HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 3See40-..-eze•-•-•-•-elle-le-ee•eateele-•-elleeeetteeeeele.elleeete-ery-ae-eleeeiomeeel . Sherloole Ilemes tieemed delighted Mt etreet," he Paid, "which would suit ue • IT WILL OUT the idea of sharing his rowels with nue have my eye Me a multi) in Baker (Iowa tO the greund. Yon don't mind ON, thh amell of strong tobamio, lope?" - A (MEAT IlYSTERY. • •,'I alWays amoke 'ehipfs' narlelf," 1 t ametered. - "That'a good eiteingh• -I gonorallY• he*. chemicals about, and oceasionally - CHAPTEllii I. : dO ' esperiments Would that annoy notbing more of hitte then I. haVe learn. le ' • you . , . • TFIFI IMADING CHARACTER, ed from Meeting him oceasionally in one no Incense, , • In the leer 1878 t beide my deeree the laboratory. You propoeed thie ar- "I,et Me eee-what are My other rangement, tr, Yox must not bold In° 'shortcomings? I get in the dumes at • of Pootor et Medicine a the Tialvere times, and dent open My Mouth for : sity et London, end proeeleded to Net- resPuosibie•'' 'tlf we dotal get Oil it Will be easY ditya on end. You must not think 1 am ley .to go - thtough the courts ore- . Seribed for ellrgeene in the emir. Have to Part company," I answered. "It sulker seem to me, Stamford," I added, look- el when I do that. dnet let me nag completed my atticliee there, I _ ...One, and I'll tope be all right, What Mg hard at my companion, " that Yeti have y'ou to confess, rtow? It's( jizst RS wat.4 duly attaohed to the Flfth Nor- have sonic reast01 for Washing Your well. for two tellowe tti know the • thlemberiand. Fnsiliers as assistant 'Surgeon. The regiment was station- hands of the matter. 10 this faow's Worst of eaoli otheg before thee" begin eileee India at the time and before I ternper so torMidelele, er what is ..it f to live together." . °ewe ;joie it .the oecon'e „eieeghan war Don't be Mealy-mouthed About it.' I laughed at. this cross-eicamination. "It is not WAY' to express the 1neX- "1 lmep a hall -PUP," I said, "and•obe broke out. . On landing at llombay, I learned fleet my earls had advanced 1?ressible," be answered etrith a langh. jack, to• rOws, because my nervee are threugle the passes, and Was alreaey ' lioiraea is A little teo soientifle for shaken, and I get up at all sorts. of e .foe., my tatates-4t approaebee to cold-bloode' ungodly eourge end e mai...extremely &ell is tne enemy% countryt lowed, nowever, wieli many other offi- edness, I could imagine his giving A lazy, I have anothet set of vices when friend a little pinch of the latest vege- I'm well, but these are the prtricipal °ere who Were in the same situation al. table alkaloid, aot out of malevolence, re_ You understend, bue sineply out of a ones at present," • , MYself, and. sueeeeded in reaching -Can - debar in safety, wnere I foetid ina" "Do , you include violin -Playing' in rilpirlt of inquiry in' order to. lave an new deities, gireent, and at muse initeeed upon my e accurate idea of theeffeot. TO de biln a, ' 1 nxinti0 Y. • ' T . eoure category ot eovvs? he asked; hinaself with the .same readinese. He . "It depends on 'the Player,'" .I. on - The campaign brought lionore •and jus oe, I think the he would take it el komotions to maoy, lint for Me it had eveered. "A well -played vielin is a appears to have a paesien for• definite nothing :but 'Misfortune 'and. (Waster, treat for the gods; a badly played' 1 *AB removed. front my tirigade and and ekitot knowledge." • " Very right, too."' one-" , • e e• attached tie the Berkshires, with whont "Oh, that's all right.".. he crted, with . . . _ I 'served at the fatal battle of Maiwand. " Yes; but it mae be pushed to ex- a . merry leugh. "I think we they cop, When it comes to beating the T)xero 1 wag etruck en the shoidder by ease. sider the thing as settled-ethat is, it 7-eeetee,„ „Ate J`ezail 'bullet, vehicilt shattered the dubjects in the disseciting-roome with the rocims- are agreeable !•to„ you." . ; a etick, te is certainly taking rather a bizarre pliers,'" • - -'!When shall we see thenit" ' bone And, grazed the enbolavian artery. I Should have fallen inte the hands ot "Call for me here at noon to -morrow; the•Murderouit Glaaaia bed it not been 't Beating the subjects 1" . ,,, ,,, and we'll go together and Bettie every - for the devotion and courage shown by " Yes, to verify hew far larmiss may thing," he answered. ... be produced after death, , Teem' him at °All right•enoon exactlY," said I; Murree', inY .ord,erly, who threw nee ie with my 'own eyes." shaking his band.. ' • across a, pack -tense and' succeeded • in bringing me safely to the British lines.- " And yet you say he is not a medical We left him wOrking among his Worn with. pain, and. Weak from the, studett , . chemicals, and we weaked together to. "No. Ileaveneknowe what'. the ob- ward my• hotel. . ' . • prolonged hardehips which I had unr, dergene, I was remOVed With a 'great **jects of hie studies are I But nere we "By ehe way,", I, asked, sudeeuw, train of womidall Phifierers, to • the are, and you Must form your °Wu stoppIng and turning. upon Stamford, preesions about him." base hosPital at Pesnawur, • Here how the deuce did he lenoW thattI time _ and had alreade improved so As he spokee we -turned doWn a nar- come from Afghanistan?" . far as to be able 'to walk about the row lane and pissed through a small My compatuoir smiled, an ' enigma- enerds,-and-eeten.-to_bask_a__little,_uPon..slde _door, which opened into a -wing tioal smile. . e of the great ho'spital. It " That's just his little pepoliarity," the veranda, when I Was struck down by enteric fever,- that curse of our ground to me, and I needed no he said. " Al good many, Iwople, Waive' Indian posseasions• Por .months my guiding • an we aseended the -bleak ;wanted to •know• how he %finds things life was despaired of, and vrhen at'last stone Staircase and made our way down out." , came to rayeelf and beoame convales- the long corridor with its vista of " ch, myeterye is it ?" oriede rub; pent, X was so weak and "emaciated thet whitewashed 'walls and dun -colored my hands. " This' is .verY pi- "' a medical board determined that not a doors: ekteae tee further eneee Jew, quant. am rauele.obliged to you for day strOilla be lost in sending me beck 'arched .passage brancned sway from it bringing us together. The proper and led to the ehemical laboratory. study of mankind le man,' you know." to England, I was dispatched, accord,: 'ugly, in the trooPshili 'Orontes," end -This was a lofty chamber, lined end e eee-Yeti must •study him! then," Stame landed a• menth- later en" Portsmmith littered with conntless bottles. Broad, ford' said, Lie he bid me- good -by. jetty, with My health irretrievably low tebles were scattered about, tibia • " You'll find a knotty probleln; rained, .1mit Witle perniiaeion from a, bristled with retorts, test-tibes, • and though. I'll wager be ,learns -more paternal government to epend the ne2..ct neneen 'lamps, with their blue abou.t you, than you about hinie.Goed- nine months in attempting to improve flickering. flames. There wad only one :eye. " it; . ' , atudent in the room, who was bending Good-bY,". I answered ; and stiol-' X had neither. kith nor kin in Eng. over a distant table absorbed in 'his lee one to my hotel, 'oonsiderably • land, and was:therefore as.'free as air work. ,At the sound of our steps _be. lerested in'iny new aequaintence. -or as free as an tncome of eleven shil- 'glanced:round and Bening to his' feet • ,e: (Tobe •Contintied), . lings and ,sixpenoe 'A day will periait witti•a cry of pleasure.. • " '' • ' , a maxi ao bee IT,ncter such eircumstan- ' "Pre found :It! Eve folind it!" he cies, e natUraily gravitated to London,- .shoutecl to ray coinpanion, running to- • that greed cesspool into which all the ward us with a test-tube •in hie hand. ' ',IN A MAN.- _ lonngers and Idlers of th.e. einpire are "I have found a reagent which' is pre- • • . eeet , i .. :had Weatb,e-red_ inany • a °fierce gale .13.6". Spiren.- Cotgrove with new hopee and he ties fon'tid in modern •tribes adopting . _ . , . .. - .__ • . _ _ , Q SA es e Reim art eau). to par Lee way. .A.1). the business e e een. rem, e , n- ireesistably drained. . There, I stayed . cipitated by ;haemoglobin, . and by• no- ihimeineets ei cubic reeteireelas rid a alto fere, and her : navigat rse.hereditary, resolved to' retain his hold of the mast • that practioe. • • • .. - ' . . . . , connected wien It is wen aod careful: for some timent et Priva.te hotel; in the thing else. • . . . tie solid- Material. . . • To -,eniild: li. .one-hundred-aid-fiftyi ' pinned min eirdy14 elethents'altogeth- -er-are-needed,---Five-tif-them--&re-gases- --4,here is'enctegb gas in•s, Man to fill a gasometer ef 3,649 cubic feet --and nine .are solids, found in almost 'any heedful of clay fon . raight take up at f • bo „,... reee, a in her •mal. nseil, the sturdy little '"?,,Afte,a,holding on with, one' hand lipionged may be s d ' IMMO 11.11 aa a A.ct, and' 'there is no, more popular - ,ranclonithat is. to 'say, 'car n, . cat °raft made aighteoe the ga,therinfi . while e put thefingers of the other • ' ha . ' ' ' 'InkyNtio. 41 40407. into tbo, deskneliti, leas • Shola in the tragt story of the expert. 4 44"44 I • , Wor .me weltnith, frantic. With. (Impair," lenge ,e real individual. There ie pitifivE virA Ifigo The tide ad noev remitted flotgrove'e not a single Rao ot-fietIon in the oar. knees, and the agony be ondufed 04 'r,ittAvel, neither is it the esceasively ' The, le atter ot h . or itherated yar IN 44..04.4(4 . . - t of iiIS Rol( Aixs Hionsuso HAs 'to . ECONOMISE ,AT TIN= ) the Prince 00 a Illodurese•htice-riielite Of ellow reinterkith S. can t er be fully Imagined no; de- ongsleorenatin. AnY Of the olde eerolouged. struggle' •agielnet death flit - ecribed, The meet nideous nightmare dente ' our oictureeque toWa Well illuetrative 'et the Pewee ot nue that a,' distorted linaginatiOu can. con- verity every detail ot. the story. ceive loaes ite berrorie before the what writer of fiction would bei • dur ce der conditione tif ree itglit of day, and cam only .he eriettgb to piece one Of tile eltarect HU Ritchie alithlea Net Lerse....The thee meet exizausting • and terrifying deaortbed by tne sulferer . in all its in tlin poeition of ,Altred Col:grove for nature. sae far-reaching raye ot the gruesome detail, within few' mem- a. like parted? Or what novelist weuld Pitt:oriTablyal mitheor7eaLltre'SanSek ban ' been lioro ziott have revealed many grim, mite et ite occureemee. It is Wipes. dare'to afflict his hero with ide unique talked --- aye and even, writtenee-eleolet Able for a Man actequetely to deecribe a complaint ite a. bruised h.eart Pea tragedy, a meagreseceurit of which the isutterings of another, end it is an The ordinary novellet alwitys the Prince of Wales' financial position luta. Perhadm reached the eatable Yforiti, eqUallY hepeles,e task tog the eulferer hampered, by the restriotions of pro- than ot any otber matter affecting the in the form of a newspaper paragraph, hlraself to convey tO imother Mind the bability,med precedent. The,dealer in private ilVea of• the EoYal Family; and senes,tione evhiolt have fact fortunately enjoys. an abaolutely 'hastily swinged and quickly tergetten Multitude crowded th•,- eltres into the one en, free hand, thia reelneet- • by- all hut the email circle Of Mourners iet tbe rotate ot this case is comperes, - -- tIvelY siroPfe. Tlis ItoYel Highness" IMMediately concerned. • Even. the :14.-1311'la 14QMent a 14 11444.111/e• we can only imagine a trail human. • . faralliee so auddenly bereeeed are set- forM. 11 ' ,d. amiclA it wilderness of , TIIE, )14Nir II,A0E* - - dean aequetinted veal' the full details f"t °f must, white -crested biliOws. • We con under- i .i • ' - . reee " • . Cornwall. Tins wag carefully. invest- or snob dide,stors, The Thitines estuary &and tbe hopeleseness oe such a eitue A Shift. 114 Sheletemi EOM' Tkinteiond Years ed during hie longeninorityt an& tare by night,' alive ivith huge craft hur- atione intensitied by the horrors of Old; ilished the Money: out of which Sand, rYing hither and thither to the Weird ! darknetie anct uncertainty, Bat the Daring hie. compreheesive explore-, ringhem was 'bought. The balaoce scoompanienseit oe ohuoking eoghorna, . moet, emotimaiel or imaginative reaeler tiona In Egypt, Professor Flindere Pe- wnicti remained•eame £300,000 was need * and. unetning Sirens; beare an evil Mune rifeulLoftait txtc°s:nPmhell'ada .tithe 74 even ,hniong those 'who are beet 40., man during a slYWIMItg.:te bje "gat trio °4140 n9Mx. an ancient cemetery. to cover the many, expenses inadeotal . Of very large proportions, from, which en hie inarriage, and ,onethe 'filitilshing cSlitafuggt.etelothetittntiaittlt he unearthed a great number of skele- of Marlborough Henze, which proved a bganalteanCid cwriotw4deitdschtarnentiecblse,r°1eusg=t It4PF::Pwtessci. nniemnitst ot IlaveLey No. 416 tee thirteen tons belonging to a,. people *hien have very: heavy „item, ' at the Wreck -chart will prove tbet this ' • Binee been- termed " the 'new raCe.'• When the Prince, of, .w.4les .marrled . 0104tesr reputation is by no meane in, Por the first five houra the title. 4'.este . le._ Steadily ; but it Was et the ekpiration representative collection of these- Princess Alexandra ot. Deomark Par-'' .tmended. The section delineating the elreletOinh carefully munhered, has neW liarnent Voted liira an become of 440.090 of the fiftlenour.that ties steangest end ,ritlbhmorneft'iotuf dthael3PbelYanr1;48,00°0v0eure.ct.twith most thrilling ecene ef thie detente of arrived at the Cambridge Tinivereity a year, and ,his beautiful, but dower- • . re- darkness was en' aated. With the ICY froro. the s ot ' .'" . p near limbee where they lees Princess,. an income ot £10.000 a presenting a shipwreck, and. each Ship-. ii.epleggiZeizeaucetvitadilytkalittpteini:gtihniasi wmtiotplat; were found. • Material wati. thus, far- Year. • This, with the' addition. Ot hie '' wreak probably the less of several hut, 'man lives. yet, in %Site of this grim- Vollteendnlotlattriiingtit arrived, and he re-. Welted for a study Of variation hi the .f.tucily of Coenwall revent141. iilea.ns sieme , oftiCial - 'record, . hOW little ."'te while t je fizi(Irlentig,lonrcrg.nrnegt. gen human skeleten, and tne •• series of that our future King and queen keep mintite raeosurethents ;which have been up their state on £110,000 a *eel fan . hnewn Ct 'the ghastly detaila whicle 'Pelt to the fate which he npw email- . have •for ever lost there. identity bee red to be inevitable, wee actually en- •rauCi's no't °Ail' filrilialles valsahlu att4- 188': th4n"t1316' incw" el 'Alan° a alit" to uncliem' his. nomeed pre thitics, bitt.brings out 4eVerai interest- lab neillieneire andemnalt Contiaental hind A tiny. eiblaelc meek repreeentint :geCarsv,maingrange gleam, =altar. to „the ing features with regard to the origt- Potentate. .A further special grant. of . the' taim total pf each -disaiiter I •• . flash of a search4ight, illumined ‘the nal owners of tfie bodies. , 436,C00 ii*Year' was made to ..the 'Pettus* On theewreckeolutet, of the peat 1889, hr°kell waters, revealiagthe shadow7 ' The, ancient peopte, ,aecerdieg to:the at the ' time ivhen . the, Duke Ot 'Glee - one of these marks „-appeari at a spot. ra,1:07111.Lo/rgy:l..62'''ac.:411.:/satai,:t1:e 1:a:r:tOoart. situated, 'mime ' three Miles betow the diseirverer ot' eheteereraains, 'constitute, enoe teas aboat •te be inareied„ but et mate; ed. a " branch of, t.he.eame Libyan rape hiataconae H.R,Ile touches nothing,: for • Nere, Lightithip; "'and""four from the "I thonght it was one of my that 'Jointed the Anaonite power,1•• and.. the Duke. of Toth 'takes. threiefeurtlaseeee thisotrrry 6:f sthhea:otptiya: iti,..Tilitter. ainaelahnacsletoctlyr . eotpietnelused, ntoottatkeke relit:11f rf,o,,alaitttnoungn2110 tltne: aatn- tneer slate is ,put down tty him. as bee and ' the remainder has, become a pro- e boat with arms outstretched tween 3000 t 4 000 BC • only personal souroe income the Wog esPeretely to a few revenue derived from. hie rwgbY ot many years been known only to the" caused me te tighten my green mating- The dimensions of the• long bones tem. fishing. population of -Le, lgh; but hair- wtivknelny, t hei nosrtantatclanT itlecituineger nav. t . ViS1011 for the royal recipient a dangle, 'find point to a statu • . . 4 leg obteinedfullparaieulars of the tra- • .• . iga or. re mradar to that of the ,BUSLNESS ennywinithadtle momentary Prenob a t he . e vtsion had men vhry moat, the opposlie held' on` It Is no. secret that. the members of gweralyterfroismnoc.nwe obit tahel•wcehiiteifonaetotors trhee: bh:ed-ndeel:PtPe aasreda wa n. the Parlianaentary Committee, Who / gleam; I felt u w le.in France the wo- . with " the new tam." Takin evg4.7 years ago , investigated. the 'Pewees fin- - late the Story to the reeding nublie for Vintiontdion thlet efoeitsotinniennrg; nteadin °nu - the fired time. • •• • • reeve all hti b h ' • W 6- y thing into . consideration; sugpport le • ideenxeba 1 amnal affairs, admitted that he had • other gem y eneat me, and In an- glven be the inveetigation to' a gener- - On the evening of the '4th of 0c,tii- managed Wonderfully w.elle when: the ' The esneznaotinenr nil- ,_coming book . on, • 'tee, ,, chances %of; calls' on his purse were taken into ciiii:c'---:- sides,. a.lization in Professor Pearson's forth - and "dirty 'Weather." ; 'But theie °gait ion."' , .. ". ' : . • tinnont': suIdagri her, 1889, •GeOrig, anti Alfred .. 6titL, stwheinoaginmge tdinecin althougla people ire grey, were engaged. in trawling . for stiles near. the ,spot- already deseribed. 'tief Yillg through epace•in that ,way waS leeath,", that the more ptimitive. and sidepati;°4; for. terriebrle, and I veas iminersed in savage a recce the lees will be the va • ture, ,thereis nothing they dislike . very , ready to criticise .royal eipendie Deillght was' fading raptdlyeatnd the, position, p,i'l, own;ireart,ei.,..vaa.Tahne ethannge. of atilt Y dee ation a "both sexes', and the-Teatr'I' ear More thane impaeent meannes's or the lelaolceclonds overhead, m'oving swift - that the fide hadtuezied; wilt, be the •approacli of .0 ualgit . JrhefOre , a. itiong seuth-westerly wind, ;id thet the Water winicraiow begin to :vartatien ,Letween there." '61 Y • vel.;1 In113:E! netragar of thei 'spirit of "earefulness" in those: who f d. 1.11 ' 1 ' emse yes obliged to ' iodinated to -:the 'Practised ciee of 'the Thire change oeciereed: within a Tha,t the earl' "i. h b• * • - a ants of the • act as ,social figureeheads. Sandring- fishernieii the preepect of a dark niebt 841 b.e vie , ,.. . around Thebes toile:Wed the try in minute of the appeafince of t • claim Y n it ?' primItive •cuatorn squatting e is laam is, in every, sense a model* est t maxiMum shown 'kW the strUcture of the bones of yet 'the Prieoe's count.ry hoine,maya•t7e, -one, of the famousabeigh"bawleys"- The:*nilvvls4ge tha't-iho th I " Strand, leading a comfertlees, mean- Had: he -discovered . o. gold. Mine, sailors, .as' all- the .14eigh fisliermea.are until daybreak. re waa ;midnight ..A simian charaeter, vie., the.sacral ly managed, ane Ris Royal Highness Is' the tide turned, and the fact that notch, in the beee of 'the vertebral' col- . raoneY as I had considerably moretree- upon his features. • . consetotts"of nO presentiment .of when danger as &Ana's fell; and. No. 116 . ere e we c me t of dawn could some, seven b.ours must yet elapse be-' umn, •weet looked for , and raight have ' f • th '1 (37 Ugh b • ' ." ems expected' in. such an early race. and e,attle.. • • • •.• ' ' • . an•excellent judg.e of boih horseflesh' ingless existence, and spending. each 'greater delight could' notliatei ' shone, ly than t ougrite Se alarming tlid,thix.-7-4.1317,-Thrtsmi,lEr,...4nerlook....Hames• -eiring-the,feeM crested-Watee-on:her- -aoriser-tetut-almost-toretereible ear eon_ It was,ehowever. looked for in 'vain. an ' The estiete . has been developed in r state of my financed, become that I said Stamford, introduoing 'us. - _ ' 1Y. way from the body of s etre most modern, while•in otheis buildings have . been rebnilt, and 200 ". blinding showerti. ' Sailing close to the h g early. morning hours was intense. The men Lid wOmen to whom`they if h in the country; ot that I 'Must make a which I aliduld haralyt have given bini wind, With' . topsail,. .stowed and twO ComPlete alteration in tny silt° of liv- . credit. "You, have been in Afghanis- t• t h All t t . - inie. Choosing the latter alternative; tan, I perceive?' • .. . . • • „A „,:,,,Wan by. making up my mind toi . "How: on :earth did 'you,. knOW that'?" '-'''''''' leav Ave • hotel an& to take up My I asked; in astonishment. quarters in' some less pretentiena tnele..--"Never nitad,"• said he,:;thuckling to lets expenstve donticilee - - : „ie.; - .: himself, "The question noW is 'about On the very -day that I had...come to haertioglobin. No doubt you see the this conclusiOn, I was standing it the significance of this' discovery of Miner -: "It is interesting, chetnicallet, no weather bow, drove the spraY aft in • templatien. Although the water fact, in maey characteristics, the siele- every possible .47; Most or me ram awn' realized- that T must eiiher leaye "How are you?" he said, cordially, fell radual ' a • - ' ten • t e lonely watcher, the cold of' those theYiare th reverse. • ..e ', . .aceee have beeii planted.... His _Royal . en , rdy, vigerous people,. in the proper:. fp t no strid : I ern,: he said: ' I' tion qf their limbs approaching t the sa milder - • lendlord in the United Kingdom. Again, though everything'is -nagell' mii mouth to warm th " ' ' ' film pntanslinn n . . . , . „ eying a en ose pree, • Clum, phoSeborus, -: Lion, '• siilpliur,: soci: stored , Limon an magneto., ra. cautione which aes • and h - ' t le th ' at that time • • the n on my ands. and knees negroes; While the epine d h n rictly.;taisinesii,like walnya, , both : d, Buell • lead • , a.s rid fOrebeding of 'the'epPallingdieaster 'the -S,Peond -nature : Mee thoughts were daturally ••• disabl d ,. . .muscles ' seemed • to blades .show a more clet:rnmi id n 8 li•-• the Pr nee andePrineese are known to • • entities of 4 a'eyerY born sailor, the brothers hid be 'liked in were coniphitele nintimotedawnidtkmY' limbs natty to Europeans., ' have . ry • tender hearts and•noi old Or ganesep t which came. so suddenly open there. . FA: Ini:11146., . -tile metropolis and rusticate somewhere: gripping my hand: with a streegth for Crtterion har;- when „some one tapped one ten the slioulder,"and turning round I recognize& young Stamford, who had been a dresser Under me at 13art's, The aight of a friendly face in •the ° great wilderness of London is a pleas- -ant °thing indeed to a timely Man. In old days Stamford. had never been a, particular crony of mine, but now I hailed him with. inthusiasni, and he, ine his turn, appeared. to be delighted e. - see me. In' the exuberance of my Joy, I asked nim ta•lunch with me at the Holborn, and we ateeted off togeth- er in a hansom. • • "What ever have you been doing with yourself, Wateone" be asked, in undisgnieed wonder, as we rettled. through the crowded -Loixdon streets. ' "You are as. thin as it lath and as brown ite a nut:" • • gave him a short sketch of my •adenneures, and had hardly concluded it,hy the time that -we reached. our des- tination. • "Poor devil I". he field, commisiret- ingly, after he had listened to my mis- fortunes, "What ate you up to new r • • • e'Loolcing for lodgings," I enswered. • "'Trying to solve the problem as to whether it is Possible to get comfort- able ropnes at a reasonable price." . • "That's a steange thing," remarked my companion'. 1yint are the secOnd inan to -day tht has used that 'exPres- sion to me." • . q•And,..vtlio waatinefix,st?'_!-Inakede. ‘eA.,tellow wno is Working at the chemical laborittoty up at the hospt. tal- He was berateming himeelf thni morning bedtime he could not get some one to 'go halves With him in some idea • roems which he had foand, end which -ves;re teo ranch for his purse." "By Sovei" cried, "if he reilly *ants some one to share the rams and, the expense% Lam the very man tor hiin. I ahould pieta having a part- . ner td being alone.° • • young Stanitord looked rather strangely at me over his wine -glass. "Voir. don't know Sherlock Helms yet:" he said; "perhaps yon would not ...esee. mil% for him as constant cone- panioti." "Wier. 'What is there against him?" "Oh, I didn't say there was any- thing against him. He, Is a *little queer in his ideas4ati enthusiast in some . branches of science. "All far is I know ha is & decent felloiv enough." "A medical student, suppoSe?" old " ; lave no idea what he intends to go in for. I believe he ia well up in anatomy, and. 'he id a first-class chemist ; hut as far as I know he has never taken oat any systematio'xitedical clasi3es. Histitudies are very desultory . ' and eecentric, but he has amassed a lot of otit-Of-the-waf knowledge which • woutd astonish 'his professors." ' " Did yoit ever leek him whabehe was yoing 'xi for 1" T asked. °No ; he is not ti man that it Is' easy , to draw otit, though he can be ,com- Municative enough when the faney adzes him;'• i; ehould like. to meet him," Iliad. ▪ • "If / am to h3dge,,,with any one, abeata prefer a Man of atudious 'and quiet habits, 1. am not strong enough yet to idand much holes or excitement, I had enough of both in Afghttiaistan tO Ma for the rentainder op my Holmes, sticking a, small piece of plas- liatilral existence. How Could I meet tell over the prick of hie finger. "T t friend of yetirel" I have to be careful," be continued, turn - fa sute to be at the laboratory hilt to Me with a Mlle, "for:I debble her avoids the Otago for t 'with poisens gOod deal. doubt," I answered ; • but practioal-; ly-". "Why, man, it- is the Most practical Medico -legal discovery for yeers. Don't you see tnat it gives us an infellible test for blood -stains? Come over here, now!" He seized me by the ecett- ideeve in his eagerness, and. dreW over tolthe table at which' he had been working. ,."Let us have some fresh bleod," he said, digging a long bodkin into his finger, and drawing off the re- sulting drop of blood in a chismical Pipette. "Now, add this sinall quan- tity of blood to a litre of water. You. perceive that the resulting mixture has the appearance of true water. The pro- portion- of blood- cannot b.3. more than one in. a million. have 'no doubt,. howeeee, that we' shall -be. able •to oh-. tain the characteristie reaction." • As he spoke, he tlirew into the vessel a. few white' crystals and then added some drops of a transparent fltid. In ati instant the contente assumed a dulr mahogany color, and a brownish' dust was precipitated, to the hottom of the gass jar. "Ha! ha 1" he eried, clapping his hands and looking as delighted as a child with. a new toy, "What do you think of thatel ,seenis to be a very delioate testi! I remarked. -- "Beentiful beautiful 1 The eta guaiacuni test was verY 'clumsy and, deeertaine Sots the microscopite exam- ination fqr blood-corpusoles. The lat- ter is valueless if the stains are a few hours old. Nowilhis apeears to act as well whether the blood is old or new. Had this test-heen invented,. there are hundreda of men now walking .thn earth who would long. ago have paid the penalty of their crimes," "Indeed r murmured. "Criminel oases are continhally hing- e mg upon that one point, A man le suspected of a crime Months perhaps after it has been committed, His linen or clothes, are examined, and brownish 'stains discovered upon them. Are they. blood -stains, or mud -stains or ruat- :delete. or fruit -Stains, or what tire they? ,Thati is a question which has Ouzzled many an expert; and why? Bemuse there wah no reliable teat. Now- we have the -Sherlock Holnaes test, and thete tic) longer be attY difficulty." His eyes fairly glittered cis he spoke, and he put his hands over his heart and. .bowed as if to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination. "Yon are to be eongrattilated," I re-• marked, coninderably surprised by his enthusiesni. "There was the cage of Von Bischoff at Frankfort last year, He would cer- tainly have been hunglead this test been in existence, Then there was' M.ason, of Btadford, aed the notorione Muller, And Lefevre, of Montpellier, end Sampson ot New Orleans. I could name ecorts of cases in which it would have been deciaive." * ". • "You seem to he a walking Calendar of crimet" said Stamford, with a laugh. "Yott might start a tziper on those lines. Call it the :Police News of,..the Past.'" "YerY interesting reading. it inight be made, too," remarked Sherlock In, -most people minute q .few- other things are fo 'eopper, aluminium, ma mercury, arsenic, 'and, Aithlura;. but these substances are protably alwayi trespassera. • . • Far and away 'the most important • element inetlesh and, bone ie oxygezre and the • leuIk of that _energetic Be% whioh remains tranquilly compresied within eve.is something naarvelouie a ten-etone man the weight of oxygen , is:no less than lea peunds; and the na- tural bulk ot if .it were seethe, ant. what my wife would say: would be equal .to a bea.m.of wooa one while Alfred was engaged with someiebrown'sail, and pray that lee would not sation, lee found his teeth hadt cheap: annoyance, for as can be easily imagin- foot square and 1,191 feet -nearly a . once again lie doomed to endure the Peared. " " ' ed, Marlborough' House is a very heavy . rarter of a mile -long, or several ta.okle on the. wetither:Cleck. It washt -7. p.m. that the wind, veer - e person • ever leaVes Sandring-. • - ham to go to the vvorkhouse. , . er HIS FALSE TEETH go there again- I had only lpeen mar- ' It is, as the Prince, :who has a strong , sense ofehe.moure cliceerema.rked.ecuily ing stiddenly round from south-west nod ae twelveinenth. My brother ' .,-.--. -: , too easy to tell how his income is to northeeast, struck the boat and. heel- -? .`.3 eft it wife and four le Ge.uargii-iht b k t 1 che -ren. Taey Newly Suffocated utm, nut this Doc- spent, The private i expenditure at ed her' over to eineli an extent that the 7 g, tro e a kength, but it eras , %ter cot Them. - nearly eigh • o'cloo • before the fish- ' ' Sandringham, which inaludes house... water rushed, into the open hatchway's. ermen, More dead than alivi3 by this • The tech 'that tbe '.throes oe the keeping, rep.airs to the actual build - The avail was. so ullexPeeted,Und the time, descried•te "bawley" boat scarce- imaginatien under great excitement ng, entertainraents, and so on, 'comes , away. He tried Often d . to about Z15000 a -ear and 1 • V a mile and a half change of the wind so sudden and eom- pro upe.a cotreeponding, physical Ro I h y . their to wave lus cap to attract the atten- w s • • ya ness had reduced their plate, thet the boat was flung on bee. • etion of those ab b oard, ut his numbed IrenzY ilpistrat04 recently la tne London establishment, as it was (Mee euggested they should do, they might . case of. a. man who had gone to sieeP heam-eMlir bef4e- single 'Step Could finger•s• refused' to 1 SnicianercewILdnaorwinga t .with his artificiel teeth in hie mouth, have lived in green splendoor in' their . be taken co iteert the calamity. Ab the fatal•moment George was Steering' dee • 1 thnifiinnii°°,1368eCoottlligahrttoheineirovuienii Waking suddenly with a choking sen- been country home) and they would have • saved much financial trouble and T e "hawley" altered. her course whare they were usuelly deposited, did STAFF OF A ROYAL gOi.rStiftoixt. item of expeadeture. itself, Measured by the gallon it would. cry oat, "Oh deer, Alf 1" before a wave d madred times the' bulk of ' the bodY GeOrge , CotgrOve had. only ',time _ to hitttr agony of hope• deferred. eite looked lin the glass of Uraters . an approaOhed rat/Idly. .The weath.. • • The Reims of Wales' salary. list. IS , not eee ' them there,, a'nd realized that fill 202. thirtY-six gallon harrele. ' hreaking alictara: Die, sieumping craft, er-beaten 'forte had, been. descried enormous, and comprises: the wages of ' . Evembulkier, though lighter, is tne constituent 'hydrogen, Every man's irieeeit hire into the ;clarketelitarii,astern, .tbrough a pair of 'Marine glassea, and they Muet be far down:hie throat, a Very large staff of servants,. while ..,... a couple of willing. handl were .elready Choking. and. struggling he hammered specially Cooneoted with Marlborough body contains sufficient. of this light- With thet lest .despanang. cry erau , preparing on , r o a nee sleeping in the th doe f f ' d ' ' Rouse is a Speeial comptroller •and ' to piit Off in the intiallet • est- of all„Substaneee to innate, a bale iinging "in his • 'ears Alfred made a boat. ,. Then th's sails of the smack die - house, who, 'seeing' his critical: oondi.: treasurer, .a house -steward, and : Some . loon that "would. lift himeelle balloon frantio effort tc.. lower 'the maientil, , appeared euddenly .from sight, and a _ thirty to forty . lesser • offieials. SoineL. the bulk of hydrogen le over 2,400 cubic calling and tackle. In the man, for instance, . ' I ' b ' th t .th.. ned by two stirdeefigures' in oilskins, teeth out of *the sufferer's 'the at. - loud Y to nui in er a royalty is • never troehled with, the e few minutes later a little craft, man- Lion, vainlY endeavored: to • draw, the.' people iaboUr under the dehision that -1 feet -equal to the cubic spaoe ef a, same tires. But George Cotgrove.eaa, e could feel the t eth bu payment of railWay 'fares. As an -so- bounded. swifSly over the waves, to- mg • ' o rocao• 10 feet high and15 le2 feet square now paseed beYond hiiman aid, and" the • Wards the partly-sulenerged mast - and the weight of •it ie. a• trifle short the strength to extricatt: thteitdt ngoet gal, fact,, the Prince and Princess and . of 13 1-2 pounds. - . weather-beaten "bawley" : *as sink- 'which, for thirteen hours, had. held Ale • which . feed Cotgrove Above the jaWs' of death. ran for a blackeniith, who lived a few ' amount ' of their respective ieconies on. Whe k d h . 7f at had become of his doom eway, ,but the bleeksmith'shand • en' children „spend a considerable • there is about half an oencis to each 'h, ',Mg Of that ' inexplicable" gas nitrogen ing rapidly, /-Tte tiny boat astern had one down, and just brOthern IV f e su erer could.only paint :wee. tod tag. pu into the -man's journeys, and •in their case there is a Pound of body weight, or approximate- .oefore the larger craft made ber- fine/ at.ete moutu. very heavY added item -that ot . tips, . bier' Into the btoken .waters. And ,, to. s t' ..." ly ftiur and a half pounds altogether plunge beneath the eeething waves Ai,_ i levee ntit before* he lied been carried Whieh, although now regalated accord - in a . hundred-and-fifty.eight pound fred ,Cotgrove eealized that his eutr. 9Nr.,,;,1914 reYlv141 .*!tilewhat', With, „...._.A...,doct4.-hact,been.,:sent to4 'but' -lie- : ". ' • . ing to precedent, dog the footsteps of .Man. It ik itboht,-.20 -timed the -bulk of -hope lal•-•14-theAlreotion al the-folke - , s cn .siraple, 'restoratives ae were at , °ming a t e vie- .. . '• Ilie-ItOtil-°:"Eicinily here % ther nd • ho I ' f th ' . • • re y ,o .e. disaster and, its neiree .. . was so long in c * t,h t, .e ., everywhere . e - ' . ". • the body, end by no meane likes being Mat. Aoting on the•inspiration •of u a c en seemed lecelei 'to 'aV ith but very few • exceptions, the ; hand, that he woe able to whis er e • is is the most inert ges'known. Its niped. up in a space of a few inches, thP 1210 Out, 0 0^ 0 ttV rh 141 n effort to reach the summit of the mast - .131 ' h m d a 's e u a cusous sequel i• . • . • , die orestiffocatton before the physician elite never to deal. with' anyt but Bait - :arrived: . Prinee and Princess have made it. a P tint of the c id t ' • • bulk in the bodyeis 08 cubic feet. The before the "bavvleY" sunk. • Not a sec- . drange to relate, the tirst-"bawley" , , - ish firms, and all bills and. actounts reason it is said to be lifeless is that ' a ond tooSoon hislingers clutched the -' vii oh tcame within speeking distance ' A little girl bf lo, years waSbrought, are 'settled ImmediatelY, Should a bill it hates every other eternal in the l•ew ' ineheS of iron forming a tiny o tha *hash hed effected the rescue under the impresszon that her small be sent:in-after having ,been onee bald, World, and while' oxygen, hpdriagen, "staff"' for tht flag which decorates the - was_ manned bY Cotgreve'S father. hand might reach the obstacle and the firm is never agein patronised, In Carbon and the other things like the mast -head on "regatta day" mid fes- 7, et under deck, mate -don't 4et'' wiihdraW it, nut she gob frightened the Malborciugh stables forty to fifty tive °Missions'. No, 416 sank at thee . J.* "t iittinctintistenndlein Mtn possibly avoid it, live in corapanyi continental Powers, cannot- live' alone, nitrogen, like 8nglaild; will• not, if it. menced to:flcinr, ,erul sonie .1.5ft. of the Banns moment, The tide ha& jitst cora- . . crept on ck. . , ' escuers, dead eating • Ootgrove. Who, .eaawinelielailaocule extlircotel- osattsle,aancdcouir. 1,,i;ienekeepoti Otalter itarreneye l'our tether eats yeu I" cried one of the :and began to my. The sufferer be- horses arc always to be found. The Prom this trait arises not only all tbe topmast remained above Water. . „ , hid binistilf , as advised, and everY Intl:nem to be his lest, wheafine indihges himsejf with a new carriage; el . action of the human brain ahd the ' 'CotgroVe was now sarefor awnile, but i . ••elftreu ma ether called out: "An awful night, ally ibis doctor arrived. Indeed- His Royal Highness still uses' his position . Was . terrible to canton- : 'strength of -the inuscles; but the; ter- sea mates I I"ve.had ti barge run into me, . He Maid the. history Of the ease, saw daily the quiet ,brougham, lined with . ribte force Of all the great 'explosived. , "While individually without any eh., laY -la° plate. A rising tide and a raging, lie ath hie feet; a storMy h4721d 'hawley' herself." jaw nor iti their nightly receptacle, years ago by a noted , Lendori 060011 - and reke my elcdf adrift, and neaely sank _ that the teeth were net iX4 the tnan's dark Ole, Made to. his design many ergy whatever,when it does chance to starless, sky • overboard.' a The night ei, e've works news than' that for felt the .throat and clielit of the suf.-. builder, ' :F ' . enter into union. with other things nit- ,i ..., Wax .pitch black and bitterly; ccdd. ! .1v and mast his eyes seriously -upon It Would horrify moet. people wete .. the iron staff with lioth • -„You!7 Was the reply. "Poor George's fewer, the floor. . There he law- the whole they le know* the amount spent by thie• rogen becomes the most energetio iiiiii- `'itti'Plog stance in existence. This great expli:e hands, and clinging to"the slender fop- , laoatr was capsized in ethet sqeall, ee gee hare been drowned, and, we've 7 set .of teeth. He adjested them in Prince et rather by his prtvat•e, secre- azote. One Of the meat frightfeek ex., plosives known is chkiride of nitirigen, . Sive force of nitroglycerine is due to be sweest into. eternity.at'hIgh water, 0 nntn realized, thia he wohld. probably gol: Alt mast 'with. crossed 'knees, thd unhappy t• -i tion of break* bad news ani:ngennTy f f.. uch wee ilitesira.ple fisher • , breathe freed • ' . • ' ' . 0 suf °calm:pia disappeared. • . y, and every symptom for on no occaston save those very told• him to taker ore elarionery and. penny stamps ' • eboard here." • 3 ' . tb R j a w s Of the ,patient, - and thatVeVen if the tide should turn strietly within tit'e* letter df the law which goes off if the sun shines on it. ' - aro the megic letters "011.M.S" ever' or if a leaf touches it,and, in the hu- man body, it is the breaking Own of pet on a. letter posted' from Welber- thenitrogen tompounde which actually •ougli House. Telegrams, again, form constitutes life, Nothing cari,be alive a heavy item, and it is computed' that . these„ together with tbe letters and without nitrogeneeitself • the type , of death. 'The last of the substencee of parcels sent by post. in'orease the Post.' ahY bulk in the body is carbon, There roaster's ofticiai revenue by over him cils. • dent to make Some 65 greet og•tead pen, 1-2 pounds eitt it ten-stotie Man, suffi- • • - ; , As .to the •cost of • the ?Arlie's thousand. a year. . PRINCE AS. A, PLAtGOER, , doe„ or an as expedttiousIy as possible, and velthout reaelung him, the it is far from. probable that a man of •, twelve hours wOnld. elapse before greater culture could have seized a first streak •of day might reveal his mere eleportunn, or 'words for the purpose, desperate position to thg crew, of seine Au Embezzler Found A.rter Sete•;41 Wars moment 'or employed ' .pastaeg craft, Ever and anon the lights Of Smile . tor many weeke after his terrible ex- tiolibting the Wooda. Alfred Ootgrove was dangerously ill' outward or haniward bound Vedsel perience. His heart was seriously af- i f t • • n a ores of Galicia, Austria,. near would gleam Mockingly through :the the town of 13ialak, the peasants have fectod by its prolonge,d contact with. darkneas for awb,ile, only to disappear the mast. At St, George's Hospital, eventually. into the shadows boond with. & hoarae groan which•seemed bid : to. which- institution the slifferer 'was jiist captured a, wild man who for informed that the Vital orghaeri ww:ss i. years has beAn. the te f tit ' - rror o e dm- aionate Cried for help; The human • A WILD MAN. Is, as nearly as possible, sack of 21 amusements, he generally makes both ends meet. over his racing stables, but XO Itturrr "PO ISITIDDED.E1): this le only done byl the, greatest and or exaggerated echo Of his own pae:,. ordered by the ,local• doctors, voice was entirely but amid the din of • nettin4 bruised by the coonued triot. Travellers in numerous -in- or crack,. at one.tune verner oi most eon4ent: cite. Pew people knose I': a 'la` . .. • Go • that'everf royalty -must pay, and pa7 Canada,, sat in the Hones ot, CoMmOns pretty heavily for Its ordinary iimilse- for an English aonstitneneye. An Well. meets. Every time the niece of mail'hillineltettrwits very patio:razing te• Wales goes to the piay he peys the the Irish members. Meeting • Vintient ordinary tariff rates for the Itoya) box. indeed, he and the Princess have Seully, the member for Tiptierary, Iti always been,most scrupulous not to ad. the lobbi on& itiglf4 Ite•-sla.ppedilini on• Cent any so-called favours of this kind. • , the shoulder ilia Said' fatnillatrlye'Welit Were they to do soi they Would find Scull, how are yen f the'eiher; annoyed it impossible to prevent their preitence ' ' baing used, as tin mei ual, instead? of as by this form of liddreha, r4joinede' / an indirect advertisement. Wili thank My lord, not '.,to dePrive my .',„As is the cage with. humbled timirtale wedding presents( have, of late years, become a very heavy tax to thei-mas- ter of Marlborough House. The Prinee conefantlY„ sonde ,rt ,soavenir of the. kind., even to those; with whom he, is not 'Minutely tequainted, end he is, of course, expeetedt to be handsomely re. presented al. the numerous toyal wed- dings, width ars alwaYn faking Wade among his German relatiotle. Again, he is kind. and generous tc( all those about hitt, and always remembers Christmao and even Ibirth4aye in. lc ' , very gobstantiat tututilart 1 shrieking Wind, and raging water ; no- ' attre letought to.beer ulxm it.' He also stances had been attabked by him,. btbsinigulibgustottf,earyt661 wcoaurtainmg apkreodiutzdt • 68uhofficia"datidgreohtelaYclitolhroolll, atotislitlroir aeltaten; and he was ritomed to plunder the yet, in . night the grim tragedy wee repeated• cottages of t e peasantry ter food. By ahdible -on siich a night. th : in . imagination; and no hohner_ditt_those who to their sorrew had seen the Spite of 'the futility of attempting attract attention in this way, Cot.' sleep close the weary eyes of the in- ' Man he was described as a Monster, gat, tettonontainhlttemd stneurtolrytitanutinta X: . eVosfolidostfheelyn otvheer,baendaecneenterrnedvn towtnuurin4 _ unit. awake with the last cry of his brother e" wl onl)i, innocent of Clothing antl cov- e. r from head to foot. Fitt- ,onable to hear his own erietti. • . . ti, 'th h i " :So -the hour* dragged by, each an ringing rat again In his ears. He has ally a hunting party was organized, it,tirsity. •of ignapooso a n d . sufferitig IleVer recovered his lost nerve our& and the wild Men was captured after ciently to faee the atormy watees se deSPerat1 resistente. His appearance the Estuary again by night; sod his quite bore out the worst of the de- Atid.the reineratleas tide rote, inch by inch, until the higher waves broke neer -the eeee be the, man who was so matee, realizing .this fact, have shown seriptions. After he had been watili.- ehaVed and clothed he was, identi. nearlY Withitl their teach) and- the i.cy rtilebriorbatosyiltingpit.tpoyr inhiampratowtoicahlaWnctaLribre ; feidq1' , to the surprise of his captors, as okay fitting his face like sleet. ' 'what rcy, vow was completely pleantraboato, On account of the John Herman, formerly Szeretary of gone,' said Gotgrbvi, "one of• tb,s far -receding tide, however, these un. the Distriet,Coutiell in Wodnian, Aug - fortunately afford Wm bot a twenty ' trut` '58V4111 Yenr8 ag° aermen be - boats belonging to our fleet. came so dose to nut thatJ coin* bat% thrown Illemie ef livelibeea' , longed to the fa.shionable cirele in a bleoult aboard. l SW' the tiebse. The body of George Cotgrove wits :Wodinen, and went at MI eXceedirigiy in n loW r th- ir Sail and I kb et recanted °bias to the Note Li lash' rapid alt. He embezzled 8,000 gal - name ot the last letter. •Oricif you do Or. else he Works there trrm He beta titt his hand as4le Alk)ke4 pray add it to roar Orii,,ahd mill 'env, to night. If you like, we shall andi, I notice,c1 thsk it wale all mottled we monkey, erineent Sehlly (Mee gave ii. together after luecheon," Over with eittillar pieees of plapter aria utteranee in the Rouge tb a ludicrous ,'• I Ilnewered; end the discolored with strong ecido. contagion of thought. A: landlord had drifted away into other "We have eome here On binsiness," been murdered in Tipperary, and, dor. he: Holborn, Stamford ifl ni threetiOn ' with hie loot "M it r I . Mr. SO 11 kltottting, foolishly believing that, al. a: 1 tenV derail Ike$ after I vet fe tbe gent ta 1Y011 Ot et WI ' said Stamford, sitting down on a three. log adisonsolon in regard to the erime, ur way to the 'hospleat legged Steer, and pushing another one an attempt wait made.. to prove that Melith and throe daya after the dig: devm isd to eeeape permit and eotild ore partiettlarg about friend here wante to take diggingo, and the murdered man in terms ot the high- IhOugh my voioe was quite inaudible aster. A knife belonging to Alfred, not be traced. He seems to have talc- oln 1 proposed to take as you %Posta eauttattinintt that Yoh cot praise. lie wae tuna beloved, maid to my own tare, they: heard me. Put whieh had heen htnrOwital by the de. en refug: in the forest, which he der. • could get. no one to go hilvetl with he; te distributed food to the eterv. Me sell had only been lowered for the oeassd a few roommate before ths-,,boat ednot leave, and it wag the: Ufa he Wail a Me if you don't you, I thougtilt IVA I had better bring ing people, and nu *tan 1104. leat right purpose of hauling in the br I* a a colnalrod. proved the onlY Means of aw• , n force& to lead there that transformed a Said; a I know you together.". • US he murdered. • ). . / in another moment the boat dittaPPear. identificatiOhN /L. , Mtn from a eybarite into, a savage, , , _. • . a _ , ' "