HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 9•
OR ROOM 011.14* MOQFnritafit
IWinter Viarninge
44044 wita 11,440% ,ogostat AS**010 A ter raillire"."114141411" rat .rnors' Ws Miner If-liew when all apParintlY Popularity of kerosene eta It bevorage
Oewereitete. Imilthy system may aueerimb to a OCild auggeNto tbs, powbuity of egitetbnit
After reeding or .the lirilnt ex.. ViePhoints without tusks ace Milner. graet ar4tttnaelra Pn.rireViipeallePtyhQa(tt ,differences between the , Standard Ola
7 plotte or our gallant troop* ab Omdur.• aull ln At7aelnla• this season is in keeping the Wood '"rePen5' and the Mimeo's Chrietian -
149TiMi TEIS.T IltoN Enfair^,-- r men, Ono =4 ue pardoue4 for doubt., In part S of 'OW* two °rel.* of tobatt" pure, the appetite end digaetion good _ Temperance Union. The new habit bee -:
Did you ever atop to think, when lag. the existenoe or eewardal in the' .e° are rah" aver)" 1.ear" ' : "14 " the b°weis regular. 89°4:1 Sat: 4a" int)ra Pr9greelt In re'41$ than °lee' - "a ' et talflaelne" Se °
buying gOWnet for the, wee once, that .pritish army, says the London Mali. - in. Polite Chinanten • Oottaiders it • a lartlilvitek. etton(la 11::intresiNolileweira4:roomet, where, and ie Under observation there -
the 40ft dimities and lawns iron just - Unfortunately, hewever, triery new breach of etiquette 0 wear apectaclee )-inee, li-nndri4 Wnrae'paitiu peXitles, by the guardiane of the public health.
. . g
000. 40 'Ott 07 again as do ebo' header and then, aMid the din and eraeh Of in "nnP"t' itrichite, and vitalizesOm blood. The petroliquee own to begin their
"Vitie iii Something which !should 00040 -coWardico, whieh, he, ;boldly fights proteetn the' lactose from lightning " • grid NilOogs gilts 1'.ceep ttelliver nnuci. of 'Minor with a oho, opining ex
. pierce et* an rig a , 1 ii„ e a e x ,, 0 ots p en nee a we g ,.., pp
nitsclejois it ' bowels in a, healthy °audition oure$11. omens is the only atimulant they on
Into , the cOnaideratien of every Moth-- against, The attaeli is often qeite ineX-
gOOti tett Invitrikkly Sidsiat
111 POP1aar 11011e ill England that and atrengthene the sten:tech,. creates , evil courses not because ther are out
1 d gi h mst seri a writer. h r 0 uni is Felon with' a fit lof h IlY b 1 te r d a et Yes god igestio •1 butib k
1 utiles)) collet' etien indifastion and get. It produces in intoxicatian. whieh,
po .cienten carry caries._ •
thOugh affitiri halt itatit.
tradtione for the experimentere. How
er of 0M0,1i glrla. X call iron about plicable, and noarlY always molar' wtth Mtrved, balidles. Ther are eorne- beinooboo. .
twa thin muslin gowns to elle percalet 'tarry, times' metal In reaohing for escaping • • ' ,• Itemember
It is an Unexplained feet t'ltri't Flew- lloOtEs Sarsaparilla
and roily , the muslin or thin good's ' 'The majority& of mon- aro brave bY lawfbreake°' '
goWne lea about as'welk 00 do the instinct, espeeially when in the thick
Worme are much more brilliant ',jtist Ise Cae*".' i3re1teeti lite4Ietee. 1" In.'elt
Wash much:. easier, too ; se, taking it ceptiena to the rnle, but generally iiify"titar atPimPre°, 4Pb, 1„.11g B 41.41 ,,an
"1411.*Inediaue' rric.
HOOd's 0111g4 gogrict?.:30.wir
heimor .9094, tilt; light 'Weight 'onea fight. There are, .of 091480,•ins-
•ali int° Colltilderation, xt 0,11. 000110-' the feeling that the Soldier is not a a -nun Laos was buntmg in sear v:4_
Of time, Itrength, and probably, ,e0i,-•nrate unit, but a cog in a YASt •ley, Pennsylvania, when the acold4t- •
• of Melia to put the little ones into
. tbe • pretty light:weight cottons -•far
A geed Meny advents not ironing
certain hind of clothing and houtie-
'hold linen.' I have tried both methods,
ircintng and not ironing, and 1hiiya.
Cenoluded that ironed clothes keen
.• clean -isiumgh longer to have It pay
• tO iron them, The sheete are generally:
... folded from the line, and other things,
tee. ah Much as possihle ; this saves
• tete of winkles that Would 'otherwise
seed primaing out. Sometimes. the sheets
are not irooecl; and SoMetiroeS they are,
but •pUlow Stipa andtowels certain:-
. IY. are nicer"ironed ln"ispite pf the-
• Many' to the contrarY, 1 think, if any
candid. Pe.rson will try unironed pillow
:dna. ter three' daye, and 'then pafr
of neatly irgried onesIor the same UM°,
she will readily•See that there ie arm-.
ferenco -abont.:,; the soiling, 'qualitiesof
•irimed. end " =ironed Clothes. • •
'Towels:are exceptiOu, and there:
are not nuthy who prefer a .rOugh
dried.lowel .to one smoothly ironed,
I am •sure„ for one, I like E towel just
as smoothit• 'can berand they iron
Oa easiiitt,the il'ons are bot. -I almost
..,,always..get--mino Irene& While testing
.haeted ,irons, These, ,,are frecluentlY
• $at starched elotnes, where one
mint ••• just run the iron. pver as teat
• it cab be. reeved, arid this may be
dime del; '0 sallOW • slip or a towel, so
• that by, the JiMe one or two towels
are :ironed the, iron is cool' enough to.
• Use; on the Mere particular starched
piece, Then,. too, vviten the iron is too
coOl foe the starched things, it May
be vie& to: rub off a couple 'of tpwele,
perhaps,, and so these will get ironed
almont imperceptibly. *,
Of equirse;this is rank .heresy to one
• who u�adopted the non -ironing aye-
. tein;?bift .1 haVe used both,. and if the
one *ha.. harahe ironing to do is able
to do it' at all,. the .Commoner clothes
•• are • ironed too. I, must confess, how-
, Over, that 1 see 4ici- advantage. in- iron-
• ing knit garb:lents, Turkish bath- to -
els and %'wash cloths.; flour Beck dish
• .toweicl,etp., seem just as well without
1 • ironing as with. I. want to reiterate'
again about ailing light.weint
ia1 for children's cotton• gowns,and
for Mir 'own white atirons, because
they.do iron so muCh -easier, and. really
\look ORO as well, if not ..better.••,, 1.
. •
' Catarr °Zone. a. a oz ne s
sample outfit. of :
in lit • f -11 own 11 •ba. f d • and-ahekes the whole house__ °meet "ance-iii-elbumin'Otr feeding- Value, -Of •-8`a
fighting mrichine tends to make even- alT diaeharge of hie gun blew off elle °
the Most timorous etand ,tilioulden to ,of hie arms at e elbOw
th. '-
,shoulder -with his comrades.• " The rieheat gold nlInd In the WeS4 ,d, Pooh rst Cliipptinga 1* irrepareii.rog lam
lillanthii'lear 0* being thought afraid .10 t° Vito*,jAitletalie••• it- je-i'le-eatae4 • wary a ti .
steels the nerves of many a failing tad- a r v ng town pf Aaltar_t., •
ua:defil theilityyears has yielded f150,- . The Germ. an emperor Is one of • the
dlet,' and there i$ AO donbtthat the mop°. , '. *. '.* ' ' " b lest men in Europe Rod he beemo
. 1 . bust. . • ',
dieed of the contempt!, and indigna- ' In Watertown, Mass., is agrist raUl to know what is going on all over the
don of his fellows is iik most power- which haa.been Inuse ahnie 1635, '-"Ift world and what is SAW about him at
ful stimulant. .. • „ etill-continnes to grind corn in the •old- home and abroad; Tlow- does he Con -
Vel,)? . raFell, indeed, dies' a British fashioned. Way, between the Upper and
soldier allowt fear to crier -Out° „hie nether -Mill-etiMos• - • . .• 1 .t. TiVhIst°IsbenOt. SQ avtxligeltriaelied3'tbere te
sense ot ditty; but some old veteran In Mine there are seventeen ?peril, the .Cierinan talent for • thoroughness
will occasionallY , admit ' that he; hoe fuotories, and the white birch trees of s•vsod. system behind. Ulm. He does not
in reply to the question, !'flowl hi it ial for 300,00,000 epooli, on minion are _ ri,3003 jaimploiteoWnetpampeenrswhhimostelctfix, tbyutitthiserte0100
known perhaps One such instance, and - that 'State annually auriply the meter- ...
,we never read of Such oases?' he will - subsequently wound about 50,000,000,00T . . .- . -,. , ..
. ,. ; it for him, and to arrange annciaranlY
"ansiver:•"One'dead man is a sinali ichit yards Of thread. ,
to a regireeet, llestdee,• one Man run- The...oldest letter in the World is:iii, the 'ollililillge for bis oonveniellee•
uni.onng:'a°1nta' reaeYtLerer menaesrt.htel2Fae.fossibell•,°isw, the 'Il itish Museum Alth gli. l':tell thiS is a 1)00k of Snob" aliVillga• lire -
Before any one ` -nits-Vine 10- ..think .0Ier tzhirti centeriea age'°,-uthe lia4rae- pared' .for: him- every --day.-',--•Witbout
about it or issue an order, depend Upon tett; are still legible, Tts author -'ujaa g,iPending tune over hig morning "s44.
It, one of his comrades, for the how 'Fanbesa, a learned •Ekrictian, and ', it evening newspapers he knows every
per of the . regiment, „puts -a • builet gives an interesting picture of, life in i 4:y3c ,„,;...1,47.s.,,..uthe, is
. of •t‘ ph; „world is
through him," : .: • .. ' ' . " ' - Egypt during, the reign of Itaineses,If,
. Sir Charles Napier bad an -effeetive . 'A. cbaracdeon, When blindfolded, can. 8 .11 b° t lli °Cs 01i In "frereen
Method of dealing. with • cowards .,' ' 08 no o ange its color. rleo net bln-,.. does the•work for him: , . , .....
t h ' ' . • 1 d
one occasion a flying soldier Waa' sten- - With a volume of these, clippings at
ped by his fellowa, who Were about to folded, aad left ina cooldark plea%
i light " for it, he cart know atany time what
'Allan", ar vli.eilever. he wishes tO.ying.
people:. are thinking and saying a ut
shoot him, when the general interven- it *tunes tis'grayish tint. When
ed. ' , . , , ' ' ' is 'admitted, • the chameleon's eoror • • bo
. '*'
. ,
- "eiVe- the man another charicetn- be changes- to brown, dark green or blood- •
ordered. ".Place.hina in thefront rank, red; accordingto the intensity of the hint at *ltome and abroadProbably
and if he turns again let ilitil, ,he light, . .• . ,, . • there is no other sovereign who is so
'The nian ' eagerly 'embraced; this Mrs. Morrie L. kbhott, pet for: a welt -informed reapeeting the world%
•: - .
'chance for his life,. oVeriamekhis• fears !oh% was nominated es prosecuting -at- opinion Ofhis perional gualitieS • and
and, fought bravely for the rest of the torney :of, Ogemew County' Michigan Publici acts. • ' - ' ' , - ' ."-
4.lay. ' Bravery • is sometirees largely gli.6 made - . • • ' . ..
due to Mere lack of sensibility. , , a vigorous canvas% won hosts . '; This system has its advantages and
' "There goesthe ;bravest man in the of supporters by her speecheS 'and was disadvantages , Criticism, may „., be
elected by a majority of six"votes: The wholesome, especially when • I a ' Sever-
e.rmy,". said the old Kaiser Willie* on •
. Opponent,. ',the onlY •• man,. defeated on eign in ne-leti
thi charge. "Ile iy terribly afraid of PanleS ill.: • .. ^r , ' ' , t powerfulaethe
young, officer ohoo,red liwinen on,,th hie tiCket, does not see Where Om leugh . - • . • . Ye 1.1.11C1
tht. ,bottlefie41, of SaclOwa, as a tale '
- German emperor is, • Slat Many Of the
being shot,and be knows it; but he Thread made' from ,theweb. of the stories tnla about hira are initette, and
loves his day and country More, than spider is meek lighter ad stronger naturally cause irritation. ii• . ruler'
his personal eafety; and that is whet than that which c:fre
comes e:1the ei
,*ik may he too well informed reeneeting
the world's apinioxii of Anna, well
Worm. In • Chalais-menden, France, therefore
inalrea hini lead -Warden on so ,gallarit- -
.be resent u as we as. son -
' The :ordinary furnace heated `hcnise
Is ci.bad place to grow plants.
The air seenth tO have ell the daminiesa
, removed,. ad :_thet. moist 'oondition 80
:.conduciVe to. agood •growth pfante
is not found. This may rinniasure
be Overoine 'by :insane of evaporation,
'WI -Ale' not sePPIYing- a .• greet
• amount of Moisinre. should -,ao some-
thing towards relieving the bad' con-
dition of the..atmosphere. Piece jars
-Or pans Of wtrter in, around. or , about
' the furnace,"hang buckets „of water
• down inside the furnace pipes. below
, the registers, or. place them. anywhere
unwholesome kerosene is In 40 effentet
and whether it is worse than alcohol,
has not yet been fully determined.
Meanwhile alecihol le ha 110 In'04011t dan-
ger ot being Crowded out of France,
The number of wine-ehops has increas-
ed , twenty-five per cant. in twenty-
four years, and in the. larger cities
the coneumption of wine varies from
fofty to sixty gallons a head, besides
more or less •spirits and beer. .Thirst
like that must either be restrained or
rated by borne products.' There is no
prospect that any considerakle part of
it will ever be allayed by kerosene.
Perhaps; it is not generally knewn
that Moluiromeciane never use Printed
Hurons, because in doubt as to the
gredieatsntering into the compoli-
toin of the printing ink. •Tbey are
afraid of being defiled by taking into
their bee'de a opy the sacred hook
that may have been produced with the.
ink in which pig's fat, intend of lin-
seed oil, has formed one of the conino:.
tient . parte. ,They therefore confine
theraselVeS• to reading, hand -writ- IN! ref: *,
as earilent Mahe.
p hem&
0 Ion
• If, BO, 40, mina
yray.Free. last Week
Arid probably more than that number will be
. given this week, Remember we are giving
free only soo Graphophones in all for the
purpose 0 .introduoing our medicines• .
Ththroughoutcaarotihiht ceat imiletitrY04 idiom lawns' • u.
' chines* for concert hail sewed Au patiOre Elvin/
you au the latest tongs Seotalop sacred. and pow
Aar) greatest handier' -orchestra% most' notedl
1174 want lOttle99°111OltIhigliesetilit. COWL+ c bt 41 fan no yd 0°Or a t:
vit. letter enclosing thie attY00*ealaa*
TOMO, C414
ten reproductions of the pro- • •
very expensive,
phet'S work, which , are naturally Baker a .-Adja
„Mrs. W. -Rowe, of Woodstock; Tellf
a Thrilling Story.
Prostrated,by Female weakness,. Kidney
d LILT T o bl llie Do .
81 er r r re IWO
• • Iler up to Die -Saved bY
• Woodstock, Ont.,' Jan. 23, -Mrs, W.
Rowe, who keeps a gitieery, store at -No;
311 Dundee . street, here, and who is
known to, • and respected by, a 'very
large nareber of people in the town,
had. a very harrow escape from art un-
timely recently.77."-
To: our reporter, Who calred* on the
lady, and asked. for'PartiMilars of 'the
incident, MTS. Rowe maid ,
"I -have had an „experience such as
• fall to :the: lot 'of very • few women.
Twelve,yeare of My 'life were made al.
thereis a iaotory wherein spider thread 'sitive. His books of SliPPings most: unendurables 13y. •Female Nireak-
READING -AT ROME. discrensd"eheflohilre eaPirdeeerls, . . .
plaints, . .
' together ,With Hidriey- and Liver
yerheicherwriiinthgaretwins oarndhifso'rxeeitgtitiztittiourinst.h. parties aceaso.in
tbe •delicate :threads, ' Each spider Queen Viotoria doeS net ha'te a lib' "DO physicians did all they could for
Ayr; itaybot plos It genftish.160* pesolyes ..,yielde7f.L'eni twenty to forty yards, end rary of newspaper CAPPings. if 540 Ille,..hUt • ItheiY could pot give" me either
Not 10 be Wletdeberl by Trifles. ' • , Wheii7its supply"is. extracted -the in- were to employ . the German system!' it relief or. cure: 'They finally ,annOunc-
mind, ed to me that A oould never get Set is released, ite day's Work is One. would ricrt disturb hear Peace Of
'One tan, sr; concentrate Ina thoughts : .
' •._ ,.. ." • . , • • • • for the prees in e ery hind Ims little ter: • . - •
as to -he able to follow his own pursnits . .- . • • • '. to say of her thajshe wonid not like . • "Then I began to try what the yari.:;-
La the midet of any surroundings,'" . • . THE !iRW WOMAN. - ' . • '4) reid."""Scfne of the leading Fnglisia Ous proprie' tory • medicines. 'that were
._ .... • .,joirmals are retid by • others daily for advertised in th epapers, vtould .do for
said Mr. Staybolt, or almost any. I• . • • '• , ' . '----` . -
imagine, for instance, •thcit a Maw. • Wherever Added Itlidsts She nay Claim Olie . her benefit, but it is for ' a different
•...', intirotonis Feat to ger irriviieges• '- PurPose. She wishes to be kept in - remedy and another, hut raY cape °Ma-
ine. I took a good: many bottlea of maa
'might work, without being drsturbeci,: • r I th' like touch with Whatever appeals to the timielly gnew.worse. • • ;
in a sawmill 'Air planing mill, and . •
to approach very gently, said said' Mr. of betters edience, dies, a message of to :try Dodd% Kidney•Ptils. They
• even ,that he Might be 'soothed by. the
Stoggleback, "So .rts not to give any sympathy is sent 'fiord the queen. K will cure yoti,.I know, 'for they:, saved
whier a the sevire and the hum of this „atelice.. .
•.. digester oceurs g Colliery, or a
knives, andthere is e certain fasciae -
"The nevir'Woman wantsrights regiment.in.foreign 'service meets with
e genie ing thatwould hearts of her subjects. If. a great man "One day I was advised by a friend
, and her privileges, .too ; and as heavy looses, a desp,atch expressing er
tion ,abou.t the aoond of oundIng •
in a boiler factery', •nrovirlPd it .1,14 iii:n
, . a eiet'''. sorrow is quickly prepared, Frora the
ter ,,rif fact, I am very ' glad4 elle 'does, beginning to the end of, the year ehe
too intermitMnt, and the roar of the
cling to her privileges, and. x Aopo.,3iie is ever ready to say the kind word at
oity 'is music. to many earax . Indeed, • the right time:, In her. case • the neWp-
alwa3is ,will; Which. means that I hone
I should ....say' that one cOuldivarii ta II t
•advantage almost anyvirh.ere.' If there
is an . exeaptionrio. this rule; -a Place
where ceneentration would. not eiaii,
that place, -,,I should • say,. is a haply
holati with children.' • Ai. • . • • • i .
my daughterslife;•snd .• 7a,rs worse
ithan."W!auIt'irtot'k''•her advice.. Di: two,
days a' wonderful change for the bet-
ter had occurred. felt Myself grow:-
ing stronger daily. My appetite re-
turned, the, dull, heavy, weary ache,
Pan e • went out - of -my pack ; the terrible
shell" stay a woman. But the Way in •^ • . • rleaden weight from my legs, my head=
which she mixes her rights and. aches, •vanished, my sleep became
• -• sound and refreshing. To.day am
legee no is Sometimes a little confue,
stable :Bedside Table
Dindgneti ESpeolaily. for Homs
do Manna, or Sanitarium le oemplete without
them. Thonsunda In Wan '
Ifnlyersally inclaied end highly noommended by
the Idedloal Profession, Frame or bible le construct,
ed of Steel Tubing, finished either Black or White
Enamel, Niokel or Antique Copper Plate Leg hi of
Selected Otik nicely polished. Oan be used over bed.
lounge, choir. eta A household edible, of raid
merit and utility. Desoriptiro oiroular and prier' Set
sent free upon application. Cotrespondence Invited.
.General Agents for Canada.
Taranto Ont.
• The fast instate() of boiling,to death
took place in Persia in The*Offen-
(iptr, who Was guilty of stealing Stet°
-revenues, .wagi put in a large eciuldron
of cold water, which Wsivalotirly'lielited
to the boiling :Point: His bones were
• distributed: as a Warning among. the
pro• vincial collectors, :
- •
Th der o as_ healthier, stronger and better ever
big. For instanCe: • , A! writer in ' Stockbree .
•Thomas-Phoaphate. Powder way than I have been for .twenty
"When •Wallii alo the sid walk' signs to
,woman holds her Course and lets the • • id tl t' t
ng Pg e something approaching the important Ytrs• • •
. rl r
',Big game 'is said: to be' extraordinar-
ily in the region' 01 Tacihoda.
•The-..--river,awarms with crocodiles and
hippopotami; While great herds of ante-
lopes of Various kinds and giraffes are
frequently Met •
' • W P*955 •
, .
. ,
• marhoIle Dialattentarsta,
' at, Tooth Powders .to.. have-b-OMY
pwarded.100 medelkand diplomas for, superior
emeallenee. Their regular nee prevent infeoti.:
owl insolent .Ask your dealer to obtain a
- supply.' Lit, melba free oil applleation.
gkA SAO* VASINCIO-Sew Mineral:Ions Snort:tell&
sr! Anted Ido*Ossim vallablagoodest
I Write for specie( rme diving _January and
frebruary• 711. CORRIGAN, 113 Tonga SO.
- •
,• • • "IITIU1110111!, iNith •
astalomelime. W. J. ELLIOTA Privi
pass Desmarais! Oohed row ftwrinisa.sater pe
YsIO 0 10. .10if•RAVIS6 ,
• 10- Ant( %IDE. al W. 1080410.
, . .
. HEALTH, liESTORtD r"°"'' i6atelt.lt •
r expense to th
r,:,1,11iclor strifkirA., se in, Liver, Stood,'
, .. ,, . eye ... re 4 an Breatqy ' • . ,
Du Barry's'''. Revii)enta ' *
, , „, 'Arablca Fobd,' ••
whid, Sit•ei Invalids; and Children, and aleo Iteareinue. ,
easefully Infers whose Ailments and Debility have res
• greerfiregitiht:dtteg°4°51:' ' eti eig:tinvig'igio:.111"•'
. c oi e lam is I II .
50 y a levarialde Success, 100 00d
. ears- Annual Cures of Constfr. AIIIIIIIp
tion, Flatutericy, OyeyeP 1/0 '-'7"wililid. .
Indigestion, Consumption, Diabetes; Broochitis;Indir
. daZa Oddges ,Asthms thiSsirli, Phlegm, .Diorrtialoi
Pamphieta and Samples Of
Material Of our Steel Fritma .
Mimi* Vapor Datil •
sent to any addreai 011
receipt of stamp.
Thermometer Attaahinentand.•
ViMerlrer Oempleta •
rigketi. Wanted for Beat Salk*
Bath America
the Roam vooreiffir-
„Antilop. 'remote. 1;
le Taiga St., Toronto., ••,.
'• • •
, • Nirious Debility, She4dessnessi Despondency,
Kidiaer Pills are the 'best esocaanyibasa D B
that rapid evaporatima may be induc-
when e''W re' Man tur
n ou • an El O OBS 10 Jus eupy, agricult .
London, W she in rarisen Rue de Castig ione, Ind
u arry • en
-41 stir` '
have, dor exainpler tried read.ipg • medicine Ort earth, for -weak, Sickly, so - tee,
ed. Seep all th'e plants in light, airy in my Own home th
loeationa, but' away from draughts. ily was. there, aid feeling
hole fa
the same in the busiest streets; as she "'Possessing aeIdo keen syinpathy with fering women •
are e " ' Stanutierers wb""e1611')(1
at all Grocers, Mend** and Stores or ertywherexiin tins
d h d th„ t place ev, en y estihne ot be -
would in a. calm q. iet reSidence cattle breeders, grazier% and • ' Dr. Arnett, Berlin, who will convince Yellwh n =ern
to be cured
b:roes, write to
I4reVa a Weil grown .alieeiraell have' fiat 'down and. said •to myselt; t• .• . . . farraerS generally, I would esteena it • ". BOTH OUT., '
t think tn t a • -
- Bootie
palm to a .corner of the ream, though , • • • s reet. migh
Now, bt.ayby, boy,. if you. Jia,ven't - • a.. a privklege • to add, through you col- •
t f t tm ny to the Depositor (breathlessly) -Is the cash-
kl h in• •• • • •
• ge„ 65., ie., 51h.. 14s. Sent carriage ree. • so Ds
Imam, Send your magazines, hare them nloray 11711 001, td/ tinsi da dd. and da •.
bonand.. 11111 H. olds, Statements, Letter
He ds Oards inetook and to order, Send •
Book& 20. and Titre posid counter daybook
may look better there, Its beautiful ness woman wor ng anmng us ess umns, my quo a. o es o
roapearange will laet a short time only concentration enough to enala to men in a business part of. the town, splendid manurial qualities cif this ier inf • • • •
in the dark, close place, It may seem •read in, a Ettle tumult like this, yen would adopt business Methods in every- soniewhat xecently introduced form of 'flank Exonliner-No. he!s'ont.,- Are
..atrange, to some, but the very best don't ambunt to much,' ana then I've thing, rind that when YOE met her in phosphate. I have used it on my land, You- a depositor?
V CV place in• the house, if the temperature tiled d d beg ' -the street she would turn to the right where it has •tra.nsformed pure•grass Yea.
180pagesruled. Gt. Lanisan.9 it,lirrthinalltop
Mille I lie & Halee• ' •
4AW 13arristemete.. reale/hi
own ,an • so Mosley flitget, Rioh
can there bre inaintained• at an even " , as you -do and as rill men do, but she into a beautiful olover-bedi-of ••• the Well, you're out, trio. mond St. W.4 event*.
parlour potiodine. doesn't. She holds her course, which
• point; is .the kitchen, because of the - One child -in the greater feeding andrneat-producing of • •
constant evaporation of water as it on the piano and singing with 'great is very likely to be along the inner IC h
"puffs' forth
'from the seout of the tea
w , compared with the former con -
cheerfilness, Groti,w- n-uP son who still side of the walk, and expects you tri dition of the, herbage, it is neediess
, ,
turn ot o r i
To Our 'Indere. •
IA f r he , even f it carries yOu to expatiate upon, here and now. tut - , :
,.. has e, heap alloy left in• laim .racing' to the left instead of to the 'right ; she to refer for a mornent. to )9Xr, 'Wallis' - ET410 :acilf4li, destr°11 tO. Inf°rm his
I ShYl.uricing doesn't care about that. re ers that he is •alithorized, through
< KID61"ka. Apnoiaq,, :,_- 111). and ilinvn the house • , able Critionim of the Glasgow Teohnical
with youngest son, -who enjoys the fun "NO matter who she ' may be, or College report, I am one with your a courtesy of N. C. Poison 84 Ceq
in *lying gingbaine for . kitchen, immensely and laughs uProarously, where you meet her, woman expects ve,oirspondent " J'AV".II." when he says: ringatonOnt., ni offer each one suf- •
• ng from Catarrh
aprons aVOid the braving, as the wear-. arid now and then falls over something and
fetid breath,
. indii to turn out for her; end I hope " I th cloth r h 103
13 • n e g Pa agrap a e er-
• titia Y` 0 r w oun
giiiItre°2411:::igeSTIrigt Wr2.11114r..
• Speolallot, 392 College St., Toronto.
Stammerer;- and will talk if
cools. and
youll1S3Sn7 APPLES, surge, BOOB or rran.vav
to &la, ehip them to_ •• .
th.e Dawsoq Commitoion
• the turnips; I take as tile pith of the qu...•
id which, -whin inhaiect reaches
••far beloW-thrte of other colors, owing I delight" , taliong with mother about l , -.. ... •_
probably, tO some rotting eh -Anent in is, the result ; ' • '' • • - ' -
itY, and perhaps win watith better than 'parlor. lid I 'Ho I Ho 10 the youngest farmers are forever compilainjog. Whet tempt to lay it before a8iet beragriv4en8h°frretet.14; -
us ?" x beg . Tescothrsnaamtplieises
patterns andmaterials, antiso on. This A. USE FOR WASTE "I'I.,A0E.S. whole experiment. It there is a bone -
every disetd spot, cleansing and in -
• . ' fit in Thomas -Phosphate PoWder,. as - Am R
• M d 't h •tt t variably cu ,Ing catarrh and all nasal ME ER
the dye. Bine stands first to •durabil- "'Zip -:.boom heavy pedal on in the. Bueiness an -I on sae w y YOU here shown, why do no ',pro essors a -
an *Deter color, but it is better to 4300. Slant bang I, bureau upset. Hal isthe Matter withthe place where you to hazard, with some deference, a ton-
Indigc) rather than the,gareenieh bluets, grown-up. son. But you•see, the old- Mr.. Hayseed -Wall, in th' hist place oetain profesaors •tot agricultural noi-
that, neVer cure -So write at once
selat those shades that border on .f.he Hal Hal turnitittionsAaughter or the live . • . • - lectnicil reply to this 'question:
to . the share address.
when weighed. • • . • way`f, there Won't. be enough of it left. stone -can't hardly gat grass to grow. cuperative and, wealth -producing pro- THE Eiliv3PEAN VIEW...-
, ceived the full appreciation whieh its ur°P69•11 Ilidge--V" have bee°
which' do -not .ahvaye koep their color est daughter Ispoa,king, if I cut it this the -lead ain't no good--nothiti' but. enoe may .possibly fear that if the re, •
for a bayadere stripe of the seine . Then let the land go and uss t • he yard& this Thonnia•Phollphate re-
th,ere will be, plen- finnber there. •Trees ali out down inerits deserve Would shnplify ,jo proved guilty et killing three Men five
Salted pecinutei are a goad'subititute..rePlilng• Yes,
. .
• • SALTED PEANIITS. ' around the edge. Why, the Mother lumber. "
Sagan I Jason V this to youngeat , son, years ago. • '• ' '
for salted almonds. Remove' the :shells
and pour boiling Water over the "luta adjoioing roomi;" smothered laughter No fruit either ; all killed 1/3, grubs. their raison d'etre-tur 'to render many got' rid tr g
•Amerlea. ag our *sena and nuct °therein teed
until .the red. covering letries them ; from same onartsr. Plenti. I. should You might Miro the °treeing into a of their formerly accepted 'dicta at an Criodinei-All right Judge Ell gal' to
. Many •problemi 'which it seems their wowed and six children, end the safety
who a pears to be. dragging something How about fruit delight to harp tipon--as 0OnstitUting of society demands that you shall be
Only institution is risuada.for the sure al
• *Tarp pima ptlyeas8 defer. .Establisked
OfIDIBVIritkin•VOSElaktilttrItit •
Pembhdes Toroeto, Canaan.
Metallic Tellephoito
Tablet-Atwat6 Read ":"
it clown novt.I. Primo
Loan. ,a,nd compantn.
ratithup Capital i ma*
• Reserve Yung 11115o.orso
Head OffloosT-Toronto et.* Toronto.
plumb °Mom - Winnipeg, mart., vatoomotor, 10,
are Yrsesiglyv," lekrak Paid or ceml
RIGIGIENTIIIIES issued in Currency or Sterling wit%
!alert oortpone attoolipl, plibla in armada oe
, autkoy
tigil; iloaxgcora tinge gelli*iitutli
(Uttailiciwoign Oh koil kfittt.o mum, 4 4
vsturearmnetureas and on favorable conditions as to
Ofortgages end PrunicipaiDebentures urehased. •
•11, HE IBSIVialtIliSON
DARN A HOLE In Thrde MinuteU•
- SWISS Darrper.,, .•
Aftec. a littie prase
Sloe we ear lndlen 015
Week Zealot, .Who
bare Ironed to be.
come inglEoleutty_prol
ticket ' with Tuo
dWina DAENElt town;
think, but if ihere isn't, why, yOG pond and raise carp for the market.' inconvenient diacount.
• Spread. on a flat tin, polar some failed
Can't hardly. get well water Oren. D00.11100 Cannot be Mood 4 WAIN AND COMMISSION
o like an other clan er. 1.1311TED,
- ,
thowtende of *amid% '
ould-Horra.y r Bang 1. Crash ,Zip I Can't Make a pond. Got nci streallar; • . . • •(wawa for our
Toronto and Newniariat, Out. • ,lorality. We reqUire
• L COFFEE &CO bbi°,00,
oitever theta, and piece in aslow oven meth
for about half an hour'. t4.1„sprinkle ,,weli, on know that aftea... I How is the well water I
and, set aside to cool.
•by Total: ap011eations as they Cannot rekeit the • Zrso Madras oast"
easily earn front $3
with verY fine ealt;'8hltife liclifiughlY had read twO pages sort bg woke up Bad ae lrin be. • I . F004I), OUT,
t • kr) get hoMe so early to-inglitt You sawed et;adition Of the Meares lining of the MERCHANTS, $9 weekly, In darning
samples for us: Tut
end Irroked at the, bottom of the page , Humph I No soil, na fruit. no trees,'. ios. be oreie_now, aid ott Inaba awriyealmtottiPrerdtiet°ntiletes,iteandr-tiTehteiarehiy6:ohniiitreCt. ,
boy it se tI'd .fi - t th r V" Re- Well, the only
,--m•a-1.4 • and said to myself.; ‘WhyStayby, me no atreams, no Water but bad water. • ge Monet remedies. Deafness is erithaid by an in.
• • •
Noss 4411041 *erg 0 *ids Bellow. '• aWins DAENER trill.
Vut a fresh haat or to.
•' ,1 rl • narrates. It mends
its a stocking hi WO
Jozir L. Oozy** ll '' i '' table &Mut. curtain*,
AnderMaar and alf
LEAD • i,...,,,..!•.,- ratios with* Mind
Mar and speed, and
is child can operate it
'COPPER, .. • . ,...•• .. ...... ..ks mieBy cit: Ars
telitui, neatly bow.
• ' 801.1111 VIRGINIA. BREADS , o t you. ver e mYfriend, y. way ou
said there were to ba. a number of hi- Eustachian Tithe. When thle.tithe is inflimed • Tolima% .
Beaten Biscuits -One tt G*•• tee:- (prominent Illa13011)*Thet ou linve kruttiblIng aound or imperfeot hear.
_mixt flour. :01.isett ;$11utteavioirred.opha „a/mit hittlan: rrraelclee-it itrih:tiIndeatit,tatiene tihseldpriareuintotoqauisttunfatarMe; a. one.
, one hall teamipful of butter, one -halt . wasn't a confused medleY in my mind resert. •• * 3Cr'
initiations had to be , postponed. All t ken oti thl b e to s
itlitreetalltat• Inanil eet ortilVelri Tsn Clint ling tiMigael
. o
tesiettpful of lard, one teaspoonful of It was ho kind of a medley et an., It r into norm
was simply a plain, rstralghtforward • ooNsoligiti or cola,. • toe, regalia, diaper ., had rays- citidtitelostelglatilastaV (eigetood forever.
les e c •
y Catarrhi
Balt, Mit with aweet milk into( a stiff
blank. I simply hadn't the vaguest teriously disappeared.
• • • out ad about you readmits, So it's trUe, We will givtiOne Huntred Dollars for any
I 1"
but an inflamed, condition
ttotigh; heat with a heavy l 'Idea • f what I had. been The ooateumiition• of Coal per head off litre De Gree-Aht! Now Eve fott d - wblebisn°t'hini
n the mucous our sees.
illowis raw.
usttallY takes half an hour, eCiit viith "And so r knew I meet look concen•- it ie "OtitY ehe-iiitttla OK a t011 per annum 1 afmrter;an4 Gall lv.11 hsat, ti lily? 11 ' , not be cored by.Halfa Catarrh Cure. Send ' SCRAP- , BRASS
. ItArctitZ711:1!
. , , ....
-*weal, times with a fork, and bake. in • home is a nobler piece and, 011e 11,10T0 each proton tiverwes three link three., hold birla)riirgists. 780,
' brinv11. . - ' .
, Mill or o, bollei7 factory ; the uChts the tiVerage is. two and One- : WHAT IT 6%Vrt't ($°312 11°' . .
' iiiiii.i...... '1
• the doilitlx blisters thoroughly. " It ------------reading. ------ population is lowest m Austria, w ere 1 d id 't 't tea° of
a blectiit otitter, stick with biscuit For it can't be possible thate Gree- a s re,
Deafness (eansed y catarrh) that can- "but ste,• cent tri any
and highest in treat • Britain where' 311.re. l)e•Oree,-"Irou keep a goat.• I lame' .fTeamormy a&ock.,l'olou 0. Wholesale wart St1 Toronto. moats. Sample darniturs, eilletpentegtrargiloPn6st
° The lele Muter 00.* n Metal** in. W.# Toronto.,
' toug Olot*Uo* Toleohneui
tvihot: oven until they ate a Otto deep diXfiellit tO Pead. .than a planing tenths tons each year; In the 'I/tilted' Nal sat y Pint are the beak ilOST f4131'RITIO‘73.
. • why all this paraphet'Ualie la spread , • ,-ttions von ,prro. Epps s
flonr,. °Mi. quart °rerun, one tea.. . Madam (ealm y)••••. s my nor e tofession for your boy? '
-mulst be with me and that never •will foutth tons a year • Floorwalker...Madam: irtay inquire
eggs, mix bat* the yokes' one (Platt of net te 4iitturbe4 br. trifiee,.•
, Tatplands-Beat imparately .one dozen do at ail. really must geliool dystif • •
• .1
THE MOWED PHILOSOPHER out right in t e W Oft oustona . de o
• riioonied of gait, the "Whites beaten to •
• •
NATE.= AND IkatiTT. • Many a young Man tells a young wo- table„ folding' ehair. alcohol anaP,
. atiff frotb, Put into email moulda, me* ntific writer SSTS that night it man he loves her better than his life, lunch basket and aawbag bag, r ehall make a: plumber out
av-V1 floured. before being greased, and - • - said the Cornfed Philosopher, bit re- have bought a spool of thread here, " rtnrite
Attlee to chang_e_jhe life her fa I Ming' gh ht 11 a bent' that waKr-
hake in it very het Wren. , the time which Nature utilizes foe the
e andt thou t m g as we Make
Tell •Iin to &
Hatter Bread-nisei:4yd oliehalf tea. growth of plants and. animals, 01311. raYself coMfortable and improve my thr her° fee it,
immediately and he won't
i f
. ' . , ' liallill•blf
this bill, weii-beeten eggs, one table. Lamikeelltuer701Prtshyt:f utllat 'tasiticei : . LI6-1IT' Oti- EMORY.
I‘a • •
'.:4444,1404t#4.e" ,tf
iseeltfili sock, in ono tlUert of clab-,, dreri, too, 01"CriV more rapidly during Ittutroardtiait rot:Afore we -eis• tiall tittle while waiting far ray change. thin of it again for a vreek r
ber or fresh buttermilk. Stir lacy the night. In the day time the eystem
• ° •
epoonful of salt and one and one' &Hone beyond the
table" asleep the tysteirt is free to extend its jimmie-I wortde by they always . 10
spoonful of melted butter, ODA
brat pinta of White unbolted cornmeal ' 0 w0r.000,t pavt{6100,, , Mere replacing put the preacher a y back in the
Pone into 0,,baking eligh and bake • back end of the ehureht
. Tommy -That was clone in the days .
' Batter Caketa.Two eggs well beaten •fititoitA4 440 .1.0'1414:
TAIACING CtOCIttl . , When they Wadi IllStIGS around And the
quickly. ,,,
In Stsftsoland they ate nakinig, - Prcaoher, Welted out the eafeet place.
half pints of white unboitetioorti meat INCIDENTAL REQEIETThiENTS.
I 'dui 4)
together, three cupfuls of. sweet milk
eicolos ilich do not need hands and '
&tee. The Wok teeteisettede ie. the • . .
to make the batter the conelstenoy of bnu ond yoti proi a button in its Do you think that a paasa prosasi
• freeh oreera. Rave the boo hot, grease OW be brought to snows? inquired
*lightly, drop i he better on the bee trnbeeh" when* by memos a the allono- the Xtuealan diplomat.
an let it fir, Until Worn, then turn graphto internal arrangements, it it ' eau, answered the English titbit*.
Bar,. hot -with free% butter. This tolls_ _ out, "half Pest ,Als." Or "tWetity.• Men, Provided you are prepared to batik
Inikee a Dios Mari for an invalid and mart* TOInuteil .tO *Wen." 4.0 the inte6 it up srith ettni and ailliniiiiitiOli en..
, AM he proprond in twenty minutes. Imo? be. Origlf. ,
44' 4440 a
0 0 0 O'A
ROOF! ill 6 Otia hh t Motel Works
loop %eiLain4a Mac*,
Pir,„Jiletirdairsit :itridiktia,te4t 912 tridwa 'isitietris.
land war:latai RO /*LNG usas t to sou •
legs, Trott deo' brut droll rad Callus. Dor.
ped to Am pert ole %Iamate,. lure •
Maar°. Niers retried orwork korai
. ' Doiiinion Ltno ratirig
St. Joisti, 211. orb! Itiltfle, r,, thermel. &Sing st
, fitidonatirry, my ita Net twin softy stearienip*
‘., .11 blintrIG0 eaustiniliedatieti for PRA lit, SOO'
. Mid Oahineed SteiregirAiripte, tlr to
060.6.0,L,IrltAt Cabin, ea', MI0011 &Dia,
iddi Steerage 01.50 all ittieralde• Seri rigto
*lot eta bath. Fin. all lotormatiou eoly
1.V. cal Agent*, or pny oToatialatia St Co,,
Win Agd1150• II 24. 3itoutOuiA0 at., MOtiteout
of these blotel* ate in itto, gi 'ring *Miro
Partieo wing the* would to Cho with-
out thiuu ferrate° their tkith. They titin -
he plsoid 1* Utilet.AitiO or 21 Oh Room. -
Or..iit tut ulaoo where Moro 15 * IWO 01
vord4Oltea eolY vlonee itt tiT 0 Weeks.
rot 00=0 and owe wrIVI