HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 510WS IwIellt. • Chilton Janua}7 2ih, X99.: Epworth League and Mitailay Rev. .L Green of lolmesville in 'a School Coa�'eniion, ten-njinute'address introduced the -sub- . The he sub - The fourth annual Convention of the Goderich' District Epworth League and Sunday School Association was held in North street Methodist` church, Ooderieh, on January 37th: and. 18th. The first session was devoted to Sunday school work and was prresided-over*by Mr. A. T. Cooper of Clinton, the presi- dent. Rev. A. L. Russell introduced• the, first .Subject, "The relation of the par• ents to the Sunday. school," This re- lation should not be that of. indifer-' ence; parents cannot afford to be ;,in. different, as the school touches the. home ; they are those 'who should he most interested in the future of the children.. The relation, should not'be ofpassive. but rather of earnest, active and co-operative interest. •Parents can assist the school, by seeing:that the children have the S. S. lessons prepar- ed et home through the .week..; by praying with and for the children; by, seeing to it that"they are at school . punctually and regularly ;•hy visiting the school ; by assisting the. finances of the school and teaching the children to help pay for the expenses, of the school. Parents should realize the im- portance of Sunda.... school work Children are apt -to-learn more when, associated with others thin •they' would at home. Rev. J. Wilson introduced the sub- ject. "Qualifications of;a Teacher." It • would be well to have ell the.- teachers' educated in the higher branches., Teachers should 'have their hearts in the work and should be in earnest in impressing the truths' of .the lesson. They should be generous •in their. A knowledge of the Bible, a lose to God,. love for children and apt- ness to teach are qualities essential to successful teaching. "The Open Parlsametit on Sunday School," led by G. M. Elliott, was prin- cipall devoted to the lnbods:,of -keep-_ ing the young men s .the Sabbath school, and the catechism in the Sun- day school and how it should be taught. ject, "The. relation' of .the Epworth League to the class mid irayer sheet- ing .' The League i- an, integral . part • of. the Church , and depends on the church. `for its growth,, Success lea ggue work depends on. its relation • to. and co -operation -with the church; -the members of, the League should' keep in touch' with the prayer -meeting, even, :. if in so doing they miss attending souse of the League services.; every member, of the League should attend the. Class- meeting ;'the class -meeting isa strong agent to bring members into the •' church. Mn Emberso>i.1,of Toronto conduct- ed an open parliamenton "Cosuinittee Wo sic.' ---•four Leagues reported that' they :were workiug; .the five *depart,- . inents' in connection with their meet. .ings. The Forward : Evangelistic Movement is taken up by four Leagnes,. `Literary and social work was fully dis- cussed. • In these .departments nothing " shouldbe undertaken that would have a tendency to lower the.spiritual stand= ing of the League.' Mission Bands and Junior Leagues were explained. Mis-: sionarymeetings' should, where pos-, sible, be.held once a month. • The Executive committee: for the Year, 1899 is as follpws:'--Hon..pies. -Rev. W. Rigsby, Blyth ;pies.; lulr, M. Elliott, Goderich; 1st vice pres., Mr.. S. T.,Walters, Holinesville;.2nd• - • vice ,pres.. Miss. Acheson, tai.sir, it lr , , ' 3rd vide ores.; Mr.:: B...Wit eiesa, Varna4th vice pres., Mr. W. Taman, Blyth ; -5th yice pres., Miss -M:. Salkeld, .Gode- rich ; sec„ Mr. A. P. Sheppard, Nile; treas ,. Miss bl. Letit ser, Seaforth ; re .presentative of district on' Conference executive,.- Rev. E. F. Armstrong, . . Goderich, The appointing, of the time and place of the nextmeeting was 'left , to the new Executive . committee.`. A ., motion was carried endorsing the . ac- tion•:of the Executive in agreeing to supportit missionary,. Mr. Stone of Cla-oose, Vancouver _Isl,tnd,;British:.• Colunibie, ` i .• After a few words•of thanks the con- .-vent.ioii wasclosed with .the benedic- tion. • A. P. SIIErrAR.D,'Secretary, EVENING BESS ION. The evening session was opened with . a song service, Rev. R. Millyard of Clinton gave au address on "Influence and Importance of Little Things." We need to be reminded of our little - [less of power and of our unworthiness to do anything for God. We realize our unworthiness when we consider what we were, what we are, and how we do the work -God calls us to'per- form . Angels in heaven who never sinned envy men 'the privilege of working for God. No work lowers or dishonors a man, if God is 'honored thereby.; the lowest work for Jesus honors the worker; small services done for Christ are. often the hest expressidn of our love to Mm, and Christ is al- ways willing to accept these small ser- vices. We should be willing to do anything for Christ ; we are to be Christ's representatives in the world. Mr. Edmonston gave an interesting, enthusiastic and instructive address•on "YoungPeople's Forward Movement for Missions. He briefly sketched the organization of the Student's 'Volun- teer Movdment and how the Forward Movement grew out of it. The pledge' taken by the originaitors of the move- ment was, "We are willing and- desir- ous (God permitting) to ,ec�ome raise sionaries."This movementhas rap- idly spread throughout. Canada and the United States and across the water to England. In Ontario alone thirty district, have taken up the support of missionaries. In London. conference five districts are supporting missionar- ies, two have asked for them the rest, with one exception, are ready for the work. WEDNESDAY MORNING: The sunrise prayer -meeting was well attended and those, present enjoyed it spiritual feast in a prayer., and testi mony service, • Aicki111loi(i Township Counciil., Council• met in Janes'' hall, Leadbury, ou Mpuday the 9th inst. Metnbers all present and took deelaration'of office • .and oath of qualification. The ' follow- ing officials ollowiugofficials were appointed ; D. M. "Regis , treasurer;.VVm, Evans, '`assessor Charles Dickson, collector,; Adam Dick- son ,and George Murdie, auditors ; Thomas Murray, member' of Board of . . Health for three years; Richard Pet - lard, sanitary inspector. Orders on treasurer were issued . to pay election expenses, clerk's and collector's safai.r- .. les and other expenses, inoluding $8 to'. 'Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto arid.„. #47 charity, making a total of 6333.71. Tbo clerk was authorized to advertise for tenders for steal bridge•and stone or ' concrete -abutments at Cowan's bridge. in 6th and 7th .concessions, ..slso for tenders for drains; and clearing roads in east corner of township. In the natter of request from, Hay council to request county council not to provide assess,. - ment and collectors roils, this sound 1 was of the 'opinion that thecoup ty council could provide them cheaper • than individual municipalities, but nougat they should provide .them ins 'ilepoadent of county printing, and have them better'bound. Coutibil adjourned to meetitr Jones' hall,: Leadbury, on - Monday, February .24th, at one o'clock in the afternoon, when the auditors' report Will be received. • • ado, Clifford Bifton and Mr. D. C. • . Fraser, M. P. are visiting Mr. James. Sutherland M. P. at Woodstock. • a