HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-16, Page 2• sis THISInitIERTAIII VPDLD .1LitIneehen P1111410 Ur erow-bar into vr we .xave cl. TO Mame' . ,.he cobra of *1! that burled pplandoe, It storm. derimeite then las i lug in bar Ileum of airier * atul\.'t . eit itil M. ithlat tatratihat ' triumph. Alea tor Nineveh / The are- Id •ery numb, like Ois day th 411 ' and the broken. pillar* respond end, ilie ehine, Won arta derknee;, than *WI' RV* Pit TALMAGE DISCUSSIS INTERESTING NUO3Mt ' eilralittl.ereffiterreraleTaltotrit wend"- vdrieneettiteat aft=14°154b,4°17011:ntlit - 411 the Etetoe.d 4.0 rinnh'Angi rue- yonr liopeil Von We uncertain world! Tee Seeploof tlis gleitintos errroaniea'4114 ful line weeml voiceet "The fe-01404 Build en Clod. eloneicle in Zone. pion Money achitaetaacelee erninvie Avner,- _ of this World pameth AIM 1" ,, .. Where for 40 eternal ., reeidence at c'brist'a Tee eft. cam Olio *on er Wee*: mete le TadMef) the ,..eltY..of.131.9,Me,,,, ..*bnilt b.*, right hand. Then come eleirriese or eilin Aretete-11ven the IWO 131 Cbanedea the Munweent liana Ar JulkAW ouierearif health, Ocnne joy or sorrow, 00030 WC 41144110-40refig 41011144101004 I“, Wittidal$ Warlike' tribes dashed baek from her or death. all le well, though the fuel. With Clirpet, • - • , ' walls 48 a 'wale eplite Into foam -upon haa of thhe world, doee nese.owit A despatelt fromr. Waehington eayai #411-9,eltLYI:lette.14 Elinkre,es grove 0104$ . - • Rav. De. Talmage preached frOM the ati f:',), 81,rutatInagr ,0%strgow ortivmanasY fellOwing texti.-euThe teabion of •thite a bower ot beibiey. The wealth-eSwall' niCtr431' W°Di'liCilk Malone unpaoked and r li 'a i h un o it la er . .0,..: ,•,.. . 0 **"'" World pametti away." -1 :elarinthiane, vit, st , .. 7 4 markets. Her temple of the. Sure with .11', "" "a" ia Whleh merokeder- tIk -;ibee;0 are many, who .004 in olio exi` . Lhor hunare4 end ninety columns, en : ' °tee' rtste.tett .- d ble Two. heaving up toWard Ilea- • CM the daY Mit AleXander the Goat Jed :only an . *Mont of :Itedneatt. I von, on .shouldors of Merble, the weir. wa mar bad tie fewer than 2,0 ma 1,,,t . find in it- chiefly an elentelit Of jOY, shin, and the Ponap ' arid the. gains, &CS .in'orne .oe-lrena-Oriy- w -e -re- 01-44re .h4"u.s.,-- 40, rato aranatitaaa mita figat,es drsweu _epd the. wealth of a*great nation, ,01*, ' ladMegl the04, Cap Of mirth to thY lip, . banda and wives. Tbia ,peres: iMpos- from the: theatre, I think :that Theme 'ow w, sib*, :but the event really toek place, A right te siy that the Alining 'eceilee where art thogra4rirtat tgibcriQuo- es meter' i recerati tell us, Tine at the end of en 40 de 4Ot indieate;, Ttebreierborooreinhetromrt israzaktahneo adnoteawenerci ,e3-00-e-i-e-r7w-ceac.itung ocourroa, oioe the Oat the play le ended, lint oniy that it As develOping, so, all the Changes rptrilaroei'agUatrkteurletettfbriere re- ';'°:gelie,s. tw.ligh4wlealcea-nthdeen%tteed°0tveeart bC)yt the 'Peat •-draMe 0,004'0 providence,. meurnful moan of tne ileaert, wind I ---0 . ''''eTtue. - : Plawai,nal°1. In thiclef2wrt, trinn, .r., Alexander Married ' .Statirit, 'the , on ear0. are but the ehifting seence in drift AMMO the wii.tob, win 00„4.*0 to a 0,040ua oncaue, hear lt; ."The, fashion ef this world page, thajaoway r . , . - : decreed that 00 at hi hi r to take.'4 •biliistlim 'end ' Manir YfOW with ' ail l;arthir antb9iitY• ' . °I ' 148* OliZtelL9MIOtbrrejegfiCtirltleOd' .1,m1Kitigginad . 8 mr friends, has it teen -,a - : 1- -- --a 0-0- Officers eessful etainpletion. I want.. Co -night, a Eickly sentiMentalist ',I ant glad that wh ee_ poht‘..4 • :6eetrys eaati rn• ifte zr. W:aehnawin : it'll:3Z et1.14r1::, 7;1 tilie: '. 27“)Ibni:ecsLilt dri tetra% 4 ni,4:). a. tlik41 a 4,leitie e; tUip„itrtt ' qf Ibitt .1titb400., i=xtl. not the, ',view -.a Pro4i, w'erth world itself le palling:away. for it. * iceettegual Who trerMbles l',naowws boo!' *t3titiogrtnaler '1,40414 C•42.e°4. °Idlers the fashion Or the World, end that •tke Ani crossed the Uellespont t 'When, everr3yrthi44weAseiesettilelleznevna'at • ' ‘1113' Peking riletn-fOr emnething :bete eau§tv XerXett 4(7,etal,e ban! bOatei,..., Wht* frre be- pavilion was ereeted, 'the niiiaars' of : ter." In the same •.processlod in Which :march the mannere Old. the Onaforaa, gates •of 4-ut,raneacilneiVr eknoll:ge at "We. *twat:4444. o'vr?".9459•73124;iiteraettiebtsil.3.1thajoeinneedhtlihni; ' end the instittitiinte Of the World,: niiirek whether or.‘3',iot Cleopatra maref:s114;f t n _he 1-u .tehle , bridegrooms, while tOny I Whe cronoltes :before rerdbe.; for 'the Xeduinurtg 10000* an 0 t ' ' the dispeneatione • of God'a .providence : and, or Bomfaee, ,•or eilarael Oen Court . WAS inclosed. Outeide. of- winoh, PeoPle . Of different 'nations ,end: die- - hy' which the ohurch is to he 'Made, CreMweIrdistiolve. the English Perlin-. tables Were -Weed for the Plultitttde; Urea:. ranks. Were 'compelled to' take - Mightier and , society, purer. Bell ' on. raent noWit Ts William,. prince of Or-, Eaelepair had Poets, sod. ranged then?. up their ailede"there,Put ihe site. Was . Ch Wheel of the veal Though institu.,...alire• king of the -Netherlands$ NO; nol selves .in eeMi*eircies ronntl. the' royal. _if , . -. - • . . . 0 , OMen. .. ft is 'near. -the ..southern, ._ Howeier eaueli Elizabeth mily lavethe thion6., Ot- exiirreel'the priests cotild ;'''' ' 4 -• t'hins ,:fali, „though goieiPMente ne.: Euesiair crown„ she, mutit paas it to riot, Marry this. vatit- .num-ber of con-. ez,treMitY of the lake. and yery neer • 4110010 .thougb 'empires he'depolinlat- Peter, and . 'Peter to Catherinei and „plea im,the Ordinary way,•Ao- Alexander to Certain Medicinal bot bathe to Which,. '41k:though the world be cleStroyed reit., Catherine to Vont, and Vaul to Alex- the.Oreat devisee," a . very .simple, eere. the. native*, atiiillock. It :flo i hed aoder; and Alexander to. hlicludati..Leo- .monY,. Ile -gore. his hand tO . Statira .fitXes., Wheel of the.aged 1: iet ell crowns pold• nuts tho oermou:seeptee into ihe And,•kissedfher-an.: example that ell and wae ominted a plaea.of Invert:ruse Melt, fe.Our Xing' gets' his amniniOna I Ilene of Joseph, ana PhiliP conies down the bridegrooms follaWed. in the tiAte ot the, firosados;. but its ° f.et ,all aendeiti be - routed, - it from: oft. the SPenish. throne tO let' Perdie- Thud ended 'the 'nerenlonY, anii that ceief intereet to ue. is :thet • it gave: .. , 040 Ill*. oirist iataii marshal his .4i,. ana go on. Hpuee Of Aragon' house 91 Vast number: were married. Then 101- its . nhine to 'the Sea . on'''and 74r6und IlaPaburg, house of, Stuart; 'honse Of lowect :the festiVal, whieh lasted, .tiVe , „Mies with bannere I Let this earth - ' burn, lt °tit of the leaping fiarces there else, but agreeing -le tbla: "The"feshi'm:* er bee4 equalocI-34110°. Erairbon, quarreling about every" thing tleYs,' the grandeur et-,which-kas nev--, 0'°4' c'ele 'Of .Our ,tord'S most Mar- _, , vetoes: deide :were wronght • ..ond hie .0=11 spring the new beaVen and new ot, this world passeth away." ' But . : , . ,,_ - . , - : most marvelbus Words SPoken, - earth in Which•dweileth righteonanesst hitee all these' digtitarrea gonel - Van ' ..-:. • . , . 2. A. great mnititude fellowed him. • I .P#4,080., Pa ' talk7 ta yoti .abOlat the in they dot be °diet back I -1 hare beerk , ' ' : .' PEN& or.'HORROL , lie went selves the ' lake- '' but they • , , . aSserobleggs Vv• ere' I have•heard the ' . ._ • ' . .,,,,, , ' ' . - . - - Iransitorr nature:0 eavarthly.thingei -rnieel-al-Tilaeavileecia,:wnet ,areenk..xdlohettrdilit :irciii4iii,u4',.14-..arc".',iiiai. *0-4-iiifliff,ii. DIM': Za...;,14:417iiiii...**',unic.ailfte:u:1,13'ii:-:,..78:hed4orsr:.e,w7w,n7tatilui,":734.1-4t jaileetr, and then, to guard yaw:again:at sonia' ..:::errong' applications. of the antycat, , the roll • to -night of some et thoee : ' ' ..'08fflia et nereeee • ' '..,1,:', suPpose you Intye •SililVotieed the it:they weali?i not ess*er.. .1 Nom eau: prisoner,* ig worse, in _uor0000 tium,i, ,, mighty ones whe 'have gOne, II:Wonder The ;prison . sistene- end - treatment ef , le_ the ..Bast wad taken from - town to oa,o!s .4 bp:linen: ' w.hOre are: the the roll. 1 Will..call. the roll* of the :Great I, via_ tiny...other COU:ntry: in the World, • -town eAd fr011trOvitiee to 1401i:ice is - ;prominent teMiliee•oe.iorty years- ago i 7kinge first: Alfred, the.' . . -They ruie„r.-smiety, es, witii a . sceptre., liam , the Conqueror 1 "Vrederick In )1.41?.?: fire erreated-otten Merely ;to ITuilhaetreinwePax,ioess. in•„wpalthileletitriagebetwialest:tucttbleeb. Louis XVI.t.:- . No armarer. X will„,er./1 Spite' soine one .*hoin they have been: causes -for • the gathering and, tranSter :T4 61443:m1.14o otyin of theii, 4etts the roll 'of the poets; RObent"4301ffheY I Bo, imfrirtirriete • as: to offend, end wbo ef such great crowds.. 1. 'OrdinarY life tliscided the -apparel of 'the city - they,- Thterlae campbell i ' • J:ohn* " }Keats! .. -walliee:',with an .44' ..of' •on-dience,' or' atergei Cr:ebbe-I -Itobert"Biiinal Lord P. . (mess , : /*nine ' . ,,nOwer-and . flutg;into ein itoh.aaei itret las twoitthnetry . sToher;oeetieed ..ii' ine . ,,,ilesiod , dnwn , 04,ih.4 , wen.groenatui.1:tiyor-on.t,7 ,. No answer_ I call the roll of 'prison, .Wbere theY . would .1,),,,i3mIeft.,Tto artists:: Michael ,Angelo 1' Patti starVe did nat their x'elittiVea or friends western.leauntries; butOM.thes oth- 'siich systematic inisiness train' tie in ."'Orelthe ."-eilttiersitiCoa•--.'ili*t•. eaveineeeS. Veronese 1 . ,:Williark Turner I " Christo... - :As their patised, all bats , were "lifted ; 1 pher :Wren I NO -answer-. BYee eline.- . as they. en ere a, TOOnl a, :converse.- 1 ed`. -Sars• deaf' biing theni foOdi, lex no arrangements :tii:iltiliydp,ritiBuodpreilne,.';Viihiera:tiltive:/iii:ielirisee.:utp:oevline Whateisor are ntade:'.by''the-,atithoritieS the' .:tion was hxiait' ed Or t iiin'ed'UPon, 'there:I Idi:!ttorSAtre'lteliMatilret;- 1API silent*. ' Edti-111.1st ' for tit- e ,feeding! Of priionere 'All that' 14I 8.17:rar'tr in - i* provided • IS • a : ' PrisoO..•;generallY 'ether% whose dress and. whose 'feed are peets, rulers,' millionariei; Sat at' their goVernment ''.The 'fashion oethis.world • • • f the Simplest, can s fruorgrOeti ' 4 . . , orowde.d." With .Prieeners dying, ,In, the n'efghborliood to. another ;WM • , DAY i. SCII , tether* 1 ii,4'"fte nrrio!tusVgAtt"11.-Interesti g tor WOMOI. Plifititiii BT TEE i tin', ..... . reedy faith in our ,Lord'i power to .-,,,,, , , 3141* AluniAL Las4024 rzt 1,0„ i mnrabnic tiriniVou,"41erotoPiclatr4inil x.mintugda Princeeses Xergaret and Patriots et *-1Allill*LOUS ADAPTATION OP mit ....... it. WO. AtUnauglit, delight in the hobby sf GREAT DISCOVERY, 41, • Itehrt il• 1-14, nekton reat. Olin e* ife* five herWY 18avaal 4." tWP 14341-1 thth' - kw store of uncut' stoma witieh thai t.r4 1r» 4* WY 4414 0100.00'^linn SO 104441 . Om.* - V PUCTMAZ NOTES. es, A little bey, With a ogy $ %age:, ‘co24 auto, and cousins sod frioodo i I 0 R. Wrialtg aa Wen es rthile4 MOW - ,'and doUhtletta. a. metheit'm care pr awe bestowed. upon them front time to st"I lt l'' Tr"rItt4I. , .tree -itiroxfoises, seppitires, topttges , In the Eleetrical Engineers 94 Article' .nd moonstanem., Of thees they hart A In "A New Process of Printbig,* by 0froodomiyAnrit, abewir,vietnreanyproofen-wtetthietol; ti3o4eilr; , As? ties et the x luyes,„.by or. irrect. ourente during the time of their so- • ebrait:IfiaglotTutr be, Eaoltleesod, oretiminegthoup:rolothet 4011r11 In thi.t omintry. ..--- et aloe° featurea ie the inarclenaa .. In llerWay Women have for eosue time ommher of impreseioss of weL.ordo that been employed in the railroad and pea- . one man `cart turn out 'Dr. leelle eare tal eervice and are aow receiving ep- . -Hawn "slaw tke rove Tioipm104,0, 0... Thera is .g.-104 here, which heti -olleeting gems, srul 'have now q,ulte ii i Varlet. After these Mega. After the vide for ,it beforehand. had, five dloav- ''ng of the impotent Men et tbs. VOL mr,e,:=PY, Hil,lisi,!;gwgeexan4o1111113:47) Reims:ion which erase ,ehout the 00., tzte," Niltiolx we could well illustrate to Dethesde, a part of which formed much larger or sato than pilot bis, ur last Imam. We are to 'think of elate. and *ere Wither as Palatable n" oUr 14ord returning to the northern 410,1astrynnighlonur'noTZ4Arnilel°11;,riee, ;wince of Galilee: probably through tontron -to the fith„preser4ying° bIlt40,414" erCa* ,Yeints Went over the sea, dom.-, on the Galilee elter-Oe.- Idka oar mo°d4- rUlg the etory•with that ,,of lathe in 'aro elPelted herTIPE mugli brInefl tua-a" ins ninth ander, we Make him eail "41 and.ea/Ined nry,;(11anee!rprtelrervier 1,1 the nertheastern direction 40014.4 the .titior wlycls,;143ra leke front qapernanm. The sea of Gall- *titles in. jertiesTeritEeandmotrr teeglienn' lee, which is the sea- ef Nemo) of poihrlatiout The flab. thieelittien Dor; is also, we may add; 't•ho sea , of Gen.. bad were probably dried,. nesax,et, zon ,cht only evango.„ Iva liotWeen '011ie and• thie Verse lun 0 tenet inetert the history of the day'e. who gives, it the name Tiberias, though teltObing as given, by the other evange- Thbe"crty"acaTlitiribasl, f7o4mtn:wehwiebrittehrisi; iiiie.t;vrT11431.4. was 141"11 'grass the eifig(a reicatelinprIlur, anfat later mime ef the lake. was doriVed, time the gratis in the eastern lowlands WOO the capital of liferod Antipas,' and and on the hillaidee is mint abundant'. betacirtlotnit:Ilects400tirth9vvrebeitffee;terhoear,e0thaaexrog_d Make the Men eit down. The Revised Version has 'Ipoople,4- We learn that they' wore ordered to group themselves .man emperor Tibiriuo, during: °Ur Idav- in companies of fifty and hundred on lour's lifetime, but* if we are to, follow the grass, and 80 the ..entire tneuue:34rt* ancient Christian chronology, not he.. fern AO. 29; 'Whieh is the year When theMWas ono of our Zord's purposes in th=t17. %rat tc;a. the miraole of ivhielt4we are MU'. abinat Malting them , but there was iin- oteityetputi!Towearstaparwobaashblyalwitratailugthhte; .ivhTihme, Other, of such"eOnsequence that we Might WO it as the text,for a homily not only to our, younger-130°4ra bat of an ..gastern deSpot,. and, probabir to many •adutt' Christians. •One of 'the most serious faults:tate age is that People will tot sit down and 'calmly discuss ,eternal q.uestione.• The world wee, neyer so highly eivilixed' at now, .1ttit aiso, it was neVer;nearlY, So incon- siderate es now. Men grain down their opinions. swallow ,;their newepapers' judgment and perhaps their Ministers', and seldom think for themselves, Hu- inanly speaking, our Lord timid not effectively have worked .this miracle if the people bad not sit down, See Thoughts for YoUng People. 11, When -lie had'given thanke, There is no reeord of our Eord ever. eating Without formal thanksgiving. If we ean learn, frore Eaetern customs nOW, what he said was„ " May God bless 'what he' hes given US." He distributed to the diseipIes and the diseiplee to them that were, set doWn, 'would treat itriree, 0,re,a),,!-- 17 - Wee &boat to treat Ahem spiritual' 12. Gather up the 'fragments.: Not whet was left bY, the peon* but the ipieces rernaining.in the disciples' hands at the close of the meal. That noth- ing be lost: From this We may feirly Assume that the foOd afterward was used by the.tvielve, OUr'Ltird did not maintain apostles byt. iniraculons in- terventiOn. ' 13. Tevelve baskets.: Wicker baskets, sueh as ancient Jews- carried., while traveling, one for each', apoStle, . 14, ThoSe men., '"The people:''' Zed - seen the -.miracle. that Teens ' It reminded: them of the giving :of manna by Armee, .That Prephet, The Pro- phet foreteId by Moses in Dent, 18.45, often identified , with ' the MeSsioh.: See 'Acts 3. 37. That should ,eome :inte the world. ,One of the inost,pepu- lar rheitiee of the 'promised Messiah was ,the Canting One. Here. was a yeung ''Man directly descended, .froin David, vire in chetacter, kind to his fellows, speaking. as never Men snoke; "ea. -do- ing deeds that Made all the world wore - der, Up la Tiberiagi or in Scone. other capital, if Tiherias was 'oot yet buiit, was old Herod ..kntipas, licentiOtk Murderbus, tyrannous 'and feeble. Why not burl the old tyraiit from his throne and crown •,,lesus of Nazareth, •the one true Galilean who was a deatendant of David, in hie, stead.?" So ready were the twelve te-secOnd thie nuatitred- inthusia,sril that Jesus had -to "Com - Pel" them to _return by "waive. while .he calm/4;th° excited crowd. • . table:3. They drank their wine. from aseP awaY.. , most loathsome. and infeetions dia. Inconvenience to themselveS or to the chalices, that had glittered the ban.. Pat 1 find a InOre striking Illustra- , • • people the leave or to the eo le eases, daik. and unventilated, and mut- P P •tioir-Of-r-my -Subjeet, at any rate; it is, d. • . .t b '1 among ' whom-they-gor-2. The great annual. feasts of the .Toves familiarized the people With a steady procession of hundreds of thousands southward to, ,capital. eityi and a little later north, ward,. ' So that it has been estimated that nearly one fifth of the Jewish population of the Rely: Land. took up its pilgrimage once or twide a year. 3. Rerod, the tetrarch of Galilee, had nmay turbulent people to govern. Most of hisprovince was inert if not loyal, but there *ere 'outbreaks and' ,rebel. hons almost every month. And atound eatili new gelf-appointed *deliverer scores or hundreds or thousands of peoRle. gathered,' so that .a term appli- ed xn Eutope to standing , armies -on the -eve of. war might be applied -to Herod's entire douttnion; -tbec,..people in spite ,of disorganization, were w sort ot ready mobilization. Pecaus0 they smells ‘nitiradles which be did on thena that' were diseased. ;Neatly of these. miraeles are recorded nythe bther gospels... All the deeire for, phy-, steal benefit end the it:chino curiosity which would -bring suet) a • wonder - 'worker int° 011 de .popularity at the graceful. Rho is but 18 year; ot age. 1, paszengers on' a re,cent trip to ,00.nton, •The national fete was intended to mark resent time pte.vailed. then in GA., e-ied-' at Do sine several .014,:w e•sra• e orf um progress of Fr-o,noe sod the. een_ quets of a century. They sat in antiqup eha,irs, in which 101.413" MEM hacilioing- mere, impressive to ray own mind, when - `',' " the many• scenes of thaeliase, in which, physical •earth. ,Dc: .you 'know that the changing - shape of this -8avage as till' :Prison sistem.4itself. of disease, -generally without the most . ed, looking at .the walls, papered' with ' I look at Prisoners are. era -into these hotbeds . their amoeitos ta4 .1:dinlified . with 'even the mountains on the back of a bite the ' farcical ,pretense of a trial, to die end sounding born, a4d. baying bows; luct4 thousand streams arc leaping rOt if 'their crimes are light, or their . brok4a,,attlere, They were ,piaised.7 . valley / . The Alleghenies are dying l '. they were sciught after. other .vehielee The deWs, with' crystalline mallet,, are penreebt38187.-bntrrttneit .1120,,t.gollemrY:iswetyheorr o.aure., halted to lettheirs pass, and to their hammering aWey the rooks. . So wbeit other. StarVing Merely, is tcio ,goOd• hauthty, look men. bowed. eheequieheiv kola .saY. any thing is ''ae lirrn 'as. a for them hi .t4o.opinion of -the authori- and danced arceind them with flatter- ;1°•;kyl.cl-ayroitis esaigyginnogtrgitsSillfiaagetatiraicke:r:: tieS; ' • *' ''''' : ' •,. ing attentions. Where are those. font- plunge.' , The fiea all around the •earth. Not' king agO a 'Merchant' who had ilies-now 1, Sinue og them, r am glad to: On its shifting shOres ie making mighty cl-al'ecl to ele$111 Palment' $er Steeds •sep- . Vg.jittlireiiranatel:teafiegirhetreayen'ellteuanagheed; atiacif changes in bar. and bar* Intl trt"1; and' Poffliciodiatls4, aWaisrlectotd ollittnpiti0stontiWeithe°uoUtt 'digester. But where 'are the mese of Proniontory. Seine de ' the Old sea7 trial, and after sUffering torments in themy shau r toll you.theliteiy ci The, (meets . are• midland now„ off Nom- ' coat of arMS iS lost. The pictiares and tooket, eight feet bele* laviqvater mark -the mild* of a • mass of diseased: hu- manity for 'Months, was 'taken: out, the golden -urn long ego went- to the are. found tow the itutills of treed; ' into a barret fitted with long showing that the waves are conqUering 610011 and. rolled down a high steep auctioneer's romps.. rfallat'ho airy, toad lthe land. Parts if Neva *oda are 'Mikes , grand, haye beet:MI6 hill. The barrel eventually plunged a hest of brokers' sinking.-- Shine to:day Sail over What, ' OhOPS• lie toeS Along the street brok- only., a little while ago, was solid into the sea with itil torn and mangled .and eune-bloesoMs on...,the jastrelle oe 4411•Wd.' • Near the mouth Of the St. -cargo-% imPrisonment, torture and en- doWn 'with diselpatiena.buttons.oft' death tor darting to present big bill. ...that great, ;house. Ili that old ailt... Croit River, is an island which, in the _ ... ,e' chair; -that went downhito the rookery; eraertaeimntr:ot4)attittilleg. e-allilh';'thise sitaocwe loYt ,bthuet ; . - . - . . .. . in e pm ures, whose torn canvas was earth changing--;hhanging. In 1881, mil , . pitched' into 'the :garret rubbis,h; in ' is/and skings ap.in theMediterrenean ' . .. . . ' ';•-•,.. • . ew the sailors Treated a • churlish 'r 'lordly "step of the - proprietor for -the' under. the observation cif the American u GETTING nvgit. those- . that have exchanged. the Sea- • In IBM another. island. comes up • • • • shuffling feet of bargain makers, X hear consul as he looks off 'ilrom -the beech, cc/Lehman. ie voice, loud, and deep, sounding aboVe" The earth all the-tinie changing, the: ..'It IS nbt always easiY,Io' tannish. a , - ; let, ''.!,Tli, e fashiduef this 'world passeth :that" the water, has. risen nine feet, London .papo tells bow a bciet-load of -• tanions grotind on. the ziOrthern Shore He goes, farther in his dodictions article "the') te indicate 'the .inoun- - . away I" - ..-- • - - . • ,; , '. ebove the plate:if-was When ' those • 01--' wkoh, they eaid contain/ad, food,,N. Vii*r Sa likeivise.'f hatit:been With alibi- ' Janine Weraput. down. Changing I Our 8641°M 61.1 'ithore'leave fteln. e'bianrat- of the lake. and (mg: ot. the Xertlan, the. steatner was nearing Chat par,i aid. declares that. ,ten men ' -working. eight hours a day couldnattire,at least - . man ochieveMenta The bridge that Odorado•RiVeri Oxide Vaster than the Witr,. did ..ft goode•naturedly lind Ivtli:' '.1 lilitstertittindt°6rstittitenrirg 1 ittti4-:Ilvt(Ore :fehdetregtt:eititbsr. clk° TtIlii*:irdhlianressejui' aeaLpectallint-' nc,....10 exposures each during that time, : -.taxed -the brain. of the architect, no• AlissItisitipi, flowing through the great out violence: .,, . • '',, : which would represent' 7,500,0P,0 copiee. • More crosses the Stream • • b t th American desert Which was then an ; . , As they journeyed up the roadway 74.a.g. .wslat bjitge,biboydfooettidpiitteEt Xnaerta64.- got one Of, thtt re-Volt:era, aiiii.atuid a', rineentle school-boysitit Ian the.ertimb.. 'Eden of lukuriance, hits now dwindled- managers, and as a •mOdel for:artists, IL day, wineh could be ideieloPed, fix-•• . wasited aria' dried within Oaa into the Cornish village; a gentleman's taken. thent aside for private instrim- volley. of . hutlete retreated: in' tio the Mlle. Curet is deetined to reign fer a. ed. ,, ling al:Mtn:lents making rhymes about to a • Oroa.11 stream 'creeping : 'iloWil . GUNS CONDEALED JAM* • , • cainese Pirates Rob' a steamer and Atli ' • . . , gang of piratee bciarded the river steamer Chuug On, at' Woohow„ as that the Ark engitestion Of PrInting pointmente aa supervisore of the rail. _by th,e use of tio, x rim came 000 c,wrtotylit sot9eutaioanest,o re, TIthaesyw erree Ile iuyee8tri oenpoart , Pre!. B,Iihu Thomson two Years al" Gentian and English, pail eat trains in *.men. ne :Mowed that nialtiple ?ilia- ttlleamw.Mahtingey41:rte'sr'mthltgbetilde:tiltio7:1*-1- ' 4.7."Pil" "1" !" 471t: 044 Wae "741 at the departnre of 0044 and tele- vu.e; these he called ekia.grapiri. The graph the departures of the next eta. s'xiJerhuent showed that MOO than e. ernment tacgraph operatora ea well sulg a sheet of teem z • paper Wen ae UAW@ et posttnaStors end ixiggage- be affected by the rays when laid one ' men. . utiOn the other. * There were there, however,' many objectiens to the pre. . Mine. Patti has beconze a naturalized ' Sritash subject. 'ate is interesting "Ifs' which 14% 119116 dealart"". ' !rem the feet that the "'nationality" of been nvernaMem en4 neW' he ' Male. -tho queen of stieg•it AS complicated .4 tY13erafliWre4thY Is /I° 4 *6°4'64°4 matter as might eier be brought be- drearn' hut * ' fore a.eop.rt to be Unraveled, Patti . A PTIAOTICtiDheLtum.7.7CODD educated' by an American stepptthe.r in was born in Spain, pf Italian parentsc. whiehwiii .-- "ilak overcoMe thebest and 1,,a,bor ' `Ill e of . , . the 'United States, married tvoce wider a coMPoeition, English law in England tO French sub- btriking off copies, and .ieets• ae* luks been for manY Yetkres 4 'work a septet. Trani 1 printer ; . 6 resident. and toed ownsr in., %Valeii. It ,. i.„ , - ts....prohehly anztety as to. wh.,,t; might va.uaoie Riot 'net toi. We overleoked be ' 4htharitspvReesn,aaminintoalevh.trItteaxt.ttifliebsieletdycerreeteprieeliaacyaviiihriecombr lidiatplitnetizaattitioocns-b,deetiotto7por.e43.454::ioktirerliptthetel4:1,", czeetni aliegianee to the English queeo, ' . . i I .. , flat appear In type eharactere; blot can :41, Enna:Man whose schoplof grace be Writtan• ' Permitting* the actual re: - and beauty has. become World-famous, Production Of the original: wasfoOd of writing and preaching and The ink to be used la .flret taken . PraYing again;st . the Unthinking way 111) bY 'Dr. Holle. He aaya. a suitable . . _ most beautifui women . wear jewels. tvritmg ink Would be composed of 0134 beautiful, • tapering fingers can red lead, powdered gum arable, glycer- atford-to be laden ‘with jewels, he said, ins, and water' to make proner r seta- . and the, clasping at a necklace errand Hon, For tYpe work a semi -fluid mii- any bui the fairest throict he' thought turt-of red lead., potassium bromide, -. filineexptxatemhees?wre.a6reh ti)0113°eatrid4igette48:1e4t86' Pallaiditegl4nerldifiebealdTieicanblte. tTobenlsoakleal4 as. • tadeejtaci:entirbeaenandetyieneteot. toThdiee.,betrryt,.eetti cou, however, only- varroit of whi.te, , -61iiii,ved," but made ' conspicuous :14 1,, -.Selif' .`"iintatty's9uk.wiiieb . will-. - eWlittthterotlitng.anybaour:lamenes, waste in_aniii.iutopseleapgan:: ,pte:Int iotuoaf bbilaeachk booicahrgarooteuread,onthaerewf4otr: , "sight. 01 diamonds, placed in the ears . . . - ot,..somar thc,,, rs,oe ot a."ii.ow er worried_ oacirground must De used. ' , Efiehro- . • looking, Wom.en, the aesthetic Prvicii. matlzed mucilage, which has not be'en.,' . .., - man could find no words.to express his exposed, to 'light pritrions, to its flee,. may be retained, is suggested for •the .., • • - diSaPproval. lie eould not conceive, in, oder thoi its non*dlierent propertY • eVoli in the faze of ocular'evidence, of any woman being so recklexe and so . , , • b:linci to her ovvn. interesta • meriting. The, 'flatty " ink then ap- , . plied with a roller Will adhere' to the• Lady Alice Montagn, the English unwritten snrface Of the paper, leer - beauty who will spend the winter tn Ina; the letters uncovered or, free for Neiv York, is one. Of the. twin .claugh- the pnetration of the X-rays. tors of the beautiful Consuelo,".Thich- Another- Method of Preparing the. phototYPe would be to print .or wrtte ea.Sdloa'fix*Olaland, eta*airit'ath% bSehileasw:7 ttl)11 mp:sati: -the text :with an adhesive or *mei!, , eginons ink• and then d,ust it otrer.with - i•Aondon Aeolian, ond is exquisitely *prat- some opaque metallic powdee stud& as. ty. •• 'ller mother ,.Coneuelo,: le of biniodide 4 ineroull, zinc. "ide; Mr Spanish-American ' descent, and' eA ii lead ail.4e;•ar.the-Jettere MaY" be wrib'r ' . Syhoune gwasiv°gInraealitryasadina giroeidgeborthbeeaulatite. =tinder of' the surface being dusted ten •with the nen-metallic ink, the .re. oheiard.lelpfrtohtuitegehplirtnesencills:etr:..yitioVeimid7D. ubTciliesse' iweetott . iirvinnug09'.a17,FsillkilitlelIxtgitilPatmonlediveh°iPtle.htahous:Jr- • two dukes of Manchester introdtwed :THE PApkit,, . foreign blood int() the line of Zik(011.. - - dtagukt•Tated giaerandmaiataotrhaeriaeaf ilthaeaepveerannt.. sittzteerpattee;eocfni lawlirieehparitediathtea sebne-. $ahlide isis nctroWan'tdhdeanusicetesset °oft pt heev ofnasmhoi rues, Printed Is *ado into what Dr' 'll'Abt. calls a seaaa-bloek,. Whioh contains tint in tbe*oinsule. and at Waterloo. to 100 -sheets.. It is. then ale 0 or clanaped, into a formitensit zed .idde• Vint Altenis who fought With Welling- . '" -.' . - -I' .1tr-----.-!-.... .. _ iusi),111),P°7-4neing-n "Ich-titpil,e aen°17.16it tiihu°stats4-Ds. X116., Ernestine Corot, who warebos-- 4-etteed to thn,acitrien.utnall- X reyeiv, en to represent the Muse of Paris in for Ordinary printing at a distance of . the gr44 flatten." fete' ie by' Pr*.fes` irlart is' tetnurtnoed.mo*ffteeafilteirneahnetrol'ohsonrceof 4 . sian a 33ailliaan,, Sh6 ..Vian ehasen as ahont-.10 or "12 seconda, and fhe bleier the. most • beautiful woman io a ,corct- taken b2t0 a dark roma, for developing,. petition,*nieli >Wee open to sukirenoe,. With all, the -difficulties of pwr ink. • Curot's beauty is:typically Par- anparatus, etc„ overcome,: Dr. 'Celle Wan., pho has blonde hair ea large dark . eyes. , :Her nese is slightly rt. around one X ray tuba which wonld 50 sheet; of paper, might be arianged says, 20 sense -blocks, each containing- tr°usi3e; ger lignr° reunue give 1,000 conies eVolry 10 seconds • of exposure. This would give.8,000 copies per • minute,. and. if ten tithes were. used 60,000 copies could be mode in 3', Jesus went up into a mountain. boa.rd. They-haa revolvers and am- = n s driay and auctioneer'a mai* columns of a temple. near Inzolt show boor without losing one's temperi but a The, Revised 'Version useathe definite munition concealed • in ' earthenare one hour at a • : . .tenary Michelet, the great reveln- tionery historiatn, who celebrated the, glories. of work, and it waet fitting that the 'little milliner should have been chosen , as the muse_ of Paris. M11 Curot was pronouneed the *test at- trective• figure in. ths avhole fete, and she is now in demand by theotrical NOMINA.I.' COST •Or ornttiamit the mutation of all earthly things.- To through a gorge: The earth itself, vvagonette pasSed, bne of the earn tiorn , . pilot -braise, . • -time as the Parisian goddess of beauty working del*. • • • in succeesion of -Llano de Pcrigy and • the strueture that' once Munied the ; that. wee once, vapor,. afterward weter teougetiessiy 3-umgea oe -the,'.atep 13' 0.. w.4'. "X. a lia•-'eaver . .. was eigh:` '•no Was leaning out. of. the ...window Piero de Ateriule; that of . the. ades'aitages, Of 'the airo-•: • ease,: it ie. claireed; is •that the copy . mili-wright many sleeplees /lights, the i ,---nothing but water -afterward niolten • hi„s • - . . . loch. may -account for • the presence waiting for the .. piretes to. apnear; . lisfore it .is developed might, be en;., . . A ' 'Olt nO More• brings hit& grist. , 3hu rook, cooling oft through the ages on- :-. . ., ,- • of numbers of the ;people; • A. feast . Of When. ; one eneaked, around the cerner - closed in a sealed, 'light -proof envoi:- ' old wheel,. broken and ;covered with. ell Plants might live, ' and,'Auienale . OA orf theref shouted the coach- the Jews. Vera es- another _sentence of the•antot-hove, grabbed the pistol, It ha. gclierelli7-7-"su Poir',..d . that . the ope,...to be", developed by. the reeefeer, __ iitream weedsE'llO. more dashes the - nionetain might -live. atur Iden'migift live, 'httilg". man? and'liebig to foam, The, fine house, ,that : ing, all the while; rioiv erumblitg, tow', fellow; he lashed...the 'Bailor vicienali- i-..6hutlish Sort 'of whieh Avenel, only be inseeted:byarean tied wounded him,' Then. the. gang . heeiteraieidalCiaotionot .raofo- . ronralnanntart .atlires Re th'ht it Wouid.be impossible: for ther- '- overshadowed, all .the others • tor :the breaking off. .The shn,,,burning down across the tact:. Witlr,his w.hip. 'That who was Writing fOr Geatilee, and here took the captain on. de* and emptied again the definite article :is Used in the si4. chanahers- of . e, 'revolver bit° his - -- ' . contents to be knoWn by any One but greatly responsible for .that terrible. the writer and the reeipient. Xt he ' ' 'hleeh' new' etembleal-tife.-41Mili 'whiz; trodtiallf-ba;-its-socket.-•-• • Changingi. wee. eiirniab.._..._ ... , „ . . _ ,*[ Revised Version. It was "the feast;' breast, after whieh• 'they . cut off two ''' , _ touggested further that- seine. seeret . • , d.„ owiltnes, and old-time. roof, And tut-•, chang.ing I an intimation 6f the• last In' an instant th-e othei eleVe-ii binhs lot' while diced Were „other amine; fee. Si**ers and - two toes. - Tivre ',Of -::: the •nnriaorausc6pr,,,triteite.7mnevir''au;wtooruitieLt,;:--th„Batutt.h.i.; ProCese of -seneitiVe pepet Makingend • 0 ' -littkoso stain, •seenkritelit sorroW, to. great change .ti) :come ()Vet the world , had °lose& round • and stopped the trap; thrills., .there ivIts none' that • at ail are,. -erew were !wounded... ' gra Atafteraennutbael aloveloping: might be 'suggested to be • • ssY,, ok for those days ' when people infused • into the. mind of the' heathen the, :-boitswain's---;',utate ianudeomiteninatniodn. Pgritetreheed.higin i. einarPtewret....wtheieSh paTaliseengpLras'es then went throagb the. , teking all valuables, And ' - • °. • girl I the'period whom the late Mrs , .. • Used for copies.sent by special envoys, passing here. would excIiiith., a,ar,b6 who' has never 'seen: the Bible.. ' The "Tention I" dried he, • lives: there f" Many ef' the hookn'that Ritidoos believe- that Bramalt, the erea- there was. "Dismonnt the gun I". be passever. gangs of -leborers were 'busy ' oyen .eiripping , 0300 vietime of ,u e• -e - I.Ynn. Linton s,o' thercileally , attacked, spies, secret messongera, ete., which it .. • .*, Vete. PoPiller" in tbn • libraries forty -tor once made all things, . He created shouted, ;on& it: seemtui .. es if every in all Parts of the. country making .ohatheS theY Were wearbag. Thetieft . and. the. "revolting da.eghter" -of • to- °Potted by iiiiY one' but the right 'per:, .. Yeare ago. are -now gone-gOne down in,. the'. water, then moved aver the water. bluejacket. carried a Whole carpenter's ready -,the. 'roads and repairing%the the Ateamer At So Kee, - ' ' de/ ,are hot nate reflexes Of the ”lio0,-; . . Win *Mild contairi. nothing hut blenk rim in little 'groins from the Various. c .f_ were. no 'or* gradu.s.t6s". then, and We ' e c (mit y 'n . ' ore PaPer. wht$h one daceeloper, the composition of would rdepoad .enly to • • • '''. to ths teller, .gone into -the garret, or out of 'it lifted the. land, ' iftew the. outfit , .btidges. And: men,: Women, and. chit& 1..4 pas4engers were afraid to gd on 4 , ... stand begging on the. hook'stand ot the Plants, . and enixnals, and. men 'on it.' - In three minutes. the'y had taken the to ntori, and• tine steamier put into • 1 5. Zeicas then lifted up hit eye ' it- ' ' . ' ----..---' ' pollee eouid be are, always being told ho* girls were Which might be a government secret. ' ed themselvee in those days; yet it ' . Street corner, or sleep. their- last sleep' Out of 'his eye went' the snit. Out of Wagonette rnto One hundred and toti'ns joined con:malty Until. great. etir. - e ports before* heought up, and hoW women oothport- -, ----; -..."---- '' • . in . the antiquarian's' library, Not his lips went. the fite. Out of his ear :seventy-two p'eceil, and that Without so iivane Were-forthed, • 0 „ found who dared to' take up the Chase. • • ,kneWing *here they tread, the Teitny- ' Went the ait. Then •Driimah• ninth' as acraitchings. one bit of paiet poete, ticking 1#:store:I the lihvaties. of million, yeare. Aftee that, they say; road and the ixattelVain's niate after Our • . . facts friimall four evengeliats we ' ° nemerees nr ' ' 'In er " n e" the c - b ree drank. champagne .freely. . They hart .01111; hear. about transmigration /. " , AN MAI, laid down te sleep four thous- or losing -a solitary sotevre •They laid • .............,-. .______ seas, and Lorigfellows, and: Itarierofts, ting on the' emiluded, hillside, he 7 ea* . . loans theisellionness's drove and, rode, , . . *alk Over the grate* of histerians end arid'. .three heindred „pond twenty them all. ota neatly on • the. stony 'the gathering crowd& And it wo kain ,,:_."(.T.ggit. BELICE'S Al3GETT SEVH14'. - smoked, ,fenited, shot,. betted, rowed dad _ Mike, said Plodding Pete; did you , the, world, mounting. up on laddera.vf h6 Will wake up, and. then the werld inspeetinte'the joh, eried, "Good! Dis4 te:yttraetr.ilidetfillratttrekseedzilretzec Sitipallt,r e I310:1trereartooiri0! apt te onmatntiyir weoetevedn rtihiat : . " :shelves Until they , plant their 'batter- 'will be Vestroyi-..0,.atidt,:he will Make it wear - . , ' nee vet on th•lir little dinters, and they . in it. tit,i.r suaiking-loama they prided theni- •_,- Yon.: But X don't take :any stook ' heights of knoWledge, The great lib., on it; then lying .cloWn 'again te eleOP . all day long, and that he worked the Vblutne, ut we. irial Mentton a feW of husbands' andchildren, if they possess; I like to' t'ink about it. jes' imagine I ;. h 1 did tot bother themselves about their I 'spose it'S too good to be true: Put , fete of light and truth on ' the ,very ever again, bringing up. creator -ea up-, • then 'detioete0 and taught, and healed , . relies at the Vatican, and in -Munich, four thouhend three -hundred and . ' miracle" in the e.Vening, Como -unto . . .-2.130 OVEEN ILEGENT; - them,- Pronitke.very earliest ages the ,ed these uripeniments, But they .did -*akin' up an' diseliverin!' dat you ye . luta Dreittdeo, are only the Westminster twenty, million yeare, them we kin -4,' ini: _ . .,.. • .„ . hini. aiming toward. hi.M. an .aaith seven. great. Plante were known and . hurtedt - The' tooth et Tillie ie gnOW" Oen . and demolition ;Mowing' , each extreinely simple life, rising at 7 and Philip le not recorded. by th Abbeya In whioh tool books We been and. dextroying the world again-erea- '.1:ho• Queen Regent of olsoinrieada on tint° Phalli. Ilis etotiVeritatio: aVatailt. ,,P..0,164 ..th,ise'yfentiod,mbatel: let.staeldveiinietroae, !tit_ , r not disdain- dress; Happily, 'there turned into a brewery. fUll a' -pipe Were Ito divided ekirte and. other blab.' Rees an'. machinery to keep de haver- ish eeeentrieities- in, thelie ,xlayli. ' - age constantly fresh! • ....,—. , ing away at reputation • that. it . wet other, until after three hundred ' and retiring ta, rest' at II., She „ weds little :evatgellitS. It hao been suggested 4 ' and til i euppolied contd. never be deranged. :or tveentY aleeOe.'eaeh one of these slum- Icilf society. Most of her time is taken ' teat Philip watt epoketi to because he ' ery. conetable matter that concern• ; 'This is the season in Ilium. when lyils,S.DP KS ptat011 .,. , lest; Ilook-worpas Are boring down, here roily thOtleand. three lanndred end _p, ill Mations ranuittitatitins With her may have been tire cornessary of ...the et1 mart. n '. ' ' MN ' ASV I, ere are eeven days, in tihe et the °ter and czarina are holdbag ini- through the paisage that WW1 eXpeet- Went,' Million. years. long, pr.:31111th MinisterS, and When she has half ,an grotipe ati, Judea ,was.,.th;* .rettsurer, , rm!oc' '',!"11",),!;:r.,11.,lee 1.1e Mise de Pink, who wants a littfti in- . at r , esc,,,eitandelei ,Perkil court, which will last until the noeent powder for, her complexic6-. 'od to baitnlitortal, white those old airt• will wake ttp and, die, and the universe tour-it9 lire.it is neualiy spent With The Alieetiori iteelf intheetes net tutly he 'roster litious authors' or their, spirite. eeettr: Will die. with.. hilt---ttia intireatiori, er child en., . ' , . n 00 iteral responeibility our' tord felt t . In and the world in wehrlical,,, ' 1 iningkidfht seaatsohen :1:1:,*)Ittzbaa'7iii2D' theft way out into the .eunlight, with. f earth spoken of in the Iliiiile. ' Rut I ... ....' - .* • Intuit in being so ea 6 i ''''' . eribed by Dante the gieat pagan:dead r way tom. cabs* a raelialadta,,Yecdeitivr; Ihttre 'you any--,ara*.infant /yewt.lerf ' wandering in and down the aisles of through very faint, of :. the. great , ' , • .. ' , - .. • --- - .• ,, ftrutditz Illfoartstoalglit, sa_freetayt oef_thaer-intatia.,1- , . reilvi°esr, til.tT.liore were seven t . Druggist's New lioy-We are\ ,;ust , the itational• library, tumble to .find change. to , eon:, upon this physteal; . tleezog, revoitog heaVens, and in `the uniler world *lea- - tlOtable,S, Arta each evening at dinner 'ad ) Ina.-- -' ' am but If yon'll leave yottr address I'll get it tit you. 044. .,. ekeleton finger:el fumhlieg the. vener-.1 while 13ramelt 'May • Sleep, our 'God ! in forir hours recently' a Paris. Couet S.. ,leening , ftecohltoodatious were.. not who were not good eneugh for heaven - she must wesr full .dress And clirie In New Roy, a few hours later-Eoes , ebIs seat, arid. with trembling voice never elumbers nor sleeps,' - and the granted 204 divorees. a little evet a Darn te Mundy for that Ample people in ' , . .. Or bed enough: for hell reposed in a are immense state dining hall, with the Niiss tie Pink live- beret • - . .....0e,SM.,.ing te ear,. ','Oene and forgottenlo , heavelut shall pass Away -With a great di, ro. a tre. ote Ali tit a t. • a Climate so pleasant in the re ti., in . - • la p r tee re- oat. ' woe' old IssileseiMers, Who spent .intush ;beige , and. the - eleMenta • shall tnelt . There are SeVett colours in the *ea. het' At thee season she ean reoeive - -e% _ . -.,,,,4 0 3 Y • : Mr. Nieefello--11eti, thjs iethe Lou 6. IV` it• Boy-...*Tusf. oi ' in ain't ea' sprieg of 861+60 -Walled and ' Seyen-gated plty. tear end her, lords rirtd ladies about . tricity, are meetly , forgotten. Tine° ., ell ' things that aro therein' shall be so t a 11` Voroed Csos ere ne.. h t the' di,' : t th .'±' 0.1skille.'he taid to 'Prove him-. . TO ' ' '' * — ' Mr 4N*eefello--- r els mY 130* I am go - test hie faith and to train it. of their Wile in tinkering with °Teo- 1Wite.*fervent heat, and the eerth and .'t eived tette. assistaAce in their eases; • trum and SAVO:* beteg in the •ditttonie her relatives., though it is not etiquette' . 1 :aitilVe, and the " ieading '' note or the !for her to dci eo at other times. Ens. ltigetctv). unilaicate.i,,ra in' a hurry, follows right atter og ttoralleY' but :bUteeti, up. . ' - : • . ! thing, . • • • . , .1 . - . ' • 7; Two • hundred pennyworth.. - of :: ., . 0 . . stale is the seventh, ' Ds it noted that sia and the (=kr are suppoled treclaim _...14 ;BOY With ehaelier ohleel ind etronger hand:,1 *Veit" tale Annie Otte lit the ittu114",'' . n ,, ..„. n,......_-_, 7,n,„ n •,,, n ' _bread, Two. hundred 4r.naril, The the, heVeritig eon la ,net illeliYe gifted the attention of the. ezarina,, 'except batted)* te, places the monumente, end Nine, uit that be se; if the world lege*. ' ..' ' powers. In Pertugat during boort months. At present the rtease give -ler thlit package, It's: tome - the sercoplutgue, .and -the pyramies.fing from one Chanlid to another; 'if the :, , wiliturr Or Norms; ' . - ,detittriu*3 vfixs a • Roman dela worth, with beneficent : - &bent eightpenee half penny-4bat le. he 'le believed to be Subjeet to. the Prineess *fay, of Pruesia, the, kaisers ' * thing for ter baby., Zerd, and •equire ' duke . end thiehess„ 1 fashion of thiS Worldi is Passing *WO. • . •.. ,-.• about seviseteen cents: Two imitated powers of darkness,' and to be. bow-, ,sieter, is visiting theesarina, with her . Tian pIRST B01131,-.:-.,., _ • ear/ and viseounat, baron and knight, I then what is the uie.of My toilitN•fOr '.1)Settkreldenft,knOW-Vvhatla-the Mat* pennyworth would turtotint to' :about: .pelleti every Saturday -evening...10.as-, 'two: -children. The two 'young wo- - , 1, are Shaeng.the Aata tate V,Ith tatVell lite betterMent," -That le tit. point on '. tor with me. X cant sleap at night& thirty.foUr .d0114113, whiehl• holtosiv isInale the likeness of alt asii. operative, tett' Nantucket whilenian,lwitielt I want to guard you. X do not ' nove." " . • -.., e would have. a -far greeter purchasing ...• ' .----- =._ . - . Henry, walk daily in. *the gardens of . men; the &wins, - and' the' Pralcesit Young Father-1,am awaited, ehooke ed, nay dear. to hear you. say you in* and SernittOrt coal -heaver. reather ,' want .you: to booms mittar,tthrople. it OW itet'e see. What le your bliid, power in that age. awl iu that oritiotty . .- 4111111$S1 coMM:grt,601 • • , tlie pale& of ZaVidia, hut etiquette and ' and crest, afar and .epaulet, and clock.!'litt a greet and - glorious, world. if hetet . ' - •I • than with us now, . * , „,. tend to give the belly some paregoric the neceasary prat:0%111one will not tu.. Don't ott blow rafotrodo faaptual, au tole sharing the Seine fete with eh062,0briat contd. afford to -vend thirty* . PM; lt'WhilitAvittolunan. • ,d, Andrew. Sircion Peter's brother. - ' Int MattY Yearn ail the quinine of ;ow thorn to stsp u s Makees. lamt and blaektiraithli iinrOtt. i'Daree Yeare int it for its redemption, . A.h, your Jigs.- Is a; remarkable- toe!. Who, it -will be• remembered, was anti oombaeree came from the• wild treeS gran -rule. . When they °drtivIde4it Ye thbe-e. - So has it also been With great cities,' then you Can afford•to toll and pray I Musk write it no 'for env monthly" , of the first two to folk* Josue. Aft.- a Porxt• buewith the Prebent greet ile*• hind a, pair of crearn-oolored horses that are kePt going at a certain rapid regretting, ' .1%11 tltrttligit,s ?etleifftirts hthlit Itliiit$ 11.11: etroys the nerves and producee rickets, ' Where le llineftek, the' blossoming fOr the betterment of the ratlitOOttli; end Medleal 'Record. , eplendor of the. Assyrian onnstre, all .for the bringing on of that glorious ,, . .......... . _et Philip's answer we are told b?r,. , Mark that.OUr Lord gala, -what a : ms,Ixtt the retinal Divan* onteined.. eonettoptinn, insanity and Mee,. tO aveid the danger. of the *seas- deetee freed the wild trees af its natiVe liab- be ' • h , • a knife.. V e osterina rand obeerve 'nations driving their OttraVens into her :OA* When i41 ppitt, ahall eee the Sal- Tlig igiat,ros tuenrE*Esek 05,,E. ,bere omitted, "Give ye them to eat,'" '-- ., Young Nrother-,-Ilorrotsi X *Well it:roots T Oity of preelOne etnnee,..jae. Yation of god, "While, there/Ore, I` - and that the ,Rpostlas exclaimed in itat would supply but a Mali propor. 411 eourt traditions, and live with a • -heard a word about that. i won't glee r, and chryeopraime, end chalcedony; went to guard ' Yeti against roisenth. The della:et .hole in the earth Is near :aurprise, in :modern ova,loolony, . ' tion of the world's zequirelktente. At stately formality almost inset ferable to. the little dneky darlitig a atop rid* er fountathe tossing up into batins Top* notions Its reepeet to tide 'subject the present time two thirds of the a stranger. Notwithetanding its atiff- ' . • Itetaiihen. aerinany. it. is' ii,ifili feet "Shell- we go mid buy thirty*four Col- indsol Put ' lhi t be ' Of alabaster* end Uniidat elcitileite , X birre pre -Muted, I ,went yeu te take in depth; and le for geological ',re- Aare" worth' Of bread," Where, could 'quinine tilAd la Pratteed halo:fa/ an hens, the lestirins0 fernastlY It Gerrnarl- - to stop his yelling. You carry hitit * world plistiing through her Street.), lie e poor -foundation to bulki•en, .it is ba 18110, and stopporakt yetre later be. Then *Teens said, ' H dation' ; the- wealth end POMP of the ' tide thought Mine With youf The world' swab, only. Ths 'drilling wiu begun they get the 11101!Oyaltter Ittaflyfraavital eerreeptaldint elettly 10 gat tO CU elan etiquette, and heti been verY . rathot, After an Pour's stitiady statalu leland of the East Indian A.r loin linglisit *how, takes kindly to Rue. white. strolling through heir galleries of Artois dYluit world. The shifting . and havitin with it rawly features happy slate her admitstion to the royal' ing with, -the equetAng infant. -who* Mintel mart* the engineers wisre.Unitble With have yen f go artd sem"' And. Andrew shouting 1st her intaPhitheatree,„ milli. aud the changing, 'sande ars clay 1 their iniitrrtMente to 'CO deePer* - .having asoettainek makes the reporil soil and Clittaitia In OOMMOU, WHIM of Russia three years aim*, •in thunder is that pieregonit*: .. •.:.,••••411, .1,11