HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-16, Page 1F tp-t VOL. XXI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1908. "Life in Every Dose" "I cannot speak too highly of ?ay. CLlne, for it is the greatest utedieine I ever used. 1 was juin about 'ail iu' whoa I began the treatment, aud la 3 months I was as well as ever. It is a great tonic for weak and run dews peo- ple. There la new life iu every dose." JAB, STOLIIIE11, Itidgetowa, Ont., Dee. 19, 1999. It is a *Mutt to telt your sick friends about this wonderful preseriptiuu. Threat, tuag and stowed troubles, sad all rue town conditions quickly cured by its use. At all druggists, 50c aud $1.00, es. Dr. T, A. Slocum, Ltd., Tomtit :1••••••• •11..1•••••• ••11•. • N•OW OPEN • ENTER ANY TIME • • • hinter Term in all departments of • • the Central Business College, '1'o. • • ronto, Were splendid chancres fur • Zepending a few months pleasantly • and profitably. Twentydive teach• • ers, Catalogue tree. Write for It. • • W. H, Shaw, Principal ; E. R. • •Shaw, Secretary, Yonge & Gerrard Streets, Toronto.• • •••••••1••••••111••••••1, ROBERT 11. UARNISS 13LUEVALE - - ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for et TRH STANDARD office, Blyth, Out of Soap ! Well, we'renot. We have just received a new supply of the finest and dalotlest Soaps ever offered for sate anywhere. They are pure Soaps and will give perfact satisfaction to everyone who uses them. Fancy names bring fanoy prices for Soaps as well as for other things, Wo sell these Soaps without fanoy uamee, but think enough of them to put our name behind them. We guarantee their quality. Three brandies Crushed Lillies Sweet Clover Carnation Petals 45 Bente, quarter of a dollar or two Yorkers parry away a box of either brand. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE Auburn. The Knox Church Anniversary services will be held on Sunday and Monday, Janney 19 and 20. Ser- vices will be, held on Sunday at 10.30 a. tn. and 7 p, nt conducted by Rev. W. H, Smith, B, A., of Boachvltle, Ont, Liberal offerings are ueked for at both services, Knox choir will give epechtl music. The tea•tneeting will be held on Monday evening ; tea served in the base• ment from 5.30 to 8 o'clock. Pro- gram at 8 o'clock, consisting of speeches, recitations, choruses, etc, Music by the choir of St. Andrew's eltureh, Blyth ; speakers, Rev. lies• ars. Leckie, of Lnnderboro ; Smith, of Benehville ; Hartley, of Blyth ; Tones, of Auburn, Recitere ; Miss Verna Bennett, of Blyth, and Will Fingland, of Auburn. Admission, adults 35 cents, children 25 cents. A social will be held on Tuesday evening when tea will be served front 5.30 to 7.30. A first•cioas pro- gram Ie in course of preparation under the guidance of a goal com- mittee will start at 7.30. Admission 15 cents ; S. S. scholars free. Want Government Help. Huron County Would Like System of Road Grants Apply to Bridges. With a view of obtaining assist- ance ssistance in the building of county bridges a deputation from Huron county waited on the Hon. Dr. Resume, Minister of Public Works last Thursday. The deputation con. Meted of Ii, Either, M. P. P., M. 0. Cameron, M. P. 1'., and A, Hislop, ML P. P., Warden Currie and County Treasurer Dr. Holmes. The de- putation pointed out that it wits im- possible for Huron county to receive assistance from the Government in connection with ite roads system, the county at its own charges having put the reeds in order before the scheme under which the Govern- ment pays one-third of the cost of establishing a county road system came into operation. During 1857 and 1858 the county expended $600 000, on its roads, and since a further sum of $75,00 brae been laid out. The county also took over the toll roads. In view of the fact that these expenditures had been undertaken the deputation asked that the Gov ernment should contribute one-third of the coat of building county bridges. There are in the county 111 wooden bridges which should be replaced by Gidley's Gigantic and Unrivalled HaIf'yearly Sale Begins Saturday, January 11th The difference between a Giclley sale and other sales you see advertised, briefly this : The Clothing we offer is the same kind that we sell at all times, but with prices emphati- cally reduced. We do not handle Clothing that is especially made to sell cheap. The prices of Overcoats, Suits, Odd Pants, "LL Furnishings, Etc., will be cut in two. S. H. 33 La GIDL No. 22. steel structures, some of which wilt run to a length of 600 feet, and next yens. the erection of three bridges is contemplated which alone will cost between 540,000 and $50,000. A wooden bridge at Goderleh, which cost $27,000shnuld also be repined by one of steel. The Minister promised that the representations of the .deputation should be considered. Huron County Council. The County Council of 1908 will he composed of the following reeves and deputy Peeves from the various nuunicipelit}ea Ashfield - Thos, Stothere, Wnt. Hunter, Colborne -IL J. A. llchwan. Gode'ieh township -ILL. Salkeld. Stanley -,Jas. McDiarttnd, slay -P. Lamont. Stephen -Stephen Webb. Jacob Kellerman. dlsborne-Jhseph Ilawkine, '1'ucitersmith-Robert McKay. Hullett-Thos, McMillan. McKillop -J, M. Goveelock, Grcy-1'Viliiant Fraser, Morris -Geo, Taylor. E. Wawanosh-Wm. J. Parts, W, Wttwanosh-Wm, Bailie, Tit t'nbet'ry-John Mosgrove. Hew ick -Thomas G. Shearer, Jos- eph Ileinstock, Goderich-Robe McLean, Geo, M. Elliott, Clinton -Il, J. 0ibbings. Seaforth-Jas, Watson. Winghitm-Dr. A. J. Irwin. Exeter -A, Q. Bobier. Brussels -Join Leckie. Blyth -Dr. W, J. Milne. Baytfeld-Dr, Smltlt, llensall-G, C. Petty. Wroxeter -R, 13. Harris. There will be nine new members in the council this year, To United Stales Subscribers, -•- Ao'raa the 1st of February nli those who live in the United States and have not paid their subscription in advance, we must cut their name from our list. 11 you wish to continue on send your money right away. $t.50 pays for the paper for one year. Shake In a Bottle. Now is the time when the doetcr gets busy, turd the patent medicine manufacturers reap the harvest, un- less greet caro is taken to dress, warmly and keep the feet dry, '1'hie is the advice of an old eminent ant thority, who says that Rheumatism and Kidney trouble weather Is here, and also tells what to do in case of an attack, Get from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex. tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, Mix by 3hak• ing in a bottle and take a teaspoon- ful after meals and at bedtime, Just try this simple home-mnde mixture at the first sign ofrheunla• tistn, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and al - moat certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out, Any one can easily prepare this at home and at small cost. Druggists in this town and vicinity when strow the proscription, stated that they can either supply these in- gredients, or, if our readers prefer, they will compound the mixture for them, A five-year-old girl died at Mont. real from drinking lye given to her as ajoke by a young boy. John G. Cumming, formerly Chief of Police of St. Catharines, is dead. Hon, George A. Walken, ex - Premier of British Columbia, died at Victoria, 6,111110/111 STOCKTAKING AND MOVING SALE Having moved our stock into the store lately vacat- ed by J. S. Golden, we have decided to put on the second annual stocktaking sale. Commences Jan. 22nd, for 10 days only. GROCERIES 21 lbs: Redpath's Granulated Sugtn'...... ,,,,91.00 7 bar Bee I ' 2- s inveSoap tor' �,, 4 rine new sweet. 'tinkled Peas for fly 11 tins new sweet Corn for ,25 New Tomatoes, per tin .10 0 bates of Matches, 1000 in box .25 4 dozen Clothes Pins for .05 10 lbs. Epsom Salts for .25 10 lbs. Cornmeal for ,25 9lbs. Oatmeal for , -25 Royal Yeast Cakes per package ,tR. Haudy Arnonia per pkg .05 r tins Gillett's Lye for .30 tiltine Shoe Polish for 25 Fit pkge. Corn or Laundry Starch ,25 5 lbs, Washing Soda for , .10 O lbs, Pearl Rice for i25 51bs, Beautiful Tea, green or black.,,. , ....., 1.00 Bring in your grocery list and try a sample order. Sensations 8 papers good Pins,... .05 t package Hair Pine for .01 1500 ,yards Torchon Laces and lneertion, reg le and Oc value, stocktaking price per yd, .08 Safety Pins per card at .01 Children's beautiful Handkerchiefs, 3 for .00 Clark's Cottou Spools, per dozen .48 Children's Ringwood Gloves, per pair,.,, ,10 Ladies' Ringwood Gloves, per pair ,19 500 yards Wrapperettes, all colors, reg, 12ee.08 10 pieces " 10c,., Al Trunks Trunks, Suit Cases, Grit s and Telescopes at halt the regular prices. Towelling 300 yprds Towelling at 4p, Cc and Se, regular 10e, Dress Goods 4 5 5 pieces Dress Melton, in black, blue, green and grey, 44 inches wide, regular tic, Stocktaking sale price ,75 pieces Paacy Wool'1'weed and Lustre Dress Goods in reds, blues, blacks, greens and checks, regular SOc value, for ,85 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, regular Ole and 40c values, Stocktaking sale.,,, 25 Underskirts Ladies' Sateen Unlined Underskirts, regular 51.00, for Ladies' Sateen Unlined Underskirts, regular $1,50, for Ladies' Sateen Wool -lined Tlnde'skirre, regu• lar 51.50, for Ladies' Sateen Unlined Underskirts, regular 51.75, for Ladies' Sateen Unlined Underskirts, regular 52.00, for Please take a look at these l;nderskirts. ,79 1.00 1.19 1.15 1.50 Hosiery Department Ladies' Pure Wool Hose, large sizes, regular 25c line, for .10 Children's Pure Wool Hose, small sizes. re- gular 20e line, for .15 Ladies' Wool or Cashmere }lose, ribbed or plain, heavy, large sizes, regular 50c, for .35 hissesWool or Cashmere Hose, ribbed or plain, heavy, regular 40c, for 25 Children's Hose, in wool or cashmere, toe, 12lic, 15c and 25e. Flannelette 500 yards Flannelette, good heavy weight and goon width. et per yard A4 10 pieces good heavy Flannelette, all good patterns and lust colors, regular 10c, for, .08 Flannelette Blankets, 10-4, all colors, regular $1.20, sale price ,')8 Clothing 15 Boy's Suits, mixed tweeds, ages 8 to 12 • year's, regular 53, for 2.00 10 Boys' Suits, assorted patterns, reg, $53.75 7 Youths' " 50.504.05 10 Men's Suits, beautiful patterns, new goods, gular' 15, for 3,95 20 lien's Suits, beautiful patterne, sizes 85 to 42, regular 510 to 512, to clear at this Stocktaking sale, for 0.90 Hen's Odd Pants for working or dress at the fol- lowing Puts : Ila ut r 75c lieu', Overalls for 59o. regular $1.21 and 51.81 for 79c, regular 51,50 for 51.23, regular $2 fur 51.75 with bib, r'egnla' 85e for 75e. Regular 52.50 Pantstor 52, regular 51 for 89c, regular 53 for 52.25. 10 Boys' New Overcoats, assorted sine and patterns, ranging in price from $3,50 up to 55. Stocktaking price to clear the whole lot at 2.50 Yarns Beautiful Yarns, all Mors, regular GOc line.. .48 Men's Underwear at greatly reduced prices. Men's Pare Wool Shirts and Drawers, regu. lar 51 line, to clear at,,,75 Wool Nap Shirts and Drawers, regular $ linea, to clear at ,75 Heavy Ribbed Pare Wool Shirts and Draw. ers, regular 75e lines for R. Pure.Wool Pleecrelinert Penman's Leake, re- gular 75c lines, for ,514 Alert's Cotton Fleece lined Shirts and Draw - ere, regular 50n lines, for 89 Men's Mike Shirts and Drawers, reg. Rte.,, .85 Boys' Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers, regu- lar 40c lines, to clear at. ,25 Under wear Ladies' Underwear in Vests and Drawers, all new goods, Regular Ise lines for 19e. 50e lines for 39c, 75e lines for 55c. $1 for 79e, 51.25 for 98e. Children's Underwear at lees than cost, . Vests 100, 123e, 19c and 25c. Regular 35c lines. Shoes Men's Heavy Working Shoes, reg, $1.50, for, 1,151, 01.75, for, 1.25` 16 " 82.00, for,. 1.30- $2 50, for, 1,,s. Men's Fine Shoes, regular $2 line tor$21 Mien's Patent Colt Shoo, hest pa0teint, re egulnt 2 55 line, Stocktaking sale pt ice 8,5t, Boys' Fine. and Coarse Shoes at 75c, 95e„ 5l 'ehd 51.25, Space will not permit a full list of pr)eea. Ladies' and Gents'., Felt Shoes and Slippers Ladies' regular 51,50 lines Felt Shoes to clear. 81.15 Men's " 2.20 „ 1;15 Ladies' and Gents' Felt Slippers . ;.35 and ,45 Rubbers Light weight for Ladles and Gaols, Misses and Children. Ladies' regular 7.5e Rubbers to clear,,, lleu'a rsoder $1 Rubbers to clear.......... Men's regular 85e. Rubbers to clear,.,,,,,,,, Jt isges' regular 50e Rubbers to clear Children's regular 40e !tubbers, all sizes at: .50 .79 .75 .40, 214 Heavy Rubbers Lumbermen's Rubbers, regular 51,80 line.... 1.19;; These are lou', buckled or laced, snag proof, 52.0) line, for , 1.49 Rubbers, high. buckled or laced, snag proof, 52.50 lino, for 1,98 All new stock and must be cleared out at these prices, Wo do not carry stock over from one season to another, Boys' Heavy Rubbers, new stock, regular 51 line, for .79 Youth's Heavy Robbers, new stock, regular $1.25 line, for .fig, Men's Overshoes, regutar $1.75, for 1,49 Fur Coats We have a few Ladies' and Mien's Fur Coats left which the will sell at less than meat, also it few very neat Ruffs which would pay yon well to take a look at. Ladies' Winter Coats 2 only Bloch Cheviot, f•length, newest sty- les, regular 50.50 for 3.00 4 only Black and White Mixed Tweed, very pretty coat, regular 58.50. Sale price,1..75 Corsets .Reg nlar 50c Corsets 115c. Regula' 75e Corsets 55e, 51 " 79c, ' " 51.26 " 9So.., Caps Men's Persian .Lamb Caps,small or large curl, regular price 310, must be cleared„ c,75 'Kist's Caps, regular 55 line for ;Leo r Men's Caps, regular 54 line for.,... 3;25 Men's Caps, regular $8.2, line' f'2,u9 lien's Fur -lined Peak Caps, regular 50c line,85 Men'e and Cloys' Peak Caps, turn down, re gular 45c.... ..... .... Factory Cotton 1000 yards Factory Cotton, one yet' .id good heavy weight, regular 7c, to .- 1000 yardeextra heavy la , Actm'y Cotton, round thread, even we ,50egoist t2he for ' 25 25c & 350 Table Linen 19c 2 pieces Table Linen, regular Ole and 35e, good patterns and weight. Stocktaking sale price ,1's. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. BLYTH