HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-12, Page 6-e otoessesposess000ressomeetesseesesemestemosinestogetteniessonsessioele vzy !t% TdIigarWINTER HBA1.111 HINTS. . Good loolving 10.0.1110#40.044.11s0Oriettala•aataa w's"ravy. ; *al;tri. 114 iUtsv,%, • • About the Uouse. almovena dberttvw"een'antilhets4ht-004,411"otPlram48/3.°644144. Tintineese7Dr. Samuel "Jelasson ,3 pm. The nursery must be a simay Moe ed with Sir Robert Chanbere . no higher than reventy. Dueinie the bete fussed &bait, suggeliting remedial • until Johnson *aid: "Prithee The conealtate tbe foundation for alp ed. AS the feet.are pectsliarle Dena-. Ereakfast is the bettlest Meal ot tire to chill, Use)" should be roteoted t4ass mo? Stay till I an well and health and happiness,. Without good . • e see • Whoiesern• Feed, room to which the thertnometer gone said csomplato,ea of feeline Cham- Healthy Appetite. Porfsct I I AROUND TIXEstallEAKFAST TABLE, oigIst, it may be cool and well- ventilat- 'tlaY to Feparo' Ae e rule i•I'PPettt°11 •bY atout ;shoes, end in dam Pweather that Yon ahail. tell nie how to Cure nie- aPPetits sati good digastiOn all tlie Worth. 'Uotalas Sarsaparilla ere,. wholesorae ust he Berval. about ehe room barefooted, ie a 'mint Otte is weU la the them Us talk about ates ea appetite, tones and atrengtla - It its a geed Welt, unless there la a of. Which the wails metber disaperovee, hew to keep well. ens the stomacla and gives it power to ey maY e fected by any detest of otroulation, It is constantly cueing atogmassYlv trousl pected to be present, to serve' such ate. treated to a brIsic rubbing dOwn with Tight or high toilers are` therefore isles, and to tired, duseouraged and sue, "" individualle. • plied to. the head after it has been stoops tering roe. and women it is. giving the physical vigor an tioles as can be prepared quickly and alaolsoi. This filitteld also be freelY ale- very bact for the et'es. if a bPY b d dr wit a. pease tO els over his hookas°, that his throat wee- necessary ear tee tleevgaalaiteYeevlie untre . . ea upon his ' collar, btu head, becomes H P ji auturies a wealth and. plenty are of are laegtulfloland antalting deantY and 01,04141000 mast be worn. Running Belt" This was eatind. sense. Wteit tiutifteLatd4he esithiladrnivven etla,reatbathed au The Eyeass-The eyea are easily ttf" flgttn'3,34,4' me by cum spepsia alt Members ot the househola era elts and. vvhith ehe ;mealy forbids. It has broil:gilt laaPPinese tated breakfaet hour at which time The oatmeal, or slush cereal as le des ared, eal% be cooked and kept hot by placing the' kettle in a larger kettle of hot water, but the eleops, potatoes, eggs, etc., should not he larepared until juat before they are to be eerved. This will not,'reqaire any more time than cok- ing everything at once,•aad the person 'served. will have the. satisfaaean of having everything hot and fresh; two very essential teatures required to make the meal appetizing. Every breakfast should begin with some kind of fruit; fresh fruit when it Is in season, or some nice preserved frith when it is not. Baked apples serv- ed with rich ereara make a dainty disletbat is relish -6103y most everyone, stewed pares are nice, or, if something more tart is preferred, stewed plums. Housearevesstould endeavor to 'are tha bill of. :fare as much as poseible. Following the fruit should come the cereal. It has become a very general custom to serve some form of cereals with the Morning meal.and we think it a very good idea as there is :nothing so nutritious i and if one do- : not feel like eating, a dish of oatmeal. r irely cooked , will often tempt the appet a The prepared cereals that' can be bought in packages have been partially. .... , cooked, hence it 'only eequiree a few rainntes• 'additional. cooking to prepare them. They slieuldte cooked in rara - ly boiling' salted water and should be stirred with a fork for a fevammuies. .A.sbestos mats'ean now be purchased very cheaply and they. are .very con- venient to .place under the kettle , to prevent the cereal from burinog. They. are 'fast *taking the place of the double boiler, as they answer the purpose fally as well, • • "•• ' • _ • The remainder of the meal can be c, varied. to spit th evishes of those be- ing served. ' s • ' ', Creamed dried .beef en toast makes a very nice breakfast dish and is easy to prepare. Preach_ toast made by _dip- ping glees of .bread•into beaten eggs and then frying in butter to adelicete brown IT also relished. These meny other dabity dishes can be prepared y fb 3 ingenious housewife, she should bear in mind that a good breakfast, • tastetalle served, will put every mem- ber of the household in a leetter humor duties '• • - • ' • ru he y et tow • e1 THE REST LIOSE PLANTS. congested. 41.th blood that cannot es- ood $ Sarsaparilla - The frosty nights necessitate the re- cape by the Choked seine and hie eYes is Canada's greatest Medicine. -Fri ee $1 a loose, low collar; hold the head erect; L.• g%,..114 feel badly. The rules abould be: Wear PrePered by XI sod Oo., Lowell, Maas. rest the. eyek frequently by looking "°°,44 5 r5 arwiethltood's sarsaparilla,. up; wear glasses when necessary,. Less of aleep--Exeept in antis cases and under a physic:lanai orders, never en better prepare of the day. • • THE DOTING garrigit. Youth le not eatuealle self-denying. Human nature is `strongly selfish, anti ----Sse-Whetis'airlseare-*youtig-they-liaie-had. little chance to oppose the strength of this inherent quality, says Mrtl. Hum- phrey, in an exchange. Stime girls, however, If' th others, while some are utterly spoiled. A • doting mother is nothing more nor less- than a' Selfish inether, TAM, to movai of plants frera out of doors, and which to select for window 'plants is often quite a tiuzele. Other things being equal those already established in the 04118 or petit are tee ones totake drugs to "put yeu to sleep. select, but but it pet, plant can sueeesatully: ple With a sleePless tendency should ' be removed if care is taken to not try the exeretee cure, taking plenty of breale the roots mach. Use as small outdoor exercise early in the day, prac- tise breathing alowly, have ti, quiet vessels as ' possible for the window room and, should not get discouraged. Plants. They vvill bloom baler and Physicians have noted that people ean generally da better in every Way with long aurvive on less thanthe proper small root room. . allowance of eleep. Many a sufferer It era have a south or soatheast,win- bal.,ihregoveted after years et insomnia. dow, and the room is Warm With, a childilrenrentoso meutrb. Int 1st easy to ifeitd comparatively even ' beat, trot. , can in waxm weather too mu' eh meact Especially the plants you like best, but if seta the stomach ana causes irritebil- ity., The japane,se account for the you have a north or a weaewitidaW, good, nature of Japanese children by one Must sacrifice preference to the fact that they eat no meat. is plants that will stand a sunless win- may be fanciful, but there is no doubt dove. Selections train the .following th,at too much hearty fated is bad for . . Plants will Prove satisfactory even, else one, ' without sun: Jesraines, several 'varie- I . = ties, Rev lutura piebably, 'the best; • . •- --- - Sanseviera Zeylanice, toe much can- • riot be sai in- praise of this plant; .A; THRILLING EVEMENCE primroses,ptimule, obeonlea, auelisia's, 1 Rex begonias, all begonias do finely in • • * --•-. • east windows; while geraniums . will A STORY TOLD BY A WELL-KNOWN not do gaits a,s well, noribleora very . SALVATION ARMY dA.PTAIN. . much in hinortntlews, they Willogrow ........ ' ' thriftily and be .green. and nice, esP.e• • • , ' . cially the ivy and scented geraniums, mislead* Racked From Wend to Foot WIth • -The rose scented and ivy, Jean of Arc, neenmatte and Neuralght l'aliss--Would do better ,without so muolasen. Than Prefer Death to'Undergoing Such Sett - • • there are wandering Jew and nestur- fortis Again. than for.4iiie growth, and kinds that From the' Post, Lindsay, Ont. will grow for any one, tors tra Sold nights, and move the stand such wee ceceeemeay Pin paper tiresuid .the plants on ex- oe people te • It is the' lot of but a limited number entity -the oontidenee of large circle of • 1 frora the Window. ' Do not water unless 'friends and comradesas does Capt. . necessary see prevent the leaves wilt- Jahn A. Brekenstibe, who was recent. ing, during a colassnep,The Planta elyiuterviewed by a Post reporter at wt11 withstand -the cold Much better th'e home of his parelits at Rosedale a ss.lten the dirt in the csana• is ,not • wet. _ Pretty h,ainlet situated at the head of . - ' --- . - . . ' FORCING. BULBS. When bulbs are forced, water for the first tints very 'heavily, so that it is a .certainty that the 'teeter bes penetiae. is 34 years of age, is well-known an to the bottom of tee Pot,. Taia, highly. respeeted throughout taallY of s where s s seven years . Prir for Palittings to Tench. the lateen LS taken Stein the 'dark, cool place toe- 1 • Snore heat. and -light. When the pots. has come in eentact witha large num- — of Solerlety. .. . Ltlus rooting pi-or:ass it is a .good plan at___TeeepT:, Montreak_Pesterboro, Ot- _ haktablished-a-calator--ceranetitive-dea --H-ertaltone-Jaile-9;-One- of the Ina, SOME DAIRY STATISTICS. • ••••••••11 Compiled, by the Department of Apical- teire-Farne loud Vallsex. ' S9918 interesting figures leave just been prepared by the Department of Agriculture, pertaining to ties dairy and cheese factorial. In 1897 there 'woe 1,161 cheese factoriee. They tested. 1,.• 445,937,148 Pounds of milk, and rriade 137,852,916 pounds 'of cheese, with a grass value at •611;719,468. In 183 there was 035 factories. They used 539,896,197 pounds of milk,' and made 5$,513,032 peanuts of cheese, valued at $5,589,339: The arnouett paid to Pe trons for inilk aupplies la. 1897 was $9,189,004, as'compared with 37,040,927 In 1.896, $022,962 in f895,..itaid 07,931102e in 1894. The' patronei aeceived an aVer age of 66,3 cents per ISO pounds of neillr'acrr the pest four years. . 1 13alsam neer in Victoria county,where the elder Mr. Brokenshire, who has reached the three-eeore years and' ten, has held the position of lockmaster for - the past • twenty-two years, Capt. Brokenshire, the subjectof this artie The statistics show that last year thews was '214 creatneries. They made 7,708,265 pomade of butter, and the valu.e was $1,403,009, with an averag price of 18:21 cents. In 1693 there were only 74 creameries in the province ane they produced. 2,707,570 pounds of but, ter, at a value of .8574,156, • • • Farm property in Ontario 'last aecie was valu.ed tit $905,093,613, while ten years ago the figures was 8976,292,214 The nrovioce has been drained of mucl• live dock, and the total amount -of rittielt WAS valued at $93,649,804,- th, lovvest in the last fifteen trears. The average. rental per acre of leased farms based upon the whole acreage of farm WitS 01.73 us 1897, as compared witb $1.88” in 1896 and $1,87 in 1895. Cal ealated on the cleared portant the ever age was 32.44 in 4897, as 'against $2.5' in 1896 and $2.69 in 1895, and $2.71 a CURIOUS THINGS, PREA,150. mom Mr. eleenegtat wood by yotkonA Tee of WIttistmaree. "As a genera thIng,"' said Ma. Goa. lington, "nightmares COMe alley, And wall° they may keep ue in terror for a time tbey trample upon, ue, yet we are inmate sure fb wake up before they go, and then as they Scurry a:Way. we forget vviret it Watt all about almost as won ea we lese the eiound of their hots. That' s one geod° 'Shins about nightmaree, that, terrible cm they are their irapreesion fades.• kly moment, dr the (11.1'433ut tnight I had a very Curious experience. Before One night- raare that was sesAispering aoroes the field of my unconscious conecionenees. ..exae got out of the way another came , along. Thet did wake me up, quiekles - but the two together left no more lasting impression flpost me than a sin- . gle one would have made." EYES OF 'THE. GREAT. Sir Walter Scott said that the eyes of Robert Burns Were the finest he ever saw, and al/ accounts agree that they formed the mast remarkable fate ture of a striking Rao. Scott's son and biographer Lockhart remarks that • Buena' eye was large alla• dark "and glowed, i say liteirealy glowed, when -' he spoke with feeling or interest. I never saw eueh another eye in a hu,raari head though I have atien the moat die-. tingaished men in my time." Other writers bear similar testimony. Scott's OWIL ,eYea. were noticeable. Carlyle! whati 'a youth, as he watched hint hob- bling along the etreets of Edinburgh, tnoted the pale, 'shear face, and the fine deep-browea grey eyes of the - great poet and novetise. LocIthart says - that his father -in -taw's eyes- were •"olear alien arid well set, with a 'ehangeful radiance." • LONG- LIFE AND LOSS OF LIMBS: • kmanufacturee ot artinclal liinha is °retitled with 'the ,statement that am- putations tend to enhance. .,vitalstee . . those who have Lola an arm -or a leg frequently baying thetr lived • pro- longed. and. their 'health iniproved as e result of the loss. Even the nseutal forces. are represented as being streng- ;thened in cases of amputation. The alleged , explanation la that the re Moyal•of unpertent part of the body decree/set the demand • On this vital foresi, and enables them to zoncen • trate more effectually upon what: Xe _plains. It is not likely, however; that anybody will' voluntarily eacri theeaverage of the past twelve, years. • . \ TEMPERANCE IN PICTURES , then will be /sufficient until the pot tarotheleadincities and tovens of duringOn- hi , . service in Salvation Army werk he ,fices a leg or 'an arm for the sake et brightening the wit, or adding a year or two to the iength of lile. _ • • .114111I.L.TON • P110..VE S That Dodd's Ittdney Pills Cure Bright's Disea.eta though all Caner means easteser. o. Clalm That ILidner Pilla eire Tbi Athens' Case Shownsisethaleie•:reeth.of th. are, set away for the bulbs to undergo.' bo r of people. Be has been Stationed The Belgian Secretary of the Interice Only Care for this insures drainage if accidentatIc over- ah at one 'tune was mereeef' e" signs to repreti nt the horrors of• inc popo. ar a to -net Cara -01i-earders. This n tn. • on y a rr burg an spina; loi aces • 1 H. mattes's hotel clerks . • watered or soaked in some way, but travelling S. ' A.• string 'band. The briety. The co talon is open •'di OE Aikens,o .• meow aelms Siert Trade itellding, Imitation Is the boot !lottery. Don't buy eomethlog justsao good, insist on LUDELLA •vro PACRACES4' •-• Who you ore buylna 25. no 40,50 & Goo. 50 Given Away Free Last Week and probably more than that number will be given this week. ,Remember we are 'giving free only 500 Graphophones irl all for the purpose of introducing our medicine's throughout this country. These are tins la•test improved Edison king Mite chines fit for concert hall at Weil as r1 r, giving you all the latest songs (comics sacra and secus lar) greatest bands and orchestras, most noted singers, pianists, violinists, recitere and orator* If you want one of these machines you win wnta letterenclosing thie advertisement ' Chemist* Co. ' TOVINItta, Cag, • • . . ' V/ 31, • .;F ear APPLES, SUTTER, 8005 01 POULTRY' to ship, dila Mem to The Bowan COMMISSIOR 'Co-, United, Printing, botind. Bill kte de, te in ri . a°°t, lookt‘ g00 end rodeive post.od 001•Iter daybook DookkIndingilSend row magnsinep hrie nags reeialegr . d . at ok sadly) order. Seed 518141.110Pasearaled. O.ILLaulgau,S2Kins-st floetIlloa, AUSACIE OASINDS-New hinottstions fined English ShestrasstrAmerican-Rog Casten -reliable good's. debt rims. PAUL BLACKWELL is 00. Toronto. ., .vrNR EALS TEST'ED tie.'"' 30`.1. 'prre,:.: i MILTON IIERAEY, B. A. Sc., ...„._ ' i 15 St. Samantenis fit., Montreal, Quo; .. , • , Jonilmitai;i1.11.1rse StearnshiPs. • Moneta and (plebes) tti• Liverpool in eummio. Large ad fost twin wen eteitinshipit • lobeador: Van. °neer," Dominion,' 'Scotsman.' ' Yorkshire.' • 4uperior aottornmedationior First Cabin, Sem tad Cabin and Steerage Passengers. Mateo of .ntestage-First Cabin '560.00;adl"nonodo-rcilegto irir. -15; Steerage 522.50 and nwr teamer and berth. For all information apply o Local Agents, or Davzo' ToltitaNCIE & (10., • aon'l Agoutis, 11 814Saoranseat' kit. Montreal. L. COFFEE & CO. &albinism Kg, CRAUI AND coMMissunt rAtauHARTIF- , o e prevents the liability of earthworms following • is Capt; Brokenshirees everybody, four . °tures being re ' Mr. Aflame' duties are- onerous ass; rebruar/. s. CORRIGAN, it3 lenge Se, TORONTO CUTTING S.C.11....4,00L. Write for'sseciam l terms duringsaantosty and Bpeeehimpedimente 'kends& Consult • qualified practitioner, oho '4•14 reins painful stammerer, and battened many who ta s!sl elsewhere Writs to W..1. Amen, MD„ Belie, crag, Wm. Millar& Co. .camx.oltfutur sertsoroet. Show : ealne:1711_,..°Dite'Ygerere, es'njaw. rItish....rate Minato,. to, 19 tkoildalsAitioinistet);°TroVroltoln.gg. • Mills, MID. St-thelets, Barristere,ete..removett to Wesley Ridge., nsandtit. W., Toro . . • For Sale .1;filtriTivgg 31.000 and upwards, on easto ern ehoreof Maryland. Send f or description. a P. WOOD. COOK Zt. O., SALISSURYI, WIcomleo Co., my. Metallic) Telephone Tablet grY. 11=7' r'rpg 404 The OFFICESPEOIALTT .•• LIMITED, , . Toronto and Newmarket. Ont. FOR SALE -E gine, one heavy MAY. "- high speed. Arrnitigton fit Simms pet- ---toyarnutorriatio etit•otr engine. cylln- der liSt diameter, etroke SO. 5" steam connection; this engine is caps.ble of . 2f0 horse gower at 120 revolutions per . • -order and has been replaced by a heavier engine of greater oapaolty. For Rubber MIS. L/Ifme.sratIro(rilie'11111114 VhrethatLartiou'ars ap iy ab onco to minutes ; t Is engine is in good working *mono. ONT. • the ow14, comm Workingtheir wey up hole in the bottom of the pot. slightly troubled with rheahad bee snatic pains quired, en -these subje te:-A scene heavY throughout the year, and a man Twain "Yawls, jr(wir a -•ethrotigli n.. statement .: "Tts • g p he Army work on different showing • who was not possessod. of more than 7.irdinary shrewdness ' and capability , --- • for several years, and had . to a drunkard's borne,in detail ive t unhappy aria broken family life; th mind not pOssibly fill his position. ppy ome of a tt5tal abstainer; This being, the case, it will be read- ' EICIEL RECEPTION MANAGERESS •• 51 • 1 ars ago X became oomple ely un- .v.vrecked nerves and phystologice . i. Y Illa ers oo a ..hree years• ago, he was attacked by • occasions ,on, acsount of my trouble i ha. • h ' th • ' please herself, allows her daughter'a A• reception manageress the botel When stationea in Morrisbur four ' • • d t dthtMr Ak t a for work, as I suffered terribly chart of a drunkard's _system, aua r . • • faints to grovr up 'unchecked. She circulars are authority for the title, isent . ens was • • very heavily' handicapped when, soms testae to be item, eest eghe ehoule lose She latest addition to the forces of the wttie pains' in the back of lay neck, sinillar chart of a temperate man. 13right's Disease -a. disease vvhich mitny Bottle of she he affection she prises. Could. ewell Loadon hotels. She must be a down my shoulders and arms • and that the child at.a very Wonsan of reffinentent and .eharining through my body.,Tn fact I had. pains know rly age -1s distinctly aware of this manner and must.be able to cosivp For each picture a •prie,e of 't Thysicians claim is 'incurable. • thousand francs is announced, th'. Mr. Aikens found a -cure, however. meritorious pictures to pass into tb S Orosession of the government, .4) be s's'eno. so important does he riglitly deem his irecovery, that he has given the - eakness, . and despises it, she soul& fluen117 in at least four or gu. women plainly •see the awful. Mistake-shlanagesWhen foreign e Is guests at' the hotel, the ;manage eking. - • ., • places herself at their, disposal, att children love hest the mothers •th9 to all their wants, initiateethem are both firm and gentle, ;By a sort Englieh customs, is ready with -ad ct fr stb f of &stinging' muscular nature from e the back of my head to ' se. t • ,m toes. could feat bend my head forward if I got the whole of Canada to do o, and ' edsse when in bedtime only slight rest I got was with a large pillow under mY It: shoulders, thin letting my head hang backward. 1 could not get up, but • P ° had to roll or twist myself out of bed, _ court etiquette; ails tbera where t `b.s trie spine seemed to be effected. My of instinct the young ones seem to be aware of the true eelfishness that ao- buy whetever they hap,psn to want and medical adviser pronounced my trouble tua,tes the parents who battle' with goes • with them whenever they need neuralgia. and rheumatism combined, their early faults. It ie not the fool- her services. he has proved a vaius Which he said had gone through y ishiy indulgent mothers who win' the able Innovation and Ilim a added to the whole system. He prescribed for me, Warmest love from their giiis. It is continental popularity of the hotels but the medicine gave me to relief. I those who can temper justice with love. that employ:her. • . . tried various Other remedies but they Girls soon know whether the mother is . --,- - were of no avail. Believing my case swayed by selfishness or actuated by QUEEN'S MAIDS or nowon. 'to be hopeless I determined to start principles, and, with very few excep- for my home in Reeedale„, but the ;em- balm,. they follow in her steps. To be maid of honor to the queen is Could some of • the happy lovers and no very hard task; the dallei last for ringagoseI was compelled to abandon the a the train caused such terrible heppy husbands look batik through the three months-, , and' the emoluments trip at•Peterboroe where 1 -was laid years at the long and patient train- ing,. th loving 'sere, that has resat- amOu• t to Zi01) a year. Her majesty PP for three weeks, when X' _finally made a herculean effort and reached ed • m the complete realization of.their its 31 kind to her maids of honor', and. 1.1°n1e brightest dreams they would find in akessthe greatest Tinterest in their . As my mother Says, 1.1 looked like an ,old man of 90 years of age i them a guarantee for the futare. rairriage arrangements, furthaing when she saw Me struggling evIth the Girls who have not been spoiled , for oho aid of two heavy omits AO walk from over-indulge:flee and W110 hav een them to the best of her power , , rational holds the no* somewhat old-fashioned the eermage to the home.. At home X °es, are the idea that no winnan has c " , received every Possible attention and All those, suffering front Catarrl) •°L"P'Aueu and all the treatments that kind friends- 0 h'ai 't bl & can ba•ie. taught -to-'-take- sane, cal view of all lifeWcircumsta test lielpmeets that man Such a wee. is a delightral with her cultivated photo-lithagraphea una. '0°Ples-to" following statement regarding it, for 'placed in alt,. publ•c places and hails. sublictation, in the hope that other sta- tism ego, Sir John Burk, the famou A Belgtan newepapsr says that sonar te"reesuedfr. om Bright's -Disease will be , English professor, was lecturing te r "X could get no relief, no matter - London audience on tbe evils of- aleo what I used, nor which of our doctors holism. To imprese his hearers with treated me. I had suffered, with the consequences of too much indul Bright's Disease, for two years, and pence bi liquor. the' professor illum• had tried many remedies and wasted tnated two hugh charts showing at, many dollars in iiiy endeavors to re - outrage between the temperate mane . gain ray health,. When 1 was advised Osts isetientioti in,Clanede ter the ewe 01 einvegroohneszne ilipeteb defect. SA011611641 our, wrantged. CHUROWS AU •VOCE INSTITUTE, , • Pembrake It., Tor o Can a Centred • J.5 effelei • /.• •"STRATFORD, '0111.• Bed Ciarsterelal Muml as tin ProThwal enter newt unaloggie rim W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. T • • Superior To all otherm. Genn -proof olOth Four Dollars - • Coinplete. To be had only from .111; IROBRETS, 31 Queen 811, 15., Toront 0, Send Mame ter edronlar•and sample oioth before buying eleevrhers. • • stomach and the inehriate's. • 'o trY Dodes Kidney Pills,' I had no — A man 'with a decided abtossom" or. Axpeetation of receiving any benefit his nose etooa up‘and with the lectur __ rrom them. Ws permisatem walked. over •t -lite two sI tried them, howeyer, and soon charts, He regarded the dru-i-Fi ard'e had reason to be thankful that I did. stomach intently for a. mornerit, tine Before I had taken • a dozen" dose's I exclaimed, "Is that stipnosed to 100Is felt a change. for the better, and the like, my etornach it Ugh 1 How Ugly ' icontinued steadily 'until neprovement Goodnese t I can't stand this., without now I am as strong and healthy as a. drink," and be calmly . took tl, flasa war. Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills from his pocket and drank its content lid this for me." hefOse., the amazed audience. Dodd's 'Sidney Pills, the only unfail- SA.LVATION TO SIMPERERS FROs . 48aellir(Trifit)grgiEsCagtillniPtlyse:e7istkraelli3:11 • • ' CATARRH. six boxes $2.50 or sent, on reecipt of price, by The Dodds Medieine CO., ,Limited,'Toronto. e Br nc s. a e Throat, e., an empetheet rounded her iife until she be married, suggested, but X was constantly goinri who wish 'for an absolute mire, Sent' d and her The wedding presente atways include from had to, Woree. In Januclay, to"the undersigned for maniple bottle i ready syrnpathtes. She an enter into an Indian shawl Slut 4100 from the after 50!1Yy months of untold agony', their fannies preparation and n a er his outsidtroubles in t e battle of queee, and in •the future slie general' I deferminea to try Dr. Williama' Pink pre-naid. It le neither a snuff tor P life, and there is a fiber of strength e Y Pilla having tend so much in the news- wash. nor on ointinent, but a playsuit in her On which. he may safely lean tnthe gratnouele stand e as godmother to the papers of the great benefits received' remedy whiebt is carried by einem • day of distress, shauldsit come. first child; while no birthday is ever by' others from their use. To make aura aerie air to every part of the tbrott. allowed to pass by without sorneslittle of getting the genuine article T sent lungs 'and' nasal passages and fully • ' airect to the,Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. evarrented to tura. 'Address. N. C't Each maid of honor has her turn to at Brockville, for the Fills, hater tak- *Poison & Oo., kingston.eant. CHILDREN AND' COLDS. , •' go on duty. The mot trying part of flag f.Wo boxes I aotited it -slight im- judgment hes to be displayed in reads until r had faked twelve boxes al tee DEC'EXVED GIRL. In some households it id taken as a her work is reading theadaikeeteertere .proyement in my tondition whieh gave matter of course that during the Win- to the queen each morning. Great me emus encouragement and T kept on unremitting succession Of colds, win& h ing just what her Majesty Wants to though before I got through with the ed when else metaled old Gr itrox Poor Maud! She was cruelly cleceia tee months the children shall have an ear, and a clear, resonant ' '- voice end ,sixth t could go to, bed and enjoy a • Didn't he have any money? . render the littIe ones uncorafortable educated style of r' eading i a good night's rest, such as / heel not Plenty. of it; but sate has learned and exeeseively disagreeable to the non. Then U is very necesssaarneo (lb°. done for years. I never et any time that he is ten years younger than he ready waiting the que, ns pleasure fax njoyed better health than 1 nm doing seld he. we6'' epersons with whom they cense in con- her drive, aims as through force of air- :Cpreseint.. S' tact. nut this, state of affairs ill due ' • h ve cumstances she is very unpunctual, 'educed several friends tli take Pink ITS NAME IS morort: tee ignore/ice. The educated mother the meld in atteridanee may be caught pins for various troubles, and in each " local applications ars I heir &tenet mach the "The Penistone, Stockbridge. Hoy ,tiseased portion of the ear. There is only elle ince iny recovery a •.••••••• • PROGRESSIVE PEACE. We bave good tines at otte house along, before Christmas. Yon dol • Yeas the children try to please their :bother, and she trial to please ,,me. LISTEN TO THE GLEEFUL NEWS. • Custerner-lieally, now, are these eggs fresh. Grocer -Medea, if you will kindly -step uts to the telephone and tall up :dr farm, you Can hear the hens that laid those eggs still eackling. Deaftlese Cannot be cured • now. appreciatee that an influenza triPPing, which is an unpardonable case they have effected Dives. • an unnecessa4 adjlinet to her child s lend and Capeltown Expressi," and way to Cure deafness, and that la hY hid been kept waiting var. half asi dater:sent et tha. facts of my case end t I) e <arena Theristoeie Advertiser" of Vane. otV!'tirdigz4Vagtflat T ove is a vo un ery an or ,•wsaslsy, EceIetfe la, Oughtibridge, e , retie e que • persoilality, and that a chronio catarrh hour, but On the next d the qtteee trust that meta, others may fly reading e P e la is to fie avoided dil is any Other disease. : was. quite putietual, an a meseage this,, receive the bysesing that r have, the lath August last, in their reports on have a. rnMbling :rend or Imperfect hous - - of the Peniatorte Show speak of the et- mt. and when (Ole entireiLciceed, Deafness ie ^ CALVER 1"S Cambial -lc Dieinfootanass, Soaps,. Oint- ment, Tooth • Powders, etc. have been awarded nie medals- and diplomas :or superior excellence. Their regular use preve.t infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtata_k_ ouealy.• •Liste mailed free on application. • F. C. CALVERY-8c1C0., • pAANctigerig, ENGLAND. De tory stammerer Stammerers_ wean and will talk try. Iharsopent40;eare' etudy_o come and satisfy r_o_ emigres Neuritis • W TE, erechitht:19 fie., Toronto. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E p p•s FREE BOOKLET. • GRATEFUL -COMPORTING, • GUMS TO HEALTH. • . Pamphlet* and Samples of C ,A 3,1 aterial of our Steel Frame 0 0 Niagara Vapor Bath BREAKFASTeaSUPPER. sent to any address on • receipt of Amp. Thermometer Attachment and ' Vaporizer tiomptete. Agents Wanted for Beat Satins Bs in deaths'. The /110(11110 Naar B(111100., 37 Yonge St., "Toronta .a...---.... •-••• • • ElEALTII RESTORED WITHOUT it -16i; ME OttEXPENS te he MO Jr um. uniaCitED fall/MAWS, 1.41.11iNd. WERNER, hivsn, BLOOD, ebermatt. KIDNEYS, BRAIN and BRE &TR by 1111 BARBS's REVALENTA ADADIOA • j'y FOOD WIWI% IIILVEr3 INVALIDS and' CHILDILite and Alm Rears niece sfuliy In- !aut.+ whose' Alimente and Debility have re- stated all other tiestments. It disease whoa sti.!ll other Food fg rejected, ea,Yes 60 times its int 113 melamine. ss YEARS' INVARIABLE SUCCESS, 51.) 100,000 ANNUAL CURLS of CS:instill-. Niattehennt, Dyiipep da, Indigestion. C inUrIptima. Diabetes, Drnichitlit, Influenza, Coughtt. Asthma, Chsterrh, Phlegm, Diarrhea& Normal Debility, Sledpiesenee . DolSondeacty; P BARILY and Co. (Limited), 71 Regent- etteot, London, W., moo it) Perla 11 NM Castiglione. arid at all Go:leers, Chetntita.. and Stores everywhere. in tine Ea. 3a.. dd.. 0s,„ Sib. _14a. liont carriage free,. Also DC Reetaltal atIVALENTe BisCuiTs, tine le. ed. and 0.3. Hundreds of awe meets are now In user Tinware Absolutely Odorless,. Fire only required tBacti .110 weeks. For otrouler write 'Le THE ODOR1133 CREMPORY Hamilton, On • Baker's Adjustable Bedslcie Table • I Designed Especially for Hants C MfOrT.. Ito If:0'041er Sanitarium IS ooinplets without them. Thousands in use. • . trninrestlyindurted sod highly tecommeaded by the M Mica) Prat elision. Friona ottable o,riatroct. cd of steel Tubing, finished either is Black or Whitt, Behind, Nickel or Antkine Copper Plate Led is or Selected Oak nicely polite est Clothe need over bed, Mange., chair, eta A household tenets of treat, smelt Nd uti BeeoriptWo "fends*. end price list sent free upon application. Cionemondenee Limed, The W. B. • General Agents for Canada, Toronto, Ont • She takes precautions to prevent colds, ammo to her to that effect. The„fralltle 1,TAopura ilneeta run& kres.genen JT , and, if by some mischance, they come, t° get her walking clothesi to the above facts at Any time. ream& with Alberts' Tlsornas-e ,es reitult, and mikes the flammatipa enlo partly d hihit ofs swards brought from fiddle be N.. quickie -was one of the worst ten Mill* etoilittednitioount,athedarthintres twdin breverlirdoitren Ateartervinerl knows how to care for theiPatieet in ntes of the meld's Iler apologies . Phosphate POWder AS the moet•inter- lone cases mad ton are caused, by gitarrhi theee,arlie.r stages ,of the complaint, or were received in dead Silence, bur no • TWO BRIGHT GERMAN GIRLS. estingly attractiv• e thing on the show which le nothing but an inflamed con Olt 0 • and the dressed Portions show- " TV*" ei°1 illigievu:Oranceeslitindred Dollars for any tuitil Mich a tibia as she finds it tide fttrther mark of displeantire was vouca- The Stridee that the PictUre goat eard ed an astonishing development of clove rase of n,ittnestt (can-1,ed by catarrh) that ran- Erpeeeth atlendenee is ix: go to thee nanlia n'aking Europe is ar°fis visable to censult a: physician. But, above all, she believss in the precon- nueenat bedroom door at ties deaneta dertul, to slaY the least of it, and. a era, against ill -developed plants °utile not be mired by foreiren'Ars; free. t Catarrb 0810. scan undressed, portions. re. CIIENNY 14 CO., Tobille, 0. cure. ... ... , wait her arrival to attend her' to the erase has taken on the younger gen- . . _ COSTLY CARPETseed by tiraggiste. Sec. tion that is 0 estranger weapon then %our with a bouquet of flowers and I. funny instance of the hold this lieW tration in particular comes from the , In the treasure roam of the Maltara- Mall'a Faintly PHIS arethe befit, . . manettver district. Two young girls jah of Bernell is said to repose a car- •' LONGEVUX OF BALLET taxerns, were fortunate enough to have an opt. pet whieh COAL aloft -upon $1,000,0140. Xt ... A SUSPECTED MAN. must wear woolen net to his skin wrists, and ankles.. At night his is.'° etatuctician hats ban devoting • • with bouquets of Wild flowers, which Is ant); 10 feet by 4 feet in:sizes hut .' "When a married woman goes away and this weolenntust extend to neck, poittinity of presenting , the kaiser on a visit. end Comes horde earlier than sleeping. garments are aanam:eians hinitalf to a etude of .the eminent in hie irtajesty gracitnisleaccepted, saying is %%oven frorn strings of pure pearle, ehe intended, it is usuelly a sign that In the firet piaci, the small child. draWingeroom. iimi••••••11.1 this particular art. and his itive.stigae that they: would grace his dinner ta- with center and•conter articlea of dia. -.she loves her huskaid,. though some., — I r "th.feht • or tactical 'still,ble, evil* them forthwith into the monde. it required three years to times. she comas back to see if 8135 038 they aro Of knit. or woven material, Was seera to establish the fact that keeping of his adjutattt•oe duty, wile,' tn rhufacture this jewel of It carpet, Catch him at anythig. time -quarters wool and oneequarta, they are an ueu.sually long lived lot, in accords/me with etiquette. asked the which was intended as a gift to b. • The. famoas Carlotta, Grist ts living demoiselles what tavor thee Would' eke beautiful Mohatranedart belle. • cetton, These are to be brought ready . • Made, - and already shrunk, with now at the age of teventy-seven, and of hie majesty in tettirn for the balms i O Mena improvements that they a 8 ne. of the ballet dancers at the Opera tiful fleereasa Their request' WW1 aa very nearly perfect. Under the nig t- Paris ' 88venty; but he isa mart, amusing as it wee modest, nameite, drawers goat a shirt which cli ge Amelia, Ferraris itt still teaching dt the that the kaiser should More closer than does the larger out. age of seventy-eight in Paris, and seems them each a piettiett pont card lama Elide garment. 'Of eouree this shirt likely to continue that work Or tiOnati Jerusalem on the day of his entry is chanted for another in the days time to COMC, Fenny Essler was sere bite the 101, city. Woe. It •kitte be %veil to reniars in enty-foar when the dial, and Te.glioni Tomb*, that tliliOri ailltao, eh rt and - hes paese,d her eightieth year. Rotate drawers in one piece, are now made for 3/lattri, tha popular premiere at the ROYAL BACON AND UGGg. , children, and are vary conveniente . opera Ili retie, le over oar and hasWoolen stocking:5 are not 0, neceeszty. 1 member Of Queen Victoria's houses to talk of retiring Indeed,. Many mothers lied beg= they keep . hold says that bratletaat proper, as far the feet too moistao.nd (has tender the . POND OP trot/on. : , as the queen herself is cotesereetl, is Wearer eenlative toecola. • Milani he le not welly the properly Ragged Reubee-atrot would eer like nearly' the attees the year round, /t etniclueted Child will 01 out e'er? day ter be, Willie, if you wassn't a Matt consists of fried hassen, eggs, thin that tho weather is not netually In.. Weary Williee-One, of dose rare In. bread *ad butter and tea. Oceatsions elaxient, Theta, Catitinge lima not be mete wot de eoleralste preserve* in ally perridge finds a place on the a a length) thisetteter if the therrno •hol, Melte, but net eVerY day. 44444 410-04x: • FREE I For a Few Hours' woHir We give those Mau . - l Ms" taut Ii•emiutns for la inning our gold -topped, enamel -backed LEVEE . COLLIN ISETTOISIS at 10 ets each. NO DONEE RE4111111P.D, you run no risk. Write and we for- ward the buttona postpaid, and our prim list, whielreon. 7t)titins many articles besides those shown. here, such as Magic Lanterns, Tool Sots, Work Better, Manicure Sete, Motors, Printing Presses, Fountain Pens, Sterl- ing Slicer and Gold 001dEitifficr2Item Jewellery, etc.. rte. Sell the &Atone, retainers? monity,sa we send your premium* promptly and PEEK OF ALE CISAIAGES. 1(5. oriel Connote:deft If lPreterred. Oar TiOre Watch it or Ametleo ' make, handsome, durable Ind reliable, tsar tsars Watch is A NUN gem, Sales made, *dill and accurate. The Iltiley Air Met and Iteker'ss Skates WIdi S Dor. speak for themselnbe one Camerae MO of Wed model, warranted for time ortightning exposures. Int feet every -, anise we offer is thoroughly relish le, M Vi8 Aild it to ram FaNtth r, i 01+1'04 or Chao* I eh interest to beadle only whet we ean tee, ), lane, far WINO &Z. • "it "In" ig Poet* *eke *limns( Alta the 1)21" " W$Ilit* 1 Lever Butt on 0 Ir.' ntoId aunoas Returnable F tee, Naha ittakfttinto AI DallrAfrRfle !hold PO Charm, pi with 600 rounds •eciling .2 der. emnoinitIon, or par Boke's ore Hooey Siren with Screws fret for req?1,:t,2)..iftt I'Vfith Why. liTetch WO mid a 'WRITTEN 16110AILANTESI `4S ROW. or RelAson, Good r,;6.1t, y,, : —1 UL88 , toltOttri MO. Eafferp., Fit ri re Or St"- k" in der. •