HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-12, Page 7r,
Tepublielea every VIllaReDAY atTns
lattwa•RxeOtin Printing Rowe, „aebert
• ox1i2.74c.u., ic**Lti.
• aoaerriesnie _Wee _
1 Yr. elKo. 8 me. 1)4,0,
zoohnsa„.,....seo on sai oo 01 00 „r
oo Du 2000 12 OQ 3 a
Oolunne,....... 20 00 *200 700 2 5'
Coning., .....Ib 90 9 1,0 500 100
Inch,.,,„ 600 350 200 j2
tarktpeolai posi nee from v5 to 5.0 per cent extra
Jo* transient advertleements 10 cents
r e f the f' st insertion. 3 cents
net Un each subsequent insertion-
Manoareat measure. Prefeesionaa cards,
net exceeding 9ne auela 40.00 pet
annum.. AdvertaseMents withont eaeet
'Vie directions will be PubliehedtU
forbid and charged for acooedingly.
Transient netices--"Lest," "Found,‘"
"For Sa1e,"ete..-50 cents for first in-
sertion, 25..cents for eaoh eubeequent
WM NEWS -RECORD Will be sent
to eeatiY address, free of postage, • for
Slaw per year, Payable In a1vanee-
$1.00 May be °barged if not so tad&
The date to which eeerY subsoription
is paid is denoted by the number on
the address label, No -Paper discontine
Led 'Lott' all arrears are paid, excePt-
-- it the option of the proprietor.
Editor d Proprietor.
Itmorporated by .Act of Parnionehi 1666.
"• %..+ART414 .4'2,000, 000
Rase ' -a ,Seesoe,000•
'Bead °Mee, - MONTREAL.
MoLsoN, NAV:Plaint:Woe President
P.W0tIPEIth.TAN HoleAS, Gen.Manager
.evotesdlecounted, Collections made, Drafts
Mond Sterling and American Exchange
bought and sold Interest allowed onDeposits
Is:tercet-allowed cm mins of et and up,
• Money advanced to farmers on .their own
notes with One or more endereere. .No mort-
gage required as security.
• R. 0. BREWER, Manager. Clinton.
' Banker,
. ttP111.
toy to Take
,asy to .0porote.
itre;eituxos mullet to flootaa Pill*, emelt In
teetelene eoIeflt tienoutrA, Ai one inan
said: 44 You never Imo* you
have taiten Phi till it tgo all
over." 25e. 0, L Rood & Ote,
laoPrietors, Lowell, Mass.
be 0111Y SU* to Wit whit Hood's gersapsWilio
Delicate children! What , DUETS OF TEE WORLD Corn -Lower. Canadian yellow, Chet.
MNT$ FOR a source of anxiety they are! '
• hearty and strong, but they in the Leading Marts. side, are rooted at 48 to 50o, ° &_1!,
betn, to quoted. at 35e. Amerman' yellow
old, On track here. At 450; end earae
new, at 42 1.20.
• The parents Wish th• em Prices of Orain, Cattle, Cheese, &a eearley-Eirm, Car Iate of No. 1, out.,
BatfereeNot gestate. lincelpts fair,
CreaMery butter steady, 4V7
and •composed mainly of large
ations are _ follovvseeelaairy, QtQlr",
peor to meditate, 11 to no; choice:1131
to 14 1-20; large ralbe 14 to 15e; sM,all
aaley, lb prints, about 15 to 160;oreame
ter, tuba and boxes. 19. to 20e; lbs,
to 21o.
Cheesti-•-affarket firm, but toilet;
eileoloe stook sells at from 10 to 10 1-20.
Anlong.the questions which theetook keep thin and.pale,
keePer bee to face each eueoessive win- To all these delicate chil-
ter, says Londan Farm. and Home, hi dren Scott's Emulsion of
/AVE STOCK XARKET. EggseeNo epeetal feature in the ma -
ket. New -1a4 atook ticarea. Choi°
Toronto jen, 0. -We had a market booing etoek nue ,et 20 to 280; heed
here to-d'ay of eatber imexpeeted pro- fresh or cold atored at 16o, and limed
that tehich deals with the preparation r••••1 • h H•Poetions: the were, all told, so loads at 14. to 15e
mild weather, when they cannot fill at fairly ateady prices. 1
phosphites contes with the
•of the food for his animals during the Cod-liver with yp off0,,id •1)0tatoes—stea4y, and pleqty hue for
gs here, and raost of it old
the present demand. °home so 4 to.
ilaY on track, oar lots, at 55 to 58c.
their stomachs wiLhoat his afieilitarice• , We had no export cattle worth epee Dealera sell out of store at 65 to 70c;
farmers' loads' sell at around, 50 to
Poultry -Very qtteet. Quototione
•-atahlokens, per pair, 25 to 400; cheeks,
40 to 60c.; gee,se, per Ib.,, 0 1-2. te 13o;
turacyp, per lb., 8 to 90,
Beane -Better teeling, Choice hand-
picked beans sell at $1.10 to $1.25;
and comraort at 60 to 70o per bush.
Dried apples -Very mane and firm.
Dealers pay 4 1-2 or dried stook, de-
livered here, ant small lots resell at 5
to' 0 1-2c a evaplirated, 8 to 8 1-20; •for
mall lots.
Honee-Steady. Round lets d .ohqice
delivered' here, vvill bring. about 5 lef"
to As; dealers quote from 6 to 7a per
lba for 10 to 60-1b. tins and in comb
at around $1,25 to $1.50 'per dozen seo-
tions, •
pojed hay -Duel and easy. ..Btrietly
chokes in car lots, is quoted at $8,50
to 57,50 Per ton; and No. 2, at $6.
•Strew-dinohangedi Car lots are
quoted at 54 to 54,50, on track.
Ikeps-Outside holders a little easier
in their idees•owing to the falling off
of the demand, Dealers here sell at
t6 to 200, and outside beldam are ask-
ing 1130, tot choke.
In the, case of.orclinary stores it imaY es d °Liaising here, and prices are noniieal,
perhaps be etated with perfect truth •It brings rich *bloc.
at f • rom 54 to 54.50 per mt. The.
d u t of
tbadselves if they have nothing-3Am strong bones, healthy nerves,' Moil a.nd Empire special cable quotes
that they will render frett aCC9
. cattle unchanged and ateady at tbe re-
and sound digestion. It ;s .
o n merton -
to feed upon than good grates in the
It • centslight 44,vance.
ellmiXter and trauma, and the hay from
.growth and prosperity to But cattle or meted at from
Here, beWever, two. or three questions . them,
e q
TIIE LEADING BARBER, grass of the seine quality in the winter,
Smith's black. opposite Post Office
Arise b
• ALsoNo matter." how delicate
314 to -33-4 to 4O per pound; of course
• the latter price ie for choice seleotiong;
Meaium and oomm tuff 11 down
f whicha eot t e est u.se o aback
on s Be El
id bl Fi st ould
Agent for Standard Life Insurance Co
Read °filo° for Canada, Montreal.
I:it:a:64. •• - • Eirgrog
E.tabushen 1825 The old reliable and favorite.
•' Jrenerai Ranking Business Transacted.,
•• ..7.ALoco34 i*„.1k7se-tr.coset.
, eire. Accident and Life 3418thli1100
Tre *meted. Represente several Of the best
Companies and any information relating to
Imurafice gladly given. General District
&gent for the Confederation Life Insur.mee
-- Co. MoneyereeLean on Iteasonalne panic
Dffice,e-Pelace black; 'opposite Market,
John Ridout, .
. .
•• Conveyancer, ,Conunissioner, . Etc.
-Fire Insurance. • - Real Estate.
Money to Lend. • ee
Dr. Gunn, •
R. C. P. and le R. C. S., Edinburgh,
Office -I -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night
palls at front door of residence on Rattan-
see,..„eleury Street, °pp:Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Turnbull,
Office in.Perrin's Block, Ratteithury St.
Night calls at Office. attended to.
(successors to J. W:Langford.) •
Having bought out the above business, vee
intend to conduct_iton the cash principle, and
'will suriply-atte customers with the best meats
at the lowest paying prices. •
- - Ford & Murphy,
Office -Ontario Street, opposite English
church., formerly occupied by Dr. Apple -
• Horseshoer and General Blacksmigi
'• Albert Street, North, Clinton.
• Woodwork ironed and tirst-ol material
and work guaranteed...Farm i ante and
machines rebuilt and repaired.
• TO THETA 1111 Ref
Study your own inter andgo 7irhere
You can ,•-•-•.
Surgeott Dentist.
OPPICR-Over Taylor's Shoe Store,
" 'Clinton, Oat. Special atteation to preset..
'ration of natural teeth: '
•NB visit Blyth'every Monday and
• Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during
the summer. - •
Office adjoining Fostees Phote Gallery.
Office 'Hour's, e 9 to
At Zurkh th'e second Thursday of each
I manufacture none but the best of stook.
• Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they
Lave got to live: •Gill and get prices.
Orders by mall promptly attended to.
John Bell.,•,
• 'iambus Emporium,.111Yth. On
• • '•
• •
The lutual
90 8 very eonS era y. r ,n,
the average stock keeper take- ordiritery the vhild, it is readily taken, itoroluSe. ipet: upooliund:.
Character, and. sale
farm stockt Would he not be dispoeed scorrollOWNS, Chemists. Toronto. .
to WWI Pr Something which did A little
- ' •. ' •' ' aarl'ee gannItlY0t6Ith8eullalarigclnerixtifdanibtosiionlia Here ..
more for, its keep than Merely live and time to' IS. waen •the surface be
grew? Secondl ' •as w cannot always middy enough for each seed to stick dayt- '
ales., sold at $4. per mot, • . •
the summer to provide for the wants Of spring seed will be cheaper than 'for'
is it not desirable tqprovide substitutes seirould be sown than ever; .nota only a sole ot lia2 Rao,
for the hay which in such sea.sone .1 greater area, but in most oases a Mere
-8 liberal amount to the acre, Scores,of. A lead ot 20 cattle, averaging 1,075
. .
too valuable.to use with • the freedom farmers have, failed to be successful -Ibis., iiald at 4o per Pound.
eloper growers because they have stint- A. 105. of ten . cattle; averaging 975
opstoneary •when it is almost suffi-
ett in, the amount Pt see4. sewn. 81•10" tbs., sold at 31-40 per pound.
ciently.plentiful to ha had for the
ceps is generally had by sotving .a
Seventeen. cattle, Leveraging 1,060 thee
askiiig1 Thirdly, is it not the fact, as bushel of dean, good seed to five or ten
most stook keepers can testify, that 'acres. Yet we believe that a more lib- sold at 53.05, per cwt, .
bertein animals do -better hi every way eral seeding wcald, in many cases, and Milkers are quiet, few coming in; and
when their, food is ,given them in LI Itturtnett nelannyeacosenditlittotnes,
tie% eb
et t
r:e. an easY dem'and; but a few choice
cooked. inao der to melte the nee'ss mereresow than to have a pbor steed. Shippings bulls are :w,orth from $3.40
store beasts as tYpietil •specimene of
• sec. and 01,oe, ill druggists.
The • market has not yet recovered
3r1 e•where its tails. We feel that elawibg A 4oad of 22 oatthe averaging 4,050
ensure a sufficient growth cif gratis in at isneh a time invites 'failure. This
the .seraneer and the. following winter, years arid „on account of this; mote Sixteen cattle, levexaging 1,150 llas, •
Insurance Company.
sPecialiy-prrared form -that is to sa.ve the early sowing it is safe t and cheap • 00ws will eell frora 040A° $50 each.
As a rule' early aowing, • February or to Ise per cwt. :
aPPetiaing than it Would be if brought
•• early Merelie_is !safer tbane April sow -
direct to • the animals. from the stack?
Stockers. are :worth from 58.75 to
• - mg, Especially is this erne of clay
eowina about -03.40 per owt,
For the purpose of 'this ' article we soils. • For' black lands
Would take eattie-amiri,ris as the stook theist of April is often adviliable. Sheep are unohabged; e lambs are
most' benefited by specially prepared or Hoteever, the tilth• of the,. land is a• firmer at 4 to 4 1-4o Pet Pound.,
'm ortant point: Ran down
eeoked food. an another form coked is vexY -P
land Is unoer aire in gtving a cat° . A. few oh,oiee veal; Will sell.
g;ven to cattle, when, in years of heavy 'Nine . hundred hogs came in, and
potato yields, it has been found more prices o,re a shade better. For the
KEEP up CONDITION Or EWES. eery best selection 4'1 -2o --was paid to-
eceruirnical steani the tubers for . _
to dairy cows- and fattening 'stook than to Far too few flockmastere commence ; light hogs fetch 4 la8c• and
• age ate dull at 3 3-4ts per
market. them in the ordinary way, early enough to give the ewe flock the
Pound. Store hogs will not sell.
Some will go still farther, and -willies extra, food, they need. Some wait until Following is the range of prices to -
thick fat . h
that ordinary roots-efiWed:Waind mane the loss of condition is • do cieerly ap- daY ; '
• gets -shall bes boiled, but it May be parent that it • becomes cbmpulsery.
er cwt.
gained- be adopting this course. The
*there is anything This shottlet not be the case; cemmeliee
early, and give a small ration 'agrees.- et, „ .. • • . . • •
' • Butohe hoice do
Butcher, medium to good 33 5025 48 0500
doubted' whether -
question now arises, Are the .animbls ' 6 6 t -e Y Buteher:' inferior. . e. ., .".
• ' - 'ng the same a a eanirig period ap-
the better for receiving toed prepared proachee. This will, result in finding . Sheep and 'Lambo.
as uhove saggestedr Well, the proof of not only the dam but itsprogeny,when Eaves, per cwt. . . . . '. , . 8100--- 3.50
. .0 4.6o•s4.so
the pudding is in the eating, and ray the time errives, first-class condi- Bucks, Wt. • '• • • • • 2.50 2275
• experience goes to prove that. the best time ande full of vigor and health.
J' -..,auits Iroz-4. cattle -feeding are to
obtained when no pains wbatever are There hi 'a well-known nroverlel whieb
spared to present thelooa fn the stook says: "It is no use to look the door
in the. meet appetizing ferm, When when the horse ie stolen," and neither
e mixture s we p ep , I s
is readily eaten the animals soon lie to save the ewe and help ahe lamb,
Farm rixd. Isolated toWn Property (learn, and. the formation of MO or I when the foranee.haa became so, reduc-
e-Iproceeded witheato it not generally he able to properly' assimilate and. use.
recogniied hy • the leading milk -pro -1 the food given her. The eost.of food for
m 11 pipared, the food i it the Sli hteat' age to endeavor
•••,•,..•••••.••••- 3-4"•••
Only Insurea. the secretion of milk, is iinatediatelY ed in strength and -condition, as not to
41, Blacks,.
Office on leasie Street next New Era office
Residence. AlbettSto, Clinton.
• Scott & 43!dolCentle,
Clinton Office -et lett Block, rsaito at.
Daefield Office- pen every Thursday
atr t, first door west of
Post Off' e„ Motes' to loon. '
.Taines Scott, H. McKenzie.
II, 06,
pion, Q.0,
goeitoe, Notary, &c.
GonZiticti, ONT.
Over Davis' Drug Store.
Money to L'oan.
•0. Johnston,
, Solicitor. Commissioner, Et
George Watt, PresIdent,HarlockP.O.: I B.
MeLean. Nippon P.O.I.W. J. Shannon. Serfl..-
Treas., Seater 13, P0;; Thom $ ID. Hays, Ia.
ePector ot losses, Se :aerie. P.O. -
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; John. G. Grieve.
Winthrop : George Dale, Seaferth: Thomag E.
Soliforli.: James Evantx, nsechwood;
Thornas• Garbutt. canton; Themes Fraser,
Bruesileld; John B. McLean, gippen.
ROA. Smiih. Oarlock Robert McMillati,Sea.
forth: Seines Cumming., Egmontiville, J, W.
Yea; Holinesville P. O.; John Govenlock and
John°. Morrisonuauditors.
Parties desirogto effect inentranbe or tran-
sact other business will be promptly attert led
to on application to any of the • above officers
addressed to their respective post offices.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as
Buffalo and Goderich District: -
Going West, Mixed .. . .. ro. is earl.
44•Express...... pan.
ailteletteeCor Hamilton arid St, And ew's
44 " • MiXed. . • .1 4 • • • • • • • e.os p.ni.
- 44 • " Express....
Going East, Express .... 7.40 ani
It It At
•••••41.14.4 • 2•55 pon.
8 • oe Mixed • • 4.35 p.m.
London. Huron and Bruce I-•
Going South,' EX -press .... .. . .. y.47, a.m.
.. it I/
. .. . rtterto:,••• 4.30 p.m..
Going North, " ......... I 0.15 1.01.
4; it ge 6.55 p.m,
M. C. 'DiCitSON, • W. E. Avon,
Dis, Pase..Agente G. P. & T. A., •
Toronto. „a" . Montreal.
A. 0. PATTISON, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton,
. .
150 'YEARS'
Corioltearre &C., •
Anyone tending a skdeb and description may
erdokly aseertatn our Opinion free whether au
invention is probably' patentable. Comnlardert,
tions strietlyconnderatlal. Handbook on Patente
• sent free. Oldest agency for seeurIngrpatents.
Patents taken tbrongti Munn Is co. twelve
/pedal notice, without charge, the
Scientific Merlon.
Abandsomely illustrated weekly. tamed cit.
eulatlOn of serseientine journal. Terme. 18 d
ear; four months, $1. BOld by all nemeiesiere
itUNtitcs 361Brudyi*Y' New Yqk
Brae 66 F Bt.. Washington.
It, is perhaps not generally known
that the German Emperor has a paper
published and printed exclusively for
himself and for the Empress. It is the
Inipetial Gazette, of Berl.n, containing
a dear and coticise daily' summary tef
the world's news. The edition of this
paper eorisiste of two copies doubtless
the irmallest edition of any papins pub-
Architect (looking at new founda-
tion)-ellow is this/ You,r foundation
la only Mat the size my plans cell for.
• Experienced launder -The owner
told me to keep the cost within yOur
estimate, '
Lama% 'preeWt... 4.00 425
'T Milkers and Calves.
.Caws, each. • . . . . . . . 25,00 50.00
Calves, each . . . . . 2.00 6.00
, • gaga.
Choice hogs, per owt 4,25 4.50
Light hogs, per cwt, .---4.00 4.12 1-2
Heavy, do., per ewt. ' . 0.00 '8,75
With the lapse ot the holidays and
the renewal• of colder weather, the of -
,Buffalo, a'an. Q. -Spring Wheat -...De -
mend light ; limits steady: NO. 1 hard.
79 1-40; No. 1 Northern, 15 No.
Northern, 72 8-40, Winter Wheatea
Dull, offerings light ; No. 2 red, 74 1e2e;
4 n,aire, 8 extra .red, 78o; mixed winter, 7ibe;
Nora red, 730; No. 1 white, 74 1e2o, en
• track. Corn -Fair enquiry; firra; NO.
yell9w, 480; No. 4 yellow, 4s 1-2e; No.
porn,A1c; No. 8 corn, 40 1-20. Oats -
Quiet but l'irm; No, 2 white, 82 8-4e;
No. 8 ;white, 31 1e2o; No. 4 white, Me;
No, S mixed., 31 1-2o; No. 3 mixed, 81o.
Barley -Firm. Rye -Dull; No. 2, in
catuoarneg,ed!ao aisked. Flour -Firm. on'
Detroit, jon. 6.-W1aet-C1osed ;-
No, 1 white, oast', 71a; No. 2 red, oash
and December, 70, 5-80 ;. 3Aay, 72 1-40.
Duluth, al,. -Wheat-No, 11aarn,
cash, 68 5-8o; December, 07 8-46; May,
e e69mm5-8ib el w0r; a, uN6:5 543-,14, ej,Ni ,76 -eAt shtieea•ht. ,; 07-1
Northern, 68.1-2 to 69o; No. 2 North,
ern, 66 1-2 to 671,-2,3. • Rye -No, 1, 54
1-2c. Barley -Steady ; No, 2,494-20;
sample, 481-2 to 49e.
Minneapolis, .Tan, 6. -,Wheat - De-
" eeraber,• 65 8-4oe May, -67 8-0,3; July, 67
3-40; on track, No. 1, hard,137 3-4e; No,
. 4 Northern 66 3-4e; No. 0 Northern,
, 643-4o. • Flour-Unehanged. Bran -
In bulk; $8.7,5* to 59.25.
tbleers of the present day that nothing a bower. peeled, given in small por- ferings of dressed hogs have 'Agrees -
helps .their cows more than to give 1 times at first, and increasing as time ed, especially in the heavy lines. West -
them their food be a sloppy condi--; goes on,: will often be found to be far ern hags were quoted, op track, in
tion which of necessity MI -plies a :less costly, •and certainly more advert- ear loth, ,at about 55 to 55.10, mixed
kind et marking/ Then what is more I tageous than the same quantityef
e weights; and Nowtbern at about $5.10
likely, in times Of scarcity, to turn , food given in larger quantities fqr• a to 55,15..for select lots. On the street
unpalatable fodder* to account than , shorter. period. • Remember the gold- farmersaeloads were quoted at from
some syritene of cooking, by which ob-a an rule is, keep all stock in a thrive 55.25 toe $5.40, according to quality.
eeetionable odoes imaybe driven off in ing condition never let them by any Market for_lroyisions dull.
the 'steam, rind-Otheis-iiririiimap- metinairabaSome -low naa-conditietare QUora=tiens, are erfalreisailiaalarayaatilt-
petizing naturer may be introduced by !constitution ,uu.afetrength, for 'if they ea.:shoulders, 7 1-2, long clear bacon,
the addition of spices Or Meal? Last- :do, loss, indeed Or proftt, will bethe car lots, -7 1-2c.; to lota and case lots,
ly, it may be asked what is the money -only -result, and the,cause of it will be 7 840.; or backs, 8 1-2 to 83-40.
value of the protection aftorded to the one that neither supply nor 'demand, Smoked •Meats---Ilains, heavy, 9 1-2 to
stook keeper by the fact that through not market value ' can remove, but Mb ; medium, 10 to 10 1-2e; light, 11c;
Simply booking --.or improving bis un- only thewatchful, eager, and close breakfast bacon; 10, 1-2- to llo ; picerie
palatable hay, or boiling linseed . to isupervison of the master. •, hams, 7 3-4 to 8c. All meats out of
. .
A DivisiOn Court hell been estab-
lished at Chishilsford: East Algoma.
We Want The Address
OF EVE/lit surrEsEn
02 haat vreakitise *ramose -or from any
out circulation, titifininmation or Melling, of
lartlettdre Solicitor, Notary Public. &c., Which the ityiriptenil May be dittittest, pet-
pitation, dammettort in bran. atehinch, liver,
OPPICit kidneyg, feet or other parts where blood int-
entnulates sluggish vein&
risAvZ14. BLOCK,. • CLINTON rend eddreet end stomp and receive Mere.
lure explaining the reodefft remedy whkh is
for tee first time offered tethe outeide it Walt UM'S to Sow, and one Of the • wornan like yea succeeded in Capturing
di se ceased by or comp (tetra with Imettet
take the place of roots,' he is enabled
to winter a large 'herd of caltle or
sheep or both, which inother cumin -
stances must be absolutely sacrificed in
. pickle lc less than prices voted for
smoked meats.
Lard' -Tierces. 7o; tubs, 7 14 to 7
the autumn for what they would fetch? 3-4e; pails, 7 3-4 to ee ; compound, 6
Did space permit, •numbeiltheeinstandes Inr"V it Solved the Rider,' of the Wreck or 1oa6 1-2e. , .
might be brought forward to prove the Me 1.tenm Prtmlier "*" E. Peek' . BREADSTDFES ETC..
value of cooked foods for cattle and "We are bever amazed when vessel - Wheat -Tie °Chicago market opened -
sometimes sheep; and thegain is moat go aground and aee wrecked ori Lake strong, bub. dosed at about le, decline
apparent when the natural foods are from be.st prices Local trade 'was quiet.
Erie during the gales that are common .... .. • "
either most scarce or infertor in, quale • zee wheat sold at 69e, north, and wese,
1 peat such things then," said a lake aide, Was quoted at 70 to, 71e. Mani -
ity. • - We' 6x7 and white at 69 1-2og goose. Wheat, out-
. •• -on that treacherous water, for
skipper, "bet 'when one is greunded on Lobes were easier, at 800, asked for No.
a clear day and wrecked 1 hard, and Tle, asked for No. 2, herd
asolear as the day. end in the Uncle of
, on a course and No. 1 Northern, Toronto and
Orits'of the most encouraging fea-
a pilot that knews the ground like' a wels'Itany*-lan11; straight roller is•held at.
tures relating. to farming is the fact
that the 'clover area is constantly in. book, we natitrellY wonder a little 33.20, -middle freights, and . $8.10 it(
and. want to know tha whys and where-
• bid. • •
Millfeed-Continues scarce; demand
creasing:- The increased area adver-
fin:es. Such. was the orise of the Pro- is good; ton lots nE bran at the local
tises ite value, which will tend. toward
peller Susan E. Peek that went earns bring, 514, and oil shorts 516; oar
a continnea and constant increase. Its lots, middle freights, are qioted at 113
forces a system of aground neer Bar Point, Mad was lost
with e $20,000 cargo. for bran, aed $15 for shorts. • •
profitable growth
.."The Captain of the Susan E., had Oatmeal -Firm. Car lots of rolled
rotation on the tetra. If grown to se -
oats, in bags, on track here,. are quote
cure the best results the grower must
system ef rotation. sailed successfully hundreds of times ed at. WO per abl., and in bbls., at
adopt a regular
between. oint Pelee and Be Pcant and 0.50. . -
Clover is, with us, the moet important
WeSo t are qttoted at 66e, and east at 67e.
grain and he bad a, wheelman who was krioven ats - Firm tone. 'White oats n rth
be Flo considered by all
a c, and
one of the most expert navigators in there isafirm le'dd" ' t
e . in,g a Mc, for large
understand its value.• In farm °pota-
tions the sewing of elosrer seed,
up a long tinie for the Very good reit- "q.uantities. -
R ee 4- F' .431,Ctrr -north and
to the lake business.. He had been lying
make a success, of it, is a most im- . west, 53c, rind. e
eon ,long
owiog to an accident to one ' Buckwheat --, Quiet, but fi . Car
portant factor.. With this seed,' as
of hie legs that leg had to be amputate lots, Outside, 48 to 48 1-2o. . ,
well as all others, there is a, tinie to
• in all kinds of weittlier, •arid tilts time Peas - Firm, Car lots,' noretli and,
crop we lean ,girow, and will doubtless
fromotie end of the lake to the other as and west, in ear lots -sold t 29 o
stook growers when they came to fully
Moon ed to save his life. The lost member - • "• •
sow and a time not to sow;
was replaced by an artiticial leg and
signs' cut no figure at all, for when
then the pilot was ready to take his
they are analyzed and boiled down
they are contradictory; yet game mere Post at the Wheel again. Ilis first ser- •
vice after his misfortune was this trip ..- • •
othervvise intelligent, swear and work
of the Susan E. Peck, and. he ran her
by them. The diligent student of
farm methods will, in a- abort time,
I the best time to sow on ale
own Janne that is if he is a per-
sistent clover grower. rf he only
sows onco in five or ten years, he will
conclude that defer is a very un -
catkin and unprofitable cm; Any
eta that will grow •theestaple grain
crops should grow clover and Will do
it if properly managed. The cities -
tient; that concern the farmer most
are, whets the seed should be sown,
the amount per acre and the tinie to
sow, When the season is favorable
threughout there is no trouble to get
cloeer to grow, whether sown to oc.-
oupy the land alone, flown on land
seeded to email grain or on pasture
fields already sodded with grasses.
These latter are doubtless benefited
by a growth' of clover, as it will sup-,
piy the needed nitrogen that, has been
exhausted by therm aurface -growers.
Land That is needed to clover alone
Sh011ld be. the most eertairt to give a
catch becauee, it ean be given abetter
preparation and the covering of the corraa belga a rr, a puot
Seed be assured. It is a growiegfeele took
ieg with farmers that the seed should . eharge of a Vessel without wear-
eertaitity aeoomp ing his false Everything worked .
to a. charin. The Mystery of the Susan -
be well covered, This can .be. most
lished by some surface E, reek wag wive& and tee laid was
working implement. When, mown reetored.to his °Id piece in the confide
they fartner should catch a titde for oweeree,
grain elite Laketrie skippers and 'Meet
land previously sown' to small
(sowing when the surface Is opened
with freset, or by the wind quieltly
drying it, We hardly know Which is
preferable of these ,conditions 11 found • A Via-L/1M GMIPI,
at the proper abige, At any rate it policeman-/ don 5. ,eee how a Moe
"The puzzle to eVerybody was liciw
it Was possible for the propeller, halide:
led by a Man of such skill and expert-
ene,e, on 'a straight course, only forty
miles tong and, with every sailing con-
dition tavorable, to leave, her course.
The pilot was the mot puzzled and ase
toundedpereon of all. He soon got an-
other vessel, and this oris he rari ifl
such an erratic manner, but, fortun-
ately, with no disastrous result, that
he -was compelled to give her up and
his usefulness as a pilot was gone. He
and others went to investigating to
see if they could discover what was,
.wrong with hie iseamanship. After a
white they discovered what they believe;
ed was the trouble. In the pilotat tate,
ficial leg a great deal of ateel had been
Used in the jointe and other places. Sit-
ting dose to the binnacle, as lieedid
while steering, this steel deranged the
eoraparts so that it threw the wheelman
way off his reckoning and led to the
wrong piloting that had wreeked the
Susaitet. Peek and endangered the oth-
er vessel that the wheel/nail had
gated Aubsequently. This was what
they argued, and to demonstrate the
of the great tweet tale.
Temporlizinge-trillee, by way oi "Tr" nalti 10,101 condition presented ithelf, we Would and holding a big burglar like that.
are not distinguished by any mark
or sign from coughs that fail to' int
fatal. Any cough, .negineteg, ntay
sap the strength and undermine the
health 'until recovery is impossible.
All coughs': lead to lung tfouble, if
not stopped.
Agers aterg Patera
;Cores Covgks
"Idy wife was suffering from s dreadfid
emigh. We did noCexpeot that she wetdd
tong "survive, but Mr. R. V. Royal. deputy
'surveyor, happened to be stopping with na
night, and having a bottle Of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral hiltlehldaaadanewite to
try this remedy. The result was so beneficial
that, she kept on taking it till robe wetland.*
R. S. RUIIPERIES,, Sammy, Ga.
"My little daughter was taken with a die-
treseingeough, which ter three years defied
all the remediee I tried. At length, on the
urgent recommendation of 't, friend, I UP*
te give her Ayers Cherry Pectoral._ After
using One bottlel found to tO great sate
prise that -elle was improving. Mee bottles
completely cared' her.
$. A. MAY,
Tow Salami, IVA tight. Iron Range Co.
at. Louis, Mo.
net welt ter ths other with the feel- Little Wommateveeklyieett was dark, fro.%
ooductInnt brleklY-4 ant tt hilt colIec5.. Malb, lied at drug stores or by min et pee. •beg that the one we did not have Weti and 1.4 thought it was ray hastened .
0r.41r. Teta Weeklybienere--Ahlaeie It a Pet box.ehoxes tor's. the better of the two. SOMetireee We trying to -to elope with the servant A see
Mania With you, or merely a.aaae vi.• HOWARD. 11 Vivien* at, Weak, Ont. vita ito farmer that thinks the Ideal girl. •
40, .
0.• Anti;
• ...„,,
• If the digestive organs refute to do their work, indigestion and.dyspepsia
.follow like lightning's flash -the nerves are shattered and then insonutia runs -
riot, and the patient en the road to the Madhouse or insane asylum. A well
kliewn hi'Toronto newspaper nian,was a Victim of nertous prostration and in-
somnia through overwork -retiring it night was more of a dread ,than a wel-, '
come to restOrejtaliced against , medicinai and remedies', he spurned the
; thought Of resorting to what he called nostrums -he became almost incapaCi.
toted for WOrIthe was recommended to try South American Nervine,'procured
a bottle and when haltof it had been taken he found himself improving -
sleep was indiked, the nerves grew quieter, the appetite returried--he continued
to take the remed% until he had used six bottles, and.at the end ofthat time the •
twenty pounds he had lost in worry and for want of rest was put on -again-
te-day. he says, "I feel strong enOngh to do. twodays' work-in one'.
South American Nervine 11 without a peer in the cure of nervousness,
indigestion and insomnia. A few doses will convince the most•seeptical. It.
gives In:Mediate relief and effects a cure in every case. • Stronges this statenient
may seem it, absolutely true. • • • .
South American Rheumatic Cure is never baffled -relieves 1. it hems
and 'Cures -after years,of agony have been suffered. ' •••
• Oman Americar#Vdney Cure cures Bright's disease, die es and bead-
adet KV* doiegviill-ativiiiCe. • 7- i"
For sale by Watts & 'Co
MoSt Rubbers are Uncomfortable
.. Itis no wonder that rubberS which are not the same
shape as the boot should be uncomfortable. It costs
• money -to employ skilled pattein makers but the result
is a, satisfactory fit. •. ' -
nach year the Granby. Rubber Co. add: new pat-
- terns to -fit all the latest shoe shapes therefore
They are honestly made of Pure Rubber.
Thin, Light, tlastic, Durable.
Rxtra thick at ball and heel. •
Granby Rubbers wear like Iron.
°NE onVEs.
Don't pend.a Dollar
• until you have tried
You can buy themln. th? paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
Eke Net is put tit cheaply to gratify the tattered totem* dowsed for a low erne
If you don't find' this sort of
,Ripans_ Tabules
At the: Dru.ggists •
Send Pive Cents, to TO PePANS CitithitCAt COMPANY, No, to
Spruce St., New•Totk, and they will be sent to you hy itgail; 0*
to tattoos will he mailed for 4$ cents. The chances aro ten to
one Owl Ripens Ta,bulen are the Very Ittedielne you teed.