HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 111• You Must Not Steal but you May keep a good deal of the 111011eY that usually goes to other POo. pia by buying these goode at these prieee.' Purses;35c, Otte for 20c. TDU Will need one to hold the money you have by trading here. We have a leader suitable fee ladies' use in black and red, dozens of Which we have sold at 85e each. They have three compart- tnents, brass trioanungs, are strong and well finished. We bought a lot of them at a much reduced price and these with some we had of a previous purchase all go now at 2001each,Vu. vestigate this offer more for your bene- fit than for our. S�holastic • • 100 SLATE FOR -00. • If you have children gOing to school who went a:slate, here•zs .your chance we have a whole ogee of thetxt, 10 doz, frame eovered with• felt making them .pir--"eirctlaalr-nOiseless , writing surface is 741 in. they are the kind you bee° always paid 100 for but these go while they last at Oe each thereason is that we Wave eo many and that they are what are called eSecondee' that is not absolutely.perfect yet the defects in nearly all of them are mighty bard LO: find. Another offer to investigate for Your benefit rather than ours., Often the Chattiest silwasts the Best, The V. D. lair Go, -orANT0.., Agents Parker's Dye Works. „. .About 0 WHEREIHEY ARE People ANI) WHAT .• THEY 'ARE 00i.N0 ..006acoubeisecoo, xel :anew • Mr. 11.4,Iiodgens is in Toronto. Rev. B. Clement is confined to bed, la grippe. _ . • -Miss (Aare Steep is the guest of. Sea - forth friends. ' Mr. Bayne of Gederrich was in town on Tuesday. • Miss Anderson of Blyth is a :Peet at Mte• 'McLennan's. . • -. Miss Olen:tent is. visiting friends in • Seaforth this Week. . • . Dr. MacOallum of Londe:beret was in Clinton on Tuesday. • Mr. George Beatty of Varnawas in. *he Heb on Saturday.. • , Misses McDonald and Smith were hi • Brucefield on Friday. Mr, John Bodden of tatcan has 'been a guest at Mr. J.-110 Miss Sturgeon of North Dakota is the guest of Miss Fowler. • Mrs. Grahetn• of Steeppardam is the guest of Mrs. David Cook, Jr. 2 Mr. Alex.. MeLeod had returned to Tehalenek, Manitoulin. Island: • Miss Roberts of Goderich was .the guest of Mrs. W. G. Doherty Oh Fri- day. Mee. Storkehare and daughter Elva of Manchester are visiting Clinton friends. ' ' : • . - Miss Jennie McN.air of Cranbrook is the guest of her cousins, . the „Misses Daman. _ " ' • , Mimirosy Istlobre • of tiensall his been visiting Clinton .friends • the past few days,' ; ' . • • Mr. M. Mastereaf Washington State was the guest of Mr. E. F. Andrews lase week. - • ' • Miss Polly Hoggait of Ribbert is spending a fetv clays visiting her; aunt, Mrs.-Chainbers.• - • Mr. Smith Kitty assisted the -choir of St..Josepliei church at Vespers la,st Sunday evening. Mr. T. 11. Brownlee of 'Tuckersmith _ Passed his . 'Venue' Scheel examine - 'dons successfully.' • Mr. J. L. Doherty has returned tionl Rochester and again taken a situation in the organ factory. Miss Maude Oantelon,.Who has been visiting friends in Gederich, returned ' home on Saturday last. Miss Briekendep, who has been visit- ing London friends for a month, re- turnedhome yesterday. . • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grey and two children of Wingliam are guests of Mr. end Mee. J. A. Ring. Rev. Mr. Clement preached anni- versary sermons in -the two London Methodist churchesOrt Sunday. Mr.s Peter Munro, Tara, was celled honueon Tuesday by the eerious Miles" of her mother, Mrs. Virilliem McEwen. Mrs, T. Iii•Vook, who " has been spending a couple of week,- with-Wendt:1 in Winghara, returned home on Satur- r. Lack ICettnedy represented. the Huron Poultry Association at the County Council yeeterday. to ask for a $25 grant.. ' filled the Blyth Methodiet pulpit on Sunday, .erlien his services here were taken' charge, of by Rev. Me Wide. • Mr. and. Mii, Thos, Webster of Luck - now are visiting thole SOU. Mr. Thee. Webster, Jr., of the Oth cane GOde- rich towaship: • . °minty Ontineilloe. Oonnoily, has been rea-eletted ailed vieelpreeident of the Western Dairymen's Association which met in Gpelph last week. Me, John • Roereen arrived TueidaY night from Regina, Asia, and will . main juet lopg enough to pick up a couple of loade of horses, and farm effects. • Mr. Buchanan, who has been lectur- ing to the Brethren here, returned to hie home in Detroit oh Tuesday. He was accompanied as far all 'Luettn by Mr. James Twitcbell, Mr. Robert Walker, who hal been one of the- section Men with head - /Outer' at Clinton* bas been promoted te the charge of the Dublin section and moved down his family on Monday. Me.. Alga. Slomen takes his plate here. .Mt. and Mts...Bartcliffe wet% guests at Mr. R. J. Cluff's. on Tuesday, Mr. BartcliffehattattiVrecenyy been farm - in in the itleinity Brutirele and having odd his . place is now looking. about for a, busmees 'eland, lie may .decide Upon Westing in Clinton. Mr. 3. Taylor, representing the COD, federation Life Association sent off the death Claim of the late°. Matthew „ Babette= of Seatorth on Thuraday and received a, cheque for $1000, the amount of insuratiee-,held on hialife, by rettirt Man and paid over the amount to the widow On. Friday afternoon, Rev, Mr, Wickett of London, a imp. &animated Milliater, occupied. the On; tatio. atteee pulpit last 'Undo, • hoth a. m. and pa M4 After tile evening IMMO° Mr, Wickett said that Est Mr, • Edge had &MK their praised to which he must add that, they Were the best ; choir's° had.. ever beard. =WO the _Mr' F. 3. Dalt of the BOAC lIne left on Wedneedity of hat Weektor Recondito, California, wheelie may 'make but short AO Or rtiMaill for some months, it all'depends, Mr, Bill (*as content. plated taking titles trip for 30Mb ton. rideable time and la 'fortunate in be. trig aisle to escape Such fickle „weather As ire hire been baring thia. pest aix *eke, •••••••••••, Mr. Alex. Mackay, ex -M. V., twee. tor of Customs, is in town, Mies Wiggins of •Ooderich Was the guest, of Clinton friends last week. Mies Mabel Farr of Godericla wait the guest of Mies A. McClarvie Iaet week, Mies Maude Andrews is spending a few days visiting friends in Oedema), township. Rev. Mr. Stewart exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Datailton of Leeburn ou Sunday last • Rev. Mr, Pocock of Wingham, term- , erly pastor of the Baptist church here, WAS in town this week. Mr. and Mrs, 0, 0. Rance and fatnily, Mrs. Greig and Mr. Thornas Jackson, Jr., and family, and Mrs. J. W. Chid - ley drove to Seaforth Sunday to spend the day. • ME MANTON NEWSPREPORD HODGENS BROS. 0 d inter Bar Bewail ler, • 9 •:,,••••••••••• Mr!. Fleher, Sr. is on the sick —Mrs. Jane Jewell, relict Of the late Richard Jewell, died Friday week and the remalne were -laid to rest in Col- borne cemetery on the following Mon- day. The decreased, who was 76 years of age, was one of the pioneers of Col- • borne. --Mists Williams, the evange- list, who had been conducting 'special services., ; here for several Weeks dosed them on Sunday even- ing and is now laboring at Zion church. Good work was done here, some sixty Professing conversion. Ten years ago Miss Witham" also beta a series of meetings at Benmiller when eighty exporienced a change of heart. ----Mr.. ard Little has been very ill with inflatinnation of the lungs. At the last regular meeting of Lodge Barnstaple No. 224, 5. 0. tt;sottitii of condolence was passed :- To MRS. -Amax, AND FAMILY' :-Vife, the officers and members of ' Lodge Barnstaplethro, 224,.. Sons of England Benefit Society, -desire to express our •-heartfelt sympathy with you in • your hour of eillea -bereavement in the loss of youe son Henry, ailie-wasicnredhy-eit- These bereavements are God's voice, God's gracious but chastening band sent toteach us our need of aim, of an arra stronger than the human arm, a love stronger and . more far-reaching than human:love, a treasure of more value then.earthly treasure! comfort more solid than earthly blends can give; like the disciples of John when. their Master lay 'beheaded. they went and told Jesus, so la all our griefs we can go to Rim, who is the Great Heal- er of hearts,poaring in the Win of His love. MAy you be enabled to trust in his Md. He cannot come back again to you, but you may go to hint and meet him inthat land where parting 18 never kiebien. • When a whlle ago we gathered Joy was in his mild blue ere But a golden chord is severed And our hones -in ruin lie. We shall meet but we shall miss him, „ There will be one vacant chair, . We will linger to caress him -.While we breathe our evening prayer. AsSuring• you-of:our deepest sympathy we remain yours, in behalf of Lodge Barnstaple. , • W. F. Moir, •• rt: H. Mew, • ."A. 8: Giainnxe.t. : Drysdale.. Mr. Geo. Pollock intends shipping a quantity of tray from St. Joseph har- bor during the coming season. This will makethings: brisk around the "'cite. during the earnmet months.. Mr. Pollock is credited with being the. first merchant to export anything from that harbor, and we must con- Igratulate him on the move he has taken. -;--Mr. Louie Durand 'Spent a few days last week visiting friends in St. Joseph. We learn Louis intends: opening a dry -goods store in that place. Ruranites are not ; afraid of taking hold of anything, and especially is this true of the Drysdale boys. as n3ay be plainly seen.—Mitsers. Geo. Durand and A. Murray' have purchased the pump factory lately erected by Mr. Iott andintend, doinga , rushing busi- ness during the coming season,—A meeting of the town council was held one day recently and by a unanimous vete it was decided to erect 'a new ,town' ball on the corner' of . Main and Water street', opposite the bicycle factory.—Why not have our side- walks improved On Water 'street and Homeward avenue ?• These are in a - terrible state and any men who are so neglectful as Our present councillors should be replaced, by others who will look after the interests of the "-corpor- ation better.—It is. reported thatnur electric light plant is to be con- nected With that of ,•St. Joseph in the near • future.—Wedding bells are: ringing in haste at •this end of the town.—Mr. Joseph Durahane, . our eillageblacksmith, is getting„titnher......ogt_ for a pew shop.. —Angus Murray is hustling amber out for his new barn at agreat rate. —Mr. William Turner is sail in very poor health, we indeed feel sorry for him, but hope he will recover ere long. -e--Mr. Arthur Sreenan and his sister Annie are visiting friends on the other side of Lake iltiron at present.—Mr. H. Talbot says sawlogs and wood are scarce this winter and are a regular Klondike to those who baiter a. good *deck on hand. -,---We areglad to learn that Mr. Joseph Denotny who has been suffering from lagrippe late. is speedily recovering,—Mr. Edi ward Talbot, Jr., is cutting Wood for his uncle at present. He is making a fine job, as Edward is a hustler at this work.—Mfes Laura M. Horner has been visiting friends at, the north end of the town...---Mt.7Joeeph Musso last Tuesday about Midnight'. shoe a bear weighing 900 Ib. it is supposed to be the sante bruin that -did the damage some time ago. --We inadeereently neglected to make mention lase week of the wedding ofbir, m. D. Westlake, ee Stanley to Miss Martha Kinm daugh-. 'ter of Mr. William King of Bayfield, Which happy (remit to6k place on the I0th inet„ at the residenee of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. L. Smith.Mr. and Mrs. Westlake he,ve settled down oh the Westlake homestead on tee Lake Shote vied. May long continued happiness he theirs. -•,—Mr. Ed. Eagle. son met with a mishap on a recent' eatocui eyening while on hie way to visit the Millstone brothers. His bug- gy wheel broke and he left the vehicle by the roadside for a. fevedays and be- fore he got it home or to the black. emith's for repairer it was badly smash. ed by a. couple of men from the south, who had been in 13aYfield drinking tea. At least, so it is i3ald and to repair the damage will cost Mr. Bagleson about ten dollars, ,. Word to the Wise. As Dr, Turnbull has disposed of his practice in Clinton and expecte to leave town in it short tittle, there is Only a week or two In which to make settle- ment Of accounts. After that time alt hie amitotic nob ititid or eatiefactorily arritngedfor will he handed over for collection, when costs Will be added, wotd to the wise it sufficient," etc., -00,111001111010 PURSE LOST. teat, On MOUday, hetviemi the Cotenutealed Rotel and mr. Henry MutiObr'S, leth 1oflGod0r1Oit townehip, eclasp_pithiepentaiii. nig a email surd_Of gamey, whe fltlatir Wul elee00 MONO at wIntrosweniteenti =so, ain Day 0 JANUARY 26$ 1809 1Mantle eloths • Doable fold all WOW Mantle tweed, reeniar ....... Oiler Navy and black Mover Mantling, good weight and finish, reg. 41,60.. 933 Blacking] colored Curls sad Nigger - heeds, regular $1.50 a44$1,76 quid. ' ities, black, brewte• navy,redgreen and tyke tone effects ShOrt gads .A.bout -one dozen ends of ,• .,_.Jam ,..28.-•. 1899 Saturday,9 black and colored Mantle Cloth and beaver .and rough doth lengths of 1 to -2 'lards will be sold at greatly reduced prices. -1Y. • Clothing Men's Waterproof Coats, double tex• tura, dark colors, dot:le:liable cape, one of the test bargains we havoc) QK • offered, reguir 14.50 , Nino pairs men's all pure weal twee .pants, well made and finiblied,good 1,78 value at $3. , .. . Cottonade opralls in fancy eteiPes. regular 75. •...... 5c• Frieze 1.11sterW' Men's heavy Frieze Mears, IAA storm collar, strong lining, well made, sizes 38 and 42 only, broken • price , •Bargain Day on the! Carpet Department lkiuNta itniVet:djargt,,mrae: . . We will hold our Annual Mid -winter . • . -Clilcdo$11 mats 181.36inch., regular 20o 4a, above date, when Wei will place on our counters at prices Mark. Bargain 251travellers' samplesyvool and union • .0 I =pets, eaoha yd square, Choice: . X01', ? • ed for quick 'selling; Pie- best assorted lot of .desirable mercha.n. • •guise prices 01.1,5 and 025 alard dise we have ever. 'Offered a:t,One of these popular sales... . Pa . special for Bargain Day •• One only all wool Art square 2z3 yds, e i, .. . This Bargain Day -marks the .wind-up .Of a most successful January , Sale -and hundredf dollars -worth• of 'Seasonab-- le ...urT --. ., ' riff. Rugs, good quality, reg. 53.. ,. . . 1• J1rif:1111.?,:it3re4 W°1*1.149.3,9.' 're. 92e , GOods that we want turned into money before we enter stock. 2 oronobolaltrgaetizirzeea,:i3sett5ocInalitY vvo.,oir.ope will be marked at °prices that will .clo it, for in making prices for 27,Z ifig.13427718 Bugs' :14, t: 550 Bargain Day jtt has not lieen. a'question of what an &rade -is worth; but what price will turn it into cash. We are sure to be busytalLflay,for people know the money -saving value of .our Bar- gain Days,an4.the best time to Viiiffie-is in the morning if possible ' - Here is a partial list of the _special bargains that will be placed on sale. You will find many others just as good, that - w6 have no.room to mention, -wh.en you get here,. • • . Curtain. Dept. - :: ". : • There are ctome specially good values for Bargain Dayin this department,and it will pay you to invest now, even if you da not need to use theintill house-cleaning time. . • ... 3 only 8x4 Chenille- Table .Covers, White Curtaiii-Muelin, fine quality, , good quality, heavy fringe, as. a ,,7 44 inches wide, slightly, salad, re. sorted colors, regular, $2.50 ....1a1U gular 26o qaality . . - IVC 1 end Silkiline, dark ground mai • . bright liond , pettern, inat the :hegbingsfrorlruortaine Land,coinforters,' • • • 9c. -, pair to qlear, Berfign..DaY • •.• • • 01 Very .fine White. Curtain Muslin, 44 , 86 inch Art Kuehn, red ground, re; idia slightly soiled,. it sold •af 35e; to .4'W inches wide, another line filet got ' Allier 18o• vld clear Bargain Day ..........., .. IOC* -..... • Chenille Curtains, heavy chenille, dado and fringe top and bottom., Bide, Fawn and Mahogany,,, re• . gular $3,25 and $3:60,-a few odd • La.ce Curtains Four pairs fine Curtains that are but 20 Traveller's Simple Ends of Licit 101 • Fur Dept. We want to. finish up the' best season' 'we have had by closing out all furs in stock and fur buyers Will he money ahead by taking advantage of Bargain Day prices / \ Mikis in all size zak -Embroidered regular 200.. lOe nen Embroid.. ered Hind- ' . kerehrefsdiem. • stitched • 'end • seelloped (Age, rev. I.§ quality' 1.,0e I d ies -linen and lawn habder- & tilM411g: qnaihie emne ere elightly choice 2 for .. * . ... . 25r, /Meek 'Coney Neck Ruffs, 4 tails, Extra, quality grey lairib Cape, large 8 25 l3ebtaterrgaqinuadhatyy• F•r.e•nch $8.53 .... rl, regular 2.50 Coney Neck A*. ft7 Grey L•e:M.1; b•a1;8•; '; • • * • * * ; • .... 4 Buffs, f itej.. .Boas,.0- 1 pair jary.t,arob ,Ge . i•h•t•Ic•fe•,• •v•e•r•y 8 35 fine No. 1 quality Black Thibet pair best quhlity m•dies Persion' - Muff, regi,417.. 4LOU Lamb Gauntlets, -blesey earl, fur a Ferman Lamb Cape, rich glossy „ lined, epeoiale.' care good quality, wedge :Mape' only No. 1 Sable: stuff, reg. $6.. ev, ..4.25' frtf.so. Mitts reg. .. ... . .. . . .... -95 ti..ftil, large even otirl 5 5 I 30bd Sable Ruff; long - thick fur. .3,7 9 grey lamb U 5 4 • N tri G tl I • . • tsioligebittly‘osoenitetteyyo,aureWohnalndgninogt nuop-, II la end Sp urtains, to yards long, per 150 , • ecial in Reavy .u'urs a refinlar.82,01?.rtain-,4 ILV Pait pure wool Blankets* our best . • Lace Curtains,33 yds long, 60 inch,es •quality, • ver,y slightly demigod,•65 • . wide, tape edges, Bargain •Day....1.49 -legalat $6.26 • ' . ' Men's Furnishings - Bargain Da . will see prices' on Men's goods that-wi eep tliis department 'busy all day. • Values like these_ are trade winners. Three great bargains in Men's Sox . _ Men's black wool Sox, sptrial for Bargain Dey.. .11.0c A Bargain. far,a man 2 only black goat Capes, 27 inches' long, ...fall 6.• sweep; black oppossum collar, ;egular $10.„' 2 Black .Dogskin•jacketk bright glossy •itir, 86 .„4 inches long, special Bargain Day, 1 0. p. 1 only BlacklOogskin Jacket; bright fur, good - curl, well Made and lined, an extra special for Bargain Day .... . ....... 7 .. Black Astrachan Capes, 24 inches 13-50 !Leavy ribbed triaok wool Sox,- st.. iTio Extra heavyall wool ribliad sewn, less Soz, soft regular 85o g00a0 . . ... ; . • i• • Men's Ties, good colors end. pat- we' • terns, reg. 5eo goods .— ...;g0•eI only No. 1 qualit C • oonskin Coat Very even- . • 50 earaple linen 'Collars, •assorted • dyke, size ip only, isreguyar nd 20o qualities • • 0.6 dk• • 4.6 • •••• • A Shirt ,.Special Men's Colored Cailibric Shirts, 2 collars sep arate and attached cuffs, goods that, were 75e, 1 and& t.t $1.25, fast colors, special for Bargain Day ....UV°, Men's Winter Underwear Many odd lines to be'cleared out 13argain Day • Plain Shetland Shirts and Drawere, ‘7,7.„. Boys' Blue itud Grey Flannel shirt", , • good weight, each . ....... AVO sizes 12e and 13, regular 750 and A 0., M:pneVISIBeheteli.11.e.at, irt8 a‘nd"arawe.r.a: 39c teenknine flannel Shirts, light colors, reg. $1 and $1.25.... 6 OA) dark and :°043, Some odd shirt's, ones and twos left OA, Mereng'sallanrto. .1.8.13.i.r.asati.n..rr.,...awer_ft 69.e of differenti linos 7, 0011 Sample shit* heavy weight, genuine „;7 Lined kid Glove", dreeseri*and .t;n.. an Scotch geode, regular $1.26 ooe drowsed, reg. 11 • only very fine Scotch tamb'e Wool Vent only boys' licrteidgia rim.** Shirte, the best goods we Innate, gorted patting:reg. 2566. "ae. al" 150 1,..0 evaacarYpalelwilenejosullidifntollteYeell woreatnot n trktihn des 4, Pr% a. n E0()do sdniii7.6°14. if: 26c ..prioei regular $2 and 02.50000054. Ilea Men's neck Madera, reg. Ma .1943 Staple Dept. . Some extra drives from this department for Bargain Day are genanne moitey-savers - 42 inch dirk Shaker Ielannei in ' 25 inoh Grey Illalon Flannel, reg ..ular stripes only, an extre. bargain .... ge 12i0... .... _ .„* •. ..,. iliie*e... • .80 SO inch heavy Shaker Flannel, good • , Large age Pure Linen Napkins as. .4 AR; sasortmentof colOrs,regular 6o and ii, sorted patterne, regilar $2,50'.... 1.00 70 colon lea „.. .. .........., - e Odd lot" and. •hall donne of pod ., as inoh apron Gingham, dark oelors bapkine at Bargain boy prfoos. no • With border • ....... • •.. • 0. • . ,... et, 134 inch Bleached Table Dernask, . " English apron cloth, great goods to . speolal for Bargain Day ° wear, and abooltdelY fatt eciorepini c Half mewled Table bsiztok,. good .4iiiic regular 18o ... . lin Union Shelter Flannel in pink and, A,. lealitY and Petteen* . . '61PC pate blue, regular 25o. yard ixte. A a.loortiOefdpentrzeelii.n.V!nT.ao!slei.r.a.s.- ise Plaid Shaker Flansel, perfectly fait Cotten* leyardr wide* regular 0010141 ... a.•art 6 • 1 ly marked and est .fur and linings, reg. $50 • DresGoods Brionr Navy fancy stripes. regu- 31oney saving Fancy Braced tress' C.F.et*idti Dehatiy7eB, F aeopokorlyrtnet; oregularo 11 tocriteei 160 a • 89 ;hest;Y weight for. • Wr pper: a Y_Fy Suitab or bound in. this vv Mats ... • . • 10 Dep't. BOxgam., • Brown and Navy all wool set:go, rep-. 4 Dress Goods,. very Double fold Tweed, e Splendid•line 46 inch • all pure ,wool ler 450 and 500 38 . nobby materials in for aids .. ... , -Blaok,Brown,•Navy, regular 900.. 53o 48 inch CosturneOloth in green and *7,7 •48 inoh all wool Serge, iBrown only; wt navy, reg. 45o . . ... . • regular 75o. .*414: dueled Velveteen in brown, green, All wool Black Crepou, makes very no,7 cardinal, navy, reg.. 50a goads, " stylish ileirte, regalia $1.00 uuy makes very stylish 'waiets, bar- *7 • elands Prieitley'sBlaokBrocedotirede . 55c gain day-, 0, re, •-••••••• c.a.* Geode, 42 inoh, regular 90re and $1 Fanoy Black Diagonal Drees Goode 890 Bleck .•lreeecle Mantle Velvet: Me" dress Othi baring of Black Oregon, 01.20 40-0/0••••• .. • . •••••;••seird regular • price $10 each, Bargain 7 67 • were $4 per yard.......... . .. 118 inch 13Isok Brocade Drees Goode to• int the ehd .. • .. ... . .. • 0, Me the most stylish material we have,. 1 end only Mantle Phial, geode that " Day .#6***.****0"0afer!*;••••060. •6 ends of fancy waist sew, regular spoofs" • . . ••-•46.11•••••••••••*60.1.• 1. 20 Remnants Tapestry, wool and 'Union Carpets,in lengths from 8 to 10 ya,rds, all specihl prices 13argain Day. •• • .11.01‘ Mantle Bargains Mr *Bargain' Day • 1 o lady wanting a mantle shohld Vet this • chance to secure a mantle far little money go by / only fine Itereey Mantle, 25 inched long, a • very iltylieh- garmentowier $14:50. ... 9.76 Wb to Fine quality Union Flennel 20o, fine even ilitese 121 Botha° b.e.s.t,q, io•e wlictrrtlitio3: .e.itit.;.070.16...f.a.avoa..1.3..re. 97e.: reento 80e geed° • "' I'Je. Merv, Twill White Cotton, regutor -limey Stripe Eiderdown Plennele Remnants • About 50.1tenanantS of Tatle Linen, .Shakers, Cotten, Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Silks, etcall go at Bargain Day prices • One only Green Nigger Head Man- , tlemealltriwoavdorC3Sontobh bldootititeratiede, 4,6.5 One Only Fawn Beaver lettetle, flue • finish, 8 buttons, *postal for Bar•• gain Day ....... Children's Reefers EightVentles in Nigger Head *and • Frieze, regular 34,50, 04 11l D geode • ft 05 5 good Deaver end rough Meth. mother, a few that are left of nee srA • beet qualities re al r 9 d 10 0 fAi 0.95 Teen's heavy Frieee 1.11sters tweed' lining, high,storna collar, dark col:. ore,,a. strong, stylish and service- . e.ble garment, sizes 39, 40, 44 opiy, broken prices 4,85 • Men's extra heavy Frieze Miters, ° heavy tweed lining, good trimT mings and well made, dark colors; • ' a particularly good coat, sizes 88, 42, 44, hroken •priced . . ... . . 5.75 • Boys' tweed Overcoats, a goo il strong 'coat for ti boy, sizew 31 to 35,a fel • oely left .• 1.50 1 only men's Bevy Melton Overcoatilt large sizo,a goedlilionoe for a stout - • man, for it is a regular $15 coat. and will go for •' 7.98 2 only fawn Melton Overcoats, vel.. yet collar, sizes 36; 37, reg. 137.5e ••...98 'Ladies' Underwear If underwear buyers realized how good these values are;.• the • goods wouldnot • .10i until inoon Odd sizes in Hygeiap' Combination ' Suits, good qualities, regular 31.35 , • and $1,50 goods.......... . . ... . 76C A few ladies' semple woollen Vests, •• . • abort sleeves, goods worth 75o and • • 2 only ribbed woollen Vests, pink, ._ . reg. $1. . . ; . . • 80c Ladies' NaturaVH.ygeian ribbed ve2t El and drawers, a fee, obits only left, regular $1.00 goods.... . . - . 79c p pair only 1311u3k Equestriantighte., regular $1.00.... f.6 • ; •_00.0 • • • • • • • 78e -Lodalsa) Soo,. listrzza *poi yeas, our regtear $1. 00 quelity..... ..... 760 Children's- knitted e ants, buttoned . all &Dim front, regular 25a.. 0.1.0 16C. Children's sleeping garreents with feet, open front, .regular 503.11 S511 1 Only Ladies' Scotch' lanebei• Wool • . combination suit, short sleeve,reg- ular $2.50 .... GOC Kid Mitt Ladies' and childreies, good irality 40c. Odd shades wash silks, guaranteed, • • fast solors, lOycfspools, 3 for.... 10c Cream Ringwood Gloves, will Wash," regular 600 :... 25e Ladies' Black Cashmere Gloves, ine qualities, an extra bargee' IBC . • . ' Gloves • 30 pair IntlideePl'an Kid Gloves, four buttons, soft ida, regular 9013.,sizes • to'61, special . 55c Silk -Covers & Dratfes---s Small Table Drapes, pure eint,heavy knotted fringe 55e Medium size pure Japan silk Table • Covers, tinsel embroidered,knotted silk fringe, reg. $1 50' GSC One only Japan silk Mantle Drape - tinsel embroiclered,silk fringe...:1.35 One only fine quality, japan silk, Drape, heavy • tined embroidery and khotteci *Inge, reg. $3. ' 2,10 30 heel oraped Art Silks, for cush- ions and drapes, good assortment of colors . •68c a yd 30 inch fanoy Japan Silks, assorted • * patterns........... . . 36e Smallware • Dept— Veilings Money sav- ing chances on, little things needed. every 'day . \ Pure silk fish net and ahem& apnoea Ili"- ing black and Soles, re gooier 0,••••egItif0.•11.4 ... • . •••••• 1240 Ladies washing net tie% regular 75c 5 e Colored ribbon, a inch wide, assort- ed colors, epeeist for Bargain Day , One box of silk and satin ribboneses• sorted colors and widths. miller ,priceer from 7 to 15e a yard, epeeist your choice .. • • • * • • • • 50 floisery on .Bargain Iptiaslivinposs' t o give prices for every line we want , to clear, but.viin- *-e have a few nobby reefers left in stock andott Bar- ter wei hts in gain Day will give a straight discount of 26 per cent off all, will be on our co t • k un ers inar - woolen. oisery children's garments. . . d at B .' • • 1414404114,- • gaill•MY Prices. larmiammiammatiim;;Irmaalaamiamulansamii This is nota, Iotot out or dategeoods,' hut new seasonable merchandise at prices that make It worth your while to° Store will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p3n. is buy even tor next season. lifroc;amnrs Enos itzt.rs cionarr c•• • 4