HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-12, Page 5JANITARY 12, 1899. IWO Y ..-... ... ... . • sN•M ItA�+sel�' •• essi OF •• CHERRY BARK °cite BALSAM- FOR ALSAM- F't!N CODONS. COLDS .AND AU. AFFEC _O. THROAT AND WNW OF THE , We positively guarantee this preparation to dire or relieve. If itdoes not,give satisfactory results w will ill refund your money. We .. know the ingredients of .it, We .kti bw how •it acts, and.we know thesatisfaction it has given for - years and can , therefore confidently . recommend it. for any of ,.:the 00ire affections. Price •--2&-cent's -'a bottle from us only. S1�OHE JACKSON 'GRADUATE UGG1 s DU ST E • Successor toPhone 2. ALLEN :dt wis Soil. • M strncE5 Bargains MANY ' UP CLINTON ON NE .t r ,441, Ihrl \art M RD. The members and adherents of WIrigg ' hem Cor gregationelorhuroh hive loved. ° ed to ao. ept the arrangement advised • by the Church Coutlaji, which met here i a o,• oo t t A some t me. _ gg .A ardingi he Ileac THAN six months Rev. d', W. 00 1412 of Turn» berry will preach .here every Sabbath, morning and evening, and in Turnberry in the afternoon. Thia arrangement 1 has gone and we wish to thank will continue for six months, until the e rot nes mee ng me p our cutitomers for their age. We believe that having :ones Wdiugbam congregation will be disoues- Mr Gtoflxn will still reside in turn, liberal patron. rento, when the future. relations of the bought from us they will„come again burry, and 13owiok, for the prevent at t having satisfied themselves that our least, becomes a separate charge. - goods Portagela Prairie Daily Qraphie a q ods are just a$ represented increase of young 'WinRhamite, who to at present o i eeembee 19th thug refers to a former Duringl891i we expectan business and we shall do our best by visiting in Brussels. i•-=•ctTt A. Bail, left at to good workmanship and fair prices, to ' a eBrnd t eeelsoOda.s at bleb home there merit tt, and several months at least in the east, If your watch or clock has . been go- ' On Saturday evetiting.•atz,.nutxtber of itis whet intimate friende mncludiag his fag astray lining it to us and we will ,friends at time' -Lansdowne,' gave bin4 a do it good or if you want- anything in ' royal send-off with an "oyster supper good tune. It is now about d I f Silverware, 3'ewelr Watches, etc,' an general. rw , Y two •years.snce he•,came to town and Call and see our stook and • learn .our he has proved himself a young man of prices: many good qualities." -Where does the nineteebth century end? ' Most pebple,'answering off -bend, will say at the end ,of the year 1899, imagining that the new •century begins with .'1900. There is, of course, 100 years in a. ven- tury.;and 1900 years in nineteen center- les, so that' the present century does not end till the end of .nineteen hund- red, or two years from this,..New Years._ Tbe_first day of the twentieth century. ''will be Jan, 1at,.'1901.----,Verytbought- ful was .the act. of .the Zetiand farmers, who'presentee Rev. Wm.. Lowe with a load of oats as a Christmas .present.. -Mr. Geo. Ireland lett town Monday on a trip 'to Texan. It he finds the climate there beneficial to his health,. and business prospects• good, he 'nay WE. ARE' LEADERS IN OUR LINE •: iii WS P. B. CRE •• Jeweler and Espert Watch Repairer. •.ilia••••••• •e••••••••••• STILL GIVING `n N decide to reside there for the: future. �,RGAINS • Aboutone o'clock Saturday afternoon fire broke out in the dwelling over Jno, Hannah's store, Owing ' to the strong wind prevailing the fire Was hardto fight,but by the exoellent_svork:- of --the firemen wee got under control before it bad spread further than the, upper story, which was almost totally destroy- ed. The furniture and store were bad- ly damaged by water. The loss is near. ly covered by insurance, The fire, ore ginated from the chimney., Mensal', . Hensallltes are much conoerne d about . the contemplated removal d1. Bell's outshine works.. to Seaforth,' the latter town having offered :Mr, Bell a loan of $17,000,. to be paid in, twenty years without interest, or if he 50 de - Good, keen bi yers".look for special bargains ' at Christmas, and we have severalthet ought • to please them -well, 1•, a mon g iheIXLb.e'ln..._ 41. lbs. 25c Tea for......... $1 00 '4 Ibie-80c Tea, fare. 1 00 . 3 -lbs. 40e Test for., 1 00 • •, 28 lbs. Raisins for...,• 10•. a lb. Mustard' for . 8` . 1h. Mustard for,...,16: boxes Matches for.. ,. ` . ` 25. ; R five -cent bars Soap for25 • BestExeter Flour, perewt. 2 2 Chop Oats, per cwt... Y:: 1i Also Bran, Shorts: Chop, Oats and Peas-.---- eftMr,,. • W. DUNCAN Market 'Square. "W Winter Term Opens Jan, 3.'99 . O' D•.O �sTRATIi R, . x3T olds first place among the beat coin" me tialschcotsOntariori o• enjoys a large patronage.Have recently re- ceived ei ,fpplietations from businese eolllegrl our _graduates to teach in 'their schools. Board cheap Writs for beautiful WaJ)ELLIOTR' Principal. Ws MIA.VKVV'...,w...:.:..x,:. ARRNTR,PUR. L NTON INT. Through tickets issued to ail pointe in AND 1VI,AM��TOBA A THE ORTH-WES Baggage .check d through, vs* all Information in r Terence to travel con.. , suit the above.: t itie•� .�L. - .e _i rr 1 �' .- ti :.,i8 '--PA LrS .. " 'rt 141311 to;E Mi NAGE/481.1T ,alztending frets the & tlantki Seaboard to Chicago end'Hilwankse . THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR. ROUTE TKE GREAT/TOURIST LINE valIt, Wrote. New York, bingten and all Principal th, and try its connections it aclpal Points le the Western aeifio •coast.' 'hrough Tickets to all Foreign Pointe. Fort ilt a it'1Ptire Guides, Time Table& eta. .s Ageat* G. TI.,: Rystent. e A. . P. A.. Toronto To gketara Phiiadeohikki, j points in tba yeeeb 's r1T, Afsts do .e . elect. a suit-' It $ tics alwags easy to s able gift; but in our stock yoaa'll. find -your problem easily solved. • We have numerous pretty and use- ful gifts, any of which . would ,prove Most acceptable to your friends. Our stock contains the things 'you want at prices thatwill enable you to buy them. . We are better supplied now than we may be later on: . a , (I.'Ir.$. A to Chilton. gadget*, I.TrTia�tet t ntar. ' Town jj :r,own i� Ja BP PUZZLE. t 1 '2 8 4 5 8 7 a (► 10 11 12 18 14 15' 10 T �4 �l,Y Come in and. Make -a Selection and we will lay it away for you. Gents' Watches $4 and up. ..i . Ladies' Watches $4 and up, Ladies' Long Chains $1.75 and up. Girlti' Solid Gold Icings 75c and up. Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold Rings, including a large selection. of Opals, $1.50'•and up. Gold and Gold Filled . Spectacles $3 arilup: ,. .. Brooches, Stick Pins, Tto Pins, Cuff _. Links, Chain Bracelets, •etc., at prices which defy competition. - Clocks of all descriptions $1 and up. Large stock of 8iluer rare • . NoueItiesr:Etc, We Will Please Yon J. Grigg Buttes/int to S. Biddlecombe, HARVARD MALE QUART SerellBod EnTR. STONE t -• . Tenors Leister Bartlet ' ; B, Phillips s. L Thomas sires, $540 a year into the oinking g fund, the interesten these annual .pay - menta to be allowed }rim. A. meeting ofcitizens-: was •held to- consider -the matter and after conaidereble. discus- sion t was decided to await. 'develop- wants developwants and see what Seaforth , will do. The general opinion was that the vil- lage il-1age would give Mr. Bell a loan of say $5000 rather than•loose him, but 'could. not equal : Seaforth's oder. The Ob- server voices the situation here in the following editorial paragraph :--"The town of Seaforth is, from a business • point of view, apparently in. desperate straits. Not satisfied with the indus- tries eiitablished there, they are trying to buy up those of .their neighbors. Were Eensall to offer for loah Broad - foot h Box fifty thousand to movetheir works here, it would eat Seaforth wild° _ and we would be denounced as thieves. and robbers. Mr. Bell has a perfect right to accept Seaforthrs ..offer' and would be foolish to refuse such a good thfng,,yet Seaforthpeople would talk; differently were the; situation reversed. " --iJoe PTorria, who was visiting his relatives here recently, had rather a close call. Ile WAS taking :medicine and by :mistake drank a mouthful of carbolic acid. Fe noticed bis miatake as soon asthesubstance entered bis mouth and spat it ,out, but his 'lips and the inside • of • hie mouth -were badly will -e effects burned asci hew fee ' 1 1 th - for some time. -Wednesday week a very ence lra event took lace at the residence of the bride, in pStanley, when Miss 13elen Johnston became the happy viife of Geo. A. Pollock of .Hay, near Drysdale. The Rev. S. Acheson tied. the nuptial knot. . lfth. For Over Fifty Veit* Aflae, Welt•*toss's Sooxrterta Shoup has bees used by millions of mother* for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sneering and crying with train' of Cuttingg Teeth sand at once and get a bottle of "Mos Wlnslow's sooth- ing alyrtip for Child re,t TeatI.... It will re eredittou.. Mier Ida Winer who has' been visiting friends in Winnipeg Man., • the past year returned home last Monday. -- Mr. and Mrs.. John 'Voelkes ofEllcton Michigan are visiting friends hem, - Mr. and Mrs. Israel Smith and family of Exeter, spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs, .1.Y Eilber here, --,-The Misses Clemens of Winchelsea, were tile gueata'of Mr, and Mrs. M. Winer, jr. the past week. .--- Junior cantata given by the Alliance and the choir of the German ohurob, Saturday evening was a grand n d auce ,Phe little kaki did their part exceedingly -well which reflects great T.alae on the management committee. he im.terior was beautifully decorated with bells, evergreens, eta. The re, ceipte at the door amounted to about' t40. ----Mr's. Shelton of Detroit is.vie- icing. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 'I'revethlck.=--•The election resulted in giving A. Sweitzer, Hy. Wil,. lert rind Wni. Yearley the councillor- ship. ouncillor-ship. , • Beverthe>tourlittdesufferer irtrtnedfately, be- pond�►• i n•ft,'Mothers,therelenorniistakeabout ' -bite lxy'f tlt wavy tobacco it. It cures Dfarrhaea regulates the Stomach' and bowels, wino es to re wisp r ER, � v'wi nl an , . *twit so ta.t4 d efttt a p ri•ptimtt t,+t nn lila arra *poet otos or wig WO a e s, o',me* n Colic, teflon* the the figures; in the hot Gums redncesinflatnntatto a t tc at nil Imes do CP" t° i Oren teething ayo1 sorrier' to will of the oldeet nd beet tenial' seta e a 1 phrrel nt nd la fir "me suet tJ itnd Rtatee. 'rice twos y es, ccente a bottl a wSold by r&1 nr gggteta throatght 'wiatrar oWW'8 ficorig IlfHe p mon*. ask for "Mite Sheldoten POPallar Bonks. Atopy of tberiplendid',tory entitled "Overcorniag the World,•' bis Gsaatss h2. Saii1nox, author of "In His Steps," "The Redemption of Freetown,'" etc., has been sent to us by The Poole Printing Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Thiatetory is interesting alike to old and young, and has a powerful influence in the moulding of character. Dr. Her- tick Johnston, who stands Among: the very foremost of religious leaders, ways r "I have read -Overcoming the World' with gonulus interest. It is a bit of more heroism that the world wants i ucknow. Mr, Alen.1)„ Pa On, of British Col- umbla, and eon of Mr. Alen. 1'atereon, Huron, arrived home •last week. Ire, was Wedded on. Wednesday afternoon to ;Mies Bower*, or Huron township, and on Thursday morning last the happy oouple left by early train for their was. tern home a000mpauied by the good. wishes of their hoot at friends, Mr. Paterson bite charge of a large ranching farm at Ladner's Landing, B, C,• ----et young man named Mabaffy, a divinity otudent of Mopill College, Montreal, and who was spending a few days with friende, in Kinloss, had his leg badly brolten on Friday last, while being dri- ven to' the station in Luoknow, In •turning off the road to pass a lead of saw logs, the gutter was up.set and in the fall the young man had his leg bro- ken. =..--An,entertainment will be held in the Publle Hall, St. Helene, on Fri, day ..evening,. January: 13th, for the benefit, of the Public . Library, whena good programme will be presented,. The W. 0, T, IL are preparing a box ofclothing inandliterature t e oh am- i forl h g bermen in tbe Bruce Peninsula` and askall who can (members and otbers) til Bend paroela by the 12th of January, to Mrs, Bryan, President, • May Township. The following, is the result of the, -municipal election a -Reeve-A. G. Eli. nes 432, R. Turnbull 323. Cpunoillors-- Peter Lamont 432, William Consist 337, William Stalk 293, W. B. Battler 281, James Bonbhron 210, Alexander.Tboelp',. son 229,' Wiiliam Snell. 203 John, g; Goetz 150. The council of .1899 will thus consist of Ebnes, Lamont, Coiiitt, Stalk, Ba°atler;. • .rahorne. • The old council will continue' to transact the public business of Usborne for yet another:: year. The vote for county councillors in this municipality stood-Molnnes 471, Rollins 209, Del - bridge 382. ,l t lilekilflol►, ' . • Mr. ,,Morrison was elected reeve by acclamation, but there were nine candi- dates in the field for. the council. The result_vias as follows, the first four ,bee ing . successful --James O'Laughlin .355, Joseph C. Morrison 830, Alexander Gardiner ' 316, John G. Grieye 282, Brown 202,' aovenlock' 160, Ryan, • 157, Bushfield 134, ;Adams 7l • East W awanesh. ',The vote for the 'municipal council -stood as follows :-Reeve-M, Look-` hart 2e Walter 2 , W it r. Scott 161. Ctiunaillore T. • Currie 248, John' McCallii fie 246,A. B. Carr 222, J. E. Ellis 208i Charles Campbell' 165. : ' West Wawanosli. The Councillors for Nest Wawano0h for 1899, • are as • follows :-Wm... Me... Quillen 230, Chas, Taylor. 186, ,Patrick O'Connor 215, John'Thompson 192: Deere .foe Gibson elected. by acolama- • , s Norris. Mr. Iabister has been elected reeve defeating Mr. Kirkby by a vote of .343 to 292. For' oounoiilora.tbe first four are the chosen: -Code, 439, Cardiff 395. Jackson 283, Shaw 249, Taylor 239, Duff 235. 4.0.4440.44444.40.00. Tuckersndth. Mr. .Tamea'Paterson has teen elected. reeve,. defeating Mr. Peter McKay by a majority of 42. The vote standing- Paterson 252, MoKar:21O. For count eillors the vote stood John Aikenhead 174, Peter Clary 242, Wm.. Chapman ars 186, John McCloy 227, George Turner Ashfe!'d. Samuel book and- Richardeba r a _ a .)i• PI' to , employees of T. Eaton & Co,, Tor- onto, are home enjoying their holi- days. • ' • The polling. division Na. 8. .gave Chanibera 115, votes 'for the county counoi . It wee a tight poll between Holt and Young. • Blit Offer To the Ikea This Paper. • [Eec MeiIIeiiI Advlce Do you understand last what Dr.. (j!; 47oys medicines will do for your r they helping you es fast as you think they ought? Write to our .doctor. He r,it1, answer 'ell questions, and give . you this best medical advice, abselutely free. Address the Z. Cl. Ayer Co., Newell, Martin AIAR1RUA E,S. litinnoWs•-,RARvvre.• Cri Monday,Jan. r, 2nd, at the residence of the bride's pparents, 804 Talbot street, London, by the Rev. J. V. Smith, D, D., Elizabeth Harvey, daughter of Alexander flaryey,Esq.; toFrancis ..Tames es a Burrows, M.D. Seaforth. or S t. h Ste I o M E II H G} � R T -•- � ALB AI 8. t the A LEFT OVERS , We hive done a large businesa during the Holiday season :and imve very few "left, overs" Vora add ,3 the 'trucio 'These few things P,V,6QZ'j'.,y.., til".e llt.ice andwe '.+ !/!�y .,.� are. cutting the -�4 price, away down. Do you need • anything in 1+'onvy Tables, Fancy- Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Music Cabinets or �Tusic Racks. If so just drop ill J p and see what we have to offer you.. UNDERTAKING residence of the brides father, Sts Our stock. in this department. is complete. Our Hearses Marys, on Wednesday, Dec. 4th, by 'Rev, T, A. Cosgrove, F. G. are the best -in the court s r m r ofcounty. Our prices areaslow as thelowest. G i geou Stratford, to Agnes, BROAD Fater, BOX & CO. daughter of John. Galbraith. FITZSIMMoNs°-MITaivELL,*At the rest dence , of the bride's parents. St.- ' Marys, by Rev. • A. Grant, • 'Chas.1 W. Fitzsimmons ''to Josephine, daughter of Adam 114itoliell. BELL--SmeANE.--On the . 21st Dec., by • the Rev J. L. Murray, D. D., at the residence' of the bride's parents, 7�urniture beaters arac1 Unciortni ers Jr,. chi; -- AlbertBell.of Walkerton'tq' Miss # • Lucy Emma Sheane, daughter of Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of Our George Sheane, Esq., of. the south ' line, 'tncardine'townehr Funeral Director, .1, W, Chtdie ';`Kms' Vit, o tisite Foundry. MCLtAREN-ARMSTRONG.-On Wednes- y ' # pp y day, Dec. 28th,' at the residence;. of ' • the Wide's father, by Rev. George Baker.. Charles . R.. 'McLaren of Manitoba to Georgina 1R. Arm- strong of Kincardine towihtship, Huaries---ZAvrrz,-At the residence of • the. bride's mothem, Ailsa Craig, on Wednesday, Dec. 2$i h, by Rev.. J. Coutts, Ed. Hughes to'Ida May Zavite. MOALLIBTBA-j.V10ALLIBTER..--- At, the residence "'of the bride's -parents, Hay, on Dee. 28th, by, Rev. S. Ach- eson, W. T. McAllister of Grey to Miss Janet McAllister' of Hal'. KINOSWELL-,000L-On the SSW Dec., • at the resident e of the brides. parents,. Walter Kingswell of New- ark,. county of Oxford, Ont.,'to Miss Rachel 'Cook, daughter' of Joseph Cook, Esq., of Point Farm, Colborne, county of Huron; FtOBERTBON-RoNNENBERG.- At the Presbyterian manse, Mitchell, 'oil -Wednesday, 4th inst., by.the Rev. W A. ;Bradley, B. A., George H: .' o'ilertsoon to Louise Ronnenberg, all• of'LY gap•.. .• BROWN-BYERS.-At the.Presbyterian manse, Mitchell, on.. Wednesday,. 4th hist., by the Rev, -W. A. Brad' e Miles Brawn ley, , sown of'Logan to Susie,daughter_ _ of Wm. Byers of. MitekelL Muiucut-Gilts.---At the' residence of, the bride's father on the 13th con- cession of Howick, by the Rev. A. B. Dobson, on• Wednesday, Dec. '28th, W. A. Murkar of Saugeen to Miss Rebecca, daughter of William Giles. A LETBIIRN-STKE.--In Logan, on. the 4th,inst., at the hometot:tbebride's parents, by Rev. W, A.. Bradley, Matilda Sykes to John £,eyburn,\ both of Logan. i . : POLLooK-TOHNBToN. At the rest- dence of the bride's parents, : on Jan. 4th, by Rev. S. Acheson,, George A. Pollock of Hay to Miss Ellen. Johnston of.Stanleyy, HELRN-W8BBTER-In Asbtfeid Jan. 3rd, by Rev. E. (Meant at the.resi- dence. of the` • bride's father, Mr. Joseph•Helen to Miss Jennet Web- ster. t7ZELL-WEBSTEx,--In Asbfleld, 28th Dec,, by. Rev. E. Oiivant at the residence of the bride's. father. Mr. Peter Uzell,: Kinloss, to ' Miss Mary Jane Webster. ' BIRTHS. Lbws. --In W ingbam, on January 2nd, the wife of Rev. W. Lowe of a daughter.. • GRAY. -In Wingham, on Dec. 26t' -r, the wife of Mr.•W.. G. Gray of a MABON. At the osppital, Stratford, on January 3rd, • R . Barry E. and Mrs.Mason 1. still s ml barn... ) G ovEs.--:In Lower Wingham,���on Jan. 5th, the wife.....ofMr. Robert Groves of a son. Loolcltxnotn.-In Lower Wingham, on Dec. 30th, the wife of lir. James Lockridge of a daughter. .-In Cuirass, on Jan. 3rd, the wi - of Mr.' Alex. McKay of . a daughter. I1INsoN.-In Turnberry on Dec. 28th, the wife of Mr•.Janrea Robinson of a daughter-. Pots isD.-At Ethel, on Dec. 28th, the wife of Mr. G. W. Pollard of a son. Onics.-ln Brussels, on Jan. 3rd, the Wife of Mr. W. A. Crich. of a. daughter. CART/M.-In Olandeboye, on Jan, 4th, the wife of Mr. James Carter of a -daughter. To'vN.--lir Wingham, on Jan, 3rd the wife of Mr. George Town of a' son. GLAZIER; --At the Exchange Hotel; Dunlop; on Dec. 22nd- the wife of Mr. Wiliam Glazier of a son. Lo0lts&tt.'r.-1n Lower Wingghair, on Dec. 30th, Mrs. Jas. Lockhart of a daughter.. , WILLIE,--Tn Seaforth, on. Dec. 27th, the wife of Mr. W. R• Willis of a SOn. ( u mese--In Blyth, on January 8rd, , the wife of lasses' Owning of a daughter, DEAtTH0i. The publ1sherti of Tae Home, being desiromeof further introducing their journal, make the following offers. Offer No. 1.-15 Complete Novelettes by such authors as Mrs.. Southworth, Charlotte M. Brume, Conan Doyle, IEaggiird, etc. Offer ..No. 2. -Fancy Work Book, 100 illustrations, Teaches ra oWd Work. D w sir Cuto H nI n and , fd Battenburg Embroidery, ail the latest stitches with Alphabet for embroider+• log. Offer; No. 3.---A 1!amily Cook Book. 64 pages, over 700, reoelpes. Take notice... --A choice of one of the shove :offers .and Tax Noma three months, with Stories, • Fashions, Fanny Worjt'and Domeatie Topics, sent for only 10 cents.. All three :offers and 'Inz Molle 3 months pent for 25 cents. Send to THE ' HOME PUBLISHING Cp,,141 Milli St., Boston, Masa,- - asa,- BEGINNING THE' YEAR 'Willi pure, rich, healthy blond, *Alias ' maye had akin Dods Samar', b u b t ii S rs aaril you will not need to fear attacks of pneumonia, bronchitis, fevers, colds or the grip. A few bottles of this greattonicand. blood. purifier, taken now, will be your best protection againat erring hurnors, both:, eruptions, which a weak ar•d debilitated system is especially liable in early spring: Hood's Sarsaparilla etadicates from the blood all sciofitla:taints, tones and stren�itheca the stomach, cnresdyspep. me r0elinmatistu, catarrh and every au - m o mens caused or promoted by impure more of." Xn paper covers, 25.cents; or depleted blood. extrafne cloth binding, 50 cents. For t attire fee TNT and Serious illness, to sate by all dealers, or sent by the putr- is n t price. be sent postpaid for $1.00 b suppose that there te, no other- kind y sending but WO have in. mind a. notable example to The Poole Printing Co., Limited, 28 end 30' Melinda street, Toronto, Ont. of a. great newspaper which' is never dull, iii always bright, newsy, up -Us, date and clean,. and yet la never 'teen. national." - Buffalo Ex h It will be a loss of time and ' UeA,1t11r money to be stricken with serious Ill• PERSISTENCE OD'I'tES.-The moat neen. Tele Hood's Sarsaparilla and chronic ease of Dyspepsia or Indig'es- your blood. In hitt wit +rt , 1• Indira, germs of dieeatee will be expelled, seek- power of D. vols' man's. Pineapple T . We mean your heart. Kist' it: with a weak stroke. ticotte Emulsion feeds the blood, 11 makes the heart beat irtro'nggeetr', and greatly_ improves the eirenlatton,-°-Sal by Watts & 0o. • Hebei* postpaid d receipt of p . e rt A good deal is being said about the Or any mix books in paper doves will sensational newspaper. Use would SIMPBON.-1n Seaforth,.. on,, .Dec.. 80th, a Simpson, ' C ar ea Esmond Si. CI it ` accountant f the Canadian Ban of Commerce, aget1,49 years and 6 months. • •MILLER ---In Seaforth, otl.lanuary 2nd,. Isaac Miller aged la years and 2 • rnonths. MITCUELL.-In Cranbrook,' on Dec. • 29th, Alfred Cyritl, son.of J. J. Mitchell, aged 10 years, 0 months and 0days.. ELr.IOTT. In' Wingbarn town plot. pe Jan. lat, Margaret, beloved wife of Thomas G. ged 05 years, - 10 menthe and h Elliott,days. Dec. IIENNESSY. Y As field , on. e27th, Elizabeth Flynn, relict of the late John: Hennessy,aged 81.years, PAtls.- In Goderich, on Dec. 81st, e' Thomas Orvill' Page, youngest son of Thomas' and Margaret Page, 1 aged 1 year, In Ooderich, onnJan, 0 44th` tI MElizabeth, daughter of Mr. and rs.=David='Sprooui, aged 2 years and 20 da s. SatAT.L.-In' Biuevale, on Jan, 2nd, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Small of Forest, Aged 5 months. .w Ariii►.rr, At Cromarty, on ,fate. 2nd,' Anthony Allan•, aged 68 yeas 'rot/It BEST lb/TERMS STS", We mean The Illustrated Will be served, by . making sure of preaa, purify y t y all tion will succumb to thealthea ng LOOK OUT FOR Dalt E14GIN`E, our' health will be preserved. Ie'nt cat discovelw has done for the thou4 HOOD'S PILLS are the only illa to : One Tablet will relieve- and pools, take with .Hood'e Sarsaparilla, Price . tads* will cure. 86 cents. --laid by & 25 cent*, Watts Co.. ms neand suffering will be avoided, and ablets. What this 'wonderful moll hit a wise course? sands of roclaitned bootees, bolplese stoma h invalid it can do for you strong, - Don't let it flutter or at • 0 "'Our preparations for -the` holiday trade are now very omplete in every department We are makin' it deo'dedly to your advanr tage to do your holiday shopping with us 'by Marking;. all classes of goods - at very close prices, including Linen..an, ..bilk Handkerchiefs Ladies' and Gents' Kid :Gloves Ga is Ties ki Table Napkins e p a k ns Table iCloths with , �, . 21:t ch � ' .. m cit Fur Capes... arid. Ca' erines p Plain and Fancy Silks Black and Colored Dress Goods I TON Cl N H WILL '1`1`3.E?.: For every cash purchase amounting to Ona Dollar you'aro entitled. to choose your condi - Mate in the approaching election for the House of Commons and guess the member of votes be will poll in West Huron. We oitera beautiful Dinner St.t of 57 pieces, value $10, to the person who. cannarno the successful. candidate and guess the nearest to the number of votes Roiled for dhim -in the riding This competition ciosep.at 5 p.m, on election day, The official returns wise ecide. The Set of Dishes' is on exhibition in our north windoW. New Fruit, Raisins, Choice 'Blue Fruit, Selected `Sralonrias, Sultanas, Extrti cleaned 'Currants, Figs, Dates, eta. New Nuts --Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts. Cross & Biaokwell's Peels Lemon, Orange and. Citron, Puro.Spices and Flavoring ifxtracts. , Finest Teas and Fragrant Coffees. • Dater and Elms talion ! rp��- /�1 ane as cash. Call and get yoUrholt- • N R RSO S,CASR GROCERY day supplies. s O EARPF]R'S OVND TABLE Be* Mueroo da sC,A m! Cycu e during 4899 will be devoted to,Fiction. Travel. and Sport', and will be' the best ail.around boys paper published. 1 TWO SERIAL STORIES 1 “Forward, March 1" Oaviix 'Hamilton' By KIRK hIIINRO1s .By MOLLY BLi iOT, SEAWEL'L 1 iso stoty ofCrayounghero with Roose- is a story of the time of King • vale's Rough Riders.Frederick the Creat. Some SHORT STORIES. e, . SCOUTING ON THE PLAINS • AN EXCHANGE of SHIP▪ S • 1 Icy �' BV:PAI O ;Bei L'r By Grtoaoa E. Virmmt WOLVES vr. DISCIPLINE, TIRE GUNSHOT MINE ( By Hallo,r W. Frscusrt By Cttwxtss' F. LgiiMis ADANDY1 JL s,N si.ter : THE I-XINsotiiALUD TREASURE -SHIP •. STORIES, O} THE WAR ( Tune stories are founded on (net, and in many cases Are _Jha actusl eiperi:. ) ence of the' authors, - THE RESCUE OP REDWAY CRUISiNii WITH DEW'EY BY Ntt B W'W o I Rot .n mtwrtTrN Y B lissom. Y A SCARED FIGHTER BILLY 011 BATTERY B. By W. J. Hatoesssorr By COLtlA3aBAksw �..'•A WAR CORRESPONDENT AFLOAT lIy CAttaTON T. CttAPNtAN WITH. CAPRON AT Et CANEY ny nerceYa C, ita:l oses ` ARTICLES ON SPORT, AND TRAVEL hese artisicewill be of especial interest to every live and'energetic boy who• AN FISHERMAN ARCTIC WAYFARERS C 1 ALASK By.IC. C. JBROnts By CYxus C. ADAMS ART OF FX.Y-FISHING T'WO-FOOTED PIGURE-SItATINO By E. C, KRNT . 13y W. G. vM T.SIiTPirwrt TREE-'foP CLUB-HOUSUS.1 MOTO.E P(ff.G .'.. D Bt iIyIJAN. BSS 1'AB%S . 'thFJ AMURA CLIiH " • - TH.. notTOR STAMPS AND COINS PROBLBMA AND PtixxLt3S All will reeeiveattemion each month In doe ROUND TABLE IO Cents',t Copy s,rbscripllorr, it 00 a' Yea AAdrese 1IARRPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York, N. V. Melly lithos Selw'ett • CLINTON MA1iKET ItEPO1tTS. lotres adventure and out -door sport.. • BUTTER ERRS• afternoon. (Corrected Wier* Wednesday t l Fail Wheat ............. 70 to. '71 , Goose Wheat.. - 60.10 65 We want ail the Batter and i gge we can get for which we will pay Yr.Y..Y......Y...., . 0 27 to 0, 45 the blithest market price. IJats•....,.• .. +r., 0.27° to 0 28 Peas sYYYYYYY.... 6` 63 40 0 65 Rye. ,.......••r..b>. ,1 ,,...,. 0 8O to 0 35 P tatoes, per bush, new... 0 40' to 00 40 Butter loose in basket..., y0' 12 to 0 la Butter in: tub',.......». .. if 12 to O 13 0 15 C 0 C 16 Ra• ge per Osis,•„#,p..••Yr.Y., y.� .,f. 5, 5.0 to 6 000- Llvellegs:r,r,•.,r.r.il„A to to 400 Pork per ## 00 to 600 Dried Applea per lb ' Y • '0 03Jjto 0 44 'Dunks, per lb.. .r,.... 0 05 to 0 06 Turkeys per lb.', Y,....••... 0 '07 to 0,08 *Geese' per 1b, r>,,,•.,..,.•. . 0 05 to 0 06 Chickens per ai Y.,Y..Y.,.r, 0 30 to 0 35 p r GVool,,..... ,Y.,Y,..r•,.r,.r.,nr 0 16 sO 0 16 q 5. Flout U\ per Cw�., ... ,, ,,. FY. .1: 00to The city of Montreal hill to tet rte. p-artmen 1 stores will he opporte�M d���� its the Queb o Legislature by Iientry'- gan -tit. OROCEftIES Our ..stock of Groceries; is (NA, well -assorted and having been bought to sell is being sold at prr- cess that will soonclear it off the shelves. TRY US,, O. OLSON, TON n .epptdenMic of grip has broken out to an alttrining extent among the fine horses of J ntuckr. .';Thotwirgbbr de pecially suffer g.