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The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 8
' • t ♦ ♦ - 1111 .,. .. ... .. 1111 _.. .. .. . � v t 1111 ' , '.�_.'—'—^___^,^^'""^^'+!.,,ew+�.� ,,,,�:n +Te,�,q.,.n;•�*�,.+fwn. .... 1111 ' .. . .. .. 1111 Circular City Briefs, , , waiting CQr be'sBakiiig £�QodepialiNov. 22,--MlssAnnieFlet- PO TSahlrwie Nt�w Yutk, is visitingintownir v1' ���+++lll ll rigtnain till 1$1}8 appears. We have this week •r Miss Duncan, gfter a leasant visit Last and all the time Boodle 13areaparlil� to be used in manufaatuaing our in our Store a new Mixing Maohipe Santa at the residence of Mr,. W Logan hae been advertised as a blood purifier, ' l41�eft for horde last week. Its great euros have been accompilleh•d Pure Cream of Tarter 6 Mate. Thos. Babb, of dredge Nu. 9 th;o°ghPurified blood -cures of scrofula, I Baking Powdoil For q // is home Por the ivwter seasun, salt rbeum, eczema, rheumatism, neural- This liaising Powder hes mot vv - Claus p %' Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Lee returned last 6'iar catarrh, nervousness, that tired teal- we have decided to manufacture it on a large seals week from their hoauynloou trip. All -a. Ing. It tyres when others fall because It with such continued auaaesa that �i Lee was "At Home" Yesterday and will ' do the Bakiug Powder business and hope to be da andHoni-11Friday r to-damorrow and on Wed -Al' TWEL VE CLAIMs FOR OUR of Ehis county: I nes le and It. w e k next week. WgLys BAKING /SOW t The G. T. 11. wrecking train was at DER ;---_ the dock last week and lifted and took It is perfectly Mixed away the wheels and.the iron York tie Strikes at the root of the disease and' ttd It surpasses all others for Purify the four burnt cars, eliminates ever It Is cowpoaed of the finest and y germ of impurity, purest Cream of Tartar, and a e Anniversary services were held in Thousands testify to absolute cures of grade of Bicarbonate of Soda, penial Q6 North street Methodist church last blood diseases by Hood's Sarsaparilla, , Snndtty, It ie ulways`reliable is nut an experiment Friday and Suturd4y went) lovely although discouraged by the failure of It ])as been Ot+fare the public longer than an d drtys a,rid gave the author of "TheLady other medicines. Rembmber that y bruggist Bakinry Powder CffRISTIAS O of the Snows';t r(•FLl set back. On the °fanufFletured in Ihie County d It tnalces better and lighter biscuits than any other Baking last ntured arty' hays were switlfruitlg i Is of unifurlu strength and quality v .+* it the river•. a Powder made ARE YC3lJ READY FOR The E,iuk of Montreal hits tt;(ided je acopomival CHRISTMAS? much to the cunveuience of its cos- Is strictly up -to date toners by putting in a larger win- Sarsaparilla Is sold under a positive guarantee We will save you something on ever dew. salOari Ila p splendid and satisfying assortment of ueant ful fHolidatr Mr. N. Dyment has had :L Hary office And lost of all fulfil, ever Goods. Y built o1) the G. T. R. track to replace Y claim made for it, 5 Is the best -intact the One TrueBToodPurlAer, 1Ve tv'tllbe pleased to furnish fres sample, to an the one destroyed by the tire, Y one who ha not tested onr PGRI'r Presents at Powlar NO 1'he G. T. R. Ptnplovees were in town OOCi'$ L'iIIS easy to opats9y2�dp,k0' Baking Powder, �. last week and laid n single track in place of the donblu one recently den_ +..�. Put up in lb. and half Pound packager. Price 25c. per Ib, ttoyed. the ]list regular• meeting of the Colle_ ----o-- "} p The steamer, Myles arrived in port giate Instituto Board Di. Ura was lip_ last Thurs-lay with 40,000 bushels of pointed chairman pro tear, On tuotion Our Suberb Holiday Stock � wThe eo oonet. es' S,,age l h mill, of Jnu. Acheson and Dr. '1'ltylur the 1 he schooner KolpiLge lcaft for Will_ following accounts were ordered to be Jas.Combe Manufacturing laR. Ra last Thursday• paid : Buchanan & Rh nits ' 2 • �0 lieIs full of QUALITY, VARIETY, BEAUTY and G It. Rr.own 1, of a ktonwas in the enson & Y , X1.,0, Stev- ' Chemist, Pll Sician GOOD TASTE. county town last week. Finitne $2(3.10; postal cards' � Supplies, &O, Jas' Pettigrew, of Montreal, is the d by JJ(aseChit)Shc J. arc] Ithafthe second' New Toys, Leather (foods, Fancy Chinaware guest of Manager Logan of the North tic club beglanted use ofgymnasiurn in --'-- Miscellaneous Books, r Amer,can Che'rical (:u. saute Ct t'InS as formerly and those cue - Silver and China Novelitlest P God(irich hits been suffering front an tained in ulinntes of n'c•etint, Oct, 'LS Brass and Celluloid Novelties, u attack of bnl•nt wheat and so, nt+ (l;lys lg9g,_(;at, led. Nedrooln `� when the loaded The conditions 'are iteewagons i)assi Ig that the Club comply with anv rules �� through the streets were More than Mr. Strang ❑lay think advisable, that —DONT DLL.11', COAL 1001V. usually numerous the stench wits aw- the Club err.ploy the caretaker of the fullq uupTrack t. Institute, and thin the Suci(rty furnish �a gide Tracked," played to a fit,,,its own file] and light. COUPER FLudience on Monday, ryas it really good BIG VERDICT, -A jury it) Jtld e AKING the bed takes littletime & 00.1 CLINplay -� and less talent, BuyingtheBed-TON, Out• grain buyers •ire slti m + razer's court, Deta•oit, a few weeks / pp (, con• since Ik warded Mrs. Mau O'Connor liar tl � f room Suite is FL different affair. siderable wheat to Lite old country, verdict, of Our city titthers held their' usual suit againstX5,000 in her �i10,CJU damage zT). The comfort of sleep rests much in the sewi-nx)nt•hly At Horne in the council 15b hlulshilindle "t Josepht/l0 (onlnoci f r. �'l The j�/ chamber os nFriL evening. I •� ]iIb bed; one wanks to combine beauty, New I mart extravagant pt°rilisescan give, The Chosen Friends wilmeet in new (in the • I �P� Y i~� e(�(/ '� at }tis hack• Moreover, he was pvacti- re alar sessi:)fl Thursday evening, was routiguous to the pesLhotls }' # � comfort and economy, No better • tally in the field some weeks in ad e, which i - fj ' z i chance than now. he Oddfelluws are requested to at_ was full of patients, iuld he contracted m,;; l A�%I�flf7eYlJ vance of his optlouent and in so short ing on Chlttisclae tit the regular "Ie aro selling bular meets the disease itnd died, The action was hosed on the ground thin it representiL_ I �) _ _ ���( some Bedroom Suites at wonderfully a campaign every hour counts. Mr. Y. McEwen i, rE-building the five of the board of heiLll h wits ese to _ 4 d• * * road to the lumber mill burned away have assured the carpenters that theyr I �J low pricas, prices that will make you Store,,,by the late fico,wonder how we can make them for The speed at which the Government were in no danger• whatever of c(1 ` `' '� That old ( hntonion Charley Black- tagion. Mrs, O'Connor is now a resi- the moue .. is rushing the election in Centre T°. stone, sells delicious bivalves by the dent of Aslifield, and her lnttny friends I jjL' )� Y. Call and see them. No Smith's Block, Clinton. ,,,.. conte is suspicious. Other constitu- treasure or dished up ;u any style. will be pleased to know that she ob- trouble to show you our Furniture. the Hockey Club had a sleeting on tained a verdict. �'; i- envies have been left open for to°nth, Friday evening, feting but here the late member's resignatic(p Ul'RIl)IIS, ACCIDENT. On Thiivsd;Lv ••�--�•� p-�- Just now we are offering a fine lot of is hardly cold when the polls ae open- fined t Rusk and Stewart, having re- Lfternoon a boy wol king for (,eor'ge gained their health, have returned to Correll, of Ashfield, was driving rt iJ �I, D��T /b X-C-7"T Z1 t INT C;6 • ed to choose his successor, Wil this their duties at the UenttfLl school. team with a tend of oats up the Salt- �i, Ladies' Y The sewer contractors, Messrs. Sten for, bridge hill, when he noticed one gelOur Undertaking taking Department is complete and strictly up-to-date, gallop in one riding and :.L snail's pace enson and Finane, have completed of the horses suddenly stuulble a i,it, aGi quantity with a in OLhers? As a matter of justice• -;and shell' contract and will leave for home and stopped thein to find that the ever before, and prices to suit everyone's needs. We have a��^� play Q ty of suitable to be used at funerals, which we will lend free f e fitir lla it should be set forth iq the 1° a• day or two, animal w;L, latae, Dr, CI;Lt k w;ts Seat Sturdy Brus:, grocers, Lhe old Code- for and when he arrived he found the charge, ;Lnd fitly orders sic il]sver,` re favored withnded , shall receive onr best atten- statutes in plain tel thin a con5tit- rich township boys, are preparin to leg broken in two and the u er tion' Night and SundFL uPncy should not be unrepresented supply their mteny customers with e bons+ badl s li J �V, Chidley, residence IK;ng1St Street, oippostly ite Foundry. our Funeral Director, At fL Barga.�n, People who require longer, thad,a month or six weeks, groceries Pur Christmas fe t' be killed, p1` part of there will save crones in calling to see best of Y Split.. The animal had Y them and buying. vines, OODAD�rO T R " * - a HiNSALLNo. 3. -County councillors 01, BOX & cos) OLINTON■ The steamer Alvles steamed out of .I( In Terrance and Geo. A1c1(.wflu, of The Laurier Government is process- p°r't for Fort %Villifur of P'r ids ifflir1elpv wily free trade but is s1) There was earlycoulyatSt.McT,3�n,id Thos, w. WI Sand J. t tie sporting se (xA nu'nber dayruurnin>. Centre Toronto a rnFulufactnrer whose A nuiutlet of Grand Truult ofcial Peace i;rd tshe Warden, the committee ?, call of Judge rllasson, tht: Clerk of the v] business is protected by a 30 per cent. Ivere in town last weep view 11 the fur l:tcin r • I duty find who appeal, to the electorate Y p b newly -organized village's The >F-ll•lllet's- Retr�ag•ed. r wreck made h Lhe fire. Mayor. Shan- ;o county. elector,Ll districts. Although i Uur Stock is superior in quality as an out•and-andprotectionist. lygn, non aeco,upanied thele. The Week 11U1YIu purchased and very reasonable i1) price. Call 13ertl:an, elected as it prutec'tion]st to eveuhl rtthPr'eyfl('IErY, y the naoted colnu,ittet' hit full power I g r ed dud - On Frida • under Ole Statutt: Lo settle the uliltter, 1L}]as lung hce,t suspected that the see what the have.I.f, %vas it good prograulme it was thought better to get the opin_ t support it frau tr:Ldz government presented at. the meet,in'r Liberals lia(1 tipped the wink to the he Jewell Busl- gal��©®09000® would expeiierc'e Sol')(, difficulty at h of flu' ('1)l- ions of the (1uun<.illo,'S concerned, and manufacturers•. Mr. Georgy IPgiate atui ;Model School L.itPrary Soci- the result is th,lt Mensal! goes into George Bertram, l�1 .HILLIER) titueq in lucatino himself. But if the ety. The following tvet•e Lha nntubets Mi. 3 division with the itppruval of all in aces tin r Ross o t es reallydesironsof test t IL,strnu)t:otill Inlet, alis -9 T)i(ks(1rl, p f, the I,ihorFtl nomination the late Lite parties. for (,entre Toronto, declared tl]at the u late 4 1'r ndot, ingthe. popnlarityocits tal•iff-tiitkering A1iss Willia1)ls; ReiLdiu;r Air. Rogevs; •. _� ____ tariff should he Laken "Out of pollfICS" r��y Euiersoll'3 old stand, near, Clarendo❑ Jas• Blddleeombe policy vvhy did it not set up a free Solo, Aliss Roh,rtson; G• C. ), Journal, fort Albert. and that the present tariff should Hotel. trader,huchanoneilSl,iLurierprofesseri A1iss ItllynFts; Question lhawe,', ALr.' stand unchanged for 10 gears at _.-_-_--_-___-_-- to be while in England? Strang, 13. A.; Irlstrun,ealill Duet, Aliss j bans to ropurt the sad dead, I(•ast. 1 'Onl Al r. Bertr:Lm's poSitiml in I am increasing ►i1¢tp u��O— (;atnpiun, Alis~ Voss; Readint, Alin, J of Alinnie, daughter of �Vidrrty the pFuty, it is ,jast to assutue that he [, T ing jjdU JY R Ness-$eeord * * Dickson; Improlrptli sjw 11).•, li. tit, }'icrce of the 7th (1(11)1 _whtield, which has not 11 ade this declaration withoa tl�e Stoetl ulhi J How well the *Dominion Govern- al Jens (3. tP Cliirksuu; [ust,ruu,e,]L_ took pLLr e on the 11th inst. just onr the aproval of his s1)) .,' .� t ch 'wf Iv' )ublixhed ever}• THURSDA], nt 1S Inalla cin ill, MISS G. titl'at1g. week aftPt' the Ii 'at ll of hey' bl'ULh(1t i E 101. , The Lib- will be found S G the finances of the Dire II I;N'ri•:hs--YPStenl:ty" �Vtu, )onu;Pr, viz. ('t al surrender to ptotoct;ou is, these_ full Pais NLws-P.ruof:n Printing House. A bent St. , DotuiuiO)) will he s ;en b Rutstn) and U. 1'ennin# ton return ,r 1 hou,as Find two • r'( fore, c 11lplete, 1'hE' loacbing of 25 and complete. t Clio o1), Unt. Y the last t l 18 years. The people deep sy'n,p;L'- YP;Lrs, ;tad the solemn pledges given . quartet•ly report which compares vets hum their hnuting trap i1) Cho Bruce think' with Alr;. 1?ir•r(1e in her allbct](1n, 1)rior to the general election are r'a_ Int unfavurab, pen;nsttla, hi•inging with thein two Crn1y in the ulidsL of ]i CP vvo ;1)'o in tiuctly reliuquishr'<1• [L' is said tht. ending pur- Y with the corresponding tine deer -a five year old stag find a at a. ,, Anv'r:ar'IsiacY.t'''Ts• period oP18`.3(3:llthon,,h, n°tvvSPOn r,d- good sized dol. (leittb." f also have to chronic,](- ill(, tile, Conservatives hesitate to oppose chasers Should 1 1'n. 5 nlo. s oro. 1 n,1). ing its )clic business all r> lis the ol'ath of 1V. I. Ilavdcn, J. P., of the. Mr. Bertram, because the protected ,turan ....... $ro 00 $8 policy' Yos71 o ld The concert, which was trnvnshipufAshfiehl, near5heppavdton MLePest, are note to the Liberal car See It. mm�....,•• 99 00 $20 00 $7 00 country has improved. The Govern- to be held on Thanksgiving day, who diol on the n)or'uiI)f,' of the ZIsL Thr fiLluu rs who fou ht For np. 35 UO 20 00 13 00 f O0 1 g scads. I'C- :damn...,... 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 5o Inert has not only not been +this to beeNO )rth St. t\lethodi t Uhurch liar after a lin, '-ring illness. Ile was 78 form curler the Liheritl flag have a •® , ohlmn 1111... 15 00 0 00 5 on 1 00 matte ends met but has gone consider- Postponed on account o't Iho years f a re. ThPdr'cc+lScrd >, he traved. g c, been tneh.,....:... c 00 3 50 2 0U 1 00 H;vangelistic service, flow being F [e C;wt in held vv:LS a Sou -in-law of the LLte Captain o .e�•Special Position from 25 to LO per Dent, extra, FLl)]y into debt ;— 111 that, ('hut'CIi. Otway, Of ilei' Majesty's Navy alld n REPAIRING OF ALL RovenPo. lfJB. RELIEF FUND COLLL•'0'1.1ON,— brother-in-la,iv to 1-I. N:. Utvvay for 11$hIC�'a1C. For . e r trnnsirtion: eltisements, loerlin cents per line for Customs,,,,,, 1841 Rev. G. • KINDS DONE thertio insertion: l Cents perline each subs, cent Excise,......., •' W. Andrews, B, A. 1)f' Hulntesville, )nary yeFils Ft Inerchant of this t� insertion—nonpn•iel measure. Proteesionnl cn rd snot PnsrofGae.,, ,�•'$ 1,947,066. 8 85,582,400.05 occupied tit(, V1Ctnl lit Street; pill It nfl [)lace atl(l Lh(? lit Le Robert, Otwa - t 1,047,Jf•,5.77 1,760.fiig,78 p v ,p 511'..1ohn Skvliski, of Atwood, was 1 . AND SATISFACTION ext: ding one inert, $5 00 per Huron. Advertise- Public \Yorks, including 665,03000 700,OLJ,00 (S)hUrd' rnornln <Lfld evl:nin r t (+lhO1'tle. The dPCe',iSPll waS a 6'UIUrI- 011e �TeIeSG °f AIr, JaCrle9 $ menta without specific for will be published Iluilways ,. 1;031,4f852 1,010,,89,47 Y [, The Burgess last ® GUARANTEED, g Leer in the "Little York" (novo Toron- `till fenliki—" and charged for accordingly• Transient Miscellaneous.......,. tr RL surd (.olleuCn,t= was tOI C;rtvalr,y troop in 1537 and assisted vAIr. AVilliatn Gar, 4 t)oti ev._'•Loet," O'oulirl," "For Sale," etc. -50 171,839.01 212,121,42 taltefl up. 0 1 con,x for first insertion, 25 cents for each subae7uentBENEFIT CONCERT.—Ill rerognitio❑ In the C:LpttI CC' of the f;t111n11S "Allirl t- ill Manitoba for til P.np Past few months, 00:00e000080 lr.eercion- $8"q46—,M8—.28$1,31-4 ,een 747,72 of the generous services �M11iss 1+]. gonlery House" at that time t.hP;hot- has returnee} honk. Au -O Trin Naws•R6CO111) will be sent to ary address, Deere ee i. aev�............... $4'082'850,70 drPtVs has S° OfbPn rendered, a enm_ bed of the rebels, He and the, Otwaps AIr, V j free of oetnge, for Sim pe• Sear, payable in ad• Increase in lrxpsnd•,ture $0.977.87208 rnitt�ee on behalf Of the InuBlCal (tIrCIPS 1110 ved up to AShflelC} froill Z'Ol`U rltu Walter Richardson, of Brussels, vance—,1 50 may he charged if not so 531,9fi0,Cg was in Blnt'Vale last week. date to which every anbaeri,tion is Paid.' The 1111. •.815,A31.8a of U'oderich tendeed l,er a benefit con- away back in the fil'Lies: Deceased J 1 paid is denoted Alast year doGoiency ns compared wits cert, ill Victoria Opera House, or IivLves a widow, four sons and four A Shur,tit]g n1atC1] will Ile held at A. a 6G by the nnmberon the addreae label. No paper last year..,.,,,-„•, Thursday evening Nov 18 The p1'n- continued until a0 nrrenrs are GRI paid, except at the .......•........$1,;f48.781.0.i Y , daughters to mo'Irn the loss Of a kind Putl.•r,nds Hotel oil Thursday. Option of thepr�prietor, * gt;imme was contributed by well• husband and afTPetionate father. CLINTON. W. J. MITCHELL * * known laches and gentlemen, and the Peace to his ashes. - - - - - -- -- Sir Oliver Mowat has at last retired i`' 1Cditor and Proprietor. "It'sical and literary numbers were I cannot COncillde ftly Correspond- A from active politics rind is now enjoq- treat fur all ill) intended. Pace w1th011L CIINr)t1011 of that (';t1f ICI1Ly ingthe luxurious <'aseofthe Lieuten- DNE , wool)STOCII.-D. Ivi, Ale- Lt Bayfield in the Elliott flwlily.I had � TalkN awhohad been in the fini, de -1 • 1 laiutanCe cs,r t �Cety �u�lL'tl if lli Cti t�. ant-Gov'Prnor'ship• He was sworn in parlmerlt of the organ' iactorvg de_ the Measure of the act1 • Thursday and it• was charactelvstic of sante many years of the rather, now c]PceaS- Watches-P, B. Crews. him that he held on to his Do- several piLst, left town for, Wood_ 1)d, of those young boys and always ' $10311.25-A, ,I. Hollow steels last week. The Jubilee club, of found him ,t kind and ohliging citizen y minion ]x)rtfolio np to the very latest which he wits a member, showed their• and it was with deep sorrow I read . Every person who 'does not ('hPquea last -Thos f3P,11. esteem and of this Crit Ped hnvc to r<l star;! e on his Glove sale -Jackson Bros. rnou}ent' The tri good will toward, him by g y and no doubt there was } Y Fine furs-Hodgt'n,y Bras. party will Inisa Sir turning out and escortinf; hits to the no inalice aforethought but an asci- money is famiLLr wit 1 the (lifti• r Olivrr sftdly and thnngli his Ottawa dent in a drunken scllntht>le. 1 Ila(1 cult prohiPnt of rn,tkulg a small Perfnn)I('�A1]en & Wilson• exper'icuct� was, perhaps, not very sat_ staliun• The young Orin hits Ulan friends in town who wish him suets y iL1w,LyS ;L Itinrl freling towards the ma,rrP an-9wor the requirements r` )nnulica rani -tacit Kennedy.(,,isfact.ory fo himself, still he ,• in his new field of labor. people Of Bayfleld in their efforts to °f these advancPd tiu,es. Foot - The hand The W. D. Fair Uo, [the its WINTER ATHLY,"rics.-g, �V. Logan [covin > wear tS one of the unfailing Hosiery -W, j-1, Beesley & Uo ai,}' 1)f respectability to the Cabinet of Opened an athlPCic class in tonne( gore 1`11-911 'thead i1) its) F, their town ,� shoe talk -Jackson & Jackson. Spendthrift, fur there are many who and du business with the outside necessities, and it costs a good Dissolution sale -Gilroy & Wiseman. I believe that he always shunnec} P , w,Lh the Base 13x11 yOCIFLI Club oil Fri- v()I'I I but, like nutselvc•s (hy the Sea) d('al in the cotnse of a year --If A bedroom suite-Broadroot, Box & day evening in the High School r, the iron heel of the oppressor ressor Yon get tile, wrong Co. the ver [ 1 vin gym- ! P gives kind. We nasiuul• All ruPulh(')'s of Life (,tub who us no show to help ns all. Those drib- don't keep the wrong kine}. v a) )tariu)c'e Of evil. But his re- intend joining the class ;u e reque,Ced h1Ps 1)l' grants are mlo good, therefore Not that we are more honest liitve you h:ul +L gaess-ogle Cooper tirernent, weakens the Prov';nciitl Gov- . & Co. t,° attend Ilk'XL Inept lllg. Tb1, C1:L,5 lti �•(' need all the 9(1011 fPelillg 1-1 wt'Pn than t}]l'. Other dealer, blit. Ullr einmPut roost of all. Mr. Hardy is not open to mr u)he- of the Social Club ourSPlves a kind Providence slut he long PxperitneP has taught its r;. ----- a politician, not it rnana Y only, as the Club is paying all expenses stow upon us. how 1.o avoir} being "stuck„” On thest;unpof the Little Premier b�ylar y The 1OPPLs it 7:30. to uutnbe,s, loon l �hP.. Hl/ I good,. Yell News-Reeora manner of means, nor doe(, the public This knowledge is necess;tr- 1 Tint HICKEY Ur.t+n. At the annual Cook's Cotton Root CO IlY of benPllt to our customers,� t J SL00 n 1 fir, In Adcanca, repose any A11C11 ('nnfidenee in h' nleoting of the• floc) 0 nn. .ev (."•tub held in p and because, the cheaper a shoe fir•n] -'' 7l• ' the counts of the B; se �3all social (`Inh Is the only safe, reliable a * 1 here was a lar> monthly medicine on which can buy the cheaper it can affcird THURSDAY, NovEnrnER2ii1h, 1897, W'liltney Will Win, ;,e at,tPndance:• The ladies can depend in the to sell. election of oflic•Prs wits the first bus;. " r,PSv of the evening and resulted aS hour and line of need. "Cheap" doesu', ii'LPan poor wllanlcsgvint; D.,tty 188 5, fo11oIV8, v;z, llOn, President, A. Mc•D. Is prepared in two de rees quality, however, Yor. -if it di(1, wy O.VE TRING A VD ASOY Hh'R, There oro many to mourn this Thankeglv)ng Day 1Lms ; I'resirlAllfln H01). ent, P)PsiljPtlt, ]t. S, �Vil- of No strength, g onr ,hoes would not he "chert )." 1 for ordinary cases We keep no poor (unlit 1` F " The fight in Centn'e Toronto is being For the6�nbrtn tbcbrooh noWho died far Awa Logan Manag•er,1G}.ilF. Vice ] Y goods, l;x g g And man u y. do R. W. Lo is by far the best dollar medicine known no matter what the Fade, l who was bnnyna and gay, ere the bnttla begun, al'sOn , (.'al)tain, R, A. Field , -sold b druggists, one Dollar per box. g watched with cons;derablea interest I u id ; Sec Y ggi , The celebrated mFLlter, of- " Softly hearts b the chimes "tip Thanks Day, Tress. Dan. iv1c1 nor, ,jr. ; Ex. Coln,, T. I No. 2 for special cases-io degrees altCl nPXt .I'lleStlay P.VP.nI[]g CCOwdS Will 9omobaarteboat,vitbJoy, while others cannot pray, Williams, Mr. I'vieViltie, R, giitFlerFthrnit the telegraph OIl'ires all When their oirheartswareenddencdbythetuneral'k oi,y G. F. Emerson. It vett, Ilgreed stronger -sold two boxes, tNjveODo:ars: J■ P. KING & Co., J' & T. BELL. over the province to le, the result. I>ti yafatrCanadaoevcreetain sons atBaghteraroil g I ThreeDollars page the annual u,enibership fee be )laced No. 1t, or No. z, mailed on receipt of The odds, we fancy, ra thOr favor Ber• vmay Peace b 'eh the ev(la nr won time cannot nssun a at GO cents, thin the Ulub te do not join price and two 3 -cent stamps. train, who hay the barrel, the ninch11 ThoPnraheavanrbornlpoucortro ntof fi ed wili, of the I lie Club bell ft In the and hands it'Ofithe I The Cook Company, JACKSON , ' and all Lhe influence which a Govern- ELOraleA. Sgrntnrixos, executive-c•ontmittee. I Windsor, Ontario. �1 JACKSON Goderloh, Ont., (Janada, Nor, 1807• COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD.—At 20 -Sold in Clinton and overywhore in efinarla The Noted Shoe D(�4ler,s, by all ro,ponaiblo druggists, CLINTON.