HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 94 r 40 The Perfume we are Giving Away Is good perfume, worth 500 an oz. There is 10 oz. or over of it in a beautiful out glass bottle. It is in our wibdow and You -04,n-eeoit-it) warth having, We he- lieve our perfume stock to be an oaeopp- ti0nally goc,d one -as good as can be found outside the best city stores. Neta I. bottled goods and but goods we show a very largo assortment. In fine Fronch goods-tue best mads-wo know we can please. Neither need ,you go elsewhere Pot• cheaper goods. 11 a have them In abundance and though they are riot so ex_ C1711as the best French perfumes yet they are good perfumes. In bulk these are 25, 40 and 50o an eunoe. In bottles front loo up. The French are 75c an our co in bulk, In bottles 25o, 750, $1.00, $1.50, $1,75,and $3,00 each. Any of those are most suitable for Xmas Pres- ent.'. Over and above those inducements of quality, style and assortment, we offer on extra one. With every pottlo of perfume from 25o up and with every 250 worth of bulk perfume itnumber will be given. On neo. 80th a list of the number sold will be given to an entirely disinterested person who will choose from it it number and hand it to the New Era for publica. tion is our advert. on that day. No one, ourselves not excepted, will know until then. We will also publish it in this pparer the following week. whoever holds this number gets the bottle mention- ed in the beginning of this advt. the perfume we sell you is as good as you got anywhere, better than you get moat places, The rice you pay is no higher than any place but Is lower than in some places. The chance is free. It COBTS NOTHING, •00••00• Xmas Goods will be all opened next ,reek, ALLEN A. WILSON YOU'RE NEVER ...HURRIED,.. �ABOUT TIME 1'orter.'s Illill Mr. William Elliott is building a commodious hell house on his farm. It is beginning to feel like winter now with We first real snow storm. A COUPLEof sitars crept into the the Porter's Hilt correspondence last week. Read H. Hill fur H. (look and $375 f • 175 ' M AX7 11111' t' 1 after Ct11'1' In a watch "� y 01 $ !n r. la :, sit ary. Mr. Elliott is such an excellent teach er that the mistake was �c1 ufte obvious. The I1wrchased here. They members of No. 7 Com— aro timepieces in every pany, 33rd Battalion twld their annual shouting match On Thanks - sense Of the word notving day at the targets beginning at f0at, poeketpieees. We sup- m. Capt, Shaw and Lieuts. For- rester and McDonald will have charge Gold, ply thele in Gold Gold of it. The teen will. be furnished free 1+'filled Silver and , with all ammunition and rifles. A sup- per will be held after the match anal it Cases, and guarantee jolly good time is anticipated. them to keep accurate uolu►c3viuc, time, of we will refund Mrs. Ed. Tibbutt and daughter re. you your mouey. turned to their honkie in California We are Quoting Special Prices Just now, and will give you just as good values as offered elsewhere. No old shopworn articles, but new up-to-date goods. We are in business to satisfy, meeting competition at every turn. Put us to the test. 0-0-0 P. S. Crews, on Tuesday. Will. S6artley was in the Nile on Monday. Mr. P, Campbell, of Zion, spent Sun- day with friends here. Mrs. J. A. Ford and Miss Mickel, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mrs, Rum - hall. Miss S. Acheson is home on her boli. days, Mr. T. Powell, of Clinton, spent Sun- day with F. E. Stanley. Mrs, F. C. Elford is spending a few days with her father, A. J. Courtice. The September cheese was sold for for 8 1/16 cts. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Godwin, of Gode- rich, preached Missionary sermons from Math. 28, 10 and (sa. 41,6. The Choral Society intend holding a concert on the night of Thanksgiv• ing day. Everybody is invited to corse and spend it pleasant time. @ DISSOLVING- PARTNERSHIP, ( )our ]Prices sire JEjeading sill COthers. Fine Niggerhead curl Mantling, We show the largest stools of all wool, 56 in. wide, cardi- Gent's Kid Mitts and Gloves nal, myrtle and hlack, reu- in the town. We give thein lar price $1,90, sale ......$1 60 to you at sale prices, 60c for Beautiful fancy mix Nigger- 49c, 75c for 60c, 81 for 85c , head, all wool rand latest $1.25 for $1.05, $1.50 for• $1 24 mixtures, 56 in, wide, regu- Lovely Chenille Portiers and lar price $1.50 for . , .. , ...$1 24 Curtains in cardinal, fawn, Very fancy and pretty all wool Nile greerr, regular $3.50 Nlggerhead Mantling, in seal per pair, for - _ $2 79 black ground with cardinal ',Table Covers in ftnc colored wool nigg•erh&id curl, regu- lar $2, sale. . . * * a - 6 . . . . . . $1 49 Chenille 4 4 6-4 and 84, 6-4. $ regular $1.40 sate 110, 8-4 Now comes 3 colors in real Irish x,sale $2 25 Frieze, double fold, in black, Ladies' colored Kid Gloves fawn and - grey, these are , very fine and stylish for both dome fastening and Ladies' Jackets, and warm buttoned, extra good quality, regular price $1.25, sale only 98c regular $1.25, sale price.. 98c Carpets are going out at this Beautiful Wrapperettes, stylish sale at a rapid rate, Brussels, in pattern and coior,as hand - Tapestry, Wool, Union and some as the all wool, regular Hemp, , price 15c, sale price _ 122c Pillow Cottons and Sheatings, Best wide a,nd fast Prints, all widttls, are being sold au regular price IzV, sale 72c Graduate Druggists and Opticians. Jeweller and Expert Stanley' this sale at almost the whore Watch Repairer. Only two heavy velvet Shawls r►��.�� �► s r1.� a a J Mrs. J. Ra.thwell and daughter are sale to clear the line out, � -- - -'- making preparations for their removal left in our stock which will — to Bayfield: Heavy Flannelettes, wide be run out at sale prices. ••••00••e•e•eeee•o0e00e00• PtiarluOeh, Wedding bells are chiming in this width fine range of Jatterns -. • • vicinity. Dame Rumor asserts we + r rMr. James Gibson, of Dungannon, are shortly to have it new partner ill only ...... . ......l. , .. _ . _ 610 Heavy ' Irish Freize Overcoats Great • has rented the farm owned by Mr. the (Taylov)ing basines9, go -$7.50 for - $5 25 ++ • q Curt ie, of the 12th con. for a terra of Mr. John Daulhy, who has been en- f Good wearing Tweeds, assorted , � • ears.. gaged with Mr•. John W. Reid dtirin s- _ Boys lou Overcoats from. • y g colors only g • Slaughter n'"Liss Lottie McBurnPv, who has been the summer months, is now engaged ` ' - 25C $� 50 upwards, 0 visiting tier parents hete, has gone with Mr. James Reid for the coming �� Muffs are WNnted this cold i • back to London, year. e Sale -Mr. Thos. Powell has taken unto Mss Minnie Armstrong, Bronson � weather, especially as they Best all wool Grey Flannel • � himself a life partner in the person of Line, is at present visiting at Fullar-`- cragain.°4 rr ' • 000000•• t Miss Sarah J. Coctieror), p ton, are coming in style regular 25c for - 21c �. f" • • b1 r, James Ghent wears his first �Ve are sorry to hear that Mr. John , , • of worth of— �" We have them big variety of " Ward, Varna, is not recoverin as During this Dissolution Sale a parental .rltkle, It's a boy,' ra idly its thew laid desire. g w- styles of fur, and large range Men's good all wool Tweed Watches a Mr. Ha.tnln [ford, of Parry Sound, p N fi 0 is visiting Mr. E. Robinson at present. Mr. Sterling and sister, of Goderich, of prices, at sale prices. ~� ` • Mr. Ad. C. Hoover returned home township, spent Sundry at 14)r. T. Suits will be sold at follow- - �+ • Jeweler and • BrawnPtt'9. p Y t i • 0 from the West last week. He reports Storm, Collars are comfortable in g+ p g prices, $5.50 sale price -� • • very poor times out there. Miss Eliza Reid, who has been for '"•.rr SilverlrarE 0 A ver hap some time in London, is at present f just now, They are Dere at $3,98, quit sale price r • y happy event took place at the visiting a y p _ e sale T1Ce5, $7 Everything in my store,at whole • residence of Mr. Wm, drigg when h's a, t her home, Bat field road. p $5.15,$8,50's t sale price $6. 98 • eldest daughter, Charlotte, and Mr. A Mission hand was organized in f 0 sale prices or below, From now • Bell, of Wingham, were united in Bia9field Road church an Thursday 000.00e�e0e00000000• -'� l until Christmas. We must have marriatgP evening by MKs. Fletcher, Thaules e''- • the money, band if you want the Road. 4" suds at o Mr. J. Taylor has erected•, saw mill M,, C- Reid visited friends near St. r • g prices t lit can't be' • in Mr. Bruce's bush. HP intends doing ry a�N.w • beat, come to us. This is a genu- • a big business this winter, Helens recentl•v, �- • ins sale, sand every word that we 0 g w- 1 • • Miss Bell Leishnianis spending afew Thanksgiving service will be held f • say we mean. Everything will 0 days with friends in Morris, in Bayfield road Presbyterian church �- � GIL RO Y & W/(Y 0 be sold at cost or beioty, until • on Thurd;ay evening.` - Christmas, Mind; the " can T_. -. _- -__ _ Sorry to hear o6 the continued illnr�s 0 give You prices that no- o of Mr. Robert Reid, Sr. � CLINTON. • body can beat, as we. are a IClyti°. � . $spend to reduce our stock and • _ �i��U�IJ�Ui�J1OJdbJ�iJIdJ6lJ1U1dJs�J1►J�bJ�IJ16�a1 1!\�J�1d�dJ16JdUlU6lJbtJd�bdlJlillili��ItJ11J1►Jiijl�Jllll�l� $3,00(1 worth at once. Came, and Master J. E. Bell is visiting his sis- Fire at Stratford. 0 get these great snaps, because a ter in Goderich these days, Strattford, Ont,, Nov., 2t, 1.30 a. m.- --- ------ : they are worth coming miles o Regular tt+eeting of the rneinhers of •1 most disastrous fire is ragging here. George Goodwin, Ottawa, the chief • • • to get. • the C. O. F. Was held it) their hall on til e ('it.y [-tall, right is the centre of financial backer of Ute roller brat, says /�i'�1e��(�.l �'ur'�Ztur� • 0 Tuesday evening. the City, is allablaze. The firemen are the machine wilt not he given anatiler -^ ® Thursday being '1'hanksglving day unable to slop tile, progress uF Lhe trial this ,year. (i % ry�r �c • �■ Rumnit it will he unserved in this Gutvu as ti sanies, :u1d the fire only spread. Loss, RSale Dur2i't��„ "cleber• 0 heli vitt abort;:>(LlN)11-DE,4THS, ti ® Divine Service will he held to Trinity Lutt r, --Fife teas diHeovPr ed in the As we have, a Goodand well selected Stock of Furniture note on hand which church au Thntsday evening at 8 City Ilan shortly atfter one o'clock CtryNl�cllAu.—tn Goaeriob, 0n Jnve,nber loci, we will offer for sale during Oct. mild Nov., at a very low price, in order to 0 Leader of Jewellery Fashion. o'clock. this morning, and it had gained diel, \\i;l aha tunuiu ham,agua Ho yea's, clear the whole Stock out, An • Perscn rec nirin an thin r in this in • 0 The jingling of the sleigh hells was licadwaty than, the etforts of the fire- Ixc'1'la'- In Stauley, on November 5th, Thomne I fisc} it to their, interest to corHPyand seem Istnck before buvirl 1 e, will •e0000o0000et90®000®aD® ®0®®® ItPaud for 1hP first Lime this season ill leen tecta powerless to step it, enol its ingtis,a,ed46.years• Y g elsewhere, hear forI un'1' ttinlY• total de �ru powerless ess stopinevit 'The L,UtutlVI-% .in seafrrrth, on Novernimri,2th, ,rale As We have a choice stock of Bedroom Suites, Dining Suites, Pa.rlorSuites; ,Ann ltu,d, relict of the Into charlod aro], Lounges asst Conches, patsy Chairs and Rocket's of all discriptions, which On "Thursday evening last (he preen- upper• part of the building was used A qQ al years, 4,nouths ana as days. w(ist all be sold if L­tv Prices will du it. hers of the Fire Cou"pany and others as an opera ]rouse, police court and nh;PE1 V,-111 1\'aavlsrille, on November 22nd, visited the reside uc<+ of Chair Chief arty calices, while the Was as oC_ P. l,epcw, sued 711 yuan. We also keep a good stock of Mouldings and Picture Frames and Furniture -`�� I:ngulP6r, J, B. Kelly, and presee,Led c•npied by public library awl reading r Repairing clone ucittly and cheap. Kindly eitll and see me before buying _ .. elsewhere. Idol with a healttitltl cbairand address ruuur, c•iCv Lrr•asurer's calico, market ChINTO\ 11A1{KE',l' 1{l✓P()lb'1;6. Zenofohierccuuhnlgatpeiul"incntCiti •arcade, including the e esofWMe- Our Undertaking Department zee of Goderich. :1larsha.11 rL Sun, produce deale4•s; h11c_ f oerre,etod overt' lv,;dne�day aftnr�non.l The S. S. children of Trinity church Auley R Sol", bntehers; T. B. Johnsutl, Fall \1'heat, l:ew............. 0 82 to 0 83 Is well socked with the Best and Prices the Lowest. hearse and outf3 Our Doctor' O l efraf+ tlolri are practicing fur their•Kuras Tree and hutctrer, mut the lock-up, in which Barley.. ... ................... . 0 20 to 0 23 better tha rl any other in town lE3est and must courteous attendance. entertainment to be held in industry were a couple of tranhps, who were eats ............................ 0 22 to 0 23 Has made a special HLudy of the hnntau c>c. ball on the evening of the 23r•d Dec. not goal en out without souse difficulty. Peas ................ r ............. 0 40 tG 0 45 �• �• g �- �� FuRN1TIlRE AND UNn1•;RTAKEn. Otis unday last the anniversary ser- The contents of the steres were nlosUy Rye.................. •.. ......, 0 39 to 0 40 Duron Street, next Gilroy R Wisetuan's. Night and Sunday calls at residence No, 32 If your Eyes... vices of the Methodist. -church were t•eutoved in safety, lint the rest of the Potatoes, per hush, new... 0 30 to 0 35 Huron street ,opposite Baptist church, Aro weak or your sight poor,it is important held. Rev. Mr. Clement of Clinton, building, inc)ucling' the public lii,r•ary+ Butter loose in basket.... 0 14 to 0 15 to have them carefully ekaniinod• was the preacher for the occasion, is Practically } y at total loss, A Scotch Butter in tub ................ 0 14 to U 15 ` No Charge Lawns congregations were present loth convnewI)iC was held last night, sand a Eggs per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 13 Prices were firm at 4}c for choice, but 8-1c, and goose at 78�c; 1,500 bushels of [Horning and evening. s Oil rehe follow- new piano brought from Toronto fur p,P er dqz.. ,.,,....,. 0 0 40 to 50 in cunaec uence of the recent light -runs Yht runs battle ,i Whatever ie made for testisg Fine St.oe1 it eve unng given in the occasion, to r CabbA , p 7 €, l y sold at L8 to 30c; 20ll of frames includingglatises Oiled by our Spee- the chuceh b tether with the one iia , 6 00 to 6 00 the rice next Friday for -singers" will 146 to 470; 150 of rye at 45 to •1ff3e,t and ialist, $1.00, Y several speakers which belonging to the hall, were destroyed y""""""" """ p Y g' &0%Full stock of Gold S oes and Eye GlasHes. were listeded to by a good audiance. The ori - Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 he 41c, and for light anti thick fat hogs 1,500 of oats at 20k to 27-1. Twenty - The p y giou of the flee is not ascertain collection oil both occasions able at the rrioment of tvritinu, but is fipples per bbl ............... 1 50 to 1 75 4�c will be the ruling figures. Other five loads of flay sold at yesterday's h p p W. Cooper & Co., p o to ontedTrust to $100 which teas applied supposed to have started io the upper Apple's culls ................ 0 45 to 0 50 kinds are unchanged. Al] grades are )n ices, sect two of straw at $0. De- Booksellers and Opticians, to Trust fund. part of the building, about tine stage Dried Apples per ]b........ 0 04 to 0 04 wanted. liveries of dressed hogs are fair and - cr_rarronr,There was no service in St. Andre ws or dressing rooms. A strong, breeze 1s Ducts per 16................. U 05r Into 0 06 UNITED STATES MARKETS, selling at $5'80 to $0. - PrPsbyterialn church un Sunday even- blowing, but the hutl(ling is isolated 'turkeys per 16 .............. hu..$ 84 to $ 84 and the fire will not likely spread. Geese per lb .................. 0 05 to 0 06 East Buffalo, Nov. 19 -Cattle -Very do red....,........... 00 to 85 A shooting match is to be held in Burning embers are falling thickly Chickens per pair............ 0 30 to 0 35 few on sale; market easy. Hogs -Re- do goose .............. 771J to 7E3] Londesboro on Thanksgiving day, around, but a corning of show on the N'Vool,........... 0 18 to 0 18 carets, 35 crus; market weaker and Barley per bush,., .. , . 28 . to 38 The sports in town no dur.tbt will be roofs will likely prevent further dam- Oats per bush........,. 26. p represented. age. Loss, about $:5J,0 iJ; insurance on lower on all grades; yorkers, $3,60 to } to 27} {• �• city property, $6,000. The hive Stoelc :IIarliet• $3,65; mixed packers' gra des, medium Pests per hush........... 4t3 to 47 _ weights, and heavy hops, $3.60 to $3.65; Rye per bush............ 45 to 46 STRATFORD, ONT. �` - - TORONTO. roughs, $3 to $3.1.5; stags, $2.95 to $3.90; i� The acerae at study in this aspect 1s up to the ItE§nLUTIl/iti 6i1� t11)lVUQ1LEYCE, r Buckwheat per bush.,.. 38 to 40 r' highest etuwiard of excellenue; unexcelled advantngee Al°�1°rn' Toronto, Nov. 19. --On the market pigs, $3.25 to $3.60, Sheep and letups Turkeys per lh.... :..... 9 to 10 in every department; moderate rates; board cheap, this mature the hard a total of•60 loads --Receipts Were frtirly heavy, shout 4C, Ducks per pr..,......... 45 to 75 1 Enter a0ytlme. write for circulars. Thitnksgiving sermon trill be reach At a special rnPPLing of the Board of g cars includin a liberatl sn i of Cana- Chickens per pair, ... , .. 30 to 50 p llirecto -8 of the McKillop Mutual Fire of offerings on sale; the run was a. Corn- rias. The In rlu t, was 1 > 61y steady Geese per lb, ......... , . 5 to 6J� 1 W. J. hLi,IOTT. Principal ed on Thursday in the Methodist Insurrance. Company held in the Ornu_ Par:Ltiveiy huge one for this dull sea Butter, Ib. rolls......... 5 to 16 church by Rev. Mr. A Thanks• for native lambs, except a few choice nWreiatl Hotel, Seaforth on Nov. 12th, stun, and its far as cattle ryas concerned Eggs, t ivint collection will he Oaken up in selected lots, but sheep ruled about gg• r new laid....... , .. 16 to 160 'dot the: pool- in the village. called Oil account of the very sudden the market [vas quite nnchau'ged' sterid and Hrtn for all kinds. The Potttoesnew }ier bag.,. 45 to 50 Important Notice. p lb Shee" ,.and Iambs were act vP and Y I p v. IVI l:idt preached in the Matto- death of the late Thos. Neil:ins, tubo I demand was rather light for the seven Beans Per' bus l . , .... .,. 75 to 85 The undersigned, having diApo9erl of Tans disc c lurch last Sabbath evening giy_ leas been an argent of this Oompany steady, while hugs are firlucr and act• cars of Canada lambs that were ort Onions, native, per bag. 50 to 60 News-RiwoRt) plant and business to Mr, W. J. Ing a very fine discourse whic•li was since its establishment over 20 years vatncing' offer late on Thursday, enol only part IIaY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..• • • • 8 50 to 10 (N) MItled L, It iA tRlperallVe that, allaccounts tip to listened to with rapt attention by a ago, 116 (1111•ing that tir ne wrought with We had, a few loads of shipping eat- of the supply was Hold; good to rlm4 Straw ... ..... . .......... 8 50 to 900 July d pard ally. All ubsndJ nus in to ontivin r Ener for the interest and tie here, but scarcely any fnc err r � Beef, fore ............ . 3, r 'July 1897, and ails , 1897,tisinq and Job Printing large congregation. f energy Y 1 Y, .t lainbs brought $5,65 to $ti,75; culls and to 5 Tp to Octobcr'Llst, 1,197, mu9t be pn.id to ,1. M, The Your Peo Iles' Societ - of C. E, welfare of fibs Company, snit whose couple of loads wen 6 sold at $3.70 per do hind ..... , .... 05 to 00 Todd. Subscriptions from July, 1897, forward g I y Presence at the general meetings of the I00 pounds, and this was nearly the common, $:i 35 to $5.00; y6rir]ingH, must bo aid to Mr. Mitchell. halal a large crowd last Sabbath even• choice to prime, )i' -t.85 to $5, fair to L,,nrlt, carcase, per lb.. 0 W to 007 i p ing. Mr. A. E. Wetherald wag leaflet, Board was a soiree of pleasure and best prices fetched to -day. good, $4.5O to $4.75; culls to comrr,o„ Veal, carcase, per Ib.... 0 05 to 0 07 ( A. M. Tenn. cheerfulness; Therefore be it resolved There Was no change in butcher cat. Mutton 4 Clinton, October 21st, 1897. The subject has: -Gratitude, -to whore - yearlings, $4 to $4,40; native lambs, • - • • • • • • • • • • • 4)i to 5 -for what -how shown. He gave an that we keenly realize our loss atnd the tie, we. halal very little choice. stub choice to extra, $5,85 to $795; fair s; Dressed hugs ,........ 5 80 to 6 00 { excellent address. Quite a number do ata this time tender to the bereaved here, and 31c was occasionally paid for good, $to to , $5 culls t . common, DAIRY PRODi10E. widow and familyof the deceased, our r6a.11y gaud stuff, and for extra choice r Cottage and Lot for Sale. tuck part in the discussion. succor and heartelt sympathy, in this pickers lots 3 e was given. Around 3 $1'•85 to $5,6.r native clipped sheep, q_ Roht. Stalker has the contract of fix- g choice to selected wethers, $4.65 to Toronto, Nov, 19,--Butter--Market. their sad bereavement. and 3e a int of gaud elves n cut - , about stead n The undersign0ri effete for Halo n frame ing and repairing the house owned by $4,85; gooc ku choice Inixcd sheep, y all round; supplies sail! cottage of fair rooms, with loan-t.n. Ca,Lrally our Stoney. Resolved, Further, that while we bots changed hands; for lnedimu and coin- $4.35 to $4.00; common to fair, $3.7.5 to plentiful in all lines, and demand fair. situated. Good water and drainage. will bo The merchant tailors are doin a ill humble submission to our own error- tion stofF the price %vas 21+ to 2.Je per $4 25; culls to common stere y, tub, poor . "sold cheap. Apply to 1? 1 p, .$3 to Quotations follow :--Dior g present workiil Yr pound Trade dragged and some of to medium, 11 to 12c' t 1V, C. SFAIZi,F,. rushing nosiness at g alit we pray God to sanctify this $3.(3,3. ,choice, 18 ars 16}c; " A4.n, Nov. loth. night and day pre raring for more visitation to our own spiritual good the stalti was unsold. large. dairy, rolls, 15 to 16c; small dairy, and that as token of respect Milk cows acre steady and unchanged Chicago, Nov, 10, -Cattle --Ordinate pound prints, choice 16 to 17c; crPain- weddings. Rush it at ung, boys, pest to theY P t , It is rumoured than Robbie Burns is memory of the decea9ecl, these resold_ at from $22 to $25 each for ordinary, steers, $3.75 to $4; choice to fancy cat- ery, tubs, early stakes, 17 to 18c; lane Meeting of Huron County Council. thinking about taking unto himself a tions be entered in the books of the and from $40 to $,i0 for extra choice, tle, $,i to $5.45; fed Westerns, $3,7.5 to makes, 18 to No; and creamery, pound. wife, Company and .i copy thereof ho pre- with a demand rot good cowry. $.5,`L0; North6rn f6d Texans, $4.50; 1 19 to 2UC, The Council oft lie Cortorationof the('ounty Miss Jennie Cummings, of Wing- sented to the widow and orphans of Stockers are selling at front 2J to 3c heavy cattle, $5 to $55.45; stockers and CHEESE MARKETS. of Huron will meet In the Conti House in the ham, spent ?Sunday with her nuclei the decensed. per pound for ordinary stntT, and front feeders, $3.2.5 to $4.35; Texas grass Brantford, Nov. 19. -AC the Brant ' Town of Goderich on Tuesday, November 30th, Mr. R. 1VI. Cummin s (9igned on b6half of the Beard. 3 to 3. e for choice. cows bulls and steers, 2 00 to f Inst., at3o'clock p. m. g ) ra $ $ ford cheese market to (1 2,630 boxes W. LAVE, Clerk. Mr. John Nicholson is lying very GEORGE WATT, President, Good export hulls are worth from 3 Ilogs-Prinle shipping lots, $3.50 tat cheese were offered, and 2,025 noses Dated at Goderich. November lith, 18611. sick at present. We hope to hear of — to 3je per pound, and stock bulls trom $3.571; coarse heavy packers, $13,25 to 9u1r1, viz,. 75 att'7 c; 1,2110 boxes at 7;�c; his speed recovet y. MARRIAGES. 2 to 21c per pound, $3,:35. Sheep and lambs -Fed West- I sol , z,. 5 ,7 8 1.60. Market ad Jamie is still threshing but it will TOUGH—SPARICS.-In sturino, on November 10th, ' Lambs sell from 4 to 4 e erns, $4,65; lambs sold at $3.75 to $5.75; Cheques Lost• tak him plea to per pound; ramH, $2.25 to $4. Receipts- Cattle, 10°rued for the season. y get in four punnet by Rev. via. oraham, or Bnynotd, Mr, Dnvid the trade was steady to•cl,ty, and good 3 500, hogs, `32,000: sheep, 70,000. Pertb, Ont., Nov, 19,' There were Lost, on wedneaday, November 17th between da s this year. Tongh, to Alias Isabella, second 4aughter of Alex r ld• r Mr. William Sturdy, Sparks, Esq„ all of atanloy, lambrs etre in active demand. 200 boxes of cheese shipped from here nolmesville and Clinton, a purse containink four y, who moved to + pr 1 p 'C]rogtloa (Noe. 1008, 101(1, 1199 and,1216) mado by Parry Bound district last summer ASTELL—RRYOGE9.—At theMothndlat paroorago, Sheep are ihelling at from 3 to 31c per - - -- to -day. This was the remainder of the Lho Holmosv1110 Ohsese nod Butter Manufacturing shot a beautiful deer and bad it sen, Brussels, on November 10th, by Rev., 9.,T, Allin, pound, with enquiry for the best,. cheese that was bought a fete weeks 06., rtwoin favor of Thos. McAllister and two in Mr. Robort E, Aatell, to MiaiiEllen M. Br dges, Toronto rarmCCa i1I:°rltet. -favor of myself. Their payment has been atoppod, to pts brothers hero the past week. both of the township of Morris, y Only a few Calves Were in, and the age at A aft 8 r All C11eP90 19 now R`heIlnftor w111 pleneeratnrn to Mr. W. S. Lanrenco, William Fluker is laid up with a sore STOKES -SCOTT. --At the retde„ae of the brido'n best, grades are wanted at frost $2.50 Toronto, NRv. T8, -On the street to- shipped from here. 000fetaryofthe ce. , hand the effect of tieing poisoned, [abhor, on November lout by Rev. John Roas, to $6, and lip to $8, each, if of really dray 3,050 bushels of grain were deliver- Che9terville, Ont„ Nov. 19, ---The THOS, BELL, We hope to hear of it getting better B. A•+ Mr. Burwell Copland Stnlces, of Gray, to ! extra choice quality. Pd and W) btnshels of this was wheat, Cheese Board here has 'closed unfit Nov. 22nd. Goderich, Miss [Aabaila soott, oldest daughter of Mr. Donald I 9 soon. Scott, or Morrie. There were just 1,500 hogs on sale. Red sold the same as yesterday, white at May next. e T . .. ...1111,° ..... .�. .. w.:, ... , �N d