The Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 6't
r WX1i.r1 .inn; tsl/tltiar BALL. a ----mallinsrLiab t17 -1141Z', -R
~„Idlers Who Fight Against Attacks or i Pew Paragraphs WhichWill Pro
cowardice. Worth Rending.
NCO After reading of the r V , ''t ex- 4tjaa,0 ei�hants withovttir, l(, tTQ
Moits of our gallant
e :i • r. d i Ji1tf hlikri i •3q I �: t` vet . "^ .1 . e> s t
)?1<. n,r /,r''�� ,tit HrtJ u\C. sit"'- iiti *.t'fgr.11�•StJPI)LEMENT YTO
The Clintons News -Record.
Clinton, Oat., '11..i l fir, January 25th, 1899.
Western Dairymen's Association. ru sPli •. 1t itr_e ►tat. P41,1 4. ,i lbert IY►ttttq A lCrttt�vny:•,
Guelph, Jan. 19.—'file 32nd annual The project "of building- a railroad •lord was receive I in town of the To tho Editor ofTm News-RecoRD.
convention of . the Cheese and Butter from Guelph to Goderich i, being agi- dealt) of Mr. John SE. Currie, son of Mr. Sire -The past week L,hay.@ taken quite
Association of Western Ontario carne tated again and it is said with some Jame.i Currie, which sad event occurredan inter at in following the differtnt re_.
to a close this afternoon. Tile meeting prospects of success. 16 is vete cted in the I'oront',Ho,pital on Sunday ev- solutions that have been passed. in the
has been among the most successful in that If t.uilt this road will come v to ening. Mr. Currie had been ailing for several cities and towns, each of •which
the history of the ass()Clition ; the at'. Listowel, Brussels and Blyth, anti would sortie lime with a complication of disea is playing its cards 'to the beat of its
tendance has been large, the papers be a big boon to all these towns. When sea, and had been In the hospital' advantages and ,bidding for the, short .
and discussions practical and up -to- this undertaking wits up before it was only a few days. The cause of death line for the Western grain carrying, '
date.and the speakers eloquent and Un.'Iph that was lukewarm on the sub- was heart failure. Deceased will be re- which is so fast developing. Now,. Sir, ,
inspiring. Mr. Harold E,gle, the ject, but it is now said to be Goderich, membered by many of the older resi• each place has aright to its say, anti'
President, has proved a most efti'ient which is at present full of a double- dents.of the town, when he conducted last,but not ieaet, my view may not
chairman. The association allowed tracked G '1'. R. line to Stratford and an implement baiiness in town some meet with much approval in the town
their appreciation of his services during east. It the C. P. R intends to reach years ago. He was of a cheerful dis- to the south of us, which passed a reso•,.
the year by re-electing him President Lake Huron this is their most likely position and had many warm friends in lution about the 7tth Jan.o which went
for the corning year. route as well as giving them the local town and vicinity. IIe was 38 years of on to say that the citizens of the town - .
Mr. Fl. White, ch•tirmanof the nom- traffic of a rlktrict that needs competi- age. The funeral was conducted from. of Goderich were astonished that •any
the residence of his father, Lower through from the west the At.
lastingcomruitue, submitted the fol- tion badly.
lowing recornmendatiot,s for officers Rev. 4. Sellerry, a former pastor of "Wingham• • , lantic seaboard which dict not -pass' •
and directors 01 tho ,,sanciatlon ;-- Hon, the Methodist church here, had this to The annual meeting of the Turnberry through (3oderlch should have been
President, Iron. 'Phomas Ballantyne, say to his eong;egation at Woodstock it District Lodge was held in the ()melte .viisou-ssed i.nthe, Toronto_ press.. *seeing, •
Stratford ; President, Harold Ea_le, few Sundays ago: - "You may be ernes- hall here, The following were the that there is no port in the east shore
Attercliffe station : 1st Vice.Pres'(tent, eel, my friends. .It may surprise you officers elected :—D. M., H. G. Lee; D. of Lake Huron which can compare '
It. M. Ballantyne, Stratford ; 2nd Vice- beyond measure, but last Sunday night D. M. , ,John Casemore; Chaplain, with Goderich. Now, Sir,•givingGdder
P1(sident' Aaron Wenger, Aytou ; 3rd there were seat n hundred people in W. H. Stewart; Rec. Sec, R. J. Mac- ich its due, I will venture to say that
Vice -Pi' sideot, lames Connolly, Port- this church who gave no collection. Math ;Fin. Sec.,\\'m.Uas••more; Treas.,T. there is ft port on the east shore of Lake .
en's 11111. Directors—District 7, John The stewards kept track of the number Abraham;D. of C., Ed. Johnston ; Leet, Huron that can be madesecond to none
Prain, Harriaton ; District 8, J. N. of pieces of money ou the Mates, There Wm. Reid. It was also decided to bald. on Lake Huron between Cape Hutd
Paget, ('anhoro' ; District 9, Robert were about twelve hundred people in 12th ofJuly celebration in Winghaam. and Sarnia and that. is Port Albert.
Johnston, Bright ; I)tatrict 111, G. fl. the church. ('hat's how I decided on The Witrgham Ludgci has the matter In We possessadvantages.that neitherGod�'
ltarr, Sebringville ; District (I, A. F. what 1 said. Surely every one could hand and are leaving no stone unturn- ericb or Kincardine have, Our harbor
!declare'', NI. 1' , Stratford ; 1)ist'ict 12, give five cents at least. I would not ed to slake the celebration one o1 the only extends about hundred and toren,
.1 A. ,lames, Nile,t(1eu , 1)istiict 13, hurt the choir's feelings by suggesting best ever held in Winghemr ty feet from the shore and last falh w.e -.-
(leo. E. (ioodhaud, Milverton. Audit-' that their singing was worth five cents Sneak thieves have been making their had 12 feet of water at the end of the
ors- J. 11: heel is Ingetsoll ; .1, A. `;'•t alone.`
IPP,' ,l: kn. Rep.- ,•.•' :'.ir••. •,, tie: :1t the cru �se factory lllCetlir}�' '�:. �� ereseuce known in the neighnnrnnntr
tehtion of docks that Goderieh u6t:i., whereas it we had the same ex -
during the week. On Wednesday even- has we "
Industrial Exlhibition. T, ront , H. Eagle Harris offered to wake the cheese for tng 0t last week Mr. Jas. Henderson, of would -have forty. feet of `water at the
anti A. F. Afacharen. I{cereal ntatives the season i 9.1 at 2 cents per pound the Bluevale roa(1, was a victim of their mouth of the harbor, a thing that Gods, . • -
to the \Vesteln Ext bitten, London, 'I'. up to Gq ton Hud pay for every five ton (linty work, and one of his hest rob -tars erich will never have so long as it re -
11. Millar, London ; S. G. Kocher), :-t. ever that amount a reduction of 2; cents is now minus. The editor of the Times mains in history- `011e of the chief
George, a hundred til cheese made. Also offer- was also made aware of the fact of the things where a'harbor to built which we
l'his report was seconded by Mr. J. ed to keep the cheese insured from the same dirty work on the same night, and have not to contend with and that is
N. Paget and unaninieusly adopted, 1•ith of May to 1st, lepteniber for 41,0 i4) his le st hen is•now missing, -• quick sang. We possess the genuine
a Mr. A. F. y1noJ.arru. JL I'., moved, and from the rat September to the end ...404P en blue clay. Now, Sir, aa `tar as. advan. •'
seconded by Mr. J. ,N, Paget, a reso- of season for 12.000.. •- to r gni: we have a batter, a great deal
iuteei of Collilo:ence r1•ilh the lsuu,y 01 rise annual meeting of the (trey better'thing-than moat 04' bhem.4 There
the Tate Mr. John Robe: tson of Inger, Branch Agricultural Society was held in de Zurich. , is nothing in the way and it the C.P..R.
soli, father of Professor Robertson of' the town hall. The annual report Shows',. --or G. '1'. R. are looking for an out let
Ottawa, HiiI one of the oldest members ed a balance on hand of $791.13. 'Pile M,,. D. McCorick has nut the seely on Lake Huron this is tht(s.pot,forthem,
of the ere elected: ?real- lene
of a
unanimously Aatln adopted.
,Irsoluliuu was tient, Jas.Spelt
its;tl)Irectora John Brown rreatlgirll ht Irnvewentnte his tin liel, ghting makesich his serve lwhs nchtwyl) of o,dsplenty Dforodm
��� P. Scott, N. IL McCracken, 1{. 'Nichol, i1„use. improvement
\Cerins sday algternonn and An easy grades can be. gal to the
11.1ilek110W. .John McKinnon, 101113 McUarvin, A. the annual meeting of the Ray Branch harborwith ai_ood level (arming country.
Sulith, W. B. Wilkinson and 'Phomas Agticultural Society was belts• in the and aharbor thatch be made one'ot
The pertn••rship which existed for
McLaughlin; Auditors, F. S. Scott and town hall here. Mr. F. Hese was ap- the best on Lake Huron, and as Ash•.. , .
hoot 1()111' yearn between 1f r. 1'. Iler on A Stachan• pointed chahrrnnn and D. S. Faust, sec- field Inas given a bonus of some ten •
aria Pat. .1fCf)NVltt Ha hotel keepers, bas
Gomel- Green has disposed of his rotary. 'I he annual report as read by thousand to a road that never touched
been iiii,solved. Mr', McDevitt is now pimp business to Wm, \+.'Ilton, We the treasurer, was adopted, and show- the township, and at the meeting held
the landlord and Mr. ilerun goes out understand Jlr. Green intends going 10 , d a balance nn baud of $83.111, which in Lucknow some weeks ago •all ag-
!!e does not leave town, however, where Manitoba about April let, having pine speaks well for the society: The memo reed that some well directed effort
11' lies mails a g noel (navy fast f rRllda, chase l some land there. herihitl is »early VO The fo)iowing AI'e should be put forth and bring the mat;
Ile has secured a position with 31 t•. Nearly all the mlrnicipAtltP$ in this the officers : Pres., Fred, Seigner ; rat ter before C. P. R. So, now Lock.
\1 nl. AIIID as agent. neigllbnrh()Cd are contributing some- Vice Pres.. W.'1'. Caldwell; 2nd Vice now and Port Albert
should work to-
Mra. Christina Rutherford, widow of t hinq for the relief of the ~ick Children's Pepe., Henry Lippert ; directors,
W. B. ;tether. Thanking you for the space '
the late Hugh Rutherford, died at her Ifuapltrl xt'lbr()oto. It is a worthy ob Battler, John Decker, Jacob Ilaherer, this will occupy.. - .. -
resi truce, West W,Iwatnosh, on Friday,
pet and the coutributie na are well pia- C. t,swabt, le, Willer', J. yL Schnell, .
in the 77th year of hien ag• . Deceased tied. E•Imond '1'm er Mr. Bla Itwe Errip,t ASI FIELD.
Troyer, 1, Ashfield, .Jan., 17th.
was a sister of Mr, John McCrostie and-•�..�.- Gies; •nditors, J. A. Williams and Sola
was nue of the first pioneers of that onion (lardy ; S c 'Press , D. S. Faust. ' • '- • -
part. of the township. She leaves a A Cure for Influenza. A cornrnittee of five was appointed to i11,C P,rSlliitll.
grown up family of four sons anti °three --- mak the necessary preparation's for
daughters, being John Rsttherforrl, ifu',h Jnsoph Oslo 13o$s, M. D. y physician building an add tion to the agricultural
Rutherford and Donald I{u,, therinrd of to Anoits rinspitel, M'richest .r, Eng- hall. r -`Cl
'- a nolle a in the report of the The entitle, meeting of the.Tucker-
\\'eat tit nwanesh and Rev. ('harles land. who has been very sllccesalul in (1hristrnis examinations• at flsgnodH smith Branch Agr'ICllttllt:utgacierywas•
Retherr,rd of' New York, and Mrs. John tree., ng case, (:f grill ,acs '1'In' fol- flail, Toros to, that G. E. Buchanan, B. held in St'aforth on .Wednesday of last
Lame e, Kirltose ; Misses Jane and Chris, towing is the method of trent meet A . , '0. Zuni h h a<Ied the• loll in• the work., The fhtlowing officers were els
title Rutherford, West Wawatlnsll. 'tile tibia I have e..]Idoyed (luring th past NN t,1(1 year. I he PXami,•atroll wits a cabal for il(xt ve,tr:--Pr'faident, W. G.':
rern,stns were interred in the Dungan, five yeara: 11 inf.' 001Z'1 has exist . r II' VPI, s, vera MVP, Sind as Mr. Buchanan
0011 i•elii•'t er:,. more than twenty -lour hrnlrs I do not hair over 55 siu , nts'1 on. peep with., l;l (hl lf(lnt; vet: .'-'Ir pajama, George M.
That, `t natlingtnn elertrlcial, who use cltlnaulo11 at all. Bat It the Cann' r uHl•1 0 whom are honor graduates et(sirs' •11t y ; (Ile„i•II•t yl, - E'nckersnlith,
pi ()poses to destroy haci-li In ifte human i.. within the twenty-towhour rims; the 'Toronto University, lea at nd at the Geotge Da le and David Chesney ; Me.
sy-tem ).y dist'hargin.' a nrillrnn vette pad , t is o'dered to take half an ounce head t' the c ass is highly Creditable.-- liillop, Jaynes. Smith, Willillm• Mein»,,
through the sufferer's body, ptamisi' g of ,lecnctinn of cinnamon ever . - half he to lowing o.t.c•ers w re insiailed for tosh and John Scott; 1fuilett, Robert'
not to injure the patient in the pro., hour tilt, six dos s have been taken, 1899 us Ricrcheit Lodges Nn. :393, A. U. McMillan and John Staples ;; eaforth,
cess, is likely to experience diliieul'y then half 00000 doses to he taken every U. W. Zurich, i n Friday evening: -Dr.
in Betting Subjects on which to test his hour tilt twenty-four hours have el .1..8- t arnphell. M W ; J. A. Williams, P. M. Broderick and G. A. SilkAt tit
remedy, It 1, oils ton 1t Iich like a kill. ed from the commencement of t' 1 l'. W.; Ezra Kercher, F.; T. L. Wit- subsequent meeting of the board,- Mr.
or -cure scheme t' he taking. treatment. At the, aphelion of twen dams. 0.; F. McOioy, R. S ;.Ino. Pree-
T. E. Hays was appointed secretary.
A Farmers' Elevator and Shipping ty-four 'tours the same dose is to ht' re- tel•, F. S.; Wtn, ()Brien, G.; C. Ei!ber, treasurer, and Messrs. 1). Tohnseh'arid •
Company is being organized in Kinser- potted every two hours till the temper R.; fl. Nagel, I. W ; F. Seignere O. W. J. O. Rose, auditors, The dates fixed
dine. slurs falls to normal_ A ter that half' Atter the installation east over J. AT for the next fall show aro Thursday •
Dougald Wilson, near Tiverton, shot an Mince of the decoction is to be given itrinnie, who has filled the M, R.
an eagle that measured 7; feet from the four times a day for two days. The pa- chai for a period of four years and a and Friday, Septrlrnh@r 28th and 20th.
tip of one wing t0 the tip of the other tient' should net leave the house half was presented withan seas), chair Arl•,I,ngetnents are in ping'resg to bitve
and 3 f, et from beak to tail. Mr. Wil- for twenty-four hours after the tem, and an eloquent address read by our a new and modern hall erected in tithe
son sold it for $4. perature has become normal. present M. W. Dr. Camph ell. for the next fall show.