HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 4• BE 0.4NTON NEWS -RECORD, NEWS FRO1i LL OVER HURON COUNTY. FROM 01/R OWN O0iNUESPONDENTS, AND °moire viviouvairs. r fr • •••• 1. 11111111110110111 Miss Ethel Pipe Is leld up iit peent with inflammatory rheumatism, We are g Oa ear_ that the le improving. ' Miss Mary Saunter returned to Det• rolt last week- after egged Mg some our wook* with friende here. an° fite. Ben Tyreman has purchased a' 60 twee farm Within two tulles of GoderlebeVeins*. - Wingbatn. Re w. pieness1tos on the ••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• a •••,,,d• first of March. e are tettrY to lnse Peter's choir, has been absention Una- Off -Rand Rifle Club ruetclb_the ranges Mrs, liugYellf BaSt Street, we of Mr. held in the town hall here Wit Thrum a good usero man in the. vicinity. tress thesast tee° or three Sundays, beine0100 end 200 Yards i• -••••H. R. Warp Russell, wbo hes been an innlate Or de,' Proved :rand success. The hall Messrs. Win. Hese and Woe tramp: Professor Nicholls, leader of' St. The following Are the score!, in the We regret to Announce the deeth Of Oorieerk-The Batumi entertainment him as a Pelliber as Ben was always. Alvie ahia of Toronto is iredinf sonNewcombe 13.1.,NV. Pattie 40. the London AsYl4M for the insane •for was well fill The programme cons her *etch hint wood, bees man week, friends, fle ra the guest of N 1)0011- •Leithwaite 60, 0 Reid 414, Captain filly no.CM0 for moment thought her loge, tableaux, sour, etc., and uistru. cat. . . tow 400 in. town yisitirt4 is 01 An Are wa 40, 0, pennmaton 78, emne yeere. Always bright and cheer. rested. of dialogues, recital's:0a feed- when holt gone, toed eupple of need jobirston,Elginatreet. We emigre- Doonely 26, H. W. .Elall 45, 0. pen- attack would nroVe fetid. but Ife had mental Music of d Iterent kinds. Mr. A:number of' the. Metres of Me,- arid • tuiste Mr. Alvie ou his choice of a pro- nington 00. N. D. Raugoie 58, no More chariot /Or her. She was get, S. A. Moffett ably Oiled the chair in Min. Win: Clark ;merit a very enjoy. , feesion, a sailor 'bran on the "Black ter, atooers has a black thorn, wjiieb tint; up in yea re and alone. Bate for the his geniel manner and good , order eine time lett Wednesday at their new wee /Hs four years !Alice bis par- is he delight ne hie many mends. presence of on adopted daughter, and ' was tneintained throughout On eVen•. restrictive, it being te combination of .... ents .left Godericla to reside in Toronto. Freperabesea it in England. God hefted her prayer to be taken to int., The preceede. amounted to $16•50i honee warming and erYsta4 weddiult‘ ; i °•''' ' Mrs.mamtne, aohoston,_ • has been we tnostroongtatniate mrs. (sheen) Himself. All was clone for her that which goes for different school purnon MAY our...Mende he lengepared to en• Intending a few Weeks in London; th°. Reynolds on her roildency In the fart enuldhad"e nYi, medleal skin anti et' jo thew new home • • ee- guest of Mr; and Mrs, Joseph Barry of lvaried ne of painting on 0 ma. Her colleCtion friends. bheartiillure set in p g . Boworth that 01. • JANTIARY 26, 1899 ,161 , Ain Iffil!tfr 1.1!ittlit ttiffitt IffIttiff It? JACKSON 3ROS. epartmontfd:Store SATURDAY PECIALS. end came. Mrs, Russell was kindly League meeting last Wednesday wren, Is argeand ri, Miss Will returned: last week front Miss , Philips of Dungiinnon is the neighb" and, quite 941 "01°1'41 '3'3. tug "4'1°44 auce"9'Alter thela health. end bouni matters her' father topic wait well introduced by Mrs. 'Harry tothwell of Torono street, Mile A. . tbe Qeeen Oity, • •guest of her a,ant, Mrs. 131ack, Elgin being a skilful suegeon in 'the Mother- •J. !COPS,. Messrs. J. Barber end E. T't. Able te come down stems after her Aollil Miss Lizzie. Black ie epending the land: Her hereto, took place on Tues. Wanlese, who were delegates to the and painful Mimeo. winter in Stratford's classic city, , day at 2. 30 p. ut. Mrs. Russell's convention in Goderich, gave a eery i Mrs. William Lee has quite recover. „shrill:I:en name was Elizabeth Richard+ fine • report of the 'working.; Mr. W:Murney had three teams on i the harbor ice OP TIMM% last and ed. from her recent indisposition. a native of LondouEnglandof the Leagues and good,' I Three cheers for the brkwater. P Her age. was years and 4 months I 'valuable paints for Leaguers, • eaA Smith has the contraot and the Smith she was married twice. Grippe. --Grippe is making himself Th imp oveinents to eeorge Porter's very familiar though very. enpoptilar family are not omen given to failure. book and stationary store, and the tit- with tbe people of title. neighborhood, And well. have to get an Oddfellow'a . ting Up Of his new telephone office Dr. *Armstrong has been celled in; to hall and have something creditable to Miller in the 20th centurynot ye s e t fini h d . • acme severe and critinal cases and has ' . . . ' The gloriousmoonlight en VIrednes- Mrs. Oarlton is spencling the winter been very fortunate as all are on the in her cottage beside IC,nox Presbyter- mend. •'' . day eveni%18th inst., brought out a - . • was delighted wttla the pee citation of It ....77:----thie-rieason for storing.. Last season • he eldest despaired of getting ice at and what he dicl.get.was almest et the end of the season, 'when it Was in- . ferior. Robert McLean had on three teams on Friday, so they all rejoice at their good and perhaps only chance, La, grippe is baying quite a rreign, even attacicinn tbe invulnerable Dr. Whitely, toe bay° had an attack," Miss Jennie McLaren hasquite a .class learning the Scotch The young people of St. Peter's • con- • gregation had a very pleasing program for Tuesday evening, 17th inst., inthe • Separate school class -1•6001.. The •• president, Miss MacOarthy,-opened the large crow to the heckey match, tan church.•• • Mrs. ecord, who. has been laid up in Goderich et?, Clinton. The ide was in Miss Fisber has formed a nery sec- London for imine tine, wired shere cetsful goiter class. We will soon re last Thursdae, ' • beautiful condition so beautifal that if quire a conservatoey in our midet.. 'Messrs. Wanless and Barber , and keep theleheartthey could not keep the. Clinton contingent were 'Able to Mr. Robert luarie's smiling face is to Rev. R. 0. Burton were at the conyen- s their heads. There's net nee Messieurs • - Wednesday. see, ihseir rnesopt:ichtioerroofIdesr:ognasi.n. La grippe tion Goderich last Tuesday -104 • 430alnlarnddtliovrocnk.eyists to cope with a Its an • electric ring that Engineer Mr. James Hamilton, . who bar se• - Miller has invested in this time and as cured a position as bookeeper in Wind - We are called (mon to Chronicle the it seems to have cearroecl away all his sor, 'arrived home last Tuesday and on: furore,' of Miss Rose Keenan late of Detroit but formerl of Seaforth -Mita f-heumataepaitishe would notexchangs- f011oiving day tOOk to klindelf a entertainmenkrithn- Itery neat. and it fora diamond one. Welk we trust young and. beautiful bride in the per- Keetiair •Palite haler youth to Goderich - ---Thialiitary.address. - Then follovvect' the- about.36 years a, Oa d - d th g n engage vn Jong will soon giat. a diamond ring for his son of Mist Jennie, eldest daughter of • Glee Club • with "Sweet .Bunch of the Seymour 'fan& as housekee er . service on the 0. T. R.:. Surely Mr, Rebert Oolclough of Goderich Daisies," which was very well render. or in some ea_ _,, Y , trust ....,..f" . the iteumatians would fly with the township, We wish them inech joy entity or yr nen double ch " ,• Mr. William Seymour and family.un and prosperity throuth life. . eludinghis sister (now deceased) went We are tied to , learn that little • On the _eye of her wedding Mies Col to reside in" Detroit, Miss Keenan ac- Agnes' youngest child of '!Onager dough wait presented with a hendsoine eompanied them and remained vaith Saunclers,'is in a fair way of recovery • piece of ;silver by -members of $t. them until her death, whicti Occurred from a very severe • attack of pneu-. John's dirndl.Miee Colcleugh was A Jan. • Evet„ y care was given her„...and The knitting faetory did not corn wows willininy -rendered assistance in ' member of the 'choir foe year. 044 al. after a long illness onMonday. 16th - mehis* ' ' • ediesi-4101 b t a . t . to •inenge operations until Monday it.- in•.• the service of son. . She Will be Ilan,' .4. • combat disease, but all in vain. Her . remains were brought to the residence of.Mr.- Joseph Kidd, North street, and the funeral cortege repaired to St. Peter's, where on Wednesday- a. in., 18th inst., a Requiem High Mass was eoleinniZed by Rev. Father West, the choir in attendance. In . the absence of Mr. Oleworth, organist,: Miss Flora ed, Miss Martirepresiding at the organ and Miss Lena Neville playleg violin • obligati*, Next number; instrumental duo, organ, Mist; Martin., .violin, Miss Lena Neville., • Miss llerley followed. with the sweet eerig, "You'll Never Know," whieh she reudeced in feeling style. Two'readings followed by Miss Anne MoDonald and the editress, Miss era Qttisholin. "God • Save the Queen." rendered- by the Members, wound up a lier3f plea:Sant evening. We leartiad last week ' that Mrs. Frank Smith bad been for some days on the sick list,. NV e hope her illness is not serious. • • ' His Honer Judge Johnston, wife, children 1,1)4; domestics, are recovering from attacks of -la .grippe.-+--Algoina Pioneer.- ' Mrs. Crrie ReynOlds is; we are glad to say, able to be out again. . Mr. Andrew Meseena, who .no* is looking up his claim§ to a French bar- onetcy and estates, had better • come to his birth -place and fincl. all ' the proofs of hisparents'-reeidence here., • Our esteemed tavvnmati, Mr. 'John • Oatubria, road, on his first &ruling with Mrs. yule to eaderich, settled on Vic.: . toria-•streek-opposite-or-oppointee-to-Mm, •Arthur's boarding house, :Where An- • drew alesse»a was born: Mr. Yule has a photograph, taken by •Uartipbell, photographer in Otabb's .blOck,of the BaronessiDe Catamon and baby An- drew... So old Goderith is going to gure in a baronial suit.- Well, we trust the new eananion Baron de Oita mon will remeniber all his parents' friends in the old Own when, he gains bis patrimony.' •Mrs. Arthur's. daugh- ter, Mrs. Wrenn, of Winnipeg \ can give anyone anxious to know the address of her mother, Who may be in Beaton or who may be With her daughter, Mrs. 3. A. eirvin, Princess street, Wind. - peg. In any case We treet the -right- ful heir, Andrew. Messena, now of Toronto,may be reinstated in his father's Baronial possessions in La Belle France: .. • ' Everybody was going to the •harbor on Friday a. m. to look at the ice and ' the ice -cutting operations, butalis the snort storm intervened and. the pleas- ure of everyone spoiled, including the ice cutters. • • ' We congratulate Mr. Frank DeBois on his prowess as cover point.: . Don't- forget to attend the grand carnival en the 20th hie% at the curl- ing and skating rink. Make a grand rally; for Ash Wednesday will soon in- augurate the Lenten semen. Opr.youthful philatelist, Karl Cam- pion; •doing 11. booming business ,in the stain') exchange line. The edition Of Saturday :8 Mail and autdre of 144th inst.. had another note from him in the 3: E. corner. Nov he wants two 10c, special delivery- • stamps, unused for twenty- five. varieties of stamps from Corea, Guatemala, Ecuador, etc. He also•wants Canadian 2c.• stamps. • N. Fitzsimmons, Clinton( is a bona fide stamp dealer. Will pay the fel- lowing'prians for Omaha stamps:. used, but in good condition, per hundred:re- One-cent, green, 25 cente ; two -cent, copper -red, 25 cents ; four -cent, orange, 31.00; five -cent, bib% $1.25 4. eight - cent, Iliac, $L75.; ten -cent ; slate, $1.. 00. He will give 25c. each for . the 150° cent, olive• 00 cents for the black and $1,05 for the 32.00 red -brown. - Miss Aggro Nairn, who spent the • holidays with her nuttily,. the Messrs. ••• and Misses Nairn and her amity Mrs Morris, Hotel Bedford biock, is itt yresent visiting her sister ititIalt, Meir. The friends of Mrs. .11, McOorneack. whose residence here was Ohurch Street, will be glad to t learn that she and family are enjoying :geed health in their Massachrisete. home. - , It is to be hoped we . Wilt get suffici- ent snow to inaugurate the dog races. The Misses Naftel, St. Vincent street, have closed up their residence for the winter and are spending the eeason Toronto. . The late Mr. Matthew Robertion, vvho died kecently in Seriforth in wbich. town he 'settled after leaving Goderlch and worked up a .large trade in that town. His first' place of business in Gioderich Was at the harbor., south of Lees tvareheuse, opposite the Ocean House where he carried on cabinet makieg and turning. Later he . Out* chased the building noW occupied and owned by Tboroas,,groceriElgih street, from the late Mr, Joseph Barry and carried On his business there until he became one of the busineee men of Seatorth. He was very much esteem, - .ed by all 'Who knew hen in town and many regretted his departure from 'Seaforth., He was a Winne of Ibsen. Charlie arid Fred: Robertson, note of .Austrelia. • Mr e Robbie Octutts of McDonald street Was in the Saltine of General Lea. at the fall of Santiago De thrba, and hove has a situation in Jackson- ville. . Mt. Albert Sonneteer has"nbleilned a „Itteentive position in Grenfell, Aesitia: leak Dietrict. AllOW us to coligratiin last, some unpaovements being made, edhy the choir o t. John*. they • gave the emnloyees another week's bolidnys. • . • • • , Miss Sara Bisset waa called' away • : Brunelle's!: ' last week by illness in the" family; of • het brotheromaaw, Mr. George Stiv, • A succeesful tea -meeting Wes held ene of the Bank•of Commerce, Guelph.. here on Friday evening. . The attend. The entire expense•for the releasing ance was large, the refreshments . all of thefleet of.101 vessels from the ice that couldbo desired both In quality in lakes Bele and St... Clair recently, and quantity. and the program agood was $16,000, or about 0150 per boat. one. ROV; Mr. Burton. 'Pastor of the Captein Westcott of the committee -of • deceit,. presided. 4rtot. Mr._ Muir of three that bad eharge'of this' wOrk; •is • this place and Rev. Mr. °lenient •Pf still atliarper hospital doctoring' for Clinton delivered addresses, While _the 'ebecess in the ear, but is rapidly Philtre' Ontario street Afethodute ch9jr_ mending. • . • • • • quartette, consisting of Mrs, B. J. UM- • Birtn.--On Jan. 17th, to' Mr. and binraniss Couch. Mr.'W, J.herre.. affray. . • • elite (Babe)-Tronch. :presided. at. the organ. Miss'Florence Tronch sang the beautiful solo "Graces From My:Jesus Flowing" at the Offertory, in a 'very appreciative manlier, The 'rerintins were aceditmanied. from Detroit by Miss Florence Seymour, daughter of M. 'William Seymour of that eity. The pall-bearera Were Captains Mur- ray-, McGregor and Frank Tronch, end • Metiers. Serry.eritlin, Judge Doyle aod Messrs. 'Patrick Ford and Mr. Evoy. After the funeral onsequesamernended the cortege wended its way to the. R. C. ceiturein Colborne. Miss Flor- ence. Seymour returned next day: t� Detroit, her mother being ill.... • • Mesers. R. E. Smith -of London, who • purchased 'Sturdy Bros, grocery stock, •lutv0 taken „possession of the same. Mr, Smith May bring his family . here to reside: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Restall bane. re- turned from then; holiday trip to rela- tives in New York city. . -Mr. Joseph .Kidd is in. Toronto on Wanes& Miss Vera Wiggins, stenoginadenr, has obtained a positron in Detroit. . . 'Miss Cowan of Blyth hart eeturned to her situation in R. B. Smith's esta,b+ Babe:lent. : . The ;diaper• in the Goderith organ factory added last week abother victim to its pretty longlist. His name is Robinson and he lost the 3rd and 4th fingers of his right hand: • , Mr. Wade of the Kensington factory staff is now on the oegen factory staff. Several of. the staff are off with le grippe, • "• • Mr, Harry Videati, manager of the ol.era -house, succumbed to la %grippe last week. He is better new: • e Wood came in freely last week, -the ram a bailing levelled what mow' was left. • t- • 1. Mr. Charles Nairn, our pioneer groc- er, bas a lovely large coffee mill, made Itbilacielphiarinhis window. , It at. Mtn* reaches the top. • • -"Irvine. a rare old English treat, cart be obtained hi -weekly from the An- drews' Bros., 'West street, meat Market.- • • Mr. Fred. Pridham's card which is in hin store and which appearsin large form for a New Year's one is original and striking. "Here it is :-"A Mistake. All men ars not made of duet, -dust mettles andeveey man does not settle, "'Surely thateard takes the team,: Mrs. Hurd of Detroit.carins Satur- day evenieg to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson' Reid, Picton.street. Mr. IMMO Kirkpatrick of , Smith's Past street bakery has been suffering from' a severe attack of Is grippe and has returned to his home at Stayner. Mrs. °relit', Elgin street,: has been we are sorry to say seriorisly ill -the Past week • • • niaster Reggie Blackstone entertain- ed a large number Of juvenile guests in his father's parlors on the Med inst., It beteg the occasion of Reggie's 12th birthday, About twenty-four invited guests, Masters and Misses, were en- tertained at a five o'clock tea, at which &birthday citke was the tentre of at- traction. We de not know whether it was surmounted 6Y. a dozen' little tapers to do honor to Matter 'Reggies first dozen of Veard in life's calendar, but we know it wee a lovely .cake, as We were presented with a nide piece of. It. After teagames and Inueie with song, followed at intervals With ice- erecon, oranges and lo-vely confeetions, and at a little later bout harkl-to the music of the' laneers and watch the rosy faces of the g. young dancers. rt was pretty, innocent sight and neve Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone unalloy- ed pleasure. The tea-party broke up before ten, p, m. and all retired, in happy niendo to their homes. In the window of Mr. Pritzley's ton- sorial parlor, .square, is one of the handsomest mesembeyanthernuma we ever had the pleireure of eeeing. It is In full bloOnn crowned with delicete white, starry hlesseres like the etar of Bethlebetn. - The first fire of the season and the , itteted_en the snow with &reale Union - fleet Suedity.fire shice.Mr. Alex. Johns-- thitegitlategiVe 1,tblv'A ' ton's Sunday fire. last September; oe. - This light -of ley: Engler Ile cemetery. The 'litet sed - digestive organs and audio ina epostiter gutted 10 the 22nd Inst. At about Yellaalike On tree andiew'r, 2.80 p, when the children Were rd. veheakrifis main° hoiaen &remit, pairing to Sunday school, the fire hell ttli.:eNtittigr.v• Atugt:4triealt!,feeti grr4P,11,..rcinizLirtourafgor when Ile Reines hinx saa'aer, rang and auickly the'. 01)&0 drew up wens MR Ave tree* forthe sorrowing and. bereaved fandly, aemPlalato -dnY1 strefigthene neer the Ratio!). Exchange. The fire vor 4444nn94 riles in this their night of weeping. ri. builds lip the tierffitillertern. 1131°. artwright Bede got a' ear load ef • corn delivered Londeoboro last week. These hoYe are eXtensive feed- - ere of hogs, . Hullett Can possibly boast of the lar . sea. Rest hoY in county for his age. We refer to the youngest SOO Of Mr. Win Farquhar, who only 12 years old and weighs over 140 youeds. • ' • Lte.grippe is quite preyalent in this vicinity at present. Robert Smith hits hired witiji:Indr. • " jolui Taylor for a year. Bob will take fit gooct care of the Jersey& •, •'Mr. • and , Mrs. .James ,Fairservice apent'Sundey in Seatortli„ . • • fliewrLdUity9:4-*ellitntift• 'hliOnetQdlia'elgribtsgee,ndMitirgs al smile tbese days. • -WIlliur.:CAltteert•MeCi roger -wears a patern. Mr. John kiritten• lost et valuable le.- • horse last week. . Mei. Hesk has been attending to her Mater, Mrs.' Charles Manning of j..Knidesboro, wbo has been,..eitle;..ler ° ' • 'Mrs. J. G. Slates, 912 . Senentli street, AP MI!' W. 49iS' /-elth, Xi'61' h id the, Port Ilnerm, 4 SOU. ' • ' . ,. binge tie accompanist, •d.e.hia. te, , it. ' We had.quite a. fall of snowon Sat. anelencethy it,s beautiful rendering or matey le., tn. bat -Old Sol dispensed with quartettes, duetts and solos. To hear., the. spow,:plow, - _tbisalucirtettemicelieto-wanteto-hette- little -Terrence . Holt took place from it again, We understand their sem.. • On Tuesday, 17th Jan, the funerel ot George's church. The. little white ces:can be secured for entertainments casket was covered .with floWers and by' writing to Me. Ilarlend. • .. : the pulpit . and ' readingelesk were Z:11;01,1001 qUartetto had 'quite a, draped in vitae. The 'chow attended iLoirfue getting dews to the tea -meeting in full, Me. Cuff presiding at the organ, • roads.rridaY 7ight, owing to . the rough The beautiful Church. of England sera opposite Mr. Sohn 'Averfts who i$47°' Their sleigh broke down when Which was duly impressive. The thens tbe use of his • 'own to continue vice was reed by. Rev,. Mark]Turnbull, Gnild sent a bunch of carnations and the joerhey, then when :opposite the the Bible class a lovely cross. Little churchthey ran into a snoW•drift and DorethyShinpon's tribute weer a love- over the whole load • went. Pastor' ly wreeth with the letters "Little Clement preferred going home by Playmate." Many other beautiful train to taking iiny more chorines. • .floral tributes were offered by the' . The annual Meeting . of the South many friends of Mr. and, Mrs. Holt. ' Huron Agritultural Society. was held The Court House flag was* half-mast at•Bruceffeld Wednisday of last Week. ..during.the funeral service. ' The 06.11. The attendant* was Small,' owing •no bearers were Masters Philin Kieley, doubt to tbe bad state of the roads and Paul Turnbull, Harry Cuff and Walter the revalente of Is grippe in the com- McDonald,. folloived by the mourners, inunPity. The following officeri weft Mr. Holt and Geoffrey, Mr. N. Elwood leak,' for 1899 . ta-Pre,s.,---lia Smith, of the Bank of Coiximerce and Captain al • Hay ; ist vice- res EOM. McAllister, Dudley Holtnes. - • - II i'2nd vice.prei., Itobt. Melliordie, Mr. Henry Sillib, turner for Bitch- . "Kippen ; directors, John -Kitchen and anon & Rhynae; kindly gave the fol. • Alex. Mustard for Stanley ; . Mr. Mc- Cartney for Tuckersmith ; D. D. Win; from the Yukon dated October 26th, son for Seaforth _;. E. ()bristle for. Exe lowing letter • to the press, written •eter . win. DixonforExeter ; .Thes. Manitoba t -"I ' got here about sii Ruseiell /for Usborne r John Murdock and p, McGregor; AL•rAtcLein was by his anti, Mr. 'John Sillib, late of weeks ago and • enjoyed the trip. I 'elected secy.-trees. The treasurer's have not done anything since I arrived - financial statement showed'. net bat- man from Barkerville. We -bought P , • g y • . _ daer It rTrilie it astig_insithowntwreasery or only built a cabin, with another young ill behel scniwprovirliOnsand-put them in the . , • cabin and so are living together. Grub , butter is $1.60 per In. ; sugar, $1.0(1 ; lityPen, '' ,..ie pretty high priced now, for instance --- . fruit, 40 torn cents per lb. : flour, $UL- Obituary.--Litst Wednesday evening 00 per 100.1bs. All provisions will be a cloud of sorrow spread oyer this en. cheaper again next year. There' are the neighborhood; when the said tidings thousands of people here without work. arrived by telegram announcing the I have rnet quite 0, few men from Bark. sudden demise of Mr. Williatre'Bell, and I think I'll get along here all right, Ir., son of Mr. arid Mrs. Andrew Bell,. London read, Teckersinith, neer Kip ereille that I'm well acqu.ainted with Manitoba, the climate is fine. There ,P9.11. Thceased was is_ snga_ged as _one-. neer in his brother's, R. Bell'a mill at - after a while.° Its not a bitrolder than , isquite a bit of geld moving about. I Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, abeite" have seen some nice nuggets ; a young twenty railer north of- Edmonton. fellow- from 'Earkerville gitee nie one While adjustiny the rope, winch rims for a present. Don't believe all you the pump *bleb supplies the engine bee in the newspapers, for they are the rope And the•prriley,a Ho wee 'then with water, his hand caugba between trying to boom this country all they can. There ie a chance for a MBA to suddenly thrown vrith terrible force ' Make something here if luck favors upon th great wheel,_ resulting in im- him, but all cannot expect to make gedistatederith.. Mr. Bell wait brought money. Don't think VII go any farther. up end edutcated at the 'old' home ., Where the family•still reside. In the north/ for rm far away enough from fall of '00 ke went to Hensel' and ,re- 'eoderich now, Hundreds of letters5r, astray on thie route." We hope . r. 'trained there for uearly a year in coin, John Sillib will be one of Luek's favor- neetion With hie cousin's, Mr. R. iteri. • He and his brotheris are horn went west and engaged as enginetir In Bell's, foundry. AboutSeptember'97be hunters, so that Sohn can not he die- couragedlikemany other gold seekers an, remaining in his employment until his brother's mill at Fort Sitskatcheen and we hope Goderich may before- long Feb.teeo boast of one lucky Klondikere .. when he and his brother -l*. .And 80 we tree to have a new G.T.E. Klondike. They journeyed AO far °A• law, Ur. Luther Williarns, left for the station or a new statiori is to be built Fort Ortihera and remained there until by the G.T.R. We are glad to note Oct. '98; whene Mr. Williams proceeded the same and antinipate threefold to Weetminster, B. O., and . Mr. Bell traffic in consequence as in summer returned to Fort Saskatehewan, again thellaitland scenery from the hand- taking charge of the engineering de - some neeebtrilding would be much en- pertinent in connection with the Mill. harmed and therefore Much OPereelat- The proprietor, Mr. R. Bell, and bride. ,- .. • a, . left in Dec.teat tit visit their respective ed. . "Better .lete than ;Meer" is me eery' bored; in Ontario: ntre--Vir. Bell re - wholesome motto and It is not teici late maned at the Fort .10oking tater tlif to offer a little praiseworthy' tribute engine. It was while thug enge.ged to the °Matures neither of the Mail that the sed event occurred. Mr. Bell atici Empire. We congratulate the WAS in his twentroixth year.* ,young management Amon giving prominence Man of flue. physique, steady. intent. to their two faithful co -Workers "Le gent, enterPrasing and WOW tesFeet. VI/wear" and "Kit." • - • ed. Durity his Al in enta t he Ode, identified h resell wit %Carmel church under the ministry of Rev,,S. ft Heti- -,-- - . derson. He Was alio connected with The winter Moon witli placid smite the temperance societY of the place. ' LOOke down upon tam and sea, • The future ireetned bright and all seeni- ,__ Like musks sweet . ed to promise a long and ueeful life, And at tier feet is the branch Of evert tree, . Wesetnekeremith• • Rev,'Mr..Aroititrong was a delegatin for.* E. 1.;,"..heee an Ile recent • **Own heldin Goderich and gave his report on Sunday -.evening last, Ile purposes comtnencing a series of sped, - al services on this Tbured4y evening-_ • 'Mrs. J. G. Oridh is visiting relatives itt IJoborne, G. W. Laytiin was a guest at the Boyle-Maesbal nuptial% near -Blyth, on Wednesday lest. ' • . The young people held their. annual oyster supper at Mr. J. 0, Ball's on Friday evening. A pleasant time and a ;Mod feed reported. 'There died . at the residence of Mr. H. Cudmore on ' Thursday lash Mrs. Flintoff. one Of' the old residents. of Huron. She had liv,ed with her daugio ter, Mr& Cudroore, for some 'tinie provide; to her death and.had advanc- ed to a ripe old age,- The remeins were interred In Clinton cemetery on Satur- day last. . • . The young people of the London toad anent pleasent evening with .Mr. and Mrs -Olsen, .01intori. The chattels onthe late john'Wrilicei . were Sold by auction on. Tuesday lest." 410* --50c .m...00.c...._Inizes to.:80 January 28. A •••11 °We cloSe our Anancial. year Jeanie Vary 'al,staind'.....inst,• now •yve are busy taking. stock., In wink of th.is kind we come- acrose a: great many -odd and = broken lines 01(4 we •-Wonld rather make a loss on therq than enter them in our Attek.list and poesilily parry them over. • To mike a ,,c_rieareece of these lines we 7...4 are laying out number 6f "Specials" =IS . for next Saturday, January '8th that • min - -should find -.buyers -nt..--the-;•figh-res we i4 - t. ifuote. In addition to the follovving list we make. special prices On' all our Fias,in aps,. Capes and CoatS, and . although our :big trade in this line has nearly cleared us out what we have left will be yours for cash at ridieulous prices. A $20 Bedroom- Suit will be given away next . Wednesda3r in connection Witil our Suit arid Pant Sele,_ • t and on 8atutday, January 28th, every purchaser of 42 of-goods-or-over-vvill-be-entitled guess, E Might he, w.94h. te,thing of this on '8aturday. Our largain Ijay of' last Salurday exteeded . all Bargain Days in crowds; business' and bargains.. • OW. Oro Or — OP.. 4116.60 .••10 ••••• Alli•Iti•••11h•lb.ibeWO60.110•111;'41•41B•161•A Ilk• • DO VVHAT VVE SAY 1-.44 "WO • SPEOIA.L.FOR SAT D Clotbing,Lisf BoYS' --StUley Townetifi).— Miss Eliza Iteid,,ivho has • been holi- dityiag at home for some time left , on Wednesday evening for London. ' . Miss Maggie Allen. of -"Make .1"iipeat Mrs..(Itev.) J. A. 31acdanald of Varna. lort• lastweek at the residence of her sister, George .King of BaYfield has been en- , geged with tit% James Reid :for tbe r 'KNEE PANT „ 490 75r Saturday only. ......590,. " egf. .2.00 • Satkirday . ' . • MEN'S TWEED PANTS . • $1.800 "Saturday'. t • sn. ' 'MEN'S TWEED pANIFS. *ter months. , • • NIEN'S AND BOYS' ODD VESTS •-•11 The social under the auspices of Bay- ae en field road church.whielt was to have e`- ..aeg., eat, ..aaturdey .... • ... ...... . . . . , . „ ... been held at Mk. S. EueSten's, Front road, has beer postponed indefinitely • Miss Ray Richardson his again tak- _see en her place as alto singer Bayfield road choir, after her absence while at- se.: tending the Normal school in Toronto. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed -in Bayfield road Presby- terian church on Sundayjan, 29th, Mr. /ewes Hamilton and bride leave for Detroit on Monday. We wish them prosperity'. Mr. James Forrest of the Parr line and Orie of the pioneers of this town- ship.died on Saturday last at the ripe oid age of four -score and form years.: He had been ailing for some tinSe, not with any particular complaint, but. only the• weakneeses of old age. Mr. Forrest lived a ehristiair life and was for many years a member of the Hills - green Presbyterian church, the pester of hihRvS Ah d td'th w c, e.. ceson, con uc e funeral serviee on Monday, the inter- ment taking_ place in the Bayfield ,cemetery. Mrs. Forrest and, their family of six 'children survive. Alma.' Mr. and Mrs. George Browniee Forest Home spent a couple of days with their daughtort Mrs. Little, last 'week. nib wonderhil how -seine young men -get their' living without; having to work. One yeung man travelled through this neighborhood last week eponging his meals and lodging. lie mede.out watt hunting for work and bleed with three or four different per- sons in the vicinity. Ile gave his name as Mr.. JacksOn of Turnberry, but he never showed up to any of his places which be Was to. start in right away. The best place for those 'lazy tramps is in the call for a while. Quite a riumbei. around here are laid up with, the Is grippe. - Miss Dollies Carper,. who has been in Seaforth for some tune, Is bome at present GU account of having the tale- foetune to cut her hand very bad. Mr. Geo. Bratwnlee of Tuckertimith purchased a brood mare from Mr, Hen- ry Little last week. Cr../ Mr. Thonnte Livingeton, Jr., vilio has been very ill it, able to .he around again itt his work. Mil. Thomas Carter is improving vetyslowlY After a very severe attack of la grippe. We • ll Made E : 1111.••• , MEN'S AND BOYS' ODD COATS Saturdan , . . .... . .. .. ... Price I MEN'S D. H.:VELVET 00T.:LAR, OVERCOATS Reg. $6:50 Sizes 38, 89, 40, 44 -es 8.60 Saturday . .. . . • $3.95 • .MEN'S B. pRigzs ULSTERS, stona boLLAI:t's • 30.00 • Reg. • 1...tp Sizes00, 40, 42, 44, 40 . ... , . . .... ; . 6.0U Saturday . • . $ . . MENS : D. B. AND FLY FRONT pyiROoli.Ts a Reg. $10.00 -faizes 85, 36,37, 88, 39 -our oWn Make 4$6.26 ..,.4. ,,. BOICS' TWEED LINED. VELVET COLLAR; HEEF.ERS ' •a , /Ie.,. $4.00 , - • • . ' : . 46 4..50 Sizes 24 to 30. -.. , . - $2,0 ........4._.„ ' BOYS'D. B. FRIEZE t.,ILSTERS, STORM OOLLARS: 33.50 • Reg. 4.00 Sizes 24 to 29' 6,00 Paturdey only • 0.00 . BOYS' 2-PIEC3E SUITS $2.00 ' • Reg. 2.50, P.,2 to.20 . .. BOYS' 3-PIECE-IWEED SUITS. --MIR • —.4110 —4.1111- at•fa *a •• 141.60 ' Reg. 400 $izes b0 to 82 . ..... .. ............. 5,00 --„„ 11,•••• •-•01, $ 6.00 7.00 10.00 . 42.00 MEN'S , Sizes 80 to 44 t • • . • .. .. • • • •7:. • Remnants • • $8.85 -7-1'.• t:14 ''''''Ets15-<, a We are coming across a lot orshort"ends in all kinds of quail - I y this week trim hall a yard. to 24 yards. You.can have them •' SattirdaY at ridiculous prices, .41/0 We will have a Se mut 10e reenter on Saturday of Gloves Tleir, Collars. Aandkerchrefe,Brriees, Caps, Hate, Boys' Antis that --1" Will be worth your while to drop in to see, „ • ••a. Furnishings MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR .Reg. $1.25 Suit, Saturday....05c MEN'S PINE • F AN I, H -pen% $1.00 Satinday - e' 1.25 ,spetial ....,.....090 tend . V MEN'S HEAVY akese 25' SItturdaY W "I WORK/NG slums BOYS' ALL -WOOL SWEATERS 'Reg. Ine MEN'S •IiEAVY SOX Reg. Re 11c me Saturday., 4, ...,...220 MEN'S WINTER OAPS, SLIDIlne BANDS pa, 60e 00c Saturday,- ' Re $1•00 4)0611 Boots and ifood'a flarseoulita is prepared by ex•• iperliaised pharressieti terlay, Who have ;X'. • MIIINTS,T1EAVY MITTS, * brought to the preductIOn ef Oil greet • ' E LINItI) reedleine the beet molts of Medial ra: ' 75e Saturday esereh. Hoed% iteresoarnia-li medern Inndieine, ceenniningjust those -notable sT-- Intridleati '161011 irAre seemingly IA* but God in his all -wise providence has tended herself for the albino. ed ts.tgle°1hie Otnetait 11°,2k It PutifIsa sue. lirday the funeral took' place to the *MAN ta • 14"418 10501 the Itennich end rites were conducted by 'Rev. S. - ft stbeelettelyalltlit eft 'scrotal* erepticil _ ireiroveroortes thawed esung,giving villa fp lialpitny)t§ gents' eneniefling eon and Innen have shone ahrsy. ' likaatth tad enargy in put. Of Weftileill ate you, Alherb. . • store, but was quickly extinguished. Wei - forest o'er desert o'er lien •"-see . —.-• i end leaguer. It w rds on nederie ty: Mr; SAM. Johnstone returned to ble The ORBS In the door was btoken in , o'ntviointhin, *say aistPOOLS0# 1 home, pieton street, last' week from and the heat, played ilPen the fire in Ttly liattY'aly li,ght . AS11 ii614 4 ' raati4 ilralall :gig talltiVri " 4 II WA business trip to Greinfell, Assirii+ abort order. The window WAS drOthlOd WM eligaretibhgitY13"ebt bola District. The waiter of the Aslitiel reuit , A. shott time ago- tiro toodlooa, and - and they of course would be destroyed 06derieh; annul°. '' ud s- parilia with lovely,ties, etc., for the New year _ ,, name A. Sati(laaa. held an interesting entertainnient iiin. &eh other interested,persons, Were discuss. with the smoke. We hope the stook. - . ,,i°_,-.11.44...4_14 der the,. auspices of Zion Epworth League, , . log the hospital qtleittlen and the site. was covered with Itlentalleti: The fire- ' --4--- al blit.4* gia *A Otte *AS )31044 rtOSMAY, There has been eery Mae travel on It ---.---- -- HOW WOlild tliff#Otateief the late Sher-- men had a good flow of water, Ibis said that the 'soldiers who had the reed during the last two weeks „a°14-1**1.16`41tlit.' 411°111°4 ' ' iff Gibbons suit On PtitAiinia.enad: tt 'SO du fault could he found with the taken Mind's Sarsaparilla stood the owing to the bad roodition of them. Hoolitipiiis ita In Mir it 4/1 will doubtless he offered for sale some supply: After the fire they boarded long marches ,in Ouba much better It looks as if we are going to have day and it le in central nIttern ntl the door in flue Style, • than the °dote.. , Sold by Watts itis Ock., Drone*. eleighing now. • Sara. ••••• •••we a Shoes Pebble, btriton, / • MEN'S FINE KID GLO.VES kidDES rmon Ludt, lug.. $1.25 Bizet' 11 to Z ...,..$8c r lie 75 1 WiSoh R6g, Grain,.lacett IV. 4,1 iYi nae BOYS' SHOES eizes 11. to M.., ..15c A itek, rod MEN'S FELT' HOOTS - V AlsTO CASHMERE GLOVES monefinielkineet 75e Saturday 40e Reg. $250 Size Ito 11 $175 - MEN'S 0A1tDIGAX IAA:MPTS GrItt.S' S1XOVS Reg,$3.50 $1.85 Reg $1. Pelt, batten • 8150 Saturelity...... 2.06 * * sites 11 to 2-... 88c • wn CLOSE AT SIX O'CLOCK, EXCEPT SAtCtIRILS.Y. 4e:Ata+ leoleeinentelthAtenitAninAneleennewireiteente.A*SAllnone A JACK ON BROS. 4U 4L4 A Iiiillteilisnowasannitt 4 AAA AAA .r/.••••NrC,