy in Management and meth- • , wife of SidnerteAedrews, aged 2..5
, ' WILSOIC-In Green** on Feb, .7th,
_ years, -2 mont '. .. . . ,
oda by Which the profitableness! of tie
undertaking can be inoreased. • James T. Wilson, aged 78 paid% '
1 special 'feature which should not O'DEF.,.-In Mitchell; on Feb. 1.3, Car -
overlooked- is an article on the birdi . rie Blood, beloved Wife of Wm. A.
'of Ontario in relation to Agrioniture by
i "CAldidtb*.--In' Stanley, on February.
- - OTell aged 28 years. , ' :. •,.
•C, W. Nash, with 33 fine illustrations
which Shows the importance of protect- ,''Ilth; Catherine Sinclair,. relict of .
ing arid encouraging insect destroying : the late Alexander ,Comeren, and
birds. , .,, • . • : mother of Peter and John Citinee-
A highly 'useful department of the ___ on, of Stanley, aged ff3 yeast.
work is that devoted •to thelateat re- VVRarisatax..7-In-Staniey, en February"
stilt* Of European and American ecienW :
14th, Mr. jaines 'Whiteman aged
tific investigation' in it. _bearleg upon .
agrieititure; Many costly experiteents ,a1.,. ATibesiox...--411 Mitchell, on the 14th,
: Feb. Alexander Matheson, aged 77
are beipg carried out akagrioultural exl, •
• years and 4 days. , • , .
&rim"' stations as a means or a"e" • LiciD.In,Seaforth, on February llth,
taining 'the beet Varieties of seeds., man- ,. William Leea aged 80 years.
urd5).breed$ of live B tOpkbeto • 1 and the DA.May.-In Nassagawyn; on Feb'. 1.0111
most economical food for farailinimals: ' Mrs. Robt. Darby, sister to Chas.
The points comprised in the• :reports of
these investigations given:with tumid*
etable fullness of detail will be valued
by the increasing ,number of . farmers
who Are net satisfied tefollow iititwpro ORIGIIT's fifentAsIt PRONOUNCED PAST
methods and traditions 'inherited from -. , HOPE BY PHYSICIA.NS-SOUTH Amanite
their grancliather but . desire to . avail ,
mot KIDNEY 01:111)3, IS Tian LIRE
themselves of the accurate scientific in- !ilkvEn.7;--
formation on such subjects now *Wail- .. ,.._„_..,...
terFl, Misses Lizzie and Rose we the
• . 13ruasels;aged 79years.
able, The Farmer's Itistitotes by poPu- A travellerfor a well-known weitern
latizing swill knowledge and bringing mannfacturing firm was, so hale and
laboriously .01-tained ooricluteons of the hearty that.the possibility of his con
chemical and biological specialist with: tractiog• kidney trouble .was farthest
in the reach of all are doing. a great from los mind, but through constant
work in advancing the Intereati.ot Ca n- exposure Bright's Disease, that. MoSt
adieu agrrchiture. insidious of ailments, laid hold on him.
• - fave him but e. short time to live.
. • Be doctored for mouths-phyeidians
• _•We Lich the Word. ; •: mend who had derived great Ilene t
= from South Arrierieen,Kidney Cure re-
'Tlie ' Ron; tbe 'Postmaster -General ` 00mmended it to Idea. When he had
taken seven bottles all signs. of the dis-
ebould instruct every post'oifice to have
a. darapirhitiriraoh brush 04___buud for , ease had left him, and to -(10 ha is as
well as ever.-Seld by Wattl&
moistening these two Cent porous plass
tare. When a midi hoe the end of one ' • ---"-'•—• -
of these geographical: sheets of wall . areeTocr a-vigai4v liwiKedEneTasiktv,PorteOrntE.4:- .
paper in his inentlf, he '•rnight well ex- . f 0
claim, "We lick the world," and it is no Fall Wheat .,....e......... 68 to • 70
wander that after liaising a vaster Ede.' Goose Wheat 60 t 65
1. 0 40 lo 0 44
pire than, has been, •the Ordinary :man Barley
teels as stuck .up about the mug,' ail if Oats
his wife's. cousin' had just been appoint. • Peas •
ed pound -keeper.- oboaegeon Rye. . .
„Pendent. • „ • ' Potatoes,fer bush, new... 0 40 to 0 45
•• • • Butter loose in basket.... 0 13 to 0 14
0 27 to 0 28
,0 63 •to 0 65
•. 0 so to o 35
• • •
wuitett Township tiouneti.
I ,
The Ilullett Council. met .in
• Hall, Londesboro, on the 151h •of Feb.
lYtembers all present. Several peg.,
• tions vrere presented tied read. One
signed by Jamei Cartwright and fifty
others, asking that A bridge be seeded
• adieus the lVfaitland at lots -20 and 21,
con, 9, wait laid over until the first
meeting in May, and it petition from.
John Gov.ier and others raking ter
• Town Han, Clinton
• Tuesdayl Febritary 28t
the Right Direetinn, luggttserreirndtougb. "0 13 to 0 14
Hay 0,15 to C 16
asking that municipal °Mewl in all . perk per cwt „ .,, 6 00 to 6 00
... 45005° to 466100
Dr. Jamieson has introduced a bill Live TiOgs...... .
municipalitietunder 5000 Population : Dried Apples per lb. .. . .. .. 0 05 to 0 54
should be elected bienallyrand not an Dinka perlb. ....... ti 054to 0 05
uelly, as at present, and that the el"-' Turkeys per lb... 0 07 to 0 08
tion be held on the aame day as the pease per lb 0 05 to Q 06
election for County Councaillors.• This Chickens perpair.... ...... 0 30 to 0 35
is a movement in the right direction. Wool - - 0 16 to 0 16
The principle was endorsed this Year - Flour per cwt........ 1 90 to 2 15
by the ratepayers of Acton in reaelecr, - -
ting last year's COunoil for a second . _,
year. , Grwlerfeh ToWnship Connell.
-------4- — . Council met Feb., 6th. Minutes of
DYSPEPSIA'S CIAJTOLL-Dr. Von last meeting,read and passed. Moved
Sean's Pineapple Tablets are nature's by John Middleton seconded by -John
mod wonderful remedy •for lei disor- Woods that the followingchangesbe made
ders of the stomaol.- The digestive
powers of pineripple can be tested by In pathniaster. G. XJohnston in
i •
place of John Andrews, W
mixing equal parts of pineapple and m. Connell in
plane Of Adam Cantelon, Chas. Stews
beef and agitating at a temperature of ,,,, _lase of Wm. williaroson. , mond •
1300 Fahrenheit, when the meat will I" w
be entirely digested. Melte* Tab- 0 0.. wo %,Yillia,M. 8 8_6CP. naed b Y Jaorde, s
lets relieve in one day. 36 cone's,- , Johnston that the foliating acco nts
Soid by Watts Se co, bo paid, Stet printing, 54.50, 'G.
• O..
•' Sturdy, Witness burning ballot papers
' -------`". - * ' $1.00; 2 Musesitors guides, B. M. D.$ 21,
1.Farnlinre' Institute Meetingscounty registrar, registrar search, 5.00;
---- ' J.Foster, gravel 3468; J. darett, post
Meetings of the Went Huron Far- office box, 560.00; Edwards removing
niers' Inststuteswill be held art followet" tree '65000 . II. Elford Use of house
AUBURN. FRIDAY, nu. 94: ter election,' $4,00 ; G, Cantelon cut -
pealersa aud 11.7siiclprideleerrai
Jr. NV. .sitanager
Night. mad Sonday. calls ensweredtat Residence Of oer
.Ferkeral Director, $ing.St..,4oppositeFeundry.
aturc ay, Januar
When we will offer big idatictioris
on all cladses- *utter goods.
Special Prices in Dress.Goods
and Underwear.
?net flraPtlingt "a0Bragitalg71 bileaOrtlak
ibild 9 Was tot granted. • The
• TOwrighip Auditory' etateinent and
abstrefit of the Treaturera eabounter tor
1808 'Natl..' hArides1 in, ekamined by the
commit and pasted. The terider Of
Geo, Raitbby for the etipply of 2000 ft.
of Vim delieeted at Counoiller
Pattersofee Was tiocepted. A. ,number
aeocuuts were plumed and ordered co
• be paid. 1Counoll adjourned until Marolt
• ifith *1 10 ev.to..
• W. D. Emerson, the actor, who was
tried lest year in Londori for the nine.
der of /antes Tuttle, has taken a five
•years' leata of the Woodst,ock Opera
Plan opep_to Sutecribera im Tumidity ,
n'nd wedneaday. Set and
ave De- eided wh° •
will be on 21st *inst.
the Fitst Bob-
vvith the'number of votes polled for him. Whoever comes the nearest the numbe will be pre-
• The time is growihg short. So make haste an'a mine the successful candi%,te, .together
sented with that beautiful Gilt and Blue Dinner Sett, 97 pieces, value $10, on exhi Wort in our
window. Every cash purchase amounting to Ono Dollar entitles you to a guess. The competi- '
tionclosts el 5 o'clock.p. tn. on the above date. The official count will ,decide. Conr, one, come "
sU. Rutter and tggs taken as cash: • •
R 1899
GovEreNoRRoosovArmorimuouou humus"
(illustrated serial), and all his Other war
• ebilerer Lon'M stevoNsoN'S tarrans Meyer
before miblisited edited by Sidney Colvin.
• Moat people prefer Rings• to
any other kind of jewelry.
'For this reason our Ring
Department receives more At-
tention -at oar hands than l
most any other. You will firicl
most all the favorite stones and
combinations -in our :FAQ& at
its beat in both quality and
•Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies,
:Emeralds, bapphires, • Opals,
urquo se ivm
nionAlm funDING DAVIS Stories and specie.
articles. . •
anoreog W. cuongs sew MORTAL eteer.et New
• orleans. "The' Rritoritologist"- lustrated
by Herter.
LIAM ALLEN 'Warm and Many others ; Short
skttATort }tomes Iteminiscenees -Illustrated. ,
Ares. soma D. riew's Stage Iteniiniscencee-lin-;
mat carAzinmatt minam'S evt ealleettOD Of
5,;.tg.11°' "Tho chronicles' Of 'Aunt Minervy
Q'8 eliORM seaya? "A. Ship ofStats.'
immure DEAKea Sea
reh-xighb Lette -Cora.
.Afternoon 1.30 •o -NV. Sloan h vert $2 00 . Treastiter, ostage and etae i 01 es Weddm nion,-Sense Essays,
• •
Thilsimand reeding Stook, T. If. Mason. rn
Growing, D. C. Anderson. Breeding and Ned*
ing Hogs. Evening, 7.30 o'clock -,D, 0 Ander,
son, How to Pay off a Mortgage, T. lt,Mason,
Outlook of the Ontario Farmer..
DUNGANNON, fiAretattrii.Y, FEB. 25
Afterridon1.110 o'clock -D. C, Anderson, Hog
Raising, T. H. Motion, Sheep lialaing. Evening,
7 80 coolOck-T. m. mason, out National Heri-
tage, IY. C. Anderson, Hew to Pay offa mort-
gage. •
nomitzsvirzu, mommi, nil 27
• Afternoon, 1.80 WelOck-41, C. Anderson, Caro
of Manure and How to Apply_it,T. Mason.
Sheep needier, EVittliug. 130 o_clook-1..
Mason, Outlet* Of the Ontarkt Jfartper, 0.
Anderson, The Advantages of learM Life.
Disarroan Arm uttaurstirAnuannturn
•'%itte ettAnow OPTORMENT±NO 01(P.7
ril°141411:41. °Q110=e01% =
Itn. •
The unceasing torment of an itebtoit
Skin, which Id tete natural consequence
and oUteotile of such akin tilmeasieS AS
U eerlit o
totter, salt rhenm, ring worm, ho$, einpa.
times is allayed in an inetrine with one
application of Dr. A.Ftnenoe Ointment,
and hi a very few days the, molt stub-
born cases give way to its magic haal.
Ing power and leave the the skin
whole, perfect', clear and as soft as
hsbes. it will cure Oen in from three
to five nighte. •
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are the
cheapest made. 20 eerite fur forty
doele,..-Sted by Watts* Go,
, p
tionery, 4540; auditore report read and
accepted bylaw No. • 3 read and
red. Adjourned to meet on first
onday in Aprit.-:Nizon Sturdy, Clerk,
"My fece was ,covered with pimples
snevile• seSineres Musical TrUPressiOns.
i4 01?/00
• • a
o. n. mimeses The Seven Ages cif Anieriesin
• Weinen-atid other notable Art reateres by
Successor to I, Biddlecombe. otter artiata.
and blaeltheads When / began taking #'
or this medierne iiliore time I was en -
Reedy cured. I cannot recommend it
ton highly since it has done so much
• n gab,0- MAYaai 01 t: Att. North atreet,
Hood's Sam arille but after the Use
' 1100D'S PILLS are the only pills to
' take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 260,
esemerieimir "
/tams 149YAErr
CAN Ink PlirAreb
Through tickets issued to all points in
• THE ROM', ILLMYritilret. P/1051'terns, MOL171)*
*340 DESOMittiONO ciir The .6.110114, SENT REMO
• To ANY Annul:se
TIIIIMAOAZX34EIS $3.00 A. VitAtt; 250 A NOsiaatt
Charles Scribner's Sons
153457 even AVENUE, saw Tont.
We want all the Butter and Eggs,
we ean get for which Ave will pay
the highesb market price.
Our stock a Groceries lefresh,
well.aseorted and having been
bought to sell le being soul at pri-
ces that will soon' clear it off the
aggnge cheaked through. For all TRY 08,
rmatiou ih rearm' to
• ri
, 6 s
-^ • ^.-•_