HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-02, Page 7LESSON I.-3AN. 5,'1508. The Word Made Flesh, John 1: 1-18• eta; It seem0 probable that this, verso describes the usual e1iwra ter of John's i eotimonmy concetmng Christ. He was ontinually proclaiming' .0103633 super - 1 1 I. uper-111. The true light rejected b\' sn u a 1.1, 11„) 10. Was in the would -ib wash the world in all the past ages, in very manifestation of (sol in the his- tory of the chosen nation, but especially when he• appeared as the man Christ Jesus, the Saviour of the world, This is 010 10,16011 Why the world should have received him." ll tde by him—He was their Creator, and they 17 ere. his c ea tures, made hi his image, This is an. other reason why the -world should have received l)ie. Kiley.' lout not—They did not recognize hint as their Cneat00, Sav- iour, Ding. 11. Unto his own—his own property or possessions. His own area - Ron, own inheritance. Referring to all people, but with a spacial e pluteis on the Jewish nation, he created, he re- deemed, he persevered, he blessed, he. loud. -Another reason why they should have received hire. 13coived hint not -- "Neither any the world at large, nor by the leaders of the temple, 1040 by the citizens of Nazareth, were his claims al- lowed." --Sperry. 1V. The benefits of receiving the true light (vs. 12, 13). 12. As 0ceeived him —Individuals without distincton of racy, +n:btonalty or cottlton. Gave he power— 'the night."—ll, V. The original word combines both ideas—the right and the power. Both are tido and. both should be accepted. Song of God See 11, V, On the divine side, God adopts us . as children by, imparting to us His own life (Johan 3. 3, 5). On the humaan side, we must be born again, iron above (John 3. 3, 5), 'by believing. 11'hat be- lieve—"Only those are children who re- wive the divine life and the divine na- ture by true faith." 13. Born - Spii'- itaml birth, regenerated. Not of blood, arc. —No natural inheritance 01145 1mk c 111 members of the family of Clod. Will of the flesh—Not from any fleshy 40 sire. "A rccond denial of any physical process," Will of man—Man by his own volition is not able to save himself. V. The incarnate Word reveals the Father (08., 14, 16-18). 14, Made flesh —Tile Eternal Word "took on flesh"— became at man with a human bonny and a Inman soul. "He slid not image to be the eternal \Vonxl; His (thyme nature was not lad inside. Retaining add the 00001- ioto a new mode • el being, not a new being."—Vincent Dwelt among us - Literally, `Tnbe'nmeleth alitong us, (hvelt as in a tent." We behold — J011,11 here bears testimony to wluat he .had actual- ly seen. Ills glory—There is probably a reference to the transfix nration (-Luke 0. 32; 2 Pet. 1. 17). But the whole body of (16scipl(0t had beheld Christ's reed Glom' es revealed in His diameter. He was the living embodiment of righteous- ness, truth and love. Christ was the ex- presso image . of the 1aatb'e0; iu' Hila "dwelt all the 3 elness of the ilmthead bodily." Only begotten—We nth children ('o muni! u'y.- 1. The nature and nig, ni:3' 0;' the Fiord (vs. 1-5). Divine at- tributes are applied to hien and divine acts are ascribed to hint. 1,The Word was truly God (vs. 1, 2). The Word had eternal' existence (v. 2). 3. The \Vord was the Creator (v. 3). 4. The Word was the source of life (v, 4). 5. of light (v. 4). The Wad was the 0011010 11. - The Word was distinct from. God— a personal and distinct Being (vs. 1, 2). 7. The Word was Jesus Christ (v. 14). 8. '.therefore, Jesus Christ was divine, very God, yet a personal and distinct Being. 1. in the beginning --Before nil created things. 1n the ages of eternity when only Gott existed. wag—The Word did not cone into being;a,h0 was never created; he "was." the AVor(1 Phe. Greek tont Imre translated "Word" is "Logos" and has the double meaning of thought and speech. Christ is called the \\'otd of God because through him is revealed to us the thoughts; feelings ,,purposes and will of God, as our 0001')15 express to others our thoughts, feelings, pn'- )70500 and will. God is an unseen Being, but "his thonght, his love and his nature are embodied and expressed in the per- son of t1, Son; our Savior, who' is the Word of God." with' God ---in closest eonlnlnnnion, yet distinct from him, was God—In substance and essence God. "Tho leather is Cod; the Sot is God; the Holy Spirit is God; Cod is One."— Chalmers. This is an unfathomable mys- tery, but it is eternal life to believe and knot' it. The doctrine of the Trinity is clearly taught in the Se•iptures and is the corner -stone of the Christian roll inning glen, 2, the same was in the b0{, —God was eternally Triune, three in one. 'There (0110 the Second Pelson in the Trinity before lie was manifested in the flesh, even from eternity. De w01 not ensiled Divine -Ile existed Divine, 3, all things were marls by him --Ter- restrial. and celestial, visible and invis- ible, men, worlds and tingelto.—Hall. .111 things came into being through him, by his agency. Ile exists, but all other things were' made..—Sadler, The effort here is not to declare the Second Person of the Trinity tho greatest of throe in One, lint to prim the divinity and eter- nal existence of Christ; net, that he is ore 11 two Gods, but God himself, the One Eternal God. and without him,- Apart im— Apart from him, He is identified with 1 ' every created thing, and is familiar with old has authority over c#mtion, 1115 plans and purposes coneenung m(,1 should not be regarded lightly. 4. in him of God in a'acnse, but only Jesus Christ was lite—Christ was and still is the is His Son in this highest and special source, the fountain -heal, from whom meaning. Grace and truth—Tth(s;e were Flores all life. -physical, mteUoeit ]lis Glory "Gra.te includes all mercy; Moral, spiritual, eternal, Compare,,Tolnl truth, nil justice." Ho was "full" of 5:20, the life. was the light—There is these, first', life, then light. Dead eyes cannot 16.18. We have hero three great deelar• see nor dead reintla know. \Whatever anions shout Christ: "1. It is Christ light men have in knowledge or h0lfncss alone who siipplins all the spirituel 00115 from Christ, the great life -giver, wants of all believers, 2. Christ Ind" His the infinite fountain of all bletssitg's. gospel are ('lastly snpe'io• to Aloes laid Christ hi his 113o''and through the life the law, 3, 31 is most, hrist alone who has he brings to us shows us God and duty revealed God the lather to man." and salvation and heaven, lie reveals PRACTICAL .APPLICATIONS. the truth; he is the living embodiment "'Che Word of God," c" truth (John hinet has re- A word is a thought manifested. Christ 5, the light shineth—"Cln•fst g veiled himself constantly, by creation, the Went took the thought of the mind by providence, by the strivings of the and heart of God, and expressed it so Spirit, by the ocuYse of events, by the' could comprehend it, so that what was' revelations of prophets, and even by the "invisible and inaudible afar beyond our 4)111 intimation?) of heathen conscious- reach 100100 into our minds as sone - 1(000.' And the light still 5hineth, clear- thing once in God's heart and mind, but er and brighter than in the past. in new in ours." If you would know God, darkness—The darkness of sin, ignorance• hear the word (11o',i 10: 17), unbelief leas enshrouded the world ' 1, The eternal Ron(, "The same was and u r "This — '(i • Clod" "Eli 0 D1 beginning 3330 wit:, 't not the r) it ) lin all ages. comprehended 1 m g g not receive it or profit by it: But an• is hold ground n "'a we should tread other translation hl the margin of the 11. with shoeless feet it a lowliness that V. changes the meaning—"the darkness a05nn105 nothing, that listens (11001(ly, overcame it not:'. "'rhe light, trough that bows implicitly to ]tint who' Speaks, sometimes apparently overe0mc, Was that accepts the di•. ino eon muni0tttimn really victorious; it withstood every ns- eoteernim„ the es:,entill glory of the Son, 511ult, and shone on triumphantly in a that owns him as the (''rnal,'personal darkened world." -Revision Com. Word, and rejoices 11 his being \flint lie 1I. John's Witness to the true light 110, lun•self drein•ed," vs: 6-0, 15.) 0. '1'bere was a mann Sex: lig. Tho ocoat tc word. "All !hinge li, 07. Literally, "there began to be a 10er0 (11)310 by him" (y: 5),The 00001)1 man" in contrast with the Word who through hila cause into existence (v. 10). had no beginning, Sent fa'ott God --God He who was "the beginning of the crew• rave him his 111156i011 0114 ifs message, tion oh God" (!Lev, 3: 34) is the Creator 1 that 9036 credentials and hiss instructions --hr was tt messenger. john—The Baptist. An account of his birth is given in Luke 1, and of his manifestation as a prophet in A41tttLeiv 3. A deep significance at- at- - Inches to -the mime John. which melt 'The gracious gift of God," and which was ivoll'fro110 heaven, b 7, '1'n suer witness of the Ligh�Tltere is much said in this gospel about wit- nessing. John bore a strong, clear testimony in behalf of Christ and proved from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah. The fact that John himself had appeared as the fulfilment of pro. pheey (Isn, 40; 1-5; Anal, 3; 1), and. that there had been ne collusion between him- self,an11 308110 Were :strong corroborative points. All men .. believe—John's par - pose was to cause T0rael to relieve in Jesus as their Messiah, but his efforts contributed largely to a more general be-, lief in Jesus, for the gospel was not for ^- the Jews alone, not for a race or class, 1 but for. all men 0]0011}'8 and aveaywherc. 8. Not that light—John teas not the source of light, 'hut only a reflector of the light, a lamp lighted. 0. That wag— That i0, Christ oyes. The tree ight— Not that John was a false light, but Christ was the "genuine, ,perfect light, the 0rigi 101 source of light," and his messenger only carried rays of light from him. • 1\rltich lighteth every man— Not "all men" ilia Light illumines each one singly, not all collectively. That the oold--This eleuse re- fers Cow Testing Associations Announcement for 1908. MAY LOSE HER LIFE. Sew York, 1 D.. 80 \\ un 1h:- )1 try Iles,. heath o tnkd to light Ila '� m her itouu Lt 1 night e I e 0. of t b u:ling match llu up and it 11,0 lrur e n I:r She n•as run ::d Mem;. 1.p it d 1 Id chest and tuts removed to !lettere iiris- I pilin iu un 11101053 dint condition Near p�e�• P�+�+�+++��O��O �'�� �+++ ' ty all of her lair was (0)3) ted Ham•••.++-++�-~rteing On cutcltng hcl home, .tt 1 ].tt It is now four years since the De•, If it is v'' 0 (1)0 rel1 ative to 0f This Pw'cut Y -se u•utdl street, ut n o e h eh, ahc Agriculture, through the 0011 to ]snow lotted the mains in darkness, Her Muesli- It of g cows as nutk producers, in order that 1 Dairy ll10(5(00, began 00,litelive cam he may improve Ids herd by a pro• rte 11ie Eliza aril Lwila who arc the s s of intelligent breeding and setae un tie 6616, had mine to a (bristles, , (uten- m improvement of ees 6, jnigtt for the 1 ) do it ,should be worth pitying for, tatiumemt for stage children, and her htr- lairy herds of Cunad:1, by inaugur I it fs not worth oat Rt Ieasi, f held nuns a ting in .i b ebnl.u. flung a 1010 testing associatdon at auytlfrug to tb0 owners of the herds \trigon 11tH, 1.0:00 much ,e watch a it is certainly not worth anything t 1 pat of it anus thrown alto ie:•r (1 )1) and Conanlevfle, Quehec, The Department provided all the equipment and loath' auvolte else, at once ihe hair c;w Lt tire. .She '0)'') r• ed each member the scales and necee- 1 beg, therefore, fo'making the fol. t •d 11101 her husbltn4 c,nuc to her aid. g �\'iainu I' snry outfit for taking and preserving lowing announcement in connection k1 g u;r'ottt,tbom h:•rhrndwed tho samples, furnished the requisite with this work: entelopiug her in bed clnthiln he suc- blouk forms for keeping records,, made For Ole season of 1908 the Depart vaced0d in putting out the blaze, bu0 not all the tests and compiled the reports, meat of :Sericulture through the. Dairy Lef)re it had sp'cad to her dte:is. without any charge, Division will co-operate with the cow The daughters 11id not ham 01 tau.' ,u'- In1905 a series of 30 -day tests wero testing associations on the following cident until they 0(0101od from 1ltr en conducted at seven places, the Be- terms: tel tainmu•Bt, pertinent, loaning the outfits and do- (a) Tho 1ttemb010 must provide their •-> lug all the work without .cost to th own outfits and agree to take samples ("tee's' df the herds "a in 1'301. Th. according to )instruction. object of tide Work was to call atten' (b) The members n'i11 be required 1101 to the importance of the ques- tion and to create sufficient i(010(001 in the matter to induce dairymen to organize for the purpose of conduct- ing a systematic test of the individ- unl cows of - their herds. The pub- lication of these tests showed the great difference which is found in the yield of cows In the some herd, and of different herds in the 5(00(0 locality. At the beginning of 1903, 16 associ- ations were organized under the any ]ices of the Department. Each mem- her hem• her'yv110 required to provide his own outfit for weighing and taking sam- ples, hut the Department of Agricul- tu e proi'ided the blank forme and nude the. tests without charge. The ala hared for work tuns continued on the same basis tested only mice will be charged 0 52 associations m 11)07, with a tate] f organized in the different pr0vfn000 0s follows: Quebec 27, Ontario 18 Novn. Scotia 2, Prince Edward Island to pay towards the coat of the testing at the rate of 20 cents per cow for the season, for herds of 5 cows and over. For herds of under 5 cow's n minimum charge of $1.00 per herd will he made. Waslnt5ton, D(c 30.— .'1(eoulfng t0 (c) The association must arrange for 0310X06 received at the State Department t ble )lace in which the testing 200 STRIKERS ,KILLED Laborers Slaughtered With Machine Glans. a suitable 1 to-dtlY from Consul lla1111 at lqufgnic, 11)10 be done is in previous years n'iEhettt cost to the Depat'intent. thele, 200 laborers employed near there. (d) The Dairy Division will pro- in the nitrate works 10)410 killed o(1 Sat - vide all the necessary blank forms, 1111103 end Sunday in an encounter with chemicals for testing, compile month- For Government troops, ly and yearly records and forward I'm' a week or more then has been them 10 CtlCh member without any trouble of an economic character be- Note—The charge for testing wilt which resulted in a strike. On Suturdln• be. based on the highest number of the mea to the number afsercrnl.thuns- 110aC8 tested in any one month. A cow e 0101 0wine 31110 Igwlgle and attempted to take possession of the town, The troop; the season, were called' into service and when the J. A. RUDDICR, rioters refused to disperse the soldiers Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner. were ordered to fire on then, which they 1, British'Coluntbdu• Sir; .Indgiug i'ram certain replies to did with uru•hine guns, cumin" henry T1 addition to making the tests • ; r -Jud of Nov, Y6 it retrnrd to the loss of life. out e1 a --_.- co it cost, theeach Dairy Division has my testing' work for 1008, it would seen' tlT the Department of Agricultive had compiled for each member tt mental' , that sem" of the members of the ass0- THIS j iED 13''and n yearly statement of f,he_in• ,,;allows have. had the impression that THIS 'MAIN Pi di1'ldual tests of his herd and, emelt member has also been furnished with ugtec(1 to herr the whole cost of1 testing Ravionr. \lay (3(03 have alis emnpnny ti ceps Of the monthly Omer as0 01 the Illilk,.101 ns uu1 11013) period. 1 leg: Twelve Short Hours After He �'4fas 0.11 tests made for the other osteo to mint out that the. Inst agreement 0n and Itis gtud'alwe through all the ,lay0 atwns. Summaries 0f 31)0 m011111; I `of their' life. and both here. and in 'the tests have been published in the n ri- this point covered only the sensor ", Married. life to come he menda•Is of the kingdom 1 ( 1 g 1007, It was re stated, (e sea131) natural and weekly p1000.of•Canada" en)nlnrs bulletins rued other lit- Philadelphia, Dec. 30,--( luntian \i. ,,; heav0n, Amon, all of 5o chat every person who reads: has eratwe anrrirg the' wort;, lord the or- Stengel President of the 1 e igc;n•,,.,., tl 1 1 t opportunity f study HEAVEN OUR HOME. (By L. W. Watson in Dominion Pres- byterian. In the home of Uod the 00th00, 'there are minty a(iesim)' fair, Where His children live forever, And their Saviour's glut share, For the ford has hone before them, 1b 010110 ' their haute above, And ale tomo again Lo take them, To Himself in perfect love. They shall know the love of hems; Far surpassing all their thoeght, Everlasting, true and holy, Love which their salvation bo1ght 3655 They shall share the joy of Jesus, Joy' exceeding, great and pure, Fitting all their' hearts with gladness, Which for ever shall 3Cndure. They shall feel the pea*. Peace as perfect is 13aai1oys Rest from sin and care and'sp.dge In the home of peace dbov@, They shall bear the mane of Jesus, In their lives for evern101'0, So that all 1003 see His likeae0s, And their Saviour's grace adore. ' It is'Iieaven to be with 300110, And to see Him face to face; Just to know and love and serve Hitt, This is the true end of grace. In Thy spirit's power' and wisdom, Jesus, Lord. be with its 110(7, Keep us in Thy love and guide 00, Till We at Thy throne 0ha11 how, Grand Mere, (hue, 1 PRAYER. ' 0 Thou who haat taught us to call Thee our Father in heaven, werejoice in the assurance that Thy fatherly love extends to ell, Not only the mnlure and wise, but the little children also ore the. objects of Thy tender care. We bless Thee because Thy Son, Christ Jesnt, manifested Himself as the children's friend; and to those kind arms widely were often thrown about the little )ones on earth we commend our children' now. Slay those whose hearts aro young and still unstained by contact with the world be protected from temptation and sin, hail' may they knov and trust the ' gm - thus none an opllo 1131 y o guui cis were 311 1))) ted t0 the s:uu0 Brewery interests in Netrmark,d, C 1 , ing the results and (edging of th) effect. 1 rl'oo t f+: if (.here has 1)4.0(1 importance of the work. died in the German hospital here early 1,0-)105', less than twelve hours after he had been married 10 Jars. Marie Louise. strolls of Navin ft continued. Ian e int Ireigenspn0, the widow' of the nun 00110 g the !Fluter sign e of the rest, and directed to say that the Dairy Dfvi- 'Phe Honorable lair. Fisher; Minister of Agriculture, has taken a special interest in this work and is very des un0 misunderstanding on int point. 111 .ill other' countries where, the wort: of cow testing has been carried on the Members of then 0s0)'(athins have borne some r,e,,s they have received no goy once employed hal. :Mr. Stengel Ouse sant, will again co-operate' with associ• being the couf(dcu(iol assistant o1 (:hris011') goy - album of 20 or more Members, or. el'0ment assi't(Oee`., the w'ea1c ,f tian owners of not less than 200 'COWS, for f the season of 1908, by doing the test ins, providing the necessary blank forme, and assisting 111 the organi t,•) , as heretofore, but the Minis- asked tel contribute 3)1(00'ds the cast of Last upon for t''n(IStengel Ayes per- tertn,11 I for n of. the when opinion that the. tithe this work t lk) o to e very 6111011est n f think sat in, end another upthet ion yes lica- baa 10010011 when ills maniere of the tion (the t 3s) of the never, truhv, J. made necessary yesterday. 1laving been a reasonably be asked (103110 the testing. 3'0ms y Stengel,'.1p053) 10 toascontributonse may y y co tof the ..,.sunetlting towards the C misdick, Dairy and Cold Storage I Yoshlinot slnnt trvivclr. l)is illness the simple cosy of the ..work.. Conunissioner' decided.. to carry out the dying wish of the Late lir. trot enspan, 1 licem0 101177 (luso. 53.3); persecuted him (John (13: granted yesterday,g)' bot its the time came 20); mocked hin (liatt.20:18, li)); for- sook 111111 (Mark'14:50) ; crucified him (.:acts 4:10). •-♦ HIGH COUR'i,. 1908. organized and eo meted a at result e the initiative of the' dairymen them- seh'os. The 0nn1 which Cmuulion dairymen are Eei n•tette 11 and shortly before 0(0 latter died - it 1 said he expressed t dish that his wife marry Stengel in cane he did live,- THE HONORABLE', THE CHANCELLOR. Toronto winter A000aee ,2n0 week), Mon- day, Jan. 13; Toronio'lNon-Jur7) (3rd week), Monday, Jan 21; TOrontO (Nan -Jury) Court, 2nd week), Monday, loch, 10; Toronto, Civil (Jury) (1st week), Monday, March .2; Nominee (Jury), Monday, March 5; 'Barrie (Jury), Tuesday, 'March 24; Toronto til `(N 9t. Jury) (Lith week), wed0001)0 , p May 27; Catharines (Non -Jury), Wednesday, dne dayne l5; North Ottawa (Non -Jury), week), Monday, March 10; Cayuga(Juryand N an -Jury), Tuesday, April 14; Orangeville (Jury and Non -Jury'), Tuesday, April 21;'Po- ronto (Non -Jury) .115th week), Monday, May 11; Parry Sound( Jury and Non -Jury), Mon- day, May 18; Gore Day (,Jury and Non -Jury), Tuesday, June 2; L'Orignal Wiry and Non - Jury). Tuesday, Juno 16; • THE HONORABLE MR. JUSTICE T)f;ETZEL. Toronto Winter Aeslzos (lot week), Monda0', Jou. 0; Toronto (Non -Jury) (204 await, 1st week), Monday, Feb. 3; Goderieh (Jury), Tuesday, March 8 Guelph (Jury(, Tuesday, Awl) 28; Bracehridge (Jury and Non-3ury), Tueednp, May o; Tot•onto (Non -Jury) ('20th w eek). Tuesday, May 20; Barrio (Non -Jury), Tuesday, Juno 2; Peterborough (Non -Jury), Monday, Juno 22; Lindsay' (Non -Jury), Thurs- day, June 25. THE HONORABLE MIi. JUSTICE ANGLIN. Cornwall Winter Assizes, Tuesday, Jan. 7; 1100 (Non -Jury), 5100400, Juuo 2d, Toronto (Non -Jury) (6th week!, Monday, '('11E HONORABLE THE CHIEF .March 2; Owen Sound (Jury), Monday, March JUSTICE OF '01118 COMMON PLEAS' 16; 111(,Toronto0 1chi '); 5ll (2nd (Jury Sni�dwNonl ^c on ice hardly an inch thick, 110 n hedgerow confesses its violets m x Omrto 1,11k , hnudon Winter 'As111 oo Monday, Jan. 0; awl n -Jury), Apres 1410;yApriPeml 21;0 Sand(Jur- Winter 32nd week), Monday, .tun. nod :von -Jury), Tuesday, APrit Sand- L}'cd. �Tu1.1•ia, 1 ( years old, yesterday spring; or 05 0 lamp confesses that it 20; lOoo (Non -Jury: with (Jury), 'Tuesday, April 28; Logdou '. 1''' 'rd and kindled by' letting its 20, Hamilton (Non -Jur 1, Monday, Iia, rc 6; thirty feet (Jury and .Non -Jury), (Non-Juryh Monday, May 11; Toronto (Non- broke through tart 1)) the middle w water, Iiy,Lt shine, 1❑ this way a tradesman I]rnmp[or. ( Y ud court, elarch 31; Toronto (Non-Jm•y)( 12 Jury) Jury) week), Monday, May 18; Chatham Half nit holo' at. stay, confees Christ over the counter, d A ill 6 'loou[o (Net- (Nen-Jury), Monday, Juno 15. lake, ttlnerC. the water i eighty-five feet THE HON. MR. 3US'TIC51 MAGEE, deo, Elea•' :Ano, 2s 3e; 0.41.,,1111,1_, iiia and n servant in the kitchen, and n da • 1 , y - • llezemiel, 1 ar,, 1 0intesmnn in polities—by loving right - Toronto (Non -Jury) (19th 300031), Mou y, I fi(n)e( \1066 .lame)cottsness nal hating iniquity all day Marek a; ]pronto lCiv10 (Jury) (4th woakl, ),ere drowned. \Vilii;na battle. went l tt down with Noris, but saved himself of CONFESSING CHRIST. Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before Wren, him will I' eonfess also be- fore My Father which is In heaven.— Meth v 2.11. ' We are struck with the tote of su- preme authority which inns all through these verses. Christ speaks in the' tone .nil ,recent of One who knows -Iliinself' to 'the Judge and _arbiter of mankdnd. He quietly 158ume0 that 0110 relation to Himself is the test and tonelmene of our final destiny, "l1 we suffer, we shall also reign with trim. If We deny' flim, He also will deny ns,. He cannot deny. Himself." 2. 1\e English have 0 characteristic kind of reserve which holds us back from exhibiting our private feelings and beliefs. By national temperament most English peopht are especially reserved For the ceremony to be pentouneel \lit ahoat their religion. If a Moslem hears Stengel nuns very (vena. 110 grew strong- the tall to prayer sounding from taw er in tt Jew' Iou1''), and in the evening minaret, he will stop short, without the they were married, .l few hones inter he lapsed into on- eolvcron.ne'+S, 11,01) 0110h he never (a1 - least embarrassment, and perforin 1e5 devotions in public, and so confess Ma - hornet. :But 00 Englishman would feel tied. such public devotions on his own part to be unnatural, almost indecent. flow many Christians hesitate, oven to say grace in a restaurant—though they say it regularly at home --,just because they instinctively shrink from anything like personal assertion or display of religion. They had rather conceal piety 111011 par- I ado it. They me afraid of all appear- ance of cant. 3. Now it is true that a Christian car. confess Christ in a thousand ways, without so nitwit as naming Him—just TRIPLE TRAGEDY. Girl and Two Young Men Drowni'd While Stating. 1'111011eld, Hass., Dee. :3(I, -While one hundred boy) and girls wore slotting 011 of all things. Nothing extsta na 0)155 nth week), ?sea ny• .. April 13; Wh1tbY not created h}' the \Vo•d of God (Gen, Jury) (14th week). Monday, P' (Nen-Jury). .Monday, tray' 11; Goopl (Non- a: 3. 6, 0, It, 20, 24, 10)• .Iuryl. 'rnesday, May 20, The 11010 Word. "hl Him 00115 ,tory), Mondny, 'June 1; 0701100010/1 (Non - III. 31.13 g Mondny, June 20,. .. life" (0. 4), Ile 15 rived, independent of life. Jury), 'T11E HONORABLE THE 0HIE0 "Life in him is mud All 0th independent JUSTICE OF THE KING'S BENCH and Bel animal, self -subsisting. 1, Aler angrelic, life, 5 ole- 'Toronto (Neu -Jury) (2011 court, 3rd. week), rived, nd 11ep dent. or angelic, is de- Monday, Feb. 11; Toronto, CtvIL(Jory) (22nd rived and dependent. Even the life p(ls• week), xtonilny, arch 9; Drnnttord (Jury), 'lith, tato spiritual, divine, ever Mondny', xliu'c1116: Toeanto (Nen-Jury) J 111 ), ,soisesed by faith. p ,51ondny, Murch 1111 eth.,01 l tial life (vc. have b barn of Gad, js not Mach), April 6; Lindsay (Jury), Tuesday, essentially and intrinsically ours. We Monday, 3une April 2Y; Cokourg (Non -Jury), MOnday, rave it derivali0cly from him. 1\e live 1; Port Arthur (Jury and Non -Jury), xtond�Y_ in hint," Through hint we have, I. Rei Juno 02: Kenora (Jury and Non -Jury), Mon - generation. "The Word of life' 1. John day. June 29, 1;1; Phil, 2: 16). The seed (hike 8: THE HONORABLE T1I15 CHIEF 11. 1 Peter 1. 23). ". Refreshment. "Tate JUSTICE OF THE r'X0I1h8GER weok)DIVISION 10r0al of life" (John 6; 48, 51, 54, 57). 'Toronto (Neu -Jury) r Oeh. 3; Toronto (Non -Jury) (2nd court, 4th 3. Sanctification. "The venter of life' week). Mondny, March 2; Toronto, eter- (Rev.'21: 61 22: 17: F.p41. 5: 20). 4. Re- (Jury) (3rd weal), Monday, March 16; Peter- dt Muct S, Kings - 1`., lot, "the light of life" edolor 8IL g March et ween roc 1' , 1: 4: ] 51 18" 11)1 2 Peter 1 10)• Monday, A 111 ]3' mento (Neu S) 5 110oility The gt ice. of life" (1 Peter 3: 7; 2 Co. 8: 9) h. 8051110 etion. "'Phe spirit of life" (Rev 11: Il; Rom. 8: 2, 7.) Redemption. "Tim tree of life." (Rev. 2: 7; 222). 8, Reward. "Phe erowil of life' (•Tames 1: 12; 13ev. 2: 10). IV. '1' 10 r ejected \Word. He came un- to his otvu, and Itis own received him not" (v. 11). ,Tesus cane `a stranger to the earth aid he had created (v. 10). He ennne ns the revelation of the Father's love (v. 16; 1 ,loin 4:10). IIe "came... to save sinners" (1 Tim. 1:15). But he was rejected by his own world (0. 10). hi8 own nation (v. 11) ; hie O00 . country Its ownC k , Iden own kindred (Mark 6:4) ; his owlet. ase. (TO 171 try : is Monday March 23; Bolk+v1110 (Jury), duy• March 31; Sarnia (30171. Monday, April 0: St.'Thoreau (Jury), Monday. April ,13; with a hockey stick' iter Ilia in detail, by hohlnng tap lens Brockville (Jury), 'Tuesday, April 21; 'Toronto So one aw :1,00 nal \its.• \foz(11(11 g° a0 11 11 unspotted front the w'e'ld. The Tonto foal) (1st week), Mondny, May a; To The mirig tics! confession is not al0vays dotvu but a hole 111 the ice three hundred t (Orlminnl) (nd weoy) Monday, BSnY 1 LI f: 1 g, "•actions speak 10115100 t ra words," and we confess Christ by obey - 1 ion n , •• M Toronto (Criminal) (3rd week), Mondny, and from who 1 c he els arc he a eater I articulate, They declare most plainly y Lh•tt the} scot waer Tuesda MnY rdgr o[ let •1 le Mn• is; xlnstm) tNmrJarr), y' and 100'6 cap ut Che m emmh•y whose wig n 26: Toreut0 (Non -Jury) (21sT weok)n 1(11+June I told the story 1 tell (1lei the ern ed) ttittnd-' of 1(5 Confesses Clint l.he'd are • un ie,the Ttlt ttWi I 4, Yet there will con tens Toroulo (Winter nostzea) (4th week), 1 Oltota ILaI(e is n. utile we,t of Pitts- � ns ah atter modest dieciple must e 1; Stratford (Non -Jury, nee n)•, unl ltntrrs 03(•10(1 ❑bout the flan 1te I »d rims and strangers on thee arch. MR. JUSTICE CLUTE. 01(111 rho )01108 drure thorn 011. - 1 g to 0cthoo is Hyl Derain (Jur the nt L Mondny. Jan. 273 YL Monday, Fob. field, ntd us it huff maty -pass{s ns (rr. y 17; Toronto (Neu -Jury) 37th week!, Monday, Feb. 24; Sudbury (Jury), Monday, March 2; TorontMorclie 11;NNorthr Bay(l010 (Jury)peMonday, April 16; North Bay (Jury), Tuesday, 0,011) 21; Napauee (Non -Jury), Monday, May 11; TUC Sault Ste, Marie (Jury and Non -Jury), y, norau h Wury1. Mon a Y, t etev tau (Jury),Tues ny THE IION. M".. JUSTICE elADDE. IJ k eek). pr Ilnmllton 'Toronto- (Non -Jury) (1s: week),(.i1u�Jay. (10th week), oa Mny' le; , :a». 13; Toronto (Winter Assizes) (6th Jury)., Monday, Sandwich (Non- Monday. Fob. 3; Toronto (Non -Jury) (2nd Jura'). Monday, June 6• court, 0th week), Monday, March 2; Strat- THE HONORABLE MR. JUST0Ch' 1 ford Wary), Tuesday, March 10; Toronto (Non -Jury) (12th week), Monday, March MU St. Catharines (Jury), Monthly, April 6; Belleville (Non -Jury). Tuesday, May 2G; To- ronto (Non,Jnry) (23rd weer), Moodily, June 10; Cornwall (Neu -Jury'), Tuesday, June 23; Simone (Non -Jury), Monday, June 20. MACMAIION. Hamilton Winter Aaetzea, Monday', San. 6; Toronto (Nan -3010) (5111 week), Monday, Feb, 10; TorontoMarch 0, 101,l ourg c(J�ti y). b remit); Monday, Monday, Civil (Jury) (01(1 week), March . MarcToroh 3 ; Monday. Marnh 30; Ottawa (Jury), Tuesday, April 7; Toronto (Non -Jury)- (10th'. yeei0, Monday, May 4; Perch (Jury and Non -Jury), 00nday. May 11; 0(cto1 (Jury and Non - Jury), Tuoeday, May M; Woodstock (Non - Jury). Monday, Jwne 1; Sudbury (Non-Jur0), Tuesday, 3011 0, THE HONORABLE MR, JUSTICE THE HON. MR. JUSTIC3'E RIDDELL 0ttaiea (Winter Assizes), Monday,: Jan. G; Walkerton (Jury), Monday, March e; London (Jury). Monday, Match 23; Toronto (Non - Jury') rind court, 0th week), Monday, March 00; Toronto (010(1) (Jury) (0th week), Mon- day. April 6; Toronto (Non -Jury), week), T0enday, April 21; Owen Sound (Non - 'Jury), Tuesday,. May 5; Goderlch (Non 3000), da, ayWelland trcochetous for slitters. Suuomndin•t .1 lar(,), part of the lake is the estate of Mr. Henry (1. Valentine, of New Sok, which 310. E. Parmelee Prentice (('0104 Inst summer, 1undBlythenood. the estate of lir. Jelin A, Spoor, of Cluutgn, - 4 HUGHES FOR PRESIDENT. New York Republicans Endorse His Candidature. New fork. Ore. 30. -'Phe Republi- 001n Chub, to -night endorsed (.overnor Hughes as a eoudidato for the Be- publieatt. Presidential nomination, and called upon Republican organi- zations throughout the country to coopo'ate towards his nomination nod election. Over three hundred members of the club :Wore present. and all but nine voted 'for the resolution, find words as well tie deeds to confess his bla5te')'When he is bound to take sides opeOly;with Christ's friends, and against Cl(ri$t• enetnie0, Is it really modesty olloiFh keeps you dumb and disguised Ohristlant Is it true l�emilit.y w•11i(11 tttt'1000 yeti sti11 wear the mask? Or is there at the bottom of your heart some craven hesitancy, setae lurking shave? Your faith in Christ cattnot h0a- just; a private opinion of trifling meat; it is something which 01110es th greatest possible differenceto you and to all the people you know, '1. '.11. Dar•• low, in Presbyterian. -- Western Texas is proud of Mrs. Anney McElroy Brett, woman promoter, and the telephone (110011 of the southwest; She is president of the Southern Tnde• pendent Telephone & Telegraph Company nut president land geno•al mangacr of ihe Brett COnstrnetf0n, Telephone S 'Pel- e0n]eth into )e w (Mark 0:4); 1 city (Like 20) N a1r Company. Thesel11I )1101rer0p• "rho true bight" not 'to "every 1)0(15 RRITTO TneO t M 12 (Non -Jury), Mon- efi • 1 T f0r0 t0 b dollar ofapi• ' c without t it .tar o es t l r ltrs 1 1 - s t'c i ' l ex ne 4 )hen 13tV P disciples t wu 'The 1 own man." 7" 1)ot 1 1 do dtt Moa Y Mdn Y Tt Monday Fep. 17• Welland (Jury), parenthetical clause or transpose it to Iliatt. 26;'1) John nend3) ndehpisol hl Marott 0, o (N J Y) (and court 1 Iatke 2'50); • 11 "which lighted every dean" 110 ft the close of the terse. 10. ear witness, l him e( m T ionto on• ur Toronto Winter' Assizes (3rd week), Mon• . day, Say 12; Toronto (Non -Jury) (22nd week)„ Rea t' Duda Juno B; St, Thomas (Non -Jury), ,c t inn „� against ,' more an , n convincedst 1 tumR iu w butt U u fir• ut =Ho aret c gnntyc( ,y te. tat to start n'ith. day. Jap. 20; Toronto (Ivan-, ury) t t w M y' 1 het' 10)11? 10103!' TJteic ine '3 ^ncns such June 19• Sarnla,(Non-Jury) M,on- 4h: l day, June 20,