HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-16, Page 44••••.,. ••••:' ; .• 774 The Clinton Newaeoord 111213467 jr"" 'LAO s,?Year, la Admits. ea where gnu will in Weet Huron andthe people have good word to Taerasnet. Vuts1WART16-rer., WO. say of Robert McLeen, They ten of the vast e.mointt of et** be has put*. ehased from the farmers, of the good WATOR Iva .ospurher prices bas oaideof readinees to THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. •11 NEWS FROM ALL R H OVER COUNTY. P•PtONt Oilft OWN OONAMOSPONONNT8 ANO OtialTY IFICONANOM FEB,RUAAY 16, 1699 AN» •BOX' purchase when other buyers held aloof GOderieb. • GOderieh. ‘loderich, Colborne, judging from the, recent experience in 'West Elgin it is poseibie that thee° may be a shuffle 'awn* the deputr taming officers before nine o'elock neXt Tuesday mortiteg and strangere employed. To guard agoinst •such a contingencY. Robert IffeLean'e ecrutineers must be meet, watchful and keep one eye oti the deputy said the other on the box, Valhi ABSERTREI.O.ABINED.' Several members of the Laurier (Jab - net have been in Washington for weeks,wbile • no lees. than fotir are billedto.stump in West Huron duriog this caMpaigni and another is ofl he way to England on a wad goose chatie. The aggregation appears to be any; where but at Ottawa the bulk of its . Ouse, and, has well:earned for itseU appe , thitiOn• "The Absentee Cabinet." These 'gentleuiefl'are eithel•neglecte ing their :duties or die affairs of the country can very well • be managed by fewer Ministera. Which is it? and that his word is net good to the r.n.•••••••••rr. Two more of 'our young ladies are At the town (Mundt meeting, horn In wbeat grown in the 'fertile flelae of Mr. William Watson, Elgin street StaltieY We are sled to see Mr. Ian Rath - well ot the Babylon Line, who bas been laid up for souse time with a sore leg, able to be around twain. • Mr, 8. A. Moffat sold a goodbarse to John Melliiiiin of Seafortb few days • ago foe whieli he received a good fig • me. . The fine Wel hing which we have been enjoying or some time past has Mise Rachel Millinh liotne from., given the farniets a good chance to et Ashiteld. has boon uieful man. in has beeq home from Owen Sound hav- preparing_to graduate as train Thomas, who had...osenbred We heti arsann hear of her reetivery. Mr. Richard Penhale and f 0 es.mMiee Nellie Strome and MiseedBuleusi•stv°, Itialemirc;s13411 a" Priday, Ord Feb., Mr. Gedeflial (in the tack. het with hi griPins . titeir teaming done. the county and ea Mit representative log taken Rh attack ef litiPPe while g the b utiful sold, pro tem Appointment, At night wateh- 'Fi y rit let tit CarloW lest hate been laid ut with la grl atn in sbe Legislative haus ottawa he engaged et his boat hull ng Walt at of old Heron. still better service. Britannia road Pnee Was to eat nn, one Presbyterian-010re applicent, NV. Thompson; A letter ,The ;nee 44) Pie Th 't St di t h wos also „received from Col, Varcoe, • ended hi elvtoleif gietbfionarbeotaaar- rally° Ameociation itt•Oarlow on Wednesday - friends in Stretford Piet vveek. TJ:phe 710. y Ra itclh e Pr visitingis Fell strong. pull ell together un-- ". t - ee a lane, which its moo attending the tonna; medic or coromanding the 88rd Battalion state .11 bait the lovely thriving ehausrock, When Dan. McGillicuddy was in To Mt. William „Bath well of the Goshen ehe estehliehment. of county armories, T no mils:bon is and be will be the Freet WithoUt foe Patrick'e Dayssand now puss • lowing story to show how necessary it • a &mitt hese narne "Patrick," The two little is to have an editor at a, 5 christening," Tao/ wo1110 Pill chase no site hut if " .1iitiletswotyld4a:eely:ionee glieolci)vciy bboreess toze, troaddarottalrart Standing," enagi a t map, Ives prop y Iho erl inetalledollaving Iterity; •eu . 8 e hope t ; see t en; abie to be around eadtuen wen, between t e laeies and v that place, • n watr a grains euccese ana fenclays ry on Sunder a. in last et Knox received four more votee then theother A • . will he enabled to render the electorate „t The. ver latest achievement of a °Itert° liVe o'clock next Tuesday afternoon, losaahresasp.fonedllynsiropedPwould blossom the Press Association, he told the gfols that the WaS eorisitderin hen' 'week' w" kt‘euded$ the' eh the eitek het04t Present." hall being crowded. pe, but • gieen one would erect an artnorY matertai for his barn which he intends Peter McDougell of- Porter's Hill a few kittene, Topsy and Toby, who jumped He attended one in Huron comity and to enlarge (test summer. Mr. Rile • I 7 4 iys ago for the handsome sum of $175, ,plinoty posTAGE, . together through a, hoop taught, hy casually asked the fitther-let me can t building and ,a earetakei s repideoce. their ownere• two clever little iriaidene hem ..folsnsten-what name had been • The letter asked if the counell would e * has the o tr t Mr; Roht. Helloes, (lie Reform cendi- horse was slopp• ed from 901itton Postraaater-General Mulock IS on his On St Pavia street will, we fear, be selected teethe haby girl . oWts es.e . set anert a site for a County armory in lintel; wits Afpund through. Our alloztna, surpassed by the one with its love for going to call her ele*n after roy eric , as a most sit fis pca, ,Ion, to veen vieited friends in Colborne last ter postage has been reduced to a two- - ton 0,nd Stanley streets do ? • • e ;met MI ty on tags - A (-our. or young men from 13ethel week, 0 our names said the basis Mr. James •Clark is the proud pos.- editor. "Well, we are also going to • Wax, to West Huren to ten as that let„ ale Old sod, st win be talkh.T soon no .i.nnther,,, he replied. don,t go in Referred to PPOcial tee. now mr„ otsi tryeig to seeure votes but wet Me. Relit MeIlveen and Mts.' d bt for thr e or f would th 0 " ie• witn poor euccess. , LL Z'oii Ceti t • • 'lessor of two moose heads mounted give her her mother's family nanse " 'Coptain D. B. Grant is to be con- 11 en( 's 14''tiugs ‘7t.i Pl.gt1 • • EXECUTORS' SALE OF FARM prattle, but can hardly be expected to Their' ant ere are in the vehiet state. ••..twesue, her name Biatees eyes:" who parade with arms once a week. •the, ssmoy. foe A drive 1.0 nalti am" They Were procured up the lake and My dear man stop and think 1 -It Is • May inieCeas attend their efforts. Some adroit that he was first mesmerised by th six 1 • • Ohamberlain into Imperial penny poste rich. The antlers of one are very much There was a „.hurried conference' het The thoUlder-arins drill will be found e•and subsequentlyforced into a larger than the other and itseems that tween man and wife and the child wee very beneficial. The corps is for wed oose is ,very rare. • baptized tuetthe name of Martha, of students of the Collegtate Institute, similar reduction at home by Public this siitieles of ort d d th d • latitist ;Ltd brolg t.l.w family co; ter along • se-- s -• • • .ffe ,will indulge In Midockian self-, and read?' to he PlaCed in his hall. added the father. The editor startea: gratulatidan formin a cade cor s . • e t ? tht wt hams, Rent down to Wiarton thence to Gode- imposellsle Ifelen /Ulises J•ohns'ton." of Oldie will have tossvalk erect' now. t P • So ite atter • • • he ix t tiug hey •van take PROPERTY. am matter cue listat0, of the itite On e nes ay evening 0 a e an .Shrovetide brought us pet:makes, but each room sending a contingent. 1st A • Whuely the Tomato) ol 21telosamf • its banks were woithy the pen of the alas no 'Mole Melassee, • is Howard Snell and 2nd Heats- . cettiplituentary banns; was given ••••••••=••• Opinion, which grew impatient under There Will ba.solifby pnblic.,ansikon on Lot en fire it 111.est, Friday et,ening to our , poet r brush of the .artist, • ' ' Porde are generally' looking oub for Wilfrid McLean., The core!. musters, Ws, 11. Hale is getting on verY.well snaps, but this cold Snap Was.' only ass, 1 about 80 students, Master E Craig ot remeh'esteeeled tow nenotni 2:11'• as- E. ' ATOliDA.Y, TRP.,tra OA't OF MARON, 00, Coli 1, Toehersulth, Oeunty,lit .guron, on Clem", agtsit Gs z. R. Mr. Clegg has • s after herrecent indisposition.. • , preciated at -the rink. • ' Craig's hotel is bugler. The corps been 'station-mastee here for about 1;199, ftt lo'clopk p. in. -by Q. Ilamilton, Auoti4- ntling the On, Friday evening ,tast a grand oar. will possibly have a :band, in - (*.near • Miss Pridharn haebeen One 1 f • Wwish the t i sold bio fourteen Yeare anti hes proved' himself . eer, the said • LOT 30. .CPN. 1., IN h • 1 a held i' to be an efficient ofiltial of the road,. • d. pest two weeks inToronto visiting her niva w s:n the rink.4. arge . tame, e e eap a e , veiy kind and tt'diging in manlier and. • rocieteT:11414i9."• *HIP °F.: brother, Mr. Willie Pridhern, and Mrs. - number Were in chatactr coistutne, corps success. • Rifles are Lo 1)0 furniehs. .- , some of them beautifully dressed. A ' ed. them at awe Mad -Suits, too, We Ire.' winning hi his ways. Mets Clegg iti .. a The farm constits of ,100 acres of fir t.. lnes Eagle's family. • bind, el'? whieh 1041 • Dap. Walter Fridhana has retiwned special PriZe was awarded "Canada," time. , . . • 1.1tre •tiltree titchourcla4loo2:Elftr0aie8t°brrnhltlinlied • .froin a hasiness trip to the Queen city,. but two young holes did. one . cotintrY .Sir' °belies Tuener . ited .- Roo. Dr. -Miss Evans conternPlates pending. a bailee and only. Pee' caild '01r; the • Montague,are to addeess a,•rneSe: Meet. worthv belpmest, st lady of cull'itiniclttliatiid_ ties. Having thus ereleared•thernselves RI' intelligence arid cif' good soei :. frneNs gicLi Iti•refreld ltaringii orchard.. fete months visiting' friends in Dakota prize a gold bei•rysspoon, Which, was ing here on: Thtirsclay even•ing:,in• Mr. to give .expression V; :Inch sentiments' say erg's. •, Miss Hattie Harrison. - Miss; MeLean'e interests. s .- to the people; it was esnsiderecl ,fitting ing • spring nee won. ito s30'1?"is slay Mann and well situated on the 'Iluron'- .. and Manitoba. .XDOX•churcb will sniss won by . one of their bright singes. • , Harrison wore a costume of pale blue • Cupid and the Ashes 'fella* in site- Mi•s. McCall and family ieft on :Sat- crep.on, on which large Menlo leaves ' cession this year. St. Valentine's Day by a cornplinientery eepp.er. . Over ' one -hundred guests welai Oreseet. They oolY from the s'r a portsion of farmwill be .giveia, but the ,,, no ° T rtn s -T per cent, down 00 day of • dn e b n th 80 ays thereafter., 'from Clinton . and 5 . • her eon -in-law, Mr. Ges,'Ocirnell, ------: ---. splifeed-s•elittiletfir faihion upon each - In Fritzley's Shaving Parlor window' . Mies Bailey, we are pleased.. to Shoulderc• Her corsage was ornament:. are 18ts of fine plants t his .cold; frosty urdays, ham visiting relatives there- . , , But the Words- la gold letters :The.. held in hoth St.Peter'is•endSt. George's Toronto where she was spending the Season. with her see,„by the. illness of 'prize. TWO neett7s1741913.-Ankftx.giw .conclles. Mee, _Edwards. • was • re -called 'from maple Leaf for. Ever" laid, upOn the on Ash Wednesday. At St. Peter's ' to spend a few .weeks in .Wing-' in green And autiinin tints were pieced. and .Ash Wednesday. Services were. front of • her skirt were truly worth a Gregorian ineele and . blessing of ' ''''''''''"":•-•;;"" "''''''''.4":• -•"'"*"---i'' -MV4r.74•13..'•GEll!elerna'sGleid" onf Haeilialsaal it h•:, neighborhood ;sauna about, but - also Y.' Were assembled not from Setifoetb, Ilensallo Drucefletur The Ape to state that the feast was. meet setup- er for the occasion end it. is sufficient • . • .or ,r14 betiartgosr„. tics . Tor furtli-er particulars apply to trit3:18::dslItril°;:t4.7.„iilseinly 0 IT ikon 'a . ti .' • • . •': W. S. LAWRENCoil.,..„; e,.. .i. • E, wsissELy . ........eon.ors• iseirrtre. --------f- 4 „.:•lergegufc.eur gieeetrtaeonethre B th:' . • ' .note, is able ' to •' be about , as ed with bunchess of crystal beads and Weather; - Mr. Fritzley's smiles.' nittst tutme. The tables . Were richly laden • ' • am • • .' '11e -en's Clinton P. O. - usual after her very serious attack of upcin. her head was a mitre • shaped keep. them froth. freezing. ' . with all the viands and,: delicacies of ' There will be ithe same .place, ,the • rollewing farm „Awed for sale_ on the above ' ,pneemonia. - . head-dress in black velvet with a large. Mr: Halpany has. returned to areiinge a nrost enjoyable...evening was spent, ..• 19heavy h the season... Everyone was. happy and dare , On Tuesday, tith irlist„ • the different - curling rinks of Goderich end. Clinton mounted by the word "Canada" in gold .premiaes by fire •. •• . • . ' • had a • touiniunent on the ice iti the man, Goderich • entlieg. . and ; skating rink. fastened , therein. , •A• red, "white and tote the death of Ethel Dickenson, re - beaver. in gred placed thereon, sues Several petite Union Jacks were s .We are sorry to :be ' caAlecrupoota - Mattees • since the damage done his After run ple justice, had • been- done to the phySical man; the intellectual treat Theme began and was kept up till elate hour. foal3ita:v. .9 . eS,olyi ;n3e co i ilr ti iwz to lri iti b4 ri; iel :oral t 2;11 se ianr sr to. awi r Od , IYeetaerf.r years tild; 1.mari 13 years cid, 3 .cows ors° 4 year old:rna. 6 7 Ia I bluesash finished the artiatic costume.. lict of the late William Kay,nierchant, hong and. rhetorical . display galore. and utensils. . • • The. , - Curlers - were, . all exceed - Miss Mona Weatherald, 'whe also re- who passed away frona an attack of la: Mr. ellegg itod paetnee were. eulogized etiesemeset.." furter° a. iii:AgsbilVi. . • " sow. about 70 .ehens. rail 'bol? inglY active . and • Zealous -though unco • quite. Only, . one ': lady spec- presented • "Canada," wore awhite • grippe in Jan,1892. The late Mei. Wit. for • their • many . estiinahle . qualities Ail telnisenfOrAngentrt%Praeseitt;itli.• . numerous other articles. Also a quantity of. dress, the skirt ef which MIS trimmed - Hain Kay Was a Most :estimable -lady, Mr, R. M•CMordie was chairtican of 4,114'. . Ter puronases.. of the curleee, only wore an ordiearY inches in width; and. the Same distanCe. worker in the interest of •Kinix Presby - berries to hector, the occasion,. Some -.. tator, s . who ' wore a bench . of rowan , with rows of red , andsblue abeut ttve . bright and benevolent and • a ' great between. • Her corsage was ornament- teeter; churcli, Thefunerallook place cffairman, • and. Mr; J. Ilalfour seCres - committee; Air. G. T. McKay .: eices .. 'be given on ognishing approved jointnotes; The folloWieg toasts Were re- "Pei.' $1,;111278ce°:;ptogr anzntuna diti_coinnat 8,1167dELsnya.11... feather-iret -*Odd- have !. made then; - cap, , when a Tem o'• Shenter wi'• a i edwithletters in gold' forming the. last -Sunday. : The casket was cover- .talrY• spondecl to. by the reepective, .citizens : .pneton, Feb. othi gee 4- .. • f' ' "three' the stane" wi' -a charmed pont! . word "Canada:" • 'A wide scarf of red, :. ed: with roagnificerit• TOM, and. white raped :-The House ot Oointhons and • • . • ' • ..... - • • ....: :• • l'• :,' .' er. There, were #ery few spectator* white and. blue wet. fastened: With a .carnatione.' • • The Monenere ;were her - -• ': , ' - . 7 ' ' • . but they•Were evidently quite engrossed ',clasp mien her left shatildee and a eiksh• son Mr...Gee. Kay. Stratford, her ..nep- the Legislatuie, Mr.t Geo. . ___s_ ' - "-'s - s's ' • • • - • .in the gatte.------Theresult-was-that_the sold_ enusr ne the same, with "Canada." how r. John Kay, Simeoe,: • and .Me. Hensals...s-ss i ; Canada, Oori-linne;. Rees J. MaRwen, : 7 -: ., s - - Hob • took the inside :tracksi:Olireff-6- in gold letters completed costume. • Moderwell of Stratford. Mits. • John Henderson, Henselirliethtiett..7:TORA TO RENT. • '. _______ •. • . course carried out the geometrical it- On her head she wore' a• coronet of " Kay of ' Stratford also attended the Couneil, and Municipal 'ticererntrient, lustrel,lppbut next time it might have maple leaves and her beautiful fair: : funeral: Rev,'Dr. Ute officiated at the MessrS..Thom. Hays, J. 8. MOJean, :J. The iinderaigned.ofrers for rental the store McWaughton, Sas, .patersors. and •Wm. at argent occuplea,by R. C. Barlett ;. furniture : • tresees fell :around her shoulders.: ' In. !name and R,ev. James Anderson at Oa threninesidetracklike •Seaforth in.the . s- ' ;the injuetice of a two -cent. rate from ' Canada to South Africa and three cents froth one Canadian post °Mee to nether even if ohl three miles OFFICIALS CAkORE. FRZNOR DONINITION. The citizens were congratulating The 'French element dominates • in Domon politics fairly tises,e - themselves on the supposition that the ,aaya Worse than absurdity of dividing the • It's Laurier says this and Tarte do , town into eight polling suledivnitons . es bad been abandoned, 'but they have. tut. ' ' savor of that ' period when "Down The eight are once more to be used with French ,dominition" was the and twenty four officials employed to party slogen. • • 71- take the vote in Clintor!. • ° .they are still of the same frarne of - On ' the `Mb of Deedinbeislast '5138 'votes were polled, so that there will be Linind it must go against the grain to • : one' °Matti to every 23 vetters. The have" tre tolerate the interference of is sa, each a man as Tarte in the politics of ' cost of each bpcith.will be about • , this women... • lo*s i ---rent of beoth M. deputy . been reekoning with.out their hosts' ' • Te the old-tiine Reforinerathis must 'clerk $‘2 'constable. 81. ; totit$11. \e\ Under ory rule four booths wei on the St. Lawrence in a Government considered . uite ample, but the ems - steamers. or " My yacht" as'he calls it be flies the tri -color of France, and in,' somical Lauri i-ites. double the number and expense. • . _ • , • - the back parishes he has waved the Elsevihere. and in many another race flag until the 'habitans fondly 'way, the same kind. of economy and re. fancy that 'Wolfe's victory on the • treuchnient is practissed• ' ' Plains of A.brahani is but a pre' ce of Jae Will. no doubt try' to taPike a ,s Britisher vrhen here, bat when sailing fiction on • a, par with the. Araha slrferfelsreisisTO 0001.NG., Nights. n • • The report is confirmed. that Mr. Israel HE DROPS TH. RAMS_ L, Z.:SSR.4 L. Tarte intends taking a liatid in the In the Garrow-Beck elections the for :campaign On behalf • of Mr. Hahne!. riser's headquarters here were called The influence he will exert. - the '‘Liberal Committee Rooms" hut- • .. consist neither of logic net oratory but hew it is -R. Holmes' Oeintnittee of promises, and in this .latter respect Reams." This is a trifling matter, but ' be has few equals and no superiors. ; as .s.seaws show the course of the *ind ' Sirice Mr. Tarte was elevated to the it indicates the nature of Candidate PutiliC.Works Department be las pro- Holinea' canvas in Clinten. , mised an expenditure on harbors, post He has been button holing life-liing ' offices, ,cieitoni houses, ' etc, which,if Conservatives And begging thein for all carried,: but would double the al- , the time being to set aside their politi- ready gigantic debt, of the Dominion. Cal -faith -that he might profit thereby. It will have been observed though, This sort of a eanytte might h'ave been - that be has; been especially prodigal effective, : for , there is • generally a during bye -elections, his.Quebee train- certain amount of , sympathy ing having imbued. him with the idea dozen, had `...Mr. Holnaes nob all Ida for a that 'the' tactics; employed with so life been a dyedin-the-wool. partisan. • riiicli succesi; in that province would ere. has always sooporto his party; be equally. effeedve in Ontario.'•It Mr. and. had the situatign been reversed, Taetehas yet to learn that h ra.h°" that is had the Liberal Candidate been ing iindeFA mistake as to the differ- a resident•of Goderich and the Censerenee between the gullibility of is tredve of Clinton. be would certainly, British. and a rrepah coostituenaYe and Without,adoobt, have raised the hile be will be convinced by the result , and iny for the former„.: . - in -West Iltiron,'IM, matter how pro.. The Conservatives of Clinton know fuse he may tie with his proimees. ' this only too well, they know it by. " experience the best of teachers, and are HE RAS BON JOLLTIRG __Vet to be led astray, by hie seeming tnuderation of late. •. THE TREFARA.NCIli PEOPLE. ' , A. Would-be member of Parliament Inuit be weighed by his record, not by Candidate. Holmes supported , the - _ his place of residence. • The latter can • Plebiscite, e chaeged in a day' but the former is ' • • He likewise supported the Govern- iibiding. nsent which granted, and still more . •readily killed, that self -same Plebis- Honesty' Will Pay liest. cite. • • • • choice must be mod d.oes inyone.sup- ikatfahitersytleetsrilr honestin the " Cad he ride ball- homes ? or • if a Deptift -returning officers would find peso for a mortient he would desert the cipal elf:tidd as. jt.letpgjiiriu-rnet Government to cling to the Plebiscite? turning offlcet., Mains, refused to ac - Let the Temperanee people -study = cept the ballot of William Wilson be - this question further and endeavor to cote, hisivelifusect to atitite the tenants aecertairtif he ever abandoned ,party Itt as a til3ns:slilt,whal:t slrvivce egetiagowteares to vote for is Prohibitionist . made up he had become an owner, and . Further . did. he not assist in ..the wanted to vote as • such, •Wilsoti knifires ef Teetotallers' and Week •for - hretight in, action against Mains for thue !.3400 penalty provided by the sta.' the candidate Who neither• preached te , and Was successful before Chief .- nor practised 'Temperance, to go oo justice Armour. -Mitchell Advocate. further back than the lase Dominion " election. • • • • Nieto` ry Repeating Melt The politiciarewho believed in Tem- • ...nerance first and "Polities after -would • Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Richard have supported Ray or McLean in '00. 9itl'itilvvggithrtiti(3ieirarAnielasr3Leviteativeanhdamr. Brit were be Of the Liberal per. better success indealingwith United' suasion and placed Party first, he States politicians than had Sir John would 'have clone, •predacity air Mr. Macder onald, rob, George Brown paituadt aolniee did, give his vote andinfluence - teletwahraPhaiTeet's gain with - to Carneron. . • the shrewd Yaukees. After all their There is a point beyond which. hum- clamor against the Conservatives, all ethrzeittiilleninterloireaarirojid alleged Cho late • Gov, bugging is not profiteble. On wbich . side of the meek 18 this candidate? approaching ansuenWraTrgslislettritnien• when talkiejshistisiness. and all heran- °moat ; „The prefessierie„..Eiw. erirararahisiiiventienottathaeireavasttaonada: , in : hockey match. :They all partook of a - her .• hand she waved A, jubilee* flag. grave. The pall bearers were Messrs, Clin- dish of oysters, at the • Cafe •fialtnoral, Miss McKenzie' very artistically. repre; D. O. Strachan, Frank Lawrence,Alex. Acheson, Kippen i• Our -Guesk: Mr.°..h. AlsosPog ilrhgsTitraVovotliiirien;. lig341.17; • E. Clegg ; .0dr. Educational Instit Zoo and thea-lia 1 for the Hai. d theRainbow. H tome was Munro, McD Allan 1E( ••I Straus, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis, Buxton havere- it.uale: bluish tint, with tablier front ' • - . • turned' from their weeding trip and trimined. with &veritable rainbow; At Mr. Frank Cra,bb is in Winnipeg. are at the Ccilborne. ' .eithenside the skirt. was Ornamented Mr. J. Platt has his. yard flooded at ' The Mall and Empire eilye .tbat' the with half Moons, in rainbow colors. his residence, Victoria, streetand there cadets who left Toronto on.•Febeuary onitarette, girdle and fan were stlithe the juveniles meet with their. hockey 4th kW the pieta Tampa celebration hues ofthe rainbow. Her hat, of the iticks for practise. . stone pale bluish tint, had a romboer • The Stratford HoCkey, Club -intend? "would be more . of a novelty in most tinted front, And the outside of it was taking -4 run up to cross sticks with 'of 'the places in Canada than they will covered With thryerinthemums. liaise • our boys. We'll see who wins.: The be in Tampa." Well, that shows that they are truly uesto.date •in ,militney McKenzie took •second prize for ladies' ,'Shakesperian team cannot • afford to drills and ready for action like. their costume, which Was one-half dozen sit. lose its well-earned prestige, • ' neighbors.. • We trust their visit Will ver knives. She also divided the hon- Mr. Robert Bell died in tioderich truly be a holiday affair andstheir safe ors skating with Mr. Deube, and as township on Sunday, Feb. 5th, aged 08 return a joy. to Toronto. They will in only one prize vas awarded for skating,: years. The funeral took place Wed - ell probability escape In grippe and one -half-dozen dozen silver spoons, he, sailors nesdaYs 8th- hist The pall bearers like,' Veil courteously retained one were the. rtephevete of deceased. Mrs. that will be one- thing in their favor. So itticcess to the cadets in Tampa. The snow; n,nd had engraved "1890" upen 'Bell was prostrated by grief at the loss he the spoon and "For graceful skating" of her husband. • . • - mayor of Tampa met them, who, said, were the first, British soldiers on the handle, whin') ho will keep as 0. Mr, Horace 'Herten,. grocer', who. since 1812. . • " souvenir, an h So many dogs have beenpOisoned, is gave the five silver skons.. Deube also • • won. two priZes,... one being, reward has beep- 'offered for the coo- vietion of the party if toned out. Mr- for . hi' exmiisite. costume. . He Humber regrets very much the lose of also belongs ' to the G. H. C. Miss his dog Boxer, sit well-bredseoltie. who Lillie Webster, Indian Princes?, wore carried a basket with a note in it for . is red costume, and made a typical In - the butcher to send the quantity de- dian beauty. She was ie Warlike dress, sired by Mee. Humber every day, and carrying tomahawk and large knife. carriedsin the wood stick by stiek. , And On her head she wore a•coronet of gold, that is poor Boxer's reward after all With large tuft of feathers. Her prize his fidelity. Mr. W. MOOreath too had was a handsome clock. Her brother, a•pet pug and it dame home With is Willie Webster, was in original caulk Piece of poisoned meat ir its mouth, "Mother and :Me.' . He wore a long but they coidd.nat seise it. If the dogs %eremite' and had a . rag. 'dell strapped Were worthless. canines it would not on his shoulders, which looked exceed - seem so cruel,. but dogs which people ingly nature]: Mise Ethel Mosely prize it is really too bad. • looked divine as Queen of Hearts, and *The/ future iiistorian of our town felt the shower of golden hearts which 'Will; we trust, be alite to give 4 good surrounded • her enchanting, when sho- account of the progress.. in musical won first .prize for ladies'- costumes ability of the Blackstone family, West Miss Pearl Trethrtway looked lovely as. Street. Harold is now prepaeing* to .1p:. Nurse and was the only one, as it Oley solos on the -serpent- It is df the- happened, to Weer that characteristic base born variety in sound. There is costume` that evening. Mies Carrie Only one other instromentuf the kind Fraser made an exceedingly handsome in America. It is a perfeet coiled ine Sailor Lass in navy blue costume trim- strtiment of *mid,' with silver mouth- med With white. -A large .anchor in pleee, which is large at the base. But white decorated the skirt and.a girdle it does not as its namesake; it, has of hemp, frayed out tassel' style at a powerful, soft. -toned bass sound: the ends, and. over her • iihoulder May. we . wish the Blackstone family . an oar: ' Miss McCreath Wits -quite unrivalled success. The first piece the character she •represented, Harold tried to play upon it Was .f.iy. African Lady, barring the color. Long. • Her drese was orange, with black satin • Mr. Charles LeTouzel is the next of bodice and yoke and sleeves of orange. the organ factory staff on the la grippe. The skirt was decorated at, the bottom .roll. . with a row of silver medallione and the Minn Rutsoni West street, sister of sleeves and bodice were decorated to our lumber merchants, has a very fine match. Altogether the character was begonia, whose leaf is eighteen Inches wellrelletained. The Marine band play. - across and thirteen inches long. The ed, The night was cold and the ,Lon - leaf looks almost as if it Were a Mani- don and Godeeich hocke,.. match tin moth grape leaf. . . Mrs. Lewis Elliott has returned-froni her visit CO Pert Huron. • Airs, Frank 'Elliott, Palmerston *greet, bi eery the past two weeks. Mr. B. McCormac Came on from Ot- tawa last week, 'hilt we did not learn for what length ot• time, he is expected to remain. . ,Miss lade Bruce, who spent the :past three er. firer months with her cousins, the Misses Barry, Elgin street; left A few days ago for Chicago, Where she will deft Mende and then proceed te Orend 'Forks Dakote, tons, Mr. T. N. Forsyth and Mr. ,• , ' • • .1 o.ELLIOTT2,3,coirio. n..i.„.,c,>. 8s..eatmtyoff•. Moffatt, Interests,joht.cMNeesvsirris.: . Clinton,:Fob. athj, A113599%.COTT.13airiste4 i. CoMmercial s Interests, 'Messrs. J. . :. / ()aiming, C. Troyer ancl .. J. . poi-. ' . four ; Agrictilturel- Intereste, ' Mr. R. B. McLean and Mr;VVIIL Doig s Me- .. -chatiical Interests;, Messrs; T. geliis, T. McClyinont and Wm. Thompson ;- The Ladies, Rev.: W. I Weddell. Our Host Me. G. ereensled Me,e,srs. T. reek and G. Sutherland .were the soegsteres: • • gues from t hustings election OltaltS1ZR tr.WILAROM times in favor of Unrestricted recipro- . cossemsges. city' and of cultivating the trade of the . •eontinent to vihich we belong, it met, The gang which boodle& voted for belotiling to them to feel thai, they •-. dead men, and stuffed the ballot boxes :1111.1;,tireeater ihipl,:e7i!thopot:.at ree4LPtel.... s in the recent West, Elsie bye -election eie. sir 51:ont tracegg-sind(.ontr jiolls; axe pow thcattered throngfidut Mkt rid. George Brown found that our neigh'. Would make no bargain uniest ,„ ;...,.. ing and actively et work for Holmes, • hi" lev gcit the hest of it; now. according With the hacking these rascals have t reports, the Man of sunny waym and It mey-he impossible to drive them out; hie colleagues have. discovered the but 'energetic Vigiliznee Committees smoothing. Thus has . history repeats •eould cipoit a good deal of their work. ed itself. -Toronto World. Such is OimMittee ehould be organ- - ---- itcal in every polling Rob -division and Port Albert. the "mysteriout etrangere' watched Harry Quaid and l'entile McKenzie day nee night, ; . • are visitiab• Milverton the ;rest friends of Hobert McLean secure a fair Hugh Mr: GriP the Pe.et few daYa, deal in this election. . •• bou lit Mr. John Griftin'a farm on the urt J. Blake of this section lies , Coveting the riding WIth these 6th shiield, so we hear.-Mrs.john profeildenal boodlers is not raising i'l wiergine. libttifiterdtate spent Sunday "e` Only by being vigilant ein the reek -I4. aerie has been led up Cendidete Holmes in the estimittion of Hawktna Is 'eantirdittic=itn" Tana that portion of the dent:irate 1whieh pest few days. -..J1. A, Ulcer ref pre! . paring for his Stilastner Work eery places principle Were party.; , peeking leee-e-/ae peeking lean the Goderin and her gifted daughters hese Tretheway, " , . ' ..-..._........exie , rage at present all of whit* Is supply- given every eneotiragement to him- fancy' Mona eatherald, "Ottnerle,"; side the remains of her well -belayed Is the Iteet-ta feet thefts Tritittneoe teri- ' Mt oekefeller, ttlitO Whyte. hands ing themselves with the heedful *Wale and tA iMegreillition, Who knew their W. Johnston, boys' fency ; I- Grifilrw , am, Richard liteltigett, wipe graddeted tit Altiftegesite. iii,sixtor lisi, ‘iet Hood% the Ottawa iseveteetwoo hes east the tor the summer Whir* hi tike'best hre Etc • , ere rry to Wirt rili there. ilirienner.a litureirout other oottannes from the }Inv Signal *Mirk an 'tiled ei Canadkin 01110anatiit alromir 1304 /IA in the nelish oho/1M tut Sunday he is Volt Ina f clrejersat lined with he &Ogee were Meson. Tye, Btliere•On T to the fatally of the Ws re.. has been confined to . the honse for sorn•e weeks, is now progressing very - favorably. His attack ,WeS complicat- ed, beingsubject to attacks of hstlitna. ' The river is frozen again and grave fears- are entertained • that the next break up may:endanger the vessels in the 'harbbr. . • Mr. Robert Clark returned on Mon day from 4 business trip to 'Wiartsm. and. Toronto.' . A .great numbet of people have hail eVerything frozen. in their cellars, the first time in the memory ,of some. We'll soon ;Nal Manitoba, where . they. freeze their potatoes in order to save them. ' Miss Katie Russell accompanied her friend -Mies Kehoe to spend with her a few Weeks. When Miss Russell re. turns her adopted mother's effects will be sold: UnlIrderCthilficMe. n&frcutTet?' Iiimbsalbetherie past two Weeks. In his profession as is veterinary surgeon hp often has to use all his strength and on one of these oc- casions he must have injured some of the muscles connected with his spine. He is much better, but bed- been quite incapacitated. His little daughter has returned from a visit to her mother's relatitteS in Detroit. Master • Douglas Johnston,' Elgin steeet, has been under the enegeon's care forsome time suffering from cur- vature of the -spine or some spinal af- fection. • The attending surgeori has enveloped Mater Douglas in a, plaster ,jackee We trust Douglas will be none the worse in a few 'Weeks. • Mrs. Slack is spending the week in the c o o on. the follosving Tuesday possibly pre, „. Miss Jessie Coutts, Macdonald street vented a large ,turnout of spectators. had to fill the piece of Miss McIvor of Threugh II Humber's courteey; St. David"sward school, and knowing the readers of THE NEIWS•11131001LD Will her eapability. We feel certain the eup- aelireciate the following list of fano"' ils wilt iniproee Wider Miss ()putts' In- chiteacters :-Best 'couple, fancy shift- etruction. ing, Geo. Deube and Ming McKenzie"; - Mr. Symonds, SI. Devid's street, is gents' fancy, Ist Geo, Denbo, 2nd L. on fair way of recovery having been Parsons; fancy., 1st Miss Daley seriously ' • Mosely, 2nd Mise McKenzie • rods' Miss Maggie Faulkner* has returned fancy, lst Lillie Webster, 2nd 'Carrie from is visit to Bayfield. • . Fraser; boys' fancy, lee Oraigie, We regret to announce at the age of 2nd V. Satthdere • group of two, .0. 68 'eerie the death of Ann Lewis, be- Sallowse Wm. ; best restresen, loved wife of Me. Bridgett, Never tation•of nuree, Pearl-Tretheirey beet steed. . The deceased lady havbeen an Mitts M. Petty, ewungi;the citbs ingood - Idictes formeti on Sunday a. m. on representation pir tramp, 11. Morrie; inealid for many yeeili, ie the wihdows, showing that Old Sol best, representation old meld, jetisie thankfng God that he.had .spared her was beginning to loosen winter's grip. McDonald ; best representation Can- 'until her children rettelled the Smartt Saturday night's cold terrorized a great ads, 'Settle Herriccon ; Master, Me, of irtenhood and 'womanhood. She *many, • • Intosh, "Umbrelle Mender"; Stewart WAS kind and effectionete in her fem- . Mine boil of the Hotel Bedford has Murray, "Brownie" ; Bert. Martin, ily, who geve her every. loving care, quite recovered from his recent illness "Father Chiniquy" ; John Niven, The Bev. Jasper- Wilson alWays found mut Mrs. Miller., Who was laid np the "Negro"; Reggie Harrieon "Spanish. her ready forthe heevenly Mee. past, week with is &mere attnek of Is Daneer" ; May Buchanan, "Stare and Bridgett besides leaving her huebancl, grippe, is vet, much better. Stripes" I Geo, Duette, "Old -Time Gel- MiseLizzie and Messrs. Robert anti Rev. Dr. Ure wire indisposed on Sat- lent" 1" Hattie Harrison, "Carnida" ; Charlie, her datightet and SMISI to urday. We trust the reverend gentle- LT. F. Mode, oTrainp" Thos, Bur- mourn her loss, leaVOS a1so her son, man's le not serious. twee, "Negri; Dude" Alice tlealgle, Henry in °Willie, Mich., who with hie Only herring is being taken in small "Queen of Stare" ; Nellie McKenzie, wife Alice Reid spent live weeks with quagtities this spawn. "Rainbow" ; Robt. Oraigie, "Ire the Mrs. Bridgetzoining at the New Year "Jay in Service' was the topic With Days of Columbus" ; Ethel Mosey, and leaving for their home the week • Daneey as leader at the E. L, of ' "Qiieen of Hearts'; Daisy Moody, previous to het death, Mrs. Howatt, of O. E. tneetitig Viotorittetreet church "Lady of the 10th Century'! ; F. Craig- Netetwa, Nehreske, and Me. Tom rithil on Friday evening last, lite legal le, ;learnt)" Maggie Matte "Rome pa, who left with his 'brother Henry. speaker is to be congrAttilated on the Queen" ; Lizzie McCreath, "African Rev. Jaeper Witten; offieleted at the interest he is taking in the cause of Lady" Florenee McLean, "Mother residenee on Saturday lith instebefore the S. L. and we hope his POWer tilitY Hubbard" ; Mary Malt "Sweat Brier"; the funeral cortege loft the house he be litarossed. The ROO, GOdVititia Mare E. McDonald, "Sewing Girl" gave out. the bind comforting hymn No. terin reW expire in June as pastor of W. Webster, "Mother and Med 048, The pall-berveters were 1-Meettre. the Vlottecia street church and we lie Webster, PrIneette" Burrows, Gee. john Million, Mud omigratulete him on the chile& Mabel Trethetvey, "Otirteirt Girl" I Sese John Shaw, Robb e Ilendereon and work dons during his paetorate, de McDonald "Old Maid" Pearl George Parke*. Mrs,* Bridgett wee arse" Grace Dickeon, laid to rest hi Maitland cemetery be- t 1 t M • N Fo th • led'• eye o music. . ray the guests In the Nation al Ant:hem-and. the ishtple Leaf Forever.. ' ineetirat was'brought to a close by Rev. Mr. Ach- eson pronouncing the benediction. . The Rev. 1. S. Henderson of :Carmel . church, Ilensall, . 'gave a- lecture Moo; * eV i i "S d ' 11.h here, .undei the auspices of the sit school, Which' was .tutich appeeciitteds • The rev._ geptletnan. has .good deserip die power. About ene hundred att twen by were present, •The choir of the- • church, under (he leadership .of Miss: Crewford litraished ehoice • music. fop • S b rowil Bakery. LAYER •CA .k28 LAYER CA.KES LAYER' CAKES We are bnuming• them. - • The supply can scarcely meet the dee ;hand. , • .lt -pes net pay to- make them yotir... • selves. • • •' When you can get thena.for s the occasion. On tne follow in g. Taes- ' • • day evening 'he ReV. Dr. Slut -ray of ' . 20c Each Kincardine mire a Very interesting and • , • • - insteuctive .-leature ill the elethodeit Just -think, a three !aster °eke church in connectteni With. the Bible Society.. Officers were appointedand arrangements 'mule for securing con- tributions foe the :institution. NeXt •Sebbeth Rev. • J, S. ,Hendet soil and. Rev, S. Acheson Will, exchange pulpits. 'Mr. Henderson will conduct the enni- versaey services • iti the 'Presbyterian oil siren. Green...on that day, iilso pesses al.. Andrew's fc.dtutelt. Km- _ , .. • ' • ,. • Miss- M. McGregor, : teacher sat Si. Joseph, visited the parental home hist Saturslity. and attended morning sets vice at the:ehurch on Sabbath. . Miss • McGregor is -a bright, 'accomplished young lady. We are glad to learn.that. .hersereices art,e highly itOpreciated and that she enjoys teaching immensely. Mr. Smillie of Morris visited his relit- ' ti s h 1 t week • We are soeey 140 ve el as , state (hat, Lis brother, Mr. James &nil, lie of our village, is still in poor health. Many loads of -gravel are. beitils brotight from the pit, for smuttier. ap- plication to the made. _ The farmees are taking advantage of the good sleighing' to ' bring in a, large apply of logs to the milt The Methodists of this place are get- ting everything in readiness for the erection of a handsome new chetah oda Millinier. Your correspondent wishes them succees in their enterprise. • • The best way to avoid. eicknecis is to keep yoUrsele heal thy by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla; the great blood purifier: Porfectlit. Weak and LOW, Spirited - Nervou. Prostration -Appetite .Poor and • Could Not Ret, . Chocblate ' Cocoanut • LemOn Filled *Crean). Filled s. "i.-Fot 20 Centse Our Ties Are Great Made with best piiff Paste. .4.13M PIES, 2 for 25c LEMON FIES„1.5c each. . . RASPBERRY PIES, 2 for 25c • Leave your orders in the morning and have them delivered in the afternoon. If take great *dottrel's recommending lloodeiSarsaparino,to °there, It has been the means of restoring my Wife to good ' She was stricken down witlt sit 'attack of nervous prostration. She etife tered With heaaaohes And her nerved were under severe strain'. She became Very - • lost spirited and to weak she could onl/ . a little work without reatieg. Her • appetite wee poor, mid being so weak ishe could -not get the -proper rest alright, She &veiled to try lloodl Sarsaparilla, Re We laitd heard it highly praised, and am • /tacit° date that lifood'it Sitriumarille has perfectly cured all her ailments." O. BetteleY, 321 Bonier Ste West, Remit, ton, Ontario. •Itemeraber 4 Ps Sarsa- .1 000 its or it osmium of years,- o se . tardy, towns, ip clerk, • red Withont Ong chamter-0 from home, .extend one arra.' °omit pins oil. All &S00% trpa. irieffind $90(Y0 lintlr• pitstOrTAk ng On the sielt rub . ton It for this wittiest, end 'ogetei dgettft tattel6S1 Mild .o.• Sold hy WOW Oat; thruggeate, *or • rrr row er• or • .KIRKBY: Next Clare mine apsules Our and • Our Quinine Clatoottles are filled with Howard's English Quinine and are guaranteed full weight- and sold at the moderate rate of - 3.0c a 33oz. ' 3 DOz. for 250 Syrup of Tar • Wild Cherry- spleasant to take that, It has become firmly eetab- lished As the children's fa- Vorite. , To Curelfrippe Vile our Cape and 1•Ivrtipa Or Tar and W114 Cherry. . • COMBE Chetploi &NI Drop glefe