HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-16, Page 1•
nfooppx:olsnyv is 44n Tomos
MITCH41.114-E4itor a Prop
Election of Hobart MoLpao will Indicate that West Huron Gan lot Be Coerced By ,A Minister of look. Works an isCoignes op Won By A Lavish Expenditure uor Boodlo Foods. 'Tote for Kean.
-Duke ot Vaeubridge tient'
nest Highland Melt
WI 15 Yeare eld,
. 'Brown & Co.. .
Loudon and hilasgone
For sale at
L141:7011 STOR,B
La,* Itenue
eeerea,,,,Q0a0N Amiinka no, Fimsrai: . 1 Da Shier is ettaveronss Agri..
"Of making many
...Trask Books thpre
is no end,"
Glance on tbis list and see if you
would like to have us send you a
few;- - •
Seeing Grace,. .........,.. 150
Glory • • .• ... • 350
The Seed Sowet... • 35c
Chorus of Praise..,... . 25e'
, Sacred Songs, No. 1......... 8$c
ie. The Great Redemption. e..-.. 25e
e3 Tears and Triumph, No. 2... 25e
eee Search Light . eeze;350
es Triunaphal Songs, No. . 40e
I") " " • No. 86e
are working for us, For .
the next tea days we will offer'
a line of Quart jugs at 15 cents
that are -well wortg 25 c2,nts,
We bougla large quantity of
them:at a price that enables us
to sell for i,5 centathe hest Jug
hathas ev.er . been offered for
that money, they cari-lie seen
in our n orth window:
Have you .tried ur Happy
Home Soap, if not get a trial':
ter's worth, the 'mit tittle you
are out of soap' try it.
•-t.loink .4eent -bas,f31`'
25 eat. ••,.
OGLE COOPER .14 C011 Clinton
: dash oaht for Butter and Eggs and
Dried Apples. : -Phone 4.
Canadian Ilynanal:,......... 50c
• Repertoire ItIoderne- $1 00
Pianiets" Album. ..... 1 00 -
Modern Fianiete 1 Ofe
Technical • Studies, , . 1 25
Superb rFelio..... , ... 75
Royal Pearis........... 60 '
Royal Crown . .. . . 75 9'
Royal 'March Two•Step... t
Royal Oolleetion . .. ' -75,
Songs Without Words., .. 75
The funeral of Me, James Fitie Welt The rientinatien foe the MayeraitY
• place on Friday. 1414 and Was. very rendereci vacant by -the kettigna4011 Of
largely atten,de‘nOtWithetanding the I. pr, shay', was a- tame Sffair,
§ :severe %Tether, so merry citizens wide halts a number a.citigetiii had gather-
ing to pay this tribute of respect to ad, halt, expecting thet Mr. Seaele
* one ,rhe.pa they so highly respeeteel, woeld.make atiothernroVe in the Jaat
• The town council were presene in • a hour. •:}te-4114 not, hover, and Dr.
.9 body.The deceased was for some Slut*, being the only ,pconinee, was
tithe a n3ember, of the council, though, deelared elected by the Oierle Is the
its al•tile„he did not manifest an active cuthein ,devvn for geed. P-- -
interest inumnicipal. politics.
Mew ne Penllar me* C6T;Weocrakid wrap did not anneal* to have
_ _
'Oil Friday lase Me, Henry Watkins had Mitch, effect up00 Meeeree George
Of Suneneehilt redeived: a- letter from -Levis and T. R. Piriggingtoo, at leest
'the•RieraYleiver District whieh brought net in choice of ()cognation fov. during
him the sad newsthat his only,brother, thecoidest daye:orlast Week they set
James,. had been killed on January 2Sth
by a filling liMb While working in the townahip, one for Mr. R. Pearson tole
woods for a large lumber 'cquipany. the *other for Me. Winton) Graham.
The aceident tobk Place shortly before With the temperature way below
noon, but the unfortunate wall' lived zero such tort of work ellik hare been
until evening. The doctors certify tether trying. • The inetere,. or, wend
aatbdiegaotah. vwelsii,e17usevdhebirethmeatiinurirewteinrge mofiltItecal311ratlinetin(in:lint YoPatte.tlettriloli.:wero
interredin thS "cemetery at Baler Levis 'expects tephiee qiiite 4 flt4r4bet,
River village; .-The ideceased, ill° was ' season, •-e‘e- '
about fifty years, of ageand uninati:i3de
was natieeorGoderich township aue
epentalmost all his life in this lcounty.
He left here tw'o yeai,s ago for Rainy
River Platelet,. . • '
.At a GeptgiaCamp•meeting. 50e
Whistling Rufus. 60e ke
Beneath thellnion Sack.- . 60c
Irlasic not in stock Ordered
on short notice.
Clr° Goy er's
oak Store
,THE TWct Axs.
To see the latest in Hats
inspect' A. X. ,IViorrish's
stock. „ Don't buy till you.
de so, An insijection vrill
convince you not only that
he -has what you want but
that his prices suit the CA
_ Our Suite are Made to wear' and
weat Well as Ivell as fie well.
An order given Melkweg is
ways followed by another,
This means that he gives satis-
faction as to fit,. quality .goods
• • and price. ,
Etas SE
times and the good quality is the name of one of the best
of the goods he -sells. nave them at $.18 a suit, and you
may be'eure to get the worth of -
- Ties, Collars, Cuffs, your money if you buy one of
•these. We trell '
Shirts, ete:, are also supe- READY-MADB OVERCOA.TS,
Ater goods taking prices PANTS,AND OVBRALLS.
• eve:wing cloths to be had. We
, itelea vea-Wpalteontelhir"eeme7$ wee&
• . "
IL Z. Hallo
Our Suits'Althays Suit.
Are the values you receive other
places just what you wish? If they
do not combine price with quality
then -try us. We make a bpecialty of giving the best value* for
1014, the least tnot4y of any house in town. We have good $10
Double Breasted l'rieze Overcoats well made for $6,95 yes, and
9004 value ttieji Were for $1O.
And muny other lines in like proportion. But what of that.
We are making way for tow opting goods and oti take this way -
of riiclucing the stock.
You ArO The &liner gy rhe .Trattoaotiott,
olio us a call and we wfllSAVO you motley.
up two aer-racitierre both in Stanley
411t1e 1.,ecais
A debate Will take piece in the Bale,
List church on Friday evening e The
-Subject will be e --"Resolved that Man
has &one more for humenity than has
vvomen.". rer the affirmative -j. B.
Hoover: C. ti; Bezzo, J. Elliott, newt.
live -V. 3. Baer, R Deeper,- D .*
Prior. The judges will bete-B,P.Sibley,
FL -E. Bock% B. 1. .Gibbiegs' end . two
• ftiertitiers-tillhifair sex.
Bur -'--
nett . who died recently in Goderech
towoe121p, Was the mother of Mrs; Isaac
Jackson of towi3.---7-The' meeting of
the 0 E of , Willis church Monday
evening was addressed by Miss A, Tay-
lor on "The Marks of a Good: ilyntre"
It was decided that the social, which
was to have , been iheld next Monday
evening, . be postponed until after, the
eberch congregational . meeting.—
The tegitler 'meeting of the,
S., of Wailis chnteh will be held this af-
ternoon: . Miss Wilson. Will take the
topic.Hotake Bennett. who Works
in Mr. W. litendel's ramie at the0.1.,
had two of hisfingers seetirely'cut .on
Monday,—The meeting of the W. M.
S. of ontorm street Churchwas held
Tuesday afternoon. -;---The
Leaguere of Ontatio street church Will'
hold a social in about two weeks. ---
The congregation Of Ontario street
Methodist enurch. is asked, to give a
special collection af 3100 next Sabbath
for the Purpose of defraying the expen-
se of the-improved'beatiug apparatus
of the ehurch.--4. session of the Die
vision tetra.. vitae held on Tuesday' with.
Judge Doyle presuling. The 'docket
Was sinail and contained eases of
any Jr/appliance to the generale Public,
--The mipsionary meeting ofthe Bp-
• Worth League in Outatio street church
on MondaYeveningwas well attettled.
The program, consisting of addresses
by Itey. Clement and Mr. A. T.
'Cooper, paper by. Routledge
and a duett by Miss Neweombe and
Mr. Iluniphries were full of interest
and. were richly enjoyed byalt preseoe.
.—George White & Sons, Louden,
manufacturers of engines' and sepaei-
tors, have appal 0 tea Mr. A...Ai Sehrenk
as their agent at
Hedgens, who is agent for the Nereh
•Gerreart, Lloyd eteainship company
hooked Drs. Turnbull and Agee,' by
that line Emu NeW York to Brew ti,
Gernietty. He also ticketed Mr. Rd.
Doetirs to Beissevain, • Man,* and Mr.
and Attie Sohn Sheppard to Notth
kota-e-e-Court Maple. Leaf. had two ifl.
itiatione atits lest meting and ee-
peete double as many tienighb.---Mr.
Layton, an employee et...pie organ
factory, lostsevtital of lifs firigers while
operating a eander on Tueitday.-•--Mie
James Rosa, Who has been for many
• yeses caretaker of. the Presbyterian
thatch, has resigned. -e-Mr. S.
Smith shipped wade to Toronto yes-
terday, While both Cantelorr & Wallis
and Mr, Geoegelluthe ship porkers to-
day --Mears. Box and Bove of
Itrtiadfoot, Box &.0o,, Seeferth, sere
in the nub on Saturday and purchased
the deck Of Mt. C. Batiett, who is
retiring from business here. The tur-
niture.was moved to the firm's Ware.
1150MS, Oil Albett *trete. The depart.
ore awerevitill, leave but t*o
futtiltate deahns hem just about the
right number.....--11frs, David Cook.lzes
been 111 for several Hugh
Ryan of the Xile; Who was ettatielOusly
10 for several wee*, but Wet thought
to have altnost recovered, has hai a doubt ettraet a still largererowd. The
relapse and Le now lorathereserlotte players were insfollovire .
sR. Z. R. par car Olint00-4041, W. Coate I ttohlto
petered up- the line on MendaYeee-e- W, Brock; ()over Point. 'WI 114c1rae1
:There we serViee In 8t Paul's on Vorwarde.3 :eivett, J. Porrester, Tir
Wednesdity a. M. at 10.80 It being Metheiene tat, leaeis, • .
Ash WednesdaY.*----The town celmcil. Serifottbe-Goal, W. Cline; r °ink
af seatoth Thitredity p n amodea to motherweaepover Point* G. Baldwin;
submtb the by-law for 01.000 to ald ticiawaida,11, troadroat, n„ rota,114
the 'nerk factory, the Mundell. And Jack, Witten, ,.
ifiacwisaitan winw....Talwiday was stf, Iteferee, Mr. Zoinaltigs, til,eitforth.
leelemileiees der Atka yeaterday Ash Umpire*, Nell Yellowleee, Olintont
McLean, "Seithreth.
ZOTOR/A. rno
• The Cash Smog.
By reference to our advertising
urnns it will be foetid 4f!,t Jackson -
Bros. purpose at
dopting he eesk sys-
tem on March lat. In cenvereation
With a. member of the firro he informed
.1.1S that it is Absolutely necessary to
.adopt this course in face:0 ' the keen
competition of the preset: time, Mak-
ing it necessary to buy :Mid eel' for
cash. The credit buseriges has been
ruinous to matte firths Me it is pard
to compete With big concerns who "sell
for cash and as Jnokson *WO, have sta...
te4 in their an. 00 per cent'of the'peepki
are independent 'of the credit hitsiness
and it. only requirese littie effort --on
the part of three) who bave been used
to creeit to appreciate the SavIng.
Nsf,ildries in Potter's pieht,
7 .• 34•1i4.es.: Miller, an .opilePtie in
mate of the House of Refuge, died ,
. _ ,
Monday, aged sitar -five " years He
formerly lived in 'Seafarilt; where hie
friends are; and on notifidittOP of death
-thes•telegrSight$1.tradertaker PhidleY
to take. charge -or thh two, have a
placed in the hest casket in .hia.estaii
lisinnent; andeforwerd it to Seaferth
for interment. sdr., ChiliteY did so and
ere this the nody, of the unfortunate
Man has:been hiwered to its long test.
ing Piaci; A brother of his Who ;was..
well provided with this . world's goods,
died a few weeks ago. and left an al;
loWance for . tiremaintenance of this
prior fele*in the Souse- of Refuge.
Record,Braaking Weather •
The cold -spell- which' lasted from
Sunday - week until Teeeday, -when the
weather began to moderate, was withoue precedent in this provieee 'Oren
the oldest inhabitank. Can renteinber.
nothing like it and It severely felt
by all, especially by some poor folk •
who saw their' scanty stock of fuel
rapidly running lew without the moans
at hand te replenish it. The lowest
point was reached on Friday night,
when the therniontetee registered: 880
below zero, though night after night
it went below 20.•. The coldonap *as,
fete ati over the eootinent, evert Florida
getting a touth. of Atetie Weather,
while in Manitoba the thermometers
hid their capacity severely tested,
MeTaztarea aWes $500 a Mills 'church.
The annual annivereeete services' in
cerinection with Willis- chureh were
held lase Sunday. •The custom ba
been to provide an outside clergyman
for the 0004310re-hues° popular is Pas.
tor Stewart among his own people that
he was as*ed to take the ;services him.
self and at bothetentatad.pw+ pretteh.
• ed able aral.appropriete earner's. • The
caeotions at both services to.anod
$267 whieli will. heapPlied to lessening
the indebtednese on the church,
connection with, this mention must be
made of Mrs. M. MeTaggarte3 generous
donatioo of $500 for theaaroe purpose,
especially when it %borne in Mind thet
her deceased htlshitild MS one • Of
Willie best supporters and contribut-
ed largely to all the seherime Of the
Church. Akita extestructiott he gave
one-lifth of the total ammo t raised.
A l'ho Mdse.'
The hockey match played by the
ClInteir and Seaforth ho-ckey teams an
the tink of ' the former lest "Thuesdity
• eighb ended inet tie, though in order
te effect a more satisfactory ending
the time was extended' en hour and
twenty minutes over limit ab.lirsb set.
Theris waaa good attendance to WA -
eerie a line exhibition of hockey and
the return, match, to beplayed Satar.
day night orte tlle sante rtok; will no
Xlti clock 'Went Wing.
The church -going people of ilafort
..)".ret:0411dderably mixed, up On Sun
-:tolitutcs on Saturday night. Then o
•,Sunday afternoon ill was put on an
• -Many Were late in COnsequenCe.
lesfieetee arterearthe ,eleeere
h Sir Charles Togo's Visit
n , He is 13eing Given an tithtisiastic
d Reeeption and 'is a Vote -Winner,
. .
44,Y.ike the town clock lose leventy
His Lerdship t Bieneei of Huron •
• rt • • A
• will be Patti' church vest Sun-
. • _ . .,
_ oar x nei and will administer the rite
. seated -by the Rector. ' 'He will egain'
of coneematienta the candidates ' Pre-
occupy -the pulpit! in the p. tn., and no
. doubt at. hoth'serYiees. large congrega-
tions you now t 0 this elocreca athine;.
. •
Th it WO pigatattags,
On Sunday Mr. George Colman,
Gee of the ploo ere of Hullett ' aesed.
into. the Spirit %or1d. Ile had reach-
ed.:the ripe old' ge of fourscore years.
and had•heten te elutee Of the tell and -
hardship intep ratite from pioneering.
. The funeral took pittee to the Clinton
ceMetery. MMgroSetnao, wife of de-
ceased, died 'dieing Chruitants week
art de. !teettr rsrirwitet-onelnevv. ' Yettr's•
day se that deephe4id not prig sep-
arate this good old. couple..• .
Itteney in Hiram
There is yet good motley in raising
horses, as tate:lees who have kept ',up
their stock know full web..." On Satnr4'
day Mr,,Williatzt Rathwell of Statiley
delivered to Buyer Macdougall at the
commercial hotel a five-year-old Clyde
gelding Which t pped the Seines at 1040
pounds and for : bleb he realized the
handsome sum o -$1754 This is about'
the top price pai4 for eonie time, but
M. Rathwell,h1,- another cote coming
up which froiniseittn be almost 'equal-
-ly good.:_ -_7--.......--. ----' : *
*Wertli Zertiato Walk
At it -recent meeting: of the Junior
Lea, gueerf the Ontario street Methodist
church the following officere were oleo -
Superintendent—Mies U.E. Vreetaaa
Ass% "4 • , • ;Miss Newcainhe
Presideut, Lotus Strath.
Vice,Preeideet,.. Couitice
Secretary, Launcey Lamle
trsasurer,e... .. :Guth) Sage
Lookout committee...:LitaieTroivhilt
Prayer meeting Corn.; Minnie Kee
'Soehil ram Wdl PlinnSteet
Missionary 00A1•0 • • ••• • • • ()arra': Shipley
Temperance Cent, • „Beet Name
illusicel and Literary Fanny' Shipley
Flower cont Lean Eagleson.
seesiers metre -• •
Th43 electors of Wait Huron will have
ample apportunity ilttring this emn.
eel& of hearing a nunineri of the lead -
_Canadian campaigners on both eider; of:
the party fence. Anintig those • who
wilt champion Leurieriare Are
Patterson, M.P.,Hore.Wtllaw
Mulock, M. P„ Ilan. load. Terte,
Hon; Mr. Fitzpatrick, M.
.P., Dr. Landerkin, P., Mr,
Santee ' 'McMullen, ht. 1'4 0...B.,
B. Heyd, Id P, Dr. Macdonald, 14.P..
and Mr. A. B. . The Coe-
servative. contingent is not so 'strong
numerically, correlating of ree-Hon. Sit
Charles Tupper, Hon. Dr. Montague,
M.: P., Mr. Claticy, M, P., Mr. George
Taylor, M. P., Mr. Bennett; .01,
A happy event took place at Man-
chester on Jam 81st, when Mr- janies
Ferguson Was united in marriage to
Miss Maggie Porterfield.' The young.
couple have settled In town in the house
lately occupied by Mits0 Dartean.
Mr, Oeo. lloward 10 under the -Dr's
cake for diphtheria.
Mr. Geo. Dewar anti wife. are nicely'
recovering from la grippe. '
The soclill at Mr.11..Peck's vias a
grand success. The proceeds amount-
ing to 320.00,
•The *cholera of the M, E. church
spent a pie:Want time at Mr. lamer(
Spackmates. Wednesday evening., for
which Mr. and Mee. 'Speakman rect.
ved Many thanke.
. •
Mr. William Herd has been united
in triatreage te Miss Ella Scotcluriere,
bath of eltattleye The young 00000
reside go the Herd homestead. Deme
Iturnoe Berl Billy is e yeavold married
Man heealise MO date Of the teremony
has not been made knoWn.
Me. Janne Dewar and -wife are suf-
fering from a siege of the grippe.
Packing lee is the order of the daii
Mr. James Ji**tonss house IS
taokett With the grippe but it wontr
cati.13,31m, so he saysi.
30h° a Eagleson intend" taking
a trtp 50 lataltnow this weak. Wes b..,
hove Johnny 43.**ntsaeoldertiimats..,
Miejohnll, Beg;lieriou end wife have re-
turned !rota a *lab to his *later', Aire.
3, Herd rd the Goshen hot.
Me. John Hegel frown brought in 2060
tset n hirable in the log froto Mr. Oott-
ttao bu11. This *oaks the record
for eke Season.
Mr. John ro, Parke is 4t Mts 41
iMocrott'i tot Mtol'Oft011 tevrnehip kedge
lag him to.ilake out Witte
for Renert McLean Who, Will
Redeem: West' Huron. election severe' nom tOok the Oath and
. • Voted vvho wee not eutitied te the
onto Globe's "Swing of' Victory Is
swinging strong for McLean. Can-
did Liberals concede •this, act' dO the'
"Machine" men, but on thequtet they
, say '1 the seat must beheld at all caste.",
ie alleged that, at the recent heel*
Sir CharleeTupper arrived in Clinton
at one o'clock yesterday efte
was .given a hearty reception, but the
enthusiasm of Coneereatives was to a
certatu extent •bottled up for the big
rallyi0 the town hall in the eveniug.
Charles, who 15 in splendid health
and spirits, is truly a wonderful old
man. Rehm aged only in years arid
at peventynine has the mental and
PhYsirel activity of meriemen of twenty
years. , • •,
'He was the friend and co -Worker of
Sir John ,/ilitedoilaldeand-is-. in -every
settee of the word "One of the Fathers
.of Confederation" Hie staunch ad-
';ct`Y-Of soothr
away le ft *natter of history. • '
was ted and wanted to break
In hie younger clays he was known
from ' the Atlantic te the , Pacific a9
"The Wee' Horse of Cumberland',"
now it e," Canada's Grand Old
Man." No 1ivieee0anadian approacheti
nini le value of services ventleeed
franchise and were well airete of the
fact, that is thiy swol,e f rl . I • If
such , Work is repeated next Tuesday
the Conservative Associatien intends
making en example of:the guilty par- •
ties, who would do well te accept tine
friendly intimation. .
Major.Beek pres—icled at the meeting; •
held'after the nominations -on Tuesday -
when, In Addition to the Candidetee,
dresieswere delivered by Messee.
lor, Moloch,. Bennett, and Lam:Jerkin
Id P's. Mr, A. M. Todd is agent for
Mr. McLean end -Mr. Tames Scott for
Under the heading �f ."The Grand
dependent) speaks thus of Sir Charles'
Itis impossible even for enemies to
deny„Sie Charles Tupper the tributes of
sincere admiration for bis qualities /is
the stalwart fighting leader of the Otr•
Sir Charles Tuneer's advance on
West Huron is an inspiring proof of
the veteran's strength' of body„and---
rnrn&_Theevestghrerhirefaiii' would '
kill or cripple Mose Mee; but the Con.
Servative leader displays all the power
of youth as he pitingerreintre the 'thick e
of a. winter campaign : •
mile means will* the agents 01- the
Laurier Government will 'employ tol
avert defeat. These resources of civil-
ization were freely used on behalf of
H•pn. 3. T. GarTow, and yet those pore .;
Pons Of his constituency which are
within the bounds of, the Dominion
riding of :West Huron returned the
Conservative majority a 03. •
• . • Yampa. .
!. The. Beecentitie committee which -
welcomed Sir charley Tupper, to Olio!
. e6-otIhs 1te8 6e. ed ?ise
fMr °Dl!" McTaggart,ael lis
Mr. j -
_the Beim% and at:the Aiihri. raUy Dr
Betide -ipteettiited7 Sir Cherie's. With ,
thefeilloseing arldreee on hehaif -of the
Conservative ;Association .
TUE now ma. csiaates 'roma, saw., K o.
M . 0., 0. a, E're.;, ETO.
Uri -We, the. Conservatives of Clinton, on
yisit to our town, deein it a most
Stung opportunity to extend to you in a ve.rtr
humble manner, a most cordial and: hearty
•vvelecone, ' ' •' • • •
...y&welcomo ya, Sir, as ;me of :the' Fathers
oeponfederatiote at the tithe of yon r' enter,
ingintopabliallfe l3rItIsh North' Anieriee, was ,
i3oMpOsed annul:Ober of scattered, provinces,
bereft of any bond.of. Union; possetiseit of link
spanimemerof commereief..fotereourse;;• and.
tinuencitterritorlefrof the- NorthWest wete`
the possession of the Indian and • the roaming
herds Of beffalo. By yotir PatelOtio. 'energetic
and faithful loners, in Company! with yoer del -
leagues, .yOu.liaye been largely instrutnental In.
changing tinsel:elle of conmarative chaothinto
what le•now known as the DoMintOn Of Can
ode, linked' together . by' the iron hand 'of the
Canadien.Paelfic Uninterrupt-
ed comiminiention train the ..ellantie to the.
Pacific,; and ciiimeine .the hitherto unknown
Ninthwestinto what, in thenear feture,. win
be the eraitarr of the itritieh •
We weleortio yen,. Sir,, as a lifetime intiMatb•
friend and political assoCiate' of 'the towered
air.Tohn 4., klacdtiriald, whose glorious history
will over live fresh in our misitones.• . And here
We Nvotild gratefuilY 'referto the valuahie as-
eistance- you, rendered our late Chieftain In'.
creating and carrying Into , 'effect thafrineiltim-
abie boonknOwnen the National ender
WhoSebenefloial influence the latent Tesources.
of -this country hive been bright forth„intO
vigorousand prosPerous lite. Vire feel that it
hi not too niiieh to Say in this regard that to-
day all elatises of the cOmniunitY are under a
deep tem:nil:1f obligation for the .great benefits
thereby conferred upon thank A polio' of
each. well-known 'and universally admitted
bencilt that even that Political faction known
under theinunierone and'varied Jguises of Free
Trade,. Commercial Union, • ReCiprocity,
Trade asitis in England, etc., eto•k 'have, since
their advent into power, Seen At to adoptits
their own, kno‘Ving that tenure of political
°Mee woeld haste been:exceedingly brief with,
out •
..andlhialt• Sit we Weicomeyou as .the „ heal
of the great Conserv/40i • party.- and as one
.whosa talenteand capabilitiesin the politica;
arena have made your namo. tope..well and
favorably known stir followers • and feared
by your political opponents throughout .the
length and breadth of this our beloved country.
We feelthaf this short addreee would 'be tn.
oomeiete did it fail to refer in OPeciaI tonna to
tho very valuable aervices that you rendered
In the eapanityrif IlighEotrunissioner 60 Great
Britain, from the meow • bestowed Upon you
wlien serving ii that capacity, by past Colonial
Gettetaries of the British Government, we feel
sure that We aro justified in coneieeing thet
the serviees tendered by you. were of no moan
&dee, Althohgh st the -present tint° the
fortunes of political warier° have platted •oug
.oppoitente htpoWer, we look ferWard With
great hope ate earnest expeotittlett to a ripeeee
coning of the aey when our. party -Will again
resume therein° of Government %mr your
4bIeleaderahip and right Shall be might, auas
mota. • •• • -
signed:on behalf of the Coneervatives of•,
Clinton, ' tL. 0:130,litJ8t
1,residelit of the Coneervative Assoolation.
- Thursday night -Sir ilbarles Tupper
willispeak In Goderleh, and from news
froin thetteetti a monster ,gathering is
ihe visit of the' Otana ohl ma° hoe
tent fuether , caballed, the ettlenneteett
Of Robert McLean; and, until the owe.
ing of line 'pelts there Will bane leteip
hl their 'tAntghtla. They wilt hoth
Work and watch, and from indications
one will he about as necessary SS the
other id this. campaign,
The coming of Hon. Montague
hat been belled 'with delight. by the
*beheads, Whe kno* front tortierterice
mid admire bis platforin and sxsontite
sttrilityee The Dt, has many Mende lo
West Huron,
Oltibtings throaghtint the tidbit
tn Weill *Weeded, and the Tote
BeeeeMr. liIiilyerdof Clinton preach -
grand; eloquent Sermon in the
Methodist Church last, Sundae.Ths
text was Mark 1531, "Re saved &beta,
Himself Re cannot Sava" Be . first
showed the truth that was in the last
clause, whieh'was saidin mockery by
:thejews, ited then &aidewith the Orst_e__
-,part:„ 'The church wes_welletwed and
the collection and...subscriptions were
.titicen for the benefit of the -Education*
al fuud.----TIreAmitorthieaguiedeaid.
ed last Wedrieidee tOlitiveasoCial in the
near future to Obtain funds for,elibrelt
littiloies.+-Mr. Charles PilgriM, eur
popular teller; is wearing.quite a stunuig ceuntenafice of late, as his ywife .
presented him With a bouncing boy '
last Thursdaye-e-The entertainment
given by the Stnith family of .Bayileld
Saturday night in the Temperance hall
,wes'eeratie, though the attendance Wee
not as .Itiege as expected, Owing no
doube to the keenness of the weathet
and sick,uessAna.Sattirday're busy rou-,'
tine Of *ork in -the evening with a
goodForesters �f pourt
Varna, 204 intend. baiting a debate
next Friday, "ttesolVed that fire has
been more destructive te life. and pro-
perty than water." Captains, S. •Ra,th-
Well aud j. Armstrong, All the For-
esters of tile Court are cordially invit-
ed to. attend.,:—This sharp frosty •
spell, hover known in the history of
thisburg befote;:is hustling the wood.'
in, as many eLoves are row night and.
day to keep jack FrOse front becoming
100 personally ecquitinted. 133 feet he
is well introduced to many of the eel-
Igrd'And Mr. McKie declares he'll chase
hit:nand so hes puke. steve in ,hie eel-.
Me. Praiik Iteryes, who has
purchased a few acres of • bush from
Mr, John Reid, on Bityfield river, ancl
Who has been terse cutting it,. le laid tle
with a very sore hand, whith will put
him off work for sotne
J. -Armstrong took suddenly ell last
Wednesday and the doctor was im.
Mediately taunt -toned, when it was
found to‘,hothat old. grippe, aided by
neuralgia -e -Mr. S. Betthtvell, our
leading shoe meechantin the town, is
reaping the benefit a this. ehieep
as he fe nearly 001a 005 of °hollow&
and can tiertreely supply the great. de.
Mand of his ronnerous eustotnerse-
Mrs. W. (look, who was laid up with •
grippe, is able to be around again. --
Miss Itarriet 1Coyes, who had it severe
attack of theurnatietn, le bettor again.
lamas, wows° gettline in
his supply of lee, vehith ire being taken
front Mr. Weekele calltlana. 'h�ice
is very clear, exeept a few inches: on
the top..0wing to the small supply
of Water Mr. Weekes te unable to do
very much choppingo—Mr„ Naftali
it fine discourse in St, John's
church last Sabbrith. The hour' of
Service has been changed froth 8.80 p.
m. 50 11 o'clock m. -.-Miss Emma
• 'Coes, who has • been visiting her
:friends In Michigan since her mother'-
death, arrived at tier brother's, lift.
iteyee, on Wide), lot and may
be home in the *Oar filter*.