HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-23, Page 1•
:PN.DEFOlDlaTT fN' ,dliTi
271471r87,ArotinikX2 1VQ01a
c cod led a for ' oimes iSo*,th
1 o mor
It . Duke of: '4 autbridge Blend JI �v� .I �� .. • , , •
Malt. ' -" Of' makin" ' man ` music'
oii't;he.fifiest'RigblaTid M . ; �. � � Fi �'
d•• 0 ••books there is no end '
W.bisky 15 Years old
• ; - ctlance nn this !let and see if you
J.° Brown 80,CoL. would like to have us send you a'
London and Glasgow.. •� feW r
For saleab r fl Saving Grace , '. , 15c
-O1LTIV0t,!T'�, s p Tle S Bells .. 35c
p The'Seed Y9Wer:;: .. µ:.:;. .
L'1QUOR STORE . • Chorus of Praise; . . .
• Sacred . Songs; No. 1..... , , .... 35o
i� The Great Redemppt•ion 25c.,
. Tears and Trkirnph, No 2, 25e
�,ck `, e.a�. ,, ; b 1 .
a o • S Search Light .'. 350
i is Triumphal�Songs; No 4:.'. : 40c
a . ., ,, No, 5 35e-
Canadian Hymnal, 50e
Repertoire ,itioder+ne. ...$1 00
Pianists' Albuin :.:. 100'
Modern Pianist ... .. 1 00
Technibal Studies 1 25
? Superb Folio ._x 75;;,;
i Rojial Pearls -. _ 50
Royal Crown 75
f Royal ;Murch -Teva Step.1: '75
l�i y
Q V�+ c LLX �1 n .. FRAC
Royal Oollectign 75
,Songs Without Words.. : 75
axe. working; for us;: Foie: ;�,( ;l
the next ten days we will offer' ()
• a line of Quart Jogs at 15 cents.
Ata Georgia Ca,mp.nieeting�,'S0e`
tllat are 'well .worth •.25 cents • Whistling Rnfus , Sec .
Beneath the Upton jack., . 60c.
yiri,bought a lal' quantity Of Any music not ina oek ordered
on short notice.. t
•theme .at a price �t'hat enables us
to sell for 15 cents the;, est Jug
-' that has ever •been. offered for:
that money, they: Can be seen
in our n Orth' window •
Have you tried ur Happy
. HomeSoal, if not get a guar=
ter's worth the next tirlxe :y. ou
are, opt of soap; and try it.
`Ju �k_ 8 5cent bars • for
25 cents.
.OGLE COOPER & CO. Clinton
• Cash paid for Butter, and Eggs and
cried Apples.: Phone'23,
Window Glass Spectactvs
'If we had our choice between giv-
ing up everything we; have in this
world and losing our eyesight, rm sure
we'd.give up everything else and keep
our eyes, Trouble is we never think •
about these things until we're brought -
face to face with them.' We all knp4v
mole who are foolish enough to buy.
"Window Glass"from, peddlers end so
called spectacle men, became they
think it's economy, not,k»ewing that•-
thev are doing their Ayes a great dan-
ger until it is too late There is just as,
'much difference ;rf spectacle Tenses as
there is betwe i a glass dish that can
be bought for n cents and cut glass
that would,,c st ten dollars... .We buy.
nothing 'but the best and ;guarantee
satisfaction. • •
To see the latest lin E(ats
inspect A. J. Morrish's
stock. .DOn't buy till you
do soe An inspection will
'convince you not only that
he has what you want but
that his prices suit the
times and the good quality
of the pods he sells.•
His Ties, Collars, Cliffs!.
rior goods at taking iRices.
Our Suits are made to vvear and
-wear well as well as fit ;ken.
An 'order given Holloway is al-
ways followed by another.
This means that he'gives satis-
°Ifaction'as to fit, quality of goods
E)141 SERGE.
is the name of rine of the best
wearing cloths to be bad. _ We
have thein tit 518 a •suit, end You
may be sure to get the North of
. , your money if you buy one of
these. . We sell
4.0.t44"b C t
. Y CU�gCn t'XCA•WIijI UtC L5 � ff Q�1 BOB-
An inmate of the Rowse of Refuge,' ;• • Thaoll:tirclb•warden4 of St. Paul'aask. 'THE. CLINTONBBW. INS.
Thomas •Leathorne'by name, was : al- ed the congregation fet a tree -will• of
lowedto leave last week, 'he having feriog to take the' place of entertain- •
secured, etnploytnent at ;die trade in tnents as none have been -held in con- A NEM( POST OFFICE FOR 'li lE'HU,R.
.Seatiforth, the town- fromo which he :_iieetiot .wttll°•the, eburch this winter, "''
clime, �' } t.' ' and 'on Sunday last $100' Was :.laid on "Y' -�-_ ^
Qlp at• Kiaeerdipe,.• • ,. ' the plate. e • ° •
. _.. _ B. ` ... .. • • %nr�cir�nlrflnnci't��nlrh„ T�n'R•.,1,
en o li on,, le at 19,,.. Oine In, , ,Mr. John Wiseman .ha,S. di,sPeeed of •
ene time, 1.31 thn etnFlOY Of. BO. :John, 04.,10.flqw1940 pf tryii?,g Mhp,r,Rpba • • '' SECOND TO NONE:.
!,, :been in brisiriess a, n,mbei! poretrs,' The Toronto World dubbed Tues.
, Mr.: Oliver lohnsbn received, a tele- and ii1/4deeeryedly. popular .ainenD his day's contest "The B,attle of theliebs,P•
grans lifonday inerning' stating that fellovv, citizens.' , • , ° , brit had it possessed a greater local
his brother -In -4%w, Mr: %/Zhou Mel- ,".: ' knowledge, especially of the last three.
burn.° otiladen, had died Suddenly the days of the 'campaign, it would have
evening previpus, The case is an un- `-',... en - ' il " e r• !aliened. it thin ----"The Battle of the
usually sad one, Mrs. Melburne having ' - , " a" nine," Govermnent and Bank Bills,
day which informed. him that his wife, '
died about a year:ago, leaving a family
a eight children: Mr, Johnson left - whe floating .prulation of WeSt
by the first train, for Baden.' - with her son had been s_strickel by par- Fiuron iio leas• to_ a
Was despatched she was censcioui, !eters, Go eel Ihe-dahirielltrn:
A Liiersi cs,liscusu. 1 . tell, ' ' th I ft e'cle - when the let- withig t-bie pia- w
Pastor Clement of the Ontario street bUt had rest the power Of sneeah
cnnrch askedfor,a One-hondred dollar Mrs. (161e lain her 79th year and Until. •
- • look and downcast eye, having taken.
collection last ‘51inday to defray the. this attack had been-inthe enjoymenb
their departure for another field ef on-
cost ef the kieating apparatos lately of goad, health for oae. so adVanced ' in
, placed in the chinch; and *hien is giv- years.' : ,
Toe Parodic Soprano.
- Let us take your. measure now for a between season
snit, one that you can wear a few months before you need a,
We've'a splendid assortment of very neat pat-
terns in Imported Tweeds and can giVe exceptional va,lues. Xo
trouble selling such goods aa you find here.
„for the trade we are after. Careful dresSeretind it verleasy
Itee pace. witli the dress relidirementfrof the day if they
In the election of 1890 the late Mr.
ing the recent cold snap . the church :
• .4 Was a happy idea of the commit- Cameron had a MajOritY of 317, 'Mr..
tee Which made the arrangements for Holmes has 118 Or a falling' off' Of 199,
response. to the appeal and juet about -.
the politiCal Meeting, held in the toWn After. the manner of the Toronto
enough realized to meet the emit of the,
hall on Wednesday evening of last Globe's former style of reasoning this
improvements. , .1
.. '.- Week to intersperse the addresses with is a "moral Victory" though it does not
W. 41 M i•TCHEU , Edicts' on*
Wit E
3lpf.a� f,
inscp Oi'. •
ed for it.on Tuesday tacitlf'r•'iJeknow
ledged the earn: by :saying .;-•Where's
lots of it on the other side."' Th;s' is On
a par With the boy's ;—" Vou're an*th-
er." Better, thin�ga were expected,
ale crowded inth the town hall and
held. a love feast, NI:. •b. BOA pre- •five -dollar bill which ha said he ha
In No. division in the town ot
rich the poll bOok itidieeted 11$
.cast,.but when the. bex Was Pile
there were 123, ballots. HeW did
. discrepancy peony ? Where did
:Clinton banded Mr. David. Cantelon
sided and short congratulatory speech -
chef' were made by James Scott, }lorries
Foster Dan MeGiilicuddy of the
Signal and others. Dauntless Dan was
in an exuberent mood and at one stage
in the game bad a majority of 280 for
his candidate.--.MrHohnes also spoke
and was given a warm, reception. He
thanked his supporters for their labors -
hi his behalf, , was, especially', proud of
ha" Clinton" 'majority and would Move
heaven and earth, as it were, in the
town's behalf when at Ottaviii, 'The
g,athering broke up about ten
o clock 'so. as to perrait, „of • those-
-who wished to go t ?cameo '
catch the train due nriat
hour'. rifty-three of theiTnct
aus volunteered, so a vas
formed, headed by thes?;.,ir tr":74•0r,
tn the station. They came back by, a
special train at one o'clock. There
was a large crowd at the county: tzto c-fOrilidITS mnttierVir.17"was and
just received from a Grit worker b
alleged to have taken place anive
the hotels, where the ."vvecker" sat
you the money but will drop. it on the-
flOor and you can • pick it up." The,
Fiver' was. dropped; And aa promptly!
---pieked up and handed to Mr. Cantelon,
with an account ef hovv it had been
'ohtained. •This same bill was shown
to Mr. Holmes during- the day and -he
grew. angry 'and said "the other loirie
are doing it too rather a Soft acknow-
Clinton and a man ot high character
had his ballot spoiled by the deputy in
one ef the polling divisions and another
' THIS IS THE FRONT 13n13. '
Biihs-p liskiwiu,s visit, . • musie and theY are luither to be con- dumpy ranch coneolation. Even% 1 :fey
The eel:vices in St, Paul's chnrch, cm kratulated norm their choice .of artists, McLean would have been much -more"
last. Sunday Were Most impressiVe ek- ' gadaine Wall and Mr. Will, Harland. satisfactory, that is to the Cloriperva-
cistolic rite • of confirmation Wits„',': ad.. popirlar bidet teners, sang 4,'Break the • - ' ". .---- - - :
Mr. McLean led easily until the last
ministered- to.a . large class of condi- ' New to Mother", while Madame Wall, •
dates. :The words Of ceunSel by His ' "Huron's ravorite 'Vocalist" sang with :few days of •the campaign, when the
rordship to those who were about td .her usrialsweetneas and power'omona,,!, Government's boodlers got CIONVI1 tO
make a confesSion ef. .Ciariet and. - to acd.,,sprics is puming,,, The:G.:verge*. Work.: They -Were -supplied. with any'
the Bills" began. A Fiver was, the'
deeply Spiritual and very praetical.: . with cheers.: , Miss' Gibbings, organist
In the evening tb,e church was packed of Ontario street church, was her ite- lowest price offered. Tens were giVen
. : freely and if the occasion called "for• it
siVaservice, the Bishop again preach-
' • ' • a Fifteen woe fcirthcomiirg; This Style
ed from the:worde."Tintil the day 'dawn. ' of argument is with manY irresistible.
The . Conservatlye -meeting held in ;To a poor fallove'hard up a barrel . of
'tense earnestness and deeply - finiritual.! .of last vseu,_ ..s
and ths shadows disapnear," :The in- -.
. the tewn hall on Wednesday evening
a A acknowledged tri have . franchise and
flour is often of mere value than ,his .
nature of his wor-ds makes everyone' tO '
been the most largely attended in,door every suli-diviSion who have conre to
there are those in almosf
realize that With „him. the religicin Of -
• gatbering ever held in Ciiuton. The hell re ard am election is a Small 'harvest
.. . • was crewded and two. orthreelundred season. Among these t;pici elasses the
° .°° ° ' .. -, • ' " • . - penPie turned away. .M1', Thir.. Jack- • qUeer Workers circulated and,. fie. tile',
. Of- the Hariard Quartette which will .; son; St-... preSided With dignity, tact result' Shows, they did not labor in
give an entertain ,ment in the town_ and aptness.. The spiech OrSir Char- :vain. ' . • •,
hall next Tuesd ay evening the ; les Tupper was delivered With Mneli of -
• Danbury,' &no.; Record sUys. -1Those = that eld,time.fire for. whieh he Wei en Clinton did very ividl'for the home
nmaical voiced. singer*, 'the- Harvard . rimeh noted. /t impressed tAe endi- 'man.. thoirgb soMe expected -.a still •
Quartette, have been beardin Danbury , ence end: Sir -Charles . was giVen a larger Maierity. It's 'great. ininigh, ..,
boipre,.but never to better advantage. 'grand,.. reception. The Conservatives . though, to entitle it to ., good.. service .
They are_ at the head of their class. --,--L Were: deliritted;..-vvitlx hini, especially in retur n. • Undenhtedly .a, now. pat-
Mfgf3es Maine . Znd -Reid, Whose roorria - those who had the priest -ire ofineeting _ Office *ill be built.
ver .Barleti'i ' furniture stere were ' hilt 'personally.. Hon: Dr; Montagne',8 one in keeping With
the rising iniportanee of the, :Hub.
threatened With desertiction . by. fire Ad.d9lSs Wke• elOcluent e-nd..farciful ae This was id effect promised by poe or
last. Friday morning, have moved inte usual. .. • ' . ` -:.• . ''' . • ' : : 'the Cabinet Ministers while. in toWiti,
tire TIMMS Over • Mr. Frank Powell's 1 moil* *m1,4. • 1 * : . -: last week and the:citizens will See to it
bon: that .the question 'dope not , pass Out of
mind now that 'the fight is 'Over. An,
last week's tithe Would take place.- 00 undergoing repairs' and refurnislaing,
other • ia not far dietant and if Mr;
inCludinghandsorne upholstered chairs
Friday evening the .1.7th inst.' will be . •Holmes does riot get the betiding, And .
for the Mader and his Wardens, settees
held -this evening, the 23rd Inst. a handsome one at that; his nathe will
i:nuteud. . . Au eutertuiniug .tbue, is for- thediae and's, whin' chair' tor' the
a damaged toe, caused by a stick. of.' • • Goderich was M,ot equally loyal to
Wood failing noon it, Was able to be oat • &nee. 4t last Friday night's meeting, '
Citizen,---itcLean notwithstanding his
in addition. te the. members there weret
and around on liforidat .-----There were long residence and his, labers in the
also present .D. D.. Grand Master
twenty-seven candidates presented by' ••• . • past for the Welfare of the town. It
. Mooney of Stratford, Mr; A. Crystal of
the Rector of St; Yard's on last. Soo- was past services and present and fu.
• Maitland Lodge Go.derich; and Messrs:
day to the Bishop for the rite. of, con, • ' thre usefulness vs. Government' favors
R. Jackson, S. R,eirtandit. J. Macdonald
firrnation...---The Rev. M. Turnhull of - and the. thin preferred the
of Britannia Lodge, Seaforth. The work
Gocierieh will officiate. in St. Paul's on latter, influenced, o deubt, in .its
next 'Sunday 404 , spook,. on Foreign - of the third degree was exemplified and . h in h
the th eat of "Cold
Will ge to Goderich.—The 0..E. topic :
Rev', Me, 114,rice . *o thoroughly as te win Warm praise ' "on'e -7
from the Deputy -District and visiting
and Domestic missions. Justice," no harbor „ linprovements
and.. all that Orb of thing. 'The
brethern, who complimented both of&
at 'Malts church Monday evening was . Circular town is ambitious to capture
"A Missionary Church" and:was taken cell and eandid4te'....116r. the 19dge a big share of the Western grain trade
by mra, R, /pada, . Neat Sunday -even_ -: had been closed, in sue fetal refresh. and was let to believe that the • firer
ments were serVed in the room adjoin'.
ing the merithly consecration ' meeting. of the 13:town:meat *as an absolute ne
will be 'held and oq Monday following big and afterwards an hour spent in ceasity, hence gave "Bob" McLean the
at which social chat, speech -Making, etc, •
the regular business meeting • throw.down; . When the reality falls
gra. (Itev.) Stewart will take the Mr* hi Oa WIWI 'mak' : short; of ex ectationa perhaps it wiil be
Bible study On the hawk of jereiniati. At. ailystriy boar last rrlday. meta» sorry. ' P. ' • -. . . •
A load of the tndeavorers Wilt drive 10 • trig the Jilisees Reid and fitriris, who oc-
Goderich to -night to attend a social to • cupied one of the rooms over BarletVe Goderich township has ddne better,
be giVen by the 0. E. of Knorr church ,!: store, were awakened br the dense very much so, but the reason La quite
--.—On Thursday,evening list the regu- . Smoke which poured id froni the ad. obVions. sAt timeelhe stalwarts have
ler monthly meeting of the' W.F.-M.S. joining room, which kr, Barlett had rolled up a..Coriservative majority of
of Willis church was held 10 the lee-. used AS a . workshop, and where was . 260 and will: do it 'again. I‘Strangers
bum Mom, Mrs' X, V tr• Irwin lead.l114. - stored that portion of his , undertaking who buY cattle," at so unseemly an
The devotional Oin.c. Was • taken by stock -which he' had not disposed ot hour as 11 p. M. Will not be so numer-
Mrs. Irwin syskt the miseionary topic ' They at 61.160 gave the, alarm and the ous nor have so much money in a
by Min Wilsen en the Isiah& of Mada-' 'brigade proMptly turned nut, 'but general 'election. . .
gasear.--ttev. Mr. Stewart, gave an though there was Much smoke . . . .
' outline of the New Testament at the it was impossible for a time The Liberalmajority in Asbliela was
Itattenhury'etreet gpworth League on . to locate the fire, A. line of hose reduced from 71 in the Local contest to
Monday evenlog.-.—At the E.L.inest- Was laid tip the stairWay and Water 12, Thia township is gradually .drift -
ng of the Ontario street_ehuroli-,•Moti- plentifully'. poured.' . in and the ing from its moorings And will .yet be
day evening Mr. Mcgarcly took the Baines 'being apparently extinguiShed . in the Consettrative column. . "
come irect to this store for everything they require in, Cloth. subject', whiell was'Iru° ItePentaace." the steamer was returned to the hall •
Miss Olara end the MeMbers of the brigade went Mr. Metatart ofinton Yester.
rurnishings, Eats and Caps. . The meeting was led br
s plest and cheapest, not cheap the political meetings hvficlai reParte4 broken out anet, a tiur ere having knowing that the whol
• oaeltp,•,*...1.(iss Itelly of jackson home: A. couple Of hours gate ds d nd hl
g f spo ash double our puichasing WOO. olio staff viredee Toronto and shOrtly before elk " * " a as a r" as "atial
ties, Vire think of all classes wh yt therefore by the Side 'World representati
0 lar..v.e. ode aia stmt. again summon clan brt:gtoRed6:e7 kt°°0vheaaril bad in both ceonwtese Ithe tttl°o6t•I''ilhtgrit*
on orget that when you are in need r•rf
broug wor 0 it. The darn. against tremendous odds, and cleserve9
yt mg in representative. The London Prat' Preset, age to the block, whieh owned by• the thanker of the Conservative
our line.
Toronto Globe and Montreal. Star also 3`ohe 0, Elliott of Goderieh totvn- paarty. Had the fight of Tuesday been
Give Ile A Call and We Will Save You mon,w, *tact chetah oti Sunday morning the WO, bub fully tobvered by linitirallee have Woo a McLean victory without a
"'"U patitor vvill 0013101GONS series of dist- in the „Commerolitl Tinian and Lan- doubt. It is (Mb, giestion of a sborto
had lengthy reports... ---In Eattenbury 44, will amount to between $40b• and general instead of a bye it would
is very indignant at: the manner in
Which he was treated. He relates
his exPerience. in the• follow-
ing • manner :-,--" When I • went
jute the booth 'the deputy -returning
is in now." On going behind the scene
, ' in order to be -as accommodating ' as
- -•,s. ••:•:, possible,,I merely unfolded it so as to
see the two' names ,and marked a. cross
, margin, the disk end • being , folded hp
II J so.that I could not see it without un,
kolding the ballot, which ke directed
Me not to do. ' When 'I returned' the
-„ ballot I watched the dePuty.closely for
Elgin and Was determined te see the
the white margin, as I thetribb °it a11
, Went into the box; when he said :—
ateaVISOINT4. 8114 courses en the "Seven Churches Of eashire Companies, On Mr. Barlett's titan before *ors will he another tt4al
Aela" and continue them for several stock destroyed, eopisting prinalpally of wOreneth and * ditferenti result,
I Sunday mornings, iti the evening the , of coltins, there Wuds an inenraneu
vicfrourA, Ittoox subjeot will be "The All -Important 'about $40512, Tenants ih the intobling The Liltivoid
winked. at the
sitstg CLINTON. question.", , stores also .suitoserd tome loft, raikant,ro,iial
"Never mind, Ill •fix that," and *We
off the margin _Where , my °this was.
and stuffing the margin into his' pocket
he slipped the ballot into the ,•boir, .
there, you; halite spoiled the ballot, '
,-4 give that uf;" meaning the stub.. The
S1 and after threatening:to have him ar•
rested I left the beoth. It is my -honest
A belief, that the ballot was intentionally
It iljrripessible al -we go_. :to /Pesti to
.secure Complete returns frodt
ons„ bathe majorities. are consrder-
If we can't have a Coniervative rep.
resentative we are pleased -to have the
next best thing, a, newspaper M.P. Ai
•rt matter of fact there are nob enough
of I'S there .;,,we apply the ,term in a
broad senie.
RobertHolines, M. P., was bcrn in
- St. Catharines forty-five. years ago
and has been a resident of Clidton
since 1805, in which -year his father en-
tered the• nervapaper business here.
The member -elect began to stick type
when in knickerbockers, was assoc_„1-
ated with the pater for a time `and'IS
.1885 took charge of the business him-
self, and by his energy has made his
paper a fine property. Ile is a thorough
newspaper man, even if somewhat
yain and given to cant Ile can hard-
ly expeet to survive the general elec-
tion, come when it will, but in the
A Goderlch township deputy -return-
ing officer had his ballots all initialed
and his poll -hook partiality filled up- be-
fore he went to the hoOtin. • It is
generally supposed this work shou1,1 -
be done in the presence of the sandhi.
eers, but thief deputy eyldentiy believes
in taking time by the foreloek. ,
, One of the schemes worked by the.
Liberals was this t—They would tip-
proaeh au elector whom they suppesed
might be tainperecl with and offer him,
say, five dollars to vote for Holmes,
but before payment would be made he
most Stet bring to thetn the ballot
furnished by tbe deputpreturning
officer, the ballot dropped in the box
being one given by themselves. This
plan was probably only resorted to in
cases where there was doubt in their
minds of the elector voting Holmes,
even after being promised paying%
The question is where did those ballots
tome from and did they. bear the
genuine signaturee of the deputies in
the divisions where the game was
A ratiount ahnost certain to he ap-
plied for and though nob expected to
alter the result la will assist in show.
lug op some of the &demon between
poll Welts end flit balligt isms,
meantime we .wish hint none hut
pleasant experiencas at Ottawa.
been punning at Tuesday night's rally
in the town hall:when he spoke of the
result as "a Signal vie tory." Dees the
witty Irishman claim more credit than
is dueTarte, Temperanee or the 'Bine •
Mr. Alex. Saunders oT GOderich is.
for aughb we know or care nob a bad
sort of a fellOw pirvrite life, _but
when ler dabbles politics—and- he .
dearly loves to dabble—lome of his
actions betoken the siMpleton or
a • belief on hit mart that
at least half the Cominuinty
might be thus catalogued. His letter
published in the Gio.be • and Signal,
and scattered. broadeast throughout
the riding, is ample proof of this. Did
Mr. Sounders in his simplicity imagine
that so experienced a politician as
Mr, George Taylor, , Pk#, would
give utterance to any such senti-
ments on the eve of an important
election and in the preeenee of such a
partisan as this Mr. Saunders is an
welt known to he, Now that he finds
himself nontradloted point Wank,
' given the II (Matt, by both Mr.