HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-16, Page 5•',1, • FEBIUJA.BY INDUCENIONHINS r. • 41 9.* 4 TDS OUNTON KEW ustelicild. 14endtaboro. Worth. • 0,0,•••••••• • Mr. johnoltat.mttenentobruryrerfornted the %, la tor lotion eprtilg buyers are criticalf care- duties of wo r goods to protect life end Theorist cold wesethea ;Me "PY Muck 'The w 4 trill" * • 4131 )"i" tf' 71'7' At 11 °Wool% Pridity night when oift Ww13,471; OUCCellitlit And ev ery brak° °" 14. 11"Q" *tor their annual ball Th d au egratlk op. he blurt w ch wale Aid in the die ty us °mem sod thsy should be, erator yttelA the Pastrevolter*" all here in honor of tar, *rope a ure Was 40011114 se fl placed in us by those 1,tho COMO the town holt era ay evening, Orld who 0 eNoyea thatoccaye Control' Hotel Th "Ir itere ,We appreciate the conOdence The 144"°8"•"eh intee4 huhlt Agnew health to have date, Tho to ta as up -to Orel repidly suominah • IA to thogo who do ogine .etrect our Manitoba friend:LI " the old inhabit n roue * orninfor Parliament a Le w I " - Quo n as were given to the flames, en tog th t e eo kttentbc: Fr. Mast tot4tilr destroyed. The ; here and those who have riot made • john Niel/pleb and Air. wm. prod rotereete, The Gust, o purcheied the property, . $3,000 in the Waterleo 24utuiti. °r m eaters uc cannot be said in favor of th • Intend having their fund I t on tc of this locality, slaturee, Our MunicipalitTi grleul. PiestrOt PrOPrietor, Dlr. Khoo, formerly this. their ding store,. we ofrer four., ueneell on FridaY .S.tinpson had t e r est horses down to _ducational Interests, ail a 44 he only been In posseasion two night and ett): they 391portation, Tbe Professione and mouth". There, is an inelna000 I, '00D 000D8, . The Independent.Order of .' tu tu 2.: Fit,IR PRICES. per on Friday eveniug. SSW. Winn. InginvelL"--"•Mr, ti°w(ty 1ddad had . but. fa woVibee. un R.riduttY hrt ainbdt dal. gnot • willomm. 4. RIGIIT ATTENT,IoN, VIII Anil Geo. McCartney are the ......,......., • can heat anything in that tcyp., . his but not least, The Ladies AA to pter sup, ter, lid they did their nit exceed. • • -4..•titVrISFACTION, lers so the oysters will be served as alio, arr a giveapar a 13 g r. ,M the hemp of the bride's parents, WIT posaible, Ho ert Seott lost his driver last week 116 In 0011900,km with Qin Drug T ie death of Mrs, 1. Cameron, aged from loflaunnation,---Mr. T /491Ter WingbatPt On Wednesday even-, popular young man' funit.d these'four reiluisites. Our goods :way, wao ituroly attended. mu, onto. Irlinnie Xiidrews was at horae.on San- in Q1* holy bonds of -matrimony to Must Word twines trona Detroit of the ter - Business. we. aro sure we "lave 02 cast a glodin over the community 4'41 and Mr. A. Askwith, Auburu were Ing of eek,Mr. Frenk B. Sell,. a on Suudaylast. The funeral on Tueie lo town one day last week, -----Mise, O.. town, was al Amelle Iletterfleld Of Lower Wingbain. are good beeatnte theY re .the best eron was one of the pioneer. settlers day from Au.burO. • that can be obtaiocd. our prices rdendured the hardship of bye-gorte aye. are fair becaoSe.vve ell Only the Our savv.mill is UM' running at its OrYadli10: best at loWest prices, VVe give foil caPtteity. • L 4.4 t fon A. large note bar of cuir.71810,4 fano 0. Cleave has purchased 14„,..10 cana- ettr eneturnera rigniv tkoa attended the curlers' bali enSall era trona our fhotograpner Dir. • Those who d'eal. heti. like °Air last Priday night and report ago De*itr, and, Char ie noW talting Rosy 'Ways for they waY • • Mr.Georgr.Turner returried, from Toy- . H. Johnston is buoying himself We ,81.Ve ever'y-c ustOiner SeXIS100- onto. last Week, haviug finished ship .drieing south tor a wasp:tee climate this 1 s come 'back Owe, . . tion,. If an rirtiete is not aa re- Ping Vs stoOk of attar. coid weather, ••, - • 31r, Win. Seat luereceived another orea.ont we,replace with•sono- f • , . While Ur. R. Orr was teaming loge , cai corn, Sco0, oas sold eh eadV 41,8e or refund their MOheY. nember of cars to the di surroun for Mr. Contiue he had a very narrow • We iilfetr these indeceluents escape. While going down the cemetery The randTrunk pay car passed along hill, a single horse behind beeame °r our trade and guarantep to the line Monday and 0.4 the result our unmanageable and got entangled in Mr. fulfil all of them., •' genial agent wears a smile and says be Orr's hack sleigh; causing Bob's eyes to • Is going to bear Sir OharleS Tupper, roll as though' his time was short. SY0141EY-JACKSON sewithoh fail 'rvice'S dispensed beXt lo'r41;isTnuerrita'airesti."7 dr47ing•14121-. last Sabbath, Rev. Mr, ',Graham of, . Mrs. Ayotte paesed quietly away on• . , vice on Friday. . • ' The remains vvere interred in the'Osth- GRADUATE DRUGGIST. Baytield cendueted the preperatoryser- Friday, 10th. inst., at 9 o'clock a. nr. olio eernetery, Monday at 10 a.m. The West "Huron Plebiscite Daiwa. • deceased left behind a husband, two Successor to• •Phone 2. ALLEN &Wk. •V.IN. , sees eletteneeststietee• • 011110•0114110, MANY .00 • „ 1808 has gone and we wisu to thank one customers their liberal patron age. We believe: that bairing mica • bought f rot* us' they:Vioill% come again' having satisfied theinselies that our goods are just as represented,..„ • During 1899 we expectitti increase of - .• busineas. and we shall ,do oar best by good workmanship and. far prices to . Merit ‘. •- . If your vratch or clock had:been go- ing astray bring it to • and we vvill • d6 it good or if yen Want. anything in Silverware, Jewelry, Watches; etc. • Call and see our stock and leara. our prites. • . . WE ARE LEADERS, • • 11UR LINE • • • •• •• free •• P B uREWS •• 11141 P. ' , Jewolet-ali'd Expert r-"" Watch Repah•er, ' 6•00•0111.011100 411100•••••••••• TRE„OREAT ranscoutinelital Rode •CHICAGO• • 8114.0U1S. . . ()MaftA. DEHVEL LOS ANCELOSI SAN DIEGO, -SAN FRANCISCO,' , and4other *Ante in California, Arizona, Neli litexico, :Colorado, and ether Pacific Coast •Polo tiv'teloii tire centein plating a trip for .• •• • TIOa/111, 'Ficeenre, or- t nelneen, • ' 'Preto a tlanadian winter‘ to the land of •Siitishine4 Fruits, and' Plo'were., • through Tickets to aliroreign Points. Por descriptive Oilidee;. Titne Tables,•dta., apply to .A.gente G. SYstein. ° C. Dielison. D. Toronto 4' • A.. 0, Pattison, Agent, Minton. • P. It. ttodgens,•0.T.Tieket Aet., BUSINESS.CHANCE. • The general non aht of -"Our Native Herbs" (Alonzo A. liss CO., Minitreal) for Huron Co. and Southern Divisidri of Perth, will bo 801(1 immediately and on easy Urine as ill! health forces me to leave country. weu established and preamble butanes& Forty-six sub -agents at work. Call or address - A. R, KIRA, Coleman -street, Seaforth B. -Persons indebted. to me please forward at once, sytorOrtn 0/0, pawl- vvArt for sonaething' to turn • up, get a business education and turn something up. Active, educated end avell-ttained young men and women 'are•Wanted everywheee. ''' We admit tudente atarly tinie. Write for it-. lard. . W.:. RUA= Prinolpal. •SMOKE T B MYRTLE NAVY. OUT TO A 008 girls and five boys to mourn their„loss. As per notice sent all local organize- . he slept for forty,eight. Imams e before_ tions throuthout West Huron, a pith- she died. The immediate cause, of lic .conventiou of Prohibitionists was death was paralYois: held in 'Temperance hall, Goderich,.on Mr. Herb. Johnston has now joined Saturday last, February winch the so'elety called the Hornerites. We wee fairly well attended.. The prod- are very pleased to see Herb take the dent, 241'. Scott of Clinton, dbetWied liter, forward, as we know he will woke the chair. The secretary -treasurer, 0-71-eithful member. , Mr. V. S. 'Lawrence, presented his ••.* use or fina.noial statement,. which is, herewith the sleighing, He delivered, the finest itppended. After thelinandial matters .were, passed hy the convention, the of .timber ever placed in the Bay - 't bein 74 feet long president announced that the worklor field mill-yard,1. g which the Executive committee was end- squaring 16 inches, .and being of appointed was cotnpleted; and it now the finest took Edna. renAined for the -full convention to The Snowdon Bros. delivered a fine legislate further if they saw flt ; at the lot of porkers to, Mr. J. Andrews • o1. same time he explained that bethought Gocieric one day last tveek. • it was oecessary to keep the association mr, Murray is. now getting hon2e a alive as notice hue been received from fine. lot. f* timber..and lumber for the the Cent:cal committee at Toronto that big barn, " further developments in the matter of . jaok Frost has ruled for days.. Hais prehibition, maV be looked for at may now giving the oeltard and root-diouses Vine. It was therefore decided t,o keep . the association in existence and It wasa 1081. Moved, -seconded and resolved that the old officers of the Dv:Motive committee be all re -appointed, with power to, car- ry on, any business which they may • consider necessary. The hallowing is detailed statement statement • of _receipts -and ex- penditure throughoutthe constituency in connection with thelate canipaign W. S. L•tvirrence, " Sec.-Treas., in ac count With Webb' Huron Plebiscite Union: ' • •. . RE0.04is. , Col.. at Dungannon • convention$ 3 80 Pince Ashfield township 24 85 • p Colborne township. • 23 55 " • .Goderich township... ... 31 75 " E. WiNvanosh township. " 31 00 W. Wawanosh toWnship, 28 05- . " Clioton . ......., 35 09 ." • Godorich.town........ , 10 00 $190 59 ta8132,11:40NTE4: -I= eekiture $38 28 Organizers . , , 05 95 " Sec.-Treas., salary , . , 25 00 " for telephoningeodtelplig, 5 25 • • stationery and postage.. . 18 75 " Secretary for °mammas5 Oe •‘, to Central fund25 00 " for incidentals ' • • • 655 Balance on hand-- ,, 0 81 • • • $190 69 co.za..ma ar,:d .1`tfi 13esat X have for sale clioice Peed Rats- which were iried List sea- ql,r4hy fat niers 4ti witfi 800.0 id results. ‘A. HuT- let purchaser 4.1oNg busbel. itaped ynnolt.. . Bushels Lind Goderich-townsbip fat'. mer sowed 30 bushels and 414.ashed 19400 These". Oats will not • Rust or. •Sinut nor freeze in -the-spring. The straw is strong and is al most. as- nutritious. as hay. Will have 13eardless Sed' Earley. Sample can be, seen here, which, threshed 35 bush- el's per acre. • rOlETIVOA.1V Opporite the Market, Clinton. .p,5011E'S. ST,If? '00.11RgE • 1. / Wineassemiertilii Pnr.Over Fifty Years Mn, Vitrestow's Somanie Simire has _Ivrea law by neatene er. mothers ter their children while te biog. disturbed dt_niktie.t and broken to z4r ek,Etheetre tiliageritintet e 4A).f'1re.ifitair0701 nat *vet • legVirtsue tor 0h1k1rektarthing. /t win re. nor the poor 11014 eu inittiediately. De. itnett i arms, t ere La o mistake *the - 41s It °urea regue.4; the Suoman • and *towels, cures Wind lo, sofeend tht Gums, reau oes /vaunt stion, aplitcerilitteof ram energyenergyto the W eisnrde. %n, Maarres, Weetbil-Sifrup for obildren Ting le ploa. taint to taste and is the press etten et one of the o tnie.t and boat beet tematt,11 yoatenn and nurses m um.* si..to.o. Imes ty.43 6 .10nten Wald. Bold wen amulets rft oatbe world." Bo sure Mid ask for "M neettititti WIMP. La grippe is now (minting thinge,to be , very quiet. Everybody is , cOmplaining of aoliew.and pains and some think they are going to die. . Mr. G. L. Soreenan and Miss Anne and-Miartmr-Jenniageoffrey Mae Delia. re . - turned home last week from Bad Axe," Mich. They report having a good fairly gine. .• • • , Mr Levi ayotte and his brothers Daniel and Peter, returned home 1 t week to attend the funeral of their Mother: • • ' •, • rible death of Mr. Robert Ferguson, eon of Mr. Jame* Ferguson, formerly prin. olpal of the Wingham publiO school, Mr. Fterguaon was working in: one of the high .buildings of Detroit OP War- darweek, and tbabuildiag tooledretand in trying to eseripeby sliding down the. hose missed his bold and dropped .to. the ground and was terFibly mangled* Antacid. It is our painful duty 'to record the death ot Daniel Webster,, another old 1 resident of the lath iseri,, Ashfielcl: Eta was a man well liked by -every person who had the pleasure of • his acquain- tencie, - He was married in 1865 to 3110 Eliza Sinaple,. who. is still Bring,' and with a family of six boys and two girls, mourn the loss of a loving husband and .an affectionate father. He came to Ibis country about forty-four years ago and settled on the farm, Where he died. Ile was born in Tipperary, 'Ireland, .about sixty-four years ago. In the best '4"brir an adroit sense hewas a good man. Integr and uprightnes &turd express sion in is daily life, ,' - - - ' Btarus-. ' Actsa.-in Ashfieldt Ian. 28t1i, the wife •of Mr, W. X. Agar, of a daughter; ` 40vp4.71,e. kerth, Jan. 20th, the wife of, .• .-Mr. S.,-, j", A:Boyd. Of ediiiikliter,'' • - , serrgletiorai is the beet reined7 that I know • of tor IteV. 30 X. CRAM, South Ilanipton;11.B. OVER We have done a large *business 0 during the Holiday season and •04...40 4 ,I., have very few "left overs" from ., 1414,1V06,11#141* are choice and we are,' cutting the the trade. These teur things q onatan, xr. Rabb. iii. a 430.4.1abse of c and .e:r4..;55..:..., ma: • see wh we have to Offer you. the bride's father, Tuckeremitb, ee R.011akhe7:;. sic Cabinets or NIusio Racks. If so just drop in . , .........* . 17'7" '' price ftWtty down. Do you need ' . . Donout.s--Onthu-At the residence of rob lot, 12Y Rev.H.A. Newro f Grey, to Miss Nettie, eldeet dough- . ter of Mr. Herbert orlon liffin,t, Pu-Snirra-At the residence of the bride's phrents, Brussels, on • . Feb. 8th, by Bev. John Rosa, E. A.* . •Mr. Edward P. Murphy of Wilir" ton, to Miss Mag le A, third daughter of Mr. Walter Smith, A.I. bert street, Brussels: • Swra-NETTERsagra),At the residence i• of the bride's parents Lower.Wing- ham, on the evenina? of„Feb. Ilth, BROADV001-7 BOX 'Egg, 00 ..- ky- Pastor 'Freed o _ the ,R_pe Nat , . 9 , , a : chilaumr. ,94t eifitar AanInkelEip.. ,SweeltitOetroWeliangi . , ritarrnittntre x*egoei:g4 and tructeriOcers • C".ii-trailoVraltritrifeliititelint t't .• ' J. IV. elliCiler. DIalialkOr Night and Suoday calls answered at' Residence of oar .. '.. Funeral Director-, J.W. Ohicile3i, Hing St., opposite Foundry* . . . liteilloal Myles Ikea, 4.0.4ree ge,,L0,01144011. anything in Fonvy Tables, Fancy UNDERTAKING Onr stock in this department is complete, Our Hearses ai.e the best in the county .,Our prices are its haw as the lowest. „ Tiirriberry. • , _y e A. Mackay, Mr, James M. Cox- to • Christy Ann, youngest daughter op Mr. John XeLeod; all of •Klialess. . BIWflIS- . flitiwnsunacs.-In (.4.orrie, on Feb, let, the wife of Mr, 'Jacob' pee- ivitherick of a daughter,' . YuEr4r.-..ln Cuirass, on Feb. let, the wife of Mr, jae. Yuell, of a dangh- ter.. • DAW80N-In Turnberry, on Sunday, Feb. 5th. the.wife of Philip Daw- son, of a son.. _ 311x,r4.--AtLambeth. Ont., on February the wife of Charles Min, for - 'may' Miss- Annie Erwin of ay;- fleld;) of a daughter. . , TAyx,60.-In Clinton, on - the .12th inst, . the Wife of Mr. Robert Taylor, of a 1 d North flacon Oratigenicn. On,Tuesday of•last Week the. North Huron County Orange Lodge held its annual.meeting in Winghana. After at - Lending to other matters of detail the following officers were elected :-Co. Master, Jno. Wilford, Blyth; Deputy Co. Master, W. J. Greer, Gotrie ; Chap, lain, Rev. Wm, Lowe, Wingbam ; Soo. retary, nos, Nash, Gorrie ; Tin -Sec. W. IL Mooney,. Brussels; Treasurer, Wm, Bryan,.13elgrave; Dir. of Ceremon. • les, Joseph Golley, Winghaun. It was unanimously agreed that the next -Oak- . 'nation avid be bald on J'uly 12th in the 'Exeter. , The thermometer registered here during the past week as high as 30 deg-. tees below zero. •• ""' Owing to the very cold weather there ivas no school in the principal'e room on Monday kat. Large loads of saw logs, dome to the Sutherland Innes Company's mill deify. Mr. It H. Collins, barrister, is stili confieed‘to his home through Illness and his recovery is doubtful.' • . • There wit! be another carnival at' the Exeter skating rink on Friday evening next. • • • • • The Clinton` Jr. lIockey team played here on Thursday night last against the Exeter Juniors and suffered. defeat by 3 grade to one. • " The Evangelical Services . the James St. 'Methodist church have stop.. ped; Bowe 60 persons have reaolved to lead better livei. . ' Mr. Brooks of Belgrave has riecured is situation Onahe G. T.. R. 'rootlet; here. Mra. W. II. Levett seriously ill at present. • •444.•• Mrs. Wm. MeNevin ;spoilt last ,Sun. day at Zurich, . .1,1r, R. S. itiehardson of Zurich spent Monday last in town. e; The hornet -a in this vicinity are mak- int good use of the sleighing at opts- • • Anna. ' Miss J. McMichael was thegueat of 'her sister, Mrs. John Dald, last week. Mr. Wnii, Eiattioloud happened with an accident last week whieb aught hare been .mote serious. While watering' one of Mr.. Wm. Morrison's horses the animal, feeling pretty well, coming out, of the stable, kicked in tun and struck Mr, Hamilton on the leg and laid him up for IMMO tilting we expect, although no bons were broken,' Mr. .Prank Kittle has been' bury drawing wood to his sistertMrs. Redman _ oflPppen, thia vveck. • Mr. Joeeph Pram:out is Improving Very slowly after his accident. • Mr. Hobert Brownlee and Mies Jennie Brownlee called on their sister, Mts. H. Littlet ono day kat week, • Min McKay of Forest Horne 'petit last week with Mr. Frank Kittle, • - Myth. Mr. George I:treed:dung of Morrie was fatally Injured on Wednesday, Feb: tilth, while felling trees in Mr. Jamet Mo. 00Watitil WO: A oplinter 0f a tree etruok him in the head, breaking both jaw bones and injuring is palate. He died on Saturday evening and wet) buried Tulatley et Ode cloak" in the Union cemetery. . There will be a Social in the bele- went of St. Andreree oburob, given 'by the Ladles' Aid, On Wednesday, Feb. 2204, Tee served front ,s1* to eight. Admission 10 cents. • Wed Maud Xing has returned to De - trait. The store north of gr, 3. T. Carter's harness shop has been /Allred for the purpose of a laundry. Rev. C. L. Mills delivered a leoture, 4gUte Among the Blackfoot, indlittpr," on Monday evenint.' ' , HOW IT III/ItTS Rhentruatieni, with itettharp twinge, nebula and pains. Do you know the canoe? Acid in the blooct hail tieetinati- lated in 7nair Joints This euro is found in Hood e &mallard's., which nentraliz. es this acid. Thoorsands write that they have been 'completely cured of rheumatism by Hood's Sarsaparilla. HOODS rolt.14 cure" nausea, sick licAdsche, billiousnesii indigestion. Fries Z. owns. .town of Witighana when a big. 'time is . expected._ • Ettnerian'entall Fartni • Distiribation. To the Editor of Trra•News.necone Sir. --For the past ten years syrktena- atio efforte have been made to increase the average'returni and to improve the quality of the cereals and other impor- tant farm crops grown in Canada by an annual distribution from the Experi4 mental Farm at ,Ottawa of , sainplei of seed of the best and intuit promising sorts. These verietier have been first -tested at Experimental Farm: and Only these which have proven to be the very beat have been chosen fpr this dire. tributioe. The samples:lent Out have 'contained three pounds each, and every precaution lass been taken to have the seed in every instance thoroughly clean and trueto name, and . the -.packages. have been sent free through the -mail Those who have received WA simples and grown them with Care, havensually had at the end of the second Year' enough ,seed te sow a large area, and in this manner careful ferment all over the Dominion have been gradually, replac- ing any inferior and Less productive. sorts which they .have been growing in the past, with superior varieties possess- ing greater vigor.., • By instruction of the Hon; Minister of Agriculture, anothersuch distribu- tion is being made this -season, consist- ing of samples of oats, barley, spring Wheat, field peas, Indian corn and pota. toes* Theae Wapitis will be sent only • .ba those who apply personally. .Lists of names from sooleties or individurds can- • not be considered, and only ono sample lush can be sent to each applicant. Aaaphoattone should beaddressed to the Director of Experimental Parma, and may be hent ..ny Mate before the 15th Of March, after which the Heti will be closed, so that all samples asked for May be sent out in good time for sows Mg. Parties Writing will kindly nieti- tipn the mart or variety they would pre- fer, and should the Available stook of the sort asked for be eshaukted, some Other good variety will be Beet in its Saunderst Director Cen- tral Experimental Perin. Ottawa, FebrUary, 9th, MO, DB: 'VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TA13LETS.,Nature's mostpotent aid to digestion -,-pleasant and positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and all stomach derangenients-a new but well tried and tested discovery in the medicine kingdom-harmlese as milk, mild and pure--preVent' aiSease-cure the "incipient eases like magic -and. will relieve the most ohrpnic case in. one day., 85 cents. • What Veterinary surgeons Want. The Ontario 'Veterinary Assoafationi through William German, M. • P. P. for Wellend, will ask for an amendment to the Ontario Veterinary" Act, passed in 1879. The ame,pcitnelib'will Make it. II. legal for any ODEPIO practise veterinary or surgical( OperaLidne On tibinials ho ia not a, regularly registered veterinary. Many caseshave been reperted,through. out the province, Where men have prim - Wed as veterinaries when they have not been bona fide graduates of any re- cognized college. The attendment Pro. vides that any person found guilty Of practising Shell be liable to a fine of nit more than gg3 rip less that} *54 augh ter, • • DEATHS. Dracori-In *Ingham, on Feb. 5th; _Wm.' Dixon, aged 54 years, months, 15 clays, • Mrromcr,r,---In Ye-Inaba:to, on Feb. 5th. Clara, -wife of•Simon Mitchell,aged %45 years, -2 mothsand go days. - Comire--In East Wawanosh, on Feb. • '7th, Maggie M., daughter of John T. and Margaret Currie, aged 17 years, 8.menths and 12 days, ' 11Amwro-In Carrick, Feb. 0th, Thos. Ezarnoittlbm—iirtibBoWgianvill ha on Feb. 3rd, John Elford,brother-in-law to Rev.' ySe.itrsj..1 13riasselst aged 62 Karury--In Brussels,on Feb. fith,Thes: , Kelly; aged 75 years, Wiont128 and _ 27 days. . Ross -In Toronto, en Feb. 5th, Roder- ick Sohn, son of Robt. Ross, for-- marly of Brussels, aged 36 years: Awcars-In Morris. 01) Feb. 901, John Angus, aged 86 years. SaYrt-In Ioucknow. on Feb. 2nd, Cal-- , der Boyd, infant son of William and Ellett Boyd, aged 4 months 'I_ and 18 days. ' • AluLtisr-Iri Belfast, on Feb* .2nd, James Mullin, aged 67 years. . WEnsTen,--In Ashfield, on Feb; 4ih, Daniel Webster, aged 64 years. JoRns'-lri West Wayvatiosh, . OD Feb. 8th, Catharine Jonee,7rged 40- years, Iterzaws-Ori Feb. 4th, Edward RoI- ilus of London formerly of Cen- tralia, in the 72nd year of his age. URODSMAN: -In liullett, on rabrnary • .12th, Geerge Grossman, aged 80 BURVEarsTTin Goderich township, on Feb. '12th, JS'Ii3.k 3. A. Burnett, aged 84 years: • • • • ARMSTRONG. -Ip Stanley, Goshen line. on February 1211. • Rainie Arm- - strong aged about 82 years. ERWM-In Baylield, on February 18th, Mrs. Jane Erwin, relict of the, late .Tarnes Erwin. . • • HOW THIN YOU LOOK! • Do you like to hear it? If not, tele Scott's; Emulsion. 'Twill fill out your .eunlren eyes, hollow cheeks, and thin hands. .Why not have a plump figure? Don't let disease steal a march on you.. • I5ME ENTRENCHED Paoar ME INROADS OW DREADED CAT- ARRH -WHAT nR AGNEW's CAT- • ARRHAL POWDER, DID /31Olt hilt, LE - •BLANC nrixinOvne wxr.r. n0 FOR °THEM — Alfred LeBlanc, of St. Jerome, Que., was a great sefferer for years with catarrh of a very severe type. Dr. Ajrnew's Catarrhal .Powder rescuei han tvhen everything else had failed, To -day Vvhen he goes to his lumber 'camp With his 125 men, this great remedy Is considered as mocha necess. Ity to comfortable camp life as any- thing else.- • It relieves cold inthe head In ten minutes; prevent* the growing of catarrh gems, and.vvhen they are gown, it cures therm ()LINTON MARliBT MOMS* tOorrected every Wednesdev aiterneen. I rtill Wheat . : , to 70 :‘ Goose Wheat:, ..... 00 to • 66 040 to 0 44 Oate.........•..• ... • • at* 0 27 to 028 Peak'u.. .. 0 63 to 0 66 . 14444, 0 SO Lb 0 35 ,Wlie);rwe ofree...pig eClUoti,,Ons- on4ll.Classes :CI WO:i.ter;. oadS. , Special„ rices in Dress Goods and Underwear. , _ANTON ave You IleeideA -Who the First Bob U will be on 21st inst. . • • . - \ The tfme is growing short. So make has e and name the successful eandidate,logetb r with the number of votes polledfor him. Who vet comes the nearest the number will be pre- sented with that beautiful Gilt and Blue Dinner Sett, at- pieces, value did/on exhibition in OUT window, Everycash purchase amountinut to One Dollar entitles you to a•guess. The toninoti- • tionclosee at 0 o'clock p. tn. on the above date. The official count will decide. Come one, come all. Butteraittl eggs taken as cash: . - • RINGS, N. ROBSON, CASH GROCER. SCRIBNE R'S 111. G. A I E IF 0 R 1 8' 9 9 OVICIWOR noosevenes *gran HOITOH minas" A-mallustrated serial), and all his other War writings: , HOBERT Loins EfrinnatiOnnill tanvelis Melt& • before pifialsited editectby Sidne: Colt in- . , Mostpeople prefer Rings. to any other king "of.,Telvelry. For this reasOfe our Ring Department receives !nom at- tention at our hands than al- most any other. You will find most all the favorite stones and combinations in our stook at its best in both quality . and • vabuie;amonds, Pearls, 13ubieg, Emeralds, Fappiiires Opals, -Turquoise, Obvines, iNredding Lingo. • t. .Votatoes,per bunts new,..0 40 to 0 45 I . Butter loose In basketmo 0 13 to 0 14G•RIGG. Better in LUb.111.ii.1•41141.1..) . 0 13 to 0 14 . Fggit. Per dot....000+01......* O. 15to C 16 ' Sticcessorto .7* Riddlecombe. ay...........,,..* . 6, .. .1600164 *Of, 50 LO 6 00 .. Live 11egs...: ..... , .......4 00 to 4 10 ---- Pork per oirt..,.., firit)I•%•.6 00 to 6 00 .. • Dried Apples per 11),.,..:..., 0 05 to 0 54 W,' Duolts per lb. ie . ili• . ilt766116 0 0 05 0 itO 06 eJACKSON . Turkeyi; per lb*. 6 6 1 46i10” 06 6 0 07 to 0 OS Geese per lb.... o e**ter•rsit t • 0 06 to 0 06 Ohickene per pafr.:.;... 0 30 to 0 36 V001... *I to .... 61144.6114•61161/6 4 0 16 to 0 Id Mout per ctit...... .... 1 00 to 215 1/111IVItEl ?Atilt:1412BM). • wHnist axiom PAILS• ,. • _ XI:demos truoUritATtott no euvuant Drift ODA= OASIt OW tOST POWIlln OP SWUM, SIDS 424,0 • ' • IlltaltT DJSEASn bito AGNILIV'S omit • toms, Iktrr 6otrru AigartirlAtt Nun - P013 TOE ITEART WfrA.,/401Ittd,BrPX VING MOM -03V OISIVAStm mutil IN sou/amis. 4no rnagAtiriki„Tix. stra21'stir.4.ans, daughter tit T. conn. Stelrensi of the Saimaa to facto 4 g ThoSAPeLey,,of Aylmer, Que., tart ot London* etrieancloWn With that for about five teem he'weat con- a yetY Bevel% &We . ft6t3/41411" 'Prtxt* scuto Iieavi,*ran- ; in her losittg gements-endtired untold pain, was the Power of her She ormIcl not Unable to attend to his daily wotI, lifkor ,hold ,,,kande moo tiaarthon mimed givntletlene. me. anti Omar joimwiso stedin. Wati mot -mended to try De. Alibates selves. nor ar1Inte had 1 t, Ito uf Cue for Lbw One bo4tlo did it- recovery. She began t ith Mtn great benefit t four betties decor. 'American N�rvine, anil afrr aktn every synapton of trouble away tWO:1, bObAltshe !II from hbn. stoma, and enjoy* gond Roma brit AGENT O. P. R. RICHARD iunonto Davie : Stories and Specie, artieles. . . • ;proton Iv, 0A13LE'S NEW SERIAL eterrof NOW Orleans. "The Entomologier -ouustrated • by Herter, nuovArm memo- ninviDe V,N nYitt UMW ALLNN WM= and many others ; nhort stories. anaarort. untrafteramiscances-Illttstrated. MUS. JOHN DREW'S Stage Ttereiniseene08--1110- . tinted: 4 OEL tarAeopm nsarttes ew collection of • Storils. ' The OhronicieS et dot iviinervy Ann; • • OWSHOIrr ShiDOilifties." tiongrer ortsur's Seareh-rAehttotters-Com- mon-Seem Essays* • SIDNIZNA LANIER% MINIIIN1,1 kOprOilii0118. • O. OinsoN's The BMA Ages o American Women -and otter notable Art Postures by. other artiste, • Via Putt. itLiiwritkiwn.enosintettni, OLVD. rtgalitSerttPriosif or tint ABOVE, SENT /MEE AN'It AntaittSs TWA 14000gIN8 ffi $3.00 Vain.; Sse A ronssen. • Charles Serilmees Sins . 14467111ml mem:motif voarr. CLINTON 11NT• BUTTER 86 ECOS We want all the Butter Ana Eggs we ean get for whieb we will pay the hiaheat market Mao. • Through tiakets.fearted to all pointaiti „ • MANITOBA AND Tkiit NORTI+NVEST ma• to ein.nketi tbrongb, For an !my us4 iitortuation In reference 'to troll COft••ni A stiti Olt the ahem, , Us Ulvet101 U41111 I tin GROCERIES Our stock of Groceries is fresh, well•assorted anti having been bought to eell is being end at H. cos that' will soon clear 0 off the eheleee, . • , , 4