HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 8• JANUARY 26, 11399, .
trave you got one! A. fresh
, one or'One that has heels settled Va
you for eOnie time. If you •have
• either eije er tha other we have a -
remedy for each Of thena. Yeeir
fresh cold, tbat, one you caught
the other day, guarantee on
be cured by DOCK'S BALSAM
you caught it early in the winter
and have .been bothered with it
ever since, We would advise you to
bottle guaranteed." It contains
fifty per' cent of part) ell with
I. • •
hypophosphites of lime and 'soda. I
Pleasant to take and, e4ily dig" -
ted, These remedies we guaran-
tee *ill do • what we say; cure
c ols1s, ' 'Askfor th'e m. '
Balsam) 25c bottle.
Perfect E m uIsion?' 3.00 bottle.
., •
Successor Phone 2. —
I ,
. .
• • , SilverWare, Jewelry, Watches,, etc. Freeinason and-Jalso a member of
Most people prefer Rings to a
. -Call an see our stock and learn our the United Worknien, The-=d-eceitsed
any other kind of JO WelrY. . . „.• gentleman will be missed in these SO-
TENDERS FOR TOPER. Heigrave. 1slob. ,
,,,..14440,044,40 0
Mr, Bert Moo 44 the cheese
- r„-e...;wen
Gooerjoh irowoomp °owe vet 1.0061" ,
F. Wheeler is recovering from AU at-
' tenderit Up he one o'clock p, rlf. on Monday sliClf of la grippe. This disorder is very at. Guelph on
brvammthr, and
toria of 15.090 lett a prevalent hero this winter..Trtinitlebeuatyfa7areed"Wveendtnrsdey of last week.
the following dime/1000a ;.- at Ruck 141411 0 W• Bone has ittirneilrroin a trip to. Mee Lizzie ,Oratinock left on Wei:1-
°10;0AR. Eden Mills with Aire. Mine. Mr. Bone nesday to yisit friends in Wingham.
ia regaining his health since coeallnit to William Tamen made a business trip
7,500 foet-lOxlO-18o a, our burg. to Goder ich Net week.
,600 fee •
11t.,.. 6x10-18 feet long. °
Mr. and Mrs. Spinet epent last Wed' The en nivereary serVicen were held
3,000 feet-- 4x10,-10 feet leng.
.. nom. . Exig. nesatty visiting friends:in Seaforth. in St. Andrew's church on Sunday last
All Mho delivered in equal quantities t the . 8' a.rimo
hiRk-ongland Intends having a Salo of
farm :stock and impletnents '
.„ I Was crowded At both Service"( when R,ev.
anci. Were a grand emcees. The church
` 4.0iI9 feet of plaids 10 feet long, alii:thick,
following places •--John ' Middleton's, °John shortly, and Daine Rimier says .he will , Mr. Wilson of London delivered two
Wood's, James Johnston's, Nixon StOrdY`ti and tetnore to • Gnderich, • 'very able sermons. On Mende), eve
Charles -Williams'. Tenders -will be received, I Bennett Bros, are threelling clover lug he lectured on the subject 'Thirty
forcodar aii.1 slm
' N ON STURDY, Clerk. around ei e at preseiit and mako &years among tne cannibals "
OoderichTOwnship, Jan. latls „ good job.
, •
. The pulpit of Knox church was OC- with la grippe at present. We hope
CliPied•lest Sabbath bY Rev. My. West she will soon be better.
of .Bluevale, Mr. Edward Tetuan of Palmerston is
PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Knox church congregation held its visiting at his home at present.
EFFECTS, VEHICLES, ETC. .. annual meeting' last. 'Wednesday Rev. Mr. A. H. Plummer purchased six
Mr. Hall PresKliog• Tho "(owing fine Newfoundland dogs on Saturday
officere were re-elected •--P. W, Scott. last.
Dr. Turnbull offers by private sale at Ida E•Sef Scott,
kelvieoor&onZiaty4:11400, A.
treasurer; Mr. and Mrs., Chas. MeBrien and
°nice the following 001°168N:- (laughter Lizzie, are visiting at Mr.
- Coal stave, Radiant Home, No. 5, With oven
only in elle a short time and good as new; coal to managing committee ; D. Melkle- George Moore's.
The annual ineeting'-of the Morrie
stove, Radiant Home, No, 4. without oven, john and Jas. Cunningham, auditors.
bought new last spring; coal oil dote, latest Branch Agricultural Society was held
iMprOved bluejlatne, no flame or dirt, only in aniel Geddes and 'Walter Allison
use a few months, post VO; heating and vont'. were appeinted ushers for 1899. The at the Central hotel, Blyth. Mr. A.
Iating drum, the Acme, as sold by me. Webb nuances( Of the congiegetion and mem
of Harland Bros., bought last whiter, saves the bershiPcroll are in it prosperous state
exeenee of an extra stove; dining -room ehainirs
(6), latest style, ohly in use a few tannthai d. and everything is working harmoni-
ously, It is expected that the next an -
corner tables (3); book case; office desk; °Mee nnal meeting will be held in the new
ow (revolving); fancy semen ; sofa, lounges, church to be erected this coming sum --
mirror. hen. %,,, gis, Airbglite ! iner. ; °, ,
A t
making chairs wardrobe ; mirror,s
ionlogook, w-; :Itetlierfar c3rioifitovlea:litidn.Pnreehenille; oil paint: vicLianigtyri.ppe Is ,doing ;its wnrk in, tylis
, In ngs, etc.; buggies, new
and old; harness. etc The Misses Agnew' 'attended , the
wedding of Miss Nicol on Wednesday.
.Miss Fearer' returned lastweek after
an extended visit with Mendip in
Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Were At lene
to a few of their friends Marty
evening: .
Miss Maggie MeClennand _returned
home from Toronto on Tuesday.
Mr. A. Taylor is .gt pierient, on the
sick list. •• •
Mr. Oaten is holding revival services
in the Methodist church.
Mr. J. Agnew Of Clinton spent ' Sun-
Under the parental roof. .
1898 has gone and we wish to tharilc
• • .. ,
our customers feEtheir liberal Patrail •
. .. , ',, it • ;
age. , We . believe that •.hriTing.„onee
bought from us they will dome "again ,
having satisfied themselves that our
goods are just as represented.. • ;
, During 1899 we expe.et an juoreapo or
business and we shall do our , beet by
good,workmanship and fair prices/ to
Merit it.
Mrs. Edward Watson is vely sick
;eel NKS
. .
W. Sloan presided as chturinan. Min-
utes of last meeting read and adopted.
The auditors report was presented and
on motion was received and adopted.
he electionof officers and director',
esulted as follows 1 --president, .T. B.
Tierney; 1st vice, president. • Joseph
Carter ; 2nd vice Preeldeet, Wm. Pat-
terson; directors, Robert Ferris, Wm.
Brundson, M. Lockhart, Wm. Jackson,
J. Shortreed, jr., T. W. Sloan, N.
Jelin Sherritt, George Powell and
Wm. Mason; anditors„ Alex. Elder
and J. gainilton. ,
The tionnal meeting Of the. Blyth
Cheese and Butter -Manufacturing Co.,
Limited, was held at the COmmerelal
hotel on Fride.y. There was a good
attendance of members and the follow-
ing officers were elected t ---President,
Mr. Ohris. Johnson ; Vice, Mr. Chas.
Taylor; Secretary, Mi'. .R 13. McCow-
an ; Treasurer, N. Curbing; Salestban,
Robt. Marshall ; Directors Walter„Mc-
. . Cowan, N. Cawing. Boa. Marshall
andOhae. Tai•TOF; Auditors, J. B. Tier -
nay and•George Quinn.' During the
,! Aubuin.
. . . Past season there was delivered at the
factory 803,230 pounds of milk ; cheese
We are sorry to report the death of inanufactored, 73,1.77 pounds ,• average
orient our most respected and wellr oundof riailk to one pound of cheese.
beloved citizens, in the person of Mr. r0.97,; total 11101143V received. $57,34. 12.
A.ndrew T; Macdonald, who departed
this life Tuesday week or early Wed,
nesday morning.. The deceased was
Well-known both in public and private
life, taking an interest• in political
matters. He was it staunch Reformer
all his life and took a deep interest in
all political -affairs, He • was also a
•• If your watch or clock has been•go- temperance man for the last thirtK
ing! astray briiSg it trenk,and,wewill
do it good Or if you want anythibk, in
years of and manifested Dim
interest in temperance work-, •The
'deceased was also a member of the.
Canadian Order of Foresters and a
epriees. , eieties, as he was •always anxious tb
For this 'reason our Ring further their interests. Mr. Maeden-
Departnient raehres more at- WE ARE LEADERS
• aid was a Preshyterian,in religion and:
, • his Well -loved form Will be missed in
tention at otir hands than al shsish, ane was alwayi foremest in
the deceased was a member followed
most any other. You will find
most all the favorite stones and
'combinations in • our stock at
its best in both quality and
Diams, Pearls, Rubies,
Emeralds, SapPireS, -Oplgs
'Turquoise, Olivines, Wedding
1 -
- •
. UR jib church work. The societies of which.
. Sib
, •
3e.weler and Expert - • 'Ise
Watch Repairer. • OE
the remains to Ball's cemetery, where
they were laid in, their. last resting
place. Mr. Macdonald leave"( a Wife
and three,small children to mournthe
of one who will not scion fOr-
••••••••••••• gotten. :He also left . it sister and
brother to.mourn, in sorrow for. those
who have but gone before. The funer-
al was largely.' attended; somewhere
about one -hundred rigs • following ,the.
remains to their last resting place:.
. We are sorry to report the death of
Mr. Jaineta Wilson, one .of the ,old
Eioneers of Wavvanosh, who has been
• Successor to J. Biddleconobe.
, •-•J
• DON'T WAIT for, something to turn
up, get a business ' education and turn
something rip. Active, eau -dated an d-
well -trained young men and worilen
are wanted everywhbre. We admit
. studezteattany Vine. Write for cir-
W. 3. ELLIOTT Principal,
Through tickets issuedto all points in
Baggage checked , through, • For all
nforreation in reference to ti;avil con-
sult the above.
..04.0:4=44414 •
. • .
z •
MILES -4186-r MILIE8
Extenfling front the AtlantiO Seaboard tO
• Chicago and Milwankee
To Niagara, Valhi, Buffalo, 'New York,
Philadelphia, Washington and . all 'Principal
Points in the South, and by its .connections it
reaches 'all Principal Points id the Western
States and Feeble Mast,
Through Tickets to all Foreign Points.
Vdr Descriptive Guide(, Time Table, do,
ly' to .lgentR G. r. 8ytdni
ch.pottion,.-G.T.R.Agt..# Minton,
• • F. -B. Hodgens, G.T.Tieget Agt,, Clinton,
LILY. . •
4a4t plug • ,
*To oi *,,,till like it
If you, try it.
Grandmother s
Cookies -
• • . • r .
ere it greet many years and helped to.
Weer a large tract Of land in that town-
ship. The deceimcrm
e, gentleman lived
with his.sont.Mr. David Ms.-in,for it
number. of ',years. . Mr. Wilson was
.about ninety-one years of age when
the silver cord was loosed. He was a
Methodist in religion and A strufnell
Reformer in polities.. He Will he miss-
ed at home hy those Who have .been
left; but he hes oely gone before to
await a glorious resurrection. His son
Will feel the loss of it kind fether and
friend, but•God' will be a Father to the
fatherless.; „.•
' Mies Agnes Rowed of London is the
guest'of her aunt, Mrs, Samuel Cald-
well. • -
William T. ,Ciawierd called on Au -
might have been extra fine, Init 1= burn•friendathe past week, •
do net believe theiPeOindhave equalled Miss.McBrienutiClinton, isa' guest
Misaes Sturdy. • • • .
the ones that 1 'bake fresh every day.of the
The. Bible Society intendsholding
They •••,, its animal nleeting .112. the. Methodist
• . 'ohurelt-th'e firet Wednesday in Febra.
Are Light and. sary, when we hone as manyas possible
, • - will tern out to. hear :the Rev. Me
, •
• - _Bitirray. • • • •
,• Come to A.uburn•for dry goods, , , s, groc
•'eries,hoots and shoes. • • his is the
as are all our manufactured goode. placato he clothed, booted and. fitted -
apt theright change beck.
()all on me for Pies, Calets andBread
rind YO,iii'hileband will havit,•iiii:•::*eifise
to complain of the haking. ' ' •
• Beet Ale.terials I;
' • Best;Workmanship I,
Best Prices 1 ' • '•.'
Besknf Satiefifction
•..Better Try ifs 1 •
Next (larendon,#otel.
• • • 0 •
C)11117 41:4 c?4)...1,4 A. ;show trent in front Of fire hall at night t -attend
places to e decided upon by Um 00060, clean
• to the heater; ambit weigh7rnaoter when he is
absent at the 'Motion for 16c _per hour' extra;
%headquarters to be at the lire hall,. heat* from
10 *tn. to 6 a. ni„ he to ring.bell ate:a.m.; sat.
• Applications for the following ToWa Offices
wifl be.receitted by • the, undershmed up to six
d'elecicp.rn, on Friday, 3rd February.1W9 :-
CHIEF' CONSTABI,B,Bro.L-Duties to fueled e`
Weigh -master, .bell-ringer, caretaker of town
inspector of Meat, bread, wood, fish, etc.;
sanitary irtimector. collector of poll tat, dog
-tax, and all other taxes and licensee; to keep
,now shovelled during the daytime from in
front Of' fire hill, attend. heater; including Sen.
'cifs3", truant officer; duties frow7 it. ni. Until 10
-p.m. • italasy $4l0. ••
INT -w
the streets within the fire limits and report at
larC)C,Clo 4
Cgr Co:Cs CUB;
Ebony Hair 13111811g3
Ebony Military,Brusbes
Ebony. Rai Brushes .
'Ebony Nail.Brushes"
Every Brush stamped and guarantee'
4 genuine Ebony.
;:tviFiaj'alimr1VoNB,Bit-Dutior(lis'dothied by by.
• ASS7.°FIRY4 'ENGIN-RBI:ea:D*1es an defined.
by by -lave; Salary $30 •
Both Lo be retmonsilee for pollee -lea Of engine
and litO'hall. • . • •
A.14SESS0H-_„-Salary, S60.1 .
' P°e• • „ srta.W; litayer.
The general agency rlebt of "Our Native
aerbe" (Atoned 4..1311ex-0)4 IMOnterfal) for
Horeb Co. OtaBohthern,Divislon of Perth, will;
be Sold immediately and on, easy terrns as ill --
health forded me to leave Country. Will
established and profitable brisiiresh. ,Forty.9Ix
b t ke II tid
,• Celeman etreet, Settfortli
s • A. li,SHBA, °
it, B. -Persons ladebted to Me please forward
'donee. •
Bocpiet Holders Annual leteting,
Perfilm.es '
"'ranging peke from' '25C to
an Initidsonariy put up in faney)iottlet
We ask you to sea our rite& and
us show 'you how reiteonable prie
they are,
. - VOA° PITMAN SZSTIflif tails time disease and eirftering vanish The funeral of Mrs. John Seward Ot If you are pais and thin, you are poor
Mr. A. S. Kennedy, 44 Sussex Ave.
Toronto, says r "I had been attacked
very fritrently with emit° muscular
rheumatism. 'a,,ffecting,;03y Shoulders
and arms. I used South Aineriean
• Riteureatte Cure andfound immediate
relief after seidose or two. My' family
have used this remedy with the ;nest
satisfactory resuIts. I think it truly
a very efficacious remedy for this very
prevalent allinei2t."--•-•Sold by Watts:
Tin Wedding. -Ther was a nooSt• in-
teresting and pleasant gathering at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jae Miller,
Base line; Mullett,' it. being the -tenth
anniversary of their wedding day.
The two dozen guests sat down to a
'Spread. which' was roost enticing and
rich, after which the evening was
spent in various gaines,' Many pres-
ents . were giyen the. happy couple,
showing the •high regard... they are
held in by their acquaintance s and as
slight mementos of the happy event of
the evening. - • • _ ' •
I - •
OfiPined Ille for years. Iconla not
, walk, Itriedmanyphysicianswith.
out benefit, .0n the advice of a
friend I tried your medicine. I
-*as completely cured by three
bottles of -
111., BMWs Hertee Senuelts Pe;
acinnuGies. .
Rockers,Music Cabinets or Music Racks, If SO just drop in
Luneer--Itonnnans,--At the residence
001111 tten.brileh',3 bpli.uBe net:: \V. Lowe,
and see what we have to offer you. .• .: -
Edward O. Lundy of Blyth to Miss • . .
LnuoedienrdoausA. vie, daughter of F. H. .., ..
PABB-HINGSTON,-At tbe residence . UNE1ERTAKING . . .'
of T. L. Hingston Cypress River,
off Jan. 4th. byf Rev. Mr. our gook in this department is complete. Our Hearses
dBarluigeshetiesr. of R. ,i!l: uings.ton of are.the Icief3f ,l0 the county. Our prices are as low as thelowest.. -.
I RoAN-4-.11EA.NEV.-.A.t SL Marys; on , •
Jen. 9th, in the R. C. Church, by •• BROADFOOT . BOX & CO.
I.. Rev. Figher Brennan, M. Egan, to • . I ;
church, on the 17th inst., by the ,;
• Rev: Father Downie. brother tif• • ,
• the bride, assisted 1?y Dean Murphy , J.; W• , Chifilpy, Ninaager
and Rev. Father Fogarty, James'
Neyille of _ _Seafertb_ to, ktagg!0,.. Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our ,
tiountoeprpf Mr. Stephen Dow.nie„ •
• , Funeral Director, J.W. Cliidley, Xing St., opposite Foundry,
ICaore.--WaonahrOa.-At Irishtown,
on the 16th inst., by Rev. Dean
• .
ajr j; have ygry few "left overs" frOra
the trade These 'few things
We have done a large business,
during the Holiday season and
arechoice and we are cutting the
price away down. Do you need
•• . anything in Foncy Tables Fano
Argue,ie, 41)11 "A). 1111:gsvgfi,
• • •
• ' A Wticosse AnhotinDement; •
.- .
The,. public will be ieterested : in.
knowleg . that the publishers of that
PoqularT'weekly paper the Family Her.
ald'and • Weekly Star of Montreal, have
"arranged for e further supply of their
fa:firms preinium picture "Thin Red
Line."' All who become' subscribers
during january and February can de-
pend on getting a copy, also renewal
'subscribers. We believe the publisbere
of the Family Herald and Weekly Star
intend the "Thin Red Line" tube the
first' of it series Of these fames: Pie -
tures, and Canadians who Secure a
cony this year will he fortunate', as
they will be ableto get the entire., set.
In a few weeks the entire edition of •
'•‘„`Thin•Red Line" will be disposed ef:
and no more ottn be had et any figure.
This is it hint for these who have not
- yettectired it.. It is given free with a
year's sebscription (one dolla4 to that
ii\great paper, the Family . Berald,-: arid
' ekly Ste"e, Montreal. .,..,... • • ,
'LADY T.,OVES:),3BADVY,'• ' •" •
. .,
• WHITE tarp astetterx :,,, • -, ..
Skin diseases of every 'nature, from
the merest pirepie on the •fleiih to the
Most distressing ',czar*, gait, iheilen,
and fetter, toll quiokly, pleasantly:and
permanently cured by Dr. AgrieW's
Ointment.- In dieeese'whera.. ,ontWard
applications make at Cate Dr, Agnoisso
Ointment uever fails.. One appficatiou
gives instant rellef00, lEioldhy Watts it
ItyrailliprettY and 'slinPle eeteinony
that urilt-ed in the ,,hoods of wedlock
Mr. 'Win. Boyle of Holyrood • to 'Mies
Annie Marshall datighter of Mr. Wm.
Marshal Of the Otlinolii . Wednesday
last. The sun .liaa mitt its .last rays
when Rev. Walter Rigsby • pronounc-•
ed the twain one in the presence of
somethirty invited ghosts after which
the company sat down the:: bounteous
spread. The bride was the . recipient
of it number•of presents showing the
:high esteem in she. was held.
They settle &urn to the sterner idde of
life. this week their Suture home
near llolyrood., . May long • life. and
proSperity be 'theirs. • .
VANieiX TIM • illtilITMENT 01
• Ef011f;, flOCTE • AMIE BIOAM
0:, 011BS,
• .
...„'Mrs. W. 8.-Bisse1t. ea Oitilleirin
Toronto., wits troubled. with severe
pains in the of ' her back which
dectoie said was caused by kidney
trooble, and which produced iritense
suffering id tireei. • She used 'many
remedids Without an lastin beeefit
thousand of oink finnished bvleeh Patrolrand ing Sy for 'Phil n To thi well -assorted and having been
N •
itvr 11;1 Deoavnatis.---AtSt. Columbian ,• Vult'uttldre eale•
rS and T-TnIci°rtaker• °
Murphy, Mr. Alex. Kropp of Beech- • " •
' • Of Formosa ,
wood, to Miss Barbara Waggenor, •
1 '
MILLFR-PETITIOR.-On Jan. 13th, at
the residence of the bride's parents,
I •
by Re*. .P. ,Musgrave, Williarn
Henry Miller of Markham to Miss
Mary Ann Pethick, only daughter
of Richard Pethick of Winthrop.
Bnowx-Kiennf.-.Alt the residence of
. Mrs, Mary Brown, Crediton, on . Our preparations for the 'holiday trade
"jan...I8th, Geo. W. Brown to Miss •• • - ' •
Martha M. Mien. • , •are. now ,very. complete in every dePart-
. Humus. We .are making', 1t decidedly to your adv.,
Moon:L.24n Clinton, eilYan; 22nd, the tage to do your holiday shopping with us by
wife of Mr. Wm. Moore,. of a . :
daughter. •
GuneAx.--In • Mount Carmel,. on Jan, marking.. all classes1 of goods at very:close
14th, the wife of Mr Joseph Quin- . . .
'emsaoeNo._f einamrtmouth, :on Jan 6th,
prices,ii-ne-iii:el-u,.. ,l -g--- -2-, ,,,, ,... ..., ,..,.., ..,... ......„...
formerly of Wroxeter, of a•son. ' , • Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs '
the vrifeof Mr. Robert S. Gibson,
Caron, --,In Tuckersinith, on Jan. 9th, .
• • • • .the.wife ef•Mr.Iddo Oriel: of a son. • • Ladies' and Gents! Kid. .,01o.lires ,,..,:-.......:
ANDEEW,-In Constance, on Jan, gsd, . , : Gents Ties .. , , . . •, . , , .. . - - -
, . • . • ,
• the wife of Mr. Thomas Andrew of .
Lownny.-In Hullett, maim. 6th, the
. Table ‘'Napkins'
, . : wife of Mr. J. II. Lower tO
MAxwitee:-In Wing.hani, ' on . Jan. ' '' •
' Table Cloths With Napkins'
15th, hire. Rehert Maxw,eil, Fur Capes. and -Caperines '°- ' .
S'e0/1)38.-In Tiirnberry, on Jan. 14th, -
. Mrs.•Reuben . Stokes of a daughter. Plain and Fancy 'Silks
• the wife Of 111r. 8: H. :Jackson of a Black and Colored Dress Goods, • .. .
. ....
Iecarsoie.-In Brussels,. on . Jane 6th,
son. , • ,
.Seatit.:-In Morris, on Jan. -11th, the
wife of Mr...Allan Speir. Of a son.
STewAnT.-At Langdon, Dakota, on
Jan. 10th, the wife- of Mr, Peter •
• Stewart, (nee Miss Mary Lowe of ‘•
LAING.-In Hay, on -Jan. 13th, themife •
Brussels) of a son. • _ - 7-
. of Mr. Thomas Laing of a son. • . .
Basson,-In Orediton, on Jan. 15th. , .
• . ' the wifeof,Mr. Williarn :Beeson of . ' '. . . .
WHO WILL IT BEI:.:.. .. ... ...y.,. ..., ... . ; . .•.`.;
.1;1•10:;.°311-1;lit Hullett; on Jan, 6th,, the *didatein the approaching election for the House of Commons and guess the number of votes he • '
J".• ;Rose of it daughter. .
, Rosti.-In Grey, on Dec: 16th, the wife, ...• . ,... „
' For diceii-eashe.urehtise amounting_te.bneDoliatryea, aro entitle& to deem" your mina.
'_ wife of lgr, -WillianyKnox of -a, $0n., will 011 in West Huron; We Offer a: beautiful Dinner Set of 97 pieces, value $10, to the person ' • . . ... .
- • who can name the successful candidate and guess the nearest to the number .of votes polled for . .
•. . • • ' - ,
him in the riding. This. competition closes at 5 p.m. -on election, day, The °facial. returns will
decide. The Set of.Dishes is on exhibition in our north vdndowe • • " •
• New Fruit, .Raisins, Choice .Bine Fruit, Selected 'Valencia% Sultanas. ' Extra ollea'ned
Currants, Figs, Dates, etc. NO,* Nuts -Filberts, Almonds, Walton% Cross 8c Blackwell's Peels
.Lemon, Orange and Citron.. .Pure Spices and Flavoring Extracts, • Finest Teas and Fragran t
Coffees .
• • • • •
. . .
. Butter and 'Egos •taken
. .
day mini:dies. . . - • . .
Kirkton. on Jan. 10th,
second son of Henry and Ann
..aWnd000dds.maygs,ed 27 years, ID months
• llearra.-In Tutnherry. on,lite. 13th,
Herbertli. Homuth, youngest son
of Mr.. and Mrs. Chas. Homuth,
aged. 18 years, 3 months and 24
'elOvdnarlYr..so"Ox..-.4n Winthrop, on 'Jan.
, 12th, Andrew' Govenlockr aged 68
•• 'years and 8 months. . .
Bitneneaue.-4n TUckersmith, on Jan.
13th; Brondfoot, • aged 67
' years; 6 months and 21 days, ;
Ttickersriiith, on Jim. 16th,
.George T. Byre, -aged 6 years, 7
months and 27 days. • ..
,,MeXillopt Jan. 13th,
' Euphinine Johnston). relict Of the
.late Patrick Logan, aged 81 years.
.ext.ctinotr.-In Seaferth, on, Jan, 1303.
John Gilchrist, eged„32 yeas and
•,2itionths. : • . •
McKillop, on Jan. , 15th,
lames Durie, aged 88 years drid 6
,MoDottarxi.-411 Auliiirti, on Jan. 17th, •
Andrew T. McDonald. aged.:42
_years and 0 months. •• • •
Meatte•reete.-411, GOderich, on Jan„
. .14th, ;oho °healer, 'ion of Mr. and
Mrs.. John' MeGrattan. aged 4
months and 17 days. ,,,-
4144non.-In • Kinjobs. township; on
Jan; 11th, Angus TennantMcLeod,
Infant son Of Peter AlcI4end,lot ig
eft. 8, aged 3 years, 8 months,. and
• -3 days..
119th, WI;10
Wurrn.;,--In Grey, on
White, aged 76 years and 8 months.
WILsoa.--40n Jan. lOtle . Jerseyville,
Bit Wilson; uncle to Mrs. S. Peat --
son, • son,•of Brussels, aged 95 years.
jornaledx,--In Hibbert, on Jan. Mb,
°William Johnston, aged 88 years
'iOuntircl5-1n on jan; 15th,
John \ M. Currie„ son of James
• (Jerrie, of Lower Wingham, egad
88 years. • .
"I was very weak and hardly able to
walk. My blood was tein and 1, was as
pale as death. Being told about
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and in it few months r had gained
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aohe. •
as cash. Call anti get your holl. N. ROBSON'S • CASH GROCERY' ••
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and from finie to time original picc-ei of literary ',murk, poems, fiction, and
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author's originaland.keen way with subjects of vital Interest In the America° '
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10' dais` et': OcAr , • • • . Subscrrition, 44 00 a Year
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"(corseted everv WednepdaY afternoon;
Pall Wheat: s 8 A38 to eo
Goose Wheat......, 60 to 05
4444 4 0.1100** u 40 to 0 45
Otte 0 27 to 0 28
...... 0 6$ to 0 65 • we can get for which we will pay
We want all the I3utter and Eggs
Rye . 4. ..1i1•0.***0 0 • 0 BOto 0 36 the hiehest market price. •
• • Petateee;per hush, new040 to 0 40 '
.. .
The Annealiiieelingef theetoek-holders and For Over Fifty Years • Iltiitter loose in baaket..., '0 12 to 0 18 • 4
Coy. will be holt In Wilson's Hall. Hteroetivine GROCERIES
usei hy million* of inothers for their a ildren - igggs per dos. ...... ....„ 0 16, to C 16 • ,
I ,
PittrOtis of the lohnorivillo Choesand Butter MRS, WOrflitOteEt SOOTR*0 MOW? hag bees Butter in tub........... .. .. 0 12 to 0 13 •
Mr the purpose o winding up the buttinetuf of Wie teethieg. Metering It night and
the year 1828 and for the. Wooden Of officers for
On StittirdaY, JOT 28th, 1809, at 2 teehtck p.nt,
broken of gime mot by. a sit* 0 Ild suffering ay.(.... .. . 4 4 5 0 kto .6. 00 •• , • '
and erring With pale ef thittleaTeeth seed a• TAva Rogs.......• 4 it 4 00 to t 00
the thirrent year. A refund of 90 per each One° and %eta bent of "Mr& whitlow's acieth, k t
r per w
• 6 00 to 00%. . Out stoek of- Greceries freeh,
shareholder, will biY paid At t meeting, until she tried the olith :merman
Xl„ FOHSTICR, W. S. LiWilieNorCottur
President, ' Wonderful benefit, and: aftet taking it. nacres Diatrh066,raguiates the: Stomach
Kidney Mire. A few doses proved * Dendupon it. mothers. there tine Mistake aboUt I
neve tre poorlittlo sufferer immediately. De. Dried Apples per 0 034to 0 44
et 41144.411 04444 0 bought to sell is being sold at
jany. Mk 4909, "." - three bottles all trace' of the trouble
GuntaitedtimaInigamoustion,anivivvoneanc Geese
tiotten8 tho beaks per 11). 0 O5ito 0 06
T k lb 0 07 t.:1 0 08
ur eye per ... 0111.1 ... . COS will soon clear it off the
ana. *Wale, Mired Wind Colip,
• per lb, 0 05 to 0 06 shelves.
= wore gone. -sola by Watt* Oo.
044410, • -.0., -0444444.4-0,...044.0.-44,140
ono r to the w le Irma. " ineloW11 0111010116 Per pait 0 30 .0 35'
SOOtt§ ne yreir ter dr011 feaCift is PIM. wv*
41411t tO tatite arid is the piEl PtiOn Of one. w &nu. 404444111441 .. ..... 44114,11. 0 6 to 0, 16 TRY d US.
• STARVE to of the 01 est and best, felt Mario th
cure D0. l4 Eat heartilt ana Ilureeti hilottlectriVtalft•dru °Iataymfitf* Ye
The undersigned will horde eveoleit °Woe, take De, Von Stan's Pineeppie Tels. 6tirtitt.44 world" 4116 ate tt1P1 4118k alt4iti?iftht
lnghdr futictions and in an laitieroap, • ° We refer to the richness of thetttood.
ter SthOrOtlith tI1VO4IliOtIthe 0011110 OR Matti.* lElt* TheY assist Nature iri perform- Ivisatovessooltintasinunk, 140VV TO GMT ItIOR,
ion in tile
out per ). 00 to 2 15
shortharst in the Oollegla Gbh:UM:to on the
".• lEt Combo.. • - evlereg Of Ttiettday, JATInat Ird, and old time good besith, comfort and St. eatharinet waspoatponedowing to stro:tg.th rind nerve power. Scott's
- rms,410 vainni, yOlithfUl buoyancy reign, and life puts the death of her husband, whieh *ad litriulsion 'es ftWat thinness and
Sold. by. Watts k 02. • nounced for the funeral services. , power.
unit Druggist, Moab, rteo,, nth, '
JOS IltiloOSOX. on it Sow and hopeful phase. 85innoccurred at the very hour MP tlallOr. and brIng6 rich loot and nerve
1' • a ,
*lomat Manager nays of the Grand
Trunk will leave taabout a week for
;two menthe vieit to Igurope.
, •