HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-12, Page 2LIIE ORM:WU OF 110:01 RKV, DK TALOIAOE ADVOCATES A FREE , . " 113* it Kept Feet) Wee 'Worldly enter. prise t -The Scriptural Nee on the enbjeet-ehe Free chureit is the ftely **radical Common -Souse Made -settee Appeal to Art meets. er the community A desPateh frera Weehingtort says; Rev. Dr. Talmage preached frora the followine text • " The rich and peer e • ;fleet together; the I.ord is the 1Vealter of them all." -Proverbs xxii., 2. No one' class in a ccearaunity is inde- pendent of .the other classes. That ito not a healthlul pondition of sootety.in which, Mee sitatul aloof froni each, oth• , ye II:Ye itept. to him that weareth t lee e •Y au I. say unto lune i, eV' th here In a good place, marl say 1 to tb, ewe eeteal thou there, or sit lien under my 'foot:ewe " are y3 not thu pyttet in yourselves, and are be- come judges aceseavel t hough ts ?" Oh, how diffeient it would be in all our churches, if, bestead a having them eapparted by a few men, we could have tho great masses a tbe people bring their raites luta the Lord's treasury. I argue; farther, in behalf a lfrfr Chureh, because think it is the ()MY practical common -Anise mode for oitY evangelization, Tee Ceara has tried scores of ways. We have gone out with tracts ai3d with...our °Biblee and reli- er. Thet is a better state when pea- Ple, moving in different circles; at some time come upon a common plat - forth, What is -true, in the world is true in tbe church: " the rich and the poor Might to meet together ; the Lord is the Maker of them all." I do not think that the Church of °twilit has kept pace with- the enterprise of the world, Some, Years ago, it took a long „ time to make a- nate The blacksmith would take the bar of iron, thrust it . into the hot teoeltt, move the bellows, gioue beeks, ataong the people in the destitute parts of the Pity. Soule have refused to take them, Some have burned them up. Some have read them and tried to 'reform; but as long as we leaee them down araidat the evil influenees by which they are surround- ed, and•do not bring Ilum into some Christian chureh-if you reform them fifty timeveifty times, thay will be eureforreete In other words, leers is a man down by the. marshes with chills aed feeer.. The physician comes and. MOO hirct quinine and stove the chills; but just as long ;s• that man continues tellers down by the swamps, he will be subjected to the same ailment. Bring him out on the bill -top, where thlts et- mosphere is clear, if eou want him to be permanently restored. Now, I say of those peeple. who live in the slums of city destitution, as long as you leave the th will fall into •their bring the iron out on the anvil, smite old ens; bet if. you bring t em nails It was a long end tedious pro- church, then you may hope for thfax • it rises hp, h into litaiideouletthtee fkedncelel esittier 184101 !eta; not believe in.tbe principal of it. In other words, our .naeneyee awn der not i te se p p f`W 11Street applied to the chereh of God, When I saY 0, rich Mate, I mean a man _who has tee:hes-not a man Nebo has gained a little money and who is very iineloull lest be cen not sufficently displey It --but I Mean a man who has e fortune, who masters it, and who has not al, lowed his fortune to master him. When you 4031 tbrow open the churches of the living OW as free ehurches, then I vvtant to tell you that the_ gold: and the silver, and the myrrh, and the frankincense will come down to the feet of Jesus. I am in favor Of a Free C'hureli; -ter- ther, because ell the Providential Ein- •dieatiens, so far as we eire concerned, are in that direction. It has been the all -absorbing prinelpie in My soul ever since I entered the ministry, It was the thieg that brought me to this city. $ had a comfortable home in Phila- delphia, but this wen a gospel principle I thought I wou.ld, like to see tried. ,T caul° here, and a so haPpened that all the people who ga•thera around me were 9f the same opinion, and so we haee been ueanimous, We were unani- moils TA the style a the new church, and xtbout the architecture of thl. seeond. We 'were unanemous abou having it•free, When ye were burne down we were unanirnoua about recon- struction, and the principle we' develop-, ed in the old church we will try to de- Velop In the new, 'Where the old Tab - erode stopPed when it burned deivn, it, cleave it, round it, fashion it bath tha healthy atmoriphere of 'a Christian the new Tabernadle will begin when • e eminent reformation. If yolk min Having seen tbe frank, sympathetic of nails are showered upon the froor cross, and yonder is Ex free. he.aeep," compattiotes when. they and I htave ose w o ineited e es- into Wine' When -thee saw this mir- ge en the other ales ot the world. le 'came in late, he lost ,bis a road to the ma of GaIllee,•built lip,. recor e Y e evange ist as denoting his wonder. at tke even , on a terraced hill wilich slopee towaed not knowine the cause, But tee worda tom an English provincial port, h ta two young men were shipped as orein- Minutes. "i'll make them." w -e-' had been plunged for the taste twenty' the setting sun. Its preseet nante..is are often .applied with a symbolical ary seamen. On arrival at the Anti- -- be iecidental• signifienuace in the faa the ift t me"nYto.11.1;• Inhy, ityoclIr„ezeiteefdrat:nainshy: Kefr Kenna. There naay cse may pot: meaning oe whith they are capable, to podes they asked for arid received their be t ed b Cirri t cethe---" the ceokery book tn 0 . THE .SUNDAT 'SCff0010 '4°"411 7 elleirM4n: Tbe B'enlane e and Gree s iselected .such "'ruler" by the theowing of dice. It might: readilY INTERNATIONAL LESSON JAN $6 bel Pert et °Mee to 'taste -the w before it Was offered to tha guestie But there la some doubt " (VW@ First Straw.", John R. 1 whether thia "governor" wee not 0. co. a le adventuree of Meld jainee ,, in Gerfield McKinley, otherwifte Miss Reeled bread end butter and cake, MININE SOLDIEM A RECIPE FOR SCONES, view or the recent as:voila In tbe "It's our 'at home' day to -morrow,"•• glish newspapers, of the remar.k- said Faith, "What obeli we hateee • nu, , suggested Hope. PRACTICAL NOTES, O. Netice here tlaat the ruler of the Amelia Vella, who served two voyages Verse e, The third day. Counting him was wine, but knew not whence Pettit ehook her head vigorously. ' ' feast knew that the liquid presented Re a eeeye among a et/iip'S eomPanY eFor goodnees Rake, let us be a little before disclesing her sex, K may be 111- original, gverybody has cake and the (lay of the eall of Nathemael as the it, waws4Nevrhitinetwhe wstaasnetsietershadrew but teresting as the second, and the day et the at" papowpaerrenittlybaddidbetennottraknnstow9rmbeyd. 21 instanompot women •iierving as seat:ilea, t° ree°0 several sash netahie rolled breed and butter. Be,sides, Jane can't roll bread and butter properly. first, the day of the northward journey "le „ rival as the tiara. During the three, tasted. (See pote on verse 8,) Called First of all, in regard. to Miss Vella, it the b.ridegroom. Callee acToss the . it May be remarked that ishe is onlY Don't you. remember what untidy M- g. at a e grin% America, With her dark- corapilexion through bee. reengehandied eyeglasses he fie us 1" Goiden Text. Jelin R.11, hired head wetter. table le sporttve banter. sixteen yearfs of age, and was born in tle bundles she brought en last time t I sa.w MOS Smythe look at thein days Jests traversed the entire len h 9/ the provinee ot Pe e It is conjeoe r a, 10, Ever m n t th be • tured that the marriage Watt in the dada set f rth owl wine. He ee. d blank hair and eves and manner family of Mary, the mother Of jelnla. to say that that is the general cut- aea • - ' - her atfected way, as though elle vvone aethority seem to ere w of tome Have well drunk. Have drunk °L walking, she hes all the apPeerance Her familiarity and. eseumption tiered whether they me out of the- . gi eight to this es a . woman perform- something with those ey_eglasses ole egebtainYdf torromliesdersb,oy ,. - ca freely, ell ts bfiaWvalePbetcll'oenaellnileastsea setittivheei ewfbehneillidgrellerdat.i,hnerjacskli rag-bage, istry began, it is suppised that he was Dfr:tVincent instanced the English use iirtar giVen et Horrid wommele snorted HOG., conjeetirre. As joseph is not raention- through indulgence,"-Vinrent, Worse. °eV leet Year thttre was a Plaalqr "She's always trying to peck boleti in ed Lifter the time when our Lordeemin.. Literally smaller" -that is, weaker. new demi, Cana Of millet) is a town a oepieetbeword beefi Thou hilt t e duties of a seaman withoet hers, Anyhow ear scre--eve have-_,•• good ne un 1 now. "Th be ng suspected. The Coed ship Haw- "Seonea " toed ha it 1 k' about five mate from Narareth, On OP913013f ef the gavedrn:y tiall the feast is t eesdale Was about tO seta for Austreilia frau no floubt thet Jesus and his dieciples were "call. ,77.thctsulagurstteem:oreg. 74reencioues rhea the fixst tain _neing tnet unawared6at 058 th,ing Mat's ma reason Why I shouldn't ,1 diecherge and disappeare the can - fed," bidden, to the feast, but the naoth This beginning of miracles. "This the two wasa woman,. begin," she t stammered, .with helf-;,e, 0° or of Jesus was tbeee, already there as a beginning ot his signs." The -turn- It aepeared that• the evoman's name conscious talk. - . ^ f . . • tiphie:ae:atrhrskis,eoydio.hng:' ttabbt and his dm- • . 2. Jesue.twei called, bidden, HO came Bays Dr. Ohurtonc net eo much regard - ing of, water! into w ne was no mere was Nancy Ciiffordoindl that her com- Faith nudged elope. "It's that ear - pan on was her ecease a r , power, it was dietinetively a sign, 'la .ate,". she whispeeed; 'el'et noticed laineeseeee '1 , ly a prodigy, a wonderful thieg, a i d d: iste 's hus- • . mark of his _power and' grace and die band. They were both in love with looking at her -when he ought to helve ir n meting tee le.sson for the day. 1 i d lee/ e ieve on him. Literally "believed th h 1' • h vine charactere and therefore it manie each other, but not beine'perinitted to bee f. . • • case; but now the Iron is put into the say to them, "There ts a free church, men of the world around me as my fest d f . , p ey h resolved to, And last Wedneseay week, when ae place in the wa greatly strength- ing unforkunately short ot the news:. . oe b t.e d orth his g ory, H s mane marry in England th ad macbine, and in moraent 'hundreds there is a tree Bible,•there is a free companions, I expect they will be nay jug hie Own dienttY all the benefit, au 1 le t4Y Peesence." kits dis- enedk Canon Westcott aptly says that gory cash to Pay their .passage• how - ily accept the invitation crossed he• lood into the great e er- tate of ma eimon Christ adorned and Bele their faith s tiny will read nity, I. have lived with them in this be 't.t. of the Manufactory. Once it required and copaclewith you some time to.tbease weevil from the Mark, this, -my friends, that when city,. and I expect they will be 'MY • Psalms." "Half a pou.nd of flour,.'" sateeChar- ,, . p, ili the word conveys thn idea of the abe . ity two ounces of butter, four ounces. • P Y. 11 . -solute transference) Of trust from tale- ever, they had taken the bold Okurse of . +I sheaf of wheat, tear off the straw that When Pekin °mese() .Cli • al . . P . . ' • Self to another. We do not'read, how- jtitilln ' rist 1 Chtiaa all their trials and tem tations • J. and Nafhanael ; and it is well to re- raember that one of these eyewitnesses e,ver ot,any permanent effect u on the , V. • for SIX months in ,,a crowded shlies-fo- sultanas, two . tea -spoonfuls of Bore managed to keep there great secret of castor sugai, q,rter of a pound of g a steles crew, b t h th y . straw. The •farmer would take the you save the cities, you satie the world. neighbours in • e. ow e • bound it scatter it on the floor ,of 11 When Paris surrendord to know all their business perpleesities; 1 , of the scene wrote this record, God, all France will surrender. When know all their hardshipe an wan Doubt- gue S• . eiples were Andrew, Peter, john, h P • the bett r cit I k ow pound the wheit out of the etre* e her: When Isiew 'York- bows at the feet tell them:of that Christ who will be less they were invited* in hence -of je- wick's baking powder on•3 egg teed-. • et the barn, and thee 'the slow flan would London prays, England will way with to stand before them a few years, and. c-stle is a mestery.. • • •Cariously enough, in the year 18°9' 'That's easy enough, surely," shutting • the United states will bow their security in every financial strait sus. --Their discipleship was only . a, Me gallant crew of His eilajesty a ship now the horses atart, the machine rum- ef2•Chrieti d d Actaeon were' laughing -over . a sotne- uP the, voliime with a bang. . "Lend 04 Miss me an apron, somebody. It's cheapeas. . YOU CAN. HEAR HEAT AND COLD. bles, end a sheaf of wheat is thresh- and who, when the flattens are in. a e few days -old, and c.ould hardly bey° tee world. . • --- • what ' shnilar ease to that with her. Save the cities, and you saVe an eir on sman in every crisis ed inistantiy: ' • ,. Again, I argue, in *behalf a Free panic an , ed ; and it has been suggested that the higeiiteue Apparatus Jo fteterenine me Vella's. -It Was- diseoeered that one of. Temperature by sound. of small means, suck as --"e and very suitable for well est sixaple, ' d, the world ablaze will -de- een nown Cane before.they"arriv- ' t • ill es festally be and joy, and triumph, to ali those who. sudden •inctease• ot the number of n now•Possible to hear heat and the boys, who had begged to be talten -te wonderful' printingepress which e. asses P P • g,,ues,ts,thus brought about accounts for cold, Dr. George C.. Whipple has in- of his station like other boys, was Charity turned pink, pinker,•penitest, on board- seven weeks betters, and had People in the meantiene performed the duties • "Curates, fox instancer. put in Hope. In olden timet thet was considered Church, because there are three or four dare everlasting divideeds of light, • could. make tWo- heitidred and. fifty Ina- touched bby.it. , Among them will be have invested their affections in him; In- Men and brethren, brothers and Os - Lee perure o wine. . vented. an . electrica instruraen 'I'm sure I don't knowe What • you • • • • fluential churchea;• but who ters in ?reit, are yineready for such]; f t t 3 Wh d wine 'When me • • y really a fine girl of eighteen, who had , pressions in an .hour ; but. now, by. ou men w o were . on . CE3 very fth• • • •i• tb taken the daring •step in order to es-• mean," she'answered haugaily. ans of which the various ranaes of • sands and tens of thousands are naade quently can not meet the pew -rents: them scoff ; remembering that 'theY the • wine failed " Dr Me ' tempereture may be heard , in an •or- ent e cape from the tyranny o er a er. t k' ot imaginery eaSOS. scoffed at •Nehemlah, end at Daniel, No one had in the least ffinshpectfed.t.hthe heye curetes to do with scones?". or modern steam printing -press thou- lost • their epropertY, I am no spea and cense- work ? some may sco f a -you . en ey wa e quetes some early •authorities• "They dinar t la • El t f t f h b h th • • . y e ep 0138 ,receiver, xpeorer rue ac so te ease, ut w en e ••• They might eat them," ed in 'the dame length of time. The Post- What tiecomes of the great multitude and at Christ,. and pronounced there taith, "being, alter all; only ortalee office was formerly a. slow affair. Once, who ones Were intUentialie the Church feces. Remember. *besides, 'that there had no• wine, the. wiiee of the mar- Peary owns one Of theae instruments, discovery was made,. the crew came up e- e pew -rents in in s and, and in Brttain, who are tim Marriege fes- and heeivill take it with. him to ehe to the park like jolly Beitish tars. ehari de twa weeks the Mee would go from of God„ who, haying lost their pro- ere tens of thousandS of Food people riage was consumed." When the "boy" h tk e ty went • out and, slaniftied ,the Londoli to Edinburgh, and at about party, can pot. me t th ging for. our suceess as a Ch. reh. Thee .liec of Jesus saith. ques- tense cold ' d t f 11 b th if' went as ore .she op A 11;3, pp .p witte,rher a handsome sunaTthe arnottinft u°°" Tile first thing to be donee' she said as she rolled up her sleeves profestdon- er . sometimes lasted eis whole week. North Pale to listen to the • very' in - the distance. of rune ,ga from the churches?, They have gone -somata era which is su ose o re- o a eb ec ion y o icers and men. infideety-seme into lives of dissipa- Above all, renaember that 'We are un- . thi f -res- word we trust and 'in whose strength . g tea er. as, er n res veil tbere • „Another cage •last year was tha ,0 teens and suggestions aim to by' na re she paused to regard complece tlY0 ally 8,nd showed e. pair of arms which New York to fioston. •••' eion - God only' knews where thee der t e ne lc ion -o im in w ose h -Ft; t' H' h thou hte 1 • d W h i te t s in the weddieg festival caused by her e..eppara us is very simp a neeman, Hannah Webber • Now, I esk if the Chureb of God bee have gone! Will men. of any sel f d Th t '• Th ' • • • le in con - who worked her paesage from Ne t go t -church under such a state we go orwar . e moun.ains may . . • thetmfirfitething to be d:onfi if3 tO g ass. pt pae.e vsith worldly' ,enterprise? P9e own relationship to the happy pair, or stiuction.L....Iit external appeaeance, ac- withihe•post-office with modern rail- or clic e stancest.I ' tell you ney. depart, the seas -may burn, the sitars aexiety ,because ef the unexe cording to a w-ritel in the Golden Peia:. liner Templeinore disguised as a ca. t York to Liverpocil on' the johnsto • if it' 'were; my Amite, ' I would st'ay at May seattet,:the heavens may double) hY hee nee a is like an ordinary electrie bat - read transportation_e with the arts? home and- gather me Children ' about UP like Parchmeta; the sun may burn Did she really understand le tleraan. Toe •eome ears ' A ' • with the sciences!? with optics ? with nee, and read to them of Christ and a down in the soceet, and ale the worlds See e dtd 801 ushig the best b tter • y merica son 'to supposes that the family was • ° coi ei bens Wire Oft tlitrald Of 1.4:: m efieseief te Jette her, th '• • . relatives Slid- grating sound ma aedr e abeqrnewebrIr rroeftuga quently contribute to t e supplies of wnien hold. aetelephorie reciirveeT,- The voyage. undiscovered, Bit for an -en- elle4s-exelileYed Iteking °Pt the tir with a thoroughnesa. and' attendee to PrenciPles that he• e ecine never break -the Church. of God turns mos to -be- told about treasures that _ man s - supremacy in all fields eis the entertainment. omen, what have -I to do With. latter is to latreetieteto the •ear• so that -fortunate - accident. • As the • vessel the temperature into 'which the bare detail which teok in all the corners and made his whiskers glisten. to light and dexaonseratioe77- There its back upon that man and the work threatened. Hie leeriness occupation% 4' thee ? Dr. Chuselan, whom we ;here fol- • • - • herself by lifting a'.2cwt. bale of bay, was rieaxing Liverpose she injured . only. the eld clouds befo • ' • 1 • eh ' . maternal • atithority •overg ek " to telereisre. From one side of th boexrextende a verlY1 mi tery box, such as is used in sick rooms . • "male irapersonator,e and being es:teall,:aed_d tif ile(pm?earheOdpoinx,o.,tphei..aestiteaagLelyasddiii: aiinnrce:ateaahlifiling.9:eiliitsis itlulirfnderledpllacs.ce4hgh;.tthilit -..: ...1 geology ? with as t tronorei ? ..oh,e yoli _free. heevene out of wiech a m:,11 ols fp, iniatbrit3 Zgratentdtaz.-IdikelAhistle- adelLitr ilea3,4'e LeDised ste c sa,y, "there ie eo ne3v principle in ree -leirav7ireviii)..1Lelg yintnatuste h an h yeteye• timneea Ian. back mit of hiseP:Trsolisells, aned;tranAeirs him?' they long insulated 'wire., a rying. a area ti hte, hed.eigned articles for. theenp. . iigion to be developed.'"' Well-, I re- inost neede the crinsola.tiori of religion discipleship, end, break his oath-Neverl •11 we ne wi‘-re There is no special r'ea- .1 f . •„, , _ A moment 1 :11g e • h. pested arrival of the disciples of her • •• • - sPend; •there .4( no nevrepreaciple--en then -his' earthly -fortunes have fails -noor.--Ceneet _in the Oitin not infra- • e other side of tbe box extend enres sh IAA p ob bl ha e made the in time tosee t e femily cat industri- science. to be devbloped. Try are edi't t coie ts thrust may be heard. • "You. wretch!" cried Charity._ "I've and • the secret mete out. The own- . .33:lust low, translates, " What is it tome and gamblere began the' Church of God • • . he very (IMO that he meets RUSSMS WOMAN FOOTPAD. • ' e syle r waif- ju.st as. inuele eleetr.teity hia• sports, his aceoroplialiments . in the ef breaking • down tla'at the Will ing round she knocked oyer the floury • there has been since. The- law 'Of itiot think of le Church prei!ending to naake him set spurs eind Sit tight: Perhaps the pluckiest of these' in- which she had, cerefully _weighed 'eut, ' In rectly froth those who needed laelp. be accurete, it is the presenence heat, gravitatien. did not Waite N e on • love him that would: utaapineously bar order to 'keeP in the raCe.. • . is unfortuxurte that the word of ad- instances to record is the account of re.B.,njamue yeanklin p ay. be shired with women, and the invade thee ?" 'Me request should nave coxae, It may seem attange that heat ana era of the. liner peed. the Plucky. wo- ga3d:inhiti However, she didn't, becaulie in turn- - ed. kits • with the thunder-etornes as infinite ot his foreknowledge, cauld ere are likely ee set -apace which will he quotes ehresostom as saying, di- cold may be heard ati tie felt To male's' fare td•the cutlery town.. ' tiniehes. seeme ae it Christ, in the. and most of, it went weer her.' dress. be accurate, it is the: pi•esetice of heat to ulnae. , There waa iiiit as ,mach out the 'destitute.. - He said "Ihepoor • h , ' Prole Russia comes a stoey of a Wo- =only. used .in 'difirespect. Home Ore. or told acting en the bare coil of Wire reenned shiP , safely •through a gale. 1 • hew a womah bpi:eight'. an under- ger° was. something' queer, too, about ' _ dress, " Women " is in English cam- Altogether, it was a bad beginning: power in. ateania 'before Fulton edisceit- • it not namely ais a statement, but as a ,man wee is malting 1.,U0 shades of literal rendeibeg ghats a 'wrong line which causas anslectric current' toSet In 1890 the ship F. Oakes left Hong , ye. have always wit you. • . He mede • e , _ei e ,e_ . waesefividit J.t ....t.t. 1:.):. ticriA4e4: n ,,,eivel i,t• aei eince.• The carboniferous 'proehery and a, promise; and yet it Claude Duval and his Peers teemble ue a.buzzirig in the telephonee. When Kong for el'ew York, and afteese lalise pgssion, the original being a word ot that seenV1 !ioas tetn„1: a egg' the instrument is used the telephone of 259 daye vvithout being beatel of and jurassie strela of the earth did not does really seen as if, il2 this respect, ectionetee.respeet. See John 19. 26. ffir tbeir laurels.• We have had female It ts shell, n gleam° literature the word here is bald to the ear, while the . listi3ner was getierally given, urefof lost. She aud Charity had her doubts abate • 1 Tilde is .anothr elass or persons to h Eriene leeks at a dint cin the battery box men- eventually turned up, however, atNew York in tow of fhe Britisb steamer. rigands and desperiidoes. The head translated "woman" is used by But she smothered them Thrter all; . 'Miller planted his crow:bar• 60i • in ' whom a. F'tee Church will appeal, and of the =St feared and most ixturder- to ..11ecuba, and ,by Augustus to Creo- tioned above, This dial, which in ape what could you "expect from a-Londori ., wait to take their position until• leugh matters of Teligioxe if -a, man cemes lehet balm middle classes, And let me ous tribe of Italian banditti to -day, is 1 rutin on occesions where nut haeshness pearance ia like the face' of an ordine gentleness was expressed ; and the ary meobanical thermometer is xnark- KEtsbek, and a. meet remarkeble elry was told. Soon'. after •the If. Oa es egg ?-and had stirred it vigoreusly in- to the mixture before sh r ra b e e Om ered are the suffe g a wen:ilea, and there have been others ' had passed the Equator in"the Pacific t - •rin ones in reli- and says, "I have now discovered an 'Et -4Y tileY other oceasions wben ' out Lord thus ed vvith fi - .otis things. The wealthy may . , tem Lord God ed been thwarted, . entirely' new Principle in religion ;" I like ober; but here le Ei celebrity 'of' addressed worcien were occasions when of temperaf uresgeevperesardtlaigewdelezreerees. the men sickened from scurvy and five llirtulertea•wnese;e they I Not ' • _nyth . Nay, "I have no faith in -whet you' ere where; the positively beggared May 'another sort. On the opera bellies /2h3 heart was unusually etirred with ,s eeehos end tenderness, no, for ' in- . HeAV TELIRATURE IS DETER: welt dead befere the Here Was round- ed, .while others- were so that thee ought 'to be, with the flet7r. arnede'rnti • • finrchase religious advaetages* entre Felne• to say. I have btet orm staxidard, fedi so huniiliatede they will. be will- 'range one might expect her, but in real ' Aftbret). ly navi atance when he was aboet to relieve ate the - sugar and the ,oLhear thnine gse,vbeunt point, tehe. kacheneetable d t d and that is the Bible," Btit if he - e -- a foreigner's daughter ; when he pitied Let us suppose, for instance, thet Yee fessel. Their provisions, too, ran . _were unable to proper g . . CharitY sighed a long-suffering' sigh:. inu to go into a. mission chapel; but ef she is the middle classes have not money almost •too good to. he apd healed' her who had suffered long are to listen to the tetaperature of a short. ben. the Kasbek fell in, with eSomehow, I can't seem to think these- eays,."I have an *old • Ipele principle !enough to buy, positions in the weal- true. that I wish to evolve! and detrion- t thy churches, and they are too preud Her name is Barbara, Daneria, and be 4/ ill, with 'infirmity; When he revealed di- pall of water. The coil of bare wire her the only able mariner abroad was scones will be a mimes, and if they're. The . ue truth to the Inquirer at Jecob's es' thrust into the water and the ob- •Mrs. Reed, the captain's wife, whohad not I shall . never hold up my head. teiition of roy &MI, I, stEirat hemp. • When I say tbe bed- sinnei; when he 'tt d h• m th commi El la 9 There is a hand or pointer pivoted in foienr drink, keeping tbe ship before hum!" , saY" "Rear ' ' dl I a these hoee i come /3 e c Ass. s, me n w • n E glish voeabelary doesn't provide any b t • ell f bar en th k f "There," she added, about ten min- • ..atrete," then, with all tile Possible at-: i to go araong the beggared. Y profession she is a hielleseeman. Well; when he refused to condemn tbe Server places the telephone to his ear. been at the helm eight houra without ageinee • - . • . e the' • t e‘bent....reeete their. outgo; and eon found Mery .Magdalene in an• agony . . utee later, as she shut the oven doofe er to the care of John; and when he the middle of the elial face. The observe the gale, _ , • et et i e. or ., , 1 ce e raa ers o .- -A-PX'OPOSe•to-ifight to argue on behalf tills Lk) lenguege didn't foresee her advent, er proceeds to turn theepointer trom , - - efeu Free Cb.urehe There are a great will immeeietely Sere that isstire 'con- of tears. For the rest of the seraenee, figure to figure on the dial. When ' smany Who cto not gaite -understand the I dition et niMilaundred -raid ninety•-ntne • ardless of •ruIeft ' df 'gender .. lf, a ao big pilau we iiiifst call her, re- IDE SIRDA thA Scriptural idea Th3 apostle majority of us.• Your EMI is at scheel. _ addeessed hiin, Mark 5. 7. The words, to be arThe figure representing the somethini left out -something most important, too." James say,s: "If there come into your 1 ess, why ehoulda'b a woman Claude however, translated, are -words of gen_ temperature of the water in whieh the The Sirdar hasleft 'London en route. bare colt is placed. for Egept, and a correspondent sums In the middle of the nig,ht she woke , the same sense as the demoniao who " ' • eYou do not give hire aelarge amount assembly a Kean with a gold ring ,_ of money at tht3 start. You say .o , Duval be a highwayman. Her profes- tle and mild repriiof, Mary bad erred goodly apparel, and there come in Eitis."0 the teacher, "Send in theibills.e When Lon - arts. , • 'domes under the head of the fine in her anxiety to serve her Were's, As the pointer nears the figure that up his engagements during his stay with a alert, sat upright, Wrung her r tothing, you pey for Barbara Is all that we have loved lit st ' riles ..ampre.inatu.rilenZettil:fltr era. hntsm indicates the correct temperature, elle buzzing sound tri tee telephone be.- ' of a little over um month in this country. hands, and exclaitned, "Baking ptiese •• a der 1"-inerte-tone of anguish. the bills dome in. you pay for . the tui - 'd rk a cen- P Y il P , r h i posite it stops altogether. As soon as with the Queen; both at Palneoral and t Comes fainter until, ewbetieit comes op -I says the London, News. Ile has umea Yonrself about those scones. They did a poor man in vile raiment; and ye ii,„ ,,, „,„,„ f ' • ttlitadif t • 11 ia ex nses Now God treats It v;as 'of no use trying to deceive • "there they are at last, and. I do hope. e• elits1 LaelDlehh, e they weft be yery bad. len sure I've eitye. -.The tagt.:.-is. a due ' 'Authorized -Verger:I' idierniticee 1:the:tialePhoneeis placed first t.tetitiesax; ""- •• • - but it ie hardly conoeivable ' that our a lend buzzing alubilIdheitid;- 'This "" tok,On, great .Pauts, ,And follower" the In the firat place, I 'believe in such a podeoeh_puriatti insist, a wonne wriier is an euther and not an authorees, Ltd or tabarteuri ftenours and .rtereetres recipe naost earefully, and yet....I've .e-teritat tkaa. 01110. -horrid sort of . -feeling- :that, tiler -Oa-. --rearm and e_pelitice tit such_ ae_eberce pee ef eeeeeethoueand iirthis city•aile g . titill-otettegat us with money --I mean the e• Lord ahould.have ueed treep.use the pointer does not hapPen church becanee it seems to me to be woraan poet shouldn't be called poet- - P aee have respeet te hbn that weareth' the ee, ee" °- e the notorieus Claude. She is dashing' riot look nice when they came to be. handed around at afternoon •tea, One or two mustered sufficient courage to, ,refuse..the delicacy; those who aecepte ed segment geeerally took Otte bite, one then glanced guiltily round for. some lading -place in whicli to deposit the remainder. Cherity eulesequently disctivered fragments, of scone tucked under the e,efa, eushions and, lurking in the folds of the curtains, Indeed, for some time she was quite nervous about look- ing inewhere for fear of coming across traces, especially when something went wrong with .the eieno, and the tuner being called in, found the bitten re- mains of one hammed between Ithe wires, though -•howeVer le got thera goOdness knows! tieoentietd.th,e mpste-exertiordinary and in credible Dieteet all remains to be nue: 'Faith," aaid Hope, in a ettact•bf glit- tery and atnazemera, after the last vtbisetortsa haa ad. dshdaekeanritelide „c,Ar.ubmatbsdefryomora. -1- us very much irt that wa He clothes and ye co e, gay olothing, and, say..unto S t the poor, Stand. thou thert3, or sit heee us, pays our trave ing expenses, s e tiny Prussian coin with rifle bullets for a moment chosen hy the Father hh°w° 'at Windsor. Ite has beet presented thiatt here in a good plate,; andoay to - ir h tette. She can seallop the edge of a for me to work a miracle, "He waited the buzzing stops the observer ters us but never trusts us yvith a •that the temperature of the water hail . . - - under me footstool; axe ye not then • ' h at any range within sight. Her man- for each successive oriels of his life." been felled. • with the freedota. of the city ot lar t f partial in yourselves, and are become • ge amoun money, mace e =dell 1 But the Virgin appears to h c assee are in t e majority. - derstood the Dr Whippele tried the instrument don of Oambridge,)of Edinburgh, of 3u.dge.e of evil thoughts!" In other . h . ners would grace u 'court. She aerobes ave un- * ' • those men: in a, eommunity are in the the shedd. ing of bided, if that is within weeds, es soiree to try the other dey in a room. the temper- cardief. dud. of. thwEishmougers, Cum_ d lilt 11 f ature of which was about•70 degrees, ture. It is a. meeting Of Christian pen- y o, w ey aye me e pany; me as recelve a resses from • d dd wor 0 sines draWs We "majo 't Wh h th h t th Peeel 11 lee, art ° a malls her faith. da the apostle J I butcher's bill,, and the grocer's bill, A ' dt. tl h n experimenter place he e ep one • pie ; t at the door ; two t. • knights of the road, she robs only the • We are conspelledeto believe that Mary 5. His motherlfaith unto the servants. people come to the door and• ask. for aeed n gas bill, and the clothing bill. ih- poor. delights in audacious ruses rich, arid gives with open hand to the felt responsibiliei for the to his ear and heard a loud buzzing. Dover, Chatham, Brompton, 'and Bath, e t« e says to her husband, emcee; of Dr. Whippele moved the pointer to- besides an aIdermanie reception at lie usher stands roan, examinee him from bead to foot, I and hag a keen eense of humor' and of this f,„st. i• h t. iv, e er ae.ton was teat , , e war& the figure 70, The moment 79 was Windsor station. Both the universie seats. The usher looks a,t the one f Th 'f peel the house -r nt h e aye no, mg "lY1 d dettnea.tic effect. Up to <late, she hasn't f f e • o o ficiousriess arid impenne 1,Vha.t- nee. reaenea tne ouzz.ng mopping, Luis was . ties of Cambridge and Edinburgh have • • y eat, Iehink vve outght to go to ' uets on the turf in the b th t m erature of the• room eonferxed an LL.D., upen hinet Many aeog t t la garmien s re e a y end Bays, iicorae I chureh somewhere. "Why don't we here, six, PII give you an excellent 1 .46ke a 'pew in Dr. Well-to-do'ac ohi., moonlight -with any of her victims, the reeent fashion, - Oeatl and saYs, I hope You will lia I '-h.". ha Sa e ewe caret effor it. r , and she caret, with good effect, offer a cc$mfortable." Then the usher goo ' than r eau pay. 1 Irt ntbOine treveilter bts fieedom in ex - have more now to 'pay back, alba 'the other man, scrutinizes 1 W°•canst ehange for a kiss, ai3 Waa the custom go there. We've get to deny I could not have devlsed a nobler com- We'll get -a Eland than this." " Whataoeyee e• a He cause the wareath of his hands,- had 'burgle the. 1Viayors of Dover and Car - him very thoroughly, and says, "Poor.'"rgelve° 0, Mao longer. !with all chivalrous Chtudes, In fact, coat, worn slides, Old hat I think you' little religion perhape at home, We'll , she is hendicapped by her sex, andeyet her "sex adds to the romance of her math ;" "To you es " rks it i -the whole rattled the temperature of the coil. The diff, the Fishmongers' Company, the leui find a earl 13ood place to stand in !occasionally 'teed the Bible, and. once.' of practice, Christianity la in these experimentor moved the pointer around officer); of tha Royal Artillery, 'Wo01- that corner." Now, this lightnings of tie a whIle go, to a funeral, awe that , story. She wears masculine ettire, hitt four little phrasee. Let us take teem air until it reached 98 degrees. The buzz- wich; the Army wed Navy 'Club, the that paasetes strike sueh an usher: 1,n , won't cost us any thee4 end We- will I her voice and her beauty give it the our motto' in life. .. jug stopped again, showing that the }last Anglian temiety, the Royal Lae other words, you have no right to ar- pick up a little religion here and there- , lie, and. the whole prevince. which she 6. There were set there six water t Po e f„,,4.A temperature of the bands had been gineers, Chathane the Seem,. Club, lenge e maneeposition in ths house of and after a while we may have good hes terrorized rings with remantie and of Aerie, The Jewish authorities re- ---- th.e Vice Chalet-D.0r et Cambridge, a 1 1- ' er ' Beau Brocade earthed vto at r ts t b P ne w e po 0 e Used in * ' Then Dr Whippeie lighted a match Chriet's College, Garribridge• and the God according. to his financial qu rt. luck, and we will then rent a pew, and extravagant praises of this feminine • cations. • De you. suppose that the go to heaven respectably." eeany elms- - - ' the. Washing before and after meals, -axid held the flame against the colt Drury Lane. Lodge of Freemasons, Ile &bet:nada of olden time, the temple, band and wife have coilsidered with each , ' ea- - • because they were fess liable to ine- * b a alai and the hag also been the guest of the Prince. and the 'synegogue, were ever rented othereupon matters of church economy SALISBURY AS A SPEAKER. purity. The number six indicates the pointer had to les zuti-Ved fttrward until ana Princess of 'Wales, of Prince and the holy mother," says Dr. Gown, -had surrounding the coil had been feund. banquets, dinners, and luncheons hAve saever, He Saith Unto you, do it. If admonition respecting the Son, she of wire between both hands, The buzz- Principta being thosegiven by the Lord Dr. Whippele then held the bare coil been given in his honour, among. the desired to give the •world a perpetual h tl h eb tt a alit be- Mayoral London,Lord Provost of Edua- and before taking a pew, the husband • pensive inatitittions. We went all Whet a" "U to deny your- • menced and d not st p until the pcont erding h Gordon MenaormI Col - di o - reg t e • Charity, withent any help? HOW Varr Bay tat timis churches are suck ex_ our inCOnie onif meets der outgo. ° neat. Jews. To facilitate the purification cuttomary among the Jews, whieh the thoee Were miraculous times, You you no •chlireh of the day costs bait another year? you wear that tars Engl tid is the, Prime Minister, &trailer with. Th(3 extremeeto whieb thEtt to be the temperature in the lies distributed Soudan medals. Sure-, clever of you.1.# After this there can't be any doubt as to his intentions• -it this costly machinery. Let me tell Self? Will you. have thiti old carpet • , evangelists Gentile readera were not lune of the least pretentious ora- • , er Wail =Wed down to 60 degrees, show- lege, has • been to Netley hospital, and, minutenees Of an eyewitness. After the temPerature of the lighted match Prieeess Christian, of Lord Sallee/toy, 'd think? 'The curate ate two of those -- 1 was found. The alit was 'thrust into and og Lord Rosebery. 113 has best es horrors- two, mine you, and said, 'Did tt d d various xaeetings iri the city you. really metre the -se yourself, Miss by worshippers 1 Oh, no; you te 'me manner of the purifying f „ said to the wife "Now, you know that Where the Prime Minister It Heard at Ilia the ° th6 a Damn os vvater. The buzzing com- a en e , so much as did the old temple, and yet acgto another winter? -Will yo.u. Lord Salisbury, upon. whiles werds all ,his purifying was carried is astonish. 's,betsins.s•oWspeies.sthteh:oltstnatserleillagta:nst ljal4rvelv.ntephlensesiu.:',:thtehlitatoki:sf fseri he serviette"! ' porte by voltentary contributions. seasan o, she says„ "Then, he that_ rmpte omen times Was imp: sent ssilihe,..ve no more dressee this Europe hangs 011 grave oeettsitnis. Tall, Talmud 'tells us the welshing of jugs tugied. beck 15 degrPees above zero. quiet of Khartoum. r Inn to us. In the Hebrew home, the aye " e 0t, ff a. I. • d 'heavily...bearded, bent in Nero and and cups and beetles weet on the Whole IN COLD STORAGE eVAREIIOUSES. Itivate the fore' Two or three firkine apiece; The cold, storage warehouses to aster TELE OLD STYLE. ONLY ONE Wile, Polite Old Gentleman -I .• (receive, can't afford the church." And muth'f.y.,)Wib. eyes. half elosed,,he is a dal". "Containing, "Having room The titstrunaent is now being used t of the various A at 's told of a "udge who could id your ea C naadarn, that I, need .not ire about , , w can a or ,re 'gum, an Al When the farmer brought his harvest 8 in, he aid, 2'llese sheavea are for the stay at. home. Myi friends open the i up, he'said, "These Iambs are . _ for rod", oors o a, ree e tire , w ere men d f f h h ' h 18- '' ' ' peaker who disdains to eu InsinasItiqaunisdromeasure centaining tain the tempera ure Lord." When. the, flocks were drawn . , fnimrkrity When the birds Were caught, he said, may Mee - lige- er wit ou. invi ious nd fielder°, nas re- rooms without Opening them. In the not control his, temper, an t,o cou t mtrol o her eo le One day 1 ' • 1 \ Ilk° Old Lad ,-Thank you sir. Petit e Old Genti„ km Possibly, . • in -- t t th ' . h t • •d• 1 art of edueatione a ,, com ari ons and tb will our in 7, assail said unto them, Pill ths wa,- old days of cold storage wprk it was ne- ec - P p . .-. fele that r feel ticke years younger tlen. "These, pigeotis and these dovea are for 1.,„ P ,15.,, , L., entree to rhetorical effeet, - th•re was einusuat disorder in the T ,,,,,,. cl l h ' d e — euerifice " The temple the taber- All'e "le "'Lea ° : f el th P W tit h I r penetrating voice of terpotti with water. Th,y had pre- necessary to keep the refrigerating - e sea. e a Eta a e ea , . sumably been. emptied by the Wasb- plant operating under hieh pressure eourt-roor, an al ast, t e „pi ge ' con- , 1 • ct n ure a no enter 'madam, but red ea uot feel it day younger than you. loo • IIIAT WOULD.CATCH ITER, class of men (from tee house of God, ifiee feha purifieatione. They Ali the time irecause it was not possib e igh carrying natle, all aupported by voluntary cot- ave een erring o ...power 1 ays heard distinctly in. the largest • It is impossible to \ allow this persi- • • • •- -more generous in those times. No, no, and ba, t. era out trona the very W them up to the brim. Prompt °bade, rririte li to tell the temperature of any individe cold it tent conternpe of court to go on'," he 111110)1 Chureh has beanie a tort "ef tresituel 8, .uraw out now. In the ortgt—nal, was not always advisable to do that. nal taxini. without opening it, to the extreme length of takjng the the world has been advancing all the gate of leaven. The fact is, that the phblie hail. Ile aise, has so grim a enee.e, • • • exclaimed, and •L shall be forced to" go time,;: there bee never been so humor that his words SOnletiMeS Baehr "Ball mit. Canon Westeott thinks So to make sure all of the rooms they It generality on earth es now. „ that the water that wets °hanged (tato were kept as cold ae possible. - " one stepr that« will atop it, insurance company; and the man conies NoWy I say, af In.those dark times, 'to get a perliey, and yoa. take him into to crackle with trona'. end in that wieked city of Seruaalem, a privete room and. sound the_Itinge, . Ile in never et his beet in the, lloude wine was not taken from the vessels of Now, howeeer, each individual rooin There was a hang sileriee; .then oho the temple could be aupported by vol- and listen to the beating of the heart., of Lorde, where he does net take the nitrification, but the servants were in the warehouse hae in lt one of them, Of the leading" counsel rose, mull' with several just a trace of a smile inquired: "Xi lt , and then, praetically-enot literally, but trouble to raise his voice, but merely' bidden, after they had lilted the ves- new stet:trio' thermometers-, please your Hotter, from what 616 this Christian. age, • and in the full praetically-you ask him if hd ie sound speaks languldlY in a eonedraational sels, to continue drawing from • the times ft, day an official goes to n. series untary contributions, We can not in blaze of the Gespei light, and when. on the dollar queetiore- told if beehas tone, Nor is he. heard. to geed advan- Well or sluing. ,The exact Method of of euy3h buttons upon the office wall Will your resignation take effect% N ' the doetrine of Christian beneficenee been afflicted with anything like bank- tage in political addresses before the, the Miracle is not of importance. There and throws into Circuit one after an- ,.....„.. is, etimuch Inettleated, eupport apiain truptcy, and if there has been anything prithrese League when he has' a aeries ls: hoWover, e• SIMPle parable suggest. other the thermometers in the various CHANCE TO SAVE MONPY •, . e'hurcht The feet is, that the modes like financial sickness in the• family- of arguments to present in a format ed here in the jatatapesithin of etie verb rooter Of the warehouse. I3y placing ' tribution. Bta you • slay men were, eter trueting ehurch rinancee bave and, if it is all right, you eharge him a way, "DIP told edraw out,e, • Those two the telephone tolds eat end manipulate Agent -I am inintmed, sir, sthat rut 'chilled the VoluntAry prineipie, and great premium, and tell him to be e'erY heat sPeoolls aro made, the Injunctions taken togetlier inreish the ing the dial he is dble aceurktely to are about te build A new brume, and / (hammed baek the charities of the Guildhall banquets in London, Wheelie Perfekt reolTho for large living 't -n determine the temperature of , every should like to sell you a, hook on arelti. careful &rid pay it proMptly, for if the worm; wh.,t4, if wo had gone bsek to Policf shOuld run out, that very night 10 constimut that foreige governments spirituality and. in secular endeavor. room in the htilitling. teeture„ h", old Ilible plan ift rill bur ehurchee he might die, and So lose all the advert- are weighing every word littered by Pill your. body with vitality, fill your The Maw thermometer will doubtlese Mr. Suburie-Dout want it. thlre would have been larger benevol: Lages of the pew -rent he had Asert him. He neither strikes. art attitude mind with informatiori, fill your &MI Ire. of much value in factories where Agent -It' nuty save you a lot of enne aed a More, extensive aupport of paid; and where his tout would go to nor Intakes a. gesture, He rises' like a hr en means of grae•of and then draw furnace6 and ovens itTe used« It earl monPy, sir. May inquire,. what sort Inetilutione of religion. So that I would be very uncertain., man in a dream, sod without otu., out abundantly for the benefit of oth- be maars to. ring an ttIarm, and henee of a house you intend to erect?' ar,„ .ers, Governor of the feest. It Watt the evould be useful in the powder magazine Mr. S. --I have adapted a plan foe a trete hack now with more, emphasis There IS ADO er e ass p op e phAsisiE01. a w thrn ever, to Say, "If there come into wh-'m 'Pre(.. Churnh appea.1, _and nedn,ss manna:, takes the audi- ettetene With the 3ewe• es With other of a war ship, In filet, wi be in- , that is the rich. I have, yet to find an ettee into hie tonfulehed. d aneient, natiOnS, to elect bile Of the coin- vaituthie aly eittuttion ...where in- Agent triumateritlY - Weil, air, broke id; 'Deed, awl you eanftliaiie your assentbly a Mart with a gold ring reesseee parry te preside over et, festive ettet- creases oe heat or coldIra et be; knoven this hook ehowe You hew 'to bend a$5,- I etlo 'e with Molly. she.'e keepiert here and goodly apparel, and there tome in intelligent and rich Chriatian Man who ,wlth What dignity and ea tainment and direet ite arrangements, at 0100, tee) house for oniy fiti0,000. uool for the Vaal of ClanittriY. ale() a poor man With Vile raireertt, and does not believe in such inatitution. statersman can think Mond, 0 • elewitte-I hear thateGruet' horse sale yeaterday; .- `jewett.,-,That's right„,-rm goi.°„; tO get tWeri With. him, lies got a \VW. you ehouldret make hive to laer, jewett-Iern not goilig to. I'm go- ing to nut a bargain counte.r iny . Attire. • svoitnx PM. At a:viceregal; hall in Dublin 'Castle youtur (abler approlched. pretty young lady front the anevittees, who wati sitting with heti* Mother, and 'flaked her whether". he might have the pleftgure et a thilice..Defore the girl !could reply the fond. parent hastill' ' -1 • 11 .r 1