HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-12, Page 88
Some there roust be but we thankfull
assert, we are not among the number
John Nicholson is visiting friends in
this vicinity. Ile bails from North
' Dakota.
Mr. Alex. iliarduck and deughter.
iJensell spent Sunday in town, t
guests of .Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hoover.
Miss Combe is unable to attend t
her duties at the Public school th
week, La grippe.
Missjean Gridley has been seriousl
indisposed this week, being a suffer
front la grippe and -indigestion,
M. E, 11. McKenzie, junior tnetnh
of the law Mau of Scott&MeKenzie,ha
withdrawn from the firm owing - to 11
ness and has gone home to Goderic
to recuperate. We are sorry to .los
this bright young legal light and hop
be will_s� speedily recover his health.
Mr. Wilson Eagleson arrived a fe
Jaye ago from Aberdeen, South Dakot
and is visiting. the old homestead i
I3ayfield and likewise in •Clinton, 1
cont any with his brother William h
carries on a prosperous hlacksmithin
business at e n and eraclo.
u s A tde v
sue a e
i b
navouches tha en
m rh
Dam u t waren Defile
returns West he will be accompa•nie
by one of Clinton's charming young
wodten. The .interesting evnb will,
is said, take place shortly, but enoug
s d r. the present.
a d -.fop sen °
We aspired fotl,your, traade.,during 1898
•-•-•-and we were. successful in getting
fair portion of it. We are out again
after it on the platform of Good Value
.and Honest Prices for the comin
year. We want to be. your dealers by
meriting your patronage and respect
u inspec
fullyoli,a; t•the favor of your .i sp
t} iX
st tions
tion: Our aim will he to ....ren
itigpresg yoti•with the fact that bu►ing
from us means an advantage to you by
getting in all cases qualities and quail
asked ail
titles equal to�Ghe prices, wbil
often-we will make the advantage lea
hard your. way. Every week we tel
you we are Often the Cheapest Alway
the Best, and we'can make. the in
formation practical to you by proving
it to you• •
Often the Cheapest 4ltuays the Beat.
s •i '
e• e
The W. B. lair ' .Co,
Agents .Parker's Dee Worky.
About` o o ;o
WffE • • peril:4A
We Kriaw
Miss Mary Stewart is :visiting her
grandparents in Toronto. •
Miss Mina Proctor of Blyth visited
Mrs. J. A. King.on Tuesday.
Miss Ed. Vanstone of Goderich was'
the guest:of:Mrs. W. &a -Meaty ou Mon-
day. • .
Mr and. Mrs. 11ieTaggart'of Aylmer
• were•guests of the Tatters parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Brown, Heron- street, last
week: • .....
Misses Lily Johnson and M. Doherty
returned to '• the Namara',_school. a't
Hamilton cin Monday. - ' • '
Mrs. 13'. W. Watts and Master Hart-
ley are spending this week With Toron=
to friends. 1" - • -
Mr. D. Oantelon has been inToronto
for several days.
Mr. Arthur Knox of Wingham was
in Clinton on $2onday `
Mr. Lewis Westburg. of McKillop
has taken a situation 1n -the organ
factory.. •
Mrs. Robert Gibbings of Wroxeter
was the gu,est of Mrs. Carling on Mon-
?`' day.
Mr. J. Kilty.returos to -day. ad: Cain=
met,.: Mich.
Mae -McPherson' of Fingal:. was the
guest of her cousin,- Miss McPherson
last week, •
Miss'L1oy Neil, who has been. visit-
-lag hergrandfather..Mr: •-Gilehrist-for-
three weeks, returned to her home in
Saturate Mich, on Monday.
Messrs. L. Whitely, Ernest Cooper,
and W. Millyard returned to Torotrto
`Varsity on Monday.
Miss Mande Oantelon is on a couple
of weeks' visit to friends in Goderich.
Mr. Frank Macey, who has been
holidaying at his home here. for the
past three weeks, returned to Toronto
yesterday. -
Miss O'Cormorof Hibhert is a guest.
at Mr. T. Quigley's, Hullett.
Miss Levan, who formerly taught in
• • the Public; School here, has ,secured a
school in Lunenberg for which place
she left last Friday.. .
Mr. Hardy and his 'daughter, Mrs.
Neil, of the baso line returned on Fri-
day after visiting friends in Whitley
for a couple of weeks. • '
Mr. John Slevin of Ethel and Mrs.
Rosser of Newmarket- were guests at
• Mr. John Govett's last week.
Mr. T. W. Parliner of Londesboro
was in town ons Monday.
Mrs. T. H. Cook is visiting relatives
. in Win
h m.
Mr. Peter McFarlane
of Wroxeter is
spending a few days with his sister,
Mrs. Carling.
Mr. H. McEwing of Palmerston is i
town this week in his capacity of hig
court organizer of the. U. Oa F. Mri.
McEwiu is one
of Palmers
McEwingtons most
sub tantial ni n
s e and, ivell' P is -
osted in
theork a -i
w t which he is at present,
engaged. He.hats met With consider-
able success in Clinton and the local
court will be just so mucli benefited
by his visit.
• Rev. Mr. Acheson of Kippen was in
Clinton on Monday: Mr. Acheson is a'
divine who , wears • exceedingly well
being more popular to -day upon his
present field- of labor than when he •
was inducted fifteen yearsg
e ago.
has what practically amounts to six
services ealeh Sunday; including- ad-
dresses to the Endeavorers, and to
keep this, up year in and year out re-
quires originality and• a burning of the
midnight oil atidanitails,a,'strain upon
the nervous syst
tem : s;
•Mr. R. J. Anderson, his better half
and three of their faunly, of Mac.
Gregor, Man., arrived on 'Saturday
and will spend a few weeks visiting
friends in town and township, Tito
NRws-I$1tcolan was mach pleased to
hear froth Mr. Anderson that the blue -
ruin stories which floated down from.
the prairies last fall weregreatly ex:
aggerated and that the dattiai.ge due to
repeated rains upon careless stacking
turned out to be comparatively light.
As for llim"self, he had taken time b
the forelock and had his grain .ali
threshed, and he assures us' thiat in all
his.Western exe ce iTien 1
ably threshed d No, 1 hard.
The yield -
y40 buhels n to the utacre ;tfnit T 5
old land, 20. Mr. Anderson now, ownne
a mile square of land, including aqgu�ar-
ter section of hay.land, on which :he
last summer cut 150 tons'of ha
Mr. John Eagleson of Osnabruck,
. North, Dakota, of whom Trtx NRwee-
RrCoRrr made mention of having/tr.
rived in Clinton recently, will remain'
in Ontario until about March. ate is
a00onipatinied by Mrs. Eagleson. and
their .trip east was somewhat hastened
by the news that airs. Engleson's fath-
er, whose home is at Sarnia, was seri.
ously i11,' but they were delighted td
Bern on their arrival there that he had
Mud)improved. Mr, •,Eagleson fared
well last season, having a good crop of
No. 1 hard, though the price was some-
what less when he left, being 55 eentu
per bushel. He owns a half -section of
line land less than fonr miles from an,
elevator. When upon the prairie he
is quite at ine anumber
i '
wof his
neighbors havingformerly .lived in
Goderich or Staney townships. rine
of them, he told us, was Mr. Peter
Wild, who at one 'time .lived in Bay
field, but now' awns 11600 acres' of Da.
kora. land and had at last threshing
50,000 bushels of 'grain, 20,000 of wheat.
alone, wliiCh ought to ensure it fairly
fat Dank account.
Tho nriesboro,
„The c•onueil elect of the township o
Bullett, viz.;—John Brigham, reeve
Alex. Leitch, . Robti Ferrts,W m. Moo
and Wm.. Patterson, councillors, me
in Hill's hall on. Monday, January 9th
Having inade'and subscribed the usua
statetory declarations, commence
business.The usual by-laws for fixin
salaries and appointing township of
6cees were read and passed, A num
bet" of applications: -for. the- office
township, assessor were received, an
the . following appointments wer
anade:--,Auditors, Geo. Stephenson at
.•Braithwaite; assessor, J. W. Mills,
Blyth P. 0. r collector, Robert Smith,
Ilarlock; fdr the loeal board of health,
Taos. Oarbert was 1 e -appointed for
three years. Tapders will be received
by the council up to two pain. on Feb-
',nary 15th for the supply of 10,000 feet
of rock elni plank 16 feetlong and 2.1
• invii'es thick, delivered in- the quantt
- ties and ar ti raw ng -places: -'-2()001
tt. ant i ell'e, 2000 ft. at Leitch's, 1000
ft. at Ferris', 1000 ft. as Brigham's, 2000
ft, at Pattei'son's end 2000 ft. at Moon's.
la petition from John H. Govier and
- others was presented, Which•very mod-
estly aaked
od-estlya.•ked for the "formation, of a new
school rection, to be composed of parts
'of sections of 5; 8and 9, was laid over
fo"r future` consideration... A•bill , was
handed in by Andre* Shepherd, Chinn-
ing damages for :iii jury to: his"horse,
' supposed to have team caused by a
• •defective culvert, on. con. •8 a'iid:9. , A
committee was appointed to make en-
quiries regarding the matter and :re -
;port at next meeting of council. The
registration: returns • for the: year
a'uding' December 3151, 1898, were• 63
births, 15 . marriages ,.and 29 deaths.
Council will tiieet again on Wednesday,,
: - February 15th, at 10 a, m.—James
'Campbell, clerk:
• Alma.
• Miss Miry- -Denett has tetnrned•home
again after -a -lengthy visit to Det reit.
Miss Xda Benett of :Detroit, who has
-been visiting her aunt; Mrs, Jamison,
:for a few months, returned. home last
• week: .
Mr, Geo. Brownlee of Belleville
'Albert College, . who has been home
=ispendinglus`Xnws hnlidgys, s that
week with his sister , Mrs. H. Little.
Mr. B. Mans moved his threshing -
machine. to Mr. John Dale's one day
last week. It looked.rather strange to
sea the machine moved' on wheels on
•such a depth of snow.
lvlr.. 11.. Brownlee, who' hits been
attending the Normal school at Toron-
to, bas returned•.boine again an has
commenced teaching again in his
schobl near Kippen. • ,
Times are kind of dull around here,
owingto the bad" roads •and stonily
We • are looking forward to
lively .times .after' a while when pall
those weddings come off which itis, ru.
mored aroend will take. place.
That one of our Bullett then is. about
to move one pf the'McICillop ladies.into
Mullett: It is quite• a privilege in this
country;' to bee free man to go into.
any: township for itis lady. '
Mr, Henry Little has engaged -Mr.
Jackson of T'urnberry;,10'work for bin
for ten months. •
A. meeting was held here in the
school one day last weak for the pur-
pose or putting in trustees. The then
who got the sit: n are Mr. John
0 0
Towler bib John sale and r
D n 11•i . Git-
liert McMichael.
Mies Jessie Carter of Forest Horne,
who o been dress- fo
h has 1 m kin r a while
in the vicinity, returned. home Satur-
day pp;;. oven:.
Miss. collie Craven' who has been
home spending her holidays,has
has return
ed toher situation in Seath.
Mr, John Dale has let the building of
"his barn to Mr. Miley of Londesboro,
His framers have• leen' busy this week
taking out timber; for the barn,
• Exeter.
Mr, Russell Oudmore of Crystal City,
Manitoba, is visiting relatives in town
as is also Mr. Ed. and Miss .Susie Cud-
more nf• Kippen.•
Mr. Hezekinh Towle returned house
from Manitoba on Monday eveningv
The reinaain s of the late John Hoskin
of Manitou, Manitoba, arrived here' on
Tuesday last for interment in the Exe-
ter cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. James alili,Sr.,gf Ohedu
iton attended the rnarriege of their
nephew' Wm. J. Westcott, on W ed-
nesday last.'
Mr. John Thomas of Burlington .is
visiting relatives in town the guest of
hie cousin, Wei. J«.Westeott+. .
Mr. Arthyir Stancombe, of Guelph is'
visiting lis father and other relatives
The funeral of the late B. 0. Elliott
was conducted rivate on -Monday- af-
ten-loon last. -Rev.' Dr. Eeu riliThC '01
• London conducted the services in. the
T. M. church. He was 84 years of age
and leaves a widow, seven sons- and
four daughters.
Cliesc And stutter • ssociatio. i.
We havereceived the 'official pro-
gramme of the t tarty- second annual
convention of the Cheese and ,Butter
Association of Western Ontario, to be
herd in Guelph next'Tnesday,Wed• •es-aaa . Tower
day and Thursday, the 17th? 1$th"w„and we are winding u the best • '/` �I
the year for allinterested in dair �r+ip g
and �, lan0e at the ` rn ramnie .shncvgai
p g bl All T "
Dominion of Canada, subject, "The
Cheese Trade of Canada.'" , '
W. 11. Jordan, Director of New York
Agricultural Exerinieutel station,
Geneva, subjects,, 1) "The resent stat-
us of feeding Stan . aria," (2)"Thestat-
us aind work of experimental stations,"
W. Connell, M. 1a.. Kingston Univer-
sity, subject, "Bacterial infections of
cheese, .
A. W. Campbell, Proyineial- Instruc-
tor of road -making, subject, "goonotnic
value ofood roads."
11..11. Dean, Profe ssor of Dairying,
Ontario Agricultural College, subject,,
(tallow to improve the sanitary condi-
tion of cheese factories and creameries,
(2) The snb-eavthdtic t for. curing rooms,.
methods of construction, cost and ad-
vantage of curing cheese."
W. al,.Beardshear, A. M., L. L. D.,.
President of the lowa State College of
Agriculture and Mechanlo Arts, sub-
ject, "The Fainter of the future."
Wm. Saunders, DirectorrExperi
tel Farrm, Ottawa, subject, "The 'ele
vents oP success in dairy farming,
Frank T. Shutt, Chemist, Central Ex-
perimental Park, subject, "The result
of some recent. experiments in the
preservation of manure."
0, L. McKay, Iowa State Dairy In-
structor, Ames, Iowa, subjects, (1)
"Butter flavors and starters," (2) "Gen-
eral observations in creamery work."
C> C. James, Deputy Minister of Ag-
rleniturefor Ontar o,
T. 13. Millar, Kincardine, subject,
"Practical butter malting."
'Arclr'tl Smith, Beachville, subject,
"Practical Butter masking'," •
.0. Derbyshire, President of tbeEast.
ern • Dairymen's Association, subject,
"Curring rooms."
Miss Laura, Rose, Ontario Agricul-
tural College, subject, "Methods of
Creaming milk,"
ir• C. Harrison. Ontario Agricultural
College, subjects, (1;)• "Local bacteria in
water as apos'ible .cease of bad flavor
in cheese,"(2)"Pasteurization and the
use of pure cultures for the manufac-
ture of butter."
Principal Jas. Mills, M. A„ L. L. D„
Ontario Agricultural College.
Tile Canadian names given . above
are well known. Those from the Uni. •
ted States are renowned there as..tbe•
leaders its the march of progress (of
dairying). Mr. Jordan, the director, of
the y )t Agricultural
Yc k
h New,
Ptincipel Beardsbeatr, of Towa State
College, are great ; while Professor Mc-
Kay, as a practical butter maker, has
had unlimited means for studying the
,,question of butter making, from the
feeding and breeding of dews throe h
every .manifolddetail till it reaches the
' European consumer.
1 • Unusual interest to farmers and
milk producers is attached to Wig meet. 11�W.
in , lnasanucii as. Itis held in Guelph,
and that every opportunit will be
i y
given to fanners to inspect the •Agra
cultural College, fairer and dairy school :
and far seeibgg the rtiethocle ou which
they .are wotaten,
It is to Ian ed that. patrons cif c:reant-
eriee and cheese factories vvill' take
the opportunity of attending the con,
vention. They will come into contact
with the brightest minds among those
in the dairy business. We are reques-
ted to state that those visiting Guelph
any time from Jan, 12th to l,9th should
prncure--•froth the ticket agent a
",Standard Certificate," When this
has been signed at Guelph, by the
secretary of the convention, a return
ticket can be procured free of charge
an time up to Tan; 24th.
The two beautiful gold medals, ve,lrre
$70,00 each, for best exhibits of cheese
at the Industrial and Western Fairs
willb ) FE
e ie ti edto t
t he winners 1w i ers tt
a one
the c so
s« .o the •
oft s
n R convention.
b n 'o
coil n
The, secretary, George "lately,
Brantford, will gladly answer any itttt-
quiries, '
LANG11! ORD• -In Clinton, on onday. Jail.
8th, the wife of Mr. J. W. Langford', of a
NT 7th
,: ..:,tie;i..,-„,"'. _•-'--�,._-„y�;� "',i,.-;-''�: e. .;i• .+.,;y,7 _ _ - c , .
This sale is not the : clearance of a lot • of unwf?rthy styles,
but of :u __ -to-date • : desirable merchandise,and our: one reason for
holding tturn'winter
of a.t:�s that itpays.. us ::better o � stock �Into
money ,now, even at a sacrifice, than to carr them: into another
season. -With-thee months of winter yet to come, you'll want
lots of heavy Dry Goods, and,K we will nae e it pay you : well to
do: y-onr buying•here.
We print here some specimen values from each department
and no:careful buyer `should let this o o tunic pass. :.
In ,
Dress Goods
Here are a few
lines from our
:,Dress Goods
stock,picked out
for quick selling
in January. Dress Goods buy-
ers b a
ill be well
visit to our Dress oods de-
partment this month. °
38 inch colored Dress Tweeds, strong
andmaterials, a
nervi ble at ri ,7
4a � , Y
Bao...:.. ........
48 inch plain cloth Dress Goods,very
stylish, makes a handsome eos-
tame, in blue and greens„ regular
l'Oo, January Sale.. 34G
Fanny wed Drees Goods, regular 25c
35o, January'Sale:..
A speeial line of Tweeda,enitable for
full costumes or:separate skirts, •
• regular 60o, JanuarySale • 42c.
Plain andfancy . Dregs Goode
figured D ee
hi plain coterie grams, browns,
blues, regular 50c and OOo, Saha- 3aC
ary sale., ,......'... .•. :. •., .: , i
inch fanoy plaid, one pattern only; 0
January Sale..,:. ..i:,r.. 2iC
All -wool Tweeds, the , best like we
carry, a few dress ends left, regu•
lar $6 the snit, January Sale , ,.. 4.30 •
Nancy 'alias Goods, In dolt' colon!,
suitalde for waists, regular 6Oo 4�C
and 70e;; January Sale .. ,.41111;e•
Sick Dress Goods
Three special lines ,thea 'are
worth lyour attention'
Fatrcy.Btoodde Blaok'Dress' Goods,' .
80 Welles wide,, goort black,, duan.
ar a e....
B i
.r.r iia. � c
We have taken terange of our regi.
jar 76o and $5o Fancy Blacks, fe
all aboat,haltf a dozen patterns.
and for January Sale make them
all ono price....foie., i i ...:. r i r' ten.
patterns only an fano bleak. ,
goods, 86 to 88 inn1i regular 50e
-:January sale prices in Over
cows means that you save one,
two or- three dollars: on each
garment. Broken ranges arid
sires 'accountfor broken prices•
like these:
Men's heavy frieze Ulsters, high
storm collar, strong lining, well
made, sizes 88 and 42 only, broken3 9S
heavy f e Voters, tweed
a TT e
n nq, g swim c0 ar, ar c0 -
ors ; a strong; 'stylish and service-
• able garment, sizes 39, 40, 44 only, .
brokenprices-- • 4.80
I+fe a extra heavy frieze latera
r heUlsters, ”
Asea tweed litain ood trim
vy R
m1n sand well made der k o a
a 1 rs~-
—1 •
The two • great-
est . Mantle bar-
9"1� gains •we have
ever: offered. go'
on our: ' counters
15 La see ant o ` e e
d M I a 1 I"rtezes'1'w ed
Curl Cloths ande
Beavers -• new
goods title 'season, regular prices • tre
were $4.75 and $5, January Sale.. ,srr•DO
G Vino Mantles,very stylish garments „
our regular $9„and $10 lines, Jan- r
'fiery Sale .............. ....ieeeee0.SJ
s particularly good coat, sues 38, ., Man'tIe Cloths
42 44 broken prices:.:.:. �.7D •
Boys frieze TTlsters, :tweed. lining, January Sale prices on de-
raza 23 to -28, regular $4.50, brok• 3.00 suable lines of stylish Mant1-
en rices
Three boys' caps Ulsters made •from
strong serviceable tweeds, regular
$4, broken prise,.:,..+.:.......2+.25
PI no e0 Overcoat coat for 1
L few odd Overcoats= Fede from all
wool tweeds, strong linings ; coats
that ate warm and will wear, prices
have been ee50 to $3.50 broken ty
price ie rr .,, ,,r' 1660
Children's Wool Hoods and Tams,
regular 25o, 40o and GOo goods,- IN„
January Sale.. .. ire...r..., rri. AUL,
-T �.Q_ ..
� �Jauuary-=l�argal�ns.
from the Carpet Department
Beal Axminster Rugs, 27x64 inches,
fringed ends,bit and mise°patterns,
worth easily $1,26, Jany sale ,: $8C
25 sample ends of wool and union
Car Ate each one and s uere
p y �
reg. 50a to 00o ft yard, ohoice.... 255
annoySaha.ii ..,r iiY. •r•. ere• 85c •
ngs means money save or
Heavy, navy.biue frieze, a capital '
fbrgirls'ulster!, regular t<
, g.
0 C
OOc goods, January al $
god,J uryS Sale...
Red Blanketing for children's agate, ■/i
regular $1;25.1•O,.,.00.ii.i+«i.. aye.
13laek Niggerhead, a regular $1•t?0 9`
'line i :,:•.ii .... , - f)e
Black and colored Boucle Cloths, re-
gular $f. 65 and 91,75 qualities. ,
January Bar •ains
ln. Staples
83 inch Garnet, English ' Shaker
Flannel, heavy weight, suitable for
• linings, regular 14o+. .. lOc
•Extra heavy and fineEngiiahShaker
Flannel, cheeks only., , +, ' 1X2c
Y a,
English Apron Cloth, fast colorp and. '
very durable, regular lap" • SC
360 Yards plaid .Shake): Flannel. per.___
r"eotiyfa i
s colors, just the thing
° for children's wear., i •
r.i iYYY {►�j
Fanny Wrapperettea in obeeke' and
floral patterne, regular Iso and TUC'
180 r, r.�i liar vi.r.
Shaker Flannel Skirting, bine and'
re , .
(j stir • ,ii
rr.. 6
Two A°
+ January.
January Millinery
19th. This is the one great of F 11 Mill t argains
p. everlad, and10' dozen pure linen
, n want to • clear
that tae provisions nut for ' ettin'
a 1 emery. season wove
• tarok Towels,• part
the beetraird iateat information t Tong t e fa es. npir'led oafs hemmed ends part
addresses and discussions, on. aubjects in stock at (Madly'baliiprice dereged, col size and
affecting the interests of dairymen, , g
fair exceeds those of any past year, as or anuary, ' weight, each .. 100
About &dozenvery line satin tlniah
the following: list of speakers, and sub- Sailors and Walking Roe ail 010,4Petee show r have been $1,25 or tinder, January
Hon. Sydney Fisher, Ivlrnisterof Ag- gale...,,.,,...+.rti•rr• r,
rioulture for the Dominion of Canada. : ,..r•,
lion. Johnfryden, Minister of Agri- All that Have been over that price..
0uiturq for Ontario. '
lion. Thoe. Ballantyne, Stratford,
A. P. Mart tree, M. P?, ;Stratford, An.
drew,Pattuio, M. P. E' , Woodstock,
the Cheese and Butter Association, its
Fust, Present Votive,
J', W. Itobertseti Commissioner of
Dairying ..� -.-. ,... .. ,.- .. W.....• ...,, .,� ,
Agriculture and airytng 101? the ti.•, a
Dan►a`ak Towel", with knotted'
$116 fringe, them are .regula
andDeo gcod", bt ota little Oiled
le1;dl8e at yo 0
WideViotoria,;Lawn",Qrrit and strong
suitable fist^ aprons' and aliildron's
wear • .,
A line of black oaahmere Glovets,reg.
Mar ' 25o qualities,. • eve' ,, MI•,,Of 1.11
Men's Underwear
Men's fine all wool Shirts and Draw..
ers, soft finish, a line that we hale
tea mantel, re alar Woe $1,Jan. ,
t813' Sate r. V+s, •,••.,,r.. .,,i.,l
Direct Importers
es. -
n JIrmnr mn?m mmnc mmrn,
A Big Suit
ana pant. Sate.
P •
A.t to Order or
Suit .1 ,ead,y "Wade'
Odd: _Coats
dd Vests
Odd Pants
Short Ends
You can have .any -of these just now during this sale
• at prices. •the fewest ever quoted in this part of the
country: • We are bound to ' clear out all our: odd.
▪ lines, and it only requires ani inspection of these
goods and see -the 'prices that are marked to clear
•th m out ° and o.- Q , � we will accomplish lisli' our `' purpose.
▪ •
Bftroom quit Awa,
. e
•.. l
during this sale..itnd it is worthyour while to
buy a Suit or part of- one before January ..81st. • It
'might be yours. •
y 22nd
AVO hold. our.
ei1ll4llllal. BaFgalll Day
See-iie;xt, "`Week's .isque .of thispaper for a big lig,
Every article loss than tae cost , of manufacture.
Every haver of $2 or ovei.•on, this day has a chance
to guess the number ', that ',gets ' the $2Q Bedroom
Suit. Salve IID 'your : 'one Y r., and come to this sale.
Yon will never have t; chance to buy as cheap. as
YOU will have on Jenudry 22nd, 1890.
, as
Our Shoe
E Department
E • . will contain sotfle splendid bargains p tl bTta11I1S dtlCln
5a January; with our reputation
Y� a for selling good
goods you may rely on us for some extra good -snap
E this month. •
Departfnefttai Store