HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-16, Page 7NEW8110111 la subliplea every TlItiReDAY es Tue .4ree-lizeoun 14aluting Ileum A.:bert 03-1022,1b40411.*4104;4104* mew* Atirxao a it432:2. 1 Yr. eld4.. a Ma. ,,,1?4,10 t • 00 eaO - *20 C4/ *4 '1' thuuta..,..... 05 00 20 tat 1900 814 U0lUflft..../... 00 2200 I 00 reeaMns.,.•..... 13 00 co 600 100 • bah. 11 ea 360 a ee 126- larfle0441$41tion trona OM et bereeat mitt** For transient advertisements 10 eente tsu line -for the first iniertion; 3 cents Per line each subsequent ineertion•-., tionpereii Meestire. Proteaelonal cards, act 0400x/frig one Inch, 80•00 Par Lflfltin. Advertisements without spec. 10„directions will be• published till O roitt and chargedfor aeoorslingly. Trenefent notices.0-"Lost," "FOntidt9k *Tor Sale," eto,-511 cents for first ins rtiOn, 20 (lento, for. each sabeegnent '2▪ 111Sertion, TRH NEWS-FtECOAD will 10sent .to. any address, free of pastas°, for -11.00 per year, Payable in adevmw" 11,50 may be charged if net so paid. The date to *bleb, every oubsOriPtion Is denoted:by the number on the eddreas, label. No paper discatitio- ued until. alt arrears are paid, except at the option of the PrePrietor." • W. J. MITCRELL. - Editor and Proprietor. iloadia$21/0 Is aften 4 warning that theliver le l Q inseu More eerlOttll troubles mar tallow. * Proront, ellictent cute of R end au liver troublee, take „ Hood's Pills WhUe they rouse the liver, reetore full, manner ;Lotion Ot •the bowel", they do not gripe or pain, do not Irritate cm ludame the internal organ*, but have a nottitiVe tonic effeet. • ' Mt all di:unlit* or by mail of 0.1.• Rood if; VO., Lowell, MOIL John T Emmerton 1 HINTS FOR THE FARMER. MI4,4.4404.4 TRUCK FARMING IN TUE 1414011-. PIKE. Among the many Who were attreeted o the Klondike country by the etories M rki gold diocoverles and equity Made fortune's, wait T. 4. 4ek110) who hdd formerly worked On a term. in Col - °redo and later as a gardener in Loa Angelea Co, Cal. According to Mr. 'The "General PUrpose COW," Is net mixed 'weights, delivered) and a treat- Ilaffalo If 10-4 10.-»tng 4.4 . wrolter attYs, he lias titrld estosicier- able plowing, both by the day and the gore, by men who prates:sod to know how, but they were all about the same. Anything to get over the ground, cut and cover. If the plow wen thrown out there vres no heoking up, the tinbroken Boil, being left for the next furrow to partially *over. They had but little idea of adjusting the PloW in changing the dreft, etc., end ploWed the same dept•It for every kind or ereP. • iT8 T VI, 011,1), .1%.itrai;1. III! ;1 No. t;;,,, Lower. No. 2, 1. *0 to .152 8-40 ; tiampirt, seeetee 48 1-2 to 880. PrioeS of Cattle. CMOS% 40. Ifinneapolie 'fob. •y.' VL" In the Lending Marts. ary, 00 8-40; IiI410, 70 to 70 1-2o; julT, 758. to 70 040; on traok, NO. 1 bard, DRESSED IIOGS AND PROVISIONS. F b 10 D h nt 00 t $0 70" pat - 70 3-4o; No. 1 Noathern, 09 11.40; No.. 2, Northern, 071140. Flour -Mit aat. Toronto ;steady, eliVerl only air. On t pa b ' . to 1 75, ."". 1: Pro ;street to -day ferment' loade Were ;sold Duluth, Feb' 10 -'Wheat.-N d sseb, 70 540 February 711. 1-2e MaY• 4 COW TIIAT IS A. COW. the track (=loads eold at 54.86 to 00. AroP°41rtbar"arY1' i MeY- 71 1-0 ° at around $0,25 Ar choice lots, and 4 traction lower for heavy weights. On • r 73 1.8o: juiy, 78 14.0; go, 1 Northern, Acklin'S aecount he eXpeoted to find extbiat, she never will be, and ber • the country a dreary ArotW waste and titre its larigbt. •She is as full of busi- was enrPrised. to find it producing a nese es the tapered end ot a bornet, very large and - varied vegetation. she is of ample proportions, a good Fresh vegetables could net be purches- feeder, a kindly diepollition, and come. ed in Dawson for love or money, -and ly appearance, and a barn full' of her Ur. Acklin determined to try the eat-, will yiela more dollar* to her owner Pertinent of' growing vegetables for in the long tonhan,any other varlet,Y the hems market. Fle seeyred liody of •the PoW !rind. • ot some 100 acres of land laear Daweon. For years tt, haa been horsey to sneak City in a pove, vvitla a seutherly ex- , itl:tiatobiligcbut,o,tnte jadnerla:4,rastiu2; TijE LEAD114.0. DAMIER, , Smith's Week, opposite Post Office • AL80 'Agent for Standard Life Insurance Co • Read.Odice tor Canede, Montreal. , Teseranoe M force, . 8116,000.000 invest*, tsto camade . 13,600,000 ,E0ta13010 ed 1M5 The ildreliable andpkvorite THE MOLSONI:BANK= Ineetnerated 'lir 'Act of ramanient CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. FORD' =SPRY . (Successor' to J. W. Langtorda Having bought out ibe above *business, we . on 0 09 ak the lowest pitying liriR4524 int t It on the cash rbioiple, and • win anonly.our caudemara wIth 145t 'mete .1111/1611Str-OAPITAL, $2;040,060 Irovd, REST' " ST,So0,000 11•1***.al (340 °Mbei MONTREAL* : aKOLSONg. MACPHERSON; P`resident (1E0. 111,011(11ILIG, NY.,QT.FIlith TAN 1104.3.0, Gen. man4g" Horseshoer and Gene* Blaohentith • • • Notes discounted, collections rade,Drifts. Albert Street, North, ,Clinton. • • lbouglit.acd eel , In terest pAlowed on Depaonsei 'JOBBING A SPECIALTY. - . 'woodwork ironed and first -elms material end werkgmtranteed. Farm implements Mid Machines rebuilt and repaired. ' sA.virroi3.8•44,Ng• • Interest allowed on sums' of 01 and .1114 . • FARMERS. (mew advanced to farmers on- their own o tes with one ormez'o-enclorsers. No mort- - a e'requirad as securitY.. • C. BREWRE,, Manager, ClIntom • D. IVIOTAGC+ART, Banker 9' • ALBERT STREET - CLINTON • , . • • A General Banking Business Transacte4 Notes Discounted. Disks -Issued: • Intereat,Atlowed on Deposits. • . „. • , • 0.141-1TON.,: ONT. AccidSitt inanimate° TOTHE FARMERS!: •SP.T.17.750.I.F awn 15t5"5t 55.4A.5 RELIABLE- HARNESS I manufacture none but the best of Hook. 8 that sell eholP. a Bevrars of shop'a they , af;:cletrtaii by pied promPtlf.atten e to. - • * • ' . ' John Belli Earnesse-Emportum, siyth, on* - The ' ileliillop - lititual Fire " h t't 11 e • Call and goit roma • Insurance tointwy. Tn..: wanted:. Represen a Severer Of: the 'lest - . • _ . . . . Companies' and- any information -relating te Tic; ' ,., (1-/ 1 d T P rty imurance .glatili xieen. • general ,District - ,L 4114 al $o . S ate OWU Tope ,. Agent for the' Confederation Life Disuouitsi Co. 'Money to Loan sin.Reasonahle Rsttes • Office -Palate 'block -opposite Market.. CONYEYANCINc Sohn Ridout, . COnveyaticer, • Corn missidner, Etc.: • Fire insurdoce. . - - Real Estate. IVIoney to Lend. • , 'Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON MEDICAL Dr. 'W.. O-unrt •••• R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edhergb. Office•-Onterio Street, Clinton. .Nighi rails at front door of residence on Rotten - bury Street, Opp, Presbyterian Chur,ch:. • Dr. 'cirahani., Offibe in Perritee Block, Rattenhury Si. : . ' • Night calls at.O.filee attended to. • pLIN;TON cielT2 , tor; Shamir-- •, , . Offiter-brairio Street, opposite Eng ish church,, formerly ,oCChpied by pr, AppleH Only Insured.. ' OPPICRIIS ' • George Watt, President, Rarlook P.O.; 3. D.. idassan. Mimeo P.O.; WI 3, Shannon. Sec'y Treas., seater h, P.O. ; Thom. 8 E.,-Hayaeln: 'Vector of losses, Selforth. P.O.. ' DIRECTORS : W. G. Droadfoot, Peatorth John, G. Grieve, Winthrop: Genre° Dale, Pastorali Thomas E. Hays, Seas:ribs James Evans,' 13sechwood ; Thomas "Garbutt. Clinton; Thermo; Fraser, itrubelield; John B. McLean, Kippen. , •' ' AGENTS: lEfobt. Smith, Earle& i Tioly•rt McMillan, Sea. forth: 'James Cummings, legmondville, 4, Yere./robneavuu, 13. 0.; Yohn Gdvenlook and John C. Morrison, auditors. • , Parties clash:out to effect insuranCe or trail - sect other business will be prouiptly atter-ed to on application to aurot the above officers addressed totheir respeetivl. poift ofitooa, Railway. • Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station -as • follows: Buffalo and Gbderich District • Going West,Mised. . , a.m. , • .. • o . Express ...... • ... pm. MIXed.;..` . Pam „" a Express... • Going"East,"Express 1..4o * 2.55 pan. - Mixed. 4.35 p.m. London Huron and Bruce:- • • Going South, EXpress . . 7.47 a.m. 11 -.4.10 p.m. Going North, 1, .10,15 am, 4 44 • M. C. bICKSO tto "* W44' E. DAVIS, • '• Dia. Pass. Agent, G. P.' & -r.• A., • . Tortnito, Montreal. A: 0. PArriSON, Agent at Clinton. • DENTISTRY. Dr. BRATOE,.. Surgeon Dentist. opplus-Over' Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Spedial attention' to preser- vation ofnatural teeth: - N. /3 -Will visit Myth ever y Monday and Bayfibld every,Thersday afternoonduring the saintlier/ •• • AGINTEVIT, npilfrzsir, Office adjelning Foatent Photo C4allerY &fie.° Hours, • 9 tO S. • 4t Ztir1611 the, second Thursday of each •Mosith, • VETERINARY; 111., ,131/tOkil,1,1, VETER1NARY,,SURGEON • aim 50 YEARS, EXpErliENtE TFiADE MARKS' ' ' DtisioN8_,•• • COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending. a sketch and description May Weld> ascertain onr opinion free whether an inventtOn is prObably patentable. .Communieft. inrietly confidential. 'Ha:Abet:4°n Patenta Sent free. Olden agency for securing...patents. Patents taken through Munn ,t co.,,receive 'Incas Italica, WIthottt charges In the . • A handsomely illustrated ireekl>. /tiniest dlr.' . ciliation of an> acientifleAouritat Terme. SS a • tejtylr, urtiolto 0; et Bat, alUieweattilert ..muN U0.36 Broadway, NOW Ton( Br oe..115 11" f3t.. Washington, D.C. • VETERINAlty INSPECTOR. • • IIINDOOS IVA001NATED. "A. distinction must be made tetween Office On ittaac Street neXt New Era Orace ineeulation for the prevention or Mai - 'Et e:detiee,, Albert St., . - gation of smallpox? and vaccination, LEGAL which ts ,ths grafting of cowpox, as a proteotiott against the SOVerer malady. * Inoculation was '..raeticed 'by Turlts, ISoot.6 & ittokistizie, Greeks, airier& 'and Circassiand long ilArtit/STEItS, SOLICITORS, ETC. before Lady Mary VVOrtley Montagne brought it to :England. It Was after OL/NT011 AND. EAYFIELD. this that Sender ;nadir, hia so-called dle- Clintogi Office --Elliott Block, Isaac it, eoverY of vaccination or looeuletloo flayfield. Off ice-OPen Sentry Thursday -with virus front thee** instead of -Main street, fiat door west of .from the human Embject. There ie. Post Office. Money to loan. hoWeVer, not the slightest doubt that • aamee Scott, ".... E. it. MoKenzie, • trite vaccination in this &Mee was long ' , • • 0 ago known to and. practiced by the -Rindens sts a. preVentive of entallimx, E Oanipi.0/1° Q, O•y 13081111U dieltitiet referendes are found , • ,to it in Ilindoo medical treattees.which ilarrittee, 4. Sacker, - Notary, &c, are Certainly several centurtee old, t CoOlflOCII, ONT. ._ tett.4). vor Davie' brog Store. , . - Money tO Loan. -11E-Cr.- Johnston, narrisie6 Solicitor, COilindatilOtieft BIC* •• cobsaicti, OrPfot.tior. Ilamiltott atut St. Andrew's Street*. rgdorte, Barrister; Solicitory Notary' Public:, &O. °moo t AVER 0/.004. _ irst Symptoms . , asA, * - of ..oroart Yilsettse Rep appeer at the heed sad feet-..parta far. ikeat Detn the heart, ,, premed upon -by at, enlarged et - e•61a-then Tho bout intuit* leo* strotiftsitibly Massif& bloed infelle the Veitte, Mistiest the fast, live, kidneys or other parts Where their ere stony Mimi Vedette Witness Ito miss, 'rite r tni e 1 tided to Retterdle Men 4 tf.411 It Murat ettal It defer notate o-wIll tiere note recline, So my1 fir he we trot so 1 110 5/ ft ude teftt nonver to Na "iti orb iit et le sleet t 1* in lveietti ise. to. W. moWi.O. to • Posere/ A large Portion of tbe '1(*d stantial line's have been releiated tA Is OR the side hill, end was pevered :the days of the pod immix, modern With a 'donee growth of timber and nu- Plow and Wen fireplace, For a cow to , ae1,4rueb, oes, twe land be emmeee Preduce beet has been. a misdeMeanor ed we* early itt the wing. et 118, 414 panntlioshrgultzwioth dbeuantdhlse.anedinortehirinztboUryt by the first of /Tune' had'hetween four nerves and a Vicimitit pair of heels has And Ails acres cleared, plowed and Passed enrrent as the attributes of a ready -for -planting, Ile had previous- 'true, eraw, The folly of Hata fad, for it has aweez nothing. else, has long -been, 'IY •Sent, out Or Beside Of the .,more evident te hard heeded farmers Who hardy vegeta.bles, and soon ha.d them farm,to gain a living. • • in the 'soil. The vegetables xi/ante y • . _ • him coneisted Oetnions, radishes, tur- SOME' 'QUEER SOPIETPS, WM/ 'rutabagas; lettdae‘cabbage, peas: : , • ; bean% 813inaeli, hec4; P°t4taea and '713010;00n or Reeent NortnittiOtt nag parsley, AD -Ouse did well, and yield.: Have •Extraeoluery °Weenie ed Almost phenomenal crops, EXPert'. kitty i0oietiesiVvith the .,most Ont. Mental rows of barley, oats and sWeet lit4dish 'objeOtti hayes from time to timu. cern were also planter& The barley been founded says the'LondonDa/1X 0;114'. onts Opened,: but some stook got :Here few oases of recent into 'the corn and, ate it off When it groWtht•in Lon was about three reet height.4$o:me don: and elsewhere.. A lady of means living in a large' timothy and red top seeds were found. provincial town quite recently- founded • tt.. select sooiety for providing the. In giving his oninion of the, possibi., Working-olaises "with °heap, moral Mies for agriculture in the far north, literature." . That the opeciMens of tf9r.d.ie,Aseptign9.2.yrApt4ha4thoeiree c;:.ttep1:19a4rugee.._ Work tinned out by this society are Moral there ca be n uestic-nr• that ing:"-crotis an that Tieatibli:- 'The • )4. • 9 • ' side hills' work may be conimerteed ;they are cheap Must be conceded, ter train the midille of -April to the fir* they are given away ;,be.t thittlhey aris -of May. The snow lies longer On the literature may be.open to grave doubt. beAgifia.-tetro' tibenc gtfhiresiit wioftt,•Prremil atrkk! The really extracirdirMry £eatureof able rapidity, and in ,midStinirnet. the this society appedro' in the fact, that inin' shines almost Continatiusly. There net only is the literature. given away, are. few cleddYdays, while the temper - but the. articleS. of the 'society provide attire. is.usually above GQ deg., ranging "that all-praits accruing from the sale of the society's pamphlets are. to ,be devoted to the .founding .and intainten,- .anee Of a Society -for 'the 'protection of domestin.servants." •. Thus One thing' leads, to another, or would lead it the "naeral literature" :Mid.. AS it is,' it is merely distributed to ettiall tradesmen, Who wrap "ha'porthe of: tea" and sugar in the pagealer. the Moral elevation their customers. • Every Week 4 fresh inni•.; get of the ,"literature" 'from ' the Pen of 'the society's 'founder it; distribiited, free i'mong the jradespeo d amcing others and. thOSO were left and did well. • to 80. degrees and often is much high- er.than this. During the season: raged-. ation -growsvery fast:, rimeh more rapidly than in seetions Where. there 19 less light and warmth- in the .24 hours. The wholecountrY biirsta in- to blossom and wilil flowerta cOver hill and valley. All, the napres hardy -veget- ables and cereals Will de -well And can be made very profitable. At Present radishes and onions ;sell for $1.50 .1304 .tezen and all ether' products at the same rate. • ' Thereare some nsitiVe grasSes that knight be adapted to stock, -but the denhe undergrowth is a great 'draw- back in this direetion,, Mr. •Acklin's experiment shows- that red `top ,and. -timothy can be ,grown and. he is of the Opinion that the more hardy' breeds of dairy and- beef cattle might be bred e pr nit hea tiou higher for select*, Provision mar -1 Nrior.mlivgeorordarneWl;214oN.1.0:.htto rv,do,r8r141e-iroo.; bet easy Quotations. are as folk/Wet-Dry salt- ed shouldera. 7e; long clear bawl*. car lots 70; ton loto and case late, 7 1-4 te; 7 1-0o. and backs, 0 to 8 1-4o. --- Smoked meate-liatne, hehvy, 91-2 to to 100; medium,10 to 10 140; light, lio; breakfctst Won, 10 1-2, to 11*;. plonie hams, 7 1-2 • to 7 0-4.c.; roll bacon, 81-4. tem than, •All meiCts out' of Pickle In testi than, Prices quoted for Smoked Lard-o•Tieroe4 7c; tubs, 714 to 7.1.29; pails, 71-2 • to 7 $,4c; cempolind,- 5 1,-.0 to 60. .• • BREADSTUFF'S, ETC, Wheat -The Chicago market; closed highef to-alay, .alid cables were also better. .There..was a' rather better feeling locaillY. Dfferinga AA -Ontario • Wheat,liglit, demand flat. Roldere ask 690 for red and. white wheat, north. and -west,. and exporters bid 613o, No; • 1 - Manitoba' hard, sold -at 88 1-243;North Bay,.and. No. 1 Northern at 80 14s. ..130Ide atilt 00e tor No. 1 herd, Owen, Sound and Midland. ; 83 Floe -Quiet.' -Ewrters quote 'for. straight roller; in treed, middle freightg. Salea for .Thcal and Quebec). account are made at $3,10. Millfeed-Searce; ton lots of bran at' this local are quoted at 014., and shorts at 816; car lots, middle freights, are quoted. at $13.50 for bran. and. $15 for shorte. • OatraealL-Steady. Col' iota of rolled oats, in bags, on track here, are quot- ed at 13.60 per bbl; and in bbls, at 53.78. • P.eas-:Rather firmer_ .P.ir lots. north ana.west, sire wanted at 66o, and. ed.isC at : 67c. • Oats-LFirMer: Valle mita, tiorth and -west, in car 'lots, are qUoted -28 1,2o bid inad.29 1-2o asked: Re-Scaree. Mai lots, north end aold at 54c$and east at. 55c. Thickivlieat-Scarce and steady. Of- ferings- Light; .ear lots, outsine, 46 to 400. . •, Corn -American easier. Canadian- yel- low,- Chatham, is quoted at :36c bid; American yellow, new, is 'offered at 420; and new, mixed, at 401-2e. -, , .Earley --About steady. -Cartots of No. 1, outsiae, . are ;voted at 48 to 490. . ' • , - • . DAIRY P,BODITCB:.• , Butter: -Market in fair- shape; • and without 'change ea to • prices. Choice ditixy active and Wanted here. quotations are: eet. follows :-Dairy;etub, 'peer tomedium, 11 to 120; choir.% 13 to, 14c ; large rolls, 14 to 15c.; small, dairy, Ib; prints, • about 15 to 16e;: creamery, • tubs and boxes, 19 to 20e; lbs.' 29 to 21.0, with an occasional 22e for Select pack - .Cheese--tInchanged, Choice . stook Another society' has been formed by Sens at from 934 to 1G1 -2o. -- in thia section. Mr. Acitlin put up. a :three •or four:ladies for the phrpose • • - . PRODUCE. and is now arraniing .lor,Weilding teen With boxing' gloves, The ' object deEygbgert131:trekality:InINche,watleadi'd,Finrie:reitilvoe- - his' farming operations on the ICIon dike. It is his intention . to force ear- sounds. ,bellicose, , but really it was demand. Choice boiling stock • sells-at19 ly vegetables. in the honffe, and also to ;men Pacific, the society being inipress„,:' to 20c; held frish, and limed at:14 to cultivate 'flowers there. Wild fruits ed with the beliaf that if'street b currants are abundant, primapalty cranberries, :. . : . boys, Potatoes-Tteceipte fah. , and Prices and raspberries, cranberries .1verq. OiVen, More facilities for 'fight- unchanged. Car lots, op,- track are especially are found. in great quantities in with their fists, the use of ‘knives. rtnoted. at 55 to 586, per bag; dealera over' the whole country. 3,4. Aeklin's ', and gradtte „atones would eventnally be ' aell. (salt of eters ° 601:0 709; farmers' betas sell `at around 60 to 70e. experiments aka repo,rt are interest, . numbered among the dead a te, Th ing from the feet that they give ns a . , . T ; 5r5" ' ltioney=Steady. Round. lots of. cholee, new idea. of a cotintry which' is gen- fere, to encourage .- .. delivered here, will bring about 51-2 (amity regarded as a barren . waste,•• - .. •FIGIITING WITII FISTS, . . to 6c; dealers quote fret* 0 to 7c per lh; for 10 604b, tins; an n dotnb . at but vrhieh misi 'yet he found- .0apable and at the sam,e tune to minimise the of sustain* gi large.; farming popula- facial. dahlage which resulta from bare around $125 to $.1.50 per ' dozen sec- tion.. . -. ' ", , , .,' ,- ' fisticuffs, the sdciety-suggested the tiis-ft16na" ' k . , . . . tribution of the safest and ;neat Milo; Baled bay -The , market ' without ' • ' e ; meeting Of the a ' t held b t Unoted, at 06.50 to ton; and s . owe y were . , u PROTECTING *- EARLY- ..151.,ANITNG . •• No 2 at $6 ,. .it nevee,„got beyond suggebtions, attd . ' ' ' . . ' F.A04 V4Ogi• ` , so' rand boxing -contests at street, .„„,,...,,, . Straw - Easy. vat Iota tere quoted. - - at 14 to $.4,50, on track, . It 'piton beComes neceesery for gar- Pero are still things of. the 'Untamed 1.. -- temps -- Fair demand. Dealers hero forcing house 20x30 feet. last sullimet, of providing toys over the age of thir- , • • cent of boxing gloves. Ntinterous ohmage. StrietlY choice, .car lots, is • fa:titre. • . deriers to protect their early nIanting13 The Courage of some people is really sell at 16 to 2(1°' abolit.14.to 180. • - and are paying from the late frOst, and the method stupendous 1 Fancy a sweet oUtlidet, Most satisfactory will depend largely society of eight Moiled heingi liaVhag Toledo, Feb- 10.-.--Wheat-No. 2, cash, • - upon surrounding conditions, As for -its object "compulsory arbitration 71 1 -Le asked: May 74 1-2o b d Ry in international disputes N 2 h 5613 e e eue o. cas . C oversetsd- Prime* general rule we find that dirt is the ‘,Ivigointyititvas. aoinally founded, and cash,$3.60 new, 0329 1-2o. ail entail plants, when. it is in suitable er. „the :Jr oil ring eit Wfilwaultee, Feb. 10 -Wheat -Na, 1 Most ehenomioal covering for, nearly .fmo, tee, , condeion. to 'handle, and it is thr moot amounting to sYcimething like a hun-. dred and fifty pounds. ` • "- rapidly . applied. •To coyer ,eabbage wh„ _ plants:, press the plant tn-one*. side un- ae-iiiteg A"nu.s7pursobfaVirteldebde it ilea flat upon the ground, then for ° buyingeoft °Mims made by one Ina - with a hoe, ,gently drami the...Soil up tion against another. • • 11 was Unfortunate that the society Sweet 00311,,POtatees,. and in fadt near- war between America and Spain,',. It over; it ,until it le comptetely .ttinoteia". became extinct before the outbreak Of ly. all -plants oan be treated in the would -•have lbeen interesting to wit& same iv' ," whether the Boqiety, would have *might • • •6. Cuba from Spain anct would have pre - Ili uncovering rake the -soli oft, care- senLed it to America, thus Preventing . fullY and straighten thaiplant and the war, . in a few days. it will groWing as It you take an acorn end, pass well as if it had .not been hurled. through it a thread by which it eau Tomato plants are sometimes ao large be balanelfilsin water, the 'morn will and ;stalky, that it ' is impossible to laY shoot in timeand a little oak tree .thent down without breaking and oth. wilt grow one' of the acorn -Lin Mere er meads will have to be resorted to: One. 'VVeli, a clintitably, inclined lady, If boxes or large. flower petit are not the widow of a olergyman, recently set available.to turn Over than, the earth on foot a movement t� simply- medicine. may* be rnottrided up arotind them. so bottles and auntie to &veleta in the that they Can be htiried. standing. Or shims of London,. that they might haVe bettet still, light horae manure &in an their abodes the refreshing and ele-, 1 be used for covering., This makes a voting influence or . oak trees growing very efficient eevering,- especially if out of the necks of bottles. , shavings have been used for litter, ea ,There were many favorable 'solute they lie more Closely about the plant about the scheme. The members .of than straw. Thie covering la Often' the society would he interested in col - used for other plants, especially mei- Lasting adorns and suitable bottles; OM; Old encumbers, and is more easily the poor reoeivers of these Miniature - ttPOlied- than dirt when the ground is foreets wodld be edified by the pro- wet.gresa of their aeornar luid, -untll the ; WhateVer Covering is liaod, de not acorns begin to shoot, they would have .leave it on too long so that the plants 5 long and. eitoellent Meson in pati - will begin to heat, even if they 'have enee„ to be .covered agein in a few days. A' hundred bottled. atorne Wire dia. The length of time plants Can be .left tributed is the_Hast end by,the corers& depends altogether on the society's; workers, but -tor leek of eci- weather. If it Is cold and the soil IS eonable support and co-operation the mrderately dry Hwy May be left for scheme died down, when, like one of quite a few days Without injury, but its own acorns, it. Was 'Ault beginning the weather comes off warm nd to how Some- regatta, wet, look out and give. them air. as ii - s -..--- soon as possible. Glass coveted Imeit EAILEOAD$ Asp LIONS are used to seine eXtent for starting . , ' vines*, hot the Plants must h'e watched The Uganda Beltway from Capetown closely' and givenplenty ofair 0Z' up into Central Africa has now reached they will become dreavn and tender. the temperate highlott eettary• 000 A gardener ;should. Minya beprayer. . ed goodgMefor freiSt) . and d junt in feet above sea 'eve' At. present toe using the Meant at hand is essential . navvies ate taxing down tiles add Spa- te suocesa, • , Ing the rant in 0, COuntr y full of big , . game Lions roar there by night, and sebrasi big and little antelopes end, plowniert t asks, a correspondent tit the in Plain, sight, havinglearned that the "Country Gentlentan " Are the all sledge banatila" a134 aPadea the lab' A tAozt own movvigt,i, 610Pllantil/ &atm and huge erds of dead, or have their hands forgotten their ottnning, and their, eyesight, *ling ten yeara all this animal life will grown alai t With the improved plows probably have vanished as oar own ot to -day it would WM' that any °tie Dqfa1°41° h"e. dque* raset4.44 aeofmodetetrnghrage flC *********g*** * telligtume detail do a pod job of totems- •• 0/01 TURN 011" TUN nikkn. log, but not one out of ten who pros wiffets-Who says WOrflell have to to hold the plow do good work, heads for butdoesta There's a •wes oolt Bum* hired on the farm raload" $50,000 bY aloWlY turning the lad three Vial% ile SUI110/11 and tioW Mts. Bullion. all over. a in fifty knew hew to do this ar Whitford -Meer tRote t „ turned it over te Mr. If it was only health) wi might let it cling. But it is g cough.: One cold no sooner passes off before -another comes But it's the same old cough, all the tin*. And it's the samej old story, too. There is first the. coki, then the cough, then pneU- monia consumptiert with the long sickness, and life beta. • ling in the balance. , 753-40. Winter wheat -,.No. off eringol 7tio 'bid on track for NO. red. Corn No. 2 yellow, 300; No, yel- low, 08 1-20; No, 4 yellow, Bee; No. corn, 380. Oats -Dull and easier; No. 0 white, 34 to 34 Mc; NO, 0 White, 33 1-2o; No. 4 white, 301-09; No. mixed, 01 8-4e; No. mixed, 810. Earley -Un- changed ; firmly bold; wiles of ,good malting, 03e; fancy 'Western, 58 1.20, to arrive; and clime at Re to .arrive. Rye-L(1111ot ; No. 2 offered on track at NO, Flour -Weak. Dettoit,Ifeb, 10.-.-WheatClosed:-No. 1 white, cash, 71 3-4o; NO. 2 red, Cash, 71 Brio ;, May, 741-40; July, is ioto. , ZAIDTWGA„ Servie, there still survives' a won- derful old institution UnoWn AS the Ea.drpga. It is the living together Ot whole tribe, numbering sometimes as many as 10e 'person* all under the absolute authority .one Ile keeps all the money, Makes all pur. chases and.decides'the minutest details of family Why is it that nearly all aged- persona are thin? . • And yet, when you -think of it, what. could you expect? 'Three score years of wear and tear are enough to :make -the .cligostion weak. Yet the body ,must be fed; In Scott's Ernulsion,„tho work is. all done; that is, the oil in it is digested, all ready t.:9, be taken inlo the blood. The''body rests, while the 'oil feeds and nom. ishes, and the liypophoi- . phites makes the nerves.. steady and.strchg. $cc and er.09, ott druggist., scorr &DOWNY" Chemists, TOrOtite• • HEROIC, Madge-Isi be really in love With that ola maid: s • Marjorie-Virell, he wears. a pair of wristlets sh4. Crocheted for him. 'The Queen has eontr1buteeZ100 In -support of the hPecial effort now 13eing mails for the re-aoquisition et the Royai Normal -College and Academy of Mtisio. for tbe -Blind, Upper Norwood, lie a nationalinstitution for the blind of the British Empire. .‘c$kin diseases from the merest Phopiea to the most obstinate eeZema Salt rheum, running.tioresi quickly, pleasantly ,and 'permanently cured I)) Agnew's Ointment -35 cents.. . . • . Who does not.envy a baby its soft velvety._ panion until past', middle life. and DI. skin? ,Row many: ;suffer from distressing. Agnew's Ointment 'has cured speedily,and skirt diseases -De you stiffer ,leaVe you permanently. ,It is a •boon to -mothers tetterL4altrhenni-scald headHripg Wprin because it is a brion •i6 habil-Mid-scald -isOzerna.-ulcers..-blotches on the skin-- head and its initations, which are accent- . chronic crysipeles..---livef 'enets.A.ed. what...panintentatothoteethingperi,ed;,ares,,ntottly,,...,_ notelse-cdthesatlislastefol and aggravating,. driven. eif and reltressness passes away - disorders which .disfigure and • • • • and vvhere torture reigned Vvith*. discourage? Di. Agnew's Ointment 'allays the 'die,- tressing itching; burp,. Ing, itingirig" sees*. , tins which axe part and Parcel Of inich and in. a themstand. cases , where internal treat- , manta have: failed to baby this balm brought rest and a cure -it affords in, • stant relief from the itclling distress, ; . Do you stiffer from .,piles-itching,blind. bleeding.' or nicer- . ateda-No remedy , hasbrought so quick , relief, spared painful surgical Operations as Dr. 'Agaaans_Aatinent. --it_has' 'proved, itself an' . aheblute cure for piles.' ID informs and at Ali stages - ono relieVe- the Itching, ,irritating sensations in' an instant -and long standing. •cases diia.ppear after from three to five nights' treatment -the painand. soreness quit 'you. and the tumors Vanish.' The baby bf another lad living on faelfiO Ave. In heal, and, eradicate' 'them,' it has worked Wonderkil and liermaii- . ent-cures-and no skin dis- Lease,' no. matter Of how long :standing, had baffledlti 'CUrative eetdities. In eaies 'of chrotic• eczema it.liaa proved its great worth, and Casea'are on 'record ;where this dread affeotidit has 'been the birthright of its patient and constant coin:. - • 'Aladiivini in a northern Caunty tewawrites Thai .forseventeenyearsshawastroubledwithssitrheurn.. Toronto, was terribly. toted with scald -head -and . She took !looters' treatments and used many lotions ecrema-she tried washes prescribed by her.phyra- withouranypermanent relief.. Reading of the cures clan, and soaps advertised for such purposes,bet the . made by Dr. Agnew's Ointment, she decided to try. disease reniained-Dr, Agnew's Ointment was her If.. The first application allayed the Witation and good friend; half a box- cured the hair) and cured . she continued using it -the disease r'apidly herself of troubiesomerdies which had been the bane appeared and now for two years there has been no of her life since baby's -birth.. . • • sign of a:return efts... . ' • - • • • • . , DRi AGNEW'S CIIREI FOR 'rue HEART--Curea PalpIta'tion, Siutiemig, shortness of breath And '- ell heart disorders -relief in. so minutes. . , . • DR, AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER -Has mired cases of catarrh of so 'years' standlne;-selieves coldin.the head in zondnutes. • • • . , • DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS -Stop sick headache -are constipation, biliou.sne'ss•end Hier treubles -pletiaane little:doses-4°in box --se cents: , • For sale by;Watts tt Co Clinton ost Rubbers. are • Uncomfortable: It is no. 'wonder tbat rubbers which. are not the -same shape, as the boot should.. be uncomfortable. It -costs inoney to ..emplcy* skilled pattern makers but the result is a sa,tisfactory it. • „ - year. the :Gianby. Rubber Co. add 11,17/ pat- terns to fit all the'fitigt shoe shapes therefore • , .AL.WAYS UP-TO-DATE. They are,honestly Made of PUre Rubber. Thin, Light, Etastic Durable: - • B*ra thick at 1)9,11' and heel: 4 Ora n bj? Rubbers wear. like Iroul L. • ONE OIVES RELIEF. con't Spend a Dollar for Medicine' until 'you have tried loosens the grop of your cough. The -congestion of the throat . and lungs is removed; all ins flammatien le subdued;., the parts are put perfectly. it rest and the cough drops way. It bag no diseased tiasttet on which to bang. Dr. Ayer s. What bas behorde the. old-time . other aninkais abo t their Cherry Pectortil • - -orers are not deadly at long range. By the time the railroad hae been run* Plit:ster drotis out inikunnatIon of tits lungs. • irmied 1.-ittnegbio, We sz. 411, *AM t, 441 retior "MS* ott 4 You can. buy thein in the papet 5 -cent cations Tat Tabules for Five Cents. lide sertM Ont uPahattorresinittes.lhe %wrest *edam. esseeee tor 1, tow ogee. If you don't find this sortof . Rittling TabtitdA- . ..At 'MO Druggist's. Semi Viva, Clibta to Tat RIPANS CframIOAL COMPANY, to, *1 Spruce ato New York, and they will be seat to- you by mail; or 22 cartons will be mailed for 4$ mum, Tho chance* are tea tie one. plat Ripens Tabu!** are the very medicine you need.