HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-16, Page 6I TO LAMM' MIND. After the linen, ehirt beeoM or Dollar* lute been carefully eteirehee, home ready at hendebasio of odd. water, a Clean eovered ioningboar.4 a pletss ot Olean, soft rag, and a well Ueated pol- ishing Iron. Take one cellar at a thee, place flat On the beard, dip the clean rag in cold o water. 44 than lightly, wipe the surface with email Knaves of bread fried in ingtran' ° .of the oollar. On no account make it butter. The above will serve eight Here Is CRIO little anecdote Which too wet, or It will blister, and be care- people. ought to prove eneouragleg to such, of tul that no drops of water fall on it. Cabbage Soup,.. -One thin • alice oh our readers as are beginning the study *Bold the, -collar in poeltion with the bacon% 1 teacup grated. carrots, 1 pint of Preneh, inasmuch as it Proves that lett hand, and run ths polishing Iron all and down it with. theright. firat of eabbage stook 1 bay •leaf. Place in a very slight smattering indeed of the linen will beve a streak)* aPPear- a soup pot and 001r 20 minutes, Skim that elegant tongue may ocoaeionally ;moot but the arnoothiag must be con- well and take out by leaf. Now add: be of use. Any High school student tinned until the surface is glossed tilt over. • 1-4 teaspoon at pepper and I:teaspoon Will perceive whY the letter of a vex-- a Olt, Rub together -tablespoonful tain anxious Servant, left in charge . of butter ad 1 tablespoonful of flour; Of the house while her mistress WAS •!MAST AND CHEESE. acid to 1 pint of hot Rod pour . Fa genuine Nirelish rarebit take,e 'int° Yentr soup, Let come to bong Irtil'ti'ng Aix-les-Bams, France, was point, and servo. returned with the post -office stamp ' Peenid Of 'lateen, orninblye•oheeee, out It in bits and put it in a eliaIlOW sauce.' inaTt°0411eZtC;; cpBtiltuse'01:24equart d sQrta7btit " 41;htekunitist"re"ssachtiscr writiattioanceh'• Olno ger- pee at the baeltpart et the :stove. Add tawaspooneue of eutteeene a gill of speonfule Of flour, 1 tablispoontul of tain instructions, using the letter pa - sugar, 1 pint of sweet milk, 1,2 table- per of the labial whore she stayed; the rich boMililinkg. awiladtseert tahnedeaontilPatuneineLPeas: spoonful of nutfor vault 034 pepper to maid had replied, having; as she of Mete.. Put tomatoes and water to boil 'Potted, carefully copied the addre gradually until It melts, and a smooth, until soft then strain through a sieve from the Printed letterhead. , Rut a kWh10i4tore is. formed, Have ready, and 'add gait and pepper. Place ;main fortunately tie 'hotel employee th two slices of bread, from widish the on the' fire and boil, lidding the flour, conveniently cons.piettous teener ornate have been trhinned, and 'Whiell mixed smoothly in water, next the but-, mention a feiry of its advantages, wit ' have been toasted a delioate brown. ter, -then the sugar, and,. lastly, the of baking Bode in the ttireen, and hot milk. Place 1 iscant teaepoonful .6tho;ciFiyeattillitthatoroca-8/3 inaliadan anvel :11: ,QP: When the soiip has °mite to a boiling' 'NUS Jelank, Rotel" Britaneigati, point pour it In and Mir up well Ouvert' toute leAnnee, Aseenseur Ey: Serve qteckly, • • dralliqueer • Okra Soup.--pliop and fry until the .year round and supplied wit/A.0167. brain pound of rouna steal?,if;vith 2 vatcirs proved suffidiently large todis- getterous tablespoonfuls of butter and courage the French officials, and the. 1 mien. •• Into a soup kettle now put letter found its way back to London'. X pint of okra, cut in very thin ;slices, It yes returned .to the sender, who was much perturbed., until a 'friend anti , add 2 tinaits Witng salt- of the lady of the monitor, chanced to ed water. When tender add the steak call, t� whom he showed. it, when an and onions and, boil slowly 2 hours, explanation evened.. and she obtained Rub together 1 tablespoonful of hilt- a more definite address- *. • -ter and 2 tablespoonfuls of flour and add. 1 .quart of hot milk. •Pour this lute the• soup kettle and season with post -office °Motel whose knowledge o white pepper. • Let come to boiling foreign tongues was "deficient. point and serve at once. • French lady ,liVing• in Bagland ha eee onion cein else he edded for a elesage. I IINOLISH POSTAL OODITIMS. Pure et Chielo8nee0ne large oletee- - ........ *al 4 kniltelde of re41, 1 carrot .1 teentee Possee in the *ens of Thee Conn 'Wen With $ eitartve ettlnk in it, a team- 4rV *OVI 1%0Sted 0Thr Le AiklattPte. spoonful ot render, and wet and vrhite Some at the ruseeitatee of the Msg. MVO to take. Put all in 4 004,111 Pot nek poet-oftioe reoently Witted by I to hole gently I skim well. :When the Pramley Steeloroft are vert amusing. • °Woken le done remove it tuul the veal. The lerithei aubjeot, one must War, le Put back the *Mu arid bonen and aim. no isms een to Perpetrate blundere and nese 0 hours. Chop the chieken One Mil queerly addressed epistles than and weeli it well and return it to the is our owe; hut the London mail simpering broth and stir well for ili i„eke „„„„„ to be „Ito as c lever In MLA 4404 Tben rub it well through °,,,ee , -'''""'' a sieve. ItetttrA the puree to e sauces. the interpretation of style pussies as Pau; stir dew:lily and boat without ere the ingenious Inevants of Uncle baling- Finish wallt 1 Pint of hoilIng SAM in the dead letter Office at Wash- oream aed 1.11, cup butter. Serve • ..• • - SS At - goat, ., . • • , . :• , NIS SETTLES IT rim • . N0h9d3r ;Wantill t0...hu.S. female book . A . . ta. 'It, Is a profeSeion whiceh .Oboniede lii: , • , , , • . .. , h menifole trials and tribulations, Aliik xiiii: Charles Dean, on Beddit Rid - 0 - almost any Woman wolltd definitely pre. . •• ney ewe, ofefttetn°',kil3ortr.trw7enatymYtnhottwatt"hndapnert.*-17°71017: 'He ':•a,;,,,,..eane'd .;17,-;40,i4. ntanoy ow, and sec life train e differed stand- • Cored Ulm ernioeleY 01000Int *AO 10°' point. ' •-•• . • . coltairieerollx7adeleybillste7saltitoOrvallxise41.:ne,t7r. nevi ;whBount'anweeptsmesaintslchnpoinwslensse aniadw'p'entl'niiid,' eew, days ago in the press of -this,' artd i London,. Veb. 6, -The publication a, lose nue 'destitute of capital . i0-..tii, way other cities; of the statement that Ur, of special accomplishments or geed- Charles Dean, of the, City. Hotel, had ee . eil°,61ki.eseltilshoeorde aorpeenfeteratheellill. eaTi°yoeuatn'reinadi ''It3tetlatreelleitt-b7 Ifir°,41;44Ibiedene'r3rentildlYst. hnef tbe l000ujor.uovels of Luc eain rmi_Are._ elfl:dmiriiszistf;t:Ia gIngeevisleizte dIsitts• e t. alei.ida. tIgbi bete believe ,titnhga tmirat ea, .i. eProciVi it; ectes: BIM ' • ' . . . ' . The Majority of the citizens agreed e that 'theecese was not a remarkable 11' illg', Impecunious Y.:Tn.' ge: . NY'' onion from. .1)thneaY f°sarldp, Pg.tdrse Itlevedrir caPsellosi gwi 1 'd 115; ' d .penury, mid 'pfacing them upon the Disease for which they are -Used.: . . area Mose student of life' as it•ormts . r feW Persons, however,. deubted -v golden pinoaele of success; but if you Some l " O "7 •. .: • . the .ctecura.cy Of the report. • .' • ✓ . TO Settle_ the question, once for all, i around you, you are forced to the min- We interyieWed. llt.tr. Dean, ,.and • asked i. elusion that the average noVelist, draws ,him 'irthe715risge-reporM.were true, . an tau. iimagilat4ion hio.ri. y, ,ock .0: to i feertainly theY• are ,true," said he. 1 ,haxe his stories. " Come outoell.": * °who onlY fault they -have is' that. they "Sewing, • . . , litre not.strong, enough. - . _ '., ' • , ',' : the neeeer•Y girt business, .41 used to safer so retell that I - 'clerking 'and housework. are the. ':attief ,' had •te ' lie down-. to .get relief., ' MY' tonsuS .of ecaeiete 4 ihing wbioh offer doctor said my Kidneys were affected. :thclinaelveh to wt?olell.. None of- theaehiteip .J4,,111. ° 1:11.. ad• P. a."' bi!•t 4. clid.4't • , are any tOo agreeable; though they may 1 "One day: 1.• 'aastlifr. M. L. DuffY. ' he better -thee; absolute' starvation...Se- architect, who was enred Of Kidney: „ . , . the woman who must make her i own • -Dieeaseeby 1)Odcrs Xidney. Bills. , He liVing thinks. she will canvass for some- ;t1.10:4171 -far taken four aildifS.14:i:4a°i thing. Rook agents, somebody. tells her, ' relieved.- • One -box ' , Made 'ine. n - new .alWaye-eseeeke good Wejtia. So she starte nntA. X have eteken three boxes, .and• . .9. Ut: wKiik a .hook.:,.(1t Ian book, the pro- %,..anieecoenPletely .cured. Cod s i neY prietore liSsure .h'elT-that should be in rwjegh.rfnedgoide.."11-6Ai il.r° *oral "4°r' , every family, and ' everybody will be This certainly settles ithe:. question., dying to bur it OS . soon as she offers ' Nothing' further can ,Dodds: it.: Flee loeoe.aeo wee; eeelee ile, fitot. Kidney. Pills Cure EldneY • s Disease - •s tht 0 ,sets 'forth. 'She teals that %her 'fortune 1vi;14' wherequire. Doddei. Kidney - , is essured. The. World ,looka fine and .Pilis can get them: at ,all drug stores •• friendly, and She trtidgeson briskly 1 !or, fiftY cents -,a, • box, .six hotes for . volume, that specimen volume, is grow•..! route. . • heavy.that ' v0•u2e..er by.aerlding the pri▪ ce7 to- The ; Dodd's Ntecliaine Co.; Limited, '.. To-, and, tries to forget. how tame from one , hollers to another. :. i AT THE TABLE. -- . . , . • ins', and haw 'awfully' long is the: dist. To' be a . success' a book agent: should Mr.' 'WeddiiitgAti, ' darling, I see be endowed with tacit, 'patieeee, gooe„leue hol have PrePitred 60gthillig nav‘r:' - temper, PerseVerance, a good. address,, i' cwie'te ei•Yt°0u0x. la.linat 14.. it 'Ws 1"; a fluent tengue,"and a pelt ;of 'feet , Mrs.; Weddling--,That -.., that'a...11,-b- whieh show no tendency toward porns.',,breadi ." Ifer skirt rtitist be. short •enough not to. - . i • ' .: " drabble,'" and eire,ninst .have 'easy ' . 1 shoes , and Plenty Of backbone. -both,- - ' POL!fin ..Atfenfinn ' mentally and physically. . . . • ' Is at preseet., being i• elieetted to cat - She must •have no fear of dogs, dark- arrhozone, and Match intereen has been ;neea, highway COWS, #aratia or, rebuffs.. 'aroused by its. marvellous Meat upon She mut be able to ellmb e fence te,dilseasp, germs. • Catarrh, bronchitis, . escapestray bulls and.predatory pige; irritable throat, and *USN maladies ill, if, need be; 844.. Oinat•aseextelit whet titantly disappear when this apparently kind oepeople she will be, likely to en- mild pine -scented gas ice inhaled: It counter before she commences on her penetrates . wherever:, air ' Cali go. 0. territory." She'. Wise .aoci,iiaint her- • Meisera.-111. 0.,;Polgen'.86. Co., Kingston.' self with the name of the lady in the Ont.,; have - generously intimated •• that next house every time, so that she can sample outfits . of canix•rhozoner will be: ask for Mrs. clone% jest es it she were .given one ereaders free, for eix shott, - a caller- instead, et a 'peddler• , time, if sent ter,itamediatelY. . : i Mrs. Jones will theni ; think that t ' . . --e, le one of her 'club women, or one : of . .. .• .• nuerioss phggstrAE. the. ladies whoaregetting up the next. ._ -•. supper and•eociable at the church, einne. Are you. south ;.teursheit dienosvth now, ..._ .to talk over the best way •• to- frost the , AusluA117e t If L' cake, or cut the cold bent, rui that it MYnie employer town to nlorteor. woutiorerxopwendwork expectme:= I will make the best show On the Plat- - oo ter, with the least outlay of uremis mitil the ,hour set for the fenexal. • .. . • • I Was Completely Helpless With Rheumatism. ' Could• not move, the haat bit Ora jar would Make Me shout with pain, I was afraid 1 aboii14 be a cripple foe life, as prescriptions did me rio good. , Finally 1 a`ent, for a bottle of floOd'a Sarsaparilla, which ; helped nte Much, and two bet- - ties more put me on my feet Bo that I Meld walk witholet crutches. I Was Soon Well enough to work on my farm." W. FL RHOADS, Windham, Vi. IlOod's ' Sarsapaxilla is pre- pared only• by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all dealers. Price $1, ' lielbelkleWIlleeleehleleelleleiltelliet A FtMALE. BOOK AG,ENT. !lady who give* her * generous orter, lainee it is eminently mammary !alio Ithattld keep up her reputation IA . the vicinity. Vox everybody toile ov.. erybody elite about the book agents and tramps who acme to their botteee. It le almoat 0.4 intereatinir 4 Wilk, as the servant tie) question. The boo egitet MenY der* days, She vriel be wearer' and footsore, $040. 60slidf04 She will Meet People who' are rude, and tuaderbred,.and, snobbish. She will encounter looked doors and hoar gig- gling and whiepering belaine 'them. e Ton, °pod Value, Low Prim steer wilt often be told OW th$ lady of the house is not et home, when the kruiere well enough that the le at the • top of the staire, listening to note the result of the communication which .leridget or Margaret le makieg. The female book agent baci a hard road to travel, but when she gets an order her tronhlee all vanish for the time, ItAd letb a glad heart she -counts the shekels that are. to follew in Miller commission. We like to hear her tell her 'story when she tens it well, and we wish ter unbounded success -4n the hornet, of °thee peopte.-,Kate Thera. • ceeiNEEE SOLDIERS DASPISED. Scilaiers are despised in China. They belong eisteely to the coolie olasses. 21e German ItC44rtralltritItlalileseellaegveedi some foundnment MOs imPOrtant busk was to 'overcome the soldiers' own feel- ings that they were a lower order. Of : beings than ether Chinamen, . For thiti purpose • the toast ,thceild be Soft, not erisp. Moieten the toast with a little 'belled milk, then .ispread the Wit- ter& thickly over it. :it you wish a golden buck you must add a poached eek on top ,of each slice of 'toast. .The greatest mistake which ama- teurs. make is to serve this preparation of cheese on crisp hard toast, when it • loses all ite delicacy. The bread* must be eiott • and the cheese mast be rich and mellow, and eleOve all, it ranSt be ' served very hot. Some cooks add a bit of cayenne, a mere pinch, but this is •not a- part of the • original English. preparation. ' lifAKING OVER. , Unless you. have Mabound,od deice in your own douot at- tempt to tut iinfffit anythiag without pattern. Purchase 'a good model, with e pictorial representation of the coin - Plated garment desired. The retire, strikingly unlike the old one the better; The nuMber of hotels kept Open a 11 • Perhaps this ineident is fairly of seteby another in which it was •th b f X called thie evening, WSW Sheol; to milt you to be my wire, meld 4 . Stater. X ant sorry te eer, My friend, that Yon blurts neede a inieteleein your gall. Inge replied Mies 81100h. W P10 ORS' • CA,.14, V:EitirS • 00r4000 ..osfroreetione. Soon., Olt. meet, ,V th P *Warded 190 inedali and dipionittg.irferarZeiT4 Teoir i'esuler tom, provost lafeetP . met 4_111tutatia, Ask your daeler to obtain 0 0141)Pir. Lists. malice free app/1(3410/4 • ' P. C. CALVERT' & 0000 • .lomoON.wario. aroaukaa. ' e01.0 ON0 04v iTIVareEttalit riahCiiV istuattTegt:'• '24‘,"( Drur • Tho Daniialoa- Of Canada Wrote, Antb..404,copitai, $itingon and kazdent Insurance Comply • _ Dominion Government Dforobjk 83,• Bond* Issued covering county. town and, tben.. ship-Oatiourors', division court clerks, ,bailiffa'.. • eta. .6Iso personal sweident palates, oaoaaa ••so.filaTE,o0vvR.ottottolsal:a:Tsor: • rcol::• :::::Toro;: ' " Teo twoauns! arlurrvratet414-et;;;_illiftygeLTOUPrIdarlilitaant:Igitieer41.e sw.Q: or !OM: 1:741:itw. osP hare wet:4:U it Stammerers te to Cr. Arno St, Berlin, who wiii convince Vim be 0144 curer? . . . . .gp.s.n.tettlitisniabart.inaa;!.aaria. a,. ac.101.1,7?;‘,Vral. Oa ' DilY11011 ' CiM11111041011 Co., Limited, . • , • ,u0..mkaii,•ticp.- . -.. . . . . • . 1, . Beetdrietlingt, Send iron; megazznes, have. ara OW Art. goo. meadshas.ade,hsstooktrot sopriter, swift 1 Printing, keno.. sin Reads, Statintenti, tattor • 9114101110essiorolia .is.ioruassiCainreas.leolattas •:, . - . :. , • • , ••-• lalff kfl. tigt011111:1064.2::::::r 47: sex Bar ate &sine_ 4 .. • tivialWnikeaMleyluBill:0"„1,1Rilao:. • mond St. W.-, •rorento. . . ' lost many. nevvspapers in the mai -.1.0.07e, • and went to the village post-offles t h'ERX TIPB FoIt Tag'etotegn, . complain. The sub7postinaster after he English ;wailer!, are passionately de- voted to. fern culture, and. Many com- ments are ',made contrasting Sister departure,. received instruCtions , fi•em his. chief to ask her the Sleet time She came for : the titles of .. the papers. Which, had gone astray: lie did 00, 40t1 , thnleavi likely. wit/ Y0,14r neighbors • belt! tastes.- • But i.t must Se remembered. •frriT' c.rPliTentiY:. rel3Prt04 . that She itILSYllieS116OPst'llarnetn:g11;3nIalllr"TtlITI.Oe rect.:414.e% it. : If •possible use'•dlitereut• that Englund ' ia anisland, ..m6iit', and •, buttwas..and trininiingS.' Abraye'heve the system, of lighting ..interiors by .preacpeeirese..; 'end. ...'"MertY0 . - ,and• "news - new linings; the , At Wall' probably , ;be lallipa sand eaedies is less injurious than • :better;:::- 'tee Old. ones may stretch. :TOW :ear ,nisthod to plant ,life, . -Stearitheat ' books kept at the pastel tads -cum in Pasted in ' one, of. t.he curious, address •'anaihave...te..adapt' your patteree'ae ac- and. . 'electric ,.light make ,,hovet,:with London is.C. -letter 'Whieli „was. ,-.4:teVer. ittetihi, limitation of the Old pis, -4, room plants. ., But intelligence 'in, see: delivered, though .plainly enough .ad- terialcee but prestiiit,iiiiieraliiiirtiine: i'e.oting may de inUch. toward heVing dressed to, JUb DaviL.Llandough. .Thie __ reason IS" Made obvious • bs 14; istrag. .',. If the old Material'is insefficieee, re- nnwe'*•:wellPen. in 'nne'a: heme• lere' gling elulersement in red iok.frora the: ,.....__ __. , . , „ . . La the Pterrie serrulata easily obtain d : member, that ,colors .and materials,. of en of -sonlervillage-triend ef the -ad- rtearlY oll kinds - are need. together: very hanclihmee ,dOenwell in more .eule giessee, "job David ts ded end beried.": The.00Pterals ';,quadrienritee 'Which. le, . combine two or three old dresses • as 'tare. • . krobuit.window plant good in Near it is one of the most curiefis of onio,. or ..iot: nuffjoiont now stuff. or, a oolor ii., the .a.spicuura nein tinhoiden recorded addresses t "Mre. Xi. W•eitrira -.1,inatchirig oreontrasting order, to: stip, and .a. favorite fern vvith Japanese,thirs . • ' a -Large Bear Bea,' Vrolet Flowers in 'ply, the:needed ..elcoyes, skirt; :flounce. or ' tvvisted 13r.thera tuft" :Maar, situations, eryateei, thee • , ' . • • , , - Bonnet, Pronienade, , radreiags, Ah: _ , • vest -front. eSiekteeelvet; plush, corthe, is the - darallia. bullata. . •• It hae. sien- This letter. wits free' the. lady's son, •-,, roY,,velveteenaace„, friteees, beads and 'der, scaly root stocks the. .size ' of . a 'bad ta!,alain•.•bio,,nunizerfs seaeld • • . .AasSeplentoriss. Will trim effectively all goose .931111,and..smaller,_ and :twoe feet 9Adrens. ,T)lo letter. ; was ;duly, . and "fabrics. except gotten. or linen •Ones. and 'note. long. . The. Japanese 'Plant • Trinniimg may` often hide defects; ,as ri thorn with 'mega* tine roots and. other P°,. 132°17. '41/ve,13.t1'..' ., .. bow!! aederee - , ... - , , . . renterialethat will hold Moisture, ' If . • . : 'r.% , ' . „ ".4. „ , . ' , . kept • sufficiently"''moist :these .••sterna • • __, _, VEAOTI-oEU:LDE,EN To mIND. ' ,,,, • * __. - • Will SOOD. Prolluoe very be,autiftilly cut : fern leaves, three .to five inehee high, - JeLOGM AND cRox : , . It 'cip.:e. is bound. to 'ruin hia..children and toxin a "living, I - ... wreath. .... ' the choic,e spouldf be to 40 it by kind- Ferns thould, be potted Young, to es A close coniiretion Found ,netweon pool: . • week eate‘e eeen.., brntnlity. • not , te beccaree at one,e ;Mired to their do. ' . . , 0 . . and Pertitinee there is not: the least need Of hanging' .t14,* .• • 7 An exhaustive exaraination of flower ID the house. . ,. . . •_ ing plants reveals that only about 10 every mertal ohild that ie bronght into '' - •Pa'.44!*S (4*1:' 941143?, 14FE' • A. . . per cent.. of them are odoriferome.., The this vv:orld be taught -to ''obris its par- . • - • chAktren pose* tbreugh a' „great' OiiinY . 'red flioVere .and thosowhich.have Cam:. mats ; lc t . It be :taught this While it is Phasse• • '!Transitioecieer:m..eften trying. . blued .colorings japProitimete ..te this .' a beeie 'osid, not humoured and petted ./ceeli these related facts. ill..inind4 we average, while . yellow ' fleseers, are • to. death .then, and taught hundred of ..s°rnethaes •fix aefittlit ' by ts".10pd* Igo - iiightly below: it. Of .blue flowers tricks vildoli it Xanst be broken' oer.,af, - much aotide of it. A mietake. should only 5 per tent...Litre sonnte'd,,,atia in • terwera, ... . • • • „: ,. .. . , ,. : , . . , , not be • treated as a „wilful • sin: • thoseof a •violet calor the proportion 18 , It Yen-Can•beileh your child Obedience : transient asekWardness., raey :e A •••0 ',.•10 , still farther reduced. „White fiewera _liithoutavitipping Jinn,.so mule eholee. te rapid growth. • A. shyness of believe ere most . pdorikeroure 15 per cent. 'of ter e do not 'whip 'Leith 4 child - • .t ,• -.. lour- which amounts .. to . a ' painf U'l iln b • ' "fr"4 '' * ' e. . „,...,„ oioiazitii4t4 of omounceoegic 0, aeon.' at,tiaoiendtihtiite.tahonswittietre •oreeete. it but ieLeres wee:1004 &or or obey tiraidity,, will pass. it not . without such Punishment, admit:Abider it ' by Calnin!3rk 1,11(1 l'eProget. ° Titht -4/ 087::::-::imrietiejle.garden'.flowqs are : goner - gently andeitnply inn convincingthan-Peelle/. true in regnilt • tn. '11°6'4' - ally Moro highis'ectertted•than'•,iire col - nor; out teo not be looking itn.4 . voila- Legrenpirosiirritptlinee use slang ; seine - oval inembern of the .SaMe SPO0i0S. words and phrases Ing blowe at hien for a: week efterward. Which aro. ivoree than. slang, but the it line 'be4ri • 16Oteel that flowere.Of a . While gentle, respectfu.i and. obeli- 'mother need not be unduly 'alarmed• brownish litie have usually a disagree- ent .children, are the .siveetest . things . because of. •this. The boy . and girl ebi on eerth. there are few thinge more , will :speak the language and use 'the . *? etai31L, and in the case of ehe sta- elleagreeeble. end rentilsive than bad- s• dialliet. of z home and if the Mother 'pelted iergiarni toweisf the .odor • on either horn of tine (111m:tuna Let ly managed, and' unruly Do'childrenposeess the ohdriren's entire confid.•rarce st s able X6131 that at ORO ban encture them and their parents imee she uill not`, find. it difficult to Utreseent meet, and proveS attractive ren VS gat and material,'• • are justly to blame. • • unnvinen tee ohlid to those insects which feed. on decoying Once get that central ided, of On- speech is a thing to avoid. •. . substances. As a rale where the ill-,. , itieut but many And slatt•wilVglance .11i the glass 8 0 • . your -children, and your government come regret a .union of Mild measures adalified obedience well grounded in 1Mfothers will never in the years to ofiltegi:iss.poe4rnfeee° tS ihoz:Mdieafat•m":1 78P,i°11- mike sure that her frizzes are all iiiii0aliArt.gireavrifm, ":416,41.an, tiMe laying on commando, Do not ft- the home life. But Of harshness and . . * - the cunning book agen must aim to . • . C9=10 I G.. , ter your children; svithin certain limits too much government they may . re- , ,_ lettV0 thefts free; teach thenethat thole pent , in duet and. ashes. rights shalt be just as Much respected ., port -ant part in aecuring Cress fertilize - &et tbeelealeee Tee perfume,„like Sta..0 On her face, and .itt, is then that . • the coloring .of flowers, playa an im- tea 17 iiireg- ,tlitilit, and she will Cane down ,with a . .. , make her best impression. And, she will ' hat; (her first season) -I0 have bn AG ----DiT N‘ stands "few You need not be all tine with firm' edherehee' to principle in a- ri' Ing ex"Ptiwis * a o one attractive factor en- p:,..oc,,,eed to do it something after this es ...... eeeeee. _ • ptiron by the agency of insects,- and the ere_ i , . s u up in •boardang-s lio 1 long as your own are; let them never have reason to doubt that you love them • SCevtel PARSON'S WIVES, abler the plant to dispense in many _." Ah, good, morning., Is this Vire. -• • 'that I feel very 'awkward. and timid in *les with the other. company. I do not know what to db dearly and that you punish them not 'Lamers from ••frequent stories in ° p T h d t d • Jones? Rea y. a eXpe0 e to me with my hands. - '• for your own eileasure, or beceuse yeti English religious journals that many much older woman:. Very Irma old- . _ .„_ * or. my aoirir madam i, will occupy only 4,3•-x11 hold them. for you. • are eugry and can irs.felY vent your Tullio! hove an idea that residence in • THE ZINO CITY. a moment of 'eour time, but I am told • paesion upon them, but tor their god o. 0,16,••••01. Vls op Onio,Ceir Totitoe. enSbt ant' indeed' fl nh°Iddifni''h`" pitivel,Ite4Vgr Anternfithd. gel:night: eve -been told,so, • feehng. They know vrell enough wbat • right to exert:dee 00lIk6 • cechislavillear .thrit can. • be is made of zino tee to * Via enough to' make inie, sokey tO had "ce Meear, s,.111 r into °sneers •aso Qty 0 Toed*, of P, ortsiguese, Beet Africa, Bveri When a on can of an individuat le Ye!: ir.T.T.?„1,141. • • Unit you hare a great interest in art, BOA .515 and housebnisi Lli0A6 1, Sent $14 • Children are clear-eighted and quick" A Parsonage confers • upon theiti the Every . • • , ' sway 'etimmeple Stammerers...$.1 win to, It they Ille tue arid try. lhare vent Slims' study on this tittossing Walk oems and satisfy 'omissive*. Norilsk. W. Be'ra. Specialist, KS College sc, Toronto. TORONTO OUTTEN SO giggg. "ert IlMax• V 15-4 • 171122$48:: riaint6litliVog 1914r1la �IITTMogu 1112. &Sr ligiliTaS.,;1:11:17. lioniraran Tho "Sobooralt" ,FrOo tab TAMMERERSa tieer°4;11.1***; iirearg. .....01aAtit4eittalaisluse ' Pkvalivolti Ass rereoto, sew" . . DON BE one! PREPARE;POR A MST. t7 CLASS SITUATION I• Cerieral, a•e/7 . , OTRATFORN: - Th op sends of yo0,4 men i,6d w 'have found our course study, a ,stevelovatone. to ,•seressin" Enter • • now; beara'oluisp; 'hat baoinies school in • DOSSOISM, OtteUlare free. • • J. 21..morr, Principal: T ATARRH. arid HAVIIIV.Elik PermapeOtly Cured hy liedieStedTsPer Inhalation-amino:le of suedes& .10 Departments. Send 16o. for +=Press on anti% Dr. ear: Suocesifis Remedy 0o.,Torento, Ont. kleibourPits !Zist.4 Itrshistr, - THE.MOST INTUTR/TIOUS. • PPS:S GRAT.E.Eitmitowritsm.. • BREAKFAST...SUPPER, Aim YOU ARTISTIGA1.1,Y UNLINED'? If so. we On. -HEALTH RESTOR"D w j"" me4141" .. , teach you BY 116114 in a few %reeks& branch of atl" Bladder. Kidneys, Brain and !impels by ' • ' ' r, or expense to the that will qualify you for profession that in not overcrowd. Revalenta issar disordered Stomach, Longs, Nerves, Liver Blood. mongol School of Portraiture, Toronto ,Tunction, Ont. ed or orodtablehome work, Particulars Rea The Com *loch .8,4,0 Invalids a'nd Ohil;ren, and also R ' Pe- tit ab Oa F00dt . !solidly instants whose di/moots a .4 D hint .'hu4 ' . IP .1: ..., , $1.50. own now. Price, aieted ail other treatment • li• At .. t Y --ave 16. •Food is rejected, .11111,03 50 tai::::::70:141:414:0:17:1::/pfli ::::: u BEtrry's. I, • Years! 1,41.trii.yilitargr,c,,,ggzi- . TM. ae:htroltIlifler iriBeittdPrh,,,nv! . V'j3p/T-44r 'Parket; Ont•.., . inditiestICM, Oeueumption, Diabetes, Bronchitis, Lithr,,, , Nen:ar,,out0..zugon:Atylsimeeap.leOlsseataestreh,,ok:shplpeng,Tnie,ttoy.0,1arrhoaa... • The OFFICE SPECIALTY mic,00, 50 TorOnto eLAstrepois," " v 1110itilnion Litie!!!:,:a:srill:8: -. Londonderry. Lew- and fast fwia m t an unmet's. neminte. and suites OVOrYWheLeh in tine In John. nal, and HoUttlx, to Liverpool, °Wpm; ah 1.4ndop. W . sit,1 in 141.4,14 Rue de Oastiglio e, and a n Ld I I firl it el TwE mD Du Barry & Co PBy'gr .4,00,y,r,..."s0,11.3„.4N.b. 2a,r3e., P.d., is. 51b.. 14s. Serie earrs„ge, free. ,,Aiso Du Superior trot:Hun utodetion tor First cabin, See. Ba ry 0 eirrareatastseuits, in. tins, Zs. tkl. and 6a . , Obit cabin and Steerage passengers, Rates or Sleasilses--riret tIabin, $55.401 eecoud Oebin,. iTt94; 8errantirrut°4:2th5,° alinodr IlaP11‘. rulideernierttallienPantaly LDS Gaul arrents.i7 SI. Saoranseno St.. Maltreat to 'ntsi A.008. or Dario Torressou &Co., „ L. COFFEE lc .GO:. • "1131bh" 1141 CRAW ANS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Clean** e FortifY fha enreit assns. um* semi it Trios aufflana nYSTCM. • • BUILDERS. • The• Chantheriain's rettg isppeal to the British pdblie to investigate e inoreas. pgarim °. • /01figiregOSWidr qiirtidrolorti-elt•-(0- ilrfeeideiti disease in the Colonlea. rsas led to the marketing of BOLD'S . • this fine R E E. We give WATCH' • with chain and charm, for Sell. • ,ing two doz. Whitelight Wicks at ten cents each, ffo Money Segtarott. Write, and we I Send the Wicks,. postpaid ad OW big Premium List ',nen you haws sold the Wicks, 're. tuns the *stoney, and we will at once send your watch free of all charge. hundreds have earssed fine watches working for vs why not you? /as sprint:9, Mention fats payer; V/IIITEL.ICHT • • .,. TORONTO, CAN. ' FREE BOOKLET,. ovum TO ifekturit Psuephieta and SIMID101 of Xaterial of our Steel Frame Niagara Vapor Bath • sent ie any exidtema.On receipt of stamp. ° fiELEBRATEISPRESOMPTION, the flow only reef* ylized'gerra destroyerend preventative against.. Fevers and ague.. Pamphlets. and medicine... mailed troth' thee:museum-Agency., , .:• , • the BOLD PHARMACAL,COliToOnto• • Hyndreds.. of mom closets ars in son, si viag satire satisfaction. • • • Partiesusinx thorn would no the with - mit there for twice their beet. They can lo• placed Cellarei..ttio or B eth Room. or In &BY Place where there is a Sue or Tharmomater Annwiterent and chimney. • vaporizer pempiete; Arire required Only Oltenia tw week& ;emu warm* for Ben Belling • For °Uvular and srles Write • , Bath Is Asastioai • Si Virtue Vapor Bailieo. •• TOE ODORLEg gREMARIRr GIOSET. CO ' YANA& Sep. Terellte.• Ont. YOMIO at., Toronto. N \ • ****4•44**4044041/************************************ " Sur matt Vett "nap Tins • • • • • t, f=4; feelings areapparent in the minds of funetierice • . ' ' '. those vtriac, correct them; "lily husband 'is away," said ono wo. tom oe. Pereira situated on. the coast the 'inside °;! Yliir glarulg loreti 1 ogant:LlittiStiste Mai -good na that saidau ; ranks flor judge o r n nk iv 1 lovz: 1nd 4,it, 11,,,,, wrongs which ehildhood 1.11 heir , to. a"' *12* eat" la ha" IBS ' tiOnSiOn in the streets he la tarried. to the near- %. Sue ' &Vella / I • have litre a work on , Carantrit CM:. Pitd.Nli ./, °HMV/. :. hearof a flew birth to reflect" Open the i'Ian t° a Patisl.lianeri TalArea '611",11,7 a man falls down through the heat by the appearanceof the home b that datitlat bgt 01.1tred by the Urie Hsr,st • Poer little things I Either by toe much PoPer authordicated, "but roY signa- est hospital oft a eirt0 etretcher, and, • art, and eeramio, which It bone to 1. Sweie bef a me end subscribed ain my rigor and eiwerity or by a weak wee ture will do as well." the hospital itself, and tho Ude, and interest you. So ID Many of your neigh, prostnots thin dtty Of tiearer A, • thernselvee when left te* g0 Orr tbeir general refused to aecept the eilsna- Whieli xessts on eine settles, and ly a very choice thing. know well Ado direraly on the Wood And aureetig rairtaces way mew. le patents wooed epees titre, and much trouble ensued. it is placed on a sine carriage and snough, null a lady.in your station must 01 555 systerot„.Sent1LoSoloatto:11...fle_e_4_, some of their thtecits and then perform he Churc le Gazette mentions the What t earrted to a eine chuieh, and then bur- be eonstatitly annoyed by talle of tide DruzitrtZAN, benefit of it • bey preinilise they would find the Casks ef a latir, who at Dorcas and other led en a eine-lined0. grave, if ehe de- kind but I know you will like to leolc I "t" ratetenge whereat her h d • injudicious indulgence they drOs tea of- ten started wrong,, wrong., la/ weolue this paper wad taken from bile and of the sama metal-eino. Again, when you will like to etansine it., It is of- . ere,. • Notary .Pubtid• Before the moor arch could object, everything else within are made bora are taking it, that feel sure A. W. 0.141 As°k'- and,hard ineeteelo it for them to riot 'signed Naturally its Pyinaster- any one dies he ie pet Into a zinc; cof. fered only by subseription and is reaiel. %Retro Get arth Cure is teectiniternaily, rind ns an le not ;•eetieeti can .eford the *latter luxury, it over," end tiiine has _ Haire KanSilY IVO the best, . - ' present, gives the apostolic betieduition The ereeson thet zinc is the cheap- the apseiroen volume (may or neis . in the moat approved iciYle-• ',est meterial that will Withstand the ti has been won ' over .• • •: WERE AFTER YOU YOU'LL BE AFTER US • • We do not offer yea SOMETHING • Volt NOTHING, but we do say that et your dollar it worth two hundred and fifty • cents in these propositions- * .0 • A lady Who seems tone equal to humid cab:date for any time • by her manner, and when She glances IleVer Haw elotilieg so cheap • Oil, Fa.JonesS grain Soinee-Wacch and skin 2 }Into of "minor orders" at least, is Mrs: Oreigh- ata 40111044 and onnipIn • fooxat:or ono -ton, the wite of the genial Bishop of • hour. NOW plunge theft let° 1 London 'there is a certain wicked t. l'UNNV• II`RN1:s1;CH coLorrr. that that odious Mrs. Itobinson across a gentleman. • • , the way has put her tante dowir for • She..-Tes indeed So mill the ladeei quart lAgend that' while Pet - erborough , A, terezieh tewspaper had latele writ- co i loth at 250 h 6 over tlie list of' subeeribeis and sees a • s it le ?low, Aar malt can dreteit like •:4t of bolting water with 2 spoonfuls of , re. Creighton once wrote to a eierne ten tie the colony of `renews. YantlOti, at one deelders that She whu takd salt. Holt gently- Si) minutes, In en not emus /Or It confirmation, but pro - k e• lie If rebuffed, the &mile book agent " linion juke and' t,tellespoonful ': of moo regretting that Om bishop could: is on the Godavery, 'Mine distance to • coPY in Turkey morocco at 45. other etewpau 'put I quart of sweet More authentic aid vastly more bully. is. no French celonist z4esidingt eity 'good afternoon jUst • aS sweetly i - • milk, 1 generourtablespoonfue of but- probable ie an amusing anecdote Un- ' thete,, but no less than eight salaried when Abe goes mat of the hOtift0 Se She se tee 'i thin eieee of breakfast bacon deubtedly illuetretive of the Milne • offioials, inelutling a goveenoe, a chap. said it wheti she nalX1,0 All. She itfintit. •:, v , 0 PY •te c• e, TRoimAs PHosPRATEPowDEk • wining th• at she would' sortie instead. - t 6 north 0 on 10 ern'. • ere as'• must not •lose •het temper. She mus • t • • • • oitiFt sod *Alto povvorto tote, Ewa lades raotical turn of mind and de. I • t 11 t d %Jett ati polite te t110 WO/Ilan 'Who h fend the bishoprics of Leaden, a key and direcitor of editeation are engag. -- Met bis daughter in street of Peters ad in looking after the place. It is borough. Tieing 001 tetras of intittexty stated that the few Fteneh &amide Which justified the question? she ask. who Were locludetl in the 6,000 billable ed if Doctor Creighton had decided to tents of 're -neon 1885 have. migrated /motet his appointment to the mere, to British territory In escape from the Important 006. tratuteacries des fonctionnaires. don't knevree the fount e*-"' THE CLEANEST PEOPLE. The 46peuese are said to be the/ries*. 'OA POO& in the World, et.-• TASTE ZOXI, MUM , Vet% do matter wid de t 1 an' triVollered 'inttala box, hear it a.01 ' Derols a hu rittimuds • - aided c greeter. * ain, a ex-eo ee Or. pa gel COM. t bee lb h ' NOT EAR AlAISS. adeche, tiar; •&tinge IttUltfAa donne:* tithe in the brain, chop thent,airend pour the milk into • the stewpan with the brains and the n water In which they ate, COOlteci. Let all 001116 tO a boll and pour Into a ' tureen over pionio crackers, and serve at Onoe. Tomato Elottp....One quart of Loma. Weir, 1, quart of water, 14 eup Of roll. -ett cracker crumbs, 1 tobloopoodui of butter. Season with pepper sod *all to taste. WWII well boiled,. say area• - Woofers of an hour, add 1 quart of het mid just before halting off the • fire pat 14 tablespoonful tef *oda in, the soup tureen and pour boilhig soup over it and stir well. SOM. 1# en arsie4t and laarley are added Os We tomatoes. * small patty 00, Ned, When Doctor Creighton had, been 4- ,n2leseire de police, an of icer of health, e„eeelefe' sa e• as .6 ° 6 a t th May tesplied. "AII I eau ear i that rut, 1:11. 9ratottla PnirsittfrPjferhid; the trunks." PROPARSID TO 4.00014310DATIIL Lady ettpaitit a new 000k,....0tit sou elein htulelest • Cook -No, lady; tint 1 eon gft the addresse 'where 414444d. . • • Proposition No. r • Seed us one • dollar of your °Wm or setae other persoo's money, and we will seed • two • copies Of THE LADIES' JOURNAL to any addresses,you niay desire; and also send you, as a FREE GIFT your theta. of high-clase peat' or, ivory o handle he Knife -ladies' e or tents parr of Anbroid- •eey.lehieeeeeaeeeee Steeleiege Silver Sous OA • .40 31 w s itty Coots each, we,will peesent, eou with a lewd - Proposition eke a. liyou will send us Fifteen. new .gish:‘ scriberet r • Sortie Ouretnetal 14d1& Chat:di/eine Wat0h, With heap/ Hid, ht.;1V ell'"Ta.rtittadIA0Ott*-itl*"Ilira""a'teelltnit tinteheStrelf.-411 the rage Mid not the thing no iiiceetants to be without novereeleyeee Iliesei are usinees reteellioris. "The Ladies' Journal" le a large 36 page domestic and Iliattratecl fashion weedy, printed on tine apes- with depart.. • Ments.eo 'literati *veil member ot the household, Von will 2 not rot our Pift Cent Investment. The regelsir"WrCrly"T"..ih• cription i ft c eut t is amount in two because we witrit to tie this Mir 11 e order to secure more advattleing at better rides bil I IYkte0 u ti t otinereosed cireulation. ........ . The Litopliv JOURNALF 7$ Arbarthle St; Wait, ThrOtitOt CAP:0 lip 444 )1444. 4444...44.44. I 4444.401044.1 • 4444444....0.1114