The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 7ti
- - 4ENERALGROCERS & PROVIS- �''®���� �
ZI �IIg • ION MERCHANTS. fp caused by torpid liver, which prevents diger-
_Eton and permits food to ferment and putrify in
Grockery, Glass & CltinaWare the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headaehe,
Highest Cash Price for Rutter and EggsHoodAS'
incorporated by Act Of Parlismeat 1866.' 62•1y
-- -- —
OAPITAL, $2,000,000 �oO��p �T 0�'p insomnia, nervousness, and,
REST, - $1,500,000 1� FLOUR if not relieved, bilious feverP
& FEED STORE, or blood polsotting. Hood's '' S
Seed Of$oe, - MONTREAL. I Pills Stimulate the stomach. a
WM. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President, Clinton. rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con -
Lr, WQLFERSTAN THOMAs,Onnersl manager. etipatlon, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.
BRAN and SHORTS in Large or The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla
-- -Nates d;aeotint&a� Collections made, Drafts - 8M tit188. WILL TAKE THE CARGO TO
issued, Sterling anti -rnerican'-ex- ENGLAND.
change bought and sold, OIL CAKE,- LINSEED • MEALS
INTaRB.T ALLOWNDoN DaroslTs 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for One Bushel Buenos Ayres, Nov. 19 -Several ear -
SAVINGS BANK. Oats goes of American cereals, which re -
Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. end Y rived here, could not be Bald
T and will be taken 'to Europe. The
D. COOK, CLINTON. steamship 'Sardinian Prince,' which
- �^ arrived here last week, with a cargo of
Money advanced to farmers an thole own notes 762•,i g
with one or more endorsers, No mortgage re- wheat, will sail without unloading it.
quired so security. �' LL S This refus+tl'of American cereals is due
H. C. BREWER, Manager, to the fact that, Argentina's crop is
December, 1895. aIINTON. PRODUCE EXCHANGE' more than sufficient for home use.
Corner Store, Albert st., Clinton. Millers refuse to receive foreign grain.
GGD AUTaggart Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds,
. • h etc. Teas a specialty. SMELTING WORDS TO REOPEN.
BANKER Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden
SOOd.. Wo carry the largest Stock and the Kingston. Ont., Nov. 10, -The Re.
ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. largest variety of Seeds. opening of the lead smelting works
All Good. will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. here is proposed. , The Fronlenac lead
We pay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of rain alines will he the source of supply. At
-in�exchange for Good-s�eamo a-s� ashy one mine anew Shaft will he sunk and
TRANSACTED. tT_, V% _ TaIET-J --f . machinery put in. If the scheme
works out well the mills will be ex.
�-- pp tnded and English capital sought.
Notes Discounted. Draft$ Issued. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP ill r. John Lamb, Toronto, aided by
Interest Allowed on Deposits. local lead mine owners, is developing
FORD & MURPHY, the plan.
Clinton, June sth, 1891 968y
_ (Successors to J. W. Langlord,l
Honduct it on out the prone business, we intend Nine Terrible Years,
`'w�oufm t�] "�1',ie6h�. to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply
G � ;!..1r 'mow our customers with the best meats at the lowest Pay-
ng prices.
Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. L ^- DRY �DI�K�.
Highest Marks' Price Paid. Paine's Celery Compound Victori•
#Ietlieltl. D. CANTELON, Clinton. ous Over Liver Troubles.
• A D1 ICH 1. 1'% 1”, A1+11Ji
Geo, Trowhill, .tt
R. C. P. and L. It. C. S., Edinburgh. Office d
Ontario stre(•t Cliutun. Night calla at Iron, door of DOCTOR FAILED,
residence on Ruttenbury street, opposite Presbyter-
ian church. Horseshoer • and General Black- -- a
®-w�NwLQ... Smith, - If proper treatment is not resorted Oe
to in tiute, the results of liver com- m
- Albert Street, North, - Clinton. plaint, are terrible, often ending in P
J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ.; M. D. ; JOBBING A SPECIALTY. death,
7. M., Victoria Univ. M, C. P E S. Out, ; b 'low
of the obstetrical society of�inburgh. Late )f Woodwork ironed and first class material and Alrs. McRae, Of Guelph, Ont„ Stiffer -
London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Othce:- work guaranteed; farm implements and machines gi
Dr. Doweloy's stand, I,tattetthury St. Night calls rebuiland repaired. p ed for, aloe long years Preen 11Ve1 cot11-
answered at Otfice. _ plaint, Ilor case hafited the skill of w'
- _ P - T® THE {�ARI�IER�). the physician she employed; he could d
DR. SHA'A a -_ do no more, 'incl the. sufferer was left w
almost hopeless. Ilearing of Paine's Q
Study your own interest and go where Celery Compound she procured a O
OfHee-Onttirio street, opposite English you can gee supply, End spun exile fenced return- f
u:: i i, uari; .i, Odie t uy 1),. Appl�t °O (\•,(\�, inti health and vig( The second
Retable a 1.� J F! J1 1)ottle complete] ured her. Mrs. P
N. W. '�t?t1'OODS, McRlle writes for the benefit of all in
I manufacture none but the BzaT Or STOCK.
11. If. C. P. I.; L. M. I'MUInda, Bewareoft that dell cheaT, ad they have misery and afllicl.ion ; she says
Duhlii ; M. It, C. S., England ; ,11. C. 1'. told S., of to live t*_9- Call and et rices. Orders
Ontario. !kis-y D by mail promplyattended to " It gives ale great pleasure to add f
Consolations It theoflic'e rccentli or.wipied T g r my testimony to the value Of P:tlnc:'s
by Ill,. 'Turnbull on Rtu.tmibury street, Clinton, •y �i� �L Celery Compound. For nine years T
Prow 11 o'clock u. nr. to so'oiock p, ni. week ° had been troubled with' liver coin- f
days, and other hours it the "Hut," Bayfleld, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYT11, ONT plaint, and often had very bad spells
�`- GO TO THE from it. Two years age) this spring I
had a very bad aAack of it, and culled 1 f
alllX"�X1�• 1 in a dodo[• who relieved me of the t
Union' Shaving Parlor t•rouhlr, but. I rctnained weak, :End c
Dr. Bruce Surgeon Dentist. sound ch with
eat or sleep and suffered
so much with n1y head that I procured
For first-class Hair -Cutting a Mottle of your Paine's Celery COrn-
and Shaving. pound, and before I had the conteitt� 2
OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store,
Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton used I could eat and sleep well, and the s
servation of natural teeth. J. EMERTON, Proprietor. (.>min in my head was completely gone. 1
N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and I took the second bottle, and have
Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the never been troubled with liver corn
summer. PULPS I PUMPS T phli'nt since. Your Cornponnd,., has c
y� ® y� p'�q� hanished constipation which troubled
8. • j.i� LTJ v iI I } int: for tunny years, and has built one
It you wont a first -clasp, well made pomp, one the t
will give you satwiletion, send our order to th lip and Completely cured tae. 1 ala r
undersigned, Ile will dig and clean wells and do it a now 64 years old, and from what 1
the closest prices. Ile -also handles a firs"It"' know I consider your medicine the
DENTIST. rOROE PUMP. hest on the market. Hoping that your
Office hours - 9 to 5 JAMES FERGUSON valuable Medicine will do for others
oppoeit Queen'd Hotel - High Street Olinton. I what it has done for me is my sincere
0000.000 809•tf Wish." t
At Zurich the second Thurs- ��------��� � iso,,, David Mills_ t
day of each month. . N. 9 - "'*
—the reliable— Ilon. Davie] Mills, who was sworn i[1
as Minister of Justice Thursday, is one
— - UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS of the best known public nlcn in the
` �ti'�X I•�•. cOttutr•y. He'was horn in the Tow•n-
_�.T__- _-. __-------__ MAKER, ship of Orford, County of Kent, Ala.rch
J. E. BLACKALL SEAFOR'TH, ONT. lS, ily i His ancestry is traced to o
9 Parulis in the south of EDg1ru-Id, who
Veterinary, Surgeon Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered. iii the tithe of Charles I. emigrated to
Carpets sewed and laid; also cleaned find re
rind Veterinary Inspector. novated at reasonable prices. Holland luui subsequently carne With
oflieeon Isaac street next New Era office. i�Ordcrs left at BROADFOO'T R BOX'S the other. Puritan refugees to Auuld
Residence, Albert St., Clinton. store, c'linton or Scaforth, will be promptly at` ca. The descendants of 'vs
�/� /'� tended to, from the United States to Nova
®. THOii�ILINeON, ----_ - -- Scotia, lit the time of the revollitonary
war. Mr. Mills' feather cairlc front
VETERINARY SURGEON, Orange. Nova Scotia, to tipper Canada, in 11417.
Honornry Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- David gradmited at i✓lichigan I'lliaer'-
lege,Toronto. '�-- -'"- -`- �® city. tie wets first elected to Plu'Il;t-
Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the ® �® tnent, at. the general election in ISM
most modern and ScientifiePrinciples. L. ' ' 9 and has fought. many a hard political
Day and Night calls Promptly Answered. CIAINjC40N.0 brittle since. His defeat ill the Inst
Residen ce-Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Ont. Meets s3coND Monday of overy general election Wills Dlle cif the Fltl'-
month. Hall 2nd sat, Mettay prises of that conflict. Ile ap-
�� �^ hlock. Visiting brethren always pointed to the Sonnto soon therenflcr.
Do made welcoine.
J. P. SAEPPARD, W. M, This Is not Ill,, fir,;L experivnc(I of the
- - los )ousibilities Of office,
- -' - P. CANTF,LON. JR. Soc, TI105. BEACON, D. Af 1 ll+; U' was
J. SCOTT, of the Interior In Mr. Mae-
__--__ kenziq's Cabinet.,
13arrzster, tgc.,�(�
('JLiNTON Lodge, No. 84, A, P. & A. M. moots The McKillop Mutual Fire
Monet/ to Loan. <J overy Friday, on or after the moon. Visit
Ing.brethron cordially invitad
T. C. BRUCE, W. M. E. McLEAN, Silc.
E. C,AMPION, Q• C, Clinton, Dec. 6, 180), Insurance Company,
NOTARY, efc., i ��• �• 1• Farm and Isolated Town Proper -
Kearns Tent No. f10, Knights of the Maceabeos of ty only Insured.
G04].m1C'AC'.lia C)nt. tho World. $1,010, 8''3,(100 and $3,000 Policies. Mem- _--„
0Mc,:-CvorDavk' Drng.Storo, Money to loan.. bership over 100,1100. Assnssment principle -bun
never exceeded 12 asnessments In a year. Cheapest avvu'tcus.
-- - --•-• ------ - and safo4 in exist.onne. Meets in Orango Hall, Clin. 0corge Watt. Prrsirlvnt, flarlock P. 0.; James
M. 0 • JOHNSTON ton, first andthir(l Friday of every month. Rroadfoot, flee -Pres., F(n(, rth P. W. T. Sban,
1 nun, Sccy.'1 rein„ Fenforth 11, 0; Michael Murdle
-, ---- --- - _. --- - - Inspector of losses, Scaforth P. U.
Grand Trui lc Ifailway• nlnxrrons,
COMMISSIONER, ETC., �_- James Brondfoot, tleaforth; Alichnel Murdie,Sea-
forth; George DOe, Neaforth; George Wntt, Ilnrlock
Cirode3ri('h, - - - 'Out. OFF!CIA1, TIME TABLE, Thomas E, Tiays,S,,aforth; Alex Onrdiner,Lendbury
ORfoe-Cor. Ifamilton and St. Andrew's Sts. Thomas Garbutt; Clinton; McLean, Kipp(n.
Buffalo and (4odcrich District:- AOaNTs.
W. BRYDONE., Going West, Mixed ........ . ........ . 1015 a. M. Thomns Neilnr.s, Ilnrlock, Robert McMillan, Sna-
Express... • • . , .. • ...... 1.03 p. m. forth and James Cummings, Egmondville.
XedBARR,TSTER - SOLICITOR. M'pres..... : ......... 7.05 p. rn. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans-
' Express ... 10.27 p• m• act other business will be promptly attend -
Going Fast, Express ... .......... ... 7.40 a, m, ed to on application to any of the above officers ad.
NOTARY y r " ... . ............. 2.55 p. m. dressed to tholr respective post nefces,
" Mixed.... .............. 4.35 p. m.
OFrIa11 BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. London, Huron and Bruce:---
817-tf Going South, E)pross................ 7.47 a. m. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND
„ •...•......... 4.30 p. m
Going North, ., •...•....•..•....10.15pa.m WAGON FACTORY,
.. —
c"1� M. C. Drcxaov,0 Corner Huron and Orange Streots, Clinton.
- --- ��' - Dis. Pass. Agent, First -Class Buggies on hand and made to
IAS C. E. CLT MF,NT graduate Almn Collage, order. Prieos to suit. the tim". Repairs and
LVl teaehor of piano, Renidenoe-Ontnrio Street W, It. DAvis. G. P. & T. A., Ment.real. repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason- t
Methodic Parsonage, Clinton. A, U. PATTISON, G. T. R., Town. able,
„ i��V
i S ,
w ISTAH MOOS, a•lookin
From do clouds upon de
Heah me pray 1
Fin de darkes' cloud yo' kin, eahl
Fin a cloud ez brack ez sin, sah.
Hide away, Mistah Moonl Hide away!
Mistah Moon, a•shi.nin bright,
Makin all de country light -
Light oz day -
Doan' yo' luiow hit's neah Thanksgibbin,
An de worl owes rine a libbinf
Hide away, Mistah Moon 1 Hide away I
Copyright, 1807, by H. Addington Bruce.]
The bishop turned into Madison
care from Twenty-third street with
at calm, dignified stride, almost hall
Naddle, cultivated by so many church
;nitaries. As befitted a man with an
.y conscience, he walked with his head
ell up in -the air and betrayed by his
role appearance that he was well sat -
led with himself. (food reason for be-
g so, with his protperous living Itnd
s fat income, waxing greater year
ter year, to say nothing of his work
long the many poor souls -rich ones,
ther-whom he instructed every Sun -
ay in the mysteries of the narrow path.
The bishop's sermons were remark -
le for their eloquence, and he had ex-
iled himself in the Thanksgiving ser -
on that morning. The result of his
reaching was practically seen in the
size of the weekly collections, and he
had no reason to complain of the Thanks-
ving ,day contributions. Therefore it
as with the reflection of work well
cue that the good Bishop was on his
ay now to a quiet, comfortable, little
dinner. With pleasure he thought
f how excellent the menu would be,
or his chef, recently imported from
aris, was no second rate one by an
There was a keen suggestion of frost
ul the air, with the prospect of a snow
all before morning. The bishop invol
twtarily hastened his pace a little as h
eIt the coolness of •the atmosphere. I
was almost 7 o'clock and past twilight.
Near the corner of East Twenty
mrth street, leaning carelessly against
he railing in front of Dr. Parkhurst'
hurch, was a tall, well .built your
man, apparently fashionably dressed
Ho probably was not more than 26 o
6. As the bishop passed where he wa
tanding he spoke to the divine, and th
atter halted, though the young ma
was an utter stranger to him.
"A fine, cool evening, " said the idler
rossing quickly to the bishop's side.
"A little too cool for me, " responde
he bishop, "but"- A glaltoe of inqui
y.was directed at the other.
The young man smiled.
"Alt, yes," said he suavely. "I fo
got to introduce myself. You must pa
don my rudeness. I heard you preac
his morning, bishop, and seeing yo
passing ,now I thought you would n
ventured to tell o
afro it amiss if I vent y
how impressed I was with your se
mon. "
The bishop would have made som
acknowledgment of the complimen
but the speaker did not give him tim
He coutittued hurriedly:
"This is my very first visit to Ne
York, I only arrived last night'and e
pert to return to my home in Chica
in a very few days. You do not kno
10 remain, Indeed I am � tbpt I I
We tell your dwor all
could not delay my trip a day longer.
there is In Scotts Emulsion,
Thanksgiving day away from home iii
always dell in the extreme. One mise-
just how much cod liver oil,
es the family dinner especially. "
As he spoke the young man, in facaroh
hypophosphites, glycerine.
of a cigar, carelessly threw open his
But we do not tell him how
topcoat, and the bishop could see that
he was faultlessly arrayed in evening
these are combined. You
"Ah," thought the reverend gentle-
your secrets; this is
man, "evidently a well to de young
ours. This knack of mak-
fellow. " And he added aloud, a respon-
eive chord in his heart being touched at
ing the very best thing has
the mention of the word "dinner:"
come to us from years of ex -
"Yes, one does feel lonely away from
one's own people on a day like this.
perielice with just one thing.
Are you dining with friends this even-
make only Scott's Emul-
"No such luck," answered Edwards I
our energy is bent
quickly. "I dine at the hotel. I'll have I
makingthat better than
turkey, of course, ..and all that sort of
thing, but it will not seem the same
other emulsion In the
old Thanksgiving dinner to which I
We have n0 Other
have been accustomed. "
Then he added earnestly:
thought. Is it any
"Bishop, if I did not feel that you
it is the
would refuse me I would ask you to
that standard?
come and dine with me this evening. "
"We cau do much better than than"
broke in the bishop warmly, "I would
be pleased if you would come and dine
with M. We are having but a small
Pa., Nov. 18.-Tbe clos-
family dinner, and you would be en-
portion of the voyage of the steau)-
tirely welcome to share it."
'Belgenland,' which arrived to-
Edwa,ds' surprise at this unexpected
froru Liverpool, was eventful and
kindness must have been very apparent,
to those on board, and to
for the bishop hastened to add, his face
watcbful eye of the lookout can he
beaming with good will
the saving of a number of
On Sunday morning the water -
�, Now, I will listen to no objections,
and soilless schooner 'Willie L.
for you can have none in reason. My
WILE sighted, and she was
home is only a short distance up Madi-
in tow, to tkie great relief of tier
son avenue, and I see you are quite pre-
of trot wen, the vessel having be -
pared to go out."
helpless. On Monday morning a
Still smiling with good nature, the
hoat was sighted drifl ing help -
worthy bishop started up the street, fol-
with five men aboard. "'lien
taken on beard the
lowed by the man from Chicago, pro-
taco were
it was found that they were
testing, but in truth rather feebly.
crew of the abandoned schooner
On the way the Chicagoan explained
Dean.' Capt. Jaynes F.
to the reverend gentleman that his
of t hg 'Dean,' had been wash -
business in New York was in connec-
from the small hoot and lust. Capt.
tion with a deal on 'change and that if
resided at Somerville, ;Mass.,
the bishop cared to speculate he might
leaves a widow and two daughters
in a day or two be able to give him a
a soil•
valuable tip, wLreat the good bishop
The 'Theodore Dean' left South
chuckled inwardly, for here was surely
oil Friday last for Norfolk with
cargo coal. When elf Absecon
a splendid chance to add to his finances.
she lost tier mainsail, and on Sat -
Than]:iu Edwards, he hinted plainly
g P y
at noon, when forty -live utiles
that he might take advantage of his
of Barnegat, sh'.: sprang a
offer, and the broker, for such he seemed
a plank having been torn faun
to be, expressed the pleasure it would
side. The vessel fille(i rapidly, and
afford him to be of any use to the .
foil" feet of water ill her hold the
n Ordered the small hunt. lowuv-
The Thanksgiving dinner passed Off
,t d the crew, six in all, left the
Au hour later the ves,el was
splendidly, Edwards proving himself a
to sink. There was a heavy yea
splendid conversationalist. Just four
lL trenieudous gale, and the surtll
people participated besides the bishop
was kept to rights With great
and Edwards. These were the wife,
At one time the boat Was
daughter and son of the bishop and a
alulost On an end, mud Captain
brother, a well to do banker, The
was -swept (werhoavd. The.
daughter, about 22 years old, was a '
Were lilso lost ,aid th("(. in the
tall, slender, willowy girl, fair of com-
were I'ft. helpless, The
front time anti Hint.
plexion, with clear, blue eyes, and the
oD i1'un)day morning, when it
visitor was assiduous in his attentions
sighted by the 'Belgenland.'
to her during the evening.
The son was a young Princett)n, man,
and naturally the conversation at dinner
LOCAL OPTION SliS'i'.tili;l;t).
turned a great deal on football and on
Pickering, Ont., Nov. 17. -The i•y-
the day's game. Edwards seemed thor-
to repeal public Option in Picker-.
oughly up in the game, diseursing with
was defeated to -day by 17 vctos,
great fluency on various celebrities of
two places to hear frons. 'these
western fame. His acquaintanceship
namely, Cherrvwood and
with various Chicago clergymen, all
gave lA and 13 in favor of
personal friends of the bishop, served to
option at the last election.
advance him in the latter'sgood graces,
The contest which has been settled,
s and, taken all in all, he made •a vets
least for- the tiule being•, by t lit: re -
favorable impression on the whole fam--
of the above vote, is one' Which oc-
the attention both of the elec-
of Pickering and the courts of the
r portment and well chosen language
for some years. A former
S proved beyond a doubt that he was a
was quashed and, ]titer on, the
e thorough gentleman, and the bishop
of another appeal to the electors
congratulated himself more. and more
nullified by the counting out of a
for having met him.
number of votes to wipe out
Shortly after the party adj6iamed to
majority by which the decision had
the drawing room the Banker, seeming-
reached, This decision necessiat-
yet. another appeal to the electorate,
d, ly to Edwards' relief, announced his
has resulted, as above stated, in
intention of going home, and promptly
defeat of the by-law.
said good night. After an evening pleas-
antly passed by all, during which the
visitor only added to the good impres-
sion he had created earlier, Edwitlde
Ott+Ewa, Nov. 1.0. -Dr. H. S. Perles,
It hinted that he was about to leave.
ti., stated that from present. indica-
n Wait a moment, please," said the
dairy cattle Evill be senrce in the
bishop. "The other day I bought a
district soon. Owing to the
u painting, which I was informed was a
Of cattle infec:,,ed with tuber -
genuine Raphael. If you should happen
it is estimated that a,scarciLy in
to ktlow anything about art, Mr. Ed-
sol)pply of milk will follow with the'
e wards, I would very much like to have
you step into the library and examine
tliat a milk faininc will ad0ed
the clanger of di",•nse HOW atlec•tilIg
city. Dr. I erley r.l;ltes that
"With great pleasure, responded
per cent, of the cattle in the dis-
are. infected and that it is IL c'On-
w Edwards. "To tell you the truth, paint-
estimate. if this pl'ov('s to be
ing has always been one of my hobbies."
;aid mill: becomes sru1Cc, the
Excusing themselves, the bishop and
will go ftp.
w his guest crossed the hall and found
themselves in a small but cozy little
The Director of the Chrisian I3roth-
room, in which were shelves laden with
in Montreal has given instructions
theological Works, a large writing desk,
the members of the order are .not
a small safe and a couploof chairs. Ed-
teach niI�rht schools in Hull, as lie
wards took in the situation with a
rti e[ attending.
et(already aic �g
g y
glance, and an observer would have
seen a quiet smile of satisfaction on his
The Royal Canadian i'acht ('I'll)
handsome face. An odd thing he did,
a grand hall in the Toronto HOr-
but something that the bishop was too
Excellencies t ilio n lastevr "Gcc i. lQiF
ul t
preoccupied to notice, was to noiselessly
Lady Aberdeen were present, and the
turn the key in the door.
"This is the picture," said the bish-
proved very successful,
op proudly. "Tell me just exactly What
t r,
YOU thluk of i .
The Chicagoan examined it with the
air of an expert.
"You need have no fears," said he at
?,ength, after an apparently minute sur-
vey. "It is a Rapliael all right, and I
congratulate you on its possession."
The bishop gave a little sigh of relief.
"Thank you," said he. "I was afraid
I might have been duped, though I am
seldom caught napping. Lot us return. "
"One moment, pleiso," asked Ed-
wards briskly. "I wish you would sit
"IIP.Rv is MY CARD."
how delighted I was at the good for-
tuno which led me to your church to -
clay. 1 am stopping at the Fifth Ave-
nue, across the square. Here is my card. "
Ll the dim street light the bishop
read, "Herbert R. Edwards, Chicago,
"I am delighted to meet you,- my
boy," said the bishop, with cordiality,
his vanity gratified in no small measure
by the flattering allusion to his sermon.
Will you be in New York very long?"
"Oh, no," was Edwards' reply, "on-
ly a few days. My business here, for
itay visit is a business one, will not de-
tain me long, and with but a limited
circle of friends I have no great desire
I I ruranu,, vno.�
J Continued on page 7.
down, as I have a somewhat lengthy
communication to make to you. "
"Why, certainly," from the bishop
affably. "Is it in reference to the deal?"
"In reforence to a deal," repeated the
other. "Bishop, you have treated me
with so much kindness since we first
met that I am induced to put the confi-
dence in you which I wo;wld perhaps
give to nobody else in the world. "
The bisW smiled at the young man
"You see," he went on, "the subject
is is delicate one, not to be treated light-
ly, When I left Chicago three days ago,
I had to leave in somewhat of a hurry
and was forced to start at hardly a mo-
ment's notice. I had but little time to
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