HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 12I— .-
Gloderiejr T' a' loo Ih�° uve>R 'th@ r� R i� ph fJ'l Qii, ,lri•A rletor sr9. 1 - . -
the stook .af O. thatto Clo. �v#►1eh fp Halon Hauge,:will .ho d;:
phaatinlZ.. r,r h .
tp be sold by u[ ttgir: ZYlson
ate on Thursday ufterT;,00rl bre b. tp ; '
lbbltt, and child bp,hald I.n Mr, Thop,�lK.eets#ieflt'},aaq�ll@Iro,
° who lave
ry THE
y .
U i NG V(fAL beef an an ext@uded visit t1nvlllc�e.
Mrs.. �iot,th pf
a frlando
and relatives ala Qotl@x1,04 townithi , 4�i>is 11�ary MoNay�htotr ,tib at pxe�eMt t#L
tirerrlrQuiet4Ontarlo,Oali to
rn o y P aent:nwi n ao► ixt rt
coaflraed to .her hof
Is usually the hand that does the tack pi' e; si el °
of bri k buying when everybody will hmp@edy r@cqv h- -_~`
buying. There will soon 'be a time r e - atista5. Her uQany•.f?ri@ndeia
Mr. R. Irwin was rn Gloddrtch on her a, er OLINTVN,,
Y $ Y Y Monday and Tuepdag conferring, on y'
be giving, everybody wants to give, behalf of the
G, T. R„ with the Uiti• Mies Ulttiza Vpsper� teacher in',
everybody is encouraging somebody zens, Committee iii regard to the re, public school here, has bes�n a#f dirty �/, � r� ./. The
the ast week apv$n to illaeps.1.�r.L L o%�
else to give. You have no time to building of the r. valor destroyed istook
by p g ]/
the• late tire. Mr. Irwin also took a miss Beau Dodds has been .confined y
read long advertisements, nor have trip on the pay car which passed up tq• a house with a sevel'e cold the
'we time to write them so we will #nd down the past week. paswee►c. Sale Q
just briefly and respectfully invite The Peterboro Examiner of a recent Severalmembersof the R, T. of T. of ' Ouerooa,ts,
� '
you to remember and view ourGalary date contained a flattering reference this villa a visited Crediton lode onO�e�
of Serviceable Gifts when you are to the efficient work bein done by Friday evgning last and report a very v
Inland Revenue Officer L. Flood Pleasant time.•!!!!!!A!!!!4!!!!!!!!!!!!N!!!!!#!!
disposed to make your purchase. y Dame Rumor has it that several of •
who, by his spying out of illicit stills,
m the least unexpected laces, as be- our young ladies will chane their M
OUR i4Sl LITY come a holy terror to the men engaged names ere long. Full particulars later j' al��s Our Overcoats ares going opt b
AND in that contraband trade. Nota doubt on• +the dozen every weer{ and we are
of it, Mr. Floody's newspaper training We have been greatly stir- being told time and time again
stands him in good stead in the de -
ACCOMMODATION tection of violation of the law: It is WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH CODE prised at our wonderful sale of that no such value is being Offered
To supply useful gifts is now great- now an instinct with him. He .was
far than ever. Articles that will be
the father of THa NEWS -RECORD or RICH COUNCIL? Gloves and in this section of country. Our
of special value to the recipient rather . the Record which he brought big. sale is good evidence that the must
and a credit to the doner. Wheth- down from the bright little burg To 114 Editorbt Tait Nima-11 conn• y ,
f Blyth cl h Mitts at
er• you have a dollar or ten dollars Y to more central an Sir,—Th Goderich Star of Friday be right.
to spend, you can invest it here to omislug . Clinton. Subsequently has the following;—"The negotiations 50c a Pair,..
as good an advantage las anywhere hitely & Todd, of the count between the Grand Trunk and Gode-
y Our 4 great specials are
else, probably batter, for we are town, endowed, temporarilyat least, rich are being conducted by the Ui£i- _ , • i
P with the same ro hetic visin re aid- zens' Committee, and most satisfactory
Fever before has a sale been
Often the Cheapest, Always the p P y, "Leader" g Y in The Hub moved down the Aews progress is being made." so successful, duZells of pail's The «Leader Pace $5.
Beat. f men, w seekin worth g The Bonanza" Price
here bought the Record and adding Thinking it strange that our town sting out ,every da 'These �
gifts for nett, women or children g g
should invesct ate the advantages a hyphen .made the Joint affair THE y'�•
g g NEWS -RECORD. Mr. Ed. Flood has Council had delegated its functions I a is to The "Famous" Price 8
offered by y an irresponsible committee I attend- Goods Were bOU bt at Vel ,
been living in other parte for rta,n P ' g y The "Jackson" Price $10.
y ed its regular meeting the same night, �� »
00000000 years, but the name o a f he Flo one and the principal reference to the mat- low rate on the $ and every i
to Blyth and round about, the Floodys ter was the appointment of a commit
The D Fair go. being one of the oldest and most high pal: i8 worth 75C t0 $I,
W. D. , ly respected families in the county, tee of two, the Mayor and Mr. Allan,
to proceed to Montreal and interview We have a few
CLINTON. -- — the G. T. officials on the subject. No man who has to buy a
)boudesboro. • I would not write on were it not pair of Gloves and Mitts can Children's Cape, Overcoats
Agents Parker's Dye Works. that our papers havehithertopassed p
Last Priday evening there was a the question, in fact one ignores the afford to miss this ebance• Carried over from last year. Anybody can
grand gathering of the Sons of Eng- Town Council by continually pushing
The Huron News -Record land, the occasion being the regular the committee to the front—a commit- 100 pairs Children's have their choice for half price. It is a
emeeting of the Lodge 143 inthe'Tern- tee over which electors haveno contrdl for Somebody.
$1,00 a Year, to Advance. rance ball. District Deputy
Jackson Snap —and the other has failed to notice it. Kid Mitts worth 50e
of Clinton, was present, and about a
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25111, 1807. dozen or more members from Ben. My object is to get the matter before are going during this Just another word about those
_._ miller. After the ini'tation of two the people and direct attention to the cc
candidates and the transaction of fact that a committee was nominated sale at 25c a pair. y7 and $10Men's �7t11tS.
Purely Pepsonol Mention general business the brethren adjourn. some years since to help those of our
ed to the Foresters' hall, where oysters citizens who took 's summer boarders Menss duck Mitts We stake our reputation that they can -
other good things were served in and though the laid committee has , p
excellent style. The pro"ramme was received large sums from the Council ,
�e Weekly Record of the Comingand Oolag3 g for said hand around the not be equalled in this section of
unfolded by the President,, Bro. John purpose, more than one of y g,
of ClinioniansorPersons Known to Them. E. Taylor. who these intergsted have informed me house or barn 10c a country.
y performed his duties �,i ,
in a pleasing and satisfactory manner, that the bu ness has gone front bad to
Dur. Whitley, Goderich, was in town Among those who added to the plea- worse since the committee was initat- pair. With ever Cash sale of 1 or. over we
y' sureof thegathering in song, sentiment ed, that only a favored few can' get y
Mrs. D. McCorvie is visiting in Tor- and speech -making were:—District tenants during the summer months, Horsehide Gloves give a key which perhaps will open the
onto. Deputy Jackson, Fred Shambly, and that they are unable to get justice �s
because those who have the matter in $1.50 cash box now on exhibition in our win-
Mre. D. Gardner is visiting her son Miss Andrews, Rev. Mr. Andrews, .
in Loudon, , Miss•Adams, Miss McKenzie and hand are not responsible to the people.
Miss Webster, Harlock, wits the Thos, Sampson. The gathering was Under such circumstances would it Nothing like them in dow and the holder of such a key can
guest of town friends last week. in every respect a success, and the , not be well to—that s if thepowerof any-fo fee this section. Can't be have the contents free. It costs nothing
committee are to be, congrafuluted on nlittee—that is if it has any -for fear
Mr. A. Porter was in Exeter the the result. other matters may meet with like dis- l
forepart of the week. order. . worn out. to take the chance.
Mrs. Mogridge is moving to Clinton
Mrs. ti Torr Rance, of Blyth, spent this week. Yours, etc„ 000000!000000!0000000009
Friday under the parental root. �
Invitations are out for the weddings RATEP4YER.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and Miss of two of aullett's popular young ladies P. S. Is there any need of a leouncil ra"VA 0
Mable, Seaforth, were guests at the on Dec. 1st. under present circumstances? ■ ■
Rectory Friday last. Miss Mary Webb spent Sunday with o
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McKee, of Lon- friends in Clinton. 0 0
don, are spending Thanksgiving in The teachers of S. S. No. 8 purpose It is understood here that Hon. C. H. AOKSON
town. having an entertainment in Tempel:- Macintosh on relinquishing the North -
Mr. Bert Thompson, stude'PIt at Vic- ance Hall here on Dec. 10. West governorship on Jan. 1st will The Famous Clothiers, Clinton.
toria, University, called on friends in The union Thanksgiving service was take the editorial chair, of the Ross -
town on Saturday last, held in the Presbyterian oliurrch. land B. C. Miner.
Mrs. Jas. Fair, Sr., left Wednesday __ _
morning to spend a few days with her -- -- --
daughter fn Detroit.
Miss Tena Cooper is spending
Thanksgiving with Mrs. W. H. Hale,
Mrs. Janet McGregor, of Stanley, HOSIERY,and Miss Morgan, Bayfield, left the _over they may be in Dry Goods, we are ready to supply them at close cut prices, from
forepart of this week for Devil's Lake, the best all round Dry Goods stock in the county. Huron's biggest Dry Goods store is full to �
This Store bas made a, reputation for a class of Gcods
Mr. A. M. 'Millan, representing the p overflowing with just the kind of Goods yon want for this weather. 'There never was a time
Toronto Globe, s c town this week. whin we bad as good a winter stock as we have to -day. Tlie. assortment of every line is good,
lffe reports great success ,in extending that gives satisfaction and COmaJlIIes quality and w8111' as
the Globe's subscription list. the qualities are good'and the values are good. Thi3, store stands for reliable qualities and
Mrs. J: C. Gilroy left this morning, well as lowness of price. close prices.
accompanied by her little son and
(laughter, to spend the holidays at her
old home at Sarnia. Boys' ribbed wool Hose......15c It 25c ■ ��ta'f�1 iKer Ce
Mr. Sid. Smith has been doings busi- I VY�� , ' .LZsiV 611
nese in Parkhill Lucan and nei hbor- Boys double wool ribbed Hose...40c �u!U
in towns this week. There's s a good deal of lottery
g Boys' ribbed worsted Rose double 1
W. J. Bell, late of the Bell Organ lri Blanket 1tU !n it's hard
Co„ Guelph, called at the O, F. Thurs- knees ............... • ............ ,45c ■ y g
day hast on matters pertaining to the Ladies' plain wool Hose............lilc ■ to tell the poor kinds fl•om the
business. . � Y� good, especial! when they're
Messrs. W. Dohertyand F. Jackson Ladies' plain wool Hose........... 25c jjj 1 yy
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ new:. We are Ell ins Blankets
went down to �funelIe Monday
ecr' fine wool ribbed Hose ..... mill
night to attend theefuneral of the ]ate Ehdi-Low, Prices are making made by the lest blanket ,
P. Depew which took place Tuesday, ., .. .< << 4-0c thin s.livel in C,aLada, They are not the
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, near •' • g y in this Depart
London, and Mr. and Mrs, Sheppard, •� << 45c ment. Ol•dinary cheap. and nasty- kinds
' Miss Sheppard and A. and S. Sheppard, Ladies' plain Cashmere Hose, Ladies' Sailor Hats..................45c but they are goo.i, and the
m of the Nile, attended the obsequies of << pricer are lower by
the late Mrs. Johnson on Thursdaydouble sole, heel and toe 45c for. ,3Gc „ " H85c; 'for.......,.6r3c i far than
"',•:l 1=est• $`1.25 for ....... 85c we've ever sold such clua,lities
Mr. J. F. Sherlock, the genial tra- Laches' find plain Cashmere Hose Misses Dress Hats $1.25, $1,00 for..45c s r
for before. They re woltb
veiling agent of the Doherty Co., was double sole, heel and toe......... , 50c Ladies' Dress and Walking T39,'ts at
in town Thursday alter a most sac-
cessful trip through the maritime pro- Ladies' fine ribbed Cashmere Hose, a price to clear. your seeing ani! Worth your
winces. J. F. tells the usual story of double sole, heel and toe... •....45c 3���CiIA�_ buying
the increasing popularity of the Aline of Ladies' Trimmed Hats J
Doherty organ among the Blue Noses, Ladies' flue Ribbed Cashmere. Hose Underwear.
Mr. Thos. Donaghy, Mt. Forest, re- 5 oz. weight, best value in the at $1.75, $2,00, and $2.25.
presenting the McLean & Co. r Two special lines of Under -
tions, publics- trade ..... • ............ ,......... o0c v�' AXONY YARNS. � wear that are by long odds the
}- tions, celled upon their subscribers, old
and new, Friday last. Mr. Donaghy, Children's Black Wool Mitts...... •20c Dresdon Saxony 15 lick, best value In the bade.
we knew him of old, is one of the Childrens' white fur Boas 36in , , . , ..25c Rock Saxon 2�;lick.
smoothest and ruost plausiblfi of can- Y . Children's ribbed wool and union
vassers. The interests of the Macs will Scotch Fingering., .... •75c. lb. vests
;• Children's white fur Boas 44in......35c ,lolls sleeves, worth LSC, 30c...lAc
not safFer in so Tier as he liar to do with 2 and 3 ply Factory Yarn Ladies' Rygiean Vests, hesey
"a thein. Children's white fur Boas 54in.. , .. , 45c 45c. lb. weight and soft finish, shapefi,
Mr, and Mrs. Carr, Wingham, Mrs. • a regular 3:5c. garment.... ......25c
J. Al. Depew, Detroit; Mr. D 8. Clu", Children',i wool Bonnets 7:5c .... for TiSc ®�� �*��®��'.
to,were and Mr, T. Ck a Torun- Children's Eiderdown Bonnets....50c 9 Mantles
to, were in town last week 'attending Special Dress Serge, Black
w, the obsequies of the late James Cluff. and Navy . . ............. • , •48c There is no better time than
Mrs. Depew remained here until Mon- �Y
day when she left for Wardsville to bo KID GLOVES. now to select aMantle. Youget
present at the funeral of the late P. a feat deal better choice than
Depew. Ladies'black Kid Gloves 85c for .... 65c
Mr. Ike Rattenbury returned Thurs- k6 41 41 $1.25 for 85c if you leave., it later, and you
day from adoor-hunting holiday in the Corsets,_-.�
7 hook lacingglove in Tans ml 'ht as well have the best as
wilds of Parry Sound whitherhe had $1.00 for. ......... ................85c
one with a party of genial sports, Ladies' Tan Gloves with worked somebody else.
't. , awn from GAt, backs and pearl buttone..$I.00 for 85c -
Ike unto himself, fir �---
Yuelph, Toronto and Kincardine, 1 line Ladies Cc> ts. ...... , . , . • ..25c Ladies' black French Kid Gloves A Ki`d Glove Bargain
The camp was located nineteen miles 1 line Ladies' Corsets 75c for . , ... , fi0c guaranteed ... , . , . $1.00
from the railway and in the midst of, a •' •' • .. ' " •' It iso only for tbose who wear
v multitude of lakslets. Game was 1 line Ladies' fine blk, Sateen'Cor — small sizes. Perrin'a Gloves
plentiful and each of the company gat Childrens' Cloth Tams in Black
the full number allowed by law. sets .. . ..... . ......................50cCardinal, Blaek Navy, Cardinal are goodthey fit and the r
Mr. Adam Cantelon has returned and Brown at.....................25c Wear. Genuine Perrin Gloves
from Lorlie, Assa., to nurse a fracture
ed ankle, an injury he sustained by 4 buttons, black only, in sizes
falling froin the relate of a stone house 5 g tri 1 the unlit We have u
f he. had just completed. Mr. Cantelon, s �f e q y
who spent it week with his sister in The Great Milliner ViM oriur� sold fbr years at 90c and $1 1
Toronto an his toss home, will remain � 1� •
for some time, it may be U11I s ring, 55c•
when he Will be off to the West Again.
' He is in love With that great country,
brit particularly with A.ssnabola which , O
ho decidedly prefers to Manitoba. He ' • •
has tried both and Ought to be able to
friar slip thereon Two of his broth- THE LADIES' IF•AV'C�R'I�"•E ESTA93LIS+I�ii1 ENTS
y , c'�rs are urs there now, one at Indian
t .. Head and the other in the merchantilo■
4 , lire at Lorlie. ' ( IT. 11XV Vr)`1\T .i
'This is fur weather, just the kind that furs are needed.
There is scarcely tin article of dre,-s sold where there is more
loom for dece-ition than in Furs. Unless one is an expert, a
3uyel s only safeguard is to buy from some house that can be
lepen(led on, We buy our Furs from the most reliable bouses in
he trade, and can recommend the qualities of the goods we sell
Our Furs this season are particularly good value, and you
;sill rely on the qualitites being first-class. Neck ruffs are very
itshionable this season, and we are selling a great many of the
ollowing lines :
31ack Oppossum Rut's, I Fine quality Grey Lamb
head, claws and tails.82 25 Ruffs, nice even' curl,
knieri.can and Australian bead, claws And Calls $3 50
Oppossum and Racoon Genuine Alaska Sable
Ruffs, head, claws and! Rubs, head, claws and
tails ............ ..82 751 tails, Al qualit's 4.50,$5,7.50
Jn Muffs, Gauntlets, Capes and Mantles, we have a
plendid assortment.
We pay particular attention to special, orders, and can get
on any hind of fur you may want, as gdod and at as low prices
s you will get anywhere: If you are wanting anything in
urs get dur prices before you purcbase.
Direct importers of Dry Goods, Clinton.