HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-02, Page 8Pita EIGHT—THE !MYTH STANDARD—JAsUAlcl,' a, 1908 HODCENS BROS., CLINTON Come and Share in the January Feast of Bargains at this Retiring From Business Sale. NO\V 1'1':S JANUARY. Under ordinary circumstanees that would mean our annual clearance of winter merchandise, and the announcement to (10 y et the January Sale. With the reliving front 1:1A9iaese sale in foil swing it means that prieee will be cut lower than ever. It means that there will be bargains all along the line, n veritable bargain feast that Durst command the attention of every,' careful buyer within rcaek of the store, \Ve are in no need to mince nuttters. Now the turn of the year hue conte the sooner we can wind up this sale the better pleased we will lac, Remember that there is still a splendid stook here to pick and choose 1rom, No better within your reach, .Remember too that we have ent the prices right and left in order to lake the selling of it quick anti sore. The chance to save Money is yours now. Will you grasp it? ere is this week's list of specials. Every item is worth reading. '2: White Cotton Bargains 211c White Cotton ]oc Clearing all our 121c White Cotton at l0c per vatod. All of it imported direct (rem 011 of the hest Euglish makers. Undoubtedly your chance to lay in a supply for spring sewing at it price that is money saving. Nice clean stock free from dregs - Ing, Regular 121c, for retiring sale per yerd•100 roc Cottons 8c Nice fine quality English While Cotton, fine evert thread, finished soft for (he needle, save 20 a yard on every yard yon ger for spring sewing buy- ing it now, regular 100, retiring sale per yard—Ho 15c Wrapperette 1 is claming out the lest of our 15c Wreptleretits fancy plaids, Stripes and floral patterns, light and dark colors, regular rbc, for retiring stile per ,yard 1lo toe 1\frapperettes 7uc 711 per yard for all of our l00 1Vrapperettes, suitable for waists, wrappers and children's cheeses, good net- terns and colorings for retiring sale per yard 710 st ed and Checkaci Shirting ioc envy Canadian Shirting, blue and white suints, sego check. heavy weight, fast colors, good quality, Hold all over at 12lc, for retiring sale per yard 100 25c Moleskin ISc Hoary Striped Moleskin, for overalls, 0 or 4 gond ,patter us, dark colors, regular 23e, f02' retiring male„ ,18c .(mood Flannelette 6;c 'Good quality .Canadian made Flannelette, 29 inches Wide, fancy Stypes in light and dark colorings, fast col- ors, vary special for retiring sale per yard Ole Still Some "Big Bargains in Napkins and Cloths SJ,tll, Minn good bargains in Linen Napkins and ClotI . 'High grade qualities that you can depend upon to elle satisfaction, They are selling this way ,t $1.50 Napkins now selling for $1.05 2,82 8.25 " " .-..,.,,. 2.4n 4.50 " „ 11,87 2,00 Cloths now selling' for I.9(1 4.50 „ 8.87 b, 00 „ 8.73 4,00 6 40 2,25 „ „ 1.419 Turkish Towelling lot One eta only extra quality Turkish Towelling, just the thing for bath towels, special for retir'iug sele,,,.10e Better One at 20C Better quality Turkish 'rowelling, splendid weight, fancy stripes, special for retiring sale, per yard 20e 15C Crash Towelling tic 4c saved on every yard you buy, extra heavy' weight, pure linea Crash 'rowelling, This was just a little too good to eel( in the regular way. We have half a dozen pieces of it in stock, plain or with red border 151 was oto' regular price, retiring eels your choice, tic Heavy English Flannelette roc Extra Heavy Weight Euglish Flannelette, create only, regular 14e, clearing for retlriog sale at 1Oc :7 inch Huckaback 36c 27 inch Huck Towelling, extra fine quality for Item• stitched towels, reenter 45c, special (W' retiring tele,.138c Table Damask 20c 60 to 68 inch 'Petite Damask, half bleached, good quality for ordinary wear, special for retiring sale.,..20C A Better Line 24c Hal(Bleached Table Damask, good weight, will give splendid service for 0yery day west', very special value for retiring sale at per yard 94c roc for Better Cretonnes Good qualities in English Cretonnes, a WO range of patterns Rad colors, suitable for any purpose you can use Oda material for, special for retiring sale per yard,,.,100 Art A'Iuslins 7c Good patterns in Englieit Art Muslin, fine quality, will wee... and wash well, replier 1Oc and 121e, for retic. Mg sale per yard 70 Sateen Bargains No need to pay regular price for anything you ne^d iu the way of 8nteene and Itoman Salina, Every, yard is reduced and you might as well save on your buying, We Rreaeiling all colors fu regular 150 Sateens for Ile, and 81125c Sateens (dl' 19c. Just Half That 1s all we ash for Coals, new, a yli•h, uteleelete garments, Every ono (his Reasons 0.11 and style. They timet he sold and half price ought re do it in silo's order, All Ladiee' Cloth Deckers exactly half price. All Chil- deen's Reefers and ureters exactly' half price. There is Money to be Saved on Fur Coats Fur Coats are going nt genuine saving pricem, We simply must turn them into money right away, for the stock to be reduced od as quickly as possible, We are selling Furs et prices like tins. $35 Fur Coats $23.50 5 only Ladies' Astrschau and Electril' Seal Jack- ets, made from choice selected eking, i ood linings used throu(hont, The list of our 0oete that sold at 882 to 885. A good chance ro buy a good cont for lit to matey, choice of the five Bargain Days $23.50 Fur Capes $1,98 4 only Cloth Capes, black end dark colors. Splendid thing for driving and rough wear. Special for Bargain Day's each 1.08 Fur Cape $5.00 2 only, Ladies' Bleck Fur Capes!, collar of blank Ani• t'alisn opposutn, first (lye, well 2(21(0111, wart), comfortable and sert'ieenble, l'egoJur$10, Bargain llaye each ,f$11.00 5' Coats $37.5o 5 only Astachnil ted Near Seal dneket6, plain or with settle collar and rereers, stylish and llalld801110 gal'• n41111a, regular $50 end '$55, -for 11 rga11) Deys,,,.37.130 6 Coats at $33,50 0only Ladies' Astrachan and Near Seal Jackets, plain or with sable collar and reveres, splendid garments that yon etre depend on without a doubt, 26(ular $45 and 847.50, Bargain Dayseaell....• ..... • ,,.,$33,50 • 1 Fur Jacket $2o.00 i only Lndio.o' Bleck Aett'aeilan Jacket, mode from good quality 1114100 that will give exeellent wear, regular 3211, Bargain Days 500 eon have it for.,.. 20.00 Fur Lined Coats Too Fur Lined Coats going at bargain prices as well, \\'e would like to sell thein all on Bargain Days if we eau, We would do it if you realized how good the coats are we are sailing for such little 2002(0)', 4 Coats at $39 so 4 only Ladies' Nur Lined Jackets, good (nudity beav- er with sable collar and reveers, muskrat of holster lining, regular $55 02(11$97,50, for Bargains each,.$39,50 1 Fur Lined Coat $29.50 I only Ladies' Fur Lined Coat. Grecian mink lining, black beaver shell,'I'88menian sable collate and 00veer8, regular$er.50, fur Bargain Days ,..,,,,,,,,,29.50 2 Coats at $4500 2only Ladies' For Lined Extra Quality Beaver Shell, muskrat lining, sable collar, legular $60 to $65, for Bargain Days 845.00 1 Extra Choice Far Lined (.oat, regular 379,for-,852,50 A better one still, regular 385, for Bargain 1)055„860.00 Get a Skirt for little money A little motley buys a good set victim hie walking skirt made irom good secvicealhle tweeds and plain cloths, sOffing for half or loss than their real , (t3Iles' Cloth fihirtg, assorted styles in nledinm and eeilg,'.prcial for sale $1.48. dien''1 weed nl,d Plain Cloth Walking Skirts, real garments that have cheracret' and style, regular 80.90, 51,(0) and some 91 90, All at one price now anti that price 10 $2.25, Choice of all our $1,00 Lace (,urtnine (o' sale 750. Choice of all our 31.50 Lace Csn'tsins for $1.20. 2 Big Bargains in Dress Goods,. We gathered together theme two big lo's of Dols Goode, end marktd them at these very low prices in order to clear (heal in double 411irk order, 200 or 850 yard0 Dress Got tie, plaits 0(0160, feitcy mixtures, tweeds, penes es, batiste, etc., ell colors in the lot, Regular 50c, an, 75c and )1120 $1.00 g00d8 111(0012(5 them, choice of the entire to! for Oils retiring Bate,,,. 85e A great collect on of Ihi in gelhertd tegeti:er from lines that Sold at 75c to $1,10, prole (doths, parmmes, fancy wenres and hewed snitiegs, ell one price for flat retiring sale, and that price per yard 55c Railway fare refunded on all purchases of $to or over. HODGENS BROS. - CLINTO Huron County Model Schools. The Board of Examiners ,for the Co, of Huron met In the public school, Sea - forth on Dec. 24th to finish the work of the Model School examination, The 5058)023 just cloned is expected to lie the last, therefore (here sena a large at• 1011dane0 lit both Model &boots, Al Ooderich there were 8j,atteuded the session and one wrote on the final. At Cliutuu there were 44 in attendance. The papers were considered fair. To pass the caudidetes had to make 00 per cent of the total and 76 per cent for honors, The pass mark 'was 700 and the honor mark 11137. The Model classes this pew Iowa maintained the repute. ((0n of the county model schools, for good work, is large number receiving honora, 210(1088 Carling, Whmih'edCarling, M. V. Currie, Cola G, Clark, Lillian J, Elliott, Je89i0 8, Fear, Mary E. Henderson, P. E. Jantfesou, Esther E Kellerman, 1,. M. Key's, Rem LeishMan , Olive L.MahajTy, Ella 11f, alitcholl, N. M. NIcQnarrle, S. O, Murray, Mary 1. Netusry, Stella J, Peutlaud, Edna L. Shaw, huth Sperling, N. R. 't'iplatly, Evelyn C. \\Filson, Jessie L. Tom, ,lean Cassie, Fuln Bonn, Samuel Dean, Orlando Jefferson, Geo. H. Manning, Wm, Matheson, 1Vw. A. Swann, llaeold Welsh, Nixon Wilson Thos. 0. 1'.288, Armstrong, Ida Armstrong, Jennie Carter, Jennie Coward, 'Margaret Cluff„Olive 1:. Dalton, Alice A, Doyeli, Lillian M. Diehl, Erma A. Framer, 5fari9u O10uu, Vera Jane Griffin, Leers. Hetherington, L.A, Hodgson, Daisy B,Joilnston, Jean Keys, Mayme 3, 'Laidlaw, Minnie P. 512Pberson, Ena Mc1(euu, Jessie E, Phillips, E. Myrtle Polly, Mary Scott, Mary E. Sherritt, Lydia Sherritt, Minnie 5.Smtth, Maggie Stevens, \V. L. Taylor, Edea \', Thomson, 0. M. Zimmer, Tillie Barker, I', C. Breen, W. G. Brvnns, Robert E. Campbell, A. M. Curran, Victor Deride, Melvin Elliott, Geo, A. Elliott, Wm, 8, Kilpatrick, Ed. Lyon, Emmanuel glair, K1104 . Meson, Roy 13, McKenzie, Hector McKay, Ross 11, McKenzie, W. R. Morrow, Wm. 0. Olifer, Wut, 7beliff, Alfred L. Stothers, 13, W. Smyth, Win..1, 'I'riebrer, Wm, L, Weir, Wilfred Young, Harvey, The following are under age atld will not receive their eerti1Ycatce till they are eighteen :— Deyell Lillian M. Dalton, .lice A. Fear, Mary E. Henderson, 1'. E. Phillips, Emma M.Sherritt, Lydia B, Kellerman, E. 1f. Sm1th, Maggio McPherson, Ena Tiplady Evelyn C. Pentland, Edna L. Tom, 30811 McKay, Rosa It, Barker, Cheater Swann, Harold The following have non-professional standing :— Curran, Victor Cluff, Olive E. Hetherington, L.A.Keys, M avme 3. Fraser, Marion Lyon, Emnt8nne1 Gr]tlin, Laura 1ic11ayne, J. 11 Johnston, Jean Sherritt, Minnie E. Polly, Riney 1Veir, Wilfred The following wrote on the final for renewals and will obtain one year and a halt ;-- Hartleih, L. Milligan, Carrie Howard, Winona Martin, Mildred Clark, Elsie M, White, Cora Parsons, Marie Geo, 13a11'(1, Secretary. Save This Anyway. Here is a simple home-made mix - Cure ne given by au eminent authority' on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement in it New York daily news• paper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken be - tore the stage of Bright's disease, He states that such 8ynlpton241 as latae back, pain in the side, frequent desire to u02(28(e, especially at night, pain- fill and discolored urination, ere read* Hy overcome. Here is the recipe, try it : Fluid Extract Dandelion, (medial! ounce ; Compound Kergon, Ono 001100 ; 0;Inpound Syrup Ser0aparilla, three 0011068, Tale it easpomlhtl after each meal and at bedtime. A well•kuowo druggist Lore in town is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed et Home by Blinking well In a bottle. This mixture hes a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kid. trey and Urinary et'ucture, end often overcomes the worst forme of Men - tandem in just a little while. This mixture is 80id to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism by forcing the kidney's to filter end strain from the blood end system all u00 acid and foul, decomposed waste lllal.ter, 00111011 cause Inose aflliCtions. Try it it you area'; welt. Save the prescription, Mullett. Mss Maggie Richmond, of Norris' was visiting Mullett friond,t last week. A load of young people from Lofidesboro drove 0001' to John 13righam's en Monday night and spent n very enjoyable evordil :, Election for the Municipal offices will he held next Monday, A vote will also be taken on repeal of the Lentil Option Tly.law, The 014881 1)1 Pictorial and the Blyth Standard ons; year each, worth $2,00, toeionly 1L439 This is a genuine bar. gam Don'00 miss it. Call and see samples at Oda office and leave your su J9Criptlen, 8 LE in Hardware, Tin- ware, Stoves and Ranges A FEW SPECIALS Double Barrel Gun $10, now $5.99, Spraymotor Pump $15.50, now $9,99. Jewel Oak Heater 812.50, now $9,00. Volume Wisher $7,50, now $5,49, Cold Blast Lantern 76c, 22000 40c, Large 'Poem Sells 10c. Good Chopping Axe 90c, now arc. Oroeu Bone Cutter 312, now $0.49. NJewel Cast Range 315, now $117,79. ew Century Washer $7.60, now 0.89. 011 Cloth Squares $1.25, now Tec. 116(13, 13811 32,20, now $1,49 Cross•cnt Saw Si.feet, guaranteed, $4.50, now $8.00, As our stock is limited come early and have your choice. N. B. GERRY Five Horse Head For Sale. Business Knowledge and Everlasting Posh are the two es0e22tlals to autumn. Attend Alliott Business Collogo Toronto, Ont. and prepare for 8ret.olas8 buelness poet - tions such ire are open to our students, Hundreds of our students are golag into good positions every year, Lot rte train you for one, We will do it right. WIn• ter term opens Jan, fhb, Write for eata. loau0 and see wherein we excel ordinary business oolfegee. LOOat)On of Collegt— Corner 'image end Alexander Streets. W. J. Elliott, Prinelpah ROBERT 11. GARNISS BLUEVALIII — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable, Wee arranged for at fax SrAtansnu office, Blyth, Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Ltecr, Kidneys end for cleaning the Blood. ixl0 days treatment $1, 30 days' treatment 26c. For 6110 at Dr. Mllne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL HERB AGENCY Klncerdiue, Ont. LOOSE LEAF LEDGER SYSTEM The only Commercial School west of Toronto using the above Modern sale hpue0esloall nee g kaily for gradua elslofBCanac ti s� Ureetest C ain of lllgh. rade fluidness Colleges, because our students "foam to de by doing, ' Etch student has loose leaf ledger, hill and caarge eystew, wird system, bank book ; 1111e out scores of notes, drafts, depoelt ellpt, cheques, etatement6, leases, mortgagee, receipts, shipping bale, oto. Our students do aotual business from hue first day. Gregg Shorthand —• —AND -- Touch Typewriting taught by the most widely experienced teacher in Ontario ; she Is also a graduate of John 11. Gregg, the Author, and highly recommend by him, Last year our stenographers were all placed within en.daysbf gradpstlon. Many of thoee young ladles are now drawing $7W to $800 per year. It Is freely admitted that we train the most rapid and Imetuate. Our Telegraphy Department 10 well tgnipped. Ralln'aye are short of operators, and eslarlee are advanoing rapidly. Wide Attendance Carlo ;omen Students from Manic be, chain our 1a k1Iobeom wan, Alberts anduBritish 0011. amble ; same from the United Staten, Ragland and Scotland. We train were young people than any other management In Western Ontario. Average nitaatlon taken by our graduates le not, excelled ; we Invite comparison. Individual instruction, Day students attend night classes free, and may take all of the above Bourses. Winter Term Begins January 6th. WA 108 8012 )A'2AL0nt18. % ingham Business College George Spotton, Principal, _,a