HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-26, Page 2•
Epistles, X do not think there aey beard that recited even' deY no:
vore acquainted Wt n
thini the uritinge cif Sir William .et
real Ham 1ton tlie,t ehowe ouch raental die-, ,eircuinatanoes, and yet in the freeh
cipline ea you find PauPs argument memory of thet aceno hs goes to per. INTslitaTIONAL LESSON* JAN 201 1" 4411441riallitil"Ituoi47":11Q4Prtitilve
- tta Dootor Jellnigat Old, every elan
V, DR. TALMAGE TALKS ABOUT b I seeute Christ's disci les npientat Is a Aeoundeel when he le Akik, the In -
THIS GREAT APOSTLE. non. haVei. net Anita any thing in the time it take:: to feed the toreee
otona phapseitinsunie Seopplintte it
IKffln Preseers$ Wetinkt
controversi having arisen In som0 "X found. Myself one, night," Ohl the
tisnate Oonneetion between Morality •
• ...PI". Milton finer in tbe waY of IMagbaatien at the inn, not pulling at the snaffle, '"Clorist ** "cob's Wm, Ireint lft ea tote papers Abeut Ode recent Pere retired httrelar, " in the dining nein
than Icon find in lecture illustratione • bSt ridil With loose rani teeter and
put things in; It was 4 kind of an'
.slettlisa Text. &Ian
es . hen oometh he. Op hie
I t Fro** • ' • • as + A hdl, wav from, Jerusalem te Gelitoe 3eous
disease, and dirt, as defined by ithelee . Hr. IftIMPI0 Draws 4 r-O-ure arraigning WerrenIlastioge ut e, ea.- erd lIK When Stetahen died, an- -- 0 of interest. It was during, the
hreted etatearilan, is Matter in the raurs Lire ner me inederis World 0 tolnster Hall, that oompared with the .e In t e execution of that good Mae. patosed throutgt Seeneria• This Wait ro t eortrention gf the Thiele/Pineal wo d built t t hi d
whiele Was Painted in imitation ot the
wrong Place, Which, It Is the funotion , Isethite. scene in whet court -room, when, before When the pebble wanted to be Mahn- eee $3e, usual eeeree Lige mot /ewe 0 , watt n o a le, ol astyle
eldeboard, a fine, iielid, eubstantial
Of (sanitary Aohnure to put in the right.
Rev. D T I reached from
h. despatch from Waohington; sale:e- rotbekll Official% Paul bowed and began Reded in their work or deetroylee " , r Society, that, a goad Many of ee who
the hie.' sPeeoh, Baying "X thiek mYeelf otePhen, and wanted to take 0C their he Preferred to cross the 4Ordan twice
le low the eurfaela feing• Present, some bag out on the d• I
are interested in the life of India be- Piece of furniture, x spread a, burial:4
larthe neetteeity of whieh the experta
heve Wholly tionvintled intelligent pe0-
place is determined by sanitary laws.
Ogee.. Icew to Pot it in the right
"And as Ile journeyed, he canie ea
foiltAvi g test •
Demations; audesuddeuly there relined like that must have aorta power in, it. pga tliKo eloWn et the feett of Paul, Y u les, wee: ne ati Ei._ _ ,
r. a mage p h . .• ,
11-r that a religion that can capture a Man'
answer for myself thie day," I.repeete clOWn sleet they be %,,,obn; raut said i Perim, which, though largely inhabited Jihad f '
1 ' 014?Y, King Agrippa. because 1 phall coats, but did not deity,
It is time you . stopped talking int esra he watched the coats, and the Jews 0•0 Was s maria, A• city of Sam- claire the power of rendering fire
"I'll take care of the Goats " and thee
te lay them, on lite Way to Galilee and peso throng
b Ge t'l t Ito tile to the eaer, eseet 0e geeeeete Hindus, who roeir :Ail, ata aolitta,43!iiist 1.!:t_iti.t;tittlhalonso4titheir
u. vends arranged with. a cer-
then. tarried my larag on the eideboard
in fig room tattle end •
ple, They havee indeed, created, a round about him A light from heaveni
then el• tee ett 0 re norrid pa ling of glorious Stelthetta aria. But not necessarily a place of •
as it was, and then I t;hot ready to in
kind Of Plibilts etareelenoe on the auh4 voice flaying unto himp Saul, Saul, wb)• leads,
- 'arid,, hu fell to the earth, and heard a oppOsehd tol Oh lbstlinn't; °Vic:4:1:1;0.6W. ZA It a uonder that when'helell from ' "'
we can affoartill to* follow. I am the.horao be did not break his neck- great e0 .ter -m100.1-' 4 441,. bad T'r 4 PowerS, A.dcordingly a trelach •Was.
'' id • ' t 11 Sain 1 harealees, tegive a•rk exhibition of their
at the look. But before beginning ou
jeot, so that One wonders at tiMe4 perseoutest thou me f And, he said. glad to know tbato,obrist has in tbe thlait his foot did not eatohesomewhere here means Isle p.rgv_t_nce' 4,`' ,' u,Q,IY,e dug in the grounds of the Tagore
e 4nOent caPila4 Villa, about 15 feet long bY 40 eatl•°11' anything else b use while folks do
,_ lt, more ats a atter of detail, than
whether the age Is not in danger Of Who art thou, tordf ,A,nd the Lord different agesof ?the 'world had in Ids in the trappings of the. toddle, and be d.uty as rename for tn
beeorang• b/Barka in its eleannesfa sad, I AM Xestls Whom thou leersecur music ; 0 na h 1 • it
arta would not be better Air Sinnetbing est." -Acts ix. 8-5. 4. • diseiplesbip a Mozart awl n Handel le wee root dragged and kicked to death? city of the kingdom of Israel, and for
p ae and a eyno ri , n e 0 e 1 ,, ,
ld I fle cleoerv d t di ra'serablY wretch' ' • t 1 t th w 8 ' - ' soinetitnes forget to leek their safes
tbe kuagdom itself I s peep e a e evening left to bleu, all day: In the thee don't forget 'em One tiale lla a
as fill d with leas of wood which ' .
et the old austerity which rePU4iated ' The Damascus of Bible tin2e0 still sculpture: aelaush and tl, 'flaryff in all his metaOhysice, and his eloquence. 10°T .. „. ,
ne thus wer:3 raordgrels, Whose
P4intingi a•n Angelo and a Oannve. . in edlY, and fOr ever, notwithertandieee
... .. th5 t ea W I Y million, I tried, the knob. end I'm blest
r oh as I Bee h a •
swap and water. stande, with a Mutation a one bun- medicine; a Grotius. arid a Washington and his logio. . - ., origin told, in 2, ifingi3 i7,, 2aatt, They thick er of lowi coals tying off
ing architecture; its Minarets and will conquer all tlle obserVateries and. , him,
that. A d y t the :grace of God awed
ail .: ft will you. If there jews, and cenetantly persecuted --------------thpeeon:doteof . Besant, Count-,
foreign superatit , . y to the mele of action., Gar locked at -all I I just turned -the lr.„1100
relifived a system of publio hygiene' will corae when the religion of Christ
end ilenttation woUld seem to be es -
ale le Yeasatee Trent Pas Horse thee the draWn from the impletheittree- There teeter. was tee emea pr forMange Of AIM) Fir% eareMPAY. at df a hew* where they bad a safe ta.
tabitelled by the prevailing epieentio. 014-"rwa5.* ‘rlai- to*** P*14-• Was nothing in Robert 'Onamet Plead.. •
. Llera• No ontbrealc iundestY When be • v. :arit:1" . .
For influenza, is, we believe, a dirt ' III* alitteiteence Strom Wait 4teettate-
Boa:Ares, sceonnt of what actUallY
Ing for hia life or in BilMand Burke maid that. Ile was a murderer. lie or • faxee Itotiliett 06100icero old-fashionee bouse, and the, Lae
111 statesmansebnit law ; art e
shall and a K 1)' d th One abl raz
• a Blackstone a lilare WAS THE CHIEF OF' 'SINNERS. •ngled the worship of 0-ehoVall With tremor:L(1mA heat. At 7p.m. We re -
•1°31 g if this fa, b f t th t
dred slid thirty-five thonsand, It
e Re/ said what w I'd expected a lot of wo k o r watt
sate, sa e as was,
in ofsiii• at, they have, of course, onlY was a gay eity of white and 0 -lister- aa true when he said tens The hated the r ve p
eommon to the. anment world, and so crescents and doines playing with the universities, and Philosophy von 1
ligat of the morning sun; embowered hibeoufh Iratelescope hellcat theinia3oorrna:
- ' is eslY Man In tete house ° who lin Petty a on. 0 5
thinks he is top bee • to he Sychar. This Was forraerly suppotiedte
elosele associated with religion as te ',-
laws of the EgePtains, the Hebrews, angei, and Poraegranate; a famous rive er for e00,1," and tWilitndl;hnewrcleiceotlEakoggeltehal
be inseparable from. IL The sanitary in grovee of olive, and citron, and or- to& sseaer;hanit saved, and ,eaye K 1 have wandered be Sheoliem, or *hem, as it is called
ye!? Arigeoruosliofritoomy loodo,oe.rtiodr I 1;1:in
,-- in the' Old Testament, situated In a
and other nations were embodied in Or clanging its brightnees inte the haranier discover the "Rook of Ages." ,Qe4 e
tell, you the etory tot this man
, when tile sceptic stands before youc.- andin the greiu and fruitful valley between the
their codes of worelatie AS Lerd Pear, n6,ene ; a, city by the ancients etylee "a Oh, instead of cowering end shivering 'text who was brought to Jesus Christ moinitaine Ebal and Gerizina. The
consfield said, MONS,. Idunno- and Mo- petite surrounded by emeralds" , talks of religion as tboughit were a iwnhes_emitmee;ft) Iiisemisionsheatid opposition ' h
ro hare, as' PeoPle of t e place pole ou. an i
• t t anc•en t
adato Christ otiposeaws Paul was. tomb there, which they cal) the tomb
hammed made eleanliness ,40i Only next, A group of horsemen are adv- rnusillitnimotis thing -Instead of that, stoiftlY
to, but godliness itselfIt istrae that upon that oity, Let the Christians of -take your New Testament from Year There may be some, here who are cap- of josepla, ane it well Of abundant and
-, ,
' our „modern public hygiene diffgre the plarie hide, fop that cavalcade °Ora- •Fleatilt andshowhilt tAtettiotureefrtolie
e..., tive of their sine as much so as thecool water, mucia resorted to, which is
from that of the anoieuts in being bits- ing over the hills in made up of peeve trateS.corthrgati. toll Drartaaseg,uerEsi'viVhfi-ia young men WhO said, in eegarrl tor his probably Jacob's well See Josh. 04,
. 82 tit it is now reasonably certain
dissipatbag habits, "I will keep -on
wito them, I know I am breaking mY th tj3,a village about two miles to the
ed".upen a. more thoiough, knewledge miters; their leader small end moat- his horse is flying :wildly away e thee ___ ,_.
' of neutral laws, and Om' s to being more tractlVe, in time respects,' ea ' leaders a'sk your Sceptic what. it was tliat mother's heart, and I am killing MY- ea:IL very near to Jecola's well, Which
"truly scientific, Tinder its apptica- sometimes, are insignificant in person: .frightened Dee eine aud threw tht.
e otli-k. self anand1 know that when I si-e f
-- still bearsme
„ the na, of E1-Askar, isr:- ? Oh no la as, no weak Gospel. t
. tion the tendency -a disease Jul .been witness the Duke of 'Wellington and - • 1 i e • l s a . e• ost ut it is tree late, to fe •red to The parcel ef growid that
h 11 'b I . b • • .
and utenag the door. veld. 'open.
e Well, now. you. ought to men the .
" . ..
.a e e , . late
Profe,seer of chemistry at Univereity
College, Bristol, Dr, Pascal, a French velvet and just filled with ilver stuff,
doctor. , oBt me..44cine; Ms, Bertram de of that sake lined with purple •
The %tuff kind c,' phiefashioneal as 7611
_Iceightley, 'barrister -at -law; Miss Lil-
•might hive expected, but beautifiii and .
len 'Edger, X. A,: Col. Olcott' and Oth-
inat a -glistening, , when 1 turned the -
a ,Irind et. dale forraed Of the earth
ern.. Chairs ware arranged for ha on
too and the :bright silver and the Pnia'
ve on it. The velvafe
et that- the Ef.
tehigrhotern, seoeutt forfonithiet.trewnbchis :anwtsabothuit was lined Witli w40 very flies...410'4A
bear the scorelookedapitys.otophorootoyh together',emup;
our back, and suteenueding the trench, Pthjeatvietivet ra
e ld. /14ot heat. At
t'earee,t ISeint to the big fireSat which
but business is businesii and I put my '
ldown and -began transferri
wos a dense, but ,orderly erowd, of ng the
hundreds of Hindus. AU waited with stuff from ,the safe to nay bag on the .
eager. expectation. At last a.
'hubbub table.
h' li t f the villa , 1 ereaned out all `the pigeon holes •
is a ag or ous Gospel. t an al con- stew, •
to become milder, , Tee ha Dr. Arclubeld Alexander, But th quering Gospel,. It is an onutipotent Jacob gave to his son osepli. We
' bitude• of • • e
The steed, on Which you ride snay be only know that Jacob bought ground
--A. • a a on w to e gion afterward was neherited by • the announced the arrival oUthe Proceee ae ;au y -holes of the silver, _end e
livieg on es more general. But it is something 'very intent in the, eye of ospe t is the power o a.
. swifter and strouger and laigher-raet- from Shecbein, and that the whole re- mg
may na• gucationed whether the oh- this mac of the text, and the: horse the wiedom of God upto salvation. tied th' n: th t th CT ••• ' • • d hb
—ject of theeoldesestems,e-thetrengthe -lie rides ie fatifefer w-itia:the foam of a Lantnittiotrsbeede.onlvt
gain, -1-leaterr from the text a. Man
CohuVisetifin untilonZ persecutor r.ode ' but Christ e n o teb f se ' . ' litiful lot it"i-iii-A; arid then I looked •
ening. of the whole ...People, was not long .and "qui& travel of .one hundred it by the bridle, and,leurl it baack aand ' 6: Jacob well Well .was there. ' ,SatOb':e alt. s' ted of a• hi. f priest, wile . in with the limp, and began on the -
better then that of the new whtell hae and thirty-five miles. Ile cries "Go. to, ride nito the 'kiXngdom oaf ay. -
„lust .hurl it doWn. -There in_ niereyefor you spring, It is one of the sacred sites nresided,lacarrYing • ; ae sword, two -ea.- ,drawers, bg; we'd little, and ,here there, ;
for its ehief purpose the diminution of long '. tohis steed, for those g as the lriaight rode into castle gale Ore who say you are too bad to be saved,
You :say ybu have put off the matter whioh has perhaps neer been die-. era 'who were going to pass , through
puled. . _ .,... . . , , im g n g ,s,
led The traveler finds it on a the flames 'and an • a lass was a vartety of .
the death 'rate. That is everyWhere 'must hecaptured, and silenced,' and want to
oboetnauetifTly,thtartristred. t •Jir,t7 so long. Pael bad elegleote-ci it t
a grew slight ennnenoe near to eaount Germ= =no bo
the teat a the value of modern. etinie that religion or the cross must be tin::: in fine style 1/1:1 °k l• mg ciYa ° while Yo tit ' '
-'ation, .
• PY rne along by, others. The LVER KNIVES AND FORNS,
eommitted hag beim araidse the most T t •
There is no mention of it in tiae Old lead.er intimated that his two col”- aiad•before I knew it rd run uo against
. o nee ing dovvn at the . u soy at tie) ran you have
Suddenly.. the horses shy altar, no sitting on "anxious seats
so with Paul's. Telk filQ7 YOU. have ex- es emelt. In the 'Middle Ages the eagues would paiee through the fiery bOMO gold napkin rings and gold spoo,ns.
off,plunge: untir the riders are built a ehurch over it, and furnace and , afterwa:rd. anybody` who It aust best A 1:114
were, last week, five thoueand carierSof the horsAs bound sahnothartriis7 utvatyh, Tohut
111.8(,)i t'6Cda.Y: one o/ulthe tingdlilsett cjilfe building. The Well- is abtout nine feet wonien were permitted' tci go' ihrotigh. thing. It :teemed as though this sere- '
ci t • „ :you :v e r ,speedwi.
40 read tliat in a certain citY, there. 'precipitated. Freed f their. rider?, Clear . the road; and let us 'come in all lgffa.teg. reeently 'devout hinds have ereeted a, liked of. the eattlepeistiasion might foie and. tne
chapel. amid thd rains tle•ehle low them.' through *unharmed, but no elaY -'wd:/1Z°
crying over sin, no begging , • ,
. , aggravating eirourastancea. That, was.
'B the '
1.13113it 1de firea objeot. Of these .sciencee with the' glOries of heaven •
• wrapped shall. by bis grate lift :Cs • up as he • ee°13.111131ta!la 88axecl• Year, own 7ueldera
A, very undigeefiect character. She *as ee .hall),:relee ar 1°11°1_ Rinlaisitatms..
a woraare and in the ancient Haat that ! '' ••• e-e'serve ' 8 eeues' etia''''""e. '
J. zotrht,&: ;
c0leenead-out.except one lite
aed, must been int lid d
in";dittil•irneetaerett;dawntiltii_sle:nitoyjnieeey:.' feek'. iTt!ien erit.ied.:0141Ost extraoritinaey
influenz.a. Hut' , the remittent 'Moe.. ....--
anotv that dumb heavenly throneti; and there is mercy d
tality wee eltiall. That ii.to .stiy, de of an., eClipeali •
, or in aear"Itialere811:5 '
„,. war. • We mustf1413smougt. ellilaerne is ha for your, and good da s f r '
, . many of these stricken heist have been any thing • like a 'en ''' - -- •'. , "eeknight-errantry in - religion no frin -
unctions of nature• fire rig t
are presid d . ' •
This • ' Ceti' ‘,,,e, fortune
to n11'713411. •d9ne
. . you know 1 alm • ' . .
anything id entitie . •• .
• ed. successfUll t • ' •
I o postpone death, .glere . Of 'the brdinary snit.: Christ, soul, like David team thiebelly ofihell- -
a oilig; down in the dust, untie Chtiet m.
his .cloak, and -wiping. the sweat' f
ascus and bruelxing off, the dust from •
for ?et" 73t irea ter. c)tila
ovet by • nature., aparts. '"' "•'• "
t f , nIAO.," .,i' ci ..0 ,, • . ost wonder- .
Iekept on petting,the stiiff-in the bag ..
all, the saraea and pretta soon ' Ihad
leaOte in a.singleenight :. but
his, because-. here was a smell ,..
' medical. and •sanitaryl'enienctiainterfere ki ' ' ' ' ' ' e ' .
haled inthe.heaVens, tinatng out the cleataunclean re-ci• bewailing of the.
,, . Y. -. teeeMs. to• me as if I. can see7Paul.'to-•
dayrising 'up. froM the higliwtty :to Da-
na P. X %Hang, rectined on or against the curb.
7. There -cometh a 'woman of Sainaria. .
• • . - ,,, ' , •.., ,. itelo etr I 72 .eelivingi,elteath hi and ' the . epleridor -was intaifferablei . yeti. must get off that hoise.'. May a .
o_ldt ot-- ex- meant, e thing to caress and a beast of ', able
!Thlirsrlias burden,. but, baldly implied. poseession e070r, :unit . the. explanation .. r
ti1211.' gelPla2:; taZCZAlat .1
neth'So rah, to' defer•eeethr, abou.t• . him,' 'poked: otit.troni • cr, cloud .lifted. Paule..;Oh,•prontl-heartad sinne. r,".- eiteMont 'fr°In - hie 'brow,. an.
to ma:Ind.-01. theages, atiYing, ,
faithful . sa
the com ' COme. 'f=ritin. ying, and worthy of all of an ...mtellitet • or a . soul. She Was a them ,
for •mfon o‘ of all' men, and to live and no, teoneer.. the horses : sprang ltth frem the -throne of Goebrighte -' , ,
Christ Semis Game ..0.1ailtati•trax,t1=1::.ttlittti;ciettee-------------- t • , Cetaira: mYetireni-------- having: ..was lea*M8
Kir o mg, I was -going to
e gion," If it.had...been a mere ries, , ey „ passed -twice roun,d th
Ise .put• that stuff iti ma pockete; 'se
a leather buoket ever ": her 'should,er; blazing trinoh;•.preceded ' by ,the •
come e persecutor.., Christ and. Pen1
oPtical delusion on the road 'to Dashes -
ens, was -not Peul just the man -to find „„ e,„,„ h -....A
it .out f andn crockery jar on her shoulder or privet with .his sword and folio ed bY e•P the beg, and :got that ' down off
Jestie . saith. unto :her,. •the; brilliantly 'illuniinated :oanopy. the •table,:. all ready to • Carry oft, and
then I tu.rned • tce open ;the little safe. • -
. . .raters physical elle but upsuccesidaliy, for he is 'struck ivere boys,at the ainie time in- differ -
which Merely °medic, ' • ' .
raents and prolongs life" without intik- stone hired . as he .Ories out, "Who art ent Vitlages, entlePatil's. antipathy to
thou, Load?" and.Jesus Answered taro,. Christ ' 'was increasing. ' He .....hated „ee ef it had been a sham and pre- diea--.3i0.70-71.xenk.. #era was a straege Then, still in a, frenzy:pain I to. be -
arid I pulled that door open weith. one
duties, has failed short. cif its object.
• . • He that:WI-4Th d •
"I em the one You have been chasing,. every thing, about ,Christ. • HO
going-Alown then. with writs. in. hi
was: .tat"eet would' lie.'not have pricked the •
iebblef • He 'wets a man a facts and sort '
vtlerntuellalts rabbinic prejudice at 'ever turn, It in the . sem-Ching furnace a ce passed:hand,' a
o rabbi! He Jarred and shocked hold, ;they plunged Up' to th ir 'ankles ji idi• . • . .
other, :to. look iti. And It aVas filled '
o ng : the light with , the
• ing the man better iible tic fillfil its
. The aticieht eyaterea which retiognized arioine. Christi:1,1_1;i' sPlo4r.sgeia:ntcr sse,nDam-
Re pookete to ,have Christle.clirielPfes. ars. °tilt ,i;aotfitttlea,e; ttia,itiestliotaannttiacti. inci is.:' a. gobd lesson ip ',the ert pf, wirt-..•bitekwarcl and • foi•Ward several. einaes '
' with 'etti, ,jest a glittering there, en-'.
the, intimate:. eenneetion between Mora .iti
-P,' It is not tneirivbacs that is -bleed- rested:. He was not.'gOing as a -sheriff
goes, td extest a man .against wham -halluointitions. And When. •I :see him nuleOg Attilli to •GOd.im. note that:ea:esti,. the red-hot 'coals Andesperks scattered
ough-to. bike. your breeth away, and- a .
ell .feona .tlie saddle; blinded and ever- red his .pwe. thirst as.n means, of aP-'. about their feet. The r•rowci felldwed
raoroent later somethinghappenedtliat
that It is breakizig; it la triine.• , X ani '
he, famine spite, lautePaul was going. 1
whelmed, I sea there must.laave been ,p oach to.. the women s„heart, , in then. wake, first.one or two indivi-
ale and hygiene, and' had as their ttiM. ing ; •it is mine. ' It is.not . their heart
, whole people, hed.the better i ..
"deal. 1•3 ' ' •
,,,----. ro th' 1 P ' - '' " was 'lad t • t them - Th B'bl '
ner,eyon_wilLet.nd, _that. thereeirescineie .ee • f • :
n ..And, my - e.ar. - bro-, ft Hie disciples were- gone awey* tnto duals until the tith s' • ' • .. f" • Pooty near' foOk iny breath,
deneaand caught by enthusweira....rush- a second.or two. . :An I„eavung the 'eon
eitt.teeeidereel:o eget ' at the
. the. imProvemerit cif the health of the' •
. 3" us whom thou ersecutest " " down t,ceatrest those people beeause, he
something r it • •d . . ., er , ganiing coo t•-•
• . :.... : . . . -whelitutigne• ••tnere • rises up the"'saesi-He-breat-hedeeut-eslaughter. the city .63 buy' • t Lodo• • Ait ha.. '
greatest pieacher of all the ages -Paul wanted_ theitt• captured; and he wanted thing in religieti hi one of three places 00steari y-ifiesta.Many-,Teweawou. , no ---ede ehrongle.ht- hundreds, . even-lrftlei..9P0n a2_
- .rae°' '-- ' ' 'la • ot.
.. . • . .. . . •
. ____ ____, _ ._ Lt! . : et tvz d,,exciting and • over- g • 0 arrest .e. • et. i e: t, .. . . .
and used not
, , only for the silver, but as a sort of - -
, family ,strong box to keep ealuablea
, g Y 0 yon, and tired raan, as•weary as vve shonle have PAINFUL SPECTACLE. ,
pe p- ed trapPings (a repentance, but an been if we had It It is a doctrine of Hmilaistri that ail
mature), a . • - e , gladnem for -you, lf you will only take " • al ed as far. Sat thus • • • • •• in• •
drawn fronethe weak, the infirm, froin pearanoe, sometimes became very un- utter prostration before God, a going th°•sa'1°° Christ which first- threw him' on the welt. Sat 'es he was by the the f - • ' Well
,. down and then raised hi ti t •
. those in whom life'is thin and stunted, controllable. A new sun had been down in. the dust' with the or "1321- -
't have been surprised, '• ;48-
ewdmorei months or .years int and the eenestriarie &replied. past'. I•ata Ohitvf." !leen Performed, and eeceannta bay- r.amilda
tossed , Into the flemes, the'
tiro! ati.ttolieu:soundu,":thr4oz you If' c save miters, pf,eviaten She was a poor woman ve4sev°i- '
filled with diamonds in b a ' •
inF frona the rest of the safe;',to find'
pathetie frienda • A sestem hY 6
glens om ,the -------- stre 'of the heavens,' :bealt tttat the grede-of God cah over-: ',tact. thet ..there is e. treniendous real- 1•417-7-TT-Oi17°r"Water77-811e'eame-dewn-tioiliseeed—With--fma ' h • • # and-ahutt rfl' r eakta' and
G,s4t snoriN'. '1r laarn_itart, tetitly frorti the rest of the stoey, and fl.g
probably with ti rope in her• hand, and 6 • t); • 1'4' e leS '..°°34--atar-E4 an
two been
, tort Ma * ' •
y. - -up, sha hts etres With Ida hand don. aiidlife 'mad heaven, ell
Aga -nark learn4rom- this -scene' of 7the;-
anoomeof !ring' le little gain, covered•tinfbruised, Saul atterapts to junior priests Apparently became
that t f th"
owneakn aft
sty in r 11 •
1011 is prov atone purchased in Samaria. children of 4 and yeaas old running stuff easier rheard a click,- and then
--either tit ear h, air • heaven, or In
JOURNALISM IN AUSTRIA. . on whose behalf prisons were rocked I h e eliek and,
Ludicrous neveitationeeran Utter Wallahs pale, eato wheee bend lYfediterranean galloping -steeds on the way to Dames- °me te, Bora, et
• .1,* to Trial for Note. sealtiptains put- control of their ship- :III's: Oh Ihdoo tilciink that that proud
9. How is it that thou, be- im ti•nd. down the trenelinver the burn- the loudest and wranglingest, and jang-
• . down, before whoin soldiers turned clash, and artier of the hoofs of the hell- e
d I nib n • st bur lar
me Th I e tt • mg. a jew, asketh drink of me. mg coals exactly' as if it had be•en a I' t .
ake up somewhere • •
alartn you ever heard. I slapped the
. -e only tin e-- This • woman had a deep na- sott oarpet. All were unhurt. Among
door &nit again, hoping that that would
• ' , tare underneath. niuch of froth. And those who ventured was a brother of
out off the vonneetion and stop the
WHERE f it really was steerage for Jesus the"; to one of our party. This ;gentleman,
. d to • bell ringing. But it Gaily seemed to •
start it up loudier'n• it was at first.
• e • .1 0 dad :she, know h.e was a Jew'?
. .
jews privately, walked. tbrouga dh the.betdrenthch.
. And then I turned nay back on the
• Sotree curious facts !„ 'have been vtvbreecaviatingt 0c0raftionan0dawrheiase-etiistles are
f surreetion-day.
nrx iiin f, es- there -AS- a voice
rseyaci can ever become a .
was a man
reject the restraints cif easte.. How ay ose
rk thu utter- " who rode front
brought tri. Jightele, the ' doikrse-of ab• • I Leon first from this- -scene. that -
a8. t • h om '. am or to London, ne
editcaeof the ,Neunkirchener Zeitung, a
. t h ' th • b . • •
; , . *mails, rso.that the •-pioud .equestrien , - .
swift. •There' ' :
trihewmarket who r, d ' • -
wee • wotrian.) of
deess, 8,nd by his dialect. Jevg!.- like .walking over hot band. . and hivie: tl?e rest if I• could;• and I '
Peubtlesa hy,.*: his features, by;.; hie eensatiett aft.erward as :hearing been i.diainonds. •I was .going to let. them go•
• „
our . on o • ae a .ery.
epiritiial. uplifting.. A.. , ;man. de& not the fies.t,liut uttered . with: More
, • , . . .
arearIaastftmlautithaerethaarltelltidiehlaiterrea' here does not 'mean Judean, but is ape'. ' a ai ' ' h - '' ' 0.. picked up my temp and tlie.burlap bag --
provinCial w.eelkly paper With',a large. , - .FALLING OPP- A RORSK: - May have no. dotibt as to who is meant, o e n
. .. . , have go ..
ay, all. of es areapteding on :at ten-. plied to•the race broaely. ! "The Sews COUnded the, theera that the feet of and .started for the 'doer: I hadn't tak- .
li: ins' . qpte.! ,.01rer°13'. ' ank' fold that velocity, at A thousand -fold have no dealings with the Samaritans, natives were covered by. lin integumeot . en • tveo etepsewberi the borglar einem .
ciraulation in Neunkircheo and dire People he ought not to ..'ha ' 'i "Saute 'Sault"' - That man' Wes saved,
ishing town abeut sixty Miles ' efrom that rate, emeriti:. glad er a wretehed This remark ie /angularly illustrated - so dense that i.t•ivits, tired evenaigatrist - some to break out touderea *ever, and. '
trict.. Neunkirelien lei . it . fleur. into the saddle. if he could not -ride. and, he was a persecutor.; mad eo .God
Vmenna• • .. . : workmeh latighted,,,when pn out way 4.1ALL'• fire fer Chrtstitins. seem • to
;.• - - ' eternity That - f • f a f 11 P 1 a Sitq•eh'
gal .hu.t Ch- t t by the'utineighborly wOrds of .the sen hve Niels; Dee Paseat 'Carefully • exam. • it seemed LkOW tbi bp right .iri the room
Those uf its who were. 'brought up is,. can b
The editor; Care Kull, ,""
-gad in Mae back trona the brook, WC 'sitddenlY 'lost 'have • gone by. . The haeonetir of • Na- ,wee a .. ear u, a au .
- nations which my heart abhorreth, and. ately. af.ter his perferninnee, audfound ed. -to be somewhere else in the house,
':,There be two Manner of hied .the ' feet of this whnese iMmedi. where I•ivas; before that it had seem-
, • • .. . the country remember- w.ell bow the Pe,!..,se°00r• : ,' loe ,O°Y° .gx, .swor,a
be no ,rising: That wan the fall. the. 111441 the the • third . is. no nation ; tho thet sit the skin. of the. soles was of the-norinal but -no* it seemed to be right there
tenuation of'his miedemeanour; that out ride. . Here as Paul on horseback, pc:leen I. pried the. "Ineuisitiori" tenri is *a.. falls freetiosewdlilleiT thnePie "wi-6
he was So occunied with. his duties as, - agtts rottingtd4i:near=tPlittli 'Ito!. 'man got in. his last moraents earned to Mountain of Stimart.a, and thiekness a Entopean 'feet -and, that in the anom, and'in•one particular spot. •
. a. shoeineker, that .he lead no,,tinie to 61;11am:rite. deem:lento . in. hie pocket; .a
hie wife, who, by her worldliness, had
- that dwell among the Philistines, they -were 'untouched by fire. I - saw and I couldn't help turning toward. it '.
one _... ;II._ deliteratele pause In the io later_tafat ferat mintite and see what :
a• proud dein, riding -on with Gov. a '
The Coliiieura, 'where wild' beasts used
. . kept him' avvay from jeans, ••and said at &chem.. • . 40corduig to Greek an middle of the trepoli to pick up a . sort of • thing it waa, and I realized
LatlYthat. 'So011shi pecple that • dwellettdi '
. g d at of a .Most famouir school in .day mere curieSities fOr tbetraVellers. '
et.0 are the cause of m daninatIon I"
' Ro writer 3 s habitually refused. ha.ndful of the flaming embers, whieh.- that iteways my own alarm clock .bang- •
. . " t
Worthy . silty million. Besterces, • clap- .VI:It . who . inquired,' Ooncerning the road linen turban • which . fell from spine know that it, Wits time tO4I'at,„,0* end
Pauline set with emerald. adornments vies the fall 'the'. att got who
e. .away iny. day of grace.. Oh, I •
from' town, to town or to the nearerit one's head lay on /the coalaavithout ig- ,get .to Work.
ping her hands as..the Christian ..diecr stniiwttin.w.hillesn•Y':',3km.ym7m4:79."' 41 have web' , • .:, '. .- ': nittnea. as did the °beet:mute. •• The . ..." And at might interest .you to knOW
'Ilona -that iColiseum is a rain now. T,he
under the paw and the 'tooth of the k 10. .Tesui antheeeed and Said unto prieete reinained oil:the scene for about that 'all I did get that night, as. a
.o lead, of that religions seivicee' ' That • •
°f" grace her, .11e., suit'. that she wee' sus- 20minutes, during which 'fittie the tate Matter of fact,,was 'four napkin -maga
inerket. -No,- emperor will again Was fall the man got who said, 'I
It was . at ' tha.
- 010" ceptible to . the trutb. Patieetly and APPastently Poosessed men were held by all very. thin. and light, and ahem.' •
kindly he led. this itiquirmg . rain. ,
scene of the Smithfield fires i$ e hay: ended.. •
the pope's mule through St.. Mark% am dying unpr'epared. Greet Godi*" .-- ,- pay .i. . • .
' ' ' d others. . After they left the crowd • -.. ....„._ .
Christian seethe to have 'gone by; .but
Square, The day of fire and sword'foi
to. do than to:recognize , time ...,Ntrin' . .
but he e• no attention to the cap. was advised to cease exPeriraentieg • . , . ...„,
They perished while theY were speed- tioua question, he, had greet raster twork- with the fire, and no mere passed over.' .
No. Ate 'you not. caries, geed for .your andeat theemmereet they thotight they' - ------- -- - - 1 -
rels; of . sects. The.gift oe o_. a er ,
eia i'l* Mttt7tstit,?Zin'tdrPg4ea. 7.1:;:-
That was the fall thousands have got.
reIlatioaln Propliftion ke Yote7tey tee
' ' wereemost firml • t d - th t•
y sea e in 0 s ire often, referred to by' this phrase. .
vasa :esnemai y..131,... Eg pt,. is.,approach to'.. the brink .of the fiery' , ,....,....., .
1 Th uft • but the lieattawag-se great 'that! -
e‘ g had to t back ' • . - •
pour or arheM Planted otr.the. cease Have a
Seine years ago a few bags of white ..
numerone Pastetity:, .
has the day 'of Pereeoution . eesase.dt*
i . rt et . career o an en y, ,„• . fii. ,
inn on i th 'r f ' d fon •
b I, . "ft' f God is the grace andlner- we ... urn . ..• •
Sh'e as 'trying to sey her prayers or
read the Ilibie. That daughter finds
, led. and the domes of ,future succese
Were suddenly
we,rO kindled befiire th2te Vision, they• - • Tits ocgAN xs mpg. • tion on the lower, (lenge, to aell to the
as.• er ,hus an , ta s an .
it ' herd to be a .Chriatian with the everlasting' tontempL %lay Alvaighty lie '
nuns hato dilute ani lin reality she. Was .therthRstit ir:tittlt,it .
poisitions 'would have been ievetsed; This 'Poem was written by Hon. Bel- Europeans .there. M. Paternot was •
,,„,„ God, from the opehing ' heavens, flash e abundant give . iev !AMY,' Storer, 'United State's. Minister •,. . .. et
just statthig for the far upper Congo,,
' upon youreroul this.day the ,question of Running water', orwater from a Bering to Belgium, under • the iospiratien of 1,800 Miles from Matadi, in the cen re ,.
whole family arrayed against her---
young-nitre finds it hard, to be a Obr ., Jeaus,,•whom you have maltreated ..by •,
• Inie here referring to the water of .
. a. paragraph iri an article publiohed in of Africa. Eie put away in his baggage
fether, enother. brother, Mad eis
hat '
your slights and your neglects, would e eech, was richly 'figurative, and' lie 0
was alwa, d to use objeets int.. wale ' sent eci Mrs, Theodore ItooseVelt
yu tea y # in Central AfrIca.', His "friends laugh-'
' .
Ian xn the shop, or • factoey! or steels,
aCtigne for bind biought.• against.the a worldly sometimee precedes a, Lug two wet' , he second t es e as in • five h th' k V ' have never been bard to idea y, twee very ,
properly 'disehatge his. editorial Work,' tyhich the,celebrated Dr, Ganialielhied
which he only undertook as a stipple, been a profesaor, perhaps having al-
... mentary occupation. Hi, Bawl, as ready ' attained two of the three titles
- of the schotd-Rab, the first; n,abbi,
editor. watt £5 per mourn: • the aecond a and on his Way to Rabbak,
so.dge-you' do not seam to possess the third and • highest title. / -know
. the training and editcation nectssaary from hie temperament that his horse
to an editor; • , was abrxad of the other horses. But
. he
time to think.of *brit posture
Hezr Kulf--That is not neee,ssatY at he should take, or without any consid-
all. ' • • ' eration for his dignity, ha is tumbled
Jiidge-Bat ari editor must at lease into the dust. And yet that was the
• be able' to write an article. • .•• , besCride Paul 'ever took. Out of that
Itulf-Oh,eno, (ia all my violent fall he erase into the apostle-
attieles• out- of- ether. merle- ship., So. le hate -been in all , _the ages(
Judge -Who, acted as editor in your -and so it is now.. ••
. absence ' ' Ydn will never be averth any thing
• • ,Ilerr Xulf-44. hatter livedneXt dear :.for. God and the ohu'reh until/you lose
to -the •officee end. he used to receive fifty' thousand dollare'; or •have your
the correetiondence and °hand ft over reputation up,set; or in tome watt,
to the printere. The printers Pitblish- somehotie-are thrown and, humiliated,
ed what interested theba, You. frhust,getalown before you g� atp.
Juage-The.se are extraordinary con- josebh finds his teeth to the Egyptian
ditions for a: town so neer the maple, court through the pit into which his
tat of Austria. • brothers; threvehim ;Daniel would nev-
Reim itulf-It is not only in 'MUM a have 'walked amidst the bronzed
that proper ideals of the miaelOn Of the Berm that adorned the Rabylonish
while the enaperor watched and Lolia 0 give any inftrnietion to Gentiles he then. .carried through to the side. A. mg away o wa p
to suck up he e o • with his expiring breath, " Rebecca. to
serve God an e u
you not sometimes Maltreated.? l''•xhat
• )7>euPelle, and. the girdle most firmly buck- ex
• w his last moments turned: t nose offered., Who it is. " it is the
Thou ldst have asked of him. • The
woman finds it hard to be a Christian 0 risingl.That was the fall the( man Son of God who asks .water of thee,"
t ho in•
• potatoes were sent from the Canary Is- .
lands to •Mettadi, the head of naviga,
making her the target of T
1st- life, which cleanses the soul from 813' the Perin Tehipie .the destruction
lea, 12.8; 44.8. Our Lord's manner of • t four 01theepotthittoes, aonhd.pst
your eternal,. destiny, and oh ' that
theSpanish fleeto Santiago, a going o raise MU atZidedbetubesr
peess are M vogue. I always prefse , roile e n irs wa e a s w en• zs corn 3 es jeer
PaY their bills. teattlarly, and ."pitch maishales11 the generatiotts of Christ- he will n..q
the townspeople ^ivho deil vvith me and the real hone ef the oaVe. And Paul
into", those who buy their diode elite.: ;.endom by falling flat 'on his face on or e 0000 of „shatrah 0, onanrin ,
th h - thi.ehiei. itd,Atiaonydgao,uyi7aryr:c,o‘aiml Lhveyaostticeonwmdieethfhoerhrietsh. hr- inediately
tne a
P thee of a broken heartiend sobs of spiritual truth. •
before him tis illuStratunla who hae kindly, tormented tie its Pub- ea at lam and predicted thet he wonld
have his labor fOr his pains'. Now they
t go to e ga n cud mer
arid Will Ot a ° traitilSatired •AlayrdiLroarada." ttetwmomigelintaaZ gli)rWa pl nhg, i8 titestrItroosi:ati°8
lication in Harper's 'Weekly. The fell -
of the para -
are delighted IVIMA .vitaiting the far
where itita do not nettle their debta 1 the road to Damascus. literi who have da 11 of pers cuti n hare • not ceased, -
.Tudge-lioW do you. obtain the s . ride majestically seated on your eharg- the well is deep. She '14
ilea has ,been destr,oyed exeept a sin- not's potatties to,their bill of fare.
N 1 11 the whitett siad.thet-ille - --
.But, old you persecuted ones, le 1 tt the nails. 1 comer with.ray brow 'lilts 8,,w,f N:iahg' ',Ind
subvention' froni the laza atithoritio no advantage tq Christ. You may t no wit
ventiOn t ...tie, rein en hand, fobt.in stirrop, but pereecutOrsf They, are so prouder, conle with ray heart bursting for your It is evideut that he ale step it is a disaster almost equal
time that you began to pray for our r aching frona the twisted bramble, I
Heti- ICulf-I undertook to fully re -e you will never be worth anything spit-- no fiercer, ,no- more tetY • I can 'Stand it no longer. I am does not. refer to this well; but what -
to that ef the Grand Armada. Once . •
tato Weald not grow
port all the ineyoree speeehea duo "ele itUrtily until you fall off. They who _than. teed this pereeeutor of the teXt. J•eans whom thou persetiutestat
in their -way woes does he refer to f more the sea has betrayed Spain to the white or Irish Po .,
profit of that Anglo-Saxon race which in, ectuatorial. Africa, and that is wIlY
Ms sniall doings.and shower priu on graduate from the ecihool of Christ with Ile fell. They well fait, If Christ rom • 12, Art thou greatee than our kath-
his administration. • the higheat honors have on their di. the heavens grandly and gloriously ' br jamb, The Samaritans claimed it appears decidedly,. under whatever flag th 1 gh d t th a 1 P t
per wtth -prinoipliss, If receivers a servants of the world,. but will be of 'iHEt• beating: I come With tny feet mangled Thou haat nothing to . " If it is true that all the Spanish interior if they can add a few of rater -
The Netualcitehener Zeitung pa- been elevays rieeepered May be efficient UNTIL TillE END 0B, womm, have 'come with my back raw from tweet is rising,
hey au e a as ngu ne a er-
- descent from ,Tecob and Jeseph ; but it fighte-under the stars arid stripes,
they were e weed rate of Eastern er ander the union jack,-,ato have all not. 'llut the laugh is now on his side.'
fitie for not exercising' inipervisiop over or the isicidh of an angry wave, or the make a Renan believe in ths tiiViAitY et ' *RUSSIA'S POPULATIM people, Probabee with little of Israel-, the favors of that element," --The Edi- When he reached Watrundu, on one of
laerr ICulf was finally eentenced to it Plema the 'mai Of the lion's muddy paw, 100k out on them. God can by his grace,
his paper whit& an editor is in Austria drop 61 a stray tear, or the brown Jesus', and a Tyndallinthe wotu o
hundred and hinety-nine casts oat of ship's deck in derisive indignation at A stranger, Thomees*sagleish-speaokluge ship guns-•
the thousand there is no moral or _spit- Christianity only a litte while before ' 130 101111011 00100# .bis ehoild°re it land where perpetual aummet reigns.
thorough worldly tipeetting house," seid a father to his daughter, * at : eta. i n.a, bard
is this
old, had an abundant posterity. Four har-
t, A.gelii, r learn front the s'ubjeet that "if you will keep prayingab yet befmet, oa ear's, a...er rez years of extraoroui.
A = bucket to draw with falloilitore .
Telling all Rusaia, gigantic and YoUngi
- ef man hove determined the following the religion of Cheist' is not a pusil- menY nitniths passed, the- father krielei -ay labour, the centais of the Russian. 18. Whosoever drinketh of thia wat-
er. Compare johri 'T. 87-89. They who Telling the feudal boy -Kaiser to-
.. vests had been gathered. Many of the
Observations regarding tithe growth
be 1 t d b the sPe- d 1 k f this well will for a time be tubers ntere large and grew from six to
oial bureen that had the work itt hand. znantio
Risk lood among them 0 Kings Al. tor Harper's Weekly. the Congo% head streams, be plantea
le,gally compelled M do. , • • scorch of a Petaeonting fire. In nihe prayer. Robert Newton, stamped -the *teens tenons shows It te Ile Prearbe 2441. "Jacob, the gre'at patriarch, O'er the Atiantie • '
had t bit h to secure. this bomi 10 C the roar f the ship guns-:.- as good as another for the planting in
his potatoes. Of eourse one inotith was
Fifteen Months after they were stuck
THE OROWTI/ OP MAN, " 'haul elevation until there hail been a he becaine a ebristian, "Out, of nay Accoiding to Le 'Blonde, tconc)rnirixe, that he eau give it without aren a Telling the "Latnr------------------nd,
into the ground the potatoes klready
interesting hots The Moist rapid' iStilinous thing, People id this day try
' th t
growth bakes place ininatdiatety after sotnething"' for men of email calibre,
at th6 shine tiltar With the child, And
make us believe tha C tint ant y is
the to d lot is willing to
look out frbm• heaveri upon that delft -
birth, the growth of an infant during
the .first year .of its existence beteg
about 'ft inches. The ratio" of increase
geridualle 'Omens until the age of three
is reached. t'hihti th 'eate
tained is half that which the child is
to become when full grown. After five
MN 94 01‘1411'?1.!1'.: i!rrre°O°10 vet;
regular till the sixteenth. year,, being
at the nate, AO the.average roan, of 2
inches a 13eyood sixteen the
growth le, being for the fol-
lowing -ewe 0ale about 8-6the, of an
itteh a year; while tram eighteen to
twenty the inereeee in height is :seldom
over 1 Itteh. At the age of twenty-
five the growth Ceases, except in a few'
rare cation.
No human bead Wait irripressed an 00it,
%Ojai lifter the death of Alexander the
Great. All 'iMagea before that time
,fot Women with no capacitaato roe. sive Opponent of the Christian relig-.
-son, for children in the nifa.nt-eittes ion, and address him floe gi e'g
Under six years Of age, but not for ireneraIltieS, hilt coiling him bY riab3e"
.stalwart men, Look- this mon of "Jahn! Georgie Henrelz-Seuil Stull
the text Do you, not think that the why persecutest thou met"
religton that eould capture siteh man; gain r learn from this su jea
as that must have power in it? 00 there Is hope for tlae worst offenders.
was a logiehtn, he was a metaphysielan' It Alla ilertiettlarly outrageous. that
he was An all -conquering orator, he Smut eliould have grille to Dannisoue 611
wets a poet of the highest type. Ile that errand. Sestle Christ hod been
had a nature that could swamp the dead only three years, ana the. story
leading men of his own day," and, bile- Of his kindness and,hiagenerotaity and
ed against' the Sanhedrim, his 10141 filled all the air. it was not
rtg MADE IT an old gory* as it is note, It Was a
ite learned all he could get in the new story. Zetins hadenIte.ahtee suln-
school of his native village; then be niers ago been .111 these very plates,
had gone to higher s -hoot, and there find Saul every day in Jerusalem Tenet
mastered the Greek and the Hebrew have met people Who know ekrIAL,
d t hi If b lien-lettres peopls with imad eyesight oases
utitii in after Vara he astonished the had cured of blindness people
who Were
Cretans and t Corinthians, and the dead and who had beki resurreeted by.
Athetans, by u from their the gavitalt,' and people' v/lio eotild tell
own eutboes, eve never foaled w„ Paul all the, partituare of the eruct -
thing In Carlyle, or Gothe or tlerbert :ixonajtist lar Jesuit looked in the
Spencer, that eould raampero in lain: labar.4.13 OW etWell greW
gnipire has ezi eemP e e
refreshed; but their natural thirst
What the Spanish .A,rinada. by Howard
--liatwtahge ttc)viidsid; er to the salt seas for
"The ocean is ours.
Together we
Neleort • and Parragut,
Itodney and Hull."
01 the. ship guns. --
The English-speaking ship glees-
Siiigeirig the heard„of the Don at
latiVrakaVtllaii* at Cadiz throi centuries
The Ogrol:riet. ehalies at t'he thunder. ter-
Drake's message from Dewey: "We
tipiatienkottlbhetiriefficedritisial'Xn As you. did,
WeTVbee odetriit is outs,
The °emu oure,
Rev i th -Will 'return again. They who dr nk o
more I portant figutee of the result:
Trio po illation of Ousafit anti Of the
Grand . oliy of Vinland:M=1*r 129,-
211,114 Mona. The aVerage density
of the e pultation IS 7 ightibitante to
the square. kilometer, The Mlniratira
derisity, it .1°.8 ft) ther square kiloineter
and tbe maxiinuni4a 8.40. The sexes
are thus divided: in European Busing
there are 100 men for otters" 08 /win -
On. In the 'Polish provinces there ariS
98 women to every 100 men; in the
Steppes there are 89; in the Caucasus
49(tglAV:k5IZLITI"P: -AZT
Le 6(6 6 6°1°m clUe Pr"8818 8 f t in of life and salvation will
alui tt,1,171(i‘elvi lave) front
50,000 to 100,000. In 1802 the etapire only
ineluded 108,500,000 inhabitants. The
Chinese Empire and tire British Empire
have, alone a greater pulation than
Iltittela,,Obiria has 402, ,000 and, Greet
bl I f at the torture .Ite Within 815,000.004.
strength ar heauty with Ettlil s ack tha ace
t e bun a
find all their degree satisfied.
14; Whosoever drinketh. "Shall
have • drunk."' Onee i• for all we
drink of this Spiritual water
when by faith we enter 'into fellowship
With 'Christ and. 'become partakers of
the divine nature. Shall never thirst.
"Shall not thirst forever." There is
o tienee in which the Christian sings:
"insatiate to this spring t fly;
x drink, and yet am ever dry;
Ah who against thy charms is proof ?
Ah! who that loves can love enough f"
But the water of salvation possessed
the powet to satiety the longings of the
heart. A 'welt of water springing up
inte everlasting life. A fountain of
oodlleag •
15. Sir, give me this 'water. She
speaks: as kill underetanding his worde
literally. Before she eat realize that
IL is n. eptritual supply the woman
mug be aroused to the spirituel ndso,
llenee our Lordle next•worde.
. Together we pull,.
Nelson and Varraput.
itodnity and Min.'.
a_dcien ina hill, At last accottnta
Piiternot's potato patch covered several
tiores, and he had sent plenty- of seed
to tanganika. anh other points for the
starting of other potato farms.
M' Emile Laurent, professor in a Bele
'Itiatt aohool of agrieultiire, isPexiit
a long time on the ,Congo. He wrote
reeently; •
"The lielgiatte on the Congo can nev
or .forget the potato. Bev, often ha,
we wished. that We Might add the prec-
ious but Unattainable vegetable to our
bill of fare. 1 said persistently that
ths white potato would not grow01
the Congo, tio.t now I know batter.
.Guring my visit to the upper river I
repeatedly had potatoes, raised by g.
Paternot, tor dinner. They are excel-
lent. They ara a Tittle more, 'eatery
thin. the beat European potatoes, last
not so tench so as to impair their qual-
ity to an Iteportant degree.
,_ It eleidld be added that these pottC1
tees are, raised in thi most elevaoa
put of the Congo Bashi, rind vell
-IVth^y would not thrive in the lower
. .