HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-23, Page 2tie • - --aaaraallellelatereaa t, 'taTelrtzlriniemem* ROYAL VIOTI/18 AT 011118 "eh With * wtairk professor W11,0 I • benedtotione. alroost throUgh He Will never,leave yen He wiU. neve 111E SUNDAY SCROOL:e4; 70""""Ganno rather the Mehtal audt iatiralt conedig • "ame t•O bath had a bad Mentocy. OF ORRIST18 windOW, EA grandfather With eldid art* te 1.f your eye gate on eithew kneteehls face Weaning With lleaf he will pick eitt the weer for you. ouneh a grapes with Jetin tor the stelt -racket almoat too Much, for old illes, lUtati had instances where Christ ear; by' faith we axe' edmitted. exult we, too' ' wee hew." ,Theataidet ea the tweet. The nowhere, hatethe men, whp were sek4 Verse f41". 1.1TeTowiCabot)T°1::; When 'it if°39tlillane,S ik:41:szt.,4141;liolliQaaqiiluefit.:71..I.E44-1 :Fcilii:Ei:674::::;1°:77.- Seiniar *ha Alettelittr tal the eluar and rune her hand ed White, untie there WAS not one dark lasenialle *anew Ow Witte* Wee Harr- Oval& hie loolm. As grendfather tlateed ha !L St.. type of her °Urea- texieei-Oray Wale te • atoope dowe to Woe the ehildren geode ; ter, met of erten every thing had fad - tit peace. No beggar Baer came to her retest at taberneOlea. branthea of ing• to deetroe .huu,_0340. ron whavem :lawny yeaes (whore elapeed, since a Am -slier leerned gentlemanel.Wi - eeee-weexereugerveree, - • -it .01.the merino croeusee art:cart abon laraelese life -she Caren 20.-140.-en.4 eOke, bealltifal in the domestic reached. fiene the follow- - Pag ee ream are gotta, Elia sons and dtinghtere, of great were white /Ike lircl°4 thOUgh grOwti to be men end womenli °he wok,there to rejoiCe at tb° festival. )(Theca 'be' inepiration, eritab- er which the Sod arkt hisi brethren ebe Gerimeny. It has been broUght Rhea. told him then, .es ehmething ViktitJt4 10, Alma who was reooverhaet with Mt jotere4a, but ham in ili- ex' forsake thews Who put their treat •••••••••.* tient the attitteds. • towered, God and Motiphere evehicie alwaye eUrrounded HAVE BEEN 011EATEO. • irAuciet slugs, or THE ten* in thew. who are etterthette The in hi•in. Borthe of Ite. ohr own tame INTEENA,TIONA1,4 LESSON. FEB, 26. Men. the SPirit of the) Gespel. the nt- .SCOni$N OF THE (mom NOBILITY .41141 a Wra" iflaal*th a" tQa* golden Teo. son 1.. eters he the absent miuded mime head. but he says nettling. The hale been, Very kind end 10,41 to 2. cloves at the wow, eelee'e. totele the Son a God. Into that atMosphere Man. lIettoreena eligielieed coliV0rOar, LIVING JESUS. . rinsadaughter, half green, stands fl be the aged. My .Motherhi hair had uru- , • f - • • tad eireadY emcee into thael bleetied at- 11°4 the 14-Itit Few *nib • °W• n:""Y°14 ae't thQs° g412•Peal Y a Care% of Glerr-nta Iteltheite Pellets nialet, it og suuset tonbraeing sounrieeta. •/33 but he g despetelt from lataehlugton wept.- thatetlfe Of encW- n nage tex•t; "Eits head oua vs hairs • Grandfather is 111. Church, s co e ivagrntudc tied soul ever came to :her and watt of J,14 door and was turned away. No wpr- the amnia° race, nee most hxesohes planniag for hie arrest and destrim- M Ing--san41 14-41tall etrnnbeeled Vh"anla wnY' 1_4°9 "7 h had fr„, lion, Were by their even character and and of so serniatleual a eltaraoter hag ea -Mee end who -told- -1114" an in" Wresting piece of newS, Later on In . not Pointed to jesua. When'the kneel ."F°130an ra'an4 /XV, purperet debarred froM that state of takeneplaCe in Berlin an that which le of lite c me to a netishboaer's Unchanging fellowship with the Fath- now enumepotizing the attentien ot tkle der thrift ineneemoriel their arenhai hat Vest the gentleMen ire question, caned with thie friend' and kinnall enow,"e-Bovelation 1.14. nevex • lae ulna thing but nation. And when the angel of death' halted tide ee he did ether antique Oh; toe'. It- is it distance in character not Tradttion and an anolent dorteraent bore and girls to him. • lie looks- flapped. its Winga, Bile was there be hY an agegoelation hoetWeen tWe or three ,IMPortanee the etory hte• had hea d, •tell us that the hate! of Christ, or when aronsid the audience and Seetarohe eh departed for the burial, Ntre 85. The '• t mat and made to so the iTtebrew geograPhY NYri,.,-0, he via Open earth, Was chesbant co ders • -.. vvouwhy people don't talle loild among her children at family, pray - our tO,i tan earS., and then flowed down f•eee thet, used to. As some eta hYran 'ere, When father was Orient, say, "1 elaen curie upon the neck. 1SY cornea theough his lout, his memory ask nett for my children wealth or hon- . • I k Ord they may all text ao.y0 that hie hake were white; • brings .haelc the revisal scene • • that ot ewers, figurative repro., haIfecentitra. wonders whets all beeoinea .the etelbjects of the' Converting SOsine had this year come to this feast trot extended tar beyond the bounds Aniong the vi • :1 • ' the. old PeoPle are, His eecona eight grace) I -laving seen her eleven chile itecret eteem biro. selittle. . said th e ews. ah among theca--;eding membera of the old eiweeon beforeWheli tithe •T 4 and. W8 pointed (tut, the unfortunate oar. so ma. etre ge face* and he tied often heard her, while kneeling Nett of the taberpeoles serve as te melees, ...whether, thin was the aristocracy with preratesidenat card tet the tory was Muoti upset, thanksgiving ft:she-el / for harvest utterance of genuine perplexity sharper for the purpose Or swindling m eXeitement put lus.host's napkin bleesinge and as a memorial of the. nee or of acorn . . , M hard to pay." the members of the golden -Abbott. Winther will. he o treat 4 youth in late his POeket instead of bis QWA poo. het handkeeoluef On another encase wanderinge in the Wilderneae; ,ehei • - W 1 the Prussian capital., tf ?Th tl h tt di th h • h because of :prejudices and of • Palestine. Over the remotest na- pia of roealprineee one Prince Alfred pearana 1 la a eh the eV" 0, an •rn ngdom to God, she had him. Not guessing tions. by the help of the ssnagogue. _ e a ce e ra e aotor, hitt the eheoeerears of age, we are apt to thinir tacies, with a °see in both bando. onlY,`Ae more desire before she died, Plettinge against of Coburg and of England, grandson Ovelhidevaat of bilaughter which this pro - Of hilm. ilea Young Math but he Is live. lie site 'al 'the end dt the pew. Don't and AO was that the son ore mission.. that he Was -there, the crOwde in the, 'Tr high: Pricet of Jeruereiene extended' lag now. .Thatnialmet him more than ptefird• hotwiii ron.pas ever ereegrouna might come book, that ' aha temple courts discussed hie metati. ovvnneelvoe4tr7e jelTal eZerell leavineg 1114 ain°plinsingrggirty Trte 1 felliwship A.rnulf, son �f Prince LoUls-of BaVaria. absentminded of Queen Victoria; the other Pripee v an ootogenartan, more than a centene W;itet beleittltg br:Ii.dir,; nz' . tap. env from China .ancborea in new • aeht see him care alive. Aaa vehen teeep 1. courts dieoussed hire reerite and with Genet *wend e es, an ;ems cou d not the Cement. de Prancers-. -unit r*" d he rarely uses speee dreri' the o • locks in tho . Bihtee tallee tte a ':a:he -Wah-preetenteitt. _Ageing the -Marriage:, altar- there-a-Nom,..LOWSTOttetit '-th 7 th$ servant dashes a wave, et 'orange. ' blowing:: 'depeafe in pew)°, for .mGinn . eyes .Stepped over the . thee/geoid, -the .said °O°3°'''a 4.1°°elve.r-r-'but--°-04fraig-4-alrthe` rem t t_. eeeee,e , . et_ . .. ent,ii,r.,;:whe:pinr,.0i,tb;ionmatii,v-t.rn. 3 1. , ' • , . : 4t4neoeewniid;vivjedr•uatl.it:dhee-701..ttio,haez4.1aorkanadh:ye7cathoo:teuout. : rehaae. taael, eta:late". it ass, vat: pth ion lial :ihk.i., Ifriendr at ow. i te thwco. oSit- cited 'disputation was air db'eet fear . of ., the 4e -wish author iijo :tout? l'illal 'grIfierls... go unto the .dieie e it that. dignitary- _ . Q. ir, been the lead- :araoaa° ele.eiepereht_e_te•-the- Beearta- • - ire' . treet, the 'ataitte-ayee eight " . • undred,..nlad :temple. - ' •;. - • • ' • . .., seventy-two year of age. . the. •Two • ..hearts have been :affianced, rerk harlaoar, and the long -absent on 14°Ine declaring hink a good, man 'and well felloesehiP with Tows eve in the " e es -corner of. the world, if he ----- •e ' a ereation, of the world; that' Makes' 're , 'ela' thole/Mud . Years; old. ' Aare ' 4 ea ,leptit•the oiotoltveiser„ orthiero er .t.far tO•see :only the house from which Imam to he-I:Wattle, to .hi:. ' ivirei; .Ptheeille:irie8. t -'•1° .tra tanalliCs' in a ' semi-eir010, -;seen thy ealvathin !" We -geatherea frelaYme : Ilee• folded meat up into the tenepte.. As all H. the .Greekie. an tte : e e ' hda? tioeliiuts4P7etih'el:::ra arteekoai hr. a von Egleffsteip who ;ii:oefeallow-ariel, cill:.:1117tcro°:,WiTilia st si las 9 un lK ii h _ . nenW_____aeen. he, hastily interrupted .. h•ne 1h. fled thereto ' without -being reported him ,jeees: eaYe of. himself. "I was. set uti• mothercome, were Bute Those Jews- who were . been and lived 4 behind ;he la • ala ?1,1.:1.?..""6"11 r. "Is it not ' enough that 'I wit* e sa d, at first, thee.' have ruithinghtmv ',..,_. ... flint .. congratulations ; but let v the!: .hbaendSagZPIPellitil'rcleddluPati.tedw. b ti the: neg... breWa. visiting Terasatera' beton ; t ' . ' . ' -• or ever the World Wain rat that it Makes hiril'an. Old ge eteinitY .. - - - , , . , .: . . • . "ebeeh2gulligoati•PeOW not. earty tree long, for grandfatheiGroiaa ,;ciereerePul.easecitalredinkiiiiitiereeeeevirs feor„dhee,, c Yltehtt !Leer:411113y eteelfildtien i" • she look beautiful re"' •Tte araal * Mil t ionxifloorsewitenouoinotrrirc;tordescoodere,awapta ef the .. °TrgheerYdonitt g oente of the old- .youf . Such lazy beggars -ea you hindea -'e.• te•3,tyeeenttltmen 1 from :walking tnthe. eouddieugh brought bine. freen overlastinet, from the; hoe/mine,. . • .. ,- sooner or later. t ' d' • 't kiss. The. bridal veil wee 'graceful, ' leav.eseeerrpealailei nde e ea! t Pg Pjace.r. The withered' The ddy wee ' prollad public e b ab:peartIbtfitaiir.::::7131,oFtiti: among1tothn14.311)'.:8; ereir'ett:Till•IP•84•-ii itaeSt ia!eieleies4PYinii4G17:1°714.1;47il°nlia the to to hiee'reenses, an he was rather su ' ' • etodkoofoittniosirelft,stdo froind You wear. e twit eat teethes for :a, Itttte b_noays, as he take •their hands Then •• le sky when We carried betheer to atg'd'7dnillY dtte??eitn• 64-nectehe:sicain lat6"g6 t? - a college,, and a plaza .''o ' 'o queen prised and to doubt ni h ' r** , , ,.. . se . ew at asham- srMs* a Were scattered L.:titer heather' which-''* while, then Put it off aet te put tt on he seals his watad with an old hands. 'ths: 16 t 11. the A/31E1th) •ci ' ' • ' 'in oueelaoldis of at least two f ' ehat he had wises gOiiif: Mill se the Lord Jeeus-put :On hi.li: T knase eteneethina more graceful' 'hoof as we pressed, and theesetteneegi eaulin-, g . • Vectoria's eohilaren. He was' Obliged , „the .aaiment of One- liuManity tea a lit-. -thane that,- .'The vase of floweis on. shining' upon the refer, made it Mole Taught., It was. the cuetYoinS. for rabbit 14,„.„, e„..„, ... :- tle While,. and. •then.4effild. it foe ever. the: altar was. beautiful, but I know' lik f- But • 0. ire. . ,more calm and. peaceful to -6 i te . - • e . e ----Theelecieg,htet tobitigf3:(443:tah(ditigt; :e.-70tint," Year ago -to leav„e the'armiSan r on . r a mendicant., et, n e tomato courts' and: ex- be, t - - age P 7 plain th holy kb''' doctrines''tee' ShortlY?f.e'ft4ehtta. rd he, blossomed forth fOrth ' . ' ': ' - ' . . • ' THE: PEAC'E , bCauty,: on,' the antiquity of Ze'efas. wedillii8- ' ' fotteerarir'44.W Ilrie,thoef gaullideilitehe I'll first tiliVe. ' . : , h.: Berlin, and. that he RIVER REGIOX Ho- is nn:,.aiged.;• Christ; his hairs are enreething •InOre beautiful than that.' wasQthe tatting sun of thisd 11 ' ' • :erbitetlike Woot, white like' . .. ' ,. . . . aa°•°T1 .. ' ' . was bright, but • I know . something , igiekness; no more death 1- Dear Moth- . The light that 'danced in the socket giini' • Life. N ' . a, e. o more tears,. no more. ' - • their !disciple*. jeans, took his ' place. e e row - to then* • • ". coniciotil 'ptoriliec y .toetotolloatzdie ail unr• , ttlat 4)f. li. ll'gglre ' as e ; dtahlear thet long ere heantiful mother:1,1M you wonder there with ' the other rabb' ' as &Mee scholars have ues; ' s' bfaialc.7:hOieliti.F877Yr7 eee atabler.dhrove th . .4, TRAITELLER 'WHO IS' ENTRU'S'IA. S* mg and in the laboraeof in '' boasted773Ei •11 a_ of .41_71?3/ ' started a racing. . „. - • • • ° paid' • TIO AS TO ITS RASOIIRCES. ' aff God. will help me this Morning, I brighte:Ab will tette,. you of the eerreav : : the. white. locks"' f g . .. ,111:3tr. lotherk graa hales ere 'beautiful? g-IvOrPtsi'Whleh ?Vas fulfilled,' in. tilletti- • FINEST' 'FOUR IN. 4. _ per atp:, ano etelaratn. . , . There is nothing. thee :to: ..eaea. Tull the door -bell Very' gently; it is To the Jesus of the. auburn locieraig ' VersalSto 27 are. alx4t;34.1.•17;:°. .crilr l'er3ti.taal blessing and repetition of his is:. butler in wages a larger. amount :ay's' t_irair.surpliss.esua.n.,:fa.;1;', r‘ 0.w.,ems_ ' Imo T." What Jesus •tatiglit andetheeetetele.aige .5E;i:,n;t:a:thet:40' sif:t...rii:434ittut747:51.fiel.:5:41,dbaei ,lia. tittitabnerrl. day of toliaitunha.c.)071:/,Ith.aetcluer44ea.,,‘e.nioev..4ear:le,.:974F1,,a,‘...;a:QeYil-mE.,a'aria.r:::, .1.11c*e.$4:;:li't:legtv'm ead-,0theri .11viiaive,7,The, chingeeethe • eolout of • -the hair • as IrroPlied with the blaak.and the white ,.„. : ii..169°. .8c.mie , , -.aim signals of mourning. The throngs the Jaws saw him t6the...Tesuesof 'the 1 .117. They gi.";8 in condensed fend: . • 4. au voi . rs. Abouitils_ln• geMe. ' .0.1ati...thsts.....',. ,-, trouble.. ,X0 , 0 , , man -.to-day. have come. in. e -There is weeping in ' white hair, as Joh described" h• v - : tereoithrienct 'the young'n- -.e fa Abound In tub. . • • whtihteb:83:::from enit:iaies1:::::::: aia: ii‘ n,ii . owt1SeinTti4n7tehilge:niirilt,:iftei3vv...et. t' P ria'b.rgelreEtginde,atiptd.; yfoOrutiffIR:iyiloutr.tarbeliuguOt.ytO)01.triefuoQr.,1,dfRon . rt leirtiriaoten_tit. 4oilitea;-Joh-ettlhtliL ,4tr... .0".4i' Yeara • now, his hair Will' be Ph% but he : says, el Must cootie' ineseee °pardon: ' Tette hie yoke" it, is easy -his. ledge ..elea..bree.dtli of .thought, leei.30,' bne.... vocation cued Sahhath.rest Le Ur. Ili' : dia".. ha', th° from a lax months' pleeeent outing in •, ...Testis at . once. credited his wisdom to _,_...._ ..,.._„ with even greater solemnity, and . v. .. 36. ,. o a irs -c aes gambling place' " 23 whiah he obtained Were,' first of all --se-- • kes I " 1 b f G'• d'F t- eem kept 'seven' days; 'Dent; 18. 15 but P- , A gentleMan wko recently. returnedt b d it i li bt ' ' ' ' . . beg !'technically ' an unlearned ' ' winch seems . to .. havesbeen-obsereed • the eighth day vent; a 'day of holy' coe_. by cheating at cards • s• keeping'f r 't 1 ' eC9'4 the 'Peace Rivcer district related' seine . -the divine Beleg--"trim.that • away."' probabl • - lar larger c nco r tli lOWS.",and• which made itn headquarters of his experiences the -other night. He• at . the leading hotel of Berlin,. and is enthusiastie about the possibilitie.iie- ° .....-, *sort, Tha Popirlhee 'actoallY triett to times haveSbeen a little • :queruloue, A. TrinehinanoiScovers a•VertlEasy selves duringthe .ceaturiee upon the ; that finally .he.. associated Ma:ascii with 1 a nebulous card sharteSend profeseion- wow , who i es nor 0 . on on, . , .• • 890 m'l ' ' th I Fechet t ta W -I' • -the other days. - Several beautiful] - of the vast .region,. extending nearly • . . . • . yeargantetion too, .0e -cation '..- unharnese :the horses.' . from her ear- but . it is a greet favor to have • him - , tie enticing meneyeewerning tee Col4 , . *Med *ato44c'lalik-ri;chiiihts. y,e about to kill ritual prectices had eligeeafted them-• .•, now. - Inc sena the. nrayer • the . ser.! leelore' ' . • - ' ' • -•-• • • ' The people denied that they had any whelk eyeten4, end onent: these, net i 14•gaffibler 9f the name Of . ,, , • e•-etiage,---Ahateeethe,ye....the&aelveseiti 'IA -- --•••• • -• : - • • • •,- • • . : • '. , • :such evil • latent, a, t a h bie under an..eleas.end inn clever disguise. and had. no hesitation in declaring that: - op he has. heart bereft of his fttraily, for the sake of others; so he goes ; • and that sorrow accounts Marie all thrinigh the house a corafortef. •Antoinette aanie to.Paria greeted by a He says, fi The Lord...has taken. the • A, FORTUNE IN 'BIRDS' EGGS. shout, the mightiest Frenchm her with it." Grandfather' may Borne- • child -it is well with It, it is well • t •• • - • " _man, may, have been ennarnetnag, ut • ; . _ prescrib4d In the Pentateuch, • and 1 Europe; being introdeeed lay him ate -a farther tenderancher. teat Garry th - accompanied him M. a trip all Ryer it4 only awaits the advent of the. miner,. that those who aneWered did laot knoW•suggesting hi the memory God's deal- , • al• Marrow egg seems of little or .. drave ite Beautiful ha Persoh, heautk more coinforting than-anY" *tiling that ' • ful in heart, the vhole French nation 'bottlde-tre' sold 'r the white 'locks of no value,: and yet , there is a man in of the rulers" ;piens. In the midst of ings, with his .peepie, was ;the daily1 rich merchant to tha.members of• the . • • - b an, . pro a • • great altar T•Id 1 site of the resent cit f Wi ' worshipped tier. A little. time passed grandfather at the burial.' , .Paris Who elm transform it into a. pi•ize the di i ea' • Kluge on e of them of Jerue TiOn-ett. lied club on their return to Ber- P y o nnipeg, pouring of water from Siloam on the on and I behold her on a hurdle, or n tow th . he ews ,wou reca 1, wasea frontier post twenty-five Yeare. , . . . . . t d to•adrait that really worth having. Indeed, this in- 1 " •d • " not this < mv, text means the beauty of .Christ, e piece_ oe e?e, wsen. it , sue, eve hair's were ' wh, ite eeuiloo, her :arIAS7pinioned behind her, hike the ' wool, white like the snow St one eye: entirely put out the glory of •Have you not *sten him? Throu.gh . her facieeetinguisbee, eib' the change! the ;dark night 'of your sin has he • • ' net fl stied ninorY says of ehis Woman t ' sharpening for her neck -in one night • a • enuseinn of natural history, and while x.ean's ancestry. . . , to, be peiformed for. a. year, "passes in -1, Even then 410 means otteld be found. tion of the highest' complexity. Gold . • . . . . as they witnessed this rde. Not less than.= young officers have abizijoit•yttthait avviltelussenrthi?,4erileoodn‘dvsinofjot:easis-... genious gentleman makes. a 'very hand- ea en4 ' he eel • th::Tmhierra.: he, wham they. seek to hill* How eulous gift clothe water in the desert, eommitted :suicide during the lest few ' r ;through (months in vonsequencet ofebeing ruined the country -beiRnd tbe Saskatchewan-- :Mane income his skill . col- is it that the rulers allow him to also the wo oruig birds' eggs, AS . to the leg* boldly ? • lileve the comeit th • f 9 e eon_ ..tohr wweitibio jooli slaill'tlyteledr,Wileitit-er out of by the Count • axed his. econfederatere enemy: of his business the reader .caia •eled, draw• t _ a ion your vision? Beauti- . that, im- - ful when he -comes , to. pardon beenti- .. priooned,. her hueband :.executed, her ful when be copies to comfort', beaute- • embeacee; the knife 'of the guillotine fel .wheze he. co , . • • a on, Jest's, who But so cleverly did the pair. manage occupiea by e, pros•pe•rous peop e. Mant- a sPoken hie wonderful that not until a few' weeks ego: • cannot be the Ma f when tb ' . A few years ago, Inc wideawalte Pare biome' le cometh no Anon will know water to the w at Samaria, now acting on the personal orders ot, the province whereas t e • , other possesses. y only an agricultural toba- is practically ssi , or . e words concerning the -well of, Irving that. the club was raided by the police. Judge for hinaself. melon that he as• the Messiah'? But, had before tee enatural resources permitting a civilize- isian wee.= assistant in a provincial whelloo he came, but we, know thiii declares that Ii him -this rite, not again. ExaPelfor. • • - • • mes saie. A little much duting the time of an eelipee. It got so * .28 Then cried Jesus. "Jesus there- to an abiding reality " He is the ' pf proceedings against, the Ceunt al- oc in' 11 tie • 1 e • ' cure a e rivers, coa ou, crops. whith. ' - dark at noon she was afraid, and she t-2, ere he learned atm- saw a great deal fore cried,", lifted up his voice with Fountain of living water. "It is uncer- then& his confederate was erre along . e river. banks, natural gas, her hair turned Well, surely, Jesus mtr Lord heA en. kept eobbing and could not be sit- ,Which has since been of mueh IMO Paasionate remonstrance. Ye both tain whether the libations were,enade and it is only tow that he has place. know me,• and ye•trnew. whence I era. 0.4 the eighth day. If they vvereenot: ed waste Melt on U$silent air -at Atha-. laugh sorrow to whiten his -hair. He cooed unfil, 'after a -while the sun him. So 'mach, indeed, did he learn himself 'within the lowers of the , hid dwelt in the 'palaces of eternity -°came ant again, afld. ehe clapped her that whjen be lost his position he went .Teheeaained' noteworthy words hive 'been ea- made," Writes Dr,. Westcott, "the mos. authorities, by committing foegeries: It besets . 'ending. •_,Then there Shaul& ' by some as being ironical, nifterait cessation ef the stiakiiig rite.'ild. __.1 doubtless go aa. hard With him as ' reit be forgotten.. the vast' timber and," . the archangel. one' of ilia. body guard, sun," to Paris' and . determined to start in neither know - me ter • evhence -I` am ;". ' on: this oneelea.of theleast would give with, that Other sprtg of the old.•Pruse ewe ' l' in i As " ery wea th, as well as the fur bear- . ._ e • handa and said "014, -.thee sun! the. - ' • , . Scene Of 'tie have been, the .the 1111talleII Ones ..of heaven gTad .. to darkness of our sin; 'eclipse etfter busineag fer. hiniself. His appreatice- and by .others as beteg interrogatiVe. a still MOTO -fittiog] octesion 1.01 1111 „slaw. istoeraeyeCOugt Schleiuitz, evhci • • . value Of birde" eggs, and-, promptly ,stend thereto De a simple sLaiemettt Of sPoke wIth a ,loud voice, that ati in servitude-, acting ase the confeder- I. • The tourist and. a party went over-, . . , . eame out on the balcony of heeeee after e while the Son of •Righteouse . . , h t fact, but vvith reference to kis human the temple courtemight hear, If any ate of a pro ona.l.blackmailer in ex- eland from Edmonton via Chalmers trail; &Ova en the leieale Of 'our hunianity, Bethlelieni khan.' 1.30.aptifor in Ilia sMall.colleotion Of eggs With Whieh M tho superficial •tieth-he is agave bf retail. to theestudioue worshiper the lin, the Comit,fuin ng the inforeme . . and shouting. e But here you see' haat Beautifal down in the straw of the rare eggs. Tree-, e had on y a very ohstacle to a. man Of his vex -Settle' gell- character rind mifesiter. (tneige t-It'llehttet.:ttjeterriiciaemYeenet;. Isemhe."110, thin on tee ri reng seeeeh his eon:, to tbe divide ett the . ' tower& thee place tal. execution; theetles 1131%.4.11Kai ainViet fFilLqvt3 't-j.iEe gd,Titi,1 start adusineste but .this WSS a iriflitig tiottZaaretit tar ttall lornaoCeelfa iaiito .1).1%6: I'vvrda Vf.' ..he' ' Pr°1311et leeanh hi! Ile -trful 7vittlitbe child.. I'.arti hot come ..tzrY eof old r4.064wAtarittlqfft itiacxmo• . ' by ' the sta, ' -and, • Reiman. palace's,. ,. fetritt&yoditctit wthaeo oacitxit,'01132 but - • • Ion term of pone! g an ma etc. Weunder- words." Jesus stood and cried. Ile fs now, ving a g draw his chariot, Methinks, when he eclipse has passed over our soul; b ship at them:inseam, had shown him the "Do 4ye' know 'nece e there was a waving of palm branches' dealing in personality .and his earthly environ- man thirst, let him come unto me, torting Money,• mea and wOlaen'a t Leese SI Lake,P • Ri • ness poure his beams upon our ear se decided to make a living by h i ' meat. He eadmits that they know arid drink.. •These words. woula also the. Gertaan nein and. court of Bere ; geossin;porrset. 3.n,ti ei7e7evpver and we tried, "The stin I the sun! , , sur au in. which king's children- were ren hanging • about- his - neck t ‘Seauti- ins.. He kntiw...thet here were many Q yse . born; but this son of a King • horn In fat in the 'horae circle of Bethany 1 collectors in • various • countries who of the' great. schools', but he is not "a mane are'.d milk .without money and of the Count' Sehleinite who for so many :32Bed at various stages of the journey, • with luxuriant tables, 'and surround- paieer Ilicr th ' sons of. men; day- ' - * ' mere ged-taught enthusiast ;" he. has Witt:mat price." ' :It is a repetition• -of years was Minister ef the Imperial The moist northerly. point reached was- enehigh ; light. tor those weee williag to pay fancy prices. for - been comfinissicined •directly by God.. what -Jesus' had said t'o the poor wo- 'household et Beetles and; whose widow at thehead-watersR ,.., .the. outhouse of a ta.vern; Potentates 711;oinfit rinnl eggs, and be xestileed to supply their He' that sent nee is true. Perhaps man at: the welle "Verhosoever drink- is now* Countess Wolkenetein, wife of of the Peace iver, lily of 'the valley -altogether. lovely. demands, no matter how .eitrevagant "gemaine" or "real" wauleglie More oth of the water that I shall give him the Aniitrian Anabassador at Paris, • formed by the junction of the Finley ed . by eupbearers ; but this King: the - direnalee find one morning. on the darkness •,. rose of Sharon ;• f ra lf. He had net come from anY come ye buy and eat; yea,buy peror William, and was the nephew ,Waggons, peek horses and boats wore - of the meatitug than "true."' Not Shall never thirst, but'the water that ' - • " and Parsnip rivers. Both the forks. ing his own bread for breakfast; his tee - . k As the sheep from the washing go up they might be. • 'truthful " but I shall ve him 'dealt he in • a beach; frying his own fish and toast- , sole of .leather fastened- vvith .theorgse ; think of the rising-eloud,-because o eggs and Tacking the necessary fecal:- Existenap Whom ye knoyr....not. That testi* life."' • , his head hared ander the hot anemia t brightness•, but k thi k imeores a .hini..vIthose hair is as white ties. fOr, ptoeuring: them coull. not they were provoked to hostility by • e, ma es you• n • bank, their fleece ma es you ea Course, not having many r "He that seat me is , ed tumultuous mountain streams ' -are "He is the ideally True," the ?really well df water springing up into ever- . • • • • and at their. junction form theFinley SOME PITNEY MISTAKES. • a • fi our 'Lord's teachings proved that they awl, seated •031 the well-cnrb thirsty;.1 as the wool; • :his coat gambled for by the roughs whet er a snow -storm you leek out of :the and on the mornidg aft- supply them unless he manufactured did not "know God." . PROFOUND REACTION. them, arid this he did. For exaniple, 29 I knew m.. "The Word as , The Pendulum or NutiollavEplieeinie bride on his Wedding day and has to lan •some gronies of twee arid.ttuotts, oth-; blasphemy; • the It *II window•before the wheelor se 00 s police h ssee and the whiteness is st... if a colleete.r.wrote. to lazie for a pen- 'with God, antl the Word was God." e fi hy'vi aing hawititeg ' „hag up the phlegm from their throats And spitting # en his clean cheek; pur- ' most insufferable, and makes Yeti • think of him .whose hair is "white sued 4.10 though he were a tiger; his: like the snow." ' . . dying drink •vinegar sucked out of, a 1. Again,* My text presents the anp- • sponge. Every thing 'seemed leaving; uit of Jesus It is no. new Christ • , ibesta,nveeessweetudere etettet!piiekeitloe tielel.tettiperitte:1•rseavpoirdasim , a mules whitlpool, extending lo • ca Ionise • ••• .1 All the way on the outward and. When,a, men forgethis expectant bomewerd trip hundreds of m ners•• -113 Wain a shell exactly resembling that -he of no kfiewateutre weith Atha 'Father. trews awlinve From Extreme- to i reminded that it is time to repair. to ers in larger parties, wereencounteredt guile's egg, he' would, make ont• of gyp-. a or whoneohmong men knoweth the treme. ' , the eeremony itrnay be safely essumed Most of them Were beading for the Nat - ward it to his customer, who would 1 the man which is la hinal (Wen* so' the cossets of • the French Revolutiis . •. , on' of a penguineg egg, and he winth would for- 1 things a a Man save e spirit of . The reaction which followed the wt. thathis memory is not Of the bestkon ; manyhowever, were content to. Several well known 'individuals, how- seek gold 'in the Peace -River or on the th away and feaving hum in the hands of lam, even the light of day rttnning that bag come. It is no new expert- never dream that ap enguin had not thing& of God. node n w _ I am from him: •republican l'b t and 4,A, without parallel in history. The en- klight"the black nurse that bent over nter• coming to the crucible. The Spirit of God,'" laid it, As a rule, however, he uses h•in roeeedieg from thusuism for er yever, eve been a Leo e is h f t d ' wa sandbars of countless other rivers or the shell of .. and ?drama have been somewhat try- smaller streams.. , Although only nee ra h' don't dienounce the, arrival , • SOUP. COMMON EGG, SO. Then they sought to take M.m. equaltty was in a few years. transtorm- . the laaies when they becente primitive rochere-vvere wed, no daft, rherefore the ruler's sougha to take ea into enthusiasm for a milder,' dose him; forsaken by every thing but of a stranger. It is an aged Chriet. fiends, executioners, and the darkness, et I should tell you that.- he was a -oh! methinks that was the night in thousand million years old,. it would which hie bait turned white. give yeti 110 idea of his antiquity, He We wottld have thought that some of °ernes clown through_theperiods when •the Romeo soldiers would have had there were no Worlds, before light had hunianity and magnaaimity enough to amok ita first spark, or the first . step aut from the ranks end 'FAY, angelie,wing was spread for flight. Ete ?Stop this butchee 1" that Scorn would saw the first star beam hii the &irk - have uncurled its - lip and • • "Enough 1" that Revenge would have said, ness :the first wave swing to its piece; and the heard the first reek ,,jer down oried out, "I em satisfiedl"that Pain to its place in the mountain socket. Would have isaid,:"I have done MY enis hair is white ag the weal, white we* 1" that the swords would have 'enapped-off at the hilt, Ana the lances the the snow" -an aged Christ. Oh 1 that gives Me 'so much • confidence. broken in twain. Ole no I no Ino !The vrorId wanted blood; and as long rig a It IS the same Jesus: that heard -- - David's. prayer, the seam jes- ' single globule remained in the arteries us on whose 'breast :oho leaned! " or. the veins of Christ; the atianish - _ -.1- -- It is the same, one who stood in the must go on, and the evnieltress Keep ... titatneritine dungeon with Mil, who crushing the purple cluster until l', . watehed the ashes of 'Wickliffe when last drop was out. Oh, freezing horror 1 the guillotine they were thrown into the river, and stood by Hugh Latimer in the fire. was mercy compared lrith it 1 Pang FM comes down bearing the pains and . of nail! Pang of spear 1 Pang of the agonies of Christendom. After six thirst 1 • Pang of betrayahl ' Pang of thousand years of sin -pardoning, bur - 'vicarious suffering I I hear the hattk-, den -bearing, and wound -healing, he , Mere ringing through the darkiesse, , • knows how (0 (10 it. You can -not bring -, loud and fierce, thtlicip I thumP I. him a. new case. thiinip 1 against the cross. But the He ha.s ten thousand onset just like it before. He is an aged • work Is done I The groaning has cells,. phriet hie sole care being to see that it core him.' Their attempt to arrest Segue otism In 1794 Louis 'XVI. was ex- acquainted. with .the state ot affairs. culty was found, in making frem $1 to responchivin size. with.the desired Ogg. ewas the logical result ofebie having. P • ° , !Perhaps 'their actione after mere g3 'day. this, (A course, Would taloa The' eggs of theeenniort fly -catcher b en seat trout Gad. Dollbtless the e3uted foe being al heredetary King, riage fully atoned for this lapse of, me- pay eYPenses. The showing, howeVer,. • properly they „elm he Made: to resem- in verses 26, 26 had greatly aggravated 1804 Napoleon Boneparte was createa mory" • gem to prove that with modern inichin- are very cheap, and be coloring them question asked bte the common people though with but nominal power, ; in t Hill e °ed. ing reeults would be se - I The celettrated Sergean l appears rY g PaY bis flinch costlier eggs._ Again, 2 it ' theta. Noonan laid hands on him. be - duck's egg costs very little, and yet realise his hour was not, come. Their hereditary teeperer, with, &Most ab- .. to haVe been * rgther . absent .minded, Cured. The entire region seems to be • . . our ingenioue French gentlemen could levil purpose was held in cheek by the solute authority. The contrast te- am also very useful for a shatter pox- I sibly a continuance.of the fear Of the finery of the imperial court was most deeply- engaged in an intricate CaS0 Ercka Edmonton north arid west' for . easily transform it into an egg worth }divine will and power. What means tween the republican simplicity of the. and- It related . that on the day in auriferous. Wherever a test were frem forty to sixty francs. Pigeons' eggs !God. used we are not told -it was pos. Ratty 'revolutionists and • the teaseled ,,wiacit he was to be inarried'he was Ed made "colours" were found. thitt he forgot the other impotiont• over six hundred miles the country was pose, slime they are exactly the same people, striking. Such violent and rapid re - wee as many very rare eggs. Any 1. 31. )1/any of the people believed on action wag only possible among a peo- bided found to be mostly open prairie; adapt.. engagement, and had to be rem one with e knowledge of chemistry !him. pontraet with the. leaderit. Ple of exceptionalla volatiles character, cOuld change them so that the pig- When Christ coneeth, will he doeniorle and the French ,nation seems new • ore' of ,hiawaiting bride... Bishop Thomas, ed' Jaoth for grain production and eons, themealves would not retegnize mtraelets than these which this Inge , the verge of another upheaval, The of Sall'sbury, was another absent mind- I ranching. Surprising thougl; lt may " I • them. • t . I hath done I They knew of other mir- reign of Creniteell and the entails n e . . . e individual, who forgot his •wedding appear, horses and cattle xeinale out Almost' every collector' of birds' eggs • aotee besides those whiela john hasre-England. was followed by a. reaction at . - deeiree to have One or two tingle mark- lated, afta their question is an indica- the Restoration, but it was inconiparal day until reit:eluded of li by.hIS servant. all winter..., and manage to get their ' od A:ghtiogale's ego, and is will- tion of their wide-eyed. wonder. After able milder. The political opinions" of , On another occasion, when this mica', I own food. -The snow fall is intonsider- Parisian dealer was well aware of this traote i by his miracles than convert- ed subetantially unchanged, but the . .t hi •'•• ' f ' iariiid ii.rati engag .4 in • eeteversation, a ' able • the snow being very dry and gnat bi s kg, but, strange) to say, luffy. . The animals easily paw up ing to pay a high price for than The all, th se -people are as yet rather at- the miss of the English people remain- ' little weak/rasa, and, lexica being more ed by (his dootrine, jeans had not yet severity of the rule of the -salute pro. , he stooped. and kindly ecratched. the th.; white coverteg Pea recure 04 dry abundant than nightlegales, he found op:ney asserted Out he was the Mese yoked a temporary rebound into he- llo diffieulty in getting larks' eggs and, stab, 'entiougnees amengst the higher clesgee. IQ of thrgentleman standing nearto grass beneath., • coloring them so •that they were ex- 82. The Pliatiseei heard that the peo- hikn The gnat' kept on. biting, of • TITS PRESENT wivrvrt aptly like the genuine article as de. pie murmured sucth thinge concerning "NOT THE GENERAL'S COW." course. Other *ctories are also told has been a very open one. Although posited in rtanote places bio the timer- him The Revised Version makes .theta wluele go to proit s:cepink in tent, tip to *tannery 1.0111, ed. the lest , Roman regtraent has oils nightingale. overhear the murmurings. His teeth- - Tommy Atkineeethe slang iaa,rne et 1. ot dila dighitarY taken from Ike tree, hie dead Weight ly the young and the gay about es; able business and te little considere.- they dare not a. ow le popti 1 y ' • • • . that his memory was not of the the paid was not felt. One week, how- to ktvElkotm, LE,,,0„fettovi , ever, the theritenneter descended to 50 marched down the hill. the vietiin is There are times when eve want Ohiefe .. •Itottan bp seen thie la a, yery profit. ing endangers their authority,e .and the British private -is not noted for his ,z, dewn on the. betide bf those vvho carry • but when I am in deep. troubte, give tion wilt Chew that there is not much grow further. To thent politeness, but for his obedience to orders. . ' \teen a Cabatet- -hernieter kts out lose intense in- e-- - - --e• ; - - degre-es hetow lere. alei cold seemed Wm, hie hand falling where it wilt le it3i a fatherly3,t - . . t., risk of detection Title, the tricky ene- heretto Old it revolittionist, nd the- : t bee' seerets of ottidaio:ona 04his oppiia- ter registered 13 1)0 OW in the east. thin when the thernutme- olll Mali or a motherly • . • .. , . • . heaseemosed -s- '.., ..hisehead falling hack or .tudewise, AS - ;,, wonian. ore than once, in une thods of this Parisian dealer have been. ologians and politicians they wereYears ago Po • o in a Rea rt town in• Beg - entail. may be taken for grante4 that they allow it. sok night ,of sorteer, have. I ha ed brought to light, but the &sower was lamina to bring his dotenfall, The Pima- land a general and an adrairal were The 'country is well wooded in manly' Let -the thunder toll at' this funeral the gray dawn of an old man s at • ' h 'r • 1 Y I it is done in a fit oe abetracuon, and, • • reddens, especIally reknit the banof Graralmother'S hand may tremble ctlice., .13, elle ounpiolon on the pert of bus neighbortg. The "getteralke house walg fronted by a grass -plot, on which. he that it is qu.t.) unintenlonal. The spruce and the river• the prearapal tree being of a God, aria the Organ of ..the witula J. ,o. aPParentla made more by. ehancee than • sees Etna the chief urieste. The Seabe- e weep thig requiem,. ..tie loam despised Mita) to hold the phial in the mck- ' customers that they were being min. Mambas. Sent officer's to. take him< . drin. probably formally 1,, certainly its, pastured' a .COVt, • (Inc dar•hia WUe .1,04 Lord IL,rby, WAR was eceasionally tre,es ettein a largi eiro, bui th:s is Cottonwoods. Eonie of the ... trabersions. Behold where tho the drops, but surely you have "'felt The average eel teeter, no Matter White our Lord's life, It Wan unsUcOesertti - milk was holing short. . . . earaplained eto hini 'that the itapplyseti • he nt . ' a il- ' ' 'On e va kin art nxeePtitin• . Withont any special ef- and rejected of Men . woutided for our rooan. and her eye.be too dim. to court died out of their money. . This le the first formal attenapt upon e e.y a .-.e , min• e was My text sete-ferth the( beauty of condolence; Ibrbag before me thepte- . and if they can get eggs that reetrai matchless diaeOlettag. The °nicer§ was infringed the sentinel should he ea this, Lord iktrby cline tO. hiniself;t well of natural* gas, The guardian, a hd tee This' was to.) Much to' 'hi 8oaLora Canada,. except' . At Athabacett Landing there is a thtt • the Wool, 0.13 white ao the snow." Sotto*: of Chriet as young led ardent; but - of eggs., They know that certain-bit/Le Ilevieka Version omits "mate thank:" oept. his cow should he allowed be the ,,, , nights are•cooler. and anguish have turned it. - when 1 few the road. ot 011113°114 ""' lay eggs of a certain 81243 and ,00lot, Our Lord was simply centimiing Ida grass -plot. no,added that if this rule Lora Clarendon, antrwhon he uniniat- Colour for the hair. The Romans ' Is there not h balm in this for the coloring nutyl•not alwo,ys .be natural PheraY,,,of which they believed he was haste to keep an engagement, took a 4 Iv- ..._g . - ' ing will be rotor -led on the Saeltatche- . _ saying, "Really I thought all thetime GoVetnment employe, lights and heate course, Lord Clarendon did ilot Make wan river in the spring< lin enema- '' ' ete talkin tea concerto.° ' 0 . f. his cabin with the same gag; Gold tali).- • Ohthlt. Whimsical fashion Changes its :,tute ot an °Id a -WO; hie Ileire alf *luta - to be:faultless in these respeots they who had beAn sent to arrest. him were mimed, Mind Vets/Often as to which is the beet as the wool, as white as the snow. are satisfied. The thought that the doubtless waiting- to heat the bias- Soon after, the admiral's wife, in ,. iprinkleta theirs with. giver and gold. aged f Mythology tens; tte of onewho does not SeeM tO enter their heade, At constantly guilty. And it was they oh,ort cut over thaToplet, diaregarding Otir aeceetets powdered theirie white, get aged, and they tried to make him an, rate, such bee hetet the. experience who On their return reported, "Never the itentinelai order to keep off the knovin the information thus platsed. in -ous dredge that it intended to simpl I/Unuin ouster& decides this itnd de- yowl! again, And. act they took herbs of this Parielten elealea. Ile. has fops man **peke like Ode Man." Yet a little gram, , neita." Indeed, hi there any thitio,w eyes brithtetted, his forehead setiooth- colltestore vtill rirobably be more can- Ohnzion underetande thein as contain- • 4:ey, anil Many amusing instanceer ere e quartz Ohara in the °monies. distriet, 1.,1111$L OX it, PIRST-OLLSS 110Titt withdravr, unto hitt that seiit MC' As alecovered. after he had delivered tt ess lakes, and tat abeuna in -whitefish sae halite to put ina to death? My Stranger -Your farm' hoe n prosper - take the adornment, and who swear by r°ree ne nal, tn.*/ 00E0,14 'MIL ,,,b6 Ittaxl6 2 2 ,* win,' good addrem, that the had for. trot bull trout. tit the higher Attie (treble." Attest for thole Who da not ,neVet got oldi _or. hatillitafht 01 teta • S' tithe °hearth trie short; Itauit soon, go, otiA Took. De Vitae etre the two knew not ribn I've worked this ere farra night en' eamou he ie credited with hoeing otee, refract -Wal --------- aanaranlin • gotten the beak; while: on another ese. hare the lakes teem with grayling mid * frota the Hilt Of Moia. and r pat h t A caribou man lately wandered, in- that sant hun. nar rat AO out* fort/. Yettra; ahli h"tf -eel to visit one of hig friend!. whos, rainbow trout. all Mu dies of the apothetary, that tnaLag *tam r pinok some o. tlIto they will not have it. Nevertheless, geruil to a remote ote that deesn't keg, e t ftd the til at th aant, 10 ' d shill make everhust- , _ t.,,, ,...,,,,ed " O'h " repl ed it: - t., cite -and mitten ratd Yr 11 seek In vain now. I'ts -got moue/ awed up. told his friend Was deed. he /mine- ,ait havo you eitege Nowooreere ore. A though much ahocked whet, Neighborly Caller -How many ehtia. it • 4z4ltatitiai 4 I h •throu h your Irene ,,,,,,Y2-.,..... %Ty ..,„#. ' 1 th° - for *that * deliverer en in rectrepride rangereeltetite, fi t What will e it tie Ite. is -a lentil vette trd -4 t i ? the funeral. rs. rieVfOoinitir just moved' in*Iwo. , it l• , burial. ed Death ail ii.. la quently retteeelbeeed hterina Attended " •te et tha, ----r, --t‘r ' ad.4 ten' MIR 3rda itOW4 raj**. 'I"' ...-e. roe do with yeaawst Witte id hinzA" Ah, methinks the that therte is no hand so- eompetent titer he has a. passion for autographs, bemuse of the impreasion made upon The sentinel aecounted for the defi- with Lora t.litroadort, ati7 ols,po'nuas'tg. fort, outcrops of coil; sometimes four tot in thickness, were f.und along tile ' • golden etiliti have gone from his to peter out the Medicine of Christian postage sttempe, ebatis' or birds' eggs, the officers by our Lord's teachings. °inlay -the pUbile trod down ahe Pali- when he began tailing him the seciets banks of the rivers. bis brow, and "hie hair hi white tie Want courage tot lift, I Jove to think to be especielly the came with eolleetortg 33. Then said_ Jesus uhto them, The ture. Thereupan the getteral ;axe ot- tietettliet no hum in or other unmet ea- the Oehiartt eau u.tanately aske4 • The sUrtuner is not Urillite the climate ttheek. and the- anhUrn has taded Iron) consoiatioe ee eri aged hand. When is iiiclizied to be gullible, arid this weenie The story is tola Veree 46. . minbag has just been completed at ()Idea that; but God &eleven that he °la,' ragMente of owls and nedvan,andr warded 8/win:keno of his skill to col- While ani r with you. It was now only Common soldier, don't you know who kcePthit' cost of $60,000. CM the journey mut* likes frost-oolor best when he 000, - pat them in a taldron and estirreathera teeters in all ementrlea and it doge not ahout eix' menthe before his death. Ile great La Voidable ivies another the trevelerS met et Chicago outfit go. "The hoary head is a Grown of glory, u, ,and gave some to'the man, and appear that any of them ever chem.,. Althatigh the words Were addressed to All / know is that you're not the gentleman Poetee:Aing a Peeuliar Mena. Ing In with mining maohinette to work , I runt ejaeulidea the offended laay. if it be found In Ole Waw. ot eighteen*. lhatantilo hia heir was blaellened, /00 ered that be was fraud. Ilereafter, th°$a Wh° gatil'ated" aMirld /11°4 r''" general's cow. • , recorded of his filmenee of mind. !Ito country wet of the ltookieswas woo beautitott This- is tile way edo and itv-fnot like Ahe roe, .tions about buying eggs, especially ing also a avast appeal to those who AGRIOULTIIRXSTS fent, it is saitt that when be went to found to abound iri game, incleeding .tin upright Nee "You ewe, been lieu_ letteiee jeans Chriet Itia Soul, he Isbellpresuit his “Ifabies" to the Xing, he, moose end ceribeo. 'there are tea te late of Retina to A man, at Om end Of But the Gespefatttlmelest that is eitien feint% foreign dealers. toilet to 'take him. "Why are ye in , a trtoty heir le a Grown Of ifory. It le there 111 ealdree and stir diationareS and on taming down in the 84. Te shall seek mar and Mali not I've "bout made UP my mind to let her ?lora' lie had .attended setae time be A NiChal_thOltLY CALL. alto! in the Church, t tat beauti- and r taka oat life and health for the' worming was ask‘d by tile landlord find lilt. Whell tip011 out oil shares an' VStire from hue- • " ."'" "" ape* nat Mean 411414, means ' tatoOttnt itlighar Noi hborly two?' Dear w loslia. ttlivn e'tei' 0A,.1 • t 1 tud. tete, thee ye etennot eteene• Mete Partnere-Sett% im dal" - An amusing- Stay is• tom ih 00 224a- :Mel thtnight I heard about adossAt. • • . • Y,••